Saturday, May 28, 2022




Four BLACK teens will be tried as adults on

second-degree murder charges in New Orleans

after prosecutors said they carjacked 73-year-

d grandmother Linda Frickley and dragged her

down the street while she was still attached to

her vehicle until her arm was severed. She died

on the scene moments later, WWL reported.


Bad Imitations of MLK

On a few occasions, I have ventured to make public observations about the sorry state of today’s lower-class African Americans.  It’s a large lower class -- much larger as a percentage of all blacks than lower-class whites are a percentage of all whites.  It makes up roughly one-third of all American blacks.  Another third is made up of people who are doing well: they have good educations, good jobs, good incomes, and good housing.  A middle third is made up of people who teeter on the brink: many of them will rise to the well-off class, many will fall into the lower class, and many will just continue to teeter.

Whenever I’ve said something along these lines, I have been accused, not surprisingly, of racism, even though I said nothing more than that lower-class blacks suffer from a dysfunctional and self-destructive subculture.  I don’t see how anybody in his right mind can deny this.  It is a perfectly obvious truth, almost as obvious as the truth that water is wet.  All the same, it’s something you’re not supposed to say.  Conventional good manners (otherwise known as political correctness) ban assertions of this kind.

The reason these assertions are banned is that they are heretical; they contradict one of the articles in the orthodox creed of present-day “progressivism” -- the article according to which all misfortunes of blacks are due to white racism, a racism that is almost universal in that section of American society occupied by non-progressive or non-liberal whites.  If a black thug from a crime-ridden ghetto happens to murder your grandmother, you may not answer, when asked what happened to your grandmother, “A ghetto thug murdered her.”  You’re expected to recognize that he was driven to this crime by four hundred years of white racism, an evil that continues to flourish today.  And since you yourself, being white, are probably a racist, it may be said that you compelled this unfortunate young man to kill your grandmother.

I should note in passing that your grandmother, if she’s white, will almost certainly not be murdered by a thug from the ghetto.  Such thugs murder ghetto-dwelling grandmothers only.  Almost all violent black crime is black-on-black crime.

Fully realizing that to say an “incorrect” thing about African Americans is a horrible sin from a liberal-progressive point of view (almost as bad a sin as saying there is something weird about same-sex marriage, another sin I’m prone to commit), I shall now proceed to compound my offense by suggesting that the career of Martin Luther King was more of a misfortune than a benefit for American blacks.

Before I explain, let me put on record that I view King as a truly great man.  As a leader, he was the only non-president to be in the same league with our greatest presidential leaders, such men as Washington, Lincoln, and FDR.  King changed America for the better in two ways: one, by leading blacks to demand their rights; second, and even more important, by convincing whites that they had to rid both their hearts and their institutions of anti-black racism.  He freed blacks from suffering racial injustice, and he freed whites from what is even worse, doing racial injustice.  (I think it was Plato or Socrates who first said that doing injustice is worse than suffering it, an idea Christianity agrees with.)

The misfortune came when subsequent black leaders -- Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Black Lives Matter, and a hundred minor demagogues -- felt that they must establish their leadership credentials by imitating King.  How does one do that?  Well, King fought against white racism, didn’t he?  So the epigones too will have to fight against white racism.  But suppose King did such an effective job of fighting white racism that he largely destroyed it?  Suppose he persuaded whites of the wrongness of racism?  Supposed he convinced them to give up racism and not to pass it on to their children and grandchildren?  What then?

Remember that saying attributed to Voltaire -- "If God did not exist, we’d have to invent him”?  Well, the MLK epigones have said, “If white racism no longer exists, or if it has become a relatively minor phenomenon, we’ll have to re-invent it.  For there is no other way to do an imitation of MLK, and doing that imitation is our raison d’ĂȘtre, not to mention that it’s our bread and butter.”

And so these demagogues -- "civil rights leaders” as the mass media call them -- have taught American blacks, especially those of the lower classes, that their many misfortunes are the result, not of any inadequacy among themselves or in their way of life, but of the continuing unfairness of a society in which “white privilege” reigns.  Instead of teaching individual and family and group self-reliance, these demagogues have taught the opposite.

There once was a great black leader who did teach lessons of self-reliance, Booker T. Washington.  From the 1890s until the modern civil rights era, Booker T. was almost universally regarded as the greatest American black.  In the 1960s he was removed from that pedestal and replaced by MLK because, instead of being an anti-racism crusader, BTW had accommodated the Southern regime of racial segregation.  BTW was a realist, and he understood that if blacks in America were ever to rise to the level of equality with whites, this would not happen through the benevolence of whites.  Blacks, while taking advantage of whatever help whites like Andrew Carnegie, John D. Rockefeller, and Theodore Roosevelt might offer, would have to achieve this equality through self-reliance and self-improvement.  And so, they improved themselves according to the BTW script, until by the 1950s they were able to follow the leadership of MLK.

Of the two, King was probably the greater man.  Nonetheless, black Americans, especially those from the lower classes, would be far better off if black leaders today would give up imitating MLK and instead imitate BTW. 

Abortion Disproportionately Targets Black Babies; CDC: 74% of Abortions in Mississippi Were Performed on Black Mothers

By Terence P. Jeffrey | May 24, 2022 | 11:15am EDT


(Photo by Ute Grabowsky/Phototek via Getty Images)
(Photo by Ute Grabowsky/Phototek via Getty Images)

( - Babies carried by black mothers in 2019 were aborted in greater numbers and at a greater rate than babies carried by mothers of other races, according to a report published by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Abortion Surveillance—United States, 2019,” was published Nov. 26, 2021 by the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report. It is the CDC’s latest presentation of the annual abortion numbers in the United States and includes abortion data provided to the CDC by 47 states, as well as New York City and the District of Columbia.  (California, Maryland and New Hampshire did not provide the CDC with their abortion data for 2019.)

Of the 47 responding jurisdictions, 29 states and the District of Columbia provided information that included the race and ethnicity of the women who underwent abortions in their jurisdictions in 2019. (The CDC, however, did not publish the number of black mothers who underwent abortions in Montana or Wyoming because the number was four or less. “Cells with a value in the range of 1–4 or cells that would allow for calculation of these values have been suppressed in this report to maintain confidentiality in tables presented by reporting area of occurrence,” the CDC explained in its report.)

In each of the 27 jurisdictions for which the CDC did publish the number of black women who underwent abortions, the percentage of total abortions in 2019 that were performed on black women exceeded what the Census Bureau reported was the percentage of the jurisdiction’s 2019 female population that was black.

“Non-Hispanic White women had the lowest abortion rate (6.6 abortions per 1,000 women) and ratio (117 abortions per 1,000 live births) and non-Hispanic black woman had the highest rate (23.8 abortions per 1,000 women) and ratio (386 abortions per 1,000 live births),” said the CDC report.

“As in previous years,” it said, “abortion rates and ratios differ across racial/ethnic groups. For example, in 2019, compared with non-Hispanic White women, abortion rates and ratios were 3.6 and 3.3 times higher among non-Hispanic Black women.”

Alveda King, who chairs the Center for the American Dream at the America First Policy Institute and is the niece of the great Dr. Martin Luther King, was asked about this CDC report by

“Abortion is one of the most violent, reprehensible, discriminatory crimes against humanity,” King said. “There is overwhelming evidence that many abortions have been performed to reduce minority populations in America.

“Life is sacred,” King said. “The reality of the American Dream must include everyone, from the womb to the tomb.”

Table 6 of the CDC report presents the “[n]umber of reported abortions, by known race/ethnicity and reporting area of occurrence.” It shows that 94.5 percent of the abortions—or 345,929 abortions—that occurred in 2019 in the 29 states and the District of Columbia that reported their abortions by race/ethnicity to CDC were in fact reported to the CDC. Of this total of 345,929 abortions, 132,878 (or 38.4 percent) were performed on black mothers. Another 115,486 (or 33.4 percent) were performed on white mothers; 72,509 (or 21.0 percent) were performed on Hispanic mothers; and 25,056 (or 7.2 percent) were performed on mothers of another race/ethnicity.

The table also listed the abortion rate by all four race/ethnicity categories cited in the report and defined the “rate” as being the “[n]umber of abortions obtained by women in a given racial/ethnic group per 1,000 women in that same racial/ethnic group.”

The 2019 abortion rate for white women in the 30 reporting jurisdictions was 6.6. The rate for Hispanic women was 11.7. The rate for women of other race/ethnicity was 13.0. And the rate for black women was 23.8.

The table additionally listed the “abortion ratio” for each of the race/ethnicity categories—the ratio being defined as the “[n]umber of abortions obtained by women in a given race/ethnic group per 1,000 live births to women in that same racial/ethnic group.”

The abortion ratio for white women in the 29 reporting states and the District of Columbia was 117 per 1,000 live births. For Hispanic women, it was 170; for women of other race/ethnicity, it was 236; and for black women it was 386.

Table 6 from the CDC's "Abortion Surveillance--United States, 2019"
Table 6 from the CDC's "Abortion Surveillance--United States, 2019"

Mississippi, which has enacted a bill to ban abortion after 15 weeks that is now being reviewed by the Supreme Court and which has on its books a law that (if Roe v. Wade is overturned) would ban all abortions except in cases of rape and to save the life of the mother, has the highest percentage of its abortions among black women of all the reporting states.

For 2019, Mississippi reported 3,180 abortions (or 99.6 percent of the total that occurred in the state) to the CDC by race/ethnicity. Of those 3,180 abortions, 2,532 (or 74.0 percent) were performed on black mothers.

At the same time, of the 1,533,857 women that the Census Bureau said lived in Mississippi in 2019, 608,587 (of 39.7%) were black or African American.

Of the reporting jurisdictions, Georgia had the second-highest percentage of its 2019 abortions being performed on black women. There were 33,459 abortions by known race/ethnicity of the mother in Georgia in 2019. Of these, 1,724 (or 5.2 percent) were performed on mothers of “other” race/ethnicity; 2,924 (or 8.7 percent) were performed on mothers of Hispanic race/ethnicity; 7,102 (or 21.2 percent) were performed on mothers of white race/ethnicity; and 21,709 (or 64.9 percent) were performed on mothers of black race/ethnicity.

Alabama had the third-highest percentage of its 2019 abortions being performed on black women. There were 6,005 abortions by known race/ethnicity in Alabama in 2019. Of these, 142 (or 2.4 percent) were performed on mothers of other race/ethnicity; 323 (or 5.4 percent) were performed on mothers of Hispanic race/ethnicity; 1,823 (or 30.4 percent) were performed on mothers of white race/ethnicity; and 3,717 (or 61.9 percent) were performed on women of black race/ethnicity.

The greatest differential between the percentage of the state’s population which was black in 2019 and the percentage of abortions performed on black women occurred in South Dakota.

In South Dakota, the total female population was 437,902 in 2019, according to the Census Bureau. Of that female population, 11,718 (or 2.68 percent) was black. According to the CDC, there were 414 abortions by known race/ethnicity in South Dakota in 2019. Of those 46 (or 11.1 percent) were performed on black mothers. That was 4.14 times as great as the 2.68 percent of the population that was black.

Five other reporting jurisdictions (Kentucky, Minnesota, Michigan, Kansas and West Virginia) reported abortions performed on black mothers at a percentage that was at least three times greater than the black percentage of the population.

In Kentucky, 33.7 percent of the abortions were performed on black mothers, according to the CDC. But Kentucky had a female population of 2,266,644 in 2019 of whom 217,396 (or 9.59 percent) were black. The 33.7 percentage of abortions performed on black women was 3.51 times as great as their 9.59 percent share of the population.

In Minnesota, 27.90 percent of the abortions in 2019 were performed on black mothers. But Minnesota had a female population of 2,829,821 in 2019 of whom 230,726 (or 8.15 percent) were black. The percentage of abortions performed on black women was 3.42 times as great as their 8.15 percent share of the population,

In Michigan, 51.60 percent of the abortions in 2019 were performed on black mothers. But Michigan had a female population of 5,068,329 in 2019 of whom 808,967 (or 15.96 percent) were black. The percentage of abortions performed on black women was 3.23 times greater than their 15.96 percent share of the population.

In Kansas, 23.70 percent of the abortions in 2019 were performed on black mothers. But Kansas had a female population of 1,461,617 in 2019 of whom 108,039 (or 7.39 percent) were black. The percentage of abortions performed on black women was 3.21 times greater than their 7.39 percent share of the population.

In West Virginia, 12.9 percent of the abortions in 2019 were performed on black mothers. But West Virginia had a female population of 904,377 in 2019 of whom 38,824 (or 4.29 percent) were black. The percentage of abortions performed on black women was 3.01 times greater than their 4.29 percent share of the population.


‘I Have Never Seen This Much Formula. We Have an Overflow!’ Pro-Life Pregnancy Center Supply Manager Says

 By Craig Bannister | May 24, 2022 | 5:25pm EDT


(Getty Images/Tim Clayton/Corbis)

The nation’s pro-life pregnancy resource centers are stepping up to help parents obtain baby formula in the face of the current shortage plaguing the nation. One center in Michigan even reports that it has an “overflow” of baby formula available to those in need.

The nation’s nearly three thousand pro-life pregnancy centers provide women and parents in need with health care, education and material assistance – including baby formula – Catholic News Agency’s (CNA) Katie Yoder reports.

Helping Hands Pregnancy Resource Center, located in Hillsdale, Michigan, told CNA it has extra baby formula ready and waiting for parents in need.

“I have never seen this much formula. We have an overflow!” Lois Stoll, a volunteer who manages the formula supply at the center, says. “It really is the result of an unexpected set of circumstances.”

“God has been building our supply of formula for many months, and we didn’t know why we had so much. Now we do!” Bryce Asberg, the center’s executive director, says.

Other pro-life pregnancy resource centers across the U.S., such as those in Connecticut, North Carolina, Virginia and Washington, D.C. report to the Catholic News Agency that they are providing baby formula and, when they run out, are helping parents find additional sources.



 More than 200 citizens have been murdered this year in the Windy City. About half were younger than 30, and three-quarters were black.

The Washington Post reported seven fatal police shootings of black Chicagoans in 2021. There have been none so far this year.

‘The City is Not Safe’: Suspect in NYC Subway Shooting Had 19 Prior Arrests

 • May 23, 2022 4:45 pm


The main suspect in a New York City subway shooting on Sunday has 19 prior arrests, including for assault, robbery, and criminal possession of a weapon, according to the New York Post.

Law enforcement sources told the Post Andrew Abdullah is wanted for questioning in connection with the killing of Daniel Enriquez. Police Commissioner Keechant Sewell on Monday morning tweeted pictures of the suspect, who is still at large, asking New Yorkers for "help identifying & locating" the shooter.

As part of a progressive criminal justice reform effort, New York abolished cash bail in 2019 for most misdemeanor and nonviolent charges. Opponents of the bail law have credited it with an ongoing rise in crime in municipal areas as the law permits more repeat offenders.

"The worst part is, even if they catch this person, he's going to be out again," Enriquez's sister, Griselda Vile, told the Post on Sunday. "I wish you guys would go back to Mayor Adams and tell him the city is not safe."

At a press briefing Sunday, NYPD chief of department Kenneth Corey said the subway shooter was a dark-skinned, heavyset man who paced back and forth on the subway car before he fired "without provocation."

Abdullah has also been charged with menacing and grand larceny, the Post reported.

Chicago Mayor Imposes Weekend Curfew for Teens After Downtown Shootings

Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot (D.) / Getty Images
 • May 16, 2022 3:00 pm


Democratic mayor Lori Lightfoot is imposing a weekend curfew for all minors in Chicago following three shootings downtown last weekend that left one teenager dead.

"Young people are absolutely welcome downtown, but in the evening hours they must be accompanied by a responsible adult," Lightfoot said on Monday after she announced the 10 p.m. curfew. The fatal shooting occurred on Saturday in Millennium Park during a weekend that saw 33 total shootings, 5 of which were fatal.

Hundreds of teenagers gathered in the Chicago Loop over the weekend, in a chaotic scene that halted traffic and saw some jump up on top of cars. Police superintendent David Brown said the crowds appear to have coordinated their efforts on social media. Twenty-six minors and four adults were arrested in connection with the Millennium Park shooting, and police found seven guns among the arrestees.

Chicago in 2021 had its deadliest year in a quarter century, with 797 homicides recorded. Under Democratic governor J.B. Pritzker, Illinois ended cash bail the same year. Law enforcement leaders have criticized the elimination of cash bail, citing cases of released criminals who committed other crimes. In August, a man released on bond bought a handgun that was later used to kill a police officer.

Lightfoot has a strained relationship with city law enforcement, who in 2020 blamed her for surging police retirements following a summer of anti-police protests.

Chicago has long had a curfew for minors at 11 p.m., but it is unclear how strictly it's been enforced. In addition to beefing up park security, Lightfoot said she has directed the Chicago Police Department to increase tracing for guns found in the possession of minors.

The Illinois ACLU decried the mayor's curfew order, saying "the promise of strict enforcement will result in unnecessary stops and arrests and further strain relations between CPD and young people of color."

More than 200 citizens have been murdered this year in the Windy City. About half were younger than 30, and three-quarters were black.

The Washington Post reported seven fatal police shootings of black Chicagoans in 2021. There have been none so far this year.

The South Carolina Democratic Party Has a Cocaine (Trafficking) Problem

 • May 2, 2022 4:59 am


In the last three years, political operative Jason Belton joined a billionaire Democrat's presidential campaign, became a campaign manager for a U.S. Senate race, and won election to a South Carolina Democratic Party leadership position—all while under federal indictment for trafficking nearly nine pounds of cocaine.

According to the U.S. Attorney's Office, Belton and a co-conspirator in February 2017 contacted a drug source in California to request large quantities of cocaine, which they planned to distribute out of Columbia, S.C. Days later, the indictment states, Belton accepted a package containing four kilograms of coke from San Bernardino drug dealer Estevan Ortiz, who is also known as "Stevie," "Wonder," and "Little Man."

Federal agents went on to arrest Belton in South Carolina in January 2018. As the case progressed, however, Belton became implicated in a nationwide drug trafficking ring that federal authorities busted in 2020 following a three-year investigation. Belton's California connects were caught with 77 kilograms of cocaine, 9 kilograms of heroin, 150 pounds of methamphetamine, 989 fentanyl pills, 19 guns, and nearly $2 million in cash, the U.S. Attorney's Office said in a January 2020 press release. Following the bust, federal prosecutors moved Belton's case to the Golden State, where it remains active.

But Belton's apparent criminality has done little to deter his career—in fact, the operative's political sphere expanded significantly after his arrest. In August 2019, Belton joined liberal billionaire Tom Steyer's presidential campaign as its deputy political director, a gig that earned him more than $40,000 over a six-months period. After Steyer left the race in February 2020, Belton cofounded a political consulting firm, C&J Consulting, which boasts at least one client: Democratic South Carolina state legislator Krystle Matthews, who is challenging Republican senator Tim Scott. Belton, who in January was elected the third chair of the South Carolina Democratic Party Black Caucus, has described himself as Matthews's campaign manager.

Belton's political work did overlap with his criminal indictment in one instance. In March 2020, Belton successfully persuaded the court to remove his GPS ankle monitor because he said it interfered with his work as a "lobbyist."

"Belton now wishes to eliminate the GPS location monitoring condition which requires him to wear an electronic ankle bracelet," Belton's attorney wrote in a court filing. "Belton has advised me that he is a lobbyist and the electronic ankle bracelet presents a problem for him with security on his frequent entries into the State House in Columbia, South Carolina."

Belton and the South Carolina Democratic Party did not return requests for comment.

In addition to his affiliation with Steyer and Matthews, Belton has worked with an array of prominent South Carolina Democrats through his state party leadership role. Gubernatorial candidates Joe Cunningham and Mia McLeod attended the South Carolina Democratic Party Black Caucus's "Sunday Dinner" event in March, as did former presidential candidate Jesse Jackson. Belton's self-described "grassroots political action" nonprofit, Vision Walkers, also provided security for House majority whip Jim Clyburn (D., S.C.) during an August 2020 event in Columbia.

Due to the size and complexity of Belton's federal drug case—the indictment lists 23 additional defendants—the operative's trial has been delayed on at least four occasions as attorneys sort through evidence. Belton is scheduled to travel to California for trial in August, just two months after Matthews will face off against two opponents in South Carolina's Democratic Senate primary election. He won't have to worry about covering the travel costs, however. In March 2021, the court granted a request from Belton's attorney that orders the U.S. Marshals Service to "furnish defendant Jason Donnell Belton with air fare, lodging, and per diem subsistence expenses in connection with the trial of this case."

Belton's 2018 arrest was not his first significant run-in with law enforcement. In 2007, local police arrested Belton over his involvement in a drive-by shooting. Belton, who was 19 at the time, received six months' probation for "criminal conspiracy," court records show.

But the political operative's criminal history and active legal battle are not the only sources of controversy for South Carolina Democrats. Belton's business partner, fellow C&J Consulting and Vision Walkers cofounder Craig Khanwell, is a longtime follower of anti-Semitic Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who has compared Jews to termites. Khanwell—who serves as South Carolina Democratic Party Black Caucus second chair—has referred to Farrakhan as his father figure, praised Farrakhan as "the epitome of the greatest among men," and argued that accusations of anti-Semitism are merely "a trick" to "stifle legitimate criticism of Jews and Zionist Israel."

Khanwell has also espoused extreme anti-vaccine conspiracy theories. In one Instagram post, he said taking the vaccine would mean giving Bill Gates, Dr. Anthony Fauci, and other "white" men "control of my molecular information." In another post, Khanwell shared a TikTok that called COVID the "biggest hoax of America" and speculated that those who died from the virus may have actually died from the flu. In June 2021, the South Carolina Democratic Party blamed Republicans for the state's "extremely low vaccination rates."

Chicago imposes ban on youth in downtown area on weekends

On Friday the Chicago City Council Committee on Public Safety voted 14–3 to pass a city-wide ordinance imposing a curfew on all minors aged 12–17. These youth are now banned from being in the streets, or any other public place, later than 10 p.m. any day of the week. In addition, the city will not allow anyone under the age of 18 to enter Millennium Park in the city’s downtown area later than 6 p.m. Thursday through Sunday unless accompanied by an adult.

The new ordinance allows for few exceptions, including attending a ticketed concert or other event like the Lollapalooza summer music festival. These events are generally attended by wealthier middle-class youth and tourists, rather than Chicago’s young workers.

The curfew law was introduced by Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot after 16-year-old Seandell Holliday was shot and killed in Millennium Park on May 14.

Minors found in violation with the curfew will be subject to arrest by Chicago police, a confrontation that carries with it the threat of lethal violence if an officer claims to fear for their safety. On the night of May 18, an unarmed 13-year-old boy was shot and critically wounded by Chicago police in an alleged carjacking incident. The child was running away.

Lightfoot claimed the law is intended to protect young people from gun violence. “It gives me no pleasure to impose these rules and restrictions. But having exhausted every other opportunity, every other tool and remedy, we’ve got to go to this next step to make sure that our jewel of Millennium Park is available and open to everyone,” Lightfoot said when the youth bans were announced.

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot, May 19, 2021. (AP Photo/John O’Connor)

The curfew was criticized by the American Civil Liberties Union, which issued a statement saying the law will only cause “unnecessary stops and arrests.”

Some members of the city council have also opposed the law. Alderman Carlos Ramirez-Rosa, affiliated with the Democratic Socialists of America, said he opposed the measure based on studies that show historically curfews have no effect on reducing crime. Alderman Ray Lopez, who is challenging Lightfoot in the 2023 mayoral election from the right, criticized the proposal, pointing out that Chicago already has an 11 p.m. curfew and that in recent years it has gone unenforced with curfew citations dropping from 2,453 in 2018 to 364 in 2021.

In recent years Chicago has indeed seen an intense rise in violent crime. In 2021 nearly 800 homicides were reported, an increase of about 300 deaths compared to 2019 and 25 more than 2020. So far this year there have been over 200 shooting deaths.

None of the Democratic officials spoke to the root cause of gun violence: economic devastation and decline in living standards for the city’s working class, and the Democratic Party’s decades of privatization and austerity that have created a social crisis to which it has responded to with police patrols dispensing lethal violence.

The response of the mayor to criminalize youth and use the police to crack down on them does nothing to prevent violence. Rather, the police-state measures have only been deployed now that the crisis of working-class youth has spilled over into the wealthy downtown areas and threatens to spook customers away from Chicago’s lucrative tourism industry.

The vast majority of all shooting deaths in Chicago take place within the impoverished and working-class areas on the south and west sides of the city. These areas, once home to countless manufacturing and industrial jobs, have been stripped of resources and public services, including massive cuts to education, mental health and social services.

The effects of deindustrialization and general lack of economic opportunities has profoundly impacted young people. A 2020 study found that in Chicago over 8 percent of young people aged 16–19 were neither in school nor employed. For ages 20–24 over 20 percent were out of work. When looking at just Chicago’s black residents, who are overwhelmingly working class, the unemployment rate for the 20–24 age group jumps to 38 percent.

In West Garfield Park, the neighborhood with the most homicides per capita in 2021, at 21.8 killings per 10,000 people, the median income is just $25,648 per year. Similarly, in neighboring North Lawndale, the area with the most total homicides, 44 deaths, the median income is $26,781 per year. The poverty line in Chicago is estimated to be around an annual income of $26,000 for a family of four.

A 2020 study from the Northwestern Institute for Policy Research found that in 2019 the median age of a homicide victim was 27 years old, and that young people aged 18–24 were the most likely to be killed in a violent crime. Black youth aged 18–19 were the highest-risk group, facing a homicide rate of 182.7 per 100,000 residents.

Despite the crisis-level deterioration in many areas, Democratic leaders are deepening their attack on public education. Just last month, parents of Chicago Public Schools students protested outside the schools headquarters to oppose budget cuts.

Chicago youth demonstrate for teachers (Source: CTU Facebook)

Earlier this month, Forbes magazine announced the state of Illinois now has twenty billionaires, all living in the Chicago area (except Democratic Governor J.B. Pritzker, who officially resides in the state capital Springfield while in office). There is no lack of resources for social needs—schools, jobs, health care and social services or transportation infrastructure. Chicago has also received $1.9 billion in federal pandemic relief funding. But the Lightfoot administration gave some $281.5 million to the police for payroll, and $465 million to JP Morgan Chase bank, retiring short-term city debt.

Damayanti Wallace, co-founder of “GoodKidsMadCity” (GKMC), a Chicago youth organization dedicated to ending violence, spoke with the WSWS and shared thoughts on the curfew.

“The curfew further enforces the idea that punishment is the only way to produce changed behavior in people and especially youth. I believe it is to target young people in general. Instead of offering resources to young people and giving them the option of whether or not to be in one place or another, they are automatically being punished and restricted.”

On the effects of the curfew, Wallace said, “The violence may reduce, it may not. Regardless, the root problem is still there. Youth are looking for things to do as they come into their adulthood. Those curiosities should be fostered instead of pushed away.”

“Youth require resources. They need to be given opportunities and see what the world has to offer otherwise the influences of their neighborhood, television shows, music become the only world they know… Chicago is hyper segregated, and poverty is concentrated, Black and Brown youth are forced to compete for resources and the colonized violence we experience, plus the police state makes us further marginalized.”

GKMC has been petitioning the city to pass a “PeaceBook” ordinance that would provide resources for various youth programs in the poorest communities in Chicago. So far, their demands have been ignored by Lightfoot and other city officials.

Wallace concluded saying that the PeaceBook is only an initial proposal and that ultimately young people desire to be free of racism, homophobia and capitalism. “Black youth should be able to move freely without restrictions!”

The imposition of the curfew comes after thousands of youth in Chicago have come into open struggle against the city government that is dominated by the Democratic Party and presides over the city’s inequality. Hoping to suppress further political opposition, like those of the massive George Floyd protests in the summer of 2020, Lightfoot and the ruling class are embracing authoritarian police state measures. That same summer the mayor instructed police to make arbitrary arrests of young people ahead of the July 4 weekend.


The tax documents as seen by numerous media outlets reveal BLM paid a company owned by Damon Turner, the father of Cullors’ child, nearly $970,000 to help “produce live events” and provide other “creative services.”

The facts that have emerged demonstrate that Black Lives Matter is largely a creation of the corporate media and the Democratic Party, not a genuine expression of insurgent popular opposition to the pervasive brutality and social inequality of American society. The revelations illustrate the venal and privileged social layers whose interests are expressed by the elevation of race, rather than class, as the essential dividing line in society.


Allegations of financial mismanagement among supposed leaders of the Black Lives Matter movement (BLM)—as well as questions surrounding the true character of the organization—continue to unfold following a recent New York Magazine report revealing the group purchased a $6 million luxury home in southern California with money that had been donated to the BLMGNF (Black Lives Matter Global Network Fund, the official title of the only actual national organization).

It's been almost two years since the summer of violent Black Lives Matter insurrections and cop-hating crusades.  The actions of that summer inflicted $2 billion in property damage in 220 American cities, killed scores of people, and spiked record homicide rates in a dozen municipalities run by Democrat politicians and supporters.  This unprecedented eruption of hatred and violence was fueled by a racial hoax claiming that there was an "open season" on black lives, despite the fact that there is no evidence to support this claim, whether statistical or circumstantial.

Apart from affirmative action, which was gi

Court nomination epitomizes the anti-American, anti-democratic agendas of Black Lives Matter's "trained Marxists."  In addition, Moore has been a political consultant to the Clintons, Kamala Harris, and the race-hustler Jesse Jackson — an indication of how the Democrat Party has reverted to its roots as the party of slavery, racism and segregation.

One America News Video: David Horowitz Exposes Black Lives Matter


"BLM is just a criminal operation."


The reckoning over years of Black Lives Matter violence, backed by corporations and celebrities, has yet to arrive. But as violence by the extremists drawn to the racist movement continues, those who funded violence and terrorism will have to answer for the consequences. DANIEL GREENFIELD 

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