Thursday, February 15, 2024

JOE BIDEN - THE BRIBES SUCKING DEBACLE PRESIDENT - Joe Biden does deserve credit for everything he has done



“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the Clinton Foundation  (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) (WHAT ABOUT THE CHINA BIDEN PENN CENTER?)  and the Obama (TWO GAMER LAWYERS - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) book and television deals. Then there is the Biden family (FOUR GAMER LAWYERS - JOE, HUNTER, JAMES, FRANK - OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS AND LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK)  corruption, followed closely behind by similar abuses of power and office by the Warren (GAMER LAWYER) and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the surface of government corruption (ADD GAMER LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS (WANTS TO BE OWNED BY GEORGE SOROS) AND HER LAWYER HUSBAND AND THE BANKSTERS’ RENT BOY, LAWYER CHUCK SCHUMER, OWNED BY LARRY FINK OF BLACKROCK WHO OWNS A BIG PIECE OF THE ‘BIG GUY’ JOE, AND GEORGE SOROS’ RENT BOY (GAMER LAWYER) TONY BLINKENAS WELL AS CON MAN (GAMER LAWYER) ADAM SHIFF) AND HIS CORRUPTNESS (GAMER LAWYER) BOB MENENDEZ STILL EVADING PRISON.


Joe Biden does deserve credit for everything he has done

We keep hearing from the media, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and other Democrats that the only reason Biden has poor ratings is because the public just doesn’t understand how great his policies really are. They think he and Harris deserve more credit, and tout what they call, “achievements.” That way, we the little people might be able to grasp how competent the administration is. I know that the media, Biden, and other Democrats want to be completely transparent with things Biden has done; after all they are very worried about misinformation interfering in the outcome of a free and fair election.

I say… go for it. I think it would be great if he brags about everything he has done to the American people and the world over the last three years.

He could start with his legislative “achievements” of which he is very proud; he says they are greater achievements than any previous president. Strangely, his biggest achievements always seem to involve massive government spending as America runs up record debt.

Biden should take credit for the “American Rescue Plan” where he and the Democrats flooded the U.S. with around two trillion dollars to buy votes. Biden continues to falsely claim that he inherited a disastrous economy, when the economy was already roaring; see 2020 data here and here.

He should also get credit for the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, and then explain why he and other Democrats continue to demand adherence to racist prevailing wage laws which have oppressed taxpayers and minorities for over ninety years.

When he talks about the Inflation Reduction Act, he shouldn’t be so shy! He should be transparent, and acknowledge that it was never meant to pay for itself or reduce inflation, but take the credit he deserves, and brag about being the president who made the biggest “investment” into “clean” energy in American history—a “green” slush fund doesn’t have the same ring.

Biden is also very proud of helping very wealthy companies with the CHIPS and Science Act. Intel has a market value of $187 billion, and had $25 billion in cash at the end of 2023. Wouldn’t it have been smarter to just start requiring companies to buy their computer chips from American sources by 2027 for national security purposes instead of giving huge taxpayer handouts to very rich companies?

After this, he could get to how he kept his campaign promises.

He could tell the public that he kept his word on erasing our borders by signing a huge number of executive orders as soon as he took office to reverse Trump’s policies that were pro-American sovereignty. Then he can explain why he won’t just reverse those executive orders now that he pretends he wants a border. Instead he blames Trump and Republicans for the chaos consuming our nation.

And he can count on the sycophant media to go along with this fiction. Democrats trashed Trump as a “racist” and a “xenophone” for securing the border, and they only pretend to care now because the polls are bad.

Biden should tell the public that he is keeping his focus on destroying the oil, natural gas, and coal industries. He should be proud that his policies made it so the poor and middle classes can’t afford utilities, gas, or groceries, since that’s the obvious result.

He should take credit for dictatorially and unconstitutionally making the government pay for students’ debts. He should tell the young how fortunate they are that they have a president who cares so little about the Constitution, separation of powers, and private wealth.

Here are a few other things he should crow about:

Making girls and women compete against men in sports, and making the sexes share locker room spaces.

Breaking the glass ceiling and appointing the first black woman to the Supreme Court, despite the fact she was unable to define what a woman is.

Firing women and others who refused to take a vaccine. (I thought he believed that women could make their own choices regarding their bodies?)

Biden can be very proud that government jobs throughout the country have hit a record 23.1 million in January 2024. Democrats love big government.

Building up the financing of the Mexican cartels while destroying the finances of cities throughout the United States.

Getting prices of oil much higher so Iran and Russia can finance their wars and terrorism.

So I look forward to full transparency and applaud the media for tackling any misinformation that could interfere in the election.

Image: Public domain.


Defeating Michelle Obama (or any other Democrat)

It’s all falling apart.  The plan to flood the country with the third world and somehow blame it on Trump isn’t going as planned.  The Biden bait-and-switch was going to be an easy swapping of one sock puppet for another by the control-freak cabal that is the “Democratic” party (pause for laughter) working behind the scenes.

But then the “Border Bill” disintegrated on impact, when everyone realized that it was worse than a trap.  And while we eschew the term “uni-party” — primarily because they might like the term — it does describe some who seem to care about only their power instead of the welfare of the taxpayers.  So, while they’re still focused on their Ukrainian money-laundering scheme instead of what printing money is doing to ordinary — and normal — Americans, we’re going to talk about how we defeat what is likely the fourth iteration of the failed Obama administration.    

We know that the national socialist Democrat party is in a quandary.  How do Democrats finish off the country they loathe and install a two-tiered society with a rich ruling class that knows how to run things for the “common good” (Gemeinnutz in the original German), while everyone else is carefully controlled within the confines of a proper carbon footprint?  You will own nothing, and trust us: you won’t be happy.

They’ve spent the last three years taking a wrecking ball to our liberty and individual rights while continually lying that we’re doing that — always repeating their big lie to make it the truth.  You can always tell what they’ve been doing because they accuse us of doing it.  

They ripped open the border to an illegal invasion, but somehow, some way, it’s the fault of the pro-freedom right, because we didn’t legalize the invasion and funnel more money into its facilitation.  They’re causing rampant inflation, printing money to buy votes, but somehow, it’s also our fault, because we noticed.

In some ways, swapping out the sock puppet in chief gives them some overlooked strategic advantages that should not be underestimated, although doing so would show they’ve never really cared about the concept of “democracy” or listening to the people. 

It’s pretty amusing to read the back-and-forth that’s part argument among the authoritarians and part psyop from the national socialist media.  Vox, our favorite “explainers” of the fascist far left, forcefully declared, “Yes, Democrats, it’s Biden or bust.”  The word from on high from Politico is “Get Used to It: Biden Isn’t Going Anywhere.”  There are these from N.Y. Magazine: “Yes, Democrats Can Still Replace Biden (But They Won’t)” and the L.A. Times:  “Why replacing Biden with Newsom or some ‘mythical perfect Democrat’ is unlikely.”  And the New York Times: “Could a Biden Challenger Still Enter the Primary Race? Here’s Why It Is Unlikely.” 

The changing headlines over at the Atlantic are a pathetic cry for help from the far-left.  A piece from Damon Linker started with “What the Heck Is Wrong With the Democrats?”  This wasn’t emphatic enough in conveying the message, so it was changed to “Democrats Should Pick a New Presidential Candidate Now”...with the same subhead in each case being entirely obvious and amusing at the same time: “The party needs to wake up and stop sleepwalking toward disaster with Biden as its nominee.”

They only have a few choices to replace “the big guy”: California governor Gavin Newsom, Vice President Harris, former first lady Michelle Obama, Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer, and Kentucky governor Andy Beshear.  We might add mini-tyrant Gov. Michelle Lujan Grisham, who is obsessed with depriving the people of their commonsense civil right of self-defense.

If the fascist far leftists had a viable Plan B, they would have done a classic Claudine Gay move, cued up the teleprompter with LBJ’s “I will not accept the nomination of my party for another term as your president,” and just told Joe to read it without thinking.  And it would be over before he realized what was happening.

The problem for the control-freak cabal that is the Democrat party is that Vice President Harris is even more unpopular than Biden.  And there is a reason Michelle hasn’t manned up to become more prominent in politics — being a horrible candidate means staying out of the limelight.

All indications are they are going to wait until the convention to play the Biden bait-and-switch on the people.  That helps them, because if we focus just on him and the disaster that has been his regime, a fresh face wipes that all away.  Hence, we have to hammer the party instead so the Democrats can’t get away with their usual treachery.  The far left is always thinking three or four steps ahead of the game.  That’s why leftists had Joe take the fall for the economy with the “Bidenomics” label.

Their document CALL For the 2024 Democratic National Convention clearly states: 

G. Filling a Vacancy on the National Ticket: In the event of death, resignation or disability of a nominee of the Party for President or Vice President after the adjournment of the National Convention, the National Chairperson of the Democratic National Committee shall confer with the Democratic leadership of the United States Congress and the Democratic Governors Association and shall report to the Democratic National Committee, which is authorized to fill the vacancy or vacancies.

So we know that the Democrats would have likely replaced Joe and Kamala long ago if they had viable (read: decent) candidates.  We also know that the odds are that they are going to have to wait until their rules say they can “Fill a Vacancy on the National Ticket.”

This means we need to widen our attacks to cover the lot of the nation’s socialist Democrat party and not just Biden, so we cover every possible candidate.  We also cannot let them get away with pretending they suddenly noticed Biden’s dementia and insist that they supported him when they were fully aware of his condition.  We also need to hammer them on their last-minute bait-and-switch that makes a mockery of the democratic process.

Then we need to focus on the particular candidate that the control-freak cabal chooses to put forward.  Despite all the denials, many have speculated that it’s going to be Michelle Obama, and we tend to agree.  She’s never been a good candidate, and they won’t leave anything to chance.  That means they are going to need a plausible excuse for keeping her out of the public sphere.

The Democrat party has a lousy record at running the country, and Democrats will have to hide their most viable candidate to keep her in the race. 

That means they will have to fool the people once again, but this time around, no one is going to buy it.

D Parker is an engineer, inventor, wordsmith, and student of history, the director of communications for a civil rights organization, and a longtime contributor to conservative websites.  Find him on Substack.

Image: Gage Skidmore via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.

Lovebirds: Weiner's ex dates Soros's son

By Monica Showalter

Huma Abedin is trading up.

The the now ex-wife of washed-up pedophile New York politician Anthony Weiner is reportedly now dating Alex Soros, leftist heir to the billionaire "stateless statesman" himself.

Fox News calls them a "power couple."

MSNBC contributor Huma Abedin revealed on Valentine's Day that she has started dating the son of billionaire liberal donor George Soros. 

Abedin, the 47-year-old longtime aide to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, shared a photo posted by 38-year-old Alex Soros on Instagram, showing the pair cozying up behind a table full of roses at a restaurant booth in Paris. 

The debut of the progressive power couple comes seven years after she divorced from her first husband, disgraced Democratic politician Anthony Weiner.

Abedin has been a staunch Clinton ally since she began interning for her in the White House back in 1996. She went on to work for her as a top aide in the State Department, the Clinton Foundation as well as Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign. She joined MSNBC in 2022.

I checked Abedin's Instagram and don't see the photo, which could mean that Soros told her to take it down. Maybe he wanted privacy, the way royals do. Or maybe it's not quite a romance. Soros doesn't have anything up, either. Maybe Huma just wants people to think she's the main squeeze of the Democrat's biggest moneybag. Or maybe they have multiple accounts, or I don't know how to look for the item.

 In any case, the Internet is forever, so the photo was all over Twitter, but some were skeptical:


Who are these people? I see a dewy-eyed look of love from Abedin, and the usual grinning mask from Soros, so who knows if it's "love" as normal people understand it?

Neither of them projects anything like that elsewhere on their Instagrams.

Huma's Instagram, which boasts 92,000 followers, is a frightfully narcissist collection of pics and poses suggesting someone addicted to being an internet "influencer." She goes to red-carpet openings, museum openings, fashion, and Hollywood-oriented events, in many fancy new gowns. She gushes about posing with celebrities from the Hollywood chi-chi crowd. 

She hails "Devil Wears Prada" eminence grise of fashion Anna Wintour with this mash note:

To Anna Wintour, you have taught me so much about how to live authentically and fully. I just have so much love and gratitude for all the ways you make my life better and happier.

Really? She's worse than characters like Kamala Harris, who is also highly Instagram-focused.

Nothing much about her kid or dog or things she might supposedly love doing.

Alex Soros's page is similarly braggadocious, except that he likes to try to make himself appear to be around a lot of power, as well as a "deep" thinker, addressing forums like Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum. It's comical, because he had been laughed at for his bibble-babble at one of those discussion forums this year. Nothing about ski trips or driving fast cars or any other rich man's hobby, just him and his "deep" thinking, which is generally all about how to Get Turmp.

 Based on the photo, it might be "love for Huma" but Soros looks as plastic as ever, so who knows? Whatever it is, in its own way, it sounds like a match made in progressive heaven, the joining of two royal houses of power, with "love" secondary. Such is the state of the leftist oligarchy these days.

But they could be useful to one another. Just consider:

Huma, a onetime senior Clinton Foundation official, the world's skeeziest charity cum bribery vehicle, hooks up with top Democrat donor Alex Soros, who with unintentional comedy says wants to take the money out of politics, ... but only splashes out his tens of millions because the other side is doing it.

For Huma, who shucked Weiner after the latter went to jail for pervy acts with an underaged girl and thus, wore out his usefulness, getting close to Soros means money, lots of money, and a life of luxury and lots of new designer clothes.

For Soros, the getting close to Huma means getting close to existing political power, lots of it, even though he already has plenty of, having visited the White House more than 20 times, according to the Fox report, and hanging out with people like Pope Francis no doubt giving the addled old Argentinian "advice" otherwise.

It shows the decadence of the left and the fact that the left is a tight little collection of royal houses, never once venturing outside its bubble to interact with "the deplorables." It's an exclusive club and it keeps to itself, issuing orders from on high about how things are going to be for all those deplorables through green regulations and other impoverishing measures. 

What a loathesome picture. There they are, showing off their version of "love." As someone once said about Thomas Carlyle and his wife (and I paraphrase) -- it's a good thing they met each other, so as to make only two people miserable instead of four.

Image Twitter screen shot.



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