Sunday, January 28, 2024

THE OBAMA - SOROS MOBS GOES AFTER TRUMP WHILE JOE BIDEN HANDS OUT VOTER REGISTRATION CARDS ON THE NARCOMEX BORDER - ‘Defeat MAGA’: Meet the Radical Left Network that Hijacked Democrats in Effort to Stop Trump at All Costs


Peter Schweizer, author of “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends,”

For George Soros it was about control to gain influence, access, and special treatment.  After the election Biden formed a transition team that staffed itself with people connected to Soros.

But his money also played a part.  Soros spent over $70 million on activities that backed Biden's candidacy.  Soros bought frequent access to Obama.  That access returned under Biden.  Biden's Kampf



PROOF Obama's Birth Certificate is Fake

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS AND LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK)  corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS (WANTS TO BE OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER, OWNED BY LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK WHO OWNS A BIG PIECE OF THE ‘BIG GUY’ JOE, AND GEORGE SOROS’ RENT BOY (GAMER LAWYER) TONY BLINKEN, AS WELL AS CON MAN (GAMER LAWYER) ADAM SHIFF) AND HIS CORRUPTNESS (GAMER LAWYER) BOB MENENDEZ STILL EVADING PRISON.


But by later that year and in subsequent years, Soros was fully engaged through multiple entities in funding Indivisible. Soros’s own Open Society Foundations website shows that in 2017 the Tides Advocacy provided $350,000 to Indivisible. In subsequent years, the money came directly from Open Society to Indivisible and increased in dollar amount. In 2018, Soros’s group gave half a million dollars to Indivisible, which increased to $1.75 million in 2019. In 2021, Open Society gave Indivisible two grants totaling $875,000, and in 2022 Soros’s group gave Indivisible another $1.135 million.

Biden hates working people

As our sanctuary-country sinks even further under the weight of millions of illegal immigrants, the President and his fellow Democrats believe the solution is to give them work permits so they can “support themselves.”

Where is their concern for the citizens whose jobs these illegal immigrants will take? Have they never heard of the concept of opportunity cost? Every job they take is a job that won’t be available to legal citizens. That’s not a political philosophy but a cold hard fact.

And this is in an environment where Artificial Intelligence and robots/automation are forecast to slash the number of jobs for average working folks.

What is even worse is the fact that this army of illegal immigrants is certain to depress working folk’s hourly wages for generations to come.

You will often hear it said they are only taking jobs Americans won’t do. That is a lie. The truth is Americans won’t do some of those jobs for the wages being offered. So, rather than allowing the marketplace to raise the wages being offered, their revolting solution is to import millions of low-skilled illegals in a planned strategy to keep working people’s wages low, forever.

And opposition to this obscene strategy has nothing to do with race or ethnicity. Famous civil rights leader Cesar Chavez –- a proud Hispanic -- knew this reality and was thus a strong opponent of illegal immigration. He worked the fields and saw the direct impact illegals had on working wages.

You will often hear how businesses supposedly need these low-wage workers to prosper. Few realize this is one of the arguments the plantation owners of the old South used in their defense of slavery. You might be on the wrong side of an issue when your arguments are in agreement with an economic justification for slavery.

And it’s not just working wages being purposely depressed. This process keeps wages depressed all the way up to at least mid-level white-collar positions. 

Open your eyes. The wages of almost every federal and state worker are significantly depressed by these actions. Way to go, Democrats!

Think that isn’t the plan? I have a bridge to sell you.

And what of these working folks’ kids? Their children will be forced to attend K-12 public schools that are inundated with children of these illegal immigrants. I doubt if the privileged children of these politicians will face a similar situation.

So not only does working mom and dad get screwed, this ensures their children are similarly damaged. But it does ensure a large, poorly educated, ready, desperate low-wage workforce for decades to come.

And what about crime? Health and hospital services? Housing? VA services for those who gave their blood for this country? Future Social Security checks? The list of areas negatively impacted is very long indeed.

And poorer citizens will bear the brunt of it all. All while the President and his ilk can pat themselves on the back for their enlightenment and benevolence.

If the citizens truly understood the profound impact this invasion will have on all of us, President Biden and his Democrat cohorts -- and more than a few Republicans -- would be tarred and feathered and run out of town on a rail. 

Any poor or working-class person -- and I don’t give a damn about the color of his skin -- is a fool for giving Biden or any Democrat another vote ever again.

Sure, let’s give them all work permits and let the citizens eat cake.  Disgusting.

John Conlin is an expert in organizational design and change. He also holds a BS in Earth Sciences and an MBA and is the founder and President of E.I.C. Enterprises, He has been published in American Greatness, The Federalist, The Daily CallerAmerican Thinker, Houston Chronicle, Denver Post, and Public Square Magazine among others.

‘Defeat MAGA’: Meet the Radical Left Network that Hijacked Democrats in Effort to Stop Trump at All Costs

US President Donald Trump leaves after speaking during a Make America Great Again rally at Fayetteville Regional Airport November 2, 2020, in Fayetteville, North Carolina. - The US presidential campaign enters its final day Monday with a last-minute scramble for votes by Donald Trump and Joe Biden, drawing to a …

A well-coordinated, well-funded, and high-powered network of leftist organizations, led by a group whose efforts 2016 Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton promoted, is behind the push to remove former President Donald Trump, the 2024 frontrunner for president from any party, from the ballot, Breitbart News has learned.

But it’s much broader than that: For years, this network of leftists grew from a powerful vast left-wing conspiracy unmasked a decade ago into now being the dominating force on the left determined to stop Trump at all costs. What’s more, these leftists clearly control what top Democrats are saying, forcing their leaders to adopt their narrative. They even regularly openly brag about controlling what the sitting President of the United States says, taking credit for Democrat President Joe Biden’s dark reelection campaign messaging, where Biden has warned of “MAGA extremists” on the rise.

Research compiled by Northeast Florida-based conservative grassroots activist Jessico Bowman shows the intricate links between these groups and just how sophisticated their operations happen to be. Bowman, the secretary of the libertarian-leaning Republican Liberty Caucus, was so alarmed by what she found, she provided this research to Breitbart News exclusively ahead of its public release. The first installment of this bigger investigation into these well-funded and highly organized leftist groups is here in this story. Bowman’s research found that these leftist organizations began their work to crush Trump back in the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election, when Trump shocked everyone by defeating Clinton, and the network of radicals has since spiraled into controlling the top levers of the Democrat Party in a desperate bid to stop Trump.

“Following the most profound upset in 2016 which shifted the political matrix to America First MAGA populism, a war was declared in the shadows by the radical left,” Bowman told Breitbart News. “A well-oiled democracy alliance of political activist networks comprised of a collective of left wing and anti-Trump organizations, even charitable non-profits, managed by Indivisible – formed mimicking the Tea Party’s grassroots coalition structure. Battle-ready to funnel money and resources to fight using the power of their combined influence to defeat MAGA.”

The level of influence and control that this leftist network has over elected officials is essentially unprecedented in world history. Everyone from the sitting president of the United States to top law enforcement officials at the federal, state, and local level to leading Democrats in Congress and in states around the country are using these leftists’ playbook and talking points, following them close to verbatim. Nothing remotely like it exists on the right in U.S. politics, and never before has there been such a sophisticated leftist structure in control of at least half of American discourse in a presidential election year. Even stories in recent years about leftist organizations like the Democracy Alliance—exposed a decade ago when various documents made public showed the vast intricate connections between left-wing groups—do not compare to the intricacy of the organization level in play now on the American left.

As Bowman mentioned, the titular head of this leftist network is the group Indivisible. Indivisible’s website explains its origins as resisting Trump during his first term in office, and organizing leftists nationally under a broader banner designed to push the left’s agenda everywhere.

“Indivisible started as the Indivisible Guide, a Google Doc guide to organizing locally to pressure your elected officials to resist Trump’s agenda,” the Who We Are section of Indivisible’s website explains. “It caught fire as millions of people picked up the guide and its name – Indivisible – and organized their own local Indivisible groups to put the guide into action. These new Indivisible activists formed a nationwide movement of people taking matters into their own hands to build their own power through collective action.”

Working against Trump in the White House from 2017 to 2021 may have been its original goal, but the  network that Indivisible leads has now shifted to trying to stop Trump from winning in 2024—and in case they fail to stop him at the ballot box, undermining his second term in office from the get-go.

The homepage of Indivisible’s website now states that the group’s primary mission is to “DEFEAT MAGA” and “SAVE DEMOCRACY.” This terminology and verbiage—constant complaining about “MAGA extremists,” for instance—has found its way into every top Democrat’s talking points—from Biden himself to House Democrat leader Hakeem Jeffries to former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on down to rank-and-file elected Democrats.

Biden has even made these leftist groups’ talking points—an extensive focus on “extremists” in “MAGA”—the centerpiece of his 2024 reelection campaign and has regularly used them in pursuing his domestic and foreign policy agenda items as president. The irony, of course, is that while Biden is bashing “extremism” on the regular as a president of the United States seeking reelection against his predecessor, he is the one associating with extremists on the radical left behind this network of groups that Indivisible leads and others follow.

Some of the talking points or suggested actions from these leftist groups have shown up later – not just in the legal push to kick Trump off the ballot in several states,, but also seem to have formed at least part of the groundwork for the various indictments he faces, like one from Justice Department Special Counsel Jack Smith’s investigation. But beyond simply preceding and fueling the indictments against Trump, these leftist groups have cheered them and organized activists to further politically weaponize them in a manner designed to hurt Trump and any Republicans who associate with him.

The leftist network is even preparing for the possibility they fail to stop Trump from getting elected again, and aiming to ready their activists for fighting a second Trump administration should he win again this year.


Indivisible’s website has a map that shows it has thousands of affiliated local groups nationwide listed in communities around the country. Every state in the union has multiple Indivisible local partners, and an explanation that used to exist on Indivisible’s website—but no longer is there—explained how this network of organizations works together with national staff for the national group Indivisible.

“INDIVISIBLE GROUPS & NATIONAL STAFF – HOW WE WORK TOGETHER,” reads the top of the page that Indivisible’s website no longer has publicly available but that Bowman found and archived as part of her investigation.

“Indivisible is a progressive grassroots movement of millions of activists across every state, fueled by a partnership between thousands of autonomous local Indivisible groups and a nationwide staff that offers strategic leadership, coordination, and support,” the now-deleted website page reads.

The document lays out how the national staff at Indivisible connects people with local groups nationwide, holds organizing calls, provides financial support, including a series of grants that the group offers, and even helps with media outreach and pushing their message into the press.

While that part of Indivisible’s website is now gone, another part of it that remains up is a document that explains for aspiring leftist organizers nationwide how to structure “Indivisible Groups.” The “common legal structures” recommendations part of the site explains how people can make different kinds of tax-exempt nonprofit groups or Political Action Committees (PACs) to best effectuate their goals in politics. That seems to have served as the groundwork for the broader network of thousands of groups springing up nationwide to carry out the Indivisible agenda from coast to coast across America.

But Indivisible is not the only organization at play here. Other leftist groups are heavily involved in this bigger network. Two previously published documents trace the origins of the broader network of leftist organizations. The first document, published in 2014 as part of a bigger conservative movement investigation into the Democracy Alliance, listed 21 “core organizations” and another 161 “partner and aligned organizations” that were part of the Democracy Alliance.

The Democracy Alliance has been well-known for many years now, as what the left-wing Vox in a 2014 piece describing the publication of some of these documents wrote was at the time: “The closest thing that exists to a ‘left-wing conspiracy’ in the US.” Vox’s piece noted that George Soros, the left-wing billionaire, among many other luminaries on the radical left, had come together during the George W. Bush administration as an effort to resist Bush’s policies and push the Democrat agenda in Washington. Over the ensuing years, the Democracy Alliance grew and flourished and then, by the time Trump took office in 2017 after eight years of Democrat President Barack Obama, the Democracy Alliance flew back into action to help lead the “Resistance” against Trump. In fact, a 2017 document that the New York Times’ Ken Vogel published showed essentially an updated and more specific “Resistance Map” of Democracy Alliance organizations—and it is here where Indivisible is first listed. It’s worth noting Indivisible does not appear on the earlier document from 2014, because the group had not yet been founded.

The 2017 document is much more specific than the 2014 one about the various roles of different leftist organizations. For instance, it says the ACLU and the Brennan Center for Justice, among others, would lead “litigation” against the Trump administration and lists out other broader responsibilities of different groups like “organizing,” “advocacy,” “rapid response,” “corporate and government ethics,” “electoralizing the groundswell,” “mass mobilization,” “storytelling,” and more.

Under the section “pressuring government officials” is where Indivisible—which, of course, was new on the scene that year after it came together in late 2016 when Trump beat Clinton—appears.

“Perhaps no group epitomizes the differences between the legacy left and the grass-roots resistance like Indivisible,” Vogel’s New York Times piece about the left’s resistance to Trump notes:

Started as a Google document detailing techniques for opposing the Republican agenda under Mr. Trump, the group now has a mostly Washington-based staff of about 40 people, with more than 6,000 volunteer chapters across the country. The national Indivisible hub, which consists of a pair of nonprofit groups, has raised nearly $6 million since its start, primarily through small-dollar donations made through its website.

That founding Indivisible document from December 2016 that Vogel describes includes an interesting chapter that Bowman—the conservative activist who compiled this research on the left—is fascinated by. Still available on Indivisible’s website, it is titled: “How Grassroots Advocacy Worked to Stop President Obama.” In it, Indivisible founders explain how the Tea Party movement thwarted much of Obama’s agenda—and how these leftists would seek to use those exact same tactics to stall Trump’s policies.

Vogel noted that Reid Hoffman, the leftist billionaire who is also currently funding author E. Jean Carroll’s lawsuits against Trump and was funding the Super PAC of GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley until she lost New Hampshire, was one of the biggest donors to Indivisible early on , as were “foundations or coalitions tied to Democracy Alliance donors, including the San Francisco mortgage billionaire Herbert Sandler, the New York real estate heiress Patricia Bauman and the oil heiress Leah Hunt-Hendrix.”

During the Trump presidency, Indivisible and more fringe leftist groups like it emerged as the dominant powerhouse on the left—leaving behind the more established older groups. The group took credit for both of Trump’s impeachments and used the fights during the Trump administration to edge out its competition on the left as the main messaging clearinghouse. “Over a year ago, Indivisibles helped lead the charge to impeach and remove Donald Trump from office, knowing full well that he was an ongoing, existential threat to our democracy and its institutions,” Ezra Levin, the co-founder of Indivisible, said in part, when Trump was impeached the second time in early 2021.

Vogel’s 2017 report laid out how Indivisible’s leaders would that year be meeting with top Democrat donors like billionaire George Soros to seek funding for their actions. Earlier that year, video emerged thanks to Need to Know Network—a GOP-aligned news aggregation service connected to the Republican opposition research firm America Rising—showing Levin and his Indivisible co-founder Leah Greenberg meeting with top Democrat donors at a Democracy Alliance spring fundraising gathering.


Interestingly, in addition to being Indivisible co-founders, Levin and Greenberg also happen to be married to one another. A 2017 piece from the Jewish Telegraph Agency that profiled how their group had emerged “at the forefront of ‘resisting the Trump agenda,’” also explains how Greenberg and Levin are husband and wife and are both former congressional staffers to top Democrats.

“As of this week, the Indivisible guide to grassroots advocacy has been downloaded or viewed over 1.7 million times and inspired more than 5,000 local groups (with another 2,000 groups waiting to be verified), which are using it to take action on issues like preserving the Affordable Care Act, supporting public schools or challenging the administration’s immigration policies,” the February 2017 Jewish Telegraph Agency piece reads. “At the center of the efforts is one young Jewish couple, Greenberg and her husband, Ezra Levin, both former congressional staffers who founded  Indivisible with three friends and former colleagues.”

When the Republicans slammed Indivisible for the obvious Soros ties in that March 2017 video, Levin shot back in Politico saying Indivisible had not received Soros money or any money from his Open Society Foundation.

“There is not only a slight amount of anti-Semitic innuendo involved in casting George Soros as the bogeyman,” Levin said, arguing that Republicans were trying to blame someone for failing to repeal Obamacare that day, which they had.

But by later that year and in subsequent years, Soros was fully engaged through multiple entities in funding Indivisible. Soros’s own Open Society Foundations website shows that in 2017 the Tides Advocacy provided $350,000 to Indivisible. In subsequent years, the money came directly from Open Society to Indivisible and increased in dollar amount. In 2018, Soros’s group gave half a million dollars to Indivisible, which increased to $1.75 million in 2019. In 2021, Open Society gave Indivisible two grants totaling $875,000, and in 2022 Soros’s group gave Indivisible another $1.135 million.

Soros also provided lots of cash to Indivisible’s political arm, per Federal Election Commission (FEC) reports. In July 2020, Soros’s Democracy PAC donated $500,000 to Indivisible Action—the PAC aligned with Indivisible’s nonprofit arm.

In the aftermath of the first Trump term in the White House, during the Biden presidency, Indivisible has gotten even more aggressive in its push for control on the Democrat side. In the lead-up to the 2022 midterm elections, Indivisible got Clinton—the failed 2016 Democrat presidential contender—to record a video message backing its “Crush the Coup” campaign for specific candidates it was pushing for key legislative races around the country.

“There is also good news in the face of this very real threat to democracy,” Clinton says in the taped message for Indivisible. “Indivisible has launched ‘Crush the Coup’ to make sure we’re ready to defend democracy in 2024. They’ve put together a list of critical races in six key states and how you can get involved. Will you support ‘Crush the Coup’ by donating to Indivisible and state legislature candidates? Each of these races is highly competitive. Your dollars could very well decide the winners—and the winner of the next presidential election. This could not be more important or more urgent.”

Many of those candidates won in 2022. Levin issued a press release right after the 2022 election celebrating their victories, framing these candidates’ wins as a way to block a “coup” by Trump in the 2024 election.

“Coming out of 2020, Republicans telegraphed their strategy for stealing the 2024 election: win or retain control of key state legislatures, have the MAGA dominated Supreme Court empower them, and use that power to declare Trump the winner in 2024,” Levin said. “Last night, we significantly narrowed their path to a coup.”

Now, Bowman told Breitbart News, Indivisible is firmly in the driver’s seat on the left—and has the pedal to the metal as it accelerates into the 2024 election season. In other words, all of this demonstrates how Indivisible successfully waged a coup of its own: the hard-charging radical leftists running it coopted the previously-reported Democracy Alliance and are now running the show among Democrats headed into the 2024 election.

“Indivisible won over the Democracy Alliance in 2017,” Bowman said. “It received funding from the Tides Foundation (a left-wing passthrough), various other large Democrat donors like Reid Hoffman, and of course many grassroots funded donations. Indivisible is comprised of  Indivisible Civics, a 501c(3), Indivisible Project, a 501c(4), & Indivisible Action PAC claiming to have 6,000 chapters and to have mimicked the structure and tactics of the conservative Tea Party they infiltrated. Indivisible took a well-funded, yet disorganized, Democracy Alliance, and transformed its left wing spiderweb into a well-organized and powerful specialized network. This allowed for independence, strict adherence to communication guidelines, and dependence on network leaders to bridge the gap. The Alliance organizations focus on their individual specialties such as climate change, banning assault weapons, et cetera, while remaining networked to the entire spider web and having grassroots activists ready to mobilize. Funding flows from various deep pocketed liberal passthrough charitable organizations and membership based funding organizations. The organizations also pass money to each other. Indivisible serves as both a network manager and a grassroots organization structure for these organizations.”


Some of the connections between the different organizations are hard to find publicly, but Bowman pulled together lots of research by digging around in the groups’ websites and comparing them up against the 2014 and the 2017 roadmaps. For instance, one group on the 2017 document called Action Network—the 2017 document includes it under “backend services”—includes on its website an image of the Indivisible group’s first manifesto explaining how to stop the Trump agenda when Trump was president.

Action Network on its homepage says it provides services like email, fundraising, mobile messaging, automation, events, and petitions for clients on the left. The group boasts the Democrat National Committee (DNC) “shattered all sorts of fundraising records” after using its services for only a few months. But the organization again is part of this dark money network connected to other groups in the so-called Democracy Alliance beyond just the Indivisible connection.

Action Network’s website also features a petition to Secretaries of State nationwide calling to “disqualify” Trump from the presidential ballot, citing Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution—the so-called insurrection clause. One of the groups that is listed as a sponsor of that petition is called “Free Speech for the People.”

Free Speech for the People (FSFP) is one of the organizations that has filed lawsuits in a number of states including Michigan, Illinois, Oregon, Minnesota, and most recently Massachusetts under its 14point3 campaign seeking to bar Trump from the ballot. The petition on Action Network’s website, which, again, this group is a sponsor of, also references the most infamous of the states where this strategy has been pursued against Trump: Colorado. In just a few days, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments on Trump’s effort to overturn the Colorado Supreme Court’s move to ban him from the ballot—and eventually a ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court could have a national impact on all of these cases. But FSFP, public comments from one of its leaders on social media would indicate, seems more pleased by the fact that Trump’s attorneys have to keep responding to these cases, thereby tying up resources of the former president in court, than the group does about the actual merits of the case.

FSFP has launched a separate website, too, pushing this effort to keep Trump off the ballot, at the aptly named On that site, another organization is listed as involved in the push: Mi Familia Vota. Mi Familia Vota appears on the aforementioned Democracy Alliance document from 2014, listed as one of the 161 “Partner and Aligned Network Organizations.”

Several of Indivisible’s more prominent local chapters, too, have directly publicly promoted the effort to use the 14th Amendment to disqualify Trump from the ballot, including a Bay Area California chapter that highlighted local Indivisible activists hanging a banner from a highway overpass that directs people to visit FSFP’s website.

Another organization connected to Indivisible through the Democracy Alliance via the 2014 document is the group Common Cause. Common Cause is listed as one of the 161 “Partner and Aligned Network Organizations” on the 2014 Democracy Alliance document. Common Cause interestingly, in March 2021 at the very beginning of the Biden presidency, sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland urging the Biden Justice Department to charge Trump with a number of federal crimes related to January 6. While the eventual indictment that Special Counsel Jack Smith—who was appointed later by Garland—brought do not match entirely the recommendations of this group, one of the charges Smith levied against Trump is one of the charges that Common Cause recommended the Justice Department bring against Biden’s leading political opponent.

“Specifically, Common Cause and Common Cause Georgia request an investigation of whether thenPresident Donald J. Trump, then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Senator Lindsey Graham, Rudolph W. Giuliani, Cleta Mitchell, Kurt Hilbert and others violated federal statutes including 18 U.S.C. §§ 241, 1343, 1346, 1349 and 52 U.S.C. § 20511(2), by calling via telephone and speaking via videoconference with state officials, including Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr, and Georgia state senators in an effort to overturn presidential election results,” the leftist group wrote to Garland on March 10, 2021.

In the summer of 2023, when he was Special Counsel, Smith charged Trump with, among other things, violating 18 U.S.C § 241—just as Common Cause had recommended to the Justice Department more than two years earlier.

That’s not the only instance of one of these leftist groups’ recommendations preceding a law enforcement action by an official entity. In fact, as far back as 2017, FSFP had launched a website calling to “Dissolve the Trump Organization,” in which the left-wing group asked its activists to “Help Us Revoke the Corporate Charter of the Trump Organization Inc.”

“We are calling on the New York State Attorney to investigate whether to bring proceedings to dissolve the charter of The Trump Organization, Inc.,” the website says. “The Trump Organization has persistently violated the law and flagrantly abuses its state-granted powers by continuing to operate under Trump family ownership, while former President Trump was in the White House. Join us in urging the New York Attorney General to dissolve the Trump Organization and revoke its corporate charter for abusing the authority that the state has given it.”

Of course, Trump has been, for the better part of the end of last year, fighting a case in a courtroom in New York City brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James that did exactly what this group has been pushing for for years.


Indivisible delineated its strategy for 2024, in the aftermath of the 2022 midterm elections, in a 19-page manifesto titled: “A Practical Guide to Defeating MAGA.”

The name “Trump” appears 15 times across the 19 pages of the manifesto, in which Indivisible celebrates the 2022 midterm election results but warns of danger for its movement ahead in 2024.

“Our movement helped fuel a huge Democratic overperformance nationally, defeating MAGA insurrectionists and election deniers across the country, creating new Democratic trifectas in several states, and even flipping a Senate seat to expand our majority!” Indivisible’s manifesto reads. “Unfortunately, MAGA Republicans still won the House, ending the Democratic trifecta we won in 2020, and temporarily closing the window for transformative legislation to save our democracy. MAGA Republicans won through a combination of voter suppression, historical patterns of the President’s party losing seats in the midterms, and successful political messages on inflation and crime.”

The document continues by warning that in 2024 Indivisible faces “the dual threat of a MAGA landslide in 2024, and a Trumpist coup if the election would lead to Democratic victories.”

“MAGA Republicans will attempt to achieve this by controlling the narrative and sabotaging the Biden administration and the economy, while using racism and tribalism to attempt to harden their political coalition,” the manifesto reads. “Indivisible’s top priorities are winning electorally in 2024, so we can get back to delivering on our agenda.”

The early 2023 document, which mirrors Indivisible’s founding earlier manifesto for countering Trump’s agenda when he was president, is possibly one of the first places on the left to use the terms “authoritarianism” to describe Republicans and Trump. It reads almost like a script for what Biden would later say in speeches about “MAGA Republicans” and their “extremism.”

Indivisible has even launched another website at the URL, organizing many of its tools into one place and even further sharpening the group’s blatantly political aims.

Now that Biden in his Valley Forge speech and other public appearances in recent months has made this message central to his campaign, Levin—the co-founder of Indivisible—is publicly gloating about the president using his group’s messaging. In an early January 2024 tweet thread bashing the New York Times for criticizing Biden’s strategy, Levin said: “The reason the campaign is doing this is because they understand what the NYT is confused about: it’s the extremism, stupid.”

The next day, when celebrating Biden’s Valley Forge speech, Levin almost couldn’t contain his glee in another tweet: “Biden is running an ‘It’s the extremism, stupid’ campaign, and I am here for it. It’s not where Dems started in 2022, but it is where they ended up – and it worked out spectacularly. Biden/Harris have internalized that lesson, and they’re re-running the successful play.”

Indivisible has also organized campaigns to urge activists to write letters to the editors of their local newspapers trashing Trump on abortion, and produced a “Trump Indictment Bird-Dogging” guide advising activists on how to pressure their members of Congress to turn against Trump when he was indicted. The group even made what it calls a “Truth Brigade” designed to fight a “tsunami of right-wing misinformation.” That 7-page “Truth Brigade” document is filled with all sorts of wild recommendations for leftist activists, including just simply cutting off anyone deemed to be spreading “disinformation.”


If all else fails for these leftists and Trump wins in November 2024, becoming president again, they are already preparing a full-on onslaught against him to begin his second term in the White House. Another group that is part of the Democracy Alliance—listed on the aforementioned 2017 document under the section of “Corporate and Government Ethics” groups—called United to Protect Democracy, or simply Protect Democracy as it goes by for short, has produced a lengthy work product called “The Authoritarian Playbook for 2025.”

The 94-page report is replete with specific recommendations for leftist activists on how to resist the agenda of a second Trump term, including delineating various promises Trump has made and laying out how to stop them from being implemented.

“The ultimate assessment is a sobering one: As damaging as Trump’s first term was to American systems of constitutional government, culminating in his efforts to overturn an election and violently halt the counting of electoral votes by Congress, what he has promised in his own words to do if returned to office would be even more destructive to our Republic,” the report says in part. “Trump’s campaign promises are extensive, as are the plans of groups working to support those promises in preparation for a second Trump term. This report, therefore, does not seek to cover them all. It also does not cover dangers posed by a second Trump term, about which he has not made explicit promises or that fall outside of federal government operations, but that may pose even graver risks, such as the degree to which he uses the threat and reality of violence to achieve political ends. Those and other risks of a second Trump term also require attention, reporting, and analysis but are beyond the scope of this report. “

The playbook against Trump in 2025 lays out how these leftists expect Trump will use pardon power, the directing of various investigations against critics, regulations in a retaliatory way, law enforcement “overreach,” and most starkly they expect Trump would deploy the military domestically.

On that last point, which is obviously without merit, a leading Democrat in the U.S. Senate has taken on the “issue” in recent weeks, introducing legislation to block a president from making such a move. Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) appears to have taken up the mantle of Protect Democracy’s “The Authoritarian Playbook for 2025” by pushing his Senate colleagues to adopt reforms to the Insurrection Act. The 1792 law grants the president the power to domestically deploy military resources and use it against Americans to shut down a rebellion or insurrection—and Blumenthal told Politico he hopes to get support from Democrats and Republicans for his efforts to rein in the power Congress granted to the president centuries ago.

“Ideally, there would be interest on the Republican side because the potential for abuse really ought to concern all of us, regardless of who was president,” Blumenthal told Politico.

The Protect Democracy report warning of a second Trump term’s “authoritarian” nature concludes with 10 separate recommendations that include many leftist organizational strategies but most importantly, perhaps, a call to “Support Republicans that stand firm for democratic institutions” which means of course back any Republicans who adopt their narrative.

Bowman, the conservative activist from Northeast Florida whose research uncovered all these connections, told Breitbart News that what they show is that “Trump was right–this isn’t actually about him, he is just in the way of this progressive new democracy movement that they call Indivisible.”

“We as Americans, not just the Republican Party, need to turn towards unity,” Bowman added. “The veil has been lifted; this is no MAGA conspiracy theory. We are witnessing unprecedented actual lawfare and election interference against a presidential candidate. This was gamed out against Trump before he ever declared to run as a plan to subvert his reelection and maintain Biden’s control. Trump is standing in the way of the left making radical changes to our country. It’s not the extremism, stupid, really. It is the revelation of the corruption and the return of America to its sovereignty, rule of law, and constitutional republic that scares them. This sour-grapes movement simply does not jive with the will of everyday Americans. The only thing that needs to be indivisible is America, our dream to be a place for the people and by the people. Everyday Americans may not be able to outspend this coordinated effort against Trump, but if we fight against the propaganda, stand united with our fellow Americans and vote Trump to defeat this radical movement at the ballot box, together, we can Make America Great Again.”


Peter Schweizer, author of “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends,”

For George Soros it was about control to gain influence, access, and special treatment.  After the election Biden formed a transition team that staffed itself with people connected to Soros.

But his money also played a part.  Soros spent over $70 million on activities that backed Biden's candidacy.  Soros bought frequent access to Obama.  That access returned under Biden.  Biden's Kampf

NH Gov. Chris Sununu Pushing for Democrats to Vote for Nikki Haley in South Carolina

With 5 days to go until the New Hampshire primary with New Hampshire Governor Chris Sununu by her side, Republican Presidential candidate Nikki Haley meets Robie's General Store owners Jessica and Timothy Robin, 6th generation farmers, in Hooksett, New Hampshire on Thursday January 18, 2024. (Melina Mara/The Washington Post via …
Melina Mara/The Washington Post via Getty

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R), who has endorsed former South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley in the Republican primary race, is openly encouraging Democrats to vote for the presidential hopeful in South Carolina, touting its open primary status.

He appeared on the Pulse of New Hampshire this week following Haley’s loss to Trump in Sununu’s own state and suggested that there is a lot of “opportunity” for Haley to perform well in South Carolina, given the fact that it is an open primary state, meaning Democrats can vote in the Republican primary.

“In South Carolina, if you’re a Democrat, you can just walk in the door and vote. So there is a lot of opportunity there,” he reportedly said in part:

RELATED — Sununu: Both Trump, Biden ‘Can Barely Make a Cogent Point’ Not Mentally Fit for Presidency

Sununu’s path forward for Haley is not much different than the path her team laid out before her loss in New Hampshire, stating in a memo that Haley will, essentially, rely on non-conservative voters in open primary states to help thrust her to the nomination.

As Breitbart News detailed:

The memo adds that 11 of the 16 Super Tuesday states have open or “semi-open” primaries. In other words, the campaign believes there is “significant fertile ground” for Haley on Super Tuesday, attracting non-conservative voters.

“After Super Tuesday, we will have a very good picture of where this race stands,” the memo reads, instructing everyone to “take a deep breath” beforehand.

In other words, regardless of the outcome of New Hampshire’s primary, Haley intends to roll along, relying on moderates and independents — not the conservative base — to help her take down Trump.

According to CNN’s exit poll, 70 percent of Haley’s voters in New Hampshire were not registered Republicans prior to Election Day.


She granted the China Jushi Group, a fiberglass manufacturer with ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), close to 200 acres at no cost contingent on their investment in her state.  During her tenure (2011-2017), she oversaw $1.43 billion in Chinese investments; in 2015 alone, she brought in $565 million, the highest of any Republican governor.

Ironically, an ad from the DeSantis campaign has caught her in four big ones: denying that Hillary Clinton was an inspiration; backpedaling on a statement to raise the retirement age for Social Security benefits; countering the perception that she didn’t take a stand against transgender bathrooms; gainsaying her call for the verification of social media users. 

Is Nikki Haley a Candidate in the America First Mold?

Nikki Haley, who is opposing Donald Trump in the primaries for the Republican presidential candidate, has been described as a shape-shifter

This is not without good reason. 

Driven by ambition, she seems to have abandoned what the Republican Party stands for.  Her views on climate change, communist China, free speech, and illegal immigration are out of sync with GOP voters and conservative thinkers.  Besides, her wishy-washiness on the Great Reset, DEI/CRT, and gender fluidity raises doubts about her America First bona fides.

Voters must cut through the contradictions Haley personifies.  She certainly isn’t the ideal Republican presidential candidate.  Consider the political legerdemain she has adroitly deployed.  Also, consider the web that links her to the World Economic Forum (WEF) and influence of the political fiefdoms of the Koch empire and master manipulator George Soros.

In a play for young voters indoctrinated with dubious climate hysteria, she proclaimed that climate change is real and that the U.S. needs to tell China and India to cut emissions.  As governor of South Carolina, she signed legislation supporting the solar industry.  In Iowa, the nation’s top fuel ethanol producer, she endorsed carbon capture and storage from ethanol plants as “good for the environment.”

But during Trump’s presidency, she hailed the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris climate agreement and attacked Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for being too liberal on environmental issues.  Perhaps the latter was to score points for the Republican nomination over an issue that is unpopular with conservatives.  Given her equivocations, voters will find it impossible to know where she stands and how quickly she will change her position when it suits her.

Candidate Haley is hawkish on China and criticizes recent American policy on the communist state.  But her record as governor of South Carolina tells a different story.  She granted the China Jushi Group, a fiberglass manufacturer with ties to the Chinese Communist Party (CCP), close to 200 acres at no cost contingent on their investment in her state.  During her tenure (2011-2017), she oversaw $1.43 billion in Chinese investments; in 2015 alone, she brought in $565 million, the highest of any Republican governor.

Taking a near-fascist stand, Haley had declared anonymous social media posts a “national security threat” and demanded mandatory verification of all user identities.  She later denied, then walked back on, these statements.  Now, she again says that on becoming president, she will force social media companies to “show America their algorithms.  Let us see why they’re pushing what they’re pushing.”  She continues to insist that all users must have verified identities to bring “civility to the cyberspace.”  

Haley’s views on illegal immigration are both dubious and anti-democratic.  Illegals, she has said, shouldn’t be referred to as criminals though they are breaking the law (albeit unenforced under the current administration) because they are “families that want a better life.”  She also endorses a policy of allowing corporations, not the American people, decide how many workers they want.  “[She is] saying that she believes foreigners and corporations should be the only people making decisions about how much immigration the U.S. should have. I can’t think of a less democratic way of looking at migration,” says Jon Feere, director of investigations for the Center for Immigration Studies.

Neither is Haley’s position on woke ideology and gender ideology clear.  Hastily buying into a leftist narrative, she had sprung to the defense of stock car racer Bubba Wallace, when he released an image of a “noose” in his garage.  The story was a hoax, the offending item a simple garage door-pull.  Criticizing the GOP when it suits her, she has said, “The problem for our party is that our approach often appears cold and unwelcoming to minorities. That’s shameful and it has to change.” 

Most opportunistic, however, is how she has played with her own identity.  Born to Indian immigrants, she registered as “white” on her voter card in 2001.  Even so, she has given accounts of being bullied at school “every day for being brown.”  Sharon Carter, the county Republican Party chairwoman, who lived in the same town as Haley around the same time, says Haley’s family was well-regarded and race was never much of an issue for her.

On transgenderism, too, Haley has been protean.  When Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis censured Disney for creating transgender characters and placing cross-dressing greeters at its entrance, Haley welcomed the company to South Carolina.  DeSantis had taken a principled stand against inappropriate messaging to minors, in line with the Republican/conservative view.  But Haley, had to one-up him, ignoring the GOP’s position.

It is difficult to tell if she is well-informed on gender and identity issues, for at an Iowa tele-town hall, she failed to answer definitively if a man could become a woman.  When South Carolina state Sen. Lee Bright (R-SC), a staunch conservative, introduced a bill to prohibit trans people from using public bathrooms that align with their claimed gender identity, Haley, then governor, vetoed the legislation as unnecessary.  On the campaign trail, she has said the government should stay out of the issue of “gender-affirming” surgeries for minors, leaving the decision to parents.

Her positions on vital issues apart, voters must ask themselves if Haley’s mendacity makes her a good candidate.  “If you’ve got to lie to win, you don’t deserve to win,” she has emphatically stated.  Ironically, an ad from the DeSantis campaign has caught her in four big ones: denying that Hillary Clinton was an inspiration; backpedaling on a statement to raise the retirement age for Social Security benefits; countering the perception that she didn’t take a stand against transgender bathrooms; gainsaying her call for the verification of social media users. 

Among other disturbing facts about Haley are her being honored as a 2011 Young Global Leader by the WEF, which champions the nefarious, anti-freedom Great Reset.  Americans for Prosperity, a libertarian anti-Trump group backed by billionaire brothers Charles and the late David Koch (died 2019), has endorsed her presidential candidature.  David Koch, it might be added, was a trustee at the Aspen Institute, which receives funds from George Soros and presumes the U.S. is fraught with deep-seated cultural racism.

The Koch brothers have favored amnesty for illegal immigrants and seek Republican support for illegals in former president Barack Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program at a time the surge of border-crossers is at its highest level in American history.  Certainly not in concert with the position held by most Republicans.

Trump has rightly characterized Haley as out of step with today’s Republican Party, and former South Carolina state representative Doug Brannon has described her as a chameleon.  Not surprising, given that she has said she’s inspired by Hillary Clinton and has praised Obama for being a barrier breaker and a good communicator.  She had even called upon Republicans to share – with Obama – the responsibility for the nation’s problems.  Haley brooks no hesitation in criticizing Trump, at the risk of alienating MAGA voters she needs to enlist to win.

Despite her machinations in the New Hampshire primaries – where 70% of her voters were non-Republicans, indicating Democrat support – she lost by 11%.  Also afoot is the gaming of open primaries, accumulating support from Democrats and unaffiliated voters to ensure a victory for Biden.  DeSantis, meanwhile, has dropped out, backing Trump.

As author Victor Davis Hanson sees it, Haley has four options: drop out like DeSantis; fight on but moderate her attack on Trump, then wrangle for the post of vice president; fizzle out after a few more primaries; and fourth, put up a full-blooded fight, which she would lose, contributing no more than nuisance value.

While it’s difficult to predict what she will do, the one lesson voters can take home is that the opportunistic Haley does not stand for the American ideals that the Republican party believes in.  They must keep that in mind when they vote – and choose Trump.

The main objective of “political animals” like Obama and the Clintons is to get elected; it’s not to fix a broken America, nor to protect her. There are people who govern and there are people who campaign; Obama and the Clintons are the latter. Just look at the huge Republican electoral gains under Obama and the Clintons. It’s amazing that Democrats who still care about their party still support the very people who have brought it down.

Peter Schweizer, author of “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends,”

For George Soros it was about control to gain influence, access, and special treatment.  After the election Biden formed a transition team that staffed itself with people connected to Soros.

But his money also played a part.  Soros spent over $70 million on activities that backed Biden's candidacy.  Soros bought frequent access to Obama.  That access returned under Biden.  Biden's Kampf

The Investor Who Rules the World | George Soros Documentary

“Obama would declare himself president for life with Soros really running the show, as he did for the entire Obama presidency.”

MOST CORRUPT IV: President Barrack Obama - Forgotten History

Peter Schweizer, author of “Secret Empires: How the American Political Class Hides Corruption and Enriches Family and Friends,”

For George Soros it was about control to gain influence, access, and special treatment.  After the election Biden formed a transition team that staffed itself with people connected to Soros.

But his money also played a part.  Soros spent over $70 million on activities that backed Biden's candidacy.  Soros bought frequent access to Obama.  That access returned under Biden.  Biden's Kampf

“Obama would declare himself president for life with Soros really running the show, as he did for the entire Obama presidency.”


George Soros Donates $125 Million to Democrats Before November Midterms 


Those are the subliterate, low-skill, non-English-speaking indigents whose own societies are unable or unwilling to usefully educate and employ them. Bring these people here and they not only need a lot of services, they are putty in the hands of leftist demogogues as Hugo Chavez demonstrated - and they are very useful as leftist voters who will support the Soros agenda.


Records: Son of Billionaire Democrat Donor George

Soros Has Visited the White House 14 Times

Is a fourth Obama term on the way?

I’ve been forecasting a Michelle Obama presidential run since October of 2019:  

Michelle Obama, would, in many respects, be a Democrat/socialist/communist (D/s/c) dream candidate. She’s female and she’s black, and isn’t it about time for a black female president? Because of an adoring, tongue-bathing, “just look at her arms!” press, she has high approval ratings, and above all, she has no voting trail, or any policy positions stuck in the public consciousness, apart from forcing school districts to throw away tons of food kids wouldn’t eat. Many D/s/cs would see her as certain to continue Barack’s legacy—what little there is left of it—and would surely think he’d be a power behind the throne, in a sort of Clintonian “two for one” sense. D/s/cs could also be mollified by the fact that her college papers so carefully hidden all these years reveal a committed Socialist/Marxist.

Of the two, D/s/cs are more likely to go for Obama. Having taken no widely disseminated Marxist positions prior to being acclaimed the nominee, her college grades, connections and writings safely hidden away, she can lie her as…er, arms…off after the convention, saying whatever is necessary to beat Trump. There won’t be any film catalogue of insane positions/gaffes for the Trump campaign to exploit. She can use the Barackian tactic of high-sounding, meaningless rhetoric, making aspirational but feckless promises. The base of the D/s/c Party would presumably keep quiet, knowing she was lying, and knowing she’d reveal her true colors once elected. They would not be red, white and blue.

Graphic: Wikimedia, Public Domain

Later that month, I expanded on the theme:  

Michelle Obama has indeed—publically—claimed she has no interest in the presidency, but if the D/s/c Party found itself with a candidate they knew couldn’t defeat Trump? 

Drafted against her will—how sad!–but nobly willing to sacrifice herself to accept to save the country from liberty, the rule of law and prosperity, Michelle Obama would stride manfully onstage dressed as a lizard thigh boot-clad banana to thunderous applause, having suffered none of the interminable D/s/c debates. Saved from having to agree with the other candidates in their rush to build another Venezuela, she could appear somewhat American–if one doesn’t look too closely or for too long. She has scant political baggage, and she recently published a book that would be endlessly excerpted by the media in embarrassingly gushing prose.

The media, which has long ago taken sides, would pull out all the stops to boost her as much as possible. We would witness an entirely new definition of softball, tongue bathing interviews, even surpassing the “why are you so wonderful?” standard of media Hillary interviews. After all, Barack Obama was the D/s/c messiah. Wouldn’t some of that rub off on Michelle? Isn’t she, by association, at least a demi-god? Surely Barack and Michelle haven’t been planning anything like this? They’re not the type of people to engage in such Machiavellian intrigues. Are they?

In August of 2020, I wrote again, this time quoting Jill Biden:

‘I’d love it if Michelle would agree to it,’ Biden said. ‘I think she’s had it with politics. She’s so good at everything she does.’

Jill was referring to Michelle running as Joe’s vice president, but times change. How can the D/s/c Party possibly kick its first semi-black, female off the ticket if Joe is persuaded to withdraw? They can if they replace Kamala with a fully black female, part of the duo that has been enjoying Barack’s third term. Previously stealthy muttering has gone overt: 

New York Post columnist Cindy Adams warned in a piece published Wednesday that Americans shouldn't be shocked if Michelle Obama "sneaks her way into the 2024 race."

"Plans are to grab Michelle for the Democratic presidency choice. Making the music is Barack the orchestra leader," Adams wrote. "The Obamas are now nudging to force SloMo Joe to go. Drop out. It’s like who else is there?"

Adams said President Biden won't debate and said the Obama drumbeat has gotten "louder."

Michelle just might be persuaded to sacrifice for the good of the country. She’s just that kind of pro-America, selfless patriot:

The former first lady recently revealed she was "terrified" Donald Trump might win in 2024 during an interview on Jay Shetty’s "On Purpose" podcast.

"Those are the things that keep me up, because you don’t have control over them. And you wonder, where are we in this? Where are our hearts? What’s gonna happen in this next election?" Obama asked. "I am terrified about what could possibly happen, because our leaders matter. Who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit affects us in ways that sometimes I think people take for granted."

Is a fourth Obama term on the way?

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor.  



FED UP prosecutor HITS Biden with NIGHTMARE news



How Obama Pulls Biden's Strings

By Peter Olsson

Barack Obama and his “Hope and Change” for America represented a political Trojan Horse phenomenon.  Joe Biden was Obama’s choice for his vice president for eight years of his Trojan Horse presidency. Joe Biden’s presidency has been an Obama Trojan Horse II with less subtle, more blunt messages of political persuasion and policy formation.

Obama, through clever political manipulation, presidential dictates, and eloquent speechmaking brought a seductive liberal, progressive, socialistic utopian vision to America. Obama used sophisticated Alinsky-style tactics to construct his Trojan Horse. He has tried to change America from within by distorting our political system. According to Obama, we are not an exceptional country. We are in Obama’s mind merely another tribe in his vision of where the best history of the collective human village is going.

Joe Biden trumpets Obama’s propaganda slogans of “social justice” vaunted as America’s true democratic values. Obama and now Biden both seduce and are pampered and protected by the American mainstream media which suspends vigorous investigative reporting about Hunter Biden’s promoting ‘the Biden brand” for alleged political influence peddling and financial gain for Biden family members.  

Joe Biden has created a third term for Obama’s propaganda domain labelled as “social justice” and “our American democratic values,” really Obama-Biden’s version. Biden has added climate change as his anti-fossil fuel campaign that destroys our energy independence and brings American security and military power down a peg. The Biden administration’s status as Obama presidential term three is confirmed by Biden’s appointment of enormous number of Obamaites:

Cabinet Members and Key Advisors

National Security Adviser

Jake Sullivan: Obama’s Deputy Assistant and Director of Policy.

Secretary of State

Antony Blinken: Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor (2013-2015) and Deputy Secretary of State (2015-2017).

Secretary of Homeland Security

Alejandro Mayorkas: Obama Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. He also managed staffing the DoJ Criminal Division

Director of National Intelligence

Avril Haines: Was Obama’s Deputy Director of the CIA then Deputy National Security Advisor. Biden promoted her to DNI in 2021.

Ambassador to the United Nations

Linda Thomas-Greenfield: Obama’s Director General of the Foreign Service and Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs.

Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

Samantha Power: Obama’s transition team for the State Department and his UN Ambassador (2013-2017)

Deputy Secretary of State

Wendy Sherman: Obama’s Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs. Retired July 2023 and replaced by Victoria Nuland (acting)


Director, National Economic Council 

Brian Deese: Obama's senior White House advisor, acting director of the Office of Management and Budget, and deputy director of the National Economic Council. Subsequently. Deese was Global Head of Sustainable Investing at BlackRock before joining the Biden administration.

Secretary of the Treasury

Janet Yellen: Obama’s Chairman of the Federal Reserve and Biden’s appointment as Secretary of the Treasury.

Chair, Council of Economic Advisers

Cecilia Rouse: Obama member of the Council of Economic Advisors promoted to the chair by Biden in 2021. 

Deputy Secretary of the Treasury

Adewale "Wally" Adeyemo: A Nigerian, Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economics and deputy director of the National Economic Council, then head of the Obama Foundation.

Member, Council of Economic Advisers

Jared Bernstein: VP Biden economic advisor during Obama years, then Biden appointed him Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors.

Chair, Securities and Exchange Commission

Gary Gensler: Obama Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, then Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2021

Attorney General

Merrick Garland: Obama nominee for Justice of the Supreme Court after death of Antonin Scalia. Senate refused to vote on his nomination. Biden then made Garland U.S. Attorney General in 2021.

Secretary of Agriculture

Tom Vilsack: Obama Secretary of Agriculture, appointed by Biden in 2021.

Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Denis McDonough: Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor, then Chief of Staff. Biden appointed him in 2021.

Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy

Eric Lander: Obama’s advisor on science and tech. Elevated to Cabinet in 2021. He resigned in 2022 for bullying, replaced by Alondra Nelson.

Deputy Attorney General

Lisa Monaco: Obama Homeland Security Advisor, appointed by Biden to Deputy Attorney General in 2021.

Associate Attorney General

Vanita Gupta: Obama Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights. promoted by Biden to Associate Attorney General in 2021.

Surgeon General

Dr. Vivek Murthy: Obama’s (and Trump’s) Surgeon General, reappointed by Biden in 2021.

Chairperson, Council on Environmental Quality

Brenda Mallory: Obama General Counsel of the EPA, then promoted by Biden to Chair of Council on Environmental Quality.


Chief of Staff

Ron Klain: Obama Ebola Response Coordinator. Replaced by Jeff Zients, Obama Director of OMB, and Director of the National Economic Council.

Director, Domestic Policy Council

Susan Rice: Obama’s National Security Advisor and UN Ambassador

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate

John Kerry: Obama’s Secretary of State.

National Climate Adviser

Gina McCarthy: Obama Administrator of the EPA.

Director, Office of Legislative Affairs

Louisa Terrell: Was Obama’s Legislative Aide

Counsel to the President

Dana Remus: Obama Deputy Assistant and Deputy Counsel for Ethics, then general counsel for the Obama Foundation and Michelle Obama.

Comptroller General of the U.S.

Gene Dodero (appointed by Obama and still in office)

Image: White House             




PROOF Obama's Birth Certificate is Fake

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS AND LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK)  corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS (WANTS TO BE OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER, OWNED BY LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK WHO OWNS A BIG PIECE OF THE ‘BIG GUY’ JOE, AND GEORGE SOROS’ RENT BOY (GAMER LAWYER) TONY BLINKEN, AS WELL AS CON MAN (GAMER LAWYER) ADAM SHIFF) AND HIS CORRUPTNESS (GAMER LAWYER) BOB MENENDEZ STILL EVADING PRISON.



How Obama’s Muslim Childhood Became a Taboo Topic

Reflections on when a gigantic biographical inconvenience was successfully hidden and denied.

 Contrast this with Joe Biden who was, until recently, universally favorably depicted, but not blasphemously worshipped. He’s being cynically used, a rapidly spoiling meat puppet whose political usefulness is nearly expired, a tragic victim of elder abuse. Even so, if he can be drug into a fourth Obama term, his handlers will be delighted to keep propping him up. He can be controlled. MIKE McDANIEL





FED UP prosecutor HITS Biden with NIGHTMARE news



See the searchable report now or buy it at Garret Ziegler shares breaking news details about the Biden family crimes that even democrats in DC won't want to cover up. Stephen Gardner breaks this story with his exclusive interview. "Embark on a riveting journey into the clandestine world of politics with Garrett Zielger, the man who stood at the heart of the Trump administration. Brace yourself for an exclusive revelation on the Stephen Gardner show as Garrett unveils the hidden truths he witnessed within the deep state. From his compelling testimony before the January 6th select committee to a shocking lawsuit filed by Hunter Biden, Garrett holds the keys to a story that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Explore the enigma surrounding Hunter Biden's evasion of arrest, drawing stark comparisons to the dramatic apprehension of Peter Navarro. Immerse yourself in the legal labyrinth surrounding Hunter's disputed laptop, unraveled by Garrett's firsthand account. Discover the intricate details within Garrett's book, a gripping narrative that delves into the laptop's contents. Gain unprecedented insights into the ever-shifting narrative of President Biden. What was it truly like for Garrett to be a central figure in these political maelstroms? Don't miss out on this exclusive interview, promising a captivating exposé on recent events that shape our political landscape. Follow Garrett's revelations closely on the Stephen Gardner show — where breaking stories unfold." #biden #trump #ukraine #china #saudiarabia



Obama ‘WORRIED’ About Biden’s SLEEPY Re-Election Campaign, Polls Predict DOOM for Incumbent


The Mummified Meat Puppet's handlers consider debates

By Mike McDaniel

Among the more anticipated events of any presidential campaign are debates. In recent years, leftist media moderators like Candy Crowley and Chris Wallace have all but debated the Republican candidate themselves. In Joe Biden’s case, Wallace spent much of the debate with Donald Trump rescuing Biden from himself and Trump. For inexplicable reasons, the Republican National Committee continues to stack the debate deck against its own candidates. 

The upcoming debates—three have been scheduled, but neither potential candidate has accepted them—promise to be among the most interesting in recent political history. Donald Trump is the Republican and election front runner, despite the Mummified Meat Puppet Administration’s (MMPA) attempt to remove him from state ballots and put him in prison for millennia. Every attack on him seems to increase his electoral strength and popularity.


Image: U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Wikimedia Public Domain.

Joe Biden’s popularity is at historic lows for any candidate at this point in a presidential campaign. His handlers are doing their best to keep him away from the public. Biden has been on vacation for 40% of his presidency, 360 days in Delaware alone. Unlike Donald Trump, there is little evidence these have been working vacations. During one recent beach excursion, Biden was seen weakly struggling to move a folding aluminum beach chair.

Barack Obama was notorious for working very little. Biden may be eclipsing his slothful record, but in his case, because his rapidly worsening dementia requires keeping him under wraps and heavily medicated if he is to occasionally sort of function in public for a few hours. Even those appearances require a cadre of watchers, including Jill Biden, who guides and corrects his speech, and immediately rushes to his side whenever he finishes speaking to avoid more video of him falling, staring, immobile, in confusion, turning circles trying to figure out how to leave the stage, or shaking hands and speaking with invisible people. All of this is worrying the Democrat/socialist/communist (D/s/c) Party: 

Democrats are not enthusiastic about the prospects of President Joe Biden, 81, facing former President Donald Trump in presidential debates this fall.

The apprehension sheds light on fears about Biden’s diminished physical and mental abilities, as polling shows Americans worry about Biden’s decline:

*Redfield & Wilton Strategies: Majority of Democrats are “concerned” about Biden’s ability.

*YouGov: 55 percent say Biden’s health and age severely” limit his ability to do the job.

*NBC News: Most registered voters have major” concerns about Biden’s age and health

Americans worry about his “health and age” because his speech is often confused and garbled, his gait is stiff and halting, he often falls, has to take the short stairs on Air Force One and he’s clearly suffering from rapidly worsening dementia. He looks 80 going on 180. But that’s not an issue for D/s/cs, no: the problem, as always, is Donald Trump:

“I would think twice about it,” said Senate Democrat Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) told the Hill about Biden potentially debating later this year. “I’ve been physically present at one of [Trump’s] debates with Hillary Clinton, and I watched him do outrageous things and say outrageous things. It’s just an opportunity for him to display his extremism.”

Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE), a Biden ally, said Biden should be weary of debating Trump due to the former president’s ability to overcome establishment media bias. Biden should be careful about allowing Trump to air alleged “hateful, fascist remark,” Coons said.

I was about to say if Biden can’t stand up to Trump, how can he stand up to our enemies, but he doesn’t stand up to our enemies. Even D/s/c strategist James Carville has a more realistic take:

James Carville, the architect of Bill Clinton’s election campaigns, said Biden might be better off not debating to avoid “damage.” On the other hand, Carville explained, if Trump wins the nomination, he will have “legitimacy” to demand a debate with Biden, who could agree to one debate event.

“It’s kind of expected of a presidential candidate,” Carville told the Hill. “If he gets the nomination, Republican primary voters will have given him legitimacy. I mean, we don’t hand it out like gummy bears or something.”

“Somebody’s going to take a poll, and 73 percent of the people will think there ought to be a debate,” he predicted. “You can do it or not do it as you see fit, but there are consequences to it,” he added.

If Joe Biden is the nominee, and if he runs, if events don’t cast him out, the consequences for refusing to debate will be an even higher percentage of the voting public becoming convinced Biden belongs in an assisted living facility rather than the White House. Come to think of it, he is in an assisted living facility now.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor. 


How Obama Pulls Biden's Strings

By Peter Olsson

Barack Obama and his “Hope and Change” for America represented a political Trojan Horse phenomenon.  Joe Biden was Obama’s choice for his vice president for eight years of his Trojan Horse presidency. Joe Biden’s presidency has been an Obama Trojan Horse II with less subtle, more blunt messages of political persuasion and policy formation.

Obama, through clever political manipulation, presidential dictates, and eloquent speechmaking brought a seductive liberal, progressive, socialistic utopian vision to America. Obama used sophisticated Alinsky-style tactics to construct his Trojan Horse. He has tried to change America from within by distorting our political system. According to Obama, we are not an exceptional country. We are in Obama’s mind merely another tribe in his vision of where the best history of the collective human village is going.

Joe Biden trumpets Obama’s propaganda slogans of “social justice” vaunted as America’s true democratic values. Obama and now Biden both seduce and are pampered and protected by the American mainstream media which suspends vigorous investigative reporting about Hunter Biden’s promoting ‘the Biden brand” for alleged political influence peddling and financial gain for Biden family members.  

Joe Biden has created a third term for Obama’s propaganda domain labelled as “social justice” and “our American democratic values,” really Obama-Biden’s version. Biden has added climate change as his anti-fossil fuel campaign that destroys our energy independence and brings American security and military power down a peg. The Biden administration’s status as Obama presidential term three is confirmed by Biden’s appointment of enormous number of Obamaites:

Cabinet Members and Key Advisors

National Security Adviser

Jake Sullivan: Obama’s Deputy Assistant and Director of Policy.

Secretary of State

Antony Blinken: Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor (2013-2015) and Deputy Secretary of State (2015-2017).

Secretary of Homeland Security

Alejandro Mayorkas: Obama Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. He also managed staffing the DoJ Criminal Division

Director of National Intelligence

Avril Haines: Was Obama’s Deputy Director of the CIA then Deputy National Security Advisor. Biden promoted her to DNI in 2021.

Ambassador to the United Nations

Linda Thomas-Greenfield: Obama’s Director General of the Foreign Service and Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs.

Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

Samantha Power: Obama’s transition team for the State Department and his UN Ambassador (2013-2017)

Deputy Secretary of State

Wendy Sherman: Obama’s Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs. Retired July 2023 and replaced by Victoria Nuland (acting)


Director, National Economic Council 

Brian Deese: Obama's senior White House advisor, acting director of the Office of Management and Budget, and deputy director of the National Economic Council. Subsequently. Deese was Global Head of Sustainable Investing at BlackRock before joining the Biden administration.

Secretary of the Treasury

Janet Yellen: Obama’s Chairman of the Federal Reserve and Biden’s appointment as Secretary of the Treasury.

Chair, Council of Economic Advisers

Cecilia Rouse: Obama member of the Council of Economic Advisors promoted to the chair by Biden in 2021. 

Deputy Secretary of the Treasury

Adewale "Wally" Adeyemo: A Nigerian, Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economics and deputy director of the National Economic Council, then head of the Obama Foundation.

Member, Council of Economic Advisers

Jared Bernstein: VP Biden economic advisor during Obama years, then Biden appointed him Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors.

Chair, Securities and Exchange Commission

Gary Gensler: Obama Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, then Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2021

Attorney General

Merrick Garland: Obama nominee for Justice of the Supreme Court after death of Antonin Scalia. Senate refused to vote on his nomination. Biden then made Garland U.S. Attorney General in 2021.

Secretary of Agriculture

Tom Vilsack: Obama Secretary of Agriculture, appointed by Biden in 2021.

Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Denis McDonough: Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor, then Chief of Staff. Biden appointed him in 2021.

Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy

Eric Lander: Obama’s advisor on science and tech. Elevated to Cabinet in 2021. He resigned in 2022 for bullying, replaced by Alondra Nelson.

Deputy Attorney General

Lisa Monaco: Obama Homeland Security Advisor, appointed by Biden to Deputy Attorney General in 2021.

Associate Attorney General

Vanita Gupta: Obama Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights. promoted by Biden to Associate Attorney General in 2021.

Surgeon General

Dr. Vivek Murthy: Obama’s (and Trump’s) Surgeon General, reappointed by Biden in 2021.

Chairperson, Council on Environmental Quality

Brenda Mallory: Obama General Counsel of the EPA, then promoted by Biden to Chair of Council on Environmental Quality.


Chief of Staff

Ron Klain: Obama Ebola Response Coordinator. Replaced by Jeff Zients, Obama Director of OMB, and Director of the National Economic Council.

Director, Domestic Policy Council

Susan Rice: Obama’s National Security Advisor and UN Ambassador

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate

John Kerry: Obama’s Secretary of State.

National Climate Adviser

Gina McCarthy: Obama Administrator of the EPA.

Director, Office of Legislative Affairs

Louisa Terrell: Was Obama’s Legislative Aide

Counsel to the President

Dana Remus: Obama Deputy Assistant and Deputy Counsel for Ethics, then general counsel for the Obama Foundation and Michelle Obama.

Comptroller General of the U.S.

Gene Dodero (appointed by Obama and still in office)

Image: White House             



Axelrod’s Antics

Obama narrator is now lead ventriloquist for leftists’ puppet Joe Biden.

Lloyd Billingsley

“Give people light and they will find a way,” Joe Biden told the DNC. “I’ll be an ally of the light, not the darkness.” When the Delaware Democrat finally emerged from his basement isolation ward, he continued in the same style.

“The incumbent president is incapable of telling us the truth, incapable of facing the facts and incapable of healing,” Biden proclaimed in Pennsylvania. “He doesn’t want to shed light, he wants to generate heat and he’s stoking violence in our cities.”

This from a man who called a college student a “dog-faced pony soldier,” told an auto worker he was “full of shit,” and who said he was running for the U.S. Senate, where he spent nearly half a century. In 2020, it would be hard to find anybody who believes Biden writes a single word of his speeches. Those come from his handlers and “Democrat strategist” David Axelrod provides evidence that he is Biden’s chief ventriloquist.

In May, Axelrod defended Biden against sexual assault accusations by Tara Reade. Back in 2008, Biden was the leading contender for vice president and the vetting process, Axelrod said, “certainly would have turned up any formal complaints filed against Biden during his 36-year career in the Senate. It did not.” And the name of Tara Reade “never came up.”

In 2019, Biden claimed that, as vice president, he pinned a Silver Star on a U.S. Navy captain in the Konar province of Afghanistan. Trouble was, as the Los Angeles Times noted, “there’s no military record of that specific ceremony,” and Biden traveled to Konar before he was vice president. The incident, would not “tip the scales,” Axelrod explained, and the story billed Biden as someone who “empathizes with those in pain.”

In 2014, vice president Biden said that Turkey, Qatar and UAE had offered financial support to Al Qaeda-linked insurgents fighting against the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad.

Biden later apologized to Erdogan and Abu Dhabi crown prince Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, and Axelrod had Biden’s back. “I have great affection for Joe Biden,” Axelrod told reporters, “I think he’s been a great vice president. Everybody’s strength is their weakness. His is, he speaks his mind and he says what’s on his mind.”

If people might wonder what David Axelrod is all about, they can consult BelieverMy Forty Years in Politics, an elephantine autohagiography published in 2015. His father listed his political party as “Communist”  but Axelrod doesn’t explain what might have attracted his father to that murderous movement. His mother was a journalist with the leftist PM, home to pro-Communist writers such as I.F. Stone and Howard Fast. Mrs. Axelrod left journalism for advertising and her son followed suit.

“I felt more comfortable, and proficient at, telling stories,” Axelrod explains. He worked for “jug-eared bow-tied liberal” Paul Simon but was more eager to become narrator of the former Barry Soetoro, also known as Barack Obama. He had no record of publication but David Axelrod, the believer, contends that “Barack was an exceptional writer” and Dreams From My Father, “a powerful and poignant work.”

According to “Axe,” as powerful Democrats know him, “what animated The Audacity of Hope were stories written with the narrative skill of a gifted novelist. It occurred to me, in reading the manuscript, that Obama approached every encounter as a participant and an observer. He processed the world around him with a writer’s eye, sizing up the characters and the plot, filing them away even as he fully engaged in the scene.” Like Eve Rand in Being There, Axe thus reveals himself to himself, and he is drenched and purged.

As official biographer David Garrow explained in Rising Star: The Making of Barack ObamaDreams from My Father was indeed a novel, not a memoir or autobiography, and the author a “composite character.” The composite character’s strongest influence was the African American Stalinist Frank Marshall Davis, a supporter of all-white Soviet dictatorships. When the community organizer became president of the United States, faithful narrator David Axelrod signed off on his every word. Former vice president Joe Biden is now the Democrats’ pic for the top job.

During the primaries, Joe Biden expressed a preference for “truth over facts” and often seemed unsure of his location. This same Joe Biden now proclaims himself an “ally of the light,” and in the style of the composite character president he served, Biden calls on the nation to deal with “original sin.” This from a man who tells African Americans they “ain’t black,” if they fail to support him.

Joe Biden calls President Trump “a toxic presence in our nation for four years,” and Joe says Trump plans to steal the election, and so on. Witness the familiar demonizing, the inversion of reality, and the fathomless mendacity. Axe’s stank is wafting strong from the composite character’s vice president.

“Everybody’s strength is their weakness,” David Axelrod said of Joe Biden in 2014. As Orwell put in 1984, “Ignorance is Strength.” If anybody thought that described Democrats in 2020 it would be hard to blame them. 

Axelrod: ‘Sobering’ Trump on the Verge of

Nomination After the ‘Insurrection’

CNN senior political commentator and former Obama adviser David Axelrod said Tuesday on “CNN This Morning” that it is “sobering” that former President Donald Trump looks to secure the Republican presidential nomination.

Network political commentator Van Jones said, “In 2020, we cleared the field for Biden. We saw this threat coming from Bernie Sanders in the eyes of the Democratic establishment, cleared the field to make sure this party didn’t become an unrecognizable version of itself. The opposite is happening now. You are clearing the field for a Donald Trump. You are clearing the field for somebody who led an insurrection. You are clearing the field for somebody who has 90-plus felony counts. You are clearing the field for somebody who is attacking a woman of color, saying she shouldn’t even be president because her parents were immigrants. That’s who you are clearing the field for. That’s who all the people are coming out to kiss the ring for. So it’s the opposite of what we did in 2020.”

Axelrod said, “You know, we’re analytical about politics, we’re all nuts about politics, and so we tend to focus on the game. We should step back. It struck me the other day, on Saturday, the three-year anniversary of Biden’s inauguration. We remember that inauguration, a Capitol enclosed — and you remember it very well — a Capitol enclosed by fencing, with National Guard around it, a Capitol scarred by insurrection, and President Trump leaving Washington in disgrace. And here we are just three years later, and he is on the verge of a second round knockout and a re-nomination. It’s quite an extraordinary thing, and a little bit sobering.”

Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN



FED UP prosecutor HITS Biden with NIGHTMARE news



How Obama Pulls Biden's Strings

By Peter Olsson

Barack Obama and his “Hope and Change” for America represented a political Trojan Horse phenomenon.  Joe Biden was Obama’s choice for his vice president for eight years of his Trojan Horse presidency. Joe Biden’s presidency has been an Obama Trojan Horse II with less subtle, more blunt messages of political persuasion and policy formation.

Obama, through clever political manipulation, presidential dictates, and eloquent speechmaking brought a seductive liberal, progressive, socialistic utopian vision to America. Obama used sophisticated Alinsky-style tactics to construct his Trojan Horse. He has tried to change America from within by distorting our political system. According to Obama, we are not an exceptional country. We are in Obama’s mind merely another tribe in his vision of where the best history of the collective human village is going.

Joe Biden trumpets Obama’s propaganda slogans of “social justice” vaunted as America’s true democratic values. Obama and now Biden both seduce and are pampered and protected by the American mainstream media which suspends vigorous investigative reporting about Hunter Biden’s promoting ‘the Biden brand” for alleged political influence peddling and financial gain for Biden family members.  

Joe Biden has created a third term for Obama’s propaganda domain labelled as “social justice” and “our American democratic values,” really Obama-Biden’s version. Biden has added climate change as his anti-fossil fuel campaign that destroys our energy independence and brings American security and military power down a peg. The Biden administration’s status as Obama presidential term three is confirmed by Biden’s appointment of enormous number of Obamaites:

Cabinet Members and Key Advisors

National Security Adviser

Jake Sullivan: Obama’s Deputy Assistant and Director of Policy.

Secretary of State

Antony Blinken: Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor (2013-2015) and Deputy Secretary of State (2015-2017).

Secretary of Homeland Security

Alejandro Mayorkas: Obama Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. He also managed staffing the DoJ Criminal Division

Director of National Intelligence

Avril Haines: Was Obama’s Deputy Director of the CIA then Deputy National Security Advisor. Biden promoted her to DNI in 2021.

Ambassador to the United Nations

Linda Thomas-Greenfield: Obama’s Director General of the Foreign Service and Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs.

Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

Samantha Power: Obama’s transition team for the State Department and his UN Ambassador (2013-2017)

Deputy Secretary of State

Wendy Sherman: Obama’s Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs. Retired July 2023 and replaced by Victoria Nuland (acting)


Director, National Economic Council 

Brian Deese: Obama's senior White House advisor, acting director of the Office of Management and Budget, and deputy director of the National Economic Council. Subsequently. Deese was Global Head of Sustainable Investing at BlackRock before joining the Biden administration.

Secretary of the Treasury

Janet Yellen: Obama’s Chairman of the Federal Reserve and Biden’s appointment as Secretary of the Treasury.

Chair, Council of Economic Advisers

Cecilia Rouse: Obama member of the Council of Economic Advisors promoted to the chair by Biden in 2021. 

Deputy Secretary of the Treasury

Adewale "Wally" Adeyemo: A Nigerian, Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economics and deputy director of the National Economic Council, then head of the Obama Foundation.

Member, Council of Economic Advisers

Jared Bernstein: VP Biden economic advisor during Obama years, then Biden appointed him Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors.

Chair, Securities and Exchange Commission

Gary Gensler: Obama Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, then Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2021

Attorney General

Merrick Garland: Obama nominee for Justice of the Supreme Court after death of Antonin Scalia. Senate refused to vote on his nomination. Biden then made Garland U.S. Attorney General in 2021.

Secretary of Agriculture

Tom Vilsack: Obama Secretary of Agriculture, appointed by Biden in 2021.

Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Denis McDonough: Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor, then Chief of Staff. Biden appointed him in 2021.

Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy

Eric Lander: Obama’s advisor on science and tech. Elevated to Cabinet in 2021. He resigned in 2022 for bullying, replaced by Alondra Nelson.

Deputy Attorney General

Lisa Monaco: Obama Homeland Security Advisor, appointed by Biden to Deputy Attorney General in 2021.

Associate Attorney General

Vanita Gupta: Obama Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights. promoted by Biden to Associate Attorney General in 2021.

Surgeon General

Dr. Vivek Murthy: Obama’s (and Trump’s) Surgeon General, reappointed by Biden in 2021.

Chairperson, Council on Environmental Quality

Brenda Mallory: Obama General Counsel of the EPA, then promoted by Biden to Chair of Council on Environmental Quality.


Chief of Staff

Ron Klain: Obama Ebola Response Coordinator. Replaced by Jeff Zients, Obama Director of OMB, and Director of the National Economic Council.

Director, Domestic Policy Council

Susan Rice: Obama’s National Security Advisor and UN Ambassador

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate

John Kerry: Obama’s Secretary of State.

National Climate Adviser

Gina McCarthy: Obama Administrator of the EPA.

Director, Office of Legislative Affairs

Louisa Terrell: Was Obama’s Legislative Aide

Counsel to the President

Dana Remus: Obama Deputy Assistant and Deputy Counsel for Ethics, then general counsel for the Obama Foundation and Michelle Obama.

Comptroller General of the U.S.

Gene Dodero (appointed by Obama and still in office)

Image: White House             


PROOF Obama's Birth Certificate is Fake

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS AND LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK)  corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS (WANTS TO BE OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER, OWNED BY LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK WHO OWNS A BIG PIECE OF THE ‘BIG GUY’ JOE, AND GEORGE SOROS’ RENT BOY (GAMER LAWYER) TONY BLINKEN, AS WELL AS CON MAN (GAMER LAWYER) ADAM SHIFF) AND HIS CORRUPTNESS (GAMER LAWYER) BOB MENENDEZ STILL EVADING PRISON.



How Obama’s Muslim Childhood Became a Taboo Topic

Reflections on when a gigantic biographical inconvenience was successfully hidden and denied.

 Contrast this with Joe Biden who was, until recently, universally favorably depicted, but not blasphemously worshipped. He’s being cynically used, a rapidly spoiling meat puppet whose political usefulness is nearly expired, a tragic victim of elder abuse. Even so, if he can be drug into a fourth Obama term, his handlers will be delighted to keep propping him up. He can be controlled. MIKE McDANIEL





FED UP prosecutor HITS Biden with NIGHTMARE news



See the searchable report now or buy it at Garret Ziegler shares breaking news details about the Biden family crimes that even democrats in DC won't want to cover up. Stephen Gardner breaks this story with his exclusive interview. "Embark on a riveting journey into the clandestine world of politics with Garrett Zielger, the man who stood at the heart of the Trump administration. Brace yourself for an exclusive revelation on the Stephen Gardner show as Garrett unveils the hidden truths he witnessed within the deep state. From his compelling testimony before the January 6th select committee to a shocking lawsuit filed by Hunter Biden, Garrett holds the keys to a story that will leave you on the edge of your seat. Explore the enigma surrounding Hunter Biden's evasion of arrest, drawing stark comparisons to the dramatic apprehension of Peter Navarro. Immerse yourself in the legal labyrinth surrounding Hunter's disputed laptop, unraveled by Garrett's firsthand account. Discover the intricate details within Garrett's book, a gripping narrative that delves into the laptop's contents. Gain unprecedented insights into the ever-shifting narrative of President Biden. What was it truly like for Garrett to be a central figure in these political maelstroms? Don't miss out on this exclusive interview, promising a captivating exposé on recent events that shape our political landscape. Follow Garrett's revelations closely on the Stephen Gardner show — where breaking stories unfold." #biden #trump #ukraine #china #saudiarabia



Obama ‘WORRIED’ About Biden’s SLEEPY Re-Election Campaign, Polls Predict DOOM for Incumbent


The Mummified Meat Puppet's handlers consider debates

By Mike McDaniel

Among the more anticipated events of any presidential campaign are debates. In recent years, leftist media moderators like Candy Crowley and Chris Wallace have all but debated the Republican candidate themselves. In Joe Biden’s case, Wallace spent much of the debate with Donald Trump rescuing Biden from himself and Trump. For inexplicable reasons, the Republican National Committee continues to stack the debate deck against its own candidates. 

The upcoming debates—three have been scheduled, but neither potential candidate has accepted them—promise to be among the most interesting in recent political history. Donald Trump is the Republican and election front runner, despite the Mummified Meat Puppet Administration’s (MMPA) attempt to remove him from state ballots and put him in prison for millennia. Every attack on him seems to increase his electoral strength and popularity.


Image: U.S. Commission on Civil Rights. Wikimedia Public Domain.

Joe Biden’s popularity is at historic lows for any candidate at this point in a presidential campaign. His handlers are doing their best to keep him away from the public. Biden has been on vacation for 40% of his presidency, 360 days in Delaware alone. Unlike Donald Trump, there is little evidence these have been working vacations. During one recent beach excursion, Biden was seen weakly struggling to move a folding aluminum beach chair.

Barack Obama was notorious for working very little. Biden may be eclipsing his slothful record, but in his case, because his rapidly worsening dementia requires keeping him under wraps and heavily medicated if he is to occasionally sort of function in public for a few hours. Even those appearances require a cadre of watchers, including Jill Biden, who guides and corrects his speech, and immediately rushes to his side whenever he finishes speaking to avoid more video of him falling, staring, immobile, in confusion, turning circles trying to figure out how to leave the stage, or shaking hands and speaking with invisible people. All of this is worrying the Democrat/socialist/communist (D/s/c) Party: 

Democrats are not enthusiastic about the prospects of President Joe Biden, 81, facing former President Donald Trump in presidential debates this fall.

The apprehension sheds light on fears about Biden’s diminished physical and mental abilities, as polling shows Americans worry about Biden’s decline:

*Redfield & Wilton Strategies: Majority of Democrats are “concerned” about Biden’s ability.

*YouGov: 55 percent say Biden’s health and age severely” limit his ability to do the job.

*NBC News: Most registered voters have major” concerns about Biden’s age and health

Americans worry about his “health and age” because his speech is often confused and garbled, his gait is stiff and halting, he often falls, has to take the short stairs on Air Force One and he’s clearly suffering from rapidly worsening dementia. He looks 80 going on 180. But that’s not an issue for D/s/cs, no: the problem, as always, is Donald Trump:

“I would think twice about it,” said Senate Democrat Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) told the Hill about Biden potentially debating later this year. “I’ve been physically present at one of [Trump’s] debates with Hillary Clinton, and I watched him do outrageous things and say outrageous things. It’s just an opportunity for him to display his extremism.”

Sen. Chris Coons (D-DE), a Biden ally, said Biden should be weary of debating Trump due to the former president’s ability to overcome establishment media bias. Biden should be careful about allowing Trump to air alleged “hateful, fascist remark,” Coons said.

I was about to say if Biden can’t stand up to Trump, how can he stand up to our enemies, but he doesn’t stand up to our enemies. Even D/s/c strategist James Carville has a more realistic take:

James Carville, the architect of Bill Clinton’s election campaigns, said Biden might be better off not debating to avoid “damage.” On the other hand, Carville explained, if Trump wins the nomination, he will have “legitimacy” to demand a debate with Biden, who could agree to one debate event.

“It’s kind of expected of a presidential candidate,” Carville told the Hill. “If he gets the nomination, Republican primary voters will have given him legitimacy. I mean, we don’t hand it out like gummy bears or something.”

“Somebody’s going to take a poll, and 73 percent of the people will think there ought to be a debate,” he predicted. “You can do it or not do it as you see fit, but there are consequences to it,” he added.

If Joe Biden is the nominee, and if he runs, if events don’t cast him out, the consequences for refusing to debate will be an even higher percentage of the voting public becoming convinced Biden belongs in an assisted living facility rather than the White House. Come to think of it, he is in an assisted living facility now.

Mike McDaniel is a USAF veteran, classically trained musician, Japanese and European fencer, life-long athlete, firearm instructor, retired police officer and high school and college English teacher. His home blog is Stately McDaniel Manor. 


How Obama Pulls Biden's Strings

By Peter Olsson

Barack Obama and his “Hope and Change” for America represented a political Trojan Horse phenomenon.  Joe Biden was Obama’s choice for his vice president for eight years of his Trojan Horse presidency. Joe Biden’s presidency has been an Obama Trojan Horse II with less subtle, more blunt messages of political persuasion and policy formation.

Obama, through clever political manipulation, presidential dictates, and eloquent speechmaking brought a seductive liberal, progressive, socialistic utopian vision to America. Obama used sophisticated Alinsky-style tactics to construct his Trojan Horse. He has tried to change America from within by distorting our political system. According to Obama, we are not an exceptional country. We are in Obama’s mind merely another tribe in his vision of where the best history of the collective human village is going.

Joe Biden trumpets Obama’s propaganda slogans of “social justice” vaunted as America’s true democratic values. Obama and now Biden both seduce and are pampered and protected by the American mainstream media which suspends vigorous investigative reporting about Hunter Biden’s promoting ‘the Biden brand” for alleged political influence peddling and financial gain for Biden family members.  

Joe Biden has created a third term for Obama’s propaganda domain labelled as “social justice” and “our American democratic values,” really Obama-Biden’s version. Biden has added climate change as his anti-fossil fuel campaign that destroys our energy independence and brings American security and military power down a peg. The Biden administration’s status as Obama presidential term three is confirmed by Biden’s appointment of enormous number of Obamaites:

Cabinet Members and Key Advisors

National Security Adviser

Jake Sullivan: Obama’s Deputy Assistant and Director of Policy.

Secretary of State

Antony Blinken: Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor (2013-2015) and Deputy Secretary of State (2015-2017).

Secretary of Homeland Security

Alejandro Mayorkas: Obama Director of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. He also managed staffing the DoJ Criminal Division

Director of National Intelligence

Avril Haines: Was Obama’s Deputy Director of the CIA then Deputy National Security Advisor. Biden promoted her to DNI in 2021.

Ambassador to the United Nations

Linda Thomas-Greenfield: Obama’s Director General of the Foreign Service and Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs.

Administrator, U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)

Samantha Power: Obama’s transition team for the State Department and his UN Ambassador (2013-2017)

Deputy Secretary of State

Wendy Sherman: Obama’s Undersecretary of State for Political Affairs. Retired July 2023 and replaced by Victoria Nuland (acting)


Director, National Economic Council 

Brian Deese: Obama's senior White House advisor, acting director of the Office of Management and Budget, and deputy director of the National Economic Council. Subsequently. Deese was Global Head of Sustainable Investing at BlackRock before joining the Biden administration.

Secretary of the Treasury

Janet Yellen: Obama’s Chairman of the Federal Reserve and Biden’s appointment as Secretary of the Treasury.

Chair, Council of Economic Advisers

Cecilia Rouse: Obama member of the Council of Economic Advisors promoted to the chair by Biden in 2021. 

Deputy Secretary of the Treasury

Adewale "Wally" Adeyemo: A Nigerian, Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor for International Economics and deputy director of the National Economic Council, then head of the Obama Foundation.

Member, Council of Economic Advisers

Jared Bernstein: VP Biden economic advisor during Obama years, then Biden appointed him Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors.

Chair, Securities and Exchange Commission

Gary Gensler: Obama Chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission, then Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission in 2021

Attorney General

Merrick Garland: Obama nominee for Justice of the Supreme Court after death of Antonin Scalia. Senate refused to vote on his nomination. Biden then made Garland U.S. Attorney General in 2021.

Secretary of Agriculture

Tom Vilsack: Obama Secretary of Agriculture, appointed by Biden in 2021.

Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Denis McDonough: Obama’s Deputy National Security Advisor, then Chief of Staff. Biden appointed him in 2021.

Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy

Eric Lander: Obama’s advisor on science and tech. Elevated to Cabinet in 2021. He resigned in 2022 for bullying, replaced by Alondra Nelson.

Deputy Attorney General

Lisa Monaco: Obama Homeland Security Advisor, appointed by Biden to Deputy Attorney General in 2021.

Associate Attorney General

Vanita Gupta: Obama Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights. promoted by Biden to Associate Attorney General in 2021.

Surgeon General

Dr. Vivek Murthy: Obama’s (and Trump’s) Surgeon General, reappointed by Biden in 2021.

Chairperson, Council on Environmental Quality

Brenda Mallory: Obama General Counsel of the EPA, then promoted by Biden to Chair of Council on Environmental Quality.


Chief of Staff

Ron Klain: Obama Ebola Response Coordinator. Replaced by Jeff Zients, Obama Director of OMB, and Director of the National Economic Council.

Director, Domestic Policy Council

Susan Rice: Obama’s National Security Advisor and UN Ambassador

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate

John Kerry: Obama’s Secretary of State.

National Climate Adviser

Gina McCarthy: Obama Administrator of the EPA.

Director, Office of Legislative Affairs

Louisa Terrell: Was Obama’s Legislative Aide

Counsel to the President

Dana Remus: Obama Deputy Assistant and Deputy Counsel for Ethics, then general counsel for the Obama Foundation and Michelle Obama.

Comptroller General of the U.S.

Gene Dodero (appointed by Obama and still in office)

Image: White House             


"Along with Obama (LAWYER) Biden (LAWYER), Pelosi and Schumer (LAWYER) are responsible for incalculable damage done to this country over the eight years of that administration." PATRICIA McCARTHY Add the Banksters’ rent boy Eric Holder (LAWYER) and the up and coming Swamp Empress Kamala Harris (LAWYER…but keep counting….(LAWYER) Brian Deese, Obama-Biden’s loot-for-Wall Street guy.

"Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, the twin nutters of Congress, were certain they could beat Trump at his own game, but have made fools of themselves, as usual.  The stand-off is not over but with each passing day, the Democrats reveal more of their anti-American, pro-illegal immigration  agenda.  Conservatives have been sounding the alarm for years: Democrats do not care about American citizens!"  PATRICIA McCARTHY



Amazon’s Jeff Bezos congratulates Biden as the president-elect packs his transition teams with servants of the corporate oligarchy

Amazon oligarch and COVID-19 profiteer Jeff Bezos, the world’s richest man, congratulated president-elect Joe Biden following the declaration four days after the November 3 vote that Biden had won the US presidential election.

“Unity, empathy and decency are not characteristics of a bygone era,” Bezos wrote on Instagram, congratulating Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. “By voting in record numbers, the American people proved again that our democracy is strong.”

This sentiment was echoed on November 7 by the Business Roundtable, including Bezos as well as the chief executives of Apple, Cisco, Microsoft and Salesforce. The big business organization issued a statement that said: “Business Roundtable congratulates President-elect Biden on his election as 46th President of the United States. We also congratulate Vice President-elect Harris on her historic accomplishment as the first woman, Black woman and person of South Asian descent to be elected Vice President of the United States… We look forward to working with the incoming Biden Administration and all federal and state policymakers.”

Last week, Biden’s transition team posted the names and most recent employers of members of its agency review teams on the website Given the composition of these teams, it is easy to see why Bezos and his fellow oligarchs are in a congratulatory mood.

The individuals who have been appointed are listed alongside the company for which they most recently worked, and organized into “teams” based on the government operations they are tasked with reviewing, such as the departments of Commerce, Defense, Education, Labor, State and Homeland Security.

The composition of these agency review teams demonstrates the intersection, if not outright integration, of the technology monopolies, academic aristocracy, beltway think tanks, trade union bureaucracies, giant law firms and the military-intelligence apparatus of war and repression at home and abroad.

Amazon will have not one, but two seats on the transition teams. Tom Sullivan, Amazon’s director of international tax planning, will sit on Biden’s Department of State team. In addition to Sullivan, Mark Schwartz, an “enterprise strategist” for Amazon Web Services, will serve on the extremely powerful Office of Management and Budget (OMB) team. The OMB oversees the $5 trillion federal budget and exerts influence across a broad range of federal regulatory frameworks.

In addition to figures from Amazon, Nicole Isaac, senior director of North American policy at LinkedIn, will sit on the Department of Treasury team. Brandon Belford from Lyft will serve on the Office of Management and Budget team, along with Divya Kumaraiah from Airbnb.

Shara Mohtadi of Bloomberg Philanthropies, which is funded by the donations of billionaire oligarch Michael R. Bloomberg, will sit on the Council on Environmental Quality. And no less than four individuals, serving in various capacities, are drawn from the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, which is co-owned by Facebook oligarch Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla Chan.

Arun Venkataraman from Visa will sit on the team tasked with reviewing the Office of the United States Trade Representative, which will also review the US International Trade Commission and the US Trade and Development Agency. This team will also include Ted Dean from Dropbox.

The labor bureaucracies will also have seats at the table, demonstrating their complete integration into the apparatus of capitalist rule. Beth Antunez, Shital Shah and Marla Ucelli-Kashyap of the American Federation of Teachers, together with Donna Harris-Aikens of the National Education Association, will sit on the Department of Education team.

The labor bureaucracies are also represented by LaQuita Honeysucker from the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union, who will be on the Department of Agriculture review team, while Josh Nassar of the United Auto Workers will sit on the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau team.

Brad Markell of the AFL-CIO will sit on the Department of Energy Team. His name appears right before that of Trisha Miller from the venture capital firm Gates Ventures.

On the Department of Labor team will be Jennifer Abruzzo of the Communications Workers of America, Dora Chen of the Service Employees International Union, Jessica Chu of the Amalgamated Transit Union International, Nadia Marin-Molina of the National Day Laborer Organizing Network (NDLON), and Shaun O’Brien of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, among others.

The major academic institutions represented on the list include Harvard Law School, the University of Michigan Law School, New York University School of Law, Duke University, Stanford University, Georgetown University and others. Major law firms and consulting firms include Deloitte Consulting; DLA Piper; Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe; Sidley Austin; Covington & Burling; and Latham & Watkins.

The racial and identity politics promoted by the Democratic Party did not fail to be reflected on the list, with Bonnie Jenkins appointed to the Department of State team from an organization titled Women of Color Advancing Peace and Security. Jenkins, a nonresident senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, previously served as the coordinator for threat reduction programs in the Obama administration’s Bureau of International Security and Nonproliferation.

The Department of Defense team will be led by Kathy Hicks from the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), who will be joined by Melissa Dalton and Andrew Hunter, also from the CSIS; Stacie Pettyjohn, Christine Wormuth and Terri Tanielian from the RAND Corporation; Ely Ratner from the Center for a New American Security; and Lisa Sawyer of JPMorgan Chase, among others.

The composition of Biden’s agency review teams exposes and refutes all of the pseudo-left and opportunist groups in the orbit of the Democratic Party and the trade union bureaucracies, which have throughout the year attempted to persuade American workers that Biden, the Democratic Party and the unions represented some sort of channel through which they could advance their own independent interests.

The parade of lobbyists, servants and agents of the capitalist class into the incoming Biden administration prompted a defensive article in the New York Times on Thursday, titled “Progressives Press Biden to Limit Corporate Influence in Administration.”

The title of the article essentially acknowledges that “corporate influence” (i.e., corruption) is playing a pervasive role in the formation of the incoming administration, and suggests “limits” on that influence.

The article concedes that “Mr. Biden’s team included executives from Amazon Web Services, Lyft, Airbnb and a vice president of WestExec Advisors, a Washington consulting firm whose secretive list of clients includes financial services, technology and pharmaceutical companies.”

The Times then points to the efforts of “progressive Democrats” who are advocating “for tighter ethics rules.” This is nothing but a fig leaf for the otherwise naked domination of the Democratic Party by the interests of the military-intelligence-corporate-financial oligarchy.

The facts presented in the Times article themselves paint a devastating picture of how the so-called “left” wing of the party is being shoved aside as the fat cats shoulder their way into the new administration. In a joint letter sent Thursday, a number of organizations associated with the so-called “progressive wing” of the Democratic Party pleaded with Biden not to “nominate or hire corporate executives, lobbyists, and prominent corporate consultants,” and to adopt “ethics” rules to limit corruption.

These and other feeble efforts by the “progressive Democrats” are being unceremoniously ignored. The Times itself was compelled to acknowledge that “Mr. Biden has not always shared the left’s concerns about lobbying.”

Tendencies like the Democratic Socialists of America were used by the Democratic Party during the election campaign to further the Democrats’ electoral prospects, but within days of the vote they were tossed aside and roundly denounced for having supposedly cost the Democrats votes and positions with their “radical” and “socialist” rhetoric.

These “socialist” elements had been promised “space” in a Biden administration, but they showed up after the election only to find their “Green New Deal” and other promised reforms piled up in trash bags by the curb.

There is nothing unexpected about the emerging right-wing, pro-war, pro-Wall Street composition of the incoming Biden administration. Biden himself spent decades in Washington as a corrupt bag-man for wealthy interests in the state of Delaware, the legal headquarters of hundreds of thousands of corporations that take advantage of its business-friendly laws.

As vice president, Biden was reportedly opposed even to the barebones rules against corruption that were imposed during the Obama presidency. In the words of the Times: “When he was vice president under Mr. Obama, Mr. Biden bristled at the strict lobbying rules, which he contended would deprive their nascent administration of experienced talent.”

From the moment Biden secured a lead in the voting results, the Democratic Party swung viciously to the right, attacking “socialism” and the “left” in general. On a conference call with House Democrats after the election, former CIA agent Abigail Spanberger, now a representative from Virginia, shouted: “We need to not ever use the word ‘socialist’ or ‘socialism’ ever again.”

While the “socialists” have been escorted out of the back door, the front door has been thrown open to corporate executives, lobbyists and consultants to staff the new administration.

Despite his Wall Street, big business, Big Tech, and billionaire donations, Biden has attempted to portray himself as a small-town fighter from Scranton, Pennsylvania.


Big Tech and Big Law dominate Biden transition teams, tempering progressive hopes

Alexander Nazaryan administration takes office in January.

WASHINGTON — For six years, Brandon Belford worked as an economic policy adviser to President Barack Obama in the White House and federal agencies. He moved to the Bay Area when Donald Trump became president, part of a massive flight of Obama officials from Washington to Silicon Valley, Wall Street and Hollywood. He took high-ranking positions with Apple and then Lyft, where he is currently the ride-sharing company’s chief of staff.

Now Belford is back, as part of one of the “transition teams” named by President-elect Joe Biden to restock a federal government that has been battered after four years of Trump by hiring new officials and advising the incoming administration on what its first governing steps should be. 

Those steps could be timid, judging by the composition of those teams, where Obama-era centrism prevails. That has some progressives worried that Biden represents nothing more than a return to normal, at a time when many of them believe the nation is ready to embrace policy ideas well to the left of center. 

“The status quo is killing us,” says former Bernie Sanders press secretary Briahna Joy Gray, who now hosts a podcast called “Bad Faith.” 

Belford is joined by dozens of other Democratic operatives who have spent the past four years working at prestigious law firms and think tanks. On these “agency review teams” are high-ranking executives from Amazon, partners at white-shoe law firms like Covington & Burling and enough experts from D.C. center-left think tanks — including six from the Brookings Institution alone — to fill a center-left think tank.

Progressives knew this was coming. “I am very concerned about the role Uber executives would play in this administration,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez D-N.Y., told Yahoo News. Even though she also effusively praised the appointment of Ron Klain as the incoming White House chief of staff, Ocasio-Cortez vowed that corporate America would not “pull the wool over our eyes” when it came to crafting the Biden presidency.

Some have put it less bluntly. “Biden’s transition team is full of wealthy corporate executives who are completely disconnected from the struggles of the working class,” complains left-leaning activist Ryan Knight, whose Twitter handle is @ProudSocialist. 

App-based drivers from Uber and Lyft protest in a caravan in front of City Hall in Los Angeles on October 22, 2020 where elected leaders hold a conference urging voters to reject on the November 3 election, Proposition 22, that would classify app-based drivers as independent contractors and not employees or agents. (Photo by Frederic J. BROWN / AFP) (Photo by FREDERIC J. BROWN/AFP via Getty Images)More

He was presumably referring to the two dozen agency review team officials who come from law firms like Arnold & Porter. Or to the 40 or so members of the Biden transition who are current or recent lobbyists.

The agency review teams are not exactly settling into their cubicles just yet. For one, President Trump has not yet conceded the election, and the transition has been hindered in part by Republican operatives at the General Services Administration. And agency review is an enormously complex process, one that actually began months ago. The transition teams are supposed to ensure a “smooth transfer of power,” in large part by making sure that capable officials are ready to get to work in their respective agencies the moment Biden lifts his hand from the Lincoln Bible.

Speaking on the condition of anonymity, one member of the Biden campaign working on agency-related matters says teams were primarily tasked with surveying the landscape of the federal bureaucracy. She says that the transition teams would make some hiring recommendations, but only as a secondary function.

With a single exception, the agency review team members mentioned in this article did not respond to requests for comment.

One with a typically impressive biography is that of Aneesh Chopra, who served as the U.S. chief technology officer for Obama before starting his own medical data logistics company, CareJourney. Now he is on the transition team for the U.S. Postal Service, where he will presumably work to undo the alleged damage by another logistics maven: Trump appointee Louis DeJoy.  

Of course, most progressives are glad that there’s a Biden transition to speak of, instead of a second Trump term. But they also recognize their own role in the Democratic candidate’s victory.

“Everyone fell into line and did everything they could to get Joe Biden elected,” says Max Berger, a progressive activist who worked for Elizabeth Warren’s presidential campaign and Justice Democrats, the group that helped elect Ocasio-Cortez to the House in 2018. 

Berger recognizes that progressives will be a “junior partner” to the establishment Democrats with whom Biden has been ideologically and temperamentally aligned for a good half-century. They want to be partners all the same, not just the loyal opposition.

Many are cheered by some of the agency review teams. For one, they are notably more diverse, a stark contrast to Trump’s reliance on white males for so much of his advice. On the transition team for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration is Jedidah Isler, the Dartmouth professor who in 2014 became the first Black woman to earn a doctorate in astrophysics from Yale. The transition team for the Small Business Administration includes Jorge Silva Puras, a political leader in Puerto Rico who also teaches entrepreneurship at a community college in the Bronx. 

“The presence of labor officials throughout many of the groups is notable,” says David Dayen, executive editor of the American Prospect. In the Department of Education team, for example, are several executives from the American Federation of Teachers.

He called the Federal Reserve and Treasury teams “all-stars,” a sentiment shared by other progressives interviewed for this article. On the Treasury team is Mehrsa Baradaran, a progressive economist who has written on the racial wealth gap. She is also on the Federal Reserve team, along with Reena Aggarwal, a corporate governance expert.

Progressive strategist Elizabeth Spiers says the finance-related teams are not “not quite Elizabeth Warren levels of aggressiveness but also not stuffed with finance people.” Biden’s advisers appear to have learned the lessons of his former boss. During Obama’s first year, he relied on banking executives to help quell the financial crisis. They did so in ways that steered the new president away from progressive proposals, such as nationalizing those very same banks

There is not a single current executive from Citibank or Goldman Sachs on any of the transition teams. Bank of America has also been shut out. JPMorgan can boast a single toehold in the agency review process: Lisa Sawyer of the Pentagon team. A spokesman for JPMorgan told Yahoo News that the bank was “following the appropriate election laws” and that Sawyer was “not on an agency review team that will touch any banking issues.”

“I think the Biden administration is going to be surprising to progressives in some ways and disappointing in others, and the agency review teams reflect that,” Dayen says. During the summer, the American Prospect published a lengthy exposé about Biden’s foreign policy advisers’ lucrative foray into corporate America. Many are set to return to the highest echelons of official Washington. 

“I have to be cautiously optimistic,” says Waleed Shahid, communications director for the Justice Democrats. 

Relatively young progressives like Shahid are less likely to wax romantic about the way things were in Washington. They are less interested in experience than conviction. But for many in Biden’s camp, a lack of experience was among the several fatal flaws of the Trump years.

“Everyone — right or left — has made the mistaken assumption for years that governing is easy,” says “The Death of Expertise” author Tom Nichols, who teaches at the Naval War College and is an ardently anti-Trump Republican.

“After having a bunch of nitwits and cronies loose in the government,” Nichols wrote in an email, “I think a lot of people on the left are really giving in to the assumption that as long as you’re not Trump, or not a complete idiot, anyone can do it.”

Given the title and theme of his book, Nicholas cautioned against that approach. “It’s a childish and silly approach to government, but it’s a bipartisan problem,” he told Yahoo News.

While progressive may not see their stars like Sens. Bernie Sanders or Elizabeth Warren occupying the Treasury Department, they do very much hope that a Biden presidency amounts to more than a third Obama term. It was unaddressed economic inequality, they believe, that bred the populist resentment that gave Trump an opening in 2016. The coronavirus has only made that inequality worse. That will only increase populist resentment, they worry, to be exploited by a Trump acolyte — or perhaps Trump himself, again — in 2024.

Addressing that inequality, for now, falls to transition team officials like Mark Schwartz of Amazon and Ted Dean of Dropbox, as well as Arun Venkataraman of Visa and David Holmes of defense contractor Rebellion Defense, in which Eric Schmidt of Google is an investor. Many of these officials are veterans of the Obama administration or Democratic offices on the Hill. 

“There is a lot of corporate influence there,” says Maurice Weeks, co-founder of the Action Center on Race and the Economy. “And that is troubling.” But he is encouraged by the presence of “hard-core progressives” like Sarah Miller, a former Treasury deputy who is both an anti-Facebook activist and the executive of the American Economic Liberties Project, which seeks to curb corporate power. She is now on the Treasury transition team.

In some ways, the difference is between former Obama officials who, like Miller, went on to become activists and those who moved on to become rich. The latter did only what many government officials had done before them. But at a time of mass unemployment, a stint at the corporate law firm Latham & Watkins (three transition team members) may not seem as impressive as it may have when Obama was president.

“We don’t just want to rewind the clock by four years,” Weeks says.

For many progressives, Trump was a singular threat to important institutions of the federal government, but rebuilding those institutions is simply not as important as rebuilding entire communities shattered by economic, social and racial inequalities. 

It doesn’t help matters that, today, tech giants are distrusted by conservatives and progressives alike. Firms that were run out of Palo Alto garages now chafe at antitrust laws like the railroad companies of a century ago. 

And like those companies, they know how to use their influence. In 2019 alone, two of the biggest and most influential technology firms — Amazon and Facebook — each spent $17 million on “government affairs,” better known as lobbying.

Ocasio-Cortez’s reference to Uber may have been a subtle warning to the incoming administration: The brother-in-law of Vice President-elect Kamala Harris is Tony West, who worked for the Department of Justice under President Bill Clinton and is now the chief counsel at Uber. Jake Sullivan, another top Biden adviser, also worked for Uber

The company recently won a major victory in California with Proposition 22, a successful response to legal efforts to make Uber drivers and other “gig workers” employees, not contractors. That’s exactly the kind of labor policy, Ocasio-Cortez says, the Biden administration must avoid.

Many top Obama staffers went to Silicon Valley in 2017. They could be returning to Washington with a new appreciation for free market capitalism at a time when “socialism” is no longer a dirty word. 

“Joe Biden’s transition is absolutely stacked with tech industry players,” noted Protocol, an online publication that covers technology.

That’s exactly what worries Jeff Hauser, executive director of the Revolving Door Project, which tracks what Trump has called, without much affection, “the swamp.” He notes that the transition team for the Office of Management and Budget appears to have borrowed rather avidly from Silicon Valley, with team members hailing from Lyft, Airbnb and Amazon.  

The budget office wields an “enormous amount of power,” says Hauser, including in both how congressionally appropriated money is doled out and how certain rules are implemented. Though it had a supporting role in Trump’s impeachment drama over foreign aid, OMB is otherwise obscure, making it a perfect site for covert exercises of federal power. 

Hauser also didn’t like the prevalence of Big Law talent on the Department of Justice team, which signaled to him that the Biden administration could go soft on corporate malefactors. 

Watching the transition, Gray, the former Sanders adviser, recalled an old saying: “The fish rots from the head.” The head, in this case, is Joe Biden, of whom Gray has long been a skeptic.

“He’s a fundamentally conservative man,” Gray says. She reasons that if Biden was “unmoved by the largest protest movement in American history” to endorse Medicare for All, he can’t be trusted to do much for conservative causes like a $15 minimum wage and the Green New Deal.

Still, she believes that Biden can be made to hear the voices of progressives — if, Gray says, they are loud enough. She points out that there is widespread support for progressive legislation like the $15 minimum wage in Florida, even though Trump won the state. 

Biden easily won Oregon, but a push to legalize small amounts of drugs, known as Measure 110, was even more popular than he was.

She sees that as evidence that progressive ideas are more popular than Biden himself. “Progressives should never stop screaming that reality from the rooftops,” Gray told Yahoo News. And she vowed to keep fighting, even with Trump gone and a Democratic president in the Oval Office once again. 

“I don’t accept resignation,” she said.

Cover thumbnail photo: Jonathan Ernst/Reuters


Sen. Bob Menendez faces new allegations of aiding Qatari government

GAMER LAWYER-POL Bob Menendez Charged With Acting As Foreign Agent

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS AND LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK)  corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS (WANTS TO BE OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER, OWNED BY LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK WHO OWNS A BIG PIECE OF THE ‘BIG GUY’ JOE, AND GEORGE SOROS’ RENT BOY (GAMER LAWYER) TONY BLINKENAS WELL AS CON MAN (GAMER LAWYER) ADAM SHIFF) AND HIS CORRUPTNESS (GAMER LAWYER) BOB MENENDEZ STILL EVADING PRISON.



Bob Menendez Spent Thousands To Retain Dem Super Lawyer Marc Elias and Hunter Biden's Firm

Democratic super lawyer Marc Elias and embattled Sen. Bob Menendez (Getty Images).
January 22, 2024

Many of Bob Menendez’s longtime Democratic allies have soured on the New Jersey senator amid his federal bribery case. But not Marc Elias, the controversial Democratic super lawyer whose firm took nearly $50,000 from the embattled senator’s legal fund.

Menendez’s legal defense fund paid $46,464 to Elias Law Group, according to disclosures obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. Menendez, who has been charged with bribery and illegal foreign lobbying, received $195,000 in contributions to his legal fund between October 1 through December 31. The fund paid $70,000 to Winston & Strawn, a white shoe law firm that also represents Hunter Biden. The legal fund paid $128,000 to Schertler & Onorato, a firm representing Menendez’s wife, Nadine Arslanian, according to the disclosure, which Menendez filed with the Senate Ethics Committee.

Elias’s work for Menendez is the latest example of the campaign lawyer’s hypocrisy. Elias portrays himself as a staunch defender of democracy—he runs an organization called "Democracy Docket"—but has been a major player in the Democratic Party’s attempts to influence elections through propaganda and disinformation. As attorney for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, Elias commissioned the Steele dossier, which falsely accused former president Donald Trump of conspiring with Russia. Democrats peddled the dossier to journalists and the FBI in order to sway public opinion about Trump.

Last year, Elias called on former Rep. George Santos (R., N.Y.) to resign following federal campaign finance charges. Elias referred to Santos as a "crook" and asserted that Republicans who refused to force him out of office were "shameless." The House voted to remove Santos from office last month. Senate Democrats have resisted calls to do the same with Menendez.

This is not the first time Elias has represented Menendez in corruption cases. He represented the senator during a 2007 investigation into a Menendez-connected lobbyist. Elias also represented Menendez after the senator was charged in 2015 with doing favors on behalf of Democratic donor Salomon Melgen. Federal prosecutors dropped the case against Menendez in 2018 after a jury deadlocked.

While most Democrats stood by Menendez in those previous investigations, the recent case against him has stoked calls for his resignation. Sen. Cory Booker (D., N.J.), a longtime Menendez ally who donated to his legal fund in 2015, called on him to resign after his latest indictment over what he said were "shocking allegations of corruption."

Federal prosecutors allege Menendez did political favors for a New Jersey real estate developer and the Egyptian intelligence services in exchange for cash, gold bars, a Mercedes Benz, and other gifts. He allegedly tried to influence the U.S. attorney’s office in New Jersey in a case involving businessman Fred Daibes. Prosecutors charged Menendez with providing sensitive information to Egyptian spies in order to help his associate Wael Hana. Prosecutors indicted Menendez on additional charges this month for allegedly lobbying on behalf of the Qatari government.

Many longtime Menendez supporters contributed to his legal defense, filings show. New Jersey lawyer Donald Scarinci and Spanish-language media mogul Raúl Alarcón gave $10,000 each to Menendez, the maximum contribution allowed. Murray Kushner, the estranged uncle of Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, also contributed $10,000 to Menendez.

Menendez raised $274,500 in the third quarter of last year and paid $55,000 in legal expenses to Schertler & Onorato.

Menendez’s office and Elias Law Group did not respond to requests for comment.

Published under: Bob Menendez Corruption Cory Booker Hillary Clinton Marc Elias Robert Menendez

Bob Menendez Hires Hunter Biden’s Lawyer for Bribery Case 

Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NY) speaks during a press conference at Hudson County Community College’s North Hudson Campus on September 25, 2023 in Union City, New Jersey. Menendez spoke during a press conference where he stated that he would not resign as senator and would serve out his term. The three-term …
Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) recently hired Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, to defend himself against federal bribery charges. Menendez served as Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee until stepping aside as a result of his recent indictment.

Lowell, who represents high-profile individuals engulfed in political scandals, represented Menendez in a prior corruption case in 2015, which ended in mistrial. His former client list includes former Sen. John Edwards, lobbyist Jack Abramoff, Bill Clinton, and Jared Kushner.

Spanberger — Menendez Must Go, You Can’t Have “Hint” of Expectation Influence Is for Sale — Sounds Like Espionage:

Lowell is a Bronx native and a 1977 Columbia Law School graduate. In 1982, he ran for the Maryland House of Delegates on the Democrat ticket.

The high-powered attorney will defend Menendez against bribery charges for allegedly sharing information with Egypt in exchange for gold bars, cash, and a cushy job for his wife.

Menendez and his wife face three counts: Conspiracy to commit bribery, conspiracy to commit extortion under color of official right, and conspiracy to commit honest services fraud.

WATCH — Dem Rep. Phillips: Menendez “Should Resign” or Dem Leadership Should Push Him Out:

While Menendez gave up his chairmanship of the Foreign Relations Committee, he refused to resign from the Senate. “The court of public opinion is no substitute for our revered justice system,” he said at a Monday press conference. “The allegations leveled against me are just that — allegations.”

A number of Democrats called for Menendez’s resignation. Those include Gov. Phil Murphy (D), Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA), and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

“The situation is quite unfortunate, but I do believe that it is in the best interest for Senator Menendez to resign in this moment,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

“Consistency matters. It shouldn’t matter if it’s a Republican or a Democrat. The details in this indictment are extremely serious. They involve the nature of not just his but all of our seats in Congress.”

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.


Bob Menendez - Wikipedia › wiki › Bob_Menendez

Robert Menendez (/ m ɛ ˈ n ɛ n d ɛ z /; born January 1, 1954) is an American lawyer and politician serving as the senior United States Senator from New Jersey, a seat he has held since 2006. A member of the Democratic Party , he was first appointed to the U.S. Senate by Governor Jon Corzine , and chaired the United States Senate Committee on Foreign Relations from 2013 to 2015, and again since 2021.


“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS AND LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK)  corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS (WANTS TO BE OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER, OWNED BY LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK WHO OWNS A BIG PIECE OF THE ‘BIG GUY’ JOE, AND GEORGE SOROS’ RENT BOY (GAMER LAWYER) TONY BLINKENAS WELL AS CON MAN (GAMER LAWYER) ADAM SHIFF) AND HIS CORRUPTNESS, (GAMER LAWYER) BOB MENENDEZ STILL EVADING PRISON.


Bob Menendez Hires Hunter Biden’s Lawyer for Bribery Case 

Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NY) speaks during a press conference at Hudson County Community College’s North Hudson Campus on September 25, 2023 in Union City, New Jersey. Menendez spoke during a press conference where he stated that he would not resign as senator and would serve out his term. The three-term …
Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

Democrat Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) recently hired Hunter Biden’s lawyer, Abbe Lowell, to defend himself against federal bribery charges. Menendez served as Chair of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee until stepping aside as a result of his recent indictment.

Lowell, who represents high-profile individuals engulfed in political scandals, represented Menendez in a prior corruption case in 2015, which ended in mistrial. His former client list includes former Sen. John Edwards, lobbyist Jack Abramoff, Bill Clinton, and Jared Kushner.

Spanberger — Menendez Must Go, You Can’t Have “Hint” of Expectation Influence Is for Sale — Sounds Like Espionage:

Lowell is a Bronx native and a 1977 Columbia Law School graduate. In 1982, he ran for the Maryland House of Delegates on the Democrat ticket.

The high-powered attorney will defend Menendez against bribery charges for allegedly sharing information with Egypt in exchange for gold bars, cash, and a cushy job for his wife.

Menendez and his wife face three counts: Conspiracy to commit bribery, conspiracy to commit extortion under color of official right, and conspiracy to commit honest services fraud.

WATCH — Dem Rep. Phillips: Menendez “Should Resign” or Dem Leadership Should Push Him Out:

While Menendez gave up his chairmanship of the Foreign Relations Committee, he refused to resign from the Senate. “The court of public opinion is no substitute for our revered justice system,” he said at a Monday press conference. “The allegations leveled against me are just that — allegations.”

A number of Democrats called for Menendez’s resignation. Those include Gov. Phil Murphy (D), Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA), and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

“The situation is quite unfortunate, but I do believe that it is in the best interest for Senator Menendez to resign in this moment,” Ocasio-Cortez said.

“Consistency matters. It shouldn’t matter if it’s a Republican or a Democrat. The details in this indictment are extremely serious. They involve the nature of not just his but all of our seats in Congress.”

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

Poll: Majority of Voters Believe Joe Biden ‘Likely’ Involved in Family Business 

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 20: President Joe Biden and first lady Jill Biden hug Hunter Biden and daughter Ashley Biden after being sworn in as U.S. president during his inauguration on the West Front of the U.S. Capitol on January 20, 2021 in Washington, DC. During today's inauguration ceremony Joe …
Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images

A majority of voters believe President Joe Biden was “likely” involved “inappropriately” in his family’s business, a Thursday J.L. Partners poll found.

The survey found the following statistics about how likely voters believe it is that Biden was involved in his family’s business ventures:

  • Very likely: 38 percent
  • Quite likely: 20 percent
  • Don’t know: 8 percent
  • Quite unlikely: 11 percent
  • Very unlikely: 22 percent

Even one-third of Democrats believe it is very or quite likely Biden involved himself inappropriately in his family’s business.

The poll sampled 1,000 likely voters. The margin of error was not provided.

Biden denies he spoke to his family members about their business and that Hunter Biden earned money from his ventures in China, though Hunter acknowledged the receipt of “China money” in court documents.

“No!” Biden SNAPS at Reporter Asking About Involvement with Hunter’s “Shake Down” Text


Previous polling shows Americans are skeptical of Joe Biden’s claims:

  • ABC News/Ipsos: A plurality of Americans are not confident about how the Justice Department handled its investigation into Hunter.
  • Yahoo/YouGov: A majority of voters believe Joe Biden committed a crime with Hunter.
  • TIPP: Sixty-three percent say Joe Biden violated the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) by assisting Hunter in the Burisma Holdings deal.

The polling comes after the House voted to formally open an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden to provide investigators the means to compel information the White House refuses to provide Congress. The Biden administration failed to provide investigators:

  • Information about two loan agreements Joe Biden allegedly executed with James Biden for a total of $240,000
  • 99.98 percent of requested records from President Joe Biden, including alias emails
  • Documents about an alleged $5 million bribe Joe Biden allegedly accepted
  • Materials related to Joe Biden’s mishandling of classified documents

House investigators initially announced they would investigate the Biden family in November 2022. They later revealed Joe Biden received money from James Biden and Hunter Biden. They also showed that nine additional Biden family members received payments from the family’s foreign business ventures, including two of Joe Biden’s grandchildren.

More evidence against Joe Biden can be found here and here.

Follow Wendell Husebø on “X” @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

GOP Investigates Whether Joe Biden Helped Hunter Biden Defy Subpoena 

, son of U.S. President Joe Biden, talks to reporters at the U.S. Capitol, in Washington, Wednesday, Dec. 13, 2023. Hunter Biden lashed out at Republican investigators who have been digging into his business dealings, insisting outside the Capitol he will only testify before a congressional committee in public. (AP …
AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana

House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) and Judiciary Committee Chair Jim Jordan (R-OH) wrote a demand letter to White House Counsel Edward Siskel to investigate whether President Joe Biden engaged “in a conspiracy to obstruct a proceeding of Congress” with Hunter Biden, Breitbart News learned Wednesday.

  • Hunter defied a congressional subpoena to testify behind closed doors during a December 13 press conference.
  • White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Joe Biden was “certainly familiar with what his son was going to say” at the press conference.
  • Jean-Pierre refused to provide any more information on the subject.

“In light of an official statement from the White House that President Biden was aware in advance that his son, Hunter Biden, would knowingly defy two congressional subpoenas,” the lawmakers wrote, “we are compelled to examine as part of our impeachment inquiry whether the President engaged in a conspiracy to obstruct a proceeding of Congress.”

The letter further states:

Under the relevant section of the criminal code, it is unlawful to “corruptly . . . endeavor[] to influence, obstruct, or impede the due and proper exercise of the power of inquiry under which any investigation or inquiry is being had by . . . any committee of either House or any joint committee of the Congress[.]” Likewise, any person who “aids, abets, counsels, commands, induces or procures” the commission of a crime is punishable as a principal of the crime.

In light of Ms. Jean-Pierre’s statement, we are compelled to examine the involvement of the President in his son’s scheme to defy the Committees’ subpoenas.

Hunter faces contempt of Congress proceedings for failing to appear for a subpoenaed closed-door deposition. If prosecuted and convicted, Hunter’s punishment could be up to a $100,000 fine and imprisonment.

Polling shows a majority of Democrat voters say Hunter should comply with the House impeachment inquiry’s lawful subpoena, appearing for both a closed door deposition and public testimony, and if he does not, he should be prosecuted, a Harvard Caps/Harris poll recently revealed:

  • Democrats: 60 percent
  • Republicans: 81 percent
  • Independents: 72 percent

2023-12-27 -Letter – Siskel by Breitbart News on Scribd

Follow Wendell Husebø on “X” @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.



Which begs the question, why would a successful lawyer loan millions of dollars to a recovering drug addict, under indictment on tax and gun charges, who’s unable to support himself? Morris has stated he has done so because Hunter is a friend.

IRS whistleblower: Hunter Biden’s ‘sugar brother’ just wants to ‘help’

Despite his prior claims of being unable to pay his child support or taxes, Hunter Biden leads a lavish lifestyle of the rich and famous. He resides at Malibu beach house rental, drove a $142,000 Fisker Karma EV (before transitioning to a Porsche), travels on private jets, and stays in the swankiest hotels. He’s somehow able to afford a phalanx of the most expensive lawyers.

He maintains this standard of living, we were told, from the proceeds of a personal loan by his so-called sugar-bro, Kevin Morris—a high-flying Hollywood entertainment lawyer. Morris began lending Hunter the big bucks just one week after meeting him at a Democrat Party fundraiser. To date that loan is reported to total $4.9 million.

Which begs the question, why would a successful lawyer loan millions of dollars to a recovering drug addict, under indictment on tax and gun charges, who’s unable to support himself? Morris has stated he has done so because Hunter is a friend.

“My only goal was and is to help my friend and client,” Morris told investigators. “In this country, there is no prohibition against helping a friend in need with no ulterior motive.” That’s some kinda friendship.

Last week, Morris sat for a deposition for House Judiciary and Oversight committees investigating the Biden family influence peddling operations and we learned that he is now the proud owner of Hunter’s former stake in the Chinese Communist Party-backed investment fund, BHR Partners. You may recall that Hunter snagged this $1.5 billion dollar deal while traveling to China with then Vice President Joe Biden aboard Air Force Two.

Princling Hunter’s share in the Chinese-state controlled fund was 10 percent. Now “sugar-bro” Morris is the proud owner of that stake, which currently has about $3 billion invested in various geo-strategic enterprises around the world.

It’s still unknown how much Morris paid Hunter for Hunter’s stake in BHR, but I’d bet this is all part of an elaborate money-laundering scheme that involves the millions in sugar-bro “loans” and Hunter’s sham art sales. Morris has been a major purchaser of Hunter’s “art” and his baby-mama, Lunden Roberts, settled for a regular stream of his masterpieces in lieu of child support.

International art sales are a notorious money-laundering front and in response to reporter’s questions about Hunter’s new avocation, the White House claimed that, to avoid corruption, the identities of the buyers would be kept secret. Well, that’s convenient.

Hunter’s art dealer, Georges Berges, testified before the House Oversight and Judiciary committees that he was unaware of any agreement to keep those buyers secret and that Hunter knew their identities.

As expected, the mainstream media has shown little-to-no interest in these revelations. 

Jim Daws is long-time America First activist beginning with work on Pat Buchanan's presidential campaigns. He's a writer and itinerant talk radio / podcast host and a former fire battalion chief from Atlanta.

Image from X.

The paid agent behind the Oval Office desk

By Monica Showalter

Via John Hinderaker of Power Line, Andy McCarthy at National Review has a stunning piece outlining the depths of Joe Biden's involvement as China's little agent, tying together details which will make you wanting to take a shower afterward.

He writes:

Thanks to the extensive excavation of Biden financial records by Senators Chuck Grassley (R., Iowa) and Ron Johnson (R., Wis.), followed by the dogged reporting of the New York Post once Hunter’s abandoned laptop was exposed, the outlines of the story were publicly available before Election Day 2020. The Biden/China scheme may not have been sufficiently known, but it was eminently knowable — so much so that I presented it in detail in “A Collusion Tale: China and the Bidens,” which we published on October 31, 2020 — the weekend before the election.


The story has gotten more damning with the additional evidence unearthed by the Oversight Committee under the direction of Chairman James Comer (R., Ky.). But it hasn’t changed.


CEFC, the Shanghai-based energy conglomerate with which Joe Biden and his family joined forces, was China. To describe it as a “thinly veiled” arm of Xi Jinping’s monstrous regime would exaggerate the camouflage. It was run by Ye Jianming, whom the Bidens deemed a protégé of Xi — as the president’s brother, Jim Biden, conceded to federal investigators.


How could it be otherwise? As I recounted in October 2020, CEFC’s position as a privileged “private” company was established by the regime in 2006 (when Xi was the rising star of the CCP).

The fake Chinese front company disappeared from view along with its agents, as soon as its activities got brazen enough for lawmen to start examining them -- in an instant. But the Bidens had already gotten their money, and performed their services, and it was a lot of money -- big $10,000,000 amounts. The Chinese not only used the Bidens to find out little things like what the FBI had on their agents, they also used it to muscle other countries to jump onboard with their One Belt, One Road initiative and other projects, letting them know that they already had the Bidens in their pocket so there was no protection out there for them:


This, of course, is why the Biden connection was so valuable — why CEFC was willing to pay millions of dollars for it. Doors were opened by the association with Joe Biden, one of America’s most prominent, influential politicians. If CEFC could brandish cordial relations and a business partnership with the Biden family, then other targets of China’s OBOR blandishments would be more willing to transact.

China is famous for getting the hooks in in a string of third world nations, all of which have become remarkably uncooperative with the U.S., and not even interested in making alliances with it any more. We've lost influence as joining in the China-led BRICS bloc has become the hot new thing.


Does it sound like Joe Biden has undermined our international interests with his takings from the Chinese regime, all to buy those mansions and fancy cars? Somehow, the U.S. doesn't have the influence it used to have internationally, and it's not just because of President Obama's constant apology tours. It was having Joe on their string that pretty well negated the U.S. as a global player. It also doesn't help that with Joe around, we also lose wars and sport wokester troops on hormone treatments, wearing makeup and dresses.


I'd still like to know what Hunter Biden did with that diamond the Chinese agents presented him with, likely to avoid bank monitoring laws.


Acting as an agent of a foreign regime while in public office is treason by anyone's definition. It's also an impeachable offense, as is bribery, according to the Constitution's Article II, Section 4:


The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.

Where's the impeachment of this one, given the clarity of the charges?


Previous House Speaker Kevin McCarthy hemmed and hawed on it, believing perhaps that because past presidential impeachments have been on trivial matters and have always failed, this one wouldn't be any different.


But it is different, with millions of dollars changing hands and U.S. influence waning significantly. If this isn't dealt with in Congress, the stage will be set for any elected leader to do the same.  Now that the facts are known, Andy McCarthy argues, that Joe cannot escape his China scandal paper trail at the very least. One hopes that he is right because the bribery and treason here couldn't be more real.


Image: Screen shot from a camera aimed at a television set, processed with Adobe CameraRaw.


Alex Marlow’s ‘Breaking Biden’: China-Linked University of Delaware Biden Partnership Was Hunter’s ‘Baby,’ Part of ‘Wealth Creation’ Strategy

Facebook/Biden Institute, University of Delaware; BNN

The following article was adapted from Breitbart Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow’s new book Breaking Biden: Exposing the Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine Behind Joe Biden, His Family, and His Administration, which is out now. 


While media reports have focused University of Pennsylvania’s Biden Center, less attention has been paid to University of Delaware’s Biden Institute, even though these two “institutes” were opened on the same day and meant to serve a shared goal of being incubators of advancing globalism and leftism. The UPenn Biden Center became a pipeline for longtime Biden allies into his administration, and, as previously reported by Peter Schweizer, preceded a suspicious influx in Chinese donations to the university.

Together with a Penn Biden office in DC, the two entities would be the public-facing “stage” for the “Biden Brand.”

The key players at the University of Delaware’s Biden Institute were either Biden family members, people with deep ties to China, or both. In fact, in my new book, Breaking Biden, on sale today, I reveal that the University of Delaware Biden operation was Hunter’s “baby” and was part of a larger strategy to replicate the Clinton Global Initiative without onerous fundraising.

Who would provide the funds to the UD Biden Institute if they weren’t going to be gathered by traditional means? That part is unclear, but the constellation of facts I present in the book certainly raises suspicion that it could be a vehicle for influence peddling that could benefit entities foreign and domestic.

Valerie Biden Celebrates Hunter’s “Baby”

On December 11, 2018, the University of Delaware announced that it was naming its public policy school after Vice President Biden. Emails show that this move was orchestrated by members of UD’s Biden Institute. It was on the day of the announcement that Hunter Biden received a text message from his aunt and former Joe Biden campaign manager, Valerie Owens (who chairs the Biden Institute), crediting him for the deepening partnership with between the Biden family and the university: “Bravo Hunter—UD was your baby and you made sure I was part of it.”

The University of Delaware Biden Institute was Hunter’s “baby.” And this was the type of baby the family most certainly was not going to ignore.

President Joe Biden, with his sister Valerie Biden (2nd L), and son Hunter Biden (L), arrives to board Air Force One on April 11, 2023. (JIM WATSON/AFP via Getty Images)

Tied to China from the Start

Like the University of Pennsylvania, University of Delaware (UD) disclosed receiving funds from China soon after forging the partnership with the Bidens.

The emails show that in March 2016, Hunter and his colleagues met with incoming UD president Dennis Assanis to discuss plans for the UD/UPenn venture months before Assanis was officially instated. Assanis has deep and long-standing ties to China. In addition to serving as the founding director of the U.S.-China Clean Energy Research Center—Clean Vehicle Consortium (CERC-CVC) since 2003, Assanis has been a guest professor (2003–2008) and advisory professor (2009 to present) at Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU). This fact alone raises concern given that SJTU has signed cooperative agreements with China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA). What’s more, cyberattacks on American companies such as Google have been traced to computers at SJTU.

Like UPenn, the UD Biden Institute was quickly stocked with future Biden appointees–at least twelve so far–including soon-to-be senior Biden advisor Mike Donilon and Surgeon General Vivek Murthy. Assanis himself would be named to Biden’s President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology.

The University of Delaware had never disclosed receiving funds from China until April 2018, when it accepted over $3.2 million for a contract with an unnamed Chinese entity. This came two months after the Penn Biden Center opened its DC office. Then, in December 2018, UD received $1.9 million from an unnamed Chinese entity. In 2019, UD received another $625,000 from China. In 2020, UD initiated three contracts with the Chinese entities and received over $1 million in funds. In sum, UD has received over $6.7 million from unnamed Chinese sources, including a substantial amount from the Chinese government.

All these funds started flowing to UD after the Biden Institute was announced and increased immediately after the launch of the Penn Biden Center.

President Joe Biden delivers the commencement address at the University of Delaware graduation ceremony in Newark, Delaware, on May 28, 2022. (MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images)

Supporting Chinese Military Technology

This money from China is cause for alarm given that UD has thirty-seven international partnerships with Chinese universities, including several that support the development of Chinese military technologies. The most logical reasons for the Chinese to engage in these partnerships is that they want to influence American institutions, acquire American intellectual property, or both.

On February 8 2022, Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) wrote a letter to UD president Dennis Assanis urging him to terminate UD’s academic and research partnership with Xiamen University, which actively supports Beijing’s military-industrial complex and which allegedly conspired with Huawei to steal trade secrets from an American semiconductor start-up. Yet, according to the International Cyber Policy Centre’s China Defence Universities Tracker database, that partnership with Xiamen University is only a “medium” risk.

The University of Delaware has worked with at least four other universities linked to Chinese defense laboratories.

“Like the Clinton Global Initiative Without the Money Raise”

In April 2016, Hunter exchanged emails and had at least one meeting with Craig Gering, a talent agent for the legendary Creative Artists Agency, about Vice President Biden’s future after he leaves office. Gering took “confidential notes” from the meeting that describe details about the plans for the UD/UPenn operation, including the possibility of Hunter serving in the Penn Biden Center DC office. Gering fantasized about an entity that “operates like The Clinton Global Initiative (CGI) without the money raise.”

CGI claims it convenes “established and emerging global leaders to create and implement solutions to the world’s most pressing challenges,” according to its website, but functionally, it was an easy way for the Clintons to reap donor funds to leverage relationships with celebrities and major corporations to boost their profiles all the while promoting their own cultural and political agenda items. Donations to CGI dried up when it came under media scrutiny from Schweizer and others for soliciting millions of dollars from foreign governments and businesses—the same governments and businesses that received favorable treatment from the Obama administration during Hillary’s tenure as secretary of state.

Hillary Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, and Bill Clinton onstage during Clinton Global Initiative’s annual meeting on September 24, 2014, in New York City. (Jemal Countess/Getty Images)

The Clinton Global Initiative was shut down in 2016 and revived in 2022. In retrospect, it was always meant to be an influence-peddling operation by the Clintons. It was shuttered at the specific moment where Hillary Clinton could no longer do anything substantial for the donors.

That’s where the Bidens could step in and fill the void.

“Wealth Creation” for the Bidens

It was clear from the Laptop from Hell emails that Biden World fantasized about an entity like the CGI for Joe. It could be a means for influential figures around the world to boost the Biden brand. The UD/UPenn/Biden venture is ultimately about “wealth creation,” according to Gering.

It could be used for philanthropy, bettering the world, and advancing the Biden name. But most importantly, “wealth creation.”

A stunning admission.

The degree to which the Bidens were able to leverage these new entities to benefit themselves financially is unclear, but we do know, thanks to the Laptop from Hell, that the vision was in place to create a secret money machine that could be relevant for generations.

It was Hunter’s baby.

Breaking Biden is available now in hardcover, eBook, and audiobook read by the author.

Alex Marlow is the Editor-in-Chief of Breitbart News and a New York Times bestselling author. His new, Breaking Biden: Exposing the Hidden Forces and Secret Money Machine Behind Joe Biden, His Family, and His Administration, is available now. You can follow Alex on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter at @AlexMarlow.


Bob Menendez Spent Thousands To Retain Dem Super Lawyer Marc Elias and Hunter Biden's Firm

Democratic super lawyer Marc Elias and embattled Sen. Bob Menendez (Getty Images).
January 22, 2024

Many of Bob Menendez’s longtime Democratic allies have soured on the New Jersey senator amid his federal bribery case. But not Marc Elias, the controversial Democratic super lawyer whose firm took nearly $50,000 from the embattled senator’s legal fund.

Menendez’s legal defense fund paid $46,464 to Elias Law Group, according to disclosures obtained by the Washington Free Beacon. Menendez, who has been charged with bribery and illegal foreign lobbying, received $195,000 in contributions to his legal fund between October 1 through December 31. The fund paid $70,000 to Winston & Strawn, a white shoe law firm that also represents Hunter Biden. The legal fund paid $128,000 to Schertler & Onorato, a firm representing Menendez’s wife, Nadine Arslanian, according to the disclosure, which Menendez filed with the Senate Ethics Committee.

Elias’s work for Menendez is the latest example of the campaign lawyer’s hypocrisy. Elias portrays himself as a staunch defender of democracy—he runs an organization called "Democracy Docket"—but has been a major player in the Democratic Party’s attempts to influence elections through propaganda and disinformation. As attorney for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, Elias commissioned the Steele dossier, which falsely accused former president Donald Trump of conspiring with Russia. Democrats peddled the dossier to journalists and the FBI in order to sway public opinion about Trump.

Last year, Elias called on former Rep. George Santos (R., N.Y.) to resign following federal campaign finance charges. Elias referred to Santos as a "crook" and asserted that Republicans who refused to force him out of office were "shameless." The House voted to remove Santos from office last month. Senate Democrats have resisted calls to do the same with Menendez.

This is not the first time Elias has represented Menendez in corruption cases. He represented the senator during a 2007 investigation into a Menendez-connected lobbyist. Elias also represented Menendez after the senator was charged in 2015 with doing favors on behalf of Democratic donor Salomon Melgen. Federal prosecutors dropped the case against Menendez in 2018 after a jury deadlocked.

While most Democrats stood by Menendez in those previous investigations, the recent case against him has stoked calls for his resignation. Sen. Cory Booker (D., N.J.), a longtime Menendez ally who donated to his legal fund in 2015, called on him to resign after his latest indictment over what he said were "shocking allegations of corruption."

Federal prosecutors allege Menendez did political favors for a New Jersey real estate developer and the Egyptian intelligence services in exchange for cash, gold bars, a Mercedes Benz, and other gifts. He allegedly tried to influence the U.S. attorney’s office in New Jersey in a case involving businessman Fred Daibes. Prosecutors charged Menendez with providing sensitive information to Egyptian spies in order to help his associate Wael Hana. Prosecutors indicted Menendez on additional charges this month for allegedly lobbying on behalf of the Qatari government.

Many longtime Menendez supporters contributed to his legal defense, filings show. New Jersey lawyer Donald Scarinci and Spanish-language media mogul Raúl Alarcón gave $10,000 each to Menendez, the maximum contribution allowed. Murray Kushner, the estranged uncle of Trump son-in-law Jared Kushner, also contributed $10,000 to Menendez.

Menendez raised $274,500 in the third quarter of last year and paid $55,000 in legal expenses to Schertler & Onorato.

Menendez’s office and Elias Law Group did not respond to requests for comment.

Published under: Bob Menendez Corruption Cory Booker Hillary Clinton Marc Elias Robert Menendez

Is Biden Poison-Pilling Trump?

I am reminded of an important lesson I received as a kid, when a friend of my father spent weeks trying to help my dad figure out what was wrong with our family car.  For weeks on Saturdays, I would watch these two inexperienced men attempt to fix a jammed motor.  My dad would pay his friend for the help, but it wasn’t until later that a real mechanic informed my dad someone had poured syrup into the gas tank, which caused sugar to expand within the pistons of the engine, thereby disabling our already old VW station wagon.  The culprit was my dad’s friend.  Imagine that!  A guy shows up and helps fix something he caused, and takes money for doing so, even though he’d known all along what he’d done.

I never saw the friend after that, and his wife, who would often stop in and visit on occasion, was also never to be seen again.

The lesson I learned was that even your friends can screw you.  I also learned that people like to create failure for their opposition when they know they are going to lose.  Joe Biden is doing this right now, and what he is doing will most assuredly ail Trump if/when he wins the 2024 election.  Biden knows that Trump has a good shot at winning, so the president is using his time left and deliberately pouring syrup into the engine of the White House.

Within less than eleven months, and if nothing else goes wrong, Trump, as the newly (re-)elected president, will inherit no less than three wars, a flailing economy, a 34-trillion-dollar federal deficit, high crime rates across the country, a broken Southern border that has spilled at least nine million new people into the country without being vetted, and a Deep State that doesn’t want him to succeed.  If that isn’t pancake syrup gutting up an engine, then I don’t know what is.

I might even question Trump’s sanity — or his courage — to want to get anywhere near this calamitous effort of trying to fix what Biden has broken.

Biden is a disgrace.  No other president in history has done more to cripple a country than the former senator from Delaware: devaluing the dollar, raising energy prices, forcing people to stay home, firing workers who showed up because they wouldn’t take a government-mandated experimental vaccine, causing massive instability in Ukraine through failed diplomacy, leaving thousands of men, women, and children behind in Afghanistan, who, because of his failed policy, now live under tyranny and death.  Biden’s failure to protect Israel by doing business with Iran cannot be forgotten.  His encouragement of sanctions of immoral health practices — even encouraging and supporting genital mutilation among “trans” youth — is criminal.  Pandering to every progressive pipe dream, no matter the cost, including the inefficient desire to be carbon-neutral without any credible science or benefit to support his goals, is psychotic.  All of this adds up to a country that has been mortally wounded, with blow after blow of egregious and sociopathic leadership.  This is the legacy of the Biden presidency.

Can the Damage Be Repaired?

We call in the expert surgeon, Donald Trump, and expect him to work the miracle of reviving the patient.  We hope his surgical team is equally supportive of his desire to save the patient, but one cannot be too sure.  Sometimes you can be handed the wrong scalpel, the patient might lose oxygen, or perhaps your assistant despises you and will deliberately sabotage you just to make you look bad, just like the guy who poured syrup down my dad’s gas tank.

This is Trump’s reality.  He must not only prepare for the worst, but also be mindful that he is likely surrounded by people who want him to fail.

Trump’s team — his inner circle, if you will — must comprise competent members who truly share his vision of remedial care.  They must be consumed with but one desire: to get the machine running and to root out the impurities.  Javier Milei, the newly elected president of Argentina, has made headlines showing that it is possible to reduce the waste of big government, something Trump did not do in his first term.  He needs to make it a top priority this time around.

First Priorities

The Deep State are the people who have permanent government jobs, and who would never allow an elected executive to come in and dictate their careers.  And it is the largesse of the Deep State that has made our government inefficient; it is why the taxpayers are 33 trillion dollars in debt, a debt that will eventually destroy the U.S. economy.  Trump needs to bring a machete.

Next are reforms in the judicial and intelligence departments.  This is the slimy liquid that slowly creeps into the crevices of human life and rips away our constitutionally protected right to be left alone.  Biden and Obama have weaponized our justice and intelligence agencies to go after political opponents — even the American people who protest.  They may not be the original devisers of weaponized government, but this cancerous abuse of power has only metastasized over the last two decades with them in charge. 

What Hillary Clinton caused by her Steele dossier is exactly why Trump must gut these agencies and bring people to justice who abused the citizens of our county, many of whom remain in jail today because they showed up to a protest.  Americans will never again trust our justice and law-enforcement agencies unless they are reformed.  Trump was too nice the last time, and I believe most Americans would support him righting the wrongs of sociopathic leaders (and their henchmen) who turned our country into a banana republic.

I also have no doubt that Trump will reverse those energy policies Biden crippled in 2021 during his first days in office.  Once America regains its energy footing again, this will draw lifeblood from Putin, weakening his position in tearing Ukraine apart, and Trump will use our energy superiority to leverage peace in the region.  Trump will save Ukrainian men so they can go back home to their wives — men who do not share Biden’s zeal for destroying Russian leadership at any cost.

I also believe that American energy independence and production will weaken Iran.  By reinstating sanctions on countries who do business with Iran, Trump will rein in the ayatollahs’ ability to sponsor terrorism in the region.

We will see wars ending under a Trump presidency, and this will reduce European tensions.  In short, even those who disdain Trump today will benefit from his presidency, just as they experienced in his first term.  We must give no quarter to the ideologies (and idealogues) that work against the American people.  We must deny and defend against those who want to wokify this country into a socialist hellhole, run by demagogues and Marxists who use ESG and DIE to extort American resources and make us weaker as a nation in a world filled with tyrants.

Regarding fixing the immigration problem Biden created by putting Kamala in charge, it will be Trump bringing the hammer down on employers who hire people who are not U.S. citizens.  Nothing will send people packing more effectively than a lack of job opportunities.  And it will only take the strike of a pen to ensure that ten million asylum-seekers Joe let in don’t become permanent welfare recipients.  There are many ways to remove illegal aliens besides “rounding them up.”  Once communities become sick and tired of the crime and lack of affordable housing, Trump will have no trouble getting Congress to enact stringent immigration policy that will restore order to our borders. 

On reducing crime, once Trump is back in office and local law enforcement officers feel they have a system that has their back, recruitment will go up.  Police will be back on the streets fighting crime and putting criminals back in jail, something the Democrats hate but the people will love because they feel safe again.

The only question is how much the engine has been damaged by President Biden.  America is a resilient country.  I’d like to believe that no one person can do so much damage to a country as great as ours, but gosh darn it if Biden didn’t try like hell.  We don’t yet see the damage under the hood.

History will not be kind to Biden’s legacy, and that is why he becomes more dangerous with each passing day.  Don’t forget that Biden still has his hands on the levers.  Pray he takes more vacations in the coming months and not fewer, and that Trump doesn’t change his mind between now and November.

Jim Watkins is the host of the podcast and nationally syndicated radio program Jim Watkins Is Speaking Out.

PROOF Obama's Birth Certificate is Fake

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS AND LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK)  corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS (WANTS TO BE OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER, OWNED BY LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK WHO OWNS A BIG PIECE OF THE ‘BIG GUY’ JOE, AND GEORGE SOROS’ RENT BOY (GAMER LAWYER) TONY BLINKEN, AS WELL AS CON MAN (GAMER LAWYER) ADAM SHIFF) AND HIS CORRUPTNESS (GAMER LAWYER) BOB MENENDEZ STILL EVADING PRISON.


But by later that year and in subsequent years, Soros was fully engaged through multiple entities in funding Indivisible. Soros’s own Open Society Foundations website shows that in 2017 the Tides Advocacy provided $350,000 to Indivisible. In subsequent years, the money came directly from Open Society to Indivisible and increased in dollar amount. In 2018, Soros’s group gave half a million dollars to Indivisible, which increased to $1.75 million in 2019. In 2021, Open Society gave Indivisible two grants totaling $875,000, and in 2022 Soros’s group gave Indivisible another $1.135 million.

Defeat MAGA’: Meet the Radical Left Network that Hijacked Democrats in Effort to Stop Trump at All Costs

US President Donald Trump leaves after speaking during a Make America Great Again rally at Fayetteville Regional Airport November 2, 2020, in Fayetteville, North Carolina. - The US presidential campaign enters its final day Monday with a last-minute scramble for votes by Donald Trump and Joe Biden, drawing to a …

A well-coordinated, well-funded, and high-powered network of leftist organizations, led by a group whose efforts 2016 Democrat presidential nominee Hillary Rodham Clinton promoted, is behind the push to remove former President Donald Trump, the 2024 frontrunner for president from any party, from the ballot, Breitbart News has learned.

But it’s much broader than that: For years, this network of leftists grew from a powerful vast left-wing conspiracy unmasked a decade ago into now being the dominating force on the left determined to stop Trump at all costs. What’s more, these leftists clearly control what top Democrats are saying, forcing their leaders to adopt their narrative. They even regularly openly brag about controlling what the sitting President of the United States says, taking credit for Democrat President Joe Biden’s dark reelection campaign messaging, where Biden has warned of “MAGA extremists” on the rise.

Research compiled by Northeast Florida-based conservative grassroots activist Jessico Bowman shows the intricate links between these groups and just how sophisticated their operations happen to be. Bowman, the secretary of the libertarian-leaning Republican Liberty Caucus, was so alarmed by what she found, she provided this research to Breitbart News exclusively ahead of its public release. The first installment of this bigger investigation into these well-funded and highly organized leftist groups is here in this story. Bowman’s research found that these leftist organizations began their work to crush Trump back in the aftermath of the 2016 presidential election, when Trump shocked everyone by defeating Clinton, and the network of radicals has since spiraled into controlling the top levers of the Democrat Party in a desperate bid to stop Trump.

“Following the most profound upset in 2016 which shifted the political matrix to America First MAGA populism, a war was declared in the shadows by the radical left,” Bowman told Breitbart News. “A well-oiled democracy alliance of political activist networks comprised of a collective of left wing and anti-Trump organizations, even charitable non-profits, managed by Indivisible – formed mimicking the Tea Party’s grassroots coalition structure. Battle-ready to funnel money and resources to fight using the power of their combined influence to defeat MAGA.”

The level of influence and control that this leftist network has over elected officials is essentially unprecedented in world history. Everyone from the sitting president of the United States to top law enforcement officials at the federal, state, and local level to leading Democrats in Congress and in states around the country are using these leftists’ playbook and talking points, following them close to verbatim. Nothing remotely like it exists on the right in U.S. politics, and never before has there been such a sophisticated leftist structure in control of at least half of American discourse in a presidential election year. Even stories in recent years about leftist organizations like the Democracy Alliance—exposed a decade ago when various documents made public showed the vast intricate connections between left-wing groups—do not compare to the intricacy of the organization level in play now on the American left.

As Bowman mentioned, the titular head of this leftist network is the group Indivisible. Indivisible’s website explains its origins as resisting Trump during his first term in office, and organizing leftists nationally under a broader banner designed to push the left’s agenda everywhere.

“Indivisible started as the Indivisible Guide, a Google Doc guide to organizing locally to pressure your elected officials to resist Trump’s agenda,” the Who We Are section of Indivisible’s website explains. “It caught fire as millions of people picked up the guide and its name – Indivisible – and organized their own local Indivisible groups to put the guide into action. These new Indivisible activists formed a nationwide movement of people taking matters into their own hands to build their own power through collective action.”

Working against Trump in the White House from 2017 to 2021 may have been its original goal, but the  network that Indivisible leads has now shifted to trying to stop Trump from winning in 2024—and in case they fail to stop him at the ballot box, undermining his second term in office from the get-go.

The homepage of Indivisible’s website now states that the group’s primary mission is to “DEFEAT MAGA” and “SAVE DEMOCRACY.” This terminology and verbiage—constant complaining about “MAGA extremists,” for instance—has found its way into every top Democrat’s talking points—from Biden himself to House Democrat leader Hakeem Jeffries to former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on down to rank-and-file elected Democrats.

Biden has even made these leftist groups’ talking points—an extensive focus on “extremists” in “MAGA”—the centerpiece of his 2024 reelection campaign and has regularly used them in pursuing his domestic and foreign policy agenda items as president. The irony, of course, is that while Biden is bashing “extremism” on the regular as a president of the United States seeking reelection against his predecessor, he is the one associating with extremists on the radical left behind this network of groups that Indivisible leads and others follow.

Some of the talking points or suggested actions from these leftist groups have shown up later – not just in the legal push to kick Trump off the ballot in several states,, but also seem to have formed at least part of the groundwork for the various indictments he faces, like one from Justice Department Special Counsel Jack Smith’s investigation. But beyond simply preceding and fueling the indictments against Trump, these leftist groups have cheered them and organized activists to further politically weaponize them in a manner designed to hurt Trump and any Republicans who associate with him.

The leftist network is even preparing for the possibility they fail to stop Trump from getting elected again, and aiming to ready their activists for fighting a second Trump administration should he win again this year.


Indivisible’s website has a map that shows it has thousands of affiliated local groups nationwide listed in communities around the country. Every state in the union has multiple Indivisible local partners, and an explanation that used to exist on Indivisible’s website—but no longer is there—explained how this network of organizations works together with national staff for the national group Indivisible.

“INDIVISIBLE GROUPS & NATIONAL STAFF – HOW WE WORK TOGETHER,” reads the top of the page that Indivisible’s website no longer has publicly available but that Bowman found and archived as part of her investigation.

“Indivisible is a progressive grassroots movement of millions of activists across every state, fueled by a partnership between thousands of autonomous local Indivisible groups and a nationwide staff that offers strategic leadership, coordination, and support,” the now-deleted website page reads.

The document lays out how the national staff at Indivisible connects people with local groups nationwide, holds organizing calls, provides financial support, including a series of grants that the group offers, and even helps with media outreach and pushing their message into the press.

While that part of Indivisible’s website is now gone, another part of it that remains up is a document that explains for aspiring leftist organizers nationwide how to structure “Indivisible Groups.” The “common legal structures” recommendations part of the site explains how people can make different kinds of tax-exempt nonprofit groups or Political Action Committees (PACs) to best effectuate their goals in politics. That seems to have served as the groundwork for the broader network of thousands of groups springing up nationwide to carry out the Indivisible agenda from coast to coast across America.

But Indivisible is not the only organization at play here. Other leftist groups are heavily involved in this bigger network. Two previously published documents trace the origins of the broader network of leftist organizations. The first document, published in 2014 as part of a bigger conservative movement investigation into the Democracy Alliance, listed 21 “core organizations” and another 161 “partner and aligned organizations” that were part of the Democracy Alliance.

The Democracy Alliance has been well-known for many years now, as what the left-wing Vox in a 2014 piece describing the publication of some of these documents wrote was at the time: “The closest thing that exists to a ‘left-wing conspiracy’ in the US.” Vox’s piece noted that George Soros, the left-wing billionaire, among many other luminaries on the radical left, had come together during the George W. Bush administration as an effort to resist Bush’s policies and push the Democrat agenda in Washington. Over the ensuing years, the Democracy Alliance grew and flourished and then, by the time Trump took office in 2017 after eight years of Democrat President Barack Obama, the Democracy Alliance flew back into action to help lead the “Resistance” against Trump. In fact, a 2017 document that the New York Times’ Ken Vogel published showed essentially an updated and more specific “Resistance Map” of Democracy Alliance organizations—and it is here where Indivisible is first listed. It’s worth noting Indivisible does not appear on the earlier document from 2014, because the group had not yet been founded.

The 2017 document is much more specific than the 2014 one about the various roles of different leftist organizations. For instance, it says the ACLU and the Brennan Center for Justice, among others, would lead “litigation” against the Trump administration and lists out other broader responsibilities of different groups like “organizing,” “advocacy,” “rapid response,” “corporate and government ethics,” “electoralizing the groundswell,” “mass mobilization,” “storytelling,” and more.

Under the section “pressuring government officials” is where Indivisible—which, of course, was new on the scene that year after it came together in late 2016 when Trump beat Clinton—appears.

“Perhaps no group epitomizes the differences between the legacy left and the grass-roots resistance like Indivisible,” Vogel’s New York Times piece about the left’s resistance to Trump notes:

Started as a Google document detailing techniques for opposing the Republican agenda under Mr. Trump, the group now has a mostly Washington-based staff of about 40 people, with more than 6,000 volunteer chapters across the country. The national Indivisible hub, which consists of a pair of nonprofit groups, has raised nearly $6 million since its start, primarily through small-dollar donations made through its website.

That founding Indivisible document from December 2016 that Vogel describes includes an interesting chapter that Bowman—the conservative activist who compiled this research on the left—is fascinated by. Still available on Indivisible’s website, it is titled: “How Grassroots Advocacy Worked to Stop President Obama.” In it, Indivisible founders explain how the Tea Party movement thwarted much of Obama’s agenda—and how these leftists would seek to use those exact same tactics to stall Trump’s policies.

Vogel noted that Reid Hoffman, the leftist billionaire who is also currently funding author E. Jean Carroll’s lawsuits against Trump and was funding the Super PAC of GOP presidential candidate Nikki Haley until she lost New Hampshire, was one of the biggest donors to Indivisible early on , as were “foundations or coalitions tied to Democracy Alliance donors, including the San Francisco mortgage billionaire Herbert Sandler, the New York real estate heiress Patricia Bauman and the oil heiress Leah Hunt-Hendrix.”

During the Trump presidency, Indivisible and more fringe leftist groups like it emerged as the dominant powerhouse on the left—leaving behind the more established older groups. The group took credit for both of Trump’s impeachments and used the fights during the Trump administration to edge out its competition on the left as the main messaging clearinghouse. “Over a year ago, Indivisibles helped lead the charge to impeach and remove Donald Trump from office, knowing full well that he was an ongoing, existential threat to our democracy and its institutions,” Ezra Levin, the co-founder of Indivisible, said in part, when Trump was impeached the second time in early 2021.

Vogel’s 2017 report laid out how Indivisible’s leaders would that year be meeting with top Democrat donors like billionaire George Soros to seek funding for their actions. Earlier that year, video emerged thanks to Need to Know Network—a GOP-aligned news aggregation service connected to the Republican opposition research firm America Rising—showing Levin and his Indivisible co-founder Leah Greenberg meeting with top Democrat donors at a Democracy Alliance spring fundraising gathering.


Interestingly, in addition to being Indivisible co-founders, Levin and Greenberg also happen to be married to one another. A 2017 piece from the Jewish Telegraph Agency that profiled how their group had emerged “at the forefront of ‘resisting the Trump agenda,’” also explains how Greenberg and Levin are husband and wife and are both former congressional staffers to top Democrats.

“As of this week, the Indivisible guide to grassroots advocacy has been downloaded or viewed over 1.7 million times and inspired more than 5,000 local groups (with another 2,000 groups waiting to be verified), which are using it to take action on issues like preserving the Affordable Care Act, supporting public schools or challenging the administration’s immigration policies,” the February 2017 Jewish Telegraph Agency piece reads. “At the center of the efforts is one young Jewish couple, Greenberg and her husband, Ezra Levin, both former congressional staffers who founded  Indivisible with three friends and former colleagues.”

When the Republicans slammed Indivisible for the obvious Soros ties in that March 2017 video, Levin shot back in Politico saying Indivisible had not received Soros money or any money from his Open Society Foundation.

“There is not only a slight amount of anti-Semitic innuendo involved in casting George Soros as the bogeyman,” Levin said, arguing that Republicans were trying to blame someone for failing to repeal Obamacare that day, which they had.

But by later that year and in subsequent years, Soros was fully engaged through multiple entities in funding Indivisible. Soros’s own Open Society Foundations website shows that in 2017 the Tides Advocacy provided $350,000 to Indivisible. In subsequent years, the money came directly from Open Society to Indivisible and increased in dollar amount. In 2018, Soros’s group gave half a million dollars to Indivisible, which increased to $1.75 million in 2019. In 2021, Open Society gave Indivisible two grants totaling $875,000, and in 2022 Soros’s group gave Indivisible another $1.135 million.

Soros also provided lots of cash to Indivisible’s political arm, per Federal Election Commission (FEC) reports. In July 2020, Soros’s Democracy PAC donated $500,000 to Indivisible Action—the PAC aligned with Indivisible’s nonprofit arm.

In the aftermath of the first Trump term in the White House, during the Biden presidency, Indivisible has gotten even more aggressive in its push for control on the Democrat side. In the lead-up to the 2022 midterm elections, Indivisible got Clinton—the failed 2016 Democrat presidential contender—to record a video message backing its “Crush the Coup” campaign for specific candidates it was pushing for key legislative races around the country.

“There is also good news in the face of this very real threat to democracy,” Clinton says in the taped message for Indivisible. “Indivisible has launched ‘Crush the Coup’ to make sure we’re ready to defend democracy in 2024. They’ve put together a list of critical races in six key states and how you can get involved. Will you support ‘Crush the Coup’ by donating to Indivisible and state legislature candidates? Each of these races is highly competitive. Your dollars could very well decide the winners—and the winner of the next presidential election. This could not be more important or more urgent.”

Many of those candidates won in 2022. Levin issued a press release right after the 2022 election celebrating their victories, framing these candidates’ wins as a way to block a “coup” by Trump in the 2024 election.

“Coming out of 2020, Republicans telegraphed their strategy for stealing the 2024 election: win or retain control of key state legislatures, have the MAGA dominated Supreme Court empower them, and use that power to declare Trump the winner in 2024,” Levin said. “Last night, we significantly narrowed their path to a coup.”

Now, Bowman told Breitbart News, Indivisible is firmly in the driver’s seat on the left—and has the pedal to the metal as it accelerates into the 2024 election season. In other words, all of this demonstrates how Indivisible successfully waged a coup of its own: the hard-charging radical leftists running it coopted the previously-reported Democracy Alliance and are now running the show among Democrats headed into the 2024 election.

“Indivisible won over the Democracy Alliance in 2017,” Bowman said. “It received funding from the Tides Foundation (a left-wing passthrough), various other large Democrat donors like Reid Hoffman, and of course many grassroots funded donations. Indivisible is comprised of  Indivisible Civics, a 501c(3), Indivisible Project, a 501c(4), & Indivisible Action PAC claiming to have 6,000 chapters and to have mimicked the structure and tactics of the conservative Tea Party they infiltrated. Indivisible took a well-funded, yet disorganized, Democracy Alliance, and transformed its left wing spiderweb into a well-organized and powerful specialized network. This allowed for independence, strict adherence to communication guidelines, and dependence on network leaders to bridge the gap. The Alliance organizations focus on their individual specialties such as climate change, banning assault weapons, et cetera, while remaining networked to the entire spider web and having grassroots activists ready to mobilize. Funding flows from various deep pocketed liberal passthrough charitable organizations and membership based funding organizations. The organizations also pass money to each other. Indivisible serves as both a network manager and a grassroots organization structure for these organizations.”


Some of the connections between the different organizations are hard to find publicly, but Bowman pulled together lots of research by digging around in the groups’ websites and comparing them up against the 2014 and the 2017 roadmaps. For instance, one group on the 2017 document called Action Network—the 2017 document includes it under “backend services”—includes on its website an image of the Indivisible group’s first manifesto explaining how to stop the Trump agenda when Trump was president.

Action Network on its homepage says it provides services like email, fundraising, mobile messaging, automation, events, and petitions for clients on the left. The group boasts the Democrat National Committee (DNC) “shattered all sorts of fundraising records” after using its services for only a few months. But the organization again is part of this dark money network connected to other groups in the so-called Democracy Alliance beyond just the Indivisible connection.

Action Network’s website also features a petition to Secretaries of State nationwide calling to “disqualify” Trump from the presidential ballot, citing Section 3 of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution—the so-called insurrection clause. One of the groups that is listed as a sponsor of that petition is called “Free Speech for the People.”

Free Speech for the People (FSFP) is one of the organizations that has filed lawsuits in a number of states including Michigan, Illinois, Oregon, Minnesota, and most recently Massachusetts under its 14point3 campaign seeking to bar Trump from the ballot. The petition on Action Network’s website, which, again, this group is a sponsor of, also references the most infamous of the states where this strategy has been pursued against Trump: Colorado. In just a few days, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear arguments on Trump’s effort to overturn the Colorado Supreme Court’s move to ban him from the ballot—and eventually a ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court could have a national impact on all of these cases. But FSFP, public comments from one of its leaders on social media would indicate, seems more pleased by the fact that Trump’s attorneys have to keep responding to these cases, thereby tying up resources of the former president in court, than the group does about the actual merits of the case.

FSFP has launched a separate website, too, pushing this effort to keep Trump off the ballot, at the aptly named On that site, another organization is listed as involved in the push: Mi Familia Vota. Mi Familia Vota appears on the aforementioned Democracy Alliance document from 2014, listed as one of the 161 “Partner and Aligned Network Organizations.”

Several of Indivisible’s more prominent local chapters, too, have directly publicly promoted the effort to use the 14th Amendment to disqualify Trump from the ballot, including a Bay Area California chapter that highlighted local Indivisible activists hanging a banner from a highway overpass that directs people to visit FSFP’s website.

Another organization connected to Indivisible through the Democracy Alliance via the 2014 document is the group Common Cause. Common Cause is listed as one of the 161 “Partner and Aligned Network Organizations” on the 2014 Democracy Alliance document. Common Cause interestingly, in March 2021 at the very beginning of the Biden presidency, sent a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland urging the Biden Justice Department to charge Trump with a number of federal crimes related to January 6. While the eventual indictment that Special Counsel Jack Smith—who was appointed later by Garland—brought do not match entirely the recommendations of this group, one of the charges Smith levied against Trump is one of the charges that Common Cause recommended the Justice Department bring against Biden’s leading political opponent.

“Specifically, Common Cause and Common Cause Georgia request an investigation of whether thenPresident Donald J. Trump, then-White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, Senator Lindsey Graham, Rudolph W. Giuliani, Cleta Mitchell, Kurt Hilbert and others violated federal statutes including 18 U.S.C. §§ 241, 1343, 1346, 1349 and 52 U.S.C. § 20511(2), by calling via telephone and speaking via videoconference with state officials, including Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp, Georgia Attorney General Chris Carr, and Georgia state senators in an effort to overturn presidential election results,” the leftist group wrote to Garland on March 10, 2021.

In the summer of 2023, when he was Special Counsel, Smith charged Trump with, among other things, violating 18 U.S.C § 241—just as Common Cause had recommended to the Justice Department more than two years earlier.

That’s not the only instance of one of these leftist groups’ recommendations preceding a law enforcement action by an official entity. In fact, as far back as 2017, FSFP had launched a website calling to “Dissolve the Trump Organization,” in which the left-wing group asked its activists to “Help Us Revoke the Corporate Charter of the Trump Organization Inc.”

“We are calling on the New York State Attorney to investigate whether to bring proceedings to dissolve the charter of The Trump Organization, Inc.,” the website says. “The Trump Organization has persistently violated the law and flagrantly abuses its state-granted powers by continuing to operate under Trump family ownership, while former President Trump was in the White House. Join us in urging the New York Attorney General to dissolve the Trump Organization and revoke its corporate charter for abusing the authority that the state has given it.”

Of course, Trump has been, for the better part of the end of last year, fighting a case in a courtroom in New York City brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James that did exactly what this group has been pushing for for years.


Indivisible delineated its strategy for 2024, in the aftermath of the 2022 midterm elections, in a 19-page manifesto titled: “A Practical Guide to Defeating MAGA.”

The name “Trump” appears 15 times across the 19 pages of the manifesto, in which Indivisible celebrates the 2022 midterm election results but warns of danger for its movement ahead in 2024.

“Our movement helped fuel a huge Democratic overperformance nationally, defeating MAGA insurrectionists and election deniers across the country, creating new Democratic trifectas in several states, and even flipping a Senate seat to expand our majority!” Indivisible’s manifesto reads. “Unfortunately, MAGA Republicans still won the House, ending the Democratic trifecta we won in 2020, and temporarily closing the window for transformative legislation to save our democracy. MAGA Republicans won through a combination of voter suppression, historical patterns of the President’s party losing seats in the midterms, and successful political messages on inflation and crime.”

The document continues by warning that in 2024 Indivisible faces “the dual threat of a MAGA landslide in 2024, and a Trumpist coup if the election would lead to Democratic victories.”

“MAGA Republicans will attempt to achieve this by controlling the narrative and sabotaging the Biden administration and the economy, while using racism and tribalism to attempt to harden their political coalition,” the manifesto reads. “Indivisible’s top priorities are winning electorally in 2024, so we can get back to delivering on our agenda.”

The early 2023 document, which mirrors Indivisible’s founding earlier manifesto for countering Trump’s agenda when he was president, is possibly one of the first places on the left to use the terms “authoritarianism” to describe Republicans and Trump. It reads almost like a script for what Biden would later say in speeches about “MAGA Republicans” and their “extremism.”

Indivisible has even launched another website at the URL, organizing many of its tools into one place and even further sharpening the group’s blatantly political aims.

Now that Biden in his Valley Forge speech and other public appearances in recent months has made this message central to his campaign, Levin—the co-founder of Indivisible—is publicly gloating about the president using his group’s messaging. In an early January 2024 tweet thread bashing the New York Times for criticizing Biden’s strategy, Levin said: “The reason the campaign is doing this is because they understand what the NYT is confused about: it’s the extremism, stupid.”

The next day, when celebrating Biden’s Valley Forge speech, Levin almost couldn’t contain his glee in another tweet: “Biden is running an ‘It’s the extremism, stupid’ campaign, and I am here for it. It’s not where Dems started in 2022, but it is where they ended up – and it worked out spectacularly. Biden/Harris have internalized that lesson, and they’re re-running the successful play.”

Indivisible has also organized campaigns to urge activists to write letters to the editors of their local newspapers trashing Trump on abortion, and produced a “Trump Indictment Bird-Dogging” guide advising activists on how to pressure their members of Congress to turn against Trump when he was indicted. The group even made what it calls a “Truth Brigade” designed to fight a “tsunami of right-wing misinformation.” That 7-page “Truth Brigade” document is filled with all sorts of wild recommendations for leftist activists, including just simply cutting off anyone deemed to be spreading “disinformation.”


If all else fails for these leftists and Trump wins in November 2024, becoming president again, they are already preparing a full-on onslaught against him to begin his second term in the White House. Another group that is part of the Democracy Alliance—listed on the aforementioned 2017 document under the section of “Corporate and Government Ethics” groups—called United to Protect Democracy, or simply Protect Democracy as it goes by for short, has produced a lengthy work product called “The Authoritarian Playbook for 2025.”

The 94-page report is replete with specific recommendations for leftist activists on how to resist the agenda of a second Trump term, including delineating various promises Trump has made and laying out how to stop them from being implemented.

“The ultimate assessment is a sobering one: As damaging as Trump’s first term was to American systems of constitutional government, culminating in his efforts to overturn an election and violently halt the counting of electoral votes by Congress, what he has promised in his own words to do if returned to office would be even more destructive to our Republic,” the report says in part. “Trump’s campaign promises are extensive, as are the plans of groups working to support those promises in preparation for a second Trump term. This report, therefore, does not seek to cover them all. It also does not cover dangers posed by a second Trump term, about which he has not made explicit promises or that fall outside of federal government operations, but that may pose even graver risks, such as the degree to which he uses the threat and reality of violence to achieve political ends. Those and other risks of a second Trump term also require attention, reporting, and analysis but are beyond the scope of this report. “

The playbook against Trump in 2025 lays out how these leftists expect Trump will use pardon power, the directing of various investigations against critics, regulations in a retaliatory way, law enforcement “overreach,” and most starkly they expect Trump would deploy the military domestically.

On that last point, which is obviously without merit, a leading Democrat in the U.S. Senate has taken on the “issue” in recent weeks, introducing legislation to block a president from making such a move. Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) appears to have taken up the mantle of Protect Democracy’s “The Authoritarian Playbook for 2025” by pushing his Senate colleagues to adopt reforms to the Insurrection Act. The 1792 law grants the president the power to domestically deploy military resources and use it against Americans to shut down a rebellion or insurrection—and Blumenthal told Politico he hopes to get support from Democrats and Republicans for his efforts to rein in the power Congress granted to the president centuries ago.

“Ideally, there would be interest on the Republican side because the potential for abuse really ought to concern all of us, regardless of who was president,” Blumenthal told Politico.

The Protect Democracy report warning of a second Trump term’s “authoritarian” nature concludes with 10 separate recommendations that include many leftist organizational strategies but most importantly, perhaps, a call to “Support Republicans that stand firm for democratic institutions” which means of course back any Republicans who adopt their narrative.

Bowman, the conservative activist from Northeast Florida whose research uncovered all these connections, told Breitbart News that what they show is that “Trump was right–this isn’t actually about him, he is just in the way of this progressive new democracy movement that they call Indivisible.”

“We as Americans, not just the Republican Party, need to turn towards unity,” Bowman added. “The veil has been lifted; this is no MAGA conspiracy theory. We are witnessing unprecedented actual lawfare and election interference against a presidential candidate. This was gamed out against Trump before he ever declared to run as a plan to subvert his reelection and maintain Biden’s control. Trump is standing in the way of the left making radical changes to our country. It’s not the extremism, stupid, really. It is the revelation of the corruption and the return of America to its sovereignty, rule of law, and constitutional republic that scares them. This sour-grapes movement simply does not jive with the will of everyday Americans. The only thing that needs to be indivisible is America, our dream to be a place for the people and by the people. Everyday Americans may not be able to outspend this coordinated effort against Trump, but if we fight against the propaganda, stand united with our fellow Americans and vote Trump to defeat this radical movement at the ballot box, together, we can Make America Great Again.”

New Migrant Caravan Leaves Southern Mexico Headed North

Migrant Caravan
Breitbart Texas / Cartel Chronicles

A new migrant caravan began walking through southern Mexico to make their way north toward the U.S. border, where some have expressed the expectation of crossing illegally and then requesting asylum or protection. Prior caravans disbanded once they reached Mexico City or along the way when government officials gave them certain travel documents and allowed them to get on buses or airplanes.

The new caravan, which is still in its early stages, is made up of approximately 1,800 migrants. The group began moving through the southern state of Chiapas, near the Mexican-Guatemalan border. The group is expected to journey northwest through Chiapas toward the state of Oaxaca. The group began organizing earlier this week and posted signs around the city parks and migrant shelters in Tapachula, Chiapas, announcing a start date of January 25. However, more migrants are expected to join the group in the coming days.

As in prior caravans, migrants have been carrying white wooden crosses and banners with messages claiming that immigration is not illegal and condemning governments that are not open to migrants.

Local government officials set up shelters and rest stops along the way to provide the migrants with food and water, while Mexican authorities have been escorting the migrants to keep them safe.

The new caravan comes at a time when U.S. border cities have been seeing record-setting numbers of migrants arriving and requesting asylum. The record-setting numbers have led to much controversy between the Biden administration and the Texas government.

Editor’s Note: Breitbart Texas traveled to Mexico City and the states of Tamaulipas, Coahuila, and Nuevo León to recruit citizen journalists willing to risk their lives and expose the cartels silencing their communities.  The writers would face certain death at the hands of the various cartels that operate in those areas including the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas if a pseudonym were not used. Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles are published in both English and their original Spanish. This article was written by “Williams Cortez” from Baja California. 

2024 Campaign: Biden Blames Republicans for His Migration Record

Parole - US President Joe Biden speaks on his economic policies at the Wisconsin Black Chamber of Commerce in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, on December 20, 2023. (Photo by Mandel NGAN / AFP)
John Moore/Getty Images/Mandel NGAN/AFP

President Joe Biden and his deputies are using the unfinished and unreleased draft border deal as political cover for their continued refusal to guard the nation’s border during the 2024 election campaign.

“What’s been negotiated would – if passed into law – be the toughest and fairest set of reforms to secure the border we’ve ever had in our country,” Biden said in a statement Friday night. “It would give me, as President, a new emergency authority to shut down the border when it becomes overwhelmed.  And if given that authority, I would use it the day I sign the bill into law.”

Pro-American groups say Biden already has the legal authority to stop migraiton, and that the Senate’s unreleased — and unpopular — deal is a giveaway to business interests.

For example, the “emergency authority” cited by Biden is triggered only when the inflow climbs above 1.8 million per year — or roughly twice Congress’s cap on legal immigration. The deal also sets no significant limits to Biden’s inflow of job-seeking migrants via the “parole” doorway.

GOP leaders scoffed at Biden’s claim that he cannot fix the border without the draft deal — even though President Donald Trump minimized the inflow with his use of the White House’s authorities in 2019:

Trump is expected to oppose the deal once the details are released. “A BAD BORDER DEAL IS FAR WORSE THAN NO BORDER DEAL!” he said Saturday in a post on TruthSocial.

Biden’s release was posted as his border deputies allowed the inflow of 371,000 migrants in December. Their easy-migration policy is hugely damaging to ordinary Americans and hugely unpopular, and Democrats recognize that it is powering public support for Donald Trump’s re-election campaign.

Biden — and his media allies — are pushing the GOP to endorse the deal, partly because it would allow Biden to claim on the campaign trail that he has solved the migration problem.

The deal would also provide Biden’s deputies with at least $10 billion to move, house, feed, and hide migrants during the 2024 campaign. If Biden’s deputies cannot get the cash, the migrants’ plight and poverty will likely be spotlighted by local TV news shows.

Biden knows he does not need the law to block the migration. For example, he has crafted quiet deals with Mexico to streamline, manage, and cap the daily arrivals after the record inflow in December. The deal has sharply reduced migrant arrivals at the border in January compared to December.

The deals with Mexico will help Biden block migrant surges that would break into national TV coverage. Biden is buying Mexican cooperation by allowing more Mexicans to enter and settle in the United States via the legally contested “parole” side door in the border. In December, for example, Biden’s deputies allowed 44,000 Mexican migrants to enter the United States via the border gates.

The deal came after Mexico allowed the December inflow to hit another record of 371,000 migrants, following inflows of roughly 308,000 in October and November.

The three-month inflow of 989,000 migrants is in addition to Biden’s welcome for roughly 6.2 million migrants from January 2021 to October 2023. The 6.2 million population does not include the huge oumber of migrants who entered but were sent home.

WATCH: Current Texas Migrant Surge Exceeds Numbers from 2021 Haitian Crisis in Del Rio (9/27/23)

Randy Clark / Breitbart

Many of the recent migrants will end up on America’s streets, partly because shelters are overflowing in Democratic cities, such as Chicago, New York, Boston, and Denver. The flood has also washed into many small cities, such as Whitewater, Wisconsin, and counties such as Rockland County, New York.

Extraction Migration

Since at least 1990, the federal government has relied on Extraction Migration to grow the economy after allowing investors to move the high-wage manufacturing sector to lower-wage countries.

The migration policy extracts vast amounts of human resources from needy countries. The additional workers, consumers, and renters push up stock values by shrinking Americans’ wages, subsidizing low-productivity companies, boosting rents, and spiking real estate prices.

The economic policy has pushed many native-born Americans out of careers in a wide variety of business sectors, reduced native-born Americans’ productivity and political clout, reduced high-tech innovation, crippled civic solidarity, and allowed government officials to ignore the rising death rate of poor Americans.

The policy also sucks jobs and wealth from heartland states by subsidizing coastal investors and government agencies with a flood of low-wage workers, high-occupancy renters, and government-aided consumers.

The colonialism-like policy has also killed many thousands of migrants, including many on the taxpayer-funded jungle trail through the Darien Gap in Panama.

DARIEN GAP, COLOMBIA - NOVEMBER 20: Haitian migrants climb down a muddy hillside trail in the wild and dangerous jungle on November 20, 2022 in Darién Gap, Colombia. Tens of thousands of migrants from around the world make their journey to the Southern U.S border through South America every year, crossing the Darién Gap, an inhospitable rainforest region. They walk for several days in harsh climatic conditions, risking their lives and facing dangers of poisonous animals and drug traffickers. They seek the American Dream. (Photo by Jan Sochor/Getty Images)

DARIEN GAP, COLOMBIA – NOVEMBER 20: Haitian migrants climb down a muddy hillside trail in the wild and dangerous jungle on November 20, 2022 in Darién Gap, Colombia. Tens of thousands of migrants from around the world make their journey to the Southern U.S border through South America every year, crossing the Darien Gap, an inhospitable rainforest region. They walk for several days in harsh climatic conditions, risking their lives and facing dangers of poisonous animals and drug traffickers. (Jan Sochor/Getty)

Joe Biden Endorses Senate Deal to Expand Immigration: ‘I Will Sign It’

TOPSHOT - US President Joe Biden gives a thumbs-up during a welcome reception for leaders attending the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) leaders' week at the Exploratorium, in San Francisco, California, on November 15, 2023. The APEC Summit takes place through November 17. (Photo by Brendan SMIALOWSKI / AFP) (Photo by …
Christian Torres/Anadolu/BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images

President Joe Biden has endorsed a Senate deal to massively expand overall immigration to the United States negotiated by Sens. James Lankford (R-OK) and Chris Murphy (D-CT) among others, saying he “will sign it” if it is passed through Congress.

Lankford and Murphy have negotiated a deal to expand legal immigration levels by an additional 50,000 green cards annually, expedite work permits for illegal aliens released into the nation’s interior, provide taxpayer-funded lawyers to Unaccompanied Alien Children (UACs), and allow up to 35,000 illegal aliens to arrive at the border every week before imposing border controls, among other things.

Biden announced his endorsement of the deal late Friday evening.

“Securing the border through these negotiations is a win for America. For everyone who is demanding tougher border control, this is the way to do it. If you’re serious about the border crisis, pass a bipartisan bill and I will sign it,” Biden said in a statement.

Meanwhile, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has backed away from the deal, and House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has told colleagues that the deal is “dead on arrival” in the House.

Former President Donald Trump, the likely Republican presidential nominee, has helped expose the deal’s details to hugely expand overall immigration to the United States — publicly and privately urging Senate Republicans to oppose the effort.

Sens. Thom Tillis (R-NC), Mitt Romney (R-UT), John Thune (R-SD), and Todd Young (R-IN) have complained that Trump’s influence has made the deal toxic for other Republicans to sign on to.

Already, Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) is estimated to have welcomed 6.2 million illegal aliens to the U.S. since late January 2021 thanks to the agency’s expansive Catch and Release network.

WATCH: Biden Blasts Republican “Extreme Partisan Border Policies,” Then Admits Border Is “Broken”

The White House / YouTube

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

Joe Biden’s Parole Pipeline Freed 745K Foreign Nationals into U.S. in 2023 — Exceeding 2 Months of American Births

SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA - MAY 12: Immigrants who are seeking asylum in the U.S gather at a makeshift camp between border walls between the U.S. and Mexico on May 12, 2023 in San Diego, California. Some of the hundreds of migrants at the open air camp have been waiting for …
Mario Tama/Getty Images

President Joe Biden’s parole pipeline at the United States–Mexico border released a foreign population into American towns in 2023 that outpaces two months of American births.

This week, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released illegal immigration figures for December 2023. The data shows that more than 745,000 foreign nationals were released into the United States interior through Biden’s parole pipeline in 2023.

This is a foreign population larger than the populations of Nashville, Tennessee; Denver, Colorado; Oklahoma City, Oklahoma; Washington, DC; or Boston, Massachusetts.

Biden’s parole pipeline, which makes up just a portion of his Catch and Release network at the southern border, includes the migrant mobile app known as “CBP One” and so-called “humanitarian parole.”

From January through December 2023, nearly 420,000 foreign nationals were released into the United States interior through the migrant mobile app. The app allows users in Mexico to schedule appointments at the border to be released into the country.

During the same period, close to 330,000 foreign nationals were released into the United States interior with humanitarian parole.

The release of the figures comes as the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates the volume of foreign nationals arriving through the border under Biden’s Catch and Release network. Since January 2021, the CBO suggests that about 6.2 million foreign nationals have been welcomed to the United States.

Prior estimates stated that Biden’s DHS was releasing about 5,000 foreign nationals into the United States interior every day.

Biden has endorsed a Senate deal to expand overall immigration that would allow the DHS to continue its parole pipeline at the border while expediting work permits to those foreign nationals released into the United States interior.

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA) has reportedly said the deal is “dead on arrival” in the House.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here


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