Thursday, October 29, 2020



Stephen Miller: Joe Biden Is the ‘Most Globalist Candidate Ever’

WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 14: (AFP OUT) U.S. Vice President Joe Biden (R) and Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping laugh during an expanded bilateral meeting with other U.S. and Chinese officials in the Roosevelt Room at the White House February 14, 2012 in Washington, DC. While in Washington, Vice President …
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

President Donald Trump is going to win Michigan because Joe Biden is “the most globalist candidate ever,” top White House aide Stephen Miller told reporters on Wednesday.

“The President has been bringing back our manufacturing jobs in Michigan in record numbers after Joe Biden spent 47 years shipping them to China, Mexico, and foreign countries,” Miller said, adding:

Every single trade deal that hurt the people of Michigan, Joe Biden enthusiastically supported, enthusiastically backed. Whether when you’re talking about NAFTA, whether you’re talking about China’s entry into the World Trade Organization, whether you’re talking about the South Korea trade deal, whether you’re talking about the planned Trans-Pacific Partnership that would have been an absolute death sentence for the auto industry in Michigan,

And if a Joe Biden wins, there will be no auto industry in Michigan. For that matter, will be no American energy; there’ll be no fossil fuels; there will be no oil. There’ll be no fracking. All of those jobs will leave the country, will go back to Mexico, will go back to China, will go back to every corner of the world — except the United States and Michigan.

Joe Biden is the most globalist candidate ever to seek the office for the presidency. He has no care, no love for American workers. He spent his entire career screwing over American workers at every turn. That’s who he is that who he’ll always be, and that’s why Trump will win Michigan by a huge margin … [and also because of] Joe Biden’s plan for a crippling nationwide lockdown.

Breitbart News reported Ocotber 28:

Democratic nominee Joe Biden’s energy policies could have a devastating impact on Michigan that could potentially destroy 160,000 energy sector jobs, decimate the auto industry, impede manufacturing operations, increase home heating expenses, and create California-style rolling blackouts in the Great Lakes State.

Biden’s proposal to eliminate fracking, “transition from the oil industry,” and achieve “zero emissions” by 2035 would adversely impact nearly every sector of Michigan’s economy, starting with the jobs directly related to the oil and gas industry.

The oil and natural gas industry supports over 159,100 jobs in Michigan, according to a 2017 study conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) and commissioned by the American Petroleum Institute.


Biden and Harris Lock Up the Nihilist Vote

If you want more lockdowns, race riots, and who knows what else, vote Democrat.


I think my cartoon spells out my point, but let me accompany it with these words:

Everything we’ve seen this past year, from the destructive lockdowns to the destructive race riots, with dozens murdered and billions in damages, has been fully supported by Biden and Harris -- which tells us what they will be up to were they to win. The words that have come to my mind of late when I see Biden constantly fail to string together coherent sentences, and when I see Harris cackle her way out of answering simple questions, is “They cannot win. They cannot win. They cannot win.”

Need a reason not to vote for Biden/Harris? Here are 50

By Gary M. Wilmott

The modern left must be stopped and thoroughly discredited before it destroys America.  Is it too late?

Consider that the modern left and the godless Marxists stand for, actively promote, and/or have accomplished the following:

1. Legalized murder in the womb, AKA abortion

2. Legalized many street drugs

3. Encourage releasing prisoners into the cities

4. Renaming streets and places in the name of cancel culture

5. Renamed sports teams

6. Tearing down monuments and memorials

7. Rioting

8. Looting

9. Arson

10. Murder

11. Mayhem

12. Revisionist history

13. Atheism

14. Marxism

15. Communism

16. Socialism

17. Activist judges

18. Spying on American citizens

19. Race-baiting

20. War on cops and disrespect for rule of law

21. Spying on a presidential candidate

22. Spying on a sitting president

23. Weaponizing intelligence agencies

24. Weaponizing the IRS

25. Sanctuary cities

26. Sanctuary states

27. Leaking of classified information

28. Co-opting the media for partisan propaganda purposes

29. Ballot-harvesting

30. Entitlement programs for illegals

31. Open borders

32. No cash bail

33. Usurping the presidency in 2008 and 2012

34. Green New Deal

35. AOC and the squad

36. Shredding the Constitution

37. Redefining marriage

38. Destruction of the family unit

39. Embrace of BLM and Antifa

40. Disrespecting the flag, the Pledge of Allegiance, and the National Anthem

41. Boys participating in girls' activities and vice versa

42. Destruction of the Boy Scouts

43. Bogus and destructive climate change policies

44. Climate Change fear-mongering based on lies and bogus scientific  claims

45. Clinton pay-for-play corruption

46. Biden pay-for-play corruption

47. Destruction of evidence

48. Russia collusion hoax

49. Phony impeachment

50. Barack Hussein Obama and Joe Biden: the most corrupt administration in American history

This list was amazingly easy to compile and nowhere near dispositive.  I can come up with many, many more items to add to this list of shame.  But this list should be persuasive enough to give anyone pause and provide a clear indication of the threat the modern left poses to the American way of life and our future as a free, secure, and prosperous society.

The unprincipled progressive politicians, the Marxist academics, the race-baiters, the anti-Trumpers, and the despicable media propagandists who constitute the modern left are selfishly pursuing a radical agenda intent on destroying America and its founding principles.  This anti-American leftist agenda must be stopped and thoroughly discredited before real and irrevocable harm is done.

Left unchecked, the modern radical left is an existential threat to our safety, our prosperity, and our freedom.  That means that the Wicked Witch of the West, Kamala Harris, and Swampy Joe, running as a "proud Democrat," must be defeated on November 3.  Anything less and America as we know it is finished.


An Election Between Love and Hate

Why are President Trump’s rallies packed while Biden’s rallies are deserted?


Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

Why are President Trump’s rallies packed while Biden’s rallies are deserted? Where were all the Democrats who joined in the Black Lives Matter riots, who packed the streets of D.C. for the Women’s March, who are wailing in front of the Supreme Court and burning down Portland?

The Democrats aren’t campaigning for Joe Biden, but against Donald J. Trump.

The Biden-Harris ticket is a placeholder, two candidates picked by Wall Street and Hollywood, by corporate donors looking for the best angle, bringing together a friend of segregationists and the woman who accused him of racism, and then negotiated with the party’s socialist wing to split the difference between the prospective administration’s crony capitalism and socialism.

Nobody’s going to a rally for that.

The 2020 election can be boiled down to love against hate. It pits MAGA against the 1619 Project, those who love this country against those who want to destroy it. At Republican rallies, American flags are waved, at Democrat riots flags, churches, and shops are burned. The active part of the Democrat base won’t show up to a Biden rally because they won’t be allowed to destroy things, and because they’re not animated by the positive, but by the negative.

The Left’s radical change agenda isn’t born out of idealism, but cynicism. To get to the point where it can gather in mobs, topple statues, and tear down the United States, its followers have to believe that this country is fundamentally evil. Critical race theory is so popular because, like the more conventional Marxism before it, it resonates with what the mobs already believe.

Inside all the theories, articles, and plans to remake society is a great emptiness. The members of the mob are moved more by what they oppose than what they support. They can articulate hatred of the police, but not a serious proposal to replace them, they rage against America, but when they erect their CHAZ and CHOP replacements, they boil down into anarchy and violence.

All the plans to build a better world are only sanctimonious pretexts for destroying this one.

Biden isn’t really on the ticket. The destruction of America is the only candidate that the Democrats can put up anymore. When that candidate viscerally embodies the destruction, as only Biden’s boss ever truly did, then the rallies take off and the crowds faint at his word. But when, like Biden, the candidate is a Potemkin village putting up a facade of normalcy for the destroyers, then the crowds stay home, tweet furiously, or knock over a convenience store.

What enrages the radical mob isn’t oppression or injustice. That’s just what they call normalcy, stability, or any attempt to preserve the United States, a neighborhood, or a corner store.

They’re not voting for Biden. Or for anything. They’re not capable of being for things, only against them. The only thing their principles ever amount to is self-righteous outrage.

This election will test if their hate is stronger than the love Americans have for their nation.

Do Americans want to preserve their nation or destroy it in a furious tantrum while insisting that with their superior moral sensibilities they can build something better out of the rubble. The 1619 Project, critical race theory, the cancellation of everyone from Christopher Columbus to George Washington to Abraham Lincoln is an expression of profound disgust and contempt for America.

Make America Great Again is an expression of love for what America was and can be again.

MAGA rallies are filled with bright colors, while the mobs rampaging through American cities wear black. The clashing iconographies of red, white, and blue flags, and black power fists, starkly convey the choice between light and darkness, life and death, and love and hate.

Can hate drive more people to the polls than love? Is the lust to destroy more powerful than the drive to create? That’s the true question on the ballot.

This election isn’t just about the candidates. It’s about us.

The Democrats, like the rest of their leftist brethren, are at their most impassioned when they are running against something they truly hate. Each notable burst of political derangement aimed at a Republican, whether it was Nixon, Reagan, Bush, or Trump, led to an outpouring of ideological ferment, tactical innovation, explosive violence, and artistic creativity. When they lack an object for their hatred, then they recede into political mediocrity and impotent fuming.

The Left is at its best when it is also at its worst. It derives its sense of purpose and meaning not from within, but from hating its enemies. When it has purged all its enemies, its regimes decline into a state of mediocre misery until the great utopian system rots and falls. When there is nothing to fight against, no wars to make or lives to take, it is swallowed up by its emptiness.

Republicans are at their best when they sense an opportunity for national rebirth. Their high points, and there have been few, come when they sense that a sleeping giant is awakening. And then the scattered members of the silent majority who lack the organization and ideological consolidation of their enemies, rise with the tide, ready to rebuild the nation's greatness.

Republicans and Democrats both need Trump for very different reasons. The Left needs him because it needs someone to hate. Its raptures of hatred inspire it to new extremes. The rage that animates it at the presence of someone like President Trump makes it feel truly alive.

The Left needs to destroy President Trump, but it also needs him to give it a sense of meaning.

And it is in the nature of the Left to destroy those things which give it meaning. Its drive to destroy Trump, like its drive to destroy America, is a manic obsession. After four years, it has the opportunity to truly live out its death wish because it is not only out to destroy America. Deep down, the Left also wants to destroy itself. Its ideologies have always been suicide notes. The sum total of them, from anti-capitalism to environmentalism to critical race theory to degenderization, is a compelling argument for why nothing should be allowed to exist.

Or, as David Benatar, the anti-natalist philosopher and author of Better Never to Have Been: The Harm of Coming into Existence, wrote, "Although it is obviously too late to prevent our own existence, it is not too late to prevent the existence of future possible people.”

That is what is at stake in this election. To call this hate understates the case. The other side of utopia is despair. If the world can’t be perfected, and it can’t, it must be destroyed. And since no amount of perfection can overcome the rage and unhappiness behind the feigned idealism, all the utopian deconstruction of what is eventually ends in barren lands and mass graves.

That is the dark heart that MAGA is running against. It asks Americans not to hope, but to build.

As the days of the calendar take us toward Election Day, a nation must decide between love and hate. Democrats will strive to win an election on the empty dregs of hate. They are running on nothing but antipathy, to President Trump and to America. Republicans must remember that they are not only running against something, but that they are running for their country.

America has had its dark hours, but it rose, grew, and thrived because our drive to build was stronger than our drive to destroy. That is why we came out of every war, no matter how devastating, stronger than ever as long as we believed in the future. When the time came that we no longer believed, even the lightest wars became hopeless affairs we couldn’t recover from.

The Democrats are still caught in that hopeless hate. They have nothing to love. The past is evil. History is a morass of crimes. The nation was stolen through genocide and built on slavery. Every historical hero is soon exposed as a monster. And the future holds more of the same.

The oceans are rising. Global warming will soon turn the parts of the world that aren’t underwater into desert. Mankind and all life on the planet is on the verge of extinction. And human greed is to blame. Wouldn’t it be better if the human race does indeed disappear?

Republicans have a nation and a storied history to love. The heroes of the nation are at their backs. And the future is one of promise or plenty, not misery and extinction. All they have to do is claim it. Hate is strong, but love, when it taps into the wellsprings of nationhood, family, and faith, is far stronger. Rage is powerful, but hollow. It is no match for the great love of a nation.



This is what America will look like with continued open borders with Narcomex. That is the agenda of the Globalist Democrat party for endless hordes of ‘cheap’ labor.


THE DEMOCRAT PARTY’S BILLIONAIRES’ GLOBALIST EMPIRE requires someone as ruthlessly dishonest as Hillary Clinton or Barack Obama to be puppet dictators.

1.     Globalism: Google VP Kent Walker insists that despite its repeated rejection by electorates around the world, “globalization” is an “incredible force for good.”


2.     Hillary Clinton’s Democratic party: An executive nearly broke down crying because of the candidate’s loss. Not a single executive expressed anything but dismay at her defeat.


3.   Immigration: Maintaining liberal immigration in the U.S is the policy that Google’s executives discussed the most.






Even though it has gone virtually unreported by corporate media, Breitbart News has extensively documented the Clintons’ longstanding support for “open borders.” Interestingly, s the Los Angeles Times observed in 2007, the Clinton’s praise for globalization and open borders frequently comes when they are speaking before a wealthy foreign audiences and donors.

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