Friday, March 1, 2024

AS BARACK OBAMA, GEORGE SOROS AND THEIR MEAT PUPPET JOJO BIDEN DESTROY THE BORDER - Elon Musk ‘Ringing Alarm Bells’ over Biden Border Crisis ‘Crushing Country’


Elon Musk ‘Ringing Alarm Bells’ over Biden Border Crisis ‘Crushing Country’

elon musk speaks
Krisztian Bocsi/Bloomberg via Getty Images

Elon Musk took to his X account to deliver a dire warning over Joe Biden’s border crisis he says is “crushing the country.”

In his Feb. 27 post, Musk warned that “Dams are bursting all over the country.”

“America is only 4% of Earth’s population. If only 1% of the rest of Earth moves here, that would crush all essential services,” he said about the flood of illegals breaching out borders.

“I am ringing the alarm bell, because the flood of illegals is crushing the country!” Musk concluded.

Musk was replying to Fox News reporter Bill Melugin’s post revealing Democrat U.S. Senator Laphonza Butler’s request to the Biden administration to pony up more federal money for migrant shelters.

Butler claims that FEMA’s Shelter and Services Program should be responsible to fund more migrant shelters as upwards of 1,000 illegals a day are being released by Biden’s Border Patrol in San Diego alone.

Melugin has been reporting from the border for well over a year, capturing hours of video of tens of thousands of illegals flooding across the border.

San Diego has been particularly hard hit and the migrant flood is setting local and county politicians against each other.

As the numbers of illegals grow by the day amid the depletion of both federal and private money, Biden’s border Patrol continues dropping off thousands of illegals in the streets because the illegals have no place to go after the closure of the shelters and the city’s welcoming center.

In just six months, Biden’s federal government has dumped more than 100,000 migrants in the San Diego area, county officials said, according to Cal Matters.

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Facebook at:, or Truth Social @WarnerToddHuston


Congress can deal a serious blow to the empire of extremists by reforming the tax code and closing the ‘terror loophole’ that enabled the ugly displays of hatred in New York City. And across America. If BLM wasn’t enough of a wake up call, the Islamic terrorist rallies within miles of Ground Zero ought to be. It’s time for Congress to defund the Soros Hamas insurrection. DANIEL GREENFIELD

The First Amendment guaranteeing free speech

has always been key if we hope to "keep the

republic." Once that is co-opted -- then

controlled and censored -- an unsuspecting

public will be easily swayed into thinking in line

with whatever ensures that an elite few can gain

and maintain power. Manipulating the masses is

the goal.

Arnold Ventures also donated over  $13.5 million the New Venture Fund.  The New Venture Fund created the  Media Democracy Fund, which was  reportedly “instrumental” in the leftist  push to enact net neutrality regulations  during the Obama administration.

Why the United States Went ‘Communist’

Some four years ago, the radical left staged what amounted to a coup d’état and took control of the United States government.  The events surrounding that coup — and the horrific policies that followed — have been described many times: the COVID “vaccine” hoax, rigged elections, imprisoning dissenters, weaponizing the Judiciary, open borders, the pointless killing in Ukraine.  Yet no one has explained why all this happened or how to stop it. 

The fact that no scholars or media have even attempted to explain this power-grab itself partly reveals the explanation.  If we ask why people on the left took power, then eventually someone will ask why people on the right allowed it to.  The next logical question then arises: why should we continue listening to them, following them, giving them money...?

Preaching to the converted and hurling anathemas at the left can accomplish only so much, and yet this is what we the politicians, pundits, and parlor intellectuals of the professional right mostly do.  If we want to extricate ourselves from this debacle, we must start examining what the right — and the rest of us — are doing wrong.

Failure of the Right

The conservatives’ defeat is so glaring that some are finally acknowledging what to everyone else is obvious.  “The establishment Right’s failures over the last generations have been manifold,” writes one, belatedly:

Since the end of the Cold War, what trajectory-altering successes or victories can the Right cite to demonstrate its worth? ... Despite spending billions of dollars supporting its infrastructure ... the establishment Right has registered no clear gains and many clear losses.

“You could even argue that it abetted most of it[s defeats],” another suggests.  “Where official conservatism’s opposition hasn’t been ineffectual, it’s been collaborationist.”[1]

So they admit to squandering our trust (and donations) as pointlessly as the government they criticize squanders our taxes.  Isn’t it time we start asking why?

None of this excuses the rest of us.  If the establishment right allowed the left to win, we all allowed the right to lose.  Excoriating “RINOs” and neocons can become as unconstructive as inveighing against leftists.  The only remedy lies in re-examining serious mistakes we would all rather just forget.

The Rise of the Politicos

The first stage in the coup was when Americans abdicated control over their civic life to paid professionals.  Instinctively, we blame elected “politicians” for our ills, but their puppet-masters in the larger political class may pose the greater danger. 

This innovation came from the left, with the invention of “public interest” lobbying firms (today’s almighty “NGOs”).  Corporate lobbyists have a bad name because their money buys politicians and legislation on behalf of wealthy interests, but in the long run, those who claim to speak for us and the “public interest” may do more to undermine our freedom. 

So effective were they at imposing elitist, leftist agendas on the population that they were quickly imitated by rightist versions.  Thus was born the Washington political class: professional surrogate citizens we pay to perform the duties of citizenship for us.

These firms do not “empower” citizens; citizenship is precisely what they eclipse and muzzle.  Like courtroom lawyers advising their clients, the message of the lawyer-lobbyists to the citizenry is, “Be quiet and let me do the talking,” as if we are accused criminals on trial.  Small wonder that that is precisely what we are becoming.

Nothing did more to decimate America’s civic culture; transfer power to a judicial priesthood; and entrench an ideological duopoly operated not simply by Democrat and Republican politicians, but by the larger political classes of left and right.  Media, universities, “think-tanks,” and other cultural institutions abandoned their detachment and joined the ranks of professional advocates and activists.

Eclipsing the Churches

The professional pressure groups also displaced the civic organizations that traditionally provided moral leadership and channeled citizens’ voices in opposition to governments’ abuses of power: churches.  Since long before the American Republic was even founded, churches served vital civic functions without which the United States as we know it would never have come to exist and for which no substitute is possible.

Professional conservatives complain endlessly that the left hates religion and seeks to have it “banished from the public square.”  But it is the professional conservatives themselves, with their lobbies and law firms (ostensibly “Christian” or not), that pushed the churches out of active public engagement — or gave them the excuse to run away. 

Unlike citizens and churches, whose interest lies in resolving public problems so they can return to the business of life (earning a living, spending time with the family, saving souls), professional operatives on both left and right have a vested interest in perpetuating the problems they are paid to solve.

This principle lies behind all our ills.

Blueprint for the “Deep State”

When explaining the tyranny closing in around us, we naturally blame centers of hidden and unaccountable power: rogue security services, health authorities spreading illness, plutocrats re-engineering the planet.

But these are not where it began.  Like many good intentions gone awry, it all began with how we addressed the most basic problem of modern industrial society: the problem of the poor.  If the “Deep State” is defined as powerful people using impersonal bureaucracies to forcibly control the private lives of millions of non-criminal citizens, the original “Deep State” is the welfare state

The 2020 coup began with George Floyd’s death in a Minneapolis ghetto — that is, within dysfunctional and violent welfare communities.  Welfare also provides the political base for groups like Black Lives Matter and elevates mediocrities like Kamala Harris to office, starting usually as prosecutors before becoming politicians.

Welfare accomplished what slavery and segregation could not: it destabilized the African-American family and created a permanent underclass of impoverished single mothers, fatherless children, and criminalized fathers.  Because every social pathology is directly attributable to fatherless homes, the result was a self-destructive horde of criminals, delinquents, truants, addicts, prostitutes, and derelicts that proceeded to tear down their own communities and quickly populated the world’s most massive prison system.  It also created armies of functionaries to administer their lives, with a self-interest in perpetuating their dependency and expanding the havoc.  It also bred an angry subculture of victimization, entitlement, and resentment. 

The Canary in the Mineshaft

But the welfare state’s pivotal achievement was the degradation of a figure whom everyone, left and right, now loves to hate: the young, low-income black male.  Conservatives cite wasteful social programs as proof that America is not racist and even expect gratitude, but none of the programs benefited black men in any way.  All served to marginalize and emasculate the black male: state officials usurping his provider role with numerous handouts to single mothers, along with the acquisition of quasi–police powers by social workers that not only usurped his protector role, but then targeted him as the foremost threat to his own women and children, with measures ostensibly against “child abuse” and “domestic violence” and enforcing “child support.”

The resulting tidal wave of both real criminality and concocted criminalization, parallelling similar trends elsewhere, rationalized the criminal justice system abolishing civil liberties and due process protections.  “Assembly-line” hearings (lasting a minute or two), eliminating jury trials, extortionate plea bargaining, fabricated evidence, framing defendants, “crimes” for which acquittal is not possible — all this was pioneered for young black men before being expanded to the rest of us.  It provided the rehearsal for today’s weaponized “lawfare” operations against Donald Trump, the January 6 defendants, and anyone else who resists the leftist takeover.

The military was likewise transformed into a gargantuan welfare state, catering to single mothers and expelling servicemen for “sexual harassment.”  Welfare policies even became part of military operations themselves.  Universities followed, abandoning both education and scholarship in favor of activism, reinforced with similarly trumped up accusations of sexual something-or-other.  Most devastating of all, the welfare machinery and the underclass it bred expanded throughout middle-class society, using “no-fault” divorce, accompanied by more sexual accusations, producing more dysfunctional fatherless adolescents and “empowered” functionaries. 

So successful was this mass feminization that #MeToo expanded operations still more by targeting celebrities and political opponents.  The contempt for black men was extended to all men.  This furnished the radical left with the weapons and machinery to stage its coup.

As all this overwhelms us, the professional right-wing establishment averts its eyes, holds its tongue, buries its head, and looks for excuses to do nothing or even to abet the left.  Its foolish, too-often-repeated insistence that this is all simply “cultural Marxism” serves as an excuse to avoid these issues, ignore the dynamics that brought the left to power, preserve its own privileges and fiefdoms, and run away from danger.  We defeated communism, after all, so if we just continue fighting the Cold War and extolling the virtues of private ownership and free markets, we will stop the left from mutilating children, starting wars, and imprisoning its opponents, and it will relinquish power.

In short, professional conservatism tries to extricate us from the fiasco it permitted by continuing more of the foolishness that permitted the fiasco in the first place.

Waking, Not Woking, the Few

Today’s best commentators on these horrors speak and write from frustration.  Because they do not see where this came from, they cannot offer a way out.

Our habitual assumption, as we call on Americans to “wake up,” is that once awakened (awoken?), they will vote for the right candidates, support the right parties, and donate to the right “nonprofit” groups, who will do battle for the right solutions.  In short, they will build a new political class and hope it is somehow better than the previous one.  But it does not work that way. 

The only way to loosen the politicos’ grip is to restore the sovereignty of the unpaid citizen.  This is feasible.  Enough citizens will spontaneously rise to the occasion (and are already doing so).  The trick is to ensure that they are not obstructed and sabotaged by a political class that postures as their friends, stabs them in the back, and imposes a tyranny that is less physical than mental.  That means bypassing the political class of the right more than the left.  It is they whose fecklessness enables the tyranny.  As long as we defer to them, rather than seizing the initiative, we enable it, too.

Stephen Baskerville is Professor of Political Studies at the Collegium Intermarium in Warsaw.  His latest book, Why Did It Happen? Why America Went “Communist” and How to Undo It, where points in this article are documented and specific remedies suggested, will be published by Amsterdam Books.  His other books can be found on

[1] Arthur Milikh, ed., Up from Conservatism: Revitalizing the Right after a Generation of Decay (Encounter, 2023), Introduction, vii; Michael Anton, “The Pessimistic Case for the Future” (in the same volume), 14.  See my  review in Chronicles magazine, “A Conservative Self-Critique,” January 2024.

Image: Don Hankins via FlickrCC BY 2.0 (cropped).

Time to Deep-Six the Democrats' Brand of Democracy

The Democrats warn us almost daily that re-electing Donald Trump in 2024 will spell the end of democracy. But, technically, do we even live in a country whose constitution established us as a "democracy"?

When Benjamin Franklin left the Constitutional Convention of 1787, he was greeted by a woman who asked him point-blank, "Well, doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?" Mr. Franklin's terse response: "A republic, madam -- if you can keep it."

It is significant that Franklin did not say that the form of government that the Founders created was a democracy. We are, in fact, as most of us know (or should certainly know), a constitutional republic.

We are not a country where 51% of citizens can outvote the other 49%, then tell them what they can and cannot do. We are a representative government with checks and balances built in as guaranteed safeguards against a majority of strong-willed individuals lording it over the meek, timid, and disadvantaged. Both majority and minority have a true say in how every citizen is governed.

The First Amendment guaranteeing free speech has always been key if we hope to "keep the republic." Once that is co-opted -- then controlled and censored -- an unsuspecting public will be easily swayed into thinking in line with whatever ensures that an elite few can gain and maintain power. Manipulating the masses is the goal.

Election season is always ripe for the misuse of our First Amendment. If the leftist elites that currently control the many facets of our culture -- the press, academia, entertainment, business and, yes, even many religious institutions -- continue unabated, the noble idea and ideals upon which America was established will soon become a regrettable lost cause of the past.

Obviously, two powerful forces remain in the battle to control America through the presidency in this year's election. On one side, the Democrats with their twisted definition of America, aided by a Deep State, far-left, globalist, RINO, and woke contingency; on the other, all those pushing back, whether part of the America First and MAGA crowd or the myriad other freedom-loving citizens of all stripes awake to the evil that has accelerated over these past three years.

Since the 2020 presidential contest, which was declared by the powers that be "the most secure election in American history," there is a majority of citizens who have serious doubts about the validity of the result. Another percentage naively believe that that sort of third-world, election-stealing shenanigans could never happen here. And yet another, smaller group knows for a fact that the election was not secure in the least, because they themselves were flat-out involved in rigging and stealing it. On November 3rd through 6th of 2020, a group of Democrat operatives blatantly and quite effectively ended the concept of free and fair elections, thus negating one of the keystones of self-rule by We the People.

Building upon that 2020 "win," Democrats and their tyrannical gang have since targeted anyone who stands in the way of their fundamental transformation of this country, President Trump chief among their adversaries. As Trump so often reminds us, the Left is not after him, they are after independent, free-thinking, non-compliant Americans. He's just standing in their way.

And stand he has.

After everything the Left has manufactured to take Trump out, every sort of imagined or concocted crime, Trump still stands. And, undeterred, fights back. He refuses to simply fade away. Democrats and their machine on the left roll out their revenge and retribution daily on Trump because he had the audacity to run for president in the first place. Then to win. Then to win a second time.

From the primary trail over the past several months, Trump has also highlighted that, besides honest elections, another crucial facet necessary for a country to exist as a sovereign nation is a secure border. We can all clearly see what the Biden administration has allowed to transpire at the southern border. Millions of illegal aliens have simply strolled across our wide-open borders and are now who-knows-where throughout our country. Does this indicate a government that is concerned about sovereignty or security in any way, shape, or form?

Other traits indicative of the Democrats' brand of democracy include publicly labeling political adversaries as "domestic terrorists"; using excessive force and exaggerating charges when arresting dissenters; imprisoning protestors, such as those involved on January 6, without charges and due process; championing mob violence and looting from the progressive far Left; and so many additional tactics that might more readily apply to fascism than democracy.

All these destructive features touted by the Biden administration help to reveal the democracy to which the Democrats refer. And we need to squelch it sooner rather than later.

November 5th would be just in the nick of time.

Albin Sadar is author of Obvious: Seeing the Evil That’s in Plain Sight and Doing Something About It, as well as the children’s book collection Hamster Holmes: Box of Mysteries. Albin was formerly the producer of “The Eric Metaxas Show.”


Texas billionaire John Arnold joined the board of Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram. Arnold has donated millions of dollars to organizations dedicated to censoring “disinformation,” which usually takes the form of stifling the free speech rights of Americans.


Why the Democrats Can't Replace Biden

After the release of Special Counsel Kennth Hur’s report on Joe Biden’s mishandling classified documents and then the President’s performance several hours later in his hastily convened press conference, a number of Democrats fleetingly expressed misgivings about the head of their party’s reelection prospects next November. Let’s face it -- if your Grandpa likewise raved and ranted after his memory and mental acuity had been called into question, you would seriously start to consider taking away his car keys. Adding to the Dems electoral hyper-anxiety is the fact that the President’s forgetfulness and confused ramblings won’t ameliorate on the hustings over the next eight months -- they can only worsen. Conversely, Donald Trump, while only a few years younger, campaigns as if possessed of the vitality of a honey badger.

If, as Democrats tirelessly pronounce, Donald Trump indeed posed such a grave threat to democracy, not to mention the American Way of Life, you would think their party’s leaders would have substituted a less-doddering presidential candidate with higher approval polls long before now. The success of Democrat candidates up and down November’s ballot depend on a strong showing from Biden in the general election. Admittedly, the President might not willingly be pushed aside because he has a son and brother to protect from even a slightly more independent DoJ. Theoretically, the leaders of his party could bring overwhelming pressure to bear on Biden and his family for him to bow out for “health reasons” before the August National Convention, effectively triggering a Dismissal on Request (DOR). But any such move is unlikely this side of a disabling stroke or conspicuous manifestations of acute dementia, because they simply cannot put forward any replacement candidate who is both politically propitious and acceptable.

Ordinarily, Biden’s understudy in these circumstances would be his Vice-President Kamala Harris. However, Harris is, in her own inimitable way, as rambling and incoherent as the 81-year-old man she would replace on the ballot. Harris immeasurably distresses loyalists in her own party whenever she appears before a camera even more than Biden does, because she frequently speaks as though she were a skipping record. Even more distressing, Harris is the only national politician holding even lower approval ratings than Biden. But you can’t tell that to the Vice-President: she’s blithely announced that she’s ready to serve as our nation’s chief executive; pushing her aside without her protesting terrifically, even if only behind the scenes, would be next to impossible.

Were Democrat sachems somehow able to find a way to bully Harris into stepping aside graciously for another nationally prominent Democrat, such as California governor Gavin Newsom, bypassing the vice president would result in an even greater electoral disaster by infuriating two of the Democrat’s key constituencies: women and African Americans. Before the party consensus unexpectedly (and conveniently) coalesced around Biden shortly into the 2020 DemocraticParty primary season, Harris and no less than five other women, no matter how briefly, vied for their party’s nomination and might be seen by woman voters as rightfully possessing the prior claim. Going back for grievances even further, some African Americans declined to cast a vote for Hillary Clinton during the 2016 presidential general election in part because she had the effrontery to run against Barack Obama in the Democrat primaries eight years earlier – notwithstanding his enthusiastic support of her campaign against Donald Trump. The unavoidable downside to the Democrats’ topmost electoral strategy of turning out huge margins from the core segments of their base on Election Day is that they cannot afford to disaffect any of those needed voters to any significant degree.

Privately, Democrats may be pining badly for Michelle Obama to leap-frog ahead of the vice president without splintering the party faithful. The former first lady would presumably campaign arm-in-arm with her husband on the old party platform of “two presidents for the price of one.” But on more than one occasion, Ms. Obama has essentially announced through her and her husband’s political associates that she has no intention of running for the Oval Office. Who can blame her? She has always been repelled by the tawdriness of retail American politics, and she is well satisfied with her and her husband’s place in American history. Whoever becomes president next year will encounter a continuing steam of foreign and domestic calamities, as well as well-nigh insurmountable financial challenges. Michelle Obama is justifiably prudent in her unwillingness to subject herself and her family to lower approval ratings this time next year than either Joe Biden or Donald Trump are scoring this year.

Following a reassessment of their November prospects therefore, the Democrat party has fallen in lockstep, however wistfully, behind the candidate it’s got. In order to thwart the “fascist” Donald Trump and his MAGA Republican followers, Dems will force themselves to campaign as though they did not privately dread that Biden might -- at any minute -- manifest an acute level of clinical senility in public. Tactically, Democrat politicians and administration officials are now recounting second-hand instances of Biden’s astounding total recall and cerebral mastery, no matter how these accounts are belied by what the public has seen and will see in the months to come. At the same time, party apparatchiks have been launching ferocious attacks on the so-called “gratuitous” remarks in the Special Counsel’s report, entirely forgetting that the SC learned the art of drafting “knife in the back” no-charges prosecutorial memoranda during his time working for SC Robert Mueller on the Russian Collusion investigation. And when the voters see the transcripts of Biden’s interviews with SC Hur or hear the actual recordings, should the White House’s recently lodged objections to their release be overcome, Democrats may find that gratuitousness is often in the eye of the beholder.

But you can’t really blame the Democrats for desperately trying to hide, minimize, and outright reject the perturbing and increasingly embarrassing progression of physical and cognitive deficits in their party’s candidate for president. Right up until the day after Tuesday, November 5, they got no place else to go.

Image: White House

Senior Contributor Peter Schweizer’s new book Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans.

4 Chinese Nationals Arrested as Georgia Authorities Allege Illicit $22 Million Marijuana Farm

4 Chinese Nationals Arrested as Georgia Authorities Allege Illicit $22 Million Marijuana Farm
Cannabis plants seized by the Pierce County Sheriff's Office in Georgia in February, 2024. (Georgia Department of Agriculture photo/Released)

‘Blood Money’: Why Mitch McConnell Won’t Talk About China’s Drug War Against America

WASHINGTON, DC - JANUARY 23: Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) speaks during a
Samuel Corum/Getty Images

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) often lectures his Senate colleagues on the urgency of continuing to fund Ukraine’s war against Russia, but there’s an issue more urgent to the American people he has not adequately addressed, according to Breitbart News Senior Contributor Peter Schweizer’s new book Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans.

In Blood Money, Schweizer reveals China’s “Disintegration Warfare” plans to kill Americans and sow social chaos, detailing shocking evidence that China is intentionally and systematically exporting deadly fentanyl into the United States.

Despite that war raging in communities across America and claiming hundreds of thousands of lives, Schweizer writes that McConnell has never made China’s role supplying fentanyl a priority.

McConnell’s family, through his wife Elaine Chao’s father-in-law, has strong financial ties with the Chinese government, Schweizer explains. He says further that McConnell would put his family’s finances at risk by holding China’s leaders to account for what they’ve done to the American people. He writes:

The Chao family runs an international shipping business that is heavily dependent on the good graces of the Chinese government. The family businesses, Foremost Group and its subsidiaries, do considerable work with some of the companies named in this book, including Hutchison Port Holdings, which operates ports around the world and as we’ve shown, has been the subject of concern for decades about smuggling activities.

Hutchison enjoys a close working relationship with the Chinese government and military while conducting significant business with the Chao family businesses, Schweizer documents in his book. He also reveals that the company has deep ties with Chinese organized crime. And Hutchison has been flagged by U.S. officials for problems with smuggling weapons and other prohibited items, according to U.S. government reports he cites.

Elaine Chao (center) is flanked by her father (left) and her husband, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, (right) during her confirmation hearing to be the U.S. Secretary of Transportation on January 11, 2017, in Washington, DC. (Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)

The December 2017 signing ceremony between the Chao family’s Foremost Group and the state-owned China State Shipbuilding Corporation (CSSC)

In Mexico, Hutchison controls and operates the international terminals in Manzanillo and Puerto de Lazaro Cardenas. U.S. officials believe 90 percent of fentanyl precursors arriving in Mexico from China come through Manzanillo alone, Schweizer writes. And the fentanyl produced there ends up in American communities.

A member of the Mexican Navy checks suspicious shipments for possible drugs at the pre-inspection area of the SSA precinct for detection of illicit substances in Manzanillo, Colima state, Mexico, on July 19, 2023. (ULISES RUIZ/AFP via Getty Images)

“The family’s dependence on Beijing’s favor for the operation of their business is real,” Schweizer says. “Were Senator McConnell to take action that angered the Chinese leadership, they could effectively destroy the Chao family business overnight.”

In 2019, when the opioid crisis was already responsible for tens of thousands of deaths – including in McConnell’s home state of Kentucky, which was particularly hard hit – the Washington Post asked the Republican leader what he had done to deal with the fentanyl crisis. According to Blood Money, “McConnell’s office told the paper that he had ‘taken meaningful steps to address the opioid crisis, including holding roundtables in his home state.’ He had also ‘led an effort in 2015 and again in 2018 to address opioid addiction in pregnant women.'”

On Wednesday, McConnell announced that he will step down from his leadership position in the Senate later this year.

Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans is available now in hardcover, ebook, and audiobook.

Support Pours in for New York Mother After Loss of Toddler to Fentanyl

China Blinken

A New York toddler’s mysterious fentanyl overdose has tormented her mother for almost a year. Though the pain of losing her daughter will never go away, strangers from around the world have stepped in to help lessen the weight.

Mehlaya succumbed to a fatal overdose at her grandmother’s Syracuse home when she was just two years old on April 25, 2023, reported. No charges were filed in relation to her death, and the Onondaga District Attorney’s Office is still investigating ten months later.

Meanwhile, Heaven Blue has been distraught — carrying her late daughter’s remains in a zip-lock bag whenever she goes. 

A recent interview with Blue has gone viral, touching the hearts of many people who heard and related to her story. 

In a January 25 video that has since been viewed over 1.2 million times, Blue recalled how becoming a mom to Mehlaya at just 18 years old gave her “strength.”

Describing how she went through her teenage pregnancy alone after being bounced between foster care and group homes, she said, “I chose to have my daughter because I didn’t have a mom. My mom battled with mental illness.”

“I told myself the first time I had a baby, I’m gonna be the best mom I never had,” Blue told

“It was very hard but my daughter became my best friend,” she continued, describing Mehlaya as “the light that I never knew I needed.”

When she received a call that her daughter wasn’t breathing while she was at work, Blue said she felt her heart “shatter.”

“I haven’t felt it come back since,” the mourning mother said, recalling how her daughter was already dead when she rushed to the hospital.

“I let her go with people that I thought … was going to be good to her,” Blue said. “But my daughter died from an overdose with fentanyl in her system. And nobody … knows how that happened.”

“I don’t want nobody to have to feel that pain … I want justice for Lay-Lay,” the mother added, showing her plastic bag full of her baby’s ashes. 

Following the interview, Blue received thousands of comments with support and prayers from around the globe.

One kind stranger even donated an urn and a locket so that she could properly store Mehlaya’s remains.

Rochelle Swieton of Central New York sent the items to Blue, who immediately relocated her baby’s ashes to them.

Swieton told the outlet that she feels better knowing the locket will allow Mehlaya to still be physically close to Blue’s heart.

“The article touched me in a way that is hard to explain,” Swieton said. “I felt such sadness for Heaven and Mehlaya.”

According to Blue, “It’s the first time after my daughter’s death that I’ve felt OK, that I’ve felt like I’m not alone.”

“It’s the best love I’ve felt since my daughter died,” she added. “I appreciate all the love and support.”

GoFundMe page created by Blue has also received over $5,000 in donations from those who want to help the mother get back on her feet and get justice for her child.

As the fentanyl crisis sweeps across the U.S., Breitbart News senior contributor Peter Schweizer has worked to reveal who is really behind the deliberate poisoning of American youth.

In his latest book, Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans, the seven-time New York Times bestselling author revealed how Chinese dictator Xi Jinping has allowed criminal groups to push fentanyl into the U.S.

breakdown of the book uncovered five ties between Xi and organized crime groups.


For George Soros it was about control to gain influence, access, and special treatment.  After the election Biden formed a transition team that staffed itself with people connected to Soros.

But his money also played a part.  Soros spent over $70 million on activities that backed Biden's candidacy.  Soros bought frequent access to Obama.  That access returned under Biden.  Biden's Kampf

The Investor Who Rules the World | George Soros Documentary


“Obama would declare himself president for life with Soros really running the show, as he did for the entire Obama presidency.”


The Investor Who Rules the World | George Soros Documentary


George Soros Donates $125 Million to Democrats Before November Midterms 


Those are the subliterate, low-skill, non-English-speaking indigents whose own societies are unable or unwilling to usefully educate and employ them. Bring these people here and they not only need a lot of services, they are putty in the hands of leftist demogogues as Hugo Chavez demonstrated - and they are very useful as leftist voters who will support the Soros agenda.


Records: Son of Billionaire Democrat Donor George

Soros Has Visited the White House 14 Times

Time to Deep-Six the Democrats' Brand of


The Democrats warn us almost daily that re-electing Donald Trump in 2024 will spell the end of democracy. But, technically, do we even live in a country whose constitution established us as a "democracy"?

When Benjamin Franklin left the Constitutional Convention of 1787, he was greeted by a woman who asked him point-blank, "Well, doctor, what have we got? A republic or a monarchy?" Mr. Franklin's terse response: "A republic, madam -- if you can keep it."

It is significant that Franklin did not say that the form of government that the Founders created was a democracy. We are, in fact, as most of us know (or should certainly know), a constitutional republic.

We are not a country where 51% of citizens can outvote the other 49%, then tell them what they can and cannot do. We are a representative government with checks and balances built in as guaranteed safeguards against a majority of strong-willed individuals lording it over the meek, timid, and disadvantaged. Both majority and minority have a true say in how every citizen is governed.

The First Amendment guaranteeing free speech

has always been key if we hope to "keep the

republic." Once that is co-opted -- then

controlled and censored -- an unsuspecting

public will be easily swayed into thinking in line

with whatever ensures that an elite few can gain

and maintain power. Manipulating the masses is

the goal.

Election season is always ripe for the misuse of our First Amendment. If the leftist elites that currently control the many facets of our culture -- the press, academia, entertainment, business and, yes, even many religious institutions -- continue unabated, the noble idea and ideals upon which America was established will soon become a regrettable lost cause of the past.

Obviously, two powerful forces remain in the battle to control America through the presidency in this year's election. On one side, the Democrats with their twisted definition of America, aided by a Deep State, far-left, globalist, RINO, and woke contingency; on the other, all those pushing back, whether part of the America First and MAGA crowd or the myriad other freedom-loving citizens of all stripes awake to the evil that has accelerated over these past three years.

Since the 2020 presidential contest, which was declared by the powers that be "the most secure election in American history," there is a majority of citizens who have serious doubts about the validity of the result. Another percentage naively believe that that sort of third-world, election-stealing shenanigans could never happen here. And yet another, smaller group knows for a fact that the election was not secure in the least, because they themselves were flat-out involved in rigging and stealing it. On November 3rd through 6th of 2020, a group of Democrat operatives blatantly and quite effectively ended the concept of free and fair elections, thus negating one of the keystones of self-rule by We the People.

Building upon that 2020 "win," Democrats and their tyrannical gang have since targeted anyone who stands in the way of their fundamental transformation of this country, President Trump chief among their adversaries. As Trump so often reminds us, the Left is not after him, they are after independent, free-thinking, non-compliant Americans. He's just standing in their way.

And stand he has.

After everything the Left has manufactured to take Trump out, every sort of imagined or concocted crime, Trump still stands. And, undeterred, fights back. He refuses to simply fade away. Democrats and their machine on the left roll out their revenge and retribution daily on Trump because he had the audacity to run for president in the first place. Then to win. Then to win a second time.

From the primary trail over the past several months, Trump has also highlighted that, besides honest elections, another crucial facet necessary for a country to exist as a sovereign nation is a secure border. We can all clearly see what the Biden administration has allowed to transpire at the southern border. Millions of illegal aliens have simply strolled across our wide-open borders and are now who-knows-where throughout our country. Does this indicate a government that is concerned about sovereignty or security in any way, shape, or form?

Other traits indicative of the Democrats' brand of democracy include publicly labeling political adversaries as "domestic terrorists"; using excessive force and exaggerating charges when arresting dissenters; imprisoning protestors, such as those involved on January 6, without charges and due process; championing mob violence and looting from the progressive far Left; and so many additional tactics that might more readily apply to fascism than democracy.

All these destructive features touted by the Biden administration help to reveal the democracy to which the Democrats refer. And we need to squelch it sooner rather than later.

November 5th would be just in the nick of time.

Albin Sadar is author of Obvious: Seeing the Evil That’s in Plain Sight and Doing Something About It, as well as the children’s book collection Hamster Holmes: Box of Mysteries. Albin was formerly the producer of “The Eric Metaxas Show.”

Congress can deal a serious blow to the empire of extremists by reforming the tax code and closing the ‘terror loophole’ that enabled the ugly displays of hatred in New York City. And across America. If BLM wasn’t enough of a wake up call, the Islamic terrorist rallies within miles of Ground Zero ought to be. It’s time for Congress to defund the Soros Hamas insurrection. DANIEL GREENFIELD

Anti-Semitism may be Coming to Your Radio Station

Don’t be shocked if you tune in to your favorite conservative talk-radio show and instead hear someone of the same political stance as Rachel Maddow or Joy Reid. Before you crash your car or fall out of your chair, you should know what is taking place, why it is taking place, and your role in preventing what could be a severe reduction in conservative and pro-Israel voices on terrestrial radio.

George Soros, via Soros Fund Management (SFM), has acquired via a bankruptcy bailout a majority position in Audacy Inc, the licensee of 235 radio stations in the United States, plus digital programming, and podcasting outlets. Nationally, Audacy, the second largest radio company in America, claims to reach 200 million people a month through its various distribution channels including a near-monopoly on news and talk-formatted stations in many markets.

Here is what happened: Audacy, headquartered in Philadelphia, recently declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy. In its recovery plan, it agreed to have various revenue sources buy its bank debt, and convert the debt to an equity stake in the new Audacy. SFM stepped up and acquired $415 million or about 40% of the broadcaster’s senior debt, making it the largest and controlling shareholder.

Here is why this should be of concern to all Americans, and especially for Jews across the country: Soros has shown us exactly what his game plan is. In 2022, the Soros-backed Latino Media Network, an affiliate of SGM, acquired an 18-station group of Spanish-language radio stations located in Florida serving the Cuban-American community. When the Latino Media Ntetwork bought them, they were center-right in their programming orientation and doing very well. Afterward, the stations’ programming flipped far to the Left in order to influence their audiences in that direction. Likely, this is his prototype for Audacy.

As the Federal Communication Commission is barred from controlling programming, SFM (via station management) can mostly do what it wants with the stations it is acquiring -- unless listeners and other interested parties (that would be us) can show the FCC commissioners that the company is unqualified to be a licensee.

SFM is largely owned by the same George Soros who, as reported in the New York Postfunneled $15 million to pro-Hamas groups in the United States between 2016-2023. Much of this went to the Tides Center, which in turn granted the money to the virulent groups organizing pro-Hamas and BDS protests in the U.S. Now they may be getting a big. megaphone for their views.

What about American support for Israel? Exactly where does this leftist icon stand on the nation-state of the Jewish People? Soros has a long history generously supporting organizations whose goals are to undermine or to outright destroy the Jewish state. In October, 2023, hundreds of protesters representing two anti-Israel groups funded by Soros’ Open Society Foundations (OSF) -- Jewish Voice for Peace and IfNotNow -- infiltrated the Capitol to protest Israels alleged but false genocide” and blaming Israel for the October 7 mass rape and massacre. In 2007, Soros wrote an opinion piece in the Financial Times headlined America and Israel Must Open the Door to Hamas,” and in 2023 George Soros called for Israel to immediately begin a ceasefire and all the while funded a pro-Hamas organization called Al-Shabaka with more than half a million dollars.

As it relates to Israel, the OSF has been accused in the Israeli press of funding anti-Israel activist groups including Adalah, I’LAM and “Palestinian Citizens of Israel.” In 2013, Israel’s NGO Monitor released a report that OSF funding “contributes significantly to anti-Israel campaigns in three important respects:

  1. Active in the Durban Strategy, which declared Palestinian residents of Israel are treated as second-class citizens and (falsely) equated Zionism with racism (this draft of the Declaration was so offensive that the U.S. and Israel withdrew from the conference;)
  2. Funding aimed at weakening United States support for Israel by shifting public opinion regarding the Arab war against Israel, and Iran;
  3. Funding for Israeli political opposition groups on the fringes of Israeli society which use the rhetoric of human rights to advocate for marginal political goals.”

Finally, Soros, through OFC, created a $1.8 million fund intended to train budding journalists to be assigned to keep track of “state government issues.” He created a boot camp of sorts in which to school them, no doubt, in his progressivism. In fact, this effort was done in cooperation with National Public Radio (NPR), the anti-Semitic public radio network. Some say NPR stands for National Palestinian Radio,” its reporting is so biased. The Soros “trained” journalists are placed at NPR stations throughout the country.

What can be done to prevent this massive radio group from coming under the control of the Soros affiliates? A bankruptcy judge has approved Audacys plan to come out of bankruptcy, including Soros’ acquisition of majority interest in the company. However, because this constitutes a change in control of the broadcasting company, it needs the approval of the FCC to take place. An outpouring of letters to the FCC Chairperson Jessica Rosenworcel, and other commissioners might get them to take a closer look at the transaction and possibly question Soros/SFM’s fitness as a licensee. Contact information for the FCC can be found here.

Having hundreds of stations and digital outlets under Soros’ influence is dangerous for America and especially Jewry, and although time is very tight, the control of Audacy by an avowed anti-Zionist is something we Americans must try to derail.


Enormous in scope, the censorship machine that has made a mockery of the First Amendment was driven by powerful forces that went far beyond the Silicon Valley tech companies themselves — though they are major culprits.


Ben Carson Warns Of 'An Entirely New Threat To Our Country'


I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to undeclared nuclear war.                                REP.    TULSI GABBARD

1:29 / 1:48


Tulsi Gabbard Speech on President Biden



Texas Billionaire John Arnold Joins Meta Board After Funding ‘Misinformation’ Censorship

Mark Zuckerberg Facebook creepy smile

Texas billionaire John Arnold joined the board of Mark Zuckerberg’s Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram. Arnold has donated millions of dollars to organizations dedicated to censoring “disinformation,” which usually takes the form of stifling the free speech rights of Americans.

Meta announced in mid-February that Arnold has joined the company’s board of directors. Arnold founded and co-chairs Arnold Ventures, a philanthropic organization dedicated to advancing criminal justice and others issues. The move is concerning because of Arnold’s apparent dedication to censorship of what he believes is “misinformation” as America approaches a presidential election.

Mark Zuckerberg is already making changes to the Facebook algorithm that diminish news in favor of lighter content, and adding a censorship zealot to the board may forecast his strategy to impact the 2024 election in favor of the Democrats.

Texas Billionaire John Arnold and his wife Laura

Texas Billionaire John Arnold and his wife Laura (Arnold Ventures)

As the Washington Examiner detailed, Arnold Ventures has given $13.7 million to five groups dedicated to combat alleged disinformation, which often up targeting free speech as part of larger censorship machine.

As former Breitbart News report Allum Bokhari explained:

Enormous in scope, the censorship machine that has made a mockery of the First Amendment was driven by powerful forces that went far beyond the Silicon Valley tech companies themselves — though they are major culprits.

Corporate media companies, billionaire philanthropists and foundations, academics, associations, and the deep state all joined forces to create a vast, international web of organizations that conspired to suppress Americans’ free speech rights, and the free speech of people around the globe in the form of so-called “disinformation” experts.

Arnold Ventures has granted the American Journalism Project (AJP) $9.7 million; the AJP invests in local news and nonprofit groups. “In the absence of trusted news sources, we see targeted disinformation campaigns, including efforts to spread misinformation through social networks and websites masquerading as news brands,” AJP stated on its website.

The group has partnered with the Racial Equity in Journalism Fund, which has donated millions of dollars to leftist news outlets.

Arnold Ventures also donated over

 $13.5 million the New Venture Fund.

 The New Venture Fund created the

 Media Democracy Fund, which was

 reportedly “instrumental” in the leftist

 push to enact net neutrality regulations

 during the Obama administration.

Scott Walter, the president of the Capital Research Center (CRC), a conservative investigative think tank, said of Arnold Ventures: “It’s especially sad to see them backing the left-wing scam of cancel culture camouflaged under the label of fighting misinformation and disinformation.”

Arnold Ventures donated $1.5 million to the Social Science Research Council, a nonprofit group that does social science research. The grants to the council’s Social Media and Democracy Initiative.

The Examiner explained:

The Social Science Research Council operates a project called Mediawell that “curates research and news on digital disinformation and misinformation,” according to its website. Mediawell, for instance, promotes an article on its website that is titled “Fighting an indestructible monster: Journalism’s legitimacy narratives during the Trump Era.”

Mediawell also promotes an Axios article on its website that is titled “Racist ‘white replacement theory’ goes mainstream with Republicans” and a New Yorker piece titled “How a Conservative Activist Invented the Conflict Over Critical Race Theory” about right-wing education activist Christopher Rufo.

The council operates the Mercury Project, a $25 million project hand out grants to groups studying alleged misinformation and disinformation related to vaccines and public health.

Arnold’s philanthropic group granted over $1.1 million MapLight, a leftist nonprofit group tracking money and politics in elections. MapLight has released articles on how to tackle “electoral misinformation” and how to “fight disinformation and safeguard elections.”

However, the the president of Maplight has since told the Examiner that the group no longer focuses on disinformation.

Arnold Ventures has donated $500,000 to the Lenfest Institute for Journalism, which funds media operations. The group then funded two leftist news outlets, Spotlight PA and Capital B News. Spotlight PA has regularly published articles on misinformation and disinformation.

Arnold Ventures also donated half of a million dollars to Global Witness, a nonprofit which published a study on “election disinformation” in the U.S. The group also called on TikTok, Meta, and YouTube increasingly censor ahead of the midterm elections. Another article criticized Meta for not censoring “far-right hate speech” in Norway, as the country was allegedly seeing a rise in “far-right parties.”

These are just a few of the leftist-funded organizations that seek to stifle free speech in the name of combatting alleged disinformation and misinformation.

Organizations that Arnold doesn’t have ties to yet act as fellow travelers  in the censorship machine include The Global Disinformation Index (GDI), a United Kingdom-based think tank, maintains a “Dynamic Exclusion List” used to blacklist conservative media websites.

Dr. Daniel Rogers, a cofounder and executive director of GDI, wrote an op-ed for Time magazine calling for sweeping tech regulations to block Donald Trump or “someone like him” from getting elected.

Sean Moran is a policy reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.

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