Monday, July 27, 2020


Joe Biden Left Scranton Long Ago

Joe Biden claims Scranton nativity (true) and Scranton values (not true).  A recent Biden campaign commercial shows the empty bedroom in his Scranton childhood home. That emptiness is a veritable vignette because Biden booked out of Scranton at age 10 when his family moved to Delaware.  The Scranton from which boy Biden decamped was still a fairly prosperous area.  The postwar boom was ongoing, the anthracite mines were busy, education was quality, manufacturing was booming -- coal, textiles, coffins, tank turrets, railroads, cabling -- a very busy place. 
It was not a bad place to be.  I know.  I was born and raised in the Scranton area, contemporary to Joe Biden, if a couple of years older.  Neighbors looked out for one another in unlocked homes.  I spent six years in Scranton schools.  My family populates the local cemeteries (but they don't vote -- they were mostly Republicans).  I'm sure my skin patches still season the soil of those black culm dust ballfields.  My generational and follow-on relatives still live there.
It was a true melting pot of ethnics, mostly Catholic, quite a few Jews, and a scattering of WASPs.  If your name didn't end in a vowel or a z, or start with an O’ or Mc, you were suspect.
Unfortunately, the Scranton and surrounding Northeastern Pennsylvania area of 1953 were entering a depression, a decline long before even the Rust Belt cities started oxidizing.  The mines were closing as oil, gas, and nuclear replaced coal, soon to be wiped out entirely by a catastrophic flood.  Unlike Joe's prospering family in Delaware, the dads in the anthracite valleys were losing their jobs.  The dress factories that were priced out of New York's Seventh Avenue found a temporary home in the area, but the breadwinners were now the moms in the factories.  Ex-Scranton Joe's dad never felt the ignominy that condition inured.  Soon that dress factory lifeline moved on to greener, union-free pastures in the South, and then to Mexico, thence Asia, its current home.
Joe's peers and contemporaries who stayed in Scranton also served in the military, defending America in much larger percentages than the rest of the country.  Not Joe, the football hero and conqueror of Cornpop. He suddenly developed asthma and made 4F after running out the student deferments.  But he obviously recovered so that he can challenge Trump and the occasional heckler he encounters to fisticuffs.
So, sorry, Blue Collar Joe from Scranton, who has never had a real job in his life, never experienced what it was like for the rest of us in the valley.  He was long gone.
But the Scranton Joe story is more than Joe’s fake claims and cultural appropriation.
Mindful of Hillary Clinton's Pennsylvania debacle, who also tried to channel Scranton roots (specifically, her summers on nearby Lake Winola where stood the summer cottages of the region's doctors and lawyers and her well-to-do father), Biden will try to exploit his tenuous ties to the region to win back Pennsylvania.
Pundits and anchors will in the coming weeks lecture us on how Biden stirs up the voters in his native land, and how they love him and will back their favorite son.  Interviews will be televised from neighborhood beer gardens (that's '50's coal speak) of the enthusiasm for Good Ole Joe.  Pennsylvania will be back on the Democrat reservation with our Scranton Joe. 
But will it?
It would be helpful to look at what the past electoral history has been in Biden's birthright domain, specifically Scranton and its surrounding Lackawanna County.  For decades, Scranton and environs have been huge Democrat strongholds.  The affinity dates back to the days of union dominance by the United Mine Workers when coal was king and John L. Lewis god.  It's government, mayor, county commissioners, are always Democrats, save when the not-so-infrequent corruption scandals force the people to seek  a rare Republican respite.  Its newspapers are a monotone of Democrat-slanted news, editorials, and op-eds. 
Election days in my past were always an entertainment when I walked through Courthouse Square on the way from school to see the Democrat ward heelers round up the bums and derelicts to vote in exchange for a shot and a beer.  Sad to say, it was also the norm in some Pennsylvania Republican areas, but the Democrats were so much better at it.
Remember, the man from Delaware had never been on a Scranton ballot until he ran for vice-president with Obama, so let's look at his Pennsylvania record.
In 2008 against McCain, a feckless RINO, the Biden/Obama ticket won Lackawanna County and Scranton by a huge margin, 67,112 to 39,198, or 26%.  After four years of a Biden/Obama presidency and a disastrous track record, the same ticket with Scranton Joe won against an even more feckless RINO named Romney, but this time they garnered fewer votes, 61,309.
Four years later, when those voters looked back on eight years of the Biden/Obama misrule, and even with another faux Scrantonian named Clinton heading the ticket for a  third Biden/Obama term, these voters had enough of native son Joe and his party’s record.  The Democrat vote total in 2016, in heavily Democrat Scranton and Lackawanna County, was only 51,593, a barely winning plunge from a 26% margin to 4% after eight Biden/Obama years.  Not a great endorsement for a native son and a native daughter.
Additionally, adjacent and historically Democratic Luzerne County, part of the same Scranton/Wilkes-Barre Metropolitan Statistical Area, treated neighbors Joe and Hillary even worse.  That county went from a comfortable 8% Obama/Biden victory to a humiliating 20% Trump crushing of the girl next door.
Let's get back to Joe and his acclaimed "Scranton values."  When Biden was selling his soul to be Obama's amanuensis in the 2008 campaign, he never raised his voice or objected to Obama's closed-door diatribe against Scranton Joe's roots:
You go into these small towns in Pennsylvania and, like a lot of small towns in the Midwest, the jobs have been gone now for 25 years and nothing's replaced them... They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren't like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.
Guns?  Religion?  Anti-immigrant?
Joe, who never suited up for the first day of deer season, or marched in the St. Ann's Novena pilgrimage, or hung around much with the immigrant community of Poles, Lithuanians, Italians, and Slovaks whose child labor roots made up the majority of the coal field population, said not a word to condemn Obama's slander of his own roots.
Nor did Biden ever refute his boss Obama, his Democrat colleagues, and his media propagandists when they insulted the education and intelligence of those Trump voters in his native land.  Maybe Biden didn’t learn it in Delaware schools, but everybody I grew up with in Scranton and environs knew there were only 50 states (48 then), that Viennese spoke German not Austrian, that the Marine Corps was not a corpse.  Given his recent commentaries, Biden apparently shares his mentor’s ignorance.
If Joe has any current connection to Scranton it might be for a role in the bizarro cast of “The Office.”  He wouldn't measure up to Michael's executive skills, but he would be a good fit as a character in the pool of dithering incompetence in Scranton's fictional Dunder-Mifflin office.
Yep, Joe Biden may claim a Scranton cachet in a desperate attempt to win a critical state he had forsaken sixty plus years ago, but those gun-toting, churchgoing coal crackers hain’t da amadans Joe and his Democrat enablers and fawning media portray them to be.  More probable, like with Illinois Hillary, they’ll send  Delaware Joe’s presidential dreams to da corpse house.
 William Campenni is a retired engineer and Air Force fighter pilot who writes on things that bug him.

Pelosi hold stimulus checks hostage to left-wing ambulance chaser lobby

At a time when most Americans just want to get back to work and on with life, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi remains, the troll at the bridge, not just holding up $1,200 worker stimulus checks expected in the next coronavirus stimulus package, but in keeping the entire economy shut down until Joe Biden is elected president.
Here's her witch-like stance:
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) said Democrats will oppose liability protections for employers of “essential workers” in any future coronavirus package in a Sunday interview on CBS’s Face the Nation.
Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) previously described inclusion of liability protections for businesses and doctors as mandatory for any agreement on a coronavirus relief bill. “If there’s any red line, it’s on litigation,” he said. He added, “If there is another bill that passes in the Senate, it will include the liability protections.”
It's quite a bit of hypocrisy to be coming from a top Democrat. After all, if anyone should be sue-able, it should be her Democratic coeval, Andrew Cuomo of New York, and Gretchen Whitmer of Michigan, and Phil Murphy of New Jersey -- all of whom seeded their state's nursing homes with COVID patients, despite warnings from nursing homes, killing at least 12,000. Those governors have blood on their hands .... and total protective immunity from lawsuits.
But the idea behind Pelosi's idea of leaving open the door to lawsuits for business is two-fold. 
First, hamstring the businesses with the entire responsibility for the COVID outbreak so that anyone who catches COVID can make these businesses their personal jackpot, sue-able by leftwing lawyers, provable or not, because nobody truly knows how these things are proven. Would an airline care to stay open under such circumstances? Would a Hello Kitty store? Don't think so, so no more airlines, no more stores, see how it works? Who'd want to stay open under such circumstances? Someone shows up at your business, refuses to wear a mask, fails to socially distance, talks and coughs loudly and bango, sue the business for big bucks once he or she gets COVID. Democrats in fact have spoken of using COVID as a weapon -- remember Candi Cde Baca? So any pro-Trump business would become an immediate target.
Who'd want to stay open under such circumstances? Democrats have never liked businesses, so keeping them shut is a natural goal in itself for them. Their real goal, though, is to keep the economy shut down, keep Americans out of work, and keep them discontented, more inclined to riot, and more inclined to Blame Trump, come election day.
Second, to succor left-wing lawyers, a key campaign donation base for Democrats. Breitbart has the details here. Taking the economy hostage to reward the ambulance-chasing class and all the big bucks it can make from vast shakedowns of business is one hand washing the other, as the swampers say.
What's disgusting here is that Pelosi is using the entire stimulus package to do this, to help her left-wing pals out as well as keep Americans lean and hungry. That includes workers' $1,200 relief checks, a figure the immensely wealthy Pelosi in the past has dismissed as "crumbs." The  other hostage to this unreasonable demand are in battered, looted, trashed, burned, broke, idle small businesses, and their battered, laid off workers, who just want to get back to normal.
In a way, she's holding the whole country hostage to her demand to elect Joe Biden. Workers seem to be aware of this, based on recent polls. And, she's done stunt like this many times. One hopes that this time, the public will see right through her and it will all blow up in her face.

Image credit: Gage Skidmore, via Flickr // CC BY-SA 2.0; stylized with FotoSketcher and Paint 3D

The left’s two big albatrosses – Biden and Pelosi


One has to wonder, do those on the left, including the media, actually think that Joe Biden is a viable candidate for president?  Do they not realize that Nancy Pelosi is as senile as Joe? Like Joe, she often slurs her words, suffers brain freezes mid-sentence and spews gibberish.  Biden is life-long corruptocrat, a known plagiarist, a pathological liar and a truly mean and evil man.  You can catch a glimpse of  just how mean in the film about Clarence Thomas; it was Biden who grilled him mercilessly during the hearings over Anita Hill’s phony allegations. Biden is a racist as well.  Pelosi is a life-long power-mad lunatic.  She has allowed her own district to dissolve into a homeless camp with all the attendant problems – discarded needles, feces on the streets and sidewalks, and an ever-escalating crime wave.  Smash and grab car burglaries occur by the minute in San Feancisco and there are no consequences for the perpetrators if caught.   Like Sen. Dianne Feinstein,  Pelosi and her husband are millionaires several times over; they’ve become rich because both have been in Congress for so many years.  They all get rich on insider information.  Joe Biden goes further; we all know he used a billion dollars in U.S. aid as leverage to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired because he was investigating his son.  John Kerry was in on that bit of bribery.  He is as low a form of life as Biden. 
And yet, at the moment, Biden is their candidate and Pelosi is their Speaker who embarrasses herself every time she opens her mouth, as does Biden.  Both of them belong in a long-term care facility for the aged.  That the Democrats consider either of these pols a credit to their party is proof of their willful blindness.  Why do they not see what everyone outside of their party can see?  That these two people are way past their sell-by date.  How is Joe going to debate President Trump? He is unable to utter a coherent sentence or answer a simple question.  Pelosi submitted a $3 trillion spending bill that is simply a joke.  Biden has vowed to pick a “woman of color” as his running mate.  Woe be unto him if he doesn’t. 
As for the left’s “believe all women” mantra, that went out the window the moment Tara Reade accused Biden of sexual assault.  Reade’s allegations are infinitely more credible than Christine Blasey-Ford’s fabricated accusations against a high school-aged Brett Kavanaugh, but Democrats are so self-unaware, they don’t recognize their own gross hypocrisy.  This time Reade is “making it up.” See Ami Horowitz’ recent video.   Blasey-Ford most likely never met Justice Kavanaugh.  Reade did work in Biden’s office, did report his behavior and tell others at the time.  But the Dems believed Blasey-Ford and don’t believe Reade.  Go figure. Denial is a dangerous and mystifying psychological defense mechanism and the Democrat party is in denial about the mental capacity of its two most prominent “leaders.”   
Donald Trump has warned our federal government about the dangers China represents to the US since the 1980s.  He was right and since he took office he has tried to rectify the horrific trade imbalance.  No one can refute the fact that China purposely unleashed the covid virus upon the world but Nancy Pelosi calls Trump’s focus on China “a diversion.”  Is she really that clueless?  Probably not, but destroying Trump is far more important to her than protecting America.  Her comments about Trump’s use of hydroxychloroquine as a prophylactic are outrageous.  It is the most effective drug at the moment, used all over the world.  And Trump is not “morbidly obese” She however is morbidly botoxed and has undergone so much plastic surgery she resembles a character from the film Death Becomes Her.  She is a ghoul in every sense of the word but the left seems not to realize it.  They celebrate how she wields her power.  That is what they admire; it’s the only thing they admire in anyone.  They just cannot abide it in a republican, especially when they were so certain Hillary was going to win the 2016 election and they would all be in fat city.  They would have been all-powerful.  They would have had control of all the levers of power in this country.  And being the spoiled children they are, to this day they cannot accept that defeat, especially to an outsider like Trump.  They love to mock him, to call him stupid but he has them all by the short hairs and runs rings around their collective body of never-Trumpers. 
To be sure, Biden and Pelosi have their devoted fans who are so blinded by their hatred of Trump and their thoroughly unwarranted hero worship of Biden and Pelosi that they mistakenly think they are normal and healthy but both are seriously in need of an intervention.  Why Jill Biden allows Joe’s candidacy to continue is a cruelty, a form of elder abuse.  As for Pelosi, where are her five kids telling her it is time to retire?  Of course the lady of iron will would refuse but how much longer can her infirmities be on public display?   Only time will tell but it seems pretty likely Trump has the election in the bag.   Biden is the weakest candidate the democrat party has run since George McGovern and McGovern was a decent man; Biden is not.  As for Pelosi, her district is so damaged, so depressed, they will likely re-elect her and keep her in office until she is 100% wax-ready for Madame Tussaud’s.
Photo illustration by Monica Showalter with use of images by Gage Skidmore, via Flickr // CC BY-SA 2.0, and USFWS // public domain

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