Sunday, April 28, 2024



So here’s what we know from the Nunes memo ( the Grassly memo (

No, the government is not to be trusted

I listen to an untold number of videos relating to Congressional and Senate hearings, Investigations of witnesses, etc.

In each instance, and maybe more in the ones taking place in the Senate, I find them to be a lot of blowhard but overly courteous discussions where nothing truly is accomplished.

Sometimes, I am sure, legislation results from the information gleaned but it seems to me, that while the world is burning, they are more engaged in drinking water than hosing out fires. 

Frankly, the British are, in my opinion, far more eloquent and humorous, though Sen. John Kennedy, from Louisiana, (who incidentally was educated at Oxford where British parliamentarians learn their skills) is a hoot. He is our equivalent of the great humorist from Oklahoma, Will Rogers.

The second thing I notice is when agency heads are called upon to tell why information requests are constantly ignored, withheld, or blacklined, the answer usually given is due to an ongoing investigation we cannot comment on. FBI Director Christopher Wray is particularly evasive in these ways.

The consequences are mostly dispiriting and continue to validate the comment 'you don't want to see how sausage and laws are made.'

The critical issue is how do we get trustworthy candidates for Congress; people who care deeply about the nation, who put the nation's interest first, and who are willing to take the slings and arrows public service subjects one to in today's highly politicized environment?

It takes a great deal of money to campaign and the last thing we need or want is to be governed by elite oligarchs like Mark Zuckerberg, or Bill Gates or those who engage in public life for the purpose of self-enrichment, such as Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Bob Menendez, or, worse still, those who crave power to bring about our nation's transformation like Obama or those of their ilk.

Politics historically attracts some interesting and equally dangerous characters.

I have always believed anyone running for a significant political position should be given a Rorschach Test and/or undergo a mental evaluation that is publicly disclosed. 

The public needs to be informed, particularly since we no longer can rely upon the mass media's objectivity.

As for limited terms, time and again I know how popular it is, but unless the bureaucracy can be fired or their own service limited, they present the highest of all risks. 

Christopher Rufo's book: "America's Cultural Revolution," devotes a significant amount of discussion to how those who work in government, at all levels, " ... fortify power and privilege while waging grievous harm which eventually becomes the pretext for domination."

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which Sen. Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren shoved down America's throat, expanded its demands and power far beyond the benign intent upon its claimed initial language. It went from a legislative squeak to an omnipotent roar, 

And what of the IRS, the FBI, the Department of Education, etc? I could go on and on as every one of these benign well-intended agencies have morphed into abusive ones, which at times, have threatened our freedoms and even our Bill of Rights.

If you do not believe me, ask FISA judges how they were exploited by the FBI.

No, if you're here from the government, you are not here to help me. Lamentably, you are not to be trusted. You can be terribly harmful and often are.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

Who runs the American agitprop machine?

“First, conquer the organs of propaganda,” wrote Karl Marx, who was a genius mob agitator and nothing else.  Mob agitators were already a kind of specialty in Prussia, Poland, Russia, and Eastern Europe, but Marx wrote the instruction manual, just as Saul Alinsky did in his Rules for Radicals, which became Barack Obama’s manual for political agitators.

Fast-forward half a century, and the U.S. media, which used to have a sane liberal and a sane conservative wing, collapsed into a Uniparty propaganda machine, just like Pravda (Truth) and Izvestiya (News) in Moscow, of which the Russians used to joke, “There is no truth in Pravda and there is no news in Izvestiya,” because they both  came from the Kremlin.

Today we wonder why Hamas child-killers always sound far from sanity, and why the North Koreans seem to live in an even more different universe.  The answer is simple: if you enforce total uniformity on any group, it turns into a cult.  They listen to only one voice.  That’s how you make mob cults, exactly how the Columbia faculty created a new Hitlerjugend screaming slogans with no consequences, because all the authorities have surrendered.

Make everybody march to the beat of the same drum, and you’ve got a mass cult.  That's why they all yell the same words from the same book at the same mass demonstrations in the same locations.  Normal people don't march in lockstep, but today's hateful mobs do, because they have one group mind.  You don’t need A.I. to turn people into robots.

Those kids at Columbia have been cultified using Soros millions, and they honestly can’t figure out why anybody could disagree with their internalized lies.

This happens over and over again in history, and it’s how you change normal teenagers into mobsters.

How did the American media, which used to be run by normal people, turn into a Stalinist machine?  Forty years after the Soviet Union collapsed?

It’s not as if anybody in 1989 was rationally convinced that race or sex Marxism was the wave of the future.  Talk to Poles or even Russians today, and you don’t find many Hamas fans.  They’ve been there and done that, and they don’t even like George Soros.

So what happened?

Some good historian (if there are any left) has to look into this twist of history.  When Nazi Germany fell after WWII, the world did not decide to follow the Hitler model.

And yet, two generations after the Cold War, a new racist, genderist, and sex-obsessed faith has spread through the West, with women acting oppressed, gays and lesbians also becoming victims, and even children, the most vulnerable among us, getting recruited into the new faith of sexualized victimhoood for all, no matter how young or clueless.

About ten years ago, Tucker Carlson helped to expose a radical propaganda internet list called JournoList, a secret Google group of media influencers who made up the headlines for the next day’s news, in places like the New York Times, the Washington Post, and the U.K. Guardian.

Wikipedia tells us,

JournoList (sometimes referred to as the J-List) was a private Google Groups forum for discussing politics and the news media with 400 left-leaning journalists, academics and others. Ezra Klein created the online forum in February 2007 while blogging at The American Prospect and shut it down on June 25, 2010 amid wider public exposure. Journalists later pointed out various off-color statements made by members of the list denigrating conservatives.

That was an actual conspiracy to centralize the U.S. media.  Chances are that it is still living in some secret Google group today, because the “mainstream” media are still singing from the same hymnal.

But how does the Biden Gang control the propaganda gang?

Our friends at The Conservative Treehouse propose an answer.  TCT reports that Biden has a small cult called “the beach group” running lawfare campaigns around the country to undermine everything Americans believe in.  Maybe ordinary Americans can pull a little lawfare on these thugs?

If Trump wins, I want him to start revengefare — the opposite of lawfare, and well deserved.

<p><i>Image via <a href="">Pixnio</a>.</i></p>

Image via Pixnio.


OPERATION OBOMB: Barack Obama, Eric Holder and their bankster paymasters plan coup.

Barack Obama was famous not wanting to leave office when his term was done and well known for projecting a sense of entitlement to power.


Biden positions, after doing nothing, save for the end, at best, to help Biden's presidential campaign, suggesting that the hollow-victory Biden administration is just a placeholder for the return of an Obama third term.  It's a sign that Obama éminence grise is more than a little active, behind the scenes as she always is.


“Obama’s new home in Washington has been described as the “nerve center” of the anti-Trump opposition. Former attorney general Eric Holder has said that Obama is “ready to roll” and has aligned himself with the “resistance.” Former high-level Obama campaign staffers now work with a variety of groups organizing direct action against Trump’s initiatives. “Resistance School,” for example, features lectures by former campaign executive Sara El-Amine, author of the Obama Organizing.”

Could Democrats find a back door to putting Obama on their presidential ticket?

Normally, I have an opinion about America's future.
Today, I  am confused about the future, but predicting scenarios of what will happen is easy.
If the radical haters win, our republic is over. However, if the radicals lose, our republic will never return to what it was meant to be, and once was, because too much water has been spilled, inflation remains a canker, and our deficits will only grow..

It is ludicrous to believe the world will follow our nation as before. The mass media is untrustworthy,  education, at all levels, has been destroyed, every institution has either been corrupted or taken over by neo-Marxists. Corporate America has given up on capitalism and America's upbeat attitude has been crushed.

Tornados prove how quickly what takes decades to construct can be destroyed in the blink of an eye.  Ben Franklin has been proven omniscient because we thought we could defy the phrase: "Getting and Spending, we lay waste our powers."  

This phrase starkly highlights the modern tendency to expend our energy and potential in the pursuit of material gain. This observation emphasizes how individuals channel their time, effort, and creativity into accumulating wealth. In this sense, Wordsworth showcases the paradox of materialism.
Consequently, I worry that desperate young Americans will drive Democrats to knit together a Biden-Obama ticket allowing Obama to become president for a third term because there are no constraints on Obama serving as vice president and then becoming president by way of the office of the vice president, should Biden win and then resign or succumb to the 25th Amendment.
Wild? Yes. But Democrats will stop at nothing, and with Obama on the ticket, he could change the election results by beating Trump.
Basically, Obama is already running the White House through his staff surrogates.
Today's youth believe "the American Dream" is dead. Their chance of becoming middle class, owning a home, being able to retire, is not within their grasp.  They have given up on capitalism and are naive enough to embrace socialism.
Consequently, they  will demand the government provide them a tax-free income which places them in the middle class and what they earn above this income source will then be subject to a tax.
Obama will campaign on a series of attractive "government giveaways" that will appeal to young voters who have already been spoiled by "COVID munificence."  Obama became president, won the Nobel peace prize, and had a political record of achievements  which was thinner than a paper napkin.
The man is a charlatan, but he is "cool" and young voters have proven they are easily swayed because they are educationally shallow.
Obama also is not above playing the race card and using intimidation to quiet "whitey" and he already has campus discord which he can manipulate.
When matters get desperate and the cost of food and gas are beyond the reach of millions of families radical change becomes possible.  We no longer have the stable foundation upon which our republic rested, when religion was woven into the fabric of our society and law and order reigned.,  Most of what Trump had as resources so he was able to "Make America  Great"  have been purposely erased by Biden. 
Obama's transformation of America was successful. The "Manchurian Candidate" won.
Now will he be allowed to return through the back door?
Stay tuned and pray I am wrong.

Obama: I could have won a third term


President Barack Obama still believes in the message of “hope and change” he campaigned on in 2008 — so much so that he believes it could have delivered him a third term over Donald Trump had the Constitution allowed him to run again.

“I am confident in this vision because I’m confident that if I — if I had run again and articulated it, I think I could’ve mobilized a majority of the American people to rally behind it,” Obama told his former senior adviser, David Axelrod, on Monday’s “Axe Files” podcast. “I know that in conversations that I’ve had with people around the country, even some people who disagreed with me, they would say the vision, the direction that you point towards is the right one.”

Obama campaigned vigorously for Hillary Clinton, his former secretary of state, dispatching himself, Vice President Joe Biden and first lady Michelle Obama across the country on Clinton’s behalf. It would be a “personal insult” to his legacy, he said during the campaign, if the black community didn’t support Clinton. All of his administration’s accomplishments would be reversed under a President Trump, he warned. Progress and hope, he argued, were on the ballot, although his name was not.

But it was all for naught.

Republicans successfully painted Clinton as a corrupt, dishonest politician who was running for Obama’s third term despite, they insisted, putting America’s national security at risk when she set up a private email server as head of the State Department. She belonged in jail, some said. Others accused her of using her family nonprofit as a slush fund and argued that the longtime politician was the quintessential emblem of the status quo, not the change agent she portrayed herself to be.

And Trump, who vanquished a crowded field of 16 additional Republicans — including current and former senators and governors — before toppling Clinton, is skeptical that anyone could have bested him, including an incumbent president.

“President Obama said that he thinks he would have won against me,” Trump tweeted Monday afternoon. “He should say that but I say NO WAY! - jobs leaving, ISIS, OCare, etc.”

Trump railed against Obama and Clinton’s policies on the campaign trail. He ran on the promise of repealing and replacing Obamacare, dubbed Obama and Clinton the founders of the Islamic State and slammed them for having supported free trade policies like the Trans-Pacific Partnership and NAFTA.

Clinton prevailed in the popular vote, winning nearly 3 million more ballots across the country than Trump. But it was Trump’s improbable campaign that won the requisite number of Electoral College votes to be elected president, and he maintains he could have won the popular vote, too, had that been his aim.

By Obama’s assessment, Clinton performed “wonderfully under really tough circumstances.” But there were problems: Obama accused the media of “wildly” amplifying Clinton’s flaws because of a double standard and said Democrats weren’t on the ground where they needed to be to show people in rural communities that the Democratic Party cares about them, too.

“There’s an emotional connection, and part of what we have to do to rebuild is to be there, and that means organizing, that means caring about state parties, it means caring about local races, state boards or school boards and city councils and state legislative races and not thinking that somehow, just a great set of progressive policies that we present to the New York Times editorial board will win the day,” Obama told Axelrod.

Now, with Trump weeks away from being sworn in as the next president, the theme of “hope” that carried the Obamas into the White House in 2008 has emerged as the concept they’re tightly grasping onto as they transition out eight years later.

“See, now, we’re feeling what not having hope feels like,” Michelle Obama told Oprah Winfrey in her own exit interview, broadcast last week.

The first lady cast hope as a “necessary concept” that wasn’t just a nice slogan for votes but something she and her husband believe in.

For his part, Trump told supporters at a thank-you rally in Mobile, Alabama, that they have “tremendous hope” and suggested the first lady “made that statement not meaning it the way it came out.”

It is Trump, after all, who appears to represent the change Americans want today. Eschewing political correctness and largely self-funding his primary campaign, Trump was undeniably a shift from the status quo. Voters hoped he would come to Washington, shake things up and “drain the swamp,” as he said on the trail.

In Monday’s podcast, Obama credited Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell for Republicans’ obstruction throughout his entire administration, an effort, he argued, that was meant to obscure the hope and change he campaigned on by rejecting his policies outright and creating stagnation.

According to Obama, McConnell’s view was “that if we just say no, then that will puncture the balloon,” and “all this talk about hope and change and no red state and blue state is proven to be a mirage, a fantasy.”

“And if we can — if we can puncture that vision, then we have a chance to win back seats in the House and win back seats in the Senate,” Obama continued, relaying his understanding of McConnell’s message.

That strategy worked: Republicans retook the House after the 2010 midterms and reclaimed the Senate in 2014 — majorities they retained following the Nov. 8 election.

Obama said he understood what happened politically but insists his message from 2008 still resonates.

“Obviously, in the wake of the election and Trump winning, a lot of people have suggested that, somehow, it really was a fantasy,” he said, referring to the message of hope and change. “What I would argue is, is that the culture actually did shift, that the majority does buy into the notion of a one America that is tolerant and diverse and open and full of energy and dynamism. And the problem is, it doesn’t always manifest itself in politics, right?”



Is Joe Biden really following the law when he uses the Judiciary to persecute his political opponents?  Is Joe Biden following the Constitution he swore an oath to serve when he repeatedly shifts the burden of student loan debts from the debtors onto taxpayers, in defiance of a definitive Supreme Court ruling?

The main objective of “political animals” like Obama and the Clintons is to get elected; it’s not to fix a broken America, nor to protect her. There are people who govern and there are people who campaign; Obama and the Clintons are the latter. Just look at the huge Republican electoral gains under Obama and the Clintons. It’s amazing that Democrats who still care about their party still support the very people who have brought it down.

Biden was 25 in 1967, and was attending Syracuse University College of Law, from which he graduated 76th in a class of 85 in 1968. By 1967, when he  supposedly talking to the Egyptian government on behalf of Golda

 Meir, he had already embarked upon his career of lying. A Syracuse

 College of Law faculty report on December 1, 1965 stated that  Biden “used five pages from a published law review article without quotation or attribution,” and recommended that he fail a legal methods course because of his plagiarism.


Biden lied about his undergraduate degree and his majors, lied about his rank in law school, lied about scholarships and educational aid he had  received, lied about his stance toward the Vietnam  war while in college, lied about

his plagiarism of  other politician's writings and speeches, lied about  the

circumstances around his first wife's fatal  accident, lied about how he met his second and  current wife, and lied about the affair they were having when they were both married.     MARK CHRISTIAN


Democrats Need To Be Held To Account For Denying Trump’s Due Process Rights.

By Wolf Howling

Due process of law, or at least its absence, is the heart of the unconstitutional lawfare aimed at Donald Trump this week in a New York courtroom, ostensibly for hush money payments to Stormy Daniels. This is a crossing of the Rubicon moment for our Republic.

“Due process” is ancient shorthand for the sum of all the procedures the government must comply with and honor before it may take a person’s life, liberty, or property. The right to due process is over 1,000 years old in English jurisprudence. It is a right of every citizen and a duty of every government.

A year ago, I wrote about DA Bragg charging Trump with a crime, but not identifying the crime. Within the past few days, Andrew McCarthy called the prosecution a “farce” and listed its many failings. Prof. Jonathan Turley wrote that Trump is not being prosecuted for any actual crime. Prof. Jed Shugerman called the prosecution unfounded, both a “legal embarrassment” and a “historic mistake.” Matthew Whitaker said that Judge Merchan, who presides over the Manhattan kangaroo court, is hopelessly conflicted to a degree that would make Joe Biden blush.

The fundamental issues with this trial all revolve around a denial of due process. This is criminally unconstitutional, and, because it is meant to distort a free and fair presidential election President, creating an existential crisis for America.

A person sitting at a table

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Image: Donald Trump by AI.

A Brief History of Procedural Due Process

Since 1215, an ocean of blood has been spilled by men on English and American shores to vindicate individual rights. Civil wars (including the 1st and 2nd Baron’s War, the Peasants’ Revolt, the English Civil War, the Glorious Revolution, and the American Revolution) have been fought, kings deposed, a king executed, and nations sundered to vindicate those rights. And in virtually all those conflicts, a government’s systemically denying its citizens’ due process rights was at the conflict’s heart.

The British freemen’s right to due process of law appeared first in the Magna Carta of 1215, when the tyrant King John was imprisoning men and extorting their lands and possessions. That same right to due process of law appeared in writing again as a right of all English citizens in the Petition of Right of 1628 when Charles I was imprisoning and even executing men, not for any crime, but to take their lands and estates. Due Process of law was reaffirmed as an Englishman’s right in the English Bill of Rights of 1689 after the English deposed James I for dispensing with those rights and ruling as a tyrant.

In 1761, King George III began to deny the colonists many aspects of due process of law. By 1775, George III’s refusal to honor the Americans’ rights led to the American Revolution. After the Revolution, America’s Founders wrote “due process of law” into both the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. It appears generally in the 5th Amendment and specifically as to component parts of due process in the 4th5th, and 6th Amendments.

Due process is at our republic’s very foundation and is indispensable to our nation’s functioning. Take away “due process of law,” and there is nothing to stop government tyranny and criminality. There is nothing to stop our own versions of history’s Mao, Stalin, Robespierre, and Charles I. We see it in the currently unstoppable Alvin Bragg, Juan Merchan, and the rogue’s gallery of others plotting lawfare to de facto overthrow our republic.

The Mechanics of Due Process of Law

Much of the U.S. Constitution is not an explanatory text. It is written in shorthand, with references to things that were well-known in law and culture when the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights were ratified. Thus, when the 5th Amendment says no one “shall be deprived of life, liberty or property without due process of law,” every American understood that to mean the sum of those procedures that American and English courts followed in 1791.

It helps to think of due process of law in two prongs. The first prong is the procedures the government must follow. They are characterized by ensuring that a large number of people come to an objective agreement that a crime occurred and that the defendant committed the crime. This prong guards against any one government actor acting out of wrongful motive, whether it be avarice, vengeance, or political gain.

The second prong is the information and rights that the government must make available to the defendant to ensure he has an adequate defense against the government’s overwhelming power. This includes telling him the crimes for which he is charged, allowing him to hear the evidence against him, and allowing him to present a defense, including the right to cross-examine witnesses.

The federal and state governments all have their own laws defining procedural due process of law. They’re very similar, with some minor local variations. As a general matter, when a law-enforcement officer proposes to arrest someone, the officer must meet with a prosecutor and show the evidence. Only if the prosecutor agrees that the putative defendant violated a valid law does the prosecutor present those facts to a Grand Jury.

If the Grand Jury returns an indictment, the prosecutor refers the matter to a magistrate who reviews the charges and, if they’re legally sufficient, issues a warrant to arrest. By this point, the process has involved twenty or more people, all of whom have had a chance to see the evidence and weigh the prosecutor’s decision.

After arrest, the defendant must be brought before a court, where the exact charges are read against him in front of a neutral magistrate. The defendant then has several additional due process rights to ensure that he is treated fairly, including the right to trial by a jury of his peers.

The government must produce evidence at the trial, and it is the government, seeking to take away the defendant’s life, liberty, or property, that has the burden of proof of guilt (rather than the defendant having to prove the negative, which is his innocence). A neutral judge must preside fairly over the trial.

At trial’s end, only after the jury has heard all the facts and after watching the defendant confront his accusers, then, and only then, if the jury approves the charges based on the facts can government invade the defendant’s God-given rights to life, liberty, and property.

Donald Trump’s trial in NYC has been an obscene mockery of Due Process. It is criminally and blatantly unconstitutional:

[Per ATMcCarthyTurley] DA Bragg charged Trump with accounting fraud (a misdemeanor) done intentionally to hide a second crime. At no point before trial did Bragg inform Trump what the second crime was that he was alleged to have committed. No one, whether in 2024 New York City, Charles I’s Star Chamber, or a televised show trial from the Soviet Union, can possibly defend against hidden crimes.

[Per McCarthyTurleyShugerman] It gets worse. At the trial, DA Bragg is alleging a second crime of “conspiracy” (hiding information) that was not in the indictment, and that does not apply to the alleged facts of the case.

[Per Whitaker] Judge Merchan, overseeing the trial, is not a disinterested party to these proceedings. His daughter is a Democrat fundraiser making millions of dollars thanks to this particular criminal trial.

[Per The New York Post] Judge Merchan has not merely allowed this trial to proceed under these outrageous circumstances, but he is allowing DA Bragg to spend days bringing in irrelevant evidence about Trump’s alleged affair with Karen McDougal. The law in all American jurisdictions makes this type of evidence impermissible because it invites a jury to convict for acts other than the crime charged. It is classic judicial and prosecutorial misconduct. Indeed, it was for just such acts that New York’s highest court recently vacated Harvey Weinstein’s conviction.

This case—its timing and the sum of its irregularities—has no chance of surviving an appellate review, even if a rabid progressive jury convicts Trump for being Trump. This case is designed solely to have an immediate impact on the 2024 election.

Make no mistake, this is a civil war battle, only it’s fought with a quill instead of a sword. Its existential ramifications for our nation are no less serious. What’s happening is a blatantly unlawful attempt to disenfranchise over half this nation and, by setting a precedent that sees Republicans exist below the ancient protections of due process, it threatens our nation with disunion at best.

Properly understood, these are acts of seditious conspiracy and treason meant to be felt throughout the United States. As such, Judge Merchan, Alvin Bragg, and all their cohorts need to be arrested and tried in the heartland of our nation. Let them face America. If convicted, they need to be punished to the maximum extent allowed by law.

Wolf Howling is an attorney and retired military officer who blogs at Bookworm Room.


Democrats Have Deliberately Shattered The Ties Binding America

By Allan J. Feifer

There has never been a more dangerous time in the world than right now. Moreover, great empires can end quickly, as the Soviet Union’s abrupt collapse showed. The lesson we should take away from this monumental historical moment is that nothing is assured and countries must be held together by more than the brute force of government power. In America, under Democrat leadership, we are intentionally splinter ourselves along artificially created fault lines, whether cultural or financial. That must change if we are to survive.

We Americans require leaders who can communicate a simple, understandable, and compelling message that strikes at the heart of our primary divisions and challenges us, much as President Kennedy did in his famous “Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You “speech. Our leaders must stop pandering to the partisan interests that are so prevalent today.

Our country is shot through with millions of people who do not wish our nation well or, even worse, do not understand what is in their best interest or that of the country. With shouts of “Death to America“ echoing on American campuses, we can no longer be patient with those elements that seek to destroy us and show no loyalty to their mother country.

Rampant illegal immigration also destroys American cohesion. A gold rush is going on, with illegal immigrants rushing to stake a claim before the border closes. Many, if not most, of the people coming here, have no interest or understanding of what it means to be an American and the responsibilities that go with it. They come here for the freebies. Dedication to the rule of law is an afterthought or goes out the window entirely when they storm our borders with no thought of doing it the right way. It is all downhill from there.

A close-up of a flag

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Image by Andrea Widburg.

America is imperfect, but that’s not expected of any human institution. Still, America has done so much good in this world, especially because of its extraordinary contributions to winning WWII and preventing the spread of communism in the decades after. Those accomplishments saved the world and led to the most extraordinary drop in world poverty in history. We can’t continue helping the world prosper if we are overrun!

To continue the good we’ve done to date, America must return to its creative roots in engineering, computer science, infrastructure, medicine, agriculture, manufacturing, and most importantly, financial discipline. Consumerism, by itself, does not make an economy. One also needs a government with fiscal discipline, which America completely lacks.

Did you know that America creates a trillion dollars in debt every 100 days? It’s not that we don’t pay enough taxes; our country collects more taxes than any other nation. It’s how we spend it that is broken and must be reformed.

You must now ask yourself what allowed this disconnect between expectations and available resources. The Founders understood that there would be a day when the electorate would figure out they could vote themselves other peoples’ money. That day has arrived and expanded to include border crossers.

The current path is not sustainable and ends badly. Good leadership lays out essential priorities, making decisions less politically and more pragmatically.

To start America’s recovery, here’s an excellent first step: Have the President regularly talk to the American people about the realities of unlimited wants versus limited resources. It may take a while, but eventually, the argument’s logic can convince enough people that the nation’s living within its means is in everyone’s best interest. It is only through enlarging the pie that great accomplishments (now scarce) will once again become common.

The Democrats, with their hard left base, see squeezing the rich as the appropriate and/or populist path. However, if you confiscated the wealth of the top 1%, you would be back to where we are today in about ten years, and then what? Remember that a substantial portion of the wealth of the top 1% is invested. Spend it, and there would be little investment, leading to a likely even shorter period before we are broke again!

Two generations of leftist media, a broken education system, and a corrupt government that protects itself at all costs have brought us to this day. By and large, our youth have lost their ability to look rationally at what is required of them to shape their own future. They feel simultaneously entitled and angry.

Ask them, and they’ll tell you that the Baby Boomers were the last generation to make it. They feel justified to malinger and complain about the remaining scraps. Biden told them they were entitled to abandon their student debt obligations.

15% of Americans want to leave our country. Never before have so many been so disenchanted that they effectively see the American Dream as dead.

The clock is ticking down our remaining time, however much that is. There is time left to make a difference. How many of my readers and millions more understand that their future is tied to a thriving America?

The time to dither is over. There are too many ways to step wrong and fail or wind up in a defensive war we are unprepared to fight. We must have better leaders. We must stop destroying the best of us and promote them to leadership positions instead. Everyone is legally equal, but those who wage war on us using Equity as their weapon will only succeed in destroying everything and everybody.

Who will fight for the values that our forefathers fought so valiantly for, risking everything in the process? If not you, then who? The blood of an untold number of patriots waits for your answer.

God Bless America.

Author, Businessman, Thinker, and Strategist. Read more about Allan, his background, and his ideas to create a better tomorrow at


There you have it – the Democratic Party in all its totalitarian glory. Whatever obstacles its members may face, their instinctive response is always the same: iron-fisted thuggery.


The Eyes of Totalitarianism

It’s not your grandfather’s Democrat Party.

April 20, 2023 by John Perazzo 29

The iconic broadcaster, author, and legal scholar Mark Levin recently observed: “As a nation we’ve now turned the corner. We’ve turned the corner into a hard tyranny…. I just want the audience to know that we are staring into the face of tyranny, that the Democrat Party is a totalitarian party.”

And indeed, it is. To recognize this, we need only to listen when Democrats tell us – repeatedly – of their burning desire to “transform” the U.S. into a radicalized cesspool by such means as:

· ending the filibuster rule so they can forcibly ram their radical legislation through the Senate;

· governing via presidential executive orders rather than navigating the normal legislative process;

· promoting immigration and border policies designed to import massive blocs of foreigners who will eventually become reliable Democrat voters for generations to come;

· turning the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico into new U.S. states, thereby allowing Democrats to permanently pack the Senate with four additional members of their party;

· expanding the Supreme Court and packing it with newly appointed leftist ideologues;

· openly defying that same Supreme Court whenever its rulings conflict with Democrat Party preferences;

· forcibly censoring the free expression of any ideas that conflict with Democrat values; and

· pursuing the impeachment and imprisonment of their political foes on the flimsiest pretexts imaginable.

Below is an abundant collection of remarkable quotes by which immensely powerful Democrats in recent times have openly and proudly promoted the objectives enumerated above, like the domineering totalitarian thugs that they are.

Barack Obama (GAMER LAWYER)

During a campaign stop in Missouri five days before Election Day 2008, then-presidential candidate Barack Obama famously said, to thunderous applause: “Now, Mizzou, I just have two words for you tonight: Five days. Five days…. [W]e are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.”

Three months earlier, when candidate Obama spoke in July 2008 to the open-borders group, National Council of La Raza, he stated that “together, we won’t just win an election; we will transform this nation.”

And a year before that, on July 17, 2007, candidate Obama spoke before the Planned Parenthood Action Fund to advocate for unfettered abortion rights and said: “I am absolutely convinced that we’re not just going to win an election, but more importantly we’re going to transform this nation.”

Indeed, nearly two decades earlier, in an interview published by the Daily Herald on March 3, 1990, Obama had candidly articulated his desire to “reshape America” and “be part of a transformation of this country.”

The Democratic Party’s 2016 Platform

In 2016, the Democratic Party’s official platform said that in an effort “to end institutional and systemic racism in our society … [w]e will push for a societal transformation.”


At a March 26, 2019 presidential campaign event in New York City, Joe Biden said: “We all have an obligation to do nothing less than change the culture in this country. This is English jurisprudential culture, a white man’s culture. It’s got to change.”

On April 13, 2020, Biden said “we can transform this nation … so that [my administration] goes down in history … as one of the most progressive administrations since Roosevelt.”

On May 4, 2020, Biden characterized the coronavirus pandemic as an “incredible opportunity … to fundamentally transform the country.”

In early June 2020, Biden stated that America needed to make “revolutionary institutional changes.”

On July 4, 2020, Biden pledged to “rip the roots of systemic racism out of this country” and “transform” it.

On July 13, 2020, Biden promised to make “systemic” and “institutional” changes to American society.

On October 29, 2020, Biden channeled Obama’s famous utterance from 12 years earlier and said: “Five days left [until Election Day]. Five days. I believe when you use your power, the power of the vote, we literally are going to change the course of this country for generations to come.”

Shortly after two mass shootings that had killed a combined total of 18 people in Colorado and Georgia, White House press secretary Jen Psaki announced on March 24, 2021 that President Biden was planning to issue executive orders to address the issue of gun violence, and was “not waiting for anything to fail” in Congress.

In a September 9, 2021 speech announcing new federal COVID vaccine mandates, Biden said: “And tonight, I’m calling on all governors to require vaccination for all teachers and staff…. Let me be blunt. My plan also takes on elected officials in states that are undermining [teachers] and these lifesaving actions. […]  If they’ll not help, if these governors won’t help us beat the pandemic, I’ll use my power as president to get them out of the way.”

On September 25, 2021, Biden said the following about the $1.9 trillion infrastructure bill that he was promoting: “My first piece of economic legislation will “fundamentally change the structure and the nature of the economy in this country.”

On October 4, 2021, Biden – citing the October 18 deadline by which time the Democrat-controlled Congress was seeking to raise the federal debt limit in order to allow for more government borrowing – condemned Senate Republicans for using the filibuster rule to block such a measure. “Republicans just have to let us do our job,” said Biden. “Just get out of the way. If you don’t want to help save the country, get out of the way so you don’t destroy it.”

On October 5, 2021, Biden said there was a “real possibility” that Senate Democrats might use their razor-thin majority to suspend the filibuster rule so they could forcibly raise the debt ceiling even with no Republican support at all.

During a June 30, 2022 press conference, Biden was asked what “specific actions” he might take in the aftermath of the Supreme Court’s recent decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. “I believe we have to codify Roe v. Wade in the law,” he said, “and the way to do that is to make sure Congress votes to do that. And if the filibuster gets in the way … we provide an exception for this, we require an exception to the filibuster for this action to deal with the Supreme Court decision.”

During a September 30, 2022 speech for Hispanic Heritage Month, Biden celebrated what he viewed as the political benefits of the mass migration – legal and illegal — of Mexicans and Central Americans into the United States. “When in American history has there been a circumstance where one ethnicity has the potential to have such a profound impact on the direction of a country?” he asked rhetorically. “Twenty-six percent of every child who’s in school today speaks Spanish — 26 percent,” Biden added.

Bernie Sanders

In October 2019, then-presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders said in a tweet: “Our campaign is not only about changing the system politically and economically. We will change the value system of this country.”

In August 2020, Sanders, who by then had dropped out of the presidential race, said that “when Joe Biden is elected president, when we have a Democratic House, when we have a Democratic Senate, we can begin the process of transforming this government and our nation.”

Charles Schumer (GAMER LAWYER)

In a September 30, 2020 interview with MSNBC’s Joy Reid, then-Senate Minority Leader Charles Schumer speculated about what he and his fellow Democrats could accomplish if they were to win both the White House and a majority in the U.S. Senate: “I’m not busting my chops to become majority leader to do very little or nothing, We are going to get a whole lot done. And as I’ve said, everything, everything is on the table.” He further elaborated: “I would — believe me, on D.C. and Puerto Rico … I’d love to make them states.”

On the afternoon of November 7, 2020 — shortly after America’s largest media networks announced that Joe Biden had won the Electoral College vote in the disputed 2020 presidential election — Schumer, raising a clenched left fist for emphasis, told a jubilant crowd of supporters in Brooklyn: “Now we take Georgia, and then we change the world! Now we take Georgia, and then we change America!” (This was a reference to the two upcoming Senate runoff elections slated for January 5, 2021 in Georgia. If the Democrats could win both, they would gain control of the U.S. Senate.)

In a January 30, 2021 interview with Al Sharpton on MSNBC’s Politics Nation, Schumer, who was now the Senate Majority Leader, re-emphasized his commitment to bringing transformational change to the United States: “Well, Rev, we have one goal: big, bold change in America” which would include “dealing with D.C. and Puerto Rican statehood.” He also articulated his desire to end the Senate filibuster rule, thereby empowering his party to ram its radical agenda down the throat of a deeply divided nation at a time when Democrats controlled both the House and Senate by the slimmest of margins.

At a March 16, 2021 press conference, Schumer spoke about the prospect of Democrats either dispensing with the Senate filibuster rule, or circumventing it by means of the budget reconciliation process (by which budget-related bills can pass with a simple majority and do not require 60 votes to overcome a filibuster). “[W]e must get bold change,” he said. “And if our Republican friends block it, we’re going to put our heads together and figure out the best way to go. Everything’s on the table. It’s plain and simple.”

· This was a stark contrast to what Schumer had said about the prospect of ending the filibuster in 2005, when Republicans held a solid majority in the Senate. SaidSchumer at that time: “The ideologues in the Senate want to turn what the Founding Fathers called ‘the cooling saucer of democracy’ into the rubber stamp of dictatorship. We will not let them. They want – because they can’t get their way on every judge – to change the rules in midstream, to wash away 200 years of history. They want to make this country into a banana republic, where if you don’t get your way, you change the rules…. It would be a doomsday for democracy if we do.”

· Schumer had similarly spoken out against ending the filibuster in April 2017, when he suggested that President Donald Trump should replace his Supreme Court nominee, Judge Neil Gorsuch, with “a mainstream nominee” who would be able to garner 60 votes in the Senate — rather than allowing the majority Republicans to do away with the filibuster and confirm Gorsuch with a simple majority vote: “Look, when a nominee doesn’t get 60 votes, you shouldn’t change the rules, you should change the nominee.”

On October 4, 2021, Senator Schumer, who wished to be able to raise the federal debt ceiling without any Republican support whatsoever, said: “We only ask that they [the Republicans] get out of the way, let Democrats pass it on our own …”


In September 2020, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi declared: “We can impeach him [Trump] every day of the week for anything he does.”

On October 12, 2021, Pelosi lamented the fact that some Democrats wished to scale back their party’s ten-year, $3.5 trillion “Build Back Better” spending bill. But she vowed that while the legislation’s price tag might be negotiated down, changes to the bill “only would be [made] in such a way that does not undermine the transformative nature of it.”


During an October 12, 2021 press briefing, White House press secretary Jen Psaki discussed the ongoing negotiation between Democrat legislators vis-a-vis the $3.5 trillion “Build Back Better” bill that the Biden administration was hoping to pass. “The president wants to make fundamental change in our economy, and he feels coming out of the pandemic is exactly the time to do that,” she said.


At a Congressional Black Caucus Foundation event on September 21, 2017, Rep. Maxine Waters asserted that Congress could impeach President Trump for any reason it chose. “Impeachment is about whatever the Congress says it is,” she said. “There is no law that can dictate impeachment. What the Constitution says is high crimes and misdemeanors, and we define that.”

In a July 22, 2019 tweet, Waters predicted that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s appearance before Congress on July 24 would open the door for Democrats to impeach President Trump “immediately” and then incarcerate him. Wrote Waters: “Impeachment first, prison next!”

After the Supreme Court officially announced its decision to strike down Roe v. Wade on June 24, 2022, Waters, flanked by fellow Congressional Democrat Al Green, joined a throng of pro-abortion activists outside the Supreme Court building and told reporters: “You ain’t seen nothing yet. Women are going to control their bodies no matter how they try and stop us. The hell with the Supreme Court. We will defy them!”


In a June 30, 2022 appearance on MSNBC’s Hallie Jackson Reports, Senator Ed Markey exhorted the Senate to eliminate the filibuster rule and pass “abortion rights” that would circumvent the recent Supreme Court decision and permanently enshrine Roe v. Wade as the law of the land. Said Markey: “I think the Congress should take up the offer that Joe Biden has made to repeal the filibuster. Carve out of the filibuster an exception for abortion rights …”

Mazie Hirono (GAMER LAWYER)

In an interview with CNN on March 5, 2021, Senator Mazie Hirono said: “I definitely support filibuster reform, and part of that is ending the filibuster. It could be totally, or it could be for certain kinds of bills, but I’m definitely open to making those kinds of changes so we can get things done …”


On March 19, 2021, Senator Dianne Feinstein released a statement saying that, contrary to her previously articulated position, she was now supportive of ending the Senate filibuster: “[I]f … Republicans continue to abuse the filibuster by requiring cloture votes, I’m open to changing the way the Senate filibuster rules are used.”


In a June 23, 2021 interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Senator Bob Menendez said he was in favor of enacting a “democracy exception” to the filibuster rule in order to enable Democrats to pass the “For the People Act,” their radical “election-reform” bill, with a simple majority in the U.S. Senate.


At a July 26, 2021 media briefing, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo announced the launch of a new initiative allocating $15 million in taxpayer funds to promote the vaccination of the 3.5 million New Yorkers who had not yet been inoculated against coronavirus. “We have to get in those communities,” he said, “and we have to knock on those doors, and we have to convince people, and put them in a car, and drive them, and get that vaccine in their arm. That is the mission.”

Cedric Richmond (GAMER LAWYER)

On September 9, 2021, White House senior adviser Cedric Richmond stated that President Biden would “run over” any Republican governors who might try to resist the new federal vaccine mandates. “The one thing I admire about this president,” said Richmond, “is the fact that we are always going to put people above politics. And those governors that stand in the way, I think, it was very clear from the president’s tone [in his speech] today that he will run over them.”


On September 7, 2021, Senator Elizabeth Warren sent a letter to CEO Andy Jassy, demanding that the company use its algorithms to suppress the sale of books that, according to the senator, were spreading “COVID-19 misinformation.”

Ilhan Omar

In September 2019, Senate Parliamentarian Elizabeth MacDonough said it was “not appropriate” for Senate Democrats to attempt to pass their proposed pathway-to-citizenship provision by means of the budget reconciliation process which would require only a simple majority rather than the normal 60 votes. In response to that, Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar tweeted: “This ruling by the parliamentarian is only a recommendation. Sen. Schumer and the White House can and should ignore it.”

Mondaire Jones (GAMER LAWYER)

During a House Judiciary Committee hearing on June 2, 2022, New York Democrat Mondaire Jones delivered an impassioned speech stating that Republicans would not be able to prevent the majority Democrats from using every trick at their disposal to pass gun-control legislation in Congress: “You will not stop us from advancing the Protecting Our Kids Act today. You will not stop us from passing it in the House next week. And you will not stop us there. If the filibuster obstructs us, we will abolish it. If the Supreme Court objects, we will expand it.”

Julian Castro (GAMER LAWYER)

In January 2013, San Antonio mayor Julian Castro spoke with CBS News’ Bob Schieffer on Face the Nation and predicted that because of mass immigration from Central America — both legal and illegal — the state of Texas would soon change from majority-Republican to majority-Democrat. Said Castro with delight: “In a couple of presidential cycles, you’ll be on election night, you’ll be announcing we’re calling the 38 electoral votes of Texas for the Democratic nominee for president. It’s changing. It’s going to become a purple state and then a blue state, because of the demographics, because of the population growth of folks from outside of Texas …”

Pramila Jayapal

During a January 2, 2022 appearance on MSNBC’s The Sunday Show, Rep. Pramila Jayapal applauded Twitter for its decision to permanently ban the personal account of Republican congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, who, according to the social media giant, had been spreading “misinformation” about the COVID-19 pandemic and the vaccines designed to combat it. “I think it’s just as well that we take one voice [Greene’s] that is deliberately spreading disinformation out of the mix as much as possible,” said Jayapal. “That’s certainly a good thing.”

Ruben Gallego

On February 22, 2022, Rep. Ruben Gallego called for government and law-enforcement agencies to forcibly seize and then give away the vehicles of truck drivers who were heading to the District of Columbia in a peaceful convoy to protest the Biden administration’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates. “Perfect time to impound and give the trucks to small trucking companies looking to expand their business,” Gallego tweeted.


There you have it – the Democratic Party in all its totalitarian glory. Whatever obstacles its members may face, their instinctive response is always the same: iron-fisted thuggery.

If the Senate filibuster rule thwarts the Democrats’ legislative desires, they portray it as an antiquated relic of a racist epoch and demand that it be canceled.

If Democrats’ control of the U.S. Senate hangs precariously in the balance, they demand the sudden creation of a group of brand new majority-Democrat states that each will yield two new Democrat senators.

If Democrats are unable to cobble together electoral majorities in a few crucial swing states, they import massive blocs of people from across the globe who will eventually become reliable Democrat voters for generations to come.

If the radical-left Justices who sit on the Supreme Court are outnumbered by their originalist colleagues, Democrats seek to expand the Court and then pack it with newly appointed leftist ideologues to rubber-stamp every Democrat agenda item.

When that same Supreme Court issues rulings that conflict with Democratic Party preferences, the Democrats pledge with passionate zeal to defy those rulings.

If anyone dares to challenge Democrat positions on matters like the merits of critical race theory, COVID vaccine mandates, “gender-affirming” surgeries for minors, or claims that the 2020 presidential election was rife with Democrat corruption, Democrats respond by demanding that the most influential social-media platforms on Earth should censor and ban such heretics from the digital public square.

And, when challenged by a former Republican President who was highly effective at exposing and mocking the vapidity of various left-wing ideals and policies, the Democrats, in the longstanding tradition of fascists and communists from across the globe, simply call for his impeachment, arrest, and imprisonment.

If Democrats are not the party of totalitarianism, what else would you call them?



Did Bill Clinton break the law when he persecuted his former lovers into silence so he could become president?  Did Bill Clinton care that he was breaking his oath to the Constitution when, as president, he personally dismantled the COCOM security accords, which prevented hostile enemies from receiving the means of attaining advanced military technology?  That policy has brought the Chinese military up to parity with our own — right now.


MOST CORRUPT VII: Joe Biden - Part I - Forgotten History


When rulers forget their oaths

By Richard C. Lyons

In self-governing societies, choosing a leader of the nation is the most important responsibility a citizen has.  In our United States, where the presidency has grown to be so powerful an office, it is even more so.  Through time immemorial, whether in Greece or Rome, in England, or among native Americans, a few vital questions have always been foremost when questioning those who sought powerful office: will they obey their oath to follow the Constitution?  Will they faithfully execute the law and obey the law themselves?  Do they believe in a higher moral calling, a higher power, as in God?

The reason for these questions is perhaps not obvious.  But if a person in power does not perceive himself as being bound by his oath or by a constitution of law, the powerful tend to change from humans into wolves.  And if one does not believe in a higher moral authority, there is no moral code or power he will respect between here and hell.

In other words, such people have the perfect moral chemistry to engage in tyranny.  Therefore, it is all-important to ask if an aspirant to power in a self-governing society intends to hold to his oath, to the law and to an altar.  Such questions were asked of political aspirants for most of our history.

But for over three decades now, it has become apparent that one party of our government hasn’t cared what their leaders say or do.

Did Bill Clinton break the law when he persecuted his former lovers into silence so he could become president?  Did Bill Clinton care that he was breaking his oath to the Constitution when, as president, he personally dismantled the COCOM security accords, which prevented hostile enemies from receiving the means of attaining advanced military technology?  That policy has brought the Chinese military up to parity with our own — right now.

Was Bill Clinton obeying a higher moral calling when he engaged in the sexual manipulation of a much younger woman in his employ?  Did he hold to any altar when he broke his oath to tell the truth in a court of law and then proceeded to lie outright to 300 million Americans?

Was Barack Obama obeying the law when he ordered the FBI to spy on persons in the press he did not agree with?  Did Obama follow his oath to the Constitution when he ordered his administration to sue the state of Arizona for wanting to protect its own citizens from an invasion of our southern border?  Did Obama follow the law when he ordered the IRS to financially strangle associations of the conservative Tea Party movement?

Did Obama hold to any higher morality when he lied to the country that the Affordable Care Act would never require taxpayers to pay for abortifacients, then ordered that taxpayers had to, by rule, through his HHS department?  Did Obama recognize a higher moral authority when he ordered an HHS attack on the Little Sisters of the Poor for not obeying the rule?

Is Joe Biden really following the law when he uses the Judiciary to persecute his political opponents?  Is Joe Biden following the Constitution he swore an oath to serve when he repeatedly shifts the burden of student loan debts from the debtors onto taxpayers, in defiance of a definitive Supreme Court ruling?

Does Joe Biden really believe in a higher moral authority when he uses a prone, confused, and small percentage of the population to make a proclamation that is profane for many of the over 200 million Christians in America — on the most sacred day of the year?  Then saw fit to lie about it?

These are only a handful of unlawful policies over decades by Democrat presidents that are not accidental: it is becoming Democrat party tradition not to be bound by the law or the Constitution.  It has become the mission of the Administrative State to execute and defend Democrat party policy without questioning it.  It has become the mantra of the media to praise any action committed by a Democrat as being fundamentally good without questioning if the action is either lawful or moral.

And it is why this alliance of the Democrat party, its Administrative State, and its subsidiary media is so dangerous.  In pursuit of absolute power, the Democrat party is prepared to wrench the Constitution out of existence and break any law or faith they have to, if it stands in their way.  The Democrat party literally holds to no oath, no law, no altar.

We who do, who would vote lawlessness out of power, face the lawless prospect of our votes holding no weight, as throughout our country, and in violation of the Constitution again, the Democrat party is registering illegal aliens, with no proof of identity, to the count of 384,000 last week nullify our vote.

Democrats themselves need to stop this process!  As citizens, they need tell their leaders they believe in their country more than they do in exclusive power — or we will lose our country.

Richard C. Lyons, author of The DNA of Democracy: Volume I and Shadows of the Acropolis: Volume II is a third-generation printer, whose early career centered on religious and special education publishing.  Lyons has since engaged in literary pursuits as a poet, essayist, screenwriter, and indie publisher.





JUST NOW: Biden is TOTALLY COMPROMISED by Communist China!



Elon Musk: 'This SECRET will put Joe Biden & Obama in JAIL!'


here is only one way to say that Biden is innocent, and that is for Obama to announce, “I told Joe he could take the documents.” However, if Obama makes that announcement, he has conceded, and all the Dems will be forced to concede, that a president can declassify documents simply by walking them out of the White House or authorizing someone else to do so.

In other words, to exonerate Biden, Obama must also exonerate Trump from the disgraceful, deeply (criminally?) dishonest charge leveled against Trump. I get a real kick imagining Obama sitting in the lavishly decorated office of one of his three luxury homes, cursing to himself that you can always trust Joe Biden to “F” things up.




Watters: Sam Bankman-Fried had 'full access' to Biden White House


Obviously Obama must have been successful since the Biden Crime Family’s activities went unreported on by most of the news media prior to the 2020 presidential election. Even now there’s been a reluctance to report on anything associated with the claims of illegal – indeed impeachable offenses by Joe Biden.


Biden positions, after doing nothing, save for the end, at best, to help Biden's presidential campaign, suggesting that the hollow-victory Biden administration is just a placeholder for the return of an Obama third term.  It's a sign that Obama éminence grise is more than a little active, behind the scenes as she always is.



Victor Davis Hanson: Biden is the most dangerously radical President in US history



JOE BIDEN is known as a serial liar, a "public servant" who has somehow managed to accrue tremendous wealth, a race-baiting opportunist, Catholic-in-name-only, and a bought-and-paid-for politician in bed with criminal cartels and foreign foes.  In another era, Joe Biden would have been run out of his country much the same way Benedict Arnold was two and a half centuries ago; in an era when integrity, honor, fortitude, fidelity, and grit have been jettisoned for immorality, unscrupulousness, weakness, betrayal, and craven pliability, however, he is elevated to king sleazeball in a city drowning in sleaze. JB SHURK

Biden's Right: His Word Means Nothing

By J.B. Shurk

Installed (p)Resident Joe Biden loves to make promises secured by the supposed worth of his family name.  "I give you my word as a Biden," he said back in March of 2020, "When I'm president, I will lead with science, listen to the experts and heed their advice, and always tell you the truth."  Again giving his solemn word before the 2020 mail-in ballot presidential selection, he promised both "to turn division into unity and bring us together," as well as to "be an ally of the light, not the darkness."  Just over a week ago, he declared, "My word as a Biden: I've never been more optimistic about America's future than I am today."  My goodness, if only Biden's family name possessed more value than that of Benedict Arnold's, we would be blessed with a man in the White House committed to truth, unity, spiritual guidance, and American success.  Yet Biden's name is synonymous with none of those things, is it?

Instead, the Biden family name has really stood for only two things: buffoonery and corruption.  For fifty years, Joe Biden has managed to hold onto some slice of power in D.C. as a senator, vice president, and Oval Office stooge not because he is renowned for his erudition or virtue but rather because his doltish behavior and venal character make him ideal for others to control.  Perhaps no other Washington relic has accomplished so little for the American people over such a prolonged government career or managed to harness those defects for lucrative advancement more successfully than China Joe

He is known as a serial liar, a "public servant" who has somehow managed to accrue tremendous wealth, a race-baiting opportunist, a Catholic-in-name-only, and a bought-and-paid-for politician in bed with criminal cartels and foreign foes.  In another era, Joe Biden would have been run out of his country much the same way Benedict Arnold was two and a half centuries ago; in an era when integrity, honor, fortitude, fidelity, and grit have been jettisoned for immorality, unscrupulousness, weakness, betrayal, and craven pliability, however, he is elevated to king sleazeball in a city drowning in sleaze.

Perhaps when America's Scumbucket-in-Chief gives his "word as a Biden," he is depending upon the solid reputations of notable relatives.  Alas, no.  His brother James has been repeatedly implicated in allegations of fraud and quid-pro-quo financial schemes leveraging Joe's political office as a means to advance the Biden family's interests and wealth.  His daughter Ashley struggles with sex and drug addictions, problems she has attributed in part to her memories of taking showers with her dad at a young age (no wonder Creepy Joe excuses pedophilia and transgender madness so effortlessly).  And then there is the "smartest guy" Joe claims to know — his son Hunter — whose illegal drug usesexual debauchery with prostitutesemployees, and relatives alike; gun crimes; occupation as an undeclared foreign agent; and serially-excused role as the family's point man for turning the powers of Joe's political office into seedy profit are all well known to the American people (even if habitually ignored by the corrupt Department of [in]Justice).  In any other family concerned about its reputation for probity and honor, Hunter Biden would have been cast off as some sort of uncontrollable "black sheep."  In the Biden herd, though, Hunter blends right in with his unseemly, scuzzy kin.  The Biden pedigree is made from rotten stuff — more like a pustule than a bloodline and filled with dreck, mediocrity, selfishness, pusillanimity, and unrepentant sin.

When you stop to consider how shockingly meaningless Joe's "word as a Biden" schtick really is, it actually becomes tempting to consider whether the old, fatuous fraud is ironically — and just this once — telling the American people the truth!  Perhaps when he says, "I give you my word as a Biden," he is really saying: "I give you my word as an incestuous pervert who cannot learn to keep my hands off little girls or keep from sniffing and grabbing women against their will; as a shameless liar who distorts everything, including the circumstances of my own wife and daughter's tragic deaths, when those lies induce public sympathy or are otherwise advantageous; as a plagiarist with no original thoughts or accomplishments of my own; as a lifelong racist who has had many friendships with segregationists and race hustlers while lying about having been active in the civil rights movement; as a corrupt politician who has ties to the mob and whose family has profited generously from my public office; and as a traitor to the United States who has repeatedly sold out my country for the benefit of foreign interests in Ukraine, China, and anywhere else I can make a buck."  

I guess when you see how long it would take to vomit forth that mouthful of insidious nastiness, using the shorthand, "I give you my word as a Biden," just means that whatever is said next is almost certainly untrue.  

Seen from that perspective, Biden's time as installed president makes a lot more sense.  When he promised to unite the country by ridding it of petty divisions, what he really meant was that he planned to exacerbate racial animosities to the best of his abilities, rub salt in old wounds to ensure intolerance festers and anguish lingers, and incite hatred among groups of Americans who would otherwise get along.  When he promised to "bring us together," he meant that he would promote propaganda reframing the J6 protest for fair elections as an "insurrection" seeking to topple the government and use that laughably fraudulent pretense as an excuse to persecute and imprison his political enemies.  When he promised to be "an ally of the light, not the darkness," he meant that he would threaten concerned parents with criminal prosecution should they resist the government's program of sexualizing childhood, encouraging bodily mutilation, brainwashing innocents with "transgender" delusions, and promoting abortion-on-demand.

When he promised to "lead with science," he meant that he would use the unscrutinized declarations of unelected government health bureaucrats with secret political agendas as a sword and shield for imposing a dictatorship of unconstitutional mandates, censorship, ephemeral freedoms, and unjust orders contrary to established law.  When he promised to "listen to the experts and heed their advice," he meant that he would further empower an already-out-of-control Deep State to police Americans' thoughts and words for alleged "misinformation" and "hate"; expand the national security surveillance State to spy on Americans' every move; and target for criminal punishment those who nonetheless insist on engaging in "wrongthink."  When he promised to "always tell you the truth," he meant that his administration would construct "politically correct" falsehoods, propagate those falsehoods through a willingly compliant and compromised State-aligned news media, vilify dissent as harmful "disinformation," and characterize contrary viewpoints as mere "conspiracy theories."

Finally, when Biden recently claimed that he has "never been more optimistic about America's future," what he meant is that he has given China permission to send spy balloons loaded with explosives across the continent; criminal cartels permission to flood America with illegal aliens; the pharmaceutical companies permission to reap windfall profits from harmful, untested, yet government-mandated products; the World Health Organization and United Nations permission to usurp U.S. sovereignty; the Federal Reserve permission to print money on our way to economic Armageddon; and the World Economic Forum permission to usher in a "great reset" of centralized control and loss of individual liberty.  Surely all that carnage is worth a relatively small finder's fee of 10%.

When Commie Joe's statements are viewed in their proper context, he is just a presidential truth-teller.  Really.  After all, he gives us his word as a Biden!


Image: 10 Tampa Bay via YouTubeCC BY 3.0 (cropped).


During Obama’s presidency, everyone joked that he selected Biden for VP because Biden’s incompetency insured that Obama would never be impeached. Yes, Obama was bad, but Biden would be worse. Now that Biden’s the president, that joke was 100% correct. Sadly, he’s multiple times worse than anyone imagined. Biden has more failures in one year than most presidents have in a lifetime – the Afghanistan debacle and surrender, huge crime spikes due to Democrat “defund the police” insanity, actively working to destroy the petroleum industry while supporting Russia’s, soaring inflation, open support and deference to China, and his weakness being directly responsible for Putin’s invasion of Ukraine -- to name just a few epic failures. As bad as Biden is as president, it’s obvious he selected Harris for the same reason that Obama selected him -- to insure he’s never removed from office. If you think things can’t possibly get worse, just look at Harris and you instantly realize – yes, they can. She would be multiple times worse than Joe.


The dark side of Obama's 'Rising Star' exposed

Jack Cashill’s new book, Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency, is widely available. See also


Obama lets the cat out of the bag: He's got plans to make Joe Biden his stooge


By Monica Showalter


Joe Biden, who couldn't even get President Obama's endorsement during the primaries, now has word that Obama may well use him as his marionette stooge for what's in fact a third Obama term.

He's not even trying to hide it.


OPERATION OBOMB: Barack Obama, Eric Holder and their bankster paymasters plan coup.


Barack Obama was famous not wanting to leave office when his term was done and well known for projecting a sense of entitlement to power.


Biden positions, after doing nothing, save for the end, at best, to help Biden's presidential campaign, suggesting that the hollow-victory Biden administration is just a placeholder for the return of an Obama third term.  It's a sign that Obama éminence grise is more than a little active, behind the scenes as she always is.

“Obama’s new home in Washington has been described as the “nerve center” of the anti-Trump opposition. Former attorney general Eric Holder has said that Obama is “ready to roll” and has aligned himself with the “resistance.” Former high-level Obama campaign staffers now work with a variety of groups organizing direct action against Trump’s initiatives. “Resistance School,” for example, features lectures by former campaign executive Sara El-Amine, author of the Obama Organizing.”




Obamanomics: How Barack Obama Is Bankrupting You and Enriching His Wall Street Friends, Corporate Lobbyists, and Union Bosses


 “Of course, one of the main reasons the nation is now “divided, resentful and angry” is because race-baiting, Islamist, class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was president for eight long years." MATTHEW VADUM


The dark side of Obama's 'Rising Star' exposed

Jack Cashill’s new book, Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency, is widely available. See also



1) Obama never intended to leave office. Indeed, he has a house a few blocks from the White House. 

2) Hillary and Obama despise each other and, had Hillary been elected, he would have undermined her as he is trying to undermine Trump. 

3) To make way for the Obama restoration the Constitution would have been shredded for the good of the country, and it would have 
been seen to have been done legally.  DANIEL GREENFIELD


Professor Paul Kengor has extensively researched the Chicago communists whose progeny include David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, and Barack Hussein Obama.  Add the openly Marxist, pro-communist Ayers, and you have many of the key players who put Obama into power.


“Then we suffered the rattling election of Barack Obama, whose active membership in a white-, Jewish-, and America-hating church was well known to the electorate.  His close personal relationship with the likes of his adored Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan was no secret.  Obama was open about his goals.  He told us he was out to "fundamentally transform America" and the world.”  ALAN BERGSTEIN


What no one will say, but I will, is that the ObamaGate /MuellerGate /SpyGate scandal is an ongoing plot to restore Barack Obama to the Presidency. Before heads explode let me explain.


“Obama would declare himself president for life with Soros really running the show, as he did for the entire Obama presidency.”


"That phase of the takeover was started in 2008 by President Barack Obama.  Throughout his eight years in office, Obama practiced divisiveness and hammered away at the Second Amendment while pouring gallons of fuel on the fire of the "Black Lives Matter" lie.  His administration was rampant with corruption, pushing the envelope with every new scandal." RICK HAYES


“Obama’s new home in Washington has been described as the “nerve center” of the anti-Trump opposition. Former attorney general Eric Holder has said that Obama is “ready to roll” and has aligned himself with the “resistance.” Former high-level Obama campaign staffers now work with a variety of groups organizing direct action against Trump’s initiatives. “Resistance School,” for example, features lectures by former campaign executive Sara El-Amine, author of the Obama Organizing.”


And then the door would slam shut. The FBI would basically become the State Police, so to speak, the DOJ a collection of corrupt prosecutors and the intelligence community the new KGB

Obama would declare himself president for life with Soros really running the show, as he did for the entire Obama presidency.

In his heart Obama is a small time, garden variety leftist Communist. During his eight years Obama just ran out of time and he was just too incompetent. Fortunately, he was also constrained (barely) by the Constitution. He didn't have the guts to follow through. But he has the totalitarian impulse. After all, he went around saying he didn't have Constitutional Authority to legalize the illegals, and then he tried anyway. The courts stopped him.


Obama ‘Very Confident’ He Would’ve Won Third Term


Former President Barack Obama said on Tuesday that he was “very confident” he would have won a third term had the Constitution and his wife allowed him to run again.

Speaking to his former top adviser David Axelrod at a live recording of the “The Axe Files” podcast at the University of Chicago, Obama said he believes voters felt that he had “taken the job seriously, worked hard, been true to my oath, observed and hopefully strengthened the norms and the rules and the values of our democracy.”


“I feel very confident that I was in a position—had it not been for both the Constitution and Michelle—to continue in office,” Obama said.


Axelrod had earlier said that some people would like Obama to serve in perpetuity and joked about some of Obama’s supporters even wanting him to run for vice president.


The former president, though, added that he is “not sure it is a healthy thing” to serve more than two terms, pointing out that in countries without term limits, “even very good people… lose their edge and get stale and comfortable in the position.”

Obama said it is “useful to have a democracy have to continually evolve.”


Had Obama been allowed to run for a third term, he would have faced off against Donald Trump in 2016. But when Axelrod asked whether Obama believed he could defeat President Trump in 2020 in a hypothetical one-on-one matchup, Obama did not take the bait.


“I will not answer that direct question for obvious reasons,” Obama said.


Michelle Obama: ‘Many’ Around the World Feel Barack Is ‘Their President’ 

Former first lady Michelle Obama said Tuesday that her husband, former President Barack Obama, could have built his presidential library anywhere in the world because many feel he is “their president.”

Obama, speaking at the Obama Foundation Summit at the Illinois Institute of Technology, explained Chicago’s Jackson Park was selected as the site for the Obama Presidential Center because it was close to the couple’s former home and situated near her South Side childhood home.

“There’s power in the selection of Jackson Park,” the former first lady said. “Barack and I don’t do things incidentally. There’s a strategy.”

Obama then argued the library could have even been built outside of the United States.


“Barack’s presidential library could have been anywhere in the world, because there are so many people who feel like he is their president,” she stated.

“New York wanted it. Hawaii wants it. Because it’s also an economic engine,” she added.

Michelle Obama appeared at the fireside chat with her brother, Craig Robinson, and interviewed by The Warmth of Other Suns author Isabel Wilkerson.

In June, a federal judge ruled plans to build the $500 million presidential center on Chicago’s lakefront could move forward, dismissing advocacy group Protect Our Parks’s lawsuit objecting to the use of public park land.


The bottom line 3 is this: If Operation Crossfire Hurricane wasn’t a plot to restore Barack Obama to the Presidency, why wasn’t the op shutdown after the election was over? It wasn’t. Instead it ramped up with the appointment of a special prosecutor whose only raison d’etre is to cover up the original crimes during the primary season and in the run up to the election.

“Obama would declare himself president for life with Soros really running the show, as he did for the entire Obama presidency.”

What no one will say, but I will, is that the ObamaGate /MuellerGate /SpyGate scandal is an ongoing plot to restore Barack Obama to the Presidency. Before heads explode let me explain.


"That phase of the takeover was started in 2008 by President Barack Obama.  Throughout his eight years in office, Obama practiced divisiveness and hammered away at the Second Amendment while pouring gallons of fuel on the fire of the "Black Lives Matter" lie.  His administration was rampant with corruption, pushing the envelope with every new scandal." RICK HAYES


They Destroyed Our Country

“They knew Obama was an unqualified crook; yet they promoted him. They knew Obama was a train wreck waiting to happen; yet they made him president, to the great injury of America and the world. They understood he was only a figurehead, an egomaniac, and a liar; yet they made him king, doing great harm to our republic (perhaps irreparable.)”


These people were engaged in a massive political conspiracy. The Democrats made a decision from the outset—beginning with the election campaign of the favored candidate of Wall Street and the CIA, Hillary Clinton—that they would not oppose Trump on his anti-working-class social policy or his authoritarian hostility to democratic rights and promotion of anti-immigrant racism, but on issues of imperialist foreign policy.


“Obama’s new home in Washington has been described as the “nerve center” of the anti-Trump opposition. Former attorney general Eric Holder has said that Obama is “ready to roll” and has aligned himself with the “resistance.” Former high-level Obama campaign staffers now work with a variety of groups organizing direct action against Trump’s initiatives. “Resistance School,” for example, features lectures by former campaign executive Sara El-Amine, author of the Obama Organizing.”


“Attorney General Eric Holder's tenure was a low point even within the disgraceful scandal-ridden Obama years.” DANIEL GREENFIELD / FRONTPAGE MAG



Anti-Semitic, open borders for cheaper labor and funded by criminal banksters… and these pols are making vast fortunes sucking the blood of America!


We must not let them cheat their way to power over the rest of us.  Their ongoing vote fraud must be stopped and the Democrats need to take a look at themselves and at what they have become. It's not a pretty picture.  What they have become threatens to destroy the greatest nation on the planet and they are doing it on purpose.  They have nothing but contempt for the US as founded and for those of us who love this country. PATRICIA McCARTHY – AMERICAN THINKER


“Then we suffered the rattling election of Barack Obama, whose active membership in a white-, Jewish-, and America-hating church was well known to the electorate.  His close personal relationship with the likes of his adored Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan was no secret.  Obama was open about his goals.  He told us he was out to "fundamentally transform America" and the world.”  ALAN BERGSTEIN




They Destroyed Our Country

“They knew Obama was an unqualified crook; yet they promoted him. They knew Obama was a train wreck waiting to happen; yet they made him president, to the great injury of America and the world. They understood he was only a figurehead, an egomaniac, and a liar; yet they made him king, doing great harm to our republic (perhaps irreparable.)”


BARACK OBAMA: Was he America’s first Communist president in the closet?


Obama choose Communists and Marxists for the highest, most powerful positions in our land, including his closest political advisors, and his head of the CIA.  These facts are not in dispute.  Most are openly admitted by the people in question, as necessary damage control.  Our press chooses not to report them.


Professor Paul Kengor has extensively researched the Chicago communists whose progeny include David Axelrod, Valerie Jarrett, and Barack Hussein Obama.  Add the openly Marxist, pro-communist Ayers, and you have many of the key players who put Obama into power.



They Destroyed Our Country

“They knew Obama was an unqualified crook; yet they promoted him. They knew Obama was a train wreck waiting to happen; yet they made him president, to the great injury of America and the world. They understood he was only a figurehead, an egomaniac, and a liar; yet they made him king, doing great harm to our republic (perhaps irreparable.)”


More sneaky-pete from Obama: Huge trove of DHS speeches erased from White House record just before Trump took office


By Monica Showalter

If there's one thing that distinguishes Democrats from Republicans, it's got to be their habit of illegally erasing records of their times in office. It wasn't just Sandy Bergler getting off scot-free after stealing archives to destroy, stuffing them down his pants. It wasn't just the bleachbit and hammers to destroy email records from an illegal unsecured private server from President Obama's Secretary of State.

It's also things like this:

The Obama administration deleted hundreds of speeches and statements on the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) website just hours before President Donald Trump officially entered office, according to research released Tuesday.

A collection of 190 transcripts of speeches on ICE’s website was deleted on Jan. 18 and late in the evening on Jan. 19, 2017, according to research conducted by the Sunlight Foundation, a nonpartisan organization that advocates for government transparency. Statements made by high-ranking ICE officials regarding controversial immigration topics such as sanctuary cities, E-Verify, treatment of detainees, and other issues were included in the reported deletions.

That stands in striking contrast to the carefully preserved Twitter accounts of White House officials such as Samantha Power and Ben Rhodes. Or look at this well preserved archive of flattering Obama pictures from his days in the White House. They know how to be meticulous about saving records when they want to be. And rest assured if there was anything that needed to be gone to avoid embarrassment, well, let's just say they have connections at Twitter.

This document destruction of archived public statements, done just a day or before Trump entered office in 2017, raises the question about just what the Obama White House wanted to hide from both Trump and the American public.

I don't have access to these public statements any more than anyone else does, but I do recall writing editorials about some of them. I recall that many did pay lip service to the growing border crisis. Many did cite the crisis as a crisis. Many did condemn the damage to rule of law that illegal immigration could do. Some may have criticized sanctuary cities. 

It would take a long time to reconstruct the archive, based on the news trail, but it might be the only way. Because what it undoubtedly shows is that the Obama administration knew there was a crisis and took similar steps, perhaps even harsher steps (remember: They were the ones who caged children, not President Trump) to attempt to stop the great migration wave. Leftist open-borders advocates often yelled that he was "the deporter in chief," a title Obama did not like, but which certainly meant there was some kind of law enforcement effort going on.

And with Obama a soft socialist more than a little obssessed with winning the Latino vote, it's obvious his presidential deeds didn't quite match his political claims. There was a crisis, law enforcement tried to stop some of it, and some officials tried to give warning. That was so important for Obama to hide from the public some of his minions actually erased records. No history for you.

It's illegal. It's unfair to the public. It's clearly a bid to give another kick to the Trump adminstration, enabling Democrats to paint any effort from Trump to enforce U.S. immigration law as the work of a heartless scoundrel, something Obama would never dream of being, as the narrative goes.

It ought to be prosecuted. If the public is ever to retain any right to know, a failed presidency trying to cover up its record is a good place to start. Let Trump's lawmen create some new records in the wake of this destruction of old ones.


Katie Pavlich's Latest Books, Fast and Furious: Barack Obama's Bloodiest Scandal and the Shameless Cover-Up are available on Amazon




“The watchdogs at Judicial Watch discovered documents that reveal how the Obama administration's close coordination with the Mexican government entices Mexicans to hop over the fence and on to the American dole.”  Washington Times




Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi join effort to take President Trump down in 2020

by Paul Bedard

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and former President Barack Obama have joined a 2020 “unity” movement. And it’s deeply dividing.

The goal: “Defeat Donald Trump and his Republican enablers.”

Fresh off the House's impeachment vote of the president, Pelosi has penned a fundraising letter for the Democratic Unity Fund that aims to raise millions to defeat Trump, maintain Democratic control of the House, and turn the Republican Senate blue.

“We all know what’s at stake in this election. Right now, we have a president who clearly has no respect for our Constitution, our democracy, or the rule of law. Every day he makes more false promises while his policies continue to hurt hardworking Americans in every corner of our country. We simply cannot afford four more years of a Donald Trump presidency,” she penned.

“That’s why President Obama and I are proud to work with the DNC to ensure that our future nominee and Democratic candidates running for every level of office have the resources they will need to win back the White House, flip the Senate, and hold our valuable House majority,” she added.

The effort comes as the Republican National Committee is out-raising the DNC and Trump’s 2020 reelection campaign is raking in contributions.

In asking for a minimum $7 by Tuesday's Federal Election Commission deadline, Pelosi’s email said, “I cannot emphasize enough how important of a role the Democratic Unity Fund will play in our efforts to defeat Donald Trump and his Republican enablers — but only if we can count on early support from Democrats like you today. The work we need to do to elect a Democratic president in 2020 must happen now — not next fall.”

 Pollak: Barack Obama Wrote the Playbook on Political Division




Left-wing pundits have accused President Donald Trump of using his tweets last weekend to launch a divisive re-election campaign.

David Axelrod, former adviser to President Barack Obama, tweeted: “With his deliberate, racist outburst, @realDonaldTrump wants to raise the profile of his targets, drive Dems to defend them and make them emblematic of the entire party. It’s a cold, hard strategy.”

That is debatable — but if so, Axelrod should know; Obama did it first.

By 2011, Obama knew that re-election would be difficult. The Tea Party had just led the Republicans to a historic victory in the 2010 midterm elections, winning the House and nearly taking the Senate. The economy was only growing sluggishly, and Obama’s stimulus had failed to keep unemployment below eight percent, as projected. Moreover, the passage of Obamacare had provoked a backlash against Obama’s state-centered model of American society.

Facing a similar situation in the mid-1990s, President Bill Clinton had “triangulated,” moving back toward the middle, frustrating the GOP by taking up their issues, such as welfare reform.

But Obama rejected that approach. Having watched his icon, Chicago mayor Harold Washington, settle for an incremental approach when faced with opposition in the 1980s, only to die of a sudden heart attack before fulfilling his potential, Obama chose the path of hard-left policy — and divide-and-rule politics.

The first hint of his strategy emerged during the debt ceiling negotiations in the summer of August 2011. As Bob Woodward recounted in his book about the crisis, The Price of Politics, then-Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) had wanted to reach a “grand bargain” with the president on long-term spending cuts. But Obama blew up that agreement by demanding $400 billion in new taxes, to his aides’ surprise. Obama wanted an opponent, not a deal. (Last week, Boehner told Breitbart News Tonight that Obama’s decision was his worst disappointment in 35 years of politics.)

In the fall of 2011, a new left-wing movement, Occupy Wall Street, was launched. A mix of communists, anarchists, and digital pranksters, the Occupy movement cast American society as a struggle between the “99 percent” and the “one percent.”

Obama and then-House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) embraced the movement — and failed to distance themselves from it even as it collapsed into violence, sexual assault, and confrontations with police.

Instead, Obama picked up on Occupy’s themes and used them to shape his campaign.

In December 2011, Obama gave a speech at Osawatomie, Kansas — a place steeped in radical symbolism — at which he doubled down on his left-wing policies. He focused on the issue of economic inequality, and attacked the idea that the free market could lift the middle class to prosperity. “This isn’t about class warfare. This is about the nation’s welfare,” he insisted.

Then, in the spring of 2012, Obama made a controversial play on race. When a black teen, Trayvon Martin, was killed in Florida during a scuffle with neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman, Al Sharprton — who was serving as an informal adviser to Obama at the time — made the local crime story into a national racial controversy. Obama, following Sharpton’s lead, weighed in: “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon,” Obama said at the time.

Poll numbers suggest that race relations, which had been improving, dropped precipitously after that. But to Obama, it was worth it: the campaign needed to find a way to motivate minority voters. (Vice President Joe Biden did his part, telling black voters that GOP nominee Mitt Romney was “gonna put y’all in chains.”)

Trump is pushing a non-racial, nationalist message. But if he actually wanted to divide America for political gain, he could learn from the master.


Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. He earned an A.B. in Social Studies and Environmental Science and Public Policy from Harvard. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. He is also the co-author of How Trump Won: The Inside Story of a Revolution, which is available from Regnery. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.


Impeachment is Built on a Trap That Obama Created for Romney

A weapon against a Romney administration gets used against Trump.

October 7, 2019 

Daniel Greenfield


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

The Whistleblower Protection Act was put into place for the stated purpose of fighting waste and mismanagement in the civil service. It’s a controversial piece of legislation, but its purpose is clear.

As a Senate report on the 1978 Civil Service Reform Act put it, “What is needed is a means to protect the Pentagon employee who discloses billions of dollars in cost overruns, the GSA employee who discloses widespread fraud, and the nuclear engineer who questions the safety of certain nuclear plants. These conscientious civil servants deserve statutory protection rather than bureaucratic harassment and intimidation.” This does not cover a partisan effort to undermine the President of the United States.

It does not mean a government employee taking issue with a president’s foreign policy.

A whistleblower exposes structural waste, mismanagement and abuse within the civil service, among government contractors and in varied ways within the private sector. This is meant to protect employees who blow the whistle on misbehavior, not to serve as cover for assorted political agendas.

In the Trump era, whistleblowing and partisan leaks to the media have been conflated by the media. Partisan government workers, some openly aligning with the “resistance” and participating in partisan groups within government agencies, have sought to undermine administration policies through leaks. These leaks were in turn meant to generate congressional investigations of cabinet officials.

The impeachment effort against President Trump takes that ongoing tactic to the ultimate extreme.

The politicization of the civil service is a deeply troubling phenomenon. Efforts by members of the civil service to undermine elected officials is a threat to our entire system of representative government.

This problem goes beyond the ‘Deep State’ and has shown up in a wide variety of government agencies. But its appearance in national security agencies is deeply troubling because these agencies have the infrastructure to act as a police state. The existence of national security agencies in a free country is contingent on their subservience to elected officials. Anything else isn’t whistleblowing, it’s a coup.

Obama’s Presidential Policy Directive 19 opened the door by expanding whistleblowing protection to members of the “intelligence community” and other personnel handling classified information.

A few years earlier, Bradley Manning had ushered in a new era of espionage by enemy state actors using front groups to solicit spies as whistleblowers. While the court threw the book at Manning, Obama commuted his sentence. PPD19 was supposed to avoid another Manning case, which it utterly failed to do when Edward Snowden repeated Manning’s treason on a larger scale before escaping to Russia.

But PPD19 was never really meant to help the likes of Manning and Snowden. Instead it was part of a larger pattern of politicizing national security organizations that led directly to the current crisis.

While the Russians were soliciting whistleblowers from inside the national security sphere to act as spies, which was exactly what they had been doing throughout the Cold War, Obama’s people were building partisan networks within the national security infrastructure to act as their political agents.

Both the Russians and the Democrats understood that whistleblowers were a strategic vulnerability. Whistleblowers were seen as sympathetic underdogs who were trying to do the right thing. That was the perfect camouflage for an enemy agent or the agent of a police state. Astroturfing, the practice of manufacturing grass roots efforts and building causes around individual protesters, like Greta Thunberg or David Hogg, had moved into the national security infrastructure before going off like a bomb.

PPD19 was issued on October 10, 2012.

The presidential debates were underway and the election was up in the air. In the weeks before PPD19, Mitt Romney had begun to lead in a number of polls. It is striking that PPD19 came out during the exact same period that Romney was leading in as many polls as he ever would in that election.

On October 9, the day before PPD19, even a DailyKos/SEIU poll showed Romney in the lead. After Obama’s disastrous debate performance, his people had to be worried about the possibility of defeat.

The real purpose of PPD19 was to aid Obama loyalists is undermining a Romney administration.

The Obama administration would not have been too worried about Romney reversing its social policies. But Romney had run sharply against Obama on national security. And Obama’s cronies knew that there would be significant foreign policy differences there. PPD19 may have been their answer.

Romney lost. PPD19 remained obscure.

By the time Trump won, the weaponization of the national security infrastructure in national politics was complete with national security organs spying on Trump associates, investigating his campaign, entrapping his associates, leaking his phone calls, and now setting the stage for impeachment.

The Russia conspiracy theory was not a counterintelligence investigation. And Ukraine impeachment isn’t whistleblowing. Investigating the domestic political opposition is only a counterintelligence investigation in China, Russia or Cuba. Launching such an effort is the hallmark of a police state.

And whistleblowers don’t have partisan political agendas aimed at elected officials.

Until now, the two worst cases of activists and spies pretending to be whistleblowers were Daniel Ellsberg and Edward Snowden. The Ukraine case has some similarities to the Pentagon Papers case, but there isn’t even the pretense that this fake whistleblowing is about anything other than going directly for the President of the United States, not indirectly through his policies, but directly aimed at him.

Whistleblowers aren’t supposed to have any agenda except the law and organizational standards.

And whistleblowing protections are absolutely not meant to serve as cover for partisan fights or assaults on elected officials. Whistleblowing protections are meant to protect government employees in the civil service from retaliation by their supervisors in the civil service when they report waste or abuse.

They are not meant to allow an anonymous government employee to assist in a partisan campaign to remove the President of the United States as part of a ploy orchestrated by the opposition party.

That is a breathtaking abuse that will damage whistleblower protections indefinitely.

Whistleblower protections have traditionally been a bipartisan project. But courts have repeatedly limited the scope of how and what a whistleblower can disclose. It appears that they were wise to do so.

The eavesdropping and entrapment of Trump allies in the last election was the ultimate nightmarish abuse of national security. The same folks who brought you that violation have now contrived to produce the worst possible abuse of whistleblower protections. The abuse of the NSA has dealt a fatal blow to Republican support for national security measures used to fight enemy nations and terrorists. The abuse of whistleblowing will lead to an identical loss of support for whistleblower protections.

The Obama administration and its allies have tried to turn government agencies into bear traps, seeking to retain control of policymaking through a network of lefty loyalists in agencies and activist judges in the courts, and, beyond that, to force out Trump appointees and to even force out President Trump.

At the heart of this crisis is the conflict between representative government and the infrastructure of government, between the will of the voters and the will of D.C., between the taxpayers and officials, that is the breaking point of any free country. Some countries lose their freedom through violent revolutions. Others ossify into an oligarchy of government officials and elites who call all the shots.

This is not about the Ukraine. Just as it wasn’t about Russia. It’s about whether our governments are elected or selected.

Elected government requires that government officials be neutral and non-partisan. When partisan factions use the machinery of government to wage war on their opponents, that’s a coup.

A day after President Trump survived one coup, the deep state debuted a second coup.


Obama is not stupid. He knows this. It's his road map.

“The Democrats would be clamoring for a suspension of the 22nd Amendment and calling for Barack Obama, to "restore calm and order", to step back into his role for the "good of the country". They will still call for Obama if the Democrats manage to Impeach and convict Trump.”

“Obama would declare himself president for life with Soros really running the show, as he did for the entire Obama presidency.”

“The bottom line 2 is this: Barack Obama is a Communist. This was all an Obama operation. Why is anyone surprised that a communist (Obama) tried to subvert an election. That is what Communists do. It is Barack Obama and his people like Brennan and Clapper behaving to type. That's what Maduro does in Venezuela. That's what the Castro brothers did. That's what every communist and socialist nation does. THEY FIX ELECTIONS!”


Right back to the White House. That was the plan all along

What no one will say, but I will, is that the ObamaGate/MuellerGate/SpyGate scandal is an ongoing plot to restore Barack Obama to the Presidency. Before heads explode let me explain.

To believe any part of my theory you have to get to certain assumptions. 

1) Obama never intended to leave office. Indeed he has a house a few blocks from the White House. 

2) Hillary and Obama despise each other and, had Hillary been elected, he would have undermined her as he is trying to undermine Trump. 

3) To make way for the Obama restoration 

The Constitution would have been shredded 

for the good of the country, and it would have 

been seen to have been done legally.


As Mark Levin says, we are in the middle of a slow motion soft coup Joseph diGenova, former federal 

prosecutor and Trump loyalist, says the truth is starting 

to seep out about the Obama Administration’s “brazen 

plot to exonerate Hillary Clinton” and “frame an 

incoming president with a false Russian conspiracy,” 

according to an exclusive interview with The Daily Caller


Dan Bongino, on Tucker Carlson's show, has called the operation a sting.


Mar 26, 2012 - SEOUL President Barack Obama was caught on camera on assuring outgoing Russian President and Putin Poodle Dmitry Medvedev that he will have "more flexibility" to deal with contentious issues like missile 

Dan Bongino, on Tucker Carlson's show, has called the operation a sting.


Mar 26, 2012 - SEOUL President Barack Obama was caught on camera on assuring outgoing Russian President and Putin Poodle Dmitry Medvedev that he will have "more flexibility" to deal with contentious issues like missile defense after the U.S. presidential election. I just happen to have it on film:


Sept 11, 2012 -- Benghazi: In the run up to Obama’s re-election Obama was running around claiming he had decimated Al Qaeda. One can only imagine the panic in the WH when the Al Qaeda attack occurred on our annex. So Hillary and Obama concocted the Muslim film cover up, jailed the filmmaker, and sent Susan Rice out to lie on all of the Sunday chat shows that the attack was all about the film.

Oct 22, 2012 -- During one of the Romney/Obama debates one of the moderators asked Romney who our greatest threat was. He said the Russians, Obama smugly “The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.”.

The annexation of Crimea by Putin’s Russia Federation occurred in March 2014. On 17 July 2014 Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 (MH17/MAS17), a scheduled passenger flight from Amsterdam to Kuala Lumpur that, was shot down while flying over eastern Ukraine, killing all 283 passengers and 15 crew on board.


The first indications of the Russian Hacking occurred in late 2015 and early 2016. Considering Wikileaks published the hack in July 2016 confirms the hack occurred at least 6 months before, long before Trump's campaign was really up and running.

Afterwards the DNC didn't let the FBI anywhere near the server. They let Crowdstrike go through it. And curiously, Obama and Comey's FBI seemed just fine being shut out of the loop and they couldn’t have anything about the hack leaking out. And when you are formulating a plan to get Hillary “elected” via exoneration, as Comey and Strzok were doing, you don’t want the pot stirred.

I wonder what Debbie Blabbermouth Schultz and Donna Brazile were trying to hide. Probably their own incompetence and the fact that Hillary and the DNC was playing Bernie Sanders by rigging the primaries.

And the Awan brothers, two Pakistanis that had been hired by Schultz, had access to everybody in Congress's emails because they were the IT guys...which means they also had access to the DNC server.

Then Obama began the essence of the coup. He said that our elections couldn't be hacked and that Trump should quit whining


Then Obama got serious and really got tough. He told Putin to "Cut it out!"


The Russian hack damage was done on Obama's watch. Susan Rice (of the 5 Sunday Show Benghazi lies) ordered Michael Daniel, chief of cyber security investigating the hack, to stand down per Obama, according to a new book by Michael Isikoff and David Korn, “Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin’s War on America and the Election of Donald Trump.”


So here’s what we know from the Nunes memo ( the Grassly memo (


Hillary kept a secret server overflowing with national security info which, more than likely, was hacked. June 28, 2016, on a Phoenix tarmac, Bill Clinton met with Attorney General Loretta Lynch to seal a deal insuring Hillary would not be prosecuted. On July 5, 2016 James Comey exonerated Hillary when he said he would not prosecute, after Barack Obama said there is no evidence that Hillary did anything wrong. Lynch also instructed Comey to call the Hillary scandal a “matter”. 

Disgraced FBI agent Peter Strzok and Comey made sure the earlier draft language describing Hillary's actions as "grossly negligent" was changed to "extremely careless." That small change in wording has significant legal implications. "Gross negligence" in handling classified information carries criminal penalties.

The Hillary campaign also paid Fusion GPS to gather dirt on Trump which became the dossier, compiled by Brit agent Christopher Steele, relying on Russian sources. Steele and Fusion GPS gave the Dossier to the FBI and DOJ with the help of FBI employee Bruce Ohr's wife Nellie, who worked at Fusion GPS.

We also now that, per Strzok's recent testimony on July 12, 2018, that fourth highest ranking Justice Department official Bruce Ohr gave parts of the Russia dossier to the FBI and DOJ.

FBI guys James Comey and Andrew McCabe didn't bother to tell the FISA Judges under what circumstances the dossier was obtained and that it was unverified. In other words they lied to the FISA judge at least three times to get the warrants renewed, because the people who worked for them didn't want to see Trump elected.

Thus, the Department of Justice used the unverified dossier to obtain a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant against Carter Page, an alleged “foreign policy adviser” to Donald Trump and the last frayed thread of the Russian collusion story. The FISA court was not told who had paid Steele to create the “salacious and unverified” dossier — in the words of the showboating former FBI Director James Comey — much less about Steele’s personal hatred of Trump. And McCabe has testified that the Dossier was the basis of getting the FISA warrants. Two days later McCabe was fired.

And this now leads back to the Oval office. Texts between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page reveal Obama wanted to be briefed on EVERYTHING happening in the "Russia" investigation – after he 'guaranteed' he wouldn't get involved. Lisa Page wrote her lover Peter Strzok about the Clinton probe: Obama 'wants to know everything we're doing'.

Obama had said he could 'guarantee' he wouldn't interfere and there would be 'no political influence' in the FBI investigation. This was after he ordered Rice to tell Michael Daniel chief of cyber security to stand down on the DNC server.

The September 2, 2016 text message was among more than 50,000 texts the pair sent during a two-year extramarital affair. Page was an FBI lawyer, and Strzok was a leading investigator on both the Clinton probe and the more recent Trump-Russia investigation. Strzok, though expected to be nonpartisan, also called Trump 'a ******g idiot' and texted Page about a cryptic 'insurance policy' against a Trump presidency.

In the spring of 2017, after James Comey was fired, deputy attorney general, Rod J. Rosenstein was planning on wearing a wire to secretly record Trump to gather damaging information in an effort to have him removed by recruiting cabinet members to invoke the 25th amendment. Rosenstein, ironically, played a key role in the president’s dismissal of Mr. Comey by writing a memo critical of his handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation. It sounds like Rosenstein was trying to set up Trump from the day he was hired by the President. Rosenstein made the remarks in meetings with Department of Justice and FBI officials shortly after the May 9, 2017 firing of James Comey as FBI director.

And now, as Russia Collusion falls apart, Herr Reichsmarshall Mueller and his Kapo Rod Rosenstien engaged in a Gestapo like raid of Trump's lawyer to secure Trump's private papers.


Folks, the coup attempt is ongoing.

Prior to Trump's Euro trip a dozen Russian GRU military intelligence officers were indicted by the Mueller investigation on charges they hacked Democrats’ computers, stole their data and published those files to disrupt the 2016 election. Promptly following Asst AG Rosenstein announced no votes were changed and no Americans were involved. You could hear the air go out of Democrat balloons especially when Rosenstein announced that Mueller was sending this case to the counterintelligence investigative department in the DOJ. No trial, no evidence, No nothing.

Rosenstein: "There’s no allegation in this indictment that any American citizen committed a crime. There’s no allegation that the conspiracy changed the vote count or affected any election result."

Obama and Brennan were weaponizing the CIA for years. Basically Trump called Brennan and his corrupt agency out. No wonder Brennan is pissed.

A lot of Obama's people are still at CIA, FBI, NSA, DOJ. Of course Trump doesn't believe any of the intel he gets from these still compromised agencies

The presser was a setup and Trump didn't take the bait. If Trump had acknowledged Russian meddling the press would have turned into Trump collusion and that would have been the narrative instead of all the over the top faux outrage..


We are in the middle of what Mark Levin calls a soft coup, involving Obama, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, Rhodes, Rice, Lynch, Power, McCabe, Mueller and rogue FBI/DOJ officials. The “resistance” to duly elected president Donald Trump, writes Michael Walsh, “was an intelligence operation from the start, engineered by Barack Obama, the FBI/DOJ nexus, James Clapper, John Brennan, Loretta Lynch, leading Democrats, rogue Republicans, and using a deeply partisan and thus compromised media as its vengeful Greek chorus.”

"Operation Crossfire Hurricane" was that small cabal of five rogue senior FBI and DOJ officials, and Obama officials who started this coup 100 days before the election was even decided. They set about to exonerate Hillary, illegally, and frame Donald Trump and the people in his campaign should he have won. The FBI went so far as to plant a mole inside the campaign to start asking questions on foreign policy, to later entrap Trump people. https://legalinsurrection.c.... Former Director of National Intelligence and serial lier James Clapper told CNN's Don Lemon that the president's claim that the Obama administration spied on his campaign is "hyperbole" but if it is true, it is a "good thing."


In the now released FBI IG report there is detailed several texts by Strozk and Page saying the following:

Lisa Page text to Peter Strzok: “(Trump’s) not ever going to become president, right? Right?!”

Strzok: “No. No he’s not. We’ll stop it.” Was this Strozk's cryptic insurance policy? What could that be?

Strozk's and Page's 'insurance policy' might well have been one of two things. If the faux legal mechanisms (the Mueller investigation and impeachment) failed the 'insurance policy' may just be an on-call hit squad to take Trump out. Pence would have been denied his right to take office as he would have been falsely implicated as well.

Hillary was always small potatoes, a placeholder as it were. Her health was always suspect. And do you think the plotters would have let a doofus like Tim Kaine take office in the event that Hillary became disabled?

The Democrats would be clamoring for a suspension of the 22nd Amendment and calling for Barack Obama, to "restore calm and order", to step back into his role for the "good of the country". They will still call for Obama if the Democrats manage to Impeach and convict Trump

And then the door would slam shut. The FBI would basically become the State Police, so to speak, the DOJ a collection of corrupt prosecutors and the intelligence community the new KGB

Obama would declare himself president for life with Soros really running the show, as he did for the entire Obama presidency.

In his heart Obama is a small time, garden variety leftist Communist. During his eight years Obama just ran out of time and he was just too incompetent. Fortunately, he was also constrained (barely) by the Constitution. He didn't have the guts to follow through. But he has the 

totalitarian impulse. After all, he went 

around saying he didn't have 

Constitutional authority to legalize the 

illegals, and then he tried anyway. The 

courts stopped him.

The bottom line 1 is this: The Mueller investigation is simply a coverup for the three original crimes of this coup 1) the original illegal exoneration of Hillary by Comey to insure she won. 2) the penetration of the Trump campaign by an FBI mole during the late summer and early fall 3) the ongoing penetration by that mole of the Trump transition after the election and finally 4) the Special Council effort to destroy the Trump presidency in it's infancy.

The bottom line 2 is this: Barack Obama is a Communist. This was all an Obama operation. Why is anyone surprised that a communist (Obama) tried to subvert an election. That is what Communists do. It is Barack Obama and his people like Brennan and Clapper behaving to type. That's what Maduro does in Venezuela. That's what the Castro brothers did. That's what every communist and socialist nation does. THEY FIX ELECTIONS!!


The bottom line 3 is this: If Operation Crossfire Hurricane wasn’t a plot to restore Barack Obama to the Presidency, why wasn’t the op shutdown after  the election was over? It wasn’t. Instead it ramped up with the appointment of a special prosecutor whose only raison d’etre is to cover up the original crimes during the primary season and in the run up to the election.


At this point the game is up. Even Clintonista Mark Penn writing at the Hill knows it's over.

Everything about this coup is rapidly coming to light, except for my theory of the Barack Obama restoration end game. We shall see. One thing is for certain, had Hillary been elected nothing about this coup would have come to light.




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