Friday, August 13, 2021


No one cares about Obama anymore. His legacy is nonexistent. It's as if his presidency never happened, doomed to be overshadowed by the transformative leadership of the former running mate he despised.

The policies of the Biden administration have been driven by the interests of Wall Street and the super-rich.

Chris Hedges | Elites Used Pandemic to STEAL From Us

Chris Hedges | How Bankers ROBBED and ENSLAVED America

Workers must draw the lessons of six months of the Biden administration. None of the problems confronting the working class, from the disastrous pandemic response to unparalleled levels of social inequality, to the danger of imperialist world war and fascist dictatorship, can be addressed without breaking the grip of the financial oligarchy over every aspect of society.

Surviving an Unlivable Wage | Full Documentary

What Happened To The American Middle Class? | Financial Crash Documentary | Business Stories

Don’t be fooled by Joe Biden

Chris Hedges | NAFTA, Clinton, and Obama BETRAYED Americans... and Joe Biden was right there with the worst of them!

ANALYSIS: No One Cares About Obama Anymore

AOC praises Biden's 'impressive' progressive achievements as lib pundits anoint him the next FDR and Obama's legacy withers to dust

 • April 26, 2021 5:35 pm


No one cares about former president Barack Obama anymore, least of all the Democratic Party's most fashionable influencers. It's almost as if his presidency never happened.

Last week, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D., N.Y.) said President Joe Biden's first 100 days in office "have been impressive" and "exceeded" the expectations of trendy young progressives such as herself. Historians, journalists, and other liberals have anointed Biden the next FDR or LBJ—a once-in-a-generation "transformative" leader.

Not that long ago, it was Obama who was considered a hot young progressive and was hailed as the next coming of the 20th century's most transformative leaders. The similarly fawning coverage of Biden, the former running mate whose presidential ambitions he repeatedly sought to discourage, must be utterly humiliating for Obama and his excessively large ego.

Biden, meanwhile, just "loves the growing narrative that he's bolder and bigger-thinking than President Obama," according to the short-form gossip blog Axios. And why shouldn't he? As New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd argued, the former vice president was often treated horribly by Obama and his loyal cadre of insufferable bros, who considered dropping Biden in favor of Hillary Clinton ahead of the 2012 election. Politico wrote in 2014 that, among other things, Biden resented being "managed into a box by Obama's cocky campaign team."

In eight years, the Obamas never invited Biden and his wife, Dr. Jill (Ed.D.), to the White House living quarters. The former First Couple, millionaires many times over, didn't contribute a single dollar to Biden's presidential campaign last year. That shouldn't come as a shock, given the lengths to which Obama reportedly went to stop Biden from running for president—first in 2016 and again in 2020.

"It had stung Biden badly in 2015 when Obama made clear his preference for Hillary Clinton," journalists Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes wrote in Lucky: How Joe Biden Barely Won the Presidency. "Adding insult to injury, Obama's advisers told Biden aides back then that they didn't think he could beat Clinton. They pressured him to get out of the way."

Biden was especially insulted because he thought, correctly, that Hillary was a "terrible candidate" who would be easy to beat. Hillary's devastating loss to Donald Trump did little to change Obama's mind about 2020. He continued to worry that Biden would "embarrass" or "dishonor" himself on the campaign trail and urged him not to run, telling his former running mate, "You don't have to do this, Joe."

Behind Biden's back, Obama reportedly told Democrats that the former VP "really doesn't have it" and warned them not to "underestimate Joe's ability to fuck things up." Being the political genius that he is, Obama and his closest advisers "seemed to be enamored with" Beto O'Rourke, the failed Senate candidate whose disastrous presidential campaign flamed out months before the Iowa caucuses.

Nevertheless, Biden was one of the only candidates who stood up for Obama during the Democratic primary. Obama's name was rarely mentioned during the Democratic debates, and most of the candidates implicitly attacked his record on a host of issues, including health care, immigration, and trade.

That dynamic has largely persisted since Biden took office, with Democrats such as Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D., N.Y.) retroactively bashing the "small" and "measly" stimulus package Obama championed in 2009 while touting the "big things" Democrats planned to accomplished under Biden.

No one cares about Obama anymore. His legacy is nonexistent. It's as if his presidency never happened, doomed to be overshadowed by the transformative leadership of the former running mate he despised.

Tough break, bro.

Prominent Anti-Semite Attends Obama Birthday Bash, Jewish Comedian Snubbed

Larry David wasn't the only Jew disinvited from 'sophisticated' Martha's Vineyard gathering

 • August 9, 2021 1:30 pm


Al Sharpton, the prominent anti-Semite and verbally challenged MSNBC host, was among the "sophisticated crowd" of guests who attended former president Barack Obama's 60th birthday bash on Martha's Vineyard over the weekend. Jewish comedian Larry David was not.

David was not the only prominent Jew disinvited from the party, which was reportedly "scaled back" due to concerns related to the COVID-19 pandemic but appears to have been a massive gathering nonetheless. Former Obama adviser David Axelrod, who is Jewish, was also cut from the invite list, according to the New York Times.

Sharpton, who was photographed arriving by private jet, was a central figure in the Crown Heights riot of 1991. His anti-Semitic rhetoric and inciteful actions fueled what would become the worst outburst of anti-Semitic violence in modern American history. Yet "Reverend Al" remains a ubiquitous figure within the elite subset of liberal activists, Democratic politicians, professional journalists, and other celebs.

In 2019, Sharpton's American Action Network defended a Jersey City official who suggested Jewish "brutes" were to blame for an anti-Semitic shooting at a kosher deli that left six dead. The local official, Joan Terrell-Paige, also invoked an anti-Semitic trope by suggesting that Jews were "selling body parts." Sharpton affiliate Carolyn Oliver Fair came to the defense of Terrell-Paige, urging her critics to "shut their mouths" and falsely claiming the gunmen responsible for the shooting were Jewish.

Obama hosted the birthday blowout at his $12 million estate on Martha's Vineyard. Around 700 guests were initially expected to attend, until media reports on the impending "superspreader event" stirred up some bad publicity. The president's supporters defended his decision to host a massive gathering in the middle of a pandemic by noting the "sophisticated" nature of the attendees, according to one summer resident and columnist with the Vineyard Gazette.

Sharpton was joined by an array of celebrities, including Jay-Z, Beyoncé, John Legend, Chrissy Teigen, Don Cheadle, Tom Hanks, Rita Wilson, Nancy Pelosi, and Kim Fields, star of Real Housewives of Atlanta.

GUEST COLUMN: Yeah, I Threw Myself a Massive Party at My Island Estate in the Middle of a Pandemic, And There’s Nothing You Worthless Plebs Can Do About It

 • August 9, 2021 3:58 pm


MARTHA'S VINEYARD — If you're reading this, you probably aren't important enough to be invited to the massive party I just threw myself to celebrate my historic existence and countless intellectual contributions to the human canon.

We're all pretty hungover, to be honest. Between LeBron's tequila (a little underwhelming, like his NBA Finals record), Willie Nelson's choom plug, and Hunter Biden's "rocket sauce," we partied pretty hard. If I wasn't a multimillionaire who can afford to hire an army of professional cleaners, my island estate would be a mess. I bought the place from a Democratic donor for $11.75 million in December 2019. Today, it's worth more than $17.5 million. Happy Birthday to me!

Yeah, I know about the global pandemic. I just don't care. What are you worthless plebs going to do about it? Complain about it to all your celebrity friends? Didn't think so. Think the media will care? Good luck finding a journalist who didn't vote for me (twice). I spent more on private security for a single party than you'll make in a lifetime. My stable of financial consultants is bigger than your broke ass family, cousins and all. Think I'm "above the law"? Nah, I am the law.

You think the party was "scaled back"? LOL. That was just an excuse to cull the guest list of undesirables. Do you know how important you have to be to get Jay-Z and Beyoncé to show up at your birthday party? I wasn't going to ruin the experience by having Ben Rhodes following me around all night like a traumatized puppy and whinging about the Iran nuclear deal like a total bitch. And don't get me started on Larry David.

So enjoy your mask mandates and not being able to send your kids back to school in the fall. I hear the teachers' unions are opposed to mandatory vaccines. That's f—ing hilarious. Sometimes I wish I was still president so I could nominate Ibram X. Kendi for secretary of education. Think I care? I went to Columbia and Harvard, I just read an Ishiguro novel, and I'm finishing up the second volume of my bestselling memoir. Nah, just kidding. I've been too busy filling out my NCAA bracket, curating my summer playlist, and planning an epic birthday party for myself.

Look, you tedious peasants, I'll be straight with you. Your indignation at so-called "elites" flaunting their wealth and status during these difficult and uncertain times does not concern me. I'm just trying to enjoy myself and become the first ex-president to become a billionaire after leaving office. (So far, so good.) The way things are progressing with technology, I might even get rich enough to live forever, in which case I'll be sure to throw myself another massive party. I'd really like to invite you, but I wouldn't get your hopes up. You'll probably be dead.

Cry more, pleb.


B. Hussein Obama was the 44th president of the United States. He is consistently ranked as one of the best presidents in American history according to a rating system that is total bullshit, but you idiots will believe anything, won't you? 

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