Saturday, October 3, 2020


 I think that if Biden and Harris win, the entire country will devolve to a kingdom of  state and regional duchies composed of  often semi-hereditary rulers in the pay of the rich, donor class, the clerisy (media scribblers, complaisant judicial appointees and academic rent seekers who promote favored policies and shut out the dissenters), an impoverished, smaller, and powerless middle class and a vast layer of muzzled, docile poor serfs. They will rule by fiat (often inconsistently and illogically) as they have been in dealing with COVID-19. Because they can, the Constitution to the contrary notwithstanding.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who in 2019 reprieved 737 convicted murderers, including cop-killer Luis Bracamontes, did not speak publicly about the Pacheco family. Attorney general Xavier Becerra, once on Hillary Clinton’s short list as a running mate, failed to mention the case. Under California’s sanctuary law, the protection of violent criminals always takes priority over justice for their victims and the safety of the people.

California is a preview of the Democrats' dystopian vision for America

By Andrea Widburg

In 2016, Michael Anton, a former national security official in the Trump administration, wrote a now famous essay, "The Flight 93 Election."   In it, he argued that voting for Trump was the last chance Americans had to preserve a constitutional America.   Anton's back with an entire book discussing what will happen if the Democrats gain control of the White House and Congress in the upcoming election.   Real Clear Politics  has an excerpt from the book, and it sounds like another warning bell for people who cherish an America run on liberty-centered values rather than socialism.

It turns out that Anton and I have something in common: we're both California natives who remember a time when the state was a beautiful, affordable tribute to the best that America could be.   Indeed, because I'm slightly older than he is, my memories are both better (I still have a vague memory of ladies wearing gloves and hats to go downtown) and worse (because I saw the damage that the hippies, the forebears of today's leftists, could do to a community).

Recently, Regnery published Anton's book,  The Stakes: America at the Point of No Return.   In it, he spells out exactly what to expect if the Democrats gain complete control over America.   It will truly be the election to end all elections should they win.

In previous elections, Americans have always revolved around different interpretations of shared constitutional principles and cultural values.   Even with the Civil War, while Americans fought to the death over state's rights and slavery, they still shared cultural values.   In many ways, our nation is already more divided than during the lead-up to the Civil War.

In this election, the Democrats propose the most radical departure ever from America's past.   They are not sliding gently to the left or the right.   Theirs is a socialist revolution — and, like all socialist revolutions, the first thing the Democrats plan to do is lock in their power.

To that end, Democrats have been open about  ending the filibuster.   With that accomplished, they can add two leftist states (Puerto Rico and D.C.) and pack the courts.   This will be their version of Erdoğan's Islamist takeover in Turkey and Putin's dictatorship in Russia: use the election to gain power, then jettison the system so no one else can do the same.

Real Clear Politics  has  excerpted Chapter One  from Anton's book.   In it, he looks to California to describe what we can expect once the Democrats achieve their dream of one-party rule over the nation.   After all, they already have one-party rule over the state.   The quoted material resonated strongly with me because he describes the golden state I remember from my younger years and the decaying state I finally left behind.   Here is a passage from the quoted material:

My parents' and grandparents' California — the California of my own youth — is long gone. That California was the greatest middle-class paradise in the history of mankind. Its promise — which it mostly delivered —was nothing less than the American dream writ large, but better: freer, wealthier, sunnier, happier, more advanced, more future-oriented.

In barely one generation, that California was swept away and transformed into a left-liberal one-party state, the most economically unequal and socially divided in the country, ostensibly run by a cadre of would-be Solons in Sacramento and in the courts, but really by oligarchic power concentrated in a handful of industries, above all Big Tech and Big Hollywood. The middle class — what's left of them — continue to flee high taxes, higher costs, cratering standards of living, declining services, deteriorating infrastructure, worsening quality of life, and an elite that openly despises them and pushes policies to despoil and dispossess them.


According to the public presentation of this vision — the marketing brochure copy — the New California formula provides everything, with no downsides: economic growth and job security; equitable distribution of inherently scarce goods and environmental protection; fantastic innovation alongside regulation that protects against every contingency; endless energy without drilling or carbon emissions; social reengineering with no erosion of the habits necessary for a strong economy or stable society — all gain, no pain, all the time.

There's an underside to this vision, though: rising inequality and neo-feudalism, a yawning and widening gap between the wealth and political power of the haves and have-nots, demonization and persecution not merely of overt dissent but of passive refusal to celebrate the new order. These aspects the elites don't talk about but quietly also push. "California is booming" — but only for them. When they say they want the rest of the nation to look more like California, the state's dystopian, oppressive features are a big part — perhaps the biggest — of what they mean.

Anton's book sounds well worth reading.   If you're one of those voters still struggling with the fact that Trump can be a boor, please read this book before you cast your vote.   I'd much rather have a pro-American, pro-liberty boor in the White House, with a Congress willing to work with him, than a political party bent on turning the United States into another California.

“With increasing homelessness, a soft approach to criminal prosecution, and the ongoing embracing of illegal immigration, violent crimes are increasing after having seen a reduction the past few years.” P.F. WHALEN

Undeterred, on September 2, state lawmakers sent a budget to Governor Newsom calling for $600 million in spending increases and a reduction in state revenue with the extension of earned income tax credits for immigrants and illegal aliens.  Balance sheet be damned, California must cater to illegal aliens. P.F. WHALEN


California: The Golden State in Utter Decay

By P.F. Whalen

California is a mess; no secret there.  But the degree of decline that befalls it, and the quickness with which that decline is moving, seems to be largely ignored, particularly by Californians themselves.  The nation's most populous state, and arguably its most naturally beautiful, is falling apart virtually everywhere we look.  Yet state and local governments not only insist on moving forward with leftist policies, but continually double down by moving even farther left, and the state's voters return them to office with ever-increasing electoral margins.  California's current approach to virtually all aspects of society — the economy, environment, legal system and culture — is unsustainable, and the time for reckoning is rapidly approaching.

The current crisis in California that is getting the most national attention is the plague of wildfires throughout much of the northern part of the state.  Such fires have ravaged the area for millennia, long before the presence of any European settlers, but that has not stopped California leftists and their media from pointing fingers at climate change and President Trump.  Avoiding responsibility for a crisis by blaming anyone and anything with even a remote chance of culpability is the California way — which leads to a failure to develop real solutions.  None of California's leaders, least of all Democratic governor Gavin Newsom, have accepted any responsibility for the government's role in the fires.  Evidence clearly shows that the decision by the state to revive "fire suppression" efforts, a practice that essentially delays the inevitable and results in even larger wildfires (and was mostly discontinued in the 1960s), has been a major contributor to the magnitude of this year's fires.  But has the government of California even paused to reconsider the strategy?  Sadly, no.

Wildfires, unfortunately, are among the least of California's woes.  Homelessness in the state has become a major problem, and one that is having a significant impact on the quality of life for taxpayers.  According to a San Francisco Chronicle article published last December, "[w]hile the latest counts compiled by the federal government show that America's homeless population is growing again after more than a decade of declines, the entire national increase and more can be attributed to California alone."  In other words, homelessness continues to be on the decline in the U.S. if we exclude California.  So how does California plan on addressing the problem?  A bill passed by the state's Legislature earlier this month will empower Governor Newsom to appoint a "Homelessness Czar."  Government actions, including regulations which aggressively target landlords and programs that provide handouts enticing the homeless to settle in the state, have perpetuated the homeless situation, but more taxpayer dollars and government interference is always the solution for California.  Got a problem?  Throw money at it, and let the government make it worse.

With increasing homelessness, a soft approach to criminal prosecution, and the ongoing embracing of illegal immigration, violent crimes are increasing after having seen a reduction the past few years.  According to The Trace, "homicides are sharply up this year" in California as a whole, and cities such as Oakland, with a 26% increase, have seen a significant increase in the number of murders.  With the jump in violent crimes, what steps has California's government taken to reduce certain crimes?  They recently passed the controversial bill S.B. 145, which will ultimately end up reducing accountability and sentences for adults who sexually assault children as young as 14.  What a brilliant idea.  Apparently, California's leadership believes that the pedophile community had been treated unfairly.  

In spite of an abundance of bad news items hitting California on a regular basis, the most ominous challenge is undoubtedly the fiscal time bomb that looms, and whose ticking grows louder by the day.  Already one of the highest taxed states in the U.S., California had a reported government debt of over $1.5 trillion as of 2017 — long before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, and an amount that has surely increased dramatically since.  Undeterred, on September 2, state lawmakers sent a budget to Governor Newsom calling for $600 million in spending increases and a reduction in state revenue with the extension of earned income tax credits for immigrants and illegal aliens.  Balance sheet be damned, California must cater to illegal aliens.

Increasing spending and decreasing revenue is a lousy recipe for getting one's fiscal house in order — particularly one that is already a disaster.  The state government appears to be counting on an eventual federal bailout from its financial predicament, but that help is not going to happen, nor should it.

California industries have recognized the signals and are taking action.  High-profile companies and leaders have announced their plans to leave the state or have openly proclaimed their considerations for the idea.  Media outlet The Daily Wire, with co-owner Ben Shapiro, recently announced its plan to move to Nashville; podcast giant Joe Rogan is taking his ball and moving to Texas; and Elon Musk is moving Tesla's headquarters out-of-state, and possibly manufacturing operations as well.   Other businesses will surely follow, as the hostility toward industry through taxes and oppressive regulations continues unimpeded.  State lawmakers are not intimidated by the idea of losing millions of dollars in revenue and have recently taken the bold step of adding a layer of government regulations to existing and would-be businesses.  Another bill recently passed by the state legislature will "mandate ethnic, racial or LGBT diversity on corporate boards" — more government intervention in the private sector in the name of virtue and another assault on the philosophy of meritocracy.

California has some of the most appealing weather in the world, but pleasant weather goes only so far.  Residents enjoy the state's natural wonders such as the lovely Napa Valley, Yosemite National Park, and the glorious pacific coast highway, but they have been choosing to leave anyway at an increasing rate in a phenomenon that is being called "The California Exodus."  The state population decreased by almost 200,000 in 2018, and over 28,000 left the San Francisco Bay area alone in a single quarter last year.  Inevitably, the question that Californians have to consider is this: while it may be bad now, is there a chance it is going to get better?

California, the bluest of blue states, has rising crime and homelessness.  California has fearsome wildfires and rolling electrical blackouts due to government mismanagement of its forests and energy systems.  California has an ever-increasing budget deficit with no end in sight.  Yet California's tone-deaf politicians continue to enjoy immense support from their oblivious electorate.  Many residents cherish the song lyric that laments, "Going to California with an aching in my heart."  Unfortunately, the time has come for many to recognize reality, and to leave California with a similar aching.  California is decaying before our eyes, and it is not going to get better.

P.F. Whalen is a conservative blogger at  His work has appeared in multiple publications, including American Thinker, the Western Journal, and Human Events. Follow him on Twitter at @pf_whalen.




Adios, Sanctuary La Raza Welfare State of California    
A fifth-generation Californian laments his state’s ongoing economic collapse.
By Steve Baldwin
American Spectator
What’s clear is that the producers are leaving the state and the takers are coming in. Many of the takers are illegal aliens, now estimated to number over 2.6 million (BLOG: THE NUMBER IS CLOSER TO 15 MILLION ILLEAGLS). 
The Federation for American Immigration Reform estimates that California spends $22 billion (DATED: NOW ABOUT $35 BILLION YEARLY AND THAT IS ON THE STATE LEVEL ONLY. COUNTIES PAY OUT MORE) on government services for illegal aliens, including welfare, education, Medicaid, and criminal justice system costs. 

Liberals claim they more than make that up with taxes paid, but that’s simply not true. It’s not even close. FAIR estimates illegal aliens in California contribute only $1.21 billion in tax revenue, which means they cost California $20.6 billion, or at least $1,800 per household.
Nonetheless, open border advocates, such as Facebook Chairman Mark Zuckerberg, claim illegal aliens are a net benefit to California with little evidence to support such an assertion. As the Center for Immigration Studies has documented, the vast majority of illegals are poor, uneducated, and with few skills. How does accepting millions of illegal aliens and then granting them access to dozens of welfare programs benefit California’s economy? If illegal aliens were contributing to the economy in any meaningful way, California, with its 2.6 million illegal aliens, would be booming.
Furthermore, the complexion of illegal aliens has changed with far more on welfare and committing crimes than those who entered the country in the 1980s. 
Heather Mac Donald of the Manhattan Institute has testified before a Congressional committee that in 2004, 95% of all outstanding warrants for murder in Los Angeles were for illegal aliens; in 2000, 23% of all Los Angeles County jail inmates were illegal aliens and that in 1995, 60% of Los Angeles’s largest street gang, the 18th Street gang, were illegal aliens. Granted, those statistics are old, but if you talk to any California law enforcement officer, they will tell you it’s much worse today. The problem is that the Brown administration will not release any statewide data on illegal alien crimes. That would be insensitive. And now that California has declared itself a “sanctuary state,” there is little doubt this sends a message south of the border that will further escalate illegal immigration into the state.

"If the racist "Sensenbrenner Legislation" passes the US Senate, there is no doubt that a massive civil disobedience movement will emerge. Eventually labor union power can merge with the immigrant civil rights and "Immigrant Sanctuary" movements to enable us to either form a new political party or to do heavy duty reforming of the existing Democratic Party. The next and final steps would follow and that is to elect our own governors of all the states within Aztlan." 
Indeed, California goes out of its way to attract illegal aliens. The state has even created government programs that cater exclusively to illegal aliens. For example, the State Department of Motor Vehicles has offices that only process driver licenses for illegal aliens. With over a million illegal aliens now driving in California, the state felt compelled to help them avoid the long lines the rest of us must endure at the DMV. 
And just recently, the state-funded University of California system announced it will spend $27 million on financial aid for illegal aliens. They’ve even taken out radio spots on stations all along the border, just to make sure other potential illegal border crossers hear about this program. I can’t afford college education for all my four sons, but my taxes will pay for illegals to get a college education.


Victor David Hanson has written extensively on what has brought his home state so rich in natural resources to its knees. Here’s but one of his latest reports. It begins (and then extensively documents):  “Power outages, fires, water shortages, rising taxes, crumbling and congested highways, dismal schools, lawlessness…”


While California chases climate change chimeras, danger looms

By Andrea Widburg

California has been in the headlines a lot lately. In the first half of the year, it hogged headlines because Governor Newsom imposed some of America’s most draconian lockdown rules on Californians (although they naturally didn’t apply to protests). While these headlines applied equally to other Democrat-run states, California blazed a new trail in August, when a heatwave caused the state to have rolling blackouts, followed by raging fires.

What was significant about both the blackouts and the fires was that they could have been prevented. Both resulted from California’s obsession with climate change and mindless environmentalism. Now, though, it appears that California is also due for an imminent apocalyptic flood. California can work to save itself, but it’s spending money in all the wrong places.

Although the media were excited about an allegedly record-breaking heatwave this August, the reality is that California has meltingly-hot heatwaves at least twice a year. To the extent some years are hotter than others, the temperatures differ by the single digits.

What made this year different was that the power grid failed over large parts of California. The grid didn’t fail, though, because the heat was too great. It failed because Pacific Gas & Electric company, a California public utility, has bowed to the climate change fanatics and put all of its energies into renewables. Even Governor Newsom had to concede that, when people needed A/C, solar energy failed.

The focus on climate change also meant that PG&E, instead of updating its aging power lines, some of which are almost 100 years old, poured its money into renewables. As always, it was these power lines that accounted for most of the fires that have turned California into an inferno. (The massive lightning storm didn’t help, but it was the power lines that set the state on fire.)

The other thing that set California ablaze was the environmentalist pressure not to do preemptive trimming and controlled burns. As he did in 2018, with the deadly Camp Fire in Butte County, President Trump criticized California’s forestry practices:

“I see again, the forest fires are starting. They’re starting again in California,” Trump said at a campaign event in Old Forge, Pa. “And I said, you’ve got to clean your floors. You’ve got to clean your forests.”

It’s not just Trump saying this. One of the worst fire areas this August was in Big Basin, California’s oldest state park, home to the spectacular coast redwoods. These trees are hundreds of feet tall and can be almost 2,000 years old. This year’s fire killed several of those trees – and it could have been avoided. Nine months ago, Portia Halbert, a Big Basin environmental scientist, was expressing concern about the fact that there hadn’t been a prescribed burn there in three years:

“Given the right conditions, we’re poised to have catastrophic wildfires all over California,” says Halbert, who works for the Santa Cruz District of the California State Park System. “So what’s my anxiety level like? I think we’ve been really lucky to avoid something very extreme here in the Santa Cruz Mountains.”

The third world power outages and devastating infernos in California are what the Obama administration might have called “man-caused disasters” if had hadn’t already used that term on terrorist attacks. They all could have been avoided.

However, it appears that there’s another imminent disaster that California should be preparing for rather than obsessing about the fact that the earth’s climate changes. A flood of Biblical proportions is waiting in the wings. A massive flood hit in the winter of 1861-1862, submerging the Central Valley in up to 15 feet of water:

When it was thought of at all, the flood was once considered a thousand-year anomaly, a freak occurrence. But emerging science demonstrates that floods of even greater magnitude occurred every 100 to 200 years in California’s precolonial history.

This matters beyond California because the Central Valley provides significant amounts of America’s food supply:

The state produces nearly all of the almonds, walnuts, and pistachios consumed domestically; 90 percent or more of the broccoli, carrots, garlic, celery, grapes, tangerines, plums, and artichokes; at least 75 percent of the cauliflower, apricots, lemons, strawberries, and raspberries; and more than 40 percent of the lettuce, cabbage, oranges, peaches, and peppers.

The state also produces a fifth of the nation’s milk. If California drowns, America starves. And yet the state, fussing about the ocean rising an inch in a hundred years, is doing nothing to harden its infrastructure against heavy rain. We already know from El Nino years, with their unusually heavy rainfall, that the state’s infrastructure has inadequate drainage.

California is what happens when politicians worship at the Altar of Climate Change. As they try desperately to appease a capricious God that’s responsible for it being too hot, too cold, too wet, or too dry, depending on how the auguries read, they’re utterly failing to protect California, and even the rest of America, against entirely predictable weather occurrences.

Image: El Nino flooding in California; public domain.




Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL) says the “Masters of the Universe”  (HIGH TECH BILLIONAIRES) want more legal immigration to the United States to further diminish the incomes of American working and middle-class families.


So why do the citizens of blue hells not rebel? That is the question -- Anton and Hanson and Jenkins, like so many of us, know they must.


Maybe that’s part of it. I do think that the movement in the direction of feudal, tyrannical governance is being aided by the influx of millions of illegal immigrants from places where this kind of government is the norm.


Is Feudalism Our Future?

By Clarice Feldman

It’s increasingly clear that one-party polities are corrupt, badly managed and serve the interests only of those at the top and their courtiers. I think that if Biden and Harris win, the entire country will devolve to a kingdom of  state and regional duchies composed of  often semi-hereditary rulers in the pay of the rich, donor class, the clerisy (media scribblers, complaisant judicial appointees and academic rent seekers who promote favored policies and shut out the dissenters), an impoverished, smaller, and powerless middle class and a vast layer of muzzled, docile poor serfs. They will rule by fiat (often inconsistently and illogically) as they have been in dealing with COVID-19. Because they can, the Constitution to the contrary notwithstanding.

In a lengthy essay, Michael Anton details why he thinks the leftist dream (which, in essence is a feudal form of tyranny) is within reach if Trump loses.  I urge you all to read in its entirety this thoughtful article at your leisure. At best, I can only highlight some of the many salient points he makes.

1. Since the 1960s policies and practices have enriched the ruling class and “erode our natural and constitutionally guaranteed rights and liberties” as they degraded our culture and dishonored our heritage.

2. At present the office of the presidency is seriously weaker than the unitary executive described in the Constitution intended as an entrenched bureaucracy undermines, flouts and disobeys the president at every turn if he dares to advance policies “unpopular with the deep state.”

3.  The benign phrase “public-private partnership” is no less than “the use of state power to serve private interests” and the relationship is one in which the senior partner is always big business.

4.  Congress, he argues “is a joke.” Our government is run by “The cogs and lickspittles in the bureaucracy, led by a small elite in corporations, above all in Big Tech and finance, will determine all important policies, foreign and domestic.”

5. The COVID lockdowns and mandates engineered by governors and mayors without laws to permit them based on “expert” lies continue even as we know the virus is definitely not the plague we were told it would be.

He argues that should Trump lose we can expect increasingly anti-democratic governance “committed to social engineering and grievance politics” and a continued undermining of virtue and promotion of vice.

Anton talks about the undermining of the right to self-defense and the outrageous prosecution of Kyle Rittenhouse, who in Kenosha did just that against three attackers whose marauding had been encouraged by the Wisconsin governor’s and local mayor’s refusal to enforce the laws to maintain order. 

Attorney Lin Wood, who successfully sued on behalf of Robert Jewell and Nick Sandmann and who this week volunteered to represent  Kyle  Rittenhouse (the hero of Kenosha) for defamation says we are facing a revolution and need to prepare ourselves for the fight. 

Lin Wood @LLinWood
(1) Republicans are talking “policy differences” while focusing on upcoming election. They are not taking the current situation serious or they are just plain stupid. They need to face truth that our country is under attack.
(2) The former President, Barack Obama, is calling for sustained protests. The leader of the resistance movement, Hillary Clinton, is saying that we should not accept the results of the next election.
(3) The Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, is describing our President, @realDonaldTrump, as an enemy of the state. Many radical members of Congress are openly calling for the overthrow of our government.
(4) 1 + 1 + 1 = Revolution.
5:55 AM · Aug 29, 2020

The Duchy of Newsom as the Template of the New Order

No better example of what Anton describes as our future can I find than the sad state of California under the governorship of Gavin Newsom. I’ve written elsewhere of the Green New Deal disaster he helped birth and which now plunges much of his state into darkness and misery

Victor David Hanson has written extensively on what has brought his home state so rich in natural resources to its knees. Here’s but one of his latest reports. It begins (and then extensively documents):  “Power outages, fires, water shortages, rising taxes, crumbling and congested highways, dismal schools, lawlessness…”

At the Wall Street Journal, Holman Jenkins, Jr. notes that California politicians obsess about things like “climate change” they are powerless to do anything about while ignoring serious problems they could do something about if only they had the skills and will to govern. In that one-party state there is simply no accountability for failure of vision and execution:

Unfortunately, the people running the state, including Joe Biden’s prospective veep, have been mostly meme-chasing, pose-striking calculators. Their only career plan: nurse their standing with Hollywood green activists, trial lawyers and public-sector unions. In a one-party state, there is no serious clash of policy prescriptions. That’s how Kamala Harris could reach middle age with a giant vacancy in her résumé where one would normally find some connection to policy ideas.

If the state is to dig out of its deepening hole, it will need something else. It will need, you know, ideas. In fact, only a revolution of ideas can save it from the path it’s on. And the first idea is easy to see. The state will have to wake up from the sheer ludicrousness of devoting so much of its politics to a problem its politics can’t fix at the expense to those it can.

So why do the citizens of blue hells not rebel? That is the question -- Anton and Hanson and Jenkins, like so many of us, know they must.

My online friend “The Infamous Ignatz” sees it in psychological terms:

I don't think the people living in urban blue hells want to live in hell, but irrationality on a mass scale is made up of millions of little individual irrationalities collectivized.

An irrational person has a very, very difficult time choosing the rational option because it involves so many self-negating decisions, not least of which is stopping the magical thinking and the blaming of others for the problem.

That's why I equate irrational society with personality disorders. It's not that people in urban hellscapes aren't miserable, they just don't see any way out. For those outside looking in, American cities' electoral habits fit Einstein's apocryphal definition of insanity better than anything I can think of.

What makes it even more incurable and persistent is the very people the voters think they are hiring as their therapists not only come themselves from the ranks of the disordered but they have very powerful incentives making sure the patient never gets well. 

Maybe that’s part of it. I do think that the movement in the direction of feudal, tyrannical governance is being aided by the influx of millions of illegal immigrants from places where this kind of government is the norm. It gained force when civics education was dropped in schools in favor of less significant subjects, and the hollowing out of our higher education institutions, including law schools, which since the 1960s have increasingly become there-oughta-be-a-law schools which encourage future judges and law clerks to imagine themselves as legislators and executives. Nor can we forget the role being played by the tech giants, who are using IT as a weapon for social control and the destruction of privacy. In any event, November will have us in the fight of our lives. Be prepared.


California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who in 2019 reprieved 737 convicted murderers, including cop-killer Luis Bracamontes, did not speak publicly about the Pacheco family. Attorney general Xavier Becerra, once on Hillary Clinton’s short list as a running mate, failed to mention the case. Under California’s sanctuary law, the protection of violent criminals always takes priority over justice for their victims and the safety of the people.


Feds Send Criminal Illegal to Prison on Gun Charges

While California courts delay his trial on triple manslaughter and felony DUI charges.

Wed Sep 30, 2020 

Lloyd Billingsley

Last week, U.S. District Judge Morrison C. England sentenced Ismael Huazo-Jardinez to 15 months in prison for “possessing a firearm while being an alien unlawfully in the United States.” As U.S. Attorney McGregor Scott explained, “Huazo-Jardinez is a citizen and national of Mexico who has twice been removed from the United States and has not been granted permission to return. As an alien unlawfully in the United States, Huazo-Jardinez is prohibited by federal statute from possessing a firearm.” The prison-bound Mexican, as it happens, has yet to face trial on the original criminal charges that led to discovery of that firearm.

On May 4, 2019 in Knight’s Landing, California, north of Sacramento, Huazo-Jardinez crashed his Chevrolet Avalanche into a mobile home, killing Jose Pacheco, 38, Anna Pacheco, 34, their 10-year-old son Angel Pacheco, and critically injuring daughter Mariana Pacheco, 11. The driver’s blood-alcohol level was .122, far above the legal limit.

The drunk tried to flee but neighbors tackled him and held him for police. They sought triple manslaughter and felony DUI charges, but the illegal caught a break when Sutter County judge David Ashby, a 2016 appointee of Gov. Jerry Brown, allowed Huazo-Jardinez to post bail. The Mexican national promptly fled but Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) apprehended him on May 7.

In the cab of the Mexican’s Chevrolet Avalanche police found a handgun that had been reported stolen in Boise, Idaho. At the illegal’s Yuba City residence police found a second stolen firearm registered to a resident of Colusa County. A search of the residence also turned up 9mm ammunition, $12,000 in cash and more than two dozen cell phones. Police also found a Mexican passport and a bag packed with clothes, signs that the triple manslaughter suspect was preparing to flee the country.

According to ICE spokesman Paul Prince, “Ismael Huazo-Jardinez is an illegally present Mexican national. The U.S. Border Patrol apprehended him in Arizona and granted him voluntary return to Mexico in February 2011. . . He illegally re-entered at some point thereafter.”

On May 28, Sutter County officials charged the illegal alien with three counts of gross vehicular manslaughter while intoxicated and two counts of driving under the influence of alcohol causing injury, with four enhancements for great bodily injury or death. The U.S. Attorney’s Office filed the gun charges, and those resulted in a conviction and sentence before Sutter County launched proceedings on action on the manslaughter charges. From the start, Sutter County authorities were not exactly eager to pursue justice for slain victims Jose, Anna, and Angel Pacheco, and the injured Mariana.

It is highly unusual for a triple manslaughter suspect to be granted bail, particularly when he has already attempted to flee the scene of the crime. Judge Ashby granted bail to Huazo-Jardinez and it remains unclear who ponied up the $30,000 that allowed the Mexican to flee. On the other hand, if he had been kept in custody, the state’s sanctuary law would have barred Sutter County officials from handing the illegal to ICE. Fortunately, a federal Fugitive Operations Team captured the illegal before he could flee to Mexico.

In May, 2020, Huazo-Jardinz pleaded guilty to the gun charges and has now been sentenced to 15 months in prison. That all took place during a pandemic so locals wonder about the lethargy of state officials on the triple manslaughter charges. The case recalls Gustavo Perez Arriaga, also known as Paulo Virgen Mendoza, a Mexican gang member illegally present in the United States.

This criminal gunned down Newman, California, police officer Ronil Singh on December 26, 2018. Three illegals who helped Arriaga flee were tried and convicted in federal court before September 1, 2020, when his murder trial was slated to begin but didn’t. Judge Ricardo Cordova, a 2003 appointee of Democrat governor Gray Davis, delayed the trial until well after the November 3 election. If Californians thought that was the real reason for delay it would be hard to blame them. President Trump mentioned the Singh case, and the deaths of the Pachecos shows the need for border enforcement.

Violent criminals abound in California and the state has no need to import them. Ismael Huazo-Jardinez, or whatever his real name is, was not supposed to be in the United States in the first place. He violated U.S. immigration law, gun laws, and his felony DUI claimed three innocent lives. As landlord Frankie Gonsalves told reporters, the Pachecos were a “model family. Two very hardworking parents, farmworkers, well-behaved kids. Really good people, pay their rent on time.” Now only Mariana remains.

California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who in 2019 reprieved 737 convicted murderers, including cop-killer Luis Bracamontes, did not speak publicly about the Pacheco family. Attorney general Xavier Becerra, once on Hillary Clinton’s short list as a running mate, failed to mention the case. Under California’s sanctuary law, the protection of violent criminals always takes priority over justice for their victims and the safety of the people.






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