Sunday, July 3, 2022

CALIFORNIA - THE WORLD BIGGEST AND MOST EXPENSIVE MEXICAN WELFARE STATE IN THE WORLD! - California’s latest plan for illegal aliens will cost it a lot of money


Study: More than 7-in-10 California Immigrant


Pelosi is a ghastly creature. She and her ilk – Feinstein, Boxer, Jerry Brown, Gavin Newsom – have effectively destroyed California and they did it on purpose. They strive to import as many illegal migrants as possible; they've created and fostered the homelessness and let it fester. California is now a socialist disaster and the further destruction of the economy is just what they've wanted.  

                                                PATRICIA McCARTHY

He added, “Illegal immigration, in particular, drives down wages and inhibits job opportunities for legal residents, while bringing more low-skilled, low-wage workers to these states. In turn, this increases costs to state and local governments, and discourages investment by businesses seeking a skilled labor force and lower overhead.”

                                                                PAUL BEDARD

FAIR reported employers’ preference for hiring foreign-born who demand lower wages, over American citizens. “This report highlights the adverse effects of unchecked mass immigration, combined with an immigration selection process that does not choose people based on merit, job skills and education. Americans are being affected by unenforced immigration policies, which is why it is at the top of the list of voter concerns heading into the 2020 elections.”


"They will destroy America from within.  The leftist billionaires who orchestrate these plans are wealthy. Those tasked with representing us in Congress will never be exposed to the cost of the invasion. They have nothing but contempt for us who must endure the consequences of our communities being intruded upon by gangs, drug dealers and human traffickers.  These people have no intention of becoming Americans; like the Democrats who welcome them, they have contempt for us." PATRICIA McCARTHY

San Francisco is a disaster about which Nancy Pelosi she cares 

nothing.  It is a city ravaged by drug abuse, homelessness, rampant crime and all the other scourges of leftism.  She lives extravagantly in her gated mansion.  She lives a life of wealth and privilege in city suffering a civilizational collapse created and orchestrated by her own party.  She revels in it.  She has become a near-billionairess by way of politics of the most corrupt variety.  She is indeed a cancer on the body politic.  

                                                          PATRICIA McCARTHY

"Along with Obama, Pelosi and Schumer are responsible for incalculable damage done to this country over the eight years of that administration." PATRICIA McCARTHY


ALL BILLIONAIRES ARE GLOBALIST DEMOCRATS FOR WIDER OPEN BORDERS "I hope I’m wrong, because the reckoning due for China and its globalists enablers is a consummation devoutly to be wished. If the current economic disaster worsens, we may see a critical mass of voters demand that at least the U.S. as much as possible decouple economically from China. Or we may see a reaction much more sinister and dangerous." BRUCE THORNTON

 “This will represent the biggest expansion of coverage in the nation since the start of the Affordable Care Act in 2014,” said Anthony Wright, executive director of Health Access California, a statewide consumer health care advocacy group.

HALF THE MURDERS IN CA ARE PERPETRATED BY MEX GANGS - Source: Former Atttorney Gen. Kamala Harris

They use public services (transportation, utilities, garbage, water, etc.) and have a big impact on the criminal justice system.

California’s latest plan for illegal aliens will cost it a lot of money

California is a wealthy state because of Hollywood and Silicon Valley. California is also the state with the highest poverty rate in America. Many of those living in poverty are illegal aliens, people who shouldn’t be in this country in the first place. Nevertheless, California’s Democrats have a soft spot for a group they envision as future Democrat party voters. So it is that, last week, California became the first state not only to guarantee free health care for all low-income immigrants but also to ensure that this promise extends to illegal aliens. This won’t help the state’s financial situation but will help it vis-à-vis federal rights and benefits.


For the time being, the federal government will not provide Medicaid to illegal aliens. California is about to change that policy within its borders for the estimated 2.5 million or more illegal aliens (plus their ~900,000 U.S.-born anchor babies) who live there. California has long offered Medi-Cal to the approximately 200,000 illegal aliens aged under 26 years. Still, this latest expansion is a big deal in terms of placing demands on taxpayer monies, something that even the Associated Press admits:

About 92% of Californians currently have some form of health insurance, putting the state in the middle of the pack nationally. But that will change once this budget is fully implemented, as adults living in the country illegally make up one of the largest groups of people without insurance in the state.

“This will represent the biggest expansion of coverage in the nation since the start of the Affordable Care Act in 2014,” said Anthony Wright, executive director of Health Access California, a statewide consumer health care advocacy group.

This free health care will be on top of the other benefits California extends to those who enter the country illegally. It has long refused to cooperate with ICE, even when it comes to violent illegal aliens. Illegal aliens have full access to public education in California, including admission to its colleges and universities (with financial aid). In addition, a proposed bill in California would extend unemployment benefits to illegal aliens, who are estimated to make up 1 in 16 workers in the state. And of course, there’s just the general cost of their being in America: They use public services (transportation, utilities, garbage, water, etc.) and have a big impact on the criminal justice system.

Image: Illegal aliens in Los Angeles flying the Mexican flag (2015). YouTube screen grab.

But with all those expenses, California has decided it’s still not enough, so free health care is now on tap for those whose first act upon entering America is to break our laws—and who are draining an economic system to which they’ve contributed nothing.

The AP sees problems ahead...for the illegal aliens who aren’t savvy enough to jump on this money train:

California’s expansion of Medicaid won’t be easy. A confluence of events, including the state’s slow rollout of the expansion and the end of some federal pandemic policies, mean about 40,000 low-income immigrants will likely lose their health coverage for up to a year in 2023 before being eligible to get it back — illustrating the difficulty of navigating the government-run health insurance system that is supposed to make it easier for people to get coverage.

I’ll spare you the sob story about the poor illegal immigrant who works to bring in more illegal aliens and is having trouble getting her free healthcare.

I’m glad I no longer live in California and, frankly, wouldn’t mind seeing it sink under the weight of its leftist policies (although I’m terribly sorry for the conservatives who are trapped there for family or economic reasons). However, the coming economic disaster I foresee from these policies doesn’t mean California won’t continue to have a disproportionate reach into federal power and the federal purse.

Over the past few years, California has (for the first time) suffered a net population loss:

Many in the state’s media and political establishment insist that the demographic decline is a “myth” concocted by red-state haters. It’s not. The state that attracted America’s domestic migrants through the 20th century is losing millions of them in the 21st century.

A declining population means fewer federal dollars and a smaller contingent in the House and the Electoral College. However, the one thing that will be a roaring success with the new Medi-Cal plan is that it will be a magnet for bringing in ever greater numbers of illegal aliens into the state. Because illegal aliens are counted in a state’s population for the above-listed federal purposes (a count helped along by a rigged census that overcounted blue state populations and undercounted red state populations), the policies aimed at keeping the illegal aliens arriving help maintain California’s status in the federal system. 

California Will Be First State Offering Free Health Care to Illegal Aliens

Governor Gavin Newsom watches as the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is prepared by Director of Inpatient Pharmacy David Cheng at Kaiser Permanente Los Angeles Medical Center in Los Angeles, California on December 14, 2020. - The United States kicked off a mass vaccination drive Monday hoping to turn the tide on …
JAE HONG/POOL/AFP via Getty Images

California will become the first state to offer free health care to illegal aliens, following a budget deal by Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) and Democrats in the legislature that will cover Medi-Cal for all residents, regardless of immigration status.

The Sacramento Bee reported on the expansion of the state’s Medicaid program, which will cost an additional $2.6 billon:

Gov. Gavin Newsom late Sunday announced a budget deal he struck with the Legislature included a new Medi-Cal expansion that would cover more undocumented adults.

The program’s launch, starting no later than Jan. 1, 2024, is expected to provide full coverage for approximately 700,000 undocumented residents ages 26-49 and lead to the largest drop in the rate of uninsured Californians in a decade.

The state already allows many undocumented residents to join Medi-Cal. In 2015, California began allowing undocumented children to join Medi-Cal. Four years later, eligibility broadened to those younger than 26. And in May, the state started covering people aged 50 and over.

The headline policy announcement of the budget deal was an agreement to send relief checks of up to $1,050 to residents to help them deal with the rising price of fuel and inflation in general. Economists now warn that could make inflation worse.

During the 2020 presidential campaign, almost every Democratic Party candidate promised to make health care free for illegal aliens, dismissing concerns that it would create a further incentive for migrants to come to the U.S. unlawfully.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the recent e-book, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. His recent book, RED NOVEMBER, tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.



Republican Study Committee Creates Holistic Immigration Plan to Raise Wages, Grow Middle Class

The RSC Budget would prohibit federal funds from going to cities or jurisdictions operating as sanctuaries for illegal immigrants. There are at least 190 of these so-called sanctuary jurisdictions across the country,[7] and many cities have seen increased crime rates since declaring themselves sanctuary cities.[8


California Makes History: First State in U.S. Giving Food Stamps to Illegal Aliens

Scott Heins/ISAAC GUZMAN/AFP via Getty Images


29 Jun 20220

The sanctuary state of California will make history by becoming the first state in the nation to give food stamps to illegal aliens.

This week, Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) announced a budget deal with Democrat state legislators that includes providing food stamps, paid for by California’s taxpayers, to illegal aliens 55 and older — the first initiative of its kind in the United States.

An executive with the group Nourish California told the Fresno Bee that the policy is historic for the state, saying, “California is once again making history by removing xenophobic exclusions to our state’s safety net.”

Expansion of the state’s CalFresh food stamps program will cost California’s taxpayers more than $35 million and about 75,000 illegal aliens are expected to enroll every year.

The move comes as Newsom’s budget deal will also ensure that California is the first state in the nation to provide taxpayer-funded health insurance to all of its 3.3 million illegal aliens.

Offering taxpayer-funded health insurance to its entire illegal alien population, the largest in the nation, is expected to cost California’s taxpayers about $2.4 billion annually. The plan is scheduled to begin in 2024.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here


Biden’s border policy uses American taxpayers to ‘enrich’ cartels: Rep. Scott Perry

A DACA amnesty would put more citizen children of illegal aliens — known as “anchor babies” — on federal welfare, as Breitbart News reported, while American taxpayers would be left potentially with a $26 billion bill.


Additionally, about one-in-five DACA illegal aliens, after an amnesty, would end up on food stamps, while at least one-in-seven would go on Medicaid. JOHN BINDER


This is why you work From Jan - May paying taxes to the government ....with the rest of the calendar year is money for you and your family.

Take, for example, an illegal alien with a wife and five children. He takes a job for $5.00 or 6.00/hour. At that wage, with six dependents, he pays no income tax, yet at the end of the year, if he files an Income Tax Return, with his fake Social Security number, he gets an "earned income credit" of up to $3,200..... free.

He qualifies for Section 8 housing and subsidized rent.

He qualifies for food stamps.

He qualifies for free (no deductible, no co-pay) health care.

His children get free breakfasts and lunches at school.

He requires bilingual teachers and books.

He qualifies for relief from high energy bills.

If they are or become, aged, blind or disabled, they qualify for SSI.

Once qualified for SSI they can qualify for Medicare. All of this is at (our) taxpayer's expense.

He doesn't worry about car insurance, life insurance, or homeowners insurance.

Taxpayers provide Spanish language signs, bulletins and printed material.

He and his family receive the equivalent of $20.00 to $30.00/hour in benefits.

Working Americans are lucky to have $5.00 or $6.00/hour left after Paying their bills and his.

The American taxpayers also pay for increased crime, graffiti and trash clean-up (THE COST OF MEXICAN GRIFFITI ABATEMENT FOR THE CITY OF LOS ANGELES IS $10 MILLION YEARLY).


Here’s how it breaks down; will make you want to be an illegal!



 Staggering expensive "cheap" Mexican labor did not build this once great nation! Look what it has done to Mexico. It's all about keeping wages depressed and passing along the true cost of the invasion, their welfare, and crime tidal wave costs to the backs of the American people!




This annual income for an impoverished American family is $10,000 less than the more than $34,500 in federal funds which are spent on each unaccompanied minor border crosser.

study by Tom Wong of the University of California at San Diego discovered that more than 25 percent of DACA-enrolled illegal aliens in the program have anchor babies. That totals about 200,000 anchor babies who are the children of DACA-enrolled illegal aliens. This does not include the anchor babies of DACA-qualified illegal aliens. JOHN BINDER

 “The Democrats had abandoned their working-class base to chase what they pretended was a racial group when what they were actually chasing was the momentum of unlimited migration”.  DANIEL GREENFIELD / FRONT PAGE MAGAZINE 

As Breitbart News has reported, U.S. households headed by foreign-born residents use nearly twice the welfare of households headed by native-born Americans.

Simultaneously, illegal immigration next year is on track to soar to the highest level in a decade, with a potential 600,000 border crossers expected.


“More than 750 million people want to migrate to another country permanently, according to Gallup research published Monday, as 150 world leaders sign up to the controversial UN global compact which critics say makes migration a human right.”  VIRGINIA HALE

For example, a DACA amnesty would cost American taxpayers about $26 billion, more than the border wall, and that does not include the money taxpayers would have to fork up to subsidize the legal immigrant relatives of DACA illegal aliens. 

Exclusive–Steve Camarota: Every Illegal Alien Costs Americans $70K Over Their Lifetime


 Every illegal alien, over the course of their lifetime, costs American taxpayers about $70,000, Center for Immigration Studies Director of Research Steve Camarota says.

During an interview with SiriusXM Patriot’s Breitbart News Daily, Camarota said his research has revealed the enormous financial burden that illegal immigration has on America’s working and middle class taxpayers in terms of public services, depressed wages, and welfare.

“In a person’s lifetime, I’ve estimated that an illegal border crosser might cost taxpayers … maybe over $70,000 a year as a net cost,” Camarota said. “And that excludes the cost of their U.S.-born children, which gets pretty big when you add that in.”


“Once [an illegal alien] has a child, they can receive cash welfare on behalf of their U.S.-born children,” Camarota explained. “Once they have a child, they can live in public housing. Once they have a child, they can receive food stamps on behalf of that child. That’s how that works.”

Camarota said the education levels of illegal aliens, border crossers, and legal immigrants are largely to blame for the high level of welfare usage by the f0reign-born population in the U.S., noting that new arrivals tend to compete for jobs against America’s poor and working class communities.

In past waves of mass immigration, Camarota said, the U.S. did not have an expansive welfare system. Today’s ever-growing welfare system, coupled with mass illegal and legal immigration levels, is “extremely problematic,” according to Camarota, for American taxpayers.

The RAISE Act — reintroduced in the Senate by Senators Tom Cotton (R-AR), David Perdue (R-GA), and Josh Hawley (R-MO) — would cut legal immigration levels in half and convert the immigration system to favor well-educated foreign nationals, thus relieving American workers and taxpayers of the nearly five-decade-long wave of booming immigration. Currently, mass legal immigration redistributes the wealth of working and middle class Americans to the country’s top earners.

“Virtually none of that existed in 1900 during the last great wave of immigration, when we also took in a number of poor people. We didn’t have a well-developed welfare state,” Camarota continued:

We’re not going to stop [the welfare state] tomorrow. So in that context, bringing in less educated people who are poor is extremely problematic for public coffers, for taxpayers in a way that it wasn’t in 1900 because the roads weren’t even paved between the cities in 1900. It’s just a totally different world. And that’s the point of the RAISE Act is to sort of bring in line immigration policy with the reality say of a large government … and a welfare state. [Emphasis added]

The immigrants are not all coming to get welfare and they don’t immediately sign up, but over time, an enormous fraction sign their children up. It’s likely the case that of the U.S.-born children of illegal immigrants, more than half are signed up for Medicaid — which is our most expensive program. [Emphasis added]

As Breitbart News has reported, U.S. households headed by foreign-born residents use nearly twice the welfare of households headed by native-born Americans.


Every year the U.S. admits more than 1.5 million foreign nationals, with the vast majority deriving from chain migration. In 2017, the foreign-born population reached a record high of 44.5 million. By 2023, the Center for Immigration Studies estimates that the legal and illegal immigrant population of the U.S. will make up nearly 15 percent of the entire U.S. population.

Breitbart News Daily airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 weekdays from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Eastern.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder

California Tried to Bail Out Illegal Aliens - and It’s a Disaster

Who knew that anonymously handing out $1,000 to criminals could go wrong?

May 29, 2020 

Daniel Greenfield



Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

The Golden State is showing its brass with more unemployed people than the entire population of Alabama. So, California’s leaders decided that this was an urgent time to bail out illegal aliens.

California’s illegal alien population is its shadow economy and with many of the industries that employ them shut down, the Democrats who depend on ghost districts populated by illegals decided that something had to be urgently done to keep the illegal aliens from fleeing back across the border.

The Democrats figured that giving them checks would be cheaper than building a wall to keep them in.

But who knew that a $125 million stimulus program for illegal aliens would become such a disaster?

Illegal aliens were eligible to apply for up to $1,000 with $75 million coming from the California taxpayers bailing out illegals who don't pay taxes. And another $50 million was supposed to be donated by wealthy lefties. 




But while the taxpayers of the state were forced to put up their $75 million, the wealthy politically correct elites who have poured fortunes into electing Democrats didn’t pay up.

Grantmakers Concerned with Immigrants and Refugees had the backing of billionaires like Steve Jobs' widow, Mark Zuckerberg, and George Soros, but has stalled at $38 million. And that's from guys like Zuckerberg and Soros who use million-dollar bills as toilet paper. But why bother donating to illegals, when you can buy the politicians, and they'll steal money from the middle class to fund your agenda?

The Resilience Fund was supposed to raise an initial $50 million. It’s struggling to get there which means its partner organizations like the California Nail Salon Community Care Fund, the TransLatin Coalition, the Jakara Movement for Sikh illegal aliens, and the Black LGBTQ+ Migrant Project might be out of luck.

But the real train wreck was, as always, on the government side where Governor Newsom had decided to anonymously give away cash to illegals, first-come, first-served. What could possibly go wrong?


The Disaster Relief Assistance for Immigrants (DRAI) program was built to self-destruct from the start.

Since the sanctuary state would rather let a million Kate Steinles be murdered than deport one illegal, not even California authorities would be allowed to know whom they were giving away the money to.

Instead of illegal aliens having to file paperwork or show up at an office and present their undocumented passports, the giveaway was run through non-profits that help illegal aliens. Like a radio station contest, the illegal aliens had to call it to one of twelve non-profits to walk away with a grand.

The Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights of Los Angeles claimed that it got 630,000 calls in the first 90 minutes and over 1.1 million calls on the first day. 



Pew estimates that Los Angeles has around 1 million illegals. What are the odds that all of them would have phoned up one of the non-profits in one day?

The Pew estimate that there are only 2 million illegals in California has always been nonsense, but even so numbers like these are so fishy that they could be served fresh at your local seafood restaurant.

Even at the minimum number of $500, 1 million applicants would require a $500 million fund.

And that’s just the calls coming it to one of the non-profits.

The TODEC Legal Center claimed that it was hammered with 1 million calls in the first 48 hours. Bay Area Catholic Charities told the media that it's been getting 200,000 calls a day.

Since illegal aliens are only supposed to apply to the contractors serving their geographic area, that means that there are either a whole lot of illegal aliens in California or a whole lot of scammers.

Or both.

The volume of calls quickly overwhelmed the pro-illegal organizations which processed only 6,500 illegal claims. Only California Democrats can figure out how to outsource a giveaway and make it even worse as other pro-illegal alien groups began complaining to Governor Newsom that “undocumented Californians face unreasonable barriers in accessing these much-needed resources."

Even though California can’t figure out how to give away the money to illegal aliens, Democrats are demanding even more giveaways with legislators calling for $3,200 in payouts per illegal alien.

With claims that there are 289,000 illegal aliens who are no longer able to work illegally in California, that could run to $9 billion in payouts to illegal aliens. Meanwhile, Governor Newsom is warning that unless his government gets a massive federal bailout, cops and firefighters will lose their jobs.

Maybe the illegal aliens can work as California’s cops and firefighters for less than minimum wage.

But, as the 1.1 million phone calls show, the sky is literally the limit.

California's illegal alien stimulus routes everything through its dozen Immigration Services Financing contractors who only provide general demographic information to the state. The contractors begin the process by phone and then ask applicants to email them evidence that they’re eligible for the program.

The potential for fraud is as vast as the cash flow is limited.

Meanwhile, CBS Los Angeles interviewed a woman who told the reporter in Spanish. “Right now, we live in a place that is not our country. Our house is in a different country, and we have expenses we have to pay like rent and for food.” It seems like the solution would be for her to go back to her own country.

You don’t need to ask California taxpayers to cover LA rents when you have a house in Guatemala.

Illegal aliens are living in a place that is not their country. There’s no reason for them to be here, let alone be bailed out by California taxpayers, when 5 million Californians are unemployed.

But California's bad ideas have a way of quickly sweeping the nation. From foods to dances to drugs, once Californians do it, every other idiot blue state decides it must be a good idea.

The Seattle City Council, under Council President M. Lorena Gonzalez, passed a unanimous resolution calling for a fund of over $100 million for “undocumented Washingtonians".

And they're not talking about Rep. Ilhan Omar.

Gonzalez’s parents were illegal aliens. The La Raza vet got her start in politics as the legal counsel to Mayor Ed Murray, who was forced to step down after multiple allegations of abusing children that had been covered up by the Democrat establishment. That’s the sort of thing they used to do in Portland.

Like its California cousin, Seattle’s illegal alien giveaway would also be run by “community-based organizations” which is just slang for Democrat organizations that help get out the Democrat vote.

Seattle Democrats claim that they need to bail out the state’s 250,000 illegal aliens. Pew estimates place 140,000 illegal aliens in the Seattle metropolitan area. The entire state is on the hook for Seattle.


The idea of a massive illegal alien bailout is spreading across blue state and areas. Maryland's 250,000 illegal aliens want their own stimulus plan. Pro-illegal alien activists in Phoenix held a rally demanding money for illegals. Two dozen Connecticut legislators have written a letter calling for a bailout for the state's 100,000 illegals. Massachusetts Democrats also desperately want to bail out their illegals.

And California has taken its illegal alien bailout national with Speaker Pelosi’s HEROES Act offering stimulus cash for illegal aliens at a time when 30 million Americans are out of work.

Pelosi might have learned the lesson from her own state’s illegal alien bailout disaster.

Handing out cash to criminals never ends well. That’s why so many members of her own party are in jail

Study: More than 7-in-10 California Immigrant



More than 7-in-10 households headed by immigrants in the state of California are on taxpayer-funded welfare, a new study reveals.

The latest Census Bureau data analyzed by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) finds that about 72 percent of households headed by noncitizens and immigrants use one or more forms of taxpayer-funded welfare programs in California — the number one immigrant-receiving state in the U.S.

Meanwhile, only about 35 percent of households headed by native-born Americans use welfare in California.

All four states with the largest foreign-born populations, including California, have extremely high use of welfare by immigrant households. In Texas, for example, nearly 70 percent of households headed by immigrants use taxpayer-funded welfare. Meanwhile, only about 35 percent of native-born households in Texas are on welfare.

In New York and Florida, a majority of households headed by immigrants and noncitizens are on welfare. Overall, about 63 percent of immigrant households use welfare while only 35 percent of native-born households use welfare.

President Trump’s administration is looking to soon implement a policy that protects American taxpayers’ dollars from funding the mass importation of welfare-dependent foreign nationals by enforcing a “public charge” rule whereby legal immigrants would be less likely to secure a permanent residency in the U.S. if they have used any forms of welfare in the past, including using Obamacare, food stamps, and public housing.

The immigration controls would be a boon for American taxpayers in the form of an annual $57.4 billion tax cut — the amount taxpayers spend every year on paying for the welfare, crime, and schooling costs of the country’s mass importation of 1.5 million new, mostly low-skilled legal immigrants.

As Breitbart News reported, the majority of the more than 1.5 million foreign nationals entering the country every year use about 57 percent more food stamps than the average native-born American household. Overall, immigrant households consume 33 percent more cash welfare than American citizen households and 44 percent more in Medicaid dollars. This straining of public services by a booming 44 million foreign-born population translates to the average immigrant household costing American taxpayers $6,234 in federal welfare.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder. 



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