Wednesday, July 8, 2020


As Breitbart News reported, Hawley detailed in the interview how Republicans like former President George H.W. Bush’s ‘New World Order’ agenda and Democrats have helped to create a corporatist economy that disproportionately benefits the nation’s richest executives and donor class.

Patriotism vs. Globalism in 2020: A Country Is at Stake
Given the extraordinary pace of events in America and the world this year, it is not hard to imagine that a bystander — perhaps a bug-eyed alien who has been following the series "The Earth" — would be pleased with the dynamics of the show.  But he also would be puzzled at the rapid twists of the plot.  The U.S., for example, enters a 2020 season in all its might and glory, with the strong economy, where unemployment for everyone is low, where reduced taxes and regulations promise further growth, and the basic indices of economic activity spell "victory" for the funny-looking guy who made it happen.  Then — BAM! — a "deadly virus" hits — eh, unimpressive...the mortality rate would have been much higher for the sake of the show; 2 percent is a rookie number (would be even lower if the infected were not placed in the nursing homes).  Nonetheless, America goes into lockdown, losing trillions of dollars.  Unemployment soars.  Then — BAM! — massive protests accompanied by rioting, looting, arson, vandalism, and sheer violence erupt as a response to the incident of police brutality.  The whole system is declared evil and beyond repair.  The crime rate soars.  American flags are burned — not in Iran or North Korea, but in Washington, D.C.  Some parts of the country that were the envy of the world look like a war zone.  Whoa, a startled viewer would think — what just happened?
What is happening is that November gets closer, and the country finds itself in a situation that may be described with a mathematical catastrophe theory used to study discontinuous processes.  An example of a discontinuous process would be an arched bridge to which more and more weight is added.  At first, little effect is seen as the weight on the bridge is increased — the bridge begins to bend almost imperceptibly.  At a certain point, however, enough weight is added to the bridge that it collapses.  A sudden change in a discontinuous process is called a catastrophe. 
The American model right now has one active variable, the economic model, and one active parameter, a necessity to choose one out of two courses of its development.  Speaking scientifically, we have reached a divergence point that requires a system to follow one of the two possible paths that are mutually exclusive.  At this point, both of them are equally probable, and the system "freezes" — to land on one of the paths, it needs a push.  It is difficult to accurately prognosticate the system's behavior at this point, but one can model it.  Once the choice is made, the return to the divergence point is impossible — if you stand before the abyss, you may either walk around it or take a step into it.
Which paths lie before America?  The first one is presented — and has been practiced for the last 20 years — by the globalism aimed to secure America's leading place in monopolar world.  The main tools of it are supranational entities such as international organizations, multinational corporations, and financial institutions like the IMF and the World Bank.  Even though globalization has been pictured by academia and media as an endless pool of growth, opportunities, and progress, it has been marked by substantial shortcomings.  For example, under the new regime of enhanced financial mobility and power, with greater volatility of financial markets and increased risk, real interest rates have risen substantially.  This has discouraged long-term investment in new plants and equipment and stimulated spending on the re-equipment of old facilities along with a large volume of essentially financial transactions — mergers, buybacks of stocks, financial maneuvers, and speculative activities.  This explains why overall productivity growth in the member-countries of the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development fell.  So did gross fixed investment, and so did GDP growth.  But the elites have done well despite the slackened productivity.  Because globalization has helped keep wages down, while increasing real interest rates, the upper 5 percent of households have been able to skim off a large fraction of the reduced productivity gains, thereby permitting elite incomes and stock market values to rise rapidly.  For the multinational corporations that shaped foreign policy by engaging in lobbyism, globalization has also been great.  One of their main objectives that they achieved was cheaper labor sources.  Labor is often cheapest, and least prone to cause employer problems, in authoritarian states.  Capital moves to such friendly investment climes, shifting resources from the more expensive to the less costly locale.  (That is why the MNCs have vocally opposed the Trump administration's escalation of trade tensions, tightening of immigration restrictions, and disruption of global value chains.)
For the global majority, globalization has been a whole different story.  Income inequality rose markedly both within and among countries.  In the United States, despite a great increase in productivity thanks to new technologies, inequality rose.  Underemployment, job insecurity, benefit loss — all increased
The Trump administration disdains globalization and practices a healthy and much needed protectionism.  It withdrew from free trade and other deals and viciously attacked globalization structures nurtured by the previous administrations: U.N., NATO, WTO, International Criminal Court, and now WHO, which proved shockingly unprofessional and frankly hostile to the U.S. interests.
If Trump gets four more years as a president, he may get to the holy of holies of the economic globalism — the IMF and the World Bank — which will undoubtedly face a debt crisis due to the downfall of the world economy.  Ironically, the COVID-19 hysteria that became an act of desperation for the Democrats — whether it was a projected event or a natural crisis that would have been a shame to waste — now plays against the global financial leviathan and its masters.  According to none other than George Soros, the COVID-19 pandemic is a one-two financial punch for developing economies.  Not only has it put extraordinary pressure on budgets worldwide, but it has also caused a sharp exodus of capital from emerging markets.  JPMorgan Chase & Co. predicts that 1 in 5 emerging-market countries will default on their debt obligations — meaning that the core banks may collapse.  If some federal reserve banks fail, the government may nationalize them — but no doubt Trump would not save them, as Obama did in 2008.  That would fatally undermine the economic foundation of the Democrats for good; that's why Trump's victory is not an option for them.
If Biden wins, he, as a true O'Biden-Bama Democrat, will have to save the failing banking system by unprecedentedly increasing the national debt in a weakened economy.  The previous model that balanced emission with trade deals would not be possible to execute in a severely damaged global economy.  That is why Biden's victory would lead to a delayed catastrophe, but with lower chances of surviving it, because the condition of the country will deteriorate — his leftist policies will make sure of it.
The choice we as a country will make in November is clear: Trump and patriotism or Biden and globalism.  Development or decline.  It is just that simple.
Follow Veronika Kyrylenko, Ph.D. on Twitter or LinkedIn.
Image: Fox News via YouTube.

Take for example, the Clinton Foundation, and the millions of dollars Clinton and her husband collected from foreign nations while she was secretary of state.

THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S BILLIONAIRES’ GLOBALIST EMPIRE requires someone as ruthlessly dishonest as Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama to be puppet dictators.

1.     Globalism: Google VP Kent Walker insists that despite its repeated rejection by electorates around the world, “globalization” is an “incredible force for good.”

2.     Hillary Clinton’s Democratic party: An executive nearly broke down crying because of the candidate’s loss. Not a single executive expressed anything but dismay at her defeat.

3.   Immigration: Maintaining liberal immigration in the U.S is the policy that Google’s executives discussed the most.

The Three Blows to the New World Order
So much for "the end of history."
May 22, 2020 
Bruce Thornton

Bruce Thornton is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.
Nearly 30 years ago the Cold War ended with the collapse of the Soviet Empire. Communism, the last challenge to the Western paradigm of liberal democracy and free trade, disappeared, defeated by the same free-world alliance that had vanquished earlier totalitarian foes like fascism and Nazism. History understood not as events but as a tournament of conflicting socio-politico-economic orders had ended. A “new world order,” over a century in the making, finally had won.
That heady optimism was expressed by George H.W. Bush in his 1991 State of the Union address. The disintegration of the Soviet Union seemingly confirmed the triumph of democracy, free markets, and transnational institutions, or as Bush said, “a new world order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind––peace and security, freedom, and the rule of law.”
The Nineties saw several developments that seemingly confirmed Bush’s optimism about the future: The swift defeat of the brutal dictator Saddam Hussein, and the ending of revanchist violence in the Balkans by multinational coalitions; the expansion of NATO to the borders of Russia; the creation of the European Union by the Maastricht Treaty, and the welcoming of communist China into the World Trade Organization. All were signs of history’s “end.” At the same time, the tech revolution was relentlessly shrinking the world further, facilitating global trade and global communication through the World Wide Web, more powerful computers, email, and social media.
Over the last three decades, however, three disruptions have challenged the assumptions of a Kantian “perpetual peace” based a “rules-based international order” that reflects a new “harmony of interests” among the world’s peoples. Each crisis has exposed the flawed assumptions behind the naïve optimism and arrogant over-confidence of those in the West who have promoted, built, and managed this paradigm.
9/11: Jihadist Terror
History returned with a vengeance on September 11, 2001. The smoking ruins of the World Trade center reminded us that another vision of socio-politico order, Islam––one that had occupied two-thirds of the old Roman Empire and serially raided and invaded a nascent Europe for a thousand years––was not done with history. The “war on terror,” including the Second Gulf War and the invasion of Afghanistan, both of which are still not finished, should have made us rethink our triumphalist assumptions about the inevitability of democracy and free-trade and peace and human rights.
And it should have chastened us for our arrogance and failure of imagination. Our continuing inability to create liberal democracies and human rights among peoples for whom such concepts are alien didn’t lead to a critical reassessment of the New World Order’s foundational assumptions.
Indeed, President George W. Bush, in the 2002 National Security Strategy, defined the foreign policy of the United States as promoting a “single sustainable model for national success: freedom, democracy, and free enterprise,” for “these values of freedom are right and true for every person, in every society.” Bush returned to these themes in his inaugural speech in January 2005––while the failure of remaking Iraq and Afghanistan was still obvious. He linked U.S. security and global peace to the “force of human freedom” and the expansion of democracy: “The survival of liberty in our land increasingly depends on the success of liberty in other lands. The best hope for peace in our world is the expansion of freedom in all the world.”
The terrorist attacks on 9/11 and the expensive, both in troops and resources, misguided wars abroad repudiated these utopian goals. We failed, and still fail, to acknowledge that Islam is a 14-centuries-old socio-political order contrary to the Western liberal “rules-based international order.” The New World Order’s banishment of religion to the realm of the private was exposed as a mistake, and its global identity revealed to be an artifact of Western elites that did not capture even their own peoples’ varied and distinct identities.
The election of Donald Trump for now has led to a retreat from policies that reflect this unwarranted and arrogant belief in transforming Muslim nations into Western liberal democracies. But the foreign policy establishment, evidenced in its hostility to Trump, still defends this bankrupt paradigm. They have continually criticized his weakening of the “rules-based international order,” especially his withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal, his pressuring NATO members to live up to their pledge to spend 2% of GDP on defense,  and his “America First” foreign policy principle and frank nationalism.
Despite Trump’s pushback and the pause in major terror attacks, Islamic jihadism remains a potent threat. And it threatens the New World Order, evidenced by Iran’s race to acquire nuclear weapons. Finally, it repudiates the fundamental assumptions of a common global identity and a “harmony of interests” underlying that order.
2007-9: The Great Recession
The Great Recession exposed the dangers of a globally integrated economic system. It began in a feckless government policy in the U.S. that relaxed standards for home mortgages, particularly interest rates, in order to increase minority home ownership. A real estate bubble followed, and Wall Street wolves took advantage by creating risky financial instruments for marketing these sketchy mortgages. When lending rates increased and the bubble burst, financial institutions were damaged, infecting the whole global economy. Unemployment in the U.S. reached over 10%, GM declared bankruptcy, banks disappeared, and consumer spending slowed. What followed with the election of Barack Obama was one of the slowest economic recoveries in history, and economists proclaimed growth of GDP would remain at 2% indefinitely.
In Europe, the sovereign debt crisis and bank failures revealed fault lines in the EU project. Its economic regulations and the single currency, managed by Brussels and its elite transnational technocrats, were exposed as incoherent: A single currency with various economic policies determined by distinct sovereign nations was always a recipe for disaster. Particularly in the Mediterranean South, interventions by the EU, the European Central Bank, and the International Monetary Fund were accompanied by demands for fiscal austerity that the Southern tier felt to be high-handed and arrogant.
Suddenly the “one Europe” version of the New World Order, in which national differences were subordinated to a transnational governing elite, was fissuring. National differences in cultures and mores were still important and acted as centrifugal forces, straining the bonds of the Union. For all the global elite’s denigration of nationalism, Germans are still Germans, and Italians are still Italians, with different historical memories, different attitudes toward work and leisure, and different expectations of what governments should do for its citizens.
These divisions have not healed, and indeed were widened by the 2015 crisis of migration from the war-torn Middle East of mostly young male Muslims, including large numbers of jihadist terrorists. The Schengen Zone of open travel among European states was now revealed to be dangerous, and many countries reinstated border controls. Terror attacks increased in frequency and lethality, and entry states like Italy and Greece resented having to bear the disorder resulting from migrants transiting through their countries to the welfare paradises of northern Europe. Eastern European members simply refused to accept the EU mandated quotas for migrants professing a faith that for a millennium had attacked, conquered, and occupied their territories.
The Great Recession uncovered deep flaws in the globally integrated economy, one of which is the dismissal of national identities and cultures. It seems that Joseph de Maistre was right: “Now, there is no such thing as ‘man’ in this world. In my life I have seen Frenchmen, Italians, Russians, and so on . . . . But as for man, I declare I’ve never encountered him.” There are no “citizens of the world,” nor is there a “global community” beyond the tiny globalist elite.
2020: The Coronavirus Pandemic
The fracturing of the EU has been worsened by the pandemic. The divide between the EU North and South has widened even further, as already strapped economies are nearing collapse, such as Italy’s, the fourth largest in the EU, with France not far behind. That calamity can be averted only by the successful northern economies that will pay up or see more countries abandon the EU as did Great Britain.

More significant is the dysfunctions in the West’s relationship with China. Like the formation of the EU, bringing China and its totalitarian communist regime into the World Trade Organization was a milestone in the expansion and consolidation of the New World Order. China’s role in the pandemic, particularly in obscuring the origins, scope, and infectability of the outbreak, and in attempting to blame it on the U.S., confirmed what more than 25 years of its bad behavior should have taught us: an illiberal, culturally different country ruled by ruthless autocrats cannot be trusted to abide by the terms of an institution based on principles and values it does not share.
Rather, those laws and conditions will be, as Jonathon Swift put it, “like cobwebs, which may catch small flies, but let wasps and hornets break through.” Since it joined the WTO in the Nineties China has violated trade agreements, stolen intellectual and technical property, dumped products, manipulated its currency, and committed other violations to gain an economic advantage over its rivals, particularly the U.S. Worse yet, in our globalist delusions about the transformative powers of free trade, we have outsourced critical industries, such as computer chips and pharmaceuticals, to China, giving them potent leverage over us. The “rules-based international order” has merely afforded China the mechanisms and cover for undermining the economies of the West and increasing China’s global power.
Finally, the virus crisis has stripped the pretensions of the technocratic foundations of the New World Order, discrediting its progressive champions and their naïve faith in science as transcending professional interests, partisan biases, political ideologies, and nationalist loyalties. Real science  and technology work well for understanding and manipulating the material world, but are less reliable when humans––defined by their passions and interests, their self-awareness, and their undetermined free will––become part of the equation. Then certainty and predictability become rare and transient, lying as they do beyond the “complexity horizon,” as mathematician John Allen Paulos calls it, “that limit or edge beyond which social laws, events, and regularities are so complex as to be unfathomable, seemingly random.”
The past few months have confirmed this assessment. The “experts” we have relied on to advise our leaders during the crisis have been inconsistent and sometimes incoherent in their prescriptions, vitiated as they are by incomplete data, flawed models, questionable assumptions, and political pressures. As a result, panic, hysteria, and political rent-seeking have flourished, leading to policies like quarantining the healthy, productive young and shutting down a thriving economy, throwing the country into a recession on its way to becoming a depression. As a result, lives have been needlessly lost and others will be ruined for years to come, while trillions of dollars have been added to budget deficits and the national debt.
Time to Decide
The Trump administration has made some critical moves towards realizing that goal of dismantling some of the New World Order, particularly in terms of China. But as the fierce, relentless domestic and international hatred of Trump shows, the global managerial elite will fight hard and dirty to protect its interests.
We will see in the coming months whether the crisis will make us all rethink our unexamined assumptions about technocratic globalism, the transnational institutions of the “rules-based international order,” the one-world delusions about bringing democracy and freedom to cultures inhospitable to the principles and virtues necessary for those goods, and the outsized authority and power we reflexively grant to government “experts” to solve all our problems, even those that lie beyond the ken of science, and depend on our own common sense, practical wisdom, morals, and virtues.
Or we will watch as our unalienable rights, national sovereignty, and freedom, already assaulted by government autocrats, are further eroded. The choice is ours.

Josh Hawley: Bush’s Globalist ‘New World Order’ Has Made the Elites Rich, Eroded ‘Middle Class Way of Life’

MOHD RASFAN/AFP via Getty Images
 1 Nov 2019500

President George H.W. Bush’s plan for a “New World Order” with global integration of the United States’ economy has made the ruling class richer while eroding “the middle class way of life” in America, Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) says.

In an interview on The Realignment podcast, Hawley described how the long-held push by both political establishments to massively globalize the American economy has been at the expense of U.S. workers while the ruling class and their allies in the donor class have profited.
Hawley said:
If I have to give you a sense of the kind of vision that I think voters rejected, President Bush … gave a speech to Congress in 1990 where he talked about a ‘New World Order,’ and he was saying this of the situation in the context with Iraq, but he talked broadly about a ‘New global liberal order’ that of course America would lead, that it would involve America making the world much more like America and the rest of the world kind of blending in with America … and there wouldn’t be the need for hard borders any longer, and we’d have free trade, and we’d have great multinational cooperation, and we’d have these multinational corporations that can do business in any country, and it would be a whole new era. [Emphasis added]
Well, as it turns out — first of all, China and Russia didn’t get the memo on that — secondly, as it turns out, that ‘New World Order’ wasn’t good for American workers. And as it turned out, it didn’t protect American middle class values. As it turned out, it undermined the middle class way of life. [Emphasis added]

Hawley said the ruling class is primarily a “small group of people” from a “fairly narrow band of colleges and graduate schools” who largely agree on the most challenging issues facing the nation and oppose the traditionalism of middle American communities.
“They also tend to be the winners of this global integration. George Bush’s ‘New World Order,’ the people who have been in charge of the parties who run the media, who hold commanding heights in our culture; they win from that agreement,” Hawley said of the ruling class. “They’re doing great; they are the wealthy in our society. They are the ones who are globally integrated and global facing.”
Hawley continued:
They also tend to be skeptical of places like Missouri and of things like home and community. So they say that they value those things, but you listen to somebody … and somebody says, “I’m not going to move from this small town even though I’m having trouble finding a job because my family is here and because this is where we’ve lived for generations and this is where my friends are and I want to make a life here.” A lot of D.C. elites in both parties listen to that and they’re like, “That’s crazy.”
As Breitbart News has chronicled, free trade has helped gut working and middle class American jobs and stripped whole middle American towns of their industries and livelihoods.
Since the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was signed and China was allowed to enter the World Trade Organization (WTO), five million American manufacturing jobs and more than 50,000 manufacturing facilities have been eliminated from the U.S. economy. This mass elimination of jobs due to free trade has coincided with an almost 600 percent increase in trade deficits.
In recent years, the economic recovery from the Great Recession disproportionately benefitted elite zip codes. For example, by 2016, elite zip codes had a surplus of 3.6 million jobs, which is more than the combined bottom 80 percent of American zip codes. While populations have grown in major cities where the wealthiest of Americans live, rural communities have continued to shrink.
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder

As Breitbart News reported, Hawley detailed in the interview how Republicans like former President George H.W. Bush’s ‘New World Order’ agenda and Democrats have helped to create a corporatist economy that disproportionately benefits the nation’s richest executives and donor class.




As Breitbart News reported, Hawley detailed in the interview how Republicans like former President George H.W. Bush’s ‘New World Order’ agenda and Democrats have helped to create a corporatist economy that disproportionately benefits the nation’s richest executives and donor class.



House of Bush, House of Saud: The Secret Relationship between the World's Two Most Powerful Dynasties   Audible Audiobook – Abridged


How did the Bushes, America's most powerful political family, become gradually seduced by and entangled with their Saudi counterparts?
Why did the Bush administration approve the secret airlift of 140 Saudis, including two dozen relatives of Osama bin Laden, just after September 11? Did one of the Saudi royals on the planes have any advance knowledge of the attacks?
What specifically chosen words did George W. Bush say on national television during the 2000 election campaign to trigger Muslim support? How did Saudi-funded Islamic groups propel Bush to victory in Florida, thus winning him the presidency?
The answers to these questions lie in a largely hidden relationship between the House of Bush and the House of Saud that began in the mid-1970s. An amazing weave of money, power, and influence, it takes place all over the globe and involves war, covert operations, and huge deals in oil and defense industries. But, most horrifyingly of all, the secret liasion between these two great families helped trigger the Age of Terror and give rise to the tragedy of 9-11.

Reviewed in the United States
Verified Purchase
This book will test you. When you wonder aloud why Congress doesn’t get anything done, foreign wars continue without reason and deficits are so high, most are unable to see the cause. Unger doesn’t explain it all but he explains the relationship between money and power better than any book I’ve read to date.

The storyline of the book takes you through how the rich Saudi ruling class and really a group of Texan oilmen bonded over business. When you read about the genesis of the relationship in the 70s during the first part of the book, it looked merely like the cozy insider-only type of stuff that is common in the fabric of corporate America and most human relationships.

But the nuance Unger uncovers with his hawk-like ability to pull minutiae from rivers of source material outlines a darker agenda. His fact finding mission lays bare a Saudi elite trying to nudge the levers of power in Washington. And with this insight, Unger explains the nearly invisible pattern in which money buys powers in America. Unger’s work uncovers so many conspicuous connections amongst so many smart, ambitious men that coincidence is ruled out as the cause. Complicity makes the case here as well as any outsider like Unger can.

But the circumstantial nature of this book cannot be completely swept away. Unger has grokked the nefarious nature of this relationship but is missing the proverbial smoking gun. There is no ipso facto ‘A funded B which lead to C relationship’ outlined in the book. The closest we get to this as a reader is when the Bin Laden family and other Saudi royals are ferried out of the country while the FAA has all airspace on lockdown, a fascinating story that makes the TSA’s security theatre we endure at every airport comically irksome.

Recommending this book is easy, but to whom I would make that recommendation is difficult. If you sometimes watch/read the news with an open mind and wonder, “How did we get to this place?”, then I’d put this book on your list. If you’re knowledge of the middle east and current events is low, try paying attention to that news first, watch for the patterns and then read this to learn the connections. Most importantly though, any citizen trying to understand the ways in which money buys power in the modern nation-state needs to read this book.



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