Wednesday, November 15, 2023


 Qatar's (HOME TO HAMAS LEADERSHIP) longstanding efforts to buy influence in the United States have, quite unsurprisingly, included substantial donations to the Clinton Foundation. In 2011, for example, the foundation accepted a $1 million gift from Qatar in honor of former president Bill Clinton's 65th birthday. Hillary was serving as secretary of state at the time, but failed to disclose the massive donation to the State Department despite her pledge to keep the agency apprised of the foundation's foreign donors.

‘In the Old America, This Would Provoke an Uprising’

No stranger to hypocrisy, Hillary Clinton set a breathtaking new standard with her denunciation of convicted meme jokester Douglass Mackey.  The context was an April 2023 discussion with former House speaker Nancy Pelosi at the Columbia University School of International and Public Affairs, where Hillary is reportedly a professor.

“Democracy requires at least a minimal level of trust,” said Hillary with the semblance of a straight face.  “So if we are going to turn our politics over to people who — maybe just for the heck of it — are making up stuff to misrepresent leaders, or maybe because they know they can achieve it if they do, then where does this stop?”

Mackey’s crime was to pass along a meme he found online titled, “Save Time, Avoid the Line.”  This meme, said Hillary, who knows something about election subversion, “went from speech to action meant to subvert the election.”  Graced with a picture of a smiling Hillary, the meme then directed readers to text their vote to a given number.  Try as hard as they might, prosecutors could not find not a single one of the “thousands of people” Hillary claimed to have been affected by this transparent joke.

“He was one of the main people running memes against me in 2016,” said Hillary.  Mackey was no such thing.  A 27-year-old Middlebury College grad living in New York City at the time, Mackey was an unconnected and unpaid Trump-supporter.  He tweeted under the handle “Ricky Vaughn,” the Charlie Sheen “Wild Thing” character in the baseball comedy Major League.

Although Mackey did not take himself seriously, the Biden DOJ obviously did.  Seven days after the 2021 inauguration, more than four years after the purported crime, ten law enforcement officers, four of them FBI, made an unannounced 7 A.M. visit at his residence and led Mackey away in handcuffs.  It was not until his arraignment that he had the slightest idea what he was being accused of doing.

In March 2023, Mackey was convicted by a federal jury in Brooklyn of the charge of “Conspiracy Against Rights stemming from his scheme to deprive individuals of their constitutional right to vote.”  The DOJ boasted of the conviction and alerted other online comics that Mackey “faces a maximum of 10 years in prison.”  In October, he was sentenced to a seemingly merciful seven months.

In his recent conversation with the laconic Vermonter, Tucker Carlson focused on the issues of free speech and the abuse of government power.  For Hillary to cheer on the arrest of a political foe like Mackey, Carlson argued, was a step into “Idi Amin territory.”

Although Carlson did not mention Kristina Wong’s tweet from election morning, November 8, 2016, others have.  The tweet is still available on X.  “Hey Trump Supporters!” said Wong, wearing a MAGA hat.  “Skip poll lines at #Election2016 and TEXT in your vote!  Text votes are legit.  Or vote tomorrow on Super Wednesday!”  Wong, of course, has not been arrested.  She has not even felt compelled to delete her tweet, which is posted in video form.

Overlooked by Mackey’s supporters, however, is the most serious injustice of all: the failure of the DOJ to hold Hillary accountable for, as she put it, “making up stuff to misrepresent leaders.”  I refer specifically to the most epic attempt to “subvert” a presidential election in American political history, the Russia hoax, a hoax bought and paid for by Hillary and her minions.

The closest Special Counsel John Durham came to tying Hillary to this plot was the trial of FBI informant Igor Danchenko.  Although Durham accused Danchenko of lying to the FBI, he used the trial to highlight the role of the FBI, the Department of Justice, the Mueller investigation, and finally Hillary herself in this massive vote suppression scheme.

Through her cut-outs, Clinton had hired British intel op Christopher Steele to somehow link then-candidate Donald Trump to Vladimir Putin.  The result was the infamous Steele dossier.  As FBI supervisor Brian Auten admitted at trial, Mr.Steele was offered anywhere up to a million dollars for any information, documentary, physical evidence, anything of that sort which could help to prove the allegations.”

The FBI made this offer in early October 2016, two weeks before it filed its first FISA application against American businessman Carter Page.  As Auten admitted, Steele did not and could not provide anything.”  No matter.  Without any corroboration, FBI brass went ahead and filed not just one, but four FISA applications against Page with the unproven Steele information as its foundation.  In 2016, they had an election to win.

Upon learning that Danchenko was Steele’s principal source for the gossip contained in the dossier, the FBI hired him as a confidential human source (CHS).  At his trial, Durham revealed that Danchenko’s primary sub-source was a Democrat operative named Charles Dolan who had direct ties to both Hillary and to Russia.

In October 2022, I wrote of Dolan in these pages: “He just made stuff up and fed it to Danchenko who, in turn, fed it to Christopher Steele who fed it to the Clinton campaign, the media, and the FBI who collectively shared this unvetted nonsense with the world for several years.”

“Making up stuff to misrepresent leaders,” Hillary assures us, is bad for democracy.  The goal of the Hillary camp in making this stuff up was to subvert democracy by discouraging citizens from voting for Trump.  The bogus Trump-Putin news generated pre-election easily cost Trump a thousand times more votes than Doug Mackey’s tweets cost Hillary.

“Because they know they can achieve [victory] if they do,” said Hillary of subversives like Mackey, “then where does this stop?”  Well, in Hillary’s case, “this” did not stop with the 2016 election.  The Hillary-friendly DOJ, with an able assist from the media, kept the hoax alive for at least two more years, certainly through the November 2018 election cycle.

The plot thoroughly corrupted that election.  By any metric, things were going swimmingly in President Trump’s America as November approached.  The GDP was up 5.2% from 2017.  The unemployment rate declined to a 49-year low of 3.8%.  Inflation was only at 2.49% year-to-year.  The murder rate fell nearly 6%, the second straight year of decrease after a wild spike under Obama.  No new wars had been launched, and the American death count in Afghanistan had fallen to 3% of its peak eight years prior.

So how was it that the Republicans barely held the Senate despite having only nine seats at risk?  How too did the Democrats capture 41 seats in the House, their biggest gain in a midterm since the post-Watergate tsunami of 1974?  The answer is simple.  Lacking a real Watergate, Hillary and her allies created one.

And Doug Mackey goes to prison for a silly meme he did not even create?  Said Tucker Carlson, In the old America this would provoke an uprising.”

Jack Cashill’s new book, Untenable: The True Story of White Ethnic Flight from America’s Cities, is available in all formats.

Image: Gage Skidmor

America in October of 2024

The 2024 presidential election is a year away. The political landscape of America in October of 2024 will be far different than it is today. The current polling, which focuses on which candidate for president is winning and the attendant punditry, is meaningless. Over the next twelve months there will be a significant increase in voter dissatisfaction due to unabated crime and illegal immigration as well as seismic shifts in the economy and foreign affairs which will dramatically affect the fortunes of both parties and their candidates.

September 2023 poll revealed that just 28% of Americans believe the U.S. political system is working extremely or somewhat well. Additionally, 65% of respondents indicated that they are dissatisfied with the candidates running for president as another recent poll exposed that just 33% of American electorate has a favorable view of Joe Biden and only 29% have a favorable view of Donald Trump.

When combined with 76% of Americans believing the country is headed in the wrong direction, the darkly negative outlook of the citizenry will not improve over the next twelve months as there is virtually nothing indicating a sea change in the nation’s fortunes or politics. In fact, an unjaundiced view of the immediate future reveals ever-growing dark clouds on the horizon.

The economy is currently being propped up by unprecedented government expenditures combined with modest growth in consumer spending as Americans are paying significantly more for virtually everything. However, the current level of consumer spending cannot be sustained and will soon begin to significantly decline.

This decline is inevitable due to total household debt now reaching an unheard-of $17.28 Trillion  (equivalent to the annual gross domestic product of China) while real incomes continue to rapidly deteriorate due to intractable inflation.

Many have been forced to turn to borrowing, spending their savings, drawing down their retirement accounts and credit card debt to pay their bills. As a result, bankruptcies and loan and credit card delinquencies are skyrocketing, while the wealth of Americans is being rapidly depleted.

The Biden Administration and its allies in Congress are determined to continue propping up the economy through massive government spending. However, due to this out-of-control fiscal policy, the government is having an increasingly difficult time convincing investors to buy long-term U.S. Treasury bonds without committing to significantly higher interest rates with each new auction.

The estimated annualized interest payments on U.S. government debt currently exceeds $1 Trillion, which represents 45.5% of all income tax revenue collected annually by the federal government and a doubling of interest expenses over the past 19 months alone.

While exorbitant government spending, borrowing, and de facto money printing continues there is little chance of inflation receding. The consumer, unlike previous economic recoveries, will not be at the forefront of triggering economic growth. Thus, the reality of a severe long-term economic downturn becomes more inevitable by the month.

The general consensus of many economists is that there is at a 60-65% probability of a recession before September of 2024. However, the ongoing massive drop in shipping volume, record bankruptcies, and unprecedented layoffs in the global and domestic supply chain portends a much higher probability of a significant recession in 2024.

On the international scene, chaos will continue to reign. It’s not a question of if but how much worse will it be in 12 months.

It is highly likely that Iran will have nuclear weapons and long-range ballistic missiles within the next twelve months. As Iran will not be confronted or sanctioned by the United States or the West, they will be further emboldened to sow chaos in the Middle East by expanding their support for their terrorist proxies, increasing their influence in Iraq and Syria and targeting Saudi Arabia. Utilizing their proxies, Iran will continue to isolate and attack Israel, who, thanks to American interference, will not have fully destroyed Hamas or Hezb’allah. The Middle East will be more volatile a year from now than it is at present and the risk of American military involvement will be exponentially higher.

The war in Ukraine will be over as it will end in a stalemate with Russia permanently annexing a portion of eastern Ukraine. However, the Biden Administration will obligate the citizens of the United States to finance the bulk of the rebuilding. The Biden administration and Congress will essentially declare Ukraine a de facto American dependent while agreeing to allow Ukraine to join NATO.

China will continue to expand its hegemony throughout the western Pacific region by isolating Taiwan and continuously provoking America and its allies in the region. They will be actively engaging in governmental upheavals throughout South and Central America while threatening to cut off trade routes and selectively limiting trade with the United States. China is convinced that the Unites States is politically incapable of confronting them while also dealing with the Middle East, Ukraine, and a myriad of economic and societal issues at home. China will be an even more dangerous, aggressive, and implacable adversary a year from now.

Joe Biden will not be the Democrat Party nominee in 2024. His high unfavourability stemming from his egregious scandals, his age, his mental decrepitude, and his overall incompetence will embolden the party hierarchy to convince Biden to drop out of the race in the spring of 2024 and then resign after November 5, 2024. Thus, allowing Kamala Harris to serve as the historic first female President of color. The party will nominate someone else who can run on not being responsible for the failures of the Biden Administration while making Donald Trump the entire focus of their campaign.

Donald Trump, will in all likelihood, be found guilty of at least one felony in the January 6th “insurrection” trial as it is being adjudicated in Washington D.C. in front of a grossly prejudiced judge and a jury that will no doubt be predominantly made up of anti-Trump voters.

The Republican Party and its voters will then be faced with the quandary of sticking with Trump and his historically low approval ratings with the American electorate (average of 41% from 2017-2021, and an average of 37% from 2022-2023) or replacing him with someone the Democrats cannot so easily demonize.

The old adage “a year is an eternity in politics” is perhaps more apt in this presidential election cycle than in any in modern American history as there are so many variables that will impact the outcome. But the outcome of the 2024 election will determine the fate of the nation, particularly if the Democrats again control the White House and Congress.

Image: PxHere

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