Monday, May 17, 2021


 Buckets of Meth and the Guns in the Grass: ‘Guns come south, drugs go north’ — expect it to get worse as the number of migrants surges

By Andrew R. Arthur
Two recent events on May 5 underscore the crisis that is unfolding at the Southwest border. One involved a number of high-powered guns, the other buckets full of methamphetamine. Neither has received much attention, but both reveal the price that communities across the United States and Mexico are paying for a border situation that is out of control.

Obama Funds the Mexican Fascist Party of LA RAZA “The Race”… now calling itself UNIDOSus.


"This is country belongs to Mexico" is said by the

 Mexican Militant. This is a common teaching that

 the U.S. is really AZTLAN, belonging to Mexicans,

 which is taught to Mexican kids in Arizona and

 California through a LA Raza educational program

 funded by American Tax Payers via President

 Obama, when he gave LA RAZA $800,000.00 in

 March of 2009!


Previous generations of immigrants did not believe they were racially superior to Americans. That is the view of La Raza Cosmica, by Jose Vasconcelos, Mexico’s former education minister and a presidential candidate. According to this book, republished in 1979 by the Department of Chicano Studies at Cal State LA, students of Scandinavian, Dutch and English background are dullards, blacks are ugly and inferior, and those “Mongols” with the slanted eyes lack enterprise. The superior new “cosmic” race of Spaniards and Indians is replacing them, and all Yankee “Anglos.” LLOYD BILLINGSLEY 

DO A SEARCH FOR ERIC HOLDER AND "Operation Fast and Furious," 


 “One of the most disgusting things to come out of the Obama administration was "Operation Fast and Furious," where members of the Department of Alcohol, To bacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) allowed illegal gun sales to go through – commonly referred to as "gun walking" – in order to track buyers and sellers they believed were connected to the Mexican drug cartels. Nearly 2,000 firearms were sold and were eventually found throughout the United States and Mexico. Two of them were used to kill Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry.”   BETH BAUMANN


The “zero tolerance” program was dismantled by Attorney General Erc Holder once it had successfully cut the transit of migrants by roughly 95 percent. Initially, officials made 140,000 arrests per year in the mid-2000s, but the northward flow dropped so much that officials only had to make 6,000 arrests in 2013, according to a 2014 letter by two pro-migration Senators, Sen. Jeff Flake and John McCain.

Jose Angel Gutierrez, professor, University of Texas, Arlington and founder of La Raza Unida political party screams at rallies: "We have an aging white America. They are d ying. They are s hitting in their pants with fear! I love it! We have got to eliminate the g ringo, and what I mean by that is if the worst comes to the worst, we have got to k  ill him!" 

Previous generations of immigrants did not believe they were racially superior to Americans. That is the view of La Raza Cosmica, by Jose Vasconcelos, Mexico’s former education minister and a presidential candidate. According to this book, republished in 1979 by the Department of Chicano Studies at Cal State LA, students of Scandinavian, Dutch and English background are dullards, blacks are ugly and inferior, and those “Mongols” with the slanted eyes lack enterprise. The superior new “cosmic” race of Spaniards and Indians is replacing them, and all Yankee “Anglos.” LLOYD BILLINGSLEY/ FRONTPAGE mag

Washington and AFL-CIO file labor complaints in Matamoros and Silao, Mexico

On May 10, the AFL-CIO bureaucracy in the United States asked the Biden administration to file the first labor complaint under the United States-Mexico-Canada (USMCA) trade deal.

The AFL-CIO document states that the management of the Tridonex auto parts plant in Matamoros, Mexico, has violated the right of its employees to leave the local branch of the corrupt Confederation of Mexican Workers (CTM) and join the Independent National Union of Industry and Service Workers (SNITIS), led by labor lawyer Susana Prieto Terrazas.

The letter notes that Tridonex, a subsidiary of Philadelphia-based Cardone Industries, “fired more than 600 supporters of the independent union SNITIS, which was created after 2019 labor protests forced the maquiladoras in Matamoros to raise wages.”

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador in Mexico City, Friday, April 3, 2020. (AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell)

The same week that the AFL-CIO called on the US to intervene in Matamoros, the Biden administration decided to file a separate labor complaint, also under the USMCA. It requested that the Mexican government of President Andrés Manuel López Obrador (known as AMLO) review a fraudulent union recognition vote involving threats and ballot-stuffing by CTM gangsters, known as charros, aimed at maintaining the CTM’s control over the contract at the General Motors factory in Silao, in the central state of Guanajuato.

Workers in Mexico should be highly suspicious of these efforts. The same government in Washington is currently backing the massacre of Palestinian workers and children by Israeli bombs and the killing and “disappearing” of hundreds of Colombian workers and youth by that country’s police, who are trained and armed by the United States.

The request by the Biden administration follows an earlier letter signed by US Representatives Dan Kildee, Bill Pascrell and Earl Blumenauer asking GM itself to “speak out against violations of labor and human rights abuses at the Silao GM plant.”

The Canadian trade union Unifor and the so-called IndustriAll Global Union also released letters to GM and Mexican government authorities denouncing the fraudulent vote at Silao.

On May 11, the Mexican Labor Ministry acknowledged that it had found “serious irregularities” in the vote at Silao and would order the CTM affiliate to hold a new vote within 30 days to legitimize its contract with GM. The ministry also filed a complaint with state prosecutors, setting the stage for a possible criminal investigation.

GM said it would hire a firm to conduct an “independent review” of the allegations, but insisted that Labor Ministry inspectors had supervised the vote and conditions at the plant. However, according to workers at the plant who spoke to the WSWS, the Labor Ministry inspectors would meet only CTM union officials and workers that had been threatened and/or bribed.

Having ignored numerous previous complaints by GM workers at Silao, López Obrador himself said last Wednesday that “the US government is right,” adding that “We had confirmed it and it had been condemned.” He then promised to respond to the US request “immediately.”

In a statement pledging to cooperate with the inquiry, the CTM directly addressed the real concerns of the ruling class. “The CTM does not generate conflicts,” it declared, “nor is it an obstacle for the development of industry and trade.”

It remains to be seen whether the AMLO government will assist the CTM and GM in carrying out another fraudulent vote fraud to renew their contract. That would require demonstrating majority support for the contract, with “yes” votes representing at least 30 percent of the total workforce. Alternately, AMLO might allow another registered trade union to negotiate and compete against the CTM for a separate contract.

This validation process is a new requirement for all contracts under AMLO’s “labor reform,” which incorporates the labor provisions of the USMCA. However, in the two years since the “reform” took effect, AMLO has not only given a free hand to the CTM, but has continued, like past governments, to rely on its violent harassment and policing of workers to suppress their struggles.

Moreover, Mexican Labor Minister Luisa Alcalde has insisted that it is acting in “daily coordination with US labor authorities,” and that the 500,000 contracts in the country will most likely not be revalidated before the May 2023 deadline. Nor has the ministry given any sign that it intends to invest in the enforcement resources required to oversee all these procedures. When asked about the lack of enforcement of the labor reform, AMLO has simply said that he will not interfere in “internal” union affairs.

Far from the dawn of “union democracy” in Mexico, or the crusade against CTM corruption that AMLO promised, the USMCA and his government’s labor “reform” program are aimed at extinguishing the fires of socialist internationalism wherever they erupt among Mexican workers influenced by the World Socialist Web Site. In addition to belonging to the one-million-strong auto workforce in Mexico, what the workers at Tridonex and Matamoros have in common is precisely their connection to the WSWS.

The labor reform was rushed into law in May 2019 after tens of thousands of maquiladora workers organized wildcat strikes in opposition to the CTM. As analyzed by the WSWS in articles widely shared by Matamoros workers, Susana Prieto worked with US-aligned “independent unions” to sideline the democratic strike committees and mass assemblies set up by the workers themselves. During a mass march to the nearby US border at Brownsville, Texas, the Matamoros strikers called on American workers to join their struggle and made numerous appeals to workers internationally, through the WSWS.

After initially insisting that workers had to rely on the hated CTM union locals at Tridonex and other plants, Prieto and the Electricians Union (SME)—both long-time collaborators of the AFL-CIO—formed the SNITIS “independent” union to channel and suppress the ongoing unrest.

With billions of dollars in auto parts, electronics and defense products on the line in Matamoros, Prieto subsequently worked to contain new waves of wildcat strikes in 2020 by workers demanding shutdowns with full compensation when workers began falling ill with COVID-19. Prieto and SNITIS subordinated this struggle to AMLO’s May 2020 decrees declaring all manufacturing to be “essential.”

Then, in January 2021, SNITIS called on Matamoros plants to strike for a 15 percent wage increase. No plant won the full increase and dozens of workers were fired.

Thousands more workers have been fired in reprisals for the strikes in 2019 and 2020. SNITIS, however, has refused to organize any struggle against the layoffs and firings. Instead, Prieto used the 2021 strikes as a stunt to announce her entry as a candidate of AMLO’s Morena party in congressional elections to be held next month.

A worker at the sugar processing factory Batory, who remained anonymous for fear of reprisal, told the WSWS that a group of workers fired in January sought help from Prieto, “and she told them that they knew what they were getting into and refused to help them.” The worker continued: “Now they are sad and regret having listened to her. The activist Susana Prieto ended up being more charra than the [CTM] charros .”

At the GM plant in Silao, a group of rank-and-file workers called the Generating Movement, who had been fighting for years to rid themselves of the CTM, joined online calls organized by the WSWS with American autoworkers ahead of and during the September 2019 strike at GM in the United States. The Generating Movement workers acted courageously and in a principled manner to support the GM strikers in the US by refusing to go along with demands by GM at Silao for speedup and mandatory overtime. The company retaliated by carrying out numerous firings.

Since this brave intervention, the AFL-CIO, the SME and other unions have sought to pressure the Generating Movement into organizing within one of the “independent” unions vetted by the Mexican government and sponsored by US imperialism.

In sum, the Mexican and US authorities, with the help of pseudo-left outfits, are employing the prospect of replacing the CTM goons by “independent” charros sponsored by Washington to head off the struggle of workers to unite with their class brothers and sisters to the north and oppose capitalist exploitation.

Within the United States, the complaints over union votes in Mexico coincide with an ongoing campaign by the Biden administration to prop up the existing trade unions, most recently by officially backing the unionization drive of the Retail, Wholesale and Department Store Union (RWDSU) at Amazon’s Bessemer, Alabama, plant. Less than 13 percent voted for the union.

This expression of opposition to the pro-corporate unions in the US coincides with the sentiments of workers at the Silao plant, who have voted by similar percentages to reject the CTM.

For his part, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka said in a statement: “The USMCA requires Mexico to end the reign of protection unions and their corrupt deals with employers.” As Trumka himself well knows, if such a policy were enforced in the US, the AFL-CIO would be dissolved. As he was issuing this statement, a federal judge was sentencing Dennis Williams, former president of the United Auto Workers, to 21 months in jail for having stolen millions in union dues.

Just as workers in Mexico face corruption, sellout contracts and harassment and violence by CTM charro officials, American workers confront similar conditions at the hands of the unions in the US. Nor is it any different for workers around the world.

Promoting the myth being advanced around the USMCA labor provisions and Mexico’s “labor reform,” the New York Times wrote: “The trade deal seeks to improve labor conditions and pay for workers in Mexico, which proponents say would benefit American workers by deterring factory owners from moving their operations to Mexico from the United States in search of cheaper labor.”

This narrative, while professing concern for workers, is based on the same reactionary and nationalist claims used by the AFL-CIO to divide American workers from their class brothers and sisters across the border, blaming Mexican workers for taking “American jobs.” American workers, according to this narrative, must accept endless concessions in wages, pensions, health care and working conditions to prevent jobs from going abroad.

By pitting workers against each other, the capitalist rulers have been able to slash real wages for workers on both sides of the border over the past four decades, as the maquiladoras in Mexico grew dramatically.

Within the US, the Democratic Party is seeking to breathe new life into the rotten corpse of the AFL-CIO, which is entirely integrated into the state. Its foreign policy arm, the Solidarity Center, receives 96 percent of its funding from the State Department. Biden’s point person for International Labor Affairs is Thea Lee, who was deputy chief of staff of the AFL-CIO between 1997 and 2017.

The strategy of the US foreign policy establishment to promote “independent” unions in Mexico dates back to 1997, when these unions first organized within the National Workers Union (UNT). A few weeks after its foundation, the UNT and Mexican President Ernesto Zedillo hosted the first trip of an AFL-CIO president, John Sweeney, to Mexico, with the aim of changing “the fossilized labor system,” as reported at the time by the New York Times.

The International Committee of the Fourth International calls on workers to build the International Workers Alliance of Rank-and-File Committees to consciously break from the nationalist and pro-capitalist framework of the trade unions and unify their struggles internationally on the basis the perspective of world socialist revolution.

Female Gulf Cartel Commander Arrested in Mexican Border City

Gulf Cartel Gunman
Breitbart Border / Cartel Chronicles

MATAMOROS, Tamaulipas – Military forces arrested a female commander with the Gulf Cartel during a raid in the border city of Matamoros. The woman had a federal arrest warrant on organized crime charges.

The case took place this week, when troops from Mexico’s Navy carried out a raid in the Arboledas neighborhood, not far from Veterans International Bridge in Matamoros. The military troops

surprised Martha Alicia “La China” Perez Ferel, also known as Doña Martha, who was not able to fight back or escape. After the arrest, federal police officers moved Perez to an open field where a military helicopter landed and flew her to the airport in Matamoros. Her nickname, La China, is not to be confused with Melissa Calderon Ojeda, a jailed Sinaloa Cartel enforcer with the same nickname.

The operation caught locals by surprise leading to some seeking shelter expecting a gun battle at any moment. Other high-profile arrests in Matamoros led to shootouts.
According to information released by Mexico’s Attorney General’s Office (FGR), Perez has since been sent to a prison in the state of Guanajuato awaiting trial.

Mexican law enforcement sources consulted by Breitbart Texas revealed that Doña Martha has been a cell leader with the Gulf Cartel. Mexican authorities began hunting her in 2018 and in 2019 they came close to capturing her during a similar raid. She and her daughters managed to escape.

Editor’s Note: Breitbart Texas traveled to the Mexican States of Tamaulipas, Coahuila, and Nuevo León to recruit citizen journalists willing to risk their lives and expose the cartels silencing their communities.  The writers would face certain death at the hands of the various cartels that operate in those areas including the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas if a pseudonym were not used. Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles are published in both English and in their original Spanish. This article was written by “J.A. Espinoza” and “J.C. Sanchez” from Tamaulipas. 

Mexican Cops Find Mass Graves at Border Park near Texas

Playita Reynosa
Breitbart Texas / Ildefonso Ortiz

REYNOSA, Tamaulipas – Mexican authorities discovered mass graves at a recreation park leading to the banks of the Rio Grande. The area is commonly used by the Gulf Cartel to move large numbers of Central American migrants into Texas.

The discovery occurred within the past week in La Playita, which is immediately south of the Anzalduas Park in Texas.

According to information provided to Breitbart Texas by Tamaulipas law enforcement sources, authorities responded to the park after a car was found abandoned in a nearby ditch. Police found a female body in the trunk. The victim was bound and shot execution-style.

Authorities began searching various spots in the park and found three grave sites containing human bones. Authorities were able to confirm the remains of 12 different bodies, however, it is unclear if there are more graves in the vicinity.

In recent years, authorities have found several clandestine graves in and around Reynosa, plus crematoriums used by the Gulf Cartel to dispose of their victims. Local violence continues due to infighting within the organization. The Gulf Cartel has been accused of ransom kidnappings of innocent victims, often with tragic results.

Editor’s Note: Breitbart Texas traveled to the Mexican States of Tamaulipas, Coahuila, and Nuevo León to recruit citizen journalists willing to risk their lives and expose the cartels silencing their communities.  The writers would face certain death at the hands of the various cartels that operate in those areas including the Gulf Cartel and Los Zetas if a pseudonym were not used. Breitbart Texas’ Cartel Chronicles are published in both English and in their original Spanish. This article was written by “J.C. Sanchez” from Tamaulipas. 

Photos Show Deplorable Conditions of Stash Houses near Border in Texas

Border Patrol agents find 13 migrants in a filthy human smuggling stash house near Roma, Texas. (Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Rio Grande Valley Sector)
Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Rio Grande Valley Sector

Photos released by Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol officials show the deplorable living conditions where human smugglers warehouse migrants in Texas. Smugglers pack the migrants into filthy conditions after moving them a short distance away from the Rio Grande border with Mexico.

Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agents teamed up with state and local law enforcement officials late last week to interdict eight separate human smuggling incidents, according to information provided by RGV Border Patrol officials. The interdictions led to the arrest of nearly 100 people.

Border Patrol agents find 13 migrants in a Roma, Texas, human smuggling stash house. (Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Rio Grande Valley Sector)

Border Patrol agents find 13 migrants in a Roma, Texas, human smuggling stash house. (Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Rio Grande Valley Sector)

RGV agents teamed up with the Roma Police Department to investigate two human smuggling stash houses in Roma, Texas, on May 13. Agents found 17 migrants locked inside two houses, officials stated. The agents identified the migrants as foreign nationals from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Nicaragua — all illegally present in the United States.

Later that day, RGV agents teamed up with deputies from the Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office to investigate another human smuggling stash house in Edcouch, Texas. Inside, the agents found 11 migrants who came to the United States illegally from Mexico and Central America, officials reported. No human smuggling “caretaker” was identified in the raid.

Agents find a filthy bathroom in one of the human smuggling stash houses near the Mexican border. (Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Rio Grande Valley Sector)

Agents find a filthy bathroom in one of the human smuggling stash houses near the Mexican border. (Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Rio Grande Valley Sector)

During the night of May 13, agents patrolling the border near Armstrong, Texas, observed a Ford F-250 attempting to drop off a group of suspected “noncitizens,” officials stated. The driver of the truck failed to yield to Border Patrol agents leading to a vehicle pursuit.

The pursuit ended when the driver came to a stop and fled into the brush. A search of the area did not lead to an arrest of the fleeing human smuggler. Agents did apprehend two migrants at the original drop-off location.

Border Patrol agents and Hidalgo County Sheriff's Office deputies find 11 migrants in a Edcouch, Texas, stash house. (Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Rio Grande Valley Sector)

Border Patrol agents and Hidalgo County Sheriff’s Office deputies find 11 migrants in a Edcouch, Texas, stash house. (Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Rio Grande Valley Sector)

Rio Grande City Station Border Patrol agents observed a suspicious vehicle driving toward the Rio Grande near La Rosita, Texas. The agents observed a group of people quickly entering the vehicle. The driver quickly drove away from the location. As agents approached, the driver turned the vehicle around and fled back to the Rio Grande. Agents later found the vehicle partially submerged in the border river. The agents observed 13 migrants swimming back to Mexico. Agents seized the vehicle.

Sleeping conditions in one human smuggling stash house found by Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agents. (Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Rio Grande Valley Sector)

Sleeping conditions in one human smuggling stash house found by Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agents. (Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Rio Grande Valley Sector)

Weslaco, Texas, police officers requested assistance from Border Patrol agents after identifying a possible stash house operation in a hotel. The agents identified the two people as being in the U.S. illegally. They transported the migrants to the Weslaco Station for processing.

Agents apprehended an additional 66 migrants in three other failed human smuggling attempts last week, officials stated.

South Texas Police Encounter Pakistanis in Alleged Smuggling Stop near Border

Smugglers Vehicle

On Tuesday, Zavala County Sheriff’s deputies and Border Patrol arrested two U.S. citizens for suspicion of human trafficking near La Pryor, Texas. Six passengers were determined to be migrants illegally present in the country. Two of those were Pakistani nationals.

The arrest of human smugglers on border highways is becoming common due to the surge in migrant crossings. Encountering Pakistani nationals in these types of stops are uncommon at the moment, however.

Most illegal border crossings involve citizens of Mexico and Central America. A source working for Customs and Border Protection says they are detaining several migrants from Department of Homeland Security-designated “special interest” countries. The source says CBP is holding alien nationals of Turkey (18), Pakistan (4), and Syria (1).

According to the Department of Homeland Security:

[G]enerally, a Special Interest Alien is a non-U.S. person who, based on an analysis of travel patterns, potentially poses a national security risk to the United States or its interests. Often such individuals or groups are employing travel patterns known or evaluated to possibly have a nexus to terrorism.  DHS analysis includes an examination of travel patterns, points of origin, and/or travel segments that are tied to current assessments of national and international threat environments.

This case remains under investigation.

Randy Clark is a 32-year veteran of the United States Border Patrol.  Prior to his retirement, he served as the Division Chief for Law Enforcement Operations, directing operations for nine Border Patrol Stations within the Del Rio, Texas, Sector. Follow him on Twitter @RandyClarkBBTX.

TX Sheriff: We’ve Never Seen Border Like This and It’s ‘Only Going to Get Worse’ and More ‘Are Going to Die’


On Friday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Faulkner Focus,” Val Verde County, TX Sheriff Joe Frank Martinez (D) stated that the situation at the border is “something that has not taken place in this part of our county ever.” And that without implementing a solution, the situation will get worse and “more people are going to die.”

Martinez said, “Well, this is something that has not taken place in this part of our county ever. This is the first time we’ve experienced something like this. So, it’s overburdened our federal partners, U.S. Border Patrol, who are doing everything they can to handle the situation. But we see these immigrants that are coming across fleeing their home country looking for a better way of life, you’ve got to feel for these individuals. But at the same time, there has to be a system in place that allows them a legal process. But it’s heartbreaking to watch some of these family units dragging their small children across a river risking their life.”

He added, “I wish that a decision be made one way or the other as to [how] to stop this. Because more people are going to die. Our state partners are involved in car chases every day. People are — there [are] accidents, they’re going through fences and stuff. People are going to die trying to come here. So, we need to put a stop to this nonsense until we come up with a solution. Because it’s only going to get worse. People are going to continue to come.”

Follow Ian Hanchett on Twitter @IanHanchett

Smuggler Who Packed 35 Migrants in Hot Tractor-Trailer Gets 9 Years in Prison

Laredo Sector Border Patrol agents find 66 migrants locked in a tractor-trailer at the IH-35 Immigration Checkpoint. (Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Laredo Sector)
File Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Laredo Sector

A federal court in Laredo, Texas, sentenced a local man to more than nine years in prison for packing 35 migrants into a hot tractor-trailer in June 2019. Many of the migrants lost consciousness from the heat and lack of oxygen in the sealed trailer.

U.S. District Court Judge Marina Garcia Marmolejo sentenced 52-year-old Juan Contreras this week to a federal prison sentence of 110 months, according to information obtained from the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Texas. Contreras pleaded guilty to the human smuggling attempt in February 2020.

Judge Marmolejo noted this was Contreras’ third alien smuggling conviction and that he had multiple opportunities to stop the criminal activity and the suffering of the migrants locked inside the trailer.

On June 19, 2019, law enforcement officials found Contreras in a tractor-trailer on the side of Interstate 35 near Laredo. While the trailer was reported to be sealed, law enforcement officials noticed a person attempting to force their way through the trailer doors.

Inside the trailer, officials found 35 migrants locked inside, prosecutors stated.

“The investigation revealed the aliens had been banging on the walls while the vehicle was on the side of the highway,” the U.S. Attorney’s Office said in a written statement. “They also tried to reach through holes they made with a crowbar. Multiple individuals even lost consciousness due to lack of oxygen and high temperatures.”

“The sentencing of Contreras sends a clear message that individuals who engage in criminal activity with disregard for human life will be located, arrested, convicted, and sentenced for their actions said Deputy Special Agent in Charge Timothy Tubbs from Homeland Security Investigations (HSI). “Criminals who illegally smuggle people into and throughout the United States place personal profit ahead of public safety. HSI will continue to utilize its broad authorities to dismantle human smuggling organizations.”

Prosecutors noted that Contreras was on supervised release from his previous human smuggling conviction when he committed this crime. The court revoked the remainder of his supervised released and tacked on an additional nine months to his 110-month sentence. Once this is completed, Contreras will face an additional three years of supervised release.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

Border Patrol Agents Save Life of Migrant Suffering Heat Stroke in Texas

Kingsville Station Border Patrol agents rescue a migrant suffering from heatstroke in May 2021. (Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Rio Grande Valley Sector)
Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Rio Grande Valley Sector

Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agents saved the life of a migrant found on a ranch in South Texas. The agents aided the unresponsive migrant and stabilized him before arranging transportation to a regional hospital.

Border Patrol agents assigned to the Kingsville Station encountered an unresponsive migrant adult male on a ranch about 80 miles from the Texas border with Mexico. The migrant appeared to be suffering signs of severe heat stroke, according to a tweet from Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Patrol Agent Brian Hastings.

One of the Border Patrol agents trained as a paramedic began providing medical assistance. Other agents help provide aid to the migrant and arranged a helicopter transport for the man.

The agents managed to stabilize the migrant and the helicopter ambulance transported him to a hospital for further evaluation and treatment.

In the month of April, Border Patrol agents along the southwest border with Mexico rescued 873 migrants. Since the beginning of Fiscal Year 21, agents carried out nearly 5,800 rescues — exceeding the total number of rescues (5,255) for all of Fiscal Year 2020.

Agents in the Rio Grande Valley Sector prosecuted more than 400 documented rescues so far this fiscal year. That number already exceeds Fiscal Year 2020 total of 350 rescues.

Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended nearly 61,000 migrants in April 2021. This compares to 3,459 in April 2020 — an increase of 1,659 percent, according to the CBP Southwest Border Land Encounters report released in an after-hours press release on May 11.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

Texas: Muslim Who Helped His Father Evade Capture After Murdering His Sister Gets Ten Years

But no one is facing up to the reality of Islamic honor killing in the U.S.


In Fort Worth, Texas on Tuesday, a 32-year-old Muslim named Islam Said was sentenced to ten years in prison for spending the last thirteen years helping his father, Yaser Said, one of the FBI’s Most Wanted criminals, evade capture. Yaser Said was wanted for murdering his two daughters, Islam Said’s sisters, Amina and Sarah Said. What kind of man would know that his father had murdered his two sisters and then help his father avoid justice, rather than turning him in? The answer to that question is far too uncomfortable and inconvenient for law enforcement officials to face honestly.

Islam Said was arrested along with Yaser last August. Apparently he was in hiding with his father, although he doesn’t seem to have had anything to do with the killings. And according to the Dallas Morning News, Islam Said denies that the killings were honor murders or had anything to do with Islam. “It’s something else. Religion has nothing to do with it.”

Yet that raises the question of why Islam Said was with his father at all. If these weren’t honor killings, why would Islam Said go on the run with Yaser and help him hide for all these years? Why wouldn’t he have the normal human reaction of thinking that what his father had done in murdering his sisters was abhorrent, and turn his father in to authorities? Did Islam Said’s commitment to the religion of Islam override that natural human reaction and make him think that what his father had done was good and praiseworthy?

For despite media denial and obfuscation of the fact, honor killing is something that many Muslims believe to be good and in accord with their faith. According to Islamic law, “retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right.” However, “not subject to retaliation” is “a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring’s offspring.” (Reliance of the Traveller o1.1-2). In other words, someone who kills his child incurs no legal penalty under Islamic law. In this case the victim was the murderer’s daughter, a victim to the culture of violence and intimidation that such laws help create.

That is why Muslims commit 91 percent of honor killings worldwide. The Palestinian Authority gives pardons or suspended sentences for honor murders. Iraqi women have asked for tougher sentences for Islamic honor murderers, who get off lightly now. Syria in 2009 scrapped a law limiting the length of sentences for honor killings, but “the new law says a man can still benefit from extenuating circumstances in crimes of passion or honour ‘provided he serves a prison term of no less than two years in the case of killing.’” And in 2003 the Jordanian Parliament voted down on Islamic grounds a provision designed to stiffen penalties for honor killings. Al-Jazeera reported that “Islamists and conservatives said the laws violated religious traditions and would destroy families and values.”

Also connected to the Islamic aspect of the story, and evidence that these were honor killings, is the fact that Yaser Said was enraged that Amina and Sarah had non-Muslim boyfriends. The Dallas Morning News reported at the time of the arrests last August that “Sarah said her father had threatened her older sister when he learned that she had a boyfriend, saying he’d put a bullet through Amina’s head.”

Thirteen years ago, however, the Dallas Morning News was more courageous and honest. Back in January 2008, it reported that the girls’ mother Patricia had said (regarding Amina) that “since they are Muslim that the daughter was only allowed to date other Muslims. Yaser had found out she went on a date with a non-Muslim and became very angry and threatened her with bodily harm.”

Yet now Patricia is now playing dumb: “She had no idea where Said was, and, despite public speculation about a motive, she doesn’t know why the sisters were killed.” We can only hope that police will not take her claim at face value, and thoroughly investigate whether Patricia had any role in Yaser being able to evade capture for twelve years. For note this: Patricia “divorced Said in 2009 and had converted to Islam after her daughters’ deaths, said in 2011 that she didn’t know why Said had killed Amina and Sarah but that he thought they were overly Westernized.”

This is a woman who admitted in 2008 — after her husband had killed their two daughters — that her husband had threatened to kill one of her daughters for dating a non-Muslim. Then, after that, she converted to Islam. What kind of a mindset could Patricia Owens Said possibly have had that would have induced her to join the religion that seems to have played a role in leading her husband to murder their daughters? Could it have been because she was in touch with Yaser and was signaling her acquiescence to and approval of his act? Will investigators look into this possibility, or would that be “Islamophobic”?

Probably the latter. Irving police Chief Jeff Spivey says “This man brutally murdered — shot to death — his two daughters in his taxi cab. What led him to do that, I think at this point to us, is irrelevant.”

No, sir. It isn’t irrelevant at all. It could shed important light on the behavior of Islam Said, and on the question of whether or not Patricia Owens Said were involved in his twelve years as a fugitive. Also, knowing exactly what happened in this case could help authorities prevent such honor killings in the future. Yet Chief Spivey seemed cheerfully willing to allow political correctness and fear of the leftist mob to curtail and deform his investigation. And so it is virtually certain that this isn’t the last such case we will see in the United States.

Robert Spencer is the director of Jihad Watch and a Shillman Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center. He is author of 21 books including many bestsellers, such as The Politically Incorrect Guide to Islam (and the Crusades)The Truth About Muhammad and The History of Jihad. His latest book is Did Muhammad Exist?: An Inquiry into Islam's Obscure Origins―Revised and Expanded Edition. Follow him on Twitter here. Like him on Facebook here.

WATCH: 5 Migrant Girls, Under Age 6, Abandoned Overnight on Texas Bank of Rio Grande

Kate Coleman Hobbs
Volume 90%

A Texas rancher living north of Eagle Pass discovered five unaccompanied migrant children abandoned by smugglers on their farmland Saturday night. The five small girls, ranging in ages from one to six years old, were led across the Rio Grande River and abandoned the evening before. The human smugglers left them with no food, water, or any adults to care for them throughout the night.

The rancher’s wife shot a video when they found the children on Mothers Day Sunday morning. The frustrated woman expressed their displeasure for the dangers the children faced throughout the night and the seriousness of their situation. Temperatures reached 103 degrees on Sunday and the children appeared to be exhausted and dehydrated.

A Texas rancher found five little girls abandoned on the U.S. bank of the Rio Grande on Mother's Day. (Photo: Katie Coleman Hobbs)

A Texas rancher found five little girls abandoned on the U.S. bank of the Rio Grande on Mother’s Day. (Photo: Katie Coleman Hobbs)

The ranchers’ employee and his spouse helped care for and comfort the abandoned children while they awaited the arrival of Border Patrol agents.
The frustration was easily heard as the rancher’s wife expressed her feelings in a Facebook post.

“Five little girls were crossed yesterday afternoon and were dumped with no food, water, nothing,” Kate Coleman Hobbs wrote. “My husband found them this morning while on rounds. The adults in the video are our farm manager and his wife who brought much-needed water and food.”

“This is happening everywhere!!!!” she continued. “Share, make calls, raise hell! Stop this inhumanity! This summer is going to be a killer for many! 110 degrees! Stop! Stop this!”

In another post, Hobbs said her husband thought one of the little girls was dead. Fortunately, they were able to revive the child and provide water.

This incident comes as the Biden Administration opens additional Health and Human Services (HHS) Intake Sites to accommodate a surge in unaccompanied migrant children being smuggled into the United States. The children’s parents are sending the children alone to avoid immediate expulsion under the CDC Title 42 emergency order if crossing as a family unit. According to a law enforcement source, the parents or other relatives illegally enter the United States afterward to claim the children to avoid deportation once the children are freed by HHS.

Randy Clark is a 32-year veteran of the United States Border Patrol.  Prior to his retirement, he served as the Division Chief for Law Enforcement Operations, directing operations for nine Border Patrol Stations within the Del Rio, Texas, Sector. Follow him on Twitter @RandyClarkBBTX.


Amnesty Axis: George W. Bush Touts Cheap Migrant Labor with Zuckerberg Group

JUNO BEACH, FLORIDA - MAY 07: Former U.S. President George W. Bush speaks during the flag raising ceremony prior to The Walker Cup at Seminole Golf Club on May 07, 2021 in Juno Beach, Florida. (Photo by Cliff Hawkins/Getty Images)
Cliff Hawkins/Getty Images

Americans’ immigration laws can be changed in “bite-sized pieces” to let employers hire foreign workers instead of Americans, former President George W. Bush told an advocacy group backed by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg.

“We’re working with a big coalition here in the Bush center,” Bush said in a May 6 interview arranged by the National Immigration Forum (NIF), which has been funded by Zuckerberg:

Can we get something done? I think so, but it’s going to have to be in bite-sized pieces … We don’t recognize the fact that there are jobs that need to be done and [foreign] people willing to do them and that needs to be part of a reform.

That “willing worker” goal would destroy Americans’ right to their own national labor market where American employers and American employees can compete on a level playing field for work and wages.

The “willing worker” goal pushed by Bush and his right-of-center Koch network is also being pushed by Zuckerberg’s left-of-center amnesty campaign.

The goal is hidden inside the January 20 amnesty and cheap-labor bill that was introduced by Joe Biden and cheered by Zuckerberg’s coalition. The bill creates an easy way for companies to hire an unlimited number of mid-skill foreign graduates in exchange for the promise of getting green cards in just ten years.

The plan builds on the existing pipelines of visa workers, which are imported via the H-1B, Optional Practical Training (OPT), L-1, TN, B-1/B-2, and other visa worker programs. Even though only about 80,000 foreign graduates get green cards per year, this green-cards-for-work labor system has allowed companies to build a foreign workforce of at least 800,000 mid-skilled foreign contract workers.

That huge mid-skill, no-rights workforce displaces hundreds of thousands of young Americans. This displacement slows technology growth, but it spikes profits by reducing pay, and it also reduces the chance that groups of U.S. or foreign tech workers can split off to create their own novel technologies and companies.

The NIF arranged the interview with Bush. It is part of a larger coalition of Zuckerberg-backed left-wing groups that are using street protests and lobbying to push Congress to pass multiple amnesties in 2021. George Soros has also supported the NIF’s spinoffs.

Bush explained that his personal low-profit, old-economy business on his estate could not survive if he had to rely on higher-wage, blue-collar American labor:

I’m a tree farmer — live oaks, red oaks if you need any … It’s not a very profitable business I want you to know, but it works because there are eight H-2B visa holders who come up [from Mexico] and work for us. They’re skilled, big family people, they send their money home to their families, but [the H-2B visa program requires] they have to go home every year for two months.

Then there’s a question as to whether or not the government let him back in after the two-year hiatus. That creates enormous uncertainty and if at some point, the government says “You can’t come back in,” then all of a sudden, we got a real problem.

“We’d benefit economically when people come to do work that needs to be done … and yet the system doesn’t recognize that now [because] it’s antiquated and broken, and it complicated, and it’s confusing,” Bush complained.

Bush explained why he does not favor Americans over migrants. “It depends on where you start your philosophy from. I started mine from ‘All life is precious, and we’re all God’s children.'”

While president, Bush’s poll ratings dipped to 33 percent in 2008 after he pushed amnesties in 2006 and 2007. Those amnesties included his “Any Willing Worker” plan, which would give American citizenship to foreigners if they agree to undercut Americans by taking jobs where employers offered meager wages.

“New immigration laws should serve the economic needs of our country,” Bush announced on January 7, 2004. “If an American employer is offering a job that American citizens are not willing to take, we ought to welcome into our country a person who will fill that job,” he said.

In April, the Cato Institute released a survey that showed that strong majorities of Americans believe U.S. immigration policy should first serve the interests of their fellow Americans, not of employers or investors.

“Nearly two-thirds (63%) of Americans say it’s more important when making immigration policy to consider what ‘benefits the United States and its current citizens,’” said the April 27 survey of 2,600 U.S. adults. The survey also showed that 60 percent of Americans want to reduce immigration by at least half.

Bush acknowledged the unpopularity of his plans. “There’s been a lack of leadership on the issue because … it is a very hot political issue,” Bush admitted to the NIF group. “Once an issue becomes politically hot, it’s very difficult to, you know, paint a positive picture.”

For many years, a wide variety of pollsters have shown deep and broad opposition to labor migration and the inflow of temporary contract workers into jobs sought by young U.S. graduates.

This opposition is multiracialcross-sexnon-racistclass-basedintra-Democraticrational, and recognizes the solidarity Americans owe to each other.

The voter opposition to elite-backed economic migration coexists with support for legal immigrants and some sympathy for illegal migrants. But only a minority of Americans — mostly leftists — embrace the many skewed polls and articles pushing the 1950’s corporate “Nation of Immigrants” claim.

The deep public opposition to labor migration is built on the widespread recognition that legal and illegal migration moves money away from most Americans’ pocketbooks and families.

Migration moves money from employees to employers, from families to investors, from young to old, from children to their parents, from homebuyers to investors, from technology to stoop labor, from red states to blue states, and from the central states to the coastal states such as New York.

Joe Biden Defiant in Face of Grim Economic Report: ‘Our Economy is Moving in the Right Direction’

WASHINGTON, DC - MAY 07: U.S. President Joe Biden speaks on job numbers from April, 2021 at the East Room of the White House May 7, 2021 in Washington, DC. U.S. economy added 266,000 jobs in April, far less than the one million jobs that was expected. (Photo by Alex …
Alex Wong/Getty Images

President Joe Biden was defiant in reaction to the grim jobs and unemployment report released Friday.

“Today there is more evidence that our economy is moving in the right direction, but it’s clear we have a long way to go,” he said.

The president dismissed media commentary pointing out the disparity between the estimated job creation numbers and the jobs actually created in April.

“Listening to commentators today as I was getting dressed, you might think that we should be disappointed,” Biden said with a chuckle.

Unemployment rose to 6.1 percent in April, the report noted, the first time unemployment increased since April 2020 when the coronavirus pandemic began. Although analysts had expected up to a million jobs created in April, only 266,000 jobs were actually reported.

Biden stressed that the report was actually good news.

“Quite frankly, we’re moving more rapidly than I thought we would,” he said, arguing he always felt the recovery would be a “marathon” not a “sprint.”

Republicans questioned Biden’s decision to send expanded $300 a week checks to unemployed Americans until September 2021, arguing it was keeping workers on the sidelines during the pandemic.

But Biden said the economic news only proved the checks were necessary

“This is progress,” Biden continued. “And it’s a testament to our new strategy of growing this economy from the bottom up and the middle out.”

Biden also defended his call for $6 trillion in spending and dramatic tax hikes on businesses and the wealthy to boost the economy.

“The American people are counting on us. So, let’s get it done,” he said.

George W. Bush Lobbies Republicans to Work with Joe Biden on Amnesty for Illegal Aliens

PHILADELPHIA, PA - NOVEMBER 11: Seated on the dais are former Vice President Joe Biden, former US President George W. Bush, National Constitution Center Executive Committee Chairman Doug DeVos and National Constitution Center Executive Committee Chairman President and CEO Jeffrey Rosen await presentation of the 2018 Liberty Medal at The …
William Thomas Cain/Getty Images

Former President George W. Bush is lobbying House and Senate Republicans to work with President Joe Biden on amnesty for illegal aliens.

In an interview with the Dispatch Podcast, Bush said Biden and Republicans ought to strike a deal to provide amnesty, at the least, to illegal aliens enrolled in or eligible for former President Obama’s Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

“I think piecemeal probably makes sense and I think the president, if I could be so bold, is calling Republicans like-minded and saying ‘Let’s see if we can get something done,'” Bush said.

“Comprehensive may be too big of a reach right now,” Bush continued. “Like if they can get DACA done with some kind of border enhancement, you know plans to give Republicans comfort in voting for the bill, then all of the sudden there’s confidence to be gained.”

The statements come as Bush helps lead a charge among a Democrat-Republican coalition, big business interests, and the open borders lobby to provide amnesty to potentially millions of illegal aliens — a plan to which Biden gave a resounding endorsement in his first address to Congress last week.

In the address, Biden touted his amnesty for 11 to 22 million illegal aliens living in the United States while also urging Congress to pass two other amnesties: One for potentially 4.4 million illegal aliens and another for 2.1 million illegal aliens working on farms.

Bush, in recent weeks, revealed he is working the Koch network — run by the billionaire Koch brothers estate — to help Biden pass amnesty for illegal aliens. Not passing amnesty, Bush previously said, was his biggest disappointment as president.

The push comes as a survey from the pro-migration, Koch-funded Cato Institute reveals the extent to which Bush is out of step with Republican and conservative voters, as well as the majority of Americans.

The survey found 6-in-10 Americans want less overall immigration to the U.S., including 75 percent of Republicans and 76 percent of conservatives. Similarly, the survey showed 72 percent of Americans would prefer less immigration to the U.S. and more public benefits over more immigration and less public benefits.

Likewise, the survey confirmed opposing birthright citizenship is a mainstream Republican-held position.

In exclusive statements to Breitbart News, Republican staffers on Capitol Hill described Bush as an irrelevant globalist who does not represent the GOP’s base of voters or the majority of those in elected office.

“Republicans are well aware that his presidency was a national disaster on this issue as he failed to act when needed. Bush immigration policy has no impact today other than a reference on what not to do,” one House GOP aide said.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

150 Migrants Apprehended, Armed Smuggler Arrested in Failed Smuggling Attempts near Border in Texas

Human smugglers pack migrants into luggage area in SUV. (U.S. Border Patrol/Del Rio Sector)
U.S. Border Patrol/Del Rio Sector

Del Rio Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 150 migrants and an armed human smuggler in multiple failed human smuggling attempts over the weekend. The arrests took place as smugglers packed migrants into a variety of vehicles, including a stolen vehicle.

Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Austin Skero tweeted photos of multiple failed smuggling attempts where human smugglers packed migrants into vehicles. The interdictions led to the arrest of more than 150 migrants and at least one armed smuggler during vehicle stops by Border Patrol agents and other law enforcement partners.

Skero reported at least one of the human smugglers arrested had a gun in their possession. In another smuggling incident, agents recovered a stolen vehicle.

Skero also tweeted the punishment handed down to a U.S. citizen teenager who was recruited into the human smuggling business with promises of “easy money.” The 19-year-old convicted human smuggler now faces a sentence of 24 months in prison and three years of probation, Skero stated.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

Migrant Charged with Threatening Fellow Traveler with Knife to Avoid Arrest

Agents arrested Eduardo Segovia-Luna after he allegedly held a knife to a fellow migrant in an attempt to avoid apprehension. (Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Laredo Sector)
Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Laredo Sector

A Laredo Sector Border Patrol agent successfully arrested a Mexican migrant who allegedly threatened a fellow migrant. The migrant reportedly put a knife to the other migrant’s neck in an attempt to avoid apprehension.

A Laredo South Station Border Patrol agent apprehended a group of three migrants on Thursday, according to a tweet from Chief Border Patrol Agent Matthew Hudak. As the agent attempted to take the three migrants into custody, one of the migrants pulled a knife and held it to the neck of a fellow traveler.

The agent said the Mexican migrant, later identified as Eduardo Segovia-Luna, tried to use the other migrant as a human shield and demanded to be released. The agent ordered Segovia-Luna to drop his weapon.

A standoff ensued as the agent awaited backup. Once other agents arrived, Segovia-Luna dropped the knife and surrendered, Hudak said in his tweet.

The three migrants reportedly entered the United States illegally.

Segovia-Luna now faces criminal charges connected to the assault on the second migrant, Hudak reported.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s Sunday-morning talk show, What’s Your Point? Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX, Parler @BobPrice, and Facebook.

180 Migrants Found in 3 Texas Stash Houses near Border

Laredo Sector agents find 180 migrants in three human smuggling stash houses on May 4. (Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Laredo Sector)
Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Laredo Sector

Laredo Sector Border Patrol agents apprehended more than 180 migrants in three human smuggling stash houses. The arrests came in raids on three residences in the Laredo, Texas, area within hours of each other on May 4.

Laredo South Border Patrol Station agents and the Laredo Special Operations Detachment (SOD) teamed up with ICE Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) agents and Webb County Constables Office (WCCO) Precinct 2 deputies to investigate a possible human smuggling stash house located in central Laredo, according to information obtained from Laredo Sector Border Patrol officials.

The law enforcement team conducted a welfare check on the residence and found 68 migrants who were illegally present in the United States.

Later that day, Laredo South Station agents received information about a second human smuggling operation at a house located in south Laredo. The law enforcement team arrived and found 50 more migrants packed inside the residence.

The team assembled once again Tuesday night to investigate a third possible stash house for the day. In this incident, the law enforcement team discovered 65 migrants.

In total the team arrested more than 180 migrants, all illegally present in the United States, officials stated. The agents identified the migrants as foreign nationals from El Salvador, Guatemala, and Mexico. Officials said none of the migrants packed inside the houses wore PPP equipment to deter the spread of COVID-19.

“All of the people rescued from these Stash Houses were being held against their will,” Laredo Sector Deputy Chief Patrol Agent Carl E. Landrum said in a written statement. “Human Smuggling/Trafficking are dangerous situations.  Please help others by reporting suspicious situations you see; you just might save a life.”

Agents provided the migrants with PPP and transported them to the station for processing.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

Thousands of Migrants Freed into U.S. by DHS Resettle in Florida, Texas

CIUDAD JUAREZ, MEXICO - MARCH 16: Asylum seekers leave Mexico while walking into the United States on March 16, 2021 in Ciudad Juarez, Mexico. Some 50 asylum seekers were officially allowed to cross the Santa Fe International Bridge as part of the Biden administration's unwinding of the Trump-era Migrant Protection …
John Moore/Getty Images

Thousands of migrants, enrolled in the now-defunct “Remain in Mexico” program, released into the United States interior are resettling in Florida, Texas, and other states, new data reveals.

After taking office in January, Biden ended the Remain in Mexico program, which had proven remarkably effective in eliminating the Catch and Release policy whereby border crossers are apprehended and subsequently released into the U.S. interior while awaiting their asylum hearings.

As of February, of the more than 71,000 asylum cases under Remain in Mexico, less than one percent of foreign nationals were found to have a legitimate asylum claim.

Biden announced in February that his Department of Homeland Security (DHS), with the help of the United Nations, would start releasing about 25,600 migrants enrolled in the program into the U.S. interior. Breitbart News exclusively reported that the migrants are being released in Brownsville and El Paso, Texas, as well as San Diego, California.

Data compiled by the Transactional Research Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) at Syracuse University shows that nearly 4,000 Remain in Mexico cases out of close to 25,000 pending cases have been transferred out of courts along the U.S.-Mexico border to locations inside the nation’s interior.

The data shows where Remain in Mexico migrants are traveling to once they are released into the U.S. interior. More than 650 have gone to Miami, Florida, while more than 320 have ended up in Orlando, Florida, and more than 200 have resettled in Dallas, Texas.

Likewise, 135 of the cases have been transferred to San Antonio, Texas; 83 transferred to Houston, Texas; 43 transferred to Harlingen, Texas; 19 transferred to El Paso;Texas, and a handful of others transferred to Pearsall and Laredo, Texas.

Hundreds of Remain in Mexico migrants are also resettling in Los Angeles, San Francisco, and San Diego, California, while more than 140 have ended up in Arlington, Virginia.

As of early April, more than 6,400 Remain in Mexico migrants had been released into the U.S. interior who otherwise would have had to wait in Mexico until their asylum hearing in court.

Even if migrants are deemed ineligible for asylum following their hearing, they are unlikely to be deported from the U.S. thanks to Biden’s “sanctuary country” orders that ensure illegal aliens are not deported unless they have been recently convicted of an aggravated felony.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

1100 Venezuelans Cross into West Texas Border Town Within 2 Weeks

Breitbart Texas

A law enforcement source, speaking on the condition of anonymity, reported the illegal entry of more than 100 Venezuelan nationals south of Del Rio, Texas, early Wednesday morning. The group consisted of mostly family units and was apprehended by Border Patrol. They were transported to nearby stations for processing. Since April 16, Border Patrol agents have apprehended more 1,100 in the area.

On Tuesday, a group of 106 Venezuelans nationals entered in the same area. The groups are entering the United States illegally on a near daily basis.

Most will be summarily released into the community to travel to their destination in the United States. The few single adults within the group will await transfer to ICE for placement in facilities or released under alternatives to detention.

Del Rio, like other cities across the southern border, has seen its share of the increase in migrant traffic. A soft-sided facility was recently opened within the Del Rio Border Patrol Sector to deal with the influx. Del Rio has dealt with large groups of illegal migrants from outside the usual Central American countries normally encountered throughout other border areas.

Because of the relative safety of Ciudad Acuna, directly across from Del Rio, the area is a draw for large groups of Haitians, Cubans, and Central Africans. Cartel violence has slowed in recent years when compared to other cities in Mexico along the border and is the reason many within law enforcement believe Del Rio is the chosen crossing point.

Last month, the Biden Administration granted Temporary Protected Status for Venezuelan nationals for 18 months. The designation applies to those residing in the United States since March 8, 2021. The designation suspends any attempts at removal for the period. Generally, these deadlines are extended–sometimes for years on end. Some critics argue this is a pull factor, encouraging illegal immigration from designated countries.

This group will more than likely be released into the United States to pursue asylum claims even though they would not qualify for the TPS designation. The source reports many of the Venezuelans interviewed during the week directly attributed the suspension of deportations by the Biden Administration as the impetus for their entry into the United States.

Randy Clark
 is a 32-year veteran of the United States Border Patrol.  Prior to his retirement, he served as the Division Chief for Law Enforcement Operations, directing operations for nine Border Patrol Stations within the Del Rio, Texas, Sector. Follow him on Twitter @RandyClarkBBTX.

Exclusive: Migrant ‘Got-Away’ Total Exceeds 185K this Year, Says Source

Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agent searches for tracks of migrants near Texas border. (File Photo: John Moore/Getty Images)
File Photo: John Moore/Getty Images

A law enforcement source within Customs and Border Protection says more than 185,000 migrants escaped Border Patrol apprehension so far this fiscal year. On average, more than 30,000 illegal aliens avoided capture in the last 22 days the source said.

Breitbart Texas reported in mid-April, the “got-away” total exceeded more than 155,000 leaving Border Patrol leadership frustrated. Last year, 69,000 illegal migrants managed to avoid apprehension by the Border Patrol. In just over seven months of this fiscal year, which began on October 1, 2020, the number of “got-aways” nearly tripled last year’s totals. Sources report the sharpest increase began in January.

The metric is usually not released by the Department of Homeland Security. It is achieved by counting illegal immigrants who ultimately escape Border Patrol apprehension after being observed by aircraft platforms and camera systems. In addition, Border Patrol agents using traditional sign-cutting techniques identify footprints crossing the border and count those that elude apprehension.

“That’s where it gets tricky,” says one Border Patrol agent who did not wish to be identified. “On a small trail, dozens can walk all over each other’s footprints, so you just do your best. Often, they’ll glue carpet to the soles of their shoes making detection even harder.”

Sources report for these reasons, the “got-away” count is usually lower than reality. How much so is debatable as the latter method of counting is not scientific. The increasing “got-away” numbers come as CBP reports its highest apprehension totals since 2006.

Despite the current administration’s refusal to call the immigration situation on the border a crisis, the recent surges are concerning. The increasing number of unaccompanied migrant children crossing the border has Health and Human Services struggling to find sponsors within the United States. Many believe the impetus for the surges in illegal entries is being fueled by the promise of amnesty legislation. The Biden administration’s new policies regarding lax interior enforcement and a reduction in removals are also believed to be contributing to the surge in activity along the border.

Recent reports concerning the reduced patrols being conducted by the Border Patrol are likely contributing to the surge in the “got-away” count. Addressing the humanitarian needs of thousands of migrants crossing the border directly impacts the Border Patrol’s ability to patrol many remote areas. This situation is likely to worsen as the crisis develops.

Randy Clark is a 32-year veteran of the United States Border Patrol.  Prior to his retirement, he served as the Division Chief for Law Enforcement Operations, directing operations for nine Border Patrol Stations within the Del Rio, Texas Sector.

52 Migrants Found in Texas Human Smuggling Stash Houses near Border

Border Patrol agents find 52 migrants in multiple human smuggling stash houses on April 28. (Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Rio Grande Valley Sector)
Photo: U.S. Border Patrol/Rio Grande Valley Sector

Rio Grande Valley Sector Border Patrol agents found 52 migrants in stash houses during a seven-hour period last week.

Rio Grande City Border Patrol Station agents working the border near Garciasville, Texas, on April 28 detected migrant tracks indicating a group illegally crossed the border from Mexico, according to information provided by Border Patrol officials. The agents began following the tracks north from the river.

The agents tracked the group of migrants to a suspected human smuggling stash house. Agents contacted the Starr County Sheriff’s Office for assistance in investigating the possible stash house operation.

While carrying out a welfare check on the residence, agents identified 10 migrants hiding in the home. All were determined to be illegally present in the United States, officials stated.

A few hours later, agents working with Starr County deputies identified three additional homes near Roma, Texas, believed to be operating as human smuggling stash houses. Authorities arrived at all three locations and found several migrants in each house who were identified as being illegally present in the U.S. Agents carried out immigration interviews and identified the 42 migrants as foreign nationals from Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, and Nicaragua.

“With help from our law enforcement [partners], we will continue putting pressure on these dangerous smuggling organizations,” Rio Grande Valley Sector Chief Patrol Agent Brian Hastings said in a tweeted message.

Agents transported all of the migrants to Border Patrol stations for processing and possible expulsion under Title 42 coronavirus protection protocols put in place by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“Even with the spread of the COVID-19 virus, human smugglers continue to try these brazen attempts with zero regard for the lives they endanger nor to the health of the citizens of our great nation,” Border Patrol officials said in a written statement. “The U.S. Border Patrol agents of the Rio Grande Valley Sector will continue to safeguard the nation and community against these criminal elements.

Texas Game Wardens Rescue 10 Migrants During Rio Grande Border Crossing

Texas Parks and Wildlife game wardens rescue ten migrants from drowning in the Rio Grande in April 2021. (Image: U.S. Border Patrol/Del Rio Sector)
Image: U.S. Border Patrol/Del Rio Sector

Texas game wardens, DPS troopers, and Del Rio Sector Border Patrol agents teamed up in the rescue of 10 migrants who became distressed while illegally crossing the Rio Grande from Mexico. Game wardens responded after hearing people screaming for help in the river.

“Our agents and partners continue to save the lives of those in need,” Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Austin Skero tweeted. “With assistance from Texas Game Wardens, we recently responded and rescued 10 migrants that were heard screaming for help from an island in the river.”

The video shows Texas Parks and Wildlife wardens in their river patrol boat approaching the U.S. bank of the Rio Grande with a group of migrant adults and children. The game wardens heard the ten migrants screaming for help and pulled them into their boat.

Once they arrived at the Texas riverbank, Border Patrol agents and Texas Department of Public Safety troopers assisted in offloading the migrants and getting them ready for processing.

Water rescues in the Del Rio Sector have been on the rise in recent months, Chief Skero previously discussed. Just last week, Skero announced the deployment of a new water rescue vessel — a jet ski type watercraft with a towable flotation device, Breitbart Texas reported. This first-of-its-kind Border Patrol rescue vessel will enable Del Rio Sector agents to traverse shallow water to get to migrants in distress more quickly.

“This vessel can be quickly deployed in any water depth, improving our agents’ abilities to conduct rescues or aid agents working from land,” Skero tweeted. “Greater versatility saves both lives and time.”

Earlier this month, these agents rescued a two-year-old child and the child’s parents after agents found them struggling in the Rio Grande. Following this rescue, agents found 20 more migrants trapped on an island in the border river.

About a week earlier, a nine-year-old girl drowned during a border crossing attempt. Agents were unable to revive the girl but managed to revive the child’s mother and a sibling.

Bob Price serves as associate editor and senior news contributor for the Breitbart Texas-Border team. He is an original member of the Breitbart Texas team. Price is a regular panelist on Fox 26 Houston’s What’s Your Point? Sunday-morning talk show. Follow him on Twitter @BobPriceBBTX and Facebook.

Sanctuary State: Illegal Alien Gets Five Years in Prison for Killing 24-Year-Old

An illegal alien has been sentenced to five years in …

An illegal alien has been sentenced to five years in prison for killing a 24-year-old man in a drunk driving car crash in the sanctuary state of New Jersey.

Jesus Leal-Corona, a 49-year-old illegal alien, pleaded guilty in 2020 to second-degree vehicular homicide, two counts of third-degree vehicular assault, and drunk driving after hitting and killing 24-year-old Frankie Hensley of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, in September 2019.

Leal-Corona, who had been living in Monroeville, New Jersey, admitted to police that he was drunk driving when he hit Hensley. At the time of the crash, Hensley was the passenger in a vehicle involved in a separate crash when he got out of the vehicle.

Then, Leal-Corona hit Hensley who was rushed to a nearby hospital and died hours later as a result of his injuries.

Leal-Corona was sentenced to five years in prison for the vehicular homicide charge and must serve 85 percent of his term before becoming eligible for parole. He also received a 3-year sentence for vehicular assault and 30 days in prison for the drunk driving charge.

Before the deadly crash, Leal-Corona had been arrested in Texas and New Jersey. Despite those arrests, Leal-Corona was never deported. New Jersey’s broad sanctuary state policy, which shields criminal illegal aliens from federal arrest and deportation, could prevent Leal-Corona from being turned over to the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency following his sentence.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here

Life in Prison for MS-13 Member Convicted in Murder of Texas Teen

Douglas Alexander Herrera-Hernandez (Photo: Harris County Sheriff's Office)
Photo: Harris County Sheriff's Office

HOUSTON, Texas — A Texas jury rendered a sentence of life without parole to an MS-13 gang member convicted in the killing of a Houston-area teenager. The victim witnessed several gang-related murders before being lured to Missouri City, Texas, for his own execution.

A jury in Harris County, Texas, sentenced Douglas Alexander Herrera-Hernandez, an MS-13 gang member who illegally entered the United States in December 2014, to spend the rest of his life in prison without the possibility of parole for the murder of 16-year-old Estuar Quinonez. The victim suffered 15 gunshot wounds as he sat on a park bench in Buffalo Run Park on June 13, 2016, Fox 26 Houston reported.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO) officials confirmed to Breitbart Texas that Herrera-Hernandez, aka “Terror,” entered the U.S. illegally as an Unaccompanied Alien Child (UAC) by crossing the Rio Grande in December 2014. Officials reported the migrant was 17 years old at the time he crossed the border.

Border Patrol agents released him under President Barack Obama’s catch and release policies with a “notice to appear” before an immigration court. A Houston immigration judge issued a final order of removal against Herrera-Hernandez after he failed to appear for his hearing.

Just under one year later, Herrera-Hernandez murdered 16-year-old Estuar Quinonez in Missouri City, Texas, a suburb of Houston, Breitbart Texas reported. Quinones reportedly witnessed several MS-13 gang-related murders. Missouri City police, working with the Houston Police Department, identified the Salvadoran national as a suspect in the murder.

Herrera-Hernandez fled from Texas and was later arrested by police in Virginia in late July 2017, Breitbart Texas reported. In addition to the murder of Quinones, the MS-13 gang member also allegedly shot and killed 26-year-old Kevin Alvarez in southeast Houston on July 9, 2017.

During the trial, prosecutors told the jury that Herrera-Hernandez got permission from MS-13 gang leaders in El Salvador to kill Quinonez, the local Fox affiliate reported. The now-convicted killer gathered several gang members to carry out the execution of the victim. Herrera-Hernandez and another gang member picked up Quinonez and brought him to the park where the gang members fired multiple gunshots including one to the head.

“We are trying to break the back of this organization by sending their assassins to prison for as long as possible and we will remain unrelenting in our pursuit of these criminals who band together to terrorize communities,” Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg told reporters.

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