Wednesday, June 30, 2021



Biden can’t even do brief remarks welcoming an ally without reading notecards

A friend emailed me the less than 5 minute video below of President Biden seated next to the President of Israel, Reuven Rivlin, welcoming him to the White House.

She writes:

Does anyone remember a time where the POTUS needed to read his brief remarks?  Even Rivlin, who doesn’t speak English as his native language, was able to give his remarks off of the top of his head

 While Biden did look up from his notes from time to time, he must have been worried that he’d “get into trouble” with the people whose wishes he carries out, because he kept lookkng down and reading most of the time. This was not glancing at notes to refresh his mind about key points. This weas reading his script. Notice the note card on his knee:

Even -- somewhat weirdly -- when he used hand gestures:

Here is the complete 4 minutes and 46 seconds.

Photos: YouTube screengrabs

The Top Ten Pending Eruptions

It’s shaping up to be a long, hot summer, one filled -- like Yellowstone Park -- with geysers and hot springs ready to blow at any moment. But these are political eruptions, not nature's fury.  If I didn’t know that God has things under control I’d be terrified, but in the interest of keeping track of the truth let’s list the top 10 political eruptions we can expect to blow sometime soon.

10.  Hunter BidenHe’s at the end of the list because what happens with him is not likely to directly impact any of us, but he’s such a shocking collection of immoralities and corruptions that we all know deep in our bones that such nastiness cannot be condoned in a reasonable, prosperous, free society. Hardly a week goes by without some new scandal surfacing, and each seems worse than the last. Now he’s selling “paintings” as a money-laundering scheme. He and his slimy doings are bad enough by themselves, but he’s the president’s son. Sooner or later something has to be done about him and about the part his father has played in all of it.

9. Speaking of whom, something is also going to have to be done about Joe’s mental state, but that is complicated by the fact that Kamala’s mental acuity is not much better. She’s not suffering from dementia per se, but I suspect that she’s never been all that bright. And Pelosi is next in line and her mental problems border on insanity. So, what we will do about this mortifying state of affairs is going to require some divine intervention -- and soon -- have you heard him whisper/hiss his way through a press briefing? Yikes.

8. Critical Race Theory and the communist infiltration in our schools make up my #8. I’m thrilled to see angry parents accosting school boards. We need a lot more of that. I’m also thrilled to see parents pulling their kids from public schools and educating their children at home.  Will we be able to rectify the damage that’s been done? It will be hard because we have a couple of generations of teachers who have succumbed to the propaganda, so who do we find to teach the kids the truth?  It will be interesting to see how this shapes up this summer. It’s a desperate issue because our 1st Amendment is at stake here.

7. Not only is our 1st Amendment being challenged, so is the 2nd Amendment. These are lines we cannot cross and yet every time there’s a shooting the ante ratchets up another notch and we all know that if the 2nd Amendment goes, the 1st disintegrates and without those we have no freedoms of any kind. This assault on our freedoms of speech is made worse by the power of the mega-media and its desire to shut us up. It’s a relief to see some states staking out their ground on this issue. Sooner or later we’ll see a three-way face-off amongst states’ rights, federal overreach, and Big Tech.

6. Which makes me think of the McClusky’s in St. Louis, which gets us to our Number 6 – inner city violence.  Portland’s riot squad -- all 50 of them -- have resigned and no sane person can blame them. The murder rate there is up over 500%. Baltimore’s murder rate has hit a new high and Chicago is now the shooting capital of the country. Police are being sued, shot at, and defunded, so I doubt there’ll be much help from that quarter and here we are in riot season. The temperature in Portland and Seattle is stuck at triple digits -- will that shut down the rioting or heat it up? We’ll see.

5. Government spending and the national debt is resulting in inflation. The last year’s lockdowns are still stifling the economy. People who are harvesting government stay-at-home subsidies are weakening businesses that can’t find enough labor. Confusingly, the jobless numbers don’t look good, either. We’re financially walking a very shaky tightrope.

4. At number 4 I’ve put the border crises/invasion. Of course all will be well now that Kamala has visited El Paso, but we don’t see a lot of hope here. I’m thrilled that Texas has taken this bull by its horns and pledged to finish its part of the wall. I’m pleased to see that both Florida and Nebraska are sending troops down there to help out. But the solution we were well on way to has vanished.  The situation is deadly with summer scorching the deserts; cartels attacking ranch owners on the border; and drugs, disease, and criminals flooding in.

3. Number 3 on my list is the whole mess with COVID-19 origins, treatment suppression, Fauci/Wuhan/Google/Gates and the vaccine side effects. I can’t even imagine how all of that is going to get untangled because every day a new piece of damning information rises to the surface and raises even more concerns. Something needs to be done about Cuomo and his malfeasance with the nursing home deaths. Something needs to be done to atone for all the people who could have been treated with either Ivermectin or Hydroxychloroquine but were denied those medications. How do we relieve the paralyzing fear so many are stuck in? How do we help children who were adversely affected by school closures? How do we resurrect our small businesses? Most important of all, how do we prevent this from happening again?

2. It’s hard to decide between my 1st and 2nd concerns. But let’s go with the election audit efforts as Number 2. I’d put it at Number 1 if I thought there was much of a chance that Trump could be reinstated, but right now that seems like a pipe dream. But whether the recounts show the massive fraud most of us expect or not, the distrust this has engendered is monumental, the 2022 midterms are barreling down on us, and this needs sorting out now. I am so grateful for all the people who are fighting this battle, for all who are working hard in the audits. I just can’t picture what the outcome will be, but it better be soon.

1. I’ve put in first place China for several reasons. Trump always said they were our biggest problem and he’s been right about everything else. It’s also becoming obvious that China was behind the pandemic -- accidently or otherwise -- and we’re starting to see that China has been infiltrating our universities, fomenting racial hatred, and generally chipping away at our most sacred institutions. It also looks like they played an important part in rigging the 2020 election.  Now they’re threatening our ally Taiwan and making trouble in Hong Kong. They’re imprisoning their own people on religious grounds -- torture and slavery a big part of their anti-Islam program. They’re building a huge navy and messing around in the South China Sea. They’re up to something, and none of it is good.

These aren’t the only problems facing America right now, but they are the biggest volcanoes threatening our nation. We don’t know when each one will blow, but blow they will; they must. The pressure has to be released. Let’s each make our own list, or use this one as a prayer agenda, and get down on our knees. If these all go off at once, only God can help us.

Deana Chadwell blogs at She is also an adjunct professor and department head at Pacific Bible College in southern Oregon. She teaches writing, logic, and literature.

Image: Darkimages08

The top 100 79 Bidenisms of all time

I collect Bidenisms.  A "Bidenism" is any dumb thing Joe Biden says.  It can be a mispronunciation, malapropism, factual misstatement, stutter, or plain lie.

I have around 1,000 Bidenisms in my collection.  I have already self-published one book with over 400 Bidenisms and have three more in various stages of completion, all from 2021.  If anyone knows Bidenisms, it is I.

For the readers' edification and entertainment, I now present my list of the Top 100 79 Bidenisms of All Time.  This list wasn't easy!  I had a Casanova problem.  Just as Casanova's problem was too many women and not enough time, my problem is too many Bidenisms and not enough word count.  I'd wanted to reach 100 Bidenisms, but I ran out of room.

I'll not be able here to state the date or source of these Bidenisms, but believe me: I can and will be happy to do so on request.

Here goes!

  1. "Everywhere I been hearing all around the country. You're trying your BREAST, but it never FEELS like enough."


  1. "...kinds of things that have to be done, um, you know, there's a, ah, during World War, Two, uh, you know, what Roosevelt came up with a thing, uh, you know, that was, uh, totally different than a, than the, the ah, he called it, ah, you know, the World War II, he had the war, the the War Production Board."
  2. "I am a gaffe machine."
  3. "Ahh, successful dump. I dropped everything at the dump; it all worked out, and by the way, I got a second load, guys; anyone who wants to help me unload..."
  4. , "The pandemic is that the president has no INTERCOURSE whatsoever with the rest of the country — uh, the world."
  5. "We choose truth over facts!"
  6. "3-letter word: 'Jobs.' J - O - B - S, jobs"
  7. "You're you're a lying dog-faced pony soldier. "
  8. "If I'm your president, I'm gonna fight like hell to see your strength goes. I promise."
  9. "I moved a little steel town."
  10. "HARRIS / BIDEN Administration"
  11. "I don't count drunk driving as a felony."
  12. "Let's clap for that, you stupid blackguards!" (or: "bastards")
  13. "It's a right, for people to have badakathcare."
  14. "You know, the r-rapidly rising, ah, ahm, in with, ah, with ah, I don't know, with ah – "
  16. "An independent analysis found that my plan will slash the cost of prescription jugs by 60%."
  17. "to create good-paying union jobs, to litter the promise of America"
  18. "put millions of citizens on a path to citizenship."
  19. Biden accused the president of telling a "ball-faced lie."
  20. veterans of "Wool War II."
  21. "we can prisclaim the Palmist, what the Palmist ..."
  22. Tim Alberta asked Biden about being the oldest president ever, and Biden asked, "What about WINSTON CHURCHILL? "
  23. "I'm a Democratic candidate for United States Senate — vote for the other Biden " (said in 2020).
  24. "We'll make sure it's not quality; we'll make sure it's only affordable."
  25. "Doug Emhoff, uh, Kamala's WIFE,"
  26. "Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as White kids."
  27. "my deceased wife is a teacher."
  28. "I mean, shylocks who took advantage"
  29. "I'm Joe Biden's husband, Joe Biden."
  30. "Trump won significantly the last two times,"
  31. "that should be a mistermeanor"
  32. "He's elected to the next election."
  33. "I'll lead an effective strategy to mobilize trunalimunumaprzure."
  34. "WHAT'S NOT TO LIKE ABOUT VERMONT...I like Keene (NH) a lot."
  35. "Visit slash Ohio!"
  36. "I got to the Senate 180 YEARS AGO."
  37. "We hold these truths to be self-full evident, all men and women created, by the, go, you know the, you know the thing."
  38. the "Obama O'Biden" administration.
  39. "...a lifelong Democrat, a proud Democrat, an O'Biden-Bama Democrat."
  40. "I'm ready on Day 1 after more than three years in office"
  41. "to get our kids to market safely."
  42. " ...White supremacists — Nazi sympathizers — carrin' Nazi fags — flags..."
  43. "President-Elect Harris took it" (a vaccine)
  44. "you're a 1-horse pony."
  45. "Everybody, everybody is entritled to be teated with decency and dignity."
  46. "And I, aw, wanna share the message directly with the Department of FENCE — Defense staff. "
  47. "DoDY China task force"
  48. "for the proud Tuskegee — Tuskejee — Airmen"
  49. "I don't know what I'm signing huh. "
  50. Signing then handing over an Executive Order to VP Harris, Biden said, "Take this to the President."
  51. "These are BRILLS that receive votes"
  52. "I came to the United States Senate 120 years ago."
  53. "these MILLSTONES no more — no longer mark our national mourning — these milestone, I should say"
  54. "Our girl goal is to do everything..."
  55. "Wildfires burned more than 5,000 acres in the West — an area, roughly the size of the entire State of New Jersey."
  56. "I'm either here I'm eager to hear, NIGGER'd here next, by my good friends,..."
  57. "Uhh, I wanna make sure we thank, the Secretary, for all he's done."  Once again, Biden had forgotten the name of his own Secretary of DoD.
  58. Climate change is a "SEXessential threat to the planet."
  59. "development of transformendale and transformidible technologies."
  60. "...A moaner of peril... "
  61. "it's undeniable, undebilex"
  62. "catastrophic failures with titragic results."
  63. "manufracturing manufracturing workers"
  64. "And Sydney, you're 14 years old."
  65. "I, uh, love those barrettes in your hair, man. I tell you what, I look at her; she looks like she's 19 years old, sittin' there with her, like a little lady with her legs crossed."  The LITTLE girl in question is around NINE years old.
  66. "Indition, I'd like to point out"...
  67. "Mamerica's vaccine supply secured"...
  68. "I know this gonna sound PROZAIC, but, I think we're in a contest, not with China per se, but a CONTEXT with autocrats"
  69. "urgent need to preserve and reopen humanitarian CARTERS in Syria" (He meant, CORRIDORS.)
  70. "By HARASSING the full potential of uh, those who are HARASSING..."
  71. "Jake (Sullivan) is my NASA security advisor" (He meant "NATIONAL.")
  72. "Visit vaccines dot GUM, dot gov, vaccines dot GUM"
  73. "By the way! The SAME STABLE JESUS said the biggest problem we had in the, in the Revolutionary War, is WE DIDN'T HAVE ENOUGH AIRPORTS!"
  74. "Governor Lujan Grisham of MEXICO." 
  75. "This can be among mong most important things you do"
  76. "I'm always worried...(cheers)...I'm always worried, when I come back to North Clayana" (North Carolina).
  77. "put a million shots in the arms of my first 100 days as President"
  78. "We need more MARRIAGE to follow" — Biden wanted to say "MAYORS."

Th-th-th-th-that's all, folks!  I'm out of word count!

Image: Gage Skidmore.

The incredible shrinking Kamala Harris

Kamala Harris is creating a problem. That comes as a surprise. I figured she’d be President by now. The cognitive decline of the Elected Official Formerly Known as Joe Biden is plain to see. The old Joe was a glib glad-hander who played the game as well as anyone. He could explain without missing a beat his devout Catholicism and his simultaneous support for abortion on demand. He was also quite electable, to a point. SNL’s Woody Harrelson mocked him gently: “I’m like plastic straws. I’ve been around forever. I’ve always worked. And now you’re mad at me?”

The frail, wandering Biden who emerged from his basement for a mini-campaign sometimes resembled an audio-animatronic replica of the veteran pol. But few other candidates developed even momentary traction -- certainly not Kamala Harris, the oddly off-putting junior senator from California, who checked several boxes but never contested a primary. When she was tapped as VP, the outline of a scheme began to emerge. The mainstream media, propaganda arm of the Democrat Party, would haul Joe across the finish line by praising manufactured virtues and burying ugly truths. The loyal or clueless would pull the Biden lever. Dead people and photocopies would provide the winning margin. Then, after a dignified interval, he could “develop some disease and say he’d have to resign,” as he told us plainly, on camera with Harris. That card could be played whenever needed. Let the con run too long, and the public would get wise. Joe was certainly not up to the task of his new office. When he repeated aloud the whispered directive from his earpiece to “salute the Marines” upon entering the White House on inauguration day, we knew it wouldn’t get better. Six months of word salads and vacant stares from the leader of the free world have removed any doubt.

The problem? VP Harris is not ready for prime time.

California is a foreign country. They do things differently there. Who knows how one gets elected senator? Harris has already proved it wasn’t by putting in long days solving complex problems with her vast intellectual resources and leadership ability. She has no intention of doing the heavy lifting. Even if she did, she couldn’t pull it off.

Peddling Marxist snake oil isn’t easy work. When the proposed solution will obviously make things worse, you’ve got to be Harold Hill from The Music Man to talk people into it. When it actually does make things worse, only the most talented magician can convince the public not to believe their lyin’ eyes. Bill Clinton could do it. He was the master. He could hand you a flower to distract you while he stole your wallet, and you’d press that flower in the family Bible and treasure it forever. Barack Obama, radical leftist dressed as a benevolent high-school principal, could do it. Kamala Harris can’t. Her go-to strategy is to cackle at the sad souls who are just too dumb to get it on their own.

Her big audition for the Presidential tag-in was her selection as Border Czar. “Stem the migration” was her assigned task -- a canard, of course. This administration’s goal is to erase the border altogether, creating an unending stream of fresh leftist voters who will ensure perpetual Democrat rule. The inevitable by-products of that open-border policy are a tsunami of deadly narcotics, an abomination of human trafficking, a notable increase in violent crime, and untold personal misery among the illegal immigrants themselves, all visible already. Harris’s real task is to divert attention and buy time by justifying the unjustifiable cost of the left’s lust for power. She’s failing. Why?

She lacks the necessary patience and humility. Like many powerful people deluded by sycophants into imagining their every utterance is sheer brilliance, she can hardly believe she has to make a better case to the American people.

She doesn’t appreciate her friends. The media stand ready to push any narrative she concocts. Her one job is to give them something they can work with. It would sound like this: Sentence 1: “Here I am, handling the problem.” Sentence 2: “It’s all Donald Trump’s fault.” Sentence 3: Anything remotely usable. Harris is letting her friends down. She didn’t even travel to the border for three-plus months, then went nowhere near the epicenter of the crisis. She snapped at reporters for pointing out her failings, then failed afresh by giving them nothing worth printing. Even a Democrat congressman felt obliged to chide her.

Harris has neither the energy nor the artistry to pull this off. Also, she openly despises half the American public. In politics, that’s a real obstacle to effectiveness.

I am reminded of two things: a photo, and an old joke.

When First Lady Hillary Clinton left the White House, she charted a course to the Presidency, which she believed she deserved all along. She bought an estate in a posh New York town and was soon elected to the Senate. Among the memorable photos of her in office is a telling portrait of a tired, haggard-looking Senator Clinton attending some hearing about which she clearly cares not one bit. She is leaning chin in hand, eyes heavy-lidded, wrapped in a pashmina. Serving in the Senate turned out to be a lot of work.

The old joke is so old it’s not even searchable online. Decades ago, in the former Soviet Union, a series of races was held between two cars: an American Ford and a Russian Moscvich. The Ford won them all. A Pravda reporter had to spin the result. “The Moscvich never placed lower than second,” he wrote, “but the Ford was always next to last.”

That, comrades, is the sort of cleverness and chutzpah it takes to defend the indefensible. The heir-apparent to the Oval Office demonstrates neither. Joe Biden’s handlers, whoever they are, have a problem. It’s already time to pull their starting pitcher -- but the reliever in the bullpen isn’t major-league material.

Image: Gage Skidmore

Hunter Biden-Linked Law Firm Dodged Lobbying Disclosures for Burisma Work

Emails from Biden's laptop reveal relationship with Boies Schiller Flexner

Hunter Biden
Hunter Biden / Getty Images
 • June 29, 2021 12:50 pm


The prominent law firm for which Hunter Biden served as counsel took steps to avoid disclosing to Congress its work with Ukrainian energy giant Burisma Holdings, emails from Biden's laptop show.

Heather King, a partner at Boies Schiller Flexner, detailed the lobbying strategy in emails to Biden, his business partners, and an executive for Burisma Holdings in 2014. King wrote that she planned to provide legal and political services for Burisma "right up to the line" at which the law firm would have to disclose the work under federal lobbying laws. King also wrote of plans to meet with State Department officials in order to advocate for Burisma, which was seeking to expand its operations in the West as its owner was the subject of an international bribery investigation.

The emails highlight the gray area of federal lobbying laws, which provide some exemptions for lawyers. King's strategy to avoid registering under the Lobbying Disclosure Act or the more stringent Foreign Agents Registration Act was for Burisma to hire the firm ML Strategies as its lobbyist of record.

Boies Schiller Flexner has not been accused of any wrongdoing, but another Hunter Biden-linked firm, Blue Star Strategies, is under federal investigation for its undisclosed lobbying for Burisma. Biden also helped facilitate Blue Star's consulting deal with Burisma, emails show. Rudy Giuliani, a personal lawyer for former president Donald Trump, is also under federal investigation for his foreign lobbying activities.

Boies Schiller Flexner's arrangement with Burisma appeared to be an example of a firm trying to avoid having to publicly disclose its lobbying activities, one government ethics watchdog told the Washington Free Beacon.

"There is a lot of lobbying that takes place that's never reported," said Scott Amey, general counsel for the Project on Government Oversight. He said that lawyers and consultants often "play fast and loose" with lobbying laws by characterizing their lobbying as educational activity or by operating just under the threshold where lobbying is legally required to be disclosed.

A lawyer for Boies Schiller Flexner, who declined to speak on the record, insisted that the firm complied with lobbying laws.

Biden connected Burisma Holdings and Boies Schiller Flexner in April 2014, shortly after he joined the energy company's board of directors. Burisma paid Biden and a business partner, Devon Archer, more than $80,000 a month to help the company burnish its reputation in the West and scout out energy deals. Biden's board position has come under scrutiny because of his father's role at the time leading the Obama administration's diplomatic talks with Ukraine.

King took the lead in developing Boies Schiller Flexner's strategy for Burisma, according to emails from Biden's laptop obtained by the Free Beacon. King was a member of the firm's Crisis Management and Government Response Team. Biden referred Burisma to the team. Other emails show that a recent Justice Department nominee, Hampton Dellinger, worked on the crisis management team at Boies Schiller Flexner.

King wrote in the May 2014 emails that she wanted to contact State Department officials to "‘update' them on Burisma's current situation." She also told Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi that she planned to attend meetings with government officials alongside David Leiter, the owner of ML Strategies.

"We at [Boies Schiller Flexner] will lead all this work and can execute the political and legal work right up to the line where we would need to register as lobbyists, but I don't want to register under the lobbying disclosure act or the foreign agents registration act," King wrote in a May 12, 2014, email to Biden and Archer.

In an email to Pozharskyi, King said she planned to accompany Leiter in his meetings with government officials. She said that she would be at the meeting "strictly as" a lawyer for Burisma because she was not registered to lobby.

Burisma wired $250,000 to Boies Schiller Flexner on May 7, 2014, according to documents on Biden's laptop. ML Strategies disclosed receiving $90,000 in 2014 to lobby for Burisma. The Boies Schiller Flexner connection is not disclosed in those filings.

Other emails show that Boies Schiller Flexner paid $13,000 a month for consulting work.

Boies Schiller Flexner has come under scrutiny in recent years for its behind-the-scenes influence activities. The company hired Black Cube, an Israeli private intelligence firm, to spy on victims of Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein. David Boies, the founder of the law firm, represented Theranos, a blood test maker whose owner was indicted for defrauding the government. A Wall Street Journal reporter who published a series of exposés on Theranos has said that Boies and King tried to pressure the paper to kill negative stories about Theranos.

King temporarily left Boies Schiller Flexner in 2015 to serve as general counsel for Theranos.

Hunter Biden-Linked Legislative Group Has Partnered for Years With a Chinese Propaganda Front

The State Legislative Leaders Foundation facilitated Hunter Biden's first trip to China

Joe Biden and Michael Lin / Michelangelo Investment Holdings Limited
 • May 19, 2021 4:55 am


A nonprofit group backed by some of America’s biggest companies and linked to Hunter Biden works closely with a Chinese Communist Party front group accused of trying to influence state and local policymakers.

Since 2015, the State Legislative Leaders Foundation has partnered with the Chinese People’s Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries, a Communist Party-affiliated propaganda organization. In 2010, a foundation adviser facilitated Hunter Biden's first business trip to China.

U.S. officials have voiced concerns about the Chinese People’s Association, saying that Beijing uses it to influence the West. The U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission said in a 2018 report that the association performs intelligence and propaganda functions for the CCP. Last year, the State Department pulled out of a national governors' convention because of the group’s involvement in the event. Then-secretary of state Mike Pompeo said that the association sought to "malignly influence" local leaders.

The State Legislative Leaders Foundation is funded by nearly 70 major companies and industry groups, including Facebook, Google, Comcast, and Apple. It hosts forums for leaders in statehouses across the country. The group also hosts summits for legislators and major corporations, both domestic and international.

Founded in 1972, the foundation’s first foray into China was in 2009 at a summit arranged by Michael Lin and James Bulger. The two businessmen would later join Hunter Biden at a private equity firm that brokered a controversial deal to sell a U.S. auto parts maker to a Chinese government-linked aviation company.

The foundation has developed extensive contacts in both the United States and China. Last week, its president Stephen Lakis gave a keynote speech at a summit for some of the top think tanks in the United States. The summit was hosted by the China Public Diplomacy Association, another CCP-linked front organization that has Chinese People’s Association members on its board. Officials with the Chinese government, state-controlled media outlets, and Beijing’s main foreign-language propaganda agency spoke at the event.

California Senate Majority Leader Robert Hertzberg, a director of the foundation, was also a panelist at the forum. The Democrat is one of the country’s most prominent state lawmakers to appear at the group’s China-focused events. California state financial disclosures reviewed by the Washington Free Beacon show that the Chinese People’s Association and State Legislative Leaders Foundation have each paid around $7,500 for Hertzberg’s trips to China summits in 2016, 2018, and 2019. Photos of the events posted on a Chinese social networking site show Hertzberg met with Chinese Communist Party provincial leaders on at least two of those trips.

While the State Legislative Leaders Foundation does not outwardly lobby, it appears to serve as a matchmaker of sorts for its corporate donors and state lawmakers. That dynamic is highlighted in emails from Hunter Biden’s laptop obtained by the Free Beacon.

In March 2015, Bulger emailed Biden with an offer to help a Chinese-government linked aviation company purchase an American auto parts maker.

Bulger told Biden the deal "might be disconcerting to local stakeholders such as Unions and local elected officials concerned about job losses to an overseas buyer."

"In order to mitigate such valid concerns it would be wise for me to meet local elected officials (through SLLF contacts) and brief them on our plans for the business post purchase," Bulger wrote.

Biden responded to the email saying he was worried offshoring jobs would generate negative press.

The deal eventually went through. Aviation Industry Corporation of China bought a controlling stake in Michigan-based parts maker Henniges Automotive for $600 million. BHR Partners, the consortium to which Biden and Bulger belonged, held a 49 percent stake in the deal.

Bulger did not respond to a request to comment on whether he contacted the lawmakers he knew through the foundation. Lin also did not respond to a request for comment.

The two partners arranged Biden’s first business trip to China in April 2010. The trip was highlighted in a report that Senate Republicans released last year on Biden’s foreign business dealings. Republicans said that Biden’s visit led to future business opportunities for him in China.

Months before that junket, Lin and Bulger organized the State Legislative Leaders Foundation’s first summit in Beijing. Lin said in a speech after the event that leaders from statehouses across the United States attended the forum, alongside Chinese government officials and senior executives from companies like Coca-Cola, Bank of America, and Bank of Beijing.

According to a transcript of his remarks, Lin said the summit could help China develop business relationships that could yield "new resources" and technology for Beijing.

State Legislative Leaders Foundation tax filings for 2009 show the summit was "held in conjunction with the Chinese government."

The foundation brought in between $3 million and $4 million in revenue each year for the past decade. Tax filings show that the group’s corporate backers contribute between $15,000 and $50,000 to serve on the group’s advisory council. The Motion Picture Association of America gave $45,000 to the group in 2017, while the Wireless Association gave $35,000.

Lakis’s salary has grown considerably over the past decade. He was paid $548,000 in 2018, up from $327,000 in 2008, according to the foundation’s tax filings.

Lin and Bulger entered a second partnership with the State Legislative Leaders Foundation and Lakis in 2018 through a venture called Michelangelo Investment Holdings Limited. According to the company’s posts on the Chinese networking website, Michelangelo joined the foundation’s advisory council in May 2018. The only other Chinese company on the advisory council was DJI, the Chinese drone maker. The Trump administration blacklisted DJI last year over its suspected ties to the Chinese government.

Michelangelo’s now-defunct website touted its links to politically connected figures, including Lakis, state lawmakers, and both Joe and Hunter Biden. An archived version of the website features an undated photo of Hunter Biden at a BHR Partners meeting. In another photo, Lin is seen posing with Joe Biden at an event in 2017.

Michelangelo also posted a summary of Lin and Bulger’s meetings in the United States, as well as of State Legislative Leaders Foundation’s third China-U.S. Provincial and State Legislature Cooperation Forum, which was held on Nov. 29, 2018, in Las Vegas.

Dozens of state legislators from across the United States attended the forum, as did the president of the Chinese People’s Association, China’s ambassador to the United States, and several consular officials. The website says that Hertzberg, the California state senator, met with a Communist Party official from the Hebei Provincial Standing Committee.

One photo shows Lin posing with Hertzberg. Another shows Lin and Bulger dining with Eric Schwerin, a longtime Hunter Biden business partner.

Hertzberg’s office did not respond to multiple requests for comment. The State Legislative Leaders Foundation and Lakis also did not respond to a request for comment.

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