Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Former Chief Political Correspondent of Bild Warns Migrants (MUSLIMS) Will Take Over Germany - LIKE MEXICANS HAVE MEXIFORNIA

 Migrant enclaves already are at the top of the U.S. lists for bad places to  - 10 of the 50 worst places in America to live according to this list are in California, and all of them are famous for their illegal populations.             MONICA SHOWALTER

Qatar's (HOME TO HAMAS LEADERSHIP) longstanding efforts to buy influence in the United States have, quite unsurprisingly, included substantial donations to the Clinton Foundation. In 2011, for example, the foundation accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar in honor of former president Bill Clinton's 65th birthday. Hillary was serving as secretary of state at the time, but failed to disclose the massive donation to the State Department despite her pledge to keep the agency apprised of the foundation's foreign donors.


 WHAT HAPPENED TO THE DEMOCRAT PARTY? I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.              TULSI GABBARD

"Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, the twin nutters of Congress, were certain they could beat Trump at his own game, but have made fools of themselves, as usual.  The stand-off is not over but with each passing day, the Democrats reveal more of their anti-American, pro-illegal immigration agenda.  Conservatives have been sounding the alarm for years: Democrats do not care about American  citizens!"                                                                          PATRICIA McCARTHY

When some among the migrants commit violent crimes -- through car break-ins, burglaries, vandalism, fentanyl dealing, identity theft, strongarm robberies, rapes, and other violent crimes, it is the working class citizen who suffers. At times, they pay with their lives.By Rajan Laad

Former Chief Political Correspondent of Bild Warns Migrants Will Take Over Germany

The “We Can Do It” nonsense dies with a whimper.

Ralf Schuler, the former chief political correspondent of the newspaper Bild, has just warned his countrymen that appeals to migrants — by which everyone in Germany understands is meant “Muslim migrants” — to “respect Western culture” will have no effect. Muslim migrants, he claims, see Germany as a place where, through inexorable demographic change, they will eventually dominate the indigenous Germans who, as Infidels, are “the most vile of created beings.” More on Schuler’s critique of “The Migrant Manifesto” that was published by his own former employer Bild, can be found here: “Migrant majority in Germany is ‘only a matter of time,’ warns Bild’s ex-chief political correspondent,” by Thomas Brooke, Remix News, November 2, 2023:

The “Migrant Manifesto” recently published by German newspaper Bild that warns new arrivals to respect Western culture is a “pack of lies” as, in reality, migrants have long appropriated Germany for their own and will soon be in the majority, Ralf Schuler, the tabloid’s former chief political correspondent, has claimed.

In an interview published by the Hungarian newspaper Magyar Hírlap, Schuler said the first migratory wave of 2015 changed Germany indefinitely, and yet members of the commentariat and political elite continue to bury their heads in the sand as to the consequences.

The political elites throughout Europe do not dare admit to the damage, possibly fatal, they have inflicted on their own countries by admitting into their midst millions of Muslim economic migrants. Instead, they continue to exhibit various states of denial, insisting that the new generation of Muslims, born in Europe, will be less threatening than the older generation of those who first migrated to Europe. But opinion polls of both generations reveal that the reverse is true. There are those who claim that Muslims will eventually be able to integrate into the larger society, something they give not the slightest sign of doing, or that if a complete halt to Muslim migration is enforced, then “somehow” things will be set right, but no one has dared to discuss how to handle the problem of the tens of millions of Muslims already in Europe, who have no intention of leaving. That is why in April 2021, twenty-five retired French generals, and many serving officers, signed a letter warning that the Muslim influx was likely to lead to a “civil war.”

“The truth is that the uncontrolled migration wave of 2015 and the subsequent attacks, such as the ax and knife atrocities against women on the trains in Berlin’s Breitscheidplatz, the gang rapes, were seen by anyone who wanted to see them,” he [Ralf Schuler] said.

The former Bild political correspondent said his former employer had adopted an “initial, migration-friendly” attitude towards the influx of new arrivals at the time, but had since shifted towards a “more realistic approach.”

“Nowadays, we can hardly close our eyes to the consequences of daily attacks, violent demonstrations, and illegal migration,” he added.

Germany’s best-selling tabloid newspaper published its 50-point migrant manifesto last week which it claimed was a guide for new arrivals into Germany to adhere to.

The publication urged anyone who considers the German constitution or its legal system to be a collection of non-binding advice to “leave Germany as quickly as possible,” and told new arrivals to learn German, insisting “only if we speak the same language will we understand each other.”

How likely is it that any Muslim migrant, who has no respect for any legal system but Sharia, and is now in the promised land of endless benefits, will heed this naïve and impossible request to “leave Germany as quickly as possible” if he cannot obey the constitution and the legal system?

It further reminded new arrivals that “non-believers” don’t exist in Germany, and urged migrants not to marry children or stone women for adultery.

Again, how will the secular German state prevent Muslims from engaging in child marriages in secret, whatever the laws may prohibit, when Muhammad himself, the Perfect Man and the Model of Contact, married little Aisha when she was six, and consummated his marriage to her when she reached the age of nine? And maybe stoning women for adultery won’t take place on German soil, but can the authorities be quite sure no Muslim migrants will want to do the Islamically right thing — that is, death by lapidation for adulteresses — and manage to carry it out within their closed community? Why should Muslims want to obey the laws of Infidels, whom they regard as “the most vile of created beings”?

Schuler told Maygar Hírlap that while the document may have been well-intentioned, it is simply not borne out of reality, as Germany’s ever-growing migrant population has been free to install its own culture in the country with little resistance.

“It’s a big dose of lies,” Schuler said to expect that migrants will conform to the rules of German culture. He cited the vast numbers of “militant Muslims who march through Berlin every year on the so-called Al-Quds Day” as an example of Muslim disintegration in the country.

This Al-Quds Day March is an outpouring of anti-Israel and antisemitic feeling, with cries of “From the river to the sea/Palestine shall be free,” which means the disappearance of the one, tiny Jewish state and its replacement by a twenty-third Arab one. And others in these marches more directly call for the deaths of Jews with the genocidal war cry: “Khaybar, Khaybar, ya yahud, jaish Muhammad soufa ya’oud.” This translates as “Khaybar Khaybar oh Jews, the army of Muhammad will return.” Khaybar was an oasis where Jewish farmers lived; they were conquered, the men massacred, the women taken as sex slaves, by Mohammed and his warriors in 628 A.D. This cry is a violation of Germany’s strict laws prohibiting the expression of genocidal antisemitism, but no one has dared try to arrest those Muslims chanting these slogans.

A point in the Bild manifesto says that people shake hands in Germany. Orthodox Muslims have never done this — especially not with women — and will not do so in the future.

“It is simply logical that the more Muslims immigrate, the more Muslim a country becomes,” he added.

The German journalist highlighted the growing percentage of those aged under 16 being foreign-born in the country and warned that “at best, the awakening has only just begun.”

“It’s only a matter of time before the first generation grows up as majority migrants. So an exciting question is who integrates whom?” he asked.

Every year that passes, the percentage of the German population that is Muslim increases by between 1-2%. So eventually there will be more Muslims than non-Muslims being born. And at some point, if nothing drastic is done to halt and then reverse Muslim migration, it is the Muslims who will outnumber the indigenous Germans. Then whose laws and customs will prevail?

Schuler criticized the German Green Party, which he claimed remains opposed to immigration restrictions and is committed to labeling anyone who disagrees with its liberal agenda as racist.

The Green Party, which is part of the government coalition, is still unwilling to face reality. They see the difficulties of illegal immigration as simply a problem of infrastructure and costs but refuse to limit illegal migration itself,” he said.

Costs are certainly a problem associated with Muslim migrants, but only a part of the problem. The federal government in Germany now spends 36 billion euros a year on benefits for Muslim migrants; it’s a huge sum. But that is not the only problem. These migrants, both legal and illegal (Schuler addresses only the illegals), are transforming German society. Their levels of criminality have changed the behavior of German women, who no longer go out at night alone, for fear of sexual assault and rape, and of Jews, who now must avoid wearing identifying garb, including kippahs, in public. Public pools have had to introduce women-only hours, so that Muslim women can take part. In German schools, Muslim students have walked out of classes where they are taught about German history, which holds no interest for them, nor does the history of Christianity. And they have prevented classes on the Holocaust from taking place, because that subject can only increase sympathy for “the Jews,” and that would never do.

“The left and the Green camp are quick to classify those who raise the issue of the presence of illegal migrants in Germany as right-wing extremists and accuse them of anti-Muslim racism, or even general xenophobia.”…

Islam is not a race. To be horrified by the texts and tenets of Islam, or by the observable behavior of Muslims, including violence against non-Muslims, is not racism. One need not be a “right-wing extremist” to deplore the increasing presence of Muslims in Europe. Think of that most famous of left-wing journalists, Oriana Fallaci, who fulminated against the “sons of Allah” living in Europe.

Germans are finally rejecting the “welcome culture” policy toward Muslim migrants, made famous by Angela Merkel. No more of this “Wir schaffen das” — “We Can Do It” — nonsense. The large-scale presence of Muslims in Germany has led to a situation that increasing numbers of Germans now recognize as more unpleasant, expensive, and physically dangerous, than it would be without that large-scale presence. The AfD, which wants to end all Muslim migration, legal and illegal, is now the second largest party in Germany. The scales have fallen from German eyes; they recognize what they have done to themselves, and now wish to undo. It takes someone like the mediagenic Alice Weider, a co-founder of the AfD, to ride that recognition all the way to a majority in the Bundestag.

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Muslim Woman Jokes About ‘Seasoning’ the Israeli Baby Baked in an Oven

Who says there is no humor in Islam?

Who says Muslims don’t have a sense of humor? In France, Warda Anwar posted a video on Instagram in which she discussed the Israeli baby baked alive by Hamas murderers at Kibbutz Kfar Aza on October 7. Did the “cook” use salt, pepper, a bit of thyme, she wondered, and “what fat did they roast it in?” And what were the side dishes that accompanied the main dish — the traditional pommes frites, with ketchup and mayonnaise as condiments, or something else?

More on this surpassingly evil young woman and her sense of humor can be found here: “France Takes Legal Action Against Woman Joking About Jewish Baby Cooked in an Oven: ‘Did they Use Salt, Pepper, Thyme, what Fat Did They Roast It In’ (Video),” by Amy Mek, RAIR Foundation, November 4, 2023:

A recent Instagram video, posted by an individual using the pseudonym ‘Haneia Nakei’ but identified as Warda Anwar, has sparked outrage and condemnation. The footage contained offensive jokes about a Jewish baby allegedly burned in an oven by Muslim terrorists during the Hamas attack on Israel on October 7, 2023. French Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin has taken legal action in response to this disturbing content, fueling a broader discussion about freedom of speech and the efforts of left-wing governments to restrict it.

The video featured “Haneia Nakei” [the social media alias used by Warda Anwar] jokingly discussing the recent murder of a baby, humorously speculating about the “accompaniments” for the baby’s leg, and even facetiously declaring, “Each time I come across the story of the baby that was put in the oven. I wonder if they put salt pepper, did they add thyme, and what (fat) did they roast it in? And what were the side dishes… You don’t ask yourself the question? I don’t know. The side dish to this baby leg was just a classic plate of fries with a ketchup and mayonnaise. And we marinated it in salt, thyme, and a barbecue sauce, and paprika. Not bad! I think it’s a rather nice menu!” These highly insensitive remarks have provoked widespread outrage by non-Muslims and pro-Israel supporters.

The offensive video prompted swift condemnation from many leaders, including the Israeli ambassador to France, who strongly denounced the “filthy denialist and antisemitic remarks of the young woman.” The Israeli embassy issued a statement calling for the removal of “Warda Anwar” (a.k.a. Haneia Nakei) from social media platforms, such as Instagram and TikTok. The video made light of a grave incident during the Israel-Hamas conflict when Hamas executed over 1,400 people, including babies, pregnant women, and elderly individuals, in a barbaric manner.

An Israeli first responder to the October 7 Islamic terror attack reported that Hamas terrorists roasted a baby in an oven in shocking video testimony. Asher Moskowitz of the United Hatzalah first responder group published a video of himself speaking to a camera, delivering his eyewitness account.

In it, he claims he saw the remains of a baby who had been baked to death in an oven at Kibbutz Kfar Aza, where more than 100 civilians were killed

The gravity of the woman’s video led to a significant response from the French government. Minister Gérald Darmanin announced on November 3 that he had referred the case to the national prosecutor’s office in Paris, invoking “Article 40 of the Criminal Code.” This action raises important questions about the boundaries of free speech in France, as many argue that such measures may infringe on the principle of freedom of expression.

The woman behind the offensive video, “Haneia Nakei” [Warda Anwar], now faces potential legal consequences. The referral to the national prosecutor’s office means that the legal authorities will review the case to determine whether her comments violated any laws, such as those related to France’s hate speech or incitement to violence. If her actions are found to have breached these laws, she could face criminal charges, fines, or other legal penalties.

Is it conceivable that this kind of grotesque and evil hilarity would not be considered hate speech? It makes light of the murder of a Jewish baby. And think of all the jokes that will now be circulating in “can-you-top-this” competitions on social media, possibly about the kinds of mutilations — the eyes gouged out, the genitalia cut off, the breasts sliced off — that the Israeli victims suffered that day.

The incident highlights the persistent contentious issue of content moderation on social media platforms. It emphasizes the various ways governments exert influence on platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and Snapchat and the increasing pressure placed on them to take action against what governments consider “hate speech” and “offensive” content. Notably, the Israeli embassy has explicitly called for the removal of Warda Anwar’s accounts from these platforms.

Can there be any doubt that Warda Anwar should not just have her accounts removed from social media, but also should be prosecuted for hate speech, and receive not only a stiff fine, but also a prison term, where behind bars (let her sentence be as long as the law allows, and ideally one to be served in solitary confinement), she can indulge her sense of humor to her heart’s content, telling her thigh-slapping jokes to her only audience, the four walls of her cell?

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