Tuesday, December 6, 2022


 The question is who should get to decide? On the heels of the Warren exchange, Senator Josh Hawley released damning evidence demonstrating that Biden’s “Disinformation Governance Board” had been interfacing with leftist eBay billionaire Pierre Omidyar’s network.


Saying Joe Biden has substance is like saying a toilet that doesn't flush is still a working toilet. Joe Biden has no substance, he's an empty shell of a man, a creature who has changed his beliefs the way normal people change their underwear, a puppet for the billionaire class and its radical left-wing allies, as well as teachers' unions, united in their elitist desire to keep the little guy down.

                                                                        MONICA SHOWALTER

Warren objects to one billionaire member of the PayPal mafia, but not another making those decisions because they share a common set of political views that include censorship. While Musk put billions on the line to buy Twitter to protect free speech, Omidyar committed $100 million to fight “disinformation”, “fake news” and “hate speech”. That includes funding for leftist “fact checkers” who have been used by Big Tech monopolies to censor opposing views.

Twittergate and the Plot Against Free Speech

What happens when Twitter stops suppressing speech for the government.

“Don’t you think that users have a right to freedom of speech even if what they’re saying is wrong or offensive?” Fox Business correspondent Hillary Vaughn asked.

“I think that one human being should not be able to go into a dark room by himself and decide ‘Oh, that person gets heard from, that person doesn’t.’ That’s not how it should work,” Senator Elizabeth Warren retorted, referring to Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter.

The question is who should get to decide? On the heels of the Warren exchange, Senator Josh Hawley released damning evidence demonstrating that Biden’s “Disinformation Governance Board” had been interfacing with leftist eBay billionaire Pierre Omidyar’s network.

Warren objects to one billionaire member of the PayPal mafia, but not another making those decisions because they share a common set of political views that include censorship. While Musk put billions on the line to buy Twitter to protect free speech, Omidyar committed $100 million to fight “disinformation”, “fake news” and “hate speech”. That includes funding for leftist “fact checkers” who have been used by Big Tech monopolies to censor opposing views.

Warren, despite her rhetoric, is quite happy to have one human being go into a dark room and decide who gets heard from and who doesn’t, as long as he’s running the censorship machine to suit her. The leftist politician and her political allies in the Senate and House repeatedly pressured tech companies, especially Facebook, to censor their political opponents.

And she’s not alone.

The release of the Twittergate files at Elon Musk’s behest revealed the process by which the New York Post’s Hunter Biden laptop story was censored.

The general counsel for Netchoice, a Big Tech coalition that

included Facebook, Google, Amazon, PayPal and Communist

China’s TikTok and Alibaba, claimed to have polled

congressional staffers about how tech companies were handling

the Hunter Biden story.

“The Democrats were in agreement: social media needs to moderate more because they’re corrupting democracy.” And when “asked how the government might insist on that, consistent with the First Amendment, they demurred: “the First Amendment isn’t absolute.”

The First Amendment is constitutionally absolute. But the Democrats are moving to undo the Constitution and its protections of freedom of expression to protect “democracy.” Twittergate had revealed the long game behind Russiagate which was about manufacturing a crisis, in this case Trump, as a pretext for treating free speech as a national disinformation crisis requiring the suspension of civil rights and liberties in order to save democracy. That’s still the plan.

It’s why Warren wouldn’t answer the simple question, once considered the cornerstone of our freedoms, whether those she disagrees with still have the right to freedom of speech. She’s not complaining that Musk is deciding who can’t be heard from, but who can be heard from. Her issue, to paraphrase the old glib libertarian line, is that he took over and is leaving people alone.

Big Tech’s complicity made the culture of censorship revealed by Twittergate possible.

Unable to immediately impose direct government censorship, the Biden administration and figures loyal to the Obama and Clinton administrations in the Justice Department, worked with Big Tech, the media and fact checking nonprofits fighting “disinformation” to create a speech cartel to maintain a leftist monopoly on speech. The existence of the cartel depended on political cohesion and covert censorship among the corporate leadership in the tech industry.

That’s what Musk’s stewardship of Twitter and the release of the Twittergate files has exposed.

In the Obama era, the formerly libertarian tech industry morphed from renegade hackers into pathologically woke campuses. Renegade college kids turned billionaires followed the Bill Gates ethos of finding a life outside work through social justice. BLM logos, pride flags and assorted causes joined the litter of nerdy paraphernalia of Warhammer figurines and Star Wars X-wings along with inspirational “Move Fast and Break Things” mottos in Big Tech workspaces.

It would have been impossible to imagine Big Tech bosses holding workplace meetings and crying when Kerry lost to Bush, but by the time Hillary lost to Trump, that was the new normal. Google had fought Obama’s censorship push over ‘The Innocence of Muslims’ in court before becoming one of the most strident tech monopolies suppressing a wide variety of views.

The compliance of the tech industry made a speech cartel possible. Until Musk broke it.

The government side of the speech monopoly needed Big Tech to do its dirty work for it by coordinating with leftist nonprofits, like Facebook’s fact checkers, to do the censoring.

But what’s the government to do when a tech company stops suppressing dissent on its behalf?

Warren’s plaint is revealing. How dare one man take on the function that had been allotted to the government. Someone, she insists, has to decide what speech to suppress. It never occurs to her that maybe people should be deciding what they read, watch and think for themselves.

But socialists just don’t think that way.

The exposure of the Disinformation Governance Board documents shows that the government side of the arrangement was more developed and further along than the Biden administration had been willing to admit when it tried to dismiss its existence as a random stray thought.

“Sec Mayorkas told me under oath that the Disinfo Board hadn’t met yet back in May. But DHS emails reveal their Disinfo ‘Steering Group’ held weekly meetings starting as early as February. The Board was up and running,” Hawley tweeted.

Secretary of Homeland Security Mayorkas had claimed that the board would focus on foreign propaganda and would not monitor Americans. That also proved to be untrue.

Say what you will about Elon Musk, but his decision making remains quite transparent.

Asked about restoring the Twitter account of Alex Jones, Musk tweeted, “My firstborn child died in my arms. I felt his last heartbeat. I have no mercy for anyone who would use the deaths of children for gain, politics or fame.” Compare that clear and concise response to secret meetings by a government board, private decisions by fact checkers who are funded by dark money machines tied to billionaires who issue press releases, but don’t discuss individual decisions.

Given a choice between Musk’s transparent plutocracy and a complex oligarchy, one man in a room whose preferences are clear, or a secretive network of political and economic interests invisibly manipulating online narratives to maintain a monopoly on speech, the choice is simple.

The underlying challenges of the internet have not gone away with Musk’s purchase of Twitter. Even assuming he hangs on to it and maintains liberal policies, that’s not any kind of solution. Musk created an alternative to a speech cartel, but the cartel is far more powerful than any one man, one company or one platform. And as the internet has come to be concentrated in fewer hands, a bottleneck dominated by one search engine, one social media giant, one retail channel, and two mobile operating systems, a monopoly on speech is inevitable.

The old decentralized internet was inherently free, web 2.0 is inherently unfree. The fact that it took $44 billion just to create a temporary space of free speech shows the scale of the problem. With someone in a room somewhere always deciding who should be heard, the marketplace of ideas ls constantly in someone’s hands. And that’s the opposite of the promise of the internet.

Change in the form of web 3.0 might be coming. Some believe that the tech monopolies are the final stage of an ossifying dead internet whose giant companies will collapse to make way for new things. But for now there’s little sign of this optimistic ‘internet spring’ in the real world where companies that spent endless billions to fund data centers, hardware and free services, and the investment giants behind them, still control our internet as thoroughly as China’s Xi.

When the Constitution first protected freedom of speech, the nation’s cities were filled with printers, most of them crude amateurs by European standards, who published a welter of contradictory leaflets, pamphlets and papers. A century later, newspapers were becoming concentrated in a small number of chains, and with the addition of radio and television, later created the media that conservatives spent generations fighting until the internet liberated them.

Once the greatest blow to speech monopolies, the internet has become a stifling speech monopoly operated with greater control and precision than CBS or Hearst could have imagined. The complexity and centralization of the internet has made it possible to disguise how it is censored to a previously inconceivable degree. But Musk’s breach in the speech monopoly has also revealed how comprehensive the censorship was the breath of its sudden omission.

“That’s not how it should work,” Senator Elizabeth Warren insists. But information, as hackers used to say, wants to be free. It takes a lot of work and a lot of money to keep it penned up.

Warren and her leftist allies are worried about free speech. They should be.


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Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Booker: Worried GOP Focus Will Be ‘Crazy Hearings’ Attacking Biden, His Son

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Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) said Tuesday on CNN’s “The Situation Room” that he is worried the Republican controlled House will hold “crazy hearings” attacking President Joe Biden and his son Hunter.

Anchor Wolf Blitzer said, “You said in the past, senator, you would support a 2024 run for President Biden. Given where things stand now, do you still feel that way?”

Booker said, “Oh, very strongly if the president makes the decision to run. I don’t think we can point to any president, maybe going back to LBJ that a president has had as much of a successful two years. Even today you look at the jobs report we had another quarter million jobs in the United States, the unemployment rate down another 3.7%.”

Blitzer said, “So what are your biggest concerns right now for Democrats looking forward, senator?”

Booker said, “Well, you know, I think my biggest concern is we’ve had a constructive bipartisan Congress. A lot of the things wave gotten done, we’ve gotten done together. So I’m really worried about the House of Representatives and listening closely to what they say, what they’re talking about is not their idea to deal with inflation or help working families. I’m worried their focus is much more attacking President Biden, going after his son, and doing crazy hearings that are not going to be productive and constructive to what Americans really need right now.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN

Victor Davis Hanson: Biden is the most dangerously radical President in US history



The Real Threats to the Republic

It's high time to expose them - and call them the names that suit them.

The midterm elections are over, save for the Senate runoff in Georgia. The progressive socialist leftists of the Democrat party, meaning all of them, realized that they had to shift the conversation and topic of the cycle. It could not be about the issues. They rolled out Joe Biden in Philadelphia who went on a delusional, maniacal, tirade and condemned millions of Americans as “threats to democracy.” That became the rallying cry of the left. Now, here is the real absurdity of their deranged assertion. The Democrats were projecting their actions upon Republicans. The real and true threat to our constitutional republic, its representative democracy, and our democratic process is the party of the jackass.

The Democrats are the ones who wish to end the Senate filibuster, stack the Supreme Court, give illegal immigrants the right to vote, and collude with leftist big tech companies to suppress the free speech of any political opposition. If that does not constitute a threat to democracy tell me what does?

The problem is that this absurdity went unanswered by the Republican Party and its leadership consisting of the three Macs — McCarthy, McConnell, and McDaniel. Therefore, once again, the tactic of denigration, disparagement, and demonization worked for the left…and they will use it again.

Instead, the GOP, and conservatives, need to go on offense from now, and as long as need be, to turn the tables on the progressive socialist left. What we are witnessing in America is a daily attack on our Constitution that restricts the government from encroaching on our liberties. Each day, freedom is at risk, emanating from the Biden administration — the third presidential term of Barry Soetoro aka Barack Hussein Obama. The Biden administration is working against our rights, as outlined in the Bill of Rights, even as it also undermines our safety and sovereignty as a nation.

First, the open borders policy of the Biden administration undermines the sovereignty of the United States of America, a sovereign republic. As well, these actions are bringing forth not just millions of illegal immigrants into our country, but also resulting in the deaths of Americans. The fentanyl crisis, whereby we have seen over 100,000 Americans lose their lives, is a direct result of Biden’s policy. On top of that, we are enduring an epidemic of human and sex trafficking which we are finding out the Biden administration is aiding and abetting — to the tune of billions of dollars in monthly revenue for the terrorist cartels.

Just this past month, there were some 73,000 reported “got aways” which adds to the over one million that have crossed into this nation, for whom we do not know their whereabouts or intent. We know that individuals on the terrorist watch list have been apprehended, 200. But how many others have not? And now we find out that the Biden administration is ordering U.S. Air Marshals to the border to do menial tasks such as prepare sandwiches and drive illegals…leaving our airlines without proper security.

This is an invasion and the Constitution mandates that the federal government protect the States from invasion — a clear violation of the obligation of allegiance to our legal order.

The Biden administration is also purposely undermining the readiness, capability, and capacity of our Armed Forces. Unless you think cultural Marxism is a vital component of our military readiness. Why do we have Critical Race Theory (CRT) and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion programs, policies, and offices impacting our men and women in uniform? It appears more time is spent on proper pronoun usage than military preparedness, and that is confirmed by the Heritage Foundation report on Military Readiness, along with the recruiting and retention numbers for our military, which is beyond troubling. As well, Biden has stated that the pandemic is over, so why are we still discharging men and women from our Armed Forces who refuse to take a shot that we now know does not prevent anything…but is harmful in giving healthy servicemembers a heart condition called myocarditis?

The debacle of Afghanistan constitutes giving aid and comfort to our enemies, a designated terrorist organization, the Taliban. Who in their right mind could agree with leaving $85 billion of military equipment in the hands of terrorists?

Who destroys their military and gives weapons to enemies and terrorists who have killed Americans? Answer–people following the mantra of Benedict Arnold.

Lastly, the right to equal protection under the law is a bedrock of our rights outlined in the Constitution. Yet, we are seeing it disintegrate before our eyes. While two leaders of the Oath Keepers were found guilty of conspiracy on January 6th, we ask how many leaders of Antifa, Black Lives Matter, or Jane’s Revenge have been sought out and found guilty of the abhorrent acts of violence they have committed in America? Vice President Harris advocated for raising funds and getting violent protesters released from jail…with no charges. Since the inauguration day of Donald Trump, we have unchecked, organized leftist violence with no consequences. Heck, you can threaten Supreme Court Justices, as Senator Chuck Schumer did, and face no ramifications…as long as you are on the left.

When the very people who took an oath to support and defend the Constitution, breach that oath of allegiance, it is a very serious matter that must be addressed.

Those of us who speak up and out against the Biden administration are not “threats to democracy.” No, we are a threat to leftist totalitarianism. We need to speak in these terms, at least those who possess the intestinal fortitude to do so…perhaps that is why there are those in the House GOP who do not support Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House?

No more allowing leftists to project their assaults on the Constitution and the American people. It is time we referred to them as who they are…progressivism, socialism, statism, Marxism, and communism are treasonous philosophies of governance. The case is not debatable.

Steadfast and Loyal.

Comer: 'We've Never Had a Family That Has Influence-Pedaled to This Degree'

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President Joe Biden's son Hunter is frequently seen with his family at official and unofficial events, including this Christmas tree lighting in Nantucket on Nov. 25. (Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)
President Joe Biden's son Hunter is frequently seen with his family at official and unofficial events, including this Christmas tree lighting in Nantucket on Nov. 25. (Photo by MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)

(CNSNews.com) - "There's nothing like it in the history of America. We've never had a family that has influence-pedaled to this degree," Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), said on Monday.

He was talking to Fox News's Sean Hannity about the millions of dollars the Biden family received, through Hunter Biden, from foreign adversaries of the United States.

Comer, the incoming chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, also broke some news on Hannity's show:

"So, Sean, I'm breaking on your show tonight, based on the internal documents that Elon Musk released this weekend, the Oversight Committee will be sending a letter tomorrow morning to the three Twitter employees -- Miss Gadde, Roth, and Baker -- that were implicated in the cover-up of the laptop story, three letters requesting their presence in front of the Oversight Committee in January." 

Comer said he intends to ask the three former Twitter officials -- Vijaya Gadde, Yoel Roth and attorney James Baker -- "who was influencing your decision-making? Did you do this unilaterally or did you do this based on what you were told from the Biden campaign, from the Democrat National Committee, or even worse -- and as I suspect -- from the FBI? 

"This is going to be an opportunity for the American people to hear directly from the three Twitter employees implicated in the data release that Elon Musk just dumped this weekend.

"So they're going to have a few weeks to get their stories straight, and they're going to be able to come under oath in front of the House Oversight Committee and tell the American people what really happened and why -- why were they so intent on suppressing this story?" 

The information that Elon Musk released this past weekend to journalist Matt Taibbi says Twitter took “extraordinary steps to suppress" the Hunter Biden laptop story, “removing links and posting warnings that it may be 'unsafe.' They even blocked its transmission via direct message, a tool hitherto reserved for extreme cases, e.g. child pornography."

The Twitter executives said the laptop story had been removed for violation of the company’s “hacked materials” policy, although there was no evidence that the story, published shortly before the 2020 election by The New York Post, was based on "hacked" information.

Comer said the purpose of his committee's investigation is "to determine whether or not this White House is compromised."

"When you look at all the bad policies coming out of this White House, especially with respect to things like energy policy and the fact that Biden is trying to embrace the green new deal. Who wants the green new deal more than anyone other than a few liberals in California? China. They want to put us at a competitive disadvantage.

"So a lot of bad decisions this administration is making, maybe because they're compromised because of the millions of dollars that they received through influence pedaling from our adversaries in China, Russia and the Middle East.

“That's why we're investigating the Biden family, and that's why we're going to kick it into high gear in January with subpoena power and the gavel." 

Media Launch ‘Laptop from Hell’ Damage Control

Mario Tama, Jim Watson/Getty Images, BNN Edit

The establishment media continues to downplay the scandal of the Biden family business following Elon Musk’s release of the “Twitter Files,” which provided new insight into the censorship conspiracy surrounding the New York Post‘s reporting on Hunter Biden’s laptop.

On Friday, new details emerged from the Twitter Files of how the 2020 Biden campaign and the Democrat National Committee worked with Twitter to censor tweets they did not like about Hunter’s “laptop from Hell.” The revelations from the Twitter Files dominated the news cycle for the entire weekend.

But that did not stop the media from trying to tamp down interest in the revelations. The New Republic‘s Michael Tomasky published an article on Monday claiming the reporting was a minor development, and misrepresenting what was originally censored:

Congratulations to everyone who didn’t spend the weekend thinking about the president’s son’s junk.

What exactly is at the root of the right’s Hunter Biden obsession? At its simplest level, the Hunter saga is just a potential Achilles’ heel for a president they want to defeat in 2024, assuming Joe Biden runs.

But this weekend, things got even weirder—and in ways that were so sordid it took me a while to even understand what was going on.

The Washington Post’s Philip Bump contended Twitter’s initial censorship of the New York Post story on October 14, 2020, did not prevent Trump from winning the 2020 election — appearing to suggest that censorship was fine if it didn’t dictate an election result.

“So there is no way to say, for example, that a counterfactual in which Twitter didn’t limit sharing of the Post’s story about Joe Biden’s son Hunter’s laptop wouldn’t have moved Arizona from benefiting Biden by 10,500 votes to giving Trump a slight advantage,” he added.

CNN’s Dean Obeidallah tried to minimize the Twitter files in perhaps the most unusual way. He suggested on Monday the Twitter files were not the most important story from Friday. Rather, it was a New York Times article that claimed Twitter was allowing an “unprecedented” amount of hate speech on its platform:
But the Twitter story that demands coverage is not about something that happened more than two years ago but what we are seeing now on Twitter since Musk took control in October. There has been an “unprecedented” spike in hate speech as well as a resurgence of ISIS-linked accounts, The New York Times detailed in an article published Friday…”

That the Biden family business scandal is old news because it was “two years ago” was pushed not only by Obeidallah. White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre on Monday used the same tactic.

Jean-Pierre, who worked on the 2020 Biden campaign as a senior adviser, brushed off the Twitter Files as “old news” and “a distraction” during her press conference. “We see this as an interesting — or a coincidence, if I may, that he [Elon Musk] would so haphazardly, that Twitter would so haphazardly push this distraction that is full of old news,” she said.

Jean-Pierre never directly answered whether Twitter was correct to censor the 2020 New York Post story:

In 2018 and 2020, Breitbart Senior Contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter Biden and Joe Biden flew aboard Air Force Two in 2013 to China before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism.

Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’s investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to even have a 10 percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

Morris: Multiple Indications FBI, Intelligence Agencies Guided Censorship of the Laptop from Hell

Jim Watson, PRAKASH SINGH/Getty Images, BNN Edit
Jim Watson, PRAKASH SINGH/Getty Images, BNN Edit

Despite the “Twitter Files” not providing any revelations on the issue of the federal government guiding censorship of the “laptop from hell” so far, there are multiple indications that this occurred in the lead-up to the election.

Over the summer, in an appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience podcast, Facebook (now known as Meta) CEO Mark Zuckerberg casually mentioned in conversation that the FBI was warning Facebook of “propaganda” ahead of the 2020 election, urging the platform to be “vigilant” to censor.

“The FBI, I think basically came to us — some folks on our team and was like, ‘Hey, um, just so you know, like, you should be on high alert. There was the — we thought that there was a lot of Russian propaganda in the 2016 election. We have it on notice that basically there’s about to be some kind of dump of — that’s similar to that. So just be vigilant.’”

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg arrives for the 8th annual Breakthrough Prize awards ceremony at NASA Ames Research Center in Mountain View, California on November 3, 2019. (Photo by JOSH EDELSON / AFP) (Photo by JOSH EDELSON/AFP via Getty Images)

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg  (JOSH EDELSON/AFP via Getty Images)

Shortly afterwards, the New York Post published its first article about Hunter Biden’s “laptop from hell.” The story was immediately shut down by Twitter, while Facebook reduced its distribution — meaning it appeared on fewer people’s newsfeeds to a “meaningful” degree, according to Zuckerberg.

“We just kind of thought, Hey look, if the FBI, which, you know, I still view as a legitimate institution in this country, it’s a very professional law enforcement,” Zuckerberg told Rogan. “They come to us and tell us that we need to be on guard about something. Then I wanna take that seriously.”

While Zuckerberg said the FBI did not specifically identify the Hunter Biden story as the “Russian propaganda” in question, “it basically fit the pattern.”

But we know Facebook was not the only platform to receive this alert.

The New York Post reported this week that the FBI warned Twitter as well, in “weekly” meetings ahead of the 2020 election, that there would be what they called “hack-and-leak operations” involving Hunter Biden, even specifically noting this would become public in October, which is when the Post published the “laptop from hell” series.

The New York Post’s Miranda Devine unearthed a declaration to the Federal Election Commission given by Twitter’s former head of site integrity, Yoel Roth, in December, 2020, where he says that he was told in meetings with “the intelligence community” that “hacking attacks” would occur and be disseminated on social media.

“I was told in these meetings that the intelligence community expected that individuals associated with political campaigns would be subject to hacking attacks and that material obtained through those hacking attacks would likely be disseminated over social media platforms, including Twitter,” Roth told the FEC on December 21, 2020. “I also learned in these meetings that there were rumors that a hack-and-leak operation would involve Hunter Biden.”

Devine also reports:

The FBI was spying on Trump’s then-lawyer Rudy Giuliani’s online cloud, under the pretext of an investigation into alleged foreign agent registration violations, a probe which conveniently was dropped this year.

The covert surveillance warrant on Giuliani gave the FBI access to emails in August 2020 from Delaware computer repair store owner John Paul Mac Isaac disclosing information damaging to Joe Biden from the laptop Hunter Biden had abandoned at his store in April 2019.

The FBI also had access to my messages with Giuliani in October discussing when The Post would publish the story.

The FBI knew that Mac Isaac was a legitimate whistleblower because he had come to the bureau in the fall of 2019 to express national security concerns about evidence on the laptop of payments to the Biden family from Ukraine and China. On Dec. 9, 2019, two agents arrived at his store with a subpoena and took the laptop and a hard-drive copy.

Fox News also reported this week that FBI Supervisory Special Agent Elvis Chan testified to Attorneys General Eric Schmitt (R-MO) and Jeff Landry (R-LA) that the FBI held “weekly” meetings with Big Tech companies for “coordinating with social media platforms relating to censorship and suppression of speech on platforms.”

Fox News reports:

During the deposition, Chan said that he, along with the FBI’s Foreign Influence Task Force and senior Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency officials, had weekly meetings with major social media companies to warn against Russian disinformation attempts ahead of the 2020 election, according to a source in the Missouri attorney general’s office.

Those meetings were initially quarterly, then monthly, then weekly heading into the presidential election between former President Donald Trump and now President Biden. According to a source, Chan testified that in those multiple, separate meetings, the FBI warned the social media companies that there could be potentially Russian “hack and dump” or “hack and leak” operations. …

“On information and belief, the FBI’s reference to a ‘dump’ of information was a specific reference to the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop, which was already in the FBI’s possession,” the complaint said.

Reporting from the New York Post adds that Chan said he could not “recall” if the discussions with social media companies included Hunter Biden’s “laptop in particular.”

“I do not remember us specifically saying ‘Hunter Biden’ in any meeting with Twitter,” Chan reportedly said, contradicting Roth’s claims to the FEC that Hunter was specifically mentioned.

Emma-Jo Morris is the Politics Editor at Breitbart News. Email her at  or follow her on Twitter.

Tucker Carlson: What we learned from 'The Twitter Files'

Bombshell report alleges Biden family had 150+ suspicious bank activity flags

After studying the documents on the Hunter Biden laptop, former criminal prosecutor and New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani concluded that: “What Hunter Biden is, is a bagman… I’ve prosecuted many cases like this. He’s collecting Joe’s bribes that come to about $12 million from Ukraine and $3.5 million from Russia. But the big money comes from China. And the amount of money involved is in the tens of millions of dollars.” Today, there is documented proof that that the Biden family has received at least $31 million from entities controlled by the CCP, with greater Chinese payoffs yet to come.

Rudy Giuliani sums up what ultimate elite capture looks like, stating: “The Biden Family is owned by the Chinese Communist Party.”  


American people deserve to know what China was up to with Joe Biden, especially when Beijing had already shelled out millions of dollars to Biden family members — including millions in set-asides for “the big guy.” What else is on that infamous Hunter Biden laptop? The conflicted Biden Justice Department cannot be trusted to engage in any meaningful oversight on this issue. We need a special counsel now.   

                                     TOM FITTON - JUDICIAL WATCH

Hunter has reportedly sold five paintings worth $75,000 each to an anonymous buyer. Hunter’s art dealer, Georges Bergès, has previously boasted he had strong ties to businessmen in Communist China, which has concerned many due to the Biden family’s business ventures abroad.

“We are 95% sure that that artwork went to China,” Comer said. “We don’t know where exactly that went to in China, but we’re going to try to find out when we get subpoena power.”



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Twittergate – The Fix Was In

Now we know: Twitter spiked the Hunter Biden story to save the 2020 election for The Big Guy.

After years of denial and deplatforming of those who dared question the collusion of Big Tech with Leftist deep state officials to influence the 2020 presidential election and make sure that Donald Trump was not reelected, the facts have been revealed. Elon Musk on Friday night revealed through Matt Taibbi (who though he is a Leftist seems actually to be a genuine journalist), how Twitter spiked the story of Hunter Biden’s laptop and prevent the sordid details of his influence-peddling for The Big Guy to get out to the public, and possibly tip the election in Trump’s favor. Since the revelation, the establishment media and leading Democrats have been in furious damage control mode, insisting that the revelations don’t reveal what everyone can see they reveal, and even if they do, they don’t matter. But it’s undeniable now: the fix was in.

“In an early conception,” Taibbi wrote, “Twitter more than lived up to its mission statement, giving people ‘the power to create and share ideas and information instantly, without barriers.’ As time progressed, however, the company was slowly forced to add those barriers. Some of the first tools for controlling speech were designed to combat the likes of spam and financial fraudsters.” But then, “Slowly, over time, Twitter staff and executives began to find more and more uses for these tools. Outsiders began petitioning the company to manipulate speech as well: first a little, then more often, then constantly.”

The censorship became a political tool. “By 2020,” Taibbi continued, “requests from connected actors to delete tweets were routine. One executive would write to another: ‘More to review from the Biden team.’ The reply would come back: ‘Handled.’” Both sides had recourse to this, but one side used it much more often than the other did: “Both parties had access to these tools. For instance, in 2020, requests from both the Trump White House and the Biden campaign were received and honored. However: This system wasn’t balanced. It was based on contacts. Because Twitter was and is overwhelmingly staffed by people of one political orientation, there were more channels, more ways to complain, open to the left (well, Democrats) than the right.”

When the New York Post published the Hunter Biden laptop story, Twitter went to extraordinary lengths to suppress it. Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) was the lone Democrat who had any freedom of speech concerns about all this; most of his colleagues in the Evil Party cheered Twitter on and called for more censorship, maintaining that “the First Amendment isn’t absolute.”

In response to be revealed definitively as the authoritarians they are, Leftist “journalists” and politicians have made predictable responses: they’ve heaped scorn on patriots for caring at all about Hunter’s laptop, claiming that it’s all about their perverted, prurient interest in nude photos of the president’s crackhead son. They’ve pointed out that Biden wasn’t president in 2020, and so this wasn’t an example of the government colluding with Big Tech to censor an inconvenient story. In reality, Hunter’s laptop contains evidence that Hunter sold access to his father, which, had it been widely known before the 2020 election, might have a considerable number of people who planned to vote for Joe Biden think twice about sending to the Oval Office a man who could be and had been bought by foreign interests.

And as for the business about Biden not being president in 2020, so this isn’t a First Amendment issue, that’s just another red herring. Biden is president now, or at least he has the title, and his handlers have demonstrated no greater respect for the freedom of speech than they did in 2020. They tried to establish a Disinformation Governance Board in the Department of Homeland Security, backing down only after a barrage of negative publicity. The Biden administration continued to work with Twitter to censor dissident voices, notably that of COVID hysteria skeptic Alex Berenson.

This is the administration that trotted out Old Joe in front of an ominous, Nazi-reminiscent red-and-black backdrop, flanked by two Marines, to declare that half of the American electorate represents “an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic.” The authoritarians are in charge now, and they are continuing their self-appointed role as the guardians of what you may and may not see and hear. Elon Musk, with his commitment to the freedom of speech, which is the foundation of any free society, has them frightened and enraged. Watch for determined efforts on the part of the Biden administration and its allies to crush Musk and his free Twitter. The victor will determine the direction of the United States for the entire rest of its life as a nation: freedom or slavery?

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Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 26 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest books are The Critical Qur'an and Who Lost Afghanistan?. Follow him on Twitter here, and like him on Facebook here.

Rep. Comer: 'Thank Goodness for Elon Musk'; 'He's Providing Evidence'

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President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden, and son Hunter Biden and his wife Melissa Cohen attend the Kennedy Center Honors in Washington, D.C., on December 4, 2022. (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)
President Joe Biden and First Lady Jill Biden, and son Hunter Biden and his wife Melissa Cohen attend the Kennedy Center Honors in Washington, D.C., on December 4, 2022. (Photo by SAUL LOEB/AFP via Getty Images)

(CNSNews.com) - "Thank goodness for Elon Musk," Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.), the incoming chairman of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, told "Sunday Morning Futures."

"He's definitely the Grinch that stole Christmas for the Democrat National Committee. And what he's showing here is evidence that the Biden campaign colluded with Big Tech to suppress a story that we now know is 100 percent true,” Comer told Maria Bartiromo.

"The problem the Democrats should have is, why were they so scared of the laptop story? And the answer, Maria, is because the laptop proves evidence that not only did Joe Biden lie to the American people about his involvement with his family's influence peddling and shady business dealings.

"It also proves that Joe Biden was a part of those shady business deals. And that's something every American should be concerned about."

Comer was referring to Musk's release on Friday of the so-called "Twitter Files," messages that show how politically-connected people petitioned Twitter to "manipulate speech" and ban information they didn't like, such as the Hunter Biden laptop story, which Twitter actively suppressed in the run-up to the 2020 election.

According to journalist Matt Taibbi, to whom Elon Musk released the information:

-- "By 2020, requests from connected actors to delete tweets were routine," we are told. "One executive would write to another: 'More to review from the Biden team.' The reply would come back: 'Handled.'"

-- "Because Twitter was and is overwhelmingly staffed by people of one political orientation, there were more channels, more ways to complain, open to the left (well, Democrats) than the right."

Comer says the committee he soon will lead plans to investigate the Biden family's alleged influence-peddling and how it may have influenced Joe Biden's policies toward China and others.

"Joe Biden met with every person that he earlier said he never met," Comer said.

"We have pictures. We have e-mails to prove it. Joe Biden was actively involved. What the Biden family was doing was selling access to Joe Biden. That's the family business.

"When people say, what are they -- what were they involved in? They didn't manufacture anything. They didn't sell anything. They don't own any property. They were influence peddling.

“So it's very concerning when you look at who they were influence peddling with. They were influence peddling with our adversaries in Russia, Ukraine, and, most concerning, China.

"And that's what I have been focused on, the threat of communist China."

Comer said the Biden family's influence peddling is a "national security risk.'

"And when you look at national security, and you look at the evidence on the laptop, energy policy is national security. And the most concerning part of the business deal, so to say, so to speak, that the Biden family was involved in was trying to help China get their foot in the door on the American energy industry.

"So, part of what the deal was that Joe Biden was going to be involved in was trying to help China purchase drillers in the natural gas industry. People are outraged over China buying farmland in the Dakotas. Think about China buying into our American energy industry, at the help of the Biden family.

"And then you look at all these crazy policies coming out of the Biden administration with respect to energy policy that are affecting every American in a negative way, and you think maybe he is compromised."

Comer said he's "pretty confident" that a number of federal employees were communicating with Twitter, "as to what they can censor and not, as to who they can ban and who they cannot."

Comer said his committee will do "everything we can to get to the truth."

"We believe that Elon Musk has a lot of evidence. Part of what I have said when I took over the Oversight Committee is, we're going to base everything on evidence, unlike Adam Schiff. We're not just going to be on fishing expeditions. When we go down a certain path, it's because we have credible evidence.

"And what Elon Musk is doing for the American people and for Republican oversight is that he's providing evidence."'

Meet the Beijing-Aligned Group That Branded a Republican’s Tough-on-China Rhetoric ‘Racist’

Getty Images


The Chinese-American nonprofit that branded a Republican congresswoman's tough-on-China campaign ads "racist" has extensive ties to Chinese Communist Party influence groups and Beijing-backed companies through its members, staff, and former leaders, a Washington Free Beacon investigation found.

In late October, with the 2022 midterms just two weeks away, the Committee of 100—a nonprofit that works to "advance U.S.-China relations"—issued a statement condemning China-related campaign ads from California Republican Michelle Steel. Those ads, which the committee said included "racist attacks" that encouraged "anti-Asian hate and violence," criticized Democrat challenger Jay Chen's past support for the Confucius Classroom program, a CCP-run initiative that provides American K-12 schools with Beijing-backed teachers and curriculum materials.

The committee's decision to wade into the race—a rare one, given that the nonprofit usually avoids electoral politics in favor of commenting on academic research, legislative developments, and federal appointments—sparked attention from mainstream media outlets and liberal groups. Within days of its release, NPR, the Los Angeles Times, and the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee used the statement to declare that the Asian-American community had turned on Steel, with the Times and NPR innocuously describing the Committee of 100 as "a New York-based nonprofit led by prominent Chinese Americans" and a group that "represents Chinese Americans." Those descriptions, however, ignore the fact that many of the nonprofit's members, staff, and former leaders have extensive ties to CCP-controlled groups and Chinese state-backed companies—ties that have led some China experts to assert that the committee is a crucial target for the CCP's foreign influence efforts.

Committee member Ronnie Chan, for example, serves on the governing board of the China-United States Exchange Foundation, a CCP-funded Chinese foreign agent whose founder, billionaire Chinese national Tung Chee-hwa, is the vice chairman of a CCP advisory body. Fellow member Yu Meng, meanwhile, for three years worked as a top officer at the Chinese government-controlled State Administration of Foreign Exchange, a job that China's Thousand Talents Program—which the FBI says engages in "non-traditional espionage against the United States"—reportedly recruited him to take. Meng in 2015 told CCP propaganda rag People's Daily that he was inspired to take the job due to his commitment to "the motherland." Former committee chairman Dominic Ng also served on the board of the Asia Society, which worked to spread Confucius Institutes—the CCP-run higher education equivalent of Confucius Classrooms that a former top Chinese official called "an important part of China’s overseas propaganda set-up"—across the United States.

Committee of 100 members and staff have also partnered with Chinese state-backed companies and propaganda outlets. Senior communications director Charles Zinkowski, for example, previously managed U.S. media relations for Huawei, a CCP tech company that has helped the Chinese government surveil Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang concentration camps. The United States on Wednesday banned the approval of new Huawei tech over the company's "unacceptable risk" to national security. Committee member Guoqing Chen, meanwhile, cofounded majority state-owned Hainan Airlines, while fellow member Chi Wang serves as president of the U.S.-China Policy Foundation, which has accepted tens of thousands of dollars in funding from Huawei, CCP-run newspaper China Daily, and China's largest state-owned banks.

Those affiliations may explain why Chinese president Xi Jinping praised the Committee of 100 as a "friendly group" in 2015. They may also explain why the CCP's "United Front" system—which aims to advance Beijing's interests by influencing foreign individuals—has used the committee to pressure members to "toe the Party line," according to a 2019 Hoover Institution report. Some of the committee's former leaders, meanwhile, are reportedly part of that system. Former committee director George Koo is an "overseas director" of the China Overseas Friendship Association, a CCP-led foreign influence group, according to the Hoover report. Former Committee of 100 chair and current member H. Roger Wang is an honorary chairman of the association's local branch in Nanjing, Newsweek reported in 2020.

The Committee of 100, which did not return a request for comment, has denied allegations that it is linked to the CCP. But the nonprofit's support for controversial CCP initiatives is well documented. In 2018, then-committee chair Wang toldChina Daily that the committee should "get actively involved" in Beijing's Belt and Road Initiative, a CCP tool used to subjugate foreign nations through direct infrastructure investment. The committee also vocally opposed a Trump-era effort to prosecute Chinese spies but has refrained from condemning Beijing for its Uyghur genocide, Mark Simon, a former senior executive at the pro-democracy Hong Kong newspaper Apple Daily, wrote in a 2019 column.

"The Committee of 100 is a pro-Beijing group, concerned almost exclusively with the interests aligned with those of the Chinese Communist Party," Simon wrote. "In all their discussions about the US-China relationship try to find any significant objection to the actions of the CCP. You won’t."

The committee's attacks on Steel ultimately did not sink the Republican. Steel in November defeated Chen by 5 points in California's 45th Congressional District, which is home to nearly 150,000 Asian-American voters and which President Joe Biden carried by 6 points just two years ago. Steel's success in a district with a large Asian-American presence, a veteran Republican operative told the Free Beacon, shows that the Republican Party's push to combat China will remain at the center of the party's electoral message for cycles to come. And if Democrats turn to groups such as the Committee of 100 to brand that message "racist," it will only bolster Republicans, the operative argued.

"The seriousness of nonprofits with ties to China involving themselves in our elections cannot be understated," the operative said. "If Democrats want to lean in on their support, it will actually help Republicans."

Published under: ChinaFeatureJay ChenMichelle Steel

The JCPA Contains a Massive Loophole for China

China's President Xi Jinping waves during the introduction of members on the nation's top decision-making body on Sunday

The Journalism Competition and Preservation Act (JCPA) contains a loophole that would allow foreign news organizations, including Chinese organizations, to influence the flow of information in the United States — even as lawmakers prepare to attach the derided media bailout bill to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a bill to fund national defense.

The JCPA has already attracted condemnation for its core elements, namely the transfer of wealth to already-wealthy media companies and the potential for the media industry to demand more censorship from Silicon Valley platforms.

But the China concerns, which are reportedly attracting attention on the Hill, add another twist to the story of a bill that has repeatedly been revived from the dead by media lobbyists over the past two years.

The JCPA creates a “must carry and must pay” scheme, forcing U.S. tech companies both to carry and pay for the content of news organizations through mandatory arbitration agreements.

The news organizations are not limited to U.S. ones, meaning the JCPA would require U.S. companies to carry and subsidize a range of publications that spread propaganda from foreign sources. This would open up the US to increased foreign influence over American political and social movements, and increased exposure to CCP-supported narratives.

The potential to empower foreign adversaries is particularly extraordinary given that lawmakers are planning to attach it to the NDAA, a “must pass” bill that is meant to fund U.S. national defense.

There is a narrow exception in the JCPA carving out publications that are clearly “owned or controlled” by foreign powers. This very weak exception has not been revised since the JCPA was introduced and would instantly be abused by Russian, Chinese, and other foreign interests. “Owned or controlled” does not mean Chinese or Russian entities cannot partner or pay publications in other countries to carry their propaganda.

This is increasingly happening with entities like China Daily that ‘partner’ with U.S. publications to “insert articles that portray the Chinese government and life in China in a positive light,” including mainstream publications like Time and the L.A. Times. Freedom House recently highlighted Beijing’s increasing global media influence, which would be strengthened by a bill like JCPA.

Adverse foreign interests will be able to leverage JCPA to convey propaganda to US audiences, including by disguising their ownership of US-facing publications, partnering with US publications, and broadcasting foreign content on US platforms.

Many of the publishers that would benefit from JCPA are currently carrying advertisements and affiliated content from entities that are owned, controlled, or influenced by the CCP and its affiliates. JCPA would effectively require US platforms to carry CCP-promoted speech.

JCPA also damages US competitiveness and strategic interests by primarily targeting US companies and excluding foreign rivals from scope. This is why both the Trump and Biden administrations have challenged JCPA-style laws and proposals in Australia and Canada.

Exclusive–James Comer 95% Sure Hunter’s Artwork Sold to Chinese, Compromising Joe Biden

Hunter Biden and Joe Biden -- artwork
David McNew/Getty Images, Hunter Biden

Rep. James Comer (R-TN), the top Republican on the House Oversight Committee, told Breitbart News Saturday he strongly suspects that Hunter Biden’s artwork was sold to Chinese oligarchs, potentially implicating president Joe Biden.

“With respect to China, since Joe Biden’s been president, that we didn’t even talk about in the press conference, was the fact that Hunter became an artist for a week, if you’ll remember, and he sold some very expensive artwork,” Comer prefaced, noting his Thursday press conference in which he said the Biden family will be investigated for nine potential violations.

Hunter has reportedly sold five paintings worth $75,000 each to an anonymous buyer. Hunter’s art dealer, Georges Bergès, has previously boasted he had strong ties to businessmen in Communist China, which has concerned many due to the Biden family’s business ventures abroad.

“We are 95% sure that that artwork went to China,” Comer said. “We don’t know where exactly that went to in China, but we’re going to try to find out when we get subpoena power.”

Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki has defended Hunter’s art scheme and his contact with potential “anonymous” art buyers as “reasonable, claiming Hunter “is not involved in the sale or discussions about the sale of his art,” and that Hunter will not be “informed” of “who is purchasing his art.”

The newly Republican-controlled House will have the power to compel testimony from key individuals, including Hunter, to reveal just how deep Joe Biden’s involvement in the family business is.

Comer gave a second example of potential Biden family wrongdoing while Joe Biden was president, citing the president’s policy decision to sell the Strategic Petroleum Reserves to China, which Comer suspects involved CEFC, a defunct Chinese energy company. Hunter had been trying to work a deal with the CEFC in which Joe Biden would receive a ten percent equity stake in the deal, according to whistleblower Tony Bobulinski.

“He sold the strategic reserves to a Chinese energy company,” Comer said. “We believe that parts of that energy company were the remnants of the CEFC.”

“We have plenty of quality whistleblowers that were on the inside,” Comer said, probably eluding to Bobulinski. “They were president of his company. They were, you know, business partners,” he said. “So we have that. We believe that some of the former owners of CEFC were part of this group that purchased oil from the oil reserves.”

Comer then slammed Joe Biden for potential wrongdoing with China while not raising pressing concerns about China’s role in failing to police the sale of fentanyl components.

“Joe Biden goes to China and he never mentions fentanyl, which has killed one hundred thousand people since he’s been president. He never mentioned a lot of the unfair trade practices that our manufacturers have, the fact that China is stealing our patents and our trademarks,” he said.

“This looks like a president who’s compromised by China. And you look at some of what little bank records we have, and Hunter Biden’s received millions of dollars from China. So this is worthy of an investigation,” he concluded.

In 2018 and 2020, Breitbart Senior Contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter Biden and Joe Biden flew aboard Air Force Two in 2013 to China before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism. Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’s investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing to even have a 10 percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

Republicans Set To Turn Up the Heat on Biden Administration’s Foreign Dealings

Incoming House Foreign Affairs chairman says focus will be China, Russia, Iran

Hunter Biden, an unidentified man, and then-vice president Joe Biden in China in 2013 / Getty Images


Congressional investigators are poised to turn up the heat on the Biden administration's foreign policy decisions now that Republicans are in control of the House, according to the incoming chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, who told the Washington Free Beacon in a wide-ranging interview that the administration's dealings with China, Russia, and Iran will become the center of multiple probes.

Rep. Michael McCaul (Texas), the lead Republican on the powerful House Foreign Affairs Committee, said Republicans will now be able to unearth information about the Biden administration's botched withdrawal from Afghanistan, its sale of weapons technology to China, and whether President Joe Biden benefited from his son's business dealings, among other issues.

"We're going to have gavels, we're going to have subpoena power," McCaul told the Free Beacon.

As the House Foreign Affairs Committee's ranking member, McCaul spearheaded investigations into the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, the deadly evacuation from Afghanistan, and the administration's dealings with Communist China. But without subpoena power, Democrats and the administration were able to obstruct those probes. Now that power has shifted, McCaul said he is ready to "fully exercise" the committee's jurisdiction by reigniting a slew of investigations into every aspect of the Biden administration's foreign dealings.

McCaul, a former counterterrorism and national security chief in Texas's U.S. attorney's office who this month was reelected for his 10th term in Congress, said China will be among Congress's top priorities. The lawmaker told the Free Beacon that he is in possession of documents showing the Biden administration granted export licenses for $60 billion worth of American goods to be sold to Huawei, a top Chinese Communist Party tech company known to be at the forefront of the regime's spy apparatus. Another $40 billion in exports was approved for SMIC, another CCP tech giant that produces computer chips.

These sales were approved by the Bureau of Industry and Security, a little-known office housed in the Commerce Department. In the last six months, McCaul said, that office has denied less than 1 percent of the proposed export licenses for China. This information dovetails with recent reports revealing that China has bolstered its hypersonic missile program with American technology purchased from firms that receive U.S. government support.

McCaul said he will shine a light on the Bureau of Industry and Security and will be "focused like a laser" on the bureau's approval of sales to China.

"Why are we exporting technology to China that they use to build their hypersonic weapons with? Why are we exporting all this stuff—aerospace technology, satellite technology—that has allowed them to build their military apparatus? They steal it, but we don't have to sell it to them," McCaul said.

Another focus will be China's Belt and Road Initiative, a CCP tool used to subjugate developing nations. China provides countries, including many in Africa, with low-interest loans that ultimately leave the nation in debt to the CCP, which uses this foothold to exploit the countries' resources, such as precious metals.

"We have to compete with China. We can't just say they're bad," McCaul said. "It's a great power competition." To this end, he will seek to bolster the U.S. International Development Finance Corporation, which Congress created to spur private investment across the globe. The corporation, McCaul said, is not being used "the way Congress intended," and he plans to revamp it with a specific eye toward countering China's Belt and Road Initiative.

The Biden administration's botched withdrawal from Afghanistan will also be back in the spotlight.

McCaul, who led a minority investigation into the matter, said the administration is stonewalling congressional investigators by hiding scores of documents that detail Afghanistan's fall in real time. McCaul said he has already hit the Biden administration with a document preservation demand and will use the Foreign Affairs Committee to reignite his probe into the issue.

As Afghanistan was descending into Taliban control, McCaul said, U.S intelligence indicated that Russia was amassing forces near Ukraine. "It's a cause-and-effect piece. It wasn't a matter of if, but when," McCaul said. The Biden administration's foreign policy failures created a domino effect that began in Afghanistan.

Now, "if we're successful in Ukraine, that's a deterrence against Chairman Xi invading Taiwan," McCaul said, referring to Chinese president Xi Jinping. As the Foreign Affairs Committee's leader, McCaul will have authority to haul Biden administration officials before Congress to grill them on the situation in Ukraine, as well as administration efforts to counter Russian aggression.

McCaul also seeks to increase U.S. efforts to counter Iran, a chief ally of China and Russia. While the Biden administration has hopes of salvaging the 2015 nuclear accord, McCaul said the priority must shift to supporting Iranian citizens who are protesting to oust the hardline regime.

"Instead of seizing the moment and joining and helping them, this administration, because it's so concerned about the Iran deal … is ignoring this one," McCaul said. "We have a great opportunity to seize the momentum."

McCaul said he will lead efforts to pressure the State Department into increasing its support for protesters, such as providing demonstrators with internet services so that they can organize against the regime. This, he said, will also help the world obtain concrete evidence detailing the regime's murders and brutal imprisonment of dissidents.

Another priority that is certain to garner headlines is McCaul's focus on Hunter Biden's laptop, which appears to contain evidence of shady business deals involving Joe Biden during his time as vice president. Along with the House Oversight Committee, McCaul hopes to collect evidence that could be used to expose the elder Biden.

"We're not going to shoot with blanks and start talking about impeachment," McCaul said. "We have to build the case. There's a lot of fire to smoke when you look at these financial transactions that were facilitated by the father, given his role as vice president. The question is, did the father gain financially from this?"

GOP Rep. Gallagher: ‘TikTok Should Be Banned’ — ‘Digital Fentanyl, Addicting Our Kids’


During this week’s broadcast of Fox News Channel’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Rep. Mike Gallagher (R-WI) called for the ban of the social media platform TikTok.

Gallagher told fill-in host Sean Duffy that TikTok was “digital fentanyl.”

“I want to get your take on this,” Duffy said. “We now know that Chinese-aligned companies are mining data on American citizens. For example, TikTok, a very popular app that a lot of our kids use, Donald Trump was pushing a separation of TikTok from the CCP. But other companies are doing it. Is that something that Congress should be looking at, rules should be in place that the Chinese Communist Party shouldn’t be mining data off of American citizens?”

“TikTok should be banned,” Gallagher replied. “Senator Marco Rubio and I have legislation that does exactly that. TikTok is digital fentanyl, addicting our kids. And just like actual fentanyl, it ultimately goes back to the Chinese Communist Party. TikTok is owned by ByteDance. ByteDance is controlled by the CCP. That means the CCP can track your location. It can track your keystrokes. It can censor your news.

“Why would we give our foremost adversary that amount of power?” he continued. “Oh, and, oh, by the way, TikTok is using the swamp against us. They’re hiring an army of lobbyists, including former congressmen, senators, 31 former high-level congressional staffers, in order to do their bidding. No paycheck is worth that, OK? We need to ban TikTok.”

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor




Hillary’s Russian connection


By Thomas Lifson




“Facilitating strategic technology transfer in return for money is an old Clinton game.  The Chinese bought their way to access of considerable space technology when Bill Clinton was president.  Remember Charlie Trie, Loral, and the rest of the crew?”


American people deserve to know what China was up to with Joe Biden, especially when Beijing had already shelled out millions of dollars to Biden family members — including millions in set-asides for “the big guy.” What else is on that infamous Hunter Biden laptop? The conflicted Biden Justice Department cannot be trusted to engage in any meaningful oversight on this issue. We need a special counsel now.   

                                     TOM FITTON - JUDICIAL WATCH

House Republicans Warn TikTok May Have Misled Congress Over China Data Sharing

Getty Images
 • November 23, 2022 11:10 am


WASHINGTON (Reuters)—Republican members of Congress, who will set the agenda for the House next year, pressed short video app TikTok on Tuesday over concerns the company may have misled Congress about how much user data it shares with China, where owner ByteDance is headquartered.

Representative Cathy McMorris Rodgers, the top Republican on the House Energy and Commerce Committee, and Representative James Comer, top Republican on the Oversight Committee, wrote to TikTok to say information provided in a staff briefing appeared to be inaccurate.

"Some of the information TikTok provided during the staff briefing appears to be untrue or misleading, including that TikTok does not track U.S. user locations," the Republican lawmakers said in a letter to TikTok Chief Executive Shou Zi Chew and dated Tuesday.

TikTok did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Following election wins earlier this month, Republicans will take control of the House in January. The letter could be a sign of tough scrutiny they plan to apply to Chinese companies including TikTok, a target of the Republican administration of former President Donald Trump.

But the Democratic Biden administration has also expressed concern about TikTok. FBI Director Christopher Wray said earlier this month the Chinese government could harness the video-sharing app to influence users or control their devices.

Among other questions, the lawmakers asked TikTok to provide drafts of any agreement being negotiated with the Biden administration to allow TikTok to remain active in the United States.

The U.S. government's Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS), which reviews U.S. acquisitions by foreign companies for potential national security risks, in 2020 ordered ByteDance to divest TikTok because of fears U.S. user data could be passed on to China's communist government.

CFIUS and TikTok have been in talks for months aiming to reach a national security agreement to protect the data of TikTok's more than 100 million users.

President Joe Biden in June 2021 withdrew a series of Trump executive orders that sought to ban new downloads of TikTok and ordered the Commerce Department to conduct a review of security concerns posed by the apps.

McCarthy Plans Committee to Crack Down on China

'We will put a stop to this and no longer allow the administration to sit back and let China do what they are doing to America,' says House Republican leader

FILE PHOTO: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) speaks during a news conference about the House Republicans "Commitment to America" outside the United States Capitol building in Washington, D.C., U.S., September 29, 2022. REUTERS/Evelyn Hockstein/File Photo


WASHINGTON (Reuters)—Kevin McCarthy, the Republican leader in the U.S. House of Representatives, said on Sunday he would form a select committee on China if he is elected speaker of the chamber, accusing the Biden administration of not standing up to Beijing.

"China is the No. 1 country when it comes to intellectual property theft," he told Fox News in an interview.

"We will put a stop to this and no longer allow the administration to sit back and let China do what they are doing to America."

McCarthy also said he would keep his promise to oust a number of Democrats from key House committees, including Representative Adam Schiff, the chairman of the intelligence committee.

He said he would also remove Representative Eric Swalwell from the intelligence committee and Representative Ilhan Omar from the foreign affairs committee.

McCarthy is vying to become speaker after his party won a narrow House majority in the midterm elections this month, although he will need to secure enough votes to be formally elected when the new Congress takes office in January.

A source, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters that McCarthy prevailed in Republican House leadership elections on Tuesday, overcoming a challenge from hard-line conservative Representative Andy Biggs in a 188-31 vote by the caucus.

McCarthy also told Fox News his party would "stop these police stations in America," after FBI Director Christopher Wray told lawmakers on Thursday the United States was concerned about the Chinese government setting up unauthorized stations in U.S. cities.

Europe-based human rights organization Safeguard Defenders published a report in September revealing the presence of dozens of Chinese police "service stations" in major global cities including New York.

The report said the stations were part of Beijing's efforts to pressure Chinese nationals to return to China to face criminal charges as well as spread the Chinese Communist Party's influence and propaganda overseas.

China's Embassy in Washington acknowledged the existence of volunteer-run sites in the United States, but said they were not "police stations."

The sites "assist Chinese nationals who need help in accessing the online service platform to get their driving licenses renewed and receive physical check-ups for that purpose," an embassy official told Reuters.


What proof does House GOP have against President Biden?


Spencer Video: Bidens Finally to Be Investigated

But will it be a genuine inquiry - or just a charade?

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This new Glazov Gang episode features Robert Spencer, the Director of Jihad Watch, a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center and the author of his new book, Who Lost Afghanistan?

Robert discusses Bidens Finally to Be Investigated, but he asks: Will it be a genuine inquiry – or just a charade?

Don’t miss it!

And make sure to watch our 3-Part Series on FBI Corruption and Cover-Ups.

[1] Spencer: Using Paul Pelosi – How the Democrats are instrumentalizing a curious incident to buttress their false claims about “insurrection.”

[2] Greenfield: Who Are the Real Victims of Political Violence? – How the FBI, the media and the Democrats have achieved the cover-up.

[3] Spencer: The FBI’s Relentless Hunt for ‘Right-Wing Extremism’ – The deeply ominous implications.

Subscribe to JamieGlazov.com.


Bombshell report alleges Biden family had 150+ suspicious bank activity flags

After studying the documents on the Hunter Biden laptop, former criminal prosecutor and New York City mayor Rudy Giuliani concluded that: “What Hunter Biden is, is a bagman… I’ve prosecuted many cases like this. He’s collecting Joe’s bribes that come to about $12 million from Ukraine and $3.5 million from Russia. But the big money comes from China. And the amount of money involved is in the tens of millions of dollars.” Today, there is documented proof that that the Biden family has received at least $31 million from entities controlled by the CCP, with greater Chinese payoffs yet to come.

Rudy Giuliani sums up what ultimate elite capture looks like, stating: “The Biden Family is owned by the Chinese Communist Party.”  

Start your Investigations

Exclusive – Rep. James Comer: Family Bank Records Are the First Focus in Biden Investigation

President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden leave Holy Spirit Catholic Church in Johns Island, S.C., after attending a Mass, Saturday, Aug. 13, 2022. Biden is in Kiawah Island with his family on vacation. (AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta)
AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

Rep. James Comer (R-KY), who will be the chairman of the House Oversight Committee in the new Congress, appeared on Sirius XM’s Breitbart News Saturday and emphasized that Hunter and James Biden’s bank statements are going to be central to the committee’s investigation into President Joe Biden.

On Thursday, Comer announced at a press conference that the Oversight Committee would be launching an investigation into the Biden family for potential violations, including “wire fraud, conspiracy to commit wire fraud, violation of the Foreign Agents Registration Act, violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, violations of the Trafficking Victims Protection Act, tax evasion, money laundering, and conspiracy to commit money laundering.”

While speaking with Breitbart News Saturday host Matthew Boyle over the weekend, Comer said the first focus of the investigation would be to obtain bank records from President Biden’s son, Hunter, and James Biden, the president’s brother.


James Comer (R-KY) on Capitol Hill on May 12, 2021 in Washington, DC. (Jonathan Ernst-Pool/Getty Images)

“The focus is on day one are those bank violations and those bank records,” said Comer. “We are pretty confident in what we’re going to find in those. We have two bank violations. We have some bank statements in hand, and we believe that suspicious activity reports, which are bank violations when the bank notifies the federal government that we’re pretty confident that our client has committed a crime, Hunter Biden and Jim Biden have at least 150 of those. And I’ve said this before, and I come from a strong banking background, I don’t think there’s anyone in the history of the United States that’s had that many suspicious activity reports.”

“So there’s precedents here in trying to get those suspicious activity reports,” added the representative from Kentucky. “And before Joe Biden became president, congressional committees had access to that. Joe Biden changed the rules to where Congress couldn’t get access to suspicious activity reports when he became president. I wonder why? It’s because his family had 150 of those.”


Comer added that the U.S. Treasury Department should provide the bank records and suspicious activity reports, but he plans to subpoena the banks if the Treasury Department does not cooperate.

Boyle asked Comer if Americans could expect hearings featuring bank and government officials and members of the Biden family, as well as an investigation report at the culmination of the probe and a criminal referral to the Department of Justice.

“Yes, that’s all of the above,” Comer replied. “With respect to the hearings, we really need to have some of these bank records in hand and comb through those before we have a good hearing because we are confident that the president has lied about his involvement in all of these shady business dealings. We are confident that many of these businesses have broken many laws in the United States, so we need to have 100% evidence that we can demonstrate and show to the American people about the severity of the wrongdoing of the Biden influence-peddling schemes.”

“I have two bank records… and one of the suspicious activity reports, basically, is a situation where Hunter Biden got a significant deposit from China from an unmarked account, which…doesn’t happen in the banking world, you know, there’s always a name and address,” Comer later noted. “All they know is it came from China. And he’s shifting it around to all these accounts he has, which is a… pattern of money laundering. And we know that’s part of what the Delaware U.S. attorney is looking at, money laundering. We need to know the source of his revenue. If the president’s family is getting millions of dollars from China, we need to know what it was.”

“Hunter Biden wasn’t manufacturing anything; he didn’t own any real estate. He wasn’t licensed to sell anything. He wasn’t licensed to be a lobbyist,” Comer went on to point out. “What the heck business were they in? Its influence peddling, which is illegal.”

The soon-to-be Oversight Committee chairman also expressed concerns that the investigation could be impeded if Hunter Biden is indicted by the U.S Attorney’s Office in Delaware.

“The troubling thing to me, and one reason I wanted to have the press conference so soon was I’ve always predicted that the U.S. Attorney DOJ will indict Hunter Biden before January to protect him from subpoena,” he explained. “So if he’s under indictment, we’ll never get him in front of the committee. And what we were hearing was he was gonna be indicted for tax evasion and lying on the gun application.”

“I wanted to throw some other things out there that I really can’t go into great detail,” continued Comer. “The human trafficking, that’s pretty serious, and obviously, the fact that no one in the mainstream media wrote about that, and no one in the White House commented on that, there’s a… huge problem with Hunter Biden. And remember, the laptop has videos on it. So the U.S. Attorney is not going to get away with just putting a little slap on the wrist for a misdemeanor and indicting Hunter Biden just to protect him from congressional oversight. We want the American people to know there’s a laundry list of items that Hunter Biden is potentially in huge trouble over. And this is not going to go away if they appoint a Hunter Biden Special Counsel or if they indict Hunter Biden.”

“So I feel like the press conference was very effective, and at the very least, we’re transparent with the American people on exactly where we’re doing on day one,” he added. “This is an investigation of Joe Biden. And we want those bank violations which Congress always had access to prior to Joe Biden changing the rules when he became president.”

In 2018 and 2020, Breitbart Senior Contributor and Government Accountability Institute President Peter Schweizer published Secret Empires and Profiles in Corruption. Each book hit #1 on the New York Times bestseller list and exposed how Hunter Biden and Joe Biden flew aboard Air Force Two in 2013 to China before Hunter’s firm inked a $1.5 billion deal with a subsidiary of the Chinese government’s Bank of China less than two weeks after the trip. Schweizer’s work also uncovered the Biden family’s other vast and lucrative foreign deals and cronyism. Breitbart Political Editor Emma-Jo Morris’ investigative work at the New York Post on the Hunter Biden “laptop from hell” also captured international headlines when she, along with Miranda Devine, revealed that Joe Biden was intimately involved in Hunter’s businesses, appearing even to have a 10 percent stake in a company the scion formed with officials at the highest levels of the Chinese Communist Party.

Hunter Biden is the subject of the narrative film My Son Hunter, marking Breitbart’s expansion into film distribution. The film was produced by the Unreported Story Society.  It’s the story the establishment media don’t want you to see. The film is available RIGHT NOW for Streaming and Downloading at MySonHunter.com

Breitbart News Saturday airs on SiriusXM Patriot 125 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Eastern.

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