Friday, June 5, 2020



Since the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was enacted and China entered the World Trade Organization (WTO), nearly five million American manufacturing jobs have been eliminated from the American economy — 3.4 million of which are due to U.S. free trade with China. The mass elimination of working- and middle-class jobs and depressed U.S. wages due to NAFTA and China’s entering the WTO have coincided with a 600 percent increase in trade deficits.

Instead it is the sin of envy personified, and the theory of socialism in street talk: “I need the iPad in your store, so I’ll take it and beat you senseless if you object -- you privileged, rich, oppressive white.”

A Deliberately Bankrupted America

Why are the cities burning? African Americans have been a part of our history since our nation’s founding -- they fought for independence. They are found on the Supreme Court, in military leadership, as prominent mayorsMembers of Congressacademicsauthorscabinet secretariesambassadorspolice chiefssurgeonsbusiness ownersentertainersathletesastronauts, and CEOs. A 75% white America even voted twice to choose an African American leader. If so much progress has been made, why are the nation’s cities -- some led by African American mayors, with a diverse police force often led by non-white police chiefs -- burning?
Could this be the end result of choices made over time by some of our leaders to bankrupt America and African-Americans economically, morally, educationally, and spiritually?
The Free Trade Agreements from ‘94 to ‘01, with NAFTA, and then with China, bankrupted the nation economically. The ‘sucking sound’ of factories closing and millions of jobs disappearing hit both sides of the border.
Millions of Mexican family farmers could not compete with American agribusiness, lost their farms .and began the trek northward. Those men (in the words of the times) worked ‘twice as hard as black men, for half the pay’. Systemic unemployment enabled by free trade and open borders was made worse by floods of drugs brought by the Colombian and Mexican Cartels, and synthetic drugs manufactured in Chinese factories. Addicted men engaged in petty theft to support their habits or became part of the predatory gangs profiting off the addicts. The explosion in crime, starting with the crack wars of the late 80s, resulted in the imprisoning of many young African American men. In 1990, one of every three African-American men under 29 were in prison or on parole.
Already stressed family bonds broke under this strain. Currently 77% percent of African Americans are born into unmarried families. The family pictures of son, father, and grandson is almost unknown in our poorest communities. The anger and pain of sons abandoned by their fathers is a lifelong wound. The consequences of numerous short-term disposable relationships is abusive stepparents and the loss of positive male role models. When the patriarchy is smashed, there are no fathers to guide boys to manhood, and the masculinity that remains is too often toxic.
If the family is a broken reed, what of the schools? In our poorest schools, the lowest achieving students, mostly young men with attention and behavior problems, leave elementary school without learning to read or mastering arithmetic, only to fall behind further each year. In our nation’s capital, one-third of the adults cannot read. Our lowest-performing students learn from school that no matter how disruptively and disrespectfully you behave, no matter how little you work or how low your test scores, you will pass on to the next grade. When 2/3rds of students are not at grade level, maintaining standards is impossible without drastic reform.
Our schools and our culture do not support societal stability. They are creating a nation of moral and spiritual midgets. With the Biblical Ten Commandments ridiculed for a generation, looters of every background across the nation defy the unknown command “Thou Shalt Not Steal.” Rather than heed Jesus’ example of forgiveness, grievance is nurtured and encouraged. In expelling those old white men, the Greek philosophers, from our humanities, we do not teach Aristotle’s virtue of moderation in a democratic society. In schools today, the focus is not on the virtues or genius of our founding generation. There is little talk of innovatorsentrepreneursexplorerssoldiersscientistspioneersarchitects, or engineers. Instead, a cartoon version of only protestors and oppressors becomes our national story. America is portrayed as a shameful, oppressive country, one that deserves little loyalty or protection from the mob. The social compact has been deliberately frayed.
For a generation, the complaint has been of wealth inequality -- some people are too rich.  An entire race has been labeled with #Whiteprivilege. We have become a nation singularly focused on the color of our skin, while blindly ignoring the content of our individual character. Suddenly America is not the place where an African immigrant genius can lead our national return to space, but an oppressive land where the fabulously rich Elon Musk is just another rich white man benefiting from his privilege. The nuance and truths behind the theories of income inequality and white privilege are lost on the rioting mobs. Instead it is the sin of envy personified, and the theory of socialism in street talk: “I need the iPad in your store, so I’ll take it and beat you senseless if you object -- you privileged, rich, oppressive white.” Or as Karl Marx so eloquently put it: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.”
Our nation’s political class is deeply divided. Many Democrat politicians cannot bring themselves to openly side with law and order against their allies and so remain silent to the hijacking of legitimate protests. To a socialist ‘you didn’t build that’ -- what the entrepreneur spent a lifetime building up -- is actually the property of the voters, who have decided to redistribute the wealth. Thus, hundreds of Minneapolis police stood by, at the mayor’s command, while businesses were looted across the street. They were defending the police precinct -- government property. And even then, they were ordered to give that up to the mob. After all, the city can just take your money in taxes to rebuild after it’s over. In Minneapolis, under the leadership of Mayor Jacob Frey, the police are there to keep your nonessential business shut down because of COVID-19, but not to protect your life’s work from the anarchists. In Washington D.C., the mayor at first refused to use city police to protect the White House and our nation’s monuments. Arlington county withdrew its police from D.C., when they saw their officers help the President cross the street during the protests. To some, the real problem is the political opposition, not the rioting. After all, if Trump succeeds in bringing back American manufacturing, and if his actions raise American wages by lowering taxes and regulations while decreasing illegal immigration, then Democratic politicians might lose a few elections. Better to burn America down, than to MAGA.
And therein lies a clue to the problems of our deeply divided country. Our country is deeply divided and hurting economically, educationally, morally, and spiritually. But division is in the interests of some of our political leaders. Why unify, when division makes your supporters more passionate? Why build, when it is much easier to tear down? The key to our political paradox lies in the virtues expounded by the world’s first democrats, the Greeks: wisdom, justice, moderation, and courage. May we have the wisdom to sit in moderate dialogue with our fellow citizens, and the courage to seek liberty and justice for all.

The left’s two big albatrosses – Biden and Pelosi


One has to wonder, do those on the left, including the media, actually think that Joe Biden is a viable candidate for president?  Do they not realize that Nancy Pelosi is as senile as Joe? Like Joe, she often slurs her words, suffers brain freezes mid-sentence and spews gibberish.  Biden is life-long corruptocrat, a known plagiarist, a pathological liar and a truly mean and evil man.  You can catch a glimpse of  just how mean in the film about Clarence Thomas; it was Biden who grilled him mercilessly during the hearings over Anita Hill’s phony allegations. Biden is a racist as well.  Pelosi is a life-long power-mad lunatic.  She has allowed her own district to dissolve into a homeless camp with all the attendant problems – discarded needles, feces on the streets and sidewalks, and an ever-escalating crime wave.  Smash and grab car burglaries occur by the minute in San Feancisco and there are no consequences for the perpetrators if caught.   Like Sen. Dianne Feinstein,  Pelosi and her husband are millionaires several times over; they’ve become rich because both have been in Congress for so many years.  They all get rich on insider information.  Joe Biden goes further; we all know he used a billion dollars in U.S. aid as leverage to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired because he was investigating his son.  John Kerry was in on that bit of bribery.  He is as low a form of life as Biden. 
And yet, at the moment, Biden is their candidate and Pelosi is their Speaker who embarrasses herself every time she opens her mouth, as does Biden.  Both of them belong in a long-term care facility for the aged.  That the Democrats consider either of these pols a credit to their party is proof of their willful blindness.  Why do they not see what everyone outside of their party can see?  That these two people are way past their sell-by date.  How is Joe going to debate President Trump? He is unable to utter a coherent sentence or answer a simple question.  Pelosi submitted a $3 trillion spending bill that is simply a joke.  Biden has vowed to pick a “woman of color” as his running mate.  Woe be unto him if he doesn’t. 
As for the left’s “believe all women” mantra, that went out the window the moment Tara Reade accused Biden of sexual assault.  Reade’s allegations are infinitely more credible than Christine Blasey-Ford’s fabricated accusations against a high school-aged Brett Kavanaugh, but Democrats are so self-unaware, they don’t recognize their own gross hypocrisy.  This time Reade is “making it up.” See Ami Horowitz’ recent video.   Blasey-Ford most likely never met Justice Kavanaugh.  Reade did work in Biden’s office, did report his behavior and tell others at the time.  But the Dems believed Blasey-Ford and don’t believe Reade.  Go figure. Denial is a dangerous and mystifying psychological defense mechanism and the Democrat party is in denial about the mental capacity of its two most prominent “leaders.”   
Donald Trump has warned our federal government about the dangers China represents to the US since the 1980s.  He was right and since he took office he has tried to rectify the horrific trade imbalance.  No one can refute the fact that China purposely unleashed the covid virus upon the world but Nancy Pelosi calls Trump’s focus on China “a diversion.”  Is she really that clueless?  Probably not, but destroying Trump is far more important to her than protecting America.  Her comments about Trump’s use of hydroxychloroquine as a prophylactic are outrageous.  It is the most effective drug at the moment, used all over the world.  And Trump is not “morbidly obese” She however is morbidly botoxed and has undergone so much plastic surgery she resembles a character from the film Death Becomes Her.  She is a ghoul in every sense of the word but the left seems not to realize it.  They celebrate how she wields her power.  That is what they admire; it’s the only thing they admire in anyone.  They just cannot abide it in a republican, especially when they were so certain Hillary was going to win the 2016 election and they would all be in fat city.  They would have been all-powerful.  They would have had control of all the levers of power in this country.  And being the spoiled children they are, to this day they cannot accept that defeat, especially to an outsider like Trump.  They love to mock him, to call him stupid but he has them all by the short hairs and runs rings around their collective body of never-Trumpers. 
To be sure, Biden and Pelosi have their devoted fans who are so blinded by their hatred of Trump and their thoroughly unwarranted hero worship of Biden and Pelosi that they mistakenly think they are normal and healthy but both are seriously in need of an intervention.  Why Jill Biden allows Joe’s candidacy to continue is a cruelty, a form of elder abuse.  As for Pelosi, where are her five kids telling her it is time to retire?  Of course the lady of iron will would refuse but how much longer can her infirmities be on public display?   Only time will tell but it seems pretty likely Trump has the election in the bag.   Biden is the weakest candidate the democrat party has run since George McGovern and McGovern was a decent man; Biden is not.  As for Pelosi, her district is so damaged, so depressed, they will likely re-elect her and keep her in office until she is 100% wax-ready for Madame Tussaud’s.
Photo illustration by Monica Showalter with use of images by Gage Skidmore, via Flickr // CC BY-SA 2.0, and USFWS // public domain

"While America’s working and middle class have been 

subjected to compete for jobs against a constant flow of 

cheaper foreign workers — where more than 1.2 million 

mostly low-skilled immigrants are admitted to the country 

annually — the billionaire class has experienced historic 

salary gains." Sen. Josh Hawley 

Analysis conducted last year reveal that 71 percent of tech workers in Silicon Valley are foreign-born, while the tech industry in the San Francisco, Oakland, and Hayward area is made up of 50 percent foreign-born tech workers.

"This is how they will destroy America from within.  The leftist billionaires who orchestrate these plans are wealthy. Those tasked with representing us in Congress will never be exposed to the cost of the invasion of millions of migrants.  They have nothing but contempt for those of us who must endure the consequences of  our communities being intruded upon by gang members, drug dealers and human traffickers.  These people have no intention of becoming Americans; like the Democrats who welcome them, they have contempt for us." PATRICIA McCARTHY

“Behind the ostensible government sits enthroned an invisible government owing no allegiance and acknowledging no responsibility to the people. To destroy this invisible government, to befoul the unholy alliance between corrupt business and corrupt politics is the first task of the statesmanship of today.” THEODORE ROOSEVELT

Joe Biden Faces Backlash Over NAFTA Support Ahead of Michigan Primary

Joseph Prezioso/AFP/Getty Images
 9 Mar 2020175
Former Vice President Joe Biden is facing backlash over his decades-long support for the North America Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) as he campaigns across Michigan ahead of the state’s Democrat primary.
Biden, who often touts his support from organized labor on the campaign trail, was met by protesters on Monday at rally in Detroit. As the former vice president was speaking, a number of individuals unfurled two giant banners, one of which read ‘NAFTA killed our jobs.’ The individuals, some of whom identified as union members, began chanting “Biden killed jobs,” forcing the former vice president to pause and address the disruption.
“That’s alright, let them go,” Biden said, as supporters and security attempted to pressure the protesters to stand down. “Let them go, this is not a Trump rally. The ‘Bernie Bros’ are here, let them go.”
When the crowd subsided and the protesters were escorted out, Biden used the opportunity to take a shot at both President Donald Trump and his rival for the Democrat nomination, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).
“I’m not worried about it, it’s just a reflection of what’s wrong with American politics today,” the former vice president said. “This is one of the things that Donald Trump has generated, this is not who we are … as a party … or as a people. We have a lot of crazy folks around.”
Volume 90%

The altercation in Detroit comes as Biden’s long-standing support for free trade takes center stage as the primary contest heads into Michigan. Sanders, who is hoping that a win in the state can restart his flailing presidential campaign, is hammering hard on the issue. In tv ads and on the stump, the Vermont septuagenerian has lambasted Biden for his support of NAFTA and the other free trade agreements, claiming that if Democrats were to nominate someone with such a record, it would essentially mean surrendering the industrial Midwest to Republicans.
“Does anybody think that Joe can go to Michigan or Wisconsin or Indiana or Minnesota and say, ‘Vote for me. I voted for those terrible trade deals,” Sanders said during a recent rally.
The strategy is one that has worked in the past for the senator. During his 2016 bid for the Democrat presidential nomination, Sanders was able to score upset victories over former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton by emphasizing his opposition to free trade, specifically then-President Barack Obama’s Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) agreement.
Sanders’ message was particularly potent in Michigan, where the burden of free trade has been most pronounced. Since NAFTA was first implemented in 1994, Michigan lost more than 168,000 manufacturing jobs to countries overseas, most notably Mexico. The impact was felt most heavily by white working-class voters, many of whom lack a college degree.
In 2016, such voters overwhelmingly backed Sanders in Michigan’s Democrat primary, handing the senator a narrow victory over Clinton. The results were surprising, not only because Sanders was coming off devastating losses in South Carolina and Super Tuesday, but also because most polls heading into the contest had shown the former secretary of state winning heavily. Sanders ‘victory in Michigan, along with further wins in Wisconsin and Minnesota, foreshadowed the difficulty Clinton would have in keeping such states in the Democrat column in November 2016.
Biden, for his part, seems to understand that history and the detriment posed by his support for free trade. Even before the 2020 Democratic field winnowed to a head-to-head matchup with Sanders, the former vice president had already begun distancing himself from his prior stance on the topic. During a Democrat presidential debate in July 2019, Biden admitted that he would not rejoin TPP if elected president. The move was surprising given that the former vice president had once touted the deal’s ability to forge a “new world order” where open markets would force even countries such as China to reform and prosper. Biden built from that reversal at a another debate in August, when he further promised to oppose a “new NAFTA” agreement after being badgered on the issue by rivals.
Monday’s protests in Detroit, though, indicate that Biden’s prior championing of free trade is unlikely to be forgotten, especially by supporters of Sanders. Complicating matters for the former vice president is that Trump, himself, appears poised to continue hammering away on the issue if Biden were to become the Democrat nominee.
“Joe Biden made a deal, NAFTA,” the president said last week during a campaign rally in Scranton, Pennsylvania. “He approved it, he was pushing it. It’s the worst trade deal ever made.

Flashback–Biden: U.S. Needs More H-1B Foreign Workers for Corporations

 17 Jun 2019162

In 2013, then-Vice President Joe Biden advocated for bringing more H-1B foreign visa workers to the United States to compete against American graduates and professionals in high-paying science, technology, and engineering jobs.

Biden told attendees of the Export-Import Bank’s 2013 Annual Conference that not only did the U.S. need to bring more H-1B foreign visa workers to the country for corporations, but that foreign students graduating from American universities should “literally” be given green cards to permanently stay in the U.S.
Biden said:
We also think its essential to reform the immigration system. Every year … our university system generates roughly 40,000 people with PhDs and master degrees in areas of science and technology that we need and we make sure that they’re promptly escorted back to their country. At the very same time, we’re spending hundreds of millions of dollars on STEM education. It makes no sense in my humble opinion. [Emphasis added]
Sending them back to their country denies them a visa even when they have a job waiting for them. Instead of sending them home, we should be a stamping a green card on their diploma as they walk across the stage. Literally, I mean this literally, not figuratively, literally. If they have a job here, they should be able to stay here. We should want them here. [Emphasis added]
Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve also proposed adding additional H-1B visas so that American employers can hire the best and the brightest no matter where they come from if they can’t be found here. [Emphasis added]
Every year, more than 100,000 foreign workers are brought to the U.S. on the H-1B visa and are allowed to stay for up to six years. There are about 650,000 H-1B visa foreign workers in the U.S. at any given moment. Americans are often laid off in the process and forced to train their foreign replacements, as highlighted by Breitbart News. Nearly 70 percent of all H-1B visas are rewarded to Indian nationals.
More than 85,000 Americans annually potentially lose their jobs to foreign labor through the H-1B visa program. Oftentimes, importing a foreign worker on the H-1B visa is the first step in a multinational corporations’ effort to outsource the American job, as the foreign worker arrives in the U.S., is trained in the job, and then is eventually sent back overseas with the job.
While Biden advocated for more labor market competition against America’s professionals and graduates, foreign workers have already crowded out Americans in the tech hub of Silicon Valley, California.

“We have no voice in Washington,” said one American mother and STEM worker who was replaced by an H-1B. “There are 500 lobbyists for Big Tech, for cheap labor via the H-1B, L-1, OPT, and H4 EAD programs. Who wants to hear from us?”  via @JxhnBinder

Americans Replaced by H-1B Visas: 'There's No Shortage' of U.S. Workers

Analysis conducted last year reveal that 71 percent of tech workers in Silicon Valley are foreign-born, while the tech industry in the San Francisco, Oakland, and Hayward area is made up of 50 percent foreign-born tech workers.
Last year, U.S. businesses and corporations attempted to outsource nearly 420,000 American jobs to foreigners through the H-1B visa program — a number that outpaces the population of Tampa, Florida.
As Breitbart News previously reported, more than 2.7 million H-1B foreign workers have been approved to come to the U.S. to take American jobs between 2007 and 2017. During that same period, businesses tried to outsource almost 3.5 million American jobs to foreign workers instead of hiring Americans.
About four million young Americans enter the workforce each year, many looking for white-collar jobs in the STEM fields. Those Americans’ prospects of finding work are crippled by the country’s legal immigration process, which admits more than 1.5 million immigrants and hundreds of thousands of foreign visa workers annually.
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.  

Watch–Josh Hawley Rips ‘Aristocratic Elite’ for Engineering U.S. Economy Against American Middle Class

 16 May 2019184

Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) ripped what he called the country’s “new aristocratic elite” for engineering the United States economy against the American middle class.

For his first major speech on the Senate floor, Hawley slammed the “big banks, big tech, big multi-national corporations, along with their allies in the academy and the media,” whom he said have created an economic structure in which they, the well-connected, benefit while the American working and middle class increasingly struggle to get ahead.
Hawley said:
The chattering class often tells us that all of this—the jobs, the despair, the loss of standing—is the result of forces beyond anyone’s control. As if that’s an excuse to do nothing. But in fact, it’s not true. [Emphasis added]
Today’s society benefits those who shaped it, and it has been shaped not by working men and women, but by the new aristocratic eliteBig banks, big tech, big multi-national corporations, along with their allies in the academy and the media—these are the aristocrats of our age. They live in the United States, but they consider themselves citizens of the world. [Emphasis added]
They operate businesses or run universities here, but their primary loyalty is to their own agenda for a more unified, progressive—and profitable—global order. These modern aristocrats often claim to be a meritocracy. And many of them truly believe they are. What they don’t see, or won’t acknowledge, is that the society they have built works mainly for themselves. They’ve effectively run this country for decades. And their legacy is national division and national decline. [Emphasis added]
Defending the needs of the American middle class against a growingly powerful “aristocratic elite” is the “crisis of our time,” Hawley asserted.
“After years of sacrifice, the great American middle is being pushed aside by a new, arrogant aristocracy,” Hawley said. “The new aristocrats seek to remake society in their own image: to engineer an economy that works for the elite but few else, to fashion a culture that is dominated by their own preferences.”
“This town has embraced a politics of elite values and elite ambition rather than building opportunities to thrive in the great and broad American middle. This has left middle America—the great American middle class—under siege: battling the loss of respect and work, the decline of home and family, an epidemic of loneliness and despair,” Hawley continued. “This is the crisis of our time.”
Specifically, Hawley blasted multinational corporations for outsourcing American middle class jobs overseas — wreaking economic, cultural, and social havoc on rural and small town American communities in the process — and both political establishments for treating American citizens as mere consumers.
“In places like the one where I grew up, in middle Missouri, good-paying jobs that you can raise a family on are going away,” Hawley said. “The jobs go overseas or south of the border or to cities on the coasts. And once-vibrant towns decline, taking with them the network of schools and neighborhoods and churches that make up middle class life.”
Hawley continued:
Rural America has been particularly hard hit. Rural Americans’ life expectancy has not just leveled off, its actually dropped, and for women without a high school degree, that drop has been staggering. In some rural places, residents struggle with outright deprivation. [Emphasis added]
My home state contains some of the poorest counties in America, all in rural places that once boasted thriving small towns. As those communities struggle, want sets in. But the crisis reaches well beyond economics. [Emphasis added]
The message that Washington has sent our whole society is loud and clear: our elites are the people who matter—and those who aspire to join them. Everyone else is unimportant or backwards. And millions of Americans are left with the sense that the people who run this country view them with nothing but contempt and value them as nothing but consumers. [Emphasis added]
Indeed, working and middle class Americans have been hit the hardest from decades-long political consensus between the Republican establishment and Democrats. 

Recent research revealed that while coastal, elite metropolis cities have flourished in the last decade, small town and rural American communities have suffered depopulation, mass job loss, and continued economic strain since the Great Recession.
For instance, by 2016, elite zip codes had a surplus of 3.6 million jobs, which is more than the combined bottom 80 percent of American zip codes. While it only took about five years for wealthy cities to replace the jobs lost by the recession, it took “at risk” regions of the country a decade to recover, and “distressed” U.S. communities are “unlikely ever to recover on current trendlines,” the report predicts.
Economic growth among the country’s middle-class counties and middle-class zip codes has considerably trailed national economic growth. For example, between 2012 and 2016, there were 4.4 percent more business establishments in the country as a whole. That growth was less than two percent in the median zip code and there was close to no growth in the median county.
While America’s working and middle class have been subjected to compete for jobs against a constant flow of cheaper foreign workers — where more than 1.2 million mostly low-skilled immigrants are admitted to the country annually — the billionaire class has experienced historic salary gains.
A study by the Economic Policy Institute found that the country’s top 0.01 percent have enjoyed more than 15 times as much wage growth as the bottom 90 percent of wage earners. Between 1979 and 2017, working and middle class Americans’ wages grew by only 22 percent. On the other hand, the plutocrat class saw their salaries grow by more than 155 percent over the same period.
Likewise, free trade deals like NAFTA — supported by Republicans and Democrats — as well as China’s entering the World Trade Organization (WTO) has eliminated nearly five million American manufacturing jobs across the country, devastating steel towns and U.S. autoworkers. One former steel town in West Virginia lost 94 percent of its steel jobs because of NAFTA, with nearly 10,000 workers in the town being displaced from the steel industry.
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.


THE GLOBALIST DEMOCRAT PARTY’S HISPANICAZATION of AMERICA… first ease millions of illegals over our borders and into our voting booths!

 How the Democrat party surrendered America to Mexico:

“The watchdogs at Judicial Watch discovered documents that reveal how the Obama administration's close coordination with the Mexican government entices Mexicans to hop over the fence and on to the American dole.”  Washington Times

"This is country belongs to Mexico" is said by the Mexican Militant. This is a common teaching that the U.S. is really AZTLAN, belonging to Mexicans, which is taught to Mexican kids in Arizona and California through a LA Raza educational program funded by American Tax Payers via President Obama, when he gave LA RAZA $800,000.00 in March of 2009!

The “zero tolerance” program was dismantled by Attorney General Erc Holder once it had successfully cut the transit of migrants by roughly 95 percent. Initially, officials made 140,000 arrests per year in the mid-2000s, but the northward flow dropped so much that officials only had to make 6,000 arrests in 2013, according to a 2014 letter by two pro-migration Senators, Sen. Jeff Flake and John McCain.

“The cost of the Dream Act is far bigger than the Democrats or their media allies admit. Instead of covering 690,000 younger illegals now enrolled in former President Barack Obama’s 2012 “DACA” amnesty, the Dream Act would legalize at least 3.3 million illegals, according to a pro-immigration group, the Migration Policy Institute.”

Obama Quietly Erasing Borders (Article)


“The watchdogs at Judicial Watch discovered documents that reveal how the Obama administration's close coordination with the Mexican government entices Mexicans to hop over the fence and on to the American dole.”  Washington Times

Obama Funds the Mexican Fascist Party of LA RAZA “The Race”… now calling itself UNIDOSus.

"This is country belongs to Mexico" is said by the Mexican Militant. This is a common teaching that the U.S. is really AZTLAN, belonging to Mexicans, which is taught to Mexican kids in Arizona and California through a LA Raza educational program funded by American Tax Payers via President Obama, when he gave LA RAZA $800,000.00 in March of 2009!

Previous generations of immigrants did not believe they were racially superior to Americans. That is the view of La Raza Cosmica, by Jose Vasconcelos, Mexico’s former education minister and a presidential candidate. According to this book, republished in 1979 by the Department of Chicano Studies at Cal State LA, students of Scandinavian, Dutch and English background are dullards, blacks are ugly and inferior, and those “Mongols” with the slanted eyes lack enterprise. The superior new “cosmic” race of Spaniards and Indians is replacing them, and all Yankee “Anglos.” LLOYD BILLINGSLEY/ FRONTPAGE mag


"Along with Obama, Pelosi and Schumer are responsible for incalculable damage done to this country over the eight years of that administration." PATRICIA McCARTHY (BIDEN IS NOT NOTED AS HE SPENT 8 YEARS DURING THE OBOMB FOR BANKSTERS REGIME SUCKING OFF BRIBES AND NO ONE REALLY SAW HIM)

“One of the most disgusting things to come out of the Obama administration was "Operation Fast and Furious," where members of the Department of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) allowed illegal gun sales to go through – commonly referred to as "gun walking" – in order to track buyers and sellers they believed were connected to the Mexican drug cartels. Nearly 2,000 firearms were sold and were eventually found throughout the United States and Mexico. Two of them were used to k ill Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.”   BETH BAUMANN

American Workers Wouldn’t Stand A Chance With Bygone Joe Biden

When President Trump promised to bring back American manufacturing, he wasn’t just talking about union workers. He was describing an economic agenda that benefits all workers.
According to the latest figures from the Labor Department, the manufacturing sector just posted its biggest wage gains in over a decade — a clear sign that the President’s economic policies are making a real difference for working families.
The employment cost index, which measures employee wages and benefits, rose by 0.9 percent for the manufacturing sector in the first quarter of 2019, with salaries and wages increasing by a full percentage point — even faster than the value of job-related benefits.
The last time manufacturing wages rose so much in a single quarter was in 2008, when wages also rose 1.0 percent between January and March.
Those wage gains are impressive, but they’re not surprising. Over the past two years, America has experienced an historic economic boom marked by the lowest unemployment rate in half a century, fueled by a pro-growth agenda that includes major middle-class tax cuts, deregulation, and targeted counter-tariffs to protect American workers against unfair trade practices by foreign competitors.
As a direct result of this effective economic strategy, labor productivity is also increasing at a faster rate than it has in almost 10 years.
Between the surging value of American workers and the fact that there are now more job openings than job seekers, last quarter’s wage gains were practically inevitable.
As remarkable as our recent economic progress has been, however, the Democrats want to eliminate President Trump’s policies and replace them with a radical agenda that would return us to the lethargic economy of the Obama years.
Democrat presidential frontrunner Joe Biden, for instance, is reviving decades-old liberal appeals to labor unions, declaring that his economic agenda will champion big labor.
“I make no apologies: I am a union man, period,” Biden told members of the Teamsters union, arguing that “the American middle class was built … by unions.”
While it’s true that unions played a key role in America’s economic development a century ago, circumstances have changed dramatically since Franklin Roosevelt’s day. Industries that used to be dominated by unions, such as manufacturing and construction, are increasingly dependent on non-union labor, necessitating a more comprehensive approach to economic policy that looks out for the interests of all workers.
President Trump adopted just such an approach, focusing his efforts on unleashing the potential of American workers and businesses by removing government-imposed impediments such as high tax rates and unnecessary regulations, rather than trying to use the federal government to pick winners and losers.
As a result, wages are growing significantly faster for nonunion workers in goods-producing industries — in the manufacturing sector, for instance, wages increased 1.1 percent for nonunion workers last quarter, but only 0.4 percent for unionized employees.
While Trump’s innovative economic agenda is designed to improve the lives of all American workers by sparking private sector growth, Biden and his fellow Democrats are stuck in an outdated way of thinking that views certain kinds of workers as more important than others. That’s exactly why the 2020 election is about more than just determining who wins the presidency — it’s about defending our newfound prosperity from those who seek to take it away.

Across the board, American workers are winning thanks to President Trump’s economic policies. Biden’s pro-union agenda is just an outdated relic of a bygone era. Workers wouldn’t stand a chance with bygone Joe Biden.

1993 Joe Biden Said NAFTA Would Help U.S. Chrysler Workers – Years Later They Were Laid Off

AP Images
  3 May 2019976

Former Vice President and Senator Joe Biden (D) was one of the earliest cheerleaders for the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA), which helped to eliminate nearly five million U.S. manufacturing jobs.

During a Senate floor speech in November 1993, Biden said that NAFTA would, specifically, increase jobs and production for American workers employed at Chrysler’s Newark, Delaware plant by opening up the Mexican market.
“Chrysler expects to sell 5,000 more cars to Mexico from their Newark, DE, plant by the end of the decade,” Biden said. “Without NAFTA, Chrysler will have to manufacture more cars in Mexico to meet the requirements of pre-NAFTA laws.”
Years later, in 2007, those American workers at the Newark Chrysler plant were laid off as the plant closed down. At the it’s height, about 5,700 American workers were employed there. When the plant closed, around 700 to 1,100 Americans were left without jobs.
Many of the U.S. workers blamed the unfair foreign competition that they had been subjected to because of free trade and multilateral agreements like NAFTA, which made it easier for corporations to readily outsource American jobs to Mexico.
“Everybody here is mad, upset, the whole gamut of emotions,” a 15-year employee told the Associated Press at the time. “People feel like they got the carpet yanked from underneath them. They feel like there’s really nothing out there for them after this. The economy is really bad, so it’s a hard thing.”
“Half of Congress is buying foreign cars,” another longtime Chrysler worker said. “They should be mandated to buy American cars. If they don’t, how patriotic is that?”
Offshoring production to Mexico has proven cheaper for corporate executives. Where American workers earn $30 an hour, Mexican workers earn about $3 an hour in comparison — a 90 percent cut to wages that has expanded the profit margins of hundreds of former American manufacturers.
Though Biden has routinely claimed that NAFTA created jobs in Delaware and the U.S., NAFTA helped to eliminate nearly 17,000 American jobs due to soaring trade deficits and China’s entering the World Trade Organization (WTO) in his home state. NAFTA, alone, eliminated about 1,200 American jobs in Delaware due to the U.S.-Mexico trade deficit.

Biden in 2007 defended NAFTA, which helped eliminate nearly 5M American manufacturing jobs since 1994:"NAFTA wasn’t the problem." 

Flashback--Joe Biden in 2007: Job-Killing NAFTA 'Not the Problem'

As Breitbart News has chronicled, decades-long free trade deals, NAFTA, and China’s entering the WTO eliminated nearly five million manufacturing jobs across the country since 1994. Free trade advocates, like Biden, claimed at the time that NAFTA would create a million U.S. manufacturing jobs in the first five years.
Instead, nearly a million American jobs have been certified by the federal government as being lost directly due to NAFTA, according to data gathered by Public Citizen. These are only the U.S. jobs that the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program recognizes as being lost to free trade and does not indicate the actual number of jobs lost.
This week, Biden defended his support, once again, of NAFTA, job-killing free trade negotiations, and his opposition to tariffs on cheap foreign imports.
“I’m proud of my record,” Biden told local media in Iowa.
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder

Flashback–Joe Biden in 2007: Job-Killing NAFTA ‘Not the Problem’

   30 Apr 2019189

In 2007, then-Senator Joe Biden (D-DE) defended the job-killing, pro-outsourcing North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) years after voting in support of the free trade deal that ultimately helped lead to the elimination of nearly five million U.S. manufacturing jobs.

During a December 2007 interview with, Biden defended his support for NAFTA by claiming that the free trade deal “probably created” more U.S. jobs than those that were lost and said the deal “wasn’t the problem.”
Biden said:
My problem is … I voted for NAFTA. NAFTA in my state created more jobs than it lost jobs coming out of my state. And you can argue that, on balance, it probably created more American jobs than it lost. [Emphasis added]
There was dislocation. Some jobs got lost. Some jobs got created. But, again, NAFTA wasn’t the problem. The problem became when you go beyond what these guys are going, [the Bush administration] and it’s attitude — it’s attitude about … and it’s an intellectually indefensible attitude. [Emphasis added]
In Biden’s home state of Delaware, though, NAFTA helped to eliminate nearly 17,000 American jobs due to soaring trade deficits and China’s entering the World Trade Organization (WTO). NAFTA, alone, eliminated about 1,200 American jobs in Delaware due to the U.S.-Mexico trade deficit.
Biden said, in the same interview, that the U.S. must be engaged in “open trade” while calling himself a “fair trader.”
“This isn’t about saying you can’t … we should not be investing in other parts of the world, this is not saying we should not have open trade,” Biden said. “It just says we should have free and fair trade. I mean, literally, fair trade. And that means you get held to the same standard.”
As Breitbart News has chronicled, decades-long free trade deals, NAFTA, and China’s entering the WTO eliminated nearly five million manufacturing jobs across the country since 1994. Free trade advocates, like Biden, claimed at the time that NAFTA would create a million U.S. manufacturing jobs in the first five years.
Instead, nearly a million American jobs have been certified by the federal government as being lost directly due to NAFTA, according to data gathered by Public Citizen. These are only the U.S. jobs that the Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program recognizes as being lost to free trade and does not indicate the actual number of jobs lost.
For example, free trade with Mexico, alone, has eliminated at least 700,000 American jobs, and states in the Rust Belt have been hit the hardest. Those states and the number of American workers impacted include:
  • 14,500 American workers displaced in Wisconsin
  • 43,600 American workers displaced in Michigan
  • 2,600 American workers displaced in West Virginia
  • 26,300 American workers displaced in Pennsylvania
  • 34,900 American workers displaced in Ohio
  • 34,300 American workers displaced in New York
  • 6,500 American workers displaced in Iowa
  • 24,400 American workers displaced in Indiana
  • 34,700 American workers displaced in Illinois
Most famously, the state of West Virginia has been enormously crippled by free trade and multilateral trade deals like NAFTA. One former steel town in West Virginia lost 94 percent of its steel jobs because of NAFTA, with nearly 10,000 workers in the town being displaced from the steel industry.
“They talk about creating all these jobs,” an American worker told The Independent of NAFTA. “But they’re just retail jobs that pay minimum wage, or just above.”
This week, Biden defended his support, once again, of NAFTA, job-killing free trade negotiations, and his opposition to tariffs on cheap foreign imports.
“I’m proud of my record,” Biden told local media in Iowa.
Despite declaring himself a defender of American union workers, Biden’s first fundraiser for his 2020 presidential primary campaign was hosted by a slew of wealthy donors, including attorney Steve Cozen, whose law firm specializes in helping corporations bust up labor unions, as Breitbart News’s Matt Boyle reported.
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder

Flashback–Biden Cozied Up to General Motors CEO Mary Barra: ‘GM is Alive!’

  26 Apr 2019387

Following former President Obama’s billion-dollar American taxpayer bailout of multinational automaker General Motors (GM), then-Vice President Joe Biden (D) cozied up to CEO Mary Barra, who has since laid off thousands of American workers and outsourced their jobs to Mexico and China.

Throughout the 2012 presidential election cycle, Biden routinely claimed that “General Motors is alive” following the Obama administration’s $11 billion taxpayer bailout of the company in 2009.
Years after the bailout, Biden and officials with the Obama administration not only touted Barra’s leadership at GM but invited her to the State of the Union Address in 2014 and took photo-ops with the executive.
Today, Barra is overseeing the layoff of thousands of American workers as GM shifts and increases production in Mexico and China. Barra’s mass layoff effort is stopping production at four of its U.S. plants, including Detroit-Hamtramck and Warren Transmission in Michigan, Lordstown Assembly in Ohio, and Baltimore Operations in Maryland.
While GM was bailed out by U.S. taxpayers, the Obama-Biden scheme came with no commitments for the corporation to stop outsourcing Americans’ jobs overseas.
In 2011, Hoover Institution at Stanford University research fellow Paul Gregory noted that despite the Obama-Biden bailout for GM, the company continued outsourcing American jobs abroad. A 2011 report detailed GM had less than 75,000 jobs left in the U.S. while employing more than 122,000 foreign workers overseas. At the time, nearly two-thirds of GM’s workforce was located abroad.
Rather than stopping GM’s outsourcing, the Obama-Biden scheme focused much of their attention on subsidizing and promoting electric, plug-in cars like the Chevy Volt. Last year, Barra announced that production for the Volt, as well as the Chevy Cruze, would end.
General Motors CEO Mary Barra talks about the company’s Corvette Stingray with Vice President Joe Biden during a tour of the North American International Auto in Detroit, Thursday, Jan. 16, 2014. Biden said the U.S. auto industry’s resurgence since the 2009 federal bailout provides a strong basis for a Motor City recovery. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)
General Motors CEO Mary Barra talks with Vice President Joe Biden during a tour of the North American International Auto in Detroit, Thursday, Jan. 16, 2014. Biden said the U.S. auto industry’s resurgence since the 2009 federal bailout provides a strong basis for a Motor City recovery. (AP Photo/Carlos Osorio)
Last month, Barra closed the Lordstown plant, a decision expected to result in the layoff of more than 8,000 American workers in the area, and allegedly blamed the United Auto Workers (UAW) for the plant’s closure. Closing the Lordstown plant resulted in the immediate layoff of about 1,600 American workers and since 2017, GM has laid off about 4,500 American workers in Ohio. Another 900 American workers in supporting industries have been put of out work as well.
After all four plant closures, GM’s Barra is expected to have laid off 14,700 of its workers in the U.S. and Canada.
As Breitbart News has chronicled, American workers and UAW officials have debunked Barra’s claim that the union is at fault for the Lordstown plant closure. Details emerged this month revealing that the UAW accepted nearly $120 million a year in concessions to keep the Lordstown plant open. When workers and UAW officials heard of Barra’s announcement last year, they say they were stunned.
“We did everything they want,” longtime GM worker Sonja Smith told Bloomberg News. “This is their payback.”
Simultaneously, UAW officials have voiced support for Trump in his effort to reopen the Lordstown plant and keep open GM’s other three plants slated for closure by Barra.
Experts have called on Trump to implement a 25 percent auto tariff to protect American auto worker jobs and the U.S. auto industry from Chinese domination. Likewise, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), vying for the Democrat nomination for president, has told Trump to immediately ban GM from receiving federal contracts for their outsourcing, offshoring, and mass layoff scheme.
While GM lays off thousands of American workers this year, its production in Mexico and China is ramping up. Specifically, GM is looking to manufacture an electric Cadillac in China and continue manufacturing its Envision compact vehicle in China.
The made-in-Mexico Chevrolet Blazer will soon arrive in U.S. markets. Last year, GM became the largest automaker in Mexico as it has cut jobs in America and increased production in Mexico.
Offshoring production to Mexico has proven cheaper for GM executives because American workers earn about $30 an hour while Mexican workers earn about $3 an hour, a 90 percent cut to wages that widens the corporation’s profit margins. Meanwhile, Barra continues to earn a salary of about $22 million.
Biden’s first fundraiser for his 2020 presidential primary campaign was hosted by a slew of wealthy donors, including attorney Steve Cozen whose law firm specializes in helping corporations bust up labor unions, as Breitbart News’ Matt Boyle reported.
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.

Flashback–Biden: U.S. Needs More H-1B Foreign Workers for Corporations

 17 Jun 2019162

In 2013, then-Vice President Joe Biden advocated for bringing more H-1B foreign visa workers to the United States to compete against American graduates and professionals in high-paying science, technology, and engineering jobs.

Biden told attendees of the Export-Import Bank’s 2013 Annual Conference that not only did the U.S. need to bring more H-1B foreign visa workers to the country for corporations, but that foreign students graduating from American universities should “literally” be given green cards to permanently stay in the U.S.
Biden said:
We also think its essential to reform the immigration system. Every year … our university system generates roughly 40,000 people with PhDs and master degrees in areas of science and technology that we need and we make sure that they’re promptly escorted back to their country. At the very same time, we’re spending hundreds of millions of dollars on STEM education. It makes no sense in my humble opinion. [Emphasis added]
Sending them back to their country denies them a visa even when they have a job waiting for them. Instead of sending them home, we should be a stamping a green card on their diploma as they walk across the stage. Literally, I mean this literally, not figuratively, literally. If they have a job here, they should be able to stay here. We should want them here. [Emphasis added]
Ladies and gentlemen, we’ve also proposed adding additional H-1B visas so that American employers can hire the best and the brightest no matter where they come from if they can’t be found here. [Emphasis added]
Every year, more than 100,000 foreign workers are brought to the U.S. on the H-1B visa and are allowed to stay for up to six years. There are about 650,000 H-1B visa foreign workers in the U.S. at any given moment. Americans are often laid off in the process and forced to train their foreign replacements, as highlighted by Breitbart News. Nearly 70 percent of all H-1B visas are rewarded to Indian nationals.
More than 85,000 Americans annually potentially lose their jobs to foreign labor through the H-1B visa program. Oftentimes, importing a foreign worker on the H-1B visa is the first step in a multinational corporations’ effort to outsource the American job, as the foreign worker arrives in the U.S., is trained in the job, and then is eventually sent back overseas with the job.
While Biden advocated for more labor market competition against America’s professionals and graduates, foreign workers have already crowded out Americans in the tech hub of Silicon Valley, California.

“We have no voice in Washington,” said one American mother and STEM worker who was replaced by an H-1B. “There are 500 lobbyists for Big Tech, for cheap labor via the H-1B, L-1, OPT, and H4 EAD programs. Who wants to hear from us?”  via @JxhnBinder

Americans Replaced by H-1B Visas: 'There's No Shortage' of U.S. Workers

Analysis conducted last year reveal that 71 percent of tech workers in Silicon Valley are foreign-born, while the tech industry in the San Francisco, Oakland, and Hayward area is made up of 50 percent foreign-born tech workers.
Last year, U.S. businesses and corporations attempted to outsource nearly 420,000 American jobs to foreigners through the H-1B visa program — a number that outpaces the population of Tampa, Florida.
As Breitbart News previously reported, more than 2.7 million H-1B foreign workers have been approved to come to the U.S. to take American jobs between 2007 and 2017. During that same period, businesses tried to outsource almost 3.5 million American jobs to foreign workers instead of hiring Americans.
About four million young Americans enter the workforce each year, many looking for white-collar jobs in the STEM fields. Those Americans’ prospects of finding work are crippled by the country’s legal immigration process, which admits more than 1.5 million immigrants and hundreds of thousands of foreign visa workers annually.
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.  

Josh Hawley: Bush’s Globalist ‘New World Order’ Has Made the Elites Rich, Eroded ‘Middle Class Way of Life’

MOHD RASFAN/AFP via Getty Images
 1 Nov 2019500

President George H.W. Bush’s plan for a “New World Order” with global integration of the United States’ economy has made the ruling class richer while eroding “the middle class way of life” in America, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) says.

In an interview on The Realignment podcast, Hawley described how the long-held push by both political establishments to massively globalize the American economy has been at the expense of U.S. workers while the ruling class and their allies in the donor class have profited.
Hawley said:
If I have to give you a sense of the kind of vision that I think voters rejected, President Bush … gave a speech to Congress in 1990 where he talked about a ‘New World Order,’ and he was saying this of the situation in the context with Iraq, but he talked broadly about a ‘New global liberal order’ that of course America would lead, that it would involve America making the world much more like America and the rest of the world kind of blending in with America … and there wouldn’t be the need for hard borders any longer, and we’d have free trade, and we’d have great multinational cooperation, and we’d have these multinational corporations that can do business in any country, and it would be a whole new era. [Emphasis added]
Well, as it turns out — first of all, China and Russia didn’t get the memo on that — secondly, as it turns out, that ‘New World Order’ wasn’t good for American workers. And as it turned out, it didn’t protect American middle class values. As it turned out, it undermined the middle class way of life. [Emphasis added]

Hawley said the ruling class is primarily a “small group of people” from a “fairly narrow band of colleges and graduate schools” who largely agree on the most challenging issues facing the nation and oppose the traditionalism of middle American communities.
“They also tend to be the winners of this global integration. George Bush’s ‘New World Order,’ the people who have been in charge of the parties who run the media, who hold commanding heights in our culture; they win from that agreement,” Hawley said of the ruling class. “They’re doing great; they are the wealthy in our society. They are the ones who are globally integrated and global facing.”
Hawley continued:
They also tend to be skeptical of places like Missouri and of things like home and community. So they say that they value those things, but you listen to somebody … and somebody says, “I’m not going to move from this small town even though I’m having trouble finding a job because my family is here and because this is where we’ve lived for generations and this is where my friends are and I want to make a life here.” A lot of D.C. elites in both parties listen to that and they’re like, “That’s crazy.”
As Breitbart News has chronicled, free trade has helped gut working and middle class American jobs and stripped whole middle American towns of their industries and livelihoods.
Since the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was signed and China was allowed to enter the World Trade Organization (WTO), five million American manufacturing jobs and more than 50,000 manufacturing facilities have been eliminated from the U.S. economy. This mass elimination of jobs due to free trade has coincided with an almost 600 percent increase in trade deficits.
In recent years, the economic recovery from the Great Recession disproportionately benefitted elite zip codes. For example, by 2016, elite zip codes had a surplus of 3.6 million jobs, which is more than the combined bottom 80 percent of American zip codes. While populations have grown in major cities where the wealthiest of Americans live, rural communities have continued to shrink.
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder

Amy Klobuchar Hides Her Support for Exporting College Graduate Jobs to India

14 Feb 20201
Democrat Sen. Amy Klobuchar is touting her support for amnesty and easy migration of blue-collar workers — but she is hiding her support for laws that allow employers to hire foreign graduates for the white-collar jobs needed by Klobuchar’s college graduate progressive voters.
“We know that immigrants don’t diminish America, they are America,” she told a February 13 event in Nevada organized by the League of United Latin American Citizens. She continued:
We also know that we need workers in our fields, in our factories, to start more small businesses, in our nursing homes, working as doctors, and [in] our hospitals and [as] nurses. So I think that economic case … is the case I’ve been making in every state. …. In nearly every town hall meeting, I would bring up immigration, because I just think it’s so important for people, even in states that don’t have big Hispanic communities, to start thinking of it as an economic imperative.
Klobuchar has a long history of support for white-collar migration, despite the impact on college voters in her home state.
In 2015, for example, Klobuchar backed a bill by then GOP Utah Sen. Orin Hatch that would allow universities and companies to cooperatively import an unlimited number of foreign graduates for the jobs sought by American graduates. ComputerWorld reported:
Technically, the bill is a reintroduction of the earlier “I-Square” bill, but it includes enough revisions to be considered new. It increases the H-1B visa cap to 195,000 (instead of an earlier 300,000 cap), and eliminates the cap on people who earn an advanced degree in a STEM (science, technology, education and math) field.
Hatch, who is the No. 2 ranking senator in the GOP-controlled chamber, was joined by co-sponsors Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.), Marco Rubio (R-Fla.), Chris Coons (D-Del.), Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) and Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) in backing the legislation.
“This bill is basically a wish list for the tech industry,” said [EPI’s Daniel] Costa.
In 2020, Klobuchar is also sponsoring the updated version of the Hatch bill. The bill, titled S.386, is being championed by Utah GOP Sen. Mike Lee. His bill would not change the overall number of green cards for foreign employees, but it would roughly quintuple the award of green cards to the unlimited number of temporary status Indians graduates who can take jobs from American graduates via the Optional Practical Training, L-1,  and the H-1B programs.

The #S386 green-card giveaway bill pushed by #SenMikeLee is driven by Utah's unified estb., which wants to build a new Silicon Valley: "Silicon Slopes"
Romney's impeachment dump on Trump taints the push by Lee & Utah for a GOP OK of Utah's business plan. 

Mitt Romney's Impeachment Vote Backfires on Utah's Push for S.386 Green Card Giveaway

The resident population of roughly one million Indian graduates has created a U.S.-India Outsourcing Economy throughout the U.S economy, which pushes many American graduates out of good jobs. The outsourcing economy has imposed Indian-style workplace rules on Americans’ professional workplaces, despite U.S. laws against discrimination, favoritism, and kickbacks.
Klobuchar’s support for middle class outsourcing is a fundamental economic threat to her own voting base of white-collar college graduates.
She came in third in the New Hampshire primary race partly because she won the biggest share of college voters, according to the exit polls. She won 25 percent of the votes from college grad Democrats, narrowly beating the shares won by Sen. Bernie Sanders and Mayor Pete Buttigieg. But she only won 14 percent of blue-collar votes, far behind Sanders’ share of 31 percent and Buttigieg’s share of 24 percent.
But the victims of this Indian outsourcing include many young, mid-career and older graduates in her home state of Minnesota.
Numerous Indian-run, Indian-staffed outsourcing firms have set up satellite offices in Minnesota. They include Infosys, Cognizant, Tata, Larsen & Toubro Wipro, IBM India, and IBM, which recently appointed an Indian CEO to run the firm.
The federal data showing the H-1B job losses are presented The site shows the number of H-1B visa workers requested by Minnesota employers to take jobs that would otherwise go to Americans.
In 2019, Minnesota-based Best Buy asked for visas to import 59 foreign graduates, at expected annual pay of $113,000. Minnesota-based Target sought 288 visas for jobs paying an average of $124,000. Cargill Inc. asked for 23 visa workers for jobs paying $117,000, the University of Minnesota asked for 245 graduates at an average pay of  $80,000 and Medtronic asked for 263 graduates at an average pay of $99,000. displays the same data from 2017, and it shows that half of the requested workers would earn less than $70,000 a year, while 14 percent would earn more than $100,000.
The outsourcing economy also hits older workers. In 2007, for example, Minnesota’s Best Buy retail company settled a lawsuit by American workers who were replaced by H-1B workers from the Accenture consulting company, according to ComputerWorld’s report:
Best Buy Co. this month quietly settled an age discrimination lawsuit filed in 2004 by 44 former IT [Information Technology] workers who had been laid off, most of them after the electronics retailer outsourced its IT operations to Accenture Ltd. earlier that year.
“The matter has been resolved on a mutual basis,” said Stephen Snyder, a Minneapolis attorney who represented the former Best Buy employees. Neither Snyder nor officials at the retailer would comment on the details of the settlement deal approved by a U.S. District Court judge in Minnesota.
When the outsourcing deal was announced, Best Buy told its 820 IT workers that only about 40 of them would remain with the retailer. About 650 others were expected to be shifted to Accenture and continue working at Best Buy’s offices, while the remaining 130 or so workers were told their jobs would be eliminated.
Mid-career professionals also lose out.
“She’s the ‘Minnesota nice’ version of [Democrat Rep.] Zoe Lofgren … [who is] the congresswoman from Silicon who is a complete foreign-labor dumping shill,” said a Minnesota-born software professional who has lost jobs to Indian outsourcing. He continued:
In 2004, I’m in Chicago, on the near-north side, near one of the restaurant districts, and this Indian guy comes up to me and asks me for directions. It turns out I end up talking to him for two hours or so, him and his sister. He told me he is working at the Best Buy headquarters in Richview, Minneapolis … He explained how he was told by a manager to lie to an American programmer, tell him there was no more work — but to [secretly] shift work overseas [to India]. The American looked at him and said, ‘What am I supposed to do? I have a mortgage and I have a baby on the way.”
If [the Indan] did not play ball, he was going to be on the first plane back to India.
“Klobuchar knows about this [outsourcing[… she is complicit,’ he said.
The Indian outsourcing has accelerated in the last decade, partly because Klobuchar and other politicians protect the business — and even used the 2013 “Gang of Eight” amnesty bill to expand the flow of visa workers and foreign graduates. Klobuchar reiterated her support of the 2013 bill at the Nevada event:
I have been a long supporter of comprehensive immigration reform. I think that is the best answer and in 2013, we did, and as I mentioned, when President [George W.] Bush was in and he really wanted to get it done. And we got close, but we had a lot of pushback actually from right-wing talk radio and other things.
Then it got to President [Barack] Obama’s time, and he wanted to get it done too. And in 2013, we put together a bill that was supported both by the Chamber of Commerce and the AFL CIO, by the migrant groups as well as the Farm Bureau and the farmers union. And we got that through [the Senate] with bipartisan support. I was on the judiciary committee, am on that committee and worked on that bill hard, and then it died somewhere over in the House, next to the frozen peas in [House Speaker] John Boehner’s freezer, I don’t know. It never got through, and it was a very sad thing because we had such bipartisan support.
Klobuchar’s opponent, Sen. Sanders, opposed the 2013 bill:

In 2013, @SenSanders gave a powerful speech condemning the Gang of Eight bill written by corporate lobbyists. He then he voted for the bill despite being on record acknowledging that it would hurt American workers. 

Klobuchar promises to push for a similar bill 
if she is elected President:
I am convinced that we can get this done. I think a lot of the Republicans do not want to cross Donald Trump right now. But there are a lot of them that know that we need to get it done. I am committed to getting it done in my first year. I’m not gonna wait because that would have a path to citizenship, as well as do something of course with the ‘dreamers’ and give them citizenship, as well as dealing with temporary status workers.

New Infosys lawsuit helps explain how the huge H-1B/OPT outsourcing economy pressures & rewards Indian managers to discriminate against American graduates, including Indian legal immigrants.
Follow the money, all the way to India.
And to Utah's 

Lawsuit Alleges Anti-American Bias by Indian Managers in U.S.

Peter Navarro: U.S. Is ‘Dangerously Over-Dependent’ on Foreign Imports

White House
Volume 90%
 2 Apr 2020464
White House trade adviser Peter Navarro says the Chinese coronavirus crisis is vindicating President Trump’s economic nationalist agenda, underscoring how “dangerously over-dependent” the nation is on global supply chains overseas.
In a press briefing on Thursday, Navarro said the coronavirus crisis is exposing decades of free trade policy that has readily enabled U.S. corporations to outsource and offshore their supply chains while gutting America’s industrial base. Navarro said:
One of the things that this crisis has taught us … is that we are dangerously over-dependent on a global supply chain for our medicines like penicillin, our medical supplies like masks, and our medical equipment like ventilators. We have right now, as we speak, over 50 countries that have already imposed some form of export restrictions in their country against the rest of the world.
“What we’re learning from that is that no matter [what] treaties you have, no matter how many alliances, no matter how many phone calls, when push comes to shove, you run the risk as a nation of not having what you need,” Navarro said.
Navarro also detailed the Trump administration’s upcoming “Buy American” executive order, which he said will be implemented only after the coronavirus crisis has concluded to ensure existing supply chains are not further disrupted:
And if there’s any vindication, it’s the president’s Buy American, secure borders, and a strong manufacturing base philosophy, strategy, and belief it is this crisis because it underscores everything that we see there. [Emphasis added]
So the Buy American order, which is going through process, would do a couple of things. It would — not during this crisis because we don’t want to disrupt anything, I want to be very clear about that — but going forward, after this is over, the VA, DOD, HHS, and this government buys American for essential medicines, our medical countermeasures, and the medical supplies and equipment we need. At the same time, it will deregulate so we can get the FDA and EPA to facilitate domestic manufacturing and innovate. [Emphasis added]
The key here … is having advanced manufacturing on U.S. soil that can leapfrog other countries so we don’t have to worry about competing against cheap sweatshop labor, lax environmental regulations, different tax regimes, and the massive subsidies of foreign governments who are actually directly attacking our industrial base. [Emphasis added]
Navarro said “never again” should the U.S. “have to depend on the rest of the world for essential medicines and countermeasures.”
The results of U.S. free trade with China have meant the U.S. currently depends on China to produce an estimated 97 percent of all antibiotics and 80 percent of the active pharmaceutical ingredients that are needed to manufacture drugs in the U.S.
Since the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was enacted and China entered the World Trade Organization (WTO), nearly five million American manufacturing jobs have been eliminated from the American economy — 3.4 million of which are due to U.S. free trade with China. The mass elimination of working- and middle-class jobs and depressed U.S. wages due to NAFTA and China’s entering the WTO have coincided with a 600 percent increase in trade deficits.

ews. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.

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