Tuesday, July 14, 2020


If even his own supporters are rolling their eyes at Biden play-acting as a China skeptic, why are he and his team even bothering to attempt the deception?
The answer is simple.  Americans have finally woken up to the economic and national security threat posed by China.  The coronavirus pandemic made that threat impossible to ignore.  No one wants to go into this November as the "pro-Beijing" candidate.
Unfortunately for Joe Biden, he's been the "pro-Beijing" candidate throughout his political career, and there's a decades-long record to prove it.

China announces retaliatory sanctions against Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz

Republican senators among those hit by sanctions brought in response to US measures
Ted Cruz, left, and Marco Rubio
 Ted Cruz, left, and Marco Rubio, who have been hit by the largely symbolic Chinese sanctions. Photograph: Drew Angerer/Getty Images

The Chinese government has announced sanctions against US officials, including the Republican senators Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz, in response to US sanctions over Beijing’s treatment of ethnic and religious minorities in Xinjiang province.
China’s ministry of foreign affairs spokeswoman, Hua Chunying, said the retaliatory sanctions would be in place from Monday, but gave no details on what they would entail.
The sanctions apply to Rubio and Cruz, their fellow Republican politicians Samuel Brownback and Chris Smith, and the US Congressional-Executive Commission on China, which monitors and reports on human rights and the rule of law in China.

The announcement is largely symbolic, given that the US officials have little financial or legal exposure in China.
On Friday, the US imposed sanctions against a Chinese government entity and four senior Chinese officials, including a sitting member of the ruling politburo, under the Magnitsky Act. The sanctions included the freezing of US assets and US travel, and prohibiting Americans from doing business with the individuals.
“The entity and officials are being designated for their connection to serious human rights abuse against ethnic minorities in Xinjiang, which reportedly include mass arbitrary detention and severe physical abuse, among other serious abuses targeting Uighurs, a Turkic Muslim population indigenous to Xinjiang, and other ethnic minorities in the region,” the US Treasury said in a statement on Friday.
The secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, said the US would not “stand idly by as the Chinese Communist party carries out human rights abuses”.
Beijing has been accused of detaining an estimated 1 million people in Xinjiang re-education camps and prisons, which it claims are work training centres designed to steer people away from terrorism.
Those imprisoned are forced to denounce their language and religion and their children are put in orphanages, according to families and investigators. Last week German research said authorities were carrying out enforced sterilisation of women in the region.
Hua labelled the US sanctions as “serious interference in China’s internal affairs, severe violation of basic norms governing international relations, and grave harm to China-US relations”. She said the US had no right and was in no position to intervene in Xinjiang, which was “entirely China’s internal affairs”.
US-China relations are at a historic low, and the US has stepped up vocal and actual opposition to China’s actions, particularly in Xinjiang, Taiwan and Hong Kong, where Beijing imposed sweeping national security laws this month.
China has repeatedly threatened “counter-measures” against the US and other countries, including the UK and Australia, which have criticised Beijing and pledged assistance to Hongkongers seeking to flee its growing control. The laws, which have been criticised as broad and ill-defined, have had a chilling effect on legal, media, academic, and business communities in Hong Kong, as well as the general population.
On Monday, the American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong said it had surveyed its members and almost 70% were more concerned about the laws than a month ago, and more than 50% felt less safe.
About 52% of respondents said they were individually considering leaving Hong Kong because of the laws. However, more than 64% also said their company was not considering moving capital, assets, or business operations.
“Legislation is extremely broad and could be used for anything at all,” said one respondent. “As framed almost anything could be construed as a threat to ‘national security’ and any discussions, talks with foreign people could be construed as collusion with foreign powers.”

Senator Dianne Feinstein
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The deal would impose no review of human rights and impose no conditions for democratic reforms, supervised multi-party elections and such. All that, and more, is already a done deal with China, like the USSR a one-party Communist dictatorship that never produced a single product the United States needs. This has come about, in large part, due to U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, San Francisco Democrat.
                                                                                      LLOYD BILLINGSLEY

After Feinstein was elected to the Senate in 1992, Blum continued profiting off their ties to China. A the same time, the freshman lawmaker was pitching herself as a “China hand” to colleagues, even once claiming “that in my last life maybe I was Chinese.” HARIS ALIC



IN THE November 2006 election, the voters demanded congressional ethics reform. And so, the newly appointed chairman of the Senate Rules Committee, Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., is now duly in charge of regulating the ethical behavior of her colleagues. But for many years, Feinstein has been beset by her own ethical conflict of interest, say congressional ethics experts.

“All in all, it was an incredible victory for the Chinese government. Feinstein has done more for Red China than other any serving U.S. politician. “ Trevor Loudon

After Feinstein was elected to the Senate in 1992, Blum continued profiting off their ties to China. A the same time, the freshman lawmaker was pitching herself as a “China hand” to colleagues, even once claiming “that in my last life maybe I was Chinese.” HARIS ALIC

“Our entire crony capitalist system, Democrat and Republican alike, has become a kleptocracy approaching par with third-world hell-holes.  This is the way a great country is raided by its elite.” ---- Karen McQuillan  AMERICAN THINKER.com

Senator Who Employed Chinese Spy Endorses Joe Biden for President



A high-profile U.S. senator with professional and personal ties to China — including once employing one of its spies — is backing former Vice President Joe Biden amid mounting questions over his son’s business dealings with the communist regime.

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), a former chairwoman of the Senate Intelligence Committee, announced her endorsement of the former vice president on Tuesday, claiming to have witnessed Biden’s “fortitude” and leadership during their overlapping tenures in Congress.
Feinstein said in a statement:
I’ve worked closely with Vice President Biden and I’ve seen firsthand his legislative ability, his statesmanship, and most importantly his moral fortitude (NO, IT’S NOT A JOKE, BUT THEN FEINSTEIN IS THE MOST SELF-SERVING CORRUPT POL IN U.S. HISTORY). During his time in Congress and in the White House, Joe Biden has been a tireless fighter for hard working (ILLEGALS) MEXICAN families.
“He’s a totally corrupt swamp thing, and here’s the worst part of his manifest corruption – he doesn’t seem to realize that he’s corrupt, if not personally than in terms of allowing his bum kid to leverage his position. He thinks it’s A-OK for his boy Hoover to cash in all over the globe. After all, that’s what you do, right? That’s part of the benefits package for being in the liberal elite. And all these people fussing and fighting about the paternity test-failing dirtbag getting rich are totally out of line. How dare they? HOW DARE THEY!”
He wants to raise taxes, open the borders, let you pay for illegal aliens’ sex changes, and spark a civil war by taking guns from the people who don’t commit crimes.

America’s China Dependency Syndrome
Lessons from the USSR.
April 28, 2020 
Lloyd Billingsley

“Made in China” has been a familiar label on products for years but it wasn’t until March of 2020 that Americans learned of the perils that might entail. China threatened to impose export controls on pharmaceuticals that would plunge America into “the mighty sea of coronavirus.
Sen. Marco Rubio told reporters the United States was “dangerously reliant” on China for critical goods, including parts for technologies needed to fight COVID-19. Since 2004, Chinese pharmaceutical companies have been supplying 80-90 percent of U.S. antibiotics. Americans might wonder how they landed in such a dependent position, and that invites a comparison with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
The world’s first socialist state, established in the world’s largest nation, never produced a single product the West wanted or needed. For all its vast natural resources, the USSR was an economic basket case, and by the mid-1980s in serious trouble.
Suppose that some U.S. senator had then offered a trade deal that ignored the regime’s human rights violations and allowed state-owned Soviet companies to manufacture goods for the American market, all marked “Made In the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.” These would include vital pharmaceuticals and the deal would allow the use of Soviet steel, and Soviet labor, in major infrastructure projects in the United States.
The deal would impose no review of human rights and impose no conditions for democratic reforms, supervised multi-party elections and such. All that, and more, is already a done deal with China, like the USSR a one-party Communist dictatorship that never produced a single product the United States needs. This has come about, in large part, due to U.S. Senator Dianne Feinstein, San Francisco Democrat.
On a visit to Shanghai in 2006 Feinstein told James Areddy of the Wall Street Journal, “I’ve been coming to China for 31 years, so I’m not a newcomer.” That would put her first visit in 1975, one year before the death of the Great Helmsman Mao Zedong his own self. Feinstein was then a San Francisco supervisor, and as mayor struck up a sister-city relationship with Shanghai. On the 2006 trip Feinstein spent time with former Shanghai mayor Zhu Rongji, “a good friend.”
Areddy asked about the Tiananmen Square massacre then turning 21. Feinstein said it was a “a great setback for China in the view of the world,” a public-relations problem for China, not a human rights issue. “It was just the PLA (People’s Liberation Army)” and China “learned lessons from it.” Still, Feinstein admitted, “we did not discuss it.”
As Ben Weingarten noted in the Federalist in 2018, Sen. Feinstein’s ties to China are “way deeper” than any Chinese spy in her office. Feinstein maintained a “strictly apologist line” on China’s human rights atrocities, and Feinstein’s husband has “profited handsomely” during her career in the Senate. Sen. Feinstein “served as a key intermediary between China and the U.S. government, while serving on committees whose work would be of keen interest to the PRC.” For two decades and three election cycles, Feinstein harbored a Chinese spy who fed “political intelligence” to Beijing’s Communist regime. Since that article, the dossier has grown longer.
As Rosemarie Ho noted in The Nation, Dianne Feinstein failed to support the democracy protesters in Hong Kong. When the coronavirus hit these shores, Feinstein was uncritical of China and one of the first to cry “racism” against those who pointed out the pandemic’s origin in Wuhan, China.
Ben Weingarten wondered how a motivated and empowered prosecutor would operate if tasked to explore “any links and/or coordination” between the Chinese government, Feinstein and individuals associated with her office. Such an investigation never took place with Sen. Dianne Feinstein, the most servile apologist of Communist China since Anna Louise Strong, and certainly the most influential. On the other hand, Donald Trump was thoroughly investigated for “collusion” with Russia, which turned out to be a hoax.
It was the president’s tweet that brought Feinstein’s Chinese spy to public attention. President Trump has access to all U.S. intelligence, a major reason domestic and foreign foes alike are desperately trying to remove him from office. In his April 19 press conference, the president called the upper reaches of the DOJ and FBI “human scum,” and their inattention to Feinstein, Hillary Clinton and other high-profile Democrats confirms that the rot continues.
President Trump is now throwing down with the invisible enemy of coronavirus and making progress despite opposition from Democrats and their media allies. As they parrot Chinese propaganda, the president has already started the decoupling process.
“We cannot outsource our independence,” the president said last Monday. “We cannot be reliant on foreign nations. I’ve been saying this for a long time. If we’ve learned one thing it’s let's do it here, let’s build it here, let’s make it here.”
As with the USSR, we don’t need China for anything. And as Chuck Berry said, anything you want they got right here in the USA.

Well, it looks like the makeover has begun.
Corrupt Joe Biden, who used his office to enrich himself and his family, to say the least, is now the foreign policy maven, particularly on China. That's the spin from the New York Times, which has beclowned itself badly, trying to tell the audience that something smelly is shinola
To voters unsettled by President Trump’s disruptive approach to the world, Mr. Biden is selling not only his policy prescriptions but also his long track record of befriending, cajoling and sometimes confronting foreign leaders — what he might call the power of his informal diplomatic style. “I’ve dealt with every one of the major world leaders that are out there right now, and they know me. I know them,” he told supporters in December.
Brett McGurk, a former senior State Department official for the campaign against the Islamic State, said Mr. Biden had been an effective diplomat by practicing “strategic empathy.”
And unlike Trump, Biden was oh so personal, as well as "not an ideologue."
Mr. Biden made a quick “personal connection” with the Chinese leader, even if he sometimes confounded his Mandarin interpreter by quoting hard-to-translate Irish verse, said Daniel Russel, an aide present at several of the meetings.
“He was remarkably good in getting to a personal relationship right away and getting Xi to open up,” Mr. Russel said.
Had enough? The translation, according to Peter Schweizer's Profiles in Corruption is:
For Vice President Joe Biden, effective diplomacy was about forming personal relationships with foreign leaders. "It all gets down to the conduct of foreign policy being personal." The vice president had a series of important and tense meetings with Chinese officials on a variety of critical matters in the bilateral relationship. The trip coincided with an enormous financial deal that Hunter Biden's firm, Rosemont Seneca, was arranging with the state-owned Bank of China. What Hunter did during the official visit to Beijing we cannot know for sure. Other than a few photo ops with his father, he was nowhere to be seen. 
Approximately ten days after the Beijing trip, Hunter Biden's Rosemont Seneca Partners finalized a deal with the Chinese government worth a whopping $1 billion. The deal was later expanded to $1.5 billion. As of this writing, the fund's website says its investments amount to more than $2 billion.  
It's important to note that this deal was with the Chinese government--not with  Chinese company, which means that the Chinese government and the son of the vice president were now business partners.
Now he's Mr. Congeniality, the perfect opposite of President Trump who confronts China rather sternly on issues. To the Times, that's a bad thing. To the average 'hey fat' out in the American heartland as Biden puts it, Trump's diplomacy is actually standing up for the interests of Americans.
It's also a disgusting double standard. Trump is no China hater - he does his best to cut the best deal possible for main street America by driving a hard bargain the Chinese know they have no choice but to accept. Any time Trump says something concilatory to the Chinese, it's denounced as sucking up to dictators, while any time Joe does it - pocketing the profits, which any non-ideologue is adept at doing - he's Mr. Personality.
As Mickey Kaus well observed:

When Trump does it it's coddling dictators, with Biden it's Strategic Empathy! @michaelcrowley is at least a bit skeptical. https://t.co/Pnc9SqxAk4
— Mickey Kaus (@kausmickey) July 6, 2020

Here's the problem with this kind of 'personal' diplomacy. It is very personal indeed to Joe, given the wealth it has brought is family members. It's also very dangerous, given that every string and hook China's oligarchs can get into him makes him an even bigger sock puppet than he already was. Combine with the world's dodgiest players considering Biden a non-entity (Osama bin Laden considered Biden a fool) and the picture is a very ugly one for America's interests. 
Here's the second problem: This apparent media makeover for Joe, painting him as the great personal-touch diplomat who can get along with everyone is clearly the new party line being promoted in the press, and we can expect to see lockstep echoing of this embarassing face-lift. The JournoList talking points have gone out and now the shots are fired. As those shots went out, attempting to boost Joe while taking down Trump, the Chicoms themselves have been very active, too. Just days ago, according to a report in the Daily Caller, the Chinese investment firm that made Hunter a very rich man has quietly removed Hunter's name as a board member. That's to help Joe win his presidential bid for sure, which ought to make voters very wary given whose interests are being boosted. Worse still, the Caller reports, they allowed him to keep his sizable stake in the company - worth milions at least. No wonder he's comfortably ensconced in the Hollywood Hills these days, bored and playing 'artist,' dodging release of his financial statements to an Arkansas judge over a babydaddy case with a stripper looking for child support. No wonder he apparently settled with the woman and swept the whole thing off the front pages.
Now the makeover is on, with the media ignoring the pocket-lining entirely -- the New York Times makes simply no mention of it -- and the cash spigots still going. 
The whole thing -- pocket-lining and media coverup is a disgusting double-load of corruption that anyone with a brain can see right through. The GOP must keep the heat onto this issue because it's being distorted beyond recognition.



We're not buying Joe Biden's 'tough on China' Act


Joe Biden is running away from his record as the "pro-China" candidate so quickly that his defenders in the liberal press can't make heads or tails of it.  Ordinary Americans are equally confused.
Biden spent over three decades opening American markets to Chinese goods, ignoring China's abhorrent human rights record, and dismissing the challenge posed by our greatest rival for global leadership.  The "made in China" era coincided with the closure of tens of thousands of American factories, stagnant working-class wages, and the loss of America's ability to produce essential goods domestically — a vulnerability that took on incredible significance when we learned that we were dependent upon China to produce the medical equipment needed to combat the coronavirus pandemic.
This disaster was facilitated by politicians of both parties, and no one was more gung ho than Joe Biden, poster child for the globalism that reigned supreme until the 2016 presidential election, which Donald J. Trump won by campaigning on a platform diametrically opposed to the "open markets and open borders" philosophy of the D.C. establishment.  In the White House, President Trump became the first American leader in decades to take a firm stand against China's malfeasance and demand a genuinely fair and reciprocal trade deal for American workers.
While Joe Biden was the vice president of the United States, conversely, he was downplaying the consequences of China's rise — even as his own family tried to get rich through deals with Chinese state-owned companies.
How is it possible, then, that Biden has suddenly tried to recast himself as the "tough-on-China" candidate in the 2020 race?
Biden's campaign even ran an ad claiming the president had "rolled over for the Chinese" in response to the coronavirus that Beijing unleashed on the world.  It's one of the most poorly executed flip-flops in American electoral history, coming just months after Biden called President Trump's life-saving ban on most travel from China "hysterical xenophobia."
No one is buying it.  Everyone knows about President Trump's record of success in bringing China to the negotiating table through strategic counter-tariffs.  The "Phase One" trade deal that was inked earlier this year represents the first major trade concessions from China in a generation.  Even the fanatical free-traders who actually liked Biden's globalism see right through his new façade.  The libertarians at the Cato Institute, for instance, published an article acknowledging that Biden's reversal is "futile" and "inherently lacks credibility."
Even the intellectual left is aghast at Biden's fake toughness on China.  The Atlantic called it "utterly futile" and "pointless — even dangerous."  The New York Times published an op-ed all but begging Biden to drop the act.
If even his own supporters are rolling their eyes at Biden play-acting as a China skeptic, why are he and his team even bothering to attempt the deception?
The answer is simple.  Americans have finally woken up to the economic and national security threat posed by China.  The coronavirus pandemic made that threat impossible to ignore.  No one wants to go into this November as the "pro-Beijing" candidate.
Unfortunately for Joe Biden, he's been the "pro-Beijing" candidate throughout his political career, and there's a decades-long record to prove it.
Ken Blackwell served as mayor of Cincinnati, Ohio treasurer, and a U.S. ambassador to the U.N.  He currently serves on the board of directors for Club For Growth. 
Image: Marc Nozell via Flickr.

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