Saturday, October 24, 2020


He was waiting in line for a hamburger in McDonald’s just a few blocks from the White House when a large group of fellas and lovely ladies started taunting him about Black Lives Matter. Outside, a few minutes later, they beat him within an inch of his life -- all on high tech video.

One way or another, sooner or later, Judge Barrett’s family will learn the real threat to their safety in their new hometown of Washington, D.C. is not white racism but black violence: How black crime is so wildly out of proportion and how so many reporters and public officials -- and federal judges -- are in denial, deceit, and delusion about it.

                                             COLIN FLAHERTY

Coming soon, food desert: BLM shakes down Seattle Trader Joe's for a 15% cut

Grocery retailer Trader Joe's, which refused to cave in to political correctness in its product names, is experiencing new problems with Black Lives Matter protestors in Seattle, according to Breitbart News:

Black Lives Matter protesters pushed their way into a Seattle Trader Joe’s demanding the company give “15 percent at least.” The group has repeated the tactic of harassing the store’s staff and customers over the past few months.

A video tweeted Thursday night shows a large group of BLM activists entering a Seattle Trader Joe’s store. They chanted and beat drums as they marched through the grocery chain location.

Seattle has five Trader Joe's locations and Breitbart reports that three of them have been hit in this way. It shows that Trader Joe's, which resisted the demands, remains a target, based on Seattle's failure to send police to protect them.



No business of any kind can run a business with this kind of shakedown activity going on. The company is being held hostage to pirates, while the city stands by and does nothing.

As anyone familiar with hostage-takers knows, if Trader Joe's caves on the 15% ransom demand, the next move will be a bigger ransom demand, all in the name of keeping the peace, and BLM, which is obviously descending into a money-making mafia racket, can move on to the next target, taking them down one by one. The big corporate shakedowns of the past month, which have yielded millions of dollars in revenue, it seems, have not been enough. They want more. Trader Joe's is one of the few that resist, which makes it the holy grail for shakedown fanatics.

In Seattle, Trader Joe's has in fact resisted on related matters, and not just in the package labeling. According to the Seattle Spectator, the company has been hit by march-in protests in early October over its refusal to permit employees to wear BLM gear on the job, plus boycotts to boot. The Trader Joe's near the CHOP zone this past summer did shut its doors indefinitely, not just because of the chaos and disorder of CHOP, but also because of the wokesterism of many employees. Who'd want to do business with those kinds of employees in permanent opposition? They relented when 22,000 customers signed a petition asking them to stay. 

But don't bet on them staying so long as the shakedowns are now a thing from BLM now that the riot thing has grown old, and some leftists have noted that it's hurting Joe Biden's bid to oust President Trump.Shakedowns are a horrid reality in places like Sicily, Latin America, Russia, and any place where people flee.

We see this way of doing business all over Latin America, for one.

To take one example, just because I am familiar with it, FARC's Marxist narcoterrorists, who once terrorized Colombia and now Venezuela, also conduct business by shaking down business with no police protection as the police are occupied with arresting political prisoners.

The local shop owners and farmers in small towns were forced to pay what was known as "a vaccination" to the terrorists to ensure that their businesses didn't go up in flames, prompting vast numbers of them to just shut their doors. The example is not that farfetched for what's going on in Seattle, either.

BLM of course, is led by "trained Marxists" who just happened to have learned their tactics at Hugo Chavez's knee. Here's a piece I did on their pilgrimages to Caracas, where these kinds of shakedowns are what goes on in that hellhole. And don't think the Chavista agenda they embrace isn't to harm the entire U.S. Here's one I wrote from 2019. And Venezuelans have noticed the similarities.

Now their successors in the U.S. turning Seattle into a hellhole, too, complete with Venezuela-style shakedowns. 

Seattle is getting pretty comparable to Caracas without police to enforce rule of law, but Trader Joe's is no battered Venezuelan storefront shop. They're a huge national private corporation whose structure protects them from activist shareholders stirring up the pot and calling for woke acts, and they have always put the interests of their customers first. Instead of pay the danegeld, they're in a position to walk out.

They've shown backbone in standing up to rioters, and who knows how many shakedowns they have fended off. But if it gets bad -- and Breitbart notes that three stores in Seattle have been targeted, they may well decide that the cost of doing business outweighs the benefits and pull out of the city. 

By then, the city may become a food desert. Self-inflicted, of course, based on the majority's voting choices.

Amy Coney Barrett has some ‘splainin’ to do on white racism

Amy Coney Barrett has some ‘splainin’ to do. 

Last week, Judge Barrett said the death of George Floyd from “racist” police was “very personal” to her. 

She worried that someday her adopted black children -- and grandchildren -- might suffer the same kind of “brutality.”

She even told the national audience turned in to her Supreme Court confirmation hearing that her family cried about all the violence white racism could wreak upon them.

One way or another, sooner or later, Judge Barrett’s family will learn the real threat to their safety in their new hometown of Washington, D.C. is not white racism but black violence: How black crime is so wildly out of proportion and how so many reporters and public officials -- and federal judges -- are in denial, deceit, and delusion about it.

What then?

How is Judge Barrett going to let her children know about all the Metros they cannot ride, all the schools they cannot attend, all the parts of town -- black neighborhoods -- they must not visit because white people are just not safe there?

So many examples. So few tears shed for the victims of black crime.

How about the white kids visiting D.C. on a college inspection tour?

From the moment they stepped on the campus of Howard University -- America’s most notorious black college -- they were threatened, assaulted, and robbed. Then run out of the cafeteria and off the college grounds because they were white, and one was wearing a Trump hat.

The school paper opined about how proud they were of the Howard students for protecting their school. Soon after the school president tweeted in agreement.

Judge Barrett should know the students and staff of Howard are equally hostile to white neighbors who want to stroll through their campus on a Sunday afternoon. 

They mutter something about black sacred ground and how they cannot let white people desecrate it. All that was A-Okay with the Washington Post.

Who is going to tell the judge and her family to beware?

How about the Marine so heroic that a statue of him rescuing a comrade under fire in Iraq greets every new recruit in Parris Island and Camp Pendleton?

He was waiting in line for a hamburger in McDonald’s just a few blocks from the White House when a large group of fellas and lovely ladies started taunting him about Black Lives Matter. Outside, a few minutes later, they beat him within an inch of his life -- all on high tech video.

When the Washington Post got around to reporting the story weeks later, dozens and dozens of Post readers said the Marine must have said something racist to them. After all, black people  do not just go around attacking white people for no reason whatsoever.

But that is exactly what happened there -- and it is hardly an isolated event.

Two years ago, during the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse reminded us that not all racial bias and violence is accompanied by signs and slogans. Prosecutors and judges use patterns to establish bias all the time in American courts, he said.

Judge Barrett better learn to recognize that pattern real quick. Pro tip: 85 percent to 95 percent of inter-racial crime and violence in America is black on white. Seventy-five percent of mass shooters are black. Black on white rape outnumbers white on black by a factor of 10,000 to one.

Violent crime in D.C. is a black thing.

How about all the black violence against commuters on the D.C. Metro? My favorite example is when a group of black people almost killed the husband of an NPR executive while his wife waited to greet him at the station.

That story never made it to NPR. But every hour of every day NPR reminds of us relentless black victimization, relentless white racism, all the time, everywhere that explains everything.

They call that Critical Race Theory.

And how many Capitol Hill staffers and media member have decided their adopted town is safe, only to find out the hard way -- often too late -- about their fatal misjudgment?

Maybe Judge Barrett lives in a legal bubble where solutions to violent crime are straightforward: Go to jail.

That’s not how they roll in D.C., where black crime is excused as a reaction to white racism. And if the perpetrator is really a victim of white racism, then they really don’t have any business in jail, do they?

A now-famous law professor at Georgetown University said just that in an opinion piece he wrote for the Post. He said if black jurors felt the black defendant was a victim of racism, they should not convict him.

And oh yeah, all black people are victims of white racism. That is why crime is the new black entitlement.

The city named an entire park to enshrine this fairy tale of black victimization and white racism: Black Lives Matter Plaza, right in front of the White House.

Judge Barrett might want to look up the Washington Post story about how the city council decided it was not really fair to keep violent black teenagers behind bars. So they let them out, creating a crime wave with more than 100 murders.

When do we tell the children that their mom’s predecessor, Notorious RBG, was also a victim of black violence in Georgetown? As was John Kerry’s wife.

This is a very long list of black crime, violence, murder  and denial in Washington D.C. on hiking and biking trails, restaurants, parks, homes, stores, restaurants, schools… you name it.

All wildly out of proportion. All ignored by Judge Barrett as she focuses on the minuscule percentage of white cop on black violence and ignores the tsunami of victims of black violence.

We call that the Greatest Lie of our Generation. And it is troubling to see how eagerly Judge Barrett has swallowed it hook, line and dangerously delusional sinker.

Colin Flaherty i(@ColinFlaherty) is the author of the #1 Amazon bestsellers, Don’t Make the Black Kids Angry and White Girl Bleed A Lot.  You can also catch his podcasts everywhere except iTunes. 

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