Friday, November 27, 2020



Obama’s Reason to Hate

Still surging in 2020.


In his new book A Promised Land, former president Obama claims he sought “a broader struggle for a fair, just and generous society.” That quest brought criticisms including: “how whites avoid taking the full measure of the legacy of slavery and Jim Crow, and their own racial attitudes. How this left Black people with a psychic burden, expected to constantly swallow legitimate anger and frustration in the name of some far-off ideal.” This recalls a theme from the author’s first book.

“Black people have a reason to hate. That’s just how it is. For your sake, I wish it were otherwise. But it’s not. So you might as well get used to it.”

Thus spake the poet “Frank” in Dreams from My Father. Frank is giving advice to young Barry, about to leave Hawaii for Occidental College in Los Angeles. As Frank warns, “They’ll train you so good you’ll start believing what they tell you about equal opportunity and the American way and all that shit.”

After Dreams from My Father was published in 1995, the author acknowledged that “Frank” was Frank Marshall Davis, still identified as a black journalist and poet. Davis was also a longtime Communist Party activist on the FBI’s security index. When the Dreams author became a rising star in politics, Davis disappeared from the audio version of the book and made no appearance in The Audacity of Hope.

That book mentioned David Axelrod, who in 2007 had been proclaimed “Obama’s narrator” by the New York Times. The next year, the Dreams author became president and set about transforming the United States. As Paul Kengor documented in The Communist, the domestic agenda of the Dreams author bore striking similarities to the views of Frank Marshall Davis. In 2015, Davis did not appear in David Axelrod’s massive Believer, which still proved enlightening on racial themes.

Criticism of Obamacare “was rooted in race: a deep-seated resentment of the idea of the black man with the Muslim name in the White House.” In addition, “Some folks simply refuse to accept the legitimacy of the first black president and are seriously discomforted by growing diversity of our country.” The “radical fringe” of anti-Obama demonstrators “have been influenced to a major degree by a belief that he should not be president because he happens to be African America.” And so on.

As Axelrod recalls, the Rev. Jeremiah Wright issued “fiery jeremiads filled with bitterness and vitriol and anti-American slanders.” These “threatened to undermine Barack’s image as a positive, unifying figure.” Believer does not mention Barack’s 2005 photo with Nation of Islam boss Louis Farrakhan, who believes that people like Barack’s white mother Ann Dunham are the result of an experiment by a mad scientist named Yacub.  Predictably, the Dreams president failed to unify Americans, but there was more to the man.

In his transformed nation, the outgoing president picks his successor and deploys the upper reaches of the FBI and DOJ against her opponent, candidate Donald Trump. As the Strzok and Page texts confirm, the president wanted to know “everything we’re doing” in the anti-Trump operations.

In May of 2017 presidential biographer David Garrow revealed that Dreams from My Father was a novel, not an autobiography, and the author a “composite character.” Garrow’s Rising Star: The Making of Barack Obama said the Communist Frank Marshall Davis was “radioactive” for a politician on the rise.

Davis is absent from A Promised Land, and so are Garrow and Rising Star. As it turns out, A Promised Land is a rehash of Believer by Obama narrator David Axelrod, whose novelistic style is also apparent in Dreams from My Father. In that book Frank says “black people have a reason to hate.”

In A Promised Land, the lapses of whites “left Black people with a psychic burden, expected to constantly swallow legitimate anger and frustration in the name of some far-off ideal.”  So as Frank said, black people still have a reason to hate. That would surprise the African American scholar Thomas Sowell ( Intellectuals and Race and many other books)  who grew up in Harlem and earned a BA from Harvard, a master’s from Columbia, and a PhD in economics from the University of Chicago, all before the advent of affirmative action.

Back in the 1990s Clinton DOJ nominee Lani Guinier (The Tyranny of the Meritocracy) questioned Sowell’s blackness. Sowell responded, “I don’t need some half-white woman from Martha's Vineyard telling me about being black.”

In 2020, Americans of all skin shades don’t need some half-white former president to tell them about anything. That especially applies to a composite character president who passed off murderous Islamic terrorism as workplace violence, shipped billions in cash to Iran, and consorted with racist anti-Semites such as Louis Farrakhan.

The composite character is now backing his vice president Joe Biden, who according to A Promised Land had a “handsome face always cast in a dazzling smile.” On domestic issues Joe was smart and “his experience in foreign policy was broad and deep.” Sen. Biden had “skill and discipline as a debater,” but “most of all Joe had heart.”

In October, dazzling, big-hearted Joe Biden openly celebrated the most extensive “voter fraud organization” in history. That massive fraud is an extension of the Democrats’ coup attempt against President Trump. The president’s case against the fraud will soon land in court, and in the meantime one reality remains clear.

We are in a war,” David Horowitz explains, and “war will continue until patriotic Americans summon the courage to call Democrats the racists, liars, character assassins and aspiring totalitarians that they actually are

Obama: My Racist Mentor's "God Damn America" Taken Out of Context



During the 2008 election, it was an uphill battle getting Barack Hussein Obama to disavow his racist mentor, Jeremiah Wright.

After giving a speech defending Wright, and falsely accusing America and his grandmother of racism, he was finally forced to condemn him in a very narrow sort of way, falsely stating, "I reject outright the statements by Reverend Wright that are at issue."

The political elites, including the media, backing Obama heaved a huge sigh of relief and pretended that it was over.

Wright went on to closely embrace Farrakhan, he had been a former Black Muslim, and spew hate. But the Wright issue resurfaced again as Warnock, the Democrat Senate nominee in Georgia, had been out there defending Wright.

Michelle Obama, in her latest memoir, appeared to distance herself from Wright.

"This wasn’t helped by the fact that ABC News had combed through twenty-nine hours of the Reverend Jeremiah Wright’s sermons, splicing together a jarring highlight reel that showed the preacher careening through callous and inappropriate fits of rage and resentment at white America, as if white people were to blame for every woe. Barack and I were dismayed to see this, a reflection of the worst and most paranoid parts of the man who’d married us and baptized our children" her memoir states.

"Seeing an extreme version of his vitriol broadcast in the news, though, we were appalled. The whole affair was a reminder of how our country’s distortions about race could be two-sided — that the suspicion and stereotyping ran both ways."

The startling thing here is the admission that racism is two-sided, now an almost unacceptable statement, and that Wright was a bigot.

In his latest memoir, that unlike all his previous ones at least has some basis for existence, Obama writes about Wright in a more nuanced fashion.

Obama claims that he “knew all too well the occasional spasms of anger within the Black community — my community — that Reverend Wright was channeling. I did know how differently Black and white folks still viewed issues of race in America, regardless of how much else they had in common. For me to believe I could bridge those worlds had been pure hubris, that same hubris that had led me to assume that I could dip in and out of a complex institution like Trinity, headed by a complex man like Reverend Wright and select, as if off a menu, only those things that I liked.”

All of this is basically fancy footwork that dances around the fundamental issue without claiming any responsibility for anything while claiming to have learned some life lessons.

In other words, it's vintage Obama.

But whoever wrote this stuff for Barry and Michelle forgot to give them the memo, because Obama went on The Breakfast Club and nuked everything.

"It's an interesting thing ... Rev. Wright is an example of somebody who – supremely gifted preacher, Trinity United Church of Christ obviously outside Chicago had an amazing ministry, still does. And I was very close to a lot of people in that congregation as well as Rev. Wright," Obama said. 

"In national politics, if you can take out a bunch of sound bites that say 'God damn America,' even if the context of it is prophetic and biblical and he's trying to describe you know how somebody might feel – he wasn't promoting the notion that God was damning America," Obama said. "He was making a point that if you looked at slavery and discrimination you could see the conclusion of people feeling that there was not an alignment with Christian values and America. But if you see a two-minute sound bite, trying to explain that is too complicated."

So Obama is back to the nonsensical "out of context" defense for a vile racist that he was using in 2008.

Just to recap, aside from screaming "God Damn America" and claiming that the country deserved 9/11, and that America is entirely racist, Obama's mentor was a bizarre library of hate.

"The Italians, for the most part, looked down their garlic noses at the Galileans," he wrote.

Wright referred to Italians as “Mamma Luigi” and “pizzeria.”

He claimed that Obama had distanced himself from him because, “Them Jews ain’t going to let him talk to me".

So this is what Obama is still defending.

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