Thursday, February 10, 2022


The BLM’s Marxist agenda is on full display across America today. Exploitation of the insurrectionist riots in which it plays a leading role to demonize Jews and Israel is, too. 

The new Fox ‘Soul’ network has announced that it will air Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan’s “Message to America” on a special July 4th program, despite his history of racism, antisemitism, and homophobia.

BLACK MAN ATTACKS MAN OF JEWISH FAITH Teen Charged With Hate Crime In Attack On Man In Brooklyn

Top Presbyterian Church Official Delivers Anti-Semitic Sermon on MLK Day

Another modern-day blood libel.


The Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson II, the Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA), delivered a hateful and antisemitic sermon on the day one honors the memory of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The fact that Herbert Nelson II is black helped spare him criticism from the politically correct liberal media, who would normally castigate such hate-filled false and malicious libel if given by a white person. Nelson’s poisonous words were morally repugnant, factually false, and certainly worthy of collective denouncement. He stated: “The continued occupation in Palestine/Israel is 21st-century slavery and should be abolished immediately.” He then added, “I would also hope that the Jewish community in the US would influence the call to join the US government in ending the immoral enslavement.”  

This shameless blood-libel from a religious person can only serve to fuel antisemitism and division rather than bring about unity and amity, especially in today’s divided America. This spiritual leader chose to promote hate by inferring that Israeli-Jews are “enslavers.” Rather than focus on Martin Luther King’s great message of judging people “not by the color of their skin but by the content of one’s character,” was lost on Herbert Nelson II, who maligned the Jewish people and the Jewish state. Instead of calling for “love thy Neighbor,” or as Jesus might have said “love thy enemies,” Nelson insinuated that American Jews secretly control the moves of politicians and manipulate world events to their advantage. He must have taken a page from the antisemitic classic “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion,” the lie that wouldn’t die.  

In attempting to make a comparison between the legitimate case of black slavery in America and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, Nelson simply showed his ignorance of historical facts and his bias toward Israel and Jews. Palestinian-Arabs are not slaves, while the Muslim invasion, conquest, and conversion of the hitherto Christians and Jews in Palestine (a name given by the Roman conquerors to the Land of Israel) did enslave the people living under its sword. More importantly, few other people have had as many opportunities to assert their self- determination as did the Palestinian-Arabs. In 1937, the Peel Commission offered the Palestinian-Arabs 75% of Mandatory Palestine. They rejected it and chose terror and murder of innocent civilians, both Jewish-Palestinians and Palestinians-Arab. In 1947, the UN Partition Plan offered the Palestinian-Arabs a state once again, but they chose instead to annihilate the nascent Jewish state that did accept the Partition Plan. From 1948-1967, Jordan occupied the West Bank, yet, the Palestinians never demanded self-determination and statehood from Jordan. In fact, Palestinian leaders demanded that the Arab states deny citizenship to the Palestinian refugees in their states, and preferred to keep their people in miserable refugee camps as a propaganda tool. At the same time, the Jewish state of Israel absorbed a much larger number of Jewish refugees from Arab lands where Jews lived for millenniums.  

Following the Oslo Accords in 1993, Yasser Arafat and Mahmud Abbas, both Presidents of the Palestinian Authority (PA) had several opportunities to establish their sovereign state - they declined. In July 2000, at the Camp David Summit presided over by US President Bill Clinton, with the participation of Arafat and Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, the Israeli PM offered Arafat far reaching concessions and Palestinian statehood in return for “an end to the conflict." Arafat rejected it and chose instead to launch the Second Intifada, a terror campaign that cost the lives of over 1,000 Israeli civilians. President Clinton held Arafat responsible for the failure of the talks. It prompted Clinton to say, “I regret that in 2000, Arafat missed an opportunity to bring that nation (Palestine) into being.”  In 2008, Israeli PM Ehud Olmert was prepared to go even further than Barak; still, Abbas wouldn’t sign on a peace deal and accept statehood.  

Describing the Palestinian-Israeli conflict as enslavement is a modern-day blood libel, which historically led to violence against Jews, particularly as it came in the wake of a terrorist attack on a Texas synagogue. We can now add “slavery” to the list of demonstrably false libels that progressives have been repeating about Israel: “settler-colonialist,” “genocidal,” “killing and torturing children,” “apartheid,” and “ethnically cleansing” Palestinians.  

The Jewish state has in fact displayed incredible humanism in the face of Palestinian murderous terror. Bassem Eid, a former Palestinian Muslim refugee, and currently a human rights activist, has pointed out to this reporter that, “We Palestinians do not need an identity, we know who we are. We Palestinians need dignity, and that comes with being able to support our families. Israel has provided us with high paying jobs so that we are able to support our families. Conversely, the PA leadership (not to mention Hamas) cares only for itself, with little regard for the Palestinian people’s welfare.” He added, “The Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, and the “progressives” are hypocritical and destructive. They have destroyed economic opportunities for Palestinians by boycotting the Soda Stream Company, which provided Palestinians great opportunities and equal pay.”  

No mainline Protestant denomination is more clearly associated with anti-Israelism than the PCUSA. Some of its actions crossed the line into antisemitism, most notably its publication of “Zionism Unsettled,” which distorted Israeli and Jewish history. The American Jewish Committee (AJC), pointed out that “The sheer volume of anti-Israel resolutions discussed and debated reveal a deep animus (against Israel) that needs to be called out.” Rabbi Noam Marans, AJC’s director of interreligious relations continued, “Within the PCUSA, a small but vocal minority of activists have managed to keep anti-Israelism on the agenda through eight general assemblies (GA) spanning 14 years. This faction has its own committee, dubbed #12- Middle East issues, allowing a concentration of Israel-denunciatory time and energy through the weeklong GA."

The late PCUSA pastor, Rev. Dr. Bill Harter, once explained to this reporter that the PCUSA missionaries who go to the Middle East return to the Louisville, Kentucky headquarters of the PCUSA having adopted the Palestinian narrative. Being posted to the headquarters they find nothing better to occupy their energy than to generate anti-Israel resolutions. Rev. Dr. Bill Harter was the co-founder of the Presbyterians for Middle East Peace (PFMEP). While the Stated Clerk and the PCUSA headquarters have adopted an anti-Israel and anti-Jewish posture, the majority of local presbyteries throughout the US have close and friendly relations with the Jewish communities in their area, and oppose the false and hateful words of the Stated Clerk, and the anti-Israel resolutions. On its website, the PFMEP has in fact, “Condemned the Stated Clerk’s statement on Martin Luther King, Jr. Day for being offensive to the Jewish community…

Instead of apologizing, Herbert Nelson II made assertions without merit or fact. He charged that Israel confiscated Palestinian land in Judea and Samaria. The fact is that the Israeli High Court of Justice has gone out of its way to protect private Palestinian land. However, Israel has every right to use state/public land. Regarding his charge of “Israeli barriers to access Palestinian holy places of worship,” Israel erected barriers to prevent Palestinian terrorists from murdering Israeli citizens. Herbert Nelson has failed to cite a single case of innocent Palestinian worshippers denied access to the al-Aqsa mosque or any other place of worship. Religious freedom in Israel is sacrosanct, which was not the case under Jordanian rule.

6 Reasons Black Christians Must Denounce BLM


Carl Jackson

Americans Should Tell the NBA ‘Not In My House’

In a few short years Black Lives Matter (BLM) has influenced blacks more than black Christians have. This explains the outrage over George Floyd’s homicide by former officer Derek Chauvin, and the deafening silence over high black abortion rates and black-on-black murders. BLM ignores real issues hurting black communities because black Christians do. 

According to their own website, BLM wants to disrupt the “Western-prescribed nuclear family structure,” promote LGBTQ rights and advance Marxism. Sadly, few black evangelicals have the courage and knowledge to condemn BLM that seeks to undermine Christian principles.

Here’s more ideals all Christians should denounce:


Socialism is an economic system developed by atheists Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, co-authors of the “The Communist Manifesto.” They believed religion was an “anti-depressant for the working class,” and God should be banished from society because man’s conscience and government is superior. Consequently, dictators that embraced Marxism, murdered 100 million people throughout the 20th century.

Proponents of socialism often misinterpret Acts 2:44-45, which depicts Christians voluntarily selling their possessions to help travelers who stayed in Jerusalem to learn more about Jesus. Notice, government didn’t redistribute their belongings. They gave sacrificially.

Furthermore, 2 Thessalonians 3:10 (NIV) says “if a man will not work, he shall not eat.” The Green New Deal, endorsed by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (AOC), says Americans shouldn’t have to work to eat. Who’s right? God or AOC? 

Christians have an individual obligation to feed the poor and care for widows, orphans, and prisoners. Using government taxing power to steal from others neither qualifies as faith or generosity. It’s also naïve to believe politicians will remain uncorrupted by government largesse.

Socialism discourages hard work and creativity while encouraging laziness and envy. It also robs Christians of the joy and selflessness that comes from giving. 


Abortion is a racist and evil practice. God loves us so much that He counts the hairs on our head. He knew us and purposed our lives before we were conceived. 

Practically speaking, with the advancement of DNA testing, we know that a baby has a unique DNA strand upon conception. Therefore, a baby in the mother's womb is not of the mother's body. 

For the record, my favorite excuse from “pro-choice” Christians is “women would have abortions in back alley ways regardless.” I doubt it. But even if they did, human sin doesn’t nullify God’s holiness. Christians have a duty to be salt and light to a dark world.  

Lastly, Margaret Sanger, the founder of Planned Parenthood, was a racist eugenicist that wanted blacks and other minorities that she deemed “undesirables” exterminated like weeds. No wonder over 75 percent of Planned Parenthood clinics are walking distance from black communities.


Proverbs 22:2 (NIV) says that the “Rich and poor have this in common: The Lord is the Maker of them all.” Romans 12 and I Corinthians 12 outlines different gifts and talents all of us have. Because we’re different, our incomes will always vary. 

In Mark 14:7, when the disciples got upset with Mary for using expensive perfume to wash Jesus’ feet because they wanted the money given to the poor, Jesus said, “The poor you will always have with you, and you can help them any time you want. But you will not always have me.” 

Poverty gives wealthy Christians an opportunity to be generous, and it motivates poor Christians to work hard. Christians should neither demonize success nor look down on the poor. Regardless of our socioeconomic status, we’re all teammates in advancing God’s Kingdom.


“All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God” and “Thou shalt not steal” are scriptures that debunk social justice. The first verse teaches us we don’t have the moral authority to hold anyone to a higher standard of forgiveness than God does because we’re not sinless. The latter illustrates that God acknowledges private property rights.

The notion that white Americans that never owned slaves have to pay reparations to blacks who aren’t slaves is stupid. Throughout human history, all groups of people, including Africans and Native Americans owned slaves. No one is innocent. In fact, slavery is more prevalent in Africa today.



Black Trump Supporter Executed in Broad Daylight in Wisconsin

Bronson Stocking

God says he removes our sin as far as the east is from the west. Therefore, spoiled brats masquerading as social justice warriors demanding atonement for “systemic racism” are delusional. 

True justice requires equality before the law, not equality of outcomes in life. Leviticus 19:15 says we do “injustice” if we show favoritism to the poor or rich. Jesus paid reparations for all of us on Calvary. Union soldiers paid reparations in blood during the Civil War. Consequently, all Americans are free to pursue happiness.


There’s no Affirmative Action plan in heaven. Blacks won’t get a pass on Judgement Day because of our dark skin. We can be racist too. The Bible says that man looks at the outward appearance, but God judges the heart. Racism is an issue of the heart. Thank God Christ can transform hearts and minds.

Identity politics is a tool used by Democrats to keep their voters angry enough to willingly forfeit their God-given rights under the guise of “equality.” But Christians are victors, not victims. So, when BLM uses race, socioeconomic classes, and sex to divide us and gain power for themselves, reject them.

If your church isn’t ethnically diverse, leave. The gospel has no racial preference. 


Jesus, the Christian God, is a Jew. 

Secondly, when speaking to Abram (later Abraham), God said in Genesis 12:3, “I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.” We don’t have to agree with everything Israel does to be thankful we’ve been grafted into the family.

Black racists like Louis Farrakhan only hate Jews because they’re a living testimony to how successful a group can become when they denounce victimhood – and that's bad for business.


Quran (9:29) - "Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by Allah and His Messenger, nor acknowledge

the religion of Truth, (even if they are) of the People of the Book [Jews and Christians], until they pay the Jizya [the tax for being a Jew or Christian] with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued."


Life Sentence for Kori Muhammad, Death Sentences for His Four Victims

“Delusional” Nation of Islam beliefs fueled racist murders in Fresno, California.

Tue Sep 15, 2020 

Lloyd Billingsley




“Let black people go with our own land and reparations, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Mitch McConnell.”

Thus spake convicted murderer Kori Muhammad, 42, at his June sentencing in Fresno, California. Muhammad drew a life sentence without possibility of parole for the 2017 murders of Carl Williams, Zackary Randalls, Mark Gassett and David Jackson, all targeted solely because they were white. The case passed with little attention from national media, despite relevance to ongoing racial violence.

Kori Muhammed was born Cory Allen Taylor and changed his name after converting to Islam as a teenager. In 1995, Muhammed participated in the Nation of Islam’s Million Man March in Washington. In his social media posts, Muhammad made references to “grafted white devils,” as the Nation of Islam explains, created 6,000 years ago by the mad scientist “Yacub.” According to police, Muhammed also supported a separate country for all “non-white” residents of the United States.

Muhammed believed he was part of an ongoing war between whites and blacks, and that a battle would soon take place. Derek Bavin, a classmate at Fresno City College, recalled that Muhammad would miss weeks of classes then accuse his instructors of being racist. He released hip-hop albums with repeated references to violence between blacks and whites.

Kori Ali Muhammad also boasts a long criminal history, with arrests for weapons, drugs, forgery and making terrorist threats. He was sentenced to seven years in 2008 and released early in 2016. In April of 2017, Muhammad felt “disrespected” by Carl Williams, 25, so Muhammad killed the man. When police sought him for the shooting, Muhammad planned to “kill as many white men” as he could before being caught. So on April 18, 2017, Muhammad drove through downtown Fresno targeting white victims.

When he walked up to a utility truck, Muhammad said in his confession, “I saw a Mexican driver and a white guy. I didn’t want to target the driver because he was Mexican, so I shot the white dude.” The “white dude” was Zachary Randalls, 34, whom Muhammad did not know and, as with all four victims, targeted solely because of his skin shade.

Muhammad encountered Mark James Gassett emerging from a Catholic Charities USA building and gunned him down with a .357 magnum revolver, shooting the victim again after he fell to the ground. Muhammad also encountered David Jackson, 58 emerging from Catholic Charities and shot him dead with the powerful revolver.  On arrest, Muhammad proclaimed “Allahu Akbar,” and when sworn in he raised his right fist.

“This is just a warning,” said Muhammad in an interview with the Fresno Bee. “If America does not treat black people right, it will be destroyed by God.” Muhammed showed no remorse for the killings and told reporters, “I say get over it. There will be no pity party.” Muhammad also discussed his mental illness and that would be an issue in the trial.

Based on examination by a physician, judge Jonathan Conklin found Kori Muhammed competent to stand trial. Prosecutor Brian Hutchins argued that Muhammad’s delusional views are part of his religious beliefs associated with the Nation of Islam. Muhammed’s attorneys withdrew his plea of not guilty by reason of insanity.

“You think COVID-19 is bad, wait till you see what’s coming next,” Muhammad said during the trial. On April 22, the Fresno jury found Kori Muhammad guilty of first degree murder in the death of Jackson, Gassett and Randalls, and second-degree murder in the death of Williams. The jury also found Muhammad guilty on four counts of attempted murder, discharging a gun into a home, and being a felon in possession of gun.

Judge Conklin delayed the sentencing so the murder victims’ families would have a chance to make statements in court. Harold Wagner, stepfather of Mark Gassett, said Muhammad was an “evil coward,” and others lamented the loss of their loved ones. In his own statement, Muhammad proclaimed, “Let black people go with our own land and reparations,” and mocked the victims’ relatives by blowing kisses.

The case drew no official statement from California Gov. Gavin Newsom or attorney General Xavier Becerra, not even as an example of “gun violence.” Like Micah Johnson, who gunned down five police officers in Dallas in 2016, Kori Muhammad targeted victims because of their race, yet media did not describe the quadruple murderer as the racist perpetrator of a hate crime.

Kori Muhammad was held on $2.6 million bail, but if cash bail had been eliminated, as Democrats seek, he would have been free to continue his killing spree. Had Muhammad drawn a death sentence it would never be carried out. In 2019, Gov. Gavin Newsom, reprieved 737 convicted murderers on California’s death row, including serial killers and cop killers.

In California, murderers lives matter more than those of their victims. Californians can expect more racist violence from those whose delusional beliefs are associated with the Nation of Islam.

“People don’t appreciate the black man,” Kori Muhammed told the Fresno Bee. “We built pyramids and trade routes and made great nations. We are the first to walk the Earth and we will be the last to walk it.”

Outcry over Louis Farrakhan Rant Calling Prominent Jews Including Alan Dershowitz ‘Satan’



9 Jul 2020627


Notorious antisemite and Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan live-streamed a three-hour Independence Day rant on YouTube where he calls prominent Jewish Americans, including Jonathan Greenblatt and Alan Dershowitz, “Satan,” as well as repeating the lie Israel was behind  George Floyd’s killing.

The Combat Anti-Semitism Movement (CAM) on Wednesday called on YouTube to remove the video, saying it was “in clear contravention of YouTube’s own policies on hate speech.”

Farrakhan’s Fourth of July address also aired Saturday on Revolt TV, a cable channel owned by Sean “Diddy” Combs. Combs encouraged his 15.6 million Twitter followers to watch the video, tweeting “Everyone can watch…Just not the scared ones.”

Everyone can watch… Just not the scared ones.

— Diddy (@Diddy) July 4, 2020

In the address, the 87-year-old Nation of Islam leader called the head of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), Jonathan Greenblatt, “Satan.”

“Mr. Greenblatt, you are Satan. Those of you that say that you’re Jews, I will not even give you the honor of calling you a Jew. You are not a Jew… you are Satan and it is my job now to pull the cover off of Satan so that every Muslim when he sees Satan, pick up a stone, as we do in Mecca,” Farrakhan said.

“When you know who Satan is, you don’t have to kill him [but] the stone of truth, that’s what you throw. We cast truth at falsehood till we knock out its brains,” he continued.

He also called Jewish renowned defense lawyer Alan Dershowitz  “a skillful deceiver” and “Satan masquerading as a lawyer.”

Farrakhan also implicated Israel in the death of George Floyd and in police violence in general.

“That’s why you gotta come at us like a coward,” he said. “Like snakes trying to wrap yourself around us so you could give us the treatment that you were taught in Israel. You may, as you gonna stop your police from going to Israel to learn how to kill better.”

“Your days of killing us without consequence are over,” he added.

Greenblatt took to Twitter to respond to Farrakhan’s “trademark antisemitism.”

“This is routine for Farrakhan- give him a platform, he never fails to espouse hatred,” Greenblatt said.

CAM Director Sacha Roytman-Dratwa wrote in a letter addressed to Matt Halprin, YouTube’s vice president of global trust and safety:

Louis Farrakhan has a long history of antisemitism, incorporating it into the very legitimate, important fight for civil rights and equality. His perversion of these values by promoting hatred and dehumanization of Jews is quite simply unacceptable.

According to CAM, by allowing the video, which has garnered nearly 900,000 views in three days, to remain on its site, “YouTube is allowing him to hijack the worthy cause of racial justice and use the video sharing site as a platform for anti-Semitism.”

“[Farrakhan] even suggested the Jewish community seeks to kill him, saying, ‘If you [Jews] make that move, I can guarantee your destruction,'” the letter reads.

In his address, Farrakhan bizarrely attempted to disavow accusations of antisemitism.

“They tell lies to make you think I am a bigot or antisemite, so that you won’t listen to what I’m saying. So far they’ve been pretty successful,” he said.

“If you really think I hate the Jewish people, you don’t know me at all. [I’ve never] uttered the words of death to the Jewish people,” he went on.

In the past his rancorous antisemitic rants have included calling Jews members of the “Synagogue of Satan” and claiming Jesus called the Jews “the children of the devil.”

Rabbi Abraham Cooper, associate dean of the Simon Wiesenthal Center, said he was not surprised by Farrakhan’s remarks.

“At this stage of history, no one can be surprised by the rants of America’s Godfather of antisemitism,” he told The Algemeiner.

Cooper also condemned Farrakhan’s “lurid antisemitic conspiracy linking the Jewish state to the death of George Floyd.”


The new Fox ‘Soul’ network has announced that it will air Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan’s “Message to America” on a special July 4th program, despite his history of racism, antisemitism, and homophobia.

Fox ‘Soul’ Network to Air Nation of Islam’s Louis Farrakhan July 4

Scott Olson/Getty


28 Jun 20205,435


The new Fox ‘Soul’ network has announced that it will air Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan’s “Message to America” on a special July 4th program, despite his history of racism, antisemitism, and homophobia.



For More information visit and tune into FOX or Download the FOX SOUL APP

— foxsoultv (@foxsoultv) June 26, 2020

Farrakhan’s history of hateful rhetoric is well-documented. In 2018, he compared Jews to termites. That same year, he drew criticism for defending the use of the phrase “death to America” during a conversation with students in Iran.

The main FOX network launched Fox Soul in January in an effort to reach African American audiences — and to reach beyond the conservative branding of Fox News. Fox Soul offers four hours of streaming programing daily.

Former New York State Assemblyman Dov Hikind (D), founder of Americans Against Antisemitism, made an impassioned plea on Twitter on Sunday for Fox Soul to cancel the program.

.@AmericansAA calls upon @FOXTV to immediately cancel the planned JULY 4 broadcast of Dishonorable Minister of Hate @LouisFarrakhan on @foxsoultv@splcenter considers the Nation of Islam to be an extremist hate group. So why amplify this hateful voice?!

— Dov Hikind (@HikindDov) June 28, 2020


The advertisement (above) for Fox Soul’s special Farrakhan broadcast includes a link to the Nation of Islam’s website.

The website (link not provided) is billing Farrakhan’s appearance as The Criterion: Announcement to the World. The website also includes links to purchase the Nation of Islam’s antisemitic trilogy, The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews.

The Nation of Islam has had controversial relationships with the anti-Trump “Women’s March,” and provided security for the recent funeral of George Floyd.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). His new book, RED NOVEMBER, is available for pre-order. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

Black Lives Matter: Not Just Communist, But Viciously Anti-Semitic Too

No matter the color of their skin, Jews are going to be labeled “white.”

June 29, 2020 

Clare M. Lopez


By the time violent rioters tore through the heavily Jewish neighborhood of Fairfax, Los Angeles on the night of Saturday May 30, 2020, it was too late. The vicious antisemitic, anti-Israel language of the M4BL and Black Lives Matter’s demands that included accusations against Israel of “apartheid” and “genocide” had been brushed aside. Black Lives Matter (BLM) delegations had traveled to the Middle East to endorse Palestinian terrorists in Gaza, Judea, and Samaria and pose for photo ops with the Palestinian flag. Statements from delegation leaders spoke of “occupation, ethnic cleansing and brutality” that Israel supposedly has perpetrated against the region’s Arab-Muslim population.

Even when city after city across America went up in flames after the May 25, 2020 killing of African-American George Floyd in Minneapolis by a white police officer, with BLM ‘protesters’ assaulting private businesses, their owners, and law enforcement officers alike, smashing store fronts, setting fires, and destroying property, some among America’s Jewish leadership could hardly get their statements of support out fast enough. Jewish American organizations, the Reform Movement, rabbinical leadership figures, progressive and Zionist activists, even the Hasidic Community of Crown Heights, Brooklyn in New York City all practically fell over one another in their haste to endorse the BLM movement.

The Jewish Federation of Santa Barbara was no different. On June 13, 2020, the group – including, among others, the Jewish Federation of Greater Santa Barbara, ADL Santa Barbara Tri-Counties, Santa Barbara Congregation of B’nai B’rith and Santa Barbara Hillel – issued a statement to condemn “racism” and “institutional biases.” The Focus Project, whose online website is remarkably empty, disseminated a set of talking points on June 16, 2020 that appear to date from September 2019. An increasingly popular trope is included among them that distorts the ancient Jewish term ‘Tikkun Olam’ in a way to make it seem like some kind of modern-day social justice program. In fact, ‘Tikkun Olam’ is a Kabbalist term that made its way into Judaism by way of the Aleinu prayer that is specific to Rosh Hashanah. ‘Tikkun Olam’ is not from the Torah (md’oraita) in origin at all – and therefore not one of the 613 obligatory commandments (mitzvot) nor anywhere to be found in the normative rabbinical literature concerning the praxises of Jewish Law (Halacha). Rather, as a kind of companion bit of moral guidance, ‘Tikkun Olam’ urges Jews to repair one’s individual relationship to the Almighty by way of observance of the actual ‘mitzvot’, or obligatory commandments that lead to perfecting personal behavior.

Now, just as ‘perfecting of one’s personal behavior before the Almighty’ has nothing to do with the social justice narrative per se, neither does it have anything to do with supporting a communist/Marxist, pro-Maoist organization, one of whose BLM co-founders’ declaration of the group’s Marxist ideology was featured on Twitter just days ago. Yes, the BLM movement was founded by three African-American women with longtime Marxist backgrounds: Alicia Garza, Opal I. Tometi, and Patrisse M. Cullors. Its original Platform (issued in August 2016, but scrubbed up a bit in its more recent iteration) called for collective ownership of all resources, the breaking up of banks, redistribution of wealth by way of confiscatory taxes on ‘high earners,’ free health care, and free education. Truly, Karl Marx would have blushed.

But back to the question of how BLM rioters came to be rampaging through Jewish neighborhoods of Los Angeles, CA, reportedly shouting “F___Jews”, and spray painting “F___Israel” and “Free Palestine” on the walls of the Congregation Beth Israel and at least four other synagogues. How did Jews come to be collectivized into the enemy “white privilege proletariat” class by these BLM Marxists?

That original BLM Platform also explicitly supports the BDS (Boycott, Divest, and Sanction) movement. Another indicator comes from Cullors (who organized the 30 May pogrom in LA): she reportedly told a New York Times reporter, “Let’s go into the heart of what is symbolically white in Los Angeles, which is Beverly Hills…These people need to hear our pain and our grief. We wanted to bring this to communities who often aren’t dealing with police violence.” No matter the color of their skin, therefore, Jews are going to be labeled “white”—as a pejorative from which it is always going to be impossible to escape. It goes back farther than that, however. By 2015, BLM representatives traveled to the Middle East to make common cause with Palestinians in Gaza, Judea and Samaria. Fast forward to late May 2020, shortly after the death of George Floyd, and the Democratic Socialists of America’s BDS national working group blatantly tried to link that killing to Israel, by claiming that U.S. police forces learned riot control techniques from Israeli police. Then, on June 1, Al-Awda, the Palestinian Right of Return Coalition, published a hideous cartoon at its website showing an Israeli soldier with his knee on the neck of a keffiyeh’ed Palestinian, arm-in-arm with an American police officer with his knee on the neck of a black man. The article it accompanied was entitled “Al-Awda PRRC statement of solidarity for Black lives and Black struggle.”

The BLM’s Marxist agenda is on full display across America today. Exploitation of the insurrectionist riots in which it plays a leading role to demonize Jews and Israel is, too. 


The BLM’s Marxist agenda is on full 

display across America today. Exploitation 

of the insurrectionist riots in which it plays 

a leading role to demonize Jews and Israel 

is, too. 

The new Fox ‘Soul’ network has announced that it will air Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan’s “Message to America” on a special July 4th program, despite his history of racism, antisemitism, and homophobia.


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