Saturday, November 23, 2019

THIS IS FOR REAL! CALIFORNIA'S LA RAZA SUPREMACY GOVERNOR NEWSOM SUES TRUMP BECAUSE PG&E BURNED THE STATE DOWN - "All the money to fix your misery was spent on illegal aliens, not you. How does that make you feel?"

California’s Newsom Sues Trump Administration for Efforts to Direct Water to Thirsty Farms

Gavin Newsom and Donald Trump (Evan Vucci / Associated Press)
Evan Vucci / Associated Press

California Governor Gavin Newsom is suing the Trump administration for trying to get water to suffering farmers in the state’s Central Valley.

The San Francisco Chronicle reported Trump is trying to “prevent California’s rivers and wildlife from being cheated out of vital supplies.”
State leaders said boosting agricultural deliveries, a longtime campaign promise of the president, could upend fragile watersheds and threaten such protected fish as the ionic chinook salmon and delta smelt.
The Chronicle characterizes farmers as “big water users allied with Washington.”
Newsom said in a statement:
We are once again marshaling our collective resources and building on our record of strong, science-based environmental policies, to chart a new path forward for water policy in California. As stewards of this state’s remarkable natural resources, we must do everything in our power to protect them.
“The next generation of Californians deserve nothing less,” Newsom said.
The Chronicle reports that 30 percent of the state’s water supply to cities and farms comes from federal and state-run water reservoirs.
The Trump administration last month announced new rules for both water sources to lessen restrictions on giving farms access to the water supplies.
The Chronicle reported: 
The administration’s changes were cheered by farmers in the San Joaquin Valley who have blamed long-standing environmental regulation for tying up water to the state’s $54 billion agricultural economy.
Environmental groups, however, blasted the rules. They said additional water releases would dry up the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta and the rivers that feed it, jolting a statewide ecosystem that supports not only fish but birds, bears, killer whales and other plants and animals.
“The federal plan is really a plan for extinction,” Doug Obegi, a senior attorney at the Natural Resources Defense Council, said in the Chronicle report. “I’m glad to see the state stand up to the Trump administration. This is a big deal.”
But the Trump administration defended its move.
“From the beginning, we’ve been focused on cooperative solutions with the state of California to being reliable water supplies to farms, families, communities and the environment,” Brenda Burman, commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation, said in a statement, adding:
Today’s announcement by Gov. Newsom is disappointing in his preference to have judges dictate these important projects instead of the career professionals at the federal and state levels who have developed a plan baed on the best science and significant input from the public.
“If that’s their choice, we’ll see them in court,” Burman said.
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Illegal Immigration Is the Reason California Is Burning

Illegal Immigration Is the Reason California Is Burning

A firefighting helicopter makes a water drop over the Easy Fire on October 30, 2019, near Simi Valley, California. (David McNew/Getty Images)
By Wayne Allyn RootThursday, 31 October 2019 01:12 PMCurrent | Bio | Archive

California is collapsing in front of our eyes. Everyone with the money and common sense is running for their lives. The question is why is this happening to such a rich and beautiful state?
Let's start with a comparison of the taxes in California with my state of Nevada (right next door to California). While California was burying its citizens with among the nation’s highest personal income taxes, highest corporate income taxes, highest sales taxes, and highest gas taxes, Nevada’s citizens have enjoyed among the lowest taxes in the country.
That could be why millions of people have left California in the past decade — almost all for the low tax states like Nevada, Texas, Florida, Utah, Colorado, Washington, and Arizona. Those states lead the nation in population growth, while California and other high tax, blue states lead the nation in population loss.
Keep in mind this was all before the nonstop blackouts and $6 per gallon gas in California.
Who can live in a place where the electric utility company shuts off the power to homes and businesses for days on end, multiple times per year? Because the wind is blowing hard? California has truly become a Third World Nation.
Keep in mind, this is what you got for all those high taxes.
So why is this happening? I lived in California for 15 wonderful years. The winds howled back then too. We had 80 MPH Santa Ana winds. And plenty of fires, floods, mudslides, and earthquakes. I lived through all of them. My home almost burned three times. My car was almost carried away by a massive mudslide.
Yet in my 15 years in California, no one shut off electricity because the wind was blowing. No one shut off electricity because there was the threat of a fire.
I’m not a California hater. I loved my time in California. It is the most beautiful state in America, with the greatest weather. But something has dramatically changed since I left. Today I wouldn’t live there if you gave me a $5 million oceanfront mansion for free.
What’s changed is disastrous liberal policy.
Lots of liberal ideas ruined California: high taxes, stifling regulations, climate change policy, permissive policies towards homeless encampments, the highest welfare benefits in the nation, a $15 minimum wage. It’s impossible to run a business in California. Restaurants are closing by the hundreds.
And did I mention poop, pee, and drug needles in the streets? And homeless camps everywhere.
Now add in blackouts that make life 
miserable and bankrupt businesses. 
California has become an unlivable third-
world hellhole.
But despite all those liberal policies that have contributed to the rot of California, one issue is at the root of California’s current problems. One issue stands heads and tails above all the rest.
First and foremost, illegal immigration is the problem. Since I left two decades ago, California has collectively spent hundreds of billions of dollars on illegal aliens and their bills — public schools, free meals at school, special bi-lingual teachers, healthcare, housing allowances, low income energy assistance, aid to families with dependent children, prisons, cops, courts, public defenders, welfare, food stamps, and a hundred other government handouts. And don’t forget special lower college tuition for illegal immigrants.
Can you imagine if all those billions of dollars were instead spent on new infrastructure, moving power poles underground, upgraded electrical equipment, modernized electrical systems, homeless vets, more cops, and better schools for children born in California. Can you imagine what a better place California would be for its own citizens?
Think about it in personal terms. What if a husband and father has a drug problem. He's addicted to cocaine or heroin. He spends $20,000 a year on his drug addiction for 20 years. That's $400,000. But his life remains in control. Until one day he finds out his child has cancer. The bill is $100,000 (after insurance pays). But he doesn't have the $100,000. His child is dying. If only he had the $400,000 back that he wasted on drugs.
That's California and illegal immigration. The state has squandered hundreds of billions on illegal immigration in the 20 years since I've been gone. They could use that money today. They desperately need it back to pay for the hundred billion dollar job of upgrading and modernizing their electric grid.
But they don't have the money. It's all 
been wasted on illegal aliens. And it's 
gone forever.
I guarantee you one thing Californians: if you had all that money back, you wouldn’t be sitting in the dark.
In my next column, I’ll get to Part II of the disastrous mistakes of liberalism that have destroyed California. Think idiotic environmental policies and climate change fraud.
That's another few hundred billion dollars wasted — and gone forever. Think about that, as you sit in the dark, shivering or sizzling, with your food spoiling.
Think about that as you fill up your gas tank with $5 our $6 per gallon gas, driving on crumbling highways, in massive traffic jams.
All the money to fix your misery was spent
on illegal aliens, not you. How does that 
make you feel?
Trust me, if you impeach President Trump and elect Democrats to run the country, Democrats will turn the whole America into one big crappy, miserable, unlivable California.
Except you won't even get the sunshine and perfect 75 degree days.
Wayne Allyn Root is the host of "The Wayne Allyn Root Show" on Newsmax TV, nightly at 8 p.m. ET, found on DirecTV channel 349, Dish TV channel 216, or at He is also a nationally syndicated radio host. Wayne Allyn Root is a former libertarian vice presidential nominee. He is the best-selling author of "The Power of Relentless." Read more reports from Wayne Allyn Root — Click Here Now.

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