Monday, October 19, 2020

Biden, Harris shared forum with organizations reportedly linked to slaughter of Jews - Couple Harris's record as the most progressive Senator in Congress with her embrace of radical Muslim haters and anti-Semites, add to that a man who's spent months pandering to that same community and stood by Obama's eight years of demonization of Israel and we have a problem for American Jews and the U.S./Israel relationship.

Couple Harris's record as the most progressive Senator in Congress with her embrace of radical Muslim haters and anti-Semites, add to that a man who's spent months pandering to that same community and stood by Obama's eight years of demonization of Israel and we have a problem for American Jews and the U.S./Israel relationship. 

Biden, Harris shared forum with organizations reportedly linked to slaughter of Jews


According to Joe Biden, it was not the economy, health care, or national security that drove him to run for president. It was anti-Semitism. Repeating a tall tale he hopes to get away with, he declared in his acceptance speech:

Remember seeing those neo-Nazis and Klansmen and white supremacists coming out of the fields with lighted torches? Veins bulging? Spewing the same anti-Semitic bile heard across Europe in the '30s?

Remember the violent clash that ensued between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it?

Remember what the president said?

There[sic] were quote, "very fine people on both sides."

It was a wake-up call for us as a country.

And for me, a call to action. At that moment, I knew I'd have to run...

Almost identically, when Sen. Kamala Harris launched her presidential campaign in early 2019, she:

...lashed out at President Donald Trump for “fueling division,” including on anti-Semitism.

“Racism is real in America, sexism, antisemitism, transphobia, homophobia — these things exist in America,” Harris said...  “We have seen when Charlottesville and a woman was killed that we’ve had a president who basically said, well, there were equal sides to this,”...

Yet, in a scandal that's hiding in plain sight, Biden and Harris themselves have shared a forum with representatives of groups reportedly linked to deadly violence against Jews in Israel. And in dramatic contrast, they've snubbed Israel and its supporters.

Harris boycotted the 2020 American-Israel Public Affairs Committee conference, along with fellow candidates who understood that the party was turning against Israel, and that associating with its supporters might hurt her with the Democratic base.

Yet, as a presidential hopeful, she addressed the 2018 Netroots Nation convention in New Orleans, where her fellow speakers included an official of a radical anti-Israel organization that allegedly assists in the slaughter of innocent Jewish men, women, and children by funding Palestinian terror gangs.

Leah Muskin-Pierret addressed the convention's Democratic activists on behalf of the U.S. Campaign for Palestinian Rights (USCPR), which has funneled money to Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), according to a Tablet magazine expose two months before the conventiion.

The Keren Kayemeth LeIsrael-Jewish National Fund and American victims of terror are suing the USCPR, based on the Tablet investigative report.

The Jewish Journal reported that the USCPR  “has also celebrated convicted terrorist Rasmea Odeh...” Odeh was convicted of the bombing murder of Hebrew University students Edward Joffe and Leon Kanner in 1969, an atrocity reminiscent of the 1963 Birmingham church bombing that killed four African-American girls attending Sunday school.

The USCPR was not the only allegedly terror-linked group at the convention. As the Zionist Organization of America noted, the Progressives for Palestinian Rights panel was “run by leaders of the Council for American-Islamic Relations (CAIR, an unindicted conspirator named in the Holy Land Foundation trial for funneling money to HAMAS), and other radical anti-Israel groups.” CAIR has also rallied in support of double murderer Rasmea Odeh.

The ZOA reported that at the convention, Harris' fellow speaker Zahra Billoo, the Executive Director of the Council on American-Islamic Relations, San Francisco Bay Area (CAIR-SFBA) office, “jokingly commented that she participated in 'all the terrorist orgs you could imagine!'...”

Senate colleagues of Harris have noted Billoo's organization's ties to terrorists. Sen. Richard Durbin said CAIR “is unusual in its extreme rhetoric and its associations with groups that are suspect.” Sen. Chuck Schumer said its co-founders have “intimate links with Hamas.” and that “we know [CAIR] has ties to terrorism.”

CAIR's Billoo has tweeted:

--”No need for a holocaust museum, seeing as Israel has taken it upon itself to recreate it. #Israel #Nazis."

“‘Israel ‘defending’ itself from Palestinians is analogous to Nazi Germany defending itself from Jewish uprising.’"

--“Blaming Hamas for firing rockets at [Apartheid] Israel is like blaming a woman for punching her rapist. #FreePalestine.

--”AH [Alhamdulillah - Praise God] for Hezbollah having the courage to do what the Arab governments won't!"

-- “Will we hunt down and kill the IDF terrorists.”

--‘Zionism is the violent ideology responsible for the genocide and displacement of indigenous Palestinians and the destruction of Palestinian land.”

--“Israel commits war crimes and terrorism as a hobby.”

Billoo also spoke at Netroots Nation four years earlier in Detroit, a few minutes after Vice President Biden delivered a keynote address.

Another of Biden's 2014 Netroots Nation fellow speakers was Max Berger of the anti-Israel extremist organization IfNotNow. Berger had his own troubling trail of tweets:

--“What Israel is doing in Gaza should be familiar to Jews. It's called a pogrom. You'd think Jews would be against those. #Shanda #NotInMyName.”

--“Sometimes I feel the biggest obstacle to peace in Israel-Palestine is the bigotry of American Jews.”

--“I support BDS because ultimately it's the only way to stop the occupation...”

--“Confession: I would totally be friends with Hamas.”

The ZOA's Morton A. Klein and Mark Levenson noted that Berger's organization:

...trains camp counselors to infiltrate Jewish summer camps to teach little Jewish children the lie that Israel is an evil occupier of “Palestinian” lands and to turn Jewish children against Israel.

Max Berger also reportedly was affiliated with Dream Defenders, whose long string of anti-Jewish anti-Israel activities include lauding as heroes the designated foreign terrorist group Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, and bringing people to meet with PFLP leaders and PFLP front group Addameer...

And, just as Harris boycotted AIPAC after palling around with officials of terror-affiliated groups, Biden would go on to display the same double standard. The year after his Netroots Nation keynote, in his role as president of the Senate, Biden refused to be in the same room as Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, boycotting his address to a  joint session of Congress regarding the Iran nuclear deal. A mere eight of 100 senators joined  him in the boycott.

In repeating falsehoods that smear Trump as a racist and supporter of murderous anti-Semites, Harris and Biden appear to be projecting their own coziness with terror-promoting bigots onto the president.

The media has been silent about this under-the-radar scandal. But imagine the reaction if it were Trump or Vice President Pence addressing a Republican activist convention where fellow speakers represent organizations that reportedly funnel money to facilitate the mass murder of Jews, African-Americans, or any other historically persecuted minority group.

Edward Davis is the author of Netroots Nation and the Democrats' War on Israel.

Heaven help us all if that happens.

Couple Harris's record as the most progressive Senator in Congress with her embrace of radical Muslim haters and anti-Semites, add to that a man who's spent months pandering to that same community and stood by Obama's eight years of demonization of Israel and we have a problem for American Jews and the U.S./Israel relationship.

The get-out-the-vote message includes clips of Biden promising that "I'll be a president who seeks out and listens to and incorporates the ideas and concerns of Muslim Americans on every day issues that matter most to our communities.  That will include having Muslim American voices as part of my administration."  No surprise there, since that would be in keeping with his partner in crime, Barack Obama, who grew up on the teachings of the hadith,  enjoyed quoting from the Koran himself, and welcomed the Muslim Brotherhood into his White House, all while inserting daylight into the U.S.-Israel relationship and empowering the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism, aiding Iran's path to a nuclear weapon.

Biden/Harris: Muslim American voices matter

By Lauri B. Regan

On July 20, Joe Biden spoke on video to the Million Muslim Votes Summit during which he promised to "end the Muslim ban on day one; day one."  Biden was referring to the Trump administration's policy, based on national security considerations, of banning entry to the U.S. of citizens of a limited number of Muslim countries that harbor terrorists or support terrorism, or both.  Biden made this promise notwithstanding the national security implications and despite the Supreme Court's decision upholding the constitutionality of Trump's policy.

Pandering to his Muslim audience, Biden quoted from a hadith from the "Prophet Mohammed" as he pronounced that "Muslim American Voices Matter!"  Interestingly, no one attacked Biden for making that non–politically correct comment since, supposedly, only Black Lives Matter in the U.S. today.  Sadly, in the year 2020, when one suggests that all lives matter, blue lives matter, or any other lives matter, he is immediately canceled by the social justice warriors in powerful positions across the Democrat portion of government, academia, the media, and corporate America.

Lucky for Joe, savior of the Democrat Party, progressive far leftists, and Muslim anti-Semites, he was given a pass for elevating Muslim Americans to a stature previously preserved solely for blacks.  Apparently, however, the rest of us, including the American Jewish community, remain relegated to being labeled racists, white supremacists, and Islamophobes undeserving of having our lives matter.

Shortly after Biden's remarks at the Summit, Voice of America's Urdu language service released a pro-Biden video advertisement that has recently resurfaced.

I'll be a president who seeks out and listens to and incorporates the ideas and concerns of Muslim Americans on every day issues that matter most to our communities. That will include having Muslim-American voices as part of my administration.

YouTube screen grab.

The get-out-the-vote message includes clips of Biden promising that "I'll be a president who seeks out and listens to and incorporates the ideas and concerns of Muslim Americans on every day issues that matter most to our communities.  That will include having Muslim American voices as part of my administration."  No surprise there, since that would be in keeping with his partner in crime, Barack Obama, who grew up on the teachings of the hadith, enjoyed quoting from the Koran himself, and welcomed the Muslim Brotherhood into his White House, all while inserting daylight into the U.S.-Israel relationship and empowering the world's largest state sponsor of terrorism, aiding Iran's path to a nuclear weapon.

Biden has consistently promised to rejoin the JCPOA, the Iran nuclear deal, from which President Trump wisely withdrew.  While Trump's Middle East policies and strong support of Israel led to the Abraham Accords pursuant to which the UAE and Bahrain have established peace and normalization agreements with Israel — the first time Arab countries have done so since 1994 — with additional Gulf Arab states likely following suit in the near future, Biden's foreign policy mistakes over the course of four decades are well known.  As former Obama secretary of defense Robert Gates noted in his memoir and has repeated, Biden has "been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades." 

So what makes Americans think the second-in-command of an administration that embraced Iran's terrorist, anti-Semitic, anti-American mullahs while turning his back on Israel will not continue where Obama left off — with the dangerously anti-Israel U.N. Resolution 2334, which, in an unprecedented move, the Obama/Biden administration refused to veto.  You know what they say about the definition of insanity.

The VOA pro-Biden ad also promises Muslim Americans that "2020 is our year" and plays "we got the power" while displaying images of Muslim anti-Semites including Congresswomen Omar and Tlaib and Bernie Sanders surrogate and well known anti-Semite Linda Sarsour.

To be clear, these wretched, hate-filled women, embraced by the Democrat Party, are being elevated by the likes of Nancy Pelosi (who even endorsed them in their campaigns for re-election) as well as other party leaders including Biden and Sanders.  I have written about the Democrats' Israel problem, but it's clear that as the "Squad" grows (Eliot Engel will be replaced by a radical socialist, for example), these haters will become the face of Democrats in the coming years.

Biden not only appeared on a conference call with the Farrakhan, BDS-supporting Sarsour over the summer, where he rallied against "Islamicphobia" (a typical Biden gaffe) and lamented that he wished "we taught more in our schools about the Islamic faith," but also allowed Sarsour to speak at the Democratic National Convention.  After denouncing Sarsour's hateful remarks after the convention, he pusillanimously walked that back and apologized to Muslim Democrats lest he lose the radical Muslim vote.  As Sarsour stated, "the Democratic Party needs me and the communities that I come from more than we need them." 

Biden certainly is not a man of principles, but again, this is not surprising, since Democratic presidential nominee Obama pulled a similar stunt in 2008 promising the 15,000 Jews in attendance at the AIPAC Policy Conference that Jerusalem would remain undivided, only to reverse course immediately thereafter in the face of Palestinian criticism.  And we know what he wrought on Israel during the next eight years.  Say what you will about Trump, but he keeps his promises, and he never apologizes for the truth.  Beware of those who do.

The obsession with Muslim Americans on the left is misguided at best, but more likely a disingenuous campaign tactic. On the Sarsour conference call Biden repeated the propaganda that "Under [the Trump] administration, we've seen an unconscionable, an unconscionable rise in Islamicphobia and incidents including kids being bullied in schools and hate crimes in our communities." This is a lie – FBI hate crime statistics for years reflect that Jews by far suffer from the greatest number of hate-crimes in the U.S. I have yet to hear Biden emphatically denounce the actual bullying and hate crimes in that community.

In fact, in yet one more virtue signaling stunt, Biden recently met with the father of Jacob Blake killed in Kenosha, Wisconsin, despite the fact that Blake posted numerous anti-Semitic posts on Facebook while praising Farrakhan. And I have yet to hear Biden denounce the anti-Semitism in the BLM movement and pervasive across the protests roiling our streets, instead giving it a front and center platform at the DNC. He furthermore refuses to recognize Antifa and its hate as a danger to the country let alone denounce its violence.

We always hear about Trump's white supremacist supporters – supporters he denounces over and over again – and yet when Biden actually embraces, appears with, and promotes racists, radio silence from the left and within the ranks of the Democrat Party who do the same. We also never hear praise from anyone on the left for Trump keeping every single one of his campaign promises including all of those pertaining to Israel and fighting anti-Semitism and yet when Biden (and Obama) flip flop on faux promises, they get a complete pass from the left and Jewish Americans.

Lest anyone think that Biden's running mate Kamala Harris will be any better, she too panders to and embraces the Muslim community without hesitation. The Zionist Organization of America recently called on Harris to denounce the Council on American-Islamic Relations, an organization she endorsed in prior years. Notwithstanding the fact that CAIR was an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation trial, one of the country's largest terrorism-funding cases, Harris, "expressed her gratitude and admiration for [CAIR's] tireless work to promote peace, justice, and mutual understanding."

As ZOA pointed out, "according to CAIR's California Chapter's 2020 voting guide, Harris voted in-line with CAIR's positions on nine of ten legislative items highlighted in the guide" and "according to a profile on Harris at, CAIR rated Harris at 100% for 2017-2018. Harris supports reentering the JCPOA, voted no on anti-BDS legislation, and refused to denounce Omar's anti-Semitism feigning concern that doing so "may put her at risk."

Couple Harris's record as the most progressive Senator in Congress with her embrace of radical Muslim haters and anti-Semites, add to that a man who's spent months pandering to that same community and stood by Obama's eight years of demonization of Israel and we have a problem for American Jews and the U.S./Israel relationship. But hey, in the minds of the Democrats embracing the Biden/Harris ticket, Black Lives Matter and Muslim American Voices Matter, the rest of us, not so much. If Biden wins, no one should be surprised when the policies emanating from his administration reflect that from education and the economy to foreign policy and law enforcement. Heaven help us all if that happens.

 “Of course, one of the main reasons the nation is now “divided, resentful and angry” is because race-baiting, Islamist, class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was president for eight long years." 

                                                MATTHEW VADUM



"But the Obamas are the center of the most delusional cult of personality that the media has yet spawned. And so we get bizarre pieces like these."

The mullahs rolled in cash as a result of rolling Obama and his gullible team over the deal, knowing that Obama was desperate for some sort of legacy. 

                                                                                               MONICA SHOWALTER



“Of course, one of the main reasons the nation is now “divided, resentful and angry” is because race-baiting, Islamist, class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was president for eight long years." MATTHEW VADUM

"But the Obamas are the center of the most delusional cult of personality that the media has yet spawned. And so we get bizarre pieces like these." MONICA SHOWALTER

"Along with Obama, Pelosi and Schumer are responsible for incalculable damage done to this country over the eight years of that administration." PATRICIA McCARTHY


OBAMA AND HIS SAUDIS PAYMASTERS… Did he serve them well?

Malia, Michelle, Barack and the College Admissions Scandal


Michelle was the next to attend Harvard, in her case Harvard Law School. “Told by counselors that her SAT scores and her grades weren’t good enough for an Ivy League school,” writes Christopher Andersen in Barack and Michelle, “Michelle applied to Princeton and Harvard anyway.”




Barack Obama’s back door, however, was unique to him. Before prosecutors send some of the dimmer Hollywood stars to the slammer for their dimness, they might want to ask just how much influence a Saudi billionaire peddled to get Obama into Harvard.


A Radical Shift

The nightmare Obama brought to U.S. foreign policy.

Thu Oct 15, 2020 

Walid Phares



Editors' note: Walid Phares has a new book out on the difference in foreign policy between Obama and Trump titled: The Choice: Trump vs. Obama-Biden in US Foreign Policy. Below is an exclusive excerpt - Chapter 3 - which illustrates the nightmare that Obama brought to U.S. foreign policy.

Soon after landing in the White House, President Obama initiated two major moves, which by the end of May or early June 2009 indicated where his administration was going in terms of national security and foreign policy. It was obvious to me at the time that the country was veering away from the post-9/11 posture and the so-called War on Terror and heading in the opposite direction of demobilization of America on the one hand and the activation of an apologist policy on the other in order to engage with future partners who were actually at the core of terrorism and extremism.

Most Americans in the early years of the Obama administration focused on the domestic agenda and therefore did not see or understand the much wider change of direction that the new team at the White House was implementing: the eventual dismantling of the War on Terror and with it the war of ideas. In other words, the Obama doctrine was telling Americans that our conflict with the radicals overseas was in error because the conflict was caused by us—and therefore we need not only to cease our efforts of resistance against the jihadists, Iran, and the other radicals but jump on a train going in the other direction, one that would lead us to engaging the foes and finding agreement with each of them in order to transform American policy overseas.

The first major benchmark that indicated a massive Obama-Biden change in foreign policy with implications on national security was Obama’s trip to Egypt in spring 2009 and his address at Cairo University. The main idea of President Obama on the political philosophy level was to inform the American public that the United States has been seen as an aggressor against Arabs and Muslims since 9/11—maybe even decades before that. This perception prevailed on U.S. campuses for decades among leftist academics and intellectuals. It was explained as the American branch of Western colonialism. But the urgency behind this U-turn made by the administration in foreign policy perception was in fact linked to how the United States reacted to the 9/11 attacks.

In my own experiences after the 2001 jihadist strikes against New York, D.C., and elsewhere, the immediate reaction after al-Qaeda suicide missions on American soil was explained by a combination of Far Left and neo-Marxist circles actually accusing the United States of provoking the attacks. During the seven years of the Bush administration, both the Islamist lobbies and their Red allies in America were organizing to oppose any form of American self-defense and thus did oppose both the war in Afghanistan and the one in Iraq while also framing them as neocolonialist conquests.

It was imperative for the Obama team to change the national security doctrine that had been approved by a unanimous and bipartisan 9/11 Commission to align with their own narrative. The reality was that for years, before the Obama victory in 2008, a new alliance was being forged between the Islamists in general (the Muslim Brotherhood and the Khomeinist Iranians in particular) and the core left-wing neo-Marxists within the West in general (and the United States in particular). The Obama group belonged to that core—a subset found mostly on campuses but also in parts of the media.

With the alliance already in place, it made sense for the new administration to unleash its plans as early as possible. Hence, Obama’s 2009 address in Cairo was essentially an open invitation through public acknowledgment of his desire for a partnership between his administration and the Muslim Brotherhood. Though Egypt was ruled by authoritarian President Mubarak, Obama’s visit and his praise of the Ikhwan talking points were the opening salvo of a campaign designed to crumble the Egyptian regime and, later, other Arab governments—and replace them with the Brotherhood. The genesis of the Islamization of the Arab Spring of 2011 thus started in 2009. 

The Obama speech at Cairo University, in fact, officialized a partnership between the United States and the Muslim Brotherhood, and in general terms with the Islamist movements in the MENA region. One might think that such a move would be checked by the mainstream Republican Party in D.C., but it was not—due to the equal impact of the Qatar and Islamist lobbies on the Republican institution. It did, however, unnerve the conservative sectors of the Republicans both in Congress and in the grassroots while also putting pressure on the traditional liberals in the Democratic Party after the ilk of Joe Lieberman and others.

The major shift towards engaging the Islamists worldwide also opened the door for partnerships with their lobbies and NGOs inside the United States. This led to an unstoppable rise of influence of militant groups such as CAIR (Council on American-Islamic Relations), which in turn became the spearhead of a campaign to silence the critics against Obama’s new policies in Congress and in the media.

But a shift to align with the Muslim Brotherhood was not the only onslaught of the Obama administration in foreign policy; it was simply the first one. Indeed, in the same month of June 2009, President Obama engaged in a second track that would change another U.S. national security policy, one that was established in the early 1980s: the containment of the Islamic Republic of Iran. 

In early June 2009, President Barack Obama addressed a letter to the Grand Ayatollah of Iran, Imam Ali Khamenei, calling on him to begin a new era of cooperation between Tehran and Washington. That letter, which was as apologist as the speech to the Muslim Brotherhood weeks earlier in Cairo, signaled the beginning of a long process that would lead to the negotiation and signing of the Iran nuclear deal in 2015. But June 2009 had one more surprise that revealed a third shocking policy shift, one that would divert the country from its longstanding tradition of helping nations facing oppression and seeking freedom.

Indeed, America, in one century—between the First World War, the Second World War, and the collapse of the Soviet Union—had demonstrated its commitment, through blood and treasure, to stand by peoples on many continents as they had been brutalized and oppressed—from Europe and the Middle East to Asia and Latin America. But the events in Iran at the end of June 2009 signaled a drastic third policy change. Millions of Iranians, including many women, took to the streets to protest the suppression by the regime. Many of these protesters held signs in English—one of which called on President Obama by name to help them. Yet to reaffirm that the U.S. would not “meddle” in Iranian politics or stand with the democratic revolution in Iran, a second letter was sent to Khamenei on September 3.

The abandonment by the Obama administration of the Green Revolution in Iran was the benchmark that told me that the American policy of supporting freedom fighters and people’s uprisings against totalitarian governments, the praise for dissidents, and the backing of free societies around the world had ended.

2009 was the year that broke the backbone of post-Cold War U.S. foreign policy and rebuilt it into a radical approach inconsistent with the feelings and perceptions of the majority of Americans. Yet most Americans were not informed and educated enough, particularly by their academia and media, to correct such radicalization of policy via their members of Congress—or to elect a new president who would change directions one more time to align policy to once again be consistent with U.S. national security and traditional American liberty principles.

Fears for the Future

Both the Cedar Revolution in Lebanon in 2005 and the Green Revolution in Iran in 2009 provided indications that peoples in the region had reached critical mass in regard to their tolerance for authoritarians and would eventually protest and demand change. Social media has also evolved and has become much more accessible by ordinary people. In my book The Coming Revolution, I predicted that most countries in the Arab world were going to witness social and political unrests, results I had been waiting for, for many years, to push back against the extremists.

I briefed many members of Congress during that same period of time and convinced them that there were authentic forces of change in the region, including seculars, women, and minorities, and that the United States should immediately partner with them as the authoritarian leaders were going down—and fighting a lost battle to support ailing dictators would not be the right battle for the United States.

My concern was that the moment would be squandered as the Obama administration was racing to connect with the Islamists and the Iranians in the region and thus diverting the resources of the U.S. government to the wrong factions instead of helping civil society forces. I observed how the lobbies of our traditional foes were moving with great speed at all levels within the bureaucracies and the administration. I was also receiving many complaints from Middle East human rights and minorities groups that officials and governments were no longer engaging them like the Bush administration had tried to do. In addition, members of Congress in the Republican opposition (who won the majority in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2010) were sharing their fears that the administration had abandoned our allies in the region, not just allies among Middle East minorities, but also Israel. So by the end of 2009, early 2010, I could see the whole picture, and it was a dark and dire one.

Professor Walid Phares served as a Foreign Policy Advisor to Presidential candidate Donald Trump in 2016. He also served as a National Security Advisor to Presidential Advisor Mitt Romney in 2011-2012. Professor Phares has been an advisor to the US House of Representatives Caucus on Counter Terrorism since 2007 and is the Co-Secretary General of the Trans-Atlantic Legislative Group on Counter Terrorism since 2008. He is also a Fox News National Security and Foreign Affairs expert.


South Florida ‘ISIS’ Imam: 'Jews Behind All Corruption in the Earth'

Fadi Kablawi spews venom against Jews, Hindus, Christians, gays and fellow Muslims.


Joe Kaufman, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, is Chairman of the Joe Kaufman Security Initiative and the 2014, 2016 and 2018 Republican Nominee for U.S. House of Representatives (Florida-CD23).

Fadi Kablawi (Qablawi), head imam of the North Miami Islamic Center (NMIC) and FBI ‘person of interest,’ is a radical Muslim’s radical. His targets comprise of Jews, Christians, homosexuals, women, Hindus and Muslims, even his fellow radical Muslims. This past July, he made the claim that Jews are behind all the corruption on Earth. He did so, during one of his Friday khutbas (sermons), in front of his congregation, which includes young and impressionable children. At times, he draws large crowds. Will Kablawi’s dangerous rhetoric drive one or more of his followers to commit acts of violence? Has it already?

Fadi Yousef Kablawi, a.k.a. Abu Ubeidah, was born in Amman, Jordan, in 1978. At the age of 17, he moved to the US with his family. After finishing high school, Kablawi attended Florida International University (FIU) for his undergraduate studies and completed his doctoral degree in dental medicine, at the University of Pennsylvania, in 2005. Working alongside his wife, he had a thriving Miami dentistry, until August 2017, when he was arrested for allegedly using his business to overcharge his patients and commit Medicaid fraud. A video news report depicts a somber Kablawi handcuffed and sporting an orange jumpsuit, standing in front of Bond Court judge, Mindy Glazer, who happens to be Jewish.

Incorporated in September 2010, the North Miami Islamic Center (NMIC), a.k.a. Masjid As Sunnah An Nabawiyyah, is the brainchild of Kablawi. In fact, the mosque’s colorful logo bears the name of Kablawi’s former corporation, al-Tayyib, which is as well the mosque’s website address, A children’s school, Reviver Academy, shares the identical North Miami location of the mosque. According to Kablawi, he created the school in order to provide a pure and unfiltered form of Islam for the kids. Photos and video footage from the school show the children using the same area of the mosque where Kablawi emits his hate speech.

Kablawi is an equal opportunity offender, attacking all faiths, including his own, though Jews are by far his primary target. Last month, he told his congregants, “[A Muslim] doesn’t associate his behavior with an iman (faith). The Jews are different. They will use the iman, which is ‘We’re Jews,’ to justify every heinous thing they do.” Also last month, he stated, “You will find the most enemies to the believers are the Jews.” This past July, Kablawi told his congregation the following about Jews: “Look at the façade and the corruption in the Earth, today. You’ll find them behind it, in everything.”

Kablawi is not happy that some of his fellow Muslims are making peace with Israel. On September 15th, at the White House, historic peace agreements were signed between Israel, Bahrain and the UAE. On October 2nd, Kablawi told his audience, “Anything you sign as peace is nothing but selling out, is nothing but cowardice, is nothing but humiliation, is nothing but debasement.” On September 20th, he stated, “If anybody who brings this issue up… tell them brotherhood is stronger than cousinhood. When they abuse and kill our brothers… the Muslims in Palestine are brothers not cousins, and when my cousin kills my brother I will kill my cousin.”

Kablawi is also not friendly towards Muslims who side with Hindus wishing to resettle in the Indian state of Kashmir, following years of terror and dispossession at the hands of Islamists. In August 2019, he tweeted his own mini fatwa (religious ruling), stating, “Whoever allies himself, celebrates and honors the Hindus for what they have done to Muslims in Kashmir is an apostate, out of the fold of the religion of Muhammad…”

Kablawi likes vilifying Christians, too. Last month, he told his congregants, “[T]he Christians don’t think. They just follow whatever.” He said that Christians have a “hallucinating imagination.” He called Christianity “fake.” In January 2019, he told his congregation, “The Christian religion makes no sense… If you look at all the religions in the world, Christianity can compete for first place in stupidity.” This past July he stated, “Someone might ask, ‘Why are there a lot of Christians?’ There are lots of Christians, because their fitra (state of purity/innocence) got corrupted.”

Kablawi also hates gays with a passion. Last month, he railed against gay rights. He stated to his audience, “20 years or 30 years ago, talking to someone about the rights of homosexuals – crazy! God knows what there will be tomorrow… Maybe the straight ones will be the gay ones. We will be looked at as abnormal.” He referred to gays as “Sodomites.” In March 2019, Kablawi bizarrely attacked gays and Christians together, tweeting, “After long research, I think I finally discovered the virus responsible for LGBTQ disease… It is called the Church virus; most dangerous mutation of such virus is the Catholic one.” Kablawi has even attacked Islamist favorite Congresswoman Ilhan Omar and a leader from CAIR for cavorting with LGBT.

And when it comes to jihad, for Kablawi, there is only one primary meaning, and that is holy war. In July, he said, “[J]ihad is when you put your life on the line. Not the cute jihad, as they call everything ‘jihad’ today. A brother sent me a message, ‘This is the Real Jihad’… about coronavirus. This kid somewhere in Falastin. They stopped him from seeing his mother, at the hospital, who was infected with the virus. He would climb, every night, the walls of the hospital and sit next to the room of his mother… May Allah reward him for being righteous and dutiful to his mother. But that’s not the real jihad. Real jihad is not climbing walls. Real jihad is climbing over people’s necks and heads and skulls.”

This past July, hundreds of mosque goers packed Kablawi’s NMIC, as Kablawi stood in front leading prayers. No doubt, his type of no frills Islamic fundamentalism has attracted a significant segment of the Muslim community. One must therefore question how much of Kablawi’s extreme and bigoted rhetoric has his congregants taken to heart, and are they willing to act on it, meaning violently? One of his followers, Salman Rashid, this past December, was charged with soliciting ISIS to murder the deans of two South Florida colleges. And according to Kablawi, he himself is considered by the FBI to be a member of ISIS.

Fadi Kablawi is a danger and threat to society. The message that he sends to his congregation and all who watch and share his videos is one of hatred and violence. Kablawi believes that he is teaching the Islamic religion in the proper manner – one that is unfiltered and unapologetic – and that may very well be so. However, what Kablawi is doing, as well, is inspiring his followers and congregants, including very young and impressionable children, to retain this hatred and to potentially carry out the same type of jihad that Kablawi lauds and embraces.

Beila Rabinowitz, Director of Militant Islam Monitor, contributed to this report.

Democrats Dodge the Real Reparations

How about all the damage caused by the China virus and Islamic terror?

Thu Oct 15, 2020 

Lloyd Billingsley



“As a nation, we can only truly thrive when every one of us has the opportunity to thrive. Our painful history of slavery has evolved into structural racism and bias built into and permeating throughout our democratic and economic institutions.”

That was California Gov. Gavin Newsom in a September 30 signing statement for Assembly Bill 3121 which “establishes a nine-member task force to inform Californians about slavery and explore ways the state might provide reparations.” For all its faults, California was never part of the Confederacy, and Californians might wonder about a stronger case for reparations from damages caused by the China virus.

Evidence points to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, recipient of funds from the U.S. National Institutes of Health, which banned “gain of function” research in 2014 because of danger that a manipulated virus might be released into the population. The NIH revived the dangerous research in 2017 but kept it secret. The Wuhan Institute was an ideal place to hide gain of function, and Anthony Fauci backed the lab with more than $7 million. Dr. Fauci has been evasive about what, exactly, went on at Wuhan but there can be no dispute about the aftermath.

The China virus claimed more than 200,000 deaths in the United States alone and touched three leaders of G7 nations: President Trump, British prime minister Boris Johnson, and Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau, whose wife Sophie tested positive for the coronavirus in March. The economic damages are undeniable: millions unemployed, businesses going bankrupt, mounting debt, and all the social wreckage now on display.

President Trump is on record that this was all “China’s fault,” and China is going to pay “a big price” for what they’ve done to the United States and the world. One U.S. state is already taking measures. In April, Missouri attorney general Eric Schmitt filed a lawsuit charging that Chinese Communist officials are “responsible for the enormous death, suffering, and economic losses they inflicted on the world, including Missourians.”  For Sen. Dianne Feinstein, California Democrat, the Missouri lawsuit was the problem.

“We launch a series of unknown events that could be very, very dangerous,” said Feinstein in a July 30, Senate Judiciary Committee hearing.  “I think this is a huge mistake.” And Feinstein had only praise for China, “as a country that has pulled tens of millions of people out of poverty in a short period of time” and as “a country growing into a respectable nation among other nations. And I deeply believe that. I’ve been to China a number of times. I’ve studied the issues.”

Indeed, as Feinstein told James Areddy of the Wall Street Journal during a 2006 visit to Shanghai, the San Francisco Democrat had been coming to the Communist nation for 31 years. Feinstein compared Tiananmen Square to Kent State, and as Rosemarie Ho reported in The Nation, Democrats in general and Feinstein in particular ignored the Communist crackdown against Hong Kong.

As the San Francisco Chronicle noted, the Chinese spy on Feinstein’s staff for 20 years even attended Chinese Consulate functions for the senator, who has her own version of Hunter Biden. As Ben Weingarten reported in the Federalist in 2018, Feinstein’s husband Richard Blum has “profited handsomely from the greatly expanded China trade she supported.”

None of this has touched off an investigation, which confirms that FBI favors for Democrats go far beyond Hillary Clinton. A party that functions as a cheerleader for China will not seek any reparations from China, or any other entity that has inflicted vast damage on the United States.

On September 11, 2001, Islamic terrorists claimed nearly 3,000 American lives and caused billions in damages. If that not a case for reparations, it is hard to know what one would look like. Democrats made no case, and the president formerly known as Barry Soetoro shipped billions in cash to Iran, the major sponsor of terrorism in the world.

President Trump pushed back on terrorism, taking out Iranian master terrorist Soleimani and ISIS boss al-Baghdadi. Democrats were critical of these actions, and their diversionary push for slavery reparations has no merit. Neither does Gov. Newsom’s charge of “structural racism,” which as David Azerrad explains, lacks proof on the historical, legislative, and even the subconscious level.

The nation can only thrive, Gov. Newsom contends, “when every one of us has the opportunity to thrive.” As it happens, the most powerful figure in recent California history is the African American Willie Brown. The thriving assembly speaker set up his girlfriend Kamala Harris in lucrative sinecures and backed her career all the way to candidacy for what she has called a “Harris administration.

Meanwhile, old-money Democrats are grooming Gov. Newsom for a presidential run in 2024. Should he succeed, the nation would never get reparations for terrorism or the China virus. On the other hand, the entire nation would soon look like California, whose rapid decline reminds Bill Maher of “Italy in the 70s or something.”  As President Trump says, we’ll have to see what happens.

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