Wednesday, August 3, 2022



Democrat Logic: Reduce Inflation with More Inflation!

What could be dumber than spending $433B that we don't have during an inflation crisis? Raising taxes by $739B during a recession, that's what.

Could anything be less economically sound than doing either of those two things?  Yup!  The Dems are about to give us a real demonstration of cluelessness.  They're about to do both of those things together — having the most negative impact on the economy achievable by mere mortal men.  And they're going to do it while Americans are screaming that the economy is our biggest concern right now.  So are the Democrats

  • tone-deaf?
  • ignorant economically uninformed?
  • more focused on ideology than the actual needs of the country?

My money's on "more focused on ideology."  They know by now that November is going to be a bloodbath, and they're doing as much as possible to "fundamentally transform" America into North Cuba with their limited time left.

This has all been enabled by Joe Manchin, who finally caved to the pressure of his fellow Democrats and agreed to support a Build Back Better light bill.  I guess he didn't want an assassin en route to West Virginia, like what happened with Justice Kavanaugh.  But you've got to give the Dems points for moxie.  They've named the bill the Inflation Reduction Act — as if Americans won't notice that it accomplishes the exact opposite.

The Dems are beyond excited about having a bunch more of our money to spend on their socialist schemes.  Politico is even giddy, celebrating that Biden is back.

Somehow, someway, Joe Biden is back in the game. After enduring a brutal year, Biden is suddenly on the verge of a turnaround that, the White House believes, could salvage his summer — and alter the trajectory of his presidency.

They're saying it as if it were a good thing.  They seem to believe that Manchin surrendering to the insanity is a sign that Joe Biden is engaged and in charge again.  I guess they haven't noticed the unintended consequences every time old Joe gets engaged in anything.  Has it occurred to Politico that "alter the trajectory" could mean throttling up, pushing the stick forward, and nose-diving into the nearest hard spot?

The bill spends $433B (that's 433 with nine zeros behind it), of which $369B is dedicated to a quixotic attempt to change the weather.  As usual, attempts to control the climate seem to do more to increase government control over us than actually reducing the Earth's temperature.  It's almost as if that were the actual goal.  Luckily, the rest of that spending is to increase the size of the IRS — something that I'm sure all Americans will approve of.

Every economist without a Nobel Prize understands that spending money we don't have devalues the dollar and increases inflation.  But even Paul Krugman now admits that the $3.1T we spent on COVID relief and infrastructure was a major contributing factor to our current inflation crisis — proving once again that even a broken clock is right twice a day.

So what should we do about that pesky inflation problem?  The Dems have decided that the only solution to overspending is to spend more, and tell everyone that it's to buy a little inflation reduction — with money we don't have.  Am I getting that right?

That's not just my engineering take on the logic.  The Penn Wharton Budget Model (PWBM) projects that the bill will increase inflation for the next two years — regardless of what the bill is named.  Inflation should be peaking just about the time we go to the polls to select our next president.

But the inevitable increase in inflation that will come from the Inflation Reduction Act is only half of the bad news for Americans in the bill.

As Americans struggle with rising prices at the cash register, they will also have less money in their pockets to pay for everything.  They're going to be facing prices that are up, while their checking accounts are down.  The Inflation Reduction Act also includes $739B (just a tad less than a trillion bucks) in tax increases — to make sure that every taxpayer has less money to live on.

Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and Donald Trump proved that the government can stimulate economic growth by cutting taxes.  If you let people keep more of their money, they'll use that money to buy stuff and create economic activity.  It's not even rocket science.

So what's the Democrat plan to stimulate the economy?  Contrarians that they are, now that we're in a recession, the Dems are going to get the economy humming along by...taking more money from taxpayers.  They're using reverse WWDD (what would Donald do?) logic.  Whatever The Donald would do, they will do the opposite — because if you haven't noticed, they don't like the man.

We're not talking about a trivial tax increase, either.  If we were to line up 100-dollar bills, end to end, $739B would reach from the Earth to the moon three times — and that's just the increase in taxes.

But not to worry.  Biden assures us that nobody making under $400K per year will be affected by the new taxes.  But true to form, he lied misspoke.  Perhaps Karine Jean-Pierre will have a clarification in a few days.

A big chunk of that tax increase is in the form of a 15-percent levy on manufacturers.  But corporations don't really pay taxes.  They collect taxes.  As their costs (including the cost of taxes) increases, they raise their prices and pass those costs on to the consumers.  Consumers will end up paying the taxes through further inflation of product prices.

Analysis by the Joint Committee on Taxation has revealed that the bill will actually impact people in every income bracket — with more than half of the taxes being paid by people making less than Joe's promised $400K floor.  In fact, the biggest-percentage increase in taxes will be on those making less than $10K per year — well below poverty level.  It's further proof that the Democrats are no longer the party of working-class Americans.  And don't forget: the bill also includes an estimated 80,000 new IRS agents — to ensure that people who can't afford tax attorneys are discouraged from finding any loopholes in the 6,550 pages of the IRS tax code.

Conservatives have been saying for years that the Democrats are out of ideas.  Could there be any better proof than the Inflation Reduction Act?  The Dems have been setting and implementing our economic policy for seventeen months now.  They've managed to put us in a recession and triggered the highest inflation in 40+ years.  What's their solution?  Do more of the same.  Profligate spending triggered inflation, so they're going to spend more.  The GDP has gone negative, so they're supposedly going to stimulate the economy by draining more money from the private sector.  They seem determined to make the misery index a thing again.  And the Dems are convinced that everything will be okay if they call their plan the Inflation Reduction Act.  Right.

So is Politico correct?  Is Biden back?  Yup — Manchin has given the same guy that worked relentlessly to create this mess a new toy to play with.  The president that signed dozens of economy-killing executive orders on his first day in office, is energized, engaged, and has a big pot of money to further screw everything up.  Somehow, I'm thinking President Gremlin's engagement is not going to save our economy, his fellow Dems, or his legacy.

John Green is a political refugee from Minnesota, now residing in Idaho.  He has written for American ThinkerAmerican Free News Network, and The Blue State Conservative.  He can be followed on Facebook or reached at

Image via Max Pixel.


There is a method to the meaningless, banal madness of Kamala's speech

In old Hollywood movies about politicians, back in the days when the movies did not want to alienate their audiences by being openly partisan, they would put high-flown words in the mouths of political characters, words that seemed to say much but, when parsed, said nothing at all.  Kamala Harris is not a character from one of those movies.  Her words are not high-flown, and they don't seem to say much at all.  They sound like nothing, and they say nothing.  Daniel Greenfield has figured out the origin of her particular gibberish: she is the modern amalgam of old-time corporate speak, academese, and new-age banalities.

Corporate-speak got its start in the 1950s.  At the risk of exposing myself as a true old movie geek, I was reminded of this just the other day when scanning TCM's offerings, one of which was It's Always Fair Weather.  This is a really bad Gene Kelly movie about three war buddies who have a reunion years later, only to discover that they'd all changed for the worse.  One of the scenes shows the Dan Dailey character quite drunk at an office party when he suddenly realizes that nobody is saying anything at all; they're just speaking office cant:

Corporate speak has only gone downhill in the 67 years since then, and Kamala Harris, without any music to help her out, is the avatar of this kind of meaningless, obfuscatory nonsense.  Or as Daniel Greenfield writes:

Biden's malapropisms and asides are unique, but Kamala isn't likely to call someone a "lying dog-faced pony soldier". Instead she speaks in the familiar argot of woke bureaucrats who mix "stakeholders", "impactful", "commitment", "awareness" and "transformative" together in some random order and call it a sentence.

This language doesn't have an official name, but the combination of academic constructs, business buzzwords, and 'therapyspeak' expressions has taken over the HRs of every major company and is the language in which the 99.9% of useless government bureaucrats speak internally. It's natural that Kamala would have picked it up, but she never unlearned it, or learned any other language and so she is incapable of making herself understood to the people.

Like Orwell's Newspeak, Kamala's native language is meant to defeat communication. It's impossible to express anything clearly and plainly in a tongue that consists of ambiguities that signal virtue rather than explain what they are after. Soon adjectives become verbs and verbs become adjectives. Untangling it is difficult enough when it's written down, but a teleprompter recitation of strings of cliches tangled with general assertions that never add up to anything is impossible. Yet tens of thousands of such events are held everyday in which the participants are subjected to an hour of this nonsense which, no matter how many 10 AM whiskeys you've had, never start making any sense. And Kamala is a capable practitioner of this difficult language.

And now, here's the proof behind that analysis:

It's chilling to realize that this woman is just a 25th Amendment away from the Oval Office.

The Biden administration and the new 'Intolerable Acts'

In 1774, the British imposed the Intolerable Acts on the American colonies.  These acts, also called the Coercive Acts, were punishment for the Americans' disobedience to the crown, particularly as symbolized by the Boston Tea Party, a rebellion against a (relatively mild) increase in the tax on tea.

My fellow Americans, we have recently been subjected to a second set of Coercive Acts.  Call them the Intolerable Acts 2.0.

These acts have been imposed on American citizens by their own supposedly representative government, the Biden administration, as punishment for disobedience to the Democrat party and the Deep State, as symbolized by the MAGA movement and the election of Donald Trump.

What are the new Intolerable Acts?  I will list a number of them here for you now, many of them a result of executive fiat, not unlike those directed at the colonists by King George III.

– Rescinding the Keystone Pipeline permit, depriving his country's citizens of vast quantities of oil and canceling countless well-paying jobs at the same time.

– Withdrawing oil and gas leases across the nation and its coastal waters, depriving his country's citizens of vast quantities of oil and gas and canceling countless well-paying jobs at the same time.

– Dramatically restricting fracking and preventing all new extraction of oil or gas on federal lands, depriving his country's citizens of vast quantities of oil and canceling countless well-paying jobs at the same time.

–  Proposing and fostering other policies guaranteed to dramatically worsen inflation, adversely affecting all Americans lives, especially those with lower incomes and less leverage and fewer opportunities.

– Refusing to close or even effectively monitor or police our southern border, condemning Americans to suffer significant increases in violent crime, drug overdoses, sex-trafficking, and the proliferation of diseases like COVID-19.

– Treating illegal aliens far better than citizens in fly-over country, in many cases putting them up in hotels and then granting them sanctuary status, driver's licenses and free education and health care...all paid for by taxpayers, including those dolts in fly-over country.

– Instituting policies guaranteed to worsen crime and supporting groups like Antifa and BLM that routinely burn and loot American cities — and sometimes kill innocent people and police officers.

– Jailing January 6 protesters, nearly all of whom were actually peaceful, in many cases indefinitely and without charging them, because, well, January 6 was, in some ways, the MAGA movement's Tea Party.

– Sending the FBI and/or DOJ after individual political opponents, raiding their houses in the wee hours with preposterously overwhelming force, dragging them out in their underclothes — and making a spectacle of them for the media.

– Targeting legal firearm owners and attempting to repeal the God-given right to self-defense, a right more important now than ever before...due to the very policies of so-called progressives like those in the Biden administration who want to strip you of this inalienable right.

– Attempting to repeal the First Amendment and strip all of us of our right to free speech, religion, and assembly.  Labeling speech with which they disagree as "hate speech."

– Telling us that there is no way to definitively ascertain sex at birth...or any other time, for that matter.

– Attempting to force us to take an experimental gene therapy "vaccine" into our bodies, while simultaneously saying everyone should have the right to decide whether or not to kill their unborn babies because it's "your body, and therefore your choice."

There were five original Intolerable Acts.  Those acts were the proximate cause of the First Continental Congress...and the American Revolution.

I have listed nearly three times that number of (what should effectively be considered to be) "intolerable Acts" the American government has imposed on its citizens in the past 18 months.

What say you, Americans?

Image via Picryl.



Tucker Carlson: Nothing like this has ever happened

Bye-bye, Biden

Would any other American president have committed as many gaffes and missteps as Joe Biden has and still be said to love America?

What other free-country world leader has treated his own people so badly and been allowed to stay in office?

What other world leader cannot string two cogent sentences together and still remain in office?  Joe Biden is non compos mentis and should remove himself from the White House before he is removed by his own party or before he further collapses the American economy and its status on the world stage.  It cannot get much worse.

Clearly, the man is cognitively in decline.  His many gaffes, word salads, blank stares, popcorn temper flare-ups, weird demeanors, creepy whisperings, touchy-feely gropings with women and children, and his monumentally wrong-headed economic policies are enough to turn the strongest of stomachs.

Biden has single-handedly destroyed America's energy independence.

He has personally made America a ridiculous paper tiger in the eyes of our enemies who want us dead or conquered.

Joe Biden has fist-bumped the most powerful oil-producer on the planet in a way that signals an utter lack of seriousness.

He has opened the borders and welcomed terrorists and murderers.

Biden seems to deliberately want to link arms with the socialists among us in order to drag America's standard of living down to that of Venezuela's.  Food shortages, brownouts and blackouts, a severely reduced reputation as the planet's finest fighting force, and other admirable things America was known for have, have been destroyed or crippled by this impaired president.

Joe's policies are bankrupting America.

In order to kowtow to the climate cretins in Congress whose policies would further damage our economy, he has implemented policies and executive orders that drag America down from the Trump-high economy and energy independence to the Biden-low of scarcity, inflated prices, worker shortages, and supply line problems that would never have happened under Trump.

His failure to address the light-speed increase in crime is inexcusable.

He has done all that with the energy of an aging retriever and the political instincts of Barbra Streisand.

Joe Biden has done more to drop-kick America back to the political, fiscal, and energy Stone Age than any president in memory.

Under Biden, our social and economic infrastructure has been all but decimated.  It is almost as if he has signed on to an America-last agenda.  For that matter, does he even know what his agenda is?  Or has he delegated his presidency to pre-Trump power brokers?

Worst of all, Joe Biden's policies regarding racial matters have reignited a previously placid racial state.  He is now exacerbating a simmering situation between white and black that hasn't been seen since the '60s.

While doing this, he has turned our once illustrious military into a race-based adversarial social experiment, pitting our fighting forces against one another instead of against our enemies abroad.  How can the American military defend our country against a vicious socialist, communist, or radical Islamic threat if our own fighting forces are pitted against each other by color?  This is treasonous because what he has not directly promoted, he has allowed.

If Biden does not remove himself, he should be removed for terminal gross incompetence.  The people who are actually running this administration need to be removed as well.  Obama's not easily hidden, radical, "fundamentally transformational" policies show through Biden's actions loud and clear.  No one is fooled about who is actually running America while Biden and doctor Jill high-tail it off to Delaware for some pudding.

As for his designated successor, Kamala Harris, becoming POTUS, let's deal with one disaster at a time.  She can be removed as well, and perhaps someone sane (certainly not the ethically challenged, slurring Nancy Pelosi and her marble-mouthed inanities) will turn this energy and economic disaster around for the sake of all decent Americans who love this country and want her and her people to prosper.  Perhaps now is a good time for the Manchins, et al. to jump this sinking Democrat ship and sign on with an America-first agenda.  Even the berserkers in the media are starting to pile on, a sure sign that bumbling Biden is bad for the brand.

Joe Biden is a shuffling, sputtering wrecking ball.  We cannot afford him.

American voters have learned a brutally hard and expensive lesson in the debilitating year and a half of the Biden cuckoo's nest: never vote for another Democrat until all the demented socialists, perverts, political prostitutes, and outright quislings within the party are removed.  And maybe not even after that until they moderate their slavering lust for control and brainless collectivism.

We need our pipelines re-opened.  We need to stop printing money.  We need to regain our status abroad.  We need to clean out the schools that are producing millions of little degenerate socialists and infantilized adults who can see no farther than their iScreens.  We need borders and the rule of law.  We need fertilizers and farmers again.  We need to rid America of the CDC, the IRS, and the NEA, to name only three.  We need people who remember God and the founding of America.  We need people who know what a woman is.

The GOP needs some fumigating as well, but at least we on the right tend to love America, family, God, and individualism.  Make socialism and radical leftism unacceptable again.  Make America great again by your vote.  Vote Republican as though your life and liberty depend on it, because they do.

Image: Screen shot of a live television broadcast, enhanced with Adobe Camera Raw filters.

With Biden in office, America’s southern border has vanished entirely.

Seems the illegal migrants are filling the Washington shelters now and she "fears" they are being tricked? Notice she didn't offer any specifics about such trickery, which is a fancy way of saying there hasn't been any trickery. Illegal border crossers are being offered free bus rides from Texas to Washington and a lot of them are taking the governor up on it, heading for the free stuff there after paying $7,000 to cartel human smugglers for the crossing. Cartels make money, cities and states lose money, and migrants get to stay in America for free.

Mexico’s government has been issuing travel visas to most migrants, including members of caravans, that enter through the southern border, those visas give the migrant a specified time to travel freely through Mexico, Breitbart Texas reported. Most used those documents to reach the U.S. border.

Kamala Video: 'I Believe We Rightly Believed But Certainly Believe...'

A heartbeat away from the presidency.


In a recent interview, Vice President Kamala Harris demonstrated her brilliance once again. Check out her latest - and profound - word salad in the short video below, regarding codifying Roe v. Wade:

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