Friday, April 24, 2020


Americans Now Know the Ruling Class Sold 

the Nation Out to China

Joe Biden is totally corrupt swamp thing, and here’s the worst part of his manifest corruption – he doesn’t seem to realize that he’s corrupt, if not personally than in terms of allowing his bum kid to leverage his position. He thinks it’s A-OK for his boy Hoover to cash in all over the globe. After all, that’s what you do, right? That’s part of the benefits package for being in the liberal elite. And all these people fussing and fighting about the paternity test-failing dirtbag getting rich are totally out of line. How dare they? HOW DARE THEY!

The Wuhan Virus Pandemic has Exposed the American Ruling Class

At the culmination of a national health or societal crisis in the United States, it has become de rigueur for the media and innumerable pundits ensconced within the professional class to perform a post-mortem on how the citizenry handled the crisis and what lessons the rubes in fly-over country should have learned. But in the current pandemic, the top levels of professional class that populates the ruling class and runs the media and the major institutional bureaucracies has irretrievably unmasked itself. And the in the postmortems that will come, they will be found deficient.
Credulous Cowards
An immutable tenet of today’s ruling class is that if someone or an institution within their power base is labeled as “experts,” then these authorities are not to be questioned and their assumptions, predictions or projections must be treated as gospel. The century that followed the rise of the Wilsonian progressives, who idolized a powerful government run by educated experts, saw enormous scientific, medical, and industrial achievements the hands of experts, the products of higher education. The professional class, usually products of higher education, grants deference to certified experts, and the media makes celebrities out of those experts that support important goals of the ruling class. Experts have had a very good century.
Life is better when you're an approved expert
In the early stages of the coronavirus outbreak, the World Health Organization, a darling of the American elites, claimed China was successfully mitigating the spread and the virus was not spread by human to human contact.  Other experts, such as Dr. Anthony Fauci, claimed the virus was not a serious threat.  These proclamations were believed without question by the ruling class as is borne out at the time by their public statements, published articles and mocking of President Trump for taking the threat far more seriously than any of the nation’s elites.
However, on March 16, an even higher echelon of experts, the Imperial College in London, came out with a study projecting 2.2 million Americans would die if no mitigation took place or 1.1 million if an unprecedented societal shutdown were imposed. This immediately became the new mantra and the media arm of the ruling class was dispatched to spread this apocalyptic message far and wide and to now vilify President Trump for not doing enough soon enough.
Within 10 days, however, the Imperial College walked back their doomsday scenario reducing the fatality estimates by over 90%.   Nonetheless, thanks to our media class, mass hysteria was consuming the nation, so more experts were needed to keep up the drumbeat of fear and trepidation.
Enter the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation on March 25, predicting a meltdown of the nation’s health care system due to an enormous shortage of hospital and ICU beds throughout the nation, as well as up to 162,000 deaths. The immediate necessity of a societal lockdown, regardless of the economic or human cost, was thus cast in stone.  Since that original study, the IHME has revised their study three times reducing their projected death toll by 60% and downgrading the need for hospital and ICU beds by more than 80%. 
During this entire period of time, the nation’s elites never questioned or highlighted the errors of either the experts who claimed that the virus was under control and not a major concern or those and their projections which were used to shut down the nation and cast untold millions into unemployment and unbelievable distress.  By mid-March, their media arm had created such a groundswell for a national lockdown that any countervailing studies by numerous non-preferred but eminent doctors and scientists in the United States and around the world were ignored and their research not permitted to see the light of day.
One must conclude, therefore, that the ruling class is too credulous to question any of their annointed experts and too cowardly to ever admit their own errors  in judgment.
The Ruling Class Exhibits Totalitarian Tendencies
Conservatives have cast a jaundiced eye toward the principal political arm of the ruling class, the Democrat Party, for many years, believing the leadership and elected cohort to be closet totalitarians.  As the coronavirus lockdowns spread from state to state, the party, its elected officials and its propaganda arm, the mainstream media, unabashedly emerged from that closet, along with a few Republicans.
Wannabe autocrats surfaced in New Jersey, Michigan, Maryland, Pennsylvania, California and 25 other states, issuing contradictory and often illegal orders and proclamations under the threat of jail or severe fines.  Virtually all these unilateral proclamations, without benefit of any legislative or judicial action, drastically curtailed essential civil rights. 
The Governor of New Jersey, Phil Murphy, was asked by Tucker Carlson by what authority did he have to nullify the Bill of Rights in issuing an order that resulted in 15 people being arrested for congregating in a synagogue.  His response: “I wasn’t thinking of the Bill of Rights when we did this…we looked at all the data and science and it says people have to stay away from each other.” Murphy is a member in good standing of the ruling class and their deference to preferred “experts” and not the Constitution.
It was not just governors and mayors on the state and local level.  Others such as Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, the entire hierarchy of the Democrat Party, the mainstream media and the coastal elites supported and applauded these actions.  Further, this same cabal publicly proclaimed this crisis was the ideal opportunity to force their long wished for socialist agenda on the nation.
The façade of moderation the ruling elites built over the years is no more.  They have exposed themselves for who they really are: totalitarians.  If they were ever to control all the levers of power, they would never willingly surrender them.
Americans Now Know the Ruling Class Sold 
the Nation Out to China
While the American public has long been suspicious of Chinese influence in America, the coronavirus pandemic has exposed for all to see the extent of this nation’s reliance on a global adversary for necessities such as medical and pharmaceutical products.  And that the single-minded pursuit of wealth and power prompted the American ruling class to proclaim over the years that it was a great benefit for the United States to empower China.
China owes its faster than expected rise as a world power to the transfer of American jobs, technology, capital, and business acumen to China so that US shareholders could receive capital gains, US executives could receive incentive pay for producing consumer products at a much lower labor cost, and the nation’s elites could, using riches from Chinese investments in the US, consolidate their retention of power.
Apparently, the American ruling class could not comprehend that if US corporations produce the goods they market to Americans offshore, it is the offshore countries that benefit the most from the economic activity.  If that location is an authoritarian regime bent on world domination, then they will use their newfound wealth to build up their military, exploit and suppress their citizenry, promote manufacturing dependence, and corrupt the governing classes of their potential adversaries.
And a substantial segment of the American ruling class has been corrupted by the Chinese Communists.  (Investigative reporter Lee Smith has an excellent analysis of how this corruption evolved at  These sympathizers are presently defending China by unabashedly regurgitating Chinese propaganda about who was responsible for the Wuhan Virus, how it was spread and by refusing to acknowledge that the globalist philosophy of dependence on potential foreign adversaries for manufactured goods was a mistake.
The coronavirus crisis has revealed to an increasingly larger percentage of the populace the extent to which they were sold out by a now compromised ruling class.
The Ruling Class Cares Only About Itself Not the American People
From mid-January to the present, the reaction of the nation’s elites to the Wuhan Virus pandemic has been almost solely based their intense hatred of President Trump.  In January and February, among a number of other steps, Donald Trump imposed a travel ban on Chinese nationals and quarantined those Americans returning to the United States from the Wuhan area.  At the time, he was pilloried as a xenophobe who was overreacting.  Now the President is savagely maligned for not doing enough in January and February.
During the month of March, hyping extraordinarily flawed studies, the media by constant fearmongering stampeded the general public into demanding action from the administration.  A partial shutdown was proposed which gave license to the wannabe dictators in various states to impose near martial law.  In just four weeks nearly 30 million have lost their jobs, the economy is in tatters and the national debt, due to relief and stimulus spending, will balloon by over $6 trillion (the total national debt in 2002: $6.2 trillion).
The original purpose of the shutdown was to “flatten the curve” and slow the spread. Which has been accomplished.  The time has come to reopen the economy.  Except many of the denizens of the ruling class insist on moving the goalposts and setting targets that can never be met before the country reopens. They are insisting on universal testing (an impossibility) and a vaccine (which will take up to 18 months) before the nation can get back to work.  In other words, a guaranteed safe world -- there can be no more outbreaks and deaths from the virus.  They intend to hold President Trump politically responsible for a reopening that in any way fails to meet these unattainable metrics.
The fate of untold millions of Americans mired in an economic and societal depression is immaterial as long as the economy and the nation are in shambles come November 3, 2020.  The people be damned as long as Donald Trump and his populist movement, the most serious threat the ruling class has ever faced, are permanently defeated.
This nation has survived wars, depression and seven global pandemics yet the Wuhan Virus has revealed that the current American Ruling Class is most serious long-term threat to this nation in its 244-year history.

Silicon Valley, and the Chinese Connection to Coronavirus Infection
By James Fulford

After Feinstein was elected to the Senate in 1992, Blum continued profiting off their ties to China. A the same time, the freshman lawmaker was pitching herself as a “China hand” to colleagues, even once claiming “that in my last life maybe I was Chinese.” HARIS ALIC



IN THE November 2006 election, the voters demanded congressional ethics reform. And so, the newly appointed chairman of the Senate Rules Committee, Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., is now duly in charge of regulating the ethical behavior of her colleagues. But for many years, Feinstein has been beset by her own ethical conflict of interest, say congressional ethics experts.

“All in all, it was an incredible victory for the Chinese government. Feinstein has done more for Red China than other any serving U.S. politician. “ Trevor Loudon

“Our entire crony capitalist system, Democrat and Republican alike, has become a kleptocracy approaching par with third-world hell-holes.  This is the way a great country is raided by its elite.” ---- Karen McQuillan  AMERICAN

Senator Who Employed Chinese Spy Endorses Joe Biden for President



A high-profile U.S. senator with professional and personal ties to China — including once employing one of its spies — is backing former Vice President Joe Biden amid mounting questions over his son’s business dealings with the communist regime.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), a former chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, announced her endorsement of the former vice president on Tuesday, claiming to have witnessed Biden’s “fortitude” and leadership during their overlapping tenures in Congress.
Feinstein said in a statement:
I’ve worked closely with Vice President Biden and I’ve seen firsthand his legislative ability, his statesmanship, and most importantly his moral fortitude (NO, IT’S NOT A JOKE, BUT THEN FEINSTEIN IS THE MOST SELF-SERVING CORRUPT POL IN U.S. HISTORY). During his time in Congress and in the White House, Joe Biden has been a tireless fighter for hard working (ILLEGALS) MEXICAN families.
“He’s a totally corrupt swamp thing, and here’s the worst part of his manifest corruption – he doesn’t seem to realize that he’s corrupt, if not personally than in terms of allowing his bum kid to leverage his position. He thinks it’s A-OK for his boy Hoover to cash in all over the globe. After all, that’s what you do, right? That’s part of the benefits package for being in the liberal elite. And all these people fussing and fighting about the paternity test-failing dirtbag getting rich are totally out of line. How dare they? HOW DARE THEY!”
He wants to raise taxes, open the borders, let you pay for illegal aliens’ sex changes, and spark a civil war by taking guns from the people who don’t commit crimes.

Joe Biden? Seriously?

The establishment narrative on Joe Biden is, to put it mildly, malarkey. Gropey J actually is everything the liberals accuse Donald Trump of being – bizarre, vulgar, dumb, corrupt, incompetent, and utterly unfit to be president. But yet the Creepy Veepy is so much more. In the last month, this totally not-senile, not-at-all-weird guy has assembled a track record of freaky behavior that would put mid-eighties Crispin Glover to shame. 
Let’s review…
Corn Pop is old news. Biden’s latest rambling onion-on-the-belt monologue was something about little kids at a pool rubbing his leg hair or something – it’s so random I’m not even linking to it. There’s no best-case scenario here – he’s just creepy.
Then, for no other reason than I guess he felt like a snack, he started gnawing on his wife’s fingers in public and on camera. You know, like people do. You wonder what the thought process there was…
Hey, sure are lots of cameras…gosh, I’m kind of hungry…oh look, an index finger. Yum.
I’m a little surprised he didn’t pull out a packet of ketchup.
But the best part was when some guy pointed out that, you know, Biden’s loser son Lil’ Crackpipe is the poster child for corruption and Sane Joe started spazzing out and calling him “fat” and challenging him to a push-up contest for some reason.
This is just odd. And this is the candidate who, amazingly, is still in the lead for the Democrat nomination.
And then there’s the groping females thing. He still does it occasionally, though the media does its best to curtail coverage of his lecherous creeping. Do you believe there’s any chance at all that he is not going to, at some point, have some horrifying incident with some female at the White House, you know, like grabbing the Queen for a hug n’ rub, or walking absent-mindedly into the press room in a flapping robe with Little Joe and the gang in effect? 
And let’s be charitable. No one has ever called Joe Biden “smart.” Well, maybe as a joke. The fact is that he’s a 40-watt guy in a 100-watt world. Haters say Trump is dumb, but he is demonstrably not dumb. The thing about Trump is that because our garbage elite hates him it tends to ascribe all possible negative characteristics to him regardless of whether they apply. Trump is cunning, crafty and has a keen sense of strategy. You may dislike him, but that does not change the fact that alone, against the full force of the elite and its media serfs, he prevailed and continues to prevail. If Trump, who managed to figure out that it would be a good idea to campaign in Wisconsin, is dumb, what does that make Felonia Milhous von Pantsuit and the sobbing losers who supported her?
No one can seriously argue that Joe Biden is smart, and no one does. They’ll either call you “racist” or start complaining about Trump. But you won’t get anyone comparing the former veep to Stephen Hawking. They just sort of elide past his staggering stupidity, perhaps hoping that whoever he picks for his veep will give him a rubber ball to play with and lock him in an Oval Office closet when it's time to do some presidenting.
Joe Biden is totally corrupt swamp thing, and here’s the worst part of his manifest corruption – he doesn’t seem to realize that he’s corrupt, if not personally than in terms of allowing his bum kid to leverage his position. He thinks it’s A-OK for his boy Hoover to cash in all over the globe. After all, that’s what you do, right? That’s part of the benefits package for being in the liberal elite. And all these people fussing and fighting about the paternity test-failing dirtbag getting rich are totally out of line. How dare they? HOW DARE THEY!
Understand that Biden sees nothing wrong with this. Nothing. And that means there will be exponentially more of it. Hell, the useless DoJ under Trump won’t prosecute obvious graft. Do you think a DoJ that’s thrilled to have a fellow traveler back in the White House is going to root out Biden's business badness? You do? Well, then meet my unicorn Chet.
And SloJoe is utterly incompetent. This is the guy who thought they should let bin Laden skate. As Robert Gates, no Trumpie, said, "I think he has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades.
This is the guy who wants to take your doctor, again, and impose another brilliant healthcare reform idea, again – all designed to unscrew the last big healthcare reform the Democrats passed, which he praised as “a big [vulgarity] deal.
He wants to obey that tiresome Swedish teenager’s commands to sacrifice at the altar of the weird weather cult. He wants to appoint all Hawaiian and Scat Franciscan judges. 
He wants to raise taxes, open the borders, let you pay for illegal aliens’ sex changes, and spark a civil war by taking guns from the people who don’t commit crimes.
When you think of a calm, steady, wise presence guiding the nation, you do not think of Joe Biden, though that’s what is allegedly needed to end the nightmare of the Trump presidency – you know, the record job numbers and the lack of stupid new wars. You think of Obama and Stumbles McMyturn, only dumber and touchier.
Just recently, Biden’s campaign ran an ad alleging that foreigners were “laughing” at Donald Trump. Is there any Democrat anywhere who takes America’s side in a dispute with malicious aliens? In any case, those tin pot euroweenies had plenty to cry about – Donald Trump has forced them to pay up for NATO. Of course, that will end too if Joe takes office. We’ll return to business as usual – the business as usual of being shafted for the benefit of the global bigshots.
Basically, we’ll get rid of all the peace and prosperity that Trump has brought and get back to normal – that is, people like us being plundered by the garbage elite.
Trump has a track record of success, and Democrats hate him. Joe has a track record of failure, corruption, and creepiness. Well, I guess we know why the Democrats seem to love him.
It’s out now, my new novel Collapse, the action-packed yet hilarious sequel to People's RepublicIndian Country and Wildfire. Friendless loser Never Trumpers hate it, so you’ll love it.
***One last thing.  On Wednesdays, there's BONUS KURT if you're a Townhall VIP member.  Sign up today.  Three Kurts is better than two.
And here's the biggest laugh of all: the Democrat party's only hope is a confused old man whose corruption is oozing into the 
open only because the Democrats wagered everything on impeaching President Trump.

What to do About China

Much the same way that the Nazis invasion of Poland in the 20th century, the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) assaulted the world with a biological agent. Instead of Panzer divisions rolling down the streets of Warsaw, Communist China’s invisible biological warfare has stricken the world with economic and human misery, killing hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians and forcing millions into unemployment lines globally.
Expansionist China is clearly a military, economic, and health threat to the world. But it’s reckoning time for the Chinese communist dictatorship. Washington should exert diplomatic, economic, and military pressure on Beijing that will put China’s dictator Xi Jingping, and the evil and corrupt CCP under enormous strain.
Here are four suggestions to counter China’s biological, military and economic threats:
Economic Distancing: Seize China’s U.S. Treasury Notes
For America, the China virus attack was a 21st century medical Pearl Harbor, inflicting tens of thousands of casualties and placing our healthcare system under enormous strain. To counterattack China’s criminal negligence and mishandling of the coronavirus epidemic, the U.S. needs to hit our communist comrades where it hurts the most -- their pocketbooks.
China owns approximately $1.07 trillion in U.S. Treasury bonds, according to the Treasury Department. The United States government should seize the Chinese treasury obligations that Beijing holds in their name, and inform the CCP that this is a down payment for the death of tens of thousands of American citizens and the economic devastation Beijing has unleased on the U.S. economy. And the U.S. should encourage Canada, the U.K., Japan, Switzerland, and other allies to do the same.
Academic Distancing: Shutter China’s Confucius Institutes in the U.S.
The nefarious CCP pumps over $10 billion into its Confucius Institute propaganda machine, funding over 500 Confucius Institutes on high schools, colleges, and university campuses around the world. In the U.S., there are over 100 Confucius Institutes on high school, college, and university campuses, receiving over $150 million from the Chinese communist dictatorship, according to National Association of Scholars.
The Chinese Ministry of Education, which is run by the CCP’s Central Propaganda Department, infiltrates high schools, colleges, and universities, brainwashing American students  into accepting communist China propaganda, textbooks and operating funds to enhance its own image abroad. Beijing-funded Confucius Institutes lack transparency, threaten academic freedom and give the Chinese communist despots access to the U.S. education system that China does not extend to American programs, according to a 2019 report by the U.S. Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations.
All Confucius Institutes in the United States should be shut down, and all Chinese “teachers” deported. America must end China’s unfettered access to our research centers and universities. Also, the Confucius Institute U.S. Center, based in Washington, D.C., should be shuttered.
Seize and Sell all CCP Property in the U.S.
The Chinese Communist Party is our enemy, so why don’t we treat them that way? Let’s start by seizing all CCP property in the United States and selling it as reparations for the damage they have caused to our economy. The U.S. federal government should impound and sell all CCP property in the U.S., including companies, real estate, bank accounts, aircraft, ocean-going vessels, and all other CCP assets in the USA.
Bring Back “Made in the USA”
The U.S. federal government should pay U.S. manufactures to leave China and return to the USA. It’s time to bring U.S. manufacturing back home. Americans want to buy high-quality “Made in the USA” products; not cheap Chinese junk that breaks right away. To encourage U.S. manufactures to make products in the United States, the U.S. federal government should offer companies a 100 percent federal tax relief for 10-years if they open and produce products here in the USA.
It won’t be easy or painless, but America ought to fundamentally reconsider its relationship with China. It is imperative that we have a “hard decoupling” of the U.S.-China relationship, according to political scientist Andrew A. Michta, writing in the American Interest. It’s time to reduce our reliance on China as a manufacturing base.
Only one adversary poses a truly mortal challenge to the United States; that adversary is China.
Now that the Chinese Communist Party has murdered tens of thousands of people globally, the U.S. and its allies are being held hostage by the criminals that run the CCP. China is repeatedly singled out for its unfair trade practices, currency manipulation, support for rogue regimes like North Korea and Iran, proliferation of nuclear arms, cyberattacks on free societies, widespread human rights abuse at home, and undermining international institutions. And now, you can add bioterrorism to the list.
It’s time to cut our ties with Communist China. This is a very dangerous time for the world.  We should expect that the CCP will become more repressive domestically, aggressive internationally, and confrontational in the wake of the China virus.
And one final thought: Let’s make the China plague the last Chinese import into the U.S.A.
Octavio Nuiry is a former New Orleans Times Picayune columnist. He can be reached at or (562) 537-2901.

The Democratic Party Is Wounded and Dangerous

Beware the wounded animal.  In pain and desperation, it will do violent things.  It seems to me no coincidence that Joe Biden's big win on Super Tuesday was followed by Democratic senator Chuck Schumer threatening conservative members of the Supreme Court on Wednesday.
Joe Biden is hardly Lancelot to President Trump's dragon.  The Democrats and the Deep State needed a first-class warrior; instead, their best option is a walking advertisement for Alzheimer's awareness.  In his best days, Joe Biden was the political equivalent of Jack McCall, shooting his adversaries in the back.  When he wasn't using his position of power for financial gain or stealing other people's words, he was helping his family line their own pockets.  Today, he's a disoriented and stumbling shell of an unimportant political hack who looks on in confusion while his wife does his fighting for him.  If you've ever wondered what happens to the shriveled soul of a lifetime liar and Democratic swindler, just cast your eyes upon Old Joe.  He's a walking, talking effigy of Democratic corruption and amorality.  He's what the Democratic Party usually keeps far off the main stage for the back-alley entertainment; now he's the main event, but no amount of stick-prodding by Donna Brazile or Tom Perez is going to turn Joe Biden into Fred Astaire.  He's a freak-show carnival attraction at best, amazing onlookers by his ability to occasionally jumble audible words together into a sentence.  The Democrats needed a man who could command a movement; all they got was a man who can barely control his own.
I'm not saying President Trump's re-election is in the bag.  Far from it.  We've never seen such an array of villains acting in concert to take down an American president.  The Democratic Party has most of the permanent bureaucratic Deep State (as well as stealthy anti-Trump Republicans), Wall Street, Russia, Iran, China, Venezuela, cosmopolitan Europe, global warming doomsayers, the Middle East's worst terrorists, and domestic Antifa terrorists here at home all actively working to dislodge President Trump from the White House.  In the past, the chiefs of our intelligence agencies and clandestine services retired into relative obscurity, cognizant that duty commanded their silent withdrawal into the pages of history.  After orchestrating a coup against the American president, however, it is not unusual to see the former heads of Obama's CIA, FBI, and NSC all tirelessly justifying their criminal acts on cable news each night.  The corporate news media and institutional government have spent years trying to gin up enough hysteria in the nation that mock beheadings of the president and ritual re-enactments of his assassination during summer theater might lead the American people to clamor for the real thing.
So, no, the 2020 election will not be over until all the votes have been counted on November 3, and it becomes clear that we have successfully preserved Western civilization for at least a little while longer from this most recent manifestation of Vienna's bloody 1683 siege.  All I am saying is that Joe Biden was never meant to be the establishment's champion for resurrecting their oligarchic power.  They wanted a formidable presidential nominee, someone who could check all the right identity politics boxes while stringing words together that were substantively meaningless while singularly inspiring.  Instead, they're settling for a politician past his expiration date who sounds less crème de la crème and more soused in crème de menthe.  The Democratic Party may depend on dead voters to win elections, but running dead candidates is another thing altogether.
So just because the cable news anchors and Carville clones are all high-fiving each other and cheering for managing to narrowly prevent a communist disciple of Stalin and Castro from sewing up the Democratic nomination for president by the beginning of March, don't forget how disappointed they are at heart.  If Biden goes on to clinch the nomination, the Democratic Party will have managed to take all the aloof, plain, manila-folder blandness of John Kerry and combine it with the alertness and energy of a nursing home after pill rounds.  This is the one whom the commentariat is celebrating right now, the guy Obama and the gang blocked from running in 2016 because they felt him not quite up for the challenge when he was four years younger.  The vice president during the slowest economic recovery since the Great Depression, the wordsmith who marveled at Obama for being strangely "articulate" for a black guy, and the obtrusive shoulder-rubber whose chief political instinct was to sniff the hair of the wives and daughters of White House officials and visiting dignitaries.  Imagine being in such dire straits because the previous Democratic president so hollowed out the party's future by losing over a thousand elected officials across the country during his time in office that the last, great hope to beat President Trump this year is just hoping to make it to bed each afternoon before saying something so inappropriate or illogical or ridiculous that Red Bernie becomes the Democrat's Dear Leader by default.  For every minute of his few wakeful hours, his handlers have to be on constant guard against the possibility that a voice in Biden's head will scream, "Oh, look, a young child with wonderful-smelling hair."  "Comeback Joe"?  More like "Come back, Joe!"
The Democrats and the Deep State have spent the last four years constructing the greatest wag-the-dog spectacle America's ever seen in an attempt to cover up the malfeasance and criminality of the last administration, while preventing the current one from achieving too many victories.  Considering that Brennan and Comey are still free and Obama and Hillary are still smiling, they've been remarkably successful.  But the Mueller obfuscation and Schiff circus are behind us, the dance music of delay is dying down, and the Democrats' and Deep State's ability to keep pushing back their day of reckoning is coming to an end.  If they don't win in 2020, they cannot keep justice at bay, regardless of how stacked in their favor it has always been in the past.  And standing in the gap as their last-ditch prospect to save them from President Trump's re-election and spare them from long delayed judgment is none other than Corn Pop's archenemy.  The one "reasonable" Democrat in the race who has already burnished his "moderate" credentials by fully embracing Bernie's Green New Deal, Warren's Medicare for All, and Beto's door-to-door gun confiscation.  Nothing says "electable centrist Democrat" like "D'oh!" Biden's full tilt toward Marxist socialism.  No wonder Chuck Schumer sounds like some injured animal in the forest, lashing out at tree branches all around him.  That's what small, weak, dying creatures do when they know the end is near.

Image: Lorie Shaull via Flickr.


“Facilitating strategic technology transfer in return for money is an old Clinton game.  The Chinese bought their way to access of considerable space technology when Bill Clinton was president.  Remember Charlie Trie, Loral, and the rest of the crew?”

"Ask Jeff Sessions about the charges.  Money was flowing into the Clinton Foundation from all over the world, disguised, rerouted through a Canadian charity, all to obscure its origins."

Chinese Ambassador Lauds Hillary Clinton’s Attack on President Trump: ‘Justice Always Speak Loudly’

An ambassador from China is lauding Hillary Clinton’s recent attack on President Trump.
“The president is turning to racist rhetoric to distract from his failures to take the coronavirus seriously early on, make tests widely available, and adequately prepare the country for a period of crisis,” Clinton wrote on Twitter on Wednesday.
“Don’t fall for it. Don’t let your friends and family fall for it.”

The president is turning to racist rhetoric to distract from his failures to take the coronavirus seriously early on, make tests widely available, and adequately prepare the country for a period of crisis.

Don't fall for it. Don't let your friends and family fall for it.

That prompted a response from a representative of the communist regime, the Chinese ambassador to South Africa, Lin Songtian.
He shared a tweet from China News Service, a regime-owned agency:

It is true. Justice always speak loudly. 

The attached article listed several Americans, namely Clinton and Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA), criticizing Trump for blaming China.
“It is true,” Lin wrote regarding Clinton’s attack that Trump calling coronavirus a “Chinese virus” is “racist rhetoric.”
“Justice always speak [sic] loudly.”
Clinton has repeatedly taken potshots at Trump during the coronavirus crisis.
“Hospitals are already running out of ventilators and beds. Nurses are using bandanas as masks,” she typed on Thursday.

Arming China -- The Bill Clinton Connection
We even sold them our factories.
March 19, 2020 
Michael Ledeen
Conversations on social media are beginning to stress the urgency of reconsidering our relationship with the People’s Republic of China. It was only recently that most Americans discovered that most of our pharmaceuticals are manufactured in China, and that the Chinese are in a position to withhold them during an emergency of the sort we now face.
Recent stories have documented Chinese espionage, including the bribery of top American biochemists at places like Harvard, that entailed the constant travel of U.S. experts between China and the United States. Given the short memories of American political leaders, these stories have made it appear as though espionage is of very recent vintage. 
But it is not so. The United States has been arming China for more than 20 years.
In the Spring of 1997, Stephen Bryen and I wrote a detailed account in Heterodoxy, a magazine edited by David Horowitz and Peter Collier, dealing with American export controls of militarily useful technology. It was entered into the Congressional Record by Tillie Fowler, a Florida representative.
The theme of the account was how the Clinton Administration was arming China. Knowingly and deliberately.
It is often said that, in the world of advanced technology, embargoes or export controls cannot possibly work, because if they don't get it from us, they'll get it from somebody else.
This is false. To compete with the U.S. militarily, China has to get our technology, and, most of the time, that means getting it directly from us.
Steve and I knew that Bill Clinton and his foreign policy team were busily arming Beijing, which in turn armed “rogue nations” such as Iran, Iraq, Syria and Libya. Remember this all happened about 25 years ago. We noted that, on the one hand, it did make sense to sell a very limited amount of advanced military technology to the Communist Chinese, for example devices for nuclear safety, or for certain military systems with important civilian applications, such as satellite launchers. But the Clinton Administration was not doing that. Instead, it was executing a deliberate policy—apparently one that had full approval from the top levels of the Administration, despite the vigorous opposition from government agencies and from individual officials infuriated at the flow of top technology to China. This often took the form of selling off some of our finest factories to China, at pennies on the dollar, and included our finest supercomputers and the key element to modern jet engines, which had been blocked for export to the Soviet bloc.
The Pentagon redefined supercomputers as “civilian” products, and some 46 of them, including IBM, Convex (later, Hewlett Packard) and Silicon Graphics, were sold, many of them to the Chinese defense industry, or being put to use in nuclear weapons design.
This represents a truly terrifying hemorrhage, for supercomputers are the central nervous system of modern warfare. The sales of 46 supercomputers give the Chinese more of these crucial devices than are in use in the Pentagon, the military services, and the intelligence community…
They enable the Chinese to more rapidly design state-of-the-art weapons, add stealth capability to their missiles and aircraft, improve their anti-submarine warfare technology, and dramatically enhance their ability to design and build smaller nuclear weapons suitable for cruise missiles. Thanks to the folly of the Clinton Administration, the Chinese can now conduct tests of nuclear weapons, conventional explosives, and chemical and biological weapons on supercomputers.
That was the first wave. In the years since, we have bent over backwards to enable the Chinese to strengthen themselves, and it wasn’t until President Trump shut down air travel to and from the PRC in early 2020—in response to the global virus pandemic, not in the name of national security—that we began to get a grip on the massive influx of Chinese spies. But it’s important to remember that it all began with an American decision to arm China.
There are those who say that we had to strengthen China to act as a bulwark against Russia, but I don’t buy that. The big shift to Chinese manufacture came because they could make things far more cheaply than others could. That’s the profit motive, not national security.
Photo: Gage Skidmore

Stunning! Hillary Clinton thanked by Chinese diplomat for criticizing Trump as racist over ‘Chinese flu’ label

Hillary Clinton has chosen sides, and she is so firmly enlisted in the Chinese propaganda effort to evade responsibility for foisting the COVID-19 virus on the world that an ambassador from that country has publicly endorsed her on Twitter in the name of “justice.”
Perhaps in the twisted worldview of pathological Trump hatred, it is a good thing to side with the progenitor of a plague upon the world, the country that openly plans to displace the United States and establish itself as the world’s hegemon.
Here is the tweet spotted by Rep. Paul Gosar:

As American Thinker readers know, identifying a virus by its place of origin is well established, and has never before been regarded as “racist.”  When was "German measles" w=ever denounced as a racist name?  Many progressive politicians and media figures called Coronavirus, as it was then known, the “Wuhan virus” early on.  When China’s strategy turned to denying its culpability and some propaganda organs absurdly claimed that US soldiers had seeded the virus in China, the claims of racism started appearing.
China has been behaving like an enemy, threatening to cut off supplies of pharmaceuticals (and thereby kill Amercans).  Siding with an enemy in a time of crisis has never before been a winning strategy, except when one’s homeland is defeated, at which point one becomes a Quisling.
Perhaps the former Secretary of State was misled into thinking this was a wise move by the dominant media efforts in support of China’s propaganda line.
There will be a reckoning.  
Hillary Clinton has chosen sides, and she is so firmly enlisted in the Chinese propaganda effort to evade responsibility for foisting the COVID-19 virus on the world that an ambassador from that country has publicly endorsed her on Twitter in the name of “justice.”
Perhaps in the twisted worldview of pathological Trump hatred, it is a good thing to side with the progenitor of a plague upon the world, the country that openly plans to displace the United States and establish itself as the world’s hegemon.
Here is the tweet spotted by Rep. Paul Gosar:
As American Thinker readers know, identifying a virus by its place of origin is well established, and has never before been regarded as “racist.”  When was "German measles" w=ever denounced as a racist name?  Many progressive politicians and media figures called Coronavirus, as it was then known, the “Wuhan virus” early on.  When China’s strategy turned to denying its culpability and some propaganda organs absurdly claimed that US soldiers had seeded the virus in China, the claims of racism started appearing.
China has been behaving like an enemy, threatening to cut off supplies of pharmaceuticals (and thereby kill Amercans).  Siding with an enemy in a time of crisis has never before been a winning strategy, except when one’s homeland is defeated, at which point one becomes a Quisling.
Perhaps the former Secretary of State was misled into thinking this was a wise move by the dominant media efforts in support of China’s propaganda line.
There will be a reckoning.  

THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S BILLIONAIRES’ GLOBALIST EMPIRE requires someone as ruthlessly dishonest as Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama to be puppet dictators.

1.     Globalism: Google VP Kent Walker insists that despite its repeated rejection by electorates around the world, “globalization” is an “incredible force for good.”

2.     Hillary Clinton’s Democratic party: An executive nearly broke down crying because of the candidate’s loss. Not a single executive expressed anything but dismay at her defeat.

3.   Immigration: Maintaining liberal immigration in the U.S is the policy that Google’s executives discussed the most.



Even though it has gone virtually unreported by Corporate media, Breitbart News has extensively documented the Clintons’ 
longstanding support for “open borders.” Interestingly, as the Los Angeles Times observed in 2007, the Clinton’s praise for 
globalization and open borders frequently comes when they are 
speaking before a wealthy foreign audiences and donors.

The Rebirth of Our Nation and the End of Globalism

For the last few decades, we have watched the left's advancement of globalism, multiculturalism, and a world with no borders, to the detriment of our nation-state.  Nationalism was viewed with disdain by the media elite and their counterparts in academia as an outdated paradigm to be relegated to the dustbin of history.
In their effort to advance their mission, they created NAFTA, and under Bill Clinton, free trade with China was initiated in 2000.  China was officially welcomed into the World Trade Organization in 2001 with promises to reform tariffs and policies, tariff reductions, and open markets.  China also received Most Favored Nations Status.  Its admittance significantly resulted in it receiving the lowest tariffs, fewer trade barriers, and the highest import quotas.
Many of America's once thriving manufacturing companies moved their operations overseas, where cheap labor and fewer stifling regulations promised hefty profits and less governmental interference.  As a result, millions lost their jobs in cities throughout the United States.  The Rust Belt, once the manufacturing heartland of America in states such as Michigan, Wisconsin, Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, and Pennsylvania, experienced urban decay and losses in population due to deindustrialization.  Our leading auto manufacturers, steel suppliers, pharmaceuticals, and clothing manufacturers suddenly became a thing of the past.  Cities like Detroit lost their base, as did Cleveland, a large supplier of steel.  Currently, the Chinese produce 50% of the world's steel.  American aluminum manufacturers during the '50s and '60s provided 80% of the world's supply, but by 2014, it had dwindled to 32%.  We used to be a sizable supplier of rare earth minerals, but today, 80% of rare earth minerals critically needed in the production of cell phones, missile systems, hybrid cell batteries, and solar panels is mined in China.  Additionally, 80% of our pharmaceuticals are now manufactured in Communist China.  As China employed unfair trade deals that imposed huge tariffs upon our goods, it became clear that we were losing our economic edge and taking a backseat to a rising tyrannical world power.  
Under the watch of Bill Clinton, George Bush, and Barack Hussein Obama, the outsourcing to China continued unabated.  There were conservatives within the GOP, particularly the Freedom Caucus, who objected, but they were quickly overruled by the establishment Republican old-guard globalists such as the late John McCain, Mitch McConnell, Mitt Romney, and Paul Ryan.  Obama's philosophy was to "lead from behind," and behind we fell.  It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that if one is behind, one is not in the lead, but Obama sold that unbelievable illogical slogan to millions of gullible empty heads.  For eight long years under Obama, our GDP never grew beyond 2%, and he shamelessly warned that without a magic wand, manufacturing jobs were never going to come back.  While cities throughout Asia and the Middle East were building new skyscrapers, our infrastructure was falling apart.  Highways, bridges, and city streets were old and in need of repair.  Many urban areas such as Detroit, Cleveland, Baltimore, and Los Angeles were rotting from within. 
The entrance of President Trump, known for the art of the deal, into the Presidential campaign four years ago was met with ridicule and scorn by the elites in the media.  For years, he had watched the decline of the United States from a distance.  His decision to enter the race should not have been surprising.  He hinted as far back as 1988 that he would consider a presidential run if needed.
With America on the decline, new, bold leadership was indeed needed.  Ultimately, it would take an outsider with financial independent means, not beholden to a corrupt oligarchy or the many various lobbying groups in operation, to reverse course.  He entered the race with a mission to restore America's stature by making America great again.  At odds with the elite globalists who had dominated D.C. for many years, he quickly became their target since the restoration of America's greatness required an end to the reign of corruption that governed much of D.C.  His election to office marked the beginning of the end of their sweetheart deals made on the side while lining their pockets in return for either looking the other way or by literally selling out our country.
With the aid of the politicization of the FBI, the CIA, and our Justice Department under Barack Hussein Obama, the Democrats along with their Deep State counterparts invented a Russian collusion hoax; the Mueller report, which found no grounds for indictment; and the Ukrainian quid pro quo charge — and with less than a year left in his administration, they moved to impeach.  They failed miserably!  The economy was booming with low unemployment and a soaring stock market.  The re-election of President Trump was promising and looked imminent, but it came to a screeching halt when the Chinese either intentionally or negligently unleashed the Wuhan virus upon the world in December of last year.  Instead of focusing their energy upon a menacing totalitarian communist state on the world stage, House Democrats obsessed with Trump Derangement Syndrome, along with their sidekicks in the complicit mainstream media, spent all of December and January razor-focused upon a bogus impeachment trial.
The use of biological warfare is illegal and criminal.  When threatened with exposure, China retaliated with the threat of withholding much needed pharmaceuticals now needed more than ever.
The promise of globalization and the end of borders as advanced by leftists, who like to label themselves as Progressives, is now in question.  Political pundits who for years advanced policies that led to our dependency for goods that we once manufactured now have the gall to blame the president when it was their policies that led to the rise of China and our dependency.
Totalitarian communist states can never be trusted.  Their word is no good, and their signatures upon treaties are as worthless as their word.
Consequently, President Trump is now a wartime president.  He has amassed the best and the brightest among us in today's battle.  The future is an unknown, but if he succeeds at winning the next round, and I believe he will, our economy will bounce back stronger than ever.  If the past three years under President Trump are any indication, we will survive and thrive once again under his leadership.  The Chinese and his Democrat nemesis may rue the day they construed his demise.  Against all odds, his finest hour may by upon us as President Trump rallies our country against an enemy unleashed by a tyrannical regime.  In so doing, history will regard him as the president who saved American exceptionalism during a time of hardship and war.  It is he who will be credited with the rebirth of our nation, while globalism will be relegated to the dustbin of history, where it belongs.
Shari Goodman is a political activist, writer, public speaker, and optimist.  She has written for Israel Today, WND, American Thinker, and other publications.

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