Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Kamala Harris Denied Black Supremacists Existed, Then They Killed 4 People Trump condemned White Supremacists, but Democrats won’t condemn Black Supremacists.


But I will dredge up this unpleasant fact: Ninety-percent of interracial crimes in the United States – more than half a million in all - are committed by blacks against whites.

Kamala Harris Denied Black Supremacists Existed, Then They Killed 4 People

Trump condemned White Supremacists, but Democrats won’t condemn Black Supremacists.



Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

When a White Supremacist gunman opened fire at the Chabad synagogue in Poway, California, the rabbi of the synagogue was invited to the White House and appeared with President Trump.

“We will fight with all of our strength and everything that we have in our bodies to defeat anti-Semitism, to end the attacks on the Jewish people, and to conquer all forms of persecution, intolerance, and hate,” President Trump said, after the rabbi thanked him for helping the healing.

After a White Supremacist had previously shot up a synagogue in Mister Rogers’ hometown, President Trump had paid a personal visit there while anti-Israel activists shouted hate at him.

At the end of last year, Black Supremacist terrorists opened fire at a Kosher supermarket in Jersey City killing three people. New Jersey Democrat officials initially denied that the Farrakhan supporter who led the attack was motivated by antisemitism even though the killer had left behind a long trail of antisemitic rhetoric, including calling for more attacks on Jews.

One Democrat school board member even defended the murder of Jews, and received support from the Hudson County Democratic Black Caucus and a chapter of Sharpton’s National Action Network. While some condemned her rhetoric, she continues on as a school board member.

Senator Cory Booker briefly interrupted his campaign in Iowa, appeared at a police briefing, and was back on the campaign trail the next day, without meeting with the Jewish community. His statement called it a “tragic” shooting without mentioning antisemitism or black nationalism.

If anyone should have stepped up to do it, it was Booker.

Senator Booker had previously quoted Stokely Carmichael, a Black Supremacist bigot notorious for saying, “The only good Zionist is a dead Zionist, we must take a lesson from Hitler”.  

More importantly, Booker had pressured the FBI to drop surveillance of Black Supremacists. 

“That language you said, both ends of the spectrum, the murders at synagogues, the murders we've seen motivated,” he had berated FBI Director Wray. “You said both ends of the spectrum, as if there actually is a movement of black identity extremism: it's almost creating this reality.”

Booker wasn’t alone in fighting to stop the monitoring of Black Supremacist hate groups. 

Senate Democrats had sent a letter to Attorney General Barr complaining that the FBI was monitoring "racially-motivated violent extremism" which they falsely claimed "inappropriately combines incidents involving white supremacists and so-called 'Black identity extremists,' a fabricated term based on a faulty assessment of a small number of isolated incidents."

The signatories included Booker and Senator Kamala Harris.

Kamala Harris has not been asked if she condemns Black Supremacism and if she now believes that Black identity extremists are a real threat and were not “fabricated”.

No one in the media has asked the Democrat VP nominee to condemn Black Supremacism. 

At the end of the year, another Black Supremacist and a fellow Black Hebrew Israelite hate group supporter attacked worshippers at a synagogue in New York with a machete. 

The same Black Supremacist group that the media had been covering for and promoting.

This was the second murderous antisemitic attack by supporters of the Black Hebrew Israelite hate group previously defended by the New York Times as "sidewalk ministers" who practice "tough love" and by the Washington Post as introducing a "commonplace, a familiar if odd accent to city life." Left unmentioned was that the hate group targets white people in general and Jews specifically with antisemitic rants. It even holds racist views about some black people.

The Black Supremacist synagogue machete attacker was vigorously defended in court by a "respected civil rights attorney" and Green Party candidate. Instead of sending him to prison and throwing away the key for murdering a 72-year old Chassidic Jew born in Hungary after the Holocaust who had tried to fight off his killer with his cane, the murderer was institutionalized.

This is what happens when there is a culture of denial about a violent racist movement.

Democrats not only won’t condemn Black Supremacism, they deny that it exists. And that’s because these racist movements leave a corrupt trail leading right back to them.

The Obama administration was notorious for pandering to Black Supremacists. When Obama left office, a photo of him posing with Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan finally came out. What was even worse is that the photo had been taken at a Congressional Black Caucus event.

When Micah X. Johnson, after participating in Black Lives Matter marches with a Black Supremacist group, murdered 5 police officers in Dallas, targeting them because they were white, Obama not only failed to condemn the racist movement, he defended it at the funeral for the slain officers.

President Trump has been repeatedly asked to condemn White Supremacists even though he began his first presidential run in 1999 by visiting the Simon Wiesenthal Center and denouncing Pat Buchanan for his antisemitism, calling him a “Hitler lover”. Trump has a record of standing against White Supremacism and antisemitism for the entire length of his political career.

Unfortunately most Democrats still won’t admit that Black Supremacism even exists.

The FBI was right to monitor  "racially-motivated violent extremism". The term may sound awkward, but it’s needed because both White Supremacism and Black Supremacism are real. And because the terms, though widely used, are in some ways vague and inaccurate.

It’s possible to believe that your race or people are superior without being a bigot or a killer.

Racial violence doesn’t emerge from just a belief in superiority, but the accompanying conviction that your master race are being kept down from their natural superiority by “inferior” races. 

Violent genocidal doctrines from Nazi Germany to Rwanda, and from the Nation of Islam to the sewers of the ‘chans’ are motivated by a deep sense of grievance and deprivation. At their poisonous roots is an entangled superiority complex, endless resentment, and personal failure.

Racist movements on both the Left and the Right gained new momentum under Obama, spawning Black Lives Matter on the Left and the Alt-Right on the Right. (Richard Spencer, the founder of the Alt-Right, has since endorsed Biden because he sees him as a collectivist.) 

Despite often being referred to as White Supremacist, the Alt-Right is more accurately Collectivist Supremacist, favoring an authoritarian national socialist system. Some of the groups loosely associated with it are indeed White Supremacists in the racial sense. Others claim a vague allegiance to European culture or religious theocracy and are racially “diverse”.

Most, though not all, are racist and antisemitic in some form, while hiding behind their diversity. Using diversity to hide hate is a trick that they’ve learned from their fellow leftist collectivists.

These movements have made fairly few inroads within the Republican Party, but they have won the support of some conservative influencers who had their own ‘Ilhan Omar Moment’ over the Groypers: an antisemitic Alt-Right counterpart to Students for Justice in Palestine on campuses. But the Groypers, who brand themselves to ‘Normies’ as America First, targeted Donald Trump Jr. whom they booed off the stage at a Turning Point USA event at UCLA. 

“What a HUGE victory today,” Nick Fuentes, the Groyper leader, bragged.

Instead of highlighting Don Jr’s principled stand, the media was as gleeful as the Groypers.

President Trump has repeatedly condemned White Supremacists. He can’t be expected to recognize every Alt-Right group that internet culture spawns and condemn it by name. That’s an area where conservatives should be doing a better job of filtering socialists who admire European and Latin American fascists from American patriots who believe in the Constitution. 

When conservatives don’t do their job, President Trump ends up having to clean up their mess.

Conservatives should reject racist movements, not only because they’re bad on those terms, but also because they are inevitably based on getting rid of individual freedom, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights, and replacing them with discredited European socialist tyrannies.

But the situation is undeniably worse among the Democrats where the proponents of replacing America with European socialist tyrannies have redefined being a Democrat as being a leftist. And the extremist bigots aren’t trolling from the outside, they’re calling the shots from the inside.

Unlike White Supremacy, which the media is happy to discuss, we can’t even talk about it.


Senate Democrats like Kamala Harris and Cory Booker worked to prevent the FBI from even having a Black Supremacist category before two terrorist attacks that murdered four people. 

While we can look forward to the media demanding that President Trump denounce White Supremacy at every press conference and debate, no one will ask Kamala Harris if she condemns Black Supremacy and recognizes the existence of Black Supremacist terrorists.

And they won’t follow up by asking the Dem VP how many people have to die before she does.

The Election in Black and White

A response to Michelle Obama’s racist attack.

Wed Oct 7, 2020 

David Horowitz



America is heading towards the abyss – whatever the outcome of the coming election. If Trump wins, we have a fighting chance to save our democracy as we know it. If he loses, the racial totalitarians will be in power and our fight will be a rearguard action based on the hope that when the American people get a full dose of governance by the party of hate they will gather their forces to defeat them.

Michelle Obama – to pick one among a myriad of examples to hand – has declared the coming election to be an election about racism. According to Michelle, Trump and his supporters are racists, and their helpless victims are people of color like her. In this delusional vision – typical of the racial messages coming from every benighted American who considers themselves “progressive” – Trump supporters are white nationalists who oppress people of color. Thus, in a recent message, Michelle Obama has urged undecided voters to, “’Think about all those folks like me and my ancestors,’” and then vote Democrat, “like your life depended on it.” Like her arrogant supporters she thinks that a reflection on the state of benighted black people provides a self-evident reason to condemn the half of America who would vote Republican. The Democrat electoral cause is a crusade against a racist president and the white supremacists and racists, who support him and are determined to attack the most vulnerable citizens among us and make their lives hellish.

Okay, Michelle, since you asked for it, here’s what I think about folks like you. You are worth $100 million, a lot more than most of the people who inhabit this country. In short, you are incredibly privileged. I won’t insult you the way you insult white people by calling this black skin privilege, though many Republicans voted for your husband because they wanted a black American to be president even though he was a Democrat.

Not only are you privileged and rich, but despite your cavalier contempt for our country and its achievements – you are one of the most admired women in America, however implausible and tragic that may be. As for your ancestors, black Africans enslaved every one of the unfortunate men and women who were sold at slave auctions to Europeans and shipped to the New World. There, the English had indeed established a slave system. But in 1776, the creators of this great country founded the first nation in human history – black or white – dedicated to the proposition that all human beings – black as well as white – are created equal, and that they are endowed by their Creator with a right to liberty that no government can take away.

Immediately on the creation of their new nation, they began ending slavery first in what rapidly became the Free States of the North, then in the vast territory incorporated under the Northwest Ordinance in 1787. Seventy-six years later – not the 400 your devious and malicious friends reflexively attribute to “American slavery” - the Emancipation Proclamation sounded the death knell of a hateful system. The costs of this world-shaking effort were 350,000 mainly white Union lives, and that of the noblest president with which this country has been blessed.

I won’t deal with the specifics of your paranoid view that only black people experience the frustrations of modern life, and only because they are black. But I will dredge up this unpleasant fact: Ninety-percent of interracial crimes in the United States – more than half a million in all - are committed by blacks against whites. Yet, this has not led to a wave of anti-black racism on the part of whites. On the contrary, there has never been a time when white Americans have more generously and openly and virtually unanimously embraced the idea that black lives matter, and proceeded to do what they could to help that minority of the black community that has fallen behind. Indeed, the president you slander as racist has done more for black people in his four years in office than your husband did in eight. It is time for a little humility Michelle and color-blindness, and for putting away the racist rhetoric you are hoping your party will use to get back in power. 

The Elements of Revolution Are All in Place

Including an election from which there could be no turning back.



In a recent poll, 61 % of Americans said we’re on the verge of civil war. What’s coming is cataclysmic, but there are better ways to describe it. Instead of civil war, think revolution.

Some believed the proletarian revolution was coming in the 1930s, during the Great Depression – others, during the rise of the New Left in the 1960s.

But they were only sparks that never ignited.

What was kindled decades ago, now has burst into flames.

The pieces are all in place: rioting without end, war on the police, government complicity with anarchy, one party firmly in the grasp of revolutionaries, ongoing efforts to erase our history, radicals with a death-grip on the culture and an election from which there could be no turning back. To view any of these elements in isolation would be a tragic mistake.

The riots following the death of George Floyd have been anything but spontaneous. They were planned and organized by Black Lives Matter, Antifa and others. The founders of BLM describe themselves as “trained Marxists.”

Every time there are charges of police brutality (given the sort of characters the police are forced to deal with on a daily basis, these are inevitable), the switch is thrown: first come the useful idiots with their signs and slogans, then the outside agitators (with U-Hauls disgorging riot gear), then the looting and burning, then the assaults on police, then the calls to defund the police and on and on.

The goal is chaos, leading to uncertainty, apprehension and politicians willing to give the terrorists whatever they want to buy peace. What they want is to raze this country and build something resembling Cuba or Venezuela on the ruins. That’s how the Biden camp intends to Build Back Better.

The police have taken the brunt of this. According to a story in the September 26th New York Post, in New York City alone, 472 officers have been injured in rioting -- 319 seriously enough to be hospitalized. Across the country, cops have been shot, stabbed, burned and run over with cars.

Police retirements have reached a record high. Police chiefs have resigned and ordinary crime has soared. Calls to defund the police grow. Biden wants to put shrinks in squad cars to help the police deal with domestic violence.

Cops are our first line of defense against the jungle. Joseph Wambaugh called them The New Centurions in his 1971 novel of the same title. Crippling law enforcement is an all-important step on the road to revolution.

Democratic mayors and governors are complicit. In September, the Department of Justice designated New York City, Seattle and Portland jurisdictions where “local governments … are permitting anarchy, violence and destruction.”

Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler refused to allow police to use tear gas to dispel rioters. (The city’s chief of police rhetorically asked, “How much violence is enough?”) The mayor of Seattle allowed Antifa to occupy an historic area of the city for a month.

In the first Presidential Debate, Joe Biden declared, “I am the Democratic Party right now.” When queried if he’d asked Democratic mayors to address the rioting more forcefully, he responded, in effect: What can I do. I’m a private citizen? That’s how much the Biden Party wants urban anarchy to end.

Prosecutors elected by George Soros’ PACs refuse to prosecute rioters, who are often back on the streets in a matter of hours. St Louis City Attorney Kimberly Gardner was elected with $190,00 of Soros money and reelected with $119,000. A police official described his department’s relationship with her as “abysmal.” Gardner is prosecuting a couple for defending their home with guns, while refusing to charge the trespassers who were menacing them.

Kamala Harris tweeted out a link to a group raising bail money for Minnesota rioters. Biden campaign workers contributed themselves. Biden described Antifa as “an idea.” Try to imagine Churchill calling the brown shirts “an idea.”

Biden’s condemnation of the war on civilization is worse than nothing at all.

After avoiding the matter for months, at last, when the polls turned against him on the issue, he disavowed “all forms of violence,” while refusing to condemn Black Lives Matter or Antifa (which is a fantasy, after all). He equated isolated instances of police misconduct (“police violence”) and mythical “right-wing militia groups” with the Marxists and anarchists who have set our cities ablaze. How can you spot the white supremacist at a race riot? He’s the one on the ground, bleeding from multiple wounds.

Public schools and higher education are the breeding grounds for the next generation of incendiaries. As the president said in his July 4 Mt. Rushmore speech: “Against every law of society and nature, our children are taught in school to hate their own country and to believe that the men and women who built it were not heroes, but were villains.”

When they’re not distorting history, our schools simply refuse to teach it. In one survey, only 27% of those under 45 years of age had a basic understanding of U.S. history. Only one in three could correctly identify the three branches of government.

Indoctrination (like the 1619 project) is complimented by the steady stream of anti-American, anti-Caucasian propaganda from Hollywood, and the wealth of Fortune 500 firms poured into Black Lives Matter. They’re marching through the institutions -- from the classroom to the newsroom, to the screening room to the boardroom.

Against this backdrop we face the most consequential election of our lifetime, now less than 30 days away.

The Democratic Party is ruled by the revolutionary left. Vice President Biden is its Marshal Petain – the smiling, doddering old fool. Sanders, Ilhan Omar, Rashida Talaib, Schumer and Pelosi will pull the strings behind the scene.

If they win, Antifa and BLM will be used to attack and intimidate opponents of the regime -- morphing from storm troopers to S.S. Resistance will be labeled racism.

With statehood for D.C. and Puerto Rico (and who knows where else), court-packing and ending the filibuster, our system of government will be permanently altered to assure that this election will be the last real election.

Like France in 1789, Russia in 1917 and Germany in 1932, we stand at the brink. Thank God Trump is no Louis XVI.

Don’t think civil war. Think firing squads, gulags and death camps. Think the Black Lives Matter flag flying over the White House and Capitol.  

Kamala Harris Did Not Condemn the Riots Until Late August

Kamala Harris Protests

When Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) faces Vice President Mike Pence on the debate stage Wednesday night in Salt Lake City, it will be one of the first times she has faced questions publicly since becoming Joe Biden’s running mate two months ago.

One of the few times she has answered questions was in an interview with the NAACP last week, when Harris praised the “brilliance” of the Black Lives Matter movement and its Marxist founders. She also said people should protest “peacefully.”

It was one of the few times that Harris has spoken out in any way against the violence that has swept through the streets of American cities over the past few months as Black Lives Matter protests led to looting, vandalism, arson, and attacks on police and journalists.

In fact, Harris did not speak out against the violence until the riots in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in August — when poll numbers began to turn against the Democratic ticket, who failed to mention the riots at their party convention.

Harris also called on supporters to donate money to bail out those arrested during riots in Minneapolis, Minnesota, in the wake of the death of George Floyd in police custody:

Those released included violent criminals, such as domestic abusers.

On May 30, just hours after “peaceful protesters” outside the White House in Lafayette Park attacked police, and assaulted journalists, Harris joined the demonstration. That same day in her home state of California, Black Lives Matter protests were exploding into riots. “Peaceful protesters” in L.A. destroyed police cars, looted stores, and vandalized synagogues. The next day, the “peaceful protesters” in D.C. partially burned St. John’s Episcopal Church across the street from Lafayette Park.

In a statement she delivered at the Senate Judiciary Committee two-and-a-half weeks later, Harris praised the nationwide protests: “There are thousands of people marching in the streets in 50 states demanding meaningful change. The people are demanding action.”

She added that “we must re-imagine what public safety looks like,” which is a euphemism for defunding the police. She did not condemn the riots, nor did she emphasize the importance of nonviolent protest as a means of change.

Instead, Harris insisted — against glaring evidence to the contrary — that the riots were, in fact, “peaceful” protests. And she led the charge against law enforcement.

In July, as rioters attacked a federal courthouse in Portland, she introduced a bill to block what she called “federal paramilitary occupations in Portland and other American cities.” Harris did not condemn the rioters; instead she condemned the Trump administration’s response to the riots as the actions of “an authoritarian regime.”

Harris and Biden only began to condemn the riots forcefully after Kenosha in late August. Like Biden, Harris’s initial response was to blame police.

She began speaking out more clearly against violence after a right-wing protester was murdered in Portland days later by a left-wing protester who described himself as “100% Antifa.”

Biden, at least, had condemned violence before — though usually while blaming police and describing rioters as “peaceful.” Kamala Harris left it until very late.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). His newest e-book is The Trumpian Virtues: The Lessons and Legacy of Donald Trump’s Presidency. His recent book, RED NOVEMBER, tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.

This article has been updated to include Harris’s call for bail for rioters arrested in Minneapolis.

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