Sunday, July 3, 2022

SANCTUARY STATE CALIFORNIA IN DEMOCRAT MELTDOWN - Like a third-world country, California is facing rolling power blackouts


“Joe Biden is great on immigration. I guess depends on your perspective. If you’re a human trafficker, or drug dealer, you’d give him an A-plus, but the American people would give him an F. The crisis at our border was not only entirely predictable, it was predicted. I predicted that if you campaign all year long on open borders, amnesty, and health care for illegals, you’re going to get more migrants at the border. That’s what’s happened since the election.”                                                                                                           SEN. TOM COTTON

California Created A New Cartel Drug Market + The 10 Mile Drug Tunnel to Your Neighborhood


How Foreign Drug Operations Are Taking Over California’s Desert Towns: Jorge Ventura

Mexican Cartels Are Growing Marijuana In California’s National Forests

Inside Mexico's Most Powerful Drug Cartel | Foreign Correspondent

 The Gang Crackdown (full documentary) | FRONTLINE

 Numerous immigrant teens have gone missing on Long Island since 2016, all linked to the violent gang MS-13. FRONTLINE investigates a slew of killings that led to many immigrant teens being accused of gang affiliation and unlawfully detained. (Aired 2018) This journalism is made possible by viewers like you. Support your local PBS station here:​. Drawing on interviews with murder victims’ families, accused gang members, top Justice Department officials, local law enforcement and ICE leadership, and civil rights and immigration lawyers, the 2018 documentary “The Gang Crackdown” explores the reasons behind a spike in violence on Long Island — home to one of the U.S.’ largest communities of unaccompanied minors — and examines whether law enforcement and other government agencies overreached in trying to combat the problem. Love FRONTLINE? Find us on the PBS Video App, where there are more than 300 FRONTLINE documentaries available to watch any time:​ 

Like a third-world country, California is facing rolling power blackouts

Unless states and countries are willing to transition almost entirely to nuclear power, so-called “green” energy is a chimera. In the old days, “green” energy was the norm and life was Hobbesian: “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short.” It was fossil fuel that brought us into a world of plenty but the greenies have been having their way with our fossil-fuel-powered grid and, inevitably, the lights are going off. California, for example, boldly decided to go “green,” closing down existing nuclear power plants and refineries, only to discover that the lights go out when you do that, so now the only option is...drum roll, please...returning to that much-despised fossil fuel.

The Associated Press reported on California’s tough choices, forced upon the state thanks to its stupid policies:

A sweeping energy proposal Gov. Gavin Newsom signed Thursday puts the state in the business of buying power to ensure there’s enough to go around during heat waves that strain the grid. But some critics say the method of getting there is at odds with the state’s broader climate goals, because it paves the way for the state to tap aging gas-fired power plants and add backup generators fueled by diesel.

The debate highlights the challenge some states are facing as they scramble to address heat waves fueled by climate change without compromising on their pledges to transition to non-fossil fuel energy sources like solar and wind.

The only thing I would argue with in the above-quoted language is “heat waves fueled by climate change.” For greenies, the phrase “by climate change” is a reflexive habit, much like the way Muslims reflexively add “peace be upon him” or “pbuh” when referring to the Prophet Mohamed. And like the phrase “pbuh,” “by climate change” is powered by faith. In fact, the first half of the 20th century—which also saw the devastating Dust Bowl—recorded many of the hottest years on record in America. Moreover, the phrase “hottest years on record” is also meaningless because we only began tracking temperatures in the late Victorian period, about 150 years ago. The billions of years before that...well, we’re guessing.

Image: Solar panels at Topaz Solar in California, as far as the eye can see by Pacific Southwest Region. CC BY 2.0.

But back to California, note the careful language in this paragraph:

California gets most of its energy from renewable sources during the day, but doesn’t yet have the storage to dispatch enough solar power after the sun goes down. The bill aims to speed up the building of more renewable energy and storage facilities by removing local governments from permitting decisions. Supply chain issues are also slowing down building.

“Doesn’t yet have the storage to dispatch enough solar power after the sun goes down.” And therein lies the rub. Renewables work when the wind blows or the sun shines. Otherwise, nothing.

Green energy storage is a huge—and currently unaddressed—problem because the batteries lag far behind every nation’s needs. To date, batteries are inefficient and huge. So, in addition to gigantic, hideous, bird-cooking solar arrays across America, or enormous, hideous, bird-slicing wind farms across America, we’ll end up with ginormous, hideous battery arrays across America. And of course, all these things (the solar panelswindmills, and batteries) require massive amounts of non-recyclable, polluting ingredients—with the stuff for the solar panels alone coming mostly from China, the most polluting nation in the world.

When you put your faith in fantasy and eschew reality, reality does not go away. It’s still there. People who pretend that lions and bears are cute domestic pets get eaten and states or nations that pretend that we can do away with the fossil fuels that lifted us out of darkness are inevitably consigned to...well, either darkness or, if they’re smart, fossil fuels and nuclear energy, both of which are anathema to the greenies.

Migrant enclaves already are at the top of the U.S. lists for bad places to  - 10 of the 50 worst places in America to live according to this list are in California, and all of them are famous for their illegal populations.  

                         MONICA SHOWALTER

No longer golden, California is the center of the universe for homelessness. At 4.3%, the state’s unemployment is worse than in all but seven states, the poverty rate is higher than in any other state, blackouts are becoming more rule than exception, soft-on-crime policies have shown up in ugly street crimes, a politically created drought has a distinct Third World feel, and personal freedom is on the decline while economic freedom has been near rock bottom for more than two decades.

Illegal aliens continue overwhelming the state,

draining California’s already depleted public services

while endangering our lives, the rule of law, and

public safety for all citizens. Arthur Schaper 

The costs of illegal immigration are being carefully hidden by Democrats.      MONICA SHOWALTER

Report: Thousands of Californians Flee to Mexico in Search of More Affordable Living


Housing prices and rampant inflation under

the leadership of President Joe Biden and Gov.

Gavin Newson (D-CA) are driving thousands

of Californians to search for a more affordable

life in Mexico.


"This is country belongs to Mexico" is said by the Mexican Militant. This is a common teaching that the U.S. is really AZTLAN, belonging to Mexicans, which is taught to Mexican kids in Arizona and California through a LA Raza educational program funded by American Tax Payers via President Obama, when he gave LA RAZA $800,000.00 in March of 2009!

Presenting ... Super-Gavin, stepping in to save the day for the Democrats

Joe Biden is a mess, failing as president, falling in the polls, and fissuring into senility, and that seems to have given California's own Joe Isuzu, Gov. Gavin Newsom, some ideas.

Newsom in fact has suddenly stepped forward as a potential Democrat presidential candidate set to step over Old Joe and his pathetic sidekick, Kamala Harris, with plans to persuade the rest of the country to Californify with him.

He has:

...been groomed for White House occupancy by rich, progressive San Francisco elites. And now he’s “picking exactly the kinds of fights that presidential candidates like to pick” and is “clearly laying the groundwork for a presidential run,” in 2028 if not 2024.

according to Issues & Insights.

He's also buying ads in odd places, according to the New York Post, shelling out six-figure amounts:

California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s campaign has bought ad time in Florida for the July 4th weekend, prodding speculation about his presidential aspirations.

The Democrat’s campaign reserved $105,000 worth of spots on Fox News in the Sunshine State in order to position himself as an alternative to popular Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, according to SF Gate.

“Stay tuned,” spokesman Nathan Click told the outlet.

The Newsom-friendly San Francisco Chronicle's Eric Ting says he's running, too:

First, the whispers around whether Biden will seek re-election have grown curiously loud in the past few weeks, with several national outlets publishing stories in which anonymous administration and Democratic Party officials have expressed doubts about Biden's candidacy and continued ability to govern. These whispers come amid a continued downward trend in the president's approval rating and mainstream publications raising age-related concerns that were once considered taboo. Biden is 79.


...Newsom has dramatically escalated his national posturing in the past week ...

Ting cited a long interview Newsom did for the Atlantic Monthly, and the fact that Newsom opened an account on President Trump's social media site, Truth Social claiming that his goal would be "calling out Republican lies."

That, plus Florida and his targeted fights against Gov. Ron DeSantis, plus his fancy dinners with the Pacific Heights crowd of billionaire Democrat elites looking for a successor to Joe, all pretty well add up to Newsom running for president. 

Newsom claims he's not running for president in 2024, and political analysts have long claimed that he defers to his longtime political bosom buddy, Kamala Harris and her ambitions for the presidency, but who the heck believes that?

Harris is falling apart in the polls even worse than Joe is. She can't win and everyone knows it.

For Democrats, there's a power void. And Joe Isuzu is not going to let a little necessary backstabbing to his old pal Kamala stop his big ambitions for the White House. Far as the Brillcreamed One is concerned, he survived his California recall last year, so that makes him the Democrats' anointed one.

Who else do the Democrats have? Beto O'Rourke? Pete Buttigieg? Hillary Clinton? They are all pathetic losers. Effectively, the Democrats have no one -- and so Gavin to the rescue.

It's pathetic stuff, given the disaster he's made of the state, running a business climate so bad there's a Sri Racha shortage, while major businesses such as Tesla and Chevron have been pulling up stakes and heading for Texas.

Newsom has sought to position himself as a defender of leftist values, offering free abortions and encouraging abortion seekers to come to his state. He's also gone the full "Disney groomer" route and called on Disney and other businesses unhappy with recent Florida state decisions about not allowing teachers to talk sex of any kind with children under the age of 8, to come back to his state where such talk can flow. Thus far, nobody has taken him up on the offer.

Issues & Insights points out that he's made the state number one in homelessness, raising that population 42% between 2014 and 2020, while the rest of the country's homeless population fell 9% in the same period.

No longer golden, California is the center of the universe for homelessness. At 4.3%, the state’s unemployment is worse than in all but seven states, the poverty rate is higher than in any other state, blackouts are becoming more rule than exception, soft-on-crime policies have shown up in ugly street crimes, a politically created drought has a distinct Third World feel, and personal freedom is on the decline while economic freedom has been near rock bottom for more than two decades.

He's also made it a destination of choice for illegal aliens, offering drivers licenses, in-state tuition, free medical care, protection from law enforcement, and other goodies for illegal border crossers and visa overstayers. As a result, one out of four of the nation's illegals lives in California.

He'd like to bring that to the rest of the country.

As Ting notes, it may be that his time is now, and if he doesn't move, he will lose his big chance. Joe is falling apart, and Democrats are looking for a replacement. 

The only problem now is that he might just get his record examined by voters, and be found wanting. That never stopped Gavin, who, having survived his recall, sees himself as bulletproof. He's stepping in as Democrats' savior because who else is there?

Let's see about that.

Photo illustration by Monica Showalter with use of screen grabs from YouTube and YouTube.

Cher Calls Out California Gov. Gavin Newsom over Homeless Crisis: Get Your F**king Act Together

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images/Twitter
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images/Twitter

Left-wing pop singer and Joe Biden backer Cher took a swipe at California Democrat Governor Gavin Newsom in a tweet on Sunday, blasting him for the state’s out of control homeless problem.

“Governor Newsom, I think you skate by on your quasi good looks,” Cher tweeted on Sunday.” It’s not enough! I would vote for you before any Republican, but I’d chew nails before I’d vote Republican. Gov. get your act together. Gov. Newsom, meet one of your constituents…”

Cher then attached photos of an apparent homeless man sleeping on a sidewalk.

In a reply to a fan noting that Newsom has tried to take care of the homeless, Cher scoffed, “OK, let them all sleep in the street, sidewalk covered by a tiny blanket.”

However, the actress and singer is right that Newsom has certainly struggled to address the growing homeless problem in California. Indeed, the entire rise in the nation’s number of homeless is due to the rise in California alone. While the homeless numbers overall went up by 2.7 percent, the rise in California was an eye-popping 16.4 percent.

Frederic J. Brown; Jason Armond/Getty Images

In March Newsom released his latest effort, “acting with compassion” to solve the issue with a program he is calling CARE Court — Community Assistance, Recovery, and Empowerment. The policy still needs approval from the legislature.

The state has also taken wide criticism for spending billions of tax dollars on housing homeless people in hotels in a last-ditch effort to get them off the streets.

Meanwhile, the state continues to welcome illegal aliens — by some estimates there are more than two million there already — with a growing number of freebies courtesy of the state’s dwindling number of taxpayers, meanwhile, the state also suffers one of the highest number of homeless veterans of the U.S. military.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Facebook at:, or Truth Social @WarnerToddHuston

BIDENOMICS   -  The Massive Transfer of Wealth to the Rich and Wall Street and Then Illegals Get Our Jobs to Keep Wages Depressed.

Old Joe Biden has been a liar his entire public life, from his plagiarism in law school and on the presidential campaign trail to his lies about the accident that killed his first wife and the innumerable lies he has told while pretending to be president. It is no exaggeration to say that Joe Biden is one of the most untrustworthy men on the planet. On Friday he reinforced that reputation with a major speech on the May jobs report, in which he had the breathtaking audacity to say that the smoking ruin of an economy over which he is presiding, and which his far-Left policies created, is actually doing great. Maybe if we tilt our heads and squint, we’ll be able to see it.

Biden’s Shameful Plan to Import More Illegal Aliens into America

And more brazen about it than ever.


As a growing number of Americans are voicing their opposition to the Biden’s Administration’s radical immigration agenda, the White House is implementing a new plan that will only worsen the crisis it has created.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) plans to use federal funds to resettle illegal aliens in cities including Los Angeles, Dallas, Houston, and Albuquerque, according to a recent report. Reports indicate that DHS is facetiously referring to the proposal as the “Abbott plan,” named after Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, who has been sending busloads of illegal aliens to Washington, D.C. in protest of Biden’s border crisis.

However, there is no comparison between what Abbott did to try and bring attention to a crisis ravaging his state, and the actions of the Biden Administration, which have continued to foment this crisis. Reasonable people can agree or disagree about Abbott’s tactics, but it is dishonest for DHS officials to conflate their attempts to resettle large numbers of illegal aliens into the country with Abbott’s efforts to force Washington to confront the border crisis it created.

DHS is justifying this plan by citing the reality that detention facilities at the border are overcrowded and running out of room. This is accurate, but it is only accurate because of the border crisis this administration has facilitated. What is more, the Biden Administration has shut down detention facilities and asked Congress for less money to fund detention beds, dropping the already low level of 34,000 beds down to 20,000. 

The White House has made no meaningful attempts to secure the border, and nearly every immigration-related policy they’ve enacted has been aimed at undoing successful border security efforts by the previous administration. The latest example of this is the administration’s recent move to end the use of Title 42 at the border, which has allowed Border Patrol for two years to turn away illegal aliens who attempt to cross the U.S.-Mexico border illegally. 

The use of Title 42 at the border was scheduled to end late last month before a federal judge issued a ruling ordering it to continue. The judge’s ruling serves as a brief respite for the nation, but it remains likely that the use of Title 42 at the border will eventually come to an end, and when it does, the country will lose whatever control it has left over its border. 

Once that happens, as many as 18,000 illegal aliens a day will cross the border, according to some estimates. The overwhelming flow of migrants coming into the country will allow the Biden Administration to claim that they’ve run out of room in detention facilities, and justify resettling large numbers of illegal aliens into the U.S. This is the administration’s strategy, but it is not a new strategy. For months, the Biden Administration has been quietly resettling illegal aliens into the U.S. while hiding it from the American people.

Late last year, then-White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki admitted that illegal aliens were being flown from the border to New York in secretive, night-time flights. Officials in other states, including Pennsylvania and Florida, have also reported illegal aliens being resettled in their states through similar flights. This led Florida

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