Friday, November 11, 2022



Kamala Saves The Day...... well maybe not!!!'





Tucker Carlson of Fox News calls Harris a corrupt and dangerous fraud who sees laws and powers only as means to punish her enemies, pursue her agenda, and get elected. 

All of this is, if we can be permitted to use Biden’s catchphrase, “malarkey.” Harris has already proven herself as a trusted servant of the interests of the rich and powerful at the expense of the working class. The Wall Street Journal wrote last week that Wall Street financers had breathed a “sigh of relief” at Biden’s pick of Harris. Industry publication American Banker noted that her steadiest stream of campaign funding has come from financial industry professionals and their most trusted law firms.

The best-case scenario is that she’s a progressive who repeatedly violated her own principles so that she could promote her career. In the worst-case scenario, she’s just another corrupt, rotten, regressive prosecutor (PIG GAMER LAWYER).                                                                                     JESSER HOROWITZ

Duplicity aside, perhaps the only details of Harris’s speech more cringeworthy than her insincerity was her inability to tell the truth about virtually anything. DAVID KELTZ



9. Why did your office decline to investigate the health supplement fraud cases involving companies your husband’s law firm represented? Did you, as California’s attorney general, ever purposefully decline investigating or prosecuting clients of your husband’s law firm?

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and her husband, attorney Douglas Emhoff, gave 1.1% of their income to charity in 2019, tax records show.

Harris reported giving $35,390 to charity, while she and her husband earned $3,095,950 in taxable income.

Harris has often been described as a "politician on the make," someone who will do whatever is expedient.  Writing for RealClearPolitics, Debra Saunders calls Harris a "progressive opportunist."  Yves Smith, looking through her less than progressive record as California prosecutor, would alter that to "opportunist to the core." JEFFREY FOLKS

Report: Kamala Harris’s Husband Rallying Democrats Around Her for 2024 Run If Biden Bows Out

WESTWOOD CA NOVEMBER 7, 2022 — Vice President Kamala Harris and Second Gentleman Douglas Emhoff at a get-out-the-vote student rally at UCLA Monday Nov. 7, 2022, one day before the midterm elections. (Myung J. Chun/Los Angeles Times)
Myung J. Chun/Los Angeles Times

Vice President Kamala Harris’s husband, Second Gentleman Doug Emhoff, is reportedly rallying Democrats around her for a 2024 presidential run should President Joe Biden bow out.

According to Politico, Emhoff is telling Democrats that the party ought to collectively back Harris if Biden decides not to seek a second term following Tuesday evening’s midterm elections.

Democrats, worried about Harris’s unpopularity with their base and swing voters, are not necessarily on board with such a plan.

Politico reports:

Such talk, however, causes eye-rolling in the West Wing, where officials believe Harris is on stronger footing now than she was in her first year but remain skeptical about her viability in 2024. [Emphasis added]

Those doubts are shared by most Democratic lawmakers, whose dread about 2024 extends from the specter of nominating an octogenarian with dismal approval ratings to the equally delicate dilemma of whether to nominate his more unpopular vice president or pass over the first Black woman in the job. [Emphasis added]

“The next question we’ll get after saying we don’t want Biden is: ‘Do you want Kamala?’” explained one House Democrat. [Emphasis added]

Harris infamously was forced to drop out of the 2020 Democrat presidential primary race after her campaign failed to gain steam and, at one point, was polling at just five percent.

With little-to-no grassroots support, Harris’s short-run campaign was bankrolled by an elite group of corporate West Coast donors — including executives with major law firms, tech conglomerates, and other multinational corporations.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here.

The Left Were the Mad Scientists

And we were their lab rats.

As the midterms approach, one way of looking at America’s current disaster is that we, the American people, were lab rats. And since 2021, the Left were the mad scientists, eager to try out their crackpot leftist experiments on us.

The result is that the housing market is tottering on the verge of collapse.

As interest rates soar, our $31 trillion national debt crowds out everything else in the budget.

Inflation roars at a rate of 8-9 percent per annum, higher than at any time in 40 years. Yet the prices of the stuff of life – food, fuel, shelter, energy – are far steeper still than the official rate.

No one is safe from thugs anymore – whether a commuter on a New York subway or the Pelosis in Pacific Heights.

The country reportedly has a 25-day supply of diesel fuel – the energy source that runs the nation. Meanwhile, we keep draining the Strategic Petroleum Reserve of oil, a commodity we have in abundance but refuse to produce fully.

We never fixed the supply-chain crisis of last year, and so still face shortages of key consumer goods.

The labor participation rate is at an all-time low – given fat government COVID subsidies, the Siren-song appeal of staying home after the lockdowns, fear of COVID, and millions of workers with long COVID.

The post-Kabul Pentagon is quiet about the depletion of its critical stocks of weaponry. We have sent billions of dollars’ worth in howitzer shells, javelin missiles, and High Mobility Artillery Rocket Systems (HIMARS) to Ukraine without replenishing our own arsenals. The Army’s recruitment rate is off 50% this year.

Our broken Navy is ossifying as China expands its fleet in expectation of absorbing Taiwan.

When we look to the president for an accounting for these madcap experiments, we get nothing. In the last few weeks, President Joe Biden has lied that gas was $5 a gallon when he took office when it was half that.

He falsely swears that he passed his student-loan amnesty plan by one or two votes when he simply signed away a half-trillion dollars in debt by an executive order and bypassed Congress.

Vice President Kamala Harris is our border czar, but she avoids the nonexistent southern border like the plague.

As the country depletes its petroleum reserves, she gushes about “solutions” like transforming the nation’s school bus fleet to battery power.

On the rare occasion she is allowed abroad, Harris has no idea what North Korea’s official name is, only that it is supposedly one of America’s staunchest allies.

We are now headed for a decisive midterm election. Strangely the hard-left architects of the last two years neither offer a defense of their failing agendas, nor agree to change them.

No Democratic congressional candidates brag about the 3 million people who illegally crossed the border.

None boast that they helped cancel key pipelines, reduced federal leasing of gas and oil, and shut down the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge. None take credit for hammering investments in fossil fuels.

None preen over the no-bail and defund-the-police policies of left-wing, big-city prosecutors and mayors who have spiked crime.

None insist that an annual 8-9% inflation rate is a desirable spreading of the wealth.

And yet odder still, no Democratic candidate, state or national – and most certainly not Biden – offers to alter these toxic policies.

If they won’t defend what they have done, they apparently will not undo what they have wrought either.

No Democratic gubernatorial candidate wants one foot built of a new border wall. No House candidate demands that the Keystone pipeline be finished. No senatorial candidate calls for fiscal discipline to lower inflation.

Instead, they stay mute.

Biden mutters lies about MAGA extremists under every bed while daily offering yet another made-up tidbit of his fantasy autobiography.

State and national candidates either avoid debates with their Republican opponents or delay them in hopes they will become irrelevant since millions of mail-in ballots are already cast.

Rarely have voters turned over their country to radicals, socialists, and nihilists.

We did in 2020.

And once the Left took the presidency, the House, and Senate, they tried a deadly experiment on us the American people, their veritable lab rats.

It failed – and has now nearly destroyed us along with the country.

Yet in November the Left apparently demands more time for more experimentation on more of us. But to do what exactly?

Pass more no bail laws and promote more defunding of the police? Make the jails and prisons emptier?

More destruction of what’s left of the southern border?

More biological men overpowering women in sports?

More printing of money?

More cutting back on federal gas and oil leases and canceling pipelines?

Apparently, the only thing that will stop their mad experimentation is that they have run out of us – their once willing lab rats.

KAMALA HARRIS, THE GODLESS.... but then she's a sociopath gamer lawyer!

Harris is no friend of religious liberty. Her recent decision to exclaim in the year of our Lord, which has been conveniently picked up by her staff, is a ploy designed to appeal to unassuming Christian voters impressed by "God talk." As the old adage says, actions speak louder than words, and on this score, Harris fails to convince.

It is the handmaidens working for Planned Parenthood who

have joked about selling aborted baby body parts.  And it

was Kamala Harris, when she was A.G. of California, who viciously

prosecuted the young man who exposed that scandal, after she had

received a hefty donation from Planned Parenthood.


As most people know, prior to her being a Senator, she served as the chief prosecutor for the city of San Francisco.  Now, complaints are coming forward that she flat out refused to pursue criminal cases against Catholic priests who allegedly sexually battered children.

People who say they were victims of childhood sexual abuse call out Harris for not doing all that she could to prosecute their cases. 


Duplicity aside, perhaps the only details of Harris’s speech more cringeworthy than her insincerity was her inability to tell the truth about virtually anything. DAVID KELTZ


All of this is, if we can be permitted to use Biden’s catchphrase, “malarkey.” Harris has already proven herself as a trusted servant of the interests of the rich and powerful at the expense of the working class. The Wall Street Journal wrote last week that Wall Street financers had breathed a “sigh of relief” at Biden’s pick of Harris. Industry publication American Banker noted that her steadiest stream of campaign funding has come from financial industry professionals and their most trusted law firms.

There is something fitting in the selection of Harris to co-lead the Democrats’ ticket. The response of the Democrats to the mass multi-racial and multi-ethnic protests against police violence that erupted earlier this year was to divert them into the politics of racial division, using the reactionary and false claim that what was involved was a conflict between “white America” and “black America,” rather than a conflict between the working class and capitalism. 

Does the Church Fund Kamala Harris? And Her Other Shady Shenanigans

During her decade-and-a-half tenure as a chief prosecutor, Harris would fail to prosecute a single case of priest abuse and her office would strangely hide vital records on abuses that had occurred despite the protests of victims groups. 

                                                      PETER SCHWEIZER

She somehow served as San Francisco district attorney from 2004 to 2011, and then as California attorney general from 2011 to 2017, and never brought a single documented case forward against an abusive priest. PETER SCHWEIZER

According to San Francisco election financial disclosures, high-dollar donations to Harris’s campaign began to roll in from those connected to the Catholic Church institutional hierarchy.”                                                              PETER SCHEIZER

“However, I would like to encourage my fellow Democrats to approach Senator Harris with a healthy dose of skepticism. As a prosecutor and California State Attorney General, Harris has engaged in blatantly unethical behavior for her profession and embraced positions that actively hurt her constituents.” 

                                             JESSER HOROWITZ


Harris has often been described as a "politician on the make," someone who will do whatever is expedient.  Writing for RealClearPolitics, Debra Saunders calls Harris a "progressive opportunist."  Yves Smith, looking through her less than progressive record as California prosecutor, would alter that to "opportunist to the core." JEFFREY FOLKS

The best-case scenario is that she’s a progressive who repeatedly violated her own principles so that she could promote her career. In the worst-case scenario, she’s just another corrupt, rotten, regressive prosecutor. JESSER HOROWITZ

How come you wouldn’t prosecute Catholic priests for sexual and child abuse? Where was your empathy?  JACK HELLNER






Kamala Harris’s career received a boost from a patronage job in dubious circumstances. 


 Kamala Harris barely won her first race for California Attorney General in 2010. 


Kmala Harris was accused of using her state office to attack political enemies and reward friends. 


 Kamala Harris was criticized for financial mismanagement during her 2016 U.S. Senate campaign.


Kamala Harris has been the star of viral video confrontations but has done little else in Washington.


Kamala Harris faces new questions about a close aide who settled a $400,000 harassment lawsuit. --- Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News

“However, I would like to encourage my fellow Democrats to approach Senator Harris with a healthy dose of skepticism. As a prosecutor and California State Attorney General, Harris has engaged in blatantly unethical behavior for her profession and embraced positions that actively hurt her constituents.”

                                                             JESSER HOROWITZ

Kamala Saves The Day...... well maybe not!!!'


KAMALA HARRIS: They expected her to be a clone of Joe Biden. And it happened!


Joe Biden, the corrupt, unaccomplished 47-year career politician, with a reputation of having been a proud segregationist, an unabashed plagiarist and liar, a resolute tale-teller, and a serial flip-flopper, is pretending to head up a radical social-democratic ticket for President of the United States that includes as his running mate the ambitious, disagreeable junior senator from California: Kamala Harris. 



The voices inside his Earpiece


Back To The Basement



Kamala Harris is clearly in 'over her head': Concha


Kamala Harris struggles to overcome wave of blunders


US Vice President Kamala Harris 'is such a hoax'



How Kamala Harris Made Her Millions


The Shady Side Of Kamala Harris


The United States is 'literally leaderless'


Newt Gingrich calls Joe Biden a 'sickness'


Kamala lies in TV interview, claims she didn’t support fund to bail out George Floyd rioters in Minnesota… and it gets worse

Kamala Harris has just scored a hat trick of buffoonery. While we are accustomed to her embarrassing herself virtually every time she speaks extemporaneously, her verbal tomfoolery may be keeping pace with the accelerating dementia of her boss, Joe Biden.

We’ll start with an outright lie, committed during an interview with Esme Murphy  of WCCO-TV in Minneapolis. (Powerline readers are familiar with Ms. Murphy’s awkward relationship with the truth.)

The Vice President of the United States called claims that she supported the Minnesota Freedom Fund, established to bail out rioters arrested during the first round of arson and looting following the death in police custody of career criminal George Floyd, "misinformation":

This is an easily proven lie:



Evidently, Kamala knows that she lies, and noted in a separate appearance, “The thing about being a role model: people watch what you do to see if it matches what you say.’


Absurdity travels with the veep wherever she goes, and along with her (subconscious?) understanding that she lies and people notice it, she seems to realize that her boss is himself a parody of real president, dissolving into laughter as she mentions “The President of the United States.”  No kidding. The woman understands that he is a joke, and she can’t keep a straight face or her composure when talking about him.

Photo credit: Grabien video screengrab (cropped)

Kamala-Backed Bail Fund Puts Murderer on the Street

Vice president called for donations to Minnesota Freedom Fund amid George Floyd riots

Josh Christenson • August 29, 2022 6:10 pm


A Minnesota bail fund championed by Vice President Kamala Harris helped free a repeat felon now charged with murder.

The Minnesota Freedom Fund on Thursday acknowledged it helped secure the release of Shawn Michael Tillman, who in May shot and killed a passenger on a rail platform in St. Paul. Harris promoted the Freedom Fund on Twitter during the George Floyd riots in 2020, helping the group raise $35 million in a matter of weeks, according to the Washington Post.

Freedom Fund executive directors Mirella Ceja-Orozco and Elizer Darris defended the group's decision to post Tillman's bail in a statement Thursday, saying, "It is neither just nor effective to respond to violence by denying bail and preemptively punishing people who are disproportionately poor, Black, brown, and Indigenous."

Tillman's criminal record includes multiple counts of indecent exposure, as well as assault and unlawful possession of a firearm, court records show. He is now in custody with bail set at $2 million.

When reached for comment, the Freedom Fund directed the Washington Free Beacon to its statement.

Tillman's most recent felony conviction was in November 2018 for indecent exposure in the presence of a minor. He had seven prior counts of indecent exposure at the time. Ceja-Orozco and Darris said convictions play into their decision to fund those charged with crimes. They did not list any of Tillman's past convictions.

Tillman is not the first person to commit murder after being bailed out by the Freedom Fund. The group helped free a man charged with domestic abuse last year. Weeks later, he murdered another man in a road rage incident, the Free Beacon reported.

The group also shelled out $75,000 in cash to release Jaleel Stallings, who was charged in May 2020 with attempted murder after shooting at police during the Floyd riots.

Minneapolis saw the highest number of homicides last year since the mid-1990s.


Senate GOP Gives Victory to Kamala Harris, Her Big Tech Donors with Green Card Giveaway…. WITH KAMALA, JUST FOLLOW HER LONG HISTORY OF BRIBES SUCKING!




9. Why did your office decline to investigate the health supplement fraud cases involving companies your husband’s law firm represented? Did you, as California’s attorney general, ever purposefully decline investigating or prosecuting clients of your husband’s law firm?

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) and her husband, attorney Douglas Emhoff, gave 1.1% of their income to charity in 2019, tax records show.

Harris reported giving $35,390 to charity, while she and her husband earned $3,095,950 in taxable income.

The best-case scenario is that she’s a progressive who repeatedly violated her own principles so that she could promote her career. In the worst-case scenario, she’s just another corrupt, rotten, regressive prosecutor.                              JESSER HOROWITZ




A tidy corrupt partnership

She also declined to prosecute OneWest, run by now-Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin from 2009-2015, after her own prosecutors said they discovered over a thousand violations of foreclosure law committed by the bank. (OneWest donated $6,500 to Harris' attorney general campaign in 2011, and Mnuchin himself donated $2,000 to her Senatecampaign in 2016.)


Chris Hedges | America's Next Financial Collapse





“The effrontery to all of us to put an obviously ailing and incoherent 

Joe Biden for the top spot and for the V.P., Kamala Harris, who 

couldn't even carry her own state in the primaries, indicates their lack of

judgment.”  ALAN BERGSTEIN

“However, I would like to encourage my fellow Democrats to approach Senator Harris with a healthy dose of skepticism. As a prosecutor and California State Attorney General, Harris has engaged in blatantly unethical behavior for her profession and embraced positions that actively hurt her constituents.”

                                                             JESSER HOROWITZ

Joe Biden, the corrupt, unaccomplished 47-year career politician, with a reputation of having been a proud segregationist, an unabashed plagiarist and liar, a resolute tale-teller, and a serial flip-flopper, is pretending to head up a radical social-democratic ticket for President of the United States that includes as his running mate the ambitious, disagreeable junior senator from California: Kamala Harris. 

biggest Mex welfare state

"Many Americans forget is that our country is located against a socialist failed state that is promising to descend even further into chaos – not California, the other one. And the Mexicans, having reached the bottom of the hole they have dug for themselves, just chose to keep digging by electing a new leftist presidente who wants to surrender to the cartels and who thinks that Mexicans have some sort of “human right” to sneak into the U.S. and demographically reconquer it." KURT SCHLICHTER

These so-called undocumented immigrants are becoming legally indistinguishable from citizens as they openly reside in 500 sanctuary jurisdictions, receive welfare, education and medical care, are granted drivers licenses, and given tuition breaks at public universities as they, not legal immigrants or American citizens, are exempt from federal immigration, health and travel laws. 

                                                              STEVE McCANN

So, Joe Biden and Democrats are punishing us for the sin of wanting to be left alone and wanting our children to be left alone. They are deliberately increasing gas prices to hurt us, and one way to increase gas prices is to ship our oil to foreign countries. Another way is to flood the country with millions of illegals who consume oil (and housing), creating more scarcity and higher prices. JOHN NOLTE

What all those Democrats voted for in the midterm election

So, the red tsunami did not exactly materialize at midterms, but thankfully, numerous Republicans did win.
They flipped some House seats; the Senate is still up in the air.  Given all the polls that show about 80% of Americans believe the country is headed in the wrong direction and that Biden’s approval ratings are in the tank, how do we explain the Democrat wins?
Let’s take a look at what those Democrats voted for, what they supported this past Tuesday. 
1.      In New York, Michigan, Illinois and Pennsylvania they voted to release violent criminal without bail, to allow them to continue to commit violent crimes against innocent people, to shoplift with impunity, and to use drugs on city streets with their mayors’ and governors’ blessings. These career criminals will continue to harass and kill citizens brave enough to ride the subway in New York or even to stand on the platforms. 
2.      They voted for unrestricted abortion, up to and including birth and even after, if the mother makes that decision.  They voted for infanticide which makes us about as “progressive” as the Aztecs.
3.      They voted for wholly unnecessary and dangerous vaccine mandates for their young children, for more mask mandates and lockdowns in the future if their governors such as Kathy Hochul, J.B. Pritzker and Gretchen Whitmer so decide.  They voted for medical tyranny.
4.     They voted for energy shortages – gasoline, LNG, coal -- all of which Joe Biden has promised to restrict or end.  No more coal, no more drilling, no more pipelines.  Their plan is to send us all back to the Stone Age since there is no way solar or wind can provide even a tiny percent of this country’s energy needs.  Just a few years ago, when Donald Trump was president, we were energy independent.  Now we are systematically being starved of the energy this land has under our feet in spades.  If we run out of diesel, that is when our grocery shelves will be empty.
5.     They voted for the continued invasion across our Southern border by unvetted migrants from all over the world.  They stream into the U.S. by the thousands each day.  They are given phones, money, hotel rooms, babysitting, laundry service, wi-fi, all on the taxpayer dime.  If only our homeless vets were treated as well.  More than five million migrants have entered the country since Biden took office.  This is all part of the left’s plan to alter the demographics of America, to transform us into a third world nation.  Part and parcel of this purposeful  invasion is the massive escalation of the sex trafficking of children and the tons of fentanyl that is spread throughout the country, killing 800 people each week!  This is Biden doing China’s bidding. 
6.     They voted to usher in the nefarious Great Reset, the globalist plan for a one-world government where “we will own nothing and be happy.”  These reset scoundrels have big plans for us; we will live by their rules, as serfs, without control over our own lives, or the lives of our children.  Who will we answer to?  These psychopathic, self-appointed elites.
7.      They voted for the furtherance of CRT, DEI, LGBT and ESG…each of these “programs” designed to divide citizens by race, class and gender.  They voted for the gender mutilation of younger and younger children.   
8.     They voted for the sexual grooming of our youngest children by mandating sex education, including gay pornography, for K-12 students.  They fervently believe that this is their right and duty despite most parents’ obvious and wise opposition. 
9.     They voted for the imposition of electric vehicles when we are years from being able to provide power to them.  EVs are more toxic to the environment than cars that run on gasoline.  Ask one of them where the power comes from; they’ll tell you “from the wall.”  Most of it comes from natural gas and coal.
10.  They voted for continued inflation, higher and higher gas and grocery prices, for more irrational spending on the climate change hoax.  They voted not just for socialism but for authoritarianism, for totalitarianism, for communism.  The Russia collusion hoax, the burying of the Hunter Biden laptop, two phony impeachments of President Trump, and the J6 show trial were each flashing neon lights of warning; tyranny is here and millions of Democrats voted for it. 
11.  From James Woods,  "If your party can't beat the actual dead, the talking dead, and the walking dead, it's over." In Pennsylvania, Democrats elected  a brain-damaged man who can barely put a coherent sentence together because he suffers from aphasia.  This man cannot possibly represent his constituents responsibly, but they voted for him anyway.  This tweet says it all:  “Do I vote for the party that nominates candidates with brain damage or the party that loses against candidates with brain damage.”  — Kyle Mann (@The_Kyle_Mann) November 9, 2022   Good question. 
Was the election on the up and up, fair and square, free of fraud?  Who knows?  George Soros, just one of the mega-donors to the Democrat party, spent $128 million!  (Remember also that Mark Zuckerberg spent $400 million in 2020.) One can buy a lot of people, votes and/or ballots with that kind of money.  How and why did the voting machines fail only in the conservative areas of Arizona?  Why does it take days to count ballots?  Was COVID all a grand hoax to derail Trump with mail-in ballots?  It seems possible.  There is no doubt that the 2020 election was stolen; did they steal this one too? 
Are Democrats simply uninformed about their party's agenda or do they actually support all the policies they voted to continue?

 “Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the

Clinton (LAWYERS-2) Foundation and the (LAWYERS-2)

Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden

(LAWYERS-3) family corruption, followed closely behind by

similar abuses of power and office by the (LAWYER) Warren

and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent

book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the

 surface of government corruption (YOU CAN ADD LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS



The level of 'corruption' in our government is 'unacceptable': JD Vance



Game Over


'WHEN HE WAS VP' Hunter DEMANDS 'dad''s CHARGES after 'Mexican' email...Obama


Chinese had the 'front door' with Hunter Biden: Rep. Darrell Issa

Is that not what the Democrat Party has created right here n America, transforming a once prosperous, strong, united, and safe nation into a debt-laden, militarily weak, socially divided, and increasingly dangerous society?  Here are some of the Bizarro policies and beliefs inflicted on us by the neo-socialist, globalist, anti-American Democrat Party over the past few decades —  PAUL E. SCATS


I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers (war profiteer, Sen. Dianne Feinstein was first to endorse Biden's run for the White House for obvious reasons) driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.                                                 TULSI GABBARD



Hunter Biden scandal is a prelude to indicting Trump: Sen. Cruz

Will a Biden Go to Prison Instead of Trump?

The biggest threat to the Biden machine is not from Republicans or conservatives.

Soon after he announced his run for President in June of 2015, the Democrats – along with their obedient lap dogs in the media – went after then New York City businessman Donald J. Trump hammer and tongs.

In collusion with elements of the “Deep State” within our own Federal government, fabricated accusation after fabricated accusation was hurled at then candidate Trump.  Once he was elected President, the left’s smear machine went into overdrive.


The main reason being that “They” – meaning the Democrats, the entrenched Republican-elites, and the Deep State – could not control him.  Ever.  President Trump was not part of the DC “Club” or “Cabal.”

He didn’t need their fawning approval nor their special interest connections or money.  He was in it to put forth what he believed to be the best policy initiatives designed to benefit the vast majority of the American people.  Most especially the working and middle-class.

As far as President Trump was concerned, it was: “Damn the partisan; special interest; and corrupt-liberal-media torpedoes.  Full speed ahead.”

Except…if you are instituting policies to help protect the vast majority of the American people, you will invariably expose numerous politicians as outright frauds, while identifying countless organizations and individuals greedily feeding from the tax-payer trough at the direct expense of the American people.

As the entrenched-elites in it for the power, the money, or petrified that they would soon be exposed as the charlatans they are could not have that, the “Russian Collusion” hoax was created in the darkest, most putrid shadows of the DC sewers and rolled out on multiple liberal, far-left, and “Never Trump” fronts.

To cover their “Russian Collusion” bet, they next scooped up gobs and gobs of freshly created mud and threw that at the walls in ever increasing fanatical fits of desperation.  Months and now years later, nothing has stuck.

What to do?

Even though former President Trump has been out of office for almost two years, the Democrats, the Deep State, the liberal media, and the entrenched Republican elites still fear him.  More than fear him, they fear the influence he still strongly maintains with tens of millions of American voters.

Hence, the partisan, despicable and truly disreputable FBI raid on former President Trump’s private residence in Florida.

Look, former President Trump is not perfect.  If I had his ear in the White House, I would have asked him to temper some of the school-yard rhetoric.  A President can easily take the public high road, while completely neutralizing – or even crushing — the opposition privately behind the scenes.  The fact is, by and large, then President Trump had exceptional policies which were dramatically reshaping our nation into a better and more secure version of itself.

But, for those willing to be honest with themselves, it was never about President Trump’s colorful rhetoric nor his policies.  It was always because he was beyond the control of the DC Club and Cabal.  Period.

Ironically – and quite relevantly – current President Joe Biden has been a charter member of that DC club for decades.  One of his many nicknames being: “Go along, Joe.”

The question for many being: “How much did he ‘Go Along’ with the schemes of his son, Hunter Biden?”

The biggest threat to the Biden machine is not from Republicans or conservatives, but from the entrenched Democratic-elites and their servants in the media.  At some point, the Democratic “leadership,” the liberal and Big-Tech special interests, Woke CEOs, members of the liberal “Deep State,” and certain mainstream media executives may decide for the good of them all, the “Biden Clan” has to be thrown overboard.

Should that come to pass – and it is more likely with each passing day – then a number of the alleged “Biden corruption” crumbs which have been repeatedly swept under multiple DC rugs, will magically start to creep back out onto the open floor for all to see.

“Crumbs” leading back to the Hunter Biden laptop as well as his business deals and contacts in Ukraine and The People’s Republic of China.

If I were a betting man, I would say they will never get former President Trump on any of the invented charges they have repeatedly orchestrated.

That said, I would not want to be part of the greater Biden family if the Democratic Cabal decides that all of them are suddenly and permanently, much more trouble than they are worth.

Should that come to pass, expect several very controversial “Presidential Pardons” to be announced at the end of the Biden administration in the wake of that Liberal-entrenched-elite “Save our own corrupt backsides” desperation move.

Douglas MacKinnon is a former White House and Pentagon official and author of the book:  The 56 – Liberty Lessons from those who risked all to sign The Declaration of Independence – Before they and the 4th of July are Banned.

Cruz: DOJ Handling of Hunter Biden a ‘Prelude’ Trump Indictment – ‘Politics, Not Law Enforcement’


During an appearance on this week’s broadcast of FNC’s “Sunday Morning Futures,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) criticized the Biden Justice Department’s handling of the Hunter Biden saga.

However, the Texas Republican predicted the corruption investigation of the younger Biden was part of an effort to indict former President Donald Trump.

“Well, the evidence of corruption is now becoming overwhelming,” Cruz said. “And we have seen in the last month the Biden Department of Justice actively leaking that it intends to indict Hunter Biden. And I have to say, those leaks are troubling on three different bases. Number one, the Department of Justice shouldn’t be leaking anything. That is against the law. To the extent that revealing grand jury secrets, that is, in fact, a criminal offense, and they’re playing politics. They’re not engaged in law enforcement. Number two, the substance of what they have leaked is that they’re looking at Hunter Biden for drug offenses and tax offenses. Now, listen, by any measure, Hunter Biden is a deeply troubled soul, a soul who has struggled with addiction his whole life.”

“What is concerning about their focus on the drug and tax issues is it is very carefully walling off why this is a matter of public concern,” he continued. “If Hunter Biden was just a regular guy who struggled with addiction, it wouldn’t be a matter of public interest. The reason it is a matter of public interest is there is significant and, in fact, overwhelming evidence that Hunter Biden was actively involved in official corruption with his father, Joe Biden. And that involves both Ukraine and the natural gas company Burisma that paid Hunter Biden $83,000 a month when he spoke no Ukrainian and knew nothing about oil and gas. And his father was actively doing favors on behalf of the oligarch who was paying Hunter Biden, and, likewise, China, communist China, paying Hunter Biden and his family over $5 million, including, we now know, 10 percent for the big guy, 10% for Joe Biden.”

“And the fact that the Biden DOJ is saying, ‘Oh, this is all a drug matter. Don’t pay attention to the big guy. Don’t pay attention to the corruption. Just make it one poor person struggling with addiction,'” Cruz added. “That’s highly concerning. And the third reason this is very troubling is, I think, all of this is a prelude to doing what Joe Biden and Merrick Garland want to do, which is indict Donald Trump. And they want to be able to say, look how even-handed we are. We indicted Hunter Biden. We indicted Donald Trump. We indict everybody. And that is politics, not law enforcement.”

Follow Jeff Poor on Twitter @jeff_poor

'HE HAS BAD FATHER' Garland CH0KED UP after Rick Scott shows Biden's name in 'Hunter' email

Hunter Biden will be a top priority for Republicans: Rep. Comer'

America sees two weak leaders in the White House: Mercedes Schlapp


Naïve American people had no idea what they were getting with Biden: A senile, corrupt, debauched old man with a son who was a conduit for his dirty dealings and who has a personal life so disgusting it’s hard to write about it. That’s what the American media and the tech tyrants have done to America. ANDREA WIDBURG

Hunter Biden's ongoing legal challenges haven't stopped other members of the Biden family from blatantly exploiting their ties to the president for financial gain. Joe Biden's younger brother, Frank Biden, promoted his relationship with the president in an ad published on Inauguration Day in a Florida business journal.

True Fact: Hunter Biden took $5 million in a deal with his Chinese business associate Patrick Ho — who he referred to as “the f**king spy chief of China” in a recording on his abandoned laptop.


"My brother is a model for how to go about doing this work," Frank Biden says in the ad for the Florida-based litigation firm where he works as a non-attorney senior adviser. The younger Biden has previously bragged about his success in lobbying his brother on behalf of moneyed interests during the Obama administration.

“Protect and enrich.” This is a perfect encapsulation of the

Clinton (LAWYERS-2) Foundation and the (LAWYERS-2)

Obama book and television deals. Then there is the Biden

(LAWYERS-3) family corruption, followed closely behind by

similar abuses of power and office by the (LAWYER) Warren

and Sanders families, as Peter Schweizer described in his recent

book “Profiles in Corruption.” These names just scratch the

 surface of government corruption (YOU CAN ADD LAWYER KAMALA HARRIS



The level of 'corruption' in our government is 'unacceptable': JD Vance



Game Over


'WHEN HE WAS VP' Hunter DEMANDS 'dad''s CHARGES after 'Mexican' email...Obama


Chinese had the 'front door' with Hunter Biden: Rep. Darrell Issa

Is that not what the Democrat Party has created right here n America, transforming a once prosperous, strong, united, and safe nation into a debt-laden, militarily weak, socially divided, and increasingly dangerous society?  Here are some of the Bizarro policies and beliefs inflicted on us by the neo-socialist, globalist, anti-American Democrat Party over the past few decades —  PAUL E. SCATS


I can no longer remain in today’s Democratic Party that is now under the complete control of an elitist cabal of warmongers (war profiteer, Sen. Dianne Feinstein was first to endorse Biden's run for the White House for obvious reasons) driven by cowardly wokeness, who divide us by racializing every issue and stoke anti-white racism, actively work to undermine our God-given freedoms, are hostile to people of faith and spirituality, demonize the police and protect criminals at the expense of law-abiding Americans, believe in open borders, weaponize the national security state to go after political opponents, and above all, dragging us ever closer to nuclear war.                                                 TULSI GABBARD

Here Come the Investigations

Column: Congressional oversight spells big trouble for Biden

President Biden On His Administration's New Actions On The Economy
Getty Images
 • October 28, 2022 5:00 am


Let’s say the GOP wins control of Congress on November 8. What will 2023 look like?

History offers clues. The Republican Congress will fight with the president over spending, immigration, the IRS, aid to Ukraine, and the debt ceiling. And it will open investigations into Biden’s personal and professional life. Divided government in a polarized America doesn’t simply halt a president’s legislative agenda. It saps energy out of the executive branch by forcing the White House into a defensive crouch.

Every president since Ronald Reagan has experienced a period of divided government. Every president since Reagan has faced withering scrutiny from an opposition Congress, from a special or independent counsel, or from all the above. Every president since Bill Clinton has fought Congress over spending. Those battles resulted in at least one government shutdown during three of the past four presidencies. (The Democratic Congress during George W. Bush’s final two years didn’t want to close the government, it wanted to cut off funds for the war in Iraq.)

Reagan was almost impeached for the Iran-contra scandal. George H.W. Bush had to contend with independent counsel Lawrence Walsh and with fallout from the collapse of the Savings and Loan industry. Clinton’s troubles began with Whitewater, moved on to the White House travel office, progressed to sleazy campaign finance, and climaxed in his impeachment for lying about and covering up his affair with a White House intern half his age. George W. Bush had to deal with another special counsel investigation, as well as a firestorm over his firing of U.S. attorneys.

Barack Obama’s administration was investigated for the Fast & Furious program, IRS targeting of Tea Party groups, and the attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi, Libya, on September 11, 2012. Donald Trump had special counsel Robert Mueller hounding him during his first two years, then Congress impeached him for his unsuccessful attempt to strong-arm the Ukrainians into giving him dirt on Biden. Then Congress impeached him again for the events of January 6, 2021. Trump has been out of office for almost two years, and Congress is still investigating him.

That’s six presidents and three impeachments. Three and a half, if you count the Iran-contra mess. Fair odds, then, that another impeachment lies ahead.

As soon as Congress changes hands, Republicans will be all over Homeland Security’s response to the border crisis. They will deluge the White House with document requests. They will examine whether the administration colluded with social media companies to censor politically incorrect views. They will put Attorney General Merrick Garland in the hot seat for his department’s handling of school board protests and criminalization of political differences. And, of course, the GOP Congress will pore over the contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop.

Investigations are easy to start and hard to finish. They take on lives of their own. Republicans may have some idea of where they want to focus, but things never go according to plan.

New scandals emerge. On my screen as I write is an October 25 article in the New York Times with the headline, "U.S. Officials Had a Secret Oil Deal with the Saudis. Or So They Thought." Reporters Mark Mazzetti, Edward Wong, and Adam Entous write that when President Biden met with Saudi Crown Prince Mohamed Bin Salman in July, he believed that the Saudis would increase oil production ahead of the midterm elections.

The Times notes that, on the very day in June that the White House announced its Middle East trip, Saudi Arabia said it would accelerate a production increase. When Biden met with Prince Salman in Riyadh, they fist-bumped. Then Biden left and the deal—if there ever was a deal—fell apart.

Saudi Arabia opposes the proposed price-cap on Russian oil exports. They don’t want to establish a market precedent. The Biden administration wants to go ahead with the caps. On October 5, the Saudi-influenced OPEC Plus, which also counts Russia as a member, said that it was cutting oil production. Biden and the Democrats were furious. "There’s going to be some consequences for what they’ve done with Russia," the president said. Congressional Democrats have proposed a range of retaliatory measures against the Saudis. Some even say that we should end our 80-year-old alliance with the kingdom.

Take a step back for a moment. The president of the United States entered what he thought was a secret agreement with a foreign government to take actions intended to benefit his political party. The White House is convinced that the president’s fortunes rise and fall on the "price at the pump." A price that Biden has tried desperately to drop—not by approving domestic oil and gas leases, pipelines, and refineries, but by depleting the Strategic Petroleum Reserve and pleading with autocratic governments to drill overseas. And when Saudi Arabia didn’t behave as expected, when the desired political benefit didn’t appear, Biden threatened retaliation.

Anyone else remember that "perfect" phone call between President Trump and Volodymyr Zelensky?

I’m not saying the situations are perfectly analogous. A fist bump is not quite the same as a phone transcript. Lower gas prices would help everybody, not just Biden and the Democrats. Plus, after scandal erupted over Trump’s call with Zelensky, U.S. military aid to Ukraine went ahead. Biden may follow through on his threats to punish Saudi Arabia—despite not having imposed any real penalty on Iran, which is supplying Russia with the kamikaze drones brutalizing Ukraine.

The Times story is a reminder that the future in politics is never a straight-line projection from the present. It is also a taste of all the subjects a Republican Congress will investigate in the coming years. None of us knows what grist for the oversight mill will be in tomorrow’s paper. Nor can we imagine what details intrepid congressional researchers will unearth in the months ahead.

The job of president has been hard for Joe Biden. It’s about to get a lot worse.

Sen. Cruz: Hard-Core Partisans in FBI, DOJ ‘View Themselves as Jackbooted Thugs for the DNC’

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Sen. Ted Cruz

Top-level officials holding career positions in the Justice Department consider themselves political enforcers for the Biden Administration, Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) said Sunday, discussing the DOJ’s unprecedented attempts to convict former President Donald Trump of a crime – any crime.

In an interview with Constitutional Scholar Mark Levin on “Life, Liberty & Levin,” Sen. Cruz and Host Levin discussed the warrant used to raid Trump’s Mar-a-Lago home.

“That warrant was outrageous, it was so broad. And, then you move into breaking into Donald Trump’s home,” Host Levin said, discussing how leaks coming out of the FBI and DOJ reveal an attempt to convict Trump of obstruction of justice – for simply moving documents from one room to another:

“And, the latest leak from the FBI and the Justice Department is: he moved documents. He moved documents from one room to his office! I don’t believe a subpoena prevents you from doing that, by the way. And so, they think they have an obstruction case.”

Never before in the nation’s history has a president used the Justice Department to attack a former president of the opposing party, Sen. Cruz said:

“In 230 years of our nation's history, this has never happened. We've never seen the Department of Justice raid the home of a former president. It's being done by a successor of the opposing political party. It’s being done because they want to attack Donald Trump.”

"This was a fishing expedition,” Cruz said, noting that “Every former president has taken documents from his administration. Barack Obama did that. Bill Clinton did that. George W. Bush did that."

The investigations into Trump are a brutal, blatant effort by the Biden Administration to use government agencies to gain political advantage, Cruz said:

"They’ve put hard partisans in the senior career levels at those institutions, and they now view themselves as the jackbooted thugs for the DNC.

“And that's not what the Department of Justice is supposed to be. That's not what the FBI is supposed to be."

Watters: The Five (CRIME) Families of the Democrat Party


Jesse Watters: The people responsible won’t talk

The main objective of “political animals” like Obama and the Clintons is to get elected; it’s not to fix a broken America, nor to protect her. There are people who govern and there are people who campaign; Obama and the Clintons are the latter. Just look at the huge Republican electoral gains under Obama and the Clintons. It’s amazing that Democrats who still care about their party still support the very people who have brought it down.

Joe Biden, the corrupt, unaccomplished 47-year career

 politician, with a reputation of having been a

 proud segregationist, an unabashed plagiarist and liar,

 a resolute tale-teller, and a serial flip-flopper, is pretending to

 head up a radical social-democratic ticket for President of the

 United States that includes as his running mate the ambitious, disagreeable junior senator from California: Kamala Harris. 

Hunter Biden's ongoing legal challenges haven't stopped other members of the Biden family from blatantly exploiting their ties to the president for financial gain. Joe Biden's younger brother, Frank Biden, promoted his relationship with the president in an ad published on Inauguration Day in a Florida business journal.

"My brother is a model for how to go about doing this work," Frank Biden says in the ad for the Florida-based litigation firm where he works as a non-attorney senior adviser. The younger Biden has previously bragged about his success in lobbying his brother on behalf of moneyed interests during the Obama administration.


 True Fact: Hunter Biden took $5 million in a deal with his Chinese business associate Patrick Ho — who he referred to as “the f**king spy chief of China” in a recording on his abandoned laptop.


GOP Lawmaker: 'Once Joe Biden Gets In The White House, Suddenly Hunter Biden's An Artist'


Hunter Biden will be a top priority for Republicans: Rep. Comer'

America sees two weak leaders in the White House: Mercedes Schlapp


Naïve American people had no idea what they were getting with Biden: A senile, corrupt, debauched old man with a son who was a conduit for his dirty dealings and who has a personal life so disgusting it’s hard to write about it. That’s what the American media and the tech tyrants have done to America. ANDREA WIDBURG

Report: White House Fears Hunter Could Doom Joe Biden’s Potential 2024 Campaign 

US President Joe Biden (R) and his son Hunter Biden walk to a vehicle after disembarking Air Force One upon arrival at Joint Base Andrews in Maryland on August 16, 2022, as they return from vacation in Kiawah Island, South Carolina. (Photo by Nicholas Kamm / AFP) (Photo by NICHOLAS …
NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images

Aides in the Biden administration fear Hunter and President Joe Biden’s shady business activities could doom the president’s potential campaign in 2024, Politico reported.

The Republicans’ investigations into the Biden family upon retaking the House in November could derail any hope of Joe Biden’s returning to the White House after 2024.

According to Politico’s Eugene Daniels, Jonathan Lemire, Jordain Carney, “[i]f a GOP-led House turns up the heat on Hunter Biden, it could weigh heavily in the president’s decision to run for a second term.”

“White House officials said Biden is preparing to seek reelection, but a final decision likely won’t be made for several months, with the first lady having an outsized influence. Some aides believe that Biden could forgo another campaign if it would shield his family from hostile congressional investigations,” the report states.

Rep. James Comer (R-KY), ranking member of the House Oversight Committee, and Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH), ranking member of the Judiciary Committee, have both pledged to investigate the Biden family business if they retake the House in November.

“We’ve got a lot of opportunities. We’ve got a lot of work to do. Obviously, we’re going to have some high-profile committee hearings on the investigations dealing with Hunter Biden,” Comer told the publication.

The GOP’s plan to probe the Bidens has likely alarmed many in the White House, causing aides to begin preparing messaging strategies for the “investigative onslaught” coming if Republicans retake the House.

A select committee may be deployed to investigate the Bidens, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) told Breitbart News in August. Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) also told Breitbart News that it is “absolutely” an option to probe the “big guy.” A select committee is a type of temporary committee created to conduct investigations or consider other measures on a specific topic.

“I think it can be done over oversight. There’s plenty there [to investigate],” Mace told Breitbart News. “But if that is not enough, once the traditional committee process investigates – then by all means – a special committee would be another option, absolutely.”

The president’s son is reportedly under investigation for tax fraud, money laundering, and gun and foreign lobbying violations by Trump-appointed United States Attorney David Weiss. Joe Biden’s Attorney General Merrick Garland has refused to say whether a special counsel should be placed over the investigation to maintain a just probe. A special counsel would distance from Joe Biden and the investigation into Hunter and the Biden family business dealings.

Recent polling shows 62 percent of registered voters believe Joe Biden likely consulted and perhaps profited from the Biden family business dealings. Fifty-eight percent of voters believed Joe Biden played a role in his family’s business. Sixty percent said Hunter Biden has sold “influence and access” to the president.

President Joe Biden and his staff have claimed at least seven times the president has had no part in the family business, but evidence shows he has been involved in at least 17 instances.

Hunter Biden is the subject of a brand new narrative film, My Son Hunter, marking Breitbart’s expansion into film distribution. The film was directed by Robert Davi (GooniesLicense to KillDie Hard) and stars Laurence Fox (VictoriaInspector LewisThe Professor and The Madman) as Hunter Biden; Gina Carano (The MandalorianDeadpoolHeist) as a Secret Service agent; and John James (Dynasty) as Joe Biden. It was produced by Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney (Gosnell movie, FBI Lovebirds: Undercovers) from the Unreported Story Society. The film is available RIGHT NOW for Streaming and Downloading at MySonHunter.comThe trailer below has been viewed almost 5 million times across social media.
The Ann & Phelim Scoop

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø. He is the author of Politics of Slave Morality.

Exclusive–Dr. Sebastian Gorka: Investigating the Biden Cartel

Courtesy Dr. Sebastian Gorka
Courtesy Dr. Sebastian Gorka

Matt Gaetz is a troublemaker. He is a patriot. He is totally America First. And he understands the following:

After the midterm elections, there will be an expectation that the Republican Party get serious. Not business as usual. Not the “Let’s treat the Democrats as a normal party” attitude, but let’s get to the bottom of the corruption that is rife across this nation, and especially in the White House.

That’s why he wants to investigate and subpoena Hunter Biden. And that’s why he invited me to Capitol Hill this week to strategize on how to get serious.

What will that entail? It will entail a show of political force. It will entail, as Matt Gaetz has said on my radio show, making every committee of Congress an investigatory committee with subpoena power, to get to the bottom of the corruption of the Cartel that is the Biden Clan.

We know the laptops are real. We’ve seen the pictures. We’ve read the emails, listened to the voicemails. Now there have to be consequences. Consequences that can satisfy the 74 million Americans who actually voted for President Trump and who want to live in an America where there is rule of law. We need to know the truth about all those shady deals with corrupt regimes. We must know whether we have a Commander-in-Chief who is vulnerable to blackmail by our enemies, or who is potentially profiting from colluding with our enemies.

Hunter Biden’s laptops are not in dispute. The fact that his lawyers wanted those laptops back proves to you that they are his. We need answers to the questions as to what happened with all the money he received from interests connected with the Communist regime in China, with the CFC company.

We need to subpoena his business partners at Rosemont Seneca and confidantes such as Eric Schwerin, who acted as the “de facto financial planner for the wider Biden family” managing their foreign incomes. We have to subpoena individuals like John Robinson “Rob” Walker, and ask them questions like: What happened to the $6 million from China that went to the Bidens? Why were there shared bank accounts between Hunter Biden and Joe Biden? Who paid for Joe Biden’s mortgage in certain crucial years when Hunter was cutting those deals?

And on top of that, why do we have the President of the United States denying he knew anything about his son’s business dealings — when we have now the unclassified records of his meeting more than a dozen of his son’s business partners? And I don’t mean American business partners, I mean business partners from places like Ukraine, China, and Kazakhstan. We even have Biden himself on a voicemail discussing Hunter’s dodgy deals.

At the end of the day, and more importantly, this is an issue that affects national security and not just criminal activities, such as wire fraud or FARA violations. It concerns real national security. China is at war with us. Whether it’s their Unrestricted Warfare strategy to take America down and to become the only hegemonic power in the world, whether it’s the “One Belt, One Road” initiative used to intimidate our friends, our allies, our partners in Asia and across the world, China is at war with us. President Trump knew it and did something about it. His successor reversed course on our policies regarding China. Why?

The figures for just fentanyl overdoses alone tell you that they are at war. More than 110,000 dead in the last calendar year from overdoses; that is almost twice the amount that died in 10 years of the Vietnam War. That is a form of indirect warfare.

But we have a regime, we have a First Family, that is — by their own admission — in bed with China. Just listen to the audio of Hunter Biden boasting, from his laptop, that he is in business with the “f***ing spy chief of China.” That’s not Sebastian Gorka, that’s not Matt Gaetz, that’s not President Trump, Steve Bannon, or anybody else. It is Hunter Biden’s own words.

That is why I said yes to Matt Gaetz. That I’d be honored to act as Staff Director for any serious GOP effort, because they need to get serious, and they need to investigate and have a special commission, a special Congressional committee, to investigate both the criminal, the RICO, and the national security aspects of Hunter Biden’s corruption, and the corruption of the Biden crime cartel family. In fact, this is not new territory for me.

Before moving to the U.S., I served as special investigator for the special committee of the Hungarian Parliament investigating Prime Minister Peter Medgyessy after it was revealed that he had been a Major in the Communist Secret Police. I am practiced in investigating corrupt Communist-ties heads-of-state.

So, I’m ready. Matt Gaetz is ready. Are you? If you think we need the truth about the Bidens, demand exactly that from your GOP Representative or Senator. Only if they fear your political wrath will we have a chance at justice.

Lead Oversight Republican: House GOP Majority to Investigate Hunter Biden, Biden Family

Representative James Comer, a Republican from Kentucky and ranking member of the House Oversight and Reform Committee, speaks during a hearing in Washington, D.C., US, on Wednesday, June 22, 2022. The hearing is looking into how the National Football League (NFL) has handled allegations of workplace misconduct by the Washington …
Samuel Corum/Bloomberg, Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

House Oversight Committee Ranking Member James Comer (R-KY) said on Thursday that an investigation into Hunter Biden will commence once Republicans take back control of the House.

“The reason we’re investigating Hunter Biden is because we believe he’s compromised Joe Biden,” Comer, who will likely be the next House Oversight Committee chairman, told reporters.

Comer said that the crux of the planned investigation into Hunter Biden and his business dealings centers on rooting out corruption and political retribution against Democrats for their investigations and impeachments against former President Donald Trump.

“We’ve already brought forth more evidence of wrongdoing with Hunter Biden in foreign countries than Adam Schiff ever brought forward with Donald Trump or Jared Kushner or anyone else,” the lead Oversight Republican said.

Comer has described Hunter Biden as a “national security risk” this summer.

House Republicans across the spectrum have discussed the potential crimes and other implications Hunter Biden’s business dealings have had with President Joe Biden.

Breitbart News senior contributor and Government Accountability Institute (GAI) President Peter Schweizer said during a Republican Study Committee (RSC) meeting in April that there is a “slam dunk” case to indict Hunter Biden for tax evasion.

Schweizer even said the Hunter Biden laptop stories made it easier to answer “three basic fundamental questions” about the relationship between China, Hunter Biden, and Joe Biden:

  1. The Biden family received roughly $31 million in business deals with the Chinese.
  2. Hunter Biden had significant business dealings with high-ranking Chinese government officials.
  3. Schweizer said that the Hunter Biden emails revealed that the Biden family’s money is “fungible.”

Even though Schweizer said there is a good chance that Hunter would go to jail, he said that Hunter would likely take the fall to protect his father, the president.

“What is probably going to happen is there’s going to be a deal cut. Hunter Biden is going to cop to some of the charges. He may spend some time in jail. But, he’s going to do that to protect his father.”

Hunter Biden is the subject of a brand new narrative film, My Son Hunter, marking Breitbart’s expansion into film distribution. The film was directed by Robert Davi (GooniesLicense to KillDie Hard) and stars Laurence Fox (VictoriaInspector LewisThe Professor, and The Madman) as Hunter Biden; Gina Carano (The MandalorianDead PoolHeist) as a Secret Service agent; and John James (Dynasty) as Joe Biden. It was produced by Phelim McAleer and Ann McElhinney (Gosnell movie, FBI Lovebirds: Undercovers) from the Unreported Story Society. The film is available RIGHT NOW for Streaming and Downloading at MySonHunter.comThe trailer below has been viewed almost 5 million times across social media.

The Ann and Phelim Scoop

Sean Moran is a congressional reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.

Naïve American people had no idea what they were getting with Biden: A senile, corrupt, debauched old man with a son who was a conduit for his dirty dealings and who has a personal life so disgusting it’s hard to write about it. That’s what the American media and the tech tyrants have done to America. 

                                              ANDREA WIDBURG

True Fact: Hunter Biden took $5 million in a deal with his Chinese business associate Patrick Ho — who he referred to as “the f**king spy chief of China” in a recording on his abandoned laptop.

However, the lust for power and immense pecuniary gains cause people to behave in the most cold-hearted fashion.  It is inhuman of Biden's wife and family to allow him to be exploited like this, such that he becomes the target of ridicule. 

'Abundantly Clear Why His Handlers Have Been Keeping Him Away From Cameras': GOP Rep Rips Biden


GOP Lawmaker: 'Once Joe Biden Gets In The White House, Suddenly Hunter Biden's An Artist'

'Abundantly Clear Why His Handlers Have Been Keeping Him Away From Cameras': GOP Rep Rips Biden


GOP Lawmaker: 'Once Joe Biden Gets In The White House, Suddenly Hunter Biden's An Artist'


Hunter Biden will be a top priority for Republicans: Rep. Comer'

America sees two weak leaders in the White House: Mercedes Schlapp


Naïve American people had no idea what they were getting with Biden: A senile, corrupt, debauched old man with a son who was a conduit for his dirty dealings and who has a personal life so disgusting it’s hard to write about it. That’s what the American media and the tech tyrants have done to America. ANDREA WIDBURG

Watters: The Five (CRIME) Families of the Democrat Party


GOP Lawmaker: 'Once Joe Biden Gets In The White House, Suddenly Hunter Biden's An Artist'

“Everything about this is a shady business dealing, and this is the first time that there’s proof that Joe Biden was involved. That’s why we are trying to get those suspicious activity reports and those transaction records,” said Comer.

"Along with Obama, Pelosi and Schumer are responsible for incalculable damage done to this country over the eight years of that administration (JOE BIDEN WAS OFF SUCKING OFF BANKSTERS AND BRIBES)."     PATRICIA McCARTHY

Naïve American people had no idea what they were getting with Biden: A senile, corrupt, debauched old man with a son who was a conduit for his dirty dealings and who has a personal life so disgusting it’s hard to write about it. That’s what the American media and the tech tyrants have done to America. 

                                              ANDREA WIDBURG

True Fact: Hunter Biden took $5 million in a deal with his Chinese business associate Patrick Ho — who he referred to as “the f**king spy chief of China” in a recording on his abandoned laptop.

However, the lust for power and immense pecuniary gains cause people to behave in the most cold-hearted fashion.  It is inhuman of Biden's wife and family to allow him to be exploited like this, such that he becomes the target of ridicule. 

A Commie Coalition of Racists, Butchers, Liars,

and Ghouls

Kamala cackles at Korea's DMZ.  Braindead Biden speaks to ghosts.  Wicked Witch Hillary curses America with lies.  Halloween season must be here.  Except the evil that Democrats do lasts all year long.  Filled with racists, butchers, killers, liars, misanthropes, thieves, and snobs, the commie coalition of leftists in America pursues nothing but harm.  Feasting on children, spreading fear and hate, they are the carnival horror show no sane person would dare permit through the gates.  Wherever their power grows, Dems bring darkness (thanks, Green New Deal!), scary times, and frightening monsters.  (Jeffrey Epstein didn't kill himself, after all.)

It is clear that the commie coven has cast a spell upon the country, transfixing too many otherwise rational-thinking Americans into supporting wicked things.  Who could be in favor of explicitly judging people by the color of their skin?  Who could support secretly grooming innocent children to partake in sexual fantasies?  Who could promote mutilating a child's body as if "transgenderism" were a sacred rite?  Who could demand that babies be sacrificed on the altar of convenience?  Who could preach that freedom is sinful and that obedience to government is divine?  Who could maliciously scare billions with the unscientific doomsaying of imminent climate apocalypse?  Who could steal food and fuel from the poor, while global elites choose who will be lucky enough to eat?  Who could teach Westerners self-loathing on such a grand scale?  Surely only very wicked people could do such things.  Or people who have become lost in the delusions of malevolent magicians who seed discord, spread lies, feed on pain, despoil innocence, and thrive on hate.

Leftism really is a curse because it twists minds into believing hideous things.  Saying, "All lives matter," is somehow racist.  Wanting to "Make America Great" somehow spreads hate.  Treating people equally regardless of skin color promotes "white supremacy."  Rewarding merit and hard work does, too.  The less someone thinks of race, the more that person is condemned as "racist," while the more someone obsesses over race, the more "virtuous" that person is said to be.  Only "racists" today treat people of all shades the same.

What a sick world the commies have built.  White adolescent males have been intentionally left behind.  Their rates for academic achievement have plummeted, while their rates for alcohol and drug dependence continue to rise.  They are lonely, without purpose, and suicidal as never before, yet the merciless Marxists beat them over the head with allegations of their miraculous "supremacy."  There are no scholarships for "white boys."  There are no clubs where they are encouraged to belong.  They are not invited to succeed.  Books, television shows, and movies relentlessly paint them as the villains.  The federal bureaucracy treats them as potential "domestic threats."  The stories of their ancestors are rewritten as shameful tales best to forget.  They have become the eternal whipping post for the hideously racist political left.  

Where has compassion gone?  To where has the dream of a colorblind world vanished?  Why must young innocents be punished for perceived "sins" committed in the distant past?  Who could possibly justify looking through a person's character and seeing instead nothing but oppressive hues?  Only a race-obsessed commie coalition seeking to divide.  Only hateful demagogues who maintain power by teaching others to despise.

In America, former president but lifelong Marxist Barack Obama can slander proponents of secure borders as racists, and nobody bats an eye.  Babbling Vice President Harris can promise to disburse federal funds for victims of Hurricane Ian based on Americans' skin color, and corporate news talking heads applaud.  Nancy Pelosi can justify millions of illegal aliens as necessary for picking crops, and America's most race-obsessed pretend not to hear.  White victims can be violently targeted on the street by criminal gangs, and Democrat mayors cover up their race-based crimes.  Beloved statues and monuments honoring the world historical achievements of America's Founding Fathers can be defiled and toppled, and no arrests are ever made.  A white male waving the American flag or singing the National Anthem too proudly, however, is condemned for not proactively apologizing for the color of his skin.  Hidden "racist" intent is seen lurking in every corner of society.  Americans insufficiently dedicated to racial grievance are "canceled" for imaginary sins.  Those unwilling to rewrite history are punished.  Those who refuse to believe in "woke" delusions are derided.  That's how the left helps evil win.

It has been said often that a culture can be judged by how it treats its most vulnerable, and by any measure the West will soon be harshly judged.  It was not enough to legalize abortion while promising to keep it rare.  The killing of children had to be embraced, then universalized, then celebrated, and finally used as an absurd "human right" cudgel against its opponents.  It was not enough to redefine the ancient institution of marriage when destroying the traditional family was the Marxists' ultimate goal.  It was never about preaching "tolerance" for others when the political left steadfastly refuses to leave God-fearing Americans alone.

Young students forced to endure Marxist indoctrination may be surprised to learn that a short time ago there was no confusion over biological sex.  Nowhere in the world did any culture, scientific body, or human rights group find it controversial to believe in the existence of biologically-defined women and men.  Parents had no trouble distinguishing their daughters from their sons.  Schools had no need to invent hundreds of "genders" to account for each human's uniqueness.  Medicine had not been so politicized as to turn basic genetics upside-down.  Only a few years of propaganda and brainwashing, though, were sufficient for thousands of years of human history to be tossed out.  What unbelievable witchcraft it is to transform a basic fact of life into a divisive curse for argument and division.  How sinister it is to teach toddlers outright lies.  How barbaric it is to encourage boys and girls to take life-altering hormones and undergo irreversible surgeries before ever growing up.  What ghoulish monsters the Marxists are for mangling bodies, manipulating psyches, and ruining lives.

As if teaching racism, butchering children, and killing babies were not enough, the left's horror tale is not complete without the frightful terrors of global warming.  So committed they are to centralized government power and so obsessed they are with unchecked population growth that the Marxists would rather terrify the world with visions of destruction than let children grow up with hope.  To tell kids that their parents are killing them with "fossil" fuels.  To spread outrageous propaganda that the world does not have long to live.  What sinister intent inspires such apocalyptic prevarications?  What kind of evil people spread such fear and dread? 

It takes a certain kind of monster to intentionally hurt and scare the weak.  It takes a certain kind of villain to terrorize the poor.  It takes awfully racist people to obsess over the color of children's skin.  It takes misanthropic Marxists to spin lies of planetary horror.  Yet the evil that men do succeeds only when good men choose to remain silent.  So speak up loudly every day.  Break the leftists' spells.  Chase the wicked far away.  And never be compliant.

Image via Max Pixel.


Pelosi, through her holdings in local restaurants and vineyards, is reputed to be one of the largest employers of illegal labor in Northern California. 

“Our job as elected officials is to serve the people — not ourselves,” the Virginia Democrat said in a statement on Friday.

Nancy Pelosi Sits in SILENCE as Lauren Boebert UNVEIL New Facts on her in Congress

Watters: The Five (CRIME) Families of the Democrat Party

Internet stock traders often follow Nancy Pelosi's

purchases and selloffs for investing tips, Business

Insider reported, with some suggesting "she's making the

big bucks off of insider information."




Watters: The Five (CRIME) Families of the Democrat Party


GOP Lawmaker: 'Once Joe Biden Gets In The White House, Suddenly Hunter Biden's An Artist'


Watters: The Five (CRIME) Families of the Democrat Party


GOP Lawmaker: 'Once Joe Biden Gets In The White House, Suddenly Hunter Biden's An Artist'

Hunter Biden’s close relationship with the assistant to China’s ‘spy chief’

One of Hunter Biden’s working relationships was with a man Hunter characterized as China’s “spy chief.” That’s why it’s concerning that he allowed the secretary of that same “spy chief” to occupy so much of his time and give him advice on personal and political matters. Even without evidence of an affair (making her the rare woman Hunter may not have bedded), his lack of judgment and the fact that this happened so close to Joe Biden’s orbit is concerning.

The Daily Mail is still ferreting through Hunter Biden’s hard drive and finding interesting material. One of the things it found is how close Hunter became to a woman named JiaQi Bao.

In 2017, Hunter went into business with Patrick Ho, CEFC’s secretary general. CEFC, in turn, was a vast (and corrupt) Chinese oil company with close ties to both the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the party’s People’s Liberation Army. In emails, Hunter described Ho as the “spy chief of China.”

Image: Hunter Biden partying in Malibu (from his laptop).

If you’re wondering why someone who was both an American citizen and the son of a highly placed American politician would want to consort with the spy chief for a repressive dictatorship, I’m not surprised. Long ago, when I was a yuppie in Dallas, my friends loved going to a horrible pizza place because of the rumor that it was a money laundering place for the mob. I thought that it was appalling to support the mob; they thought it was cool, edgy, and exciting. For a man like Hunter, already unanchored to any morality, Ho’s status probably just made the whole deal more fun.

JiaQi Bao, a Chinese-American woman, was Ho’s assistant. According to the Daily Mail, she began her work with Hunter doing standard assistant tasks: booking flights, hotels, and doctor’s appointments. However, as time went on, although there’s no evidence that they had an affair, the Daily Mail says the relationship changed dramatically, with Bao performing more substantive tasks for Hunter:

At first, emails show the New York-based Bao diligently scheduled flights, hotels and even doctor’s appointments for the president’s son.

But mysteriously, the young assistant also sent him opposition research to help Joe Biden’s 2020 election bid, urged him to take cash from the joint venture’s accounts as the business collapsed and wrote flirty and personal messages and even ended up with Hunter’s military dog tags in her New York apartment – the same tags he can be seen wearing in home-made porn videos he recorded on his laptop. 

Incidentally, we’re not talking about little notes or musings. Bao sent Hunter a three-page long, single-spaced, detailed email on all these subjects. Additionally, she wrote the email at roughly the same time that Hunter was collecting naked videos of himself during an utterly debauched 2018 party in Malibu, complete with hookers, group sex and, of course, drugs.

The Daily Mail acknowledges that there’s no evidence that Bao was a spy—and she hasn’t responded to any requests for comment—but the fact is that her employer and his company were a problem:

A Senate probe highlighted links between Hunter’s Chinese backers and the country’s spy machine, and reported that his dealings with the Chinese ‘raise criminal financial, counterintelligence and extortion concerns’.

The Daily Mail has a lot more information which you may find interesting. The outlines of Hunter’s activities vis-à-vis Bao and CEFC still need to come into focus, but it’s clear that both the current president and his son knew that CEFC was allied with the government of America’s chief economic and geopolitical adversary...and didn’t care. Moreover, given Hunter’s uncontrolled behavior, if Bao was indeed a Chinese agent, she held him in the palm of her hand.

I sincerely hope that someone in Washington finally takes all this seriously, investigates it carefully and, if appropriate, metes out serious punishment to the people involved.


Naïve American people had no idea what they were getting with Biden: A senile, corrupt, debauched old man with a son who was a conduit for his dirty dealings and who has a personal life so disgusting it’s hard to write about it. That’s what the American media and the tech tyrants have done to America. 

                                              ANDREA WIDBURG

True Fact: Hunter Biden took $5 million in a deal with his Chinese business associate Patrick Ho — who he referred to as “the f**king spy chief of China” in a recording on his abandoned laptop.

However, the lust for power and immense pecuniary gains cause people to behave in the most cold-hearted fashion.  It is inhuman of Biden's wife and family to allow him to be exploited like this, such that he becomes the target of ridicule. 

'Abundantly Clear Why His Handlers Have Been Keeping Him Away From Cameras': GOP Rep Rips Biden


GOP Lawmaker: 'Once Joe Biden Gets In The White House, Suddenly Hunter Biden's An Artist'


Hunter Biden will be a top priority for Republicans: Rep. Comer'

America sees two weak leaders in the White House: Mercedes Schlapp


Naïve American people had no idea what they were getting with Biden: A senile, corrupt, debauched old man with a son who was a conduit for his dirty dealings and who has a personal life so disgusting it’s hard to write about it. That’s what the American media and the tech tyrants have done to America. ANDREA WIDBURG

Watters: The Five (CRIME) Families of the Democrat Party


GOP Lawmaker: 'Once Joe Biden Gets In The White House, Suddenly Hunter Biden's An Artist'

Top Republican Drops Bombshell on Hannity: Joe Biden Personally Sold US Natural Gas to Communist China


The top Republican on the U.S. House committee tasked with investigating government corruption has made a stunning revelation to  host , that  was personally involved in a deal that sought to give communist  a supply of U.S. natural gas and influence over U.S. natural gas prices.

Congressman  (R-Ky.), the Ranking Member on the U.S. House Committee on Government Oversight and Reform revealed on Hannity’s program documents showing Biden family members, and then-former Vice  himself tried to cut a 2017 deal with the communist Chinese energy company CEFC.

“Documents and communications obtained by Committee Republicans reveal Joe Biden was involved in the arrangement as a business partner, had office space, and may have benefitted financially from his family’s transaction selling American energy to a Chinese business closely affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party,” Government Oversight and Reform Committee Republicans announced in a statement.

Comer claims to have a 2017 PowerPoint presentation that allegedly details Joe Biden’s involvement in a Biden family business deal to sell U.S. natural gas to communist China, and a whistleblower who confirms, through bank transactions, Joe Biden’s involvement in the deal.

According to Comer, the PowerPoint presentation and obtained emails show ’s company, Hudson West, was negotiating a sale of U.S. liquified natural gas to CEFC.

Comer reports the presentation names Joe Biden as a major investor in the deal, and Joe Biden would have “keys to the office negotiation the deal.”

Notably, CEFC wanted to work with the Bidens to purchase an interest in American drillers, giving them some control over U.S. natural gas prices.

“I think it’s safe to say now that the Oversight investigation into Hunter Biden, is now shifting to an investigation of Joe Biden,” Comer told Hannity.

“Everything about this is a shady business dealing, and this is the first time that there’s proof that Joe Biden was involved. That’s why we are trying to get those suspicious activity reports and those transaction records,” said Comer.

The opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the positions of American Liberty News.

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