Thursday, April 4, 2024



Illegals now collecting more in welfare payments than disabled U.S. veterans -report

Should illegals fresh in through that hole in the border fence be getting more money than disabled U.S. veterans, some of whom are sleeping on the streets?

Only in Joe Biden's world of wide open borders.

According to Newsweek:

A family of four migrants in New York City receives more monthly funding than a family of four that includes a military veteran who receives disability compensation.


Migrants coming to New York City are being given prepaid debit cards that in certain cases, like food assistance, dwarf the amounts provided to families of legal status. For example, the average family of four's monthly Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) payment is $713, but migrant families of four receive $1,400 a month.

That total is also higher than military veterans' disability compensation. A veteran who has a 50 percent disability rating and a spouse and one child receives $1,255.16 once every four weeks, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

When a child under age 18 is added to that family, the payment rises $51 to $1,306.16 a month—still nearly $100 less than what a migrant family of four receives from the prepaid card assistance.

Which is complete insanity. Illegal aliens, who are not means-tested, and in some cases are rather well-heeled, judging by their designer duds and cash paid to human-smuggling rackets to get across, shouldn't be getting a single penny from American taxpayers. It's not just that they didn't earn it. It's that immigrants have never gotten the lavish benefit packages we have seen now, making a mockery of the immigrant tradition of arriving penniless and working hard to better one's lot. We don't see that. We see the importation of a vast, unassimilated foreign underclass that will be taking U.S.welfare for generations given the lack of incentive to work and in some cases, lack of experience living any other way. The illegals coming here now are looking for an easier life and with the package now so lavish, migrants consider themselves fools for staying back home instead of coming here and taking it.

Veterans, on the other hand, those men and women who served in uniform during our endless wars in the Middle East, some of whom were discarded by the service after injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder (yes, it happens) are getting pauper's rations. Some are some addicted to drugs and in need of treatment, and some are not addicted to drugs, but nevertheless living on the streets as if they were. After being injured in the service to our country, how bitter it must be to be discarded in this manner, only to find themselves "replaced" as the new favorite of Democrats' ministrations.

The veterans who gave their all to this country should be first in line for any extra help from the government or its private sector partners in their situation. That they are thrown to the wolves and left to fend for themselves after the price they paid is outrageous. They should be given every assistance they need, plus compensation for their truncated capacity to provide for themselves. The government should be giving these people houses and everything else they need because they earned it.

Of course, that's not how the exploiters in government see it. Once used up, the service members are discarded.

As one of our American Thinker contributors, Robert J. Hain, memorably asked last year:

Why do private charities such as Tunnels to Towers and Wounded Warriors even need to exist?

Why indeed.

And if the U.S. has this much money to hand out to illegals, why was it not given to the veterans in the first place? Clearly the priorities are screwed up, but more likely, Democrats are angling for illegals' votes and warm seats in their depopulated districts in order to preserve their congressional representation.

It's outrageous what is going on. And it's clearly the result of special interests gone out of control, in the quest for federal cash for their ministrations, and ultimately happening because of the leadership at the top.

Guys like Joe Biden may say they care about America's disabled veterans, but the checks cut to illegals tells a different story. Where your treasure is, so your heart will be.

Image: Defense Visual Information Distribution Service, via Picryl // Public Domain Dedication


Acting Labor Sec’y on if $20 CA Minimum Wage Will Hurt Business: CA Has ‘Led the Way’ on Worker Protection

During an interview with Reno’s KRNV on Wednesday, acting Labor Secretary Julie Su responded to a question on if California’s $20 minimum wage for fast food workers will harm small businesses by stating that “states, and even cities, have seen the need to raise wages, both to protect workers and working families. But also, because it’s a matter of making a strong economy,” and “California has long led the way in terms of worker protections. The $20 is for workers in one particular industry, in fast food. But I think what we’re seeing is a trend across the country, including for workers who are bargaining themselves, of record wage increases, and that is very much part and parcel of Bidenomics, the idea that we want to make sure that workers get their fair share in this economy.”

KRNV Reporter Ben Margiott asked, “Nevada’s minimum wage is increasing to $12 an hour this summer, in July. The lower end of the spectrum, the federal minimum wage, still at 7.25. California, our neighboring state, is at $20 an hour. Is the federal minimum wage too low at 7.25? On the flip side, are you worried about California and some states that are kind of the opposite end of that spectrum and whether or not that could pinch small businesses?”

Su answered, “So, the president has been very clear that the 7.25 an hour minimum wage is too low. If you think about that, for a full-time worker, that’s about $15,000 a year, and we need to do better. This is what Secretary Cardona said, right? If we want jobs to actually allow people not just to get by, but to have what the president calls breathing room, and so, he’s called for an increase in that minimum wage. Meanwhile, states, and even cities, have seen the need to raise wages, both to protect workers and working families. But also, because it’s a matter of making a strong economy, right? When workers have enough to actually spend in their communities, that’s good for everybody. … California has long led the way in terms of worker protections. The $20 is for workers in one particular industry, in fast food. But I think what we’re seeing is a trend across the country, including for workers who are bargaining themselves, of record wage increases, and that is very much part and parcel of Bidenomics, the idea that we want to make sure that workers get their fair share in this economy.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett

Newsom's gourmet restaurant offers job at $16 an hour

When California Gov. Gavin Newsom signed that exhorbitant $20 an hour minimum wage law for fast-food workers, franchise owners warned of restaurant shutdowns and employee layoffs, but no matter. Newsom insisted he was championing the little guy against the exploitation done by their corporate employers:

“California is home to more than 500,000 fast-food workers who – for decades – have been fighting for higher wages and better working conditions. Today, we take one step closer to fairer wages, safer and healthier working conditions, and better training by giving hardworking fast-food workers a stronger voice and seat at the table.”

What drivel. The law he signed was fraught with exceptions for political cronies and seemed to specially punish small franchise owners in Southern California beach and inland towns, same as was done during Newsom's COVID lockdowns.

Now we learn that Newsom won't cough up the same amount for his own employees at his tony gourmet restaurant located out on billionaire's row in San Francisco.

According to Newsweek:

A restaurant partially owned by California Governor Gavin Newsom is recruiting for a $16-per-hour role, despite a new state law guaranteeing a minimum wage of $20 per hour for fast-food workers. The restaurant appears not to meet the threshold for the new minimum wage, a law that Newsom himself signed to much fanfare in September.

On April 1, the new law guaranteeing a minimum wage of $20 per hour for fast-food workers employed in large chains took effect across California, up from the previous minimum of $16.

The law was passed by Democrats in the state legislature last year but has come under fire from some Republicans who claim it will cost jobs. A wage of $20 per hour for a full-time worker results in an annual salary of $41,600.

The new law applies to those restaurants that are part of a chain of 60 or more venues nationwide and which offer limited or no table service.

Which is just so very ... Newsom. The far-left Democrat never fails to carve out an exception for himself when he's imposing expensive, burdensome regulations onto small businesses in the state. For him, he's always the exception.

Instead of set an example of good corporate-citizenship by coughing up the $20 an hour and raising his food prices on his customers, too, as fast-food franchise owners have had no choice but to do, he and his Democrats in Sacramento first exempted his kind of restaurant, the tony fancy boutique restaurant that caters to the rich, and then Newsom threw it in our faces by offering a sub-$20 an hour wage to his workers, the kind whose skill-set qualifications for bussing tables are about the same as those of fast-food workers.

The guy working in the McDonald's across town gets $20 an hour, but the guy working in Newsom's fancy establishment gets just $16 for the same labor. All this, in the country's most expensive city, San Francisco, which is what this law was all about -- that living wage Newsom waxed so sanctimoniously about.

It's par for the course for him. After imposing lockdowns on the entire state, throwing countless restaurants, gyms, beauty salons, and other small businesses out of business, he himself went to dine out at the ultra-fancy Michelin-starred establishment French Laundry with all his lobbyist buddies and political cronies, none of them wearing their masks.

He knows his measures punish small businesses, but he doesn't care, because he's got his marching orders from Big Labor, which is the source of this bad law, and he probably believes his own baloney anyway.

Costs for thee, but not for me, you see. Call it the Newsom Doctrine.

He can't cough up an extra $4 an hour for the busboy even for appearance's sake?

Obviously, his head has grown too big with all that Brylcream. Time to get rid of that law, or better still, get rid of him through that new recall referendum now making the rounds.

Image: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr // CC BY-SA 2.0

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