Friday, November 5, 2021

JOE BIDEN'S LA RAZA SUPREMACY ADMINISTRATION - 10 Senate Republicans Vote to Confirm New "La Raza" Census Director

"The American Southwest seems to be slowly returning to the jurisdiction of Mexico without firing a single shot."  --- Excelsior, the national newspaper of Mexico

“The radicals seek nothing less than secession from the United States whether to form their own sovereign state or to reunify with Mexico. Those who desire reunification with Mexico are irredentists who seek to reclaim Mexico's "lost" territories in the American Southwest.” Maria Hsia Chang Professor of Political Science, University of Nevada Reno

"This is country belongs to Mexico" is said by the Mexican Militant. This is a common teaching that the U.S. is really AZTLAN, belonging to Mexicans, which is taught to Mexican kids in Arizona and California through a LA Raza educational program funded by American Tax Payers via President Obama, when he gave LA RAZA $800,000.00 in March of 2009!

Santos got involved in the Raza Unida party when he was in college. The name means, “The Race United”. Its racial nationalism envisioned Aztlan, a new Aztec homeland carved out of America. Its famous chant, "Viva La Raza!" meant "Hail the Race".

10 Senate Republicans Vote to Confirm New "La Raza" Census Director



"Although this is a political appointment, I am no politician," Robert Santos had told senators during his confirmation hearing.

His career belies that as I exposed back in April with, "Biden Puts Specialist in Illegal Aliens in Charge of Census."'

The Urban Institute, where he serves as Vice President, stated that his, "specialty areas include undocumented immigrants and other disadvantaged populations". Santos’ first publication was for a partnership between the Urban Institute and the National Council of La Raza.

The La Raza report, partly authored by Santos, was titled, “Paying the Price: The Impact of Immigration Raids on America’s Children”. La Raza, meaning The Race. 

Santos got involved in the Raza Unida party when he was in college. The name means, “The Race United”. Its racial nationalism envisioned Aztlan, a new Aztec homeland carved out of America. Its famous chant, "Viva La Raza!" meant "Hail the Race".

“We have got to eliminate the gringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to worst, we have got to kill him,” Jose Angel Gutierrez, a founder and leader of the racist Raza Unida Party, had declared.

Being a member of a racist hate group would normally preclude any kind of major political post, but leftist racist hate groups are a different story.

“The Raza Unida party gained some popularity and I was able to meet some of the principals in the city that included poets, musicians, political scientists, activists and so on.  I quickly embraced being a Chicano, a Mestizo…  I was Raza!” Santos cheerfully recollected his racial awakening.

“I was among the last cohorts to benefit from Affirmative Action,” Santos noted. He joined the Association for Critical Social Studies, a radical leftist group whose only surviving mention is a mural that it sponsored entitled, ‘Struggle of the Classes’ by a Mexican Communist artist who had previously drawn pictures of Marx and Lenin.

Nonetheless, despite a valiant effort by Senator Rick Scott to block Santos, he was confirmed with the assistance of ten Republican senators. There's Murkowski, Collins, Romney, Graham, and Portman obviously as the usual suspects with a few others. In their defense, I will say that the issue was hardly on anyone's radar and my article, for example, got almost no traction. 

But considering the power that Santos will wield, this is likely to be one of those things that we'll be paying for over many years.


Biden’s Woke Puppet Regime is Trying to Survive

Biden is a prisoner of his party’s radical demographics.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Why is the Biden administration so radical?

It’s a question that came up at a recent conservative dinner party the way that it often does at conservative events. “Didn’t Biden run as a moderate,” people ask. “Why did he turn over the party to Bernie Sanders? And why is he doubling down even as his poll numbers are cratering?”

There are any number of answers. The Democrats have been radicalized as a political party. After eight years of Obama and two Hillary defeats, the party’s administration professionals are Obamaworld alumni. And much of the party’s funding comes from a handful of zip codes, especially in New York City and San Francisco, whose politics are radically leftward of America.

The popular explanation is that Biden’s out to lunch and Obama’s people are running him. There’s some partial truth to that, but it’s missing a big demographic truth that also helps us understand the epidemic of wokeness, the rise of critical race theory, and Black Lives Matter.

Why did so many major corporations embrace BLM and go woke? The same reason Biden did.

The Democrats like to talk about Two Americas, that of the rich and the poor, the black and the white, men and women, but there are really two Democrat parties. The split personality of the party used to be the rural and urban bases, but the rural base is vanishing or being ignored.

The 2020 Democrat presidential primaries provided a clear snapshot of its split personality. Beyond the shtick, there were two types of breakout candidates, those who targeted white lefty college graduates (Bernie Sanders, Elizabeth Warren) and those who went after black voters (Joe Biden). Candidates who tried to do both (Kamala Harris, Cory Booker) flamed out early.

(Why was it so hard to do both? Because despite the BLM rallies and Robin DiAngelo books the two groups don’t like each other. It’s why so much of wokeness is not really targeted at conservatives, but is aimed at convincing white lefties to submit to a minority establishment. And the minority establishment works for those donors and organizations that pay its bills.)

Candidates who tried targeting another minority group (Pete Buttigieg, Julian Castro) got more traction, but failed to make their mark, so did the attempts to chase Hillary New Age voters (Marianne Williamson, Tom Steyer), Midwesterners (Amy Klobuchar, Tim Ryan), not to mention Bloomberg's billionaire parachute snap. Identity and class mattered more than anything else.

By rights, Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren should have won primaries whose base tilted sharply leftward. And had white Democrats been the only ones voting, they would have. But black voters dragged Biden through the primaries with bloc voting. Especially in the South. While white college graduate lefties split their votes, black voters maximized their power.

Biden's roll began by winning 61% of black voters in South Carolina, 72% in Alabama, 60% in Texas, 63% in Virginia. The reward for these wins was claimed by Congressional Black Caucus members, especially Rep. Jim Clyburn, and the old black Democrat establishment which pushed back against the Obama era and the new radicals to reclaim its traditional power.

Afterward the two halves of the party had to make their peace. The CBC took one half of Biden’s presidency and the Sandernistas took the other half. It’s why even beyond the Obama roots, the Biden administration is filled up with appointees handpicked by the CBC and by white radicals. With that kind of split, the only thing the Biden administration could be was radical.

But the party split has huge implications beyond the White House. The new corporate wokeness, like so much else, is the product of this same alliance between the two halves, wealthy white lefties and black activists. Black Lives Matter is another shotgun marriage of black nationalists and leftist foundations to seize political and cultural power through guilt and terror.

The cultural hegemony that gave us critical race theory in schools, corporations telling employees they’re racist, and the military brass embracing identity politics are all adaptations to the final form of the Democrats as an alliance between identity politics and the upscale Left.

The Biden administration is radical for the same reason that AT&T, Kellogg’s, and the Navy have been radicalized. Politics is about power and this is the power sharing arrangement of the elites.   

But white lefties also don’t like Biden. They wanted Bernie or Elizabeth Warren. And their level of support for Biden remains weak. In a recent Marist poll conducted for PBS and NPR, only 28% of white college graduates who are or lean Democrat wanted another term of Biden. 45% thought another candidate would have a better shot. The only group where there was at least an even split over having Biden run again was non-whites. Black support for Biden has dropped significantly across the board, but it’s still well above the numbers among white voters.

The Biden administration’s political radicalism is a matter of political survival. As a weak candidate who barely survived the primaries and whom his own party would like to see step down even in his first year in office, he and his people can’t even afford to think about the general election, only their prospects for making it to and surviving the next primaries.

It’s an extraordinary situation that is virtually unprecedented in modern American history.

Biden has to frantically appease the Scylla and Charybdis of his party’s demographics, the old black leadership and the new white radicals, by promising them everything that they want. That leaves no room for the moderates, for rural voters, or for much of the country. And so the moderates decided to hold the Biden agenda hostage in order to force a compromise.

Why are Manchin and Sinema so confrontational? Because the administration shut them out.

This was a foreseen catastrophe that the Biden administration didn’t care about because it couldn’t afford to compromise and alienate its two core blocs until its hand was forced.

The same is true for virtually every administration policy and a future general election.

When people wonder why Biden is doing such a bad job of appealing to the country as a whole and why he isn’t hitting the reset button even as his poll numbers go red, it’s because he can’t afford to think about the country beyond the rote spin and talking points dispensed to the media.

Whatever else Biden is a prisoner of, he’s very much a prisoner of his party’s demographics.

Plan A was for the Biden administration to serve the policy demands of white lefty college grads and black activists while letting the media spin the outcome to the rest of the country. Even after that strategy fell apart with the humiliation in Afghanistan, and inflation, supply chain chaos, store shortages, and more economic turmoil at home, he can’t pull away from the blocs.

Biden isn’t worried about what the country thinks of him. He’s only worried about what the party thinks. And within the party, he’s only worried about what the two blocs think of him.

The 2020 primaries showed that having a concentrated bloc of voters in a fragmented party riven by identity politics and lacking any real convictions was the only way to win. Everything Biden has done, from picking Kamala to turning over his administration to Clyburn, Sanders, and Warren, is about protecting his pathway to a second term at any cost.

And really, isn’t that exactly what you would expect from a mediocre party hack who survived half a century in politics despite compulsive stupidity and creepiness because he knew how to play the game that really mattered? Whatever his mental state may be, he still knows the game.

Biden is a puppet. That’s the only thing an unpopular politician who is disliked even within his own party and whose reelection appears implausible could ever be. No matter how much power he officially wields, it’s all rented power, mortgaged to his backers who really call the shots.

The price of finally getting his dream job was eight years of humiliation under Obama followed by signing up to be the useful idiot for the coalition of lefty megadonors and CBC members who actually run the party and the presidency. Following their orders over whatever fossilized political instincts he still possesses has made Biden wildly unpopular with everyone.

Including the white lefties and black voters he was trying to appease.

Biden isn’t just a puppet: he’s an expendable puppet. Unlike Clinton or Obama, he was never billed as the new JFK. His identity isn’t tied to any larger worldview or ideology. And his fall wouldn’t mean the end of Camelot. No Democrat has been this expendable since Jimmy Carter.

Biden’s backers only need him long enough to ram through their various power and money grabs before he becomes completely unelectable either because of the polls or due to his mental condition. And that is ultimately why the Biden administration is so unambiguously radical. Normal administrations try to hold something back, but Biden is a fire-and-forget missile that is expected to burn out after hitting the target.

The radicalism of his administration is a kamikaze run by a hack too greedy for power to know that he’s really a suicide bomber and his backers are really his trainers and handlers.

Biden thinks he has a future. He’s too greedy or too far gone to realize that there’s no future.

The same is true of the various corporations and organizations going woke and being stripped for their institutional power, before going broke and otherwise being consumed in catastrophes.

In Year Zero when there is no past and everything old must be destroyed, Biden is no exception.

Democrats bet the future of their party on his assurances...and now he tells them they've blown it

By Thomas Lifson

There is a good argument to be made that the most influential figure in the Democrat party for the last three decades is political scientist named Ruy Teixeira.  Teixeira co-authored a 2002 book, The Emerging Democrat Majority, that told Democrats that the demographic rise of Hispanics and the decline of whites (as if many Hispanics were not Caucasian) all but guaranteed one-party power.  Because his co-author was a DAWM — a Dreaded Anglo White Male, Teixeira got most of the attention and power out of the prognostication, because, after all, white males are out of favor with the Dems.

More than anything else, this dream of political power on the backs of Hispanic immigrants — and illegal aliens — is responsible for the open borders that characterize this country right now, and whenever a Democrat is in the White House.

But it turns out — much to the shock and dismay of Democrats — that people who speak Spanish have brains that function, and human agency — the ability to make up their own minds and act on the basis of conclusions they reach.  This sort of behavior may be frowned on by the Democrats, whose party chief after all declared, "You ain't black" if you don't vote for him.  But it turns out that Hispanics refuse to fall in line with Democrats' prescription of mindlessness.

Fuzzy Slippers of Legal Insurrection draws our attention to Teixeira's warning to the Dems that Hispanics are not behaving as he predicted, and as his party bet they would:

Ruy Teixeira, the political scientist behind the much-lauded (and much-maligned) leftist mantra that "demographics is destiny," has some bad news for today's Democrats: not only do they still need white, particularly working class, voters, but their radical leftist socio-cultural and economic agenda is turning off too many Latino and Hispanic voters for their 'demographic destiny' to manifest. (snip)

Teixeira has watched it all, and he's been watching voting trends among the demographics the Democrats believe they own (after all, if you don't vote for Biden, you ain't black, right?). This casual racism is one of the problems that Teixeira is now pointing out as problematic for the Democrat party and its (dashed) dream of an emerging demographic-based Democratic majority.

Teixeira writes at his substack:

The latest data release from the 2020 Census, which will be used to guide decennial redistricting, has been greeted rather breathlessly by the nation's media and has been absolute catnip for commentators and observers who lean toward the Democrats. Consider some of these headlines:

"America's White Population Shrank for the First Time";

"Vast Stretches of America Are Shrinking. Almost All of Them Voted for Trump".

"Census release shows America is more diverse and more multiracial than ever"

None of this is necessarily wrong, though it's worth noting that these findings are consistent with trends of long-standing rather than something qualitatively new. What is questionable however is the political gloss that tends to put on these results. Leftist filmmaker Michael Moore called the announcement "the best day ever in US history", which, while over the top, fairly represents the delight among most progressives that a presumably conservative white population is in precipitous decline while a presumably liberal nonwhite population keeps growing, the harbinger of a diverse, progressive future America. (snip)

As the Census documents, the biggest single driver of the increased nonwhite population is the growth of the Hispanic population. They are by far the largest group within the Census-designated nonwhite population (19 percent vs. 12 percent for blacks). While their representation among voters considerably lags their representation in the overall population, it is fair to say that voting trends among this group will decisively shape voting trends among nonwhites in the future since their share of voters will continue to increase while black voter share is expected to remain roughly constant.

And these Hispanic voting trends have not been favorable for the Democrats. According to Catalist, in 2020 Latinos had an amazingly large 16 point margin shift toward Trump. Among Latinos, Cubans did have the largest shifts toward Trump (26 points), but those of Mexican origin also had a 12 point shift and even Puerto Ricans moved toward Trump by 18 points. Moreover, Latino shifts toward Trump were widely dispersed geographically. Hispanic shifts toward Trump were not confined to Florida (28 points) and Texas (18 points) but also included states like Nevada (16 points), Pennsylvania (12 points), Arizona (10 points) and Georgia (8 points).

These reduced margins are why, despite Hispanics' increased vote share in 2020, their contribution to Democrats' improved national margin in this election was actually negative — that is, they made a negative one point contribution to Biden's vote margin relative to Clinton's in 2016. The same pattern can be seen in key swing states.

The real, underlying problem is that people who speak Spanish as their native language want the opportunities for personal advancement that hard work and persistence bring in a free society.  Moreover, just like Italian immigrants of a century or more ago, who were regarded as "nonwhite" and perpetual Democrats, Hispanic people rise in status and accomplishment after immigrating.  Even worse (from the Democrats' standpoint), they tend to be socially conservative, value family, and do not want to be addressed as "Latinx."  They, in fact, resent many of the demands of P.C. culture.

Today, Hispanic voters in California are believed to hold the key to the future of Governor Gavin Newsom, who faces a recall election.  His lockdowns did not hurt people who work from home via computer, but they did hurt people who work with their hands, in many cases.  The social agenda of the California Democrats, with transgender concerns high on the list, does not hold a lot of appeal, either.

Donald Trump did a tremendous job making inroads on the Hispanic vote (the black vote as well, albeit less so).  Now that the author of the strategy is alerting Dems of their folly, will they retreat?

Not bloody likely.  They're not going to close the border.  They are not going to tell AOC to sit down and shut up.  Too many people have an interest in keeping on keeping on with the Hispanic strategy.

The GOP needs to press home the Democrats' extreme social agenda, their commitment to lockdowns, and their elitism, especially the default of letting radical teachers' unions convert schools into indoctrination centers.

As for Teixeira, he could take his motto from Animal House:



ZOGY POLL ON MEX RACISM AND VIOLENCE….. Half the murders in CA are by Mex gangs, and 93% of murders in La Raza-Occupied Los Angeles are by Mexicans.




“In Mexico, a recent Zogby poll declared that the vast majority of Mexican citizens hate Americans. [22.2] Mexico is a country saturated with racism, yet in denial, having never endured the social development of a Civil Rights movement like in the US--Blacks are harshly treated while foreign Whites are often seen as the enemy. [22.3] In fact, racism as workplace discrimination can be seen across the US anywhere the illegal alien Latino works--the vast majority of the workforce is usually strictly Latino, excluding Blacks, Whites, Asians, and others.”

Previous generations of immigrants did not believe they were racially superior to Americans. That is the view of La Raza Cosmica, by Jose Vasconcelos, Mexico’s former education minister and a presidential candidate. According to this book, republished in 1979 by the Department of Chicano Studies at Cal State LA, students of Scandinavian, Dutch and English background are dullards, blacks are ugly and inferior, and those “Mongols” with the slanted eyes lack enterprise. The superior new “cosmic” race of Spaniards and Indians is replacing them, and all Yankee “Anglos.” LLOYD BILLINGSLEY/ FRONTPAGE mag


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