Friday, November 11, 2022

IT'S A LUV FEST! - HILLARY CLINTON AND RACIST, HOMOPHOBE JOY REID - Joy Reid & Hillary Clinton Shriek Over 'Violent Fascist Republicans' - Despite defying all expectations in the midterms, the Left continues to seethe.


The Left Isn’t Happy Unless They’re Miserable

Despite defying all expectations in the midterms, the Left continues to seethe.

The American Left still isn’t happy. Even after defying all expectations in the not-quite-yet-concluded midterm elections, there is rage percolating up among a lot of liberals.

Democrats had a good night Tuesday, largely beating back the headwinds of an unpopular president, high inflation, a shaky economy, rising crime and historic midterm election patterns. Any Republican majority in the House will be razor thin and Democrat control of the Senate is an even money bet. Yet there’s still wailing and gnashing of teeth among the Left.

This unhappiness appears to be chronic. The recent American Family Survey found that liberal women were roughly half as likely as conservative women to be happy with their family life, their mental health and their life in general. Liberal men were slightly less unhappy. Why?

By definition, the American Left believes in Marxism to varying degrees. They may deny this because they do not read or understand Marxism but they demonstrate their belief by voting for Progressive and Democrat candidates, many of whom embrace Marxist ideas.

Consider this draft of the Communist Confession of Faith. (Yes, like the Westminster Confession of Faith, only really bad.) Near the top of this Confession, it states that the aims of communism will be achieved, “by the elimination of private property.”

One principle in this Confession is illustrated by author Frederick Engles’ assertion that, “The happiness of the individual is inseparable from the happiness of all.”

Then we have the proletarians, which is anybody who works for a living. According to the Confession, proletarians are worse off than slaves because slaves have a single owner providing, “a guaranteed subsistence,” whereas anybody who has a job is a, “slave of the entire bourgeois class… and therefore has no guaranteed subsistence.”

The Confession claims communism will rise through an, “established democracy,” whose first priority is, “Guaranteeing the subsistence of the proletariat.” It’s not coincidental that communism offers the same thing as a slave owner.

Laid out in this Confession is a three-step process for guaranteeing subsistence: “Progressive taxation, limitation of the right of inheritance in favor of the state, etc.” is the first step. Next is, “Employing workers in national workshops and factories and on national estates.” The third step is, “Educating all children at the expense of the state.”

This Confession of faith concludes by assuring us that nationalities will cease to exist and that communism will “supersede” religion.

Let’s review: The Americans who are unhappiest are those whose worldview is dictated by a Confession that promises to take your stuff, make you work for the government, tells you you’re worse off than slaves, that you can’t be happy unless everybody else is and that government is God.

As if this isn’t enough to induce misery, American liberals must also struggle. All the time. I’ve endured my share of struggling and don’t like it. Struggling is a pain in the tuchus.

But if you’re a liberal, struggling is a core competency. Soviet dictator Joseph Stalin wrote a lengthy essay on struggling because it’s a very big deal in Marxism. A deeper dive into the ideology shows that if people aren’t struggling, they’re fighting.

There’s the “development of each individual comrade as a revolutionary fighter,” so they can fight capitalism and fight to unite and so on. Fighting is so essential, Hillary Clinton wrote an entire thesis on it.

In addition to fighting and struggling and taking your stuff, Karl Marx hated the family and wanted it abolished, called marriage a fraud, and considered children instruments of production.

Then there’s biblical Christianity, on which America was founded. Whereas communism promises subsistence, Nehemiah told the Israelites, “The God of heaven will make us prosper, and we his servants will arise and build.”

The book of Psalms intones, “Children are a heritage from the Lord,” while Proverbs calls grandchildren, “the crown of the aged.”

Paul’s letter to the Romans advises, “We rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured into our hearts.”

Paul also writes of happiness saying, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.”

I’m just gonna say it; this is the stuff of America.

A lot of liberals claim they don’t believe in Marxism but in truth, most of the people they voted for Tuesday promote it. For reasons that elude me, those voters chose subsistence over prosperity, despair over joy, fighting over peace, hatred over love.

With all the reasons for the Left to be happy after Tuesday, they’re not. It begs the question, what would make them happy? If we’re not careful, we might find out in 2024.

In America, former president but lifelong  Marxist Barack Obama can slander proponents of secure borders as racists, and nobody bats an eye.  Babbling Vice President Harris can promise to disburse federal funds for victims of Hurricane Ian based on Americans' skin color, and corporate news talking heads applaud.  Nancy Pelosi can justify millions of illegal aliens as necessary for picking crops, and America's most race-obsessed pretend not to hear.  White victims can be violently targeted on the street by criminal gangs, and Democrat mayors cover up their race-based

Joy Reid Goes Even Deeper Down the Crazy Hole

Absurdity is all the Democrats have left.

Democrats love the idea that conservatives are really into conspiracy theories. That might actually be the biggest conspiracy theory floating around these days, especially if you watch MSNBC. And if you do watch MSNBC, in addition to having my sincerest condolences for whatever horrible things happened in your childhood to make you hate yourself so much, you are now being introduced to a brand new conspiracy theory: the “fake polls to pervert the average of polls” gambit.

Admittedly, the name needs a little work. But it is an apt description of the raw sewage flowing from the rear end of the peacock on a regular basis.

Before we get to what it is in detail, I have to note the hilarity of a network that employs Rachel Maddow, albeit only one day per week, and pays her $30 million per year (again, for working one day per week), birthing the idea that any other organization is involved in conspiracy theories. The yarn and thumbtack budget for Maddow has to be half her salary just so various, disparate things can be tied together in her rambling, tinfoil monologues. The New York Times once whined that Tucker Carlson’s monologues were getting longer, yet they never noted how Maddow’s entire show can be one. Her level of paranoia is Olympic in scope, presumably resulting in her waking up from night terrors of Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump putting extra fluoride in her water.

A stoner living next to cop has never been as paranoid as Rachel Maddow is on any day ending in “y.” But there is an audience for it, with Maddow being the only thing on MSNBC that sniffs the top 10 of cable news on the day she works. Liberals love conspiracy theories and seem to genuinely believe some of the dumbest ideas ever cooked up. You have to admire that, somewhat, at least through the pity.

That concoction of admiration for an ability to ignore reality coupled with the pity of watching a junkie argue with a mailbox and lose is what the Joy Reid show is. They call it “The Reid Out,” which I have to assume is clever. The whole crew comes off as people who laugh repeatedly as the same puns, mistaking them for inside jokes because they don’t understand the concept.

Concepts are one thing that fall just beyond the grasp of everyone associated with the show, especially this host Joy. As beautiful as she is intelligent – Forrest Gump with a bleached Moe from the Three Stooges haircut – and as honest as the day is short. God is a perfect being, but next to the platypus, Joy Reid is the one creation of his that makes you question it. Maybe he had a box of leftover parts he just couldn’t bring himself to toss out and gave the world irony in the form of someone named Joy?

We can’t know God’s plan, but sometimes you have to wonder if he even does. She’s the velvet painting of Elvis on cable news, seemingly working only to have people listen to her words in wonderment as to why they exist.

Well, Joy has herself a conspiracy theory and it is a doozy. After multiple election cycles where polling radically undercounted Republican support, she would now like people to believe conservatives are cooking the books in polling, spending untold millions (polling ain’t cheap) to conduct bogus polls in the hope of skewing the average of polls on the 538 blog and Real Clear Politics. If that sounds not only very expensive but wildly elaborate that’s only because it is. (Watch her lay it out here, it’s very convoluted.)

Why do this? Reid seems to believe having the average of polls favoring Republicans will make Democrats stay home on election day. In other words: voter suppression.

Yes, that’s incredibly stupid. I did mention we’re dealing with Joy Reid here, right? Stupid is her currency.

But it’s not really all that stupid, from a business model for MSNBC point of view. After the Mueller Report was released, MSNBC’s ratings dropped. Their viewers realized they’d been lied to for 2 and a half years about Russian collusion, that Mueller wasn’t going to “get” Donald Trump. They weren’t really excited about having been lied to for ratings and became demoralized. They came back, choosing being lied to over reality because reality is no friend of the left, but the lesson was learned: don’t oversell your lies or your audience could leave you, even for a while.

Joy Reid doesn’t have much of an audience – mostly left-wing suburban housewives in loveless marriages with no kids at home, drinking their afternoons away and desperate for any kind of attention who get the thrill of a tiny spark by being called racist; it’s a safe form of BDSM for numb leisure class members. She can’t afford to lose any of them.

By spinning a conspiracy of “voter suppression by poll averages,” Reid is setting up an excuse for losses by people like Stacey Abrams, someone Reid has personally propped up and sold her audience for four years. Reid has likely cost her audience millions in campaign contributions and book sales for Abrams, if Stacey loses something has to be blamed, it can’t be that the people of Georgia simply weren’t interested because that would make Joy Reid and pretty much everyone at MSNBC a liar.

It’s a testament to just how far gone the left is that voter suppression by poll averages is the best they could come up with. Who bases their lives on something a tiny fraction of the public even has any idea about? If you’re a reader of the 538 blog or Real Clear Politics you are likely engaged in politics and aren’t going to let anything stop you from voting. If you aren’t a reader, you likely have no idea what the average of polls even means, so the idea that it would suppress turnout is absurd.

Absurd is all Democrats have left.

The left needs to elevate obscure or completely unknown people to accuse the entire right of embracing conspiracies, all we have to do is show exactly what their “leaders” are saying. So laugh at them, mock them, they deserve all of it. But never let anyone forget who the true conspiracy theorist are. And vote against every single one of them, up and down the ballot.

The New Puritans

The Woke Left wants to put all of us on trial.

When was the last time you watched MSNBC or CNN – or any of the broadcast networks? I am not suggesting that one should do this often; but like taking cod’s liver oil or boiled spinach, watching the opposition is an essential ingredient to building character.

Because no matter which of the smug Woke left hosts you happen upon, they are all preaching the same sermon, over and over, so often in fact you would think they would tire of it: we are the virtuous ones, the vigils of Democracy. We are the ones who command history, art, culture. We are America. And themThey are the enemies of democracy.

This is what we have come to. We are no longer a nation divided, but two separate and distinct nations, each with its own culture, its own history, its heroes and villains, its own aspirations, its fears. Even its own language. (Here is Joy Reid telling us that Republicans “taught people the word ‘inflation.'”)

Some have suggested we are witnessing a repeat of the 1960s. But the drug-laden counter-culture of the Strawberry Statement and Abbe Hoffman and the Chicago Seven was quite distinct from today in significant ways. The sixties were about an awakening – an awakening of the mind and a liberation of the body from the shackles of generations of predominantly Anglo-Saxon Puritanism.

Today’s Woke Left are the new Puritans. They do not seek to liberate our minds from habit, or challenge us to innovation, but to enslave us in new doctrines far more rigid than anything earlier generations of Americans could conceive, from redefining biological sex to re-engineering freedom itself.

They have already held dress rehearsals of their Salem Witch Trials: the Mueller hoax, two impeachment fantasies, and the phantasmagoric January 6 inquisition. Now they want to put all of us on trial.

In the 1960s – as today – the media played a key role as a vector of change. Then, it was television bringing the horrors of war out of the shadows and into the living rooms of a nation of women. Before television, twentieth century war was something fought over there, whose gruesome evil was anaesthetized into newsreels and magazine articles that focused on big picture battles, with rare but sanitized glimpses of individual heroes. When the Greatest Generation returned from Europe and the Pacific, they largely nursed their wounds quietly, among themselves.

Vietnam changed all that; indeed, it made war dirty and present and dangerously real. The natural reaction of all but the martial spirits among us to televised war was revulsion – revulsion at our capacity for evil, and fear that we might be called upon to engage in it. Vietnam made cowards of many.

Today it is social media that acts as the enforcer of the new Alinsky-ite norms of behavior, shaming those who dare to defy the Woke Left.

This is why we must pay attention to what they are saying, because they no longer disguise their intentions. They believe they have won the battle for the soul and direction of America, and all that remains is to clean up the bodies left on the field.

According to the president of the United States:

“The MAGA Republicans don’t just threaten our personal rights and economic security. They’re a threat to our very democracy. They refuse to accept the will of the people. They embrace, embrace political violence. They don’t believe in democracy.”

So-called ‘presidential historian’ Michael Beschloss went even further: “We’re on the edge of a brutal authoritarian system.” If Republicans win on Tuesday, “our children will be sentenced to death and put in prison.”

It’s too easy to say that Biden and the others have lost their minds. They believe every word of it. Even a red tsunami on Tuesday will not cure them of their conviction that they alone stand up for truth, and that their opponents are the embodiment of evil.

Because they are convinced they have definitively won the battle for the soul of America, the Woke Left is now treating their political enemies as a vanquished population — to be slowly starved, silenced, and banned from social intercourse.

They are telling this to their supporters every day: they are evil, they are corrupt, they want to destroy America, destroy democracy. 

Thee Woke Left sees us as players in the Hunger Games. But I believe this over-reach will be their downfall.

I predict they will soon discover that we have our own District 12, our sanctuary cities and free states where the dream of America’s better angels still thrives and Justice still wears her blindfold as she holds the scales. They might not admit to it, but they will know it. They will fear it.

You may even see the truth dawn on them during their election night coverage, as we saw in 2016 once it became clear Donald Trump was going to become president.

Even in defeat, they will not give up. But watch them, listen to them; know them for who they truly are.

They have been waging a (not-so) civil war on the American center-right for decades, and we have rarely fought back.

Now it’s time to take our victories at the ballot box and use them judiciously, cutting off the Woke Left from the levers of power – not just in Congress, but in our culture. And it starts by declaring their project for a socialist America illegitimate, un-American, throwing it out of our schools – and most importantly, defunding it.

Joy Reid & Hillary Clinton Shriek Over 'Violent Fascist Republicans'

November 1st, 2022 10:08 PM

On Tuesday’s edition of MSNBC’s The ReidOut, host Joy Reid spent almost the entire first half hour of her show talking to former First Lady and failed two-time presidential candidate Hillary Clinton about how the Republican Party is nothing but a fascist cult that promotes violence against their political opponents. 

Continuing to paint the entire Republican Party as being supportive of the attack on House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s husband Paul Pelosi, Reid predictably asked Clinton about the apparent attack. 

Clinton claimed that “there's always been a streak of violence, of racism, misogyny, antisemitism” in the Republican Party. 

Later on, Reid panicked that “if Kevin McCarthy were to become Speaker, it's very likely that Marjorie Green would get a gavel.” Adding that “she would get a committee, that people like Lauren Boebert would get committees, that people like Matt Gaetz would be on committees.” 

Showing how out of touch she is with the concerns of average voters, Reid asked if voters don’t understand the threat Republicans pose if they win control of Congress. 

Clinton, who is just as delusional as Reid, shrieked, “I don’t think people are able to really grasp that” threat and as well as the “threats to their way of life” that Republicans pose to Americans. 



She then repeated the thoroughly debunked talking point that Republicans “are going to put Social Security and Medicare up for a vote.” 

Not to be outdone with the lies, Reid jumped back in to falsely claim that “Kari Lake laughed at Paul Pelosi, an 82-year-old man being beaten and concussed by an intruder.” Claiming: that is now just standard” in the Republican Party. 

Reid then asked Clinton if she was “concerned that our democracy is not going to be able to hold past what you can only describe as fascism, violent politics, and demand for power without elections?” 

Clinton then went off in her infamous nasty shrill shrieking that makes her so thoroughly repulsive to vast numbers of Americans: “Republicans have been talking about nothing but crime, then when a crime is committed against Paul Pelosi, they could care less. These people do not really believe half of what they say.”

“If you have a candidate in your state who laughs about an 82-year-old man being hit with a hammer in his own home, there's something wrong with that person. Why would they want you to laugh with them about a crime?” Clinton nagged. 

This unhinged segment on MSNBC was made possible thanks to the endorsement of Farmer’s Insurance. Their information is linked so you can let them know about the propaganda they fund.

To read the transcript click “expand”: 

MSNBC’s The ReidOut
7:04:16 p.m. Eastern

JOY REID: So, you know, I played that last little montage because if anyone can relate to and understand Nancy Pelosi's life as a full-time hate object of the right, it would be you. And so I wonder if you can just, you know, tell me how the attack on Paul Pelosi struck you and what did it tell you about the state of the right in this country, and the hate toward a powerful woman? 

HILLARY CLINTON: Well, I think your question kind of answers itself, Joy. There's always been a streak of violence, of racism, misogyny, antisemitism, as you said. But I think what we're seeing today, and it has certainly been thrown into very high relief by the horrific attack on Paul Pelosi, is not just an aberration where one or two people or a small group engage in that kind of violent rhetoric and urge people to take action against political figures like her, like me, like others. We're seeing a whole political party, and those who support it, those who enable it, those who run under its banner, engaging in behavior that is so dangerous and I find frankly disqualifying for people who are running for office. 

You know, this midterm election, we have seen a lot of ads by Republicans running for everything, touting crime. Crime is the issue. But when an 82-year-old man is attacked by an intruder in his own home, they don't seem to be too bothered by that. 

Because that person is married to the Speaker of the House, who is of a different political party. I just want your viewers and really I would like every American just to stop and think about that. This is the kind of violent rhetoric that leads to violent action that props up authoritarians, and that's unfortunately what we see the Republican Party today supporting. 

REID: You know, and to your very point, this attacker allegedly confessed to police that his plan was to kidnap Paul Pelosi, to wait for Nancy Pelosi to come home, and then to hold her hostage, to break her kneecaps if she didn't tell whatever truth it is he thought he could get out of her, and then use her as a symbol to everyone else as to what would be in store for them if they didn't behave as his sort of right-wing conspiracy theory mind believed they should. If you think about it, this was a kidnapping plot that was directed at the sitting Speaker of the House, and yes, her husband is the victim of it because he happened to be her husband and happened to be home. 

And yet, you saw the person who now solely owns Twitter, which like it or not, is still a giant global public marketplace of ideas, promote lies about what happened to Paul Pelosi, promote conspiracy theories about it. With the reach that he has, and the fact that his -- he and the Saudis own this thing, and that was blasted out to all of his followers and to the world. We're not even in an age of reality anymore. 

CLINTON: Well, to his credit, he took that down. I don't see Republicans running for the Congress or Governors and many other different positions taking down their violent ads, or I don't see them curbing their rhetoric. You played something from Marjorie Taylor Greene who is calling for, you know, the death because of treason for Speaker Pelosi. The level of just plain crazy violent hate rhetoric coming out of Republicans, you played something from the candidate, the Republican candidate for Governor in Arizona. 

I want viewers, I want voters to stop and ask themselves, would we trust somebody who is stirring up these violent feelings, who is pointing fingers, scapegoating, making a joke about a violent attack on Paul Pelosi, why would you trust that person to have power over you, your family, your business, your community? 

So I want to take this a step further, away from the incident, the terrible incident with Paul Pelosi, and broaden it out. Because what we have with the rhetoric coming from the Republican candidates, from their party right now, is so disturbing. I didn't see a big outpouring on the part of elected officials to stand with Nancy Pelosi the way she has stood with Republicans as well as Democrats in times of real terror, like on January 6. 

And so ask yourselves, please, why would you entrust power to people who are either themselves unable to see how terrible it is that someone would be attacked in their home, or don't really care because they think it will somehow get them votes that will get them elected. This is a real threat to the heart of our democracy. 

REID: In fact, if Kevin McCarthy were to become Speaker, it's very likely that Marjorie Green would get a gavel. That she would get a committee, that people like Lauren Boebert would get committees, that people like Matt Gaetz would be on committees. Perhaps committees dealing with national security, because he would have to appease them in order to get enough votes to be Speaker at all. 

Are you concerned that maybe voters are not putting those pieces together? That having a Republican House would mean that the people you're talking about would be even more empowered, that faction would be in power. 

CLINTON: Well, I think with all of the noise that we've got in this election season, I don't think people are able to really grasp that, but more importantly, I'm not sure they really understand the threats to their way of life. They may think that whoever is chairing a committee is, you know, kind of abstract. 

But the Republicans in the House and others like the chair of the Republican Senate campaign committee, are on record saying that they are going to put Social Security and Medicare up for a vote. Now, I don't understand why every American, not just people eligible for those two programs that they have paid into, that they have worked hard for, that they have earned, are not up in arms. You know,  we've got lots of problems right now in our country. We need sensible people to come together to try to solve them. The last thing we need is to make life even harder for the vast majority of Americans because it's not just seniors who would have Medicare and Social Security on the chopping block. It would be their children and their grandchildren, who would have to step in to fill the hole that would be left by this reckless behavior, this ideological action that the Republicans are promising to take. 

So there's a whole range of issues, and sometimes when I tell people that, they say, oh, they would never do that. Well, they told us for 50 years they were going to get rid of Roe v. Wade. And turn abortion over to the states, where state legislators, local political officials could decide what your health care would be. 

Why wouldn't you believe them that they're going to go after Social Security and Medicare? I believe them. I take them at their word. You've got everybody, you know, wondering whether it's true. Well, listen to them, and watch what they have done. And what they say they're going to do. 

REID: Throughout the 2016 campaign, Donald Trump would use lock her up as a call and response to his audience about you. Michael Flynn would repeat it. I can remember being in the convention in Cleveland and it was guttural, the amount of rage directed at you personally. It was very -- it felt very personal. 

When you look at where we have come since then, to where Donald Trump's ideology has now taken full root in the Republican Party, Kari Lake laughed at Paul Pelosi, an 82-year-old man being beaten and concussed by an intruder. And that is now just standard. Are you concerned that our democracy is not going to be able to hold past what you can only describe as fascism, violent politics, and demand for power without elections? 

CLINTON: Well, I hope that voters really rally in this last week before the midterms to understand fully what's at stake. To not get diverted, like I said, the Republicans have been talking about nothing but crime, then when a crime is committed against Paul Pelosi, they could care less. These people do not really believe half of what they say. 

I served for eight years in the Senate. I know a lot of the people who are still there. And I don't recognize them, and I do know they know better than what they're talking about, but they think that they need to be part of this, you know, right-wing move that is unfortunately taken over the Republican Party. 

So we have a week for people to focus. If you have a candidate in your state who laughs about an 82-year-old man being hit with a hammer in his own home, there's something wrong with that person. Why would they want you to laugh with them about a crime? 

If you have someone running who voted in the House as the vast majority of the Republicans did to turn back the clock on women's rights, to turn back the clock on Social Security and Medicare, then why on Earth would you vote for that person? So let's clear away the smoke and the noise and try to focus on what's in your interest. 

You know, the Republicans have talked a lot about inflation. They have done nothing about it. It's President Biden who has gone after corporate profits that seem to be way out of whack, particularly for the energy industry, the oil and gas companies. You know, it's President Biden who is trying very hard to inject new energy into our economy, and it's working. 

You know, here in New York, where I'm talking to you from, two huge announcements that were in many ways promoted because the Congress, the Democrats finally passed something called the Inflation Reduction Act. So the Republicans talk a good game, but they rarely do anything other than try to take away your freedoms, you know, undermine the quality of our life, make our political discourse violent instead of bringing people together. Why reward that behavior? 

You have a chance between now and next Tuesday to send a very clear message. You know, we want people who don't laugh at a hammer being hit on someone's head. We want people who help us solve our problems. And we sure don't want anybody getting elected who's going to put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block. 

REID: Before we go to a quick break, you mentioned that you served with many of these members and you don't think they believe what they're saying. I wanna show you a picture real quick. This is you, and you can see standing there with you are the late John McCain and if you look all the way to the left, the left screen, left for me, that's Lindsey Graham. Susan Collins is there as well. Lindsey Graham is something of a puzzle, for I think a lot of people. He used to be an ally of John McCain and now he is Donald Trump's poodle, one might say. He's his bestie. What happened to him? What do you think is going on with him? 

CLINTON: I wish I knew, Joy, because I can't see the picture, but you described it to me, and you know, basically, that was a trip that I took with John McCain and the others when we were all in the Senate. Literally, to educate ourselves and our constituents about climate change. So we were looking at melting glaciers, we were talking to indigenous people who had seen the changes in their lives in a relatively short period of time, and there was no doubt that everybody, including Senator Graham, understood and believed in climate change. And while John McCain was still alive, he seemed to believe that. 

After Senator McCain's very sad passing, Lindsey was unmoored. I don't know how else to say it. And in 2016, he was still somewhat of himself, and he pointed out a lot of the inconsistencies and the dangers of Donald Trump, and then when Trump ended up getting elected, Senator Graham threw his lot in with him.

And now the Supreme Court has refused to hear his appeal that he must testify about whatever he was doing to overturn the election in Georgia. I find it bewildering that somebody who was always on the conservative side, don't get me wrong, has so thrown his lot in with the cult that goes along with the big lie and seems to be moving us in a direction that I think anyone with half a sense of American history knows is going to hurt us. And I think everybody should stand up and be held accountable and hold each other accountable for where we stand today, going into this midterm election. 

Josh Hawley: ‘Washington Republicanism Lost Big’ in Midterms After Caving to Democrats

WASHINGTON, DC - SEPTEMBER 13: U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) questions Peiter “Mudge” Zatko, former head of security at Twitter, during Senate Judiciary Committee on data security at Twitter, on Capitol Hill, September 13, 2022 in Washington, DC. Zatko claims that Twitter's widespread security failures pose a security risk to …
Kevin Dietsch/Getty Images

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) says, “Washington Republicanism lost big Tuesday night” in the midterm elections because the party’s agenda, set forth by leadership, consistently caved to Democrats.

Following Tuesday night’s midterm elections, where Republicans are looking to squeak out small majorities in the House and Senate, Hawley blasted the Republican establishment for their caving to Democrats as well as corporate special interests.

“Washington Republicanism lost big Tuesday night,” Hawley wrote on Twitter. “When your ‘agenda’ is cave to Big Pharma on insulin, cave to [Sen. Chuck] Schumer on gun control & Green New Deal (‘infrastructure’), and tease changes to Social Security and Medicare, you lose.”

Hawley called on House and Senate Republicans to put forth a fiercely economic populist agenda to help their working and lower-middle class base and vastly popular positions on crime and corruption.

“What are Republicans actually going to do for working people? How about, to start: tougher tariffs on China, reshore American jobs, open up American energy full throttle, 100k new cops on the street,” Hawley continued. “Unrig the system.”

The remarks come as Hawley declared earlier this week that he would not support Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) for Senate Majority Leader if Republicans take back the Senate.

“I don’t imagine I will, no,” Hawley said when asked if he would support McConnell. “I’m not sure if any other senator will run or not. Nobody’s indicated they would. But my view is that we need new leadership in that position.”

Hawley reportedly listed a number of reasons he is likely to oppose McConnell to lead Republicans in the Senate, including Republicans’ insistence on voting with Democrats, giving billions in American taxpayer money to Ukraine, backing President Joe Biden’s massive infrastructure package, and lack of support for anti-crime legislation.

In addition to McConnell’s decision to cut funding from Republican Senate candidates in Arizona and New Hampshire, Hawley reportedly added, “I did not agree with the idea that you go out there and badmouth our own candidates in the middle of an election.”

Despite a smaller showing than expected, national populist candidates — backing policies that Hawley has endorsed in the Senate — won on Tuesday evening, such as Republican J.D. Vance in Ohio and Ron DeSantis in Florida.

In an extensive interview with Breitbart News, Vance indicated that the nation needs a new generation of political leaders and has suggested his opposition to U.S. funding for Ukraine’s war with Russia.

On public policy, Vance pledged to help America’s union workers take power back from their Democrat union bosses and has said that the U.S. needs a “committed national policy of tariffs” to “rebuild the industrial heartland of America.”

In addition, Vance said a new Congress must reverse the H-1B visa program that continues to allow multinational corporations to replace American professionals and U.S. graduates, often in high-paying STEM jobs, with cheaper foreign visa workers.

Meanwhile, DeSantis has broken with old-guard Republicans to go after the Disney Corporation for their promotion of woke ideology on young Americans. In April, for instance, DeSantis signed into law a bill that dissolves the corporation’s special tax district in the state.

DeSantis has similarly assailed “corporatism” as a stain on free markets, urging Republicans not to defer and relinquish power to corporations and business executives.

“… corporatism is not the same as free enterprise,” DeSantis said in September.

“I think too many Republicans have used limited government to basically mean whatever is best for corporate America is how we want to do the economy,” DeSantis said. “… the United States is a nation that has an economy, not the other way around, and our economy should be geared towards helping our own people.”

Jacob Bliss is a reporter for Breitbart News. Write to him at or follow him on Twitter @JacobMBliss.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

Joe Biden Defiant: Red Wave ‘Didn’t Happen’ and ‘I’m Not Going to Change Anything’

White House
0 seconds of 3 minutes, 19 seconds, Volume 90%

President Joe Biden taunted the media, pundits, and pollsters on Wednesday for their predictions of a Republican “red wave” in the midterm elections, telling Americans he would not change his policies after Democrats did better than expected.

“I’m not going to change anything in any fundamental way,” he said.

Biden held a press conference at the White House to talk about the midterm election results, where he argued that Democrats had a “strong night” even though there was strong possibility of losing their majority in the House of Representatives.

When reporters asked the president about the future of his agenda and what he would change, Biden replied, “Nothing.”

Voters, he argued, were “just finding out what we’re doing” on inflation.

“The more they know about what we’re doing, the more support there is,” he claimed.

Biden also mocked predictions of a Republican takeover in the midterms.

“While the press and the pundits are predicting a giant red wave, it didn’t happen,” he said.

He also dismissed pollsters for predicting tough races for Democrats.

“I don’t look at them much anymore. I’m not quite sure how to read them anymore,” he said when asked about polls showing voters frustrated with inflation.

Biden said he would speak with House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy on Wednesday about working together when he became the speaker.

UNITED STATES - JANUARY 20: House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., conducts a news conference with members of the House Republican Conference on President Bidens first year in the Capitol Visitor Center on Thursday, January 20, 2022. (Photo By Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy conducts a news conference on President Biden’s first year. (Photo By Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images)

“I’m prepared to work with my Republican colleagues,” he said. “And the American people have made clear, I think, that they expect Republicans to be prepared to work with me as well.”

Biden said he would not budge on cutting taxes on the wealthy, cutting Social Security, walking back green energy investments, or limits on abortion.

“I have a simple proposition. I have a pen that can veto,” he said.

The president indicated that Republicans were struggling politically and would increasingly walk away from former President Donald Trump’s political movement.

Pennsylvania Senate candidate Mehmet Oz, left, accompanied by former President Donald Trump, speaks at a campaign rally in Greensburg, Pa., Friday, May 6, 2022. (AP Photo/Gene J. Puskar)

“I don’t think we’re gonna break the fever for the SuperMegaMAGA Republicans — I think they’re a minority of the Republican Party,” he said.

When one reporter noted that Trump’s movement was still strong, Biden chuckled and replied, “Oh yeah?” 

After the Midterms, Will Joe Biden Loose his Moderate Dogs on the Southern Border?

Is this an important opening for newly-empowered Republicans?

Despite purposeful legacy media suppression of a remarkable story, America well knows that President Joe Biden swung open the southern border gates and unleashed a mass illegal migration tsunami that has smashed every record in U.S. history. Polls consistently show that that America’s worst-ever mass migration catastrophe ranks in the top three issues of all voter concern in these elections, right up there with inflation and crime.

But absent from the history of the crisis is a scarcely known chapter that badly warrants comprehension for after the mid-term election ballots show a Republican sweep with voter expectation that they now do something about it.

The important missing chapter is that, through much of the crisis, a cadre of ranking, moderate White House advisers full-on revolted against what their progressive liberal colleagues were wreaking at the southern border and tried everything in their power to stop it. These White House Democrats did not work as hard as they did because the crisis was bad for the country so much as that they understood more than a year ago that American voters were going to punish the Democratic Party for it in the mid-term election – and beyond to the 2024 presidential election.

Therein lay an important opening for newly empowered Republicans.

Major newspapers reported this rebellion among centrist, pragmatic Biden advisers against “members of the Democrats’ progressive wing,” as the Wall Street Journal termed them, whose radical ideas about ending deportation and detention had brought on the crisis. The in-house insurrectionists – among them White House Chief of Staff Ron Klain, national security advisor Jake Sullivan, and Domestic Policy Council Advisor Susan Rice, the Washington Post reported –pushed tough Trumpian deterrence policies to save Democrats mid-term election devastation.

They obviously failed for several reasons I document at length in my forthcoming book, Overrun: How Joe Biden Unleashed the Greatest Border Crisis in U.S. History. The progressives prevailed, and the crisis went on to reach previously unimaginable millions of illegal entries, far beyond anything in the American experience.

But that all-but-forgotten White House rebellion may yet turn out to become the best and only hope that Republican victors have in having security returned to the southern border, especially if the election results prove the rebels were exactly right.

Expectations must be tempered by realization that, should Republicans gain control of both the House and Senate, all puppet strings having to do with immigration law enforcement still lead to the Oval Office, its current occupant and his political appointees in the U.S. Department of Homeland Security.

But since U.S. voters really care about ending the mass migration crisis, victorious Republicans and President Biden’s heavily damaged Democratic Party will suddenly have a new common interest.

For Republicans, the interest will be to mollify voters who gave them power. For Democrats, the interest will be to steal them back before the 2024 electoral fight for the White House. Will the Democrats realize their peril and fully empower those moderate pragmatists to shut down the crisis? We shall soon see.

But Republicans who are authentically interested in doing the right thing by Americans should find and cultivate allies inside the White House and DHS.

They will be the same crack team of Democratic advisers that proved they knew how to go Trump tough at the border these last two years.

White House Rebellion

Before their failure, the pragmatist rebels launched ICE air deportation campaign that shut down a politically damaging Haitian migrant encampment of 15,000 that formed in Del Rio, Texas. Seeing how well those air deportations deterred Haitians, they next mounted a vast and almost entirely unreported airlift that sent home hundreds of thousands of Central Americans, and thousands more Haitians too, deterring untold thousands from crossing. As I document in Overrun, the rebels mounted semi-secret diplomatic campaigns that had Mexico slow immigrants at its southern border. They forced Latin American countries like Costa Rica to institute new visa restrictions and arm-twisted foreign airlines into grounding routes that were being used by tens of thousands of Cubans.

The liberal progressives and their titular champion, Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, prevailed by undermining each initiative. Against these, the torrent of humanity could not possibly be slowed.

Republican lawmakers who win the House and maybe the Senate too on the strength of public disgust with the mass migration crisis must still overcome a powerful White House veto for any proposed legislation. But they should remember that Democrats would have just taken a shellacking over what they did at the border and, looking ahead at 2024, find the Biden White House in a friendlier, more collaborative mood. Would Republicans find allies now among its rebel advisers, proven right about the mid-terms, newly empowered and now fearing what another five million illegal immigrants will mean in 2024?

Newly empowered Republican lawmakers and newly disempowered Democratic lawmakers should find, in their own separate motivations, that they must sideline the progressive liberals and give American people a saner border.

Deterrence: the all-or-nothing proposition

Their initiatives during the upswing in the crisis proved temporarily impactful but ultimately failed because others in the Biden White House made sure they were never universally applied for long enough periods of time. The immigrants knew all they had to do was wait a while.

Take the massive ICE-Air deportation flights. Trump (and Barack Obama before him) favored air expulsions to home countries because nothing struck more travel reticence in aspiring migrants than the prospect of ending up back home having lost borrowed smuggling fee fortunes.

After apprehensions of Central American families from Guatemala, Honduras and El Salvador tripled to 94,484 in July 2021, the White House rebels ordered deportation flights the next month. Between 195,000 and 250,000 women, children and single men were deported in just their first year, according to the liberal pro-migrant group Witness at the Border, which tracked what it termed Biden’s “death flights.” By January 2022, their numbers plummeted to pre-crisis levels of 31,658 and 39,178 in February.

By the end of July 2022, the ICE-Air flights hit 1,931, to Central America, Brazil, Colombia, Haiti, Ecuador, Sierra Leon, Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria and India, Witness at the Border reporting shows. Flights targeting Venezuelans, Haitians, and Colombians likewise brought the numbers down but they spiked as soon as the flights ended.

That’s because illegal immigration deterrence is an all-or-nothing proposition. The closure of a gate or two could never overcome the powerful voodoo of liberal progressives who opened side doors to the majority of border crossers. So they always poured forward, undoing any progress. That doesn’t have to happen again.

The first time that Democrats fooled themselves by ignoring illegal border immigration came in 2016 when they stupidly allowed Donald Trump to ride the issue into the Oval Office. But they did not learn from that catastrophic mistake. They fooled themselves a second time by ignoring the Biden border crisis and pretending it wasn’t’ even happening even as mid-term polls showed Americans overwhelmingly hate it.

The Democratic Party can avoid playing the fool a third time, this time handing the White House to Republicans in 2024. Biden will need to loose his moderate dogs of border war to do their thing and kennel his out-of-touch progressives. Republicans need to help them out.

These so-called undocumented immigrants are becoming legally indistinguishable from citizens as they openly reside in 500 sanctuary jurisdictions, receive welfare, education and medical care, are granted drivers licenses, and given tuition breaks at public universities as they, not legal immigrants or American citizens, are exempt from federal immigration, health and travel laws.

                                                              STEVE McCANN

Cape Cod Elects Democrat Sheriff Promising to Shield Criminal Illegal Aliens from Deportation

Immigration and Customs Enforcement

Voters in Barnstable County, Massachusetts elected Democrat Donna Buckley for sheriff, ensuring that the area’s cooperation with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency will soon come to an end.

On Tuesday’s elections, Buckley ran to replace longtime Sheriff James Cummings (R) with the promise that she will end Barnstable County’s 287(g) agreement with ICE. The 287(g) program allows local law enforcement to seamlessly identify criminal illegal aliens and turn them over to ICE agents for arrest and deportation.

Buckley said months ago:

The sheriff’s office should not be doing ICE’s job.The sheriff’s office should be focusing on all of the people who come out (of jail) and make sure they do not commit more crimes, that they do not have more victims, that they don’t overdose and die, that they don’t put our police at risk. …it needs to go.

A recent investigation, as Breitbart News reported in May, detailed the impact that ending 287(g) agreements has on local communities.

In Gwinnett County, Georgia, for example, Democrat Sheriff Keybo Taylor ended the county’s 287(g) agreement with ICE and, subsequently, began releasing criminal illegal aliens back into the community at a higher rate. From 2020 to 2021, the number of illegal aliens turned over to ICE by Gwinnett County was cut by 85 percent.

Last year, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas announced that he would limit ICE’s use of the 287(g) program with local law enforcement agencies as part of the Biden administration’s larger efforts to gut interior immigration enforcement.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

5.     They voted for the continued invasion across our Southern border by unvetted migrants from all over the world.  They stream into the U.S. by the thousands each day.  They are given phones, money, hotel rooms, babysitting, laundry service, wi-fi, all on the taxpayer dime.  If only our homeless vets were treated as well.  More than five million migrants have entered the country since Biden took office.  This is all part of the left’s plan to alter the demographics of America, to transform us into a third world nation.  Part and parcel of this purposeful  invasion is the massive escalation of the sex trafficking of children and the tons of fentanyl that is spread throughout the country, killing 800 people each week!  This is Biden doing China’s bidding. 

The costs of illegal immigration are being carefully hidden by Democrats. MONICA SHOWALTER

Likewise, the Biden-Harris plan for national immigration policy — which seeks to drive up legal and illegal immigration levels to their highest levels in decades — offers a flooded labor market with low wages for U.S. workers and increased bargaining power for big business that has long been supported by Wall Street   

                                                             JOHN BINDER

Undeterred, on September 2, state lawmakers sent a budget to Governor Newsom calling for $600 million in spending increases and a reduction in state revenue with the extension of earned income tax credits for immigrants and illegal aliens.  Balance sheet be damned, California must cater to illegal aliens. P.F. WHALEN

"This is country belongs to Mexico" is said by the Mexican Militant. This is a common teaching that the U.S. is really AZTLAN, belonging to Mexicans, which is taught to Mexican kids in Arizona and California through a LA Raza educational program funded by American Tax Payers via President Obama, when he gave LA RAZA $800,000.00 in March of 2009!

What's more, Mexico generally benefits from shipping its surplus uneducated population to the states to take the pressure valve off the potential for unrest. Corrupt Mexican officials often reap "fees" from letting illegal migrants from other countries as well as their own pass through their territory. MONICA SHOWALTER

Migrant enclaves already are at the top of the U.S. lists for bad places to  - 10 of the 50 worst places in America to live according to this list are in California, and all of them are famous for their illegal populations.             MONICA SHOWALTER

It is the single most dangerous piece of legislation before Congress. What I call H.R.1 is the ‘Corrupt Politicians Act.’ […] It’s the number one bill. It’s not about COVID; it’s not about vaccinations; it’s not about getting people back to work; it’s not about getting kids back to school. It is about ensuring that Democrats remain in power and control for the next 100 years. It is a radical bill. What does it do? It federalizes all elections. It strikes down every election reform protection at the state level. So photo ID laws — right now in a lot of states you’ve got to use photo ID to vote — ‘The Corrupt Politician Act’ strikes that down. It sets up automatic voter registration, which would result in millions of illegal immigrants, and criminals, and felons being able to vote. The Democrats believe if illegal immigrants and felons are voting, that benefits the Democrats and keeps them in power. Not only that, it mandates universal mail-in balloting, it mandates ballot harvesting. This is all designed to facilitate fraud. SEAN MORAN

Previous generations of immigrants did not believe they were racially superior to Americans. That is the view of La Raza Cosmica, by Jose Vasconcelos, Mexico’s former education minister and a presidential candidate. According to this book, republished in 1979 by the Department of Chicano Studies at Cal State LA, students of Scandinavian, Dutch and English background are dullards, blacks are ugly and inferior, and those “Mongols” with the slanted eyes lack enterprise. The superior new “cosmic” race of Spaniards and Indians is replacing them, and all Yankee “Anglos.” LLOYD BILLINGSLEY/ FRONTPAGE mag

“The radicals seek nothing less than secession from the United States whether to form their own sovereign state or to reunify with Mexico. Those who desire reunification with Mexico are irredentists who seek to reclaim Mexico's "lost" territories in the American Southwest.” Maria Hsia Chang Professor of Political Science, University of Nevada Reno

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