Tuesday, June 21, 2022

AMERICA'S BLACK CRIME TIDAL WAVE - How You Get the Left to Talk Honestly About Black Crime A disturbing look at the FBI’s data on race and animal-cruelty offenses.




Four BLACK teens will be tried as adults on

second-degree murder charges in New Orleans

after prosecutors said they carjacked 73-year-

d grandmother Linda Frickley and dragged her

down the street while she was still attached to

her vehicle until her arm was severed. She died

on the scene moments later, WWL reported.


How You Get the Left to Talk Honestly About Black Crime

A disturbing look at the FBI’s data on race and animal-cruelty offenses.


Discussing black crime in America isn’t easy. For decades, the FBI has collected all kinds of race and crime data from state police, so we have the information. But due to a ton of negative black disparities showing up in the data, the mainstream media pursues a policy of silence on the issue, turning it as a result into a taboo topic.

But as progressives say: “silence is violence.” Like any policy area, when you refuse full and frank discussion about crime, bad policies get implemented and good people get hurt. Take as an example the reckless driving-equivalent of the “Ferguson Effect” Tucker Carlson recently revealed. Tucked-away in a Department of Transportation (DOT) report from last year was a short series of data points showing that black traffic fatalities surged an astounding 40 percent from 2019 to 2020. This means over half of all vehicular homicide-victims that year were black. Needless to say, this was a giant deviation from the norm; one which deserved, you would have thought, a pro-active, open discussion from police and the DOT. Instead, it was completely ignored. 

Interestingly, the data showed the increase largely taking place after George Floyd’s death in May 2020. As Carlson’s report claimed, during this period, police in many parts of the country were instructed to stand down when it came to arresting reckless black drivers so as to reduce the potential for violent altercations. While the fatality figures soon came down, they stayed lofty for months, meaning the police's policy of intentional inaction persisted well after the spike in killings became known. As a result, likely thousands of needless deaths occurred, the majority being black. Again, silence is violence. 

So, can it be done? Can progressives, liberals and tepid conservatives be pushed to engage with whatever part of black culture that is at the source of high black crime-rates? Likely yes, and here’s how. 

Animal Cruelty and Pet Ownership

Few in the world adore their pets like Americans do. In 2020, US pet owners spent $103 billion on pet care. Sixty-nine million US households, over 3/4s of them all, currently own a dog—the Labrador retriever being the long-time favorite. A whopping 76 percent of millennials own a dog or a cat; the highest among all demographics.

Likewise, few people condemn animal cruelty like Americans do. All 50 states have had laws prohibiting it for decades (with Maine apparently being the strictest), and, in 2019, the federal penalty against animal cruelty was graduated from a misdemeanor to a felony punishable by up to seven years in prison. 

And consider the dizzying array of animal-rights groups in the US. Although typically composed of progressives and the more compassionate among us, legal academic Justin Marceau notes how these groups have been at the forefront of ratcheting up animal-cruelty laws, including the pursuit of mandatory minimums, increased felony prosecutions, prosecuting young offenders as adults, and the establishment of offender registries. Interestingly, this has set up a clash with fellow progressives in the “criminal justice reform” movement and those who impugn America’s “carceral state” as an apparent expression of its institutional racism and entrenched white supremacy. 

As Marceau writes, apparently so driven is this part of the progressive camp, they are even willing to pause their general xenophilic tendencies and attack certain foreign cultural practices such as Japanese dolphin hunts, indigenous whaling, and the consumption of dog meat and shark fins in Asian cultures. Consider also 1993’s Church of the Lukumi Babalu Aye v. City of Hialeah case in which the People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) submitted a friend-of-the-court brief to the Supreme Court arguing against the religious freedom of the West African Santeria adherents to sacrifice animals. The animal rights battle puts them in direct conflict with progressives’ biggest shibboleth of race.

Also noteworthy is their refusal to back down. Take the Michael Vick case of 2007, in which the NFL star (pictured above) was convicted of multiple Pit Bull killings linked to an underground dogfighting ring he led. As Marceau recounts, groups like the Animal Law Defense Fund (ALDF) condemned calls to forgive Vick and allow him to return to society after his 14-month sentence, calling it mere “hollow rhetoric.” The ALDF even condemned the much-vaunted NAACP when the latter called for empathy for Vick on account of his childhood poverty and early exposure to dogfighting—“ridiculous” excuses, they said

ALDF's then-executive director Joyce Tischler firmly rebuked the famed black advocacy group, saying their “active embrace of Vick appears to be a classic case of the good old boys circling the wagons to protect one of their own”—a tone which almost no conservative would dare take up. Further, the ALDF and others called on the NFL to ban Vick permanently, while one enterprising company even created a Michael Vick dog chew toy

Most would agree this is not a typical reaction from progressives when it comes to black criminal behavior, and you would be hard-pressed to find another area of crime so sternly (and fairly) treated.

So, if we can’t have frank talk about the widely varying levels of rape, violent crime, and hate crime within black communities, perhaps we can at least discuss black animal-cruelty rates? After all, those rates within black society are just as disproportionate. And chances are the toxic cultural traits that lead to such disparities are similar.

FBI Statistics

Unlike other crime datasets, the FBI has only reported animal-cruelty information for a few years. The data also could be more comprehensive, as a minority of states still don’t report. Still, what’s available demands attention.

The large majority of reported cases are for animal neglect and, more disturbingly, direct abuse and torture. According to FBI records, 75 percent of them take place in people’s homes with another 12 percent occurring on roads, sidewalks, and parking garages. In 2016, the FBI’s first reporting year, offenses linked to blacks was 25 percent of the total—a rate double their demographic. In 2019, the FBI’s last reporting year, the figure was about the same. 

One obscure 2009 survey seems to concur with these findings. When asked to admit to having animal abuse in one’s past, blacks answered in the affirmative, again, at twice the rate of their population. Further, from the results, survey analysts concluded blacks were 30 percent more likely to harm an animal than whites were. 

These figures are even more glaring when one considers pet-ownership rates. If blacks owned pets at rates double their own population, their cruelty offense-rates would be less of a concern. But this is not the case. White ownership rates have been shown to be double, even triple, that of blacks, meaning the latter’s propensity for animal cruelty is actually far higher than what’s showing in the FBI’s figures. 

The (“Too White”) Animal Rights Movement

Animal-shelter volunteerism, animal-rights activism, and veganism are clear indications of a heightened compassion for animals. I am unaware of any data showing the racial breakdown of each, but there’s plenty of black commentary saying the general area is a “white person’s thing.” That this is so almost always gets defensively reframed through a prism of victimization. As Aph Ko writes for Everyday Feminism, it’s no surprise that whites are disproportionately vegan “given that most mainstream representations of veganism are dominated by white bodies and most of the activism revolves around prioritizing theories born from white people and their perspectives.” Yes, blacks aren’t into veganism as much, but it’s not their fault.

Elsewhere, it’s claimed whites care “too much” about animals. In reaction to the outcry following the killing of Cecil the Lion in 2015, black feminist and New York Times columnist Roxane Gay wrote: “I’m personally going to start wearing a lion costume when I leave my house so if I get shot, people will care”—the hunter in that case was white and had to hire armed guards after receiving multiple death threats.

Similarly, when complaining about whites’ supposed penchant for bringing animals into malls and on to airplanes, The Root’s Michael Harriot took this as an indication that whites care too much about animals generally, concluding Black people love pets, too, just not as much as white people… White people love dogs. Black people love their dogs.” Unlike whites, blacks “simply understand the difference between an animal and a person,” writes one Medium contributor. 

Then there’s the fallback on historical racism. Part of the alienation blacks face towards the animal rights movement, we’re told, is due to the history of whites “animalizing” blacks; that is, whites quite literally treating blacks like animals in order to justify “abusing,” “raping,” and using blacks ‘for labor without concern for their well-being.’ 

Similarly, blacks are said not to own as many dogs as whites because of America’s history of black slavery in which dogs were apparently widely used to police plantations. Aph Ko again: “Dogs have always been a part of whiteness, as well as a part of racism.”

Citing more up-to-date “racist” history, when Ethnic Studies professor Heidi Nast admitted dogfighting within black communities is a relatively common phenomenon, she pinned it to white-driven welfare reform in the 1980s, as poorer black communities needed to supplement their income with drug-dealing and this required using pit bulls for protection.

More present still, anti-black racism today apparently helps explain racial variances in animal care. One black PETA activist said it’s “difficult for communities like mine who live in oppressive environments to see past our own suffering enough to recognize the suffering of other animals.” Again, yes, blacks are relatively unconcerned with animal welfare, but that’s white people’s problem; not theirs.


Why the FBI’s data hasn’t been raised by animal-rights groups is, of course, a good question. It is possible, even given their demonstrated stridency, there really is a collective reluctance rooted in wanting to foster a positive black group-image. Although not an express animal-rights activist, one academic writing about the FBI’s animal-cruelty data collection methods avoided publishing any details on racial disparities in the data. She claimed there was ‘an error in the 2019 Excel file’ obtained from the FBI which made racial figures in particular for that year unclear, even though I managed to locate it on PDF as well and for more than just one year. She didn’t respond when I probed her about this via email.

But on top of the data being quite new, it’s actually extremely difficult to find online (unlike the FBI’s other race and crime data). And nowhere does the FBI promote it. Without being proactive about finding this data, I doubt anyone would come across it naturally. It’s safely assumed then that animal-rights groups are indeed unaware of it (but should be pushed to engage with it).

Given what we’ve seen from animal-rights groups, it might really be that what passes as an excuse on this issue from black commentators fails to carry as much truck as it does when silencing discussions about black crime-rates elsewhere. For whatever reason, animal cruelty-denialism presents a greater moral challenge to many Americans. At least, compared to, say, ignoring or dismissing the wildly disproportionate figures surrounding black and white interracial crime. It is likely then that white (and black) animal lovers might be the most willing to step into this breach. After all, if the central question for them is, how can we challenge animal cruelty and reduce practices like animal torture, it’s hard to see how they couldn’t.

John Kline is an attorney in Virginia. His writing has appeared at The American SpectatorRussia Today, and Law & Liberty. Visit him on Twitter: @JohnJKline99.



Heather Mac Donald


Public safety

The Social Order

As for interracial violence generally, blacks disproportionately commit it. Between 2012 and 2015, there were 631,830 violent interracial victimizations, excluding homicide, between blacks

and whites, according to the Bureau of Justice Statistics. Blacks, who make up 13 percent of the U.S. population, committed 85.5 percent of those victimizations, or 540,360 felonious assaults on 

whites, while whites, 61 percent of the population, committed 14.4 percent, or 91,470 felonious assaults on blacks. Regarding threats to blacks from the police, a police officer is 18.5 times more likely to be killed by a black male than an unarmed black male is to be killed by a police officer.




Anti-cop activist Shaun King says that his involvement in the campaign around the Jazmine Barnes murder was not driven by reports that a white man had killed the seven-year-old girl, who was gunned down in Houston on December 30. According to Barnes’s mother and 15-year-old sister, the white driver of a pickup truck had pulled up next to the family’s car before opening fire. The accusation set off a frenzy of hate-crime allegations and blanket coverage by the New York Times. King offered a $100,000 reward to anyone who located the suspect. 

As it turned out, Jazmine Barnes was killed by two black men, who opened fire on her mother’s car because they thought that they were targeting enemies of their gang. King passed along a tip about the real killers to the Houston police, and now says that he merely “internalized the pain of the family and tried to search as if it were my own child who was killed.” Race, in other words, had nothing to do with his activism. 

It’s worth remembering, though, the many other black children who have been victims of drive-by shootings without leading King to launch a national crusade.

A sampling: in March 2015, a six-year-old boy was killed in a drive-by shooting on West Florissant Avenue in St. Louis, as Black Lives Matter protesters were converging on the Ferguson, Missouri, Police Department to demand the resignation of the entire department. In August 2015, a nine-year-old girl was killed by a bullet from a drive-by shooting in Ferguson while doing her homework in her bedroom, blocks from the Black Lives Matter rioting thoroughfare. Five children were shot in Cleveland over the 2015 Fourth of July weekend. A seven-year-old boy was killed in Chicago that same weekend by a bullet intended for his father. In Cincinnati, in July 2015, a four-year-old girl was shot in the head and a six-year-old girl was left paralyzed and partially blind from two separate drive-by shootings. In Cleveland, three children five and younger were killed in September 2015, leading the black police chief to break down in tears and ask why the community only protests shootings of blacks when the perpetrator is a cop. In November 2015, a nine-year-old in Chicago was lured into an alley and killed by his father’s gang enemies; the father refused to cooperate with the police. All told, ten children under the age of ten were killed in Baltimore in 2015; twelve victims were between the age of ten and seventeen. 

In 2016, a three-year-old girl in Baltimore was partially paralyzed by a drive-by shooting. In Chicago in 2016, two dozen children under the age of 12 were shot in drive-bys, including a three-year-old boy mowed down on Father’s Day 2016 who is now paralyzed for life and a ten-year-old boy shot in August; his pancreas, intestines, kidney, and spleen were torn apart. A Jacksonville 22-month-old was shot to death by a passing car last June. In September, three men killed three-year-old Azalya Anderson in a drive-by in Sacramento, and a week before Christmas in Bridgeport, a 12-year-old boy was shot and killed on his way home from the candy store in a drive-by shooting.

Why did King let these shootings of black children go by without responding as he did to Jazmine Barnes’s murder? Could it be because the perpetrators were black? You could end all white shootings of black children tomorrow and it would have zero effect on the death rate of black children by homicide, because such white-on-black shootings are extremely rare. Moral abominations, like the 2015 Charleston church massacre by white supremacist Dylann Roof, are aberrations that belong to the outermost lunatic fringe of American society. The country’s revulsion at the Charleston carnage was immediate and universal, resulting in a movement to banish the Confederate flag, embraced by Roof as a white supremacist symbol, from official sites. 

If Shaun King and other Black Lives Matter activists really want to save black children from the trauma of urban violence, they should put their efforts into rebuilding inner-city culture—above all, by revalorizing a married father as the best gift a mother can give her child. Fantasies about white violence against “black bodies” are a distraction from what is actually happening on American streets.


Heather Mac Donald is the Thomas W. Smith Fellow at the Manhattan Institute, a contributing editor of City Journal, and the author of The War on Cops: How the New Attack on Law and Order Makes Everyone Less Safe and The Diversity Delusion: How Race and Gender Pandering Corrupt the University and Undermine Our Culture.


Walter Williams tackles the elephant in the room on crime


By John Dale Dunn


Dr. Williams is a well known conservative economist and longtime John Olin Chair faculty at George Mason University in eastern Virginia, author of 12 books and syndicated columnist.  In the past, he has been substitute host on the Rush Limbaugh radio program.  He is almost like family to me, and I have benefited from his essays and books over the years.  This past week, I saw and read his essay on disparities in crime rates among races that was picked up by Military in its October 2019 issue.  What got Dr. Williams going was the article by  Matthew DeLisi of Iowa State U and John Paul Wright of the U of Cincinnati titled "What Criminologists Don't Say and Why."

Dr. Williams confirms that the writers are right about the liberal tilt of criminologists — "If criminologists have the guts to even talk about a race-crime connection, it's behind closed doors and in guarded language.  Any discussion about race and crime ... can mean the end of one's professional career."  

Dr. Williams points out teen black-on-white predatory behavior — chronicled in detail by many, particularly Colin Flaherty, whose investigative reports appear frequently (more than 100) at American Thinker — cannot be reported, mentioned, or considered by the media, politicians,  criminologists, commentators, politicians, even law enforcement people without risking being called racist, the easy epithet used to enforce a ban on talking about the realities of racial disparities in crime and the increasingly violent nature of black violence against whites — the knockout game, polar bear hunting, flash mob violence against people and property.

Referencing the Wright and DeLisi report, Dr. Williams comments on another reality: that the rate of black homicide and armed robbery as well as other violent crimes are as is as much as 15–30 times more than whites, for example, and he points out the silliness of criminologists' claims that mass incarceration rather than criminality has decimated the black community.  He favorably quotes Wright and DeLisi when they say, "What they [criminals] did, in reality was to prey on their neighbors."

Dr. Williams returns to a theme he has explored many times before in this essay and commentary when he points out that the black family of the past was two parents and stable, even back to days of slavery, and that the black community was moral and law-abiding.  "The strong character of black people is responsible for the great progress made from emancipation to today. ... [T]oday's conduct among black youth wouldn't have been tolerated yesteryear."

My regret is there aren't enough Walter Williams and Thomas Sowell types to engage the nutty attitudes of liberal chatterbox experts.


John Dale Dunn, M.D., J.D. is an emergency physician, sheriff's medical officer and inactive attorney, policy and science adviser to the American Council on Science and Health of NYC and the Heartland Institute of Chicago.

 Report: Assailant on Loose After Punching Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer

An assailant punched Louisville, Kentucky, Mayor Greg Fischer (D) Saturday evening, though he “is doing fine,” the city’s police department said in a tweet.

An assailant punched Louisville, Kentucky, Mayor Greg Fischer (D) Saturday evening, though he “is doing fine,” the city’s police department said in a tweet.

The Louisville Metro Police Department noted in its tweet that Fischer was attacked at Fourth Street Live, an entertainment hub in downtown Louisville. The suspect remains at large. 

“LMPD is investigating & will release further information as it becomes available,” the LMPD said. “Anyone with information can call our anonymous tip line at 502-574-5673.”

On Sunday, the outgoing mayor sent out a Father’s Day tweet accompanied by a picture showing him with family. Fischer wears a big smile in the image and looks to be in good spirits. 

The mayor has served three terms since 2011 and will be leaving office once this current term expires. The Democratic nominee running to replace him, Craig Greenberg, tweeted his good wishes to Ficher following Saturday’s attack.

“Tonight my thoughts are with the Mayor and his family,” he stated. “Whoever is responsible for this assault needs to turn themselves in. We cannot solve our disagreements with violence.”

In February, a gunman shot at Greenberg at his campaign headquarters, and he stated that a bullet “grazed my sweater and my shirt,” the Associated Press noted. No one was injured in the shooting, Greenberg added. He will square off against Republican nominee Bill Dieruff, a former three-term mayor of Jeffersontown, in the general election this November.

“I will be the Mayor for Everybody to establish a strong sense of unity and equality for all people of Louisville Metro,” Dieruff’s campaign website states. “I want Louisville Metro to be a better place than it is today – a place where leadership is strong and serving people is a priority.”

At Least 47 Shot During Father’s Day Weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago

Chicago mayor Lori Lightfoot, left, speaks after Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker announced a shelter in place order to combat the spread of the Covid-19 virus, during a news conference Friday, March 20, 2020, in Chicago. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)
Charles Rex Arbogast/AP Photo

At least 47 people were shot, four of them fatally, during the Father’s Day weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago.

Breitbart News noted 32 people were shot, three of them fatally, Friday into Sunday morning alone.

By Monday morning the Chicago Sun-Times reported the overall number of weekend shooting victims had rise to 47, with one additional fatality.

WGN-TV claimed the overall number of weekend shooting victims as “at least 48.”

The latest fatality occurred “in the 6400-block of South Marshfield Avenue” at 8:30 p.m., which is when a 36-year-old woman was shot and fatally wounded.

The woman was shot in the head. She was transported to a hospital where she died.

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkinsa weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio and a Turning Point USA Ambassador. Follow him on Instagram: @awr_hawkins. Reach him at awrhawkins@breitbart.com. You can sign up to get Down Range at breitbart.com/downrange.

Who foments violence in America?

Our nation is being brutalized by violence in city after city.  NYChicagoBaltimore, St. Louis, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, and more.  Criminals are being allowed to run free among law-abiding citizens in Democrat-run cities throughout the country.  Soros-backed DAs were promoted precisely to do what they are doing:  foment crime and chaos.  Let the homicidal, drug-addled amongst our increasingly violent population run free to do what they do.

During the summer of 2020, BLM and Antifa wrought violence and did billions of dollars in damage across America.  The Democrat left supported those riots and raised money to bail out the perpetrators no matter what they had done.  Our media, of course, supported the rioters too; they love nothing better than exacerbating an already-explosive situation.  The media do not investigate the obvious possibility that the rioters were recruited and paid to do what they do.  Ask one of them why they are rioting and you will get a blank look.  They may be doing it for a paycheck, not principles or ideology.  

If only more Americans realized how contrived such domestic violence is and how planned and orchestrated by the left the events of January sixth were.  We are all pawns in their Marxist/ Stalinist plot to make the US part of a globalist/communist bloc administered by the ghouls at the World Economic Forum.

Who is it that wants to strip Americans of their Second Amendment right to bear arms?  The Democrat radicals of course.  How better to control a population once they have been stripped of any and all means to defend themselves?  Ask Stalin, Hitler and Mao.  That is precisely how they began the genocides each of those tyrants committed against their own people.  This left of ours has such contempt for us, is certain we are so ignorant, that we do not know this essential fact of history that we can be fooled into relinquishing perhaps the most important of our basic civil rights.  

Not so fast.  There are enough of us who are cognizant enough of the evil that men can do to see the details of their end game.  Their “great reset” means relegating us all to slave status.  “You will own nothing and be happy” is just one of their mantras.  They, the globalist elites, view the vast numbers of the world’s population as “useless” peons to be  brought under their control.  Yuval Hariri is Klaus Schwab’s closet adviser.  These are well and truly evil people, as if out of a science fiction horror film.  It is who they are.  They include members of the WEF. They include Pelosi, Schumer, Soros, Bill GatesAnthony Fauci and the mad scientists who do his bidding.  They include our wholly propagandistic media, including Fox News of late.  Fox News too is too cowardly to buck the mandates of the left.  They too pushed the experimental vaccines that have done incalculable damage to so many.  And now they mean to jab even babies who are not remotely at risk of dying of covid.  The globalists are committing a planned and executed violent crime against humanity.  Pity the families who do not realize the jabs may well be lethal.

The left loves mass shootings, almost to the point that one might wonder, do they solicit them?  They seem to always serve their cause.  We know the FBI recruited the misanthropes who got on board their “kidnap Governor Whitmer” scheme.  Those men were framed.  The events of January sixth were easily as likely to have been planned and executed by the FBI in conjunction with known collaborators in Antifa and BLM.  Why have we not learned where that deceased shooter in Ulvade got the cash to purchase the high tech weapons he used to kill all those children?  Why did the local police let him have his way without interruption?  Where did the mass murderer in that Buffalo market learn to shoot like a military pro?  The left loves these horrific events because they think they can build on them, use them to strip all law-abiding citizens of their right to defend themselves.  Do they make them happen?  Seems possible.

Dinesh D’Souza’s film 2000 Mules has taught us all about geo-tracking.  Catherine Englebrecht and Greg Phillips used cell phone data to prove that the Zuckerberg-funded drop boxes were stuffed with harvested and fake ballots to cheat in the 2020 election in numerous states.  Now we know that the DOJ used the same technology to track anyone and everyone who was present at the Capitol on January sixth.  That is how they tracked down totally innocent Americans and arrested them for being there.  As everyone knows, a few hundred of them have been held in prison without due process, some for nearly eighteen months and still without a firm trial date.  

DC under the Biden administration is operating as Stalin did when he put on his show trials.  Our DOJ is acting Stalinist.  It is allowing the harassment of our Supreme Court Justices even though such protests are against the law.  The Biden DOJ is criminally out of control and abusing good citizens.  We are living in a surveillance state and too many people are being illegitimately punished simply for taking their civil rights for granted.  The First Amendment has been abrogated.

The violent perpetrators of the riots of 2020, like the criminals wreaking havoc on innocent civilians in cities throughout the nation, have been given free rein to riot, assault, freely use drugs, and murder, all according to the globalist plan to take the US down.  Our southern border is now a thoroughfare for migrants from around the world to enter the US illegally at Biden’s invitation.  

How many Americans will die at the hands of criminal illegals?  Too many to count.  Perhaps those inevitable deaths are part of the left’s vast depopulation strategy.  They will occur, as they have so many times already.  The man who so senselessly killed Kate Steinle in 2015 has been sentenced to time served.  In a sane world, he would have been sentenced to death.  

Bottom line?  It is the left that foments and relishes violence.  They encourage it.  They need it and delight in using it against the rest of us.  Consider the pro-abortion groups Jane’s Revenge and Ruth Sent Us.  Both groups vow to engage in violence if Roe v. Wade is overturned.  They do not believe in “choice.”  They believe in totalitarianism.  

Their way or the highway.  That pretty much sums up the American left today.  Violence to further their cause?  Good.  The Constitution and the freedoms it guarantees to us all?  Bad.  Unacceptable.  Civil society, family values, the fact of two genders, education vs. indoctrination, fair elections, American sovereignty?  Bad.  American civil society is under attack and too may people are still taking for granted our liberty.


Shots Fired During D.C. Juneteenth Event: Officer and Others Injured

Patrol police car lights in night time, crime scene. Night patrolling the city. Abstract blurry image.
file/Getty Images

A Metropolitan Police Department officer and multiple civilians were wounded when shots were fired Sunday around 6 p.m. during a Juneteenth event in Washington, DC.

FOX News reports that the shots rang out during “Moechella, which is described as an ‘Advocacy Festival Amplifying the Culture of Washington DC.'”

WTOP points out that the Moechella festival is part of D.C.’s Juneteenth celebration.

WDVM notes that police are searching for “a black male about 5’4″ with curly hair wearing all black.”

The wounded officer is in stable condition.

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkinsa weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio and a Turning Point USA Ambassador. Follow him on Instagram: @awr_hawkins. Reach him at awrhawkins@breitbart.com. You can sign up to get Down Range at breitbart.com/downrange.

Report: 32 Shot Friday into Sunday Morning in Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago

CHICAGO, ILLINOIS - JUNE 07: Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot speaks to guests at an event held to celebrate Pride Month at the Center on Halstead, a lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community center, on June 07, 2021 in Chicago, Illinois. Lightfoot is the first openly gay mayor of the city …
Scott Olson/Getty Images

The Chicago Sun-Times reports 32 people were shot, three of them fatally, Friday into Sunday morning across Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s Chicago.

The weekend’s first shooting fatality occurred around 8:30 p.m. Friday, when a 30-year-old man “in the 8400 block of South Bennett Avenue” was shot and killed while on a porch.

The second fatal shooting occurred at 11:45 p.m. Friday, when a 22-year-old was shot inside a vehicle “in the 2300 block of West Harrison Street.” The 22-year-old was in one vehicle when someone inside a another vehicle opened fire, fatally shooting him.

The weekend’s third fatal shooting occurred Sunday morning at 3:35 a.m. “in the 700 block of West 73rd Street.”

FOX 32 notes five people were shot and wounded in one incident Friday night around 11:45 p.m. “in the 3000 block of South Rhodes.” A group of people were standing in a parking lot when someone opened fire on them, wounding one woman and four men.

The Sun-Times points out 280 people were killed in Chicago January 1, 2022, through June 18, 2022.

AWR Hawkins is an award-winning Second Amendment columnist for Breitbart News and the writer/curator of Down Range with AWR Hawkinsa weekly newsletter focused on all things Second Amendment, also for Breitbart News. He is the political analyst for Armed American Radio and a Turning Point USA Ambassador. Follow him on Instagram: @awr_hawkins. Reach him at awrhawkins@breitbart.com. You can sign up to get Down Range at breitbart.com/downrange







Watters: How was this guy not on the FBI's radar?




Police Chief: Illinois ‘Monster’ Beheads 8-Months Pregnant Ex-Girlfriend


1,120 people have been shot this year in Chicago and 282 people have been murdered.


'Peace Circles' Instead of Prisons Lead to Shootouts in Chicago

It’ll take a hell of a peace circle to raise the dead.


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

1,120 people have been shot this year in Chicago and 282 people have been murdered. Yesterday, four people were shot and killed in four hours in just another Wednesday.

Good thing the city has “peace circles”.

Police defunders have been tasked with coming up with “restorative justice” alternatives to the three P’s, police, prosecutors, and prisons, that ask criminals to apologize to their victims.

That’s the principle of the “peace circle” in which the thug meets with his victim, says “sorry” and then leaves a free man to shoot, stab, or kill.

Chicago's pro-crime politicians eagerly embraced "peace circles". There are peace circles in schools and a whole lot of "trained facilitators" have hung up their shingles. While pro-crime activists claim that peace circles come from Indian culture, they’re actually one of the stupidly disastrous ideas promoted by Howard Zehr, a white leftist who went to a black college on a minority scholarship, and helped inflict the concept of “restrorative justice” on the country.

The Circuit Court of Cook County has a salaried Restorative Justice Community Court Peace Circle Keeper. And dangerous criminals keep being diverted from prison to peace circles.

That's what happened when cops caught Ojani Cruz with a gun during a traffic stop. Prosecutors wanted him locked up, but one judge let him out on his own recognizance while another sent him to have his arrest record expunged at a peace circle.

"They say, 'Peace, peace', when there is no peace," Jeremiah prophesied.

A month after being enrolled in the peace circle treatment, Cruz opened fire on a couple sitting in a minivan. He "circled the vehicle" and "kept firing until he ran out of bullets". When it was all over, a 20-year-old woman was shot in the back and left paralyzed from the waist down.

Prosecutors have charged Cruz with first degree murder and the judge denied bail, but it's too little too late. Had the justice system been allowed to do its job, Cruz would have been locked up. But instead Chicago’s restorative justice and peace circles claimed another victim.

“We cannot prosecute our way out of the kinds of crimes," Cook County Chief Judge Timothy Evans falsely claimed. “People who hurt people have generally been hurt themselves.”

Evans, a Chicago alderman for nearly two decades, has spent another disastrous three decades on the Cook County bench, and even Democrat officials have had enough.

Mayor Lori Lightfoot blasted Evans for "making Chicago neighborhoods less safe.”

“There is no dispute that people charged with murder and other crimes of violence are out in communities with zero supervision, both adults and juveniles."

Klevontaye White was let loose with nothing more than an ankle monitor after 15 counts of aggravated sex assault with a firearm, he cut off his bracelet and then engaged in a shootout with police. The police didn’t bring their peace pipes. They shot back and won the fight.

And Newsweek put Klevontaye on its list of “black people killed by police”.

7-year-old Jaslyn Adams was shot and killed at a McDonald's by a group of thugs, one of whom had been out with an ankle monitor despite being accused of robbery, manufacturing/delivery of cocaine, and aggravated unlawful use of a weapon. This has become typical of Chicago’s pro-crime policies where even the worst monsters can freely walk the streets.

"I have about 100 people on home monitoring who are charged with murder," Cook County Sheriff Tom Dart said.

"Two brothers who murdered a person 11 bullets into them, in front of witnesses,” Lightfoot argued. “And at least one of them was out on another gun charge, on electronic monitoring. This isn’t working. We need to have trials and we need to put dangerous people behind bars so that the community is actually safe.”

But Judge Evans still loves peace circles and restorative justice for violent thugs. “We thought, if somebody is on drugs or stealing television sets or cell phones or whatever it was, all we had to do was arrest them, prosecute them, convict them and send them to jail," he rambled.

Now Evans preaches the gospel of freeing as many criminals as possible.

In 2021, Cook County had the most murders in almost 30 years. In May 2022 it was reported that downtown shootings were up 64%.

“This is just the start,” Evans announced to cheers, while opening a "restorative justice" court. “Englewood, we are on our way! Roseland, we are on our way!”

It was more of a threat than a promise.

Englewood has racked up 23 murders and 102 wounded this year. Roseland is lagging behind with 6 murders and only 29 wounded.

The peace circles keep growing and people keep dying because the justice system in Chicago, like those in cities where pro-crime policies prevail, stands on the side of the criminals.

Judge Evans claimed that in the new system, “we are focusing on punishment, but on healing”.

But there’s no healing for the family of Jaslyn Adams, for the woman shot and paralyzed for life by a peace circle alum, or any of the other victims being protected by the peace circles.

In Chicago, there’s no peace for the people, only for the politicians and the criminals, who are often one and the same.

Judge Patricia Spratt, who presides over the North Lawndale Restorative Justice Community Court, said that the court is about "repairing harm. Not being retributive and sending you to jail".

How will Chicago’s pro-crime judges repair the harm they have caused to crime victims?

It’ll take a hell of a peace circle to raise the dead.

Police Chief: Illinois ‘Monster’ Beheads 8-Months Pregnant Ex-Girlfriend

DeUndreá S. Holloway Jr., 22
Gillespie Police

An Illinois man is accused of murdering his “on-and-off” eight-months pregnant girlfriend, Liese Dodd, and her unborn child before discarding her decapitated head in a dumpster. 

“What was observed, what was learned, what was found, is absolutely terrible,” said Alton Police Chief Marcus Pulido, as the St. Louis Dispatch reported. “She was decapitated by a freaking savage monster.”

Liese Dodd, 22

Liese Dodd, 22

DeUndreá S. Holloway Jr., 22, who Pulido said “had on-and-off dating relationship” with 22-year-old Dodd in the past couple of years, per the Dispatch, was arrested the same day and is facing several multiple murder charges, as KDSK reported:

In all, Holloway, a Litchfield resident, was charged with two counts of murder, two counts of intentional homicide of an unborn child, dismembering a human body, concealing a homicidal death and possession of a stolen vehicle. The two counts of murder will be combined into one count as the investigation continues, as will the two counts of intentional homicide of an unborn child.

Dodd’s headless body was discovered by her mother, identified by KMOV as Heidi Noel, on the afternoon of June 7 at a horrific scene in Dodd’s Boliver Street apartment in Alton, Illinois, the St. Louis Dispatch reported. Noel visited the residence as she had grown concerned after not having contact with Dodd.

The victim’s neighbor, April Wooten, told KSDK that police soon flooded the scene.

“Her mom looked so broken, she looked so broken,” she explained. “She turned around, she looked at us, me and my boyfriend were standing in the door way and she said, ‘He [expletive] killed her.'”

The St. Louis Dispatch noted:

Two hours after Dodd was found dead, Gillespie police were investigating a bicycle theft about 30 miles away from Alton, in their small town of 3,000 residents. The bike’s owner gave police a description of the man pedaling away on the stolen bike, and police arrested Holloway based on that description.

Dodd’s due date for her baby girl was July 27, and Noel told KMOV that friends and family were set to throw a baby shower for the soon-to-be mom, who was in school with the aspiration of becoming a nurse:

We were planning her baby shower for the end of this month. I had just sent out invitations the prior Saturday for the baby shower. We were just excited and gathering the items you need to have a baby. She wasn’t set on a name yet. [She] said ‘my little bean.’ So, we essentially were calling the baby, ‘baby bean’.

“Baby Bean” was to be the Dodd’s first child, Pulido told the Dispatch.

“She was just a bright light that cared for everyone. she had a big heart,” Noel told KMOV. “She’d do anything for anyone. She’d go out of her way to help people.”

Three Black Males Arrested For Beating, Stomping Death Of White 17-Year-Old Ethan Liming



Masters, of course, is right that it’s black people behind the crime wave. FBI crime data shows that blacks were responsible for 56.5% of all murders in 2020 where a suspect was identified. The true number is probably higher when accounting for unsolved murders. The media branded Masters a racist for simply stating this obvious truth.


I recall walking onto campus at the black-majority high school I attended 50+ years ago seeing three or four black males stomping the head of a white boy into the sidewalk. Such violence against white students was common. That was over 50 years ago. Things don't change.

Three Black Males Arrested For Beating, Stomping Death Of White 17-Year-Old Ethan Liming
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Earlier: His Name Is Ethan Liming: White 17-Year-Old, Playing Basketball, Beaten To Death By Black Males Outside Lebron James “I Promise School” In Akron, Ohio

The 17-year-old didn't live to see adulthood. He was fatally beaten; allegedly by three black males near an outdoor basketball court in Ohio, who have now been arrested. 

Police found Ethan Liming in the parking lot of the I Promise School in Akron. The school was reportedly founded by pro-basketball star, LeBron James.

I recall walking onto campus at the black-majority high school I attended 50+ years ago seeing three or four black males stomping the head of a white boy into the sidewalk. Such violence against white students was common. That was over 50 years ago. Things don't change. 

"Liming was lying on the ground in the parking lot when police arrived, officials have said. They were unable to save him, and he was pronounced dead at the scene," according to the New York Post: Three arrested in connection to fatal beating of Ohio teen Ethan Liming By Sam Raskin, June 12, 2022.




The Great Replacement Now Drives American Political Discourse


Washington Watcher II

Earlier: The Great Replacement: Cat Out Of Bag, Democrats Frantic

House Democrats condemned the Great Replacement this week. No, not the immigration policies that are leading to the dispossession of the Historic American Nation. Instead, they just denounced those who have Noticed what’s going on. Every Republican voted against resolution, but only two Democrats (Maine Rep. Jared Golden and Michigan Rep. Elissa Slotkin). It claimed the Great Replacement “has been used to falsely justify racially motivated, violent acts of terrorism domestically and internationally” and committed Congress to “combating White supremacy, hatred, and racial injustice.” “The Great Replacement myth is a racist, antisemitic, Islamophobic, xenophobic, nativist and hateful lie,” said New York Rep. Jamaal Bowman, right, the resolution’s sponsor [House Democrats Pass Resolution Condemning ‘Great Replacement Theory’, by Mychael Schnell, The Hill, June 8, 2022]. But the condemnation can’t suppress the truth. It’s just more evidence that the Great Replacement now drives the political discourse in America–and Democrats can only look on in shock.

Rep. Bowman is one of those in shock. He admits Great Replacement, which he calls “Nazi thinking,” is now mainstream. “These are no longer fringe elements of our society,” the black congressman said. “'Great Replacement Theory has gone mainstream thanks to rightwing Republicans like Tucker Carlson who have mentioned this theory more than 400 times on the most-watched news network in the country.” [Democratic Rep Jamaal Bowman calls Great Replacement Theory 'Nazi thinking veiled as political banter', by Morgan Phillips, Daily Mail, June 8, 2022].

He’s right, of course. VDARE.com Editor Peter Brimelow charted the Great Replacement (“The Pincers” —see our featured image) in his book Alien Nation back in 1995, but Tucker Carlson is certainly responsible for waking up millions of Americans to this civilizational problem.

And concern over the Great Replacement is now shared by a majority of Republicans.

Three new polls show the widespread belief in this obvious fact. YouGov asked respondents last week: “Do you personally believe that in the U.S., Democrats are trying to replace white Americans with immigrants and people of color who share Democrats’ views?” Seventy-three percent of Trump voters, 61 percent of Republicans overall, and 33 percent of independents said yes. Seventy-six percent of Trump voters, 67 percent of Republicans, and 38 percent of independents say immigration is a very serious problem. Fifty-five percent of Trump voters, 52 percent of Republicans, and 31 percent of independents say immigrants have a negative effect on America.

A YouGov survey from last month also shows similar results. In that poll, 61 percent of Trump voters, 58 percent of Republicans, and 36 percent of independents believe whites are being replaced by non-whites. Sixty-three percent of Trump voters, 59 percent of Republicans, and 30 percent of independents believe racial diversity will weaken American customs and values. (Interestingly, only 43 percent of Democrats believe it will strengthen American customs and values.) Fifty-five percent of Trump voters, 54 percent of Republicans, and 34 percent of independents believe racial diversity will lead to more racial conflicts. Roughly 40 percent of Trump voters and Republicans believe it’s a bad thing that America will no longer be a majority-white country. Just nine percent of Trump voters and 12 percent of Republicans think it will be a good thing.

Most Democrats are the opposite of Republicans but, again, their enthusiasm for the Great Replacement isn’t that great. Fifty-seven percent say immigrants have a positive impact on America, 43 percent say immigrants will strengthen American customs and values, and 44 percent say America no longer being majority-white is a good thing. It’s hardly an overwhelming majority.

Other polls are finding similar results. The Southern Poverty Law Center conducted a poll in April that also showed most Republicans believe in the Great Replacement. In the communist group’s survey, 47 percent of Republicans believe it’s negative that America will no longer majority-white (just 28 percent see it as a positive); 53 percent believe changing demographics pose a threat to whites, their culture, and values; and 68 percent believe the recent demographic changes in our country are driven by progressives wanting to replace white conservative voters [SPLC Poll Finds Substantial Support for ‘Great Replacement’ Theory and Other Hard-Right Ideas, by Cassie Miller, Southern Poverty Law Center, June 1, 2022].

It’s clear the Republican base is gravely concerned about being replaced. They know it threatens their way of life and their values. They know it will lead to more conflict among the races and weaken America. This is no longer a “fringe” idea.

As I highlighted last month, more and more Republican leaders are also Noticing the Great Replacement. From Elise Stefanik to Blake Masters, serious GOP lawmakers or candidates are speaking out about how Democrats want to replace Americans with foreigners. And some of these candidates are starting to notice other racial problems.

Masters, the Trump endorsed Arizona Senate candidate, recently acknowledged the color of crime. “We do have a gun violence problem in this country, and it’s gang violence,” he said during an April podcast appearance. “It’s people in Chicago, St. Louis shooting each other. Very often, you know, black people, frankly. And the Democrats don’t want to do anything about that.” [Blake Masters Blames Gun Violence on ‘Black People, Frankly’, by Roger Sollenberger, Daily Beast, June 5, 2022]

Masters, of course, is right that it’s black people behind the crime wave. FBI crime data shows that blacks were responsible for 56.5% of all murders in 2020 where a suspect was identified. The true number is probably higher when accounting for unsolved murders. The media branded Masters a racist for simply stating this obvious truth.

Thankfully, he chose to ignore the controversy and did not issue any mealy-mouthed apology.

Democrats are very worried that the American people are becoming aware of their dispossession. But instead of doing anything to address the causes of dispossession, they’re utilizing state power to crack down on those who dare mention it.

The Associated Press reported last week that federal officials are directing more resources to monitoring social media for alleged “white nationalist” threats. The AP claims “white supremacists are riling up thousands on social media.” Free speech is not a crime—yet—but the Regime Media and left-wing bureaucrats behave as if it is:

White nationalists and supremacists, on accounts often run by young men, are building thriving, macho communities across social media platforms like Instagram, Telegram and TikTok, evading detection with coded hashtags and innuendo.

Their snarky memes and trendy videos are riling up thousands of followers on divisive issues including abortion, guns, immigration and LGBTQ rights. The Department of Homeland Security warned Tuesday that such skewed framing of the subjects could drive extremists to violently attack public places across the U.S. in the coming months.

They signal their beliefs in other ways: a Christian cross emoji in their profile or words like “anglo” or “pilled,” a term embraced by far-right chatrooms, in usernames. Most recently, some of these accounts have borrowed the pop song “White Boy Summer” to cheer on the leaked Supreme Court draft opinion on Roe v. Wade, according to an analysis by Zignal Labs, a social media intelligence firm. [White Supremacists Are Riling Up Thousands on Social Media, by Amanda Seitz, Associated Press, June 10, 2022]

This extremely mild behavior apparently requires the primary attention of Homeland Security and the FBI. The collapse of the southern border is just not as important as alleged racists talking about “White Boy Summer” on Telegram.

There’s also DHS’s infamous Disinformation Governance Board. This project, which has since gotten a new leader in former Bush official Michael Chertoff, is dedicated entirely to monitoring right-wing speech on the internet. Leaked documents reveal that the board was particularly concerned with “falsehoods surrounding U.S. government immigration policy.” Translation: any information that discredits Open Borders or points out the reality of the Great Replacement.

The documents said that DHS looked to work with Twitter and other social media platforms to target “disinformation” [GOP Senators Release Documents Showing Biden Admin Lied About Disinfo Board, by Michael Ginsberg, Daily Caller, June 9, 2022]

But it’s unlikely these efforts will succeed. The federal government can’t take Tucker Carlson off the air, nor can they blind ordinary people to the dramatic changes they see all around them.

Regular Americans know the Great Replacement isn’t a conspiracy theory–it’s a fact of life. And they want it stopped.

Washington Watcher II [Email him] is an anonymous DC insider.

Report – Man Charged in Robberies After Mom Tips Off Chicago Police: ‘Don’t Mess with Mama’

Trequan Jackson Young
surveillance image released by Chicago police

An 18-year-old man was reportedly charged in a pair of robberies after his mother spotted his face on a bulletin and notified Chicago law enforcement.

Trequan Jackson Young is facing charges of armed robbery, aggravated robbery, and misdemeanor criminal damage to property following three different incidents, CWB Chicago said Thursday.

An image captured on a surveillance camera showed the suspect wearing blue flip-flops, grey pants, and a black and white jacket:

“Don’t mess with mama,” one social media user replied, while another said, “Mama for Mayor.”

The outlet detailed the case:

The first robbery occurred on a Red Line train near 47th Street around 2:26 a.m. on June 6. Prosecutors said a 23-year-old man was riding home when four men, including Young, stood near him and one of the men asked to use his vape cigarette. The victim obliged, but the man refused to return the vape, and the entire group closed in on the victim when he asked for it.

All four offenders began beating the victim in the face and patting him down for valuables, Steven Haamid, an assistant state’s attorney, said. One of the robbers took the victim’s wallet. The group continued to beat the man in the face as they tried to wrestle away his fanny pack, but the man refused to give it up.

Haamid said the victim, who was bleeding from his face, hit the train’s emergency button and went to the conductor for help. While the victim waited on the platform, one of the offenders returned and lunged at him repeatedly with a knife, but the victim evaded the attack and was not stabbed, according to Haamid.

Law enforcement posted surveillance images of the suspects last week. Haamid added that Young was spotted wearing the black and white jacket.

“Young’s mother recognized him and notified the police, according to Haamid,” the CWB Chicago report said.

Meanwhile, Democrat-controlled Chicago, Los Angeles, and New York City were at the forefront of urban residential decline, recent U.S. Census Bureau estimates found, according to Breitbart News.

“[I]nner city crime is a common factor in major cities across America, with the problems besetting Chicago emblematic of how widely spread the problem of violence is,” the outlet said.

Per the CWB Chicago article, Young allegedly took part in another robbery on Saturday and was arrested Tuesday after snatching his girlfriend’s phone. His bail was set at $80,000.

Young had been out on a recognizance bond regarding a misdemeanor weapons charge; however, prosecutors reportedly dropped the charge.

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