Monday, August 28, 2023



The Irrefutable and Impeachable Offense

How Joe Biden is violating his oath and the Constitution of the United States.

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence. — Article IV, Section 4 United States Constitution

Greetings, everyone, from Kinney County, Texas. It is a beautiful piece of landscape located between Del Rio and Eagle Pass. Kinney County sits in the middle of those two US border ports of entry, along the Rio Grande River, and it is ground zero for witnessing that our southern border is not secure. Politicians have a tendency to show up for photo ops, grandstands, deliver talking point speeches, and then depart. Leaders move to the sound of the guns and take up a position on the frontlines and get a sense of the battlefield. This is why I come to Bracketville, Texas, once per quarter. The last time I was here was at the end of April to see for myself.

I walk the ground with the brush team. I ride on patrols. I even go and inventory the immense Kinney County Sheriff’s Office car impound yard. That is why I can unequivocally state that Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Alejandro Mayorkas, and Karine Jean-Pierre are full of bovine excrement when they profess that our border is “secure.”

No, we do not need to continue with investigating the financial dealings of Joe Biden and the Biden Crime Family, Inc. We have plenty of irrefutable evidence — based upon the excerpt above from our US Constitution — that Biden is guilty of the high crime and misdemeanor of failing to protect the sovereignty of the United States of America. Yes, I will continue to emphasize this point because I see the ramifications, as you do also, of this failure.

On this trip to Kinney County, I have seen the social media messages that the transnational narco-criminal terrorist organizations, known as the Mexican drug cartels, are using to entice Americans to transport illegal immigrants. Yes, to get involved in human smuggling. Funny, we have these social media platforms colluding with the Biden administration to suppress American free speech rights. Yet, these same social media platforms willfully allow terrorist organizations to advertise for human smuggling, and it seems to pay well, offering $3,000-$12,000. Why are social media platforms not blocking these cartels who use their platforms to communicate? Well, I can only surmise that the cartels are paying them off as well.

The human mules are using their personal vehicles to rendezvous at pick-up points and then seek to evade law enforcement checkpoints. Kinney County has become a haven for high-speed chases and bailouts, given its location in between Del Rio and Eagle Pass. There were several during this visit. As well, the cartels are employing their own scouts to conduct reconnaissance of routes and checkpoints for the purpose of evasion. The Kinney County brush team is noticing tracks that are not just those of amateurs, but also trained skilled brush beaters who seemingly have knowledge of trails and tracks, as well as back county roads.

Yes, there is an alarming increase in single military-age males, and females, who are entering our country illegally. While listening to the trend reports, I was informed of a supposed South Korean female who turned out to be from North Korea. From my understanding, the US State Department got involved, and this female was escorted elsewhere. Perhaps Secretary of State Tony Blinken would like to tell us when he is not busy gathering signatures from intelligence officials for a false document.

As a commander who has been in combat zones, what is immediately needed here, along our border, are not orange buoys in the Rio Grande River but constant 24/7 aerial surveillance. Recently, the US Army decided to retire its most effective scout surveillance helicopter, the OK-58D Kiowa Warrior. Of course, the leftists are having fits and apoplectic meltdowns because of the name. I guess they don’t like the Apache helicopter name either! This aerial surveillance helicopter is perfect for this mission and terrain. It possesses a Forward Looking Infrared (FLIR) capability that precludes anyone from hiding. This is precisely what is needed to coordinate with ground elements to vector, block, and marshal these illegal immigrants.

However, none of this works if we do not allow the men and women of federal, state, and local law enforcement to do their job of enforcing the law. Biden and crew are in total and complete violation of the rule of law. At some point, there must be men and women of courage, conviction, and character who refuse to follow unconstitutional, immoral, unethical, and unlawful orders, mandates, and dictates. We must no longer gather up illegals and further disperse them into our nation.

You talk to the people here in Kinney County. They know what an invasion looks like. This is not about “migrants” fleeing oppression. This is about people who are seeking to escape and evade apprehension. I will be out in Alpine, Texas, at the end of the month, in Big Bend country. They are experiencing the same issue, and the hardened types of illegals that are transiting the high mountain desert there genuinely do not wish to be caught.

So, we must ask ourselves, if we do not believe in Article IV, Section 4 of our Constitution, then what do we believe? If you do not believe that America is a sovereign nation with borders to protect and defend, what do you believe? If you do not believe millions entering this country illegally is an invasion, what do you believe? If you believe that China should continue shipping deadly fentanyl to the narco-criminal terrorists who transport this chemical into our country with the sole purpose of killing Americans, what do you believe?

The oath of office for the President of the United States states:

“I do solemnly swear that I will faithfully execute the Office of the President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect, and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

Joe Biden is not doing so and is in violation of his oath and the Constitution of the United States. I took an oath to “…support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign, and domestic, and to bear true faith and allegiance to the same . . . I take this obligation freely without mental reservation or purpose of evasion . . . so help me God”.

To the mindless lemmings of the progressive socialist left, and your media accomplices, your willful and intentional undermining of our Constitutional Republic will fail. I invite any of you down here to the border to walk the terrain with me and see for yourselves.

Regardless, your lies are known and will not be accepted. Why you hate and despise our country is of little matter to me. Just know you will not be allowed to destroy it on my watch!

Steadfast and Loyal.

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Viktor Shokin: Joe and Hunter Biden Were Being Bribed

On Saturday’s broadcast of FNC’s “One Nation,” former Ukrainian Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin said he believed that both President Joe Biden and his son Hunter Biden were bribed.

According to the former prosecutor general, he said his firing by then-Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko was done at the behest of then-Vice President Biden, who once boasted about it in a discussion with the Council on Foreign Relations.

“I have said repeatedly in my previous interviews that Poroshenko fired me at the insistence of the then-Vice President Biden because I was investigating Burisma,” Shokin said through a translator.

“You understood me correctly. This is how it was,” he added. “There were no complaints whatsoever and no problems with how I was performing at my job. But because pressure was repeatedly put on Poroshenko, that is what ended up in him firing me.”

Later, during the interview, Shokin said he believed the Bidens had received bribes.

“Do you believe that Joe Biden or Hunter Biden got bribes?

“I do not want to deal in unproven facts, but my firm personal conviction is that, yes, this was the case,” Shokin replied through the translator. “They were being bribed. And the fact that Joe Biden gave away $1 billion in U.S. money in exchange for my dismissal, my firing — isn’t that alone a case of corruption?”

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

Peter Schweizer: Biden Criminality a ‘Clear-Cut Case’

The mainstream media reporters are still missing the real story—bribery likely took place during Joe and Hunter Biden’s involvement with Ukrainian energy company Burisma.

Investigative journalist Peter Schweizer is joined by Seamus Bruner on the latest Drill Down podcast, and together they lay out the case, based on their research, that bribery clearly took place: The Biden family was paid in exchange for explicit favors done by then Vice President Joe Biden for a foreign entity.

This is a clear violation of the law. This is criminal conduct that’s occurring. This is a direct bribe. It’s a quid pro quo,” Schweizer says. “The bottom line is, it doesn’t matter if you ever demonstrate that a single penny went to Joe Biden, because bribery can mean paying off your family. If a politician’s family gets paid and the politician performs a service for that, it’s a bribe in the same way. So, to me, this is now a clear-cut case.”

That assertion comes after Seamus Bruner found yet more evidence on Hunter Biden’s laptop. Bruner, Director of Research at the Government Accountability Institute, has been on the Hunter Biden story since 2017 and “may have spent more time on the Hunter Biden laptop computer than Hunter Biden has,” Schweizer quips.

Bruner just unearthed evidence that further establishes the direct connection between Hunter Biden’s being named to the board of directors of Burisma and his father the Vice President threatening to withhold $1 billion in U.S. aid to the Ukrainian government unless it fired the prosecutor who was then investigating Burisma for corruption.

That prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, was indeed fired right before Biden handed over the aid money to Ukraine, as Biden himself bragged about doing at a 2018 foreign policy conference.

This allegation, which amounts to a direct quid pro quo between Joe Biden and the executives of Burisma, has been made before. But the emails found by Bruner establish a direct timeline connection between Burisma pressuring Hunter Biden to earn his $1 million dollar salary to get his father to force the Ukrainian government to call off the investigation of the company’s founder, Mykola Zlochevsky.

In 2014, a revolution in Ukraine deposed its Moscow-serving president Yanukovich. That same year, then President Barack Obama made Joe Biden his “point man” on U.S.-Ukraine policy. At about that time, Biden’s son Hunter gets his deal with Burisma. The company’s founder, Zlochevsky, has been under international investigation and his assets have even been frozen in London.

But an email uncovered by Bruner on Hunter Biden’s laptop now makes it clear that by November 2015, Burisma executives were not happy with Hunter’s work. Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi wrote to Hunter Biden, “…the suggested scope of work is largely lacking concrete tangible results that we set out to achieve in the first place.”

Burisma wanted one key “deliverable,” according to the email. They wanted the pressure to be taken off their company and their founder’s frozen assets released.

Vadim Pozharskyi closed the email by stating in no uncertain terms that the “ultimate purpose” was to “close down any cases pursuits against Zlochevsky in Ukraine.”

The message got through., The next month — December 2015 — Hunter Biden, along with business associate and fellow Burisma board member Devon Archer, met with Burisma in Kyiv. As Archer testified this month, Hunter, Zlochevsky, and Pozharskyi “stepped away for a bit” and “called Washington,” when they made their case to Joe Biden that Shokin needed to be fired.

Three months later, Vice President Joe Biden went to Kyiv and demanded the government agree to fire Shokin as a precondition of receiving $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees. Shokin was fired in April 2016 and the case was closed by the prosecutor who replaced him, Yuriy Lutsenko. In 2018, Joe Biden famously boasted on camera about having done so.

He did what his son’s benefactors told him to do,” said Schweizer. “We even have independent confirmation of this, from a State Department official named George Kent who dealt with Ukraine. Kent told the Senate Oversight committee that in Dec 2015, he was advised by Biden’s staff to avoid mentioning Zlochevsky, and instead recommended to say, “I’m not going to get into naming names or accusing individuals.”

Revelations over the weekend about the collapse of Hunter Biden’s plea deal, in Politico and the New York Times, are not the main story here. The main story remains that Joe Biden and his staff knew of Hunter’s relationship with Burisma and offered official help to them.

To hear more of the Drill Down podcast – click here.

Peter Schweizer: Appointment of Special Counsel ‘a Massive Favor to the Bidens’

Investigative journalist Peter Schweizer says the Department of Justice did President Joe Biden and his son Hunter a “massive favor” by appointing David Weiss to the rank of Special Counsel.

Attorney General Merrick Garland’s appointment last week of Delaware U.S. Attorney David Weiss as a special counsel to continue his prosecution of Hunter Biden after plea talks broke down, opens a new, politically fraught chapter in the long-running legal drama as his father, President Biden, campaigns for re-election.

For one thing, it’s not clear whether the appointment of Weiss is even legal. “Weiss has been a DOJ employee since 2017,” Schweizer pointed out. “The [special counsel] law says they must come from outside the federal government, outside the Department of Justice… David Weiss does not,” he added.

Not only that, but with special counsel status, Weiss can now stonewall Congress’s own investigation by claiming that it needs to maintain evidence for its own purposes, according to congressional sources.

Russell Dye, a spokesman for House Republican Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan of Ohio, called Weiss’s appointment to special counsel  “a new way to whitewash the Biden family’s corruption.”

Schweizer, who broke the Hunter Biden story wide open in his 2018 book Secret Empires, noted on the most recent episode of his podcast, “The Drill Down,” that it was David Weiss’s office that concocted the now-abandoned plea deal. That deal offered Hunter Biden a guilty plea to two tax misdemeanors and a gun charge with a suspended sentence along with a promise not to prosecute him any further. A federal judge rejected that scheme.

“Two choices: This is either massive incompetence [by Merrick Garland], or there is some level of design behind this muddle,” Schweizer says. “I think this is by design.”

Schweizer and co-host Eric Eggers, both with the Government Accountability Institute, also reacted to the release by House Oversight Committee Republicans of the transcript of an interview with a former FBI agent who worked on the Hunter Biden investigation.

The agent corroborated claims from two IRS whistleblowers that Hunter Biden’s legal team was given an advance tip-off of an upcoming attempt to get an interview with him in connection with their probe.

And there’s more. Schweizer and Eggers note there’s shady activity by the Secret Service, dating back to an incident in 2016 when Hunter Biden left personal effects, drug residue, and even a crack pipe inside a returned rental car in Arizona.

The Secret Service ran interference for Hunter Biden, shielding him from an investigation by local Phoenix police of that incident. That subject was discussed on The Drilldown last month.

“The Secret Service is supposed to guard their protectees’ physical security, not shield them from legal scrutiny,” Schweizer said.

As Eggers quipped, “there are things being pursued here, but justice is apparently not one of them.”

To hear more of the Drill Down podcast – click here.

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