Tuesday, December 29, 2020


Many of them, their pockets lined with corporate money, are drooling at the prospect of reopening our borders and providing a path to citizenship for future Democrat voters. 

What Will 'Breaking Biden' Bring?

One of the most iconic scenes from the AMC drama “Breaking Bad” was the murder of Hank Schrader. Schrader was a DEA agent lying on the ground as a neo-Nazi gang leader pointed a gun at him. Hank’s brother-in-law, Walter White, a brilliant chemistry teacher turned meth cook, frantically pleaded for Hank’s life. Hank looked at Walter and said with resigned contempt: “You’re the smartest guy I ever met. And you’re too stupid to see he made up his mind 10 minutes ago.” Hank then turned to the neo-Nazi, said “do what you’re going to do,” and immediately received a bullet in the brain.

Hank could have been speaking to America’s Republican, conservative, and libertarian establishment instead of Walter White. So many seem unconcerned—even gleeful—at the theft of the presidential election, even though it means handing over power to people who appear to have little regard—but a fair amount of contempt—for the nation, its laws, its heritage, its uniqueness. They have a false sense of security that “it” can’t happen here. As Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote in the Gulag Archipelago:

There always is this fallacious belief it would not be the same here; here such things are impossible … Alas, all the evil of the twentieth century is possible everywhere on earth.

Even though our national government was conceived in brilliance, it has not been properly defended, and over time, minor flaws have been increasingly exploited and magnified. The process is now so far advanced that we may be looking down the barrel of an existential gun. If Joe Biden is sworn in as president, Jacobins will have grasped control of our government. And, as is the case with most Jacobin regimes, their hold on us will not be a light one. They speak of “transforming” and “restructuring”; these are fearful words in the mouths of leftists. And if they were open to reason, they would not be Jacobins.

We are told that winning the Georgia Senate elections will hold the line against this leftist predation, and of course we must act on that assumption and vote for the Republicans. But it is not certain that even victory will provide much consolation. The Republican majority will be slim, and few Republican senators qualify as serious “freedom fighters.” Many of them, their pockets lined with corporate money, are drooling at the prospect of reopening our borders and providing a path to citizenship for future Democrat voters. And look at how quickly the current Republican-majority Senate—with Trump assumed to be out of the way—returned to pork barrel mode after the November election.

Furthermore, holding the line is no longer enough; we need to push back against the outrages that have already been foisted on us, especially the corruption of our electoral process and security agencies. Unless voter fraud and Deep State manipulation are stopped, the presidential electoral theft of 2020 will be the model for Senate seats in 2022. With that, the Jacobins will gain total control.

Too many of our leaders still think that the bad guy holding the gun can be reasoned with. The “Happy Warrior” approach of Ronald Reagan and Rush Limbaugh, in which it was assumed that we will prevail as long as we remain positive and of good character, was a thing of beauty. Sadly, that approach is insufficient in the face of the left’s grim-faced, win-at-all-costs determination. If it were enough, we would have already righted the ship of state. Instead, we are hanging by a finger-hold before falling into the abyss of Jacobin transformation. The current state of affairs shows what we can expect more of in the future:

  • The coronavirus pandemic has been used to bankrupt small businesses, undermine traditions, disrupt education, corrupt the electoral process, and initiate dependence on government handouts by segments of the population that once prided themselves on their independence. We should anticipate other such “national emergencies” to follow.
  • The rule of law is becoming a mockery; from ignored immigration laws to sanctuary cities to police standing down during riots to giving high ranking Democrats and Deep State operatives a “pass” for high crimes. How far will the anarchy advance? It may be that order will only be restored when we are so set upon we willingly give up our civil liberties to a heavy-handed authority.
  • The growing attack against “whiteness” and elevation of various minorities to preferred status is no minor matter. Only fifty years separated Jim Crow laws and, for example, school policies that mandate disciplinary punishments based on race. What logically follows when one demographic group is officially demonized and others are told that all of their failures are because of the existence of the first group?
  • The last point is especially worrisome since we may be partnering with a foreign power that is conducting various campaigns of repression and genocide: against Tibetans, against Uighurs, against non-approved Christians, and against the Falun Gong. The Chinese intrusion into our economyacademia, and government is beyond alarming. That Joe Biden—whose personal and family connections to China should disqualify him for even a minimal security clearance—will be the nominal head of our government is a travesty.
  • Corporatist Jacobins have captured the public dialogue, using media and internet communications to promote propaganda and limit alternate views. The standard media outlets—newspapers, radio, and television—have long been conjoined with the political left (with a few exceptions). The internet initially permitted the free exchange of ideas and enabled dissenters to spread their messages and organize. Now that the Big Tech’s friends are running the country, free exchange will likely be being choked off and public discussion reduced to a choice between “left” and “lefter.”
  • Most worrisome of all is the integrity of our elections. Process is irrelevant when cheating is openly permitted, and our voting birthright has been steadily eroded by immigration, and we just witnessed a remarkably audacious theft of a presidential election on a grand scale—with Republican complicity. Surely a political party that just won by employing massive voter fraud cannot be expected to conduct future elections honestly. After the November election, who is so naïve as to believe that Democrats are honest agents in our political arena?

All of these negative trends and many more have advanced to a troubling degree in the last few decades; with a Biden administration, they will advance much further. Even without China’s involvement, our future could resemble Venezuela’s, where a popularly elected leftist government used fraud and intimidation to fabricate a permanent majority and has reduced that country to nightmare status.

Much of America’s liberty-oriented intelligentsia keep talking as if the loss of the election is just a temporary setback, that it’s still 2010 and the Senate can play “rope-a-dope” until we win the next time. They should instead be sounding the alarm that, without serious action, we could be headed for vassal state status to a hegemonic, genocidal, totalitarian power. Or spiraling down into Third World conditions, with a privileged elite and their minions reducing the majority to beggary.

These members of the right-leaning establishment are all so smart, and yet they’re so stupid, leading us to the point at which the nation stares down the barrel of a gun held by those who hate us. Just like poor Hank Schrader.

Image credit: Gage Skidmore, via Wikimedia Commons // CC BY-SA 2.0

 Mark Krikorian


  •  Biden to Illegals: Never Mind!
  • Biden to Illegals: Never Mind!

    By Mark Krikorian on December 23, 2020


    Top advisers to president-elect Joe Biden said Monday they will not immediately roll back asylum restrictions at the Mexico border and other restrictive Trump administration policies, walking back some of Biden’s campaign promises for “Day One” changes.

    As I noted on the National Review home page last week, this was inevitable.

    . . .

    Ironically, by delaying the full effect of his immigration promises, Biden sets up a situation where news of the renewed border crisis caused by his rollback of Trump’s policies may only break through the inevitable media blackout just when the midterm-election campaign is underway. Republican candidates would do well to start preparing now.

    Read the full article at National Review.

    Wave of 'Extra-Continental' Migrants Predicted in Biden's First Year

    Migrants from terror-plagued countries and around the world are bottled up in Latin America, waiting for the green light

    By Todd Bensman on December 18, 2020
    Extra-continental migrants from Sri Lanka India and Pakistan moving through Costa Rica
    Extra-continental migrants from Sri Lanka, India, and Pakistan moving through Costa Rica, December 2018. Photo by Todd Bensman.

    It bears remembering that next year's now-broadly predicted surge of illegal immigration to the U.S. Southwest Border — largely the result of the Biden campaign's months of messaging that the incoming president will clear all obstacles and penalties for it — will include not only Spanish-speakers.

    Aspiring migrants who in past years have shown up from more than 150 countries also have heard the Biden-Harris clarion calls of welcome. They are building up behind a dam of Latin America coronavirus border closures and of President Trump's deterrence policies, waiting for the moment when they are all removed sometime during 2021.

    As the Center for Immigration Studies has frequently reported, migrants from very distant countries are known in aptly descriptive government parlance as "extra-continentals" or, if they are from countries where violent jihadist ideology is ubiquitous, "special interest aliens". (See this January 2020 CIS video report about extra-continental and special interest alien migration.)

    Besides often evidence-free tales of persecution, war, and economic woe, these uninvited strangers also will arrive as higher national security risks that will need careful scrutiny considering the ills that beset their home countries in the Middle East, Africa, and Asia. They will show up, often without even identification, never vetted for involvements in Islamic terrorism, espionage, war crimes, or other criminality they may have committed in home countries with failed governments unable to keep intelligence databases or criminal files that American authorities can check.

    Even with the pandemic border closures in Central America and the Trump deterrence policies, a tractor beam has reached out and grabbed extra-continentals in increasing numbers. Even despite obstacles, apprehensions at the American southern border — of those from neither Mexico nor the Northern Triangle countries of Central America — more than doubled since July, from 2,526 to 5,752 through the end of November, CBP statistics show.

    It seems the numbers can go nowhere but skyward once the path is cleared, since a great many more have been bottling up for months in countries like Panama, waiting for the right conditions — the seating of a President Joe Biden with his plan to undo Trump policies and the lifting of pandemic-related border closures as the virus wanes — which are both on the immediate or intermediate horizon.

    The Panama Dam

    A group of four Iranian migrants moving through Costa Rica December 2018
    A group of four Iranian migrants moving through Costa Rica, December 2018. Photo by Todd Bensman.

    Thousands of extra-continentals are backed up in heavily transited Panama, which as CIS reported from the country in late 2018, has long served as an almost unavoidable through-way for U.S.-bound migrants who initially landed in South America. At least 22,000 migrants entered Panama from Colombia during 2019.

    A recent United Nations report said a Panamanian coronavirus quarantine in effect since March has trapped or significantly slowed migrants from Haiti, Congo, Bangladesh, and Yemen in increasingly overcrowded government camps. It's unclear how many are stuck in Panama at any given moment, but the situation is so dire that a range of UN agencies have flocked to the isthmus nation to provide basic needs while migrants wait for the quarantine to lift or find other ways to keep going.

    Before the region's quarantine, Panama and Costa Rica had an agreement known as "controlled flow" that provided government food, temporary shelter, medical care, and buses that would move the migrants from one country to the next; Nicaragua did not participate, so human smugglers took over from there. But now Costa Rica has closed its borders for the pandemic, as have Honduras, Guatemala, and Mexico. All forward movement is now back in the hands of human smugglers for those who can muster the money to pay.

    Costa Rica media reported that thousands of Cubans, Haitians, Nepalese, Congolese, Cameroonians, and Indians are now stuck in Panamanian camps, unable to proceed to the Costa Rica border. Frustration has led to unrest in the government camp for 200 people in the small Panamanian village of La Penita, where up to 2,000 migrants stuck there have set fire to facilities and damaged vehicles in their demands to be set free.

    The mayor told media that the town's residents "have for months been worried and scared" and had taken to threatening vigilante action.

    Another migrant population has built up in the Lajas Blancas migration station in the same Darien Province bordering Colombia while Panama builds a new camp.

    "This is like a pressure cooker," Walter Cotte, regional director of the Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent for the Americas and Caribbean told French media in August.

    The Mexico Dam

    Cameroonian migrant who transited Mexico in Acunia camp in 2019
    Cameroonian migrant who transited Mexico in Acunia camp, 2019. Photo by Todd Bensman.

    While the governments of Honduras and Guatemala have broken up several U.S.-bound migrant caravans to enforce their own coronavirus border closures, extra-continental migrants obviously still get through to Mexico with the aid of smugglers, individually and in small groups.

    In October, Brazilian and American federal agents broke up a human smuggling network that kept very busy transporting Yemeni migrants. That bust came on the heels of one in September, also in Brazil, that moved Iranians to the American border, which followed the breakup of a smuggling network in August that moved hundreds of Sri Lankans.

    But they kept coming despite these setbacks.

    According to a just-released Mexican government report on migration, 8,992 Africans reached Mexico between January and October 2020. The Mexican report is opaque on details for migration from other countries outside of the Americas, all of which are accounted for.

    One category described as "unspecified" has 17,043 migrants arriving on Mexican territory — again, not from the Americas. Another 21,280 hailed from the island archipelago known as "Oceania" between Asia and the Americas extending from Mexico's Pacific side, according to the new report. All of those numbers were up compared to the last couple of years.

    A Pakistani migrant in Tapachula Mexico in January 2020
    A Pakistani migrant in Tapachula, Mexico, January 2020. Photo by Todd Bensman.

    Mexico's national guard has been blocking extra-continental migrants who arrive in its southern states from proceeding north since June 2019, but as CIS reported earlier this year, smugglers known as polleros are still able to get many around the guard's network of 50 roadblocks. That's partly why Middle Easterners, Haitians, Cubans, and Africans are still able to reach the U.S. border these days.

    It's not just CIS that has been warning of this peculiar kind of migration crisis in 2021, either. The Department of Homeland Security has explicitly warned about the dangers of an extra-continental migrant surge, too, especially as it relates to terrorist infiltration.

    DHS: "Vulnerabilities may create an environment that foreign terrorist organizations could exploit."

    If the incoming Biden administration chooses to not hear or see analysis coming from CIS or security hawks, it should take at least some cues from the professional career intelligence community analysts who wrote the Department of Homeland Security's recently released first national threat assessment.

    DHS Homeland Threat Assessment October 2020

    When it was released in October, the assessment gained widespread media attention and drew no serious credibility challenge for its conclusion that white supremacist violence posed a top domestic national security threat in 2021.

    But the DHS assessment also predicted a significant surge of migration from outside the western hemisphere to the southern border, among them a kind of migrant the authors somewhat ambiguously referred to as "threat actors".

    The assessment said this about a surge of migrants it predicted as coming to the southern border from around the world:

    "Although the majority of migrants do not pose a national security or public safety threat, pathways used by migrants to travel to the United States have been exploited by threat actors," the report states. "As a result, surges of migrants could undermine our ability to effectively secure the border."

    The assessment goes on to make reference to foreign terrorist organization interest in probing for "vulnerabilities in US immigration and border security programs". It said that, "Collectively, vulnerabilities may create an illegal migration environment that FTO's [foreign terrorist organizations] could exploit to facilitate the movement of affiliated persons toward the United States."

    Let the DHS assessment stand as an early warning that the Biden administration should prepare for extra-continentals in a way that must be different from anything it has in mind for Spanish-speaking migrants, who also are expected to rush the southern border sometime in 2021.

    House Democrats Added Provision to Omnibus Bill that Cuts Funding to ICE By $431 Million

    Julio Rosas
    Posted: Dec 23, 2020 3:45 PM
    House Democrats Added Provision to Omnibus Bill that Cuts Funding to ICE By $431 Million

    Source: Charles Reed/U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement via AP

    There are a lot of things that have angered people on both sides of the aisle when it comes to the omnibus spending bill and the COVID relief bill Congress passed this week, from millions of dollars in foreign aid to Americans getting only $600 during a hard economic time. 

    Democrats on the House Appropriations Committee announced they had included a provision that cuts funding to U.S. Immigration Customs and Enforcement.

    "Fights for a more humane immigration approach, reducing funding for ICE’s overly aggressive detention and removal activities by $431 million below the fiscal year 2020 level," an infographic from the Committee stated, along with increasing "non-defense spending by $12.5 billion above the budget caps."

    Congressman Chip Roy (R-TX) told "Fox & Friends" on Wednesday actions like this will lead to another crisis on the southwest border, especially given how President-elect Joe Biden has promised to undo key policies that were implemented during President Trump's administration.

    Roy further called the overall COVID relief bill an "irresponsible swamp bill" that is being merged with "typical wasteful spending."


    Washington Post Warns Joe Biden: ‘Pandemonium at the Border’

    WILMINGTON, DE - SEPTEMBER 14: Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden speaks about climate change and the wildfires on the West Coast a the Delaware Museum of Natural History on September 14, 2020 in Wilmington, Delaware. Biden has campaign stops scheduled in Florida, Pennsylvania and Minnesota later this week. (Photo by …
    Drew Angerer/Getty Images

    The Washington Post has joined the chorus of Joe Biden’s supporters who are warning him not to implement his campaign trail promise to recklessly dismantle President Donald Trump’s hard-earned, pr0-American border reforms.

    Biden “must also avoid triggering a new humanitarian crisis at the Mexican border featuring unauthorized Central Americans and Mexicans streaming north,” the Posts editorial board said in a column on December 24.

    The statement continued:

    Any sudden move to abolish [Trump’s] policy without an orderly system to replace it could be read as a green light that would invite more migrants than the U.S. bureaucracy can process. Nor is it reasonable to swiftly revoke the emergency public health order authorizing the summary expulsion of unauthorized migrants at the border, based on the pandemic’s threat.

    However, the Posts editorial board is not worried about fellow Americans’ wages and rents, communities, and schools.

    Instead, Jeff Bezos’s employees are worried that border pandemonium could damage Biden’s broader agenda of extracting more workers and consumers from poor foreign countries for his domestic allies on Wall Street. The board wrote, “Make no mistake. … Any hope of building public support for a legislative overhaul of the immigration system, let alone bipartisan backing in Congress, would be blown to pieces by fresh images of pandemonium at the border.”

    The Post has outlined that “legislative overhaul” agenda in prior editorials. On November 27, for example, the Posts board described its mass migration wish list for Biden:

    He can increase refugee admissions relatively quickly. … He can immediately stop work on Mr. Trump’s wasteful wall at the southern border. … He can ensure the renewal of work permits and end the threat of deportation for dreamers, and grant reprieves to hundreds of thousands of migrants whose temporary protected status Mr. Trump tried to remove.

    It went on to state:

    It will take longer to undo the hundreds of rule changes the Trump administration used to neuter legal immigration programs. … As for a pathway to citizenship for more than 10 million unauthorized immigrants, that will require legislation — a daunting prospect as long as Republicans control the Senate.

    The Posts solution for Biden’s dilemma is the same that Biden has offered — to convert a disorderly rush of illegal migrants into an orderly, legal rush of legal immigrants.  The editorial board advised Americans on December 24 that “a patient, systematic overhaul of procedures is the best course for the post-pandemic future.”

    The vast majority of Americans — including Democrats — want cheap-labor migration stopped so Americans can first compete for the jobs, wages, and economic security in a national labor market that is their birthright.

    But the nation’s economic elite — and their progressive allies — favor immigration because it transfers wealth from wage earners to stockholders.

    Migration moves money from employees to employers, from families to investors, from young to old, from children to their parents, from homebuyers to real estate investors, and from the central states to the coastal states.

    Migration also allows investors and CEOs to skimp on labor-saving technology, sideline U.S. minorities, ignore disabled peopleexploit stoop labor in the fields, shortchange labor in the cities, impose tight control and pay cuts on American professionals, corral technological innovation by minimizing the employment of American graduates, undermine labor rights, and even get many progressive journalists to cheerlead for Wall Street’s priorities:

    Joe Biden: Two Million Migrants May Hit the Border

    Central American migrants -mostly from Honduras- wanting to reach the United States in hope of a better life, are stopped by federal police officers before arriving at El Chaparral port of entry in the US-Mexico border, in Tijuana, Baja California State, Mexico on November 25, 2018. Migration (Photo by Pedro …
    PEDRO PARDO/AFP/Getty Images, File

    Two million migrants may arrive at the nation’s borders if officials do not properly manage the rewrite of border and asylum rules, President elect Joe Biden said Tuesday, as he offered a new “family reunification” justification for mass migration into Americans’ workplaces and communities.

    “We already started discussing these issues with the President of Mexico and our friends in Latin America, and the timeline is to do it so that we in fact make it better, not worse,” Biden told a press conference:

    The last thing we need is to say we’re going to stop immediately the [curbed] access to asylum the way it’s been run now and end up with 2 million people on our border. It’s a matter of setting up the guardrails so we can move the direction. I will accomplish what I said I would do — a much humane policy based on family unification.

    Biden’s emphasis on family identification is a new twist. It may signal an effort to ostentatiously block the rush of new migrants while also quietly helping many resident Central American illegals settle into the United States by helping them import their spouses, children, and parents under the claim of “family reunification.”

    Roughly three million Central Americans arrived between 2009 and 2019, starting with President Barack Obama’s relaxed rules and ending with President Donald  Trump’s 2019 reforms.

    That “family reunification” population could far exceed a million people — or roughly one-quarter of the roughly four million Americans turn 18 each year — even if there is accurate identification of nuclear families. This huge inflow would nudge down blue collar wages, push Americans out of jobs, crowd public schools, and drive up housing prices — while also allowing college graduate progressives to portray themselves as the noble protectors of victimized refugees.

    The new border policies will take six months to implement, Biden said:

    But it requires getting a lot in place and requires getting the funding to get in place, including just asylum judges for example. It will get done, and it will get done quickly, but it’s not going to be able to be done on Day One, [because we could] lift every restriction that exists … and go back to what it was 20 years ago, and all of a sudden, find out that we have a crisis on our hand that complicates what we are trying to do … It is going to take probably the next six months to put that in place.

    But Biden will likely fail to balance his support for migration with the essentially infinite demand from migrants worldwide for getting into the United States, said Mark Krikorian, the director of the Center for Immigration Studies:

    [Biden’s aides] are not stupid. They understand [their pro-migration goals are] unpopular with the public, so they’re going to try to manage expectations — both of the voters and of potential migrants — so that two things happen. One, the changes are introduced. slowly, not all once, and [second] they do what they can to hide the consequences … So that the Biden people can say ‘Look, we’re not crazy on immigration.’  And they hope to dampen the enthusiasm of prospective illegal aliens. I don’t think they’re going to succeed at that, but that’s their objective.

    Biden’s deputies have already signaled they will preserve some of Trump’s border policies to head off a short term surge at the border. For example, Biden’s deputies have indicated they will keep the Migrant Protection Protocols for some time. Those rules, which are also called “Remain in Mexico,” prevent migrants from getting U.S. jobs while waiting for an asylum verdict.

    But tens of millions of migrants will make their own decisions, said Krikorian:

    potential Most potential migrants are likely to wait and see what happens to the more adventurous ones who strike out on their own. In other words, if we end up sending people back to Matamoros or Juarez under Remain in Mexico, [other] people may figure the risk of owning all of that money … isn’t worth it.

    But that assumes that Biden won’t change the policy. I don’t see how they are not going to change the policy. Once word gets back to the sending countries that people are stepping across the border, saying the magic asylum words, and are getting released, then you’ll see momentum pick up. Biden has made clear that that is what he’s going to do. So unless he completely backtracked and keeps in place everything Trump has done, he cannot not spark a new migrant crisis. It’s just not possible.

    The key moment comes if Biden releases migrants into the United States so they can get the jobs to pay their coyotes, said Krikorian. That release would allow the migrants to get jobs and send dollars back home to their lenders and family members, also restarting the cartel-and-coyote-run conveyor belt of migrants into Americans’ jobs and communities:

    The paying customers of the smugglers get what they paid for if Biden releases them into the country. The [coyotes] would be back in business because they would have a product [access to American jobs] to sell again.

    Mexico’s government has its own interests, he added. “If we take all the migrants off their hands, so they don’t back up in Juarez. Tijuana, and Matamoros, then the Mexican government may well figure, ‘Let’s go back to business as usual, just wave them all through, and it becomes Joe Biden’s problem.'”

    The administration’s promise of aid to Latin Americans cannot solve the problem in the short term, he said. The aid will “spark increase immigration because [economic] development always increases the number of people who have the means to move,” Krikorian said.

    Biden’s policy may prove disastrous for Biden and his Democrats in 2022, Krikorian said.

    “Biden’s attempt to slow walk this crisis are merely queuing up a crisis during the midterm elections,” said Krikorian. “If they had a really big crisis now and then tried to do something to limit it, then the political effects might actually become less serious than by trying to kick the can down the road so the beginning of 2022 is when things really explode. And guess what, there’s an election that year. I’m not sure how they think they’re going to manage it.”

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