Sunday, March 20, 2022

GAMER LAWYERS - THE CASE AGAINST THE BIDEN CRIME FAMILY - Hunter Biden: After rigging the elections, the media attempts to rig your mind


Hunter Biden: After rigging the elections, the media attempts to rig your mind

After more than two years of the mainstream media dismissing and suppressing news about Hunter Biden’s laptop, The New York Times finally conceded that the story was authentic.

Back in October 2020, The New York Post had carried myriad reports on the shady business dealings of Joe Biden and Hunter. The emails, text messages, and financial documents on the laptop proved that Biden, as vice president, used his influence to generate considerable profits for his family.

The laptop also had photos of drug-addled Hunter in flagrante delicto with a prostitute and even messages of Hunter using the n-word.

Following the NY Post reports, prominent personalities on MSNBCNBCThe Washington PostThe Daily BeastCNN, and The New York Times worked in unison to discredit the story.



Politico claimed that anonymous intelligence officials had branded the news Russian disinformation. The Huff Post reported that more than 50 former intelligence officials had signed a letter to that effect. 

NPR, which is funded by U.S. tax dollars, claimed there were “red flags” in the Post’s story.  

Meanwhile, Big Tech swung into action with Twitter and Facebook heavily restricting Hunter Biden's laptop news, once again calling it (you guess right) Russian propaganda. Finally, the NY Post’s Twitter and Facebook accounts were locked and so were other accounts that carried the story.

It wasn't surprising. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg had donated nearly $419 million to nonprofit originations that infiltrated the administration and infrastructure of key precincts to influence the 2020 election.

They had allowed a relatively free flow of factual information in 2016 which caused their candidate, Hillary Clinton, to lose. This time they were taking no chances with their man Biden. Every step of the way was tilted quite emphatically in Biden’s favor.



To claim that the media is corrupt or compromised is an understatement, because it assumes that the media is an independent entity that has been influenced by an external force.

The current media is in fact a propaganda wing for the Democrats. Think of it as a department within the Democrat party and suddenly it all makes sense.

Their function is to glorify the Democrats, everything else is a nuisance that has to be destroyed. Their actions are purposeful and so is their propaganda.

They have also appointed themselves as the adjudicators of taste and even facts. All those who do not subscribe to their utterances are either branded ignoramuses or bigots or agents of Putin.

For any given story, various ‘pundits’ across various organizations have similar views and use identical phrases and buzzwords. This is because the author of the talking points seems to be the same individual who sits in the quarters of the DNC.

Words such as 'insurrection' or 'collusion' did just happen, these were conceived by the Democrats who were assiduously followed by the media.

Their narratives are often contradictory but they still demand total adherence and a complete surrender of critical thinking.

If you do not believe the 2016 elections were rigged, then you are an ignoramus because elections can easily be compromised. However, if you think that the 2020 elections were rigged, you are also branded an ignoramus because elections can never be compromised.

When President Trump refers to the rigging of the 2020 election, the rigging began the very day he was elected in 2016 and continues to this day with one hit job after another.

While the overarching narrative was that of Russian collusion, there were myriad other hit jobs. On certain days Trump was bigoted, senile, ignorant and incompetent, on others he was a bigoted, evil genius and megalomaniacal tyrant.

The press misquoted him to the extent that many people, including his supporters, thought that he referred to Neo Nazis as ‘very fine people’ and asked people to inject bleach to fight COVID-19.

They do not even attempt to conceal their bias.

After Biden was ‘elected,’ CNN's Don Lemon referred to the Democrats as "we." NYT’s Maureen Dowd wrote, "We can't give up on Biden because he's all that stands between us and the apocalypse at the hands of Trump." There were no apologies nor retractions from either organization. 

They have developed a small but zealous base who tune in to have their biases and hate confirmed.

They also rely on casual consumers to believe all they see or read without much consideration because they are busy with life. It is conceivable that the relentless chaos and scandals the media fabricated about Trump’s White House were enough for this section to vote against Trump.

According to a Morning Consult poll, 2 in 5 Americans trust the news media, which means 40 percent of the people readily believe all Democrat propaganda.

It will be impossible to know how many Trump votes the media managed to steal with their relentless anti-Trump propaganda.

The fact that President Trump managed to receive over 74 million votes in 2020, almost 12 million more than he did in 2016, is a testament to his outstanding achievements.

Do not for any moment think that the reason the NYT authenticated Hunter’s laptop story is that they have seen the light and will henceforth resort to factual reporting only. It is possible that the Democrats are looking for a way to take Biden out before the 2024 elections campaign kick-off and are using this story as the first punch.

Beyond President Trump, the media relentlessly indulges in Goebbelsian propaganda.

You are ordered to stay indoors, mask up, and take the vaccine without questions. The lockdowns where people isolated from the outside world actually helped them spread paranoia and hysteria.

You are ridiculed for questioning climate change and transgenderism. You are told that BLM riots where shops were looted and burned down are protests while the Jan. 6 protest was an insurrection and Ashli Babbit, the unarmed protestor, who was killed by the Capitol police, deserved to die. You are instructed to condemn Kyle Rittenhouse as a racist or you are a racist.

You are commanded to denounce Vladimir Putin and unconditionally side with Ukraine. If you question Washington wanting to send millions of dollars’ worth of weaponry to Ukraine, you are accused of spreading ‘Russian disinformation’ and committing treason. Treason is punishable by death.

Despite their terrible track record, their blatancy never wanes. They no longer bother to engage in debate or answer questions, they just shout orders and move on.

Any society where the powers that be are filled with certitude about their righteousness such that they almost criminalize and demonize opposition is swaying away from being a democracy.

Leftists pontificate about the need for protecting democratic values in Ukraine and denounce Russia as a totalitarian state, but their actions of running disinformation that has an impact on an election is undemocratic. But the sanctimonious seldom comprehend irony.

Do not expect any reform or remedial action for the reason that they do not see any errors in their actions.

They say the function of the media is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. The propaganda masters who are lackeys of the establishment are doing the exact opposite and feel no remorse or shame in doing so.

Citizens looking for facts must presume falsehoods until the truth is proved.

Image: Pixabay / Pixabay License

The New York Times Signals the End of Biden's Road

In October 2020, prior to the election, Hunter Biden’s laptop was left unclaimed at a repair shop and turned over to the FBI. Yaacov Aplebaum has covered at length the Biden family corruption, their crooked international dealingspornographic images of Hunter and others, evidence of Hunter’s drug use and the coverup of his and the Biden family’s corruption which he found on the laptop and elsewhere on the internet. (Warning, images in these reports are not for the faint-hearted.)

The New York Post, without all these sordid details and photographs, reported the story in that same month before the election. But in the face of widespread denial the story got little coverage. It is only now almost two years later, that the New York Times confirms that the Post’s reporting on the laptop was accurate. 

A comprehensive report about the ongoing federal probe into Hunter Biden’s tax filings published by the New York Times on Wednesday night confirmed the existence of the first son’s infamous laptop.

In October 2020, The Post exclusively reported on the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop that he ditched at a Delaware repair shop in April 2019.

The laptop’s hard drive contained a trove of emails, text messages, photos and financial documents between Hunter Biden, his family and business associates — detailing how the president’s son used his political leverage in his overseas business dealings.

The repair shop owner reported the laptop to the FBI, which seized the device and its hard drive. 

As part of their investigation into Hunter Biden, the Times reports, federal prosecutors have looked into emails between the first son and his former business associates that were recovered from the laptop.

Emma-Jo Morris the author of the Post report tweeted:

“Just to clarify: the New York Times did not ‘confirm’ my reporting on the laptop from hell. They did not add any new information speaking to its authenticity. All they did was ADMIT that it was legit. That is not a minor distinction.”

No, it isn’t minor. There was ample evidence the report was accurate, as Apelbaum’s reporting all that month demonstrated.

It is hard to imagine how the Times justifies hiding from its readers news this important which clearly would have affected the election.

Its refusal to cover this allowed Joe Biden to get away with brushing off the story without dealing with its serious evidence of incredible family corruption of every sort imaginable.

Brush offs like this when a brave reporter asked about the laptop:

Joe Biden looked away and laughed.

“God love ya man, you’re a one horse pony,” he told the reporter while walking away.

“I promise my Justice Department will be totally on its own making these judgments about how they should proceed,” he added.

Joe Biden oversees the Justice Department, the agency in charge of rooting out corruption – even at the highest levels.

It was not only the NYT, and media figures like Leslie Stahl and Brian Stelter who discounted the report about Hunter's laptop. Fifty former senior intelligence officials suggested the report was Russian disinformation   

On Wednesday, when the New York Times acknowledged the authenticity of Hunter’s laptop, it struck  a blow to Biden and his Democrat lieutenants who have claimed for years the laptop is Russian disinformation.

The Biden’s spokesperson, Jen Psaki, is still clinging to the Biden’s baseless defense:

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki on Thursday dodged two questions about Hunter Biden’s laptop after the New York Times confirmed the laptop from hell is in fact real. The New York Times finally admitted that Hunter Biden’s laptop is real…. Two White House reporters confronted Psaki about Hunter Biden’s laptop on Thursday and her previous claims it was Russian disinformation. Psaki looked visibly irritated and refused to answer any questions. The president previously said that the [Hunter Biden laptop scandal] was a bunch of garbage and that it was a Russian plant. Does he stand by that assessment?

C’mon man. They gotcha. Almost two years too late, but you can’t continue to hide this. Game’s up.

I can’t disagree with wretchardthecat who apropos tweeted: “The difference between a conspiracy theory and ‘so it happened, get over it’ is about six months.”



Well, that seems to be the Clinton-Obama-Biden playbook for what you do when the evidence of your wrongdoing has finally made its way through the layers of disinformation and media coverup.

I don’t think that will work this time. For one thing, there does seem to be some kind of ongoing federal investigation in which at least Archer Devon, Hunter’s close business associate was sentenced for defrauding an Indian tribe. And that investigation seems to involve Hunter’s dealings:  

WASHINGTON — In the year after he disclosed a federal investigation into his “tax affairs” in late 2020, President Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, paid off a significant tax liability, even as a grand jury continued to gather evidence in a wide-ranging examination of his international business dealings, according to people familiar with the case.[snip]

But Mr. Biden’s taxes are just one element of the broader investigation stemming from work he did around the world. Hunter Biden is a Yale-educated lawyer; his professional life has intersected with his father’s public service, including working as a registered lobbyist for domestic interests and, while his father was vice president, pursuing deals and clients in Asia and Europe.

As recently as last month, the federal grand jury heard testimony in Wilmington, Del., from two witnesses, one of whom was a former employee of Hunter Biden whose lawyer was later subpoenaed for financial records that reflected money Mr. Biden received from a Ukrainian energy company.

Investigators have examined Mr. Biden’s relationships with interests in Kazakhstan, a Chinese energy conglomerate and Burisma, the Ukrainian energy company, according to people familiar with the investigation.

They said prosecutors had investigated payments and gifts Mr. Biden or his associates had received from foreign interests, including a vehicle paid for using funds from a company associated with a Kazakh oligarch and a diamond from a Chinese energy tycoon. Prosecutors also sought documents related to corporate entities through which Mr. Biden and his associates conducted business with interests around the world.

I’m inclined to endorse this Facebook post of Michael Walsh:

It's important for you civilians to know how to read the secret messages encoded in Pravda's "news" stories. Its admission that -- surprise!! -- the Hunter Biden laptop stories were all, of course, true is a signal to Dems that the Big Guy is now expendable.

This certainly would be a convenient time to give Joe Biden the hook as he’s so far underwater he’s dragging the whole party down with him, and a predicted dire assessment of his party’s chances in the midterms seems widespread. If the charges against Hunter are filed, his father is inextricably involved in the foreign payoffs, and a majority Republican Congress in the coming term could well institute impeachment proceedings. So why not have his own party usher him out the door first to signal their togas are clean?


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