Monday, August 23, 2021



Rumours churn' over Biden's 'mental capacity' amid calls to invoke 25th amendment

Tucker: You don't see this everyday, in fact you never see it

Rumours churn' over Biden's 'mental capacity' amid calls to invoke 25th amendment

Chris Hedges | America: A Final Farewell

Don’t be fooled by Joe Biden

Chris Hedges | NAFTA, Clinton, and Obama BETRAYED Americans... and Joe Biden was right there with the worst of them!

Stand-by for the Real Insurrection… by the Democrats

People will put up with a little absentmindedness or occasional faux pas. But when creeping senility puts lives at risk and national interests in jeopardy, that’s entirely different.

When it was clear Joe Biden’s victory would stand up, it was obvious to me that Biden’s mental troubles, to frame it gently, would result in him being out of office one way or another within six months of his swearing in.  By then, the Trojan Horse would have served his purpose. Democrats would control all three branches of government and have pushed through many fundamental changes.

Biden did his share. He signed a record number of executive orders, many of questionable constitutionality. But now, as has been so painfully and obviously illuminated by the Afghanistan debacle, the president’s competence and reliability are dramatically compromised by clearly advancing symptoms of old age. Just as yours truly predicted.

Consequently, we are about to witness a genuine insurrection that will put Jan. 6, 2020, into proper perspective. The unruly mob that stormed the Capitol was weak tea. Even its most militant participants never intended to overthrow the government. Their purpose was simply to have votes recounted and verified, which still hasn’t been done.

What looms today is far more serious, infinitely more calculated and definitely more likely to achieve its goal: to replace a sitting president in mid-term, probably against his will.  It ain’t gonna be pretty. It has the real possibility of resembling a banana republic coup d'état.

Getting him up in Marine One with Nancy sitting behind him might be one way....

YouTube screengrab

Many people note that the 25th Amendment to the Constitution permits the yanking of a president out of the Oval Office against his will, but consider the obstacles for replacing the vice president to ensure a Senate tie-breaking vote for Democrats. Recall how little the Constitution and laws have meant in recent years with the 2020 election improprieties, the politicizing and weaponizing of the FBI and Justice Department, nationwide illegal lockdowns and mandates, the wide-open southern border and of course the blind eyes turned to the Clinton attempts to frame Donald Trump. And consider this: Democrats really have no other option that works for them.

The motivation for a such drastic move is that the situation already is urgent and grows more dire by the day. No longer can Democrats trust Biden to stick to talking points rehearsed beforehand, or even to read from teleprompters or cheat sheets he carries to the podium. And when he goes off script, Biden is at best unpredictable, often contradicting his own administration and frequently spewing outright lies that have even CNN blanching. At any moment, the president is liable to veer into forbidden territory with a devastating flourish.

As fascinating as it may be to consider, playing hide the pea with the president of the United States is unrealistic. Mrs. Edith Wilson fooled the world, while her president husband, Woodrow, finished his term disabled by a stroke hidden from the public. That won’t happen today. Not in this 24/7 intense news cycle world. Not in the age of the nuclear briefcase.

Biden has finished his seventh month. But he’s on borrowed time. Everyone knows it.

As any observer can verify by watching and listening, Joe Biden has ceased to be the president of the United States. Someone is pulling his strings and has been for quite some time. That is clear to everyone. What is unclear to nearly everyone is, who exactly is in charge.

We may be about to find out because whoever it is will be confronted by any number of challengers seeking to gain control over the next puppet-in-chief, Kamala Harris.

There’s not much use speculating about how Democrats will jettison Biden. It will be done in plain view. The real game will be how the media and the varied factions with interest in the office of the presidency publicly deal with the ouster and replacement.

For any student of government and any subscriber to the theory of the Deep State, this stuff is not new. Rule #1: whoever wins serves at the pleasure of others. And we’re not talking about the voters’ pleasure.

So, America, prepare for all the unpleasantries from House of Cards and Advise and Consent to play out in real time, prime time even. Political jockeying for the inside track always is cutthroat but normally out of view. It will be nearly impossible to keep the jostling sub-rosa once the media and political antagonists smell Biden’s blood in the water. The shark frenzy looms. Slow shark dies. 

When it becomes clear that Biden is on his way out, none of those interested in controlling the new titular figurehead will be reserved when making their move. Unlike normal times, such as the assassination of JFK and the forced resignation of Richard Nixon, there won’t be time for politics as usual. Behind-the-scenes subtleties will give way to high-profile public power plays. The players know they need to win the public to their cause and time is short. 

Ousting an unstable president unlikely to go quietly is fraught with landmines. Imagine a public setting in which the magnitude of what his own party is doing to him pushes Biden beyond the limits of his self-control. That’s not hard to imagine, is it? 

There’s a reason Biden is ushered away from the podium and news cameras. Prolonged exposure risks embarrassment. And worse.

We’ve already seen him lose control with the media, who Biden barks at sarcastically, and even with voters, who he insults to their face (“You lyin’ dog-faced pony soldier!”). 

But what happens when the President of the United States insists on going out for an ice cream cone, then unexpectedly is triggered and launches a public rant captured by news and cellphone cameras? What happens when Secret Service agents are unpersuasive and Biden shrugs off their grasp and continues his rant? 

How many such outbursts will the public tolerate before realizing such instability threatens public Afghanistan withdrawal already has severely reduced the public’s faith in Biden’s competence. The normally fawning press already complains that he doesn’t make himself available or answer their questions. Even pre-screened reporters with pre-approved questions are beginning to rebel. They want the truth, not Joe’s scripted lies.

Professional incompetence and a series of public rants signaling mental instability. What could be more worrisome in a leader?

Anyone who ever has dealt with a loved one suffering from senility or Alzheimer’s knows the routine. When angry, they cannot be reasoned with. They become more adamant, not more reasonable. And louder. And less and less concerned that they may be creating a scene. Indeed, making a loud, disruptive scene may be intentional. It’s a sign of emotion trumping reason. Another undesirable trait for a leader.

Now imagine such a person is the most powerful man on the planet, the Commander in Chief, the man to whom every federal agency answers. Restraining that person becomes exponentially more difficult. When the president says, “Don’t do that!” do press aides persist? Do Secret Service agents back off? When he resists direction, does anyone forcibly and physically change his mind? In public?

What if the president feels he is being conspired against, which in fact he will be? What if he feels his closest advisors are in on it? Which they will be. What if he summons Oprah, a Senator or his barber or his brother so he can unload on them about the injustice. Then the secret’s out. 

Imagine the tabloid headlines: “President a prisoner in the White House!”

Such missteps can be deadly to the cause. The party’s cause, that is. 

Imagine the public reaction. Then imagine one or more crises erupting simultaneously in the South China Sea or Israel versus Iran or Russian aggression in Ukraine. Or another purposely released virus. 

Are you beginning to feel the urgency? You can bet Democrats do. How long will they wait?

 Mark Landsbaum is a Christian retired journalist, former investigative reporter, editorial writer, and columnist.  He also is a husband, father, grandfather, and Dodgers fan.  He can be reached at

Joe Biden, Sinking into the Sand

In his sonnet "Ozymandias," poet Percy Bysshe Shelley tells of a traveler who comes upon a desert ruin that was once an ancient empire. All that is left of it are "two vast and trunkless legs of stone" and a sneering imperial stone "visage" half-buried in the sand. Etched on a pedestal are the words: "My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings. Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair."

Joe Biden is a latter-day Ozymandias, with a tremendous thirst for power and a misplaced sense of invulnerability. But unlike the ancient royal ruler, it will not take eons for Biden's power to erode. Even as his smirk remains, he is diminishing before our very eyes.

Put bluntly, Biden is not as advertised. He was supposed to bring a divided nation together. He promised to govern not with an iron fist, but with a velvet glove. Now that hand has trouble finding his mask. Joe represented himself as a serious candidate, well versed in affairs of state. Instead, we are saddled with a cipher in the White House, a compromised head of state who takes in teleprompter content through his beady eyes and drones it out through his thin lips.

In many U.S. states, there are "lemon laws" that provide a remedy for purchases of cars and other consumer goods to compensate for products that fail to meet standards of quality and performance. If the home you buy comes with unhappy surprises, there are legal remedies. The Federal Trade Commission enforces truth in adverting laws. Nothing like this applies to politicians who disappoint.

After Trump's victory over Hillary in 2016, one of my college classmates wrote to her like-minded liberal friends, "How can we have let this happen?" I suspect that a similar query is being voiced by deluded Biden-supporters whose judgment at the ballot box was blinded by their irrational hatred for the Orange Tweeter.

Despite the sizable lineup of candidates in their primaries, Democrats eventually opted for old Uncle Joe Biden. If he didn't seem all that good in the debates, at least he looked promising on paper. His résumé was long, if not impressive. He was Barack's buddy, supposedly tapped for his wide experience with international issues. He had name recognition. And surely, one can't spend almost a half-century in the swamp and not learn the dangers of bucking the tide.

Over his long political career that began in 1973, Biden faced few challenges — and fewer challengers. He was re-elected to the Senate six times. He glad-handed folks, securing their loyalty through longevity and privilege. He became a familiar face in Washington, not because he did so much, but because he did so little for so long. As a result, he became impervious to criticism. He found it easy enough to weasel out of unpopular actions, such as the 1994 legislation he authored and pushed, intending to reduce crime but resulting, instead, in massive incarceration, particularly of blacks.

Biden kept a rather low profile during his years as "second in command" in the Obama administration. That's how "Barack" liked it: an older "yes man" rather than a vital competitor to the charismatic president. Biden knew how to bulldoze his way through the Washingtonian corridors of power. And more importantly, he knew where the bodies were buried.

Joe made three runs for the presidency. The third time was the charm — but not for America. He might have been the "real deal" in Dover, but he didn't particularly resonate with voters beyond his home turf. In the first campaign, he was forced to drop out after being caught plagiarizing. On his second try, he garnered about 3% of the primary vote. It was only when the veneer of Obama's popularity rubbed off on him that Biden was more or less taken seriously by the country at large.

Obama once remarked that Old Joe didn't have a mean bone in his body. What he neglected to point out, however, is that Biden's backbone has gone missing. The perennial bureaucrat went giddily with the flow, as long as its course led to personal enrichment for himself and his family. In his years in Washington, Joe became very wealthy, and so did his siblings and younger son, Hunter.

Biden turned the tiny Diamond State of Delaware into an attractive tax haven for corporations, and they loved him for it. Once entrenched in office, Joe breezed through his re-election campaigns. Voters felt understandably sorry for the horrific loss of his first wife and daughter. And he made political hay over the fact that he Amtrak-ed back and forth between home and capital, fulfilling his dual obligations to his sons and constituents. It is ironic that a man who personally suffered such loss seems humdrum about his role in causing the collective grief of so many other families in Afghanistan.

Biden may seem grandfatherly and low-key, but he exhibits a scathingly short temper toward those whose opinions differ from his own, such as Clarence Thomas and Robert Bork, distinguished candidates for the Supreme Court. He humiliated Thomas, a black jurist who had pulled himself up by the bootstraps from an impoverished Southern family.

 As for Bork, Joe ironically opposed him because he feared that the conservative judge was racist — a concern in sharp contrast to his longtime friendship with powerful West Virginia senator Robert Byrd, a onetime muckety-muck in the Ku Klux Klan. From then on, all conservative high court applicants have been "Borked."

Fortunately for Biden, his contradictions, outbursts, flubs, and gaffes were rarely taken any more seriously than he was. Even some of my Republican friends excused his missteps as just "Joe being Joe." Would the NeverTrumps tolerate forgiveness because Trump was just being Trump?

Now that Joe is president, the chickens of his sketchy political past are coming home to roost. Accustomed to coasting through his career without much criticism, Biden seems now to have landed in a place that befuddles him. His speechwriters may insert Harry Truman's famous phrase, "the buck stops here," but don't expect Joe to put that plaque on his desk in the Oval Office anytime soon.

Still, Biden is fond of boasting, "I am the president of the United States," and "This is America, for God's sake," as though presumably anything is possible with him at the helm. His current shortfall is exacerbated by creeping dementia. He finds it hard to play the role because somewhere along the line, he lost the script. He was never one to lead the pack, and at this point, he seems unable to do so. The effects of his impairment may vary from day to day, but the condition never goes away. It only gets worse with time.

Unfortunately, Biden's confusion and inability to deal with problems spell big trouble for our country. Over his years in office, he had come to expect immunity for his misbehavior, as was the case with his quid quo threat against the Ukrainian government. He has grown accustomed to weaseling out of sticky situations — such as inappropriately fondling women and young girls. And an accommodating press has been covering up his son Hunter's various scandals.

 In fact, until now, Biden has not been taken to task by most of the mainstream media. Not for side-stepping the border crisis. Not for putting mandated masks above mayhem here and abroad. Not for his craven capitulation to the far left of his party, even concurring that the United States is "systemically racist." He has even been given leeway to point his bony finger of blame at everyone but himself.

This pattern of scapegoating others for his own shortcomings has badly damaged Biden. More importantly, it will likely damage America for years to come. Recently, his growing petulance and irrational rants were on full display during a televised ABC interview with George Stephanopoulos.

Clearly, Biden has no business being president of the United States. During his unimpressive campaign, he failed to inform Americans about his mental decline. If he did not know about it, surely his doctor and family did. Failure to fully disclose his condition should be grounds for his resignation or impeachment.

During the Vietnam war era, opponents gathered outside the White House, chanting, "Hey, hey, LBJ! How many kids did you kill today?" Maybe it is time to descend on the White House, shouting, "Joe, Joe, you gotta go!" (That is, if he hasn't already to Camp David or his home in Wilmington, Del.)

There is a lesson to be learned from Shelley's poem. If Biden and his buddies continue in power, our country could — with unimaginable speed — become a shadow of its former self. We must not underestimate such an eventuality the way Biden did with the swift advance of the Taliban. Without a course correction, America could hopelessly find itself sinking into the sands of oblivion.

Image: Gage Skidmore via FlickrCC BY-SA 2.0.

Joe Biden: History Will Judge Me as ‘Logical, Rational, and Right’ on Afghanistan

US President Joe Biden speaks during an update on the situation in Afghanistan and the effects of Tropical Storm Henri in the Roosevelt Room of the White House in Washington, DC on August 22, 2021. (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS / AFP) (Photo by ANDREW CABALLERO-REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images)

President Joe Biden boasted Sunday that history would treat him kindly after his chaotic exit from Afghanistan, despite widespread criticism from both political parties.

“I think, that history is going to record this was the logical, rational, and right decision to make,” Biden said confidently after delivering a speech on the issue and answering questions from reporters at the White House.

U.S soldiers stand guard inside the international airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, Monday, Aug. 16, 2021. Thousands of Afghans have rushed onto the tarmac at the airport, some so desperate to escape the Taliban capture of their country that they held onto the American military jet as it took off and plunged to death. (AP Photo/Shekib Rahmani)

U.S soldiers stand guard inside the international airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, Monday, Aug. 16, 2021. Thousands of Afghans have rushed onto the tarmac at the airport, some so desperate to escape the Taliban capture of their country that they held onto the American military jet as it took off and plunged to death. (AP Photo/Shekib Rahmani)

The president also claimed the exit from Afghanistan would always be chaotic, despite promising in April that it would be “responsibly, deliberately, and safely” and not “hasty.”

“Let me be clear, the evacuation of thousands of people from Kabul is going to be hard and painful no matter when we started; when we began,” he said.

Biden claimed he had not seen polls showing the majority of Americans no longer considered him competent enough to do the job as president.

He defended his decision to leave Afghanistan as “basic,” repeating his sense of urgency despite obviously failing to prepare for a smooth exit.

“My job is to make judgments. My job is to make judgments nobody else can or will make,” Biden said. “I made them. I’m convinced I’m absolutely correct.”

He repeatedly claimed that his critics just wanted him to stay in Afghanistan longer.

“Look, at the end of the day, if we didn’t leave Afghanistan now when do we leave?” he asked. “Another ten years? Another five years? Another year?”

Biden Admin Has No Plan to Keep Cash Out of Taliban’s Hands, GOP Lawmakers Say

Rep. Gallagher: 'It's up to Congress to make sure the Taliban does not walk away with a windfall'

 • August 20, 2021 2:58 pm


As the Biden administration scrambles to evacuate American personnel from Afghanistan, it is overlooking the Taliban's plans to seize some $10 billion in assets held by Afghanistan's central bank, according to congressional foreign policy leaders.

Somewhere between $18 and $20 million in cash sits in the Afghan central bank's vaults and is likely to fall into the Taliban's hands unless the United States attempts to intercept the funds and fly them out of the country—a scenario that sources say is unlikely as the Biden administration struggles to pull Americans out of Taliban-controlled Kabul.

The Treasury Department would not answer questions about any plan it has to secure cash still located inside the country. A Biden administration official, speaking only on background about the matter, told the Washington Free Beacon that all Afghan assets held as investments in the United States—which amount to around $7 billion—have been frozen and "will not be made available to the Taliban." The Afghan central bank has around $10 billion in total assets, most of which are stored outside the country and out of the Taliban's reach in the short term. Taliban leaders are pressing bank officials to give them access to these funds, according to Afghan government officials.

Republican foreign policy leaders in Congress say the Biden administration is in no place to secure Afghanistan's fortune given its disorganized evacuation of Americans from the country, which is still taking place. They say the administration had no contingency plans in place and failed to anticipate the Taliban's quick return to power.

Rep. Mike Gallagher (R., Wis.), a member of the House Armed Services Committee, said it is Congress's responsibility to make sure the Taliban does not become wealthy as a result of its government takeover.

"While I am glad the administration has indicated it will not allow the Taliban to gain access to Afghan reserves held in the United States, it's up to Congress to make sure the Taliban does not walk away with a windfall," Gallagher told the Free Beacon. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D., Calif.) "must immediately reconvene Congress for an emergency session so we can do so."

The United States froze cash shipments to Afghanistan during the weekend, when the Taliban marched into Kabul and retook control of the country. Some in the Biden administration, however, have floated plans to unfreeze Afghanistan's cash reserves or offer the Taliban foreign aid if it agrees to spare the embattled U.S. embassy compound in Kabul, according to one source with knowledge of the ongoing deliberations. The administration could also be forced to repatriate a portion of these funds as part of future negotiations with the Taliban that are certain to take place in the coming weeks and months.

Still, the Taliban is doing all it can to get its hand on any money still stashed inside the country, and its leaders are "asking [central bank] officials about the location of assets," according to Ajmal Ahmady, the bank's most recent governor, who fled the country as the Taliban marched into Kabul.

Rep. Jim Banks (R., Ind.), also a member of the House Armed Services Committee, slammed the Biden administration's lack of planning.

"The Biden administration has no planned evacuation route for Americans. No plan to secure the perimeter of the Kabul airport. No plan to keep billions of high-tech equipment away from the Taliban. No plan to stop the Taliban from seizing billions of American dollars," Banks told the Free Beacon. "He has endangered thousands of Americans and empowered our enemies. Biden's incompetence is an embarrassment to the United States."

Sen. Ted Cruz (R., Texas), a member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, said the administration "systematically misled Congress and the American people" about the deteriorating situation in Afghanistan.

"They had no plan to prevent the Taliban from seizing everything from territory to billions of dollars' worth of assets from the Afghan government, which the Taliban will use for illicit finance, terrorism, drug running, and an endless list of other activities, all of which put Americans at risk," Cruz told the Free Beacon through a spokesman. "As they finally begin developing a plan to deal with this national security catastrophe, the Biden-Harris administration must ensure that they prevent the Taliban from accessing these assets."

Joseph R. Biden, 78, is a Washington, D.C., resident. He is the father of Hunter Biden, a renowned crackhead, pretend artist, energy executive, grifter for the 'big guy' and gentleman's club patron, i.e., whore chaser.




Taliban Captures Billions in US Military Equipment

Taliban fighters stand guard at an entrance gate outside the Interior Ministry in Kabul on August 17, 2021. / Getty Images
 • August 19, 2021 1:30 pm


The Taliban has seized billions of dollars' worth of U.S. military equipment amid the United States' chaotic troop withdrawal from Afghanistan.

The terrorist group captured scores of U.S.-made weapons, including M4 carbines and M16 rifles, that the U.S. military provided to Afghan security forces, the Hill reported Thursday. After taking over the capital city of Kabul on Sunday, the Taliban also seized American military vehicles, including Black Hawk helicopters, attack aircraft, Humvees, and reconnaissance drones.

National security adviser Jake Sullivan said Tuesday it is unclear how many U.S. weapons the Taliban has obtained during its takeover of the country.

"We don't have a complete picture, obviously, of where every article of defense materials has gone. But certainly, a fair amount of it has fallen into the hands of the Taliban," Sullivan said.

More than 20 Republican senators on Wednesday demanded the Defense Department provide a "full account" of the weapons lost to the Taliban.

"It is unconscionable that high-tech military equipment paid for by U.S. taxpayers has fallen into the hands of the Taliban and their terrorist allies," the lawmakers wrote in a letter to Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin. "Securing U.S. assets should have been among the top priorities for the U.S. Department of Defense prior to announcing the withdrawal from Afghanistan."

President Joe Biden on Wednesday defended his decision to withdraw all U.S. troops from the country by a Sept. 11 deadline, saying the chaotic evacuation efforts, which have left thousands of Americans stranded in the war-torn country, were inevitable.

"The idea that somehow there's a way to have gotten out without chaos ensuing, I don't know how that happens," Biden told ABC.

The Drooling Class

If you ever doubted that the country was in the hands of some very stupid and corrupt people, this week should have thoroughly disabused you of that fantasy. In one fell swoop, the administration left billions of dollars of military equipment in the hands of the barbarous anti-American Taliban; broke the North Atlantic Treaty Alliance by bugging out without warning to its members who were in Afghanistan in support of our mission there; left as many as 50,000 Americans and tens of thousands more of our Afghan allies to the not so tender mercies of the enemy; and on Friday Biden lied about it all.

It’s not that most of us wanted this Afghan Mission Impossible to continue forever. It’s just that there’s a right way to do it. President Trump’s Secretary of Defense Mike Pompeo had a well-conceived plan. It included preconditions on the Taliban and the removal of all U.S. military equipment and civilians before any group withdrawal. The administration in its wisdom did it backward: troops first, civilians left to their own devices (we’re even charging those who make it through the Taliban blockade around the one remaining airport $2,000 a head to be evacuated), abandoning Bagram’s well-fortified and equipped airbase, and an incredible array of military equipment for the taking, a taking that makes the entire world very unsafe.

Scores of videos have emerged of Taliban fighters rejoicing near abandoned American helicopters, carrying U.S.-supplied M24 sniper rifles and M18 assault weapons, stacking other small arms and materiel in unending piles and driving Humvees and other U.S.-made military trucks.

The Taliban have seized airplanes, tanks and artillery from Afghan outposts and from evacuating U.S. personnel, revealing one of the heavier costs of a U.S. troop withdrawal amid a collapse of Afghanistan’s government and army. 

We often are critical of CNN and with good reason, but this week its chief international correspondent Clarissa Ward has been doing the most incredible coverage from Kabul. Every second she’s on the air from Kabul she puts paid to the administration’s fantastical accounts.

The British Parliament (both houses of it) condemned Biden in special sessions. Why wouldn’t they? Albert Nardelli of Bloomberg explained that Biden had explicitly told key allies that we’d maintain enough of a security presence after the main troop withdrawal so they could continue embassy operations in Kabul. We did not, leaving diplomatic personnel there unprotected and NATO nation civilians at great risk. U.K. Prime Minister Boris Johnson tried repeatedly to discuss this by phone with Biden who did not take the calls. We, in one ill-considered move, betrayed the Afghans who worked with us and the allies who are fighting alongside us there.

The last reports I saw say British and French special operation outfits have been transported to Kabul to aid in getting their nationals to the airport for evacuation. When they can, they are also aiding Americans trapped in this mess. Our troops are confined to the airport and apparently not happy that our allies are doing the job which should be done by them:

I understand that the commanding general of the 82nd Airborne Division has told the commander of the British special forces at the Kabul airport to cease operations beyond the airport perimeter.

Maj. Gen. Christopher Donahue has told his British Army counterpart, a high-ranking field-grade officer of the British army's 22nd Special Air Service Regiment, that British operations were embarrassing the United States military in the absence of similar U.S. military operations. I understand that the British officer firmly rejected the request.[snip]I understand that the SAS has conducted operations to bring American citizens, as well as British citizens and at-risk personnel, through checkpoints and to the airport. This is not an indictment on U.S. capabilities or special operations intent, but rather, it's a reflection of political-military authorities. In part, this difference is understandable. Large-scale U.S. military operations beyond the Kabul airport perimeter would entail significant risk absent prior Taliban approval. But there is a sense, at least by allies, that the U.S. military could be doing more to leverage the Taliban into providing greater ease of access to the airport for those most at risk.

According to Breitbart:

CNN chief international correspondent Clarissa Ward said Friday while reporting from the Kabul airport that despite promises from President Joe Biden of a full evacuation, during a period of eight hours, she did not see any U.S. flights evacuate people.

Ward said, “I’m sitting here, for 12 hours in the airport, eight hours on the airfield, and I haven’t seen a single U.S. plane take off. How on earth are you going to evacuate 50,000 people in the next two weeks. It just, it can’t happen.”[/quote]

A bureaucratic tug of war between the State Department, Pentagon, and White House is also disrupting evacuation operations out of Kabul. This is aggravating British, French, and other Kabul-present military authorities. I understand that these governments have been further aggravated by the failure of the White House and Pentagon to communicate adequately, or in some cases, to communicate at all, on their intentions and actions. All these allies admit, however, that only the U.S. military could provide the airfield defense and air traffic control capabilities now on display.

The claim that the rapid Taliban advance which the administration had assumed falsely would take 90 days was unexpected, is also nonsense. The tangled lines of communication and the diffusion into a Babel of authorization to act is the key, not the rapid Taliban movement.

Officials on the ground had warned on July 13 that Kabul would collapse soon, that the Taliban’s “advance was imminent “ and the Afghan military unlikely to stop it.

In the meantime, the advance, as you certainly would expect, was accompanied by targeted killings, atrocities, and Afghani flights to the exits. (Both Greece and Turkey are fortifying their borders to prevent an onrushing torrent of Afghan asylum seekers.) We have apparently distributed visa forms for anyone in Afghanistan and are transporting those who make it through the Taliban phalanx at the airport, but with records of those who helped us being destroyed by our embassy officials and by the document holders themselves for protection who knows who we are taking in? Afghan history and culture give me every reason to believe that the reason the Taliban has given us a hard deadline to get our civilians out of there at the same time they are making the exits impossible, presage horrid mass murders of those stuck there or a dreadful hostage situation involving tens of thousands of Americans.

After hiding out at Camp David, providing only a video of him sitting alone at a huge conference table in front of a telescreen which seems to have been made in February (given the erroneous time shown on the telescreen), Biden finally showed up briefly on Friday in the Capitol an hour late to read a statement and respond to a handful of questions, clearly handed up in advance by the reporters he called on. Even this song and dance was a joke. He stumbled and lied throughout.

How bad was Biden’s misinformation to the American public? Dreadful. The best assessment comes from Jennifer Griffin, a very experienced Pentagon reporter who spent years in Afghanistan. She said couldn’t fact-check the misstatements fast enough in real time. There were just so many falsehoods. She’s a thorough-going professional, but you could see her genuine anger burning through as she said that.

Former Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker -- in the pithy way my native state speakers communicate -- said it well:

If Joe Biden knew, he should be impeached.

If he wasn’t told, the Secretary of State should be fired.

If he doesn’t remember, they should invoke the 25th amendment.

It’s not just Biden. To look at his team of Secretary of State Antony Blinken, Vice President Kamala Harris, Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin, and Chief of Staff General Mark Milley is to understand Shel Silverstein’s “the lights are on, but nobody’s home.”

Biden announced on Friday that he would return to Delaware. He said he needed to because he "wasn’t sleeping well." I’ll bet he isn’t. On Saturday, he was apparently overruled and remained in the Capitol. For how long, even he probably doesn't know. The lid seems indefinite.

Now, President Biden was Obama's sidekick, seemingly just along for the ride.  Later, we learned that Biden ran a lucrative side hustle, enriching his family by extorting cash in exchange for doling out taxpayer funds to foreign countries.

Tucker: You don't see this everyday, in fact you never see it

GUEST COLUMN: Why I’m Taking a Break from Answering Media Questions To Focus on Mental Health and Mindfulness

My self-care sabbatical starts now. Thanks in advance for your understanding.

 • August 19, 2021 1:15 pm


My fellow Americans,

It might surprise you to learn the past few days have been very challenging for me in terms of my mental and emotional well-being. I do my best to project strength and competence in public, but it's not always as easy as I make it look. Yes, I'm the president of the United States and commander in chief of the armed forces, but I'm also a human being.

Watching the heroic actions of female athletes such as Naomi Osaka and Simone Biles has inspired me to reevaluate the meaning of strength and to embrace the concept of self-care. That is why I have decided, for the first time in my 50-year career as a public servant, to put myself first, to focus on my mental health and work on my mindfulness. My self-care sabbatical starts now.

Until further notice, I will no longer be answering questions from the White House press corps. Because my recent efforts to decompress and tend to my heartspace at Camp David were so crudely interrupted, I have decided to spend a long weekend in Delaware, the safest space I've ever known. Alas, I can't even take the train anymore on account of my job, which my therapist says has been a major contributor to my depression. So believe me, when I hear the American people are suffering out there, I feel your pain.

This is not an attack on the media. But even if it was, what are they going to do about it, huh? They all voted for me, and they'll do it again. Maybe they'll tweet about it, the way they complain to the airlines like entitled children when their flight is delayed. Look, I know most journalists genuinely believe the work they do is vital to the functioning of our democracy. Honestly, folks, that couldn't be further from the truth.

Take it from me, someone who's been doing this for a long time. Reporters are constantly whinging about how hard it is to be a journalist who covers Donald Trump and the COVID-19 pandemic. As my cousin Mickey used to say: "Horse pucky!" They couldn't care less about the mental anguish they inflict on our athletes, politicians, and celebrities. They would crumble if the shoe was on the other foot—if they were the ones forced to stand up in front of a boisterous mob and be bombarded with ridiculous questions like "Where's Hunter? or "What's your plan for Afghanistan?"

Journalists are already complaining about my self-care journey: "Today would be a great day for journalists to be able to ask the president of the United States questions about Afghanistan." Obsessed much? Look, they're welcome to hop on a plane at anytime to go see for themselves. I just did an entire interview with George Stephanopoulos, a former Democratic operative who actually cares about my feelings. What more do they want?

Have they learned nothing from the courageous athletes and celebrities bringing self care to the forefront of the national conversation? To paraphrase the Olympic gymnast Simone Biles: "I say put mental health first. Because if you don't, then you're not going to enjoy [being president] and you're not going to succeed as much as you want to. So it's OK sometimes to even sit out the big [foreign policy disasters] to focus on yourself."

So much wisdom, and at such a young age. I probably shouldn't say this, but I bet her hair smells fantastic. Maybe that's something I can focus on in the coming days to clear my mind of negativity. I'm also looking forward to assembling the GE ES44AC model train Dr. Jill got me for our anniversary. We'll speak again I'm sure before my term is up. In the meantime, just don't expect too much from me.

Joseph R. Biden, 78, is a Washington, D.C., resident. He is the father of Hunter Biden, a renowned artist, energy executive, and gentleman's club patron. 

Art Critic: Hunter Biden’s Art Raises ‘Ethical Issues’ for Father and Administration

Hunter Biden walks to Marine One on the Ellipse outside the White House May 22, 2021, in Washington, DC. (Photo by Brendan Smialowski / AFP) (Photo by BRENDAN SMIALOWSKI/AFP via Getty Images)
Brendan Smialowski/AFP/Getty Images

Art Critic and Guardian columnist Arwa Mahdawi called into question Hunter Biden’s art career Tuesday, saying it “raises obvious ethical issues for his father” and the administration.

Mahdawi believes Hunter’s “hobby has turned serious” due to the nature of selling “colourful creations” for $500,000 to anonymous investors:

It looks like the prodigal son is a painter now. Hunter Biden, Joe Biden’s child, has apparently been dabbling with paints for years. Now his hobby has turned serious: starting soon, you can pick up one of his colourful creations from a gallery in New York’s SoHo. It will cost you, though: the pieces are reportedly priced between $75,000 and $500,000.

Mahdawi questioned who exactly buys artwork for such a large amount of money without being a “critically acclaimed” artist, which raises “obvious ethical issues for his father… and Biden administration.”

“Hunter’s new career raises obvious ethical issues for his father and, in an attempt to avoid accusations of influence peddling, the Biden administration has asked the gallerist to keep all information about the buyers and prices of Hunter’s work confidential,” she wrote. “The gallery has also agreed to reject offers that seem suspiciously generous.”

But White House press secretary Jen Psaki on July 22 labeled Hunter’s “anonymous” art selling scheme as “reasonable.”

“Will he get ethics training, will he have to report afterwards about the conversations — anything specific you can tell us about you are monitoring” the sale of art, a reporter asked.

Psaki regurgitated a frequent answer, ignoring the reporter’s direct question by suggesting Hunter “is not involved in the sale or discussions about the sale of his art,” and that Hunter will not be “informed” of “who is purchasing his art.”

Breitbart News senior contributor and Profiles in Corruption author Peter Schweizer told Breitbart News the “anonymous” proposal is an utterly “absurd” solution.

“The only way to address these issues is with greater transparency–not less,” said Schweizer. “Their proposed solution is greater secrecy, not transparency. And they are essentially saying ‘Trust Us.’ Joe and Hunter Biden’s track record on such matters gives us no reason to trust them.”

Hunter Biden on July 29 responded to his artwork critics by suggesting selling art for $500,000 to anonymous investors is a “pretty courageous thing to do.”

“Fuck em… Look man,” Hunter Biden said on the Nota Bene Podcast, “I never said my art was going to cost what it was going to cost, or how much it would be priced at. I would be amazed, you know, if my art was sold, for you know, for, umm, for ten dollars.”

“I’m [the] most famous artist in MAGA world, at least,” Hunter facetiously explained before suggesting President Joe Biden thinks “everything” Hunter does “should be in National Gallery” of Art.

Indeed, first lady Jill Biden is displaying Hunter’s art in her taxpayer funded White House office.

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø

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