Thursday, June 15, 2023



Biden Touts U.S. Building World’s Largest Solar Plant — in Angola

US President Joe Biden speaks during the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) Capital Dinner in Washington, DC, US, on Wednesday, June 14, 2023. The US Secretary of State will travel to Beijing later this week, becoming the most-senior US official to visit the country in five years as the US …
SHIRAAZ MOHAMED/AFP via Getty Images/Bonnie Cash/UPI/Bloomberg

President Joe Biden is bragging that his administration is building one of the world’s largest solar plants, not in the United States but rather in the Central African nation of Angola.

“You know, soon — soon, Africa will have one billion people,” Biden said during remarks at the League of Conservation Voters Annual Capital Dinner. Despite Biden’s claim, Africa’s population hit one billion residents in 2009 when he was vice president in the Obama administration.

“We have plans to build … in Angola one of the largest solar plants in the world,” Biden bragged. “I can go on, but I’m not.”

Indeed, earlier this month, the U.S. Export-Import Bank announced a $900 million direct loan to Angola “to support the construction of two photovoltaic solar energy power plants in the country,” officials said.

According to Export-Import Bank officials, the solar plants in Angola will support exports of U.S. solar panels.

“We are proud to take part in this important project, which will increase access to electricity in Angolan communities using clean energy technology,” Export-Import Bank President Reta Jo Lewis said in a statement.

The massive multi-million project comes as, last year, Biden decided to exempt foreign-made bifacial solar panels — the overwhelming majority of which come from China — from Section 201 tariffs on solar imports to the U.S. that were first imposed by former President Trump in January 2018 at a 30 percent rate.

After that decision, LG Electronics announced that it will be closing its Huntsville, Alabama, solar panel manufacturing plant — resulting in more than 200 Americans being laid off.

In addition, Biden has continuously sided with Chinese solar manufacturers by imposing a tariff moratorium on solar panel imports from Cambodia, Thailand, Vietnam, and Malaysia even as his Commerce Department has said that the panels are made in China but have been routed through the four southeast Asian nations to avoid U.S. tariffs.

RELATED VIDEO — CBP: China Tries to Keep Businesses from Knowing Products Are Made with Slave Labor and “Solar Panels Are a Big Issue”:

0 seconds of 5 minutes, 33 secondsVolume 90%

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

The quiet riot against insanity in America is gaining strength

How have we gone from America’s low-inflation, high tax revenue, full employment economy, with an expanding middle class, energy independence and rock solid military to the kowtowing disaster of the last two years?

The only possible conclusion is that this is a long-term and well-planned operation to kneecap America.

Accepting that the most prosperous nation on earth is suddenly falling into poverty, crime and wokeness, and our citizens are happily voting for more, requires a level of insane thinking that is unprecedented, yet we now have…

  • Ballot counting machines that can’t count ballots
  • Judges who refuse to judge
  • Anti-American American presidents
  • Prosecutors who don’t prosecute
  • Peaceful protests labeled as domestic terrorism and domestic terrorists labeled as peaceful protestors
  • Representatives who don’t represent
  • Corporations that don’t seek profit
  • Banks that don’t protect their depositors’ money
  • News reporters who don’t report the news
  • “Environmentalist” energy policies that waste energy and harm the environment
  • Scientists who don’t use the scientific method
  • Teachers who don’t teach, advocating graphic books on sex for children too young to understand sex
  • Psychologists and physicians encouraging dysphoria insanity in vulnerable children – while keeping parents clueless
  • Men playing women’s sports and assaulting girls in their locker rooms
  • Doctors who don’t heal, promoting vaccines that kill
  • Groups demanding reparations from people whose ancestors mistreated their ancestors
  • Free speech that isn’t free

Americans are kind, patient, generous people who want to live our lives, raise our families, do our jobs or run our businesses, pray – or not, and be left alone. Because we believe in fairness and free speech we are willing to tolerate the speech of others – even if we think it’s crazy or offensive. We recognize that we are not perfect and we acknowledge that our country isn’t perfect, especially our past.

Most of us still have a basic understanding of civics and believe that our representative government and our right to vote are the cornerstone of American greatness. When something goes wrong there are laws that all are required to follow and a judicial system that impartially enforces those laws.

Whether you are a Republican, Democrat or Independent, a Conservative or a Liberal, when you vote for a candidate in a primary or general election, you expect your vote to be counted accurately.

When this American contract breaks down we are nothing more than well-entertained slaves. Our leaders are not our representatives, beholden to us, but our masters.

Much of this insane war on the middle class and small business is justified by the “environmental movement.” All Americans want clean air and water. But the Left has coopted this noble cause and perverted into nothing more than a thinly veiled justification for ending American prosperity. They trot out “scientists” who falsify study results to justify their actions – all of which restrict freedom and growth - while actually doing massive harm to the environment they claim to worship.

They cry panic over “global warming” and pollution, but their policies do nothing to cool the earth or reduce pollution. Instead, we see agreements and accords that transfer money from rich countries and codify immense levels of pollution in poorer ones.

We see laws passed to require electric cars to “save our environment” with “clean, renewable energy” that take more energy and toxins to produce and eventually dispose of than will ever be saved.

Worst of all, our world class medical system was twisted to declare a medical emergency, forcing us into solitary confinement and denying our children their education. They gave us a “vaccine” as a cure that did more harm than good. They used blatantly manipulated data to inflate panic about the disease and then deny the side-effects of the vaccine. 

When we speak up against this insanity, we are arrested and imprisoned without basic civil rights or labeled “domestic terrorists” at local school board meetings. And when we go to the ballot box to change our representatives our votes are miscounted, and our new Republican “leadership” suddenly compromises with the Left, while claiming to do “what’s best for America.”

Despite the attempts of the Left to distract, censor and bully us, polls show that the silent majority recognizes the insanity of inner city crime, twisted justice, criminal Presidents, woke corporations, propaganda news, environmental “justice,” sexualizing children and transgenderism. Most of us know someone who died from improper treatment of COVID or the injections purported to prevent it.

And we know about election fraud.

For some reason, Google is suddenly allowing discussion of election fraud and Rasmussen took the occasion to release some amazing previously-censored polling information showing most Americans are wise to election fraud despite three years of unending propaganda.

We are fair, we are patient, but we are not stupid.

  • How can we stop this insanity and get our country back?
  • How can we protest when we’ll be arrested?
  • How can we live safely in an inner city?
  • Where can we put our hard-earned money?
  • Where can we get true news?
  • How do we teach our children?
  • How do we avoid the next “booster” without losing our jobs?
  • And finally, how can we “vote out the bastards” if our votes aren’t counted?

In a recent article, I described multiple ways ordinary Americans can fight back using our eyes, ears, mouths and wallets.

I pointed out good places to watch uncensored news – we’ll have to see how Tucker Carlson does with his new Twitter show. (Is Elon Musk the new beacon of honest reporting while suppressing free speech in other ways? Stay tuned.)

Americans are finally waking up to the insanity and have begun a nation-wide “quiet riot.”

We are boycotting news networks that have betrayed our trust. We are using conservative research sites to choose where to spend our money, reading labels to avoid products made in China and buying from local businesses and growers. We are moving our savings to smaller, regional banks.

Wherever we see woke corporations promoting drag shows, transgender insanity and satanism we quietly boycott them, costing Target, Anheuser Busch, and the LA Dodgers to lose billions of dollars in sales and stock value.

When possible, we quit corporations to avoid the shots and pulled our children from primary schools to teach them at home. Now we are leaving churches that promote LGBT policies.

We are no longer buying GOP “leadership” claims they are “fighting for America” when they allow insane spending and corruption to continue unabated.

We continue to work locally to protest insanity in city councils and school systems. We have dropped social media in favor of the real social media – actually talking with our family, friends and neighbors and sharing booksarticles and videos that are getting wider and wider attention.

Perhaps most important is the need to support all efforts to end election fraud and clean up voter rolls. Encourage your state to drop the insanely corrupt ERIC system.

How about when we finally get our votes back we pass H.R.1, the “Lie Detector for Government Service Act,” that requires government employees at ALL LEVELS to declare they are working in the best interests of the American people and not for their personal profit?

Graphic credit: Clker-Free-Vector-Images Pixbay license

California state senator urges parents to ‘flee California’

See also: California Democrats propose bill to confiscate parents’ children if they oppose gender change

State Senator Scott Wilk has issued a startling warning for parents, one for which I cannot think of any parallel in US history. Lest you consider him a minor local politician, keep in mind that a California state senator represents far more people than a member of Congress: almost one million constituents.

The reason the Senator warned his constituents with children to flee the state is:

California lawmakers in the State Senate Judiciary Committee on Tuesday moved forward with a measure that would require courts to consider a parent's acceptance of their child's gender identity in custody or visitation cases.

“As the mother of a trans child, it is jarring to know that TGI youth are at a higher risk of depression, mental health crises, self-harm and suicide than their cisgender peers,” said Assemblymember Lori Wilson, the bill's author, in a statement. “The TGI Youth Empowerment Act provides California the opportunity to take one step closer to building a safer, more dignified, and equitable world for TGI youth and their families.”

Senator Wilk sees this bill as an indicator of what’s ahead:  (transcript via Grabien)

“I’m now in year 11 in the state legislature, and all the time we’re proposing policies to protect children. After 11 years, I’ve come to conclusion that we need to start protecting parents. That’s just not happening. I’ve been here and witnessed a full-frontal assault on charter schools, taking away parents’ choice in how their children are going to be educated, to the detriment particularly of children of color.

“In recent years we have put government bureaucrats between parents, children and doctors when it comes to medical care. And now we have this where if a parent does not support the ideology of the government, they’re going to be taken away from the home.

“Now, I agree with both Senator Wiener and Senator Laird that today it only involves divorce proceedings — and, frankly, a judge can already factor this in — but I can assure you it’s not going to end with divorce proceedings.

“In the past, when we’ve had these discussions and I’ve seen parental rights atrophied, I’ve encouraged people to keep fighting. I’ve changed my mind on that. If you love your children, you need to flee California. You need to flee.

“We’re moving towards the pathway of the ‘Handmaid’s Tale.’ California’s becoming the new Gilead and it just breaks my heart. I’m born and raised in this state. I love this state. I’m not going to stay in this state because it’s just too oppressive and I believe in freedom, and so I’m going to move to America when I leave the legislature.”

Taking custody of a child away from a parent because the parent does not want the child to be mutilated or permanently developmentally damaged with hormone-suppressing drugs is fully predictable if this measure becomes law. The language used by the bill's sponsor, Senator Wilson, that the bill is "one step closer..." reveals that a much larger agenda is at work.

If Senator Wilk’s warning isn’t ignored by the legacy media, it will be mercilessly mocked.

I take only slight comfort in the fact that Governor Gavin Newsom would have to sign this bill, if it passes both the Assembly and Senate, for it to become law. Given his obvious ambition to run for president, he would be loath to hand an issue to the Republican nominee: Newsom signed a law to take a child away from a parent if the parent doesn’t support transgender surgery.

Of course, Newsom would receive tremendous blowback from the trans claque, who are well-funded, well-organized, and ruthless. But that might serve him as a Sister Souljah moment to create a national image as a moderate, reasonable Democrat and help neutralize the toxicity of California’s politics in other parts of the nation.

Delusional DAs endanger us by protecting foreign criminals

If you ask most U.S. citizens what a district attorney (DA) does, they’d tell you something like, “prosecute criminals” or “enforce the law.”

But in an increasing number of American jurisdictions, that no longer appears to be the case. DAs across America now seem to think that one of their primary functions is to help foreign criminals remain in the United States.

Take for example George Gascon, the district attorney for Los Angeles County, California, the most populous county in the nation.

In December of 2022 Gascon introduced a new policy, Special Directive 22-07, aimed at avoiding “immigration consequences” for non-citizens who are charged with crimes.

Gascon’s rule requires prosecutors in Los Angeles County to consider alternatives when a defendant is not a U.S. citizen and faces potential deportation if found guilty in criminal court. Attempts to avoid sentencing enhancements and a preference for seeking pre-trial diversion programs over prosecution have now become a priority for prosecutors pursuing charges against foreign criminals. The ultimate goal, according to Gascon, is to keep foreign nationals in the United States, even when they violate the terms of the Immigration and Nationality Act by engaging in criminal activity.

Unfortunately, Gascon’s decision to go soft on foreign criminals is part of a disturbing nationwide trend. Several years ago, Philadelphia DA Larry Krasner created a new Immigration Counsel position within his office, with the sole purpose of reaching “immigration neutral” outcomes for non-citizens. Krasner’s spokesperson told local media that those accused of high-level offenses such as homicides or sex crimes would not enjoy special consideration.

In reality, however, Krasner’s Immigration Counsel consulted in dozens of cases in which non-citizens were accused of various serious crimes, such as rape, rape of a child, sex assault, and even murder. But rather than attempting to find ways to remove foreign thugs from the streets of Philadelphia, the Immigration Counsel was expending taxpayer resources attempting to keep them in the City of Brotherly Love. Prosecutors in other so-called “sanctuary” jurisdictions have followed suit.

Of course, Gascon and Krasner and their ilk are basing special treatment for criminal aliens on two mistaken notions: 1) that the removal of foreign criminals punishes them twice; and 2) that foreign nationals can only be removed from the United States when they have been convicted of crimes.

First off, the assertion that deportation is punishment is dead wrong. Nothing could be further from the truth. In Fong Yue Ting v. United States, the Supreme Court expressly held that deportation “is but a method of enforcing the return to his own country of an alien who has not complied with the conditions upon the performance of which the Government of the nation, acting within its constitutional authority, and through the proper departments, has determined that his continuing to reside here shall depend.”

And, as the High Court noted in Ekiu v. United States, the removal of aliens who fail to comply with our laws is an exercise of authority that is inherent in the United States’ status as a sovereign nation. The Court stated, “It is an accepted maxim of international law that every sovereign nation has the power, as inherent in sovereignty and essential to self-preservation, to forbid the entrance of foreigners within its dominions or to admit them only in such cases and upon such conditions as it may see fit to prescribe.”

Secondly, virtually any foreign national who has either broken our immigration laws to enter the United States, or has transgressed our immigration laws while here, can be deported. Gaming the system so illegal alien miscreants don’t sustain convictions is utterly pointless. If so inclined, the Department of Homeland Security can remove them solely on the basis of having crossed the border without authorization.

Meanwhile, giving a blanket special preference to lawfully present immigrants who have committed crimes simply sends a bad message that they can rely on their status as foreigners to escape culpability for criminal behavior. In the exceptional case where there are extenuating circumstances, reviewing courts have more than enough discretionary authority to minimize the impact a criminal conviction may have on an immigrant.

Moreover, as the vice president of the Association for Deputy District Attorneys of Los Angeles County noted, measures like those taken by Gascon and Krasner discriminate against U.S. citizens because they are not at risk of deportation, and thus won’t enjoy the same consideration when subjected to criminal charges.

To the casual observer, activist DAs like Gascon and Krasner might not seem like a big deal. But with the Biden Administration flooding our nation with millions of illegal aliens, average Americans should be asking who is actually protecting U.S. citizens from criminals? Because there’s no guarantee that a criminal alien cut loose by anti-borders progressives like Gascon or Krasner won’t be coming soon to a community near you. And if your local DA is also an anti-borders, sanctuary city activist, you may find the justice system protecting the criminal alien and not you.

Jason Hopkins is the Investigations Manager at the Immigration Reform Law Institute, a public interest law firm working to defend the rights and interests of the American people from the negative effects of unchecked mass migration.

Matt O’Brien is the Director of Investigations at the Immigration Reform Law Institute and the co-host of IRLI’s podcast “No Border, No Country.” Immediately prior to working for IRLI he served as an immigration judge. He has nearly 30 years of experience in immigration law and policy, having held numerous positions within the Department of Homeland Security.

Image: Defense Visual Information Distribution Service // public domain

Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute has testified before a Congressional committee that in 2004, 95% of all outstanding warrants for murder in Los Angeles were for illegal aliens; in 2000, 23% of all Los Angeles County jail inmates were illegal aliens and that in 1995, 60% of Los Angeles’s largest street gang, the 18th Street gang, were illegal aliens. 


Former Sheriff Explains Los Angeles' 'Deputy Gangs' | Alex Villanueva


Los Angeles Officially Declares ‘Sanctuary City’ Status for Criminal Illegal Aliens

LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, UNITED STATES - 2019/07/01: A child holds a placard that says ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) Kills during a symbolic funeral procession in honour of migrants who died attempting to cross the border into the U.S. or while in the custody of Customs and Border Protection. Organizers …
Ronen Tivony / SOPA Images/SOPA Images/LightRocket via Getty Images

The city of Los Angeles, California, has officially declared itself a “sanctuary city” to shield criminal illegal aliens from arrest and deportation by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency — a decision that will enshrine the policy into its municipal code.

This week, the Los Angeles City Council made the official move to codify the region’s sanctuary policy, whereas prior directives were merely symbolic and thus subject to changes.

The sanctuary city designation, which mirrors California’s sanctuary state law, dictates that no city resources are used for federal immigration enforcement — barring local agencies from cooperating with ICE agents to turn criminal illegal aliens over for deportation.

The policy also requests Los Angeles officials to create routes for agencies to avoid sharing data with ICE agents.

Already, Los Angeles had been imposing a sanctuary policy that has local law enforcement releasing  75 to 100 criminal illegal aliens from its custody every day, according to data revealed in 2019.

California, today, has the nation’s largest illegal alien population, with nearly 3.3 million illegal aliens residing across the sanctuary state. This is an illegal population larger than the resident populations of 20 states, including Nevada, Idaho, Arkansas, Kansas, New Mexico, and Iowa.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.

More than 17 Percent of U.S. Firearm Murders Occur in One State: Gun-Controlled California

Victor J. Blue/Bloomberg via Getty Images, Joel Pollak / Breitbart News

More than 17 percent of the annual firearm murders in the United States occur in gun-controlled California, according to the most recent figures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

PEW Research reported that CDC figures show 20,958 people were murdered with firearms in 2021.

The CDC’s state-by-state map shows that 3,576 of those murders occurred in California alone.

Ironically, California is the number one state in the U.S. for gun control, according to Mike Bloomberg-affiliated Everytown for Gun Safety.

California gun controls include universal background checks, an “assault weapons” ban, a 10-day waiting period, a red flag law, firearm registration requirements, a ban on campus carry for self-defense, a ban on K-12 teachers being armed for classroom defense, a limit on the number of guns a law-abiding citizen can purchase each month, and a background check requirement for ammunition purchases, among many other controls.

Yet California is also number one for “active shooter incidents,” according to FBI figures.

When California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D) contrasts gun violence in his state with that of other states–especially red states–he does not mention California firearm homicides. Rather, he talks about homicide rates and claims a lower rate in California than in other states.

On Thursday, he took this approach with Mississippi Gov. Tate Reeves (R):

By shifting the focus to rates, Newsom does not mention that Mississippi only had 962 firearm homicides compared to 3,576 such homicides in California.

Related — AWR Hawkins: “America Has a Gun-Free-Zone Problem”

0 seconds of 1 minute, 53 secondsVolume 90%

Related — AWR Hawkins: When Dems Press Gun Control, Hold Your Republican Majority Accountable

0 seconds of 1 minute, 58 secondsVolume 90%

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkins, a weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio and a Turning Point USA Ambassador. He was a Visiting Fellow at the Russell Kirk Center for Cultural Renewal in 2010, a speaker at the 2023 Western Conservative Summit, and he holds a Ph.D. in Military History, with a focus on the Vietnam War (brown water navy), U.S. Navy since Inception, the Civil War, and Early Modern Europe. Follow him on Instagram: @awr_hawkins. You can sign up to get Down Range at Reach him directly at

Former Sheriff Explains Los Angeles' 'Deputy Gangs' | Alex Villanueva






Mendocino Shakedown: Police Accused of Corruption and Theft During Pot Seizures








Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute has testified before a Congressional committee that in 2004, 95% of all outstanding warrants for murder in Los Angeles were for illegal aliens; in 2000, 23% of all Los Angeles County jail inmates were illegal aliens and that in 1995, 60% of Los Angeles’s largest street gang, the 18th Street gang, were illegal aliens. 




This is another "fact" spun from the 2004 op-ed by Heather Mac Donald, whose article refers to a single Los Angeles gang and the conjecture of an unnamed federal prosecutor.

 1. "40% of all workers in L.A. County are working for cash and not paying taxes. . .  This is because they are predominantly illegal immigrants working without a green card." The Mexican tax-free economy in Los Angeles County is estimated to be in excess of $2 billion dollars a year.

 2. "95% of warrants for murder in Los Angeles are for illegal aliens . . . "

 3. "75% of people on the most wanted list in Los Angeles are illegal aliens."

 4. "Over 2/3 of all births in Los Angeles County are to illegal alien Mexicans on Medi-Cal, whose births were paid for by taxpayers." The County of Los Angeles hands Mexico’s anchor baby breeders more than a BILLION DOLLARS a year in welfare.

 5. "Nearly 35% of all inmates in California detention centers are Mexican nationals here illegally." California has the largest and most expensive prison system in the country. Half the inmates are now Mexicans. Half the murders in California are by Mexican gangs.

 6. Over 300,000 illegal aliens in Los Angeles County are living in garages.

 7. "The FBI reports half of all gang members in Los Angeles are most likely illegal aliens from south of the border."

 8. "Nearly 60% of all occupants of HUD properties are illegal immigrants."

9. 21 radio stations in L. A. are Spanish speaking.

 10. In L. A. County 5.1 million people speak English, 3.9 million speak Spanish.4


City Council Resolution Formally Declares

Los Angeles a ‘Sanctuary City’


The Los Angeles City Council formally approved a resolution Friday declaring the City of Angels a “sanctuary city” for illegal aliens.

The council unanimously passed the resolution in a 12-0 vote, formally declaring Los Angeles “a city of sanctuary” for those residing in the U.S. illegally “who have been under attack in this Trump era,” CBS Los Angeles reported.

“We declare, for all those who have been under attack in this Trump era, that this city, in this day, in this time, will be a city of sanctuary,” City Councilman Gil Cedillo said. “It will be a place where people will know that they will be judged by the content of their character and not by the color of their skin, and not by who they choose to love, and not by when they got here. They will be judged by their contributions to our city.”

The council’s non-binding resolution was more of a symbolic gesture, as it does not change the city’s laws.

But the resolution did allow the city to create a commission tasked with investigating civil rights violations and imposing a $125,000 to $250,000 fine on those who commit acts of violence or harassment.

Friday’s resolution made Los Angeles’s sanctuary city status official, but the Los Angeles Police Department has had longstanding sanctuary policies on the books.

Officers have been told not to arrest individuals just because they entered the U.S. illegally and bar federal immigration authorities from access to county jails without a federal warrant.

In 2017, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti also promoted the city’s sanctuary policies prohibiting federal immigration officials from enforcing federal laws on illegal immigration at the local level.

When President Trump announced that year that the federal government would withhold federal funding from cities that did not enforce federal laws on illegal immigration, Garcetti defended Los Angeles’s position as a sanctuary city.

 Friday’s resolution made Los Angeles’s sanctuary city status official, but the Los Angeles Police Department has had longstanding sanctuary policies on the books.

Officers have been told not to arrest individuals just

 because they entered the U.S. illegally and bar federal

 immigration authorities from access to county jails

 without a federal warrant.


Los Angeles County report confirms that

deputy gangs are rampant in Sheriff’s


John Andrews

On March 3, a special counsel charged with oversight of the Los Angeles Sheriff’s Department (LASD) issued a report that documents deputy gangs engaging in “egregious conduct such as violations of law, the excessive use of force [and] threats to the public or Department members.”

According to the special counsel, deputy gangs operating over the last 50 years in patrol stations located in predominantly working class and minority neighborhoods, including the Banditos, Executioners, Regulators, Spartans, Grim Reapers, Rattlesnakes and Vikings, recruit male deputy sheriffs based on their ethnicity and willingness to engage in violence and coverups.

The report states that among the 80 or so people interviewed, “several witnesses would only testify anonymously and some did so remotely, using a voice distortion device out of fear of physical or professional retaliation. Several witnesses who had agreed to testify withdrew, often the night before the proposed testimony, out of similar fears.” 

The report accuses prior Sheriff Alex Villanueva, who lost reelection last November, of “appointing known tattooed members of Deputy Gangs and Deputy Cliques to leadership positions in the Department” and “permitting the revival of emblems signifying membership in such groups.” 4

“The claim that Deputy Gangs no longer exist in the Department is flatly and inarguably false,” according to the report.

The Rand Corporation reports that 15 to 20 percent of LASD deputies join gangs. Membership is usually confirmed by a leg tattoo, frequently bearing a sequential roman numeral. “Inking parties” are held to initiate new members at the gang’s chosen tattoo parlor after a deputy-involved shooting or other act of brutality. Deputies have been observed using language, gestures and even graffiti associated with the street gangs they are supposedly policing, while aggressively targeting co-workers they deem “rats.”

Deputy gangs were originally dominated by white men, but, like the LASD itself, are now increasingly Latino. African American and female deputies are generally excluded.

The population of Los Angeles County is almost 10 million, one out of every 35 people who live in the United States today. The county alone is more populous than 40 of the 50 states. Riven by extreme social inequality, with 30 billionaires and almost 70,000 people unhoused, Los Angeles County consists of pockets of ostentatious wealth, mostly concentrated in Westside communities such as Malibu, Beverly Hills and Bel Air, alongside massive working class communities that include large populations of recent immigrants crammed into neighborhoods circling downtown, and fanning south to the San Pedro harbor and east to borders with San Bernardino and Orange Counties.

The LASD employs 15,000 people, about half of whom are sworn deputies, and runs the country’s largest jail system, with an average daily inmate population also numbering about 15,000. Typically, after several years in the jails, deputies are assigned to patrol at one of the 23 substations that cover unincorporated county communities and the 42 cities that contract with the LASD rather than operate their own police department. With an annual budget of $3.6 billion, the LASD is one of the largest law enforcement agencies in the United States.

Deputy gangs arise out of the need for force to maintain social inequality. They epitomize the thuggery rampant in such “special bodies of armed men”—the apt description Engels and Lenin used for law enforcement agencies under bourgeois rule, which captures their essential role as defenders of capitalist exploitation. 

LASD deputy gangs date back at least to the “Little Red Devils” formed in the early 1970s by white deputies assigned to the East Los Angeles substation, nicknamed “Fort Apache” after the John Wayne movie that glamorized a cavalry outpost in the genocidal wars waged against Native Americans.

As spearheads in the suppression of mass demonstrations against the Vietnam War during the “Chicano Moratorium,” the Little Red Devils’ most prominent casualty was Los Angeles Times commentator Ruben Salazar, who died after being struck in the head by a teargas canister fired into a bar where he sought refuge from rampaging deputies. A subsequently 1973 report on these events identified 38 deputies from the East Los Angeles substation with sequentially numbered tattoos of a devil, the first official acknowledgment that deputy gangs were “inking.”

In the early 1990s media reports and litigation exposed the Vikings, a particularly violent deputy gang at the Lynwood substation, the existence of which was confirmed in the 1992 report of an earlier special counsel, James G. Kolts. In a federal civil rights lawsuit, District Judge Terry J. Hatter accurately labeled the Vikings “a neo-Nazi, white supremacist gang,” and the county subsequently paid $9 million to settle injury claims asserted by dozens of the Vikings’ victims.

Although never proved in court, Vikings were suspected to have perpetrated the still unsolved drive-by shooting of Lloyd Polk, after he brokered a peace meeting among rival Lynwood street gangs.

As detailed in the recent special counsel report, deputy gangs have metastasized throughout the LASD. A tattooed founding member of the Vikings, Paul Tanaka, rose to the rank of undersheriff, second in command, and was noted to have actively promoted several Vikings and Regulators into higher management positions. Tanaka and former Sheriff Lee Baca were convicted of conspiring to block the FBI from investigating jail abuses. Tanaka was sentenced to five years federal imprisonment and Baca three.

Baca’s successor, Jim McDonnell, took down the “Fort Apache” logo at the East Los Angeles substation, but Villanueva restored it after defeating McDonnell in 2018 with the backing of prominent Democrats, who openly campaigned for a sheriff “of color.” (Villanueva is half Polish and half Puerto Rican. He speaks Spanish fluently.) Villanueva also rehired and elevated to his inner circle Carl Mandoyan, a tattooed member of the Grim Reapers, the deputy gang formed at the South Los Angeles substation, whose emblem is a faceless, black-robed figure carrying a scythe, the symbol of death.

At the East Los Angeles substation, the Banditos grew to replace the Cavemen, a deputy gang that had replaced the Little Red Devils. The tattoo is a skull with a thick mustache, wearing a bandolier and sombrero, and brandishing a gun. According to one witness, “Banditos had to be Mexican American, Central Americans could not become Banditos.” As is the practice in other deputy gangs, a shooting allowed the member to embellish the barrel of his tattooed firearm with smoke.

One deputy gang, the “Jump Out Boys,” actually formed within the LASD’s own anti-gang detail, “Operation Safe Streets” (OSS). The tattoo depicts a red-eyed skull wearing a bandana adorned with the letters “OSS” and holding a revolver next to an ace and eight of spades, symbolizing the “dead man’s hand” in poker. 

Even helicopter deputies formed a racist group, the “Ghetto Birds,” founded by a deputy with a Viking tattoo. The report suggests that the gang has been successful over the years in excluding African American deputies from the Aero Bureau.

According to the report, there are at least a half dozen deputy gangs currently active at LASD patrol stations in working class areas. The official tattoo of one, the Compton-based Executioners, is a skeleton with a German World War II helmet holding an automatic rifle. 

These gangs, or “cliques” as the report sometimes soft-pedals them, “run the stations or units where they exist ... often decide assignments and shifts, training, and overtime; exclude deputies from the Deputy Cliques, often based on race, ethnicity or gender; intimidate deputies that are not part of the Deputy Cliques; give orders not to provide backup to disfavored deputies who are not members of the Deputy Cliques,” and “order work slowdowns if management of a station attempts to rein them in.”

“Most troubling,” the report explains, “they create rituals that valorize violence, such as recording all deputy involved shootings in an official book, celebrating with ‘shooting parties,’ and authorizing deputies who have shot a community member to add embellishments to their common gang tattoos.” 

The deputy gangs “operate in secrecy; lie in reports to protect each other; and threaten the public with use of excessive force without justification and belittle deputies unwilling to engage in such acts,” the report concludes.

Like their more overtly neo-fascist counterparts, such as the “Oath Keepers” who spearheaded the storming of the US Capitol on January 6, 2021, deputy gangs cannot be eliminated by reforms because they are organically tied to the class struggle the deputies are employed to suppress. That is why deputy gangs can only be eliminated through the overthrow of capitalist property by the international working class.


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