Wednesday, March 10, 2021



Jack Cashill’s new book, Unmasking Obama: The Fight to Tell the True Story of a Failed Presidency, is widely available. See also


The Dems’ Willful Errors Multiply

Recreating and expanding Obama's catastrophic chaos.


Bruce Thornton is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center.

Remember when Donald Trump was attacked daily for his cruel and racist immigration policies? When the clichés du jour were “ripped from their family’s arms” and “held in cages”? The “cages” filling the news were actually from the Obama era, but progressives notoriously take liberties with the truth when taking advantage of a useful crisis.

Under Trump’s policies, in fact, we recovered some control of our border and started reducing the death and disorder the Dems’ virtually open border produced. “Asylum seekers,” an elastic category that seldom required evidence that a migrant faced lethal threats in his home country, now waited in Central America or Mexico for their application to be processed rather than being “caught and released” at the border and sent off to the rest of the country with only perfunctory monitoring.

With the incentive of easy entry gone, the long columns of marching hordes of migrants disappeared from the news, and apprehensions and deportations accelerated. A serious security wall was under construction. Illegal immigration, still an issue requiring our attention, was less in the news, and not just because of Covid. Trump, as he had promised, had taken common-sense actions and actually enforced our laws.

So of course, once back in power, the Dems set about recreating the Obama years’ dangerous chaos on our border. A couple of months in power is all Joe Biden has taken to return apprehensions to 70,000 a month, and the “the highest February numbers that we’ve ever seen in the history of the [Unaccompanied Alien Child] program,” according to a Health and Human Services. And the drug mules and cartel human traffickers are back in business, to the tune of over $2 billion a year. A problem that was under control has not just returned, but been willfully worsened.

But it’s not just immigration. On issue after issue, the willful errors are piling up, belying the Democrats’ pretentions to be the “party of science” and a higher morality than greedy, mean conservatives.

Take HR 1, the proposed bill to federalize elections and sweep away the remaining safeguards of electoral integrity. Mail-in voting, an invitation to wide-spread fraud, would become an imposed  universal option, and identification requirements minimal. The practice of “ballot-harvesting,” votes being mass collected and delivered to polling stations, will offer even more opportunities for skulduggery. The chaos of 2020––which the establishments of both parties hastened to drop down the memory hole––will become the norm. Any remaining trust in the integrity of elections, the lynchpin of our political freedom and our ability to hold political power accountable, will be gone. The Democrats having lost confidence in half the voters, they will dissolve them and reelect a new one.

This bill is so obviously un-Constitutional that it should never survive the legal challenges sure to follow. But following Trump appointments, the hopes conservatives had for a Supreme Court dedicated to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights have been lessened recently by a few of the Court’s cowardly decisions, especially the one to ignore the copious evidence of fraud in the last election. Some members of the Court already had given us causes for concern. When supposed originalist Justices rewrite Civil Rights legislation after they “discover” that lawmakers half a century ago really meant that biological sex included the current, unscientific fad of “gender,” psychological sex identity, it’s time to be concerned.

Then there’s the year-long litany of willful errors created by the Covid hysteria. A virus that targets the already dying elderly was treated like the 14th century Black Death that wiped out a third of the population. “Expert” advice from government hirelings like Anthony Fauci was proclaimed then contradicted at breakneck speeds. Prima donna mayors and governors like Andrew Cuomo and Gavin Newsom issued arbitrary diktats that destroyed people’s lives and businesses while their own and those of the cognitive elite did just fine.

A whole generation of schoolkids have been damaged by shutting down schools to gratify the teachers’ unions. Half the country have turned masks into a combination of voodoo talismans warding off evil, and public badges of superior morality and intelligence. And given how useful the pandemic was at getting a demented mediocrity elected president, don’t expect widespread vaccination to rein in the totalitarian impulses of the Chicken Littles and political grifters who want to wring every ounce of electoral and policy advantage from the hyped-up endless crisis over a virus with a 99.9 percent survival rate for all ages.

That’s just a few of Biden’s policy decisions that are taking us down the road to perdition. Returning to the Paris Accords on “climate change,” and reversing some of Trump’s attempts to rein in the warmists’ draconian regulations on gas and oil production, ensure that energy prices––already starting to rise–– will make life more expensive for those in lower income levels who have already been left in dire straits by the willful damage done to the economy by the shutdowns. Abroad, the attempt to restart the Munich-level appeasement of the Iran nuclear deal that Trump walked away from is making our allies in the Middle East nervous, even as our European “allies” salivate over the new profits they can rake in once the mullahs are mollified and bribed back into the “rules-based international order.”

And don’t forget the most significant development in the Middle East in decades, the Abraham Accords among Israel and several Muslim states. A reordering of the region’s alliances away from the moribund and dysfunctional “Palestinian peace process” has created an opportunity to strengthen our influence in the region and create a united front against the genocidal mullahs and their jihadist adventurism. So, of course, the Dems’ presidential ventriloquist’s dummy is undoing that epochal development to please the anti-Semitic “woke” cadres.

The lesson to be learned here is broader than just the blunders of the current administration. For a century we have been watching the pretensions of technocratic governance––the notion that bureaus and agencies possess “human sciences” and can know human motives and behavior as well as physicists can know material nature. But human beings are “irreducibly complex,” to borrow a phrase. We do not know human nature with enough precision and certainty to generate laws of behavior that can be more predictable than the collective wisdom and experiences acquired and handed down from generations––wisdom like the capacity of all human beings to choose evil for no other reason than they can.

What historian Jacob Burckhardt called the “terrible simplifiers,” those who would simplify human nature to fit some abstract ideological notion, have been the great destroyers of human life and happiness for over two hundred years. Some have been well-meaning, others purposely evil, still others venal and full of lust for power. We’ve had a front-row seat to their depredations this past year, and the costs can be reckoned in the lives lost to Andrew Cuomo’s lethal policy of sending Covid patients to nursing homes and then attempting to burnish his reputation and prestige by covering up his deadly error; the kids committing suicide because they’ve been isolated from the world of human contact, and other “deaths of despair” wrought by “experts” claiming more “scientific” certainty than the possess; and the staggering increases in murder and violent crimes in cities allowed to descend into anarchy.

These willful errors promise to continue as the Democrats, the self-proclaimed party of reason and “science,” double and triple down on policies that have proven disastrous in the past, and will continue to do so until we the people put a stop to it with our votes.

Investigation: Soros-Funded District Attorneys Help Criminal Illegal Aliens Escape Deportation


District Attorneys Larry Krasner in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania; Kimberly Foxx in Cook County, Illinois; and Diana Becton in Contra Costa County, California, all of whom have taken campaign donations from billionaire George Soros, are helping criminal illegal aliens avoid deportation from the United States, an investigation reveals.

The Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI) sheds light on new avenues by which district attorneys use their offices to aid criminally charged illegal aliens — specifically getting them off the hook from being arrested by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and deported.

Krasner, the investigation found, raked in nearly $1.7 million from a Soros-linked group, the Philadelphia Justice and Public Safety PAC. After being elected in 2017, Krasner created the Immigration Counsel in his District Attorney’s office, hiring former immigration attorney Caleb Arnold to lead the initiative. The goal of the initiative is to reduce “immigration consequences” for defendants.

As a result, the IRLI investigation notes, Arnold consulted on about 300 cases where the defendant was a foreign national. In about 120 of those cases, the outcomes were changed to plea agreements.

Many of the defendants Arnold consulted with to help them avoid deportation had been charged with murder, rape, forcible rape, rape of a child, sexual assault, unlawful contact with a minor, attempted murder, drunk driving, robbery, and other crimes.

Krasner’s Immigration Counsel was paid nearly $234,000 between January 2018 and November 2020 and Arnold remains the sole employee of the initiative.

IRLI executive director Dale Wilcox said in a statement:

These are outrageous examples of how our elections are being manipulated by wealthy donors with extreme anti-borders agendas. While these district attorneys claim they are trying to bring justice to our legal system, they are actually putting the residents of their communities at great risk by allowing violent criminals to escape deportation.

Likewise, in Cook County, District Attorney Kimberly Foxx benefited from campaign donations in 2016 from the Soros-linked Illinois Safety & Justice PAC. After taking office, Foxx hired Michael Kasprzynski to be the office’s first immigration adviser.

Kasprzynski’s role is described as working “to ensure that noncitizen defendants do not face unnecessary immigration consequences, particularly for misdemeanor and low-level offenses.” The role effectively seeks to help criminally charged illegal aliens escape arrest by ICE and deportation.

Contra Costa County District Attorney Diana Becton was also supported indirectly with Soros campaign donations via a $1.5 million contribution to the California Justice and Public Safety PAC.

After taking office, Becton issued an immigration policy memo where she states that “prosecutors in the Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office shall consider the avoidance of adverse immigration consequences in the plea negotiation process.”

Becton previously said her office takes into consideration a foreign national’s immigration status to help reduce the risk of the defendant being arrested by ICE and deported.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here



The main objective of “political animals” like Obama and the Clintons is to get elected; it’s not to fix a broken America, nor to protect her. There are people who govern and there are people who campaign; Obama and the Clintons are the latter. Just look at the huge Republican electoral gains under Obama and the Clintons. It’s amazing that Democrats who still care about their party still support the very people who have brought it down.

“Of course, one of the main reasons the nation is now “divided, resentful and angry” is because race-baiting, Islamist, class warrior Barack Hussein Obama was president for eight long years.   MATTHEW VADUM

 Editorial Reviews: Obama Is Making You Poorer—But Who’s Getting Rich?


Goldman Sachs, GE, Pfizer, the United Auto Workers—the same “special interests” Barack Obama was supposed to chase from the temple—are profiting handsomely from Obama’s Big Government policies that crush taxpayers, small businesses, and consumers. In Obamanomics, investigative reporter Timothy P. Carney digs up the dirt the mainstream media ignores and the White House wishes you wouldn’t see. Rather than Hope and Change, Obama is delivering corporate socialism to America, all while claiming he’s battling corporate America. It’s corporate welfare and regulatory robbery—it’s Obamanomics. TIMOTHY P CARNEY




Obamanomics: How Barack Obama Is Bankrupting You and Enriching His Wall Street Friends, Corporate Lobbyists, and Union Bosses



 Editorial Reviews


Obama Is Making You Poorer—But Who’s Getting Rich?


Goldman Sachs, GE, Pfizer, the United Auto Workers—the same “special interests” Barack Obama was supposed to chase from the temple—are profiting handsomely from Obama’s Big Government policies that crush taxpayers, small businesses, and consumers. In Obamanomics, investigative reporter Timothy P. Carney digs up the dirt the mainstream media ignores and the White House wishes you wouldn’t see. Rather than Hope and Change, Obama is delivering corporate socialism to America, all while claiming he’s battling corporate America. It’s corporate welfare and regulatory robbery—it’s OBAMANOMICS TO SERVE THE RICH AND GLOBALIST BILLIONAIRES.

Number of super-rich individuals grew worldwide during the pandemic

The global real estate consultancy Knight Frank published its “Wealth Report” for 2020 on March 1. The 15th annual report shows that the number of Ultra High Net Worth Individuals (UHNWI) around the world grew by 2.4 percent over the past year to more than 520,000 people.

As always, Knight Frank enthusiastically defines UHNWI as “someone with a net worth of over US$30 million including their primary residence.” Knight Frank sees no problem whatsoever in celebrating the expansion of the number and wealth of the richest people in the world during a year dominated by the devastation of the coronavirus pandemic.

Credit: The Wealth Report

Like the Forbes 400 list of the wealthiest Americans or the Institutional Investors “Rich List,” Knight Frank’s wealth report hails the unprecedented expanding economic inequality that is a primary characteristic of the world capitalism in the 21st century. This celebration took on a particularly ghastly shade during 2020 when COVID-19 infected 100 million, killed more than 2 million and—due to the drive by the capitalist elite to take advantage of the public health emergency to increase its wealth—has plunged hundreds of millions of people around the world into the greatest social crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930s.

Knight Frank is marking its 125th anniversary this year. Dealing in residential, commercial and agricultural real estate since 1896, the agency currently has more 500 offices in 60 countries and is involved in nearly $1 trillion in property asset transactions on behalf of its ultra-rich clientele each year.

The report contains a Wealth Sizing Model that predicts an increase by 27 percent in the number of UHNWIs over the next five years to 663,483. Significantly, the report also contains information about High Net Worth Individuals (HNWI)—also known as millionaires—and points out that the number of these individuals declined over the past year.

Although the report does not make the point, the separation of the ultrawealthy from the “merely” wealthy is the material basis for much of the conflict within bourgeois politics including that within the US between the Republicans and the Democrats. As has been analyzed by the World Socialist Web Site, the identity politics of the Democrats is an expression of the desire by better-off layers of the middle class to gain entry into the upper echelons of the financial elite.

The 88-page wealth report is introduced by Rory Penn, Head of the Knight Frank Private Office in London. Penn says he is “delighted” to present the report and makes a passing reference to the pandemic, “I can honestly say that during my career in property, I have never seen things changing as quickly as they are now. ... Some of the long-term trends that we examined last year, such as the changing role of the office, have been supercharged by the Covid-19 pandemic.”

Penn concludes that his firm will help its customers to “capitalize on the opportunities that are being created by this acceleration of trends,” that have taken place during the pandemic. If he were honest, Penn would say that the global wealth gap has been “supercharged” by the trillions in government and central bank funds that have been poured into the financial markets for plundering by the super-rich under the guise of “stimulus.”

Liam Bailey, Knight Frank’s Global Head of Research, reviews the key findings of the wealth report. Bailey writes that the objective of the Knight Frank report is “to assess how the fortunes of UHNWIs are changing, where they spend time, what they invest in and what they are likely to do next. From policymakers to investors, a lack of insight into the behaviour and attitudes of the ‘1%’ risks a serious misreading of economic trends. This is the knowledge gap we fill.”

In other words, according to Bailey, Knight Frank has its finger on the pulse of the financial oligarchy that controls world capitalism. The wealth report, based upon an Attitudes Survey, declares itself a guide for governments and hedge fund and institutional investors because it knows what makes the ultrawealthy tick.

The report explains, “The 2021 instalment is based on responses provided during October and November 2020 by over 600 private bankers, wealth advisers, intermediaries and family offices who between them manage over US$3.3 trillion of wealth for UHNWI clients.”

There are 11 wealth trends that Knight Frank analyzed, the primary of which is that “the global response to the pandemic supported the wealthy.” The report says, “With lower interest rates and more fiscal stimulus, asset prices have surged” and this was a major factor in the 2.4 percent growth in the number of UHNWIs in the past year.

A section of the report called “Wealth: resilience through turmoil” explains further “why wealth populations kept growing despite the last year’s economic turmoil” and there were “winners and losers” in 2020 among the ultrawealthy. The report’s findings show that half of UHNWIs increased their wealth in the past year.

Noting that these differences were regionally based, “The expansion in wealth was not universal, with a fall in the number of UHNWIs in Latin America, Russia and the Middle East as currency shifts and the pandemic undermined local economies.”

Another identified trend is the rise of UHNWIs in Asia, “The US is, and will remain, the world’s dominant wealth hub over our forecast period, but Asia will see the fastest growth in UHNWIs over the next five years.” The report then goes on to point out that Asia is home to 36 percent of the world’s billionaires and that “The Chinese Mainland is the key to this phenomenon, with 246 percent forecast growth in very wealthy residents in the decade to 2025.”

That these international and regional differences in wealth accumulation indicate anything significant or fundamental about the direction of geopolitical conflict and the intensification of national antagonisms is glossed over by the researchers as Knight Frank. Although geopolitics and trade war are included as a topic in the Attitudes Survey, it comes in at number four in the top “wealth worries” among the wealthy elite behind concerns about COVID-19, domestic government policy and taxes.

The same subjective approach is taken to all of the major objective economic, social and political trends in 2020. The fact that outgoing US President Donald Trump attempted to overturn the results of the 2020 elections through a fascist coup is given exactly one sentence in the wealth report, noting, “with the democratic process being called into question, by the then sitting US president no less, we could see populism come to the fore once more.”

It is clear from this that the Knight Frank real estate investment advisers see the emergence of fascism in the United States and elsewhere in the world as a potentially beneficial wealth generating opportunity for the superrich.

In a section entitled, “New social order,” the wealth report addresses the growth of extreme wealth inequality, which came in seventh out of the nine items on the “wealth worry” list. The report states, “While only 8 percent of our respondents cite inequality as a direct issue affecting their clients’ wealth, it could have an impact on domestic government policy and tax issues, which 49 percent and 42 percent respectively of them do cite as a concern.”

According Filippo Noseda, a private client lawyer at Mishcon de Reya cited by Knight Frank, “We could see a shift to more wealth taxes as governments scramble to cover the huge costs of the pandemic, and targeting the wealthy tends to be uncontroversial with voters.” The coming revolutionary confrontation of the working class that will be “targeting the wealthy” is not something that the advisers at Knight Frank care to admit or discuss.

Krikorian: Pro-Migration Zealots Control Joe Biden’s Border Agencies

Migrants walk on train tracks on their journey from Central America to the U.S. border., in Palenque, Chiapas state, Mexico, Wednesday, Feb. 10, 2021. President Joe Biden's administration has taken steps toward rolling back some of the harshest policies of ex-President Donald Trump, but a policy remains allowing U.S. border …
AP Photo/Isabel Mateos

President Joe Biden has handed control over the nation’s immigration agencies to pro-migration zealots, and neither he nor his top aides may be able to contain the approaching worldwide wave of migrants, says Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies.

Biden’s picks “see this as a moral issue and [think] that people who present themselves at the border who come from dysfunctional countries have to be led in, regardless of what the effect on the United States,” Krikorian told Breitbart News. He added:

These folks look at the asylum issue without considering any of the other aspects like labor market and the rest of it … What they’re taking into consideration is not what the broad national interest is in this policy. Rather it’s a moral claim that we have no right to not to let them in.

Biden’s choice to run the Department of Homeland Security is Alejandro Mayorkas, who fled from communist Cuba in 1960 to the United States as a child refugee with his Cuban father and his Romanian-born mother.

In a March 6 interview with NBC News, Mayorkas showed his deep sympathy for migrants, saying:

I believe that asylum seekers, individuals who claim credible fear by reason of their membership in a particular social group, should have the opportunity to present those claims to the United States authorities, and they should be able to present those claims in an orderly, efficient, and safe way.

Mayorkas did not suggest any limits to the potential number of asylum seekers, nor any protections for Americans who lose wages and cheap housing when the government inflates the supply of labor.

Immigration is about migrants and the “values of our country,” according to Mayorkas:

To address the needs of the migrants themselves, and the American public, we’re taking a look at the immigration system writ large and seeing what reforms we can achieve to ensure that the manner in which we address the needs of individuals looking for a better life adheres to the principles and values of our country and its proud traditions.

The values cited by Mayorkas likely refer to the 1950s claim that Americans live in a “Nation of Immigrants.” In a February statement to USA Today, Mayorkas credited migrants — not Americans and their children — with America’s economic success, saying, “We are a nation of immigrants, built on their energy, aspirations, and ideas.”
Mayorkas told NBC that he would set major change in border rules in cooperation with “community stakeholders,” but did not mention Americans’ ordinary concern for jobs, wages, and affordable housing:
I’m going to take a look at the immigration system writ large and decide what reforms are needed. I’m going to do that in partnership with community stakeholders, of course the agencies that I oversee, [plus] state and local law enforcement. We’re going to be collaborative, we’re going to be a partnership, and I’m going to make the ultimate decisions in executing the President to the Vice President’s vision for a better nation, and to build back better. That’s what I’m going to do.

A flood of cheap migrant labor is actually good for Americans’ pocketbooks, according to Mayorkas. “Creating a new immigration system will help create jobs, raise wages, and grow our economy, not just for immigrant communities, but for all our families across this great, great country,” Alejandro Mayorkas told a pro-amnesty group, the American Business Immigration Council, on December 3.

In reality, Americans’ wages have stagnated since the government began inflating the labor supply in the 1970s, and especially after the bipartisan 1990 immigration expansion. Many business groups openly say that additional migrants reduce wages.

Mayorkas also blamed the rising migrant wave in 2021 on so-called push factors from other countries — not the eagerness of himself and progressives to pull migrants from their home economics and steer them into better lives in America, regardless of the damage done to the migrants’ home countries: “We understand the significance of the number of children: It speaks to the fact that there is, quite frankly, pent-up desperation from three countries that have suffered so much violence, so much poverty, and other adverse conditions.”

But more than 70 percent of the younger migrants are teenagers, many of whom are being sent north by their parents to get jobs amid Joe Biden’s welcome. Yet Mayorkas portrayed the younger migrants as young children during a March 1 event at the White House:

We are not apprehending a 9-year-old child, who has come alone, who has traversed Mexico … whose loving parents sent that child alone. We’re not expelling that 9-year-old child to Mexico when that child’s country of origin was Guatemala, Honduras, or El Salvador.

The Title 42 anti-epidemic barrier against the migration of people should be taken down as soon as possible, Mayorkas told NBC. The healthcare barrier is the most successful — and the most lawsuit-proof — of President Donald Trump’s border measures. But Mayorkas said, “it is our effort to reduce reliance on Title 42 as swiftly as possible to address the public health imperative on the one hand and to be able to process asylum claims of individuals on the other.”

Mayorkas’ views are widely shared by the Democrat Party.

“We’re nothing if we’re not a nation of immigrants,” Democrat leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) told a December meeting of pro-migration business leaders. “Immigrants built this country with their hands, enriched our culture with their minds and spirit, and provided the spark that drives our economy.”

The view is reflected in the Democrats’ legislation. For example, the Democrats’ new amnesty for agriculture workers would replace much of the U.S. agriculture workforce with an extracted population of low-wage, indentured, temporary foreign workers. That switch from an American to an H-2A visa workforce would slow technology upgrades, push many Americans out of agricultural jobs and rural districts, and so shrivel the spending and taxes needed by small towns.

Similarly, Biden’s major amnesty legislation allows Fortune 500 companies to sideline American graduates and to fill all their white-collar jobs with low-wage, indentured foreign graduates.

But Mayorkas’s policies are causing distress among some Democrats who fear the public will blame them for the inflow.

“It’s imperative we get this situation under control or we are looking at another crisis on our hands,” Rep. Vicente Gonzalez (D-TX) said in a March 8 statement whereby he asked to meet with Biden’s deputies. “I look forward to meeting with President Biden and Secretaries Mayorkas … to discuss the challenges and potential solutions to the influx of people at our border.”

For years, a wide variety of pollsters have shown deep and broad opposition to legal immigrationillegal migration, and the inflow of temporary contract workers into jobs sought by young U.S. graduates. The multiracialcross-sexnon-racistclass-basedintra-Democratic, and solidarity-themed opposition to labor migration coexists with generally favorable personal feelings toward legal immigrants and toward immigration in theory — despite the media magnification of many skewed polls and articles that still push the 1950s corporate “Nation of Immigrants” claim.

The deep public opposition is built on the widespread recognition that migration moves money from employees to employers, from families to investors, from young to old, from children to their parents, from homebuyers to real estate investors, and from the central states to the coastal states.

On March 7, amid growing media focus on the border, Mayorkas traveled to the border with a group of administration officials. Several of those officials are like-minded pro-migration activists, including Esther Olavarria, the deputy assistant to the president for immigration; Katie Tobin, senior director for transborder at the National Security Council; and Marsha Espinosa, assistant secretary for public affairs at DHS.

Some of the officials, however, are long-time staffers for Joe Biden who may subordinate Mayorkas’ migration priorities to Biden’s broader political agenda.

“The Democratic Party has become radicalized on immigration in a way that it just wasn’t in 1980,” said Krikorian. Back then, President Jimmy Carter eventually blocked the Cuban government’s deportation of many Cubans to America after seven months of rising political pressure.

“Who in the President’s party is going to say, ‘Okay, we need to go back to [President Donald] Trump’s approach, and, you know, shut this down.’ There isn’t anybody,” Krikorian said.

Besides, Mayorkas and his progressives may prefer to ignore the public’s opposition, said Krikorian. “It could well be that they figure they’re going to lose the House anyway [in 2022], so go for broke for a year and a half.”

Also, he added, Biden and his immediate staff may not have the clout to block Mayorkas and his many fellow zealots:

Biden is weak in a whole variety of ways, and if you’ve got competing interests [in an administration such as] the [pro-migration] Human Rights Crusaders tussling with the green-eyeshade election guys, who’s going to put his foot down and make a decision? It’s not Biden, He’s incapable of that. If you don’t have somebody in charge, things like this can get out of control.

In the next several months, Mayorkas is more likely to widen the avenues for migrants to enter the United States by writing regulations to create new “particular social groups” that are eligible for asylum, Krikorian said.

“They’re going to be issuing new asylum rules that will essentially grant asylum to every one of these people if they come from a place where there is violence or domestic violence, or there’s gangs or whatever. They’re going to include all of that under a ‘particular social group’ so that these people will all just get asylum eventually.”

The establishment media may not save Biden from Mayorkas and his pro-migration appointees, Krikorian said. Right now, “they aren’t totally carrying Biden’s water … There is a certain amount of bogus politically slanted ‘fact check’ stuff going on. But the numbers are numbers, and they’re reporting them. So there’s a limit to how much even the semi-official legacy media can do to protect Biden here.”

The radical policy put in place by Mayorkas is likely to discredit the public’s support for the nation’s asylum rules, said Krikorian. “Because of what they’re putting into motion, there’s a really good chance we’re gonna have a Republican President and a Republican Congress in 2024. And if the Democrats have delegitimized the asylum process, we will see a real push to dramatically restrict asylum far more than it was before Biden took over.”

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