Sunday, October 18, 2020


 The epic struggles of Hunter Biden

Poor Hunter Biden.

Think how hard his life must be.

Like his father, Hunter’s lights are on, but no one’s home. His junkie mind is not his own.

He has the sweats, his body shakes. Another hit on the pipe is all it takes.

Might as well face it, folks, he’s addicted to crack.

But it gets worse.

The poor guy can’t sleep, he doesn’t eat. There’s no doubt, when it comes to hooch, the man’s in deep. His throat is tight, he can barely breathe, another drink is what he needs. Yep, Hunter’s an alcoholic, too.

After six stints in rehab, he thought he was immune to the stuff. But, it’s closer to the truth to say he can’t get enough.

Yes, we’re gonna have to face it, the kid’s addicted to booze.

We can also see the signs, and tea leaves, that Hunter’s perpetually primed to “do the deed.” His heart beats in double time, another kiss and it’s Hunter time! He needs sex, doesn’t matter who; a Ukrainian prostitute will surely do.

It’s not bad enough that Hunter Biden does vodka, drugs and lots of other stuff. In addition to that, the man’s addicted to love! Hunter’s a man-whore, a satyr sans horns; like Slick Willie in the Oval Office, Biden’s just gotta have it, no matter the time, place or consequences. Heck, he has children by three different women – that we know of.

Now, affording fine wine, the best crack, high-end escorts and sundry child-support levies, that’s truly a heavy lift. So, it should come as no surprise to learn Hunter B’s a master of grift.

Hunter learned early, you gotta pay if you wanna play. So, he started some oversea scams; Pop said it was O.K.

Now many call Joe Biden slow, dumb and senile; but in this particular case, he gets the last laugh. For it appears that whatever his ne’er-do-well kid skims, old Sleepy Joe gets half!

Fact is, Hunter’s in love with foreign cash, and willing to do anything to get it, no matter how rash. And he was good enough to memorialize this fact for us on his, um, hard drive. The fake-news media and dear old Dad will grumble and say this has all been debunked.

The American public’s seen the photos and read the emails, however, and can no longer be skunked.

You might as well face it, Hunter Biden’s addicted to alcohol and cocaine. Also realize the poor guy’s got sex on the brain. Almost anyone in Hunter’s position would lie, connive, pull strings and steal.

Hunter’s just a wealthy, well-connected addict, folks, and that’s the deal.

Hunter Becomes the Hunted

By Clarice Feldman

The wonderful cartoonist Michael Ramirez has Hunter Biden  disguised as a deer with the caption “From Hunter to Hunted.” Hunter in costume says, “Here, Dad, Camouflage. I got this in China.” In his usual pithy style Ramirez evokes the scandal of Hunter’s using his dad’s position as vice-president to rake in substantial bribes for access for the Chinese. 

China was not alone in lining the Biden family’s pockets with millions of dollars.  So did corrupt officials of Ukraine and more particularly the Ukrainian energy company Burisma. And the Hunter peculation continued with a tribal bond scheme that landed one of his partners in jail, a partner whose emails to and from Hunter are now in the hands of those determined to unmask the Bidens’ misdeeds -- and the FBI’s hiding and failing to act on them.

There is no question that the FBI had access to the same material and seems to have done nothing with it. Nor did the Special Counsel. 

...the U.S. federal government had every reason to know that associates of Hunter Biden, who himself had obtained a lucrative deal with a Ukrainian gas company, were being prosecuted for a massive fraud scheme -- with one participant, Devon Archer, identified in both activities -- at the same time the U.S. federal government was probing the partly contemporaneous dealings of Paul Manafort and Rick Gates in Ukraine with an electric cattle prod.

The latter probe was explicitly linked by the Mueller team to the U.S. 2016 election -- although the actual Manafort and Gates activities taken to court were all from before 2015. No connection with the U.S. 2016 election was ever established.

The links from the tribal bonds participants, in particular Devon Archer’s, to Hunter Biden would have been of greater potential significance to the 2016 election, given the numerous connections during the election campaign among story elements relevant to the Biden-Ukraine narrative.  Those elements include the Democratic Party, Ukraine, scurrilous gossip about candidate Trump, the U.S. embassy in Ukraine, the State Department’s USAID, and U.S. funds in Ukraine overseen by Vice President Joe Biden, as well as the connection with a major donor to the Democratic Party and prominent partner of USAID in Ukraine, George Soros.

The timeframe of chargeable activities in the tribal bonds case, March 2014 through April 2016, was almost exactly contemporaneous with Hunter Biden’s and Devon Archer’s involvement with Burisma, and eventually Joe Biden’s chat with Petro Poroshenko. 

For the most part, except for the New York Post and Fox, the scandal has been kept under a lid by the press, Twitter, and Facebook. The  Washington Post, NBC,  and The Hill seem to be leading the defense with another cockamamie claim that this is just Russian disinformation. As in the boy who cried wolf, only the terminally moronic will fall for this manufactured alarm. It was promulgated by the Washington Post’s  Ellen Nakashima and NBC’s Ken Dilanian (the consistent  Russian collusion banner wavers), and repeated by The Hill’s Coleman (a newbie with no experience in such matters) and lacks any substantiated evidentiary base. 

The now-discredited partisan Committee on Presidential Debates selected pro-Biden moderators along with gotcha nonsense as topics for the non-debate debates. Townhalls hosted by media giants continued a  pattern with partisan questioners whose backgrounds were hidden from the audience, something that because of its consistency cannot be passed off as negligence.

One of the questioners at the ABC-hosted event was Nathan Osburn, a former speechwriter for the Obama White House. Osburn specifically worked for the Office of Public Affairs at the Commerce Department under the Obama-Biden administration and at the Small Business Administration. 

Osburn's profession was listed as "communications" on the ABC town hall graphic and his city was listed as Philadelphia, Pa. He was quoted in the Philadelphia Inquirer earlier this year as "a former Obama administration speechwriter" who had created a "Philly for Pete group" aimed at boosting former Democratic presidential primary candidate Pete Buttigieg.

Another questioner at the town hall was Mieke Haeck, who ABC presented as a physical therapist from State College, Pa. She is also the wife of Ezra Nanes, a high-profile Democrat in Pennsylvania who in 2018 ran a campaign challenging Republican state Senate Majority Leader Jake Corman. Nanes is currently an at-large member of the Centre County Democratic Committee. Centre County is the county in which State College resides. 

Media and tech platforms' thumbs on the scale for a clearly weak and disoriented Biden continue to unravel. The high-handed censorship by the tech giants under the dubious assertion that the revelations were the result of hacking are being undone due to lack of evidence, public fury, congressional hearing oversight, and FCC warnings of election interference. (The authenticity of the stuff on the Hunter computer, lawfully in the possession of the repair shop, is not in question. Hunter’s lawyer demanded the computer’s return, thus establishing the provenance of the hard drive material.) The treasure trove of evidence against the Biden family’s corruption will be released steadily for the next couple of weeks leading to the November 3 election.

In the meantime, on October 22 I have no doubt that the charming and estimable nominee for the Supreme Court, Amy Coney Barrett, will be confirmed and sworn in in time to participate in any election disputes. That the Democrats fear this is obvious from their latest gizmo in their bag of tricks -- voting for statehood for Washington, D.C. and Puerto Rico so that when they move to pack the court with nominees more to their taste they will be able to get Senate approval of the nominees.  

So, here’s the prospect which faces us if the Democrats win: mindboggling  official corruption ignored by the FBI and scorched earth to undo the balance the framers of the Constitution knew were essential to hold the Republic together by assuring rural and urban voters were all given voice and elected representatives write the laws, not unelected Supreme Court justices. 


Turning point? Five reasons the Hunter Biden scandal is hitting Biden where it hurts -IBD/TIPP Poll

By Monica Showalter

Normally, scandals have no impact on elections or even public opinion. We saw that during the Clinton years with assorted sex, commodity futures and influence-peddling scandals, and worse still, in the great skating of the Obama administration, which spied on Americans, sicced the IRS on political dissidents, left a U.S. ambassador to die, and worst of all, tried to derail the next incumbent with a pile of Russian-generated chaos-inducing propaganda, a phonily premised impeachment, a string of riots, and a host of dirty political tricks. Water off a duck's back. Nobody's paid, and Joe Biden's ahead in the polls. 

Scandals, it seems, excite the base of an opposing party, but they don't sell among the broader electorate. They don't affect elections. Or so the view would go of anyone who's watched U.S. politics for the past 40 years.

But every once in awhile, there is one that takes off, changes the momentum. Watergate comes to mind. Now there's Bidengate, exposed to great impact by the New York Post. A new poll shows it may just be having an effect:

Joe Biden’s polling edge over President Trump eroded this week amid The Post’s scandalous revelations about his son Hunter’s foreign dealings — but the Democratic candidate still maintains a substantial lead.

The IBD/TIPP national tracking poll, released Saturday, puts Biden at 50 percent in the head-to-head matchup, with Trump at 43 percent. The 7-point advantage is well outside the survey’s 3 percent margin of error.

But the poll of 1,009 likely voters saw Biden’s support slip by just over 2 percentage points since Monday — and found an increase of just under 1 percent for the incumbent.

The IBD/TIPP survey found strength for Biden among independent voters, who split their support between Trump and Democrat Hillary Clinton in 2016, but now back the challenger by a 9-percent margin.

The poll caught my attention because it is the IBD/TIPP poll, which is the best in the business. They have a consistent history of calling elections correctly by the closest margins. (Full disclosure: I used to write editorials for IBD). If they are seeing a slide, a cracking, a wall crumbling down, you can bet it's happening.

And that it is really shouldn't be surprising. I can think offhand of five reasons why.

One, they aren't the result of triangulation, or reaching conclusions by a series of chained events, they are naked and raw, quid pro quo - pay me up front and get the introduction, pay me in advance. They couldn't be any more direct. Much corruption moves through the system through a series of codes but this was the holy grail, completely admitted corruption straight from a laptop. They are real.

Two, Biden portrays himself to voters as Mr. Decent, Mr. Nice. He obeys mask rules, he comes from Scranton. This Hunter Biden scandal reveals a very different creature: Emails and text messages from Biden's recovered hard drive, left abandoned in a Maryland computer repair shop, show a greedy, grasping, rapacious mafia-like godfather, demanding his fifty percent cut. They show a man willing to use his office to enrich family members to the tune of millions of dollars, with impunity the rule. The show a greedy, grasping family empire of bagmen who orbit around the man as he relishes power, following him from international post, to international post, black bag outstretched. They show pay-to-play on a humongous, national-security-breaking level, with access and influence sold on the back of public office supposedly there to represent the people, but in reality, representing House Biden. The stark contrast between Mr. Decent, and the scary underhanded 'Big Guy' under the computer surface, signals fraud, and voters don't like fraud.

Three, the scandal has a name -- Bidengate -- and is describe-able in a sentence or two, a key ingredient in making a scandal stick: Hunter Biden, despite his dissolute drug- and stripper-addled background, followed his dad the vice president around, got paid tens of thousands, if not millions, for "introductions" and made himself a pile. What's more, he hasn't been punished for it, any more than the Clinton Foundation's pay-to-play show was, and his acts will undoubtedly carry on if Biden is elected president. National Security will be for sale. And you can just hear the world's dictators rubbing their hands together with delight at the prospect of an easy mark like Biden junior being available for whatever they need for a price. China, of course, has endorse Joe Biden. Wonder why.

Third, the Bidens are attempting to cover it up, bad. Joe flew off the handle at a reporter here:


Joe Biden Snaps at CBS Reporter for Asking About NY Post’s Bombshell Hunter Biden Story

— TheLeoTerrell (@TheLeoTerrell) October 18, 2020


...yet he still has not stated that the emails are fake. He knows they are not fake, there is too much proof -- former White House advisor Steve Bannon says he has emails from Biden junior's lawyer demanding to get the hard drive back and will release them if necessary.


Steve Bannon Claims Joe Biden's Son Tried to Recover Hard Drive Amid Russian Interference Concerns

— Lara Logan (@laralogan) October 18, 2020


That's desperate, indeed. 


I've been highly critical of both Rudy and my old boss Steve Bannon. There's no level of blind trust here.

This is a direct hit.

All you need to do to know it's true is listen to the Biden reponses, such as "we have no record of a meeting."

NOT "the emails are fake!"

— Lee Stranahan  (@stranahan) October 18, 2020


Fifth, there's the insane behavior of Twitter and Facebook social media baronies, literally attempting to supress the story. One reason may be her:


Facebook's Lead Executive on Election Policy Is Former Joe Biden Advisor on Ukraine -- This Helps Explain Their Censorship of Hunter's Emails via @gatewaypundit

— Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) October 18, 2020


Such a coincidence. 

The effort to repress the news has triggered congressional hearings which may break up the duopoly or force it to be regulated as an edited publication. More important. it's draw attention to the story in a way it may not have done had they not put their hamfisted efforts to censor in the mix. Knowing that something is censored and forbidden makes many people more interested in reading the story. That's very bad news for Joe Biden.

The bottom line from IBD/TIPP is that the scandal has been turning the polls away from Biden's advantage. Nobody wants to vote in a corruptus maximus whose corruption will start on day one. This scandal may well prove to be Joe Biden's undoing, and if so, that will be a good thing. 



Going Sour on Joe Biden

For years I have viewed Joe Biden as a typical "swamp creature," a cipher as both a U.S. senator and as vice president, usually wrong, undistinguished except for the political mean streak he showed in the Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas Supreme Court justice hearings. Certainly he wasn't somebody I'd vote for to become U.S. president.

But I also had some sympathy for him because he had some really rough things happen to him in his life. First was the death of his (first) wife and daughter in a horrific car accident only a few weeks before he was first sworn in as a senator. Then, he was a single father raising two young sons (both injured in that same accident), commuting between D.C. and Wilmington, and that's tough to do. Later in life he lost the "good" son Beau, who served with distinction in the military and later was elected Delaware Attorney General, to cancer.... while the still-living "wastrel" son Hunter did drugs and sex and personally profited on Joe's good name.

Joe just seemed like an ordinary guy, perhaps elevated a little above his natural talents, "lunchbox Joe" and "Amtrak Joe," the kind of guy you'd like to have as a next-door neighbor.

Last summer a friend and I were discussing Joe's corruption, most evident in Joe's own admission that, as he put it at a Council on Foreign Relations event in 2018, "I’m telling you, you’re [Ukraine] not getting the billion dollars... I looked at them and said: I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor [Viktor Shokin, who was investigating the corrupt energy company Burisma and was planning to question Hunter] is not fired, you’re not getting the money. Well, son of a bitch. He got fired."

I commented that when Joe released his tax returns for the presidential campaign I went through them and I couldn't find any direct evidence that Joe was personally benefitting from Hunter's cashing in on Joe's connections. When Joe entered private life and Joe and Jill received advance royalties and proceeds from sales of their books, their income went up sharply (into the millions of dollars) and they could certainly afford a luxurious lifestyle. But it appeared to me that Joe's corruption was mainly for the benefit of his children and relatives, not for himself or Jill.

However, something kept troubling me: One of the most difficult decisions parents can make when faced with a child, even an adult child, who is hooked on drugs and is making absolutely terrible life choices and who has become corrupt, is to "pull the plug", withdraw all support ("tough love"), wait for the child's life to crash and hit bottom and then wait until that child is finally willing to set himself straight and enter recovery, Then the parents can extend their support and love to help that recovery. Clearly Joe and Jill had not yet made that painful decision - Joe's getting a prosecutor fired to protect his son was certainly an extreme measure of support - and they continued to be "enablers" of Hunter's destructive behavior. As I said, "pulling the plug" is a really difficult choice to make, a very good reason to be sympathetic toward the parents' plight.

Then Hunter stupidly failed to reclaim his damaged MacBook Pro from a repair shop. As abandoned property, its hard drive was sent to the FBI (in December 2019, and the FBI did nothing). Then in May or June of this year, a copy made its way into the hands of the Trump campaign, information from which they have released this week as their own "October Surprise." So far, the info on the drive has revealed that Hunter was selling his dad's connections and influence for hard cash (in both Ukraine and China), that Hunter was paying for many expenses of the Biden extended family, and that Joe was receiving "kickbacks" of up to 50% of the bribes that Hunter took in.

Rudy Giuliani has clearly laid out this trail of corruption in a podcast, available in this YouTube video here. You may disagree with Rudy's description of the "Biden crime family," but Rudy is an experienced prosecutor of mafiosi and I agree with this characterization. The truth is on the immutable hard drive. The corruption is extensive, to many members of the Biden extended family, and no doubt we'll learn more as the Trump folks reveal it in the days before the election.

Once the truth was out, any sympathy I had for Joe Biden went right down the toilet. Joe personally profited from selling his influence overseas (via Hunter), corruption of the first order, totally unacceptable behavior for a vice president of the U.S. But more to the point, Joe was never going to "pull the plug" on Hunter. He was going to continue to enable Hunter's destructive behavior as long as the money kept rolling in. What kind of dad allows himself to profit from his own son's destruction? Only human scum.

And Joe has poisoned his entire extended family. Which among them (except grandchildren too young to understand) did not realize that Joe was profiting (by bribes) from his V-P office? And in his presidential campaign, which of Joe's senior campaign officials did not know about Joe's corruption? None, I would surmise.

Joe now has zero moral authority to lecture anybody about decency - not his family, not his friends, not the public, certainly not President Trump.

Until recently the Democrats (aided by the media) were perpetrating a fraud, offering up for president a weak candidate with advancing dementia, who would be unlikely to last a single term in office. Now they a perpetrating a double fraud: A candidate exhibiting signs of dementia who is himself a fraud.

We have a two-tier system of justice in this country... the federal government is too weak-willed and corrupted at top levels to see that any of these malefactors will be imprisoned for crimes which, if you or I committed them, would put us in the pokey for life. So I have for them a "voter's curse"; May you become impoverished by spending all of your ill-gotten bribes in legal fees trying to stay out of jail, after which you will have to making a living honestly; and may Trump defeat Joe in a crushing landslide affirming that no corrupt politician should ever occupy the office of president of the United States.


About the author: Nick Chase is a retired but still very active writer, editor and webmaster, and records classical music concerts for radio broadcast. You can read more of his work on the American Thinker website and at

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