Thursday, October 5, 2023

THE DESTRUCTION OF SWEDEN UNDER THE MUSLIMS - Sweden Dying Her neighbors watch – and worry.


Sweden Dying

Her neighbors watch – and worry.

When I first moved to Norway in 1999, I often heard the term amerikanske tilstander – “American conditions.” It was never, ever used positively; it didn’t refer, for example, to things like freedom and prosperity. No, it was always used to describe some dreaded social or cultural or economic phenomenon that was supposedly on the rise in Norway and that threatened to make the country look more like – horrors! – the United States. Evangelical Christianity? Amerikanske tilstander! Gun crime? Amerikanske tilstander! Rough-and-tumble election campaigns? Dumb TV shows? Private medical options? Growing economic inequality? Amerikanske tilstander!

Back then, you never, ever heard of svenske tilstander – “Swedish conditions.” On the contrary, the three countries of Scandinavia prided themselves on their very similar “conditions.” Often, after one of the countries passed a law permitting or (more frequently) restricting or forbidding something, the other countries would snap quickly into line and pass a similar law, lest they drift too far apart legislatively.

No more. For many years, there’s been one major legislative difference among the three countries, a difference that has given rise to a significant divergence in socioeconomic outcomes. The difference is this: while Sweden, until relatively recently, kept its gates very wide open for Muslim immigration, Denmark began cutting down the flow many years ago, and Norway has been somewhere in the middle. The result: massive Islamic violence, criminality, and other varieties of malefaction in Sweden, considerably less of that sort of thing in Denmark, and, again, a state of affairs somewhere in the middle in Norway.

In recent months, the Swedish mayhem has been steadily ramped up. Not that Norway is the peaceable kingdom it used to be. Women used to walk at night in downtown Oslo without fear of being raped; that sense of security ended years ago. These days, pretty much every weekend brings a new round of stabbings in the city – something that just didn’t happen a few years ago – and a while back the hobby of car-burning, long popular in Sweden, started to be taken up by the capital’s young Muslim set. On June 25 of last year, an Iranian gunman killed two people and wounded twenty-one outside Oslo’s major gay bar. Still, so far Osloites have yet to become accustomed to the bombs, hand grenades, and massive explosions that have made many parts of Sweden feel like wartime Afghanistan.

In both Denmark and Norway, as a result, the citizenry have been increasingly attentive to Sweden’s Muslim mayhem. But since Norway’s border with Sweden is 1000 miles long, while Denmark and Sweden are connected only by a single bridge, the level of concern is, I think, even greater in the land of the fjords than in the land of Lego.

The result? Lately, almost daily references in Norway’s media – especially its alternative media – to svenske tilstander. (Just the other day, it occurred to me that I hadn’t heard about “amerikanske tilstander” in a very long time.)

On September 29 alone, a headline in Norway’s newspaper of record, Aftenposten, explained that two of the country’s major political parties were now saying that Norway needs to “Look to Denmark to Avoid Swedish Conditions”; an article in the “radical socialist” daily Klassekampen bore the headline “Swedish Conditions”; Aftenbladet ran an editorial, “Poor Sweden,” in which the subhead read “‘Swedish conditions’ is not an anti-immigration slogan. It’s a gloomy lesson. Norway can’t afford to be naive, because gang violence is here already.” Also on the same day, a column in VG, Norway’s biggest daily, was headlined “Fear of Swedish Conditions.” In it, one could read that according to Jale Poljarevius, the head of the Swedish police, his country hasn’t been as dangerous as it is now since 1945.

Then there’s an opinion piece in Nettavisen in which veteran reporter Anders Magnus writes: “Cramped housing, poverty, and alienation get much of the blame for the wave of violence in Sweden. Does it have nothing to do with culture?” The answer, of course, is yes. Magnus recalls being in Stockholm’s Rinkeby neighborhood seven years ago to conduct an interview at a café and being told by a threatening group of young men: “You’re not allowed to be here. This is our territory.” There ensued a bout of stone-throwing. Even then, Rinkeby wasn’t ruled in accordance with Swedish law but by clans from, as Magnus puts it, certain foreign countries; instead of police, they had gangs of “armed young men,” although, Magnus adds, to call them gangs makes them sound more harmless than they really are.

Today there are fifty or so “our territories” in Sweden. Magnus hastens to add that the situation isn’t yet quite as bad in Norway, though such clan-governed enclaves – which, again, is Magnus’s rather delicate way of putting it – can be found in certain Norwegian cities. We must, he says, dare to ask whether the time has come to put the brakes, temporarily in any case, on immigration from clan-dominated honor cultures. Note that, for a mainstream journalist in Norway, these are actually strong words. But in 2023, they’re nowhere near strong enough. Note, too, all the euphemizing in which he engages in order to avoid mentioning Islam.

Also published on September 29 was an article by a Swedish refugee. No, not a refugee to Sweden, but a refugee from Sweden – to Norway. “I’m done with Swedish conditions!” proclaims Micke Larssen at the alternative news and opinion site “Two exploded residential buildings, a murder, and proposals for the introduction of ‘emergency schools’ for pupils who can’t go to a normal school without threatening and beating up teachers and schoolmates”: this, Larssen points out, was part of a single day’s news fare on taxpayer-financed Swedish Television – which, despite such content, still strives “to maintain the illusion of Sweden as the peaceful ‘country that’s just right.’” Larssen explains that he moved to Norway because he

“was tired of living in a country where violence increases month by month, without anyone even trying to reverse the trend. A country where police officers sit paralyzed in their police cars while masked perpetrators throw large rocks at the cars to try to break their windows, a country where healthcare has gone from world-class to almost non-existent, where more and more students go through the entire school system without learning to read and count.”

Sweden, Larssen pronounces, “is lost for the foreseeable future, maybe forever!” I’ll bet on forever. He goes on to say something that’s been said a million times before: that Swedish politicians, many years ago, welcomed immigrants on the assumption that they would eventually integrate. The politicians turned out to be wrong. The same thing has happened in Norway, and throughout Western Europe, on a somewhat smaller scale. Which is why Larssen closes his article by fretting that he’ll eventually have to become a refugee again. His article reminded me of a news report I saw in the Netherlands about fifteen years ago. It was about the fact that Dutch people were now, in larger and larger numbers, moving to Norway to escape the increasing immigrant crime in the Netherlands. I wonder how many of those people now wish they’d picked Hungary or Uruguay or New Zealand instead.

The problem in Sweden is so bad now that even international media that have gone out of their way for years to avoid addressing the Islamic issue honestly have felt obliged to pay heed to the Swedish crisis – and to hint, at least, at the reasons for it. “Swedish PM looks to military for help amid gang violence spike,” read an AP headline on September 28. The article quoted PM Ulf Kristersson: “Sweden has never before seen anything like this. No other country in Europe is seeing anything like this.” Well, it’s been coming for years. Good of you to finally notice. Also noted was that Kristersson had met with an American official to get advice on crime-fighting. Which official? Hilariously enough, New York Mayor Eric Adams, under whose lax, incompetent leadership the Big Apple has descended into anarchy.

On September 29, CNN covered the Swedish story, noting Kristersson’s promise to be tough on gang criminals: “We will take them to court. If they’re Swedish citizens they will be locked up for a long time in prison and if they are foreign citizens, they will also be expelled.” Alas, most of those young gangsters are second- or third-generation immigrants with Swedish passports, and, whatever Kristersson says, his nation’s courts are presided over by judges to whom a tough sentence is six months’ probation. And the prisons are country clubs.

In any event, many of the news media that are now suddenly paying attention to the Swedish crisis are reporting on it as if it happened almost overnight – and as if it’s unique to Sweden. On the contrary, some of us, all over Western Europe, have been writing about these dire developments – and prophesying doom – for at least a quarter of a century. And we’ve been endlessly demonized for it by bien pensant academics, journalists, and politicians who’ve painted us as the existential threats to European social harmony; some of us have been hauled into court, others summoned to police stations for questioning; people like Peder “Fjordman” Jensen, a brilliant, Arabic-speaking Islam expert – and patriot – who should be considered a Norwegian national hero, was so cruelly defamed that he found it unable to find even the most menial work in Norway and had to move abroad. When does he get his restitution? Where does he go to get his reputation back?

Another quote from the newly awakened Swedish PM: “It’s political naïvité that brought us here. It’s an irresponsible immigration policy and failed integration that have brought us here. Parallel societies that create criminal gangs, where children can be educated into being future murderers.” So now it’s OK, I guess, to say this in Sweden? For decades, Jimmie Åkesson’s Sweden Democrats were treated as if they were criminals simply for stating these home truths. They’re now the biggest party in the Riksdag. Which, of course, is a major part of the reason why the Swedish PM has suddenly snapped into line. To politicians like Kristersson, it didn’t matter when it was just their country in peril; the moment of truth didn’t come until their careers were on the line.

Another line from Larssen. “Norwegians,” he opines, “don’t want ‘Swedish conditions,’” but they don’t really “understand what has happened to Sweden,” and are thus, he worries, perhaps incapable of preventing the same thing from happening to their own country. On the contrary, while the mainstream media and all but a few brave politicians have routinely ignored or sugarcoated the facts (“diversity is our strength!”), my impression is that an increasing number of ordinary Western Europeans – including Norwegians, and even including Swedes – get it by now. And they care about it. Growing numbers of them vote for politicians like Åkesson, or the Netherlands’ Geert Wilders, who’ve campaigned on their determination to take serious action on the immigration front. But somehow, these crusaders never get quite enough votes to empower them to act.

And so things just get worse and worse. In 2011, after having lived in Oslo for twelve years – and witnessed the city’s increasing nocturnal terrorization by marauding youths – I settled in a small mountain town two hours west of the capital. At the time, while certain parts of Oslo were already teeming with Muslims, in this little burg there was a mere scattering of young Muslim husbands and wives, most of them pushing baby carriages and strollers. Years later, when I’d see groups of children walking home from school, there’d be a sprinkling of Muslims amidst the ethnic Norwegians.

Then, the other day, waiting for a bus in the late afternoon, I noticed a group of about six or eight teenage Muslim boys making their way up the sidewalk on the other side of the street. These, I reflected, were the children who’d been in those carriages and strollers. They weren’t quite a gang. They didn’t have that threatening air. But they were all hanging with one another – not with their ethnic Norwegian schoolmates. Which meant that the peeling off, the self-segregation, had begun. And that’s the first step.

A couple of days later, someone close to me, whose hometown this is, was walking home at night through the historically safe and sleepy center of our little town when he saw a group of immigrant youths hanging around a car, talking loudly and giving off an unmistakable air of aggressiveness. It made him feel suddenly as if he was in Oslo, where he’s been physically assaulted by Muslims twice (in addition to being beaten up in Kongsberg and mugged in Amsterdam). So instead of taking a chance, he chose to linger behind some bushes and wait until the group moved off. “I’ve never felt so vulnerable in this town before,” he said.

I left it behind in Oslo. But it’s coming here, too. And  you can’t keep running.

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Bruce Bawer

Bruce Bawer is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

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In recent months, there has been an exponential increase in cases of Hindu girls being abducted by Muslims. 13-year-old Aishi Saha was abducted from Barishal in May. After enormous outrage, the girl was recovered from Dhaka, but not before she was converted to Islam. In the present case of the twin abduction as well, the girls’ family suspects that their daughters might have been kidnapped to have them forcefully converted to Islam and then married off to their abductors, in the true Pakistani fashion that some Bangladeshi Muslims have lately been emulating.


France: A Dramatic Rise in Rapes by Muslim Migrants

This is France in 2023. What will it be like in 2030?

In 2016, there were 12,820 rapes in France; in 2020, this had risen to 22,770; by 2021, the latest year for which records are available, there were 30,780 rapes, an increase in one year of 40%. This catastrophic rise corresponds to the rise in the number of Muslim migrants. Remix News reports here on the increase in the number of rapes in France by Muslim migrants, with many of the victims being middle-aged or elderly: “France ravaged by migrant rapes as spate of sexual assaults targeting elderly women sweep the nation,” by Thomas Brooke, Remix News, September 25, 2023:

Multiple reports of rapes and attempted rapes by migrants living in France have made local headlines as the continued dramatic rise in sexual assaults and mass immigration shows an undeniable correlation.

French newspaper Le Figaro reported on Friday the demise of a 67-year-old woman who was accosted outside her home in Versailles by an Algerian national on Wednesday evening and then carried forcefully into her home, where she suffered a night of excruciating torture.

The elderly woman was tied up, beaten, and raped by the migrant before successfully fleeing the home and taking refuge with a neighbor who contacted the authorities.

The suspect was arrested the following day after being caught on video surveillance footage at the scene. An Algerian national of no fixed abode, he was found in possession of the victim’s identity documents, bank card, and various stolen jewelry. It was later reported that the man had been the subject of an unenforced deportation order since February 2022.

He offered only a “no comment” to the police following his arrest and reportedly fell asleep in his chair during questioning.

Of course he fell asleep during his police interrogation. It was all so boring. For god’s sake, look at it from his point of view. All he did was have some fun with a French woman, who was clearly “just asking for it.” What’s the big deal? She was an Infidel. She hadn’t had sex with a real man, a Muslim, in a long time. It was consensual. You know French women. And yes, she gave him her bank card and jewelry because he made her feel…so alive.”

Another victim, also 67, also suffered an attempted rape in the French town of Tours on Sunday afternoon, according to the Valeurs Actuelles magazine. A police source told the publication how an intoxicated Sudanese asylum seeker had been interrupted by a neighbor lying on top of his victim with his pants undone. The victim’s underwear had been ripped off and she had been hit in the face….

But he was “intoxicated.” He can’t be held responsible for anything he did. Besides, he’s so far from family and friends in Sudan. There was no penetration. He held back, like the gentleman he is. And he’s an “asylum seeker.” Would you want him to be denied asylum just because he rubbed a woman the wrong way?

Also on Saturday, the Actu 17 news site reported how a 21-year-old illegal migrant of unknown nationality was arrested following the sexual assault of a 51-year-old woman as she returned to her home in Avignon on Sept. 14.

According to the site, the suspect had been waiting in the hallway of his victim’s apartment as she sought to enter her home when he approached her, told her he wanted to have sex with her, and pushed her against the hallway wall, grabbing her by the neck and kissing her….

No harm done. All he did was kiss her. Is that a crime? It’s a sign of affection. Is it even worth reporting? Have some sympathy for the 21-year-old, so young and so alone in a world he never made. And now what will happen to him? Think of how it must feel to be an illegal migrant in France, always afraid of being caught. He’s only 21, just starting out in life; give him a break.

Meanwhile, Le Parisien reported on Saturday the case of a student at the prestigious ESSEC business school who was raped by a Malian national living illegally in France earlier this month….

During a police interview, the suspect disputed the allegation of rape, insisting the sex had been consensual after having met at the Duplex nightclub earlier that evening.

Consensual sex. Of course. But she wanted a little rough stuff to make it more exciting for her; she asked him to shove her up against a car, and she would pretend to be a victim. French women are strange that way. They’re not normal. He was only doing what she asked. Besides, what kind of woman goes to a nightclub alone?

The 31-year-old migrant, known as Mady. T., was already known to the authorities for a previous allegation of rape at the same nightclub back in August 2022….

After identifying the man, police learned he is living in the country illegally.

So why was Mady T. still in France? Why had he not been deported back to Mali? Here’s why: the French government has given up trying to locate all those illegal migrants whom the courts have ordered must be deported. One statistic that gives an idea of the size of the problem: only 0.2% of Algerians whose deportations have been ordered have left the country. The police simply cannot cope; they lack the manpower to locate, arrest, and put on planes back to their countries of origin, the tens of thousands of illegal immigrants who have been ordered deported. And the Macron government, despite brave words from Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin, has yet to come to grips with this problem.

The same news site also reported on Friday on the arrest of two individuals on multiple counts of gang rape, acts of torture, and barbarity and extortion following the rape of a 30-year-old woman in an underground car park in the French city of Nice last month.

The two suspects, named Adel A. and Mohamed E., were arrested on Thursday after allegedly torturing their victim before forcing her to withdraw money from an ATM, stealing her bank card, and fleeing the scene on the night of Aug. 12….

Following their arrest, one of the men confessed to using the stolen bank card and claimed his co-defendant had engaged in a sexual relationship with a stranger.

Gang rape, torture, theft — all in a day’s work for two Muslims (Adel and Mohamed), whose legal status is not given; they may even have been born in France. And how fitting that one of them accused the other of “engaging in a sexual relationship with a stranger” — a particularly tortuous way to describe a rape — while claiming that he, of course, had nothing to do with it, though he did admit to using the rape victim’s bank card.

As France continues to advocate a liberal migration policy, cases of sexual violence have continued to rise sharply across the country in recent years, according to the latest report by the Ministry of the Interior.

There is a close correlation between the increase in the number of Muslim migrants — or indeed, in the number of Muslims including those born in France — and the increase in the number of rapes. The French government tries to keep these statistics on Muslim crime from the public, for fear that the truth will enrage the public, and lead inexorably to a victory by the so-called “far right” parties — Marine Le Pen’s National Rally and Eric Zemmour’s Reconquista.

A total of 30,780 rapes were reported to authorities in 2021, the most recent year where records are available, up from 22,770 in 2020, and 12,820 in 2016.

The dramatic increase in rapes and sexual assaults coincides with a sharp rise in immigration from North Africa, Africa, and the Middle East.

According to the French interior minister’s office, 48 percent of criminal acts in Paris are committed by foreign nationals, while this figure is 55 percent in Marseille.

When one adds the number of crimes committed by Muslim migrants to the number of crimes committed by Muslim citizens, the percentage of criminal acts committed by Muslims in France is closer to 60-70% of the total.

This is the situation in France today. Until the Macron government can be turned out of office, and a Le Pen-Zemmour coalition be voted in, do not expect any serious attempt to halt Muslim migration, to enforce deportation orders, and to use every carrot and stick, including ending welfare benefits for migrants during the first five years of their residence in France and instituting a work requirement instead, to persuade Muslims to return to their countries of origin.

This is France in 2023. And if neither Le Pen nor Zemmour, nor another of that ilk, is elected President in 2027, when Macron leaves office, then what? What will France be like in 2030? In 2040? You know the answer to that.

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Father of Rape Victim Decries French State’s Silence

When predators roam France as Muslim "refugees".

September 20, 2023 by Hugh Fitzgerald 7 Comments


In France there have been a series of unusually violent rapes of French girls and women by Muslim migrants. 70% of all rapes in France are committed by Muslims. Now a father of one of those victims, who has just awakened from a month-long induced coma, has spoken out about the failure of the French state to adequately protect its citizens from these criminals. More on this case, and the father’s hope to raise awareness of the dangers that are not being dealt with, can be found here: “‘Sexual predators and other parasites’ – Father slams French government’s silence after brutal rape of his daughter that left her in a coma,” by John Cody, Remix News, September 7, 2023:

In a case that has made national headlines in France due to the level of brutality, 29-year-old Mégane has now awoken after being raped into a coma with a broomstick by Oumar Ndiaye, who has been dubbed “the monster of Cherbourg” by politician Damien Rieu.

The 29-year-old woman has been in an artificial coma for over a month since the attack on Aug. 4; however, her health still remains “fragile,” according to relatives.

The attack is being described as an “act of torture” by French news outlet Le Figaro, in which the 18-year-old Ndiaye allegedly broke into Mégane’s apartment and began to rape her with a 29-inch-long broomstick, perforating her colon and causing injuries that nearly killed her and left hospital staff treating the woman in tears. Police sources say Mégane had reportedly seen the suspect before but had no interaction with him prior to the rape….

Ludovic [her father] is now trying to raise awareness about the French government and its lack of response to the brutal crime, as well as to the fact that the man who allegedly tortured his daughter into a coma had a long criminal record but remained free to attack again.

“The government) not communicating about this attack gives credit [helps] to all these sexual predators and other parasites of society who plague the streets. A wake-up call to the government about the fact that we leave this kind of individual, with a heavy criminal past, in complete freedom, would be welcome. ‘Trust in justice,’ we were told… We only want that,” he said.

As Remix News previously reported, the 18-year-old suspect has a long and violent criminal record consisting of 17 offenses involving physical assault, theft, and the incestuous sexual assault of his younger sister….

The government has so far remained silent about the particularly brutal attack on Mégane, no doubt not wanting to draw attention to the epidemic of Muslim rapists, a silence Mégane’s father deplores. He also wants answers: how is it that Oumar Ndiaye, with his long criminal record of 17 offenses — assault, theft, and sexual assault of his sister — was nonetheless allowed to walk the streets? Whatever happened to juvenile detention? It sounds as if, despite those 17 offenses, he has never been imprisoned. Why not? Clearly there is something wrong with a criminal justice system that permits someone like Ndiaye to remain free. The father wants — demands — an explanation from the state.

“The suspect was arrested a week later, with his fingerprints matching those found in the victim’s apartment, and the suspect’s geolocation on his phone also showed that he was in her apartment during the attack. A police source said he had just left a nightclub shortly before the attack in the early morning, with the club located just a few dozen meters from the victim’s residence.

According to Le Figaro, the suspect expressed “neither empathy nor remorse” for the crime while in police custody. Ndiaye has already been convicted five times in the juvenile court system for offenses against property and violence.

Apparently, because Ndiaye was a juvenile — under 18 — at the time, those five convictions did not lead to incarceration. The law clearly needs to be changed, perhaps by lowering the age defined as “juvenile” to “under 16.”

The courts also knew his predilection for committing sexual crimes.

A procedure for the rape of a minor initiated in 2019 was dismissed by the prosecution in 2020, on the grounds that the offense was not sufficiently characterized. And a sexual assault procedure against his sister is currently under investigation, without it being possible at this stage to determine whether or not these facts have been established,” the Coutances prosecution wrote in a statement….

I have no idea what it means to declare an offense as “not sufficiently characterized” — something was undoubtedly lost in translation — or why the prosecution decided in that 2019 case to dismiss the charges against him. Oumar Ndiaye has clearly been getting away with a great deal; little wonder he thought that he might not be imprisoned for this, his latest barbaric assault, on Mégane.

“I dream of a France where a young woman is not in danger of ending up in a coma after being robbed, raped and horribly tortured by Oumar, a repeat offender, in her own home,” wrote former presidential candidate Éric Zemmour.

Zemmour’s remarks were seized upon by left-wing Olivier Faure, the secretary general of the Socialist Party, who insisted that the right-wing politician was being racist by suggesting that it is immigrants who are rapists. He added that it did not matter whether the perpetrator’s name was “Oumar, Francis, Michel, Emile, Guy, or Patrice,” and that it was a heinous act nonetheless.

But the rapist is a Muslim. And his name is Oumar. That’s why Zemmour had every right to call him “Oumar.” What’s more, 70% of convicted rapists in France are Muslims. Why shouldn’t Zemmour have mentioned his name and drawn attention to his Muslim identity? And of course it does matter, despite Olivier Faure’s assertion, whether the rapist was a native Frenchman or a Muslim migrant, because given that such a high percentage of rapists are Muslim migrants, the French, if properly alerted to the problem, can put a stop to Muslim migration — by voting in such people as Zemmour — and thereby decrease drastically the number of rapes. But the public first needs to know the truth about who is committing the violent crimes of rape and murder, which the French state is attempting to hide.

Other rape cases include the rape and murder of 12-year-old Lola in Paris. by two Algerians. Her throat was slashed and her body stuffed in a suitcase. The Algerians were both under a deportation order, that they had ignored; only 0.2% of Algerians who have been ordered to leave France have done so. The French state refuses to hire enough investigators and police to track down those flouting deportation orders, Algerians and others, and to forcibly put them on flights back to their countries of origin.

Here is what Mégane’s father, Ludovic, wants the French state to do. First, it must investigate how it was that Oumar Ndiaye, with 17 offenses on his record, including physical assault and theft, managed to stay out of prison. What laws need to be changed to ensure that such outrages are not repeated? Second, the French government needs to release to the public the data it possesses, but refuses to release, on Muslim criminality, so that the French, better informed, can decide for themselves which immigration policies they wish to keep, and which they will want to discontinue.


Pakistan: Armed Muslims Abduct, Forcibly Convert, Rape Hindu Girl for Three Months

Why did this horror story not make headlines across the world?

Fri Sep 24, 2021 

Ashlyn Davis



A story of horror that should have made headlines on news portals across the world has been masterfully swept under the rug. Is this how media outlets deal from Islamic barbarity?

The incident has been reported from Pakistan’s Sindh province. A young Hindu girl named Tamana Meghwad was allegedly abducted by a group of armed Muslims in the province and was gang-raped for over three months. They also forced Tamana to convert to Islam. There are no records of Pakistan’s administration making any arrangement to rescue this girl or extend any kind of assistance to her family to locate her. After months of assault and molestation, the girl somehow managed to escape and return to her parents.

While the shocking incident was astutely kept quiet by Pakistan’s domestic media, Rahat Austin shared a video of Tamana Meghwad on Twitter and presented her story to the world at large. Austin, a Christian born in Pakistan, is a human rights activist who had to flee his home country and has been staying in South Korea with his family.

In the video, Tamana seems to be naming her perpetrators as Ghulam Rasool, Allah Baig, and Rasool Baig. She accuses them of kidnapping her, forcing themselves on her, and holding her captive for over three months. Now that she has escaped the captivity, they continue to intimidate her.

Returning home doesn’t guarantee safety for Tamana, as now “she is a Muslim” and she must live like one, and with her kind. Muslims are constantly threatening Tamana and her family.

Apostasy from Islam is not permissible, as per the Sharia law. Islamic law prescribes the death penalty for the crime of apostasy. Though Pakistan claims to be a republic, faith in the supremacy of the Sharia wields an enormous influence on the country’s judicial system. Hence, the toothless administration that showed itself incapable of rescuing an abducted girl continues to demonstrate its powerlessness and stands as a silent spectator while the Muslim hoodlums torment the beleaguered family from the minority community.

Tamana was captured from the Kunri area, which is located in the Umerkot district of the Sindh province. More than 90% of Pakistan’s total Hindu demography, comprising 2-4% of Pakistan’s total population, lives in Sindh. They are mostly scattered across border districts including Umerkot, Mirpurkhas, Tharparkar, Sanghar, and, Ghotki.

Thousands of Hindu girls have been abducted from these regions; these girls either end up as sex slaves or are pushed into forced marriages after religious conversions. Hindu families in this region are economically backward, and hail from the marginalized Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe. It is easy to exploit them, and that is exactly what Pakistan is doing as a country. Bonded labor is still a thing in Pakistan, and in most cases, it is the subjugated Hindus from Sindh who are taken in as bonded laborers by feudal landlords. Shamefully, its government has not introduced any reforms to protect these families. The administration has essentially thrown them to the mercy of feudal landlords and hardline Muslims.



Sex-Slavery: An Islamic Sacrament?

ISIS may have popularized it, but concubinage is integral to Islam.

February 20, 2020 

Raymond Ibrahim


Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

Is the sexual enslavement of non-Muslim women an Islamic State idea or merely an Islamic idea?

First, lest there is any doubt that ISIS members were not only convinced that it was their Islamic right to sexually enslave “infidels,” but that doing so was pious, consider this account from 2015: “In the moments before he raped the 12-year-old [non-Muslim] girl, the Islamic State fighter took the time to explain that what he was about to do was not a sin. Because the preteen girl practiced a religion other than Islam, the Quran not only gave him the right to rape her — it condoned and encouraged it, he insisted.”  “He said that by raping me,” recalled the 12-year-old, “he is drawing closer to God.”

Every time that he came to rape me, he would pray,” explained another girl, aged 15. “He said that raping me is his prayer to God. I said to him, ‘What you’re doing to me is wrong, and it will not bring you closer to God.’ And he said, ‘No, it’s allowed. It’s halal.’”

Such claims are of course consistent with a Q&A pamphlet on the topic published by the Islamic State in 2015: 

Question 1: What is al-sabi?

Al-Sabi is a woman from among ahl al-harb [the “people of war,” meaning un-subjugated non-Muslims] who has been captured by Muslims.

Question 2: What makes al-sabi permissible?

What makes al-sabi permissible [i.e., what makes it permissible to take such a woman captive] is [her] unbelief. Unbelieving [women] who were captured and brought into the abode of Islam are permissible to us, after the imam distributes them [among us].

Question 3: Can all unbelieving women be taken captive?

There is no dispute among the scholars that it is permissible to capture unbelieving women [who are characterized by] original unbelief [kufr asli], such as the kitabiyat [women from among the People of the Book, i.e., Jews and Christians] and polytheists. However, [the scholars] are disputed over [the issue of] capturing apostate women. The consensus leans toward forbidding it, though some people of knowledge think it permissible. We [ISIS] lean toward accepting the consensus….

Question 4: Is it permissible to have intercourse with a female captive?

It is permissible to have sexual intercourse with the female captive. Allah the almighty said: “[Successful are the believers] who guard their chastity, except from their wives or (the captives and slaves) that their right hands possess, for then they are free from blame [Koran 23:5–6].”…

Question 5: Is it permissible to have intercourse with a female captive immediately after taking possession [of her]?

If she is a virgin, he [her master] can have intercourse with her immediately after taking possession of her. However, if she isn’t, her uterus must be purified [first]….

An important question arises at this juncture: Are these beliefs based on ISIS’s own interpretation of Islam—as we are repeatedly told by the “experts”—or are they based on standard Islamic teachings?  

Evidence clearly indicates the latter.  Most recently, for instance, on February 2, 2020,  Reuters reported that “The man shot dead by police after wounding two people in a stabbing spree on a busy London street… described Yazidi women as slaves and said the Koran made it permissible to rape them.”  A few weeks earlier, in late December, African migrants in Paris “repeatedly cited Allah, the Koran, and Mecca,” while raping a minor girl in Paris (original).  One can go on and on; consider just the following quotes limited to the ongoing sex grooming scandals in the UK:

· Muslim abusers quoted Qur’an as they beat me,” said one of countless rape victims.

· The men who did this to me have no remorse,” said another victim of her Muslim rapists. “They would tell me that what they were doing was OK in their culture.”

· A Muslim convicted of rape confessed that sharing non-Muslim girls for sex was “a religious requirement.”

None of these men were ISIS members; they were just Muslims.  If they shared the same outlook concerning the sexual bondage of non-Muslim women, that is because Islam—not the Islamic State, a byproduct—promotes it.

Here, for example, is how the late American professor Majid Khadduri (1909-2007), “internationally recognized as one of the world’s leading authorities on Islamic law and jurisprudence,” politely touched on the topic—and only in the past tense, as if to say this is how Muslims once behaved but no longer.  From his War and Peace in the Law of Islam:

The term spoil (ghanima) is applied specifically to property acquired by force from non-Muslims. It includes, however, not only property (movable and immovable) but also persons, whether in the capacity of asra (prisoners of war) or sabi (women and children). … If the slave were a woman, the master was permitted to have sexual connection with her as a concubine.

“Spoils of war” is certainly correct.  As one human rights activist said while discussing a Muslim man’s rape of a 9-year-old Christian girl in Pakistan: “Such incidents occur frequently. Christian girls are considered goods to be damaged at leisure. Abusing them is a right. According to the community’s mentality it is not even a crime. Muslims regard them as spoils of war.”

Moreover, seeing and treating non-Muslim women as “spoils of war” is not just limited to the words of old religious texts or “extremist” groups.  It was a primary feature of—and often motivation for—over a millennium of war on the non-Muslim world (15 million Europeans alone were enslaved, many—including men and boys—for sexual purposes).

All this is also a reminder that ISIS should not be instantly rejected—as it always is by the Western establishment—as an authority on Islamic topics.  Indeed, and as the rest of its Q&A pamphlet on sex slavery makes clear, ISIS so meticulously follows the arcane minutia of sharia as to maintain an odd veneer of “morality”—there are a number of restrictions—and even goes so far as to indicate that freeing slaves is a virtuous act (Q&A 27).

The real difference between ISIS and other Muslims is that the former is, refreshingly, very forthright concerning the teachings of Islam (as when they made clear that their hate for the Western world is based on sharia, not grievances, even though the latter paradigm has long worked as a cover for Islamic terror groups, as al-Qaeda well knew). 

I am reminded of an old Arabic language program, where the hostess asked two prominent Muslim clerics: “According to sharia, is slave-sex still applicable?” The two ulema refused to give a clear answer — dissembling here, going off on tangents there.  When she pressed the issue, one of the clerics stormed off the set.  He eventually returned, and the hostess politely explained her incessant questioning: “Ninety percent of Muslims, including myself, do not understand the issue of sex slavery in Islam and are having a hard time swallowing it,” she implored, to which the sheikh closed the matter by replying, “You don’t need to understand!”

At any rate, from here it becomes clear why so many Muslim men—above and beyond ISIS card-carrying members—see and treat “infidel” women in Europe and elsewhere as “pieces of meat”.  As the all-important answer to the third question in the ISIS pamphlet correctly states:  “There is no dispute among the scholars that it is permissible to capture unbelieving women [who are characterized by] original unbelief [kufr asli, meaning they were born as non-Muslims], such as the kitabiyat [women from among the People of the Book, i.e., Jews and Christians] and polytheists.” 

Such is the impact of the Islamic “sacrament” captured in Koran (4:323: 5-6, etc.): all non-Muslim women—be they atheists, Christians, Jews, polytheists, wiccans et al—are free game for abducting and enslaving.  They exist, quite simply, for the “pleasure of Muslim men,” as a would-be rapist once told a reluctant Christian girl before murdering her.



Female Genital Mutilation and Islamic Social Norms


By Paul Sutliff

On January 30th of this year, a 12-year-old girl in Egypt died as a result of her parents having Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) performed on her. Egypt has had a law outlawing the practice since 2008. The parents have been charged.  This law was written to protect females because Islamic social norms permit and encourage this practice.

According to Ian Askew, World Health Organization Director for the Department of Reproductive Health and Research:

FGM describes all procedures that involve the partial or total removal of external genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for non-medical reasons.  It has no health benefits.

More than 200 million girls and women alive today are living with FGM and many are at risk of suffering the associated negative health consequences as a result.

These include death, severe bleeding and problems urinating.  Longer-term consequences range from cysts and infections to complications in childbirth and increased risk of newborn deaths.

FGM is a grave violation of the human rights of girls and women.

Another term used for FGM is female circumcision.  Some countries prefer the term FGC, as it is seen as “more neutral.”  (The “C” being a reference to “cutting.”)  This “more neutral” term allows their medical personnel to package FGM into the “birth package.”  Ebony Ridell Bamber, the head of advocacy and policy at Orchid Project, a UK-based NGO working towards ending FGM, states that.  "It really contributes to legitimizing and entrenching the practice even further."

In Islam, legitimization comes when shariah, Islamic law, endorses and promotes a practice.  Under shariah, female circumcision is required of Muslim females. This is documented in Reliance of the Traveller

e4.3   Circumcision is obligatory (O: for both men and women.  For men it consists of removing the prepuce from the penis, and for women, removing the prepuce (Ar. Bazr) of the clitoris (n: not the clitoris itself, as some mistakenly assert).  (A: Hanbalis hold that circumcision of women is not obligatory but sunna, while Hanafis consider it a mere courtesy to the husband.)"

Islamic scholars have been found using this piece to declare to non-Muslims that shariah does not agree with FGM, going so far as to claim it is unIslamic if carried out to the extreme and totally removing the clitoris:

Female circumcision, known pejoratively in its extreme form as female genital mutilation or cutting, is not prescribed in the Quran and there are no authentic prophetic traditions recommending the practice.  The basis in Islamic law is that it is not permissible to cause bodily harm and any such practice of female circumcision proven to be harmful would be unlawful.

This is very deceptive.  Let’s look at what the abbreviations mean in the above section of shariah:

A: ...  comment by Sheikh 'Abd al-Wakil Durubi

Ar.     Arabic

n: ...  remark by the translator

O: ...  excerpt from the commentary of Sheikh 'Umar Barakat

Taking the commentary of the translator out, the passage now reads:

e4. 3    Circumcision is obligatory (O: for both men and women.  For men it consists of removing the prepuce from the penis, and for women, removing the prepuce (Ar.  Bazr) of the clitoris.   

Many other hadiths also back up the obligation for FGM under Shariah.  For example:

· Jami` at-Tirmidhi Vol. 1 Book 1 #109

Aishah narrated that: the Prophet said: "When the circumcised meets the circumcised then Ghusl [full-body ritual purification] is required."

· Muwatta Malik Book 2, Hadith 73

Yahya related to me from Malik from Ibn Shihab from Said ibn al- Musayyab that Umar ibn al-Khattab and Uthman ibn Affan and A'isha, the wife of the Prophet, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, used to say, "When the circumcised part touches the circumcised part, ghusl is obligatory."

· Sahih al-Bukhari 6599, 6600

Abu Huraira: Allah's Messenger said, "No child is born but has the Islamic Faith, but its parents turn it into a Jew or a Christian.  It is as you help the animals give birth.  Do you find among their offspring a mutilated one before you mutilate them yourself.”

To say that FGM only happens in third-world countries ignores the sad and sorry truth that several countries have passed laws forbidding this cruelty to their children. Egypt passed a law against FGM in 2008 and was amended in 2016. But by 2015, a “government survey discovered that 87% of Egyptian women and girls aged between 15 and 49 have been mutilated, or as the Egyptian government put it, “circumcised.”

February 6th was the International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation. This annual day of awareness was commenmorated this year by the German news source’s article, “Female genital mutilation feels 'like living in a dead body' by Shadia Abdelmoneim, which describes how a midwife performed FGM on her without her consent after the birth of her third child in Sudan:

It led to a lengthy period of shock thereafter where she found it difficult to trust anybody, but Shadia also vividly recalls the moment she realized what had happened.

"I wanted to go to the toilet, but something wasn't right.  I couldn't walk and was in considerable pain.  When I saw what she had done, I was shocked.  She'd cut everything open and then sewn it closed.  I had no idea what to do.”

Shadia, already fighting against female genital mutilation and for women's rights as an activist in Sudan, was in her mid 30s at the time.  She started living in a constant state of fear for her three daughters; she could barely let them out of her sight.  

"How could women do something like that to one another, how?" she asks, her eyes welling up with tears.  "Being circumcised is like living in a dead body.”

Dr.  Cornelia Strunz, who works at the Desert Flower Center, met Shadia when she came to the center for help, said Shadia needed surgery to help her live with this mutilation. According to Dr.  Strunz, there are many possible problems that result from FGM.

Many women have problems emptying their bladder after FGM.  Menstrual blood can't drain properly.  For some, sex becomes practically impossible.  Women can also develop fistulas -- connections between two body parts which should not exist at all in normal circumstances.  One example would be a link between the vagina and rectum, leading to them passing stools through the vagina.  Obviously, that's not very easy to live with.

Social norms that allow for FGM conflict with several social norms of Western civilization.  It denies a women’s rights to have control over her own body, as it is a requirement under shariah.  It destroys a woman’s ability to enjoy partaking in sexual activity when the woman marries.  This makes the act a duty and not a pleasure. The act itself violates the Hippocratic Oath “to do no harm.” In countries where FGM is banned, parents/guardians who have this done to their own daughters are denying the validity of laws made by men.

Paul Sutliff is a federally recognized expert on Civilization Jihad. His blog can be found at You can request him as a speaker at Paul’s books are on Amazon.



Exclusive: 'A Piece of Meat' - How Muslim Men See White Women

Past and present, little has changed.

December 20, 2019 

Raymond Ibrahim


Raymond Ibrahim is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

A British girl was “passed around like a piece of meat” between Muslim men who abused and raped her between the ages of 12 and 14, a court heard earlier this month.  Her problems began after she befriended a young Muslim man who, before long, was “forcing her to perform sex acts on other [and older] men,” and receiving money for it.  When she resisted, he threatened her and her family with death and destruction.  Speaking now as an adult, the woman explained how she eventually “lost count of how many men I was forced to have sex with” during two years of “hell” when she often considered suicide.  Among other anecdotes, the court heard how the young “girl was raped on a dirty mattress above a takeaway and forced to perform [oral] sex acts in a churchyard,” and how one of her abusers “urinated on her in an act of humiliation” afterwards.

Although her experiences are akin to those of many British girls, that she was “passed around like a piece of meat” is a reminder of the experiences of another British woman known by the pseudonym of Kate Elysia.  The Muslim men she encountered “made me believe I was nothing more than a slut, a white whore,” she said.  “They treated me like a leper, apart from when they wanted sex.  I was less than human to them, I was rubbish.”

What explains this ongoing exploitation of European women by Muslim men—which exists well beyond the UK and has become epidemic in Germany Sweden, and elsewhere? The answer begins by understanding that, although these sordid accounts are routinely dismissed as the activities of “criminals,” they are in fact reflective of nearly fourteen centuries of Muslim views on and treatment of European women. 

For starters, Muslim men have long had an obsessive attraction for fair women of the European variety.  This, as all things Islamic, traces back to their prophet, Muhammad. In order to entice his men to war on the Byzantines—who, as the Arabs’ nearest European neighbors represented “white” people—the prophet told them that they would be able to sexually enslave the “yellow” women (an apparent reference to their fair hair).

For over a millennium after Muhammad, jihadi leaders—Arabs, Berbers, Turks, Tatars et al—also coaxed their men to jihad on Europe by citing (and later sexually enslaving) its women.  As one example, prior to their invasion into Spain, Tarek bin Ziyad, a jihadi hero, enticed the Muslims by saying, “You must have heard numerous accounts of this island, you must know how the Grecian maidens, as beautiful as houris … are awaiting your arrival, reclining on soft couches in the sumptuous palaces of crowned lords and princes.”

That the sexual enslavement of fair women was an aspect that always fueled the jihad is evident in other ways.  Thus, for M.A. Khan, an author and former Muslim, it is “impossible to disconnect Islam from the Viking slave-trade, because the supply was absolutely meant for meeting [the] Islamic world’s unceasing demand for the prized white slaves” and for “white sex-slaves.”

Just as Muslim rapists see British and other European women as “pieces of meat,” “nothing more than sluts,” and  “white whores,” so did Muslim luminaries always describe the nearest European women of Byzantium. Thus, for Abu Uthman al-Jahiz (b. 776), a prolific court scholar, the females of Constantinople were the “most shameless women in the whole world … [T]hey find sex more enjoyable” and “are prone to adultery.” Abd al-Jabbar (b. 935), another prominent scholar, claimed that “adultery is commonplace in the cities and markets of Byzantium”—so much so that even “the nuns from the convents went out to the fortresses to offer themselves to monks.”

But as the author of Byzantium Viewed by the Arabs, explains:

Our [Arab/Muslim] sources show not Byzantine women but writers’ images of these women, who served as symbols of the eternal female—constantly a potential threat, particularly due to blatant  exaggerations of their sexual promiscuity. In our texts [Arab/Muslim], Byzantine women are strongly associated with sexual immorality . . . .While the one quality that our sources never deny is the beauty of Byzantine women, the image that they create in describing these women is anything but beautiful. Their depictions are, occasionally, excessive, virtually caricatures, overwhelmingly negative…The behavior of most women in Byzantium was a far cry from the depictions that appear in Arabic sources.

The continuity in Muslim “dealings” with European women is evident even in the otherwise arcane details.  For example, the aforementioned Kate “was trafficked to the North African country of Morocco where she was prostituted and repeatedly raped.”  She was kept in an apartment in Marrakesh, where another girl no more than 15 was also kept for sexual purposes.  “I can’t remember how many times I’m raped that [first] night, or by who,” Kate recounts.

This mirrors history.  By 1541, the Muslim Barbary State of “Algiers teemed with Christian captives,” from Europe that “it became a common saying that a Christian slave was scarce a fair barter for an onion.”

According to the conservative estimate of American professor Robert Davis, “between 1530 and 1780 [alone] there were almost certainly a million and quite possibly as many as a million and a quarter white, European Christians enslaved by the Muslims of the Barbary Coast,” of which Morocco—where Kate was abducted to in the modern era—was one.   Women slaves—and not a few men and boys—were always sexually abused.  With countless European women selling for the price of an onion, little wonder by the late 1700s, European observers noted how “the inhabitants of Algiers have a rather white complexion.”

It was the same elsewhere.  (The number of Europeans enslaved by Muslims throughout history is closer to 15 million.) The slave markets of the Ottoman sultanate were for centuries so inundated with European flesh that children sold for pennies, “a very beautiful slave woman was exchanged for a pair of boots, and four Serbian slaves were traded for a horse.”   In Crimea—where some three million Slavs were enslaved by the Muslim Tatars—an eyewitness described how Christian men were castrated and savagely tortured (including by gouging their eyes out), whereas “The youngest women are kept for wanton pleasures.”

Such a long and unwavering history of sexually enslaving European women on the claim that, they are all “pieces of meat,” “nothing more than sluts,” and “white whores,” should place the ongoing sexual abuse of Western women in context—and offer a dim prognosis for the future.

(Note: All historical quotes and facts in this article are sourced from the author’s book, Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West.)


Why Yasmine Mohammed's 'Unveiled' Is a Must-Read

Buy a copy for yourself -- and one for your leftist Islam-apologist friend.

December 20, 2019 

Danusha V. Goska


"My whole body was suffocating. My head throbbed, and my skin oozed sweat from every pore … dressing like the kuffar was evil. I would go to hell if I dressed that way … when the Caliphate rises, if you're not wearing hijab, how will you be distinguished from the nonbelievers? If you look like them, you'll be killed like them … wearing a niqab [face veil] you feel like you're in a portable sensory deprivation chamber. It impedes your ability to see, hear, touch, smell. I felt like I was slowly dying inside … I didn't even know who I was anymore – if I even was somebody at all."

Yasmine Mohammed is a spitfire, a term once applied both to World-War-II-era combat aircraft and to superstars like Jane Russell who played hotblooded women who didn't let anyone push them around. Yasmine is a forty-something Canadian ex-Muslim, atheist, educator, and activist. (I'm going against convention here and referring to the author by her first name. She shares a last name with Islam's prophet and founder, and I want to avoid confusion.)

Yasmine was raised by a strict Muslim mother who was the second wife of an equally strict stepfather. She was in an arranged marriage to an Al-Qaeda member. She left Islam and she is now married to a non-Muslim. Unveiled: How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam is her first book. And what a first book it is. Unveiled is a can't-put-it-down instant classic. Authors Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Nonie Darwish, Wafa Sultan, Kate McCordJean SassonNawal el-Saadawi, and Phyllis Chesler, move over. There is a new star in your literary firmament.

The subtitle of Unveiled, How Western Liberals Empower Radical Islam, is a bit misleading. Yes, Yasmine takes on actor Ben Affleck's October, 2014 appearance on Bill Maher's Real Time HBO show. On that broadcast Maher and Sam Harris, both atheists and critics of Christianity, bemoaned their fellow liberals' attacking them for also criticizing Islam. Ben Affleck exploded – no pun intended. Affleck, a normally cool and ironic actor, devoted a freakish amount of zealotry to shielding from analysis clitoridectomy, throwing gay men off roofs, and suicide bombings. Affleck yelled, waved his arms, furrowed his brow and interrupted. Any criticism of Islamic doctrine is "gross, racist, ugly." Affleck offered zero facts. Facts are not necessary. Become apoplectic, smear any critic of jihad or gender apartheid as racist, pose and preen and signal your own superior, culturally relative virtue, and the good liberal is done. We've all met versions of this Islamapologist, though most are not as good looking as Affleck.

Affleck's Islamapologism outraged Yasmine Mohammed. She notes that Affleck made a film, Dogma, that mocks Christianity. She insists that liberals like Affleck do great harm to real, live human beings. "It was unforgiveable for Ben Affleck to deflect criticism of this ideology that has caused so much suffering in the world … no one in the West cares if Muslim women were being imprisoned or killed … for not covering their hair … that bloggers in Bangladesh were being hacked to death … because they dared write about humanism … this seemingly well-meaning, white-guilt ridden man was standing in the way!" Affleck's immorality, cowardice, narcissism and ignorance, so paradigmatic of Islamapologists, prompted Yasmine to write her book. Unveiled, she says, "is for anyone who feels a duty to defend Islam from scrutiny and criticism … you are deflecting the light from shining on millions of people imprisoned in darkness."

"At times Western corporations actively support the very things brave women fight against. The 2019 Sports Illustrated featured a burkini." Nike put a swoosh on "religiously prescribed modesty clothing … How can we fight Western patriarchy while simultaneously supporting Islamic patriarchy?" Yasmine asks.

Liberal Islamapologists' constant shielding of Islam from critique is not merely a debate question for Yasmine Mohammed. Decades ago, young Yasmine told her teacher, Rick Fabbro, that she was being abused. She showed Fabbro bruises on her arms, caused by her stepfather's beatings with a belt. Her stepfather wasn't punishing Yasmine for any wrong-doing; he was merely taking out his own personal frustrations on her body. Fabbro reported the abuse. A Canadian judge ruled that Islamic culture allowed severe "corporal punishment." "I never felt so betrayed in my life … how disgusting to allow a child to be beaten because her abuser happens to come from another country!" Children are being abused, Yasmine reports, "because their government is hell-bent on cultural and moral relativism."

Yasmine is not alone. In 2010, a New Jersey judge refused a restraining order to a teenage Muslima who was raped and tortured by her arranged husband. The husband told the wife, "this is according to our religion. You are my wife, I can do anything to you. The woman, she should submit and do anything I ask her to do." The judge agreed, asserting that spousal abuse is sanctioned in Islam. The Islamapologism of useful idiots like Ben Affleck causes real harm to real victims.

Though Yasmine opens and closes with mentions of Ben Affleck, The bulk of the book is not about liberals empowering radical Islam. Rather, it is a riveting memoir of child abuse and recovery. Yasmine's mother is one of the most vile characters I have ever read about, and I've read a fair number of books about Nazism. "Mama" quite literally tortures her daughter, all in the name of making her a good Muslima.

Islamapologists will no doubt hit upon this aspect of the book. "Yasmine Mohammed's critique of Islamic gender apartheid and jihad can't be taken at face value. She was raised by an abusive mother and molested by her mother's male companions. Child abuse is her problem, not Islam," they'll say. Further, some will accuse Yasmine of stoking the flames of xenophobic hatred. "By speaking in such detail about your abuse, you make all Muslims look like monsters!" they'll say.

No, Yasmine does not stoke the flames of xenophobic hatred. In fact, Yasmine dedicates her book in part "to those of you who feel compelled to demonize all Muslims. I hope you will see that we are all just human beings and we battle our own demons." She rejects racist terms like "sandn----r" and insists that no one should misconstrue her "personal journey out of faith as an invitation to be hateful to those still in it." After reading this book, I felt great compassion and fellow feeling for Yasmine Mohammed, a woman who lived most of her life as a devout Muslim. Yasmine will, no doubt, arouse that same compassion and fellow feeling in many readers.

It's also very true that horrific child abuse occurs in non-Muslim societies as well as Muslim ones. There are several features, though, that distinguish Muslim child abuse and non-Muslim child abuse.

In her book Wholly DifferentNonie Darwish discusses the Islamic emphasis on hiding sin. Darwish contrasts this emphasis with the Judeo-Christian tradition of confession of sin and subsequent redemption. Darwish heard an Egyptian sheikh say on TV that if a follower of a sheikh witnesses the sheikh committing a sin, the follower should say, "it is my eyes that committed the sin" for having witnessed a power figure do wrong. The holy man is "masoom," infallible or free from sin. The Islamic view of public exposure of sin feeds a culture based on pride and shame. The Koran is replete with references to "shame," "disgrace," "humiliation," and "losers." These concepts contribute to thwarting attempts at rescuing abused children. If you can't see, or talk about child abuse, you can't address it.

Another cultural factor: submission to an overwhelming sense that everything "is written." "Any effort to try to create your own destiny is meaningless … your whole life is written before you take your first breath," Yasmine writes.

Yasmine describes Islam as a pyramid-shaped power structure, with unquestioning obedience required at all levels. Men submit to Allah, women submit to men, and children submit to adults. Yasmine cites a hadith that describes power descending from the ruler, to the man, to the woman, and then to the servant. There are ethnic pyramids of worth as well. Rich Gulf Arabs are superior to poor Muslims from Pakistan and India.

In such a system, "women rarely support one another. Each woman is too concerned with saving her own skin … We hold down our screaming five-year-old daughters and allow a woman to take a razor to their genitals because a man will prefer her that way." Girls are close to the bottom of the pyramid of power. Yasmine mentions the 2017 Norwegian film What Will People Say. In the film, the main character, a child of Pakistani parents growing up in Norway, abuses a cat. Why? Because she's on the bottom. She's been taught that you deal with frustration by abusing the person, or animal, beneath you on the pyramid of power. The cat is the innocent and defenseless target.

The Allah who is the pinnacle of the Islamic pyramidal power structure is a sadist whose graphic torments are detailed in the Koran. Don Richardson, in Secrets of the Koran, writes that one in every eight Koran verses is a threat of damnation. Hell is graphically described as a place with vivid tortures. By contrast, according to Richardson, the Old Testament mentions Hell once in every 774 verses, and it is never described so graphically.

In the Koran, Allah burns off the skin of the damned. They grow new skin, and that skin, in turn, is burned off, for all eternity. Young Yasmine dared ask her mother, "Won't I eventually get used to it?"

No, her mother replied. "Allah will make sure that every single time it hurts as much as the first time."

The hadiths, as well as the Koran, contain graphic tortures of Hell. In one hadith, Mohammed reports that he saw women hanging by their hair, with their brains boiling. Their crime? They refused to wear hijab.

Total, unquestioning obedience under pain of eternal damnation is pounded into Muslims several times a day, with the daily prayers. Islamic prayer indoctrinates Muslims in mindless obedience and group, not individual, behavior. Yasmine details the robotic movements that must accompany each syllable. These syllables, she says, are meaningless to most Muslims, who don't understand classical Arabic. They must merely memorize syllables and repeat them over and over to the point where the mind is numbed. When praying in a group, they must stand touching other Muslims. This physical contact provides an extra layer of surveillance. If a Muslim shirks a given, required movement, other Muslims will not only see it, they will feel it. Too, Muslims are assured that their prophet is watching them pray, "Make your rows straight for I can see you behind my back." Any deviation from prescribed activity is automatically a ticket to Hell. If you don't touch another Muslim while praying, you leave room for Satan, and you will be punished. "Do not leave any gaps for the Shaytaan. Whoever complete [sic] a row, Allaah will reward him, and whoever breaks a row, Allaah will forsake him."

"The prayers are mind-numbingly repetitive. There is no room for the slightest variation. Every ceremonial motion and every word is specific and methodic, stripping … Muslims … of any individuality. Get in line. Follow the herd. No distractions … The meaning [of prayer] was never discussed … Questioning only lead to anger and admonishment," Yasmine writes. Islam is so thorough in outlining how Muslims are to live that there is a specific ritualistic way to cut fingernails and dispose of clippings.

When Yasmine finally does learn the meaning of the words she's been repeating, she realizes she's been indoctrinated. "Nearly twenty times a day, I was referring to non-Muslims as the enemies of Allah. I was chanting that Muslims who became friends with non-Muslims were doomed to Hell, that non-Muslims were the vilest of animals, only fit to be used as fuel for the fires of Hell, that Jewish people were sub-human … I remember one of my aunts lamenting that the cucumbers were smaller this year because the Jews were putting cancer in the vegetables … At least five times a day over a billion people are droning on, calling for the death of all non-Muslims."

Yasmine describes her younger self being bound, whipped, caned, and locked up. Mama tells little Yasmine that she has no value whatsoever. Indeed, Yasmine is told again and again that she is a slut, prostitute, and whore, even though she is a chaste virgin, and, later, a dutiful wife in an arranged marriage. Don't worry that reading a book about graphic child abuse will be too upsetting. Yasmine's descriptions are searing, but brief. The reader never forgets that the author of these nightmarish accounts is an adult powerhouse who managed to break free both of her tormentors and the Islam that her tormentors cited as justification.

After each incident is described, Yasmine offers a corresponding quote from Islamic sacred texts that is used to justify such tortures. Young Yasmine must kneel at her mother's feet and kiss them. This is because Islam teaches that "Paradise is under the feet of mothers." Mama determines whether Yasmine will go to Heaven or Hell. Yasmine is bound and hung upside down from a hook used to hang the lamb sacrificed for the Eid holiday. A woman, a sacrificial animal, little difference. "Hang your whip where members of your household (your wife, children, and slaves) can see it, for that will discipline them," says one hadith. Another, "Teach your children to pray when they are seven years old, and smack them if they do not do so when they are ten."

Yasmine does not cite Koran 18:65-81. In this passage, Musa, meant to be the Biblical Moses, is depicted as following and learning from Khidr, a "slave of Allah." Khidr murders an innocent child. Musa objects. Khidr reprimands Moses for objecting. Khidr explains that the boy's parents were Muslims and "we feared lest he should make disobedience and ingratitude to come upon them." In the place of the child Khidr murdered, Allah "might give them in his place one better than him." The Koran itself offers a passage often interpreted to mean that Muslim parents have the right to life and death over their own children.

When discussing honor killing, Robert Spencer reminds his readers that, "A manual of Islamic law certified as a reliable guide to Sunni orthodoxy by Al-Azhar University, the most respected authority in Sunni Islam, says that 'retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right.' However, 'not subject to retaliation' is 'a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring's offspring.' ('Umdat al-Salik o1.1-2). In other words, someone who kills his child incurs no legal penalty under Islamic law."

I admire Yasmine for being so frank as to recount how long she stayed loyal to her abusive mother, and to religious observance that she felt to be destroying her very sense of self. Again and again the door swings open and Yasmine walks past that open door and back into the sick, twisted prison of her mother's oppressive hold. Again and again, Yasmine sees utterly plainly how destructive her mother is, and yet Yasmine continues to live with her and crave her love, a love this poisonous viper would never bestow on her precious daughter.

Yasmine marries the man her mother tells her to marry, though she does not love him. This man, Essam Marzouk, beats Yasmine so badly she miscarries their second child. Eventually, slowly but surely, Yasmine breaks her conditioning, leaves her family, abandons her veil, and marries a non-Muslim man. The reader rejoices for her.

This reader has one problem with Unveiled and other media produced by some Ex-Muslims, including the Ex-Muslims of North America. These ex-Muslims decide, "I discovered that Islam is oppressive, therefore, all religion is oppressive nonsense." Their dismissals are based not only on scanty knowledge of the scripture and dogma of other faiths, but also ignorance of how other faiths have influenced society.

Yasmine says, again and again, that her encounters with non-Muslims were like encounters, as she herself puts it, with "angels." There's a reason that the non-Muslims Yasmine encountered treated her with concern and decency. That reason is their training, very different from her own. They were raised in a Judeo-Christian society, that upholds Judeo-Christian values.

In the Old Testament, God orders Abraham to sacrifice Isaac. God stops the sacrifice. For hundreds of years, Jews and Christians have understood this story as separating God's chosen people from the surrounding Canaanite society, where child sacrifice to Moloch was practiced. Archaeology confirms Biblical accounts. Various Phoenician societies around the Mediterranean, including the Canaanites and Carthaginians, left evidence of child sacrifice. Child sacrifice was also practiced by several Native American cultures, including Chimu, Inca, Maya, Aztec, Mississippian and Pawnee; it possibly occurred in Ancient Greece, and child sacrifice occurs today among Hindus in India.

Contemporary scholars debate whether or not the Isaac story was originally understood as a stand against child sacrifice, but Christians and Jews themselves understand it that way, and that interpretation was explicitly advanced by a Jewish scholar eight hundred years ago. In any case, Biblical verse after verse condemns parents killing their own children.

The New Testament could not be more dramatic in emphasizing the value of children. God, the omnipotent creator of the universe, enters time in the body of a helpless infant born of a lowly peasant girl, among stock animals in a stable. Jesus famously says, "Suffer little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God. Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as little child shall in no wise enter therein."

Pregnant with Jesus, Mary recites the Magnificat, "He hath put down the mighty from their seat: and hath exalted the humble and meek." Jesus says, "The last shall be first, and the first, last," and "Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." Again and again, the Bible overturns the pyramid of power.

Early Christian critic Celsus, a Greek Pagan, dismissed Christianity as a religion that attracted those on the bottom. Christianity, Celsus sneered, is a religion of women, of children, and of slaves. The Pagan Roman legal code attributed to Romulus allowed for the murder of female children, and female infanticide was common in the ancient, Pagan world. A Greek comedy from the third century BC records, "Everyone, even a poor man, raises a son; everyone, even a wealthy man, exposes a daughter." Rodney Stark theorizes that Christianity's remarkable success can be attributed partially to Christianity's remarkable respect for the personhood of women and children, even female infants. "Thou shalt not murder a child by abortion nor kill them when born," said the Didache, "a first century manual of Church teachings." Early Christianity's valuing of young, female human beings is unforgettably depicted in The Acts of Paul and Thecla, about a Pagan girl who converts to Christianity and boldly asserts her own full worth in the face of murderous Pagan opposition. Finally, of course, Christianity mandates confession and repentance, rather than the hiding of sin.

Non-believers have only a partial picture when they refuse to consider how Judeo-Christian teaching and Christian faith have fostered the features they value in Western Civilization. Yes, child abuse occurs in Christian families and institutions as well as in Muslim ones. But there is a difference between, say, Jordan, a relatively modern Muslim-majority country, and the United States. In Jordan, honor killing is a perpetual problem. Families practice it; authorities look the other way. The ancient Koran story of Khidr, a revered Muslim character who killed a child because the child might someday embarrass his devout Muslim parents, is carried out daily in Muslim countries. In countries with a Judeo-Christian heritage, killing your child because the child might embarrass you is not supported by the wider society. Some cultures provide guardrails and tools that can be used to dismantle human dysfunction. Other cultures provide scriptures that uphold hate and abuse.

Not just honor killing oppresses Muslim women and girls. Clitoredectomy, child and forced marriage, and polygamy are all part of day-to-day life. Sharia dictates that women inherit half of what men inherit, and the testimony of two women equals the testimony of one man. Women cannot pray when they are menstruating. In a hadith, Mohammed himself cited the ban on women praying during their menstruation as proof that women are "deficient in religion" and make up the majority of the damned in Hell. A woman, Mohammed insisted, must satisfy their husband's demand for sex, even while riding on a camel's back. One could go on. Denigration of the value of the lives of girls and women is deeply embedded in the Koran and hadiths.

Rodney Stark ended his book The Victory of Reason with a quote he attributes to a Chinese scholar. "One of the things we were asked to look into was what accounted for the success, in fact, the pre-eminence of the West all over the world. We studied everything we could from the historical, political, economic, and cultural perspective. At first, we thought it was because you had more powerful guns than we had. Then we thought it was because you had the best political system. Next we focused on your economic system. But in the past twenty years, we have realized that the heart of your culture is your religion: Christianity. That is why the West is so powerful. The Christian moral foundation of social and cultural life was what made possible the emergence of capitalism and then the successful transition to democratic politics. We don't have any doubt about this."

I hope (and pray) that the aversion that immersion in Islam taught ex-Muslims to feel for all religion does not blind them to the impact of the Judeo-Christian tradition on what they value in kuffar society – including the right to self-identify as an atheist, and not be killed for doing so.

Yasmine Mohammed's book is receiving terrific reviews on Amazon. Yasmine deserves more. Krista Tippett hosts On Being on National Public Radio. Tippett markets a soft-focus, touchy-feely Islam. Terry Gross frequently features memoir authors on Fresh Air. Tippett, Gross, the New York Times, all should provide Yasmine Mohammed with a platform. Truth and courage demand it.

Danusha Goska is the author of God through Binoculars: A Hitchhiker at a Monastery




“The Wahhabis finance thousands of madrassahs throughout the world where young boys are brainwashed into becoming fanatical foot-soldiers for the petrodollar-flush Saudis and other emirs of the Persian Gulf.” AMIL IMANI


Koran 2:191 "s lay the unbelievers wherever you find them"
Koran 3:21 "Muslims must not take the infidels as friends"
Koran 5:33 "Maim and crucify the infidels if they criticize Islam"
Koran 8:12 "Terrorize and behead those who believe in scriptures other than the Koran"
Koran 8:60 " Muslims must muster all weapons to terrorize the infidels"
Koran 8:65 "The unbelievers are stupid, urge all Muslims to fight them"
Koran 9:5 "When the opportunity arises, kill the infidels wherever you find them"
Koran 9:123 "Make war on the infidels living in your neighborhood"
Koran 22:19 "Punish the unbelievers with garments of fire, hooked iron rods, boiling water, melt their skin and bellies"
Koran 47:4 "Do not hanker for peace with the infidels, behead them when you catch them".

Cops: Muslim Sex Grooming Gangs “Didn’t Understand That It Was Wrong"

Why Manchester cops didn’t protect young girls from Muslim sex grooming gangs.

January 23, 2020 

Daniel Greenfield


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Call it a tale of two girls. And a tale of two Englands.

One is an actress who grew up to marry a prince, lavished with luxuries, amassing a fortune, before her tantrums and antics drove her to depart her newfound royal family for a Canadian billionaire’s manor.

The other was put into foster care when she was only 8, by the age of 13 she was being raped by a Muslim sex grooming gang, and by 15, Victoria Agoglia was already dead of a heroin overdose injected by the 50-year-old Muslim pedophile who had been abusing her. Today, she would have been a woman.

Unlike Meghan Markle, Victoria never got the opportunity to marry a prince or even grow up. And while the media weeps for Markle, who is departing for Canada because of some tabloid tales, the story of Victoria, once again in the news because of the release of an independent report on the sex grooming gangs of Manchester, shows what true social injustice looks like. It’s not bad publicity for a celebrity.

It’s a girl who was abandoned to the worst imaginable abuses because intervening would have been politically incorrect.

The report chronicles how Operation Augusta was launched and then scuttled after her death in 2003, despite identifying 97 suspects and 57 victims. The victims were, “mostly white girls aged between 12 and 16”, and the perpetrators were, “mostly men of ‘Asian heritage’”. By ‘Asian’, the report means “predominantly Pakistani men” though at least one of the perpetrators was apparently Tunisian.

Constable B, the anonymous cop responsible for some of the most revealing quotes in the report, said, “What had a massive input was the offending target group were predominantly Asian males and we were told to try and get other ethnicities.”

Mohammed Yaqoob, the pedophile who had forcibly injected Victoria with heroin and was cleared of manslaughter charges, was not the sort of pedophile the Manchester cops were supposed to find.

A meeting at Greater Manchester Police headquarters “acknowledged that the enquiry was sensitive due to the involvement of Asian men” and worried over “the incitement of racial hatred.” There were concerns about “the damaged relations following Operation Zoological.” Those were the police raids targeting Iraqi refugees involved in an alleged Al Qaeda plot to bomb a soccer stadium in Manchester.

Some in the GMP didn’t see the point to stopping the rape of young girls because of cultural differences.

“There was an educational issue. Asian males didn’t understand that it was wrong, and the girls were not quite there. They were difficult groups to deal with. We can’t enforce our way out of the problem,” Constable B said.

And so they didn’t.

More young girls and women were raped. Some of the perpetrators were later arrested. The full scope of the abuse and the cover-up will never be known. The independent report tells us a little of the horror.

The Muslim sex grooming gangs in South Manchester targeted girls from broken families who were taken to care homes. This was not accident or chance. As the report notes, the “offenders understood that a specific children’s home in Manchester was used as an emergency placement unit for children entering the care system and this maintained a steady supply of victims.” And the Muslim sex groomers made sure to be on hand and ready so that the “children were befriended as soon as they arrived.”

These were some of the same tactics used by Muslim sex grooming gangs in Rotherham, Bradford, Huddersfield, Rochdale, Aylesbury, Oxford, Newcastle, Bristol, and Telford, suggesting some level of coordination between grooming gangs from various cities. Possibly over the internet. It’s an angle that the authorities have shown no interest in following up because of its potentially explosive nature.

Some previous Muslim sex grooming gangs were set up among taxi drivers. This gang, according to the report, was based out of the “Asian restaurant and takeaway trade.” Again, by Asian, they mean Indian, Afghan and Pakistani cuisine, kabobs and curry, not Egg Foo Yung and General Tso’s Chicken. These traditionally Muslim businesses served as coordinating networks for the rape and abuse of children.

The migrant populations that destroyed the English working class, displacing them and taking their jobs, leaving men without purposeful work, wives without husbands, and children with broken homes, then completed the hat trick by drugging, raping, and killing the daughters of the working class. And the authorities shrugged because the girls were the worthless leavings of broken homes and a declining populace, the Mohicans and Incas, the Bushmen and the Picts, ragged remnants of defeated tribes brokenly making way for a new conquest, their daughters subjugated by the arrogant colonizers.

There are brief snapshots of the horror of this New Britain: notes from a lost investigation into lost lives.

“Carers reported to police that a child had provided information stating that she was being pursued/threatened/coerced into having sex by two men who were Asian,” a brief summary mentions. “A child begged her carers to get her away from Manchester as she was too involved with Asian men. She disclosed that an Asian man known by his nickname ‘made her do things she didn't want to do’”.

While girls have been the focus of many of the stories, some of the predators also went after boys.

“Child 14 was a male looked after child who regularly went missing,” the report also notes. There were “references from other young people that he was being prostituted by Asian and gay men.”

Despite its thorough documentation, the report ends in a bureaucratic sea of missing information.

In 2005, senior officers of the Greater Manchester Police and Manchester City Council members attended a meeting at Manchester Town Hall and announced the shutdown of the investigation. The report mentions that, "The review team has requested a copy of the minutes for that meeting but neither GMP nor Manchester City Council was able to provide a copy."

It’s no doubt been logged and filed in the same place as Jeffrey Epstein’s suicide videos.

Constable B’s rough answers tell us certain truths about the cover-up. The investigation of Muslim sex grooming gangs was too likely to offend the wrong people. And the behavior of the Muslim pedophiles, who abused young girls and addicted them to drugs, was attributed to cultural differences.

The nameless Constable B tells us the true scope of the problem. Manchester cops like him know that this is habitual and that it’s taking place on a level vastly beyond the scope of Operation Augusta. It’s not 57 girls or 97 suspects. It’s thousands. “We can’t enforce our way out of the problem,” he said.

That’s what you say about vast social issues that involve entire communities and a way of life.

Muslim sex grooming gangs, like drugs or prostitution, are too widespread to be enforced out of existence because, like college students and pot, the culture doesn’t accept that they are wrong.

The police did nothing because these were not isolated crimes by criminals, but clashes of morals and values between two communities, one of which does not believe that child rape is wrong because its sacred texts tell it that Mohammed married Aisha and consummated his marriage when she was 9.

There are nearly 2 million child marriages in Pakistan. The notion that a woman’s consent to sexual relations matters is an utterly foreign concept in a culture where unaccompanied women are fair game.

The child rapists did not believe that their actions were wrong under Islamic law. And they weren’t.

The Manchester City Council and the GMP just accepted this reality as they have accepted it so often. They buried the minutes, shut down the investigation, and walked away from the screams of the girls.

They did it for multiculturalism, integration, and community relations. They did it for social justice.

We know that no real action was taken because the girls were troubled. They didn’t matter. And their bodies and lives could be sacrificed for the greater good.

The real tragedy is not that the rapists didn’t understand it was wrong. It’s that the UK no longer does.

As the media moans over Meghan Markle, sob stories rolling in of the injustice of tabloid headlines and the prejudice of the Brits, it is worth remembering those nameless girls who were sacrificed to progress.

They were not worked to death in factories. The brand of progress is no longer Dickensian. Instead it’s Markleite. It demands that we look away from the broken bodies in the chimneys of social justice, to bury away these cinderellas of the postmodern age until Blake’s angel comes with his bright key.

The princess of social justice is in. And the cinderellas who never get asked to the ball, who never grow up or meet their prince, who are taken by taxi to drug dens, shot up, abused, and then turned out, are obstacles to the brand of progress that Markle, Stormzy, and the rest of the social justice crowd of the ‘Cool New Britain’ that is quick to stomp on offensive speech and quicker to look away from the horrors of the new golden age of acid attacks, sex grooming gangs, and nail bombs at teen girl concerts, represent. There is no fairy godmother for them. Only little black coffins and filing cabinets.

Bodies are buried in coffins and the truth is buried in filing cabinets, along with the unasked questions

There is a red Mercedes linked to four of the young girls. Who was behind the wheel of the car “used in the procurement of the victims”? Where did it go? Who knows.

Ask the GMP. Ask the lost and the dead.

The notes and minutes are missing. The truth has been buried in little black coffins along with the bodies of young girls like Victoria. England might once have been theirs. Now it belongs to their abusers.


Home Office Bureaucrats Accused of Burying Report on Ethnicity of Grooming Gang Rapists

West Yorkshire Police


7 Feb 20201,211


Home Office bureaucrats have been accused of burying a report on the ethnic background of grooming gang rapists announced in 2018.

The report was commissioned by Sajid Javid — then Home Secretary, now Chancellor of the Exchequer — in 2018, with the Pakistani-heritage Muslim MP saying it made him “feel angry” that such a disproportionate number of grooming gang rapists came from his community, and that they had “disgraced our heritage”.

The Home Office later said the review would remain internal, however, supposedly due to operational sensitivity, and Javid was accused of having essentially shelved it.

Now his successor as Home Secretary, Priti Patel, is reportedly being met with “obfuscation” and “given the run around” by departmental bureaucrats as she attempts to find out what has become of their investigation.

Breitbart London@BreitbartLondon



Police Knew About Rotherham ‘Asian’ Rape Gangs But Ignored Them over Fears of ‘Racial Tensions’: Report 


Rotherham Police Ignored 'Asian' Rape Gangs Fearing 'Racial Tensions'

Rotherham Police ignored decades of abuse carried out by 'Asian' grooming gangs against young girls for fear of sparking "racial tensions".



4:33 AM - Jan 19, 2020

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“I have no idea why, but it has consistently felt like Home Office officials deliberately avoid ministers clear instructions for research when it comes to grooming gangs,” commented Sarah Champion, a Labour MP who has pressed the issue of grooming gangs for some time, and was sacked from Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn’s shadow government for daring to say that “Britain has a problem with British Pakistani men raping and exploiting white girls.”

“The Home Office ministers and the former Home Secretary [Javid] have all stated to me that the department will carry out research into perpetrators of gang-related child sexual exploitation,” Champion said of the current impasse.

“Still we have nothing. It appears civil servants in the Home Office believe if they ignore requests into grooming gang data for long enough, ministers will just move on to a different topic.

“I think they might be shocked by the persistence of Priti Patel on this issue.”

Sources told the Huffington Post that Patel was “not best pleased” with officials in her department, who are seen as “not being completely upfront” about the issue. She is said to be insistent on seeing the results of the report for herself, even if they are not revealed to the public.

Independent research by think tank Quilliam has previously indicated that some 84 per cent of groomers are South Asian origin men.

Breitbart London@BreitbartLondon



A report by think tank Quilliam has found that more than eight out of ten men convicted of grooming gang offences have an 'Asian' background, while victims are "almost exclusively white girls". 


Grooming Gangs: 84 Per Cent Convicted 'Asian', White Girls Seen As 'Fair Game'

A report by think tank Quilliam has found that more than eight out of ten men convicted of grooming gang offences have an 'Asian' background.



6:11 AM - Dec 10, 2017

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“We were promised a review of sorts by the then home secretary and then when it didn’t surface, we were told it was for internal use only,” commented Nazir Afzal, a former Crown prosecutor who led some of the early cases against grooming gang when the authorities were finally forced to act on the scandal.

“Now it seems nobody can find it, he added.

“It’s victims that constantly get let down by the failures of those in authority.”

Afzal wants the report released because, in his view, its absence is being “exploited by the far right”.

Because of his background and work on grooming gang cases, Afzal is often wheeled out by the mainstream media outlets who neglected the issue for years as an authoritative voice ont the subject — but he has previously tried to play down the religious and ethnic dimensions of the large-scale sexual exploitation of overwhelmingly non-Muslim, usually white girls by overwhelmingly Mulsim, usually Pakistani-origin men as non-existent or minimal.

In 2014 he suggested that while the ethnic profile of victims and perpetrators “is what it is”, Asian-origin men were vastly overrepresented in the offender statistics in large part because “Pakistani men, Asian men, [are] disproportionately employed in the night-time economy” — cab drivers, takeaway owners and workers, and so on — and that brings vulnerable seeking “transport” and “food” in contact with the “very small minority” of night-time economy workers inclined towards sexual abuse.

“There is no religious basis for this. These men were not religious,” Afzal insisted — but victims vehemently disagree.

The Independent




'As a Rotherham grooming gang survivor, I want people to know about the religious extremism which motivated my abusers. The men who raped me weren't like paedophiles - they were like terrorists' 


As a Rotherham grooming gang survivor, I want people to know about t…

I’m a Rotherham grooming gang survivor. I call myself a survivor because I’m still alive. I’m part of the UK’s largest ever child sexual abuse investigation. As a teenager, I was taken to various



3:29 AM - Mar 18, 2018

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Video: Activists Say Protecting Girls from Mutilation is Anti-Transgender

The Left’s vicious war on Muslim girls escalates.

March 16, 2020


Subscribe to the Glazov Gang‘s YouTube Channel and follow us on Twitter: @JamieGlazov.

In this new Jamie Glazov Moment, Jamie focuses on Activists Say Protecting Girls from Mutilation is Anti-Transgender, unveiling how the Left’s vicious war on Muslim girls is escalating.

Don’t miss it!

And make sure to watch The Glazov Gang’s 6-Part Series on Islamic Female Genital Mutilation and the Left’s Complicity, below:

Part I: U.S. Judge Condones Female Genital Mutilation — how our horrific surrender to Sharia is accelerating.

Part 2: Islamic Female Genital Mutilation and Denial — The monstrosity that lies behind the “others do it too” mantra.

Part 3: Elizabeth Yore Fights to — 513,000 girls and women are at risk in the U.S. alone.

Part 4: Female Genital Mutilators Flown Into UK — Where is #MeToo? Where are all the leftist feminists?

Part 5: Malaysia: 93% of Muslim Women are Victims of FGM — When will we start protecting Muslim girls?

Part 6: Amazon Supports Female Genital Mutilation? — America’s electronic commerce company descends into the moral sewer.

Subscribe to Jamie Glazov Productions and follow us on Twitter: @JamieGlazov.



France Warns of Rising Islamist Terror Threat Amid Military Coup in Niger

AFP via Getty Images


5 Aug 202311


(AFP) — The coup in Niger will undermine the fight against resurgent terror groups in Africa’s Sahel region, France’s defence minister said this week, accusing the country’s junta of taking “hostage” not just President Mohamed Bazoum but the entire country.

Speaking in an interview with AFP, French Armed Forces Minister Sebastien Lecornu praised the “strong” actions of regional West African group ECOWAS, which has given the junta until Sunday to restore democratic rule or face the threat of military action.

The coup against Bazoum has infuriated France, which has 1,500 troops deployed in the country and was using Niger as a hub for anti-terror operations in the region, after successive coups the last two years in Mali and then Burkina Faso prompted pullouts from those countries.

Paris has made clear it still regards Bazoum, who is currently held as the presidential residence in Niamey, as Niger’s sole legitimate leader.

Lecornu echoed comments by other Western officials and observers that the coup had come at a precarious moment when several terror Islamist terror groups including Boko Haram, Islamic State in the Greater Sahara (ISGS) and Al-Qaeda’s local branch were regaining strength.

“Not only has President Bazoum been taken hostage but also the population of Niger,” Lecornu told AFP in the interview.

“This putsch will weaken the fight against terrorism in the Sahel, where activity by armed terrorist groups is resurging, notably taking advantage of certain failed states like Mali.”

“It’s an error of judgement that goes totally against the interests of the country,” he added.


The French foreign ministry said earlier on Saturday it “firmly” supported the efforts of ECOWAS (the Economic Community of West African States) to reverse the coup and Lecornu said on the eve of the passing of the deadline that the 15-nation bloc was showing its stature.

“More generally, we see that ECOWAS is shouldering its responsibilities in the management of this crisis in Niger, taking strong positions in favour of respect for international law and respect for democratic processes.”

“This is an important milestone that must be welcomed and supported,” he said.

Lecornu said there was no indication of involvement in the coup by Russian mercenary group Wagner, which Western governments say is bolstering the regimes in both Burkina Faso and Mali.

But he warned Niger risked going down the same path as its neighbours.

“Wagner is not behind this coup. But it is possible that, opportunistically, Wagner can seek to help this junta as it tries to establish itself.”

He warned that calling on Wagner would have “catastrophic consequences” for Niger.

“Look at the Malian situation after the departure of the French forces: … 40 percent of Malian territory is out of the control of the Malian state. It is a failure. Many ECOWAS actors are aware of this.”


As debate rages in France over whether the sudden coup on July 26 led by General Abdourahamane Tiani, the head of Niger’s presidential guard, was a major intelligence failure by the French foreign intelligence service, the DGSE, Lecornu said that Paris had been aware that Bazoum’s position was “fragile”.

But he said what may have surprised was that the coup stemmed above all from a “personal dispute”.

People close to Bazoum had told AFP he recently said he wanted to replace Tiani as the head of his guard.

Lecornu, meanwhile, sought to play down the extent of anti-French sentiment in Niger, despite protests outside the French embassy in Niamey which saw signs torn down and windows smashed.

“Some well-known groups carry out information campaigns against us but we must remain calm and look objectively at the facts.”

“Three Russian flags waved in front of the French embassy, daubed with a few slogans, should neither intimidate us nor push us to hasty conclusions, as is happening too easily with some people,” he said.

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Good-bye, Europe (We are not far behind)

By Jared Peterson

This is not just a French story, though the catastrophe is probably most advanced in France because of large numbers and the Muslims’ (correct) perception of unique French weakness and cowardice. The rest of western Europe isn’t far behind France. Nor are we.

Cal Thomas writes at Front Page Magazine:(BELOW)


Islam's Sexual Fantasies of European Women Come True?

By Raymond Ibrahim

It seems that the sexually lurid fantasies of Tarek bin Zayid, a renowned jihadist who spearheaded the conquest of Spain in the eighth century, have finally been fulfilled.

When Tarek and thousands of other North African Muslim marauders first landed on the southernmost tip of Spain in A.D. 711, Tarek sought to further entice the men, who were already lusting after booty and plunder, by citing the women of Spain, who were supposedly waiting to welcome the Muslims with open arms.  They "are awaiting your arrival," Tarek insisted, "reclining on soft couches in the sumptuous palaces of crowned lords and princes." 

These European women were, moreover, "as beautiful as houris," said the jihadist leader.  (In Islam, houris are supernatural sex slaves — "big-bosomed" and "wide-eyed," says the Koran [56:22, 78:33]) — created for the express purpose of pleasuring Allah's favorites in perpetuity.)

Of course, the only things to greet the Muslim invaders were Christian swords.  Eventually, however, the Muslims conquered Spain, and women "as beautiful as houris" they got — but only by force, enslavement, and rape.

After subjugating and utterly plundering Spain of its wealth, in 715, Tarek and his overlord, Musa, traveled to Damascus and offered vast treasures in tribute — including 30,000 Spanish slaves — to Umayyad caliph Al-Walid.  He, according to al-Maqqari the historian, was utterly delighted by "the resources of all the people of Spain ... its riches and the beauty of its young girls."

Thereafter, and because the "Umayyads particularly valued blond or red-haired Franc or Galician women as sexual slaves," writes historian Dario Fernandez-Morera, "al-Andalus [Muslim-controlled Spain] became a center for the trade and distribution of slaves [The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise, p. 159]."  Christian subjects were sometimes even required to make an annual tribute "not of money, or horses, or arms, but of a hundred damsels (all to be distinguished for beauty) to ornament the harems [Spain and Portugal, Mercer, p. 132]."

In all cases, however, Spain's women, far from being found "reclining on soft couches," as Tarek had said, "awaiting" with open arms the North African invaders, were actually taken by force and enslavement — dragged by their hair screaming.

Today, however, it would seem that Tarek's prophecy was not false, but rather premature — finding fulfillment only now.

According to a July 11, 2023 Spanish language report,

The almost 500,000 illegal migrants who are waiting in Libya for their onward journey to Europe are already arriving in droves at the holiday beaches of the Mediterranean. Videos from Italy and now Spain show dinghies reaching the beach and migrants running to the mainland, cheering.

A particularly bizarre scene that is probably unique to the western decline took place in the Cabo de Gata-Nijar Natural Park in southern Spain [which is geographically very near where Tarek and the first Muslims landed in 711]. Another boatload of illegal immigrants [sic] of working age (all men) landed on the beach there over the weekend.

But instead of the police or the military greeting the migrants, they are actually received by topless women and thong bikinis. They even help you out of the boat.

In these scenes, Orientals and Africans must actually think they have landed in the promised land, where milk and honey are flowing and the unbelieving women are willingly waiting for them.

Indeed, the brief video shows a bunch of European women — some topless, all scantily clad if not nearly naked — rushing to greet and help this latest crop of Muslim invaders — the long promised houris!

Not only do such "scenes" confirm to Muslims that they have finally reached the "promised land," where all manner of goods — including beautiful infidel women — await them, but it confirms another ancient Muslim conviction: that European women are "just there for sex," as a group of Muslim refugees once told a German woman before reaching into her blouse and groping her. 

Whatever the motivation of those women on the Spanish beach may have been — perhaps just to help — make no mistake: to the male Muslim mentality, naked and near-naked European women rushing to them is understood in only one way.  In the words of a Muslim cabbie: "All Australian women are sluts and deserve to be raped."  Or, as another Muslim man explained to a British woman as he was raping her, "you white women are good at it."  (For more on this motif, which has influenced Muslim perceptions of European women, past and present, click here.)

At any rate, such are the signs of the times: for centuries, Europe — often spearheaded by Spain, home of the Reconquista — fought off one Muslim invasion after another.  Today, however, even more Muslims are illegally flooding into Europe — many thousands to Spain alone, where they have engaged in countless criminal acts, including rape (examples herehere, and here) — but the only thing to greet them upon arrival is eager-to-help women in the nude.

Who can honestly blame Muslims for their onetime warped, but increasingly confirmed, views of the West?

Raymond Ibrahim, author of Defenders of the West and Sword and Scimitar, is the Distinguished Senior Shillman Fellow at the Gatestone Institute and the Judith Rosen Friedman Fellow at the Middle East Forum.


Image via Raw Pixel.



Biden Admin Condemns Ben Gvir Temple Mount Visit, Saudis Call it ‘Provocation to all Muslims’

But whose rights and ties to the site are irrefutable?

July 31, 2023 by Christine Williams 5 Comments




The Biden administration has again condemned Israeli National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir’s visit to the Temple Mount, while Saudi Arabia called the visit a “provocation to all Muslims around the world.

Back in January, Senator Ted Cruz ripped Biden’s condemnation of an earlier Ben-Gvir visit to the Temple Mount, stating an undeniable and simple truth:

A visit by a minister from Israel’s government to a site inside Israel is not a change in any status quo arrangement, and it should not be controversial for a Jew to visit the holiest site in Judaism.“

Then in May, the Biden administration again “expressed deep misgivings with National Security Minister Itamar Ben Gvir’s ‘provocative’ visit to the Temple Mount,” accusing Ben-Gvir (not the Palestinians) of  “inflammatory rhetoric and politicizing the holy site.”

This time around, on Thursday, Ben Gvir was joined by an “estimated 2,000 Jews, including lawmakers….on the holiday of Tisha b’Av, when Jews worldwide mourn the destruction of the first and second Holy Temples in Jerusalem.”

Going back to when Ben-Gvir first visited the holy site back in January, right after taking up his ministerial post only a week earlier, the Islamic world went into a frenzy, while the United Nations (which is now nearly indistinguishable from the Organization of Islamic Cooperation) held an emergency Security Council session over Ben-Gvir’s visit to Temple Mount. Israel’s UN Ambassador, Gilad Erdan, slammed the session and “argued that Israel had mistakenly agreed to the status quo in 1967 to alleviate the conflict and said the Palestinians were attempting to deny Jewish ties to the site.”

The Biden administration is doing the same as the Palestinians: “denying Jewish ties to the site,” while the Saudi Foreign Ministry has just categorized Ben-Gvir’s most recent “walk-through of the site” as a “flagrant violation of all international norms and agreements” and a “provocation to all Muslims around the world.” The gloves are coming off for “reforming” Saudi Arabia.

Many remain ignorant of Islamic history, which includes the fact that Ottoman South Syrians ultimately were renamed “Palestinians” only in the 1960s. These Muslims from the surrounding region were displaced by the fall of the Ottoman Empire; they continue to advance the lie that they have an ancient historic claim to the land of Palestine.

The holiest Muslim sites are in Mecca and Medina. The Islamic supremacy that is declared over Jews and the Holy Land goes back many centuries, as Morton Klein, President of the Zionist Organization of America, points out:

In the seventh century, the Damascus-based Umayyad rulers built up Jerusalem as a counter-weight and hajj pilgrimage alternative to Mecca, where their political rivals were. This is when the important Muslim shrines, the Dome of the Rock (691 CE) and, later, the Al-Aqsa Mosque (705 CE), were intentionally built on the site of the destroyed biblical Jewish temples –– a time-honored practice to physically signal the predominance of Islam.

The “status quo” agreement was reached after Six-Day War in June 1967, during which Israel reconquered the Old City of Jerusalem. Israel Defense Forces Chief of Staff Moshe Dayan formulated the agreement. Under its terms, “the Muslim Waqf, a Jordanian religious trust, would retain control of the Temple Mount. Jews would be allowed to visit the site without restrictions, though they would not be allowed to pray there. Israel would also take responsibility for security, though its forces would stay off the mount.” But it hasn’t been that simple in the face of Palestinian violence. Aside from praying, Palestinians don’t even want Jews to visit the Temple Mount, which is contrary to the Status Quo Agreement, which should not have been concluded in the first place, given Jewish history and the Jews’ rightful claim to the Holy Land. Although Dayan formulated the agreement in order to pacify hostile Arab forces that were bent on obliterating Israel, his decision does not alter the reality about Jewish rights or about the violent outbreaks on the Temple Mount.

Heedless of the ongoing jihad against the state of Israel and denial of the rights of its citizens to worship on the Temple Mount, the Biden administration has drawn its own line in the sand, as it condemned Ben-Gvir’s visit again, saying it “stands firmly for the preservation of the historic status quo with respect to the holy sites in Jerusalem. Any unilateral action or rhetoric that jeopardizes the status quo is unacceptable.” Reminder: the status quo allows visits, and to be realistic, no rational person would expect that Jews would not pray silently when visiting.

Like the Biden administration, “the Gaza-based Hamas terror group said Ben-Gvir’s visit was a dangerous escalation,” but went further to pledge to “defend the identity of the blessed Al-Aqsa mosque and protect its Islamic and Arab character at all costs.”

Ben Gvir has made the compelling case that “the absence of Jewish visitors on the flashpoint site would mean fewer Israeli police officers stationed there, “which will create fertile ground for massive demonstrations of incitement to murder Jews and even a scenario in which stones will be thrown at Jewish worshippers at the Western Wall.” He added that “when terrorism strikes us, we must hit back with tremendous force, not surrender.”

The Palestinian “resistance” has become a central Democrat issue. Biden’s own ambassador to Israel, Tom Nides, stated: “I spend 60% of my time trying to help the Palestinian people.” To add to the Biden administration’s demonstrable hostility toward Israel, the Squad — Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Jamaal Bowman, and Cori Bush — boycotted Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s recent speech to Congress.

Ben Gvir and supporters of his visit to the Temple Mount are essentially taking back what should never have been surrendered in the first place to appease Muslims.


Christine Williams

Christine Douglass-Williams is Associate Editor of Frontpage, regular writer for Jihad Watch, a nine-time award-winning journalist, past Canadian government appointee to the Canadian Race Relations Foundation and the Office of Religious Freedom; author of "The Challenge of Modernizing Islam" and "Fired by the Canadian Government for Criticizing Islam".

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Pakistan: Potential ISIS Suicide Attack Kills Dozens, Including Five Children, at Islamist Meeting



31 Jul 20230


A suspected suicide bombing killed at least 46 people and injured over 150 at an Islamist political event near the Afghan border in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KP), Pakistan, on Sunday, believed to have been attended by hundreds of people.

The event was a convention for the Islamist political party Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam Pakistan Fazl (JUI-F), an Islamist party local outlets described as “hardline” whose name roughly translates to the “Assembly of Islamic Clerics.” Police told reporters on Monday that, while no individual or group has taken responsibility for the bombing, the prime suspect is the Islamic State’s Afghan offshoot, Khorasan Province (ISIS-K).

Analysts speculated that ISIS-K targeted the JUI-F because it participates in Pakistani elections, is relatively popular in the Afghan border area of Pakistan, and poses a challenge to ISIS-K’s attempts to recruit members.

Political violence is common in Pakistan, which has seen throngs of radical Islamists take the streets for months in defense of ousted Islamist Prime Minister Imran Khan. Khan himself was shot in the leg during a political rally in November.


People carry the coffin of a victim who died in a bomb blast in Bajaur district of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa province on July 31, 2023.(ABDUL MAJEED/AFP via Getty Images)

JUI-F is a regional power currently allied with the government of Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif, the “establishment” leader who replaced Khan after he was removed prior to the end of his term in a no-confidence vote last year.

The Islamic State, however, has not been prominent in the country. Officers indicated that the Taliban takeover in neighboring Afghanistan, the result of American President Joe Biden extending the 20-year war in Afghanistan beyond an agreed-upon end date in 2021, has allowed ISIS-K to expand its footprint in the region. Pakistan also contends with its own Taliban, the Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP), which operates separately from the Afghan Taliban, now formerly identifying as the “Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan.”

The Pakistani newspaper Dawn reported on Monday that authorities had documented 46 people dying from injuries related to what police are now confident was a suicide bombing at the JUI-F convention in the Bajaur district of KP.

Warning – Graphic Image:


“According to eyewitnesses, hundreds of party workers along with local leaders were present at the gathering when the blast occurred,” Dawn narrated. “The bomb went off when a party leader was addressing the convention. JUI-F officials told Dawn that the party’s Khar General Secretary Ziaullah, JUI-F District Press Secretary Mujahid Khan and his son were among the dead.”

Dawn reported that five children were among those confirmed dead in the event.

The Pakistan Express Tribune quoted a local police official who said they had not identified the suicide bomber by name, but believed the man was sitting in the front rows before the stage where JUI-F officials were speaking. Officials believe about ten kilograms (22 pounds) of explosives were used in the attack.

Following Sunday’s initial reports, the Press Trust of India (PTI) quoted local officials has concluding that ISIS-K was the likely culprit behind the attack.

“We are still investigating and gathering information on the Bajaur blast. The Initial probe shows that banned outfit Daesh (ISIS) was involved,” an unnamed police officer reportedly told the Pakistani outlet Geo News. Dawn similarly reported that its police sources believed the Islamic State had orchestrated the attack.


An infographic details where the deadly explosion took place ahead of ruling coalition partner’s public rally in tribal Bajuar district, near Afghan border. (Photo by Omar Zaghloul/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

“There is no question about it,” an unnamed police officer told Dawn about Islamic State involvement in the attack. The newspaper observed that local counter-terrorist officials had documented the presence of ISIS-K jihadists in the Afghan border region as recently as June of this year.

Dawn reported to have had a journalist present at the rally, allowing the newspaper a greater first-hand reporting ability. Eyewitnesses described to the newspaper harrowing scenes as the bomb tore people apart.

“There was utter confusion, with human flesh, limbs, and body parts scattered throughout the area, alongside lifeless bodies,” a victim identified as 24-year-old Sabeehullah, told Dawn. “I found myself lying next to someone who had lost their limbs. The air was filled with the smell of human flesh.”

Sabeehullah reportedly fractured his arm in the attack.

Another witness told the newspaper that he heard shots fired in the chaos, but it was unclear exactly who was shooting and at what. That witness, Rahim Shah, estimated 500 people were in the tightly packed event tent when the bomb went off.


Shehbaz Sharif and Imran Khan both issued statements of condolence following the attack. The head of the JUI-F, Maulana Fazlur Rehman, urged supporters to “stay peaceful and immediately reach the hospital to donate blood for the injured people.”

JUI-F leader Hafiz Hamdullah issued a separate statement on a Geo News broadcast: “I strongly condemn the blast and want to give a message to the people behind it that this is not jihad but terrorism.”

The Pakistani news organization Aaj English cited experts who suggested that ISIS-K targeted JUI-F because it presented an alternative jihadi vision that involves participation in elections and other political activity, rather than the complete overthrow of established governments.

“Just as IS is the rival of the Afghan Taliban in Afghanistan, it is the rival of JUI in Pakistan. Their problem is with the JUI, so they hit it wherever and however they can,” one expert, Rustam Shah Mohmand, posed.

Another expert, journalist Iftikhar Firdous, recalled to Aaj English that JUI-F issued a fatwa against the Islamic State when it first announced a “caliphate” in Afghanistan.

Zabihullah Mujahid, the top spokesman of the Afghan Taliban, issued a statement of condolence to the JUI-F on Sunday.

“The Islamic Emirate condemns the blast that took place at a Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam program in Bajaur, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan,” Mujahid wrote. “The Islamic Emirate expresses its deepest condolences to the bereaved families and prays for Jannah al-Firdous [paradise] for the martyrs and speedy recovery of the injured. Such crimes are not justified or justified in any way.”


The Afghan Taliban has experienced a similar wave of ISIS-K attacks against it since it seized power in Afghanistan two years ago. Islamic State jihadis have been especially prolific in attacking sites owned and frequented by Chinese businessmen, in the country as the Taliban seeks expanded commercial ties to the Communist Party across its northeastern border.

Three months into the Taliban’s rule, in November 2021, the United Nations reported that ISIS-K was present in every Afghan province. In December, the Islamic State took responsibility for the high-profile bombing of a hotel known to cater to Chinese visitors, killing three and injuring 21. ISIS terrorists reject cooperation with China and have in the past called for attacks on the Communist Party on the grounds that it is explicitly atheist.

China is also currently committing genocide against Muslim populations in East Turkistan, a fact the Afghan Taliban ignores.

On the other side of the Afghan-Pakistani border, experts have documented a notable rise in terrorist attacks this year in what has historically been a violent region, described by Dawn as “once a focal point in the global war on terror.”

report released this month by think tank Pakistan Institute for Conflict and Security Studies said the first half of the current year witnessed a steady and alarming rise in terror and suicide attacks, claiming the lives of 389 people across the country,” the newspaper reported.

Follow Frances Martel on Facebook and Twitter.


CAIRing for Child Terrorists

Islamists Wilfredo Amr Ruiz and Omar Suleiman deceivingly label Israel “child murderers.”

July 25, 2023 by Joe Kaufman 4 Comments




Wilfredo Amr Ruiz stands out amongst his fellow Muslims, as a convert to Islam, who was (proudly) born and raised in Puerto Rico. Yet his hatred for the state of Israel is as deep-seated as the most hardened of Islamists. This is exemplified by the radical groups he represents and his own words and actions. This month, Ruiz reposted on his social media a photo of several recently deceased Palestinian youth, while making the claim that Israelis are “child murderers.” In truth, Ruiz’s rhetoric is dubious at best and highly misleading, as many of the children pictured in the post were members of terrorist outfits that target Israeli civilians.

Ruiz is the Communications Director for the Florida chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR), a nationwide group that has foundational and financial ties to Hamas. CAIR was established, in June 1994, under the guidance of global Hamas leader Mousa Abu Marzook, and CAIR was named a party to the funding of Hamas, during two federal trials, in 2007 and 2008. Ruiz’s CAIR-Florida has little distinction from its parent organization. In July 2014, CAIR-Florida co-sponsored a pro-Hamas rally in Downtown Miami, where rally goers repeatedly chanted “We are Hamas,” “Let’s go Hamas,” and “Hamas kicked your ass.”

Via CAIR, Ruiz has volunteered for the US chapter of Islamic Relief, IRUSA. In 2015, IRUSA ex-Chairman, Khaled Lamada, tweeted that it is “absurd” to classify Hamas “as a terrorist organization.” Globally, Islamic Relief has been banned by various nations, including Israel, UAE and Bangladesh. In 1999, it was reported that the group collected and sent over $6 million to Chechen rebels with ties to Al-Qaeda. In 2014, Britain’s HSBC bank cut ties with the main chapter of Islamic Relief, Islamic Relief Worldwide (IRW), over concerns about “terrorist financing.” In 2021, the US cut ties with IRW over charges of antisemitism.

Ruiz is legal advisor for the American Muslim Association of North America (AMANA), a group condemned by the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) for promoting what the ADL called a “venomous” anti-Semitic video featuring white supremacist David Duke. Ruiz founded AMANA’s Puerto Rico and Connecticut chapters and served as Executive Director of AMANA’s sister charity, American Muslims for Emergency and Relief (AMER). The President of AMANA and organizer of the July 2014 pro-Hamas rally, Sofian Zakkout, was thrown off two anti-crime boards for support of Hamas and Holocaust denial. Ruiz refers to Zakkout as his “dear brother.”

Ruiz has served in different capacities with the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), a group with several links to South Asian terror and co-sponsor of the July 2014 pro-Hamas rally. ICNA has spent 30-plus years harboring ex-death squad leader from the 1971 Bangladesh Genocide, Ashrafuzzaman Khan; it has promoted Falah-i-Insaniat Foundation (FIF), a banned front for Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT), the group behind the 2008 Mumbai terror attacks; and it continues to partner with Hamas financier Al-Khidmat Foundation (AKF). Ruiz has worked with ICNA’s social services division, ICNA Relief, and as a rep for its Hispanic outreach division, Porqué Islam?

On July 13th, Ruiz reposted a graphic collage on his Facebook page depicting a number of young people, whom he claims were killed by Israeli forces. The post originally came from Omar Suleiman, a popular figure within the Muslim community, who, in 2014, said that “Zionists are the enemies of God,” prayed for a third intifada (violent Palestinian uprising), and stated that “the beginning of the end of Zionism is here.” In December 2017, Suleiman pled for the destruction of the Jewish homeland, telling a Dallas, Texas crowd, “God willing, we will live to see the liberation of Palestine in our time.”

Regarding the post, both Ruiz and Suleiman attempted to malign Israel with it. Above the post, Ruiz wrote, “#childmurderers.” Below the graphic, Suleiman wrote, “The Palestinian children murdered by Israel this year alone. This is what your tax dollars pay for. This is what your government sanctions. This is what your media doesn’t show you.”

While some of these “children” in the graphic may very well have been innocent and tragically caught in the line of fire (as a result of being ‘human shields’ for terrorists), what Ruiz and Suleiman deceptively do not tell their Facebook viewers is that many of the “children” were terrorists, themselves.

One of the “children” was 16-year-old Noureddin Husam Marshoud, a member of Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ), a terrorist group known for rocket and suicide attacks. The pic used for him on the collage was cropped, not showing the black rifle and military gear he brandished in the original photo. Another was 17-year-old Majdi Yunes Ararawi. A photo of him online has him wearing a PIJ headband and a green tactical vest, while also wielding a rifle. Another was 16-year-old PIJ fighter Mustafa Imad Ali Qassem.

Yet another of the “children” was 17-year-old Hamas operative Ali Hani al-Ghoul. Different photos found online depict him with rifles and Hamas gear. A video of al-Ghoul shows him happily helping to build bombs, as a 15-year-old, in an IED factory. Hamas, like PIJ, is known for rocket and suicide attacks. Both groups are recognized by the US as Foreign Terrorist Organizations (FTO).

At least one of the “children” displayed in the collage, PIJ fighter Abd al-Rahman Hassan Hardan Sa’abneh, may not have even been a child. According to the Palestinian WAFA News Agency, Sa’abneh, who sports facial hair in his photos, was 22-years-old when he was killed.

Wilfredo Ruiz and Omar Suleiman have used the deaths of children in a cynical manner to elicit anger against Israel. This, while deceivingly holding back the important fact that many of these children most probably died as a result of being members of known terrorist organizations that target Israeli civilians with violence.

We must protect the public, by exposing Ruiz and Suleiman’s malicious efforts to spread their false and misleading narrative.

Beila Rabinowitz, Director of Militant Islam Monitor, contributed to this report.


Joe Kaufman

Joe Kaufman is a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, and the Chairman of the Joe Kaufman Security Initiative. He was a 2014, 2016, and 2018 Republican nominee for the U.S. House of Representatives (Florida-CD23).

Reader Interactions

Good-bye, Europe (We are not far behind)

By Jared Peterson

This is not just a French story, though the catastrophe is probably most advanced in France because of large numbers and the Muslims’ (correct) perception of unique French weakness and cowardice. The rest of western Europe isn’t far behind France. Nor are we.

Cal Thomas writes at Front Page Magazine:

 Imagine the U.S. canceling the Fourth of July holiday due to high crime in our cities and you get a sense of what has occurred in France. Cities across France canceled Bastille Day observances July 14 because of rioting that ignited when a police officer shot and killed 17-year-old Nahel Merzouk, a French citizen of Algerian and Moroccan descent, during a traffic stop in Paris on June 27.

News reports said churches were burned to the ground and graffiti was scrawled in red paint on a church in Marseilles declaring: “Mohammed was the last prophet”. Bank branches were ransacked and ATMs opened with chainsaws. Some shouted “death to the police,” “death to France,” “death to the Jews,” and “Hitler was right.” A Holocaust memorial was defaced. Thousands have been arrested.

Kosher food restaurants and shops have been looted and burned during the rampage.

Ayat Oraby, a former Egyptian TV and Muslim Brotherhood affiliate, has contributed her dose of venom to the French riots: “To where is France heading? To hell, God willing!”

Is France now paying a heavy price for admitting so many radical Islamists into the country? As Sorbonne University Professor Bernard Rougier has written: “Since the 1970s, France has welcomed an ever-increasing number of immigrants from the Muslim world. … Only a tiny minority have assimilated into French society. The others live as they lived in their countries of origin.”

Guy Milliere, on his webpage for the Gatestone Institute International Policy Council, recently posted these various quotes on the subject: “Radical imams came from the Muslim world and allege that France is guilty of having colonized their countries, that Muslims should continue to live according to the law of Islam and that, in the imams’ view, France should pay for its crimes. Many politicians have told the newcomers that France is racist and had exploited them.”

Milliere also posted this one: “Criminal gangs formed and began ruling these neighborhoods … French political leaders closed their eyes. Meanwhile, these Muslim neighborhoods have grown and crime from them increased.”


Europe and the West have a death wish. The Left, seeking power and the corporate leaders seeking cheap labor, are well along in their project of destroying us. All aided by touchy feely liberals laden with guilt and blind to the obvious. The voter support for this madness has overwhelmingly comes from women, who are vastly overrepresented in all three groups.

The destruction of western civilization through deliberately promoted mass immigration of unassimilable, low IQ, violent, backward masses is the left/corporate leader/liberal/women’s greatest crime, among many, against their own culture and people.  Possibly the greatest internal crime in the history of all civilizations. High treason driven by the lust for power, wealth and, in the case of the liberals and women, blind pursuit of a misplaced feeling of personal virtue.

Mother Russia looks on in horror. Western civilization’s last redoubt of tradition and the urge to civilizational preservation. After 73 years of alien Bolshevism, whoever would have thought it could have achieved this position?

Photo credit: YouTube screeengrab (cropped)




French riots show the future of Joe Biden’s America

By William Davis

As the U.S. deals with the consequences of mass immigration, important lessons can be learned from our oldest European ally.

Over the past few weeks, France has been engulfed in riots after a 17-year-old boy was shot and killed by a police officer during a traffic stop. The rioting and looting have largely been centered in communities with many migrants from North African and Islamic nations. The rioting has caused more than one billion dollars in property damage, and has led to thousands of arrests. It has also led to a renewed debate in Europe about the costs of mass migration and whether or not those costs are worth it.

It’s not just the U.S. that has experienced an influx of foreign nationals in recent years. France took in a record number of migrants in 2022, both legal and illegal. The European Union resettled nearly one million migrants last year, not including refugees from war-torn Ukraine. The main countries of origin for these refugees were Syria, Afghanistan, Turkey, Venezuela, and Columbia. Just as we’ve seen in the U.S., these large influxes of migrants have had a destabilizing effect on the continent’s cultural, economic, and political life. The carnage occurring in France is the result of long-simmering tensions finally coming to the surface. It’s the results of migrants from third-world, war-torn countries not assimilating into their new country, but bringing the baggage from their old countries with them.

How Obama’s Muslim Childhood Became a Taboo Topic

How Obama’s Muslim Childhood Became a Taboo Topic

Reflections on when a gigantic biographical inconvenience was successfully hidden and denied.


Dissecting Obama

Patriots rot in jail for meandering around the Congress for a couple of hours two years ago while young people are encouraged by their teachers to celebrate Antifa and BLM thugs who have burned houses down. Blacks who love liberty are smeared as “white supremacists” while Muslims who love jihad are depicted as virtuous victims.


Meanwhile. the media essentially buried Obama's relationship with terrorist Bill Ayers, the radical Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and the convicted white-collar criminal Tony Rezko.


North Dakota Muslim Terrorist Planned to Kill Thousands

How one cop with a handgun stopped a heavily armed terrorist’s massacre.

July 21, 2023 by Daniel Greenfield 20 Comments




Mohamad Barakat packed three long guns, four handguns and a vest with magazines in every pocket, as he drove through Fargo, North Dakota. The Downtown Street fair, which claims over 150,000 visitors, was on its second day and 5 minutes away. The Red River Fair, which recorded nearly as many people, was two days away from ending and 15 minutes away.

It’s unknown which of those locations Mohamad might have been headed to use up his 1,800 rounds of ammo and hand grenade, but he never got there.

The Muslim terrorist joined other rubberneckers who stopped to look over the scene of an accident, but unlike them Mohamad was after more than a few pictures to put up on social media. The concentration of police officers and firefighters had proven to be irresistible.

Al Qaeda and ISIS both encourage crowdsourced Muslim terrorists to take out law enforcement officers before hitting civilians. And Muslim terrorists, like the attacker who came after NYPD officers in Times Square with a machete during the New Year’s Eve ball drop, have done that.

Mohamad was packing a whole lot more than a machete. Pretending to be a casual observer, he hung around waiting until police officers were passing nearby and then he opened fire.

The Muslim terrorist raised his rifle and shot through the open car window of his gray sedan, ambushing three Fargo police officers, shooting and killing Officer Jake Wallin, an Afghanistan and Iraq war vet who had recently joined the force, and wounding Officer Andrew Dotas and Officer Tyler Hawes. He also shot and wounded Karlee Koswick: a young woman who had been in the accident. Dotas and Hawes were saved by their flak jackets and by the courageous firefighters on the scene who stayed under cover while Mohamad shot at them, but then rushed to help the wounded officers and kept them alive until they could be brought to a hospital.

And then Mohamad ran into trouble.

While the three officers he had shot had not even gotten a chance to draw a gun, Officer Zach Robinson did not go down and he returned fire. With Mohamad’s .223 caliber rifle pitted against the officer’s 9mm handgun, Officer Robinson still managed to “incapacitate” the Muslim terrorist’s weapon. The Muslim terrorist had burned through most of the 60 rounds in his double stacked mag while the officer had managed to draw his fire, reload and keep him occupied.

Then one of his shots disabled the Muslim terrorist’s rifle from 75 feet away. With his primary weapon gone, Mohamad grabbed a handgun and tried to continue the fight, and was shot dead.

The officer was “the last person standing between this individual, who was obviously pretty dead set on some pretty horrific acts,” Attorney General Drew Wrigley described. He mentioned that it was “a 4 to 5 minute drive to downtown Fargo” where the fair was in full swing.

“It’s clear to me that this person was out to kill,” Fargo Mayor Tim Mahoney said. “When you look at the amount of ammunition this shooter had in his car, he was planning on more mayhem in our community.”

In the week since the July 14 attack took place, authorities have resisted providing any specifics about the Muslim terrorist or his motive. Flag Family Media, a local radio station, had its request for information about Mohamad because it had already all been turned over to the FBI.

Mohamad’s neighbors in the Fargo housing complex claimed that he was quiet and refused to interact with them. “He didn’t want to be around you and of course that made you not want to be around him.”

Why then was Mohamad in America? As previously revealed by a Front Page Magazine investigation, decades of aggressive refugee resettlement has fundamentally changed the face of this quintessentially American city. 8% of Fargo is foreign born and Somalis, Iraqis and other Muslim refugees outnumber Hispanics in the school system. The nearby mega-mosque, blocks from where Mohamad carried out his attack, and Muslim businesses attracts other arrivals.

A previous Muslim terrorist attack in a Minneapolis mall had been carried out by Dahir Adan, a Somali refugee who had initially been resettled in Fargo, and who had roamed the mall shouting, “Allahu Akbar” and asking people if they were Muslim before stabbing them.

Fargo recently elected State Rep. Hamida Dakane, its version of Rep. Ilhan Omar, to the state legislature representing the growing Muslim population in the area. Both Republicans and Democrats in the area and the state have their share of responsibility for this crisis.

A city and a state that no one would have associated with Islamic terrorism in the past has nurtured two Islamic terrorists. Mohamad’s no doubt planned to kill more than one police officer and wound a few others. He had come prepared for an extended firefight and with the two fairs going on in the area might have succeeded in killing hundreds if not thousands.

Gov. Doug Burgum had previously resisted ending refugee resettlement under Trump while claiming that the pipeline of foreign migrants showing up in the state had been vetted and were safe. Concerned North Dakota residents want answers after this latest Islamic terrorist attack.

While Mohamad’s terror attack was stopped in its tracks by his improvisation and the courage of an outgunned police officer, the next time Fargo residents and North Dakotans may not be so lucky.

“We really need a diverse population to be more like a normal American city,” Mayor Tim Mahoney had previously argued. After Fargo’s second Muslim terrorist and first major Muslim terrorist attack, does Mayor Mahoney feel that the city is diverse enough?

How many people have to die so that Fargo will meet its diversity quota?

What was wrong with the descendants of Swedes that they needed to be replaced by Somalis, Iraqis, Sudanese, Bosnians and other “diverse” representatives of an ideology that believes infidels need to be killed at shopping malls and street fairs? How many times must the cry of “Allahu Akbar” rise over bloody bodies until the desire for diversity is finally staunched?


Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

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Andrew Tate’s Betrayal of the West

The social media personality celebrates the Islamization of Britain.

July 21, 2023 by Jason D. Hill 9 Comments




The first time I heard the controversial social media personality Andrew Tate speak on women, Western society, and masculinity, I immediately thought that he was a radical Islamic extremist. A defector from the Taliban, perhaps? Over the next few months I would hear Tate make outlandish remarks such as, “Women should shut the f**k up, have kids, sit at home, be quiet and make coffee.” And more: speaking of women in general, Tate said, “If I have a degree of responsibility over her, then I must have a degree of authority… You can’t be responsible for a dog if it doesn’t obey you.”

So, when we learned on July 18, 2023, that Tate, who last year converted to Islam, was hoping for, and celebrating the fact of the imminent Islamization of Britain, I cannot say that I was surprised.

In response to the news of a Muslim billionaire winning the right to turn the Trocadero, one of London’s most famous landmarks, into a mosque, Tate (Quran in hand in the photo above) expressed his delight. Here is what he had to say on Twitter:

This building is literally dead centre in the middle of London’s historic centre. Amazing news. The only alternative to Islam for the brits are pride flags as they no longer have any innate culture or patriotisim [sic]. Allah is the best of planners and I look forward to seeing The Islamic republic of Great Britistan in her final form. Alhamdulillah Britain will be fully Islamic soon.

Tate has always had a knack for diagnosing many of the legitimate maladies plaguing Western civilization, which explains his appeal to many conservatives. He is also known for delivering what often seem to be out-of-context solutions to some of these maladies. He understands the crisis in masculinity well and has, at times, offered commonsense advice to young men who are without a sense of purpose or direction in their lives.

The problem, though, is that Tate is himself like a directionless policy wonk, where policies are driven by pragmatism and expediency and not by fundamental principles. He is the embodiment of the very problems he decries. He lies, cheats, is a self-admitted philanderer and the unmarried father of what he claims is a “double-digit” number of children. His social media performances are hyperbolic, and he knows when to sound reasonable and when to be sensational. Moral consistency is a trait he has never possessed. It should come as no surprise, therefore, that he is celebrating the further destruction of the West by promulgating the Islamization of Britain. This has always been part of Tate’s strategy: to commit the fallacy of the “either/or,” a type of argument constructed to mandate the necessity of choosing one of only two alternatives. For Tate, masculinity is in crisis: the problem is autonomous women. The solution is total domination of the modern woman. Western civilization is bankrupt in Tate’s view; therefore, the only solution is to embrace a comprehensive and well-integrated worldview that so happens to embrace the subordination of women: Islam.

Tate would never think of re-orienting western civilization with its Judeo-Christian heritage because contemporary Christianity in the West comes affixed with an unassailable gender equality clause that, under the precepts of liberalism which secure the sovereignty, autonomy, and liberty of each person, does not permit human bondage, domination, coercion, and ownership of persons as we find in the primitive world of Islam.

But Tate was never about providing solutions for anyone. He is what I would call a “self-supremacist.” He has said, if somewhat ungrammatically, “My unmatched perspicacity coupled with sheer indefatigably makes me a feared opponent in any realm of human endeavor.” (I think he meant indefatigability.)

Tate fancies himself an Apex predator. He moved to Romania for years because, he has said, he believed the country to be corrupt and lawless—which meant it gave him freedom to be above laws and regulative principles that govern civilized human behaviors.

Now that he has embraced Islamo-fascism, one hopes the world will see him for who he truly is: an amoral, malignant narcissist who will manipulate language and human beings to achieve power over others. One of his infamous quotes is: “I allow manipulation to find out where my enemy wants me to go. Then I use my mind to break the trap and punish the perpetrators.”

He fancies himself a wordsmith who can dazzle, intimidate, and bully his critics into silence —again largely because there is always a modicum of truth in many of his observations. He is a master diagnostician of the utter moral bankruptcy of modern civilization. The problem is, rather than articulate rational antidotes and even genuine moral feelings, if not ethical thoughts, Tate simply adduces himself as the solution to the nihilism out there — both in word and deed.

But his utter contempt for women (one gets the impression that, like most conservative Islamic men, he does not truly enjoy the company of women at all) and his hypocritical moral inoculants against the debaucheries he thinks are annihilating the West, are mere shields. Behind the deceptive facsimile of hyper-masculinity and machismo lies a deeper veneer: a peeling, cracking, fading veneer that reveals a frightened child who fabricates a mythology about the man he thinks he aspires to be. Tate inflates his relevance and existential value by deputizing his late father as the eternal stand-in for himself. He describes his late father as a master chess player, a one-time CIA operative, and a genius. He has stated that he prefers his symbiotic relationship to his twin brother Tristan to any woman. The two are inseparable – preternaturally close for two heterosexual men who, reasonably speaking, should be living independent lives apart from each other.

Tate needs Islamo-fascism and its tightly structured law and rule-based system for the same reason he needed what he thought were the corruption and lawlessness of Romania: both provide him with a milieu in which to exercise his complete dominion over women, deprive them of their autonomy, and promulgate an ideology consonant with the idea that women lack self-governing agency.

Andrew Tate is less a misogynist and more of maniacal reactionary against the crushing power of female sexuality of which he lives in fear. One should not take his defense of the Islamization of Europe too seriously. To listen to Tate for any length of time turns one into a statistician of gutter trivia. His logic is inconsistent, and he operates from the position of pure self-serving expediency. He lacks the training of a raconteur or even the restraint of a self-sustaining sensationalist. Virile, cruel, unfettered and governed by an amoral ferality, he needs at all times to be ensconced in an environment where his unleashed impulses can have free reign and be left unchallenged, as was the case in Romania before his and his brother’s arrests for allegations of rape and human trafficking – charges the Tates deny [1] – or now, in his newly imagined, Islamized Britain where a radical Hamas-like Caliphate will legitimize his primitive metaphysical view of women that belongs more in the 12th century than in the 21st.

Conservatives sympathetic to Tate should now be disabused of their affection for him. He has become a radical Muslim which means that he sanctions the destruction of a continent by extremist and illiberal peoples who largely remain hostile to assimilation and who wish to push their alien and primitive worldviews onto contemporary Europe. By supporting the Caliphate, he supports Sharia law. He gives voice to extremists who hate the West and whose vocational calling, among other things, is the destruction of the West. There are several ways to defeat the nihilism and post-modern ethical relativism of the West. Islamization is not one of them. I do not believe Tate means to shock anyone; nor do I believe this is a sensationalist move. Tate is a master self-preservationist and power luster whose priority is to unleash his primal sensibilities as his expression of unbridled freedom. His defense of Islam as a solution to the problem of the West is hackneyed, old-hat, and unoriginal.

Real men who are in traditional marriages and who lead their household do not disparage women and refer to them as bitches and whores as I’ve heard Tate speak of women in general on several podcasts. Quite the opposite. Real men cherish their wives. They honor them and take pride in the fact that coercion is unnecessary. Their magnanimity and authentic leadership qualities inspire their women to follow their lead. Tate leads by bullying. Real men lead by strength and consistency of moral character and a desire to provide and protect and leave an enduring legacy. What type of legacy and moral example is Tate leaving for the children he boasts of having out of wedlock?

Tate has women issues which, quite possibly, are traceable to his relationship to his mother, whom he rarely speaks about. Conservatives should not be besotted with a self-serving charlatan who uses disoriented young boys as pawns for a proxy war with the world in general. His tortured relationship to his own masculinity and to women are at the core of his neurotic life. When he stated in October of last year in a now-deleted TikTok video that ISIS members were real Muslims, one again could sense the desperation behind Tate’s declaration, as well as the false alternatives. The world is going to hell. ISIS consists of men who are real men because they fight and stand up for what they believe in. So have criminal dictators like Stalin and Hitler.

The real challenge to pose to Tate, though, is this: in all the false equivalencies and either/or fallacies he has committed, why are his solutions always drawn from the lowest common denominator within a human being or their self-created systems? Why roll in the muck, the swill and detritus, and offer that sort of moral ugliness as some stylized version of oneself as alternatives when the West, by its nature, consists of a plethora of real solutions that, if taken up with imagination and creativity, might yet make a difference and a real turnaround in terms of the moral bankruptcy Tate has properly identified? The problem here is that the diagnostician is just as corrupt and bankrupt as the sickness he has identified.


[1] In terms of the “trafficking” charges, Tate’s version is that the charges involve accusations that he allegedly forced several women to give him money that they earned on TikTok, and he asserts that the women involved attest that he did not force or coerce them to do anything. See Tate give his version in his recent interview with Tucker Carlson: HERE. We will continue to carefully observe the facts and revelations of the case as they arise.







Iranian ‘Asylum Seeker’ Jailed After Raping 70-Year-Old Woman, Sexually Assaulting Child

44Greater Manchester Police


21 Jul 2023153


An asylum seeker from Iran has been jailed for raping an elderly woman and sexually assaulting a child just ten months after he arrived in the United Kingdom.

Issa Brayzi-Pour, 22, an Iranian national has been jailed for 13 years by the Minshull Street Crown Court in Manchester, England. The convicted rapist will serve two-thirds of his sentence before being eligible for parole, however, given that the court determined he was a “dangerous” offender”, Brayzi-Pour was given an additional five years on license, the Manchester Evening News reports.

Last summer, just ten months after arriving in the country to seek asylum from Iran, Brayzi-Pour stalked a 70-year-old woman who was walking home from a pub in Farnworth. After refusing to engage the foreign man in conversation, the asylum seeker pushed the pensioner up against a fence just steps away from her home, and raped her before “calmly walking off up the road”.

The court was told that as a result of the rape, the elderly woman had suffered from “significant and severe” psychological issues and “life-changing problems”.

Brayzi-Pour was arrested three days later after police were able to track him down using CCTV footage, with the asylum seeker being easily identifiable due to his “distinctive” clothing, which included a “dark hooded coat and slider sandals”. DNA evidence taken from Brayzi-Pour was confirmed to have matched that found from “intimate swabs” taken from the 70-year-old victim.

The Iranian national was then determined to have sexually assaulted a 13-year-old girl just 12 days earlier in the same town after luring her to an isolated location. With promises of cigarettes, Brayzi-Pour attempted to kiss the girl and asked that she perform oral sex on him and when she refused he tried to pull her into the bushes, the Greater Manchester Police said.

The child said that she has “had her freedom taken away” as a result of the attack.


Prosecutors asserted that the asylum seeker had gone “out trawling the streets at night time looking for vulnerable individuals”. Brayzi-Pour, meanwhile, claimed that the sexual acts with the child and elderly woman were consensual.

The presiding judge in the case, Recorder Andrew McLoughlin, said that Brayzi-Pour’s accounting of the events “bears no relationship whatsoever” to the evidence presented to the court.

“There is no remorse shown by you, because you believe somehow that all these matters took place with the victims’ consent, they clearly did not do so,” the judge said.

Responding to the sentencing, DC Peter Hardy of Bolton CID said: “Firstly, I want to thank the bravery of both of the victims and the strength they have shown to take this prosecution to sentencing. We are happy with today’s result and are pleased that the trauma that Brayzi-Pour put his victims through has been recognised.

“Although no amount of time behind bars can make up for what the victims have been through, I hope that it will allow them to start to rebuild their lives and move on from what must have been a living nightmare. A dangerous individual is now off the streets and cannot pose a risk to any other females.

“As a force, GMP are committed to identifying and locating sex offenders to ensure that they face the full force of the law. If you, or anyone you know has been subjected to a sexual assault, we would urge you to come forward and speak to GMP.”

Follow Kurt Zindulka on Twitter:  or e-mail to:



Bangladesh: Muslims Kidnapping Mostly Minor Hindu Girls

Then celebrate on social media stating: "mission done."

July 20, 2023 by Ashlyn Davis 2 Comments




Instances of Muslims kidnapping Hindu girls, mostly minors, are at an all-time high in Bangladesh, with neither the Bangladeshi government nor international authorities making any attempts to stop this practice.

In the latest news report from the Comilla District of the Muslim-majority country, two men have abducted two Hindu girls from a street near their residence, which is located in the Telikona Sahapara under the Kotowali Model Police Station area. Both the girls are minors and cousins.

As per the complaint, which is dated on the afternoon of July 4, Muhammad Sojib Miyan and Muhammad Shakil, accompanied by others, abducted the victims, identified as Bristi Rani Saha (16) and Laboni Saha (17).

In her written complaint, Brishti’s mother, Sima Rani Saha, alleged that Shakil and his accomplices made a social media post that read “Mission done” after abducting the girls.

She says that despite filing a complaint, police have not been active, and have yet to trace the girls’ whereabouts and recover them. Bangladesh’s mainstream media steered clear of reporting on this case, and it was afforded no space in the international press, either. Barring a few mid-sized news sites in India and a Twitter post by the Hindu organisation Hindu Voice, no prominent media houses reported on this case, resulting in zero awareness about this crime in the home country or outside.

In recent months, there has been an exponential increase in cases of Hindu girls being abducted by Muslims. 13-year-old Aishi Saha was abducted from Barishal in May. After enormous outrage, the girl was recovered from Dhaka, but not before she was converted to Islam. In the present case of the twin abduction as well, the girls’ family suspects that their daughters might have been kidnapped to have them forcefully converted to Islam and then married off to their abductors, in the true Pakistani fashion that some Bangladeshi Muslims have lately been emulating.


How Obama’s Muslim Childhood Became a Taboo Topic

How Obama’s Muslim Childhood Became a Taboo Topic

Reflections on when a gigantic biographical inconvenience was successfully hidden and denied.



Ilhan Omar Says ‘No Way in Hell’ Will She Attend Israeli President’s Speech to Congress

She only likes foreign leaders who support jihad.

July 17, 2023 by Robert Spencer 19 Comments




It is no surprise that Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-Mogadishu), who has been harshly criticized for her Jew-hatred, would disdain to attend Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s speech to Congress, which is scheduled for this Wednesday. When asked if she was going, Omar shot back a peremptory, contemptuous response: “No way in hell. I didn’t even know he was coming.” It’s noteworthy, however, that she doesn’t have the same burning hatred for some of the world’s most notorious aiders and enablers of jihad violence and Sharia oppression of women and religious minorities.

The prospect of Herzog addressing Congress apparently enraged Omar. On Wednesday evening, she took to Twitter to deliver an all-caps rant: “WE SHOULD NOT BE INVITING THE PRESIDENT OF ISRAEL—A GOVERNMENT WHO UNDER ITS CURRENT PRIME MINISTER BARRED THE FIRST TWO MUSLIM WOMEN ELECTED TO CONGRESS FROM VISITING THE COUNTRY—TO GIVE A JOINT ADDRESS TO CONGRESS.” Calming down a bit, she added: “Israeli President Isaac Herzog’s address comes on behalf of the most right wing government in Israel’s history, at a time when the government is openly promising to ‘crush’ Palestinian hopes of statehood—essentially putting a nail in the coffin of peace and a two-state solution.” Omar, of course, did not mention that the Palestinian Arabs have been offered a state numerous times, beginning in 1948, and always rejected the offer, as it was predicated upon accepting the existence of the Jewish state.

It’s no surprise that Omar would be disingenuous regarding Israel and the Palestinian jihad. This is the individual who tweeted back in 2012: “Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.” The one who claimed that support for Israel in the United States was “all about the Benjamins baby,” and charged that the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee paid American politicians to support Israel.

Her rage over the alleged oppressiveness of the Israeli government does not carry over to opposition to actual tyrants. Benjamin Weingarten noted in the New York Post in 2020 that “in fall 2017, Omar, then a state representative, attended a closed meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly. According to a report since deleted from a Somali-language periodical, Omar and the Islamist strongman discussed ‘issues involving Omar’s native Somalia and issues for Somalis in Minnesota. … The meeting ended with Erdogan asking Omar to voice her support for Turkey.’”

Weingarten points out that “a month later, Omar would take to Twitter to praise Turkey for providing airlifts for Somalis injured in a Mogadishu truck bombing.” He asks the questions that no one has ever asked Omar: “Why was this state representative meeting with the leader of an increasingly anti-American regime? With what authority was she negotiating Turkish-Somali relations or any foreign-relations matters?”

In July 2021, as the Taliban was poised to regain power in Afghanistan, Erdogan said that “Turkey has nothing that contradicts their beliefs.” Erdogan has also likened “Islamophobia,” a word that is used to refer both to vigilante attacks against innocent Muslims, which are never justified, and honest analysis of jihad terror, which is necessary, to a deadly virus. For her part, Omar has introduced a bill in Congress that would mandate the establishment of a State Department “Special Envoy for Monitoring and Combating Islamophobia.” This would further erode the freedom of speech at a time when the Biden regime is fighting it with everything it’s got.

In a similar vein, in April 2022, Omar visited Pakistan and made a point of visiting the country’s just-replaced Prime Minister Imran Khan, whose Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf party proudly tweeted: “US Congresswoman Ilhan Omar (@Ilhan) called on @ImranKhanPTI in Bani Gala. They discussed Islamophobia & related issues. Ilhan Omar expressed her admiration for Imran Khan and his work for Muslims globally.” Khan has been criticized for calling for jihad and inciting violence in India.

Ilhan Omar thus seems to have no problem with global leaders who promote and approve of jihad violence. Israel is the singular object of her ire, which in light of the fact that she is a hijab-wearing, Sharia-adherent Muslim, is no surprise. The Islamic holy book, the Qur’an, calls Jews the strongest of all people in enmity toward the Muslims (5:82) and contains an enormous number of other anti-Semitic passages. The Jews are said to fabricate things and falsely ascribe them to Allah (2:79; 3:75, 3:181) and claim that Allah’s power is limited (5:64). They disobey Allah and never observe his commands (5:13). They are portrayed as having a truly demonic desire to destroy people: they hide the truth and mislead people (3:78), wish evil upon people and trying to mislead them (2:109), and feel pain when others are happy or fortunate (3:120). They are under Allah’s curse (9:30), and Muslims should wage war against them and subjugate them under Islamic hegemony (9:29).

No one dares say that all this (and there is much more) is why Omar hates Israel so much. But what would she say, and what could she say, if she were asked what she thought of such passages?


Robert Spencer

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 26 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest books are The Critical Qur’an and The Sumter Gambit. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

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Mohammed Opened Fire on Cops, Firefighters for ‘Unknown Reason’ in North Dakota

“Why would somebody do this? What happened?”

July 17, 2023 by Daniel Greenfield 12 Comments




It’s a mystery.

Motive unclear in shooting that killed 1 Fargo officer, injured 2 – AP

Unknown and unclear motives for horrifying crimes are a real problem. They seem to really tick up when America and Europe decided to import a theology that calls for committing horrifying crimes against infidels.

And so we have a lot of these mysteries and crimes whose motives will never be known, but can probably be attributed to “mental illness” or… look a squirrel.

A gunman opened fire on police and firefighters “for no known reason” as they responded to a traffic crash in North Dakota, killing one officer and wounding two others before another officer killed him, Fargo’s police chief said Saturday.

Chief David Zibolski said officer Jake Wallin, a military veteran, was killed in the shooting Friday afternoon. Two other officers, Andrew Dotas and Tyler Hawes, were wounded. A fourth officer, Zach Robinson, shot and killed the suspect, Zibolski said.

Zibolski identified the suspect as Mohamad Barakat, 37, of Fargo, but provided few details about him or the shooting, citing officials’ desire to protect the investigation. He said he was confident authorities would eventually determine the motive.

“The first thing we always want to know in a situation like this is, ‘Why?’” he said. “Why would somebody do this? What happened?”

The feds are looking over Mohamad’s possessions in an entirely routine event that should not lead to any suspicions.

When WDAY was at the apartment complex overnight Friday into Saturday, the FBI, the U.S. Marshals Service and the bomb squad were investigating the grounds and asked residents to evacuate.

Residents were allowed back in the building around 5 a.m.

Zibolski said having federal agencies involved in these types of incidents is standard procedure.

Nothing to see here folks. The feds and the bomb squad looking over apartments is routine and standard procedure. Nothing to do with terrorism.

One witness to the shooting, Abdraihman Abdullahi, was eating a late lunch at Al Hamdi Restaurant, near 25th Street South and Seventh Avenue, when he heard gunshots.

“Two cars collided and police came and then pow, pow,” he said. “I was super frightened. This wasn’t the first time I’ve heard gunshots. I came from Somalia, but it sure did look like Minneapolis. I’ve never seen this kind of thing in Fargo.”

Fatah Mohamed works at Al Hamdi Restaurant and came out after the shots were fired, he said.

It’s certainly a good thing that we decided that what Fargo was lacking was Somalis.

Just as the workshop was about to begin, a community organizer showed up with seven gentlemen, all recent arrivals to the area. They hailed from Somalia, Sudan, Bhutan, and Iraq. I was surprised to learn that almost 8 percent of Fargo’s population is foreign born, largely refugees settled through Lutheran Social Services of North Dakota, the only federally approved resettlement organization in the state.

In recent years, North Dakota has led the nation in per capita refugee resettlement. Far from the snow-white portrayal in the eponymous Coen brothers’ movie, Fargo is, in fact, a city of many colors.

I’m not sure which has done more damage to America, Al Qaeda or Lutheran Social Services and other refugee resettlers.

Was Mohamad a resettled refugee? Odds are we’ll never hear about it from the media.


Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

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In 2016 pools saw sex attacks on young people and even rapes of very young children, and swimming baths closed after groups of allegedly migrant men masturbated and defecated into pools. A leaked police report that year reported “offences of rape and sexual abuse of children in bathing establishments is significant” and experiencing a “huge increase”, and that the “perpetrators are for the most part immigrants”.


‘Arabs… Chechens’: German Swimming Baths Terrorised by ‘Migration Background’ Men

188Getty Images


15 Jul 20230


Even the heat wave passing over Europe isn’t enough to keep the popular public baths open, as authorities react to a rising tide of violence, allegedly by migrant men, by simply closing the tax-funded facilities down.

Violence at swimming baths, allegedly the work of “macho immigrants”, is once again headline news in Germany, with national newspapers complaining of “Coronavirus lockdown” like scenes with public baths, sometimes expensively recently refurbished at public expense, shut down to avoid violence. Several baths, notably the Columbia baths in Berlin as well as others in that city, and some in other cities including Mannheim and Karlsruhe have been impacted.

Die Welt laments “surrender to a comparatively small group of violent men” with the closures and reports the contents of an “urgent letter” written by employees to their management laying out the issues.


14 July 2023, Berlin: At the closed entrance of the Columbiabad in Neukölln hangs a sign with the inscription “The bath remains closed for operational reasons until further notice!”. Photo by Viola Lopes/picture alliance via Getty Images

The letter, the paper says, claims that violence at the public baths is the work of “mobs” of “young people from Arab families, some of them Chechens”. The assessment appears to concur with the remarks of a top German police officer last summer, who said of those committing pool attacks that year: “most of them with a migration background”.

German news magazine Focus cites the remarks of the chairman of the Federal Association of Master Swimmers (BDS-ev) Peter Harzheim, which represents the nation’s professional lifeguards and pool operators, who said rather than shutting down pools police officers should instead be deployed to keep the peace.

Harzheim articulated the experience of his members on the ground that while the majority of pools nationwide remained safe, and that while all were welcome to swim, everyone should obey the “rules and customs” of Germany. The problems emerged, he said, from the presence of “different cultural classes… including many young men with a migration background” and “macho immigrants”.


As for the victims of this violence, Die Tageszeitung reports that: “employees, women, minorities, especially trans and queer people” take the brunt, with “verbal attacks, bullying, and spitting common”. In one cited example, a “girl’s” bathing top was torn off, and staff attacked.

The claims of the pool employees and the subsequent debate on the matter have sparked some criticism from the left. Local Berlin left-wing, Antifa-affiliated representative Ferat Koçak rejected immigration had anything to do with the violence, insisting it was actually caused by some communities being “left behind” in society, and “too little investment in education and youth work, unemployment”.

Present plans under discussion to combat the violence in the German government include compulsory photographic identification for swimmers with enforceable bans for bad behaviour, and establishing a temporary police station at swimming baths, Welt reports.

While the violence in public pools is resurgent this summer, it is by no means a new phenomenon in Germany and received widespread attention during the Europe migrant crisis of the last decade. As far back as 2013, leaflets were issued in Arabic, Pashto, and Somali at German baths instructing bathers now to grope women at the pool.


In 2016 pools saw sex attacks on young people and even rapes of very young children, and swimming baths closed after groups of allegedly migrant men masturbated and defecated into pools. A leaked police report that year reported “offences of rape and sexual abuse of children in bathing establishments is significant” and experiencing a “huge increase”, and that the “perpetrators are for the most part immigrants”.

Attacks continued in the following years, with young children often the victim. In 2019, a German feminist magazine broke the taboo on talking about migrant crime in Germany and reported: “Women are massively harassed by migrants. Swimming champions are abused. In addition, there is a high degree of violence and the lack of any respect! An outdoor swimming pool should be a place of recreation and not a place of horror!”.

The culture clash described presents a problem for Germany’s progressive credentials, with it trying to push the equality envelope this year with a senate ruling that topless bathing should be available to all. The ruling found that because men are permitted to swim wearing just trunks, the same privilege should be afforded to women and “non-binary” people too.



The Democrats are now officially the party of Jew-hatred. This is largely due to the disastrous presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. PAMELA GELLER

Abunimah’s piece -- and Obama’s numerous anti-Semitic associations -- got little attention. Throughout his life Barack Obama has been close friends with numerous virulent anti-Semites: Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Khalid al-Mansour, Rashid Khalidi and others.  PAMELA GELLER 


 “Of course, one of the main reasons the nation is now “divided, resentful and angry” is because race-baiting, Islamist, class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was president for eight long years." MATTHEW VADUM

He oversaw a historic power slide away from America to China, Russia, and the Islamic terrorists of the world laboring to build their caliphates.”

Glazov’s book includes several contributions on Islam and the Middle East. Highlighting Obama’s hideous 2012 statement at the UN criticizing “those who slander the prophet of Islam,” counterintelligence expert Stephen C. Coughlin recounts the Obama Administration’s purging of counterterrorism pros (largely in response to pressure from terrorist-linked CAIR) and reports that Muslims at DHS, founded to combat Islamic terrorism, shifted its focus 180º to target “Islamophobes” -- that is, American patriots who dare to worry about terrorism. In other essays, former Knesset member Dov Lipman corrects “historical inaccuracies” about Israel in Obama’s memoir A Promised Land, and Greenfield and Clare M. Lopez supply cogent takes on Obama’s treachery toward I


Dissecting Obama

Patriots rot in jail for meandering around the Congress for a couple of hours two years ago while young people are encouraged by their teachers to celebrate Antifa and BLM thugs who have burned houses down. Blacks who love liberty are smeared as “white supremacists” while Muslims who love jihad are depicted as virtuous victims.


Meanwhile. the media essentially buried Obama's relationship with terrorist Bill Ayers, the radical Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and the convicted white-collar criminal Tony Rezko.


How Obama’s Muslim Childhood Became a Taboo Topic

How Obama’s Muslim Childhood Became a Taboo Topic

Reflections on when a gigantic biographical inconvenience was successfully hidden and denied.

June 23, 2023 by Daniel Pipes 43 Comments




[Order Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

Americans have an abiding fascination with their presidents, especially with their foibles and secrets. Who lied? Who ordered illegal operations? Who had mistresses?

Thus was the country transfixed by Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, and the tawdry drip-drip of their liaison. When newly declassified documents revealed hitherto unknown CIA connections to Lee Harvey Oswald, this made a media splash, with Tucker Carlson asking: “Did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy?”

But that fascination dies when it comes to Barack Obama, the Left’s quasi-sacred figure. About him, no curiosity, please, no gossip, and no hint of impropriety. When he falsely claimed in 1991 to have been born in Kenya, and not in Hawaii, blame fell on a sloppy literary agent. When Stanley Kurtz proved that Obama lied about not being a member of Chicago’s socialist New Party and a candidate for it, the Obama P.R. machine smeared Kurtz and the story disappeared.

When clear evidence showed that Obama had lied about having been born and raised a Muslim, the researcher who made the case was reviled, his investigation scorned, and his argument vaporized.

I should know, as I was that researcher. I wrote five times on this topic in 2007-08, during Obama’s first presidential campaign (three of those times in and then aggregated all this information, plus new details, in a long and (so far) definitive September 2012 article, “Obama’s Muslim Childhood,” serialized in the Washington Times.

All those writings emphasized that Obama was now a Christian. The first one began with:

“If I were a Muslim I would let you know,” Barack Obama has said, and I believe him. In fact, he is a practicing Christian, a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ. He is not now a Muslim. But was he ever a Muslim or seen by others as a Muslim?

I answered in the affirmative and showed how contradictory evidence concerning Obama’s religious background – from Obama’s father and name, from years in Indonesia, from his family, and most of all from himself – conclusively points to his being born and raised a Muslim.

Throughout, I emphasized not the Islam issue but the character issue; if Obama lies about something so fundamental, how can he be trusted? His other lies, such as Kenyan birth and socialist party non-membership, confirm this problem.

Responses came fast and hard. Ben Rhodes’ “echo chamber” nearly fainted at the impudence of my lèse majesté. Like Kurtz, I was slandered without the facts I presented ever addressed. Here’s a small sampling of the deluge:

· Ben Smith in Politico derided my analysis as “the template for a faux-legitimate assault on Obama’s religion.”

· The Spectator called mine the “the worst article on the presidential election” and also deemed it “mad” and “despicable.”

· Martin Peretz in the New Republic said I had “simply gone bonkers … and malicious.”

· Vice ran an article “Would You Care If Obama Were Muslim?” that responded to my carefully-crafted argument with “BLARGHA BLARGHA BLARGH REPEAL OBAMA BIN HUSSEIN’S GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER OF OUR JOBS.”

The Atlantic published no less than three attacks on the article and me. Mark Ambinder rued “the false notion that Obama is or was ever Muslim.” Andrew Sullivan dismissed my work as “toxins.” Matthew Yglesias ridiculed my saying that I believe Obama is not now a Muslim with “I, for one, believe Daniel Pipes when he says he’s not a child molester.”

And so it went, howling with outrage at the very thought of Obama as a Muslim, mocking and taunting me with ad hominem attacks, speculating about my motives. So relentless was the onslaught, even the conservative press overwhelmingly shied away from the topic. The McCain and Romney campaigns both treated the topic like Kryptonite. The issue of Obama’s lies had no impact on either presidential campaign, both of which – of course – Obama won.

I expect that, at some future time when Barack Obama loses his sacral quality, historians will take great interest in his childhood religious affiliation. They will wonder how, in the information-heavy, politically-riven, and celebrity-mad culture of early twenty-first century United States, so gigantic a biographical inconvenience could be successfully hidden and rendered taboo. They will study how, in a modern democratic society, a determined candidate can suppress even the most important and relevant information.

I look forward to the vindication.

Mr. Pipes ( is president of the Middle East Forum. © 2023 by Daniel Pipes. All rights reserved.

‘Savagery is Back’ in France as Macron’s Pledge to Restore Order by Bastille Day Goes Down in Flames

42LOIC VENANCE/AFP via Getty Images


14 Jul 20230


Exactly 234 years ago today, 954 merchants, artisans, and other members of the “Third Estate” stormed and seized control of a prison in the centre of Paris, the Bastille. The prison, which also functioned as an armoury and fortress, served in 1789 as a major symbol of power for the Ancien Régime and the Monarchy before it came crashing down.

Upon first hearing of the Storming of the Bastille, King Louis XVI asked simply: “Is it a revolt?”

“No sire,” replied the Duc de La Rochefoucauld. “It’s not a revolt, it’s a Revolution.”

Less than four years later King Louis and his wife Marie Antionette had their heads cut off by radicals with Madame La Guillotine in the Place de la Révolution, precipitating one of the most notorious and bloody series of political purges in history known as the Reign of Terror.

Jupiter Descending


Paris, March 7, 2023 (Photo by Samuel Boivin/NurPhoto via Getty Images)

The Divine Right of Kings may have died with the revolution in France, yet visions of grandeur are most certainly still alive and well among the political elites of the country. Ascending to the Élysée Palace in 2017, President Emmanuel Macron expressed his intentions to embody a “Jupitarian” ideal. “A remote, dignified figure, like the Roman god of gods, who weighs his rare pronouncements carefully,” the ex-Rothschild banker declared at the time.

Perhaps Macron’s most significant pronouncement to date was a pledge he made to the French public in April, vowing that within 100 days he would restore faith in his government and bring order to the streets. The promise came amid months of fiery protests and riots that erupted in response to a rise in the pension age imposed upon the country without a vote in the National Assembly. The undemocratic move was widely seen as a slap in the face of the working class — which in revolutionary France would have been known as the Third Estate — who were already suffering under a cost of living crisis and rampant inflation after years of lockdowns that enriched the elites while impoverishing the rest of the country.

Ultimately, the union-led protests did subside. However, as one fire was put out an even larger one was lit after a 17-year-old Algerian-heritage teenager, Nahel Merzouk, was shot and killed by a police officer after fleeing from a traffic stop in the multicultural outskirts of Paris on June 27th.


The killing quickly reverberated throughout migrant communities and sparked some of the most destructive riots in memory, with over 1,000 buildings set on fire, 5,600 vehicles destroyed, and over 3,300 people arrested in just a six-day period and dashing any hopes of Macron being able to fulfil his 100-day pledge, the end of which happens to fall on Bastille Day or “La Fête Nationale” as the national holiday is known in France. 

Speaking to Breitbart London, Rassemblement National (National Rally) Member of European Parliament, Patricia Chagnon-Clevers said: “Not only did Macron not succeed in restoring order and trust, under his watch, France experienced the worst ever riots.

“The whole world has witnessed rioting, looting, and violence by hordes of young people, mainly from immigrant families, with a savagery that was thought to have disappeared from the European continent.”

“After days of looting, order was finally restored, not by Macron, but by the drug cartels whose business was suffering from the civil war-like situation,” the MEP said.


The vast majority of the French people also believe that the president failed to fulfil his 100-day pledge, with 78 per cent of those polled in a survey from Odoxa-Backbone Consulting conducted for the Le Figaro newspaper saying they did not believe Macron followed through on his promises.

While the globalist president had vowed to address the nation at the end of the 100-day period to give an update on his government’s progress, he chose not to give a speech on Bastille Day, saying on Wednesday: “I said that I will make a point around July 14, I reassure you, I will make a point around July 14. But I gave you neither the date nor the form, and I will give them in due time.”

In addition to Macron hiding away from the traditional duty of delivering a speech on the national holiday, towns across France — many still dealing with the aftermath and damage of the riots — have cancelled celebrations to honour the flashpoint of the Revolution. “We don’t really feel like having a party,” said Montargis Mayor Benoît Digeon, “We’re still getting the town back on its feet.”

The federal government, under the assumption that unrest will once again break out around Bastille Day, also enacted a ban on the sale of fireworks to citizens, given that they are often used as projectile weapons by rioters.

In preparation for a return of “urban violence”, the state also mobilised an “exceptional deployment” of 130,000 police officers, gendarmes and firefighters for the 14th, with some 45,000 police to be specifically deployed at night to combat rioters.

Colour Blind


Bordeaux, June 29, 2023 (Phillipe Lopez/AFP via Getty Images)

France, uniquely among most Western nations, adopted an official policy of “colour blindness” following the horrors of the Second World War. The policy means that, unlike countries that try to rectify the sins of the past with “race-conscious” programmes such as Affirmative Action in the United States, France does no such thing. It also means, however, that under the guise of ‘French Universalism’ the government does not consider race or immigration background on the census.

This has enabled establishment political figures to try to downplay the role that ethnicity and mass migration played in the riots that followed the death of the teenager, who hailed from the former French colony of Algeria. Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin risibly claimed that there were many “Kevins and Mattéos” among the arrested rioters. Former President François Hollande, meanwhile, tried to blame the racially inspired riots on the impacts of coronavirus lockdowns.

The French public was not convinced, however, with a survey finding that 59 per cent believe that the riots were “the consequence of the failures of our migration policy”. Even more, 71 per cent, said that immigration should be reduced in the wake of the violence.


French MEP Patricia Chagnon-Clevers told Breitbart: “France has been put to the sword by thugs who no longer confine themselves to imposing their laws in their neighbourhoods, but who come in hordes to attack OUR police, our prisons, and to loot and burn at the very heart of our cities. Even in the heart of Paris.

“The French now know that savagery is back in our country.”

“In reality,” she added, “the state has long since ceased to exist in many parts of our country, which has been infected by mass immigration, where women wear veils and radical imams preach hatred of the West, where gangs thrive on drug trafficking and young kids earn hundreds of euros a week working for drug gangs and where successive governments over the past 40 years have allowed a counter-society to take root, one that is half-religious and half-criminal.”

The National Rally politician, who was elected to the European Parliament last year, said that to restore law and order in all of the regions of France, a multipronged approach is necessary, but that “first and foremost” the government needs to “halt all immigration” to the country.

Under Siege


The siege of the Bastille. Coloured engraving. (Getty Images)

As was the case for the governor of the Bastille prison 234 years ago, the Macron government is — at least metaphorically — under siege. The fate of the prison governor, Bernard René Jourdan de Launay, was to be dragged from his post, stabbed with the knives, swords, and bayonets of the revolutionaries before having his decapitated head put up on a spike, paraded through the streets of Paris and thrown into the River Seine.

While such violence against the political class is hopefully not on the cards, it nevertheless remains to be seen what the fates have in store for Macron and his struggling government. Government mismanagement has resulted in soaring state debt and rampant inflation that has only exacerbated the divide between the Third Estate and the wealthy elites like the president himself.

The political turmoil in France has become so dire during the Macron ‘Jupitarean’ presidency that two-thirds of the public is now in favour of another ‘revolution’ and the formation of a new Republic.


At just 65 years old, the Fifth Republic is the second-longest democratic government to reign over France since the overthrow of the Bourbon Monarchy of King Louis XVI in 1792. Now, some 67 per cent of the public say that they would be in favour of ushering in a new Sixth Republic based upon a system of proportional representation that would likely benefit populist parties such as the National Rally of Marine Le Pen and the hard left over globalist centrist figures such as Macron.

Sensing the revolutionary fervour that is once again brewing in his country, President Macron has sought to adopt the tactics of tyrants, pushing for the government to be empowered to “cut off” social media networks during periods of unrest. This has led to widespread condemnation, with some political figures comparing the president to communist dictators in China and North Korea.

Perhaps the president should mark the lessons of history, listen to the calls of the people to reduce inequality and mass immigration, and heed the warnings of the verses of the national anthem, La Marseillaise, as it is sung throughout France, celebrating the fall of the Bastille.

Tremble, tyrants and you traitors, the shame of all parties,
Tremble! Your parricidal schemes
Will finally receive their prize!
Everyone is a soldier to combat you,
If they fall, our young heroes,
Will be produced anew from the ground,
Ready to fight against you!

Follow Kurt Zindulka on Twitter:  or e-mail to:


French riots show the future of Joe Biden’s America

By William Davis

As the U.S. deals with the consequences of mass immigration, important lessons can be learned from our oldest European ally.

Over the past few weeks, France has been engulfed in riots after a 17-year-old boy was shot and killed by a police officer during a traffic stop. The rioting and looting have largely been centered in communities with many migrants from North African and Islamic nations. The rioting has caused more than one billion dollars in property damage, and has led to thousands of arrests. It has also led to a renewed debate in Europe about the costs of mass migration and whether or not those costs are worth it.

It’s not just the U.S. that has experienced an influx of foreign nationals in recent years. France took in a record number of migrants in 2022, both legal and illegal. The European Union resettled nearly one million migrants last year, not including refugees from war-torn Ukraine. The main countries of origin for these refugees were Syria, Afghanistan, Turkey, Venezuela, and Columbia. Just as we’ve seen in the U.S., these large influxes of migrants have had a destabilizing effect on the continent’s cultural, economic, and political life. The carnage occurring in France is the result of long-simmering tensions finally coming to the surface. It’s the results of migrants from third-world, war-torn countries not assimilating into their new country, but bringing the baggage from their old countries with them.

During the France riots, a group of North African migrants could be seen chanting “f*ck France,” and “We’re just here for the welfare!” The crassness of these migrants certainly isn’t representative of everybody seeking to come from the third world to prosperous western nations, but it is indicative of a larger problem with mass immigration. Many of these foreign nationals come from countries where violence and chaos has been normalized, and the importation of migrants from these types of countries can also serve to normalize the same type of disorder in their new countries. This is why what’s happening in France should serve as a warning sign for Americans.

More than five million illegal aliens have crossed the U.S.-Mexico border since Joe Biden took office, according to a study from the Federation for American Immigration Reform. With some exceptions, these migrants tend to be low-skilled, poor, and come from countries where violence is normal and women and certain minorities are degraded. By importing millions of foreign nationals who come from countries with cultures and values that are diametrically opposed to ours, American leaders are setting the stage for exactly the kind of strife and turmoil that is occurring in France.

Other nations in Europe that have taken in fewer migrants are not experiencing the same disorder and breakdown in national cohesion that France is currently experiencing. Take Poland, for example, which has much stricter immigration controls and far more national self-respect than most European countries, and as a result has largely remained peaceful and united. Poland Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki used the French riots to present a stark dichotomy between the two nations.

“Compare these two images. Today’s suburbs of Paris: massive riots, looting of shops, broken windows, burning cars. Then quiet Polish cities, quiet Polish villages. Poland opted for peace,” Morawiecki said.

While the Polish prime minister was remarking on the riots in France, his comments should also resonate with Americans worried about the future of their nation. If U.S. leaders do not begin tending to our borders and our sovereignty with more care, what’s happening in France will soon happen in America as well. It’s only a matter of time.

Benjamin Franklin once described the U.S. as “a republic, if you can keep it.” Our immigration policy will ultimately decide whether we’re able to keep our republic, or if we become another once-great nation that self-destructed.

William J. Davis is a communications associate for the Immigration Reform Law Institute, a public interest law firm working to defend the rights and interests of the American people from the negative effects of mass migration.


Image: Pixabay

Examining the Dangerous Targeting of Amy Mek by a Muslim GOP Candidate

Weaponizing accusations.

July 13, 2023 by RAIR FOUNDATION 11 Comments




Accusing Amy Mek of Islamophobia, Shukri Abdullahi Abdirahman brandishes a dangerous weapon that threatens her safety and aims to stifle free speech.

In a startling turn of events, former GOP candidate Shukri Abdullahi Abdirahman has launched a scathing attack on Amy Mek, the founder of RAIR Foundation USA, with potential life-threatening implications. This deliberate assault highlights the grave dangers of weaponizing accusations and threats within the political landscape, leaving Amy Mek and her organization at risk.

The incident began when Amy Mek shared a video featuring a French imam’s statements on the conquest of France through jihad. Responding to the tweet, Elon Musk made a statement that seemingly endorsed the imam’s views, sparking controversy. However, the subsequent actions of the GOP candidate escalated the situation to a dangerous level.


Amy Mek expressed gratitude to Musk for bringing attention to her work. It is important to note that Amy’s Twitter account has faced censorship from the German and French governments since 2017, adding further context to the situation.


Shukri Abdullahi Abdirahman’s Dangerous Criticism

However, this exchange did not go without criticism from an Islamic supremacist. Shukri Abdullahi Abdirahman, a former controversial Republican House candidate who vied for the party nomination in Minnesota’s 5th District, took issue with Musk’s comment on one of Amy’s tweets. Accusing her of Islamophobia, Shukri, a sharia-adherent Somali migrant, unleashed a torrent of incendiary and potentially harmful accusations. With what appears to be a deliberate intent to fuel anger, she potentially incited her more fanatical followers to consider enacting a Sharia punishment on Amy Mek.


The Dangerous Power of Accusations

The concept of freedom of speech has long served as a safeguard against tyrannical authority, allowing individuals to question and criticize both religious and political institutions. Throughout history, from Galileo challenging the cosmology of the Church to modern-day debates, the right to critique has played a crucial role in maintaining a balance of power, especially in the face of religious and political authorities that often seek to exert control. However, a relatively new term, “Islamophobia,” has emerged, rooted in neo-Marxist ideology, which aims to stifle religious criticism and ultimately curtail dissent against political authority and its policies.

In today’s world, the accusation of Islamophobia carries deeply alarming significance, especially when made by an accuser with standing in the Islamic community. It has become a potential death sentence as more and more individuals across the Western world live under constant threats of violence or have already paid the ultimate price for daring to express critical views about Islam. Journalists, politicians, authors, artists, cartoonists, and teachers all face the specter of death or live under police protection due to the dangers associated with speaking out against how Islam demands itself to be represented. The weight of these accusations can be immense and often is tantamount to pointing a loaded gun at the accused.

Accusing someone of Islamophobia has become a powerful weapon capable of inciting violence and even murder. The term holds immense sway, igniting anger, intimidation, and physical harm. It also provides justification for any fanatic seeking personal gain by “defending the faith.” An accusation of Islamophobia is akin to a “Wanted dead or alive” poster from the Old West, inviting anyone to seek retribution for material or spiritual rewards.

It is crucial to note that in countries such as Pakistan, from which many migrants in the West originate, accusations of blasphemy can lead to brutal public executions without fair trials. This culture of vigilantism, deeply rooted in religious beliefs, has extended its influence into Western societies, further exacerbating the risks associated with accusations of Islamophobia. These risks should not be underestimated, as they have the potential to destroy lives and tear communities apart.

Manipulation by Political Figures

The danger intensifies when political figures, candidates, or activist journalists exploit the accusation of Islamophobia for their own agendas. By labeling individuals as Islamophobes, these figures knowingly manipulate public sentiment, fueling anger and inciting a mentality of seeking retribution against the accused. This becomes particularly troubling when the accuser is a self-proclaimed Sharia-adherent GOP candidate. The consequences of such actions cannot be understated, as they directly threaten the lives and well-being of those targeted.

Living Under Constant Threat

Those accused of Islamophobia must live in constant fear, often requiring police protection and altering their daily routines to ensure their safety. They face the grim reality of death threats, forced anonymity, and the loss of their freedom to openly express their opinions. Their lives are characterized by the need to constantly watch their backs, anticipating potential attacks or acts of violence by extremists who perceive any criticism of Islam as an affront to their beliefs and a threat to Islamic primacy. The toll on their mental and emotional well-being is immeasurable as they navigate a world filled with uncertainty and the constant threat of harm.

The Tragic Losses and the Role of Migration

Countless lives have been tragically lost due to accusations of Islamophobia. From Lars Vilks, the Swedish cartoonist who perished in a car accident alongside his police guards, to the targeted killings of Charlie Hebdo staff and the attempted assassination of Salman Rushdie, the repercussions of these accusations are devastating. Writers, journalists, activists, poets, clergy, secular thinkerscartoonists, teachersstudents, politicians, and artists who dared to challenge the boundaries imposed by Islamic supremacists have paid the ultimate price. Their deaths serve as a haunting reminder of the dangers faced by those who refuse to be silenced. It is crucial to acknowledge that migration from countries where accusations of blasphemy carry severe consequences plays a role in importing the cultural dynamics that perpetuate violence and intolerance.

India: Multiple Cases of Muslim Men Gang-Raping Hindu Women and Minor Girls

And the media remains indifferent.

July 13, 2023 by Ashlyn Davis 4 Comments




Though the widespread and largely misleading notion is that the BJP government of India is anti-Hindu and the Muslims live under the threat of Hindutva fascism in Indian states governed by the political party, such claims couldn’t be farther from truth. Regardless of the false claims of the Islamic intelligentsia that promulgates the farce of Muslim victimhood, all too many Muslim men in India target Hindus at every possible opportunity. The victims of this Islamic barbarity are mostly helpless Hindu girls; even BJP in power is failing to protect them from Muslim men.

One incident took place on May 10 but gained widespread attention only this week. A homeless and needy orphan Hindu girl from the marginalized dalit community was gang-raped by Mohammed Anees Raeen and Mohammed Shamim Qureshi in Uttar Pradesh’s Fahetpur district. The two men took advantage of her plight and lured her with promises that they would help her get a house under the Prime Minister’s housing scheme for people in poverty, which is known as the PM Awas Yojana. They offered to arrange a meeting for her with the government officials and invited her to sit in their car. The two then reached a secluded place, gang-raped the girl, and video-recorded the incident. When the victim begged for water, they urinated in her mouth and warned her against mentioning this incident to anyone, or they would kill her. They also blackmailed her with the video they had recorded.

The girl refused to cower and approached the local police station to complain about the rapists. It’s interesting that despite Uttar Pradesh’s administration being notorious for being “anti-Muslim,” the police refused to lodge a FIR against the two Muslim men. The victim then reached out to the courts, and the judge ordered the police to register her case under various sections of the Indian Penal Code: 376-D (gang-rape), 354-C (recording private images), 506 (criminal intimidation) and under the Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribe (Prevention of Atrocities) Act (popularly known as the SC-ST Act) against Mohammed Anees Raeen, Mohammed Shamim Qureshi and two others. However, local news reports suggest that the accused were not arrested until July 1.

In another gruesome case of sexual violence on Hindu girls by Muslim youth, Assam police arrested Jabir Ahmed Barbhuiya and Ansar Uddin Mazumdar in connection with the abduction and molestation of two 14-year-olds. Some other individuals named as accused, including Jubair Ahmed Talukdar, are still absconding. The accused had kidnapped the minors on Tuesday, July 4 and gang-raped them in the Roskandi tea garden of the Barnee Breese area. Workers at the tea garden found them in critical condition and took them to hospital. While one of the victims has succumbed to injuries, the other is still under treatment at Silchar Medical College and Hospital.

The Indian media has masterfully suppressed these horrific cases. Only a few local and insignificant news sites have carried them; popular news outlets and journalists only spared a corner space for these incidents.

One can imagine the magnitude of the outrage and the lavish coverage had the victims been Muslim girls; this would have been the case even if Muslim girls had simply been teased by Hindu men in India. The propaganda of how Muslims are being targeted in the country would have spread across continents, with rallies and protest marches staged in the streets of the UK and Canada.

However, as the victims in the above cases are Hindus and their perpetrators are Muslims, for the love of dear secularism, the media and prominent feminists agreed to shove these matters under the rug.

Reader Interactions


India: Police Arrest al Qaeda-Linked Operatives Seeking Muslim Recruits

Islamists gain ground in India’s most populous state.

July 12, 2023 by Vijeta Uniyal Leave a Comment




The police in the northern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh have arrested two terror suspects linked to Ansar Ghazwat-ul-Hind, an al Qaeda-affiliated jihad outfit, local media reports say.

One of the arrested suspects — appropriately named “Saddam,” wanted to recruit Muslims “who feel that they have been tortured in India, he wanted to implement Sharia law on them so that India can be turned into an Islamic nation,” New Delhi-based India TV reported July 4.

His accomplice, a native of Kashmir, wanted to avenge the killing of a commander belonging to the Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist group who was eliminated by the Indian military five years ago, media reports suggest.

The terrorist group Ansar Ghazwat-ul-Hind, which draws inspiration from Mohammad’s Hadith, or sayings that prophesy a coming Muslim conquest of Hindu-majority India though jihad warfare, is affiliated to al Qaeda groups that are based in Taliban-ruled Afghanistan.

“Gonda man among 2 held, ATS says ‘linked with al-Qaeda outfit,’” Indian Express, July 3, 2023:

The UP Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) on Sunday said that they have arrested two men allegedly associated with terror outfit Ansar Ghazwat-ul-Hind, an auxiliary unit of al-Qaeda Sunday, following intelligence inputs. The accused were identified as Saddam Sheikh (38) and Rizwan Khan (23).

A statement issued by the ATS said that Saddam, a native of Gonda district, used to work as a driver in a private company in Bengaluru. “During social media monitoring and electronic surveillance, it surfaced that Saddam Sheikh was quite active on social media and posted radical things in favour of terror outfits. He was called to the ATS office for questioning after being served a notice. He himself accepted that he is influenced by Ansar Ghazwat-ul-Hind and Hizbul Mujahideen terrorist Burhan Wani… He said he wanted to become a mujahid,” said the statement.

“Saddam also said that terrorists like Osama bin Laden, Zakir Musa, Riyaz Naikoo, Naved Jatt and Sameer Tiger were his idols. In his phone, photos and videos related to these terrorists have also been recovered,” said the statement.

Another statement by the ATS said that another accused Rizwan Khan a native of Poonch in Jammu and Kashmir, was arrested after it was found that “he was spreading terrorist propaganda on social media platforms”.

It said that Rizwan was active on social media and sharing “radical content and taking on board similar minded people for his operations”. He was working at a meat unit in UP’s Unnao. “He was called to the ATS office for questioning after being served a notice… He accepted posting radical content on social media and that guns and militants attract him. He also wanted to spread jihad, and bring about rule under the Islamic law and was influenced by Ansar Ghazwat-ul-Hind,” said the statement.

Uttar Pradesh, India’s most populous state, has a Muslim population of around 40 million. While Islamic terrorism is largely been limited to the Muslim-majority region of Kashmir, Islamic political groups such as “All India Majlis-e-Ittehadul Muslimeen” (AIMIM) are gaining ground in the state.



Biden didn’t just turn over Afghanistan to the Taliban, he turned it over to Al Qaeda. And he’s turning over Al Qaeda terrorists and money to the terrorist infrastructure to help it rebuild.

This isn’t a policy, this is treason.

Biden Aids Al-Qaeda

Islamic terrorists are getting money, manpower and territory from the White House.

July 12, 2023 by Daniel Greenfield 17 Comments




[Editor’s note: Make sure to read Daniel Greenfield’s masterpiece contributions in Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

At a press conference, Biden falsely claimed that Al Qaeda was no longer operating in Afghanistan. “I said al Qaeda would not be there. I said it wouldn’t be there. I said we’d get help from the Taliban. What’s happening now? What’s going on? Read your press. I was right.”

In reality, Al Qaeda is operating training camps in six provinces, including Helmand, which hundreds of Marines had been killed and wounded trying to secure during Obama’s surge. The 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment lost 25 marines, including the son of former Chief of Staff John Kelly, and suffered 34 amputations. 378 Marines were killed and 5,000 were wounded.

Al Qaeda also has safe houses across Afghanistan including in Kabul.

The Taliban have appointed Al Qaeda leaders to key positions including as governors of entire provinces. Nuristan, where 53 American soldiers held off hundreds of Jihadis during the assault on Combat Outpost Keating, resulting in the awarding of two Medals of Honor and nine Silver Stars for the second deadliest battle of the war, is now under Al Qaeda governance.

Biden’s denial of Al Qaeda’s extensive presence came just after a UN Security Council report documented the fact that “Al-Qaeda members have received appointments and advisory roles in the Taliban security and administrative structures” and that the Islamic terror group “is rebuilding operational capability.”

The Taliban, which had denied the report, immediately jumped on Biden’s denial as an endorsement. The Taliban’s Foreign Affairs Ministry claimed that Biden’s denial “refutes the recent report by UN Sanctions Monitoring Team alleging the presence and operation of over twenty armed groups in Afghanistan.”

It’s obvious why the Taliban are lying about harboring Al Qaeda. But why is Biden lying?

Biden’s chosen method of withdrawing from Afghanistan was a massive disaster. The rise of Al Qaeda makes it look even worse. But how much of that disaster was really an error? Since the withdrawal, the Biden administration has found numerous ways to move money to the Jihadists.

The Biden administration made the decision to turn over Kabul to Al Qaeda’s old allies in the Haqqani Network resulting in thousands of Americans being trapped behind enemy lines. It then spent millions paying Osama bin Laden’s old airline to fly Americans out of Afghanistan. Over $1 billion in “humanitarian aid” has been sent to Afghanistan while issuing global licenses authorizing financial transactions with the Taliban and the Al Qaeda allied Haqqani Network.

Biden seized $3.5 billion meant for 9/11 victims and diverted it to a ‘trust fund’ for Afghanistan. Last year, the Biden administration even arranged to have banknotes printed for the Taliban and photos were displayed of pallets of millions in hundred dollar bills flown into Kabul Airport.

The State Department has responded to questions about whether its aid is funding Islamic terrorists by stonewalling the Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction’s office (SIGAR) and ordering government employees to “not engage with or speak to SIGAR without prior clearance from State legal counsel”. Congress has been similarly illegally stonewalled.

While all of this has been going on, Biden has been freeing Gitmo terrorists who were considered too dangerous to be released even under the Obama administration. They include an alternate 9/11 hijacker, Osama bin Laden’s bodyguards and a terrorist who had surveyed Camp Lemonnier, where the Marines are stationed in Djibouti, for a potential truck bomb attack.

Also freed were the 20th September 11 hijacker, an Al Qaeda ally who plotted to smuggle nukes into America and a terrorist behind the bombing of a Marriott hotel who had proposed  “a plot to simultaneously explode gas tanks at multiple gas stations in the United States.” The Biden administration even tried to spare Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the 9/11 mastermind, the death penalty.

And it’s not just Al Qaeda terrorists in Gitmo that the Biden administration is going easy on.

The administration is also locking down drone strike rules so that the military will have to get “advance permission” from Biden before hitting Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorists outside “conventional war zones” and must have “near certainty” that no civilians will be injured.

Drone strikes on terrorists will only be allowed when it appears infeasible to send in a commando team to capture the terrorist so he can be put on trial and then released.

These are similar to the disastrous rules that the Clinton administration used to keep the CIA from taking out Osama bin Laden. Under Clinton rules, the CIA was not allowed to engage in any activity that would kill Bin Laden. A “Justice Department ruling that it would be illegal for the United States to intentionally kill bin Laden” led the CIA Station Chief in Islamabad, Pakistan to warn agents that they could go to jail if they succeeded in taking out the terrorist leader.

The Trump administration had loosened drone strike rules allowing terrorists to be taken out without requiring that they be ranked as an “imminent threat”. The onerous rules of engagement from the Obama era were rolled back and the decision loop made it possible to take rapid action. The Biden administration is restoring a status quo in which terrorists have less to worry about and in which they know our rules and our restrictions and how to evade an attack.

Taken together, Biden has been the best thing to happen to Al Qaeda. Even more than Obama.

Al Qaeda now has extensive infrastructure in Afghanistan again, its terrorists are leaving Gitmo and are being protected from drone strikes. A massive flow of foreign aid into Afghanistan along with global licenses for doing business with allies of the terrorist group is likely to fill its coffers.

And Biden is even supporting the Taliban cover-up that Al Qaeda isn’t in Afghanistan.

Even while Al Qaeda and the Taliban remain tightly integrated, Biden is claiming that the Taliban are helping America against Al Qaeda, even while claiming that Al Qaeda isn’t in Afghanistan. But these aren’t even new lies. Biden has been falsely claiming that Al Qaeda had been destroyed for years. Even as he keeps repeating these lies, Al Qaeda keeps growing.

Biden didn’t just turn over Afghanistan to the Taliban, he turned it over to Al Qaeda. And he’s turning over Al Qaeda terrorists and money to the terrorist infrastructure to help it rebuild.

This isn’t a policy, this is treason.


Daniel Greenfield

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

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WATCH: Anti-Semitic Dictator Wishes Biden 'Best of Luck' in 2024


Karl Salzmann

July 11, 2023

Anti-Semitic Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on Tuesday wished U.S. president Joe Biden "the best of luck" in the 2024 presidential election.

"Now you are getting prepared for the forthcoming elections," Erdoğan told Biden through a translator, "and with the forthcoming elections I would like to take this opportunity to also wish you the best of luck."

"Thank you very much," Biden responded. "I look forward to meeting with you the next five years."

Erdoğan and Biden are meeting in Lithuania as part of a NATO summit, during which the Turkish president agreed to advance Sweden's bid to join the organization. After Erdoğan agreed to the move, the Biden administration announced it would send F-16 fighter jets to Turkey, as Erdoğan had requested.

Biden's embrace of Erdoğan comes as the Turkish president faces extensive criticism for his authoritarianism and anti-Semitism. He has long suppressed dissent in Turkey, cracking down on speech and arresting journalists. He has also repeatedly gone on anti-Semitic rants. Soon after Biden took office in 2021, Erdoğan declared that Israelis are "murderers" who "kill children" and are "sucking their blood," the Washington Free Beacon reported.

The two presidents have not always been so buddy-buddy. During the 2020 election, Biden called Erdoğan an "autocrat" and expressed support for Turkish opposition leaders. His administration also condemned Erdoğan's 2021 anti-Semitic remarks.

Biden has changed his tune in recent months, however. This year, for example, his State Department announced that it would bow to Erdoğan's wishes and refer to Turkey as "Türkiye."

Published under: 2024 Election Anti-Semitism Hypocrisy Joe Biden NATO Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkey


US Green-Lights F-16s to Turkey After It Agrees to Sweden's NATO Bid

Getty Images


July 11, 2023

Washington will move ahead with the transfer of F-16 fighter jets to Turkey in consultation with Congress, U.S. National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan said on Tuesday, a day after Ankara gave the green light for Sweden to join NATO.

Turkey, which had been the main stumbling bloc on Sweden's path towards the alliance, had requested in October 2021 to buy $20 billion of Lockheed Martin Corp F-16 fighters and nearly 80 modernisation kits for its existing warplanes.

Speaking ahead of a summit of NATO leaders that started on Tuesday in the Lithuanian capital Vilnius, Sullivan said U.S. President Joe Biden "had been clear that he supports the transfer".

"He has placed no caveats on this ... He intends to move forward with that transfer," Sullivan told reporters, without giving any details on the timing.

U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Bob Menendez, a Democrat who had blocked the transfer, said on Monday he is in talks with the Biden administration about his hold and that he could make a decision "in the next week", suggesting he could lift it.

Both Turkish officials and the Biden administration have rejected any suggestion that Ankara's approval of Sweden's NATO accession was being linked to the F-16 sale in the months of talks to address Turkish opposition.

However, some diplomats and analysts believe that Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan had been using Swedish membership to pressure Washington on the warplanes, and that Biden made a deal.

"There seems to have been a big push by the Biden administration to allow Turkey to modernise its air force and acquire new F-16s," said Camille Grand, a defence specialist at the European Council on Foreign Relations think tank.

"This push together with the Swedish efforts on the PKK front might have played an important role in convincing Erdogan to move forward on Sweden."

One former French ambassador to Washington, Gerard Araud, wrote on Twitter in response to Sullivan's announcement that "'The Swedish blackmail' paid".

To explain its opposition to Sweden's NATO accession, Ankara had accused it of not doing enough against people Turkey sees as terrorists, mainly members of the outlawed Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK) that is considered a terrorist organisation by Turkey, the EU and the United States.

A statement issued by Turkey and Sweden on Monday said Sweden had reiterated that it would not provide support to the Kurdish groups and would actively support efforts to reinvigorate Turkey's EU accession process.

Russian officials said Sweden's expected accession to NATO would have "negative implications" for Russia's security and that Moscow would have to respond.


The timing of both the F-16 transfer and Sweden's NATO entry remains unclear.

Turkey's parliament is not scheduled to convene until after the summer, and Hungary also still needs to ratify the accession treaty, although Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto said in a statement on Tuesday that it was "only a technical issue".

All NATO states need to ratify a new member.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said Erdogan had agreed to push ratification in parliament "as soon as possible", but he could not give a specific time frame.

It took two weeks for Turkey's parliament to ratify Finland's membership. Finland had applied alongside Sweden after Russia's invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 overturned the two Nordic nations' security considerations.

(Reporting by Steve Holland, Justyna Pawlak; editing by John Irish, Nick Macfie, Heather Timmons and Devika Syamnath)

Published under: Recep Tayyip Erdogan Turkey

As I’ve repeatedly warned, defining antisemitism as a Jewish problem is a lose-lose proposition. Antisemitism is a threat to America, as it is a harbinger of rising violent extremism that will soon consume us all.


 Mark Levin: Biden and the Democrat Party Are 'Tolerating’ a ‘Very Ugly’ Antisemitism

26AP Photo/Tara Todras-Whitehill


13 Mar 20230


Conservative radio host Mark Levin slammed the Democrat Party

for “tolerating” antisemitism, saying the left would sooner call

former President Trump a white supremacist than address its own

history of Jew-hatred.

On his Fox news show, Life, Liberty & Levin, the TV host on Sunday highlighted a speech by Nation of Islam cult leader and rabid antisemite, Louis Farrakhan, in which he attacked the Jewish people but praised members of the so-called Squad, Reps Ilhan Omar and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

“Jewish power has all of our people the knowledge, wisdom, and talent afraid. But just look at what these people control. And every door that leads to power, they have a sentinel on watch. Somebody has to take on the synagogue of Satan. And here we are. What good is your vote if the man you voted for has to go to somebody that you never elected? Behind the door to get instructions. And the Jews have become wealthy just by loaning money, charging you interest and the stranglehold the Jews have on this government,” Fox News cited Farrakhan as saying at the Saviors Day event.

Farrakhan has a “significant impact” on the Democrat Party, Levin said, and called out President Joe Biden for not condemning the speech or Farrakhan.


“Is there a reason Joe Biden didn’t condemn this? Is the reason Kamala Harris didn’t condemn this? Is a reason why nobody at the White House has mentioned it? Is there a reason why the Washington press corps blows this off? Yeah, there are reasons for this,” he said.

He went on to note that Farrakhan was invited to the Congressional Black Caucus for lunch on Capitol Hill.

“Why did they invite this man? Because the Democrat Party has a problem,” the host argued.

Citing an article from Kevin Williamson at the National Review, he said Democrats have a “minor socialist problem.” Williamson wrote:

They have a major problem in the form of Jew-hating weirdos. Prominent among them, the Reverend Louis Farrakhan of the so-called Nation of Islam. Farrakhan has been out and proud, Jew-hating weirdo for many decades. But Democrats still feel the need to make gestures of obeisance before him. Anti-Trump leaders such as Tamika Mallory or Linda Sarsour of the Women’s March, have embraced Farrakhan and courted his favor. Barack Obama came a-calling in 2005 when he was ramping up his political career. The Congressional Black Caucus has consulted him. Bill Clinton stood alongside him at Aretha Franklin’s funeral, implicitly elevating the cult leader. California Democrats Barbara Lee, now wants to be a senator, and Maxine Waters attended Farrakhan’s public events, and Obama administration veteran, Eric Holder, posed for a picture with him.

Farrakhan is an anti-Semite. About that there is no real debate. Eric Holder. Maxine Waters. Others who confer status and influence on Farrakhan and his gang. Maybe they aren’t anti-Semitic. They certainly are collaborators.

Levin charged the Democrats with unbridled hypocrisy, accusing Biden of racism.

“This effort to try and turn conservatism into the KKK, into neo-Nazi ism is really amazing, especially considering the history of the Democrat Party and its embrace of the KKK and slavery and segregation and Jim Crow. Despite its history of filibustering the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act, despite its current president, Joe Biden being a racist and segregationist early in his career opposing public school integration, calling it a jungle,” he said.

Antisemitism is quickly spreading, Levin continued, and it’s becoming “very, very ugly.”

“The President of the United States is saying almost nothing about any of this. The Democrat leadership is tolerating anti-Semitism.”


  “Of course, one of the main reasons the nation is now “divided, resentful and angry” is because race-baiting, Islamist, class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was president for eight long years." MATTHEW VADUM

Anti-Semitism is acceptable, even promoted by the Democrats.  They embrace Linda Sarsour and Louis Farrakhan without shame.  PATRICIA McCARTHY - AMERICAN THINKER


"Then we suffered the rattling election of Barack Obama, whose active membership in a white-, Jewish-, and America-hating church was well known to the electorate.  His close personal relationship with the likes of his adored Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan was no secret.  Obama was open about his goals.  He told us he was out to "fundamentally transform America" and the world."

Farrakhan is a black nationalist who has called for an end to white men and repeatedly gone on angry rants against Jewish people. (RELATED: Seven Louis Farrakhan Quotes On Jews, Gays, And White People) 




Obama with Farrakhan in 2005: The hidden pic

A friend of mine constantly says that Jews are building their own cattle cars. Looking at the antisemitism at the heart of the Democrat party, I’m very sorry to say this, but she’s right.                                                                                ANDEA WIDBURG

So, in sum: For myriad reasons, 76% of American Jews hew left and fear the right, but all Jews fear murderous anti-Jewish hatred. The problem is that 76% of American Jews think that hatred comes only from conservative Christians and their fellow travelers on the right. They’re embarrassed to admit that it also comes from Islam (it lies at the heart of the Koran) and are ignorant of the fact that Karl Marx put it at the heart of socialism, where it created the Holocaust, Soviet programs, and, in America, the National Education Association.


The Jewish people have long been portrayed as the sacrificial “canary in the coal mine”, a powerless creature that will warn others of danger through its demise. But here we are, not a canary, but as an eagle, warning Americans of the looming threats on the horizon. Heed our warnings.


Antisemitism embeds itself more firmly in the heart of the Democrat party

By Andrea Widburg

American Jews are overwhelmingly Democrat in orientation. They’re also, sensibly, extremely worried about antisemitism. The problem is that these same Democrat Jews are blind to the fact that antisemitism is the growing rot at the heart of their own party.

There are lots of reasons Jews are leftists. The main reason, probably, is that American Jews are dedicated to college degrees. There were already jokes in the 1930s showing a lady smiling down at a brand new baby swaddled in a white blanket and asking, “So, what is it? A doctor or a lawyer?” For American Jews, the journey from shtetl to tenement to the middle class was a short one if you could see your son (and, later, your daughter) through college. They are one of the most credentialed religious groups in America.

Jews are also leftists because (probably thanks to college) many of them have bought into the fraud that the Nazis were right-wing. Of course, the National Socialists were from the left. One of the great party tricks of the second half of the 20th century was how communists in America and Europe manage to indoctrinate the world into believing that fascism was a right-wing ideology.


Image: NEA headquarters, located three minutes from the White House. Photo by AgnosticPreachersKid. CC BY-SA 4.0.

And, of course, there were the legions of Jewish red diaper babies in the first half of the 20th century. These were Jews from Russia who, having suffered horrendous, murderous antisemitism at the hands of Tzarist forces, assumed that, if communists hated the Tzar, they must be friends to the Jews. Bernie Sanders comes from that class. These are committed leftists who, having drunk the Kool-Aid, turn a blind eye to the Soviet Union’s antisemitism, as well as the Nazi’s socialist Holocaust.

Bred on fallacies from communists and colleges (but I repeat myself), America’s Jews fear “the right.” That’s why, as of 2021, 68% of observant Jews and 77% of non-observant Jews are Democrats, for a total of 76%.

It’s worth noting, by the way, that observant Democrat Jews tend to be more form than substance. They are rigorous about the High Holy Days, send their kids to Hebrew school, and like to throw around Yiddish phrases. However, their values are formed by the Democrat party platform and their college curricula rather than by the Torah (the first five books of the Bible) or the Talmud (the main and ancient rabbinic text interpreting the Torah and creating rules for daily life).

So, in sum: For myriad reasons, 76% of American Jews hew left and fear the right, but all Jews fear murderous anti-Jewish hatred. The problem is that 76% of American Jews think that hatred comes only from conservative Christians and their fellow travelers on the right. They’re embarrassed to admit that it also comes from Islam (it lies at the heart of the Koran) and are ignorant of the fact that Karl Marx put it at the heart of socialism, where it created the Holocaust, Soviet programs, and, in America, the National Education Association.

Yup, I’m finally at the story that led to this post. First, let’s talk about the National Education Association, which is the largest labor union in the United States. It represents taxpayer-funded “educators” and staff from kindergarten up. It’s also fanatically Democrat, sending millions every year to Democrat politicians and initiatives while reserving statistically insignificant amounts for Republicans. It just had its annual convention, where this happened:

For several years, Jewish issues — more specifically, anti-Jewish issues — have been brought up by NEA members from Illinois, New York, New Jersey, and elsewhere. There is a tiny Jewish caucus within the NEA, but it is relatively inactive. Unlike past years, the Jewish caucus was able to introduce some pro-Israel and pro-Jewish resolutions.

The delegates voted to support the following new business items:

NBI 3: NEA will use existing print and digital communication tools to educate members and the general public about the history, culture, and struggles of Palestinians.

NBI 7: The NEA will recognize Palestinian-American students and members by using existing digital communications to highlight their personal narratives and stories.

And the NEA delegates rejected (albeit narrowly) the following new business item:

NBI ??: The NEA will post the “blue square” emoji on its website during the month of January in honor of Holocaust Remembrance, to show that NEA stands against hate towards Jewish people.

A friend of mine constantly says that Jews are building their own cattle cars. Looking at the antisemitism at the heart of the Democrat party, I’m very sorry to say this, but she’s right.


Despicable: Black attacks on Jews are rooted in Democrats' coddling of anti-Semites

By Monica Showalter

Once-tolerant New York City is becoming a haven for anti-Semitic, Jew-hating attacks, getting to be like Paris, eventually driving Jewish flight based on the surge of unpunished violence in the leftist-run city.

It's shocking, not only because the number of unprovoked attacks on Jewish people just minding their own business and going about their daily lives are very numerous -- nine at last count within about a week -- but because within the violence itself is a tissue of lies, explicit and implicit, from silky enablers to conceal and euphemize what's really happening.  In every case, the victim was Jewish and the attacker was black. That's a politically incorrect to the press and its leftist allies, but it's true. It's similar to how Islamist terror was covered up as 'workplace violence' in the past, again in the name of political correctness. But this time, the refusal to name the source of the violence is not related to Middle East politics so much as Democrats' coddling of black anti-Semitism within its own ranks.

Here's just one of such incidents:

Suspects arrested in last week’s spree of eight anti-Semitic attacks are being quickly released right back into the neighborhoods they terrorized thanks to “bail reform” legislation — which doesn’t even take effect until Jan. 1.

The most recent case of revolving-door justice came Saturday morning, with the release, with no bail, of a woman charged with punching and cursing at three Orthodox women, ages 22, 26 and 31, in Crown Heights, Brooklyn at dawn the day before.

The accused assailant, Tiffany Harris, was hauled in handcuffs before a Brooklyn judge on 21 menacing, harassment and attempted assault charges.

“F-U, Jews!” Harris, 30, of Flatbush, allegedly shouted during the attack.

“Yes, I was there,” Harris later admitted to cops, according to the criminal complaint against her.

“Yes, I slapped them. I cursed them out. I said ‘F-U, Jews.”

This person got let out? That was an assault, and not just an assault, a hate-crime motivated assault that's likely to lead to another.

Here's an even more sickening attack that followed:

A knife-wielding assailant stabbed four people in a rabbi’s basement synagogue in Rockland County during a crowded Hanukkah celebration Saturday night, according to a law enforcement source.

The suspect fled the scene in a 2015 Nissan Sentra, driving over the George Washington Bridge into Manhattan — and was promptly arrested by the NYPD at 144th Street and Seventh Avenue in Harlem at midnight, the source said.

The Jewish people were celebrating their sacred and joyful holiday as a community in a place of worship and this horrible person desecrated that gathering, same as a depraved terrorist would, seeking to inflict maximum pain on Jews by invading their sacred space. Does this violent criminal get let out, too? Under lefty rules, he probably will, something the terrorists never managed to get away with.

Here's another in nearby Jersey City from two weeks ago:

The Black Hebrew Israelites are known for their inflammatory sidewalk ministers who employ provocation as a form of gospel, preaching a theology that says the chosen ones are black, Native American and Hispanic people.

Now, it has emerged that one of the two suspects in Tuesday’s attack on a kosher market in Jersey City that ended with the death of six people, including a police officer, appears to have been connected to the group, a law enforcement official said.

That suspect, David N. Anderson, 47, was killed inside the JC Kosher Supermarket, along with the second suspect, Francine Graham, 50, officials said. Mr. Anderson, the law enforcement official said, had posted anti-Semitic and anti-police screeds on internet forums in the past.

Why are these insane and brazenly outrageous attacks on Jews by black groups, organized and unorganized, happening all of a sudden? Jewish people have historically been black people's strongest champions, working hand in hand during the Civil Rights era. Now there's this sick stuff redolent of the Islamist terror attacks of the rest of the world.

It's likely related to the left's denial of any recognition of a pattern of hate-motivated black attacks on Jews in New York. Dov Hikind, a New York state assemblyman, told Fox News (no video available yet) that every perpetrator seen on the videos was black. That's inconvenient for the left, which holds out all black people as victims, not perpetrators, which some undoubtedly are. Mayor Bill De Blasio, and Gov. Andrew Cuomo seems to be in denial about this, they both visited the attacked synogogue and said the right things about condemning anti-Semitism, but neither brought up that there was a problem somewhere in the black community where the problem originated.

Calling out and identifying the perpetrators, of course, would take courage, because leftists and advocates for anti-Semitism would likely blast the effort as a racist condemnation of all black people, something that would be sure to scare people like De Blasio and Cuomo away. But not identifying the problem where it is is denial, something that will ensure that the problem never stops. We all know how long it took to end the war on terror based on the amazing capacity for officials to refuse to deny that Islamist fundamentalism was at the root of the terrorist problem. It's likely going to be worse with these perpetrators given that they can hide behind untouchable 'victim' status and have all the Democratic establishment right there to their defense.

Why is that? Because Democrats have been coddling black anti-Semites for years. Where's the Democratic condemnation for race huckster Rev. Al Sharpton, who's also a notorious anti-Semite with a long record of incitement of violence against Jews? Right there in the berth of the Democratic Party, still supposedly representing the black "middle class."

Where's the Democrats' condemnation for Louis Farrakhan, whose animating breath is all about anti-Semitism? Hobnobbing with Democrats in photos, appearing with Bill Clinton at Aretha Franklin's funeral, and tweeting "sweetheart" dreck with fellow anti-Semite, Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar. Where, for that matter, is the Democratic condemnation of Rep. Ilhan Omar's anti-Semitism? They couldn't pass a simple resolution against her in the House after her string of whoppers. They were too afraid to lay a hand on her, despite her long record of anti-Semitic statements. It's coddling all right, and you can bet the more aggressive street predator class of black cultists, such as "Black Hebrew Israelites" a known anti-Semitic black group, and Jew-haters in the boroughs noticed the pattern, took note, and launched their reign of terror.

Still no recognition of the problem from Democrats, though. They prefer to call it the bad deeds of individuals and then let them off lightly. That's a recipe of worse to come. Jewish people will eventually notice that New York is now as hostile as Paris now because nobody's identifying the problem. When the heck are the Democrats going to seriously sever ties with these groups instead of embrace them? Right now, a critical mass seems to have been reached and these sick attacks are the result.



Anti-Semitic, open borders for cheaper labor and funded by criminal banksters… and these pols are making vast fortunes sucking the blood of America!


We must not let them cheat their way to power over the rest of us.  Their ongoing vote fraud must be stopped and the Democrats need to take a look at themselves and at what they have become. It's not a pretty picture.  What they have become threatens to destroy the greatest nation on the planet and they are doing it on purpose.  They have nothing but contempt for the US as founded and for those of us who love this country. PATRICIA McCARTHY – AMERICAN THINKER


“Then we suffered the rattling election of Barack Obama, whose active membership in a white-, Jewish-, and America-hating church was well known to the electorate.  His close personal relationship with the likes of his adored Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan was no secret.  Obama was open about his goals.  He told us he was out to "fundamentally transform America" and the world.”  ALAN BERGSTEIN

“There is a deep racist and anti-Semitic disease in the leadership of the Democrats. As Senator Cory Booker brings his hatred for the Jewish State to the Senate, he should be asked whether he agrees with his hero, “The only good Zionist is a dead Zionist we must take a lesson from Hitler”. DANIEL GREENFIELD


Clinton, a serial rapist, is welcomed to McCain's funeral, as is his wife, who as a "manifest felon" is the epitome of every unscrupulous behavior and trickery she can get away with by committing fraud, harming American lives, and lying to the American public. By Eileen F. Toplansky


Earlier this year, photographs of Farrakhan meeting with then-Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) and the Congressional Black Caucus in 2005 were released (see above) after being suppressed to prevent any damage to Obama’s presidential ambitions.


Anti-Semitism is acceptable, even promoted by the Democrats.  They embrace Linda Sarsour and Louis Farrakhan without shame.  PATRICIA McCARTHY - AMERICAN THINKER


"Then we suffered the rattling election of Barack Obama, whose active membership in a white-, Jewish-, and America-hating church was well known to the electorate.  His close personal relationship with the likes of his adored Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Louis Farrakhan was no secret.  Obama was open about his goals.  He told us he was out to "fundamentally transform America" and the world."

Farrakhan is a black nationalist who has called for an end to white men and repeatedly gone on angry rants against Jewish people. (RELATED: Seven Louis Farrakhan Quotes On Jews, Gays, And White People) 



Nation of Islam leader Farrakhan delivers anti-Semitic speech


By Sophie Tatum

Updated 9:15 PM EST, Wed February 28, 2018


Louis Farrakhan founded the reorganized Nation of Islam, which adheres to the teachings of Elijah Muhammad. (Photo by Jean-Marc Giboux/Liaison)

Jean-Marc Giboux/Liaison/Getty Images

WashingtonCNN — 

Minister Louis Farrakhan engaged in a series of anti-Semitic remarks on Sunday.

Farrakhan has led the black nationalist group Nation of Islam since 1977 and is known for hyperbolic hate speech aimed at the Jewish community.

During the speech in Chicago, Farrakhan made several anti-Semitic comments, including, “the powerful Jews are my enemy.”

“White folks are going down. And Satan is going down. And Farrakhan, by God’s grace, has pulled the cover off of that Satanic Jew and I’m here to say your time is up, your world is through,” he later said.










Women’s March co-chair Tamika Mallory was in attendance, CNN’s Jake Tapper pointed out on Twitter after she shared an image from the event on Instagram.

Mallory has posted on social media about Farrakhan in the past – on February 21, 2016, she posted an image of him from a stage at the Joe Louis Arena with the caption: “The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan just stepped to the mic for #SD16DET… I’m super ready for this message! #JUSTICEORELSE #ForTheLoveOfFlint.”

Mallory did not immediately respond to CNN’s request for comment on Sunday’s speech.

The Nation of Islam is a designated hate group by the Southern Poverty Law Center for its “deeply racist, antisemitic and anti-LGBT rhetoric,” and its primary teaching promotes black racial superiority.

Rep. Keith Ellison faced scrutiny during his bid for Democratic National Committee chair over his past ties with the group, and a previous CNN review revealed the Minnesota Democrat had a decade-long involvement with NOI.

In December 2016, a spokesperson for Ellison told CNN that Ellison “rejects all forms of anti-Semitism” and said “the right wing has been pushing these stories for years to drive a wedge between Congressman Ellison and the Jewish community.”

After he announced his run for DNC chair, Jewish groups like the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) and J-Street came to Ellison’s defense on his past associations and writings.

Last week on CNN’s The Situation Room, Ellison said he had “no relationship” with Farrakhan.

“My political opponents keep pushing this out there in order to try and smear and distract from the key issues, but there’s no relationship, Wolf,” Ellison told Wolf Blitzer.

Also recently, a photo from 2005 surfaced of then-Sen. Barack Obama with Farrakhan during a Congressional Black Caucus meeting that was allegedly kept under wraps over fear it would negatively impact Obama’s political future, according to the Trice Edney News Wire.

why would a saudi billionaire pay for obomb's education at harvard? the answer may be in what obomb did for the saudis as president

Although the bill nowhere names Saudi Arabia, the Saudi government has threatened massive retaliation, including by moving $750 billion in assets out of  the country before they can be seized in American legal proceedings. This reaction alone confirms the monarchy’s guilt.

Congress overrides Obama veto of bill allowing 9/11 lawsuits

By Tom Carter


On Wednesday, the US Congress overturned President Obama’s veto of legislation that would permit victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks and their families to sue Saudi Arabia. Declassified documents released this year confirm the involvement of Saudi intelligence agents in the funding, organization, and planning of the attacks—facts which were covered up for years by the Bush and Obama administrations.



 Meanwhile. the media essentially buried Obama's relationship with terrorist Bill Ayers, the radical Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and the convicted white-collar criminal Tony Rezko.


The Democrats are now officially the party of Jew-hatred. This is largely due to the disastrous presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. PAMELA GELLER

Abunimah’s piece -- and Obama’s numerous anti-Semitic associations -- got little attention. Throughout his life Barack Obama has been close friends with numerous virulent anti-Semites: Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Khalid al-Mansour, Rashid Khalidi and others.  PAMELA GELLER



OBAMA AND HIS SAUDIS PAYMASTERS… Did he serve them well?

Malia, Michelle, Barack and the College Admissions Scandal 

Michelle was the next to attend Harvard, in her case Harvard Law School. “Told by counselors that her SAT scores and her grades weren’t good enough for an Ivy League school,” writes Christopher Andersen in Barack and Michelle, “Michelle applied to Princeton and Harvard anyway.”




Barack Obama’s back door, however, was unique to him. Before prosecutors send some of the dimmer Hollywood stars to the slammer for their dimness, they might want to ask just how much influence a Saudi billionaire peddled to get Obama into Harvard.


“Of course, one of the main reasons the nation is now “divided, resentful and angry” is because race-baiting, Islamist, class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was president for eight long years." MATTHEW VADUM

BARACK OBAMA and his SAUDIS PAYMASTERS: Did they build his Muslim tower in Chicago?

Katyal, who was acting solicitor general under former president Barack Obama, is no stranger to representing controversial defendants. He is known as a member of the "al Qaeda 7," a group of lawyers who represented al Qaeda terrorists against the Bush administration.



 “Of course, one of the main reasons the nation is now “divided, resentful and angry” is because race-baiting, Islamist, class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was president for eight long years." MATTHEW VADUM




The Democrats are now officially the party of Jew-hatred. This is largely due to the disastrous presidency of Barack Hussein Obama. PAMELA GELLER

Abunimah’s piece -- and Obama’s numerous anti-Semitic associations -- got little attention. Throughout his life Barack Obama has been close friends with numerous virulent anti-Semites: Jeremiah Wright, Bill Ayers, Khalid al-Mansour, Rashid Khalidi and others.  PAMELA GELLER 


 “Of course, one of the main reasons the nation is now “divided, resentful and angry” is because race-baiting, Islamist, class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was president for eight long years." MATTHEW VADUM

He oversaw a historic power slide away from America to China, Russia, and the Islamic terrorists of the world laboring to build their caliphates.”

Glazov’s book includes several contributions on Islam and the Middle East. Highlighting Obama’s hideous 2012 statement at the UN criticizing “those who slander the prophet of Islam,” counterintelligence expert Stephen C. Coughlin recounts the Obama Administration’s purging of counterterrorism pros (largely in response to pressure from terrorist-linked CAIR) and reports that Muslims at DHS, founded to combat Islamic terrorism, shifted its focus 180º to target “Islamophobes” -- that is, American patriots who dare to worry about terrorism. In other essays, former Knesset member Dov Lipman corrects “historical inaccuracies” about Israel in Obama’s memoir A Promised Land, and Greenfield and Clare M. Lopez supply cogent takes on Obama’s treachery toward I


Dissecting Obama

Patriots rot in jail for meandering around the Congress for a couple of hours two years ago while young people are encouraged by their teachers to celebrate Antifa and BLM thugs who have burned houses down. Blacks who love liberty are smeared as “white supremacists” while Muslims who love jihad are depicted as virtuous victims.


Meanwhile. the media essentially buried Obama's relationship with terrorist Bill Ayers, the radical Rev. Jeremiah Wright, and the convicted white-collar criminal Tony Rezko.


How Obama’s Muslim Childhood Became a Taboo Topic

How Obama’s Muslim Childhood Became a Taboo Topic

Reflections on when a gigantic biographical inconvenience was successfully hidden and denied.

June 23, 2023 by Daniel Pipes 43 Comments




[Order Jamie Glazov’s new book: Barack Obama’s True Legacy: How He Transformed America.]

Americans have an abiding fascination with their presidents, especially with their foibles and secrets. Who lied? Who ordered illegal operations? Who had mistresses?

Thus was the country transfixed by Bill Clinton, Monica Lewinsky, and the tawdry drip-drip of their liaison. When newly declassified documents revealed hitherto unknown CIA connections to Lee Harvey Oswald, this made a media splash, with Tucker Carlson asking: “Did the CIA have a hand in the murder of John F. Kennedy?”

But that fascination dies when it comes to Barack Obama, the Left’s quasi-sacred figure. About him, no curiosity, please, no gossip, and no hint of impropriety. When he falsely claimed in 1991 to have been born in Kenya, and not in Hawaii, blame fell on a sloppy literary agent. When Stanley Kurtz proved that Obama lied about not being a member of Chicago’s socialist New Party and a candidate for it, the Obama P.R. machine smeared Kurtz and the story disappeared.

When clear evidence showed that Obama had lied about having been born and raised a Muslim, the researcher who made the case was reviled, his investigation scorned, and his argument vaporized.

I should know, as I was that researcher. I wrote five times on this topic in 2007-08, during Obama’s first presidential campaign (three of those times in and then aggregated all this information, plus new details, in a long and (so far) definitive September 2012 article, “Obama’s Muslim Childhood,” serialized in the Washington Times.

All those writings emphasized that Obama was now a Christian. The first one began with:

“If I were a Muslim I would let you know,” Barack Obama has said, and I believe him. In fact, he is a practicing Christian, a member of the Trinity United Church of Christ. He is not now a Muslim. But was he ever a Muslim or seen by others as a Muslim?

I answered in the affirmative and showed how contradictory evidence concerning Obama’s religious background – from Obama’s father and name, from years in Indonesia, from his family, and most of all from himself – conclusively points to his being born and raised a Muslim.

Throughout, I emphasized not the Islam issue but the character issue; if Obama lies about something so fundamental, how can he be trusted? His other lies, such as Kenyan birth and socialist party non-membership, confirm this problem.

Responses came fast and hard. Ben Rhodes’ “echo chamber” nearly fainted at the impudence of my lèse majesté. Like Kurtz, I was slandered without the facts I presented ever addressed. Here’s a small sampling of the deluge:

· Ben Smith in Politico derided my analysis as “the template for a faux-legitimate assault on Obama’s religion.”

· The Spectator called mine the “the worst article on the presidential election” and also deemed it “mad” and “despicable.”

· Martin Peretz in the New Republic said I had “simply gone bonkers … and malicious.”

· Vice ran an article “Would You Care If Obama Were Muslim?” that responded to my carefully-crafted argument with “BLARGHA BLARGHA BLARGH REPEAL OBAMA BIN HUSSEIN’S GOVERNMENT TAKEOVER OF OUR JOBS.”

The Atlantic published no less than three attacks on the article and me. Mark Ambinder rued “the false notion that Obama is or was ever Muslim.” Andrew Sullivan dismissed my work as “toxins.” Matthew Yglesias ridiculed my saying that I believe Obama is not now a Muslim with “I, for one, believe Daniel Pipes when he says he’s not a child molester.”

And so it went, howling with outrage at the very thought of Obama as a Muslim, mocking and taunting me with ad hominem attacks, speculating about my motives. So relentless was the onslaught, even the conservative press overwhelmingly shied away from the topic. The McCain and Romney campaigns both treated the topic like Kryptonite. The issue of Obama’s lies had no impact on either presidential campaign, both of which – of course – Obama won.

I expect that, at some future time when Barack Obama loses his sacral quality, historians will take great interest in his childhood religious affiliation. They will wonder how, in the information-heavy, politically-riven, and celebrity-mad culture of early twenty-first century United States, so gigantic a biographical inconvenience could be successfully hidden and rendered taboo. They will study how, in a modern democratic society, a determined candidate can suppress even the most important and relevant information.

I look forward to the vindication.

Mr. Pipes ( is president of the Middle East Forum. © 2023 by Daniel Pipes. All rights reserved.


Muslim Mayhem at a Public Pool in Berlin

Welcome to feces on walls and constant sexual assaults.

July 21, 2023 by Hugh Fitzgerald 9 Comments




At the Columbiabad, a very large public pool in Berlin, Germany, sexual assaults and violence by Arabs and Chechens, part of the wave of Muslim migrants who have entered Germany since 2015, have reached a crisis level, with staff complaining of catastrophic conditions that prevent them from doing their jobs. The pool has now been closed until further notice. More on the grim situation at the Columbiabad swimming pool complex can be found here: “Migrant crisis: Berlin pool workers ‘sick with stress’ over feces on the wall and constant sexual assaults from ‘Arab migrants and Chechens,’” by Thomas Brooke, Remix News, July 13, 2023:

Employees of an outdoor swimming pool complex in Berlin have penned a letter to Der Tagesspiegel newspaper complaining about perpetrators they describe as “mainly Arab migrants and Chechens” who are engaging in sexual harassment of women and mass brawls on the premises, while also leaving the complexes in disgusting conditions.

The letter comes after yet another fight broke out between migrant youths at the Berlin Columbiabad in the borough of Neukölln on Sunday which resulted in the popular public pool being cleared of visitors and shutting early. The complex announced on Wednesday that the pool will be closed for the rest of the week, citing staff shortages after a number of employees called in sick with stress.

It has just been announced that the Columbiabad pool has been closed not just for the rest of the week, but indefinitely. Thus does the behavior of a violent pack of Muslims lead to indigenous Germans being deprived of one more public amenity provided by the city fathers.

“The number of incidents and the behavior of some bathers are an extreme burden for our very committed employees in the pools,” the municipal agency which runs the complex, among many others across the German capital, said in a statement. “This is not sustainable in the long run.”

Under-pressure employees have now spoken out on the issue, telling Der Tagesspiegel that they have had enough of what is becoming a growing problem. “We asked for help, there is a lot of talk, but nothing happens. We can’t do it anymore,” one employee told the newspaper.

Employees recounted conversations with some of the youths attending the complex during which they were told they deserved “to be spat on and beaten,” while another threatened that “New Year’s Eve-like conditions will prevail here,” a time of the year which has now become notorious in Germany with migrant riots and sexual harassment of women.

These remarks made by young Muslims to German staff members at the pool are not surprising. They are full of contempt for the Infidels, for they know that as Muslims they are “the best of peoples” and the German staff members are Infidels and, therefore, “the most vile of created beings.” The staff deserve “to be spat on and beaten.” The Muslims intimidate the staff members, alluding to past migrant riots that have taken place on New Year’s Eve, and threatening a repeat. This leaves the staff both demoralized and fearful. In a previous incident this June, the pool’s security staff had to call in sixty police officers to quell a violent mob of 250 Muslim rioters – a German woman’s nose was broken — and to close down the pool to everyone.

Concerned staff members claim the majority of the civil disorder and threats come from foreign nationals, and primarily Arabs and Chechens.

The employees explained to German media the position is becoming impossible to manage.

Due to the fact that the young people form packs and because of the time it takes, it is hardly possible to enforce and register house bans,” they explained.

The staff is vastly outnumbered by the “Arabs and Chechens” who are causing most of the trouble; these Muslims, in packs, take over the pool and the area around it, intimidating German visitors, who find the situation intolerable and simply stop using the pool. Columbiabad has closed, while dozens of other public pools around the country that are similarly being plagued with violent Muslims who drive away German visitors are for now just barely holding on.

As well as the social unrest which has become commonplace, perpetrators are also leaving the pool in squalid conditions, and employees have described the hygiene level as catastrophic.

“Feces are excreted in and in front of the bushes, walls, and sanitary facilities are smeared with urine and feces,” the letter revealed.

What better way for Muslims to express their contempt for the Infidels on the Columbiabad staff than to leave them a hideous mess to clean up, by smearing walls and toilets with their “feces and urine”? And just as nauseatingly effective, they can also defecate in the pool itself. That should be enough to sicken and drive away the kuffars.

To tackle the crisis, employees are demanding extra support and requesting a constant police presence at the site, while calling for tickets to the complex to be limited to families with children and for all tickets to include names so that perpetrators can easily be identified and banned for any further transgressions.

First, the staff at Columbiabad want a round-the-clock police presence, to keep the Muslims from their current misbehavior. The staff also want single males – the main source of the problems at the pool — to be prohibited from entry; from now on, they want only families to be allowed in. And they want each admission ticket to bear the name of the holder, so that in case of disturbances they can more easily identify those responsible.

“The baths will examine further measures to avert danger, including more consistent enforcement of house bans,” senior management pledged in response.

Federal Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has responded to the letter and stated that she backs having a permanent police presence at “problem” pools in Germany. However, in an opinion piece for German newspaper Junge Freiheit, Henning Hoffgaard mocks Faeser’s stance, writing: “The same interior minister who thinks border controls are the devil’s stuff now wants police controls at outdoor pool property boundaries. Will she notice the contradiction herself?…

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser has always been against border controls; she wants to let Muslim (and other) migrants in, in the spirit of Angela Merkel’s 2015 catastrophic decision to let in one million Muslim economic migrants just in that year.. Yet at the same time, she now wants more police assigned to outdoor public pools, made necessary by the violence of the very Muslims whose entry into Germany she once championed. Can she understand how her previous enthusiasm for these migrants helped lead to the dismal situation in public pools today? Can Faeser connect the obvious dots? Of course not.

Until the Federal Government in Germany calls a halt to Muslim migration, ending Merkel’s mad policy of open borders, and institutes a policy of deporting all Muslims convicted of a crime, including that of participating in violence at public places like pools, these riots will continue.

The Muslim behavior at the public pool in Berlin encapsulates so many of the problems that their large-scale presence has brought to Germany, to Europe, to the entire West. The Muslims fight in and around the pool, both with each other and, even more, with the indigenous Germans who can no longer peacefully enjoy visits to Columbiabad or to many other public pools as they once did. A place for peaceful exercise and fun has been turned into a site for violence and sexual assaults. It’s one of a whole series of changes in German society brought on by the Muslim migrant invasion, and that can only be dealt with by blocking the source of those changes –that is, the large-scale immigration by Muslims.

Those changes include disorder in the schools, where Muslims disrupt classes, challenge the authority of the classroom teachers, pick fights with indigenous German students, and refuse altogether to listen to lessons on such topics as the history of Christianity in Germany, the Crusades, and the Enlightenment, in which they have no interest, and refuse to study the Holocaust, because that subject can only create sympathy for the hated Jews. And that, of course, would never do.

The once-spotless site at Columbiabad is now fetid. Feces are spread on the walls by Muslims demonstrating their contempt for the Infidels, for their rules and for the staff who are now helpless to enforce them. Another policeman or two, and a few more lifeguards, at the pool, will add to the expense of running the operation, but will not be enough to subdue Muslims hellbent on mayhem.

How many more public pools will be forced to close to avoid Muslim violence before the Germans vote in the Alternativ für Deutschland, the one political party that has declared it will bring the country back to its senses and undo Merkel’s open borders policy? Five? Ten? Fifty?

Exclusive — Local Priest: Nigeria Trying to Blame Its Christian Genocide on Climate Crisis

34Courtesy of the Catholic Diocese of Makurdi Foundation for Justice, Development, & Peace


24 Jul 202368


Foreign Fulani jihadists wielding guns and machetes are exterminating the indigenous Christians of central Nigeria in what world observers erroneously describe as a “climate change” conflict, Father Remigius Ihyula told Breitbart News last week from his home state of Benue.

Father Ihyula, who serves as a university chaplain and emergency relief coordinator under the archdiocese of the capital of Benue state, Makurdi, accused the Muslim-led federal government of Nigeria of covering up a ceaseless, decade-long slaughter of his people by ethnic Fulani groups. The groups often appear in media identified only by the secular description of nomadic “herdsmen,” or as unspecified “gunmen” or “bandits.”


Father Remigius Ihyula of Benue state, Nigeria (Photo courtesy Aid to the Church in Need)

“In fact, people were even warned not to say they are Fulani herdsmen who have been causing these atrocities such that when you open the general media they are talking about bandits – bandits or they say ‘unknown gunmen’ or things like that,” Father Ihyula noted, “so you read about bandits. It’s rubbish: they are Fulani men going about with cattle and with guns and killing people and the government won’t do anything about it.”

The “gunmen” target Christian villages throughout the region known as the “Middle Belt,” the span across central Nigeria where Benue state is located. Village attacks often involve the jihadists burning down homes, killing the men, and abducting and raping the women. Those who manage to escape are often semi-permanently displaced, forced into internally displaced persons (IDP) camps where some have languished for over a decade in conditions Father Ihyula described as “worse than animals.”


A group of civilians sits on the ground at Durumi Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) camp in Abuja, Nigeria on May 24, 2023. (Emmanuel Osodi/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

Benue officials estimate that as many as 2 million people were internally displaced in Nigeria as of 2022.


Ichwa IDP Camp in Benue State, Nigeria (Courtesy of the Catholic Diocese of Makurdi Foundation for Justice, Development, & Peace)

Nigerian leaders, most prominently ethnic Fulani former President Muhammadu Buhari, acknowledged the killings but claimed much of the situation was a conflict between the herdsmen and the indigenous Christians, often claiming that “climate change” was to blame for the bloodshed. Climate alarmism has been lucrative for the Nigerian government; American climate czar John Kerry pledged during a trip to Nigeria last year that Abuja would have access to a $12 billion “climate action” fund. Father Ihyula energetically rejected claims of a relationship between the climate and the jihad, noting the alleged climate crisis is global and “people in the U.S. are not killing people because there is climate change.”

Jihadist sieges of Nigerian Christian communities became a topic of concern in Washington this month as the House Foreign Affairs Committee hosted a hearing on global religious persecution. The hearing was prompted by meetings Father Ihyula and Bishop Wilfred Anagbe of the Diocese of Makurdi held with lawmakers through cooperation with Aid to the Church in Need, a pontifical charity organization.

The hearing occurred nearly two years after Nigeria was removed from the State Department’s list of Countries of Particular Concern (CPC) for religious persecution, a move by the administration of President Joe Biden that “baffled” and outraged persecuted Christians given the lack of any meaningful improvement in their security in the country when Nigeria lost its place on the list. At last week’s hearing, Rep. Chris Smith (R-NJ) condemned the Biden administration for giving Nigeria “a pass” while “violations of religious freedom are escalating.”

“These killings have been consistent. We have documented atrocities that have risen to the level of genocide against our people,” Father Ihyula told Breitbart News. “People, women and children, are killed on a daily basis. They are butchered, they have been driven from their homes, some have been living in camps for about ten years. They cannot go back to their homes.”


Graves of 17 worshippers and two priests, who were allegedly killed by Fulani herdsmen, are watched by onlookers during a funeral service at Ayati-Ikpayongo in Gwer East district of Benue State, north-central Nigeria on May 22, 2018. (EMMY IBU/AFP via Getty Images)


Clergymen carry white coffins containing the bodies of priests allegedly killed by Fulani herdsmen, for burial at Ayati-Ikpayongo in Gwer East district of Benue State, north-central Nigeria on May 22, 2018. (EMMY IBU/AFP via Getty Images)

“They are living in degrading human conditions. They can’t go back to their homes and no one has been arrested or prosecuted for bringing this kind of hardship,” he lamented.

The clergyman emphasized that, contrary to the vague reporting in Nigerian media, “there is a religious element to this problem.”

“There is an orchestrated design to push especially Christian populations away from these places so that they can occupy those territories,” he explained, describing Benue state as nearly 99 percent Christian and thus a topic of particular ire for the jihadists.

Father Ihyula reported that currently, in July, the Christians are benefiting from a mild respite in violent attacks as a result of the rainy season.

“During the rainy season generally, especially around in Middle Belt down the south, the attacks usually slow down … because they cannot move as they want,” he detailed. “It’s a pattern that we know of for some time. They tend to slow down during the rainy season and then it peaks when the grass begins to get dryer … because then they can move easily and, you know, their trucks and their bikes – sometimes they come on bikes, they can drive around.”


30-year-old Fulani herdsman Isa Ibrahim rides a motorbike he uses to do taxi services and get extra money early in the morning on the way to the main market at Kachia Grazing Reserve, Kaduna State, Nigeria, on April 18, 2019. (LUIS TATO/AFP via Getty Images)

Father Ihyula noted, however, that the jihadists are present despite not actively massacring people during the rainy season – “we are seeing them, they are still in the bushes” – and hurting people by occupying the ruins of the villages they have destroyed.

“There are places that people cannot go to because they have already sent them away from those villages and they are occupying those villages, so even when they are not attacking people and killing, people cannot go back to their villages,” he explained. “They are occupying those villages and they tend to harm people, they rape women, rape young women, young girls, and kill some when they go to those places.”

A little-reported fact about the attacks, the Father explained, is that the Fulani herdsmen are often not Nigerian, while the victims are members of indigenous minority tribes that do not find significant representation in a government in which Fulanis, Yorubas, and Igbos are considered the three main ethnic communities of the country.

“[The Fulani jihadists] come from Guinea, some of them are found in Guinea, some of them are found in Mali, some are found in Burkina Faso, some are found in … Chad,” he explained. “The north of Nigeria is bordering Chad and Niger and Cameroon and … those borders are open so they just walk in.”

“Most of the victims are minorities,” Father Ihyula continued. “Nigeria is still mainly a country of tribes and tongues so, for instance, if you come to Nigeria, they will say they are three major tribes: there are Hausa Fulani, there is the Igbos, and there is the Yorubas, and then after that they begin to count minority tribes.”

“It is a way of perpetuating injustice over minority tribes and they are comfortable with that so that even in the leadership of Nigeria,” he said, “they feel that if you are not Hausa Fulani you are not qualified to be leader to Nigeria, or you’re not from the Yoruba tribe you are not qualified.”

Nigeria’s population is a little over half Muslim, while Christians of all sects account for about 46 percent of the population. Despite this, Father Ihyula noted, the government has increasingly allowed elements of Sharia, the Islamic law, to enter the country’s constitution, disenfranchising the sizable population who are not Muslim.

“Nigeria is supposed to be a democratic country and also a secular state, but the Muslim leaders who have led Nigeria … there has been a push by some Muslim elements in the country to Islamize the populace,” Father Ihyula explained. “Imagine that, in a country where we are supposed to have a secular constitution, some parts of our constitution is Sharia. Just imagine that in the United States … there should be elements of the Sharia like someone can marry four wives or somebody’s hand should be cut if they steal something.”

Father Ihyula expressed urgent concern that the government has done little to protect Christian populations from the jihadist threat they face because the past two presidents – Buhari and current President Bola Tinubu – are Muslims of the same political party and obscure the reality of places like Benue on international platforms.


Nigeria President-elect Bola Ahmed Tinubu (L) arrives to attend swearing-in ceremony at Eagle Square venue in the capital, Abuja, Nigeria on May 29, 2023. Former President Muhammadu Buhari (R)  was also present at the ceremony. (Photo by Emmanuel Osodi/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images)

“They are very powerful, they have all the monies, they have all the connections, they have people in the U.N., they have people in all the prominent embassies in the world,” Father Ihyula told Breitbart News. “They tell them that it [the jihadist violence] is climate change – I mean for heaven’s sake, climate change, is not confined to Nigeria.”

“People in the U.S. are not killing people because there is climate change,” the Father observed. “Neither are people in the U.K. killing people because there is climate change. Only in Nigeria [is it] that people are displaced … in the name of climate change and nobody wants the truth to be said, and when you say the truth you become a target.”

Father Ihyula urged those in the international community, and Americans especially, to pray for the Christians of Nigeria and discuss the crisis in the hopes of raising awareness.

“We need help in that the American people should talk about this. The more people get to know, the more the outside world gets to know about this, it’s better for us because now its, ‘oh the world is talking about this so let us talk, or tomorrow someone will bring us before the International Criminal Court,'” the priest said.


Children attempt schooling at the Uikpam IDP camp in Benue state, Nigeria (Courtesy of the Catholic Diocese of Makurdi Foundation for Justice, Development, & Peace).

He noted that the millions in IDP camps are also suffering tremendously and, despite support from Aid to the Church in Need and other similar humanitarian operations, those in the camps desperately need everything from food to blankets to educational tools for their children.

Follow Frances Martel on




Malaysia Halts Music Fest After U.K. Singer Matty Healy Slams Anti-Gay Laws, Kisses Bandmate

1Thomas Niedermueller/Getty Images


22 Jul 20230


KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia (AP) — Malaysia’s government Saturday cut short a music festival after the lead singer of British band The 1975 slammed the country’s anti-gay laws and kissed a male bandmate during their performance.

Communications and Digital Minister Fahmi Fadzil slammed Matty Healy’s conduct late Friday at the start of the Good Vibes Festival as “very rude.”


Healey used profanity in his speech criticizing the government’s stance against homosexuality, before kissing bass player Ross MacDonald. Footage of the fiasco was posted on social media and sparked a backlash in the predominantly Muslim nation.

After meeting the festival organizers Saturday, Fahmi said the festival, which was scheduled to go on this weekend, will be canceled.

“There will be no compromise with any party that challenges, belittles or violates Malaysian laws,” he said in a statement on Facebook. Homosexuality is a crime in the country that is punishable by up to 20 years in prison and caning.


The agency in charge of approving performances by foreign artists said it was disappointed with the band’s conduct, calling it “an insult and disrespecting the laws of the country.” It said the group will be blacklisted from performing in Malaysia.

It wasn’t the first time that Healy used the stage to defend lesbian and gay rights. In 2019, he kissed a male fan during a concert in the United Arab Emirates, which also outlaws homosexual acts, according to media reports.

Bangladesh: Muslims Kidnapping Mostly Minor Hindu Girls

Then celebrate on social media stating: "mission done."

July 20, 2023 by Ashlyn Davis 2 Comments




Instances of Muslims kidnapping Hindu girls, mostly minors, are at an all-time high in Bangladesh, with neither the Bangladeshi government nor international authorities making any attempts to stop this practice.

In the latest news report from the Comilla District of the Muslim-majority country, two men have abducted two Hindu girls from a street near their residence, which is located in the Telikona Sahapara under the Kotowali Model Police Station area. Both the girls are minors and cousins.

As per the complaint, which is dated on the afternoon of July 4, Muhammad Sojib Miyan and Muhammad Shakil, accompanied by others, abducted the victims, identified as Bristi Rani Saha (16) and Laboni Saha (17).

In her written complaint, Brishti’s mother, Sima Rani Saha, alleged that Shakil and his accomplices made a social media post that read “Mission done” after abducting the girls.

She says that despite filing a complaint, police have not been active, and have yet to trace the girls’ whereabouts and recover them. Bangladesh’s mainstream media steered clear of reporting on this case, and it was afforded no space in the international press, either. Barring a few mid-sized news sites in India and a Twitter post by the Hindu organisation Hindu Voice, no prominent media houses reported on this case, resulting in zero awareness about this crime in the home country or outside.

In recent months, there has been an exponential increase in cases of Hindu girls being abducted by Muslims. 13-year-old Aishi Saha was abducted from Barishal in May. After enormous outrage, the girl was recovered from Dhaka, but not before she was converted to Islam. In the present case of the twin abduction as well, the girls’ family suspects that their daughters might have been kidnapped to have them forcefully converted to Islam and then married off to their abductors, in the true Pakistani fashion that some Bangladeshi Muslims have lately been emulating.



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