Tuesday, May 4, 2021



Horowitz Exposes ‘The Enemy Within’

The one-party state divides and conquers using identity politics.


[Order David Horowitz's new book: The Enemy Within: How a Totalitarian Movement is Destroying America.]

Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical Left and Islamic terrorism.

America is at war. This time the enemy isn’t on some distant battlefield or hiding in a barren cave thousands of miles away. Instead the enemy is not only here, but it’s ruling over us.

That’s the powerful message of David Horowitz’s latest book, The Enemy Within: How a Totalitarian Movement is Destroying America. This isn’t just a warning, it’s the reality around us.

“Americans are more divided today than at any time since the Civil War,” Horowitz writes. “In the course of the anti-Trump wars, we have become two nations with little shared ground on the core issues that previously defined us.” And it’s the Left that brought us to this state, not just in the last five years, but going all the way back to the fundamental strategy of its divisive politics.

In The Enemy Within, Horowitz exposes the Communist roots of identity politics which have been used to turn Americans against each other and reduce them to hostile warring tribes, rather than citizens of a common nation invested in its welfare, success, and prosperity.

Identity politics is the delegitimization of America and Americans. It’s a hate campaign that justifies any extremity, and any attack on the country and her people. “It is this regressive attack on America’s fundamental principles by the Left that is the source of the irreconcilable conflicts and ugly passions that are currently tearing the nation’s fabric apart,” Horowitz writes.

Class warfare, racial warfare, gender warfare, and the countless other forms of identity politics injected into schools, workplaces, government offices, and every area of life are aimed at forcing Americans to identify radically and tribally, rather than nationally. Divide and conquer.

David Horowitz, a veteran of the radical politics of the Left, has the knowledge, the experience, and the training to expose not just what the movement he was once a part of is doing, but the ideological origins of its tactics, and how they feed it into its dreadful vision for America.

America is delegitimized through revisionist history smears, like the 1619 Project, that rewrite the powerful force for equality and freedom that is the true history of the United States into the big lie of systemic racism, while Americans are accused of various forms of oppressive privilege so that, just by existing, they oppress everyone who does not fit into the same artificial category.

In The Enemy Within, Horowitz tackles the radical and racist roots of these ideas, from Karl Marx to Derrick Bell, a supporter of Farrakhan, and how they exploded into violence and tyranny in the streets of our cities and the halls of power as Black Lives Matter mobs used lies to unleash racist violence and Democrat officials used racist myths to build a one-party state.

But it’s not just BLM.

In chapters like, A Public Hanging, David Horowitz takes on sexism politics, the Women’s March, and the Kavanaugh lynchings as, like the accusations of racism, typical of the character assassinations, witch hunts, deplatforming, and violence that constitute identity politics.

Identity politics is not driven by the need to elevate a downtrodden group, but, in classic leftist fashion, to identify and destroy political enemies using double standards, lies, and hate.

And then to declare a crisis and emergency that will allow the Left to rule a one-party state.

The smears dispensed by the Southern Poverty Law Center, by the 1619 Project, by the Kavanaugh lynchers, and by every leftist group all come down to the same big goal of eliminating political opponents from public life, and using the false claims of pervasive racism, sexism, and other ‘isms’ to justify the creation of political backlists backed by political terror.

Horowitz documents the ugly history of efforts by the SPLC and other leftist groups to smear him and the Freedom Center with the willing participation of major corporations. As he notes, “The imprimatur of the SPLC guttersnipes… were sufficient to erase who I was and replace me with the political caricature, ‘extremist, white supremacist, sexist, dangerous hatemonger.’”

Similarly any American can be erased, canceled, and categorized as a bigot at any time with no due process, and no evidence but the social media hashtags of a politically correct lynch mob.

The Enemy Within lays out the last two decades of leftist treason and tyranny, alternating between abusive power and equally abusive subversion, rotting out our institutions, destroying our political culture, and waging a ruthless war against the nation in order to tear it apart.

"The diversity networks in America do not operate in the name of a party, but of a radical ideology that is the antithesis of America’s constitutional framework. Yet they have the backing of America’s major corporate and educational institutions, which gives them the power to infiltrate every nook and cranny," Horowitz warns. Their ultimate goal is to make every institution, governmental, business, and non-profit, subservient to the Left.

This is the emerging one-party state that The Enemy Within is warning us against in which diversity experts act, like the political commissars of the Soviet Union, as the voice of the party.

“An extremist ideology has been inserted into the cultures of the existing institutions of American society, and a political minority has been put in a position to reshape the whole of American society,” he points out, unveiling the final agenda of the identity politics war on America.

Fascism and Communism have come to America wrapped in the stolen legacy of the civil rights movement, in the looted and tarnished garb of the heroic campaign to end slavery, and in the guise of protecting women, while actually enslaving and threatening all Americans.

The goal of the Left is not rights, it’s never rights, instead it’s absolute power.

Identity politics, like class warfare, is just a means of dividing us into quarreling tribes, of inciting violence, and of building the emotional sense of crisis to enable a tyrannical one-party state.

The America of Washington and Jefferson, of the Founding Fathers of our nation, whose principles and ideas David Horowitz repeatedly invokes in The Enemy Within, would never tolerate tyrannical rule, speech police, and people looking over their shoulder before speaking.

The only way to take away the freedom of our nation was to divide and conquer, turning Americans against each other, convincing them that their principles and values stood in the way of a utopian society and of a totalitarian regime with the absolute power to achieve it.

That is the one-party state.

It’s this threat of The Enemy Within that David Horowitz, a longtime warrior against the Left, takes on in his latest battle against the nation’s most dangerous enemy ruling over us.

The Enemy Within: How a Totalitarian Movement is Destroying America is an important read for anyone who wants to understand the agenda and the threat to our nation and to ourselves.


Barack Obama and virtually all of his black and white collaborators on the left view the African American population as both useful pawns in their insatiable quest for self-aggrandizement, financial benefit and political power, as well as helpless minions to be paraded about and bought off whenever convenient to the overriding political, societal or self-serving cause.

Barack Obama, Race, and Revolution

For nearly 50 years, until 2009, the United Sates experienced enormous progress in race relations.  Thanks to the efforts of individual citizens in their communities and not the nation’s ruling elites and patronizing liberals, this country was well on its way to racial healing.  In 2008 only 18% of all Americans were greatly concerned or worried about the state of race relations in the country.   By 2017 that number had skyrocketed to 45%.  Further, in 2008 66% of Americans thought race relations were good; by 2016, 63% thought race relation were bad. The common denominator in this freefall and primary instigator of the current societal chaos and national uncertainty: Barack Obama.

As President and a man of African descent, Barack Obama was in a position to permanently mend fences and end the exploitation of racial politics bubbling beneath the surface.  In fact, the American people, in particular the African American community, were confident that race relations and opportunities for minorities would improve during an Obama presidency.  A CBS poll taken just before the 2008 election indicated that 47% of Blacks and 29% of Whites thought race relations would improve while 42% of Blacks and 48% of Whites thought it would remain the same.  Only 7% of Blacks thought that Obama would make matters worse.

However, true to his Marxist upbringing and indoctrination in Critical Race Theory, he created and exploited racial tension for political objectives and monetary gain for him and his fellow travelers.

Barack Obama and virtually all of his black and white collaborators on the left view the African American population as both useful pawns in their insatiable quest for self-aggrandizement, financial benefit and political power, as well as helpless minions to be paraded about and bought off whenever convenient to the overriding political, societal or self-serving cause.

In August of 1963, as a college student in Washington D.C., I participated in the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, the highlight of which was the “I Have a Dream” speech by Martin Luther King.  Thereafter and for a couple of years I became involved in the Civil Rights Movement. 

During this period of time, I noticed that a sizable majority of the white volunteers from northern and western states (and African Americans also from northern and western states) fell into two categories insofar as their motivation to participate in the movement. 

The first, and most driven by ideology, were the hard-core leftists who viewed the black proletariat as potential foot soldiers and a gullible constituency to be manipulated into aiding them in overturning the government and establishing a socialist Nirvana. 

The second, were white liberals who perceived participation in the Civil Rights Movement to be the latest in-thing while essentially viewing African Americans as a population to be ceremoniously pitied, patted on the head and made dependent mascots so these pompous narcissists could wallow in their self-righteousness. 

My involvement in the movement ended when it became clear that by the mid- to late-1960’s the Civil Rights Movement and anti-Vietnam War crusade had both been hijacked by the radical left in order to legitimize and mainstream their anti-American Marxist movement. 

At the same time, black militant groups such as the Black Panthers, the Nation of Islam and the Black Nationalist Movement were on the rise.  They espoused Marxism and the overthrow of American society using supposed irredeemable American racism as the primary tool of revolution.  They soon discovered the inherent power of the racism accusation and how so many among the ruling elites and sanctimonious liberals in the white population could be easily intimidated and driven by guilt to acquiesce to monetary and policy demands. 

Over time it became clear to both branches of American Marxism, the hard left faction and the black rsdicals, that the path to revolution in the United States lay only secondarily in the centuries-old tactic of class warfare and primarily in unending racial politics, and so they unceasingly instigated racial animosity.  The primary feature of that strategy was the unconscionable use of the black citizenry as unsuspecting pawns to be manipulated as victims when the circumstances could be exploited for incitement or monetary gain -- and their plight ignored when the circumstances could not.       

It was inevitable that these two Marx-sympathizing factions would merge.  Legitimized and mainstreamed into American society by their anti-Vietnam War and militant civil rights activities, the radical left began successfully infiltrating and dominating the higher education establishment, the entertainment complex and the Democrat party.  Within 30-35 years those institutions were essentially controlled by the Marxists.  The last step would be the elevation to the presidency of an electable and personable stealth graduate of the movement who would trigger the revolution. 

Meanwhile, the white dominated Ruling Class, in an effort to catch up to what was happening on the ground and in furtherance of their in-bred condescension, opened its ranks to black leaders who were willing to betray their fellow blacks for a place at the table and monetary gain.  This alliance resulted in the creation of countless failed welfare and social programs that destroyed the pride and cohesion within what was once a fiercely independent and noble people despite the obstacles placed before them for so much of the nation’s past.  Rampant crime, 77% of births to unwed mothers, deliberate ill-education and a loss of self-respect has condemned nearly an entire race to involuntary serfdom dependent on the largess of patronizing liberals both white and black.  Thus, a population that can easily be exploited and manipulated.

Despite the racial politics, avarice and megalomania of the ruling elites and radical leftists, the American people, both black and white, took it upon themselves to dramatically confront racism and race relations on a local and community level.  By 2008, 77% of all Americans (60% of Blacks) thought that race relations were good in their individual communities.

However, the determination to reverse this trend and instigate racial animosity, manipulate the black citizenry, exploit the credulousness of white liberals and unleash racial opportunism began soon after Barack Obama assumed the presidency and became the titular leader of the Ruling Class.  He and his henchmen deliberately set out to fan the dying embers of racism into a national conflagration. 

As President, Obama unabashedly and falsely claimed that racism is permanently embedded in America’s DNA (i.e. systemic racism), He never missed an opportunity to pour gasoline on potentially volatile occurrences even if the facts were unknown or totally fabricated.  Whether it was his spurious justification of overt voter intimidation by the Black Panthers in Philadelphia, his gratuitous and unfounded criticism of the police in the Henry Louis Gates affair, his inflammatory rhetoric and prejudgments about the Trayvon Martin incident in Florida, the Michael Brown shooting in Ferguson, Missouri or the Freddie Gray episode in Baltimore, among others. 

Further, Obama gave his tacit imprimatur to the formation of the Marxist Black Lives Matter organization to exploit and profit off of the pretext that white police officers wantonly killed innumerable unarmed blacks annually.  He implicitly sanctioned violence and lawlessness as a means of protest.  Obliquely justifying the criminality by claiming that the United States is an irredeemably racist country.  He promoted the denigration of and hatred towards the police which has resulted in an 25% increase the number of police officers murdered in the six years since the Ferguson riots versus the prior six years.  He effectively espoused blatant racism and discrimination against the white population by promoting radical racist doctrines such as Critical Race Theory, thus, enriching the proponents and his former mentors.

Obama and his fellow-travelers in the Marxist movement within the Ruling Class knew that a substantial share of a pre-conditioned and ill-educated black populace would easily fall prey to this demagoguery and could be counted on to participate in marches and riots while accepting at face value that the United States was a “systemically” racist country.  They also knew that the bulk of self-described, and also ill-educated, white liberals, in particular females under 40, seeking relevance and swept up in what they perceive to be a grand crusade of promoting all manner of “civil rights” in a heartless, capitalistic society, would be easily manipulated and not only accept at face value that the United States is a “systemically” racist country but would also participate in marches and riots. 

Looking at the landscape of American society today, it not an overstatement to say that Obama’s treachery has, thus far, been wildly successful in creating societal chaos and uncertainty. 

The race-induced riots and criminality in the summer of 2020, together with the overt participation of Black Lives Matter and other radical leftist groups in the fraudulent election results, eventuated in the placement of the avowed radicals in the corridors of power and a mendacious befuddled puppet controlled by the Marxists in the White House.  Critical Race Theory is rapidly becoming mandatory at all levels of education and is now infecting corporate boardrooms.  At present, many Americans ignorantly accept the lie that the nation is systemically racist, therefore, a radical transformation of society is necessary.  In order to do so, the following is mandatory: universal censorship of any leftist-defined hate speech, the abrogation of religious freedom, reverse discrimination, the elimination of any political opposition, a dual tier system of justice and the shredding and de facto replacement of the Constitution. 

To the American Marxist movement, the century-old dream of pushing aside their confederates in the current ruling class and assuming near-dictatorial power appears to be in reach.

However, it will not happen.  First, as the pre-Obama polls reinforce, this is not a racist country and on a local and community level people of all races know that, and that knowledge is beginning to prevail over transparent racial demagoguery.  Second, the radical left will, and are, overreaching, thus opening the eyes of many previously indifferent citizens.  Third, the Marxists, through their policy prescriptions, have begun to turn on their self-righteous white liberal allies who will eventually wake up from their desire to be a part of what they obliviously perceive to be the in-crowd.  Fourth, the so-called mainstream media, also dominated by these same self-righteous liberals, is in a freefall and is rapidly losing its influence.  Lastly, this nation of 330 million people the size of the continent of Europe has a 245-year history of individual freedom and independence that cannot be erased or overcome.

However, the American people must never again fall prey to a glib, personable presidential candidate because of his or her skin color.  Barack Obama is not only the worst President in United States history -- he is also guilty of sedition.

Photo credit: YouTube screengrab

The tyranny of the big

Big Government allies with Big Business to the detriment of everyone else. This is a simple fact that everyone had better start taking to heart. Crony capitalists, high-powered lawyers, Hollywood studios/moguls, lobbyists, and Big Labor are all solidly and incestuously in this camp of the powerful. Big Education (where there are now often more administrators than instructors) and the rest of Big Media sycophantically and symbiotically cuddle with Big Government even as they attempt to persuade, misinform and help regulate the rest of us. Individuals, small businesses and the middle class as a whole get walloped. Bigger isn’t always better, especially for the little guy.

Worse, Big Labor, through Big Government, takes our taxpayers money and uses it to lobby those in government to give more to Big Labor, even if it is expressly against our wishes. What’s more, much of the money they take from us goes into often slick but always deceiving/misleading ads and commercials to convince us to vote for those candidates and/or policies that are detrimental to us and the nation as a whole…but good for them in the near-term! Candidates and policies that always expand government’s- and its public-sector unions- power. Their power over us.

 The government responds to these factions that are “sophisticated” and wealthy enough to understand and utilize the government’s complexity for their own gain. Hence Democrats, largely responsible for the immensity and complexity of government, receive over 70% of lawyers’ political contributions, as well as the vast majority of contributions from those in Big Media, Big Education and Big Labor, of course. The largest U.S. companies, particularly the global giants with no particular or unique love for the U.S. (after all, China, India, etc. are bigger or potentially bigger markets) are more and more flooding the Democratic coffers with cash. They are “too big to fail” and might need a government bailout at some point in the future.

 Starting to see the big picture? Angry yet?

 This is why the former community organizer Barack Obama, not the famously wealthy Mitt Romney, carried 8 of America’s 10 wealthiest counties in 2012. And also why Trump’s message and policies resonated so well with working people in both 2016 and 2020.

 It is the Democrats that proclaim their love for the “little guy” that in reality pee all over the working class. It is the coastal elites that look down their noses at the rubes clinging to their God and their guns in fly-over country.

True conservatives don’t promise everything to everybody outside of the “one percent.” They don’t promise to give everyone “free” healthcare and college educations, “free” birth-control and abortions, “free” breakfast, lunch and dinner, and freedom from responsibility and guilt.  They know that the money has to come from somewhere, and that somewhere is taxpayers’ paychecks. 

If the administrators, professors and media-types, et. al., truly dislike the capitalist system and those who make good money, and really believe that education should be free, why don’t they simply volunteer…refuse to accept a salary?  Or at least take a pay cut? That way everyone could actually get as close to a free education as is realistically possible.

What a great idea! Right, educators? Well?

Thought so.

All conservatives promise is to give us back some of our freedom.                                                             

 And therefore, our country.

 They don’t stand a chance against someone promising “free” birth-to-grave healthcare for our pets.

Come to think of it, I hope nobody actually picks up on that idea…they would likely win in a landslide.

Biden’s Racist Presidency

Racism by any other name is still racism.



President Joe Biden addressed the nation on April 20th following the announcement of the jury’s guilty verdicts against former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin for murder and manslaughter in the killing of George Floyd. Instead of focusing on America’s virtues as a country based on the rule of law, Biden played the spurious “systemic racism” card. Instead of focusing on America’s progress in becoming a more just and inclusive society, Biden said that Floyd’s death had "ripped the blinders off for the whole world to see the systemic racism in the United States." He added that this “systemic racism” is a “stain on our nation’s soul.”

Biden should reflect on his own record – past and present – before falsely attributing to all of America the racism that stains his own soul. 

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki was asked the day after Biden’s remarks on the Chauvin verdict whether Biden "acknowledges his own role" in the alleged systemic racism that he was condemning. The reporter noted that Biden was “an architect of multiple federal laws in the 1980s and ’90s that disproportionately jailed Black people and contributed to what many people see as systemic racism."

Psaki refused to answer the question directly. Instead, Psaki emphasized the actions she said that Biden is currently taking as president to address “racial injustice in this country.” Her message was that it’s not worth spending time looking back at issues “from 30 years ago." She wants us to forget that today’s social justice warrior against “systemic racism” sitting in the Oval Office once aligned himself with Southern Democrat racists in the Senate to slow school desegregation. Psaki is telling us to overlook Biden’s role as a principal architect of the 1994 crime bill that resulted in the mass incarceration of young black men. After all, it was 30 years ago.

However, even if we take Psaki’s advice and focus on what President Biden is saying and doing today, Biden is still exhibiting his racism – this time from the Oval Office. First, he embraces critical race theory, which itself is racist to its core. Second, Biden stereotypes blacks as one monolithic group incapable of performing simple tasks in exercising their right to vote and who all view the police collectively as bigots wanting to hurt them.

Critical race theory is rooted in Marxism. It replaces economic class with race as the determinant of who is the oppressor and who is the oppressed. Critical race theory strips a person of one’s own individual humanity and attributes pre-determined traits, biases, beliefs, and moral values based solely on the racial group a person belongs to. White people are privileged oppressors simply because they are born white, the theory postulates. It makes no difference what an individual white person believes. It is irrelevant how an individual white person treats people of color in day-to-day interactions, or what good the person does in life for other people. Whites are born with the original sin of slavery marked on them like a scarlet letter. Whites can never erase the scarlet letter unless they confess their inherent guilt and submit to a fundamentally new social order that overthrows the institutions and norms said to be rooted in white supremacism.

On Biden’s first day as president he issued an executive order complaining of what it calls “the unbearable human costs of systemic racism.” Biden’s executive order is entitled “Advancing Racial Equity and Support for Underserved Communities Through the Federal Government.”  While equality is all about ensuring that everyone is afforded the same opportunities for advancement, equity is all about distributing resources according to perceived need to ensure equal outcomes. Biden’s executive order focuses on achieving “equity” for specific “oppressed” identity groups through federal government action. In other words, Biden has implemented by executive action critical race theory’s twist on Marxism to take resources from whites as the oppressor class and give to blacks and other marginal communities as the “oppressed” class.

Biden’s order revokes his predecessor’s Executive Order 13950 of September 22, 2020 entitled “Combating Race and Sex Stereotyping.” Trump’s order had done away with government workplace diversity training based on critical race theory. This training was delivered by merchants of racial division who taught that the notions of color-blindness and individual merit are products of white privilege. Biden’s executive order opens the door to bringing back such racist indoctrination, turning on its head Martin Luther King, Jr.’s teaching that we should judge people by the content of their character rather than by the color of their skin.

Under Biden’s direction, critical race theory is becoming emblematic of his administration and practiced throughout the executive branch. Biden’s Education Department, for example, wants to provide grants to schools that incorporate critical race theory materials into their curriculums, including the New York Times’ slavery-obsessed 1619 Project that prominent historians have debunked. A new rule proposed by the department advocates racially and ethnically responsive teaching processes that “contribute to what has been called an ‘identity-safe’ learning environment.” In addition to suggesting the discredited New York Times’ 1619 Project as a teaching resource, the rule cited the work of critical race theorist Ibram X.Kendi, who wrote that the “most threatening racist movement” is the “regular American's drive for a 'race-neutral'” state.

President Biden’s ambassador to the United Nations, Linda Thomas-Greenfield, said on April 14th that “the original sin of slavery weaved white supremacy into our founding documents and principles.” She delivered this remark to a receptive audience hosted by the bigoted Reverend Al Sharpton’s National Action Network. Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield chose to focus on America’s experience with slavery, eradicated more than 155 years ago after a bloody civil war. She chose not to speak forcefully against slavery still existing to this day in Africa, a continent in which she has specialized during her long diplomatic career.

Aside from promoting critical race theory’s anti-white racist ideology, Biden and members of his administration stereotype blacks according to racist, paternalistic pre-conceptions of black traits, capabilities, and beliefs.

Biden displayed his tendency to stereotype blacks when he said during the campaign that “if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black." Biden, an old white man, was presuming to tell blacks of all ages and backgrounds how they must vote if they are truly black. Biden’s insulting assertion wasn’t just a campaign gaffe. It reflects Biden’s inherent bias, which he has carried with him into the White House.

Thus, for example, Biden and his sidekick Vice President Kamala Harris consider state election laws such as Georgia’s to be a return to the Jim Crow era of years past. Not because of physical intimidation, poll taxes, or literacy tests imposed specifically on blacks seeking to vote, which were typical of that time. Rather, Biden, Harris, and their leftwing progressive allies consider such requirements as submitting proof of voter ID  too much of a burden for blacks of any age, background, education, or physical condition to handle. In their minds, a voter ID requirement is no more than an attempt to suppress black voting. Never mind that a March 2021 poll released by Rasmussen Reports showed that 69% of black voters support voter ID laws. To assume that blacks collectively will be held back from voting because they have difficulty meeting an ID requirement that is now so common in other settings is racial stereotyping.

The Biden White House also stereotypes blacks as a monolithic group victimized by an allegedly “racist” police system. Aside from maligning the vast majority of police of all races who risk their lives every day to serve their communities, the stereotype does an injustice to blacks themselves who live more in fear of the violent criminals stalking their communities than of the police. Chicago alone last year reported more than 700 homicides. Many of the homicide victims in Chicago, as well as the suspects, have been young, black men.

What’s happening in Chicago is a national phenomenon. No wonder that, contrary to the Biden White House’s stereotype, many blacks look to the police for protection and want the police to answer their calls. According to a Gallup poll taken after the police killing of George Floyd last year, “most Black Americans -- 61% -- want the police presence to remain the same.”

White House Press Secretary Psaki exploited the recent fatal police shooting of a black teenage girl in Columbus, Ohio, Ma'Khia Bryant, who was stopped just in time from lunging a knife into another black girl. Psaki used the tragic incident to further the critical race theory narrative that blacks collectively are victims of systemic police racism. “We know that police violence disproportionately impacts Black and Latino communities and that Black women and girls, like Black men and boys, experience higher rates of police violence,” Psaki said at a press briefing on April 21st. Psaki did not even acknowledge that the police officer involved in the shooting of Ma'Khia Bryant had to make a split second decision, which most likely saved an innocent, unarmed black girl’s life.

During President Joe Biden’s first 100 days, Biden and his team have advocated a racist dogma that demonizes whites based on the color of their skin. And they have infantilized blacks as powerless victims rather than responsible human beings, based also on the color of their skin. Racism by any other name is still racism, even if it emanates from the Oval Office.

The Left's Systemic Exploitation of Race

And how to counter its false and destructive narrative.



When I occasionally complain about the left politicizing race, fellow conservatives often say to me, "Don't worry about this. They've lost all credibility on the issue, trivializing it by overuse. They're getting no traction with it." Oh?

You'd have to be blind and deaf to deny that this tactic is working for the left politically and that it has caused great harm. Democrats and the left bring up race every five minutes to demonize Republicans and profit politically. It is nothing more than a raw power grab.

Indeed, if you want to talk about shameful behavior on race, look no further than the liberal politicians and the media who smear half the country as racists daily because of their views on economic, political and cultural issues. If you champion American sovereignty, advocate border control, support the indispensability of law enforcement, promote our free market economy and cherish America's founding principles — and if your skin happens to be white (unless you're a progressive) — you are presumptively racist.

The baseless racism allegation is particularly despicable considering there are few more damning charges that can be leveled against a person and that the persistent hammering of this issue does incalculable damage to race relations and overall societal goodwill. And don't think for a second it isn't leading to violence. People are dying in the streets not just because of certain incidents of police brutality but because way too many people have been deceived into believing that non-minorities hate them based on their skin color.

Those who pooh-pooh the threat posed by the left's relentless exploitation of race don't factor in several important things: When you repeat a lie often enough, it is eventually believed. When you control academia, the mainstream media, Hollywood and the fascist digital oligarchy, you can exert mind control on not just young, impressionable people but adults who are bullied and shamed into silence and ultimately surrender. (There may be a growing outrage among the millions of victims of these libels, but as of yet, they are not fighting back with even a modicum of energy and coordination.)

Many of you probably didn't realize that the seeds of the infernal ideas of critical race theory, white supremacy and systemic racism began as rogue ideas in university faculty lounges, academic literature and, ultimately, the classrooms of America's indoctrination laboratories, otherwise known as our hallowed universities.

These cockeyed ideas on gender and race populated all kinds of university textbooks and classrooms, which were more committed to agitating students than providing them a classical education, but for several decades, they were relegated to the academic fringe. Now, as the left has become more and more emboldened, this insanity has proliferated into the mainstream of our culture and politics.

Democratic politicians and their media cohorts routinely make flagrantly ludicrous comments about race that intellectually honest people should reject out of hand. Instead, these views are being treated seriously, and people who know better are legitimizing this poison. The mostly fabricated racism issue is dominating everything, to the point that we can't even focus on real problems facing society — and minorities in particular.

One of the greatest ironies surrounding all of this malicious nonsense is that the bizarre notions of critical race theory, white supremacy and systemic racism are themselves racist. They vilify people as a group based on their race, not their individual hearts, character or conduct. They judge people as intrinsically irredeemable solely by virtue of their skin color.

Racism is not systemic in America today. What is systemic is the left's dishonest stigmatizing of people as racists. There is a strong spiritual component at work here. God created each and every human being in His image. We are individuals, accountable to Him for our behavior; we are not to be judged based on what others do. This spurious, categorical condemnation of people robs them of their individuality and dehumanizes them. At the same time, the victimization of minorities for crass political gain diminishes their individuality and accountability. Everyone loses except the political shysters who benefit from this acrimony.

Sadly, this wicked duplicity will not stop until responsible people of good faith of all races and political parties stand up against the corrosive, engineered pandemic of racial disharmony and truly preach that we are all called to love one another irrespective of skin color. It certainly won't stop through the proposed remedies of endless wealth redistribution, reparations, police reform and the self-flagellation of people copping to a sin of which they don't believe they're guilty. The Civil War and civil rights movement apparently count for nothing. The left has an insatiable lust for keeping this issue on the front burner at the highest heat, and things will not improve until the left is no longer rewarded for fomenting racial disharmony.

What we need in this country is a religious revival — another Great Awakening — but until that time, people need to get on offense and fight back against this false and evil narrative.

David Limbaugh is a writer, author and attorney.

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