Friday, August 6, 2021



Heck, he displays it constantly.  Just yesterday, he sniffed a little girl's hair and made an utterly incomprehensible speech likening police to brawling high school athletes.  However, Don Surber, one of the most acute political observers, suggests that Biden may be hiding a still-sharp brain behind that decrepit, incoherent exterior.  I put it to you, the readers, to make the call.

Is it possible that Biden's not as stupid as he appears?

It's cheap, easy, and lots of fun to highlight Joe Biden's incoherence and creepiness.  Heck, he displays it constantly.  Just yesterday, he sniffed a little girl's hair and made an utterly incomprehensible speech likening police to brawling high school athletes.  However, Don Surber, one of the most acute political observers, suggests that Biden may be hiding a still-sharp brain behind that decrepit, incoherent exterior.  I put it to you, the readers, to make the call.

On Thursday, Twitter wasn't able to stop "Creepy Joe" from trending.  The reason was that he was once again caught snuffling at a little girl under the pretext of whispering something to her:

Someone even dug out the classic video of an expert talking about how pedophiles groom children and put it together with Biden's behavior:

Over the weekend, Biden lovingly grabbed a little boy's hand and stuffed a dirty mask into it.  There's some debate about whether he was being creepy or he confused the boy for his wife:

It's not just the creepiness.  It's also the incoherence.  Also on Thursday, Biden signed a bill giving congressional gold medals to the Capitol and Metropolitan police officers who were working on January 6.  (Interestingly, Biden did not honor the federal officials who fought off Antifa's and BLM's rocks, lasers, bricks, etc., throughout 2020.  Go figure.)  Frankly, based upon the officers we saw before Congress, Biden would have done better to give them golden tissues to stanch their girlish tears.

But back to the main point: To commemorate the occasion, Biden managed to compare these officers to...brawling high school athletes?

The New York Post courageously transcribed this nonsense:

You're the same ones after a ballgame in a visiting field who come walking out of the gym after you won and you may get jumped by the other team or their supporters. You may be all by yourself, the only one standing there, when you watch six people jump one of our teammates. What the hell would you do? You'd jump in, you'd jump in, knowing you're gonna have the hell beat out of you, too.

Right now, you're all thinking that Biden is the dumbest, most incompetent man ever to have occupied the White House, bar none.  Don Surber, however, says we're fooling ourselves, that Biden does indeed speak like a former stutterer (substituting words on the fly for words he can't say), and that we're playing into leftist hands:

First, let us dump the assumptions about his brain.

He has one. And it is likely his brain is nimble as a pole dancer.


Second, let us learn from Democrat mistakes.

In 2000, they misunderestimated George Walker Bush, the man who coined the word. Despite peace and prosperity, they lost the election by 537 votes in Florida.

In 2004, they junked their Gorebot and went with a rather affable if elitist John Kerry. Two wars were dragging on and the economy was tepid. Bush won anyway.

Democrats misunderestimated Reagan as an old befuddled man in 1980 and again in 1984. He nuked them in two landslides. He was denied a majority in 1980 only because it was a three-way race.

By becoming president, Biden did what only 45 men have done. (Cleveland was both the 22nd and 24th presidents.) You can say Biden cheated because he did. But fairness does not mean anything in politics these days. What matters now is that he won.

Becoming president is a rare achievement and he could very easily become an even rarer two-term president.

Surber argues that Biden's bumbling persona means it will be hard to get voters to blame him for everything that happened on his watch.  They'll vote for the kind grandfather, not for the nation-destroyer.  He warns, "Defeating Biden in 2024 will take an extraordinary effort by Republicans.  That effort begins by viewing Biden as one of the best politicians in U.S. history."

Certainly Biden, even more effectively than Obama, has pushed through his agenda, helped by an utterly supportive government and a Pravda-esque media establishment.  Talk about a transformational president.

So is he the incompetent, creepy, incoherent old man, or is he crazy like a fox?  I'll leave you with a video from the days when Saturday Night Live was still capable of being amusing, back in 1986, when Reagan was in the White House:

Image: Joe Biden by DonkeyHotey.  CC BY 2.0.

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Jill Biden runs an 'abusive office that's like The Devil Wears Prada'

Jill Biden and Kamala Harris are said to be rivals in the quest for power, given Joe Biden's dotage.

And sure enough, they run the same kinds of staff offices: hellscapes.

In a story about Anthony Bernal, Jill Biden's chief of staff — the guy who poses Jill for photos like these — Politico reports:

Bernal's allies and enemies alike say that his loyalty to the First Lady is absolute. Even many of his detractors concede that his creative talents and attention to detail have benefitted Dr. Biden.

But many of these same officials argue that Bernal's pursuit of perfection on behalf of the First Lady does not excuse the way he treats some other staffers. Many described him as "berating" and "toxic" because of his unfiltered criticism of others and tendency to trash talk his colleagues behind their backs. Some compare him to MERYL STREEP's character in "Devil Wears Prada" while another equated him to the ever-conspiring Littlefinger in "Game of Thrones."

Politico reports that the little feller has a "mean streak" and is constantly "berating staff" if not declaring them "stupid" on the phone and in staff meetings.  He badmouths them behind their backs even if he plays "friend" to them to their faces.  He's made a lot of them cry.  He has so disgusted these people that they've taken to surreptitiously recording his abuses and tirades, apparently providing Politico with its material.

He sounds like a stereotypical court eunuch from the imperial court of China — attaining a position of great power through intense loyalty to the emperor, effectively ruling the empire with the emperor distracted, using that power to the detriment of the empire, and acting horribly to those around them.

The court flatterers for Bernal, though, are out there, releasing their flowery words in his defense:

"Anthony's loyalty to our team and the First Family is unrivaled, and he holds himself, and all of us, to the highest standards," Chief of Staff Julissa Reynosos told Politico. 

"There is no one at the White House with a bigger heart than Anthony, which is one of several reasons why so many in the First Lady's office have worked with him for years. He cares deeply about the personal and professional growth of his colleagues."

Eeew.  Anybody believe that?

It sounds very similar to the kind of staff office Kamala Harris runs, which we've described here.

Like Jill, Kamala has also hired extremely appalling people to her top staff positions.  To start, back in her Sacramento days, one of her top staffers, Larry Wallace, reportedly made young staffers crawl under his computer to "fix his printer" so he could ogle their underwear, forcing the state to make a $400,000 sexual harassment payout.  Harris claimed to know nothing about it, any more than Jill supposedly knows nothing about Bernal's reported depredations.  Wallace landed on his feet with another political staff gig elsewhere, apparently helped by someone, no idea whom, with no consequences to him.

Harris's current top staffers, such as Tina Flournoy, are also reportedly horrible to work for, too:

A large part of the blame, sources said, goes to Harris's chief of staff, Tina Flournoy, whom aides described as an overbearing woman who doesn't tolerate dissenting ideas, who blames everybody else but herself when things go badly, and who tries to keep the VP sheltered from reality.

BizPac Review, citing Politico, said that with her around, Harris's office was like this:

"People are thrown under the bus from the very top, there are short fuses and it's an abusive environment. It's not a healthy environment, and people often feel mistreated. It's not a place where people feel supported but a place where people feel treated like s---," one source said.

This treatment has left staffers and aides "experiencing low morale, porous lines of communication and diminished trust," according to Politico.

This is nasty stuff, suggesting that perhaps more than realized, Kamala and Jill are the flip sides of the same bad penny.

Why do women like that hire creeps of that sort — gushy toward the boss, ultra-loyal, and monsters to anyone below them?  Well, one place to look is in the similarities of Jill and Kamala, two ambitious women who attained their own power not through their charisma or powers of persuasion, or impressive track records on anything, but through the offices of powerful men, Kamala serving as "mistress" to California power broker Willie Brown, and Jill apparently cheating with Joe well before Joe's first wife was killed in a car crash, according to Jill's ex-husband Bill Stevenson.  That's kind of disgusting, and apparently sets the stage for the hiring of horrible top staffers and the court intrigue that follows.  This isn't about merit anymore; it's about wiles and guile.

The question of whether either of them knows about how horrible their staff are is a moot point.  Of course they do.  Here was my argument from a few years ago that Kamala certainly knew exactly what kind of person she was employing.

As for Jill, recall that she's a pretty touchy, egotistic person, too, demanding to be called "doctor" despite her gut-level educational "doctorate," which has nothing in common with the kind of brains it takes to achieve an M.D.

She's also played Edith Wilson in Joe's low moments.

She's had suspiciously gushy profiles written about her by court flatterers anxious to please the empress, calling her a goddess and vomit-inducing passages like this:

You generally hear her before you see her because she is often laughing. She is, quite simply, a joy multiplier. 

If Jill Biden were a normal person, she'd be as revolted at that passage as all normal people.  But she wasn't.  It's very likely she demands that kind of absurd flattery, being a person who's absolutely the opposite of it.  I suspect she's mean, at least as mean as Kamala, and probably an even dirtier player.

Well, now she's got these reports coming out, same as Kamala did.  Did anything like this ever come out of the Trump administration?  Yes, Trump was an erratic, mercurial boss, probably not the easiest guy to work for, but he never engaged in any of this icky court intrigue characteristic of people who are vicious but need to pretend to be Lady Merciful in public.  What a vile administration this Fraudster Joe presidency has become.



Chris Hedges' Empire of Illusion | The New School

Chris Hedges "The Politics of Cultural Despair"

Chris Hedges | NAFTA, Clinton, and Obama BETRAYED Americans

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