Friday, July 31, 2020


On a fundamental level, Obama understands that America is not the systemically racist cesspool he allowed it to be portrayed as under his watch.  Yet he was Machiavellian enough to let this yarn spin itself for the purpose of political advantage.

Another prominent Democrat who supports the 
anti-capitalist Occupy movement is a self-declared
 communist named Bill Ayers, in whose living 
room Barack Obama launched his political career. 

"That phase of the takeover was started in 2008 by President Barack Obama.  Throughout his eight years in 
office, Obama practiced divisiveness and hammered 

away at the Second Amendment while pouring gallons of 

fuel on the fire of the "Black Lives Matter" lie.  His 

administration was rampant with corruption, pushing the 

envelope with every new scandal." RICK HAYES

Illegal Immigration and Marxism
Even though the law doesn’t allow them to vote, illegal immigrants are changing the landscape of the U.S. government, especially in California, by impacting the census’ through mass migration. California allows illegal aliens to vote.

Obama Privately Warns Top Dem Donors: Trump Voters ‘Glued’ to Breitbart, Fox News, Rush Limbaugh

BERLIN, GERMANY - APRIL 06: Former U.S. President Barack Obama speaks to young leaders from across Europe in a Town Hall-styled session on April 06, 2019 in Berlin, Germany. Obama spoke to several hundred young people from European government, civil society and the private sector about the nitty gritty of …
Sean Gallup/Getty Images

Former President Barack Obama is privately telling some of the biggest and most influential donors on the left that the 2020 election will not be a lock for former Vice President Joe Biden because President Donald Trump’s voters are “glued” to outlets on the right like Breitbart News and will turn out in droves in November, according to a Thursday report in the New York Times.
Obama has reportedly raised $24 million for Biden in two months by having conversations with people like LinkedIn founder Reid Hoffman, actor George Clooney, and top party leaders. According to the Times, “donors who have paid six-figure sums” have been able to see Obama have these “wide-ranging Q. and A. sessions about the state of politics and unvarnished analysis” on Zoom.
In these private conversations, Obama—who has acknowledged that Breitbart News changed the “entire media narrative” in a “powerful direction”—reportedly has said that he is worried that Trump has a base of supporters who do not get their news and information from establishment media outlets. Obama reportedly believes that because establishment media outlets cannot reach some of Trump’s voters, the president’s supporters can filter “out any contradictory information” by getting their news from Breitbart News, Fox News, and Rush Limbaugh.
“It’s just glued to Fox News and Breitbart and Limbaugh and just this conservative echo chamber — and so, they’re going to turn out to vote,” Obama reportedly said in a conversation with Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker (D). “What he has unleashed and what he continues to try to tap into is the fears and anger and resentment of people who, in some cases, really are having a tough time and have seen their prospects, or communities where they left, declining. And Trump tries to tap into that and redirect in nativist, racist, sexist ways.”
Obama reportedly also views Trump as an existential threat to American democracy, “even making an oblique reference to Nazi Germany” during one of the conversations,” according to the Times.
“The endpoint of that we saw in Europe 60 years ago, 70 years ago — what happens when those things get unleashed,” Obama reportedly said during one of the conversations. “You don’t nip that in the bud, bad things can happen. Among the most quote unquote civilized societies.”
The former president has reportedly been adamant that donors and activists do not take the 2020 presidential election for granted or underestimate Trump and his supporters.
“We already saw this guy win once,” Obama reportedly said. “After he bragged about physically assaulting women — and that didn’t seem to matter. So, enough said. Let’s get to work.”

Red Tide Rising

On September 21, a protest was held in Aurora, Colorado demanding abolishment of U.S. borders and the Immigration & Customs Enforcement agency.  Over the last three years, a myriad of similar anti-ICE, open-border demonstrations have been held in cities across America, all of which have been encouraged and supported, tacitly or otherwise, by the Democratic Party.
One of several Democratic front groups that participated in the protest calls itself the Party for Socialism and Liberation/Denver.  To make sure its Marxist ideology doesn’t go unnoticed, the group’s Facebook page reads “Building a Worker’s Paradise in the Heartland of World Imperialism.”  PSL/Denver’s name includes the word socialism, but the communist flag flown at its Aurora protest shows that to this profoundly anti-American group, socialism and communism are heads of the same snake.
The open borders demonstration was also attended by members of Rocky Mountain Antifa and Denver Communists, two other openly Marxist Democrat front groups.  In this video, a member of Denver Communists confirms that the protestors are demanding elimination of U.S. borders and an end to enforcement of U.S. immigration law.  An image on the group’s Facebook 
page shows members carrying a banner 
demanding no borders and no nations.  

A borderless world without nations represents the culmination of the communist dream of a world united under the banner of the hammer and sickle.  For that dream to be realized, America’s sovereignty must be yielded to an international governing body run by the UN, a one-world globalist organization run by an international assortment of socialists-cum-communists.  Those who call for a borderless world with no nations are effectively calling for a permanent end to the United States in favor of a “new world order,” a world where Americans would be indoctrinated to no longer see themselves as citizens of their country, but as Citizens of the World.
Occupy Denver is another anti-capitalist group that showed up for the demonstration in Aurora.  Hundreds of Occupy affiliates are active in cities, towns and campuses across America.  Like other Democrat identity politics groups, Occupy affiliates are openly pro-communist -- Occupy Denver’s Facebook profile picture contains an image of “the Raised Fist,” one of communism’s most recognizable call to arms.  Like other Democrat front groups, Occupy Denver helps the Democratic Party advance its hostility toward the police by mocking and ridiculing law enforcement officers, as shown in this photo on the group’s Facebook.  Another photo on the group’s Facebook supports the Democrats’ class warfare election strategy with an ‘us vs. them’ propaganda graphic declaring that the poor in America are exploited victims of oppression, who therefore have a right to “destroy the system,” by violence if necessary. Victim vs. oppressor ideology is the means of achieving political power outlined in The Communist Manifesto.
The ties that bind the modern Democratic Party to pro-communist groups and organizations are unmistakable.  Nowhere is that more evident than its ties to the Occupy movement.  At an Aug. 19, 2012  pre-rally “People’s Assembly” meeting in the nation’s capitol, former labor boss/lifelong Democrat Mike Golash, leader of Occupy DC and a member of the openly-communist Progressive Labor Party, left no doubt about the intent of the Occupy movement when he was caught on video telling student occupiers “Our goal is to make revolution in the United States, overthrow the capitalist system and build communism in America.”  

Another prominent Democrat who supports the 
anti-capitalist Occupy movement is a self-declared
 communist named Bill Ayers, in whose living 
room Barack Obama launched his political career. 

And, when Occupy Wall Street protests burst on the scene in 2011, the two most high profile Democrats in America -- President Obama (“We are on their side”) and Speaker Nancy Pelosi (“God bless them”) -- enthusiastically supported the 99% vs. the 1%, victim vs. oppressor protests, as did virtually every other high level official in the Democratic Party.
The Aurora protestors who demanded no borders and no nations -- and millions more like them who share their borderless world ideology -- have three things in common:
● They all are Americans who harbor deep contempt for their country.
● They all are communist revolutionaries committed to overthrowing America’s two-party capitalist system by any means necessary.
● They all support and are supported by the modern Democratic Party, a once-patriotic party that has quietly defected to the side of the hammer and sickle.  
The choice you face in 2020
Overwhelming evidence shows that the red tide of communism is rising in America, and rapidly so.  Whether it succeeds in upending our constitutional republic will be determined by the next national elections.  
An electrical engineering graduate of Georgia Tech and now retired, John Eidson is a freelance writer in Atlanta.






Obama Still Leading from Behind

Encouraging rioters and protecting cop killer Joanne Chesimard, aka Assata Shakur, icon of Black Lives Matter.
Wed Jun 10, 2020 

“Black people have a reason to hate. That’s how it is. For your sake, I wish it were otherwise, but it’s not so. So you might as well get used to it.”
That sounds like a Black Lives Matter speech but it’s actually the character identified only as “Frank” in Dreams from My Father. Young Barry’s grandmother had been frightened by a large black man, and as Frank explained, “your grandma’s right to be scared.” Back in the day, Frank explains, he would have to step off the sidewalk to let white folks pass. Barry’s grandfather probably never told him about that because it “makes him uncomfortable.”
Dreams from My Father is a fictitious account, as official biographer David Garrow explained in the 2017 Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama, but it does contain real events and characters. Garrow revealed what the “composite character” author had already acknowledged, that “Frank” is Frank Marshall Davis, an African American Communist so dedicated to the all-white Soviet dictatorship he landed on the FBI’s security index.
Before Barry goes off to college, Frank warns, “they’ll train you so good, you’ll start believing what they tell you about equal opportunity and the American way and all that shit.” According to Frank, if the student should want to start “running things,” then whites will “yank on your chain and let you know that you may be a well-trained, well-paid nigger, but you’re a nigger just the same.”
In Chicago, the student meets the Rev. Jeremiah Wright, “a dynamic young pastor. His message seemed to appeal to young people like me.” As the Rev. Wright explains, “life’s not safe for a black man in this country, Barack. Never has been. Probably never will be.” That too sounds like the creed of Black Lives Matter, as David Horowitz explains, created in 2013 by self-styled Marxist-Leninist revolutionaries “who selected as their movement icon convicted cop-killer and Black Liberation Army member Assata Shakur.”
In February 2015, at the height of their riots and incitements, President Obama duly invited BLM to the White House. They were better organized than he had been, the president said, and “I am confident that they are going to take America to new heights.”
After the death of George Floyd at the hands of a Minneapolis cop, Black Lives Matter headed a nationwide spree of arson, looting and violence that claimed the lives of police officers, including African Americans such as David Dorn. In a virtual town hall on the matter, former president Obama named none of the victims and failed to condemn any of the violence and destruction. On the other hand, he invoked “institutionalized racism,” the “original sin” of our society.
The task of the protesters, Obama said, is to make such sinners feel “uncomfortable,” the same term Frank used back in the day, and “seize the moment.” That leaves plenty to ponder for people of no color and African Americans alike.
Born in 1905, Frank Marshall Davis studied journalism at Friends College then transferred to Kansas State. In Livin’ the Blues: Memoirs of a Black Journalist and Poet (University of Wisconsin Press, 1992), Davis proudly notes his inclusion in Who’s Who in the Midwest and Who’s Who in America. So in Frank’s day, there was plenty of opportunity for blacks in America, and things were bound to get better.
Frank warned that college is “an advanced degree in compromise” and the Rev. Wright said “life’s not safe for a black man in this country,” and never would be. Yet somehow the Hawaiian-born student formerly known as Barry Soetoro earned a law degree at Harvard, became a U.S. Senator, and in 2008 was elected president of the United States, the most powerful person in the world.
In 2015, during his second term, the composite character president brought Black Lives Matter to the White House. As the current insurrection surges, the former president mounts the bully pulpit, invoking the “original sin” of institutionalized racism. He exhorts the protesters to “make people uncomfortable” and “seize the moment.”
Leading the charge is Black Lives Matter, whose icon is Assata Shakur also known as Joanne Chesimard. In 1973, Chesimard shot and killed New Jersey state trooper Werner Foerster in execution style, at point-blank range. The convicted murderer escaped prison and fled to Cuba, an all-white Stalinist dictatorship leading the world in black political prisoners.
In 2013, on the 40th anniversary of Foerster’s murder, Joanne Chesimard became the first woman to make the FBI’s Most Wanted Terrorist list. While living in Cuba, FBI agent Aaron Ford said, she “continues to promote her terrorist ideology. She provides anti-U.S.-government speeches, espousing the Black Liberation Army’s message of revolution and terrorism.”
In March of 2016, President Obama visited Cuba to push for an end to the U.S. trade embargo. He did so with no conditions on the Castro regime such as free elections, release of political prisoners, and no demand for the return of Joanne Chesimard, also known as Assata Shakur.  When her protector Fidel Castro died in November, 2016, Obama recalled “the countless ways in which Fidel Castro altered the course of individual lives,” and hailed “the enormous impact of this singular figure.”
In 2016, the Stalinist’s life mattered. In 2020, the former president is still leading from behind as rioters loot, burn, and kill police officers in the style of Joanne Chesimard, an inspiration to violent leftists of all skin shades.
Weather Underground terrorists Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert named their son Chesa, after Joanne Chesimard, and the child was adopted by Bill Ayers and Bernadine Dohrn. Chesa Boudin is now district attorney of San Francisco.
“It’s time for radical change to how we envision justice,” the victorious Boudin said last year.  “I’m humbled to be a part of this movement that is unwavering in its demand for transformation.”

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