Tuesday, July 21, 2020


Why Does Nancy Care about Portland?

In poker they call it a “tell” when someone inadvertently signals their hand. So what do you call it when all the usual Democratic suspects pile on when Trump’s G-men take on the Antifa regime thugs in Portland?
And why Nancy Pelosi? Why is she so concerned?
And now even “moms” are peacefully protesting for the right of their children to riot. Hey Midge Decter! That you would have lived to see a rerun of your Sixties reportage, Liberal Parents, Radical Children!
The question is, do Democratic leaders believe that the riots help them win in November? Or are they afraid of losing control of the party if they don’t go along with the crazies?
I’ve decided that it’s the latter. The Democratic party is being taken over by the woke left and the old generation of leaders is desperately trying to stay in control for one last cycle. Probably they will fail and be thrown out after the 2020 election, especially if Trump wins.
Remember back in 2018 when Genius Pelosi got a whole class of moderate Democrats elected to the House? Wasn’t she smart? All those suburban women electing moderates to Congress, and Nancy got to be Speaker again.
Only, it is now clear, Nancy Pelosi isn’t really in charge. She is running desperately after the woke mob trying not to lose control of the Democratic caucus completely. Oh sure, she’s good at the Women in White thingy for the State of the Union speech. But the wokeys are in the saddle, and they are canceling all and sundry, whether it’s Bari Weiss at the New York Times or Andrew Sullivan at New York / Vox.
The Left has always been a lie, a cunning plan for the educated to get power in an over/under coalition. At least in the old days the bourgeoisie was a minority of the population so the over/under coalition plundered the minority bourgeoisie to deal out free stuff to the majority workers.
Not anymore. Today the educated Gentry, aided by corporate America and the Tech Lords, is plundering the majority, the middle-class Commoners, so it can lord it over Creation and toss a few bennies to its underclass clients and Victims. It is a monstrous injustice. Well-born street thugs in Antifa and BLM are beating on ordinary middle-class Commoner policemen who are the poor suckers that have to deal every day with drugged-out miscreants, the detritus of a century of lefty politics who, if they are the right race, are automatically victims of police brutality.
Privilege? Systemic Systemism? If you are a white Commoner working for a big organization you can be canceled in a minute: fired, prosecuted, demolished. You have no rights, no defense, no respect, no recourse.
All the privilege in America adheres to the upper-class educated Gentry that occupies the commanding heights of everything and makes the rules, and their helpless-victim clients that are exempt from the rules. The rules only apply to ordinary Commoners. And yet they are telling us that we, the Commoners of America, are the ones with unearned privilege. As Curtis Yarvin writes in his new Gray Mirror under “race laws,” our legal code since 1965 is all about race. It first distinguished between “humans of European and West African descent.” But then women became a race, and then gays.
What do you get if you’re an official race? It means you can’t be bullied. People aren’t allowed to be mean to you, individually or collectively… The purpose of the race laws is to grant extra legal protection to races, such as humans of West African descent, whom the other, raceless people are bullying, or were bullying, or would bully if they could get away with it.
What should we call our race laws? Not Nuremberg, obviously. Maybe “literally Hitler?”
Even as recently as five years ago a guy like Yuval Hoah Harari could write Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind to the delight of the globalist elite and talk about the three modern religions being liberal humanism, socialist humanism, and evolutionary humanism. And yet here we are in an all-out religious war between normals getting canceled all over, because racism, and frenzied cultists in the media and the academy that believe in Critical Race Theory and all the other detritus of cultural Marxism (that the New York Times in 2018 called “a crude slander, referring to something that does not exist”).
You know what? I feel sorry for Our Nance. No one, no one at the meeting of everyone-who-is-anyone to plan the defenestration of Donald Trump could have imagined the facts on the ground today, with regime thugs torching cities because Black Lives Matter and government teachers refusing to show up for work in September because WuFlu.
Got any good ideas, Nance? Or is it time to ride your palfrey back to your glorious San Francisco castle?
Christopher Chantrill @chrischantrill runs the go-to site on US government finances, usgovernmentspending.com. Also get his American Manifesto and his Road to the Middle Class.

The left’s two big albatrosses – Biden and Pelosi


One has to wonder, do those on the left, including the media, actually think that Joe Biden is a viable candidate for president?  Do they not realize that Nancy Pelosi is as senile as Joe? Like Joe, she often slurs her words, suffers brain freezes mid-sentence and spews gibberish.  Biden is life-long corruptocrat, a known plagiarist, a pathological liar and a truly mean and evil man.  You can catch a glimpse of  just how mean in the film about Clarence Thomas; it was Biden who grilled him mercilessly during the hearings over Anita Hill’s phony allegations. Biden is a racist as well.  Pelosi is a life-long power-mad lunatic.  She has allowed her own district to dissolve into a homeless camp with all the attendant problems – discarded needles, feces on the streets and sidewalks, and an ever-escalating crime wave.  Smash and grab car burglaries occur by the minute in San Feancisco and there are no consequences for the perpetrators if caught.   Like Sen. Dianne Feinstein,  Pelosi and her husband are millionaires several times over; they’ve become rich because both have been in Congress for so many years.  They all get rich on insider information.  Joe Biden goes further; we all know he used a billion dollars in U.S. aid as leverage to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired because he was investigating his son.  John Kerry was in on that bit of bribery.  He is as low a form of life as Biden. 
And yet, at the moment, Biden is their candidate and Pelosi is their Speaker who embarrasses herself every time she opens her mouth, as does Biden.  Both of them belong in a long-term care facility for the aged.  That the Democrats consider either of these pols a credit to their party is proof of their willful blindness.  Why do they not see what everyone outside of their party can see?  That these two people are way past their sell-by date.  How is Joe going to debate President Trump? He is unable to utter a coherent sentence or answer a simple question.  Pelosi submitted a $3 trillion spending bill that is simply a joke.  Biden has vowed to pick a “woman of color” as his running mate.  Woe be unto him if he doesn’t. 
As for the left’s “believe all women” mantra, that went out the window the moment Tara Reade accused Biden of sexual assault.  Reade’s allegations are infinitely more credible than Christine Blasey-Ford’s fabricated accusations against a high school-aged Brett Kavanaugh, but Democrats are so self-unaware, they don’t recognize their own gross hypocrisy.  This time Reade is “making it up.” See Ami Horowitz’ recent video.   Blasey-Ford most likely never met Justice Kavanaugh.  Reade did work in Biden’s office, did report his behavior and tell others at the time.  But the Dems believed Blasey-Ford and don’t believe Reade.  Go figure. Denial is a dangerous and mystifying psychological defense mechanism and the Democrat party is in denial about the mental capacity of its two most prominent “leaders.”   
Donald Trump has warned our federal government about the dangers China represents to the US since the 1980s.  He was right and since he took office he has tried to rectify the horrific trade imbalance.  No one can refute the fact that China purposely unleashed the covid virus upon the world but Nancy Pelosi calls Trump’s focus on China “a diversion.”  Is she really that clueless?  Probably not, but destroying Trump is far more important to her than protecting America.  Her comments about Trump’s use of hydroxychloroquine as a prophylactic are outrageous.  It is the most effective drug at the moment, used all over the world.  And Trump is not “morbidly obese” She however is morbidly botoxed and has undergone so much plastic surgery she resembles a character from the film Death Becomes Her.  She is a ghoul in every sense of the word but the left seems not to realize it.  They celebrate how she wields her power.  That is what they admire; it’s the only thing they admire in anyone.  They just cannot abide it in a republican, especially when they were so certain Hillary was going to win the 2016 election and they would all be in fat city.  They would have been all-powerful.  They would have had control of all the levers of power in this country.  And being the spoiled children they are, to this day they cannot accept that defeat, especially to an outsider like Trump.  They love to mock him, to call him stupid but he has them all by the short hairs and runs rings around their collective body of never-Trumpers. 
To be sure, Biden and Pelosi have their devoted fans who are so blinded by their hatred of Trump and their thoroughly unwarranted hero worship of Biden and Pelosi that they mistakenly think they are normal and healthy but both are seriously in need of an intervention.  Why Jill Biden allows Joe’s candidacy to continue is a cruelty, a form of elder abuse.  As for Pelosi, where are her five kids telling her it is time to retire?  Of course the lady of iron will would refuse but how much longer can her infirmities be on public display?   Only time will tell but it seems pretty likely Trump has the election in the bag.   Biden is the weakest candidate the democrat party has run since George McGovern and McGovern was a decent man; Biden is not.  As for Pelosi, her district is so damaged, so depressed, they will likely re-elect her and keep her in office until she is 100% wax-ready for Madame Tussaud’s.
Photo illustration by Monica Showalter with use of images by Gage Skidmore, via Flickr // CC BY-SA 2.0, and USFWS // public domain



THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S BILLIONAIRES’ GLOBALIST EMPIRE requires someone as ruthlessly dishonest as Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama to be puppet dictators.


1.     Globalism: Google VP Kent Walker insists that despite its repeated rejection by electorates around the world, “globalization” is an “incredible force for good.”

2.     Hillary Clinton’s Democratic party: An executive nearly broke down crying because of the candidate’s loss. Not a single executive expressed anything but dismay at her defeat.

3.   Immigration: Maintaining liberal immigration in the U.S is the policy that Google’s executives discussed the most.



Your neighborhood will be next to fall to LA RAZA!



Pelosi Coronavirus Plan Bails 

Out the Rich with Tax Breaks

Cheap Labor

NICHOLAS KAMM/AFP via Getty Images
16 May 20202,580
House Democrats’ Chinese coronavirus relief package bails out 
coastal millionaires and billionaires while ensuring big businesses 
are able to freely hire illegal aliens and visa overstayers over 
unemployed Americans.
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) HEROES 

Act would end the cap on a little-known SALT tax

deduction that has been strictly limited by 

President Trump, offering the top one percent in 

coastal states like New York, Massachusetts, and 

California a huge tax break.

The maneuver would give millionaires and 
billionaires, for 2020 and 2021, a windfall of more
than $100,000 for taxpayers with annual incomes 
over $1 million.
(Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget)
“Completely repealing the cap retroactively for the last two years would cost over $130 billion, with about half the benefit going to households making over $1 million a year,” Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget (CRFB) analysts write. They add:
Repealing the SALT cap retroactively for two years will also send out checks as people amend their 2018 and 2019 taxes, but those checks would be almost exclusively sent to high-income households. The average household making over $1 million would receive over $100,000. Households making less than $50,000 would receive almost no benefit from repealing or raising the SALT cap.
Likewise, Pelosi’s HEROES Act would provide business with a neverending flood of cheap, illegal foreign labor that they would be legally allowed to hire over the roughly 36.5 million Americans who are jobless due to the crisis.
The provision would suspend the Department of Labor’s ability to prosecute any employer hiring illegal aliens and visa overstayers. A separate provision would drive up foreign competition against unemployed Americans by allowing illegal aliens taking “essential” U.S. jobs to receive work authorization.
Extensive research by economists like George Borjas and analyst Steven Camarota reveals that the country’s current mass immigration system burdens U.S. taxpayers and America’s working and middle class while redistributing about $500 billion in wealth every year to major employers and new arrivals. Similarly, research has revealed how Americans’ wages are crushed by the country’s high immigration levels.
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.

Union Workers Warn Nancy Pelosi’s 

Coronavirus Plan Guts Pensions

17 May 2020268
American union workers are warning against House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) coronavirus relief package over worries that it will gut employees’ pension plans.
House Democrats passed their coronavirus relief package, dubbed the HEROES Act, this weekend despite labor unions’ pleading that the legislation will destabilize their pensions at an already uncertain time.
In a letter signed by a number of unions, labor leaders said the relief package will weaken the pension system overall and leave workers vulnerable to having benefits and contributions cut in the near future.
“Composite legislation is deeply flawed because it allows multiemployer plan trustees to ‘refinance’ their obligations to workers and retirees in the existing plan over 25 years instead of 15 years, so they can divert money to start a new composite plan,” the letter stated. “This weakens the existing plan and leaves neither plan — the existing plan nor the composite plan — with enough money to pay promised benefits.”
Read the full letter here:
The letter was signed by the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union (BCTGM), the Directors Guild of America (DGA), the International Brotherhood of Boilermakers, the International Alliance of Theatrical Stage Employees (IATSE), the International Assoc. of Machinists & Aerospace Workers, the International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades (IUPAT), the Musicians for Pension Security, the Pension Rights Center, the SEIU, the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union (UFCW), the United Steelworkers, and the Western Conference of Teamsters Pension Trust.
Previous analysis by the Western Conference of Teamsters warned that drastic cuts to workers’ pensions are necessary under such a policy.
“A typical, mature composite must cut workers’ on-going benefits by 70 percent and their previously earned benefits by 25 percent … Additionally, the legacy plan must still cut workers’ previously earned benefits by 21 percent,” the analysis stated.
Labor leaders for the United Steelworkers (USW) and the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) likewise urged their members to write letters to Congress demanding the provision be removed from Pelosi’s HEROES Act.
Leaders with IBEW sent around literature to members saying the provision will “bail out employers.”
“IBEW opposes composite pension plans because they will sharply reduce pension benefits for current workers and retirees, eliminate employer withdrawal liabilities, and threaten the viability of the federal pension insurance program,” the literature states.
Economic populists on the left came out against 

Pelosi’s HEROES Act, noting its inclusion of a 

massive tax break for the top one percent of 

billionaires and millionaires by eliminating the cap

on the SALT deduction. The relief package allows

employers to hire illegal aliens over unemployed 

Americans at cheaper wage rates without facing 

prosecution by federal agencies.
The relief package now moves to the GOP-controlled Senate where it is unlikely to pass in its current form.
John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter at @JxhnBinder.


Navarro: Pelosi Lost Me When

‘She Has $1,200 Checks for 

Illegal Immigrants’ in 

Pandemic Stimulus

“Nancy Pelosi basically lost me with that package when she has $1200 checks for illegal immigrants,” Peter Navarro says when asked if Trump would sign another relief package.

"We may need more,” he adds but White House is focused on “innovation” agenda.

17 May 202053
Sunday on ABC’s “This Week,” White House trade adviser Peter Navarro said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) basically lost him with the next coronavirus stimulus bill with the inclusion of “$1,200 checks for illegal immigrants.”
Navarro said, “So, Nancy Pelosi basically lost me with that package when she has $1,200 checks for illegal immigrants, and it just goes downhill from there. What we have to do, George, is basically go with the fiscal and monetary stimulus that we have been going through. We have a lot of coursing through the system now. We may need more. I’ll let others above my pay grade negotiate that. What I’m focused on George, and this is the real key to success is going to be the structural adjustments we are going to have to make. For every service sector job, we might lose as we adjust to this China virus, we will have to replace that with manufacturing jobs, which do have a high multiplier in terms of creating service sector jobs again. So what I’m focused on with President Trump is a buy America, deregulate, innovate agenda, which will start with bringing our pharma supplies chains homes, bringing our medical supplies chains home. Build it here. Both good economics, but also good national security.”
Follow Pam Key on Twitter @pamkeyNEN


Joe Biden: Grads Will 

‘Redefine What It Means to be

a Global Citizen’

17 May 2020281
During a brief video to graduates of Delaware State University on Saturday, Joe Biden said some of them will “redefine what it means to be a global citizen.”
The statement is a stark contrast to President Trump’s America First agenda.
“I know these are difficult times for all of us,” Biden said, “And for any of you who might’ve lost loved ones to this pandemic.”
After saying “we’re going to get through this,” he continued, “We’re going to need the passion and ingenuity and the skill that all of you have to offer to help rebuild and transform this country.
“I’m looking forward to all of you becoming leaders, educators, healthcare professionals, entrepreneurs, researchers, artists here in Delaware,” the candidate, dubbed the “last, best hope of globalists,” told grads.
“Many of you will be responsible for developing new technologies,” Biden said.
“Some of you will redefine what it means to be a global citizen and lead the way in uniting people regardless of age, gender, race, or zip code,” he said.
The 97-second video had three clear edits, suggesting Biden couldn’t get all the way through the brief prepared statement.
On Thursday, Biden proposed creating a 100,000-member Public Health Corps. made up of “young people” who would conduct coronavirus contact tracing.
“We have a chance to institutionally change the way this economy functions once we get by this godawful pandemic,” Biden said.
Kyle Olson is a reporter for Breitbart News. He is also host of “The Kyle Olson Show,” syndicated on Michigan radio stations on Saturdays. Follow him on Twitter and like him on Facebook.

Obamanomics favors big business while disproportionately punishing everyone else. So-called progressives are too clueless to notice, as usual, which is why we have Tim Carney and this book.” —Thomas E. Woods, Jr.

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