Monday, October 5, 2020



Harris is no friend of religious liberty. Her recent decision to exclaim in the year of our Lord, which has been conveniently picked up by her staff, is a ploy designed to appeal to unassuming Christian voters impressed by "God talk." As the old adage says, actions speak louder than words, and on this score, Harris fails to convince.


Kamala Harris Perfects Her 'God Talk'

 By Bill Donohue | October 2, 2020 | 2:22pm EDT


The Democrat Party, as every survey shows, is the party of secularists, some of whom are Christian bashers.

Tagged with being anything but religion-friendly, Democrats have resorted to "God talk" to woo voters. The latest to do so is Kamala Harris.

After the presidential debate, Harris was interviewed by Jake Tapper of CNN. After Tapper lied about President Trump—saying he refused to denounce white supremacists (when Chris Wallace asked Trump if he was prepared to condemn them, Trump answered, "sure, I'm prepared to do it")—Harris was asked to share her thoughts: 

"The president of the United States in the year of our Lord, 2020, refuses to condemn white supremacists."

Forget that Harris also misrepresented what Trump said (the president told Wallace "I'm willing to do anything—I want to see peace"), the issue for the Catholic League is her "God talk." Is there anything wrong with such language? Not if it is sincere. 

There is no record of Harris ever using such language before she became a senator and a presidential hopeful a few years ago. For example, in her seven years as district attorney in San Francisco (2004-2011), and her six years as attorney general of California (2011-2017), there is not a single media report of her saying "in the year of our Lord" when talking to reporters. 

The first time she used that line was in June 2017. Harris was asked about the speculation surrounding her run for the White House. "Listen, 2020 is in how many years? We are in the year of our Lord 2017." 

Her next invocation of this line was reported by the New York Times on Sept. 9, 2019. When asked to comment on criminal reform, she said, "But hey, if you've got, in the year of our Lord 2019, all the major candidates running for president of the United States" pushing for these reforms, that is a good thing.

On Nov. 20, 2019, Harris appeared on MSNBC to discuss equal pay for women. "We passed the Equal Pay Act in 1963, but fast forward to the year of our Lord 2019...." On June 8, at a news conference on crime, Harris said "just last week in the year of our Lord 2020...."

How can we be sure that this is a game and not a sincere expression of her religiosity? On the 4th of July, 2019, when the issue of racial integration came up, Harris was criticized by former Obama operative David Axelrod for changing her position. Harris' Here is what Axelrod was told. "The debate [Democratic primary debate] was about opposing busing in 1970. It is now 40 years later in the year of our Lord 2019."

It was not Harris who said that. It was her communications director, Lily Adams. She is lily white, the granddaughter of Texas Democrat Ann Richards. This certainly suggests that in the year of our Lord is a line right out of the Harris campaign's playbook.

Harris' father is Christian and her mother is Hindu. Her husband is Jewish. When they got married, only Harris' mother's religion was acknowledged: her husband wore a floral garland around his neck honoring her Hindu upbringing. 

More important are Harris' positions on religious liberty. She opposed the Hobby Lobby high court ruling affirming the religious liberty of Christian-owned businessmen not to pay for birth control in their healthcare plans. She objected to the Supreme Court ruling allowing the Little Sisters of the Poor to abstain from paying for abortion-inducing drugs in their healthcare plan. She backs legislation that would weaken the Religious Freedom Restoration Act. 

Harris is no friend of religious liberty. Her recent decision to exclaim in the year of our Lord, which has been conveniently picked up by her staff, is a ploy designed to appeal to unassuming Christian voters impressed by "God talk." As the old adage says, actions speak louder than words, and on this score, Harris fails to convince.

Bill Donohue is president and CEO of the Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, the nation's largest Catholic civil rights organization. He was awarded his Ph.D. in sociology from New York University and is the author of eight books and many articles.


It is the handmaidens working for Planned Parenthood who have joked about selling aborted baby body parts.  And it was Kamala Harris, when she was A.G. of California, who viciously prosecuted the young man who exposed that scandal, after she had received a hefty donation from Planned Parenthood.

Handmaid's Tale? Leftist handmaidens destroyed the USA


By Diana Mary Sitek

Many rational people who attempted to read Margaret Atwood's dystopian The Handmaid's Tale (1985) found it a big yawn.  But the left loved it.  So Hulu (a Disney company partly owned by Comcast), naturally made a mini-series of it.

Now we have the left opining, on September 21, that people like Amy Barrett were the inspiration for that totalitarian nightmare.  "Amy Coney Barrett, a favorite to be President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee to replace Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, is affiliated with a type of Christian religious group that served as inspiration for Margaret Atwood's dystopian novel, The Handmaid's Tale."

I suggest that the boot is on the other foot!  It has been the women of the left who are first and foremost the handmaidens responsible for the appalling state of the nation and its totalitarian, "woke" culture — and their narcissist soy boys like former President Obama, Trudeau of Canada, Newsom of California, et al.  Looked at in this light, Joe Biden is the perfect Democrat candidate!  As a white, ineffectual, imbecilic male, ready to drop off the perch, he is exactly what Democrat women love — and why they detest his opposite, Donald Trump.

Women now have enormous political power through sheer numbers.  Although there has been no female president as yet, women are heavily represented at all levels of the political, legal, bureaucratic, educational, health, H.R., and local county sectors.  Women are a determinative voting segment, and younger women have been educated to identify with the left.  Therefore, it is their policies, and their values alone, that have been enacted, including claiming the murder of their unborn children as their natural right.

It is the handmaiden founders of Black Lives Matter who have denigrated women's traditional role (part of the "oppressive patriarchy") and who have encouraged street violence.

It is the handmaidens working for Planned Parenthood who have joked about selling aborted baby body parts.  And it was Kamala Harris, when she was A.G. of California, who viciously prosecuted the young man who exposed that scandal, after she had received a hefty donation from Planned Parenthood.

So what area of the dystopian, censored "woke" society we now find ourselves in are women not responsible for?  The Deep State?  Oh, no!  We have the corruption of HRC — and scandal after scandal involving female politicians and officeholders, day after day.  The latest is handmaid Ilhan Omar's treacherous ballot-harvesting in Minneapolis. 

Professor Janice Fiamengo's YouTube "Fiamengo Files" (now very heavily censored) give witness to the diabolical hatred of men that characterizes these feminist handmaidens.  And we have Jane Fonda telling us why women are at the forefront of the unscientific climate change hoax, where men are accused of raping Gaia!  Nancy Pelosi, in an attempt to distract attention from her hairdo hissy fit and the left's mismanagement of forest areas, has told us Mother Nature is angry.  Nor can we overlook that handmaiden of Gaia, the squinty-eyed Greta Thunberg.  As for globalism, the U.N. says women are key to that supra-nationalist organization's sustainable development goals.  Translate: New World Order.

Teenage handmaidens are at the forefront of the LGBT+ gender revolution, as revealed by Abigail Shrier in her book Irreversible Damage:  The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters.  The health industry is on board and immediately affirms the young handmaidens' self-diagnosis, frequently entailing drastic surgery and hormonal intervention.

One can only ask what else remains for these handmaidens to destroy.  Virtually nothing.  Traditional hearth and home demolished.  Constitutional law shredded.  Civil war lit.  Gender confusion.  A.I.-human interface planned.  They have, with the help of their male enablers and those who do not see themselves as the beneficiaries of dead, white males, chopped out, erased, expunged, and revoked the Western heritage, root and branch.  Yet, having accomplished all of this, they are unhappy.  It's not enough.  There are still those who dare to protest against them, like the illustrious signatories of the recent Philadelphia Statement, courteously requesting a return to freedom of speech in the cause of liberal democracy.  They will be canceled out because the Amazon handmaids have debauched the language as well, using the terminology of liberal democracy to mean its opposite (exactly as their buddies, the Chinese, do).

But there is hope.  We know from history that moral decay eventually leads to societal collapse — and the opportunity to rebuild anew.  I believe we may be witnessing not the beginning of a new nightmare, but the final death agonies of the feminist dystopia, paralleled in the fate of Joe Biden.

Intrinsic to the human psyche is a foundational desire to adore the Eternal Good — which many call "God."  When that is replaced by the lust for power, as Faust testified, hell enters.  In making that Faustian bargain, by exchanging womanly graces for vengeful power, the handmaids sowed the seeds of their own destruction.  That is the chaos we now behold.

Why is Kamala Harris getting the kid-glove press treatment?


By Jack Hellner

The media endlessly attacked Sarah Palin when she was a much-talked about female vice presidential candidate in 2008, but they treat Kamala Harris with kid gloves.

Most of the questions for her from the press amount to puppets asking Harris to trash President Trump. Rarely do they ask Harris, or Biden for that matter, about their policies or what they have said or done in the past.

Here is a sample of meaningful questions that real journalists could ask Harris:

You have said you want to ban fracking. Biden has gone back and forth saying he would ban fracking and sometimes he wouldn’t. Which one is it?

You sought to destroy Kavanaugh with unverified stories of what he did as a teenager, yet you give Biden a pass for a credible accusation of a woman he attacked when he was a senator. Why?

Was it O.K. that Biden threatened to withhold $1 billion in aid to Ukraine if they didn’t fire a prosecutor investigating a corrupt company that paid his son Hunter Biden millions for doing nothing?

Isn’t it pure corruption when the Bidens and the Clintons get massive kickbacks from foreign parties while sucking off the public trough?

Is it O.K. that sanctuary cities and states pick and choose which federal laws they are going to enforce, or should they follow their oath to enforce the laws on the books?

Was it constitutional for President Obama to dictatorially and unilaterally implement DACA? Is the president allowed to make laws?  Is it proper for judges to act like it is the law?

How come you wouldn’t prosecute Catholic priests for sexual and child abuse? Where was your empathy?

Bombshell report: Kamala Harris refused to pursue criminal cases against Catholic Priest sex offenders

As most people know, prior to her being a Senator, she served as the chief prosecutor for the city of San Francisco.  Now, complaints are coming forward that she flat out refused to pursue criminal cases against Catholic priests who allegedly sexually battered children.

People who say they were victims of childhood sexual abuse call out Harris for not doing all that she could to prosecute their cases. 

Joey Piscitelli, who himself is a survivor of sex abuse, says that the DA before Harris, Terence Hallinan, worked hard at getting he and his fellow victims justice. 

However, after Harris beat Hallinan in the election, the progress they were making to prosecute the cases seemed to stop altogether.


And here is a sample of questions that should be asked of Biden, Harris and all the journalists who are openly campaigning for them:

Which policies are you proposing that would help poor people and people of all races move up the economic ladder vs. making more people dependent on government?

Won’t raising the minimum wage to a universal $15 greatly harm the young, the elderly. The poor and the less educated as they lose opportunities?  Do you realize how much harm that does to small and medium sized cities and especially rural areas which struggle to provide jobs?  Do you realize that most areas of the United States are cheaper than San Francisco, New York, LA and Chicago? So why should there be a uniform wage?

Can you please provide any scientific data to show that oil use has a direct correlation with temperatures, sea levels and storm activity before you intentionally destroy millions of jobs and move the country backwards. Why is it so warm this year and why do we have so much storm activity since oil use is substantially lower? Do you realize that there have been many lengthy warming periods in the Earth’s history before man and oil could have had anything to do with it?

Why do you believe you should block poor children’s opportunities to attend charter and private schools?

Do you think biological males should be able to compete with women in sports?

Why is it O.K. for the government to require photo IDs to set up a bank account and get medical care but not to vote?

Isn’t one of the most idiotic deadly decisions on COVID-19 when Cuomo and other governors forced nursing homes to take in sick people to kill vulnerable elderly residents?

Why were the experts wrong when they predicted a super spread of the virus for in person voting in Wisconsin, the Memorial Day gathering in the Ozarks, Trump’s rally in Tulsa, Trump’s rally at Mt Rushmore, Trump’s July 4th gathering in DC and the huge gathering at Sturgis? Shouldn’t the public be told the truth instead of continuing to scare them and keep the economy down?

Shouldn’t the public be told that CDC says that only 9% of the deaths were caused by COVID-19 alone and that medical experts say that 90% of the people that tested positive weren’t really contagious? Doesn’t the truth matter more than the agenda of putting radical leftists in power?

What do you think of the souls of people who will let unwanted babies die on a table without providing health care? Where is the empathy for the most vulnerable? Why would we trust people who would withhold health care from newborn babies to provide health care for the rest of us.

Here is a suggestion for Democrat campaign workers posing as journalists. Don’t ever ask a politician what they think of someone else’s soul. Very few people are experts on other people’s souls. Certainly not journalists or politicians.


45 Questions the Media Should Ask Joe Biden and Kamala Harris


23 Aug 20201,287


Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden and his running mate Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) will appear in their first joint media interview on Sunday after accepting their party’s nominations this week.

However, unlike President Trump, Biden and Harris have thus far declined to take questions from the media in an open joint press conference where no questions or topics are off-limits.

In the event that such a press availability arises, here are 45 questions the media should ask them. This list is by no means exhaustive.


1. Why did members of your family keep getting lucrative business opportunities overseas while you were vice president?

2. How did your brother, Frank, secure $45,000,000 in taxpayer loans from the Obama administration for his Caribbean projects?

3. How did a newly-minted firm employing your other brother, James, receive a $1.5 billion contract to build homes in Iraq despite having no experience in construction or international development?

4. Why did your son Hunter accompany you on your official trip to Beijing in December 2013? What did he do on that trip? Who did he meet with? What should the American public make of the fact that just 10 days after this trip, your son’s boutique private equity firm secured a $1 billion investment deal from the state-owned bank of China (later expanded to $1.5 billion) despite having no prior experience in China, and with this deal, the Chinese government granted your son’s firm a first-of-its-kind arrangement to operate in the the recently formed Shanghai Free-Trade Zone—a perk not granted to any of the large established financial institutions?

5. Should the American public be concerned that your son’s private equity firm partnered with a Chinese government-owned aerospace and defense conglomerate to facilitate the purchase of an American company that produced strategically sensitive dual-use military technology that the Chinese government wanted?

6. Does your “Build Back Better” proposal contain any provisions to ensure that American taxpayer-funded technology is not bought off by Chinese state-backed enterprises working with private equity firms like your son’s?

7. Back in 2000, you voted in favor of giving permanent Normal Trade Relations (NTR) to China. At the time, you said that this would not lead to “the collapse of the American manufacturing economy” because China is “about the size of the Netherlands” and could not possibly become “our major economic competitor.” Furthermore, you predicted that free trade with China would establish “a path toward ever greater political and economic freedom” for the people of China. Do you still stand by these statements today after 3.4 million American jobs have been lost to China and millions of China’s citizens have been imprisonedsurveilleddisappeared, and used as slave labor by an increasingly authoritarian regime enriched by 20 years of record trade imbalances from flagrant trade violations?

8. The People’s Republic of China has a bold plan called “Made in China 2025” to dominate the key technologies of the future in order to overtake the United States militarily and economically. Do you still contend that China is “not competition for us”?

9. Why did you promote the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) to financial special interest groups when research was clear that the deal would make it easier for corporations to move U.S. jobs overseas?

10. Do you believe Xi Jinping kept his promise to Barack Obama to end cyber-espionage against the United States? If not, what are you prepared to do about it?

11. Do you accept that the coronavirus originated in China? Do you think China was honest with the world in its handling of the coronavirus? Are you satisfied with China’s explanations for how it spread? Do you believe their claims about the number of cases and fatalities in China?

12. Do you think China should be held responsible in any way for its handling of the coronavirus? If not, why not? What, if any, repercussions should there be for China in its handling of the coronavirus?

13. Did you suggest investigating Michael Flynn under the Logan Act, as Peter Strzok’s notes suggest?

14. You said in your DNC acceptance speech that America is ready to “do the hard work of rooting out our systemic racism.” What did you do in your 36 years as a U.S. senator and 8 years as vice president to root out systemic racism? Why didn’t it work?

15. You have called for “revolutionary institutional changes.” What does that mean in practice?

16. You have vowed to rescind the Trump tax cuts. Can you think of a single example of a country that recovered from a recession by raising taxes?


17. Why did you refuse to prosecute even one sexual abuse case involving the Catholic Church in San Francisco when you were attorney general, despite the pleas of victims’ groups?

18. Also, why did your attorney general’s office refuse to release the documents obtained from the San Francisco archdiocese with all the information about priests accused of sexual abuse? Victims’ rights groups have criticized your office for deliberately burying these documents and thereby covering up the crimes and leaving the public unprotected. Why did you do this? The San Francisco district attorney’s office claimed in 2019 that they no longer have these documents in their possession. What happened to them? How can you claim to be a defender of children when you declined to prosecute the abusers of children?

19. Why did your office decline to investigate the health supplement fraud cases involving companies your husband’s law firm represented? Did you, as California’s attorney general, ever purposefully decline investigating or prosecuting clients of your husband’s law firm?

20. You said you believed the women accusing Joe Biden of inappropriate touching. Do you believe Tara Reade? If not, why not? If so, how do you justify supporting him now?

21. You once attacked a judicial nominee on the basis of his membership in the Catholic fraternal organization the Knights of Columbus, which is the largest fraternal organization in the world and includes among its past and present members many prominent Americans like President John F. Kennedy, Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-WV), Gov. John Bel Edwards (D-LA), and Vince Lombardi. Do you believe that being a member of the Knights of Columbus disqualifies a person from holding public office? Would you refuse to hire someone on the basis of their membership in the Knights of Columbus or any other Catholic organization? In your questioning of this Catholic judicial nominee, you singled out the issue of the Catholic teaching on the sanctity of life. Would you disqualify a job applicant on the basis of their Catholic beliefs, including their beliefs about abortion? Do you believe that being pro-life disqualifies someone from employment?

22. Why did you single out journalist David Daleiden for prosecution for undercover journalism that others do without penalty?

23. Your chief-of-staff, Karine Jean-Pierre, wrote an op-ed last year attacking the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) and Americans who associate with it, stating “You cannot call yourself a progressive while continuing to associate yourself with an organization like AIPAC that has often been the antithesis of what it means to be progressive.” Do you believe that pro-Israel activism is incompatible with progressive values?

24. The Biden campaign has adopted a version of the Green New Deal that calls for 100 percent renewable electricity generation by 2035. California has adopted similar “green” goals, but now it can’t keep the lights on due to the state’s reliance on wind and solar energy. California’s Democratic Gov. Gavin Newson admitted this week that the Golden State needs a “backup” plan for energy because the current blackouts caused by lack of wind and overcast skies have shown the danger of relying solely on “green” energy. Why would the nation fare any better than sunny breezy California in keeping the lights on if we adopt 100 percent renewable energy?

25. You said in the past that we “need to hold China accountable” for trade violations, but you are against the use of tariffs. How do you intend to hold China accountable? You also said that “we need to export American products, not American jobs.” How do you intend to make sure we don’t export more American jobs to China? How would your policy differ significantly from the same policies that led to the loss of 3.4 million jobs to China?


26. You both supported the George Floyd protests, which you claimed were peaceful. Have you spoken to any victims of the riots — people who lost loved ones or businesses?

27. Do you believe that the looting of the Magnificent Mile in Chicago was a “form of reparations,” as one Chicago Black Lives Matter organizer claimed? Is looting an appropriate form of protest as a means of reparations?

28. Seattle Black Lives Matter protesters stormed a neighborhood last week, demanding that residents “get the f*** out” and “give black people back their homes” as reparations. Do you support that style of protest?

29. If elected, would you object if protesters decided to tear down the statue of Andrew Jackson in Lafayette Square across from the White House? What about statues to Thomas Jefferson and George Washington? Would you be willing to sign a written pledge to protect our national monuments and statues?

30. What is the maximum number of illegal immigrants you would allow into the country before securing the border to stop more from entering?

31. The Obama administration deported an estimated 3 million illegal aliens. Was that a bad thing?

32. With 30 million Americans unemployed due to the coronavirus, would you support a halt on work visas for foreign workers competing with Americans for jobs?

33. Do you still support a ban on fracking? If so, what do you say to the estimated 7.5 million American jobs that will be lost due to such a ban, which includes an estimated 550,000 jobs lost in Pennsylvania, 500,000 jobs lost in Ohio, 363,000 jobs lost in North Carolina, 353,000 jobs lost in Colorado, and 233,000 jobs lost in Michigan?

34. Wall Street has praised the choice of Kamala Harris as VP. Why do you think financial special interests support her so much?

35. Will you be following the advice of your Wall Street and Silicon Valley donors in negotiating with China? If not, whose advice would you seek out in negotiating with China?

36. Do you support China’s actions in Hong Kong?

37. Do you support China’s actions in Xinjiang province where an estimated 3 million predominantly Uyghur Muslims are imprisoned in what the Pentagon has described as “concentration camps”? Are you concerned about the fact that Hunter Biden’s China-backed private equity firm invested heavily in the surveillance technology used to spy on the Uyghur Muslims in Xinjiang province?

38. Do you disagree with how the Trump administration is handling Huawei? Do you think Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou should be extradited to the United States for trial?

39. Do you believe China’s Belt and Road Initiative is a form of colonialism or is it a good program that Third World nations should sign up for?

40. What are you prepared to do if China invades Taiwan or uses military force to assert its claims in the South China Sea?

41. Do you believe the U.S. should return to the Iran nuclear deal? Would you make further concessions to Iran to secure that? Do you believe the Iranian regime should be allowed to buy weapons again?

42. Are you pleased with the results of the Obama administration’s intervention in Libya?

43. Why did the Islamic State fold up so much more quickly under Trump than the Obama administration predicted?

44. Would you advise Arab nations to follow the UAE’s lead and make peace with Israel, or should they hold out for big concessions to the Palestinians?

45. Should the United States apologize for demanding NATO partners meet their financial commitments? If not, why didn’t the Obama administration ever do that?

Rebecca Mansour is a Senior Editor-at-Large for Breitbart News. Follow her on Twitter at @RAMansour.


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