Friday, August 20, 2021


Now, President Biden was Obama's sidekick, seemingly just along for the ride.  Later, we learned that Biden ran a lucrative side hustle, enriching his family by extorting cash in exchange for doling out taxpayer funds to foreign countries.

Perhaps it's not dumb and dumber, but shrewd and sinister

Obama was the master of the straw man.  Adroitly, he threw up faux perils to the Muslim community post-9/11, many years after it was established that no such danger existed.  Instead of being the unifier, as per his campaign, Obama became the browbeater-in-chief, calling innocuous events racist as frequently as umpires yell "foul."  Coupled with his bending and bowing to world despots and dictators tour, Americans, sufficiently fearful of being labeled xenophobic and racist, were cowed into avoiding straight talk about his anti-American policies.  Blacks and whites became more polarized, as, for eight years under his presidency, America's progress and racial advances were denied. 

Now, President Biden was Obama's sidekick, seemingly just along for the ride.  Later, we learned that Biden ran a lucrative side hustle, enriching his family by extorting cash in exchange for doling out taxpayer funds to foreign countries.

After eight years of this character assassination and grift, a patriot arrived on the scene with the electrifying election of President Trump.

Recently, my nine-year-old nephew, Bode, asked: what's a patriot?  "A person who loves his country," I responded.  The difference was stark and all-encompassing.

Andrea Widburg, in her stellar post about Tucker Carlson's interview of Lara Logan, detailed all the successful pro-America policies that President Trump implemented and that his successor, President Biden, proceeded to disastrously reverse.

Unlike Obama's über-confident arrogance and silken tongue, Biden comes across as a stumbling, mumbling automaton.  And those moments are probably unrehearsed and authentic.  But there are also times when Biden coldly looks into the camera and, with flinty eyes, asserts that whatever anti-American policy he has implemented was justified.  By golly, he did it, it was right, it was the only way, and to hell with you and your concern for the consequences. 

While the mainstream media have turned and joined the conservative chorus of opprobrium, was it truly rank failure?

Or, as one recalls Hunter's laptop, the payoffs, the shakedowns, one asks: who benefits from the billions of dollars in cash and weaponry wantonly abandoned?

Image via Good Free Photos.

Biden’s Surrender Presidency

The seven months of the Biden presidency reveal a theme of surrender. Surrender is to give up possession of something to another or to give up to some influence or idea. President Biden has surrendered so much on so many levels. The only question is how much is due to his abject incompetence versus a deliberate attempt to surrender America, the country he swore an oath to preserve, protect, and defend, to dark forces in the world.

Start with the latest surrender, far from America in the war-torn country of Afghanistan. Despite promises to the contrary, Biden and his foreign policy clown posse gave us a rerun of Saigon in 1975. After hiding under his bed for a week, the President explained his brilliant strategy by blaming his predecessor President Trump, and the Afghan military. Surprisingly his speechwriters failed to mention climate change, as another cause for the fall of Afghanistan.

YouTube screen grab

Biden basically surrendered, after 20 years and over a trillion dollars and countless American and Afghan lives sacrificed to the cause of bringing faculty lounge democracy to a largely illiterate band of thugs living in the 7th century. He blamed Trump for attempting to end a war that now Biden says he opposed all along, neglecting to mention how he presided over eight years of this war while serving as vice-president. Or that he and Obama’s administration released the masterminds of this current Taliban surge from Gitmo in exchange for deserter Bowe Bergdahl.

Trump boxed him in, says Biden. Yet Biden reversed all of Trump’s other policies upon taking office, opening the border, ending American energy independence, and greenlighting Iran’s nuclear program. If he wanted to counter Trump’s plan to exit Afghanistan after 20 wasted years he certainly could have. Biden defied his generals, who must have seen “white rage” in Kabul, and told Biden not to abruptly pull out the military.

But Joe knew better, living up to his reputation as a foreign policy dunce. Obama’s Secretary of Defense famously observed of Biden, that he has been wrong on nearly every foreign policy question over the past 40 years. What little foreign policy knowledge he had was decades ago when he was at least firing on all cylinders rather than now, in rapid cognitive decline, surrendering thought and reason to his advanced age.

Biden also surrendered 40,000 Americans and countless numbers of locals to the whims of the Taliban. Will they be released, held hostage, or beheaded on an international stage? What if they are killed on 9/11 at the surrendered US embassy? America’s humiliation will be complete.

He also surrendered a generation of Afghan girls and women, for two decades allowed to wear Western clothing, and attend school, hoping for a university degree and profession. Instead, Biden surrendered these women to covering all but their eyes, serving as Taliban brides and sex slaves.

Where are the Democrats and Hollywood harpies that were screaming about Justice Kavanaugh and supposed “rape trains” while Biden just unleashed the real thing on millions of Afghan women?

Biden also surrendered Bagram Airfield, the only reliable exit from Afghanistan, not last, once all Americans and our equipment were safely out of the country, but six weeks ago, completely backward to anyone with a whit of common sense. It’s not leaving Afghanistan that’s the problem, it’s the ham-handed backward way Biden did it

To those Americans stuck in Kabul, trying to get to the airport, the US State Department buffoons say good luck, “Please be advised that the US government cannot guarantee your safety as you make this trip.” They might as well tell the stranded Americans to surrender. That’s what the Biden administration did.

Also surrendered were billions of dollars worth of military equipment, now in the hands of the Taliban, with China likely scoping out any high-tech items to add to their arsenal. China and the Taliban? They don’t work together, or do they? The geniuses at Foggy Bottom missed it but the Australian news didn’t as they correctly observed, “Why China’s relationship with the Taliban poses an enormous risk.”

We left military bases, forts, and enough equipment to create a first-rate military force. One that may be used against American interests. This is worse than surrender. Will the Democrats call this “infrastructure spending”?

Have other countries noticed Biden’s capitulation? Iran, as Reuters recently reported, is ramping up uranium enrichment to “near weapons-grade.”  If Iran goes nuclear, Biden, by reinstating the failed Iran-nuke deal has surrendered the Middle East and many allies to a bunch of theocratic thugs.

Biden also surrendered to China, as they observe America as a paper tiger, as Osama bin Ladin claimed. American soldiers are real tigers, but not the parade generals at the Pentagon and the woke foreign policy experts in the White House. After Biden surrendered Afghanistan, China is now holding “assault drills near Taiwan.”

What happens when it is no longer a drill but the real thing? Would America come to Taiwan’s defense against China? Hunter Biden’s billion-dollar investment from a Chinese bank suggests not. That was protection money China paid to the Biden Crime Family to look the other way.  Will America help her ally? Or will Biden babble while Blinken blinks, and voila, Taiwan is now part of communist China?

Is Russia watching America surrender? Replace China with Russia and Taiwan with Ukraine and you will have your answer. Other countries are watching Biden’s surrender too. Do they want to hitch their fortunes and fates to a paper tiger who will cut and run when politically expedient? Or will they pay homage and allegiance to China for their protection? Just as store owners paid Tony Soprano protection money to avoid something bad happening to their shop.

Back in America, Biden has been surrendering America to myriad bad forces. He surrendered America’s energy independence to AOC and the climate warriors. It’s now to the point that he is begging OPEC to increase oil supplies that he curtailed by stopping fracking and the Keystone pipeline.

He surrendered the Southern border to throngs of who-know-who from who-knows-where, bringing COVID and other diseases, or criminals from emptied foreign prisons. How soon until Taliban fighters find their way to Mexico and then across the border into the US?

Biden surrendered the booming Trump economy, rebounding after the worst of COVID, and now declining. Inflation is a word now being muttered, although in hushed tones, by CNN newsreaders. The misery index is once again being calculated, after a long hibernation from the Jimmy Carter presidency. Joe looked at Jimmy’s failures and said “hold my beer” as he is doubling down on the worst of Carter.

Biden surrendered American cities to police defunding, replaced by BLM riots, leaving city residents in similar dire straits as poor Afghanis, promised hope and change from a succession of US presidents starting with George W Bush, culminating in a horribly executed cut and run.

Biden and his Democrat surrogates in the media have surrendered civility and common sense to wokeness where everything is racist and questioning authority, once a proud virtue of the left, is considered domestic terrorism.

It is clear that Biden and his Democrats don’t believe in American exceptionalism or greatness, preferring to share the stage with powerful dictatorships. Biden’s legacy will be American surrender, economically, politically, and morally.

The world is watching and calculating. Hard-earned trust is easily squandered, much harder to recover. The ramifications of Biden’s surrender will haunt America for decades.

As President Trump said in a recently released statement, “Who or what will Joe Biden surrender to next? Someone should ask him, if they can find him.”

Brian C Joondeph, MD, is a physician and writer. He is on sabbatical from social media.

Art Critic: Hunter Biden’s Art Raises ‘Ethical Issues’ for Father and Administration

Hunter Biden walks to Marine One on the Ellipse outside the White House May 22, 2021, in Washington, DC. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)
Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images

Art Critic and Guardian columnist Arwa Mahdawi called into question Hunter Biden’s art career Tuesday, saying it “raises obvious ethical issues for his father” and the administration.

Mahdawi believes Hunter’s “hobby has turned serious” due to the nature of selling “colourful creations” for $500,000 to anonymous investors:

It looks like the prodigal son is a painter now. Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s child, has apparently been dabbling with paints for years. Now his hobby has turned serious: starting soon, you can pick up one of his colourful creations from a gallery in New York’s SoHo. It will cost you, though: the pieces are reportedly priced between $75,000 and $500,000.

Mahdawi questioned who exactly buys artwork for such a large amount of money without being a “critically acclaimed” artist, which raises “obvious ethical issues for his father… and Biden administration.”

“Hunter’s new career raises obvious ethical issues for his father and, in an attempt to avoid accusations of influence peddling, the Biden administration has asked the gallerist to keep all information about the buyers and prices of Hunter’s work confidential,” she wrote. “The gallery has also agreed to reject offers that seem suspiciously generous.”

But White House press secretary Jen Psaki on July 22 labeled Hunter’s “anonymous” art selling scheme as “reasonable.”

“Will he get ethics training, will he have to report afterwards about the conversations — anything specific you can tell us about you are monitoring” the sale of art, a reporter asked.

Psaki regurgitated a frequent answer, ignoring the reporter’s direct question by suggesting Hunter “is not involved in the sale or discussions about the sale of his art,” and that Hunter will not be “informed” of “who is purchasing his art.”

Breitbart News senior contributor and Profiles in Corruption author Peter Schweizer told Breitbart News the “anonymous” proposal is an utterly “absurd” solution.

“The only way to address these issues is with greater transparency–not less,” said Schweizer. “Their proposed solution is greater secrecy, not transparency. And they are essentially saying ‘Trust Us.’ Joe and Hunter Biden’s track record on such matters gives us no reason to trust them.”

Hunter Biden on July 29 responded to his artwork critics by suggesting selling art for $500,000 to anonymous investors is a “pretty courageous thing to do.”

“Fuck em… Look man,” Hunter Biden said on the Nota Bene Podcast, “I never said my art was going to cost what it was going to cost, or how much it would be priced at. I would be amazed, you know, if my art was sold, for you know, for, umm, for ten dollars.”

“I’m [the] most famous artist in MAGA world, at least,” Hunter facetiously explained before suggesting President Joe Biden thinks “everything” Hunter does “should be in National Gallery” of Art.

Indeed, first lady Jill Biden is displaying Hunter’s art in her taxpayer funded White House office.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø

Hunter Biden: Bane of the 'Mainstream' Press

Tim  Graham
Posted: Aug 18, 2021 12:01 AM
The opinions expressed by columnists are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of
Hunter Biden: Bane of the 'Mainstream' Press

Source: Jonathan Ernst/Pool Photo via AP


Four summers ago, the network evening news shows obsessed over Donald Trump Jr. attending a brief and ineffective meeting with Russians at Trump Tower in 2016. He hoped to get "dirt" on Hillary Clinton, but nothing came of it. ABC, CBS and NBC offered viewers more than 62 minutes of coverage energetically speculating over collusion with the Russians in just four nights in July.

On Aug. 11, the Daily Mail reported, "Hunter Biden claimed Russians stole another one of his laptops for blackmail while he was close to overdosing in a Las Vegas hotel room." Coverage on ABC, CBS and NBC? Nothing. Zero. The story underlined this alleged theft "would mean Hunter lost a total of three computers -- the first abandoned at a Delaware computer store and the second seized by federal agents."

On video, Biden claimed he had a laptop loaded with his sex videos that were taken by a drug dealer and a Russian hooker; a "really nice, pure brunette." So, a reporter could take his tale with a grain of salt. But there's no salt needed. Reporters are aggressively incurious. There's no sign they have spent five minutes with any evidence.

The Daily Mail and the New York Post have reported quite a bit on Biden's computers and the scandalous videos and emails that were found on them. But the "news" gatekeepers have tried to squash all of this content as somehow "fake news." The definition of "mainstream media" is "refuses to acknowledge any evidence of Hunter Biden's dissolute life, lobbying and buckraking as authentic."

You can see it discussed on Fox News or other conservative networks, but not much else. On his HBO show, Bill Maher joked that Biden only has sex when he records it on his laptop. He said other people orgasm yelling, "Oh God," while Biden says, "Like, comment and share."

The networks are mostly bored senseless at Biden's scandalous plans to sell his "novice" paintings for as much as $500,000. NBC's Stephanie Gosk filled one report with skeptical art critics and ethics watchdogs on July 12. ABC and CBS skipped it, as did CNN, MSNBC and PBS. Somehow, the pro-Biden networks that pompously declare they "hold government accountable" are bored senseless by the Biden art sale.

On Aug. 13, the New York Times gently reported on the high expected prices, and wondered if it's not all about the artist's fame (or infamy). Cristin Tierney, a New York gallerist, told the paper, "I have artists who have very real careers who might not sell that much in dollar terms cumulatively over 10 years."

Art history professor Joan Kee warned, "We have a situation in which the White House is essentially giving a private gallerist that no one has ever heard of a political position."

The unknown gallery owner, Georges Berges, touted Biden's "authenticity" as an artist after grappling with addiction. "I saw a lot of the positive qualities that have defined his life in his art -- the heroic journey that comes from stumbling and falling and then rising up; his art is full of hope."

The real "hope" here is that Biden can score some more money off his famous father, knowing that the press will act more like bodyguards than investigators -- more like enablers than watchdogs. The rest of us have no hope that the establishment media will play any role in it. They say democracy dies in darkness, but Biden thrives in their darkness.

Tim Graham is director of media analysis at the Media Research Center and executive editor of the blog

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