Monday, August 16, 2021

KILLING AMERICA - THE BRIBES SUCKING DEMOCRAT PARTY AT WORK - When it comes to the Taliban, Nancy Pelosi is delusional


Chris Hedges | WHY The Democrats Are HOPELESS!

When it comes to the Taliban, Nancy Pelosi is delusional

Showing a bizarre disassociation from facts, senility, or a feminist obsession that overrides all other things, Nancy Pelosi issued an utterly ludicrous statement on Afghanistan. Its entire focus is on women and girls. There’s no mention of the thousands or tens of thousands of men who have been and will be slaughtered in cold blood. There’s also no recognition that the Taliban is a medieval Islamic sect that believes women and girls (including little girls) belong in the home cooking for and satisfying the sexual needs of their Taliban husbands – and that’s it.

I’m printing the pertinent language from Pelosi’s statement, along with my comments.

The President is to be commended for the clarity of purpose of his statement on Afghanistan and the actions he has taken.

Pelosi is referring to a White House statement on Saturday when Kabul’s fall was imminent but before it actually happened. He stated that 5,000 troops will return to Afghanistan to get Americans and favored Afghans out of the country. Since then, the U.S. Embassy has fallen and it’s placed a notice on its website stating:

The security situation in Kabul is changing quickly including at the airport.  There are reports of the airport taking fire; therefore we are instructing U.S. citizens to shelter in place.

Also, if Americans want to leave, they will face the ultimate bureaucratic insult to people looking at the possibility that they will be captured or killed by medieval Islamists: They must fill out an online form. Without it, tough luck!

U.S. citizens wanting assistance in departing the country should register for any option that might be identified to return to the United States, and must complete this Repatriation Assistance Request for each traveler in their group.  Spouses and minor children of U.S. citizens in Afghanistan who are awaiting immigrant visas should also complete this form if they wish to depart. Please do so as soon as possible.  You must complete this form even if you’ve previously submitted your information to the U.S. Embassy in Kabul.  Do not call the U.S. Embassy in Kabul for details or updates about the flight. This form is the only way to communicate interest in flight options.

I’m sure that people sheltering in place from gunfire (with the Taliban using weapons America abandoned) are perfectly situated to go online and fill out those all-important forms.

Pelosi, though, has different priorities:

The Taliban must know that the world is watching its actions.  We are deeply concerned about reports regarding the Taliban’s brutal treatment of all Afghans, especially women and girls.  The U.S., the international community and the Afghan government must do everything we can to protect women and girls from inhumane treatment by the Taliban.

Once again, we’re seeing the administration’s bizarre belief that the Taliban care about the world’s opinion. Democrats care deeply, so much so that they govern to please “the world” before they govern to benefit Americans. The Taliban answer only to Allah, and they do so via the words of a fanatic warlord turned prophet. Those guides tell them that women exist solely to satisfy men’s lust.

Any political settlement that the Afghans pursue to avert bloodshed must include having women at the table.  The fate of women and girls in Afghanistan is critical to the future of Afghanistan.  As we strive to assist women, we must recognize that their voices are important, and all must listen to them for solutions, respectful of their culture.  There is bipartisan support to assist the women and girls of Afghanistan.  One of the successes of U.S.- NATO cooperation in Afghanistan was the progress made by women and girls.  We must all continue to work together to ensure that is not eroded. 

The Taliban don’t need a “political settlement.” They’ve won the war. As for bloodshed, they’re all in. As women and little girls are turned into sex slaves, I’m sure they’ll appreciate that Pelosi wants the Taliban to “listen to them for solutions,” all while the West is “respectful of their culture.” Defying all facts and logic, Pelosi has this delusional belief that there is some sort of gentlemanly agreement to be had with the Taliban, by which they swear to abandon the Koran’s mandates about women.

Our political leaders are clowns. They’re not even fun or funny clowns. They’re nightmare clowns from a horror movie. But this is no movie and real people will die and suffer in Afghanistan. And with radical Islam again on the move (and very successfully so), I worry that lots of us are going to die soon. I think it’s time to reinstate full security at iconic American locations that make ripe targets for terrorists.

Image: Nancy Pelosi (edited). YouTube screen grab.

Dear Media: You got what you wanted and what you worked for. Happy now?

Our despicable mainstream media did everything in its vast and coercive power to see Joe Biden elected president.  

President Trump was a madman, they said, a Hitler, and a host of other ridiculous charges that were patently untrue.  He was, and history will show, that he was the best president since Ronald Reagan.  

But the media hated him because he wasn’t one of their imagined exalted elite.

So they lied, cheated, and stole an election in order to put the dementia-ridden Biden in the oval office. 

In seven months, Biden has pretty much destroyed America!  The open border has welcomed what will be a million migrants from around the world by the end of the year, many of them sick with a panoply of diseases long ago eradicated in America, and bringing in new variants of COVID. While Americans are ordered to mask up and be vaxxed, these people arriving at our southern border, welcomed by the Biden regime that has tied the hands of ICE and the Border Patrol, are mask- and vax-free.  Eleven Democrat senators just voted against mandating that they be screened, tested, masked and vaxxed before being allowed in to roam about the country. How’s that for hypocrisy?  Biden is purposefully altering the demographics of the U.S. with the single-minded goal of making the Democrat party the ruling party in perpetuity. He and his partners in crime care not a bit about the American people.  They care only about cementing their control over the 330 million citizens who call his nation our home. 

As if the breach of our southern border by hundreds of thousands of people seeking what Biden promised – shelter, health care, the vote – was not enough of a treasonous act, he has caused massive inflation; by killing the Keystone pipeline and letting Russia have theirs. The Nord Stream2, which Trump had sanctioned, will enrich Putin’s Russia for decades to come. It will also drive Germany toward Russia as, having nuked their own perfectly logical nuclear power industry, they need the oil and natural gas, which we could have sold to them. Shamefully, Biden is now begging OPEC to pump more oil.  Just eight months ago, the U.S. was energy independent.  

Biden’s border policy and his anti-energy policy is going to destroy the middle class. Clearly that is the grand plan. The more people dependent on government largesse, the more votes for Democrats.

But of course, the worst failure of all so far is Biden’s wholesale betrayal of every family who sent one of their own to fight in Afghanistan. 

The Biden administration just said you-know-what to the thousands of those killed and/or maimed over that conflict over the past twenty years.  He has sacrificed Afghanistan to the Taliban, he’s sacrificed to them the women and girls who will find themselves back in the seventh century.  Biden did this with the malfeasance millions of us knew him as the man Robert Gates said has "been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades." 

Biden and his team of incompetents did this, they re-enacted the U.S.’s retreat from Saigon in 1975, with Americans having to be rescued from the roof of the American embassy.  That is happening now in Kabul.  Shockingly, pigs flew and Jake Tapper at CNN actually uttered some true words on Sunday when speaking to the disreputable Anthony Blinken who foolishly tried to defend the regime’s total capitulation to the Taliban.  But Tapper, too, is culpable. How could this happen? Thank the disgraceful media that so hated President Trump that they actually promoted and defended the man who will go down in history as the most incompetent, the most destructive president in U.S. history. 

Did our left-media vet Biden?  No. They covered up for him. They covered up his lifetime of sexual harassment of women and young girls.  They covered up for his racism, his plagiarism, his lies about his own background. They covered up for his criminally corrupt son Hunter.  They covered up his obvious dementia.  They covered up for his lifetime of corruption.  As numerous memes have effectively put out:  “When a billionaire becomes president, the last thing on your mind should be seeing his tax returns.  When a career politician with a salary of $174k  has a net worth of $50m and owns multiple mansions, people should be asking how.”   Biden has long been one of the most corrupt pols in D.C. All you have to do is read Peter Schweizer's investigative reporting to see the clarity of that.  So who ordered Biden to turn Afghanistan over to China and/or Russia?  Hmmm.

This president should be impeached now, as quickly as possible.  He is using his office to destroy the United States and he’s doing it for personal gain, personal gain he has long enjoyed for selling out his country.  And because he is a Democrat, he accomplished all this with the unquestioning help of our anti-American media.   They may soon find themselves on the funeral pyre of totalitarianism.   Can’t we just see Joy Reid and Jim Acosta screaming as they are hauled off to the camps:  “But we loved you, we supported you, we protected you.”  Tell it to the Nazi collaborators.

Our once blindly trusted media has been betraying the American people since Walter Cronkite declared the Vietnam War lost.  It wasn’t  - but the people believed him and we accepted defeat, condemning millions of Vietnamese, Laotian, and Cambodian people to death.  There are millions today who believe what they hear on CNN and MSNBC no matter how egregious or guilty of omission their reporting is.  

Those who pontificate on those outlets, as well as the three networks, are propagandists of the worst kind; they consider themselves worthy of deciding what news to which we can and cannot be exposed.  They may well be the death of us all.  They deserve only contempt, no respect.  There are exceptions, of course, but they are too few and too often suppressed. But as for the catastrophic failure of the Biden administration so far, our mainstream media bears much of the responsibility.  So benighted are they by Trump’s wisdom and expertise, they have rendered themselves  enemies of “we the people.” 

Chris Hedges & Richard Wolff | Infrastructure & Pandemic Relief Are  BLATANT SCAMS

Chris Hedges & Richard Wolff | America's OBVIOUS DECLINE

Chris Hedges & Richard Wolff | Billionares PROFITED FROM PANDEMIC!

What Happened To The American Middle Class? | Financial Crash Documentary | Business Stories

Don’t be fooled by Joe Biden

Chris Hedges | NAFTA, Clinton, and Obama BETRAYED Americans... and Joe Biden was right there with the worst of them!

Biden defended the wealthy in his speech to the donors but begged them to be aware of wealth inequality.


Income inequality grows FOUR TIMES FASTER under Obama-Biden and their bankster regime than Bush.


“By the time of Bill Clinton’s election in 1992, the Democratic Party had completely repudiated its association with the reforms of the New Deal and Great Society periods. Clinton gutted welfare programs to provide an ample supply of cheap labor for the rich (WHICH NOW MEANS OPEN BORDERS AND NO E-VERIFY!), including a growing layer of black capitalists, and passed the 1994 Federal Crime Bill, with its notorious “three strikes” provision that has helped create the largest prison population in the world.”

“Our entire crony capitalist system, Democrat and Republican alike, has become a kleptocracy approaching par with third-world hell-holes.  This is the way a great country is raided by its elite.” ----Karen McQuillan AMERICAN THINKER

Biden defended the wealthy in his speech to the donors but begged them to be aware of wealth inequality.

Wealth concentration increases in US.


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