Thursday, September 23, 2021



In every instance, Biden was the underdog, the man of courage, the guy who stood up to evil forces and made himself a hero.  Not one of these claims was true, but that's just the point: Biden spends mental time in a fantasy universe, very unlike the one he actually lives in.  In reality, he's a man of no accomplishments and nothing but political loyalties.  The world Biden inhabits is the Washington swamp, a boring place characterized by big sleazy money deals and family enrichment, cronyism in smoke-filled rooms.  Biden's China and Ukraine deals, enacted by his underachieving junior, were abetted by Biden's political muscle in the background.  That's the only life Biden can point to. MONICA SHOWALTER

Mental decline of 'utterly deplorable and inept' President Biden 'can't be ignored'

The United States is 'literally leaderless'



Rebellion Must Be Its Own justification | Chris Hedges (THIS IS AMERICA)




Tucker: Whenever you think we've reached peak insanity, Biden doubles-down


It's 'hard to exaggerate' how 'dangerously bad'

US President Joe Biden is


US Vice President Kamala Harris 'is such a hoax'


Biden exposes his dementia to the world

The week of the autumnal equinox in New York City is Gridlock Week because of all the nonstop, non-moving traffic jams caused by the opening of the United Nations General Assembly.  American presidents have long given speeches there during opening week, and this year was no exception when President Biden dropped in to show the entire world what we have long known inside the United States — that he is suffering from dementia and diminishing mental capacity. 

New York's clogged traffic woes reflect the mental state of New York's and America's president.

Biden cannot function without either a teleprompter or pre-printed cheat sheets, which tell him how to meet and greet his peers. 

As Andrea Widburg noted, Biden cannot even so much as say "hello" to Boris Johnson without reading it first from his cheat sheet.

This was likewise evident the day before when Biden met with the U.N. secretary-general.  Biden had a televised meet 'n' greet session with the secretary-general during which he only spoke for about two minutes on general themes, and couldn't get through it without his cheat sheets.  Naturally, the secretary-general, being of sound mind and reasonably lucid, needed no such notes at all to make his own reply.

Biden made an incredible claim about climate change.

0:41 — ... And dealing with the gravest threat to humanity we've ever seen which is the whole climate crisis we're gonna we're un we're undergoing that can only be met with global solutions ...

The remark is so stupid that it is actually obscene.  "Climate change" is supposedly a greater threat than Nazism. Or Genghis Khan.  Or the Black Death of 1350, which killed off half the world.  The climate crisis of 536–540 when a volcanic eruption in the East Indies caused a global nuclear winter with mass famine and disease, that's not sufficient for what Biden claims now, either.

It only went downhill from there the following day, when Biden literally addressed the world assembled at the opening meeting of the General Assembly, figuratively pulling down his own pants and exposing his shortcomings to all nations.

Before Biden got to the ultimate, killer Bidenism, as the master funnyman that he is, he warmed up the world with these choice Bidenisms:

8:21 — ... To finance global health security, that builds on our existing development assistance, and global health tre — es an and and the global health threat kownkill — council, that is armed ...

16:31 — ... But we're not seeking — say it again, we are not seeking a new coal war ...

This isn't the first time BiteMe has made this Bidenism.  On August 12, BiteMe made a reference to a "coal reality." 

17:02 — ...To address the urgent threats, like COVID 19, and climate change, or enduring threats, like nuclear poliferation ...

It's not the first time he mangled that word, either.  He then proceeded to outdo himself.

17:12 — ... The United States remains committed, to perventing the right to preventing Iran, from graining a nuclear weapon ...

18:13 — ... We know the bitter string of terrorism.  The bitter sting of terrorism is is real...we've momost all experienced it ...

24:40 — ... We cannot give up on solving, raging, civil conflicts including in Ethiopia and Yemen, where fighting between war warring parties, is driving famine, heroic, horrific violence, human rights vilalations against civilians ...

The clip from which I culled the Bidenisms above ran out, and I had to find the conclusion of the speech here.  The time footage indicated from this point is from the second clip.

BiteMe came up with this beauty of a Bidenism:

26:08 — ... And a belief in the u-universal rights of all people.  It's stamped into the DNA of our nation, and, critically, it's stamped into the DNA of this institution (meaning, of course, the United Nations) ...

Biden should have quit at this point, while he was still behind since it was already clear he was talking about the U.N.  But then — drum roll, please — Biden tried to gild this lily, to make his good compliment about the U.N. even gooder, to make sure the U.N. understood he was talking about this institution, the U.N. itself — but amazingly Biden said...

..."the United States" (!).

Bada-bing!  Way to go, Brainless One!  Make sure you place your dementia on stage literally for the entire world to see!

Poll: Only 49% Think Joe Biden Is Mentally Stable Enough to Be President 

President Joe Biden speaks during an event on clean cars and trucks, on the South Lawn of the White House, Thursday, Aug. 5, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)
AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Only 49 percent of registered voters think President Joe Biden has enough “mental soundness” to serve as president, a Sunday Fox News poll revealed.

Respondents were asked, “Do you think Joe Biden has the mental soundness to serve effectively as president, or not?”

While 49 percent said yes, 48 percent said no. When respondents were asked weeks before, between September 7-10, 49 percent said yes, and only 45 percent said no, handing Biden three more points of less confidence in his mental soundness on Sunday.

On the question asking if respondents believe “Joe Biden is a strong leader, or not?” only 45 percent said yes, down four points from October of 2020. Fifty-three percent said Biden is not a strong leader, up eight points since October 2020.

The poll also asked, “Do you think the country has become more or less united since Joe Biden took office?” Fifty-four percent of the country is less united, while 37 percent said the country is more united since Biden took office.

The poor polling numbers on Biden’s mental soundness come as the Foreign Relations Committee’s ranking member, Sen. James Risch (R-ID), on September 14 questioned who is in charge of the Biden-Harris administration. “There’s real questions right now as to who’s making the decisions,” he questioned State Department Secretary Antony Blinken.

“We know for a fact that the President of the United States is somewhat disadvantaged here, in that someone is calling shots. He can’t even speak without someone in the White House censoring it or signing off on it,” Risch explained about numerous incidents when the White House feed was cut mid-sentence by “a puppeteer act” while Biden was speaking during a scheduled event.

“The president speaks for himself,” Blinken responded. “Anyone who trie[s] to stop [Biden] from saying what he wanted to say, speaking his mind, would probably not be [there] long for their job,” Blinken claimed.

Blinken’s supportive comments about Biden’s mental stability is contradicted by the following incidents when for unknown reasons the White House has awkwardly cut off Biden from speaking:

Follow Wendell Husebø on Twitter @WendellHusebø.

Who's really in charge in America?

By Robert J. Hutchinson

Nearly six months into the Biden-Harris administration, ordinary Americans are increasingly wondering who is really running the country. 

Joe Biden is ostensibly the president, yet he continues to show signs of cognitive impairment — despite the controlled media insistence that all is well and there is nothing to see here. 

A politician for more than 40 years, Biden is still able to read prepared remarks in front of a teleprompter but appears to have difficulty answering impromptu questions — fumbling ordinary words, forgetting what he's speaking about mid-sentence, sometimes even ceasing to speak altogether. 

After a number of high-profile gaffes, the White House press office recently conceded that Biden's handlers don't want him answering unscripted questions from the media.



Yet now the issue of presidential authority has taken a more ominous turn.

On May 11, a group of 124 retired U.S. military admirals and generals signed a letter questioning Biden's fitness for office and seemingly challenging the outcome of the 2020 presidential election.

"Recent Democrat leadership's inquiries about nuclear code procedures sends a dangerous national security signal to nuclear armed adversaries, raising the question about who is in charge," the letter said.  "We must always have an unquestionable chain of command."

The letter is referring to a recent call by House Democrats that Biden give up sole control of U.S. nuclear weapons.  In a letter written by Rep. Jimmy Panetta of California, the Democrats demanded that Biden change the command-and-control structure surrounding America's nuclear arsenal so that he no longer has the sole authority to launch weapons.

The retired admirals and generals also questioned the legitimacy of the 2020 election, a topic that the nation's corporate media have declared off-limits from any public discussion.

The "Constitutional Republic is lost" without "fair and honest elections that accurately reflect the 'will of the people,'" the retired flag officers wrote.  "The FBI and Supreme Court must act swiftly when election irregularities are surfaced and not ignore them as was done in 2020."

The corporate media have declared any questioning of the 2020 election to be a "big lie," a phrase taken from World War II.  The expression was coined by Adolf Hitler in his autobiography Mein Kampf and is used to mean "a gross distortion or misrepresentation of the facts, especially when used as a propaganda device by a politician or official body." 

Yet Republican leaders have turned the phrase itself against the corporate media, insisting that it is the corporate media, rather than ordinary Americans, that are engaged in overt propaganda.

The recent example they point to is the media narrative of the January 6 "insurrection" by an "armed mob" that "killed police."  After months of investigations, it now turns out that law enforcement did not find a single weapon on any of the protesters; video surveillance footage reveals that most were comically peaceful; and the sole policeman who died at the time was a victim of a stroke, not of any attack as the media repeatedly and falsely reported.  As a result, federal prosecutors are now backtracking on their original claims because proving treason and "insurrection" is looking increasingly impossible.

As for the public at large, polls show that many ordinary Americans continue to question the results of the 2020 election — despite being ordered not to by the corporate media.

According to Rasmussen Reports, "voters are not letting go of their belief that the 2020 presidential election was a fraud-filled nightmare."  By a margin of 51% to 44%, voters said it is "likely" that cheating affected the outcome.  That included 74% of Republicans and 30% of Democrats. 

The corporate media and Democrat politicians claim that cheating rarely happens and that there is no evidence of "widespread" voter fraud.  Yet due to the "winner take all" Electoral College voting system, "widespread" cheating would not have been necessary. 

As journalists Jonathan Allen and Amie Parnes claim in their new book, Lucky: How Joe Biden Barely Won the Presidency, Biden only won the election with a slim cumulative margin of about 50,000 votes in four key swing states.

In addition, a month after the election, Time Magazine published an article that described how a "well-funded cabal" of corporate elites, far-left activists, and media organizations launched what the magazine called a "conspiracy to save the 2020 election" and ensure that Trump would lose his re-election bid.   

According to the article, this powerful group of corporate and media elites succeeded by "working together behind the scenes to influence perceptions, change rules and laws, steer media coverage and control the flow of information."

The recent letter from 124 retired U.S. military admirals and generals shows that doubts about a corporate takeover of American government persist, despite the U.S. media's insistence that even questioning the results of the election is somehow illegal and should be banned outright as "misinformation." 

At the very least, polls show that the overwhelming majority of Americans believe that the tactics Democrats used to win — such as mass use of mail-in ballots and, in some states, no ID required to vote — should be outlawed, as they are in almost all other developed nations.

According to Rasmussen, most voters say it's "more important to prevent cheating in elections than to make it easier to vote and, by more than a two-to-one margin, they reject claims that voter ID laws are discriminatory."


Joe Biden's Walter Mitty fantasy life

By Monica Showalter

Democratic presidential nominee frontrunner Joe Biden is a gaffe machine, and one of his latest was a ridiculous one, declaring that he was there with the Parkland students as vice president.

It's about par for the course for him, and CNN does its best to cover for him ("mistakenly says," see) but the Washington Examiner's Alana Goodman decided to look a little further into this, producing a series of data points to reveal a pattern.  Here's the short list, but read the whole thing to see how bad the details are:

1. Biden said his helicopter was "forced down" near Osama bin Laden's lair in Afghanistan

2. Biden said he was a coal miner.

3. Biden said he was "shot at" in Iraq

4. Biden said he called Slobodan Milošević a "damn war criminal" to his face

5. Biden said he participated in sit-ins at segregated restaurants and movie theaters

6. Biden said he criticized President George W. Bush during lengthy private meetings in the Oval Office

In every instance, Biden was the underdog, the man of courage, the guy who stood up to evil forces and made himself a hero.  Not one of these claims was true, but that's just the point: Biden spends mental time in a fantasy universe, very unlike the one he actually lives in.  In reality, he's a man of no accomplishments and nothing but political loyalties.  The world Biden inhabits is the Washington swamp, a boring place characterized by big sleazy money deals and family enrichment, cronyism in smoke-filled rooms.  Biden's China and Ukraine deals, enacted by his underachieving junior, were abetted by Biden's political muscle in the background.  That's the only life Biden can point to.

Yet he keeps repeating these vivid products of a nonexistent fantasy life, one that requires courage, courage he's never had, sort of like Walter Mitty, who as I recall from the story I read in high school was a bored man who led a humdrum life and imagined himself acting in heroic roles in his vivid fantasies.  That's Joe Biden, apparently, a really bored political hack who livens up his own world by repeating lies about his feats of heroism.


It tells us a lot about Biden.  His fake tales of his own heroism sound like Mitty's, all right, yet they couldn't be farther from the truth.  That suggest a midlife crisis, a small man very much aware of his own shortcomings against his own ambitions.  Biden is running for president now to salve that midlife crisis, and rest assured: there isn't going to be anything heroic.  One can only hope the voters eventually get on to it.

Image credit: Photo illustration by Monica Showalter, via public domain source, and image by Bangdoll via Flickr // CC BY-SA 2.0.


Rest Day: Joe Biden Goes Back in the Bunker with No Public Events

WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 09: U.S. President Joe Biden waves as he and First Lady Jill Biden walk on the ellipse to board Marine One on June 09, 2021 in Washington, DC. President Joe Biden and the First Lady are traveling to the United Kingdom for the G7 Summit and …
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

President Joe Biden will not appear publicly on Thursday, according to his schedule.

The president plans to receive the 9:30 a.m. daily briefing and his weekly economic briefing before having lunch with Vice President Kamala Harris at 12:30 p.m.

Nothing else is on Biden’s public schedule for Thursday afternoon.

The president continues taking a lower public profile, refusing to take questions from the press on the host of issues facing his presidency.

Biden’s envoy to Haiti resigned on Thursday, citing “inhumane” deportation of Haitian migrants from the Southern border.

Department of Homeland Security continues working to disperse over 15,000 migrants living in a makeshift camp under a border bridge in Del Rio, Texas.

According to the Department of Homeland Security, only 1,719 migrants have been expelled back to Haiti, while 3,206 have been moved into custody.

Biden has also failed to publicly address the mistaken U.S. military drone strike in Kabul, Afghanistan that killed 10 Afghan civilians including seven children and zero terrorists.

President Joe Biden attends a virtual coronavirus summit during the 76th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, in the South Court Auditorium on the White House campus, September 22, 2021, in Washington, DC. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)

The president has not spoken to the press extensively since September 11, when he addressed his falling poll numbers with reporters.

On three occasions since then he provided only one short answer during his public events as reporters shouted questions.

As the president left the United Nations on Tuesday, he responded to a question about the chaos on the Southern border.

“We will get it under control,” he replied shortly.

On Wednesday, Biden tried to answer a question about border enforcement but was drowned out by his staff shouting at reporters.

“Violence is not justified,” he said, according to reporters who reviewed video of the chaotic event.

Last Wednesday, Biden said only that he had “great confidence” in General Mark Milley

Biden WH/CDC Political Corruption Exposed

Teachers Unions Gave Guidance to CDC Director on School COVID Restrictions
Judicial Watch Seeks Evidence in Lawsuit against U.S. Capitol Police for January 6 Videos
U.S. Invests Millions to Bring Racial, Ethnic “Equity” to STEM Education

Judicial Watch Goes to Federal Court To Battle for Key Document Used to Justify Obama Spying on Trump

The all too powerful teacher unions have been throwing wrenches into efforts to reopen schools amid the pandemic, making all manner of demands with little regard for the students or parents. 

Now we know how they have exerted their influence on public officials, particularly in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  

We received 12 pages of records showing the American Federation of Teachers (AFT) and National Education Association (NEA) influencing the director of the CDC and the White House with their own “embargoed vaccine research,” as well as school reopening policy.  

Additionally, the CDC Director states that she used the unions’ language in the CDC’s school reopening policy. (Some of these emails have been previously disclosed.) 

We obtained the documents through a FOIA request to the CDC asking for:  

  • All emails exchanged between CDC Director Rochelle P. Walensky and email accounts ending in and/or 
  • All emails exchanged between CDC Principal Deputy Director Anne Schuchat and email accounts ending in and/or 
  • All emails exchanged between CDC Acting Associate Director for Communications Abbigail Tumpey and email accounts ending in and/or 
  • All emails exchanged between CDC Associate Director for Policy and Strategy Robin M. Ikeda and email accounts ending in and/or 

The records, some of which had been previously released, reveal: 

  • On February. 8, 2021, Rebecca Pringle, president of the National Education Association (NEA), emailed Director of the CDC, Rochelle Walensky, requesting an advance copy of the CDC school-related COVID-19 guidance: 

I am writing to request an advance copy of CDC school-related COVID-19 guidance that I understand are to be released this week. We will, of course, keep them confidential until they are public. I want to be prepared for any media or internal questions that come after they are released.  

Any other information you can offer about the timing of their release is appreciated…. 

P.S. Our team will be briefing the CDC and White House staff today on our embargoed vaccine research. I will be sure you receive the research memo with our findings after they meet today. 

  • In an email exchange on February 1, 2021, American Federation of Teachers (AFT) Senior Director of Health Issues, Kelly Trautner to CDC officials, White House officials, and AFT colleagues, Trautner thanks everyone for the “rich discussion about forthcoming CDC guidance:” 

Thank you again for Friday’s rich discussion about forthcoming CDC guidance and for your openness to the suggestions made by our president, Randi Weingarten, and the AFT. We are hopeful that lines of communications will remain open, and that we can serve as a true thought partner as you continue the important work toward safe reopening of schools.  


We crafted the language below using a NIOSH (National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) document, as well as language in some of our agreements with school employers. Thank you for considering it 

White House official Carole Johnson forwards Trautner’ s email to Walensky writing, “AFT followed up w suggested lang[uage] on accommodations per your exchange with Randi.” 

On February 3, 2021, Walensky replied to CDC, HHS, White House, and AFT officials: 

I just wanted to circle back and extend my gratitude for the language you have provided below. Regrets for my delay in reply but I wanted to be certain you knew it is being worked into (with just a few small tweaks) the school reopening guidance. We have also included the executive summary you suggested. 

Please know that we are listening and working hard to ensure your confidence and partnership in this endeavor. 

Within the “language” provided by Trautner to the White House officials, she suggested adding, 

Employers should provide reassignment, remote work, or other options for staff who have documented high-risk conditions or who are at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19 to limit the risk of workplace exposure. Options for reassignment include telework, virtual teaching opportunities, modified job responsibilities, environmental modifications, scheduling flexibility, or temporary reassignment to different job responsibilities. 

Trautner replied to Walensky: 

Thank you so much for your responsiveness to the suggestions made by Randi and our team. We are immensely grateful for your genuine desire to earn our confidence and your commitment to partnership. We will pass this message along to Randi. She will certainly be most grateful. 

On February 11, 2021, Trautner continued the exchange, emailing Walensky: 

Thank you for your continued openness to our suggestions and input. We would like to share some thoughts regarding the paragraph below which was apparently leaked from the imminent guidance on reopening schools: 

“At any level of community transmission, all schools can provide in-person instruction (either full or hybrid), through strict adherence to mitigation strategies. Recommended learning modes vary to minimize risk of SARS-CoV-2 transmission in school by emphasizing layered mitigation, including school policies requiring universal and correct mask use. The recommended learning modes (in-person, hybrid) depend on the level of community transmission and strict adherence to mitigation.” 

It would be great to see the insertion some variation of the following: “In the event high-community transmission results from a new variant of SARS-CoV-2, a new update of these guidelines may be necessary.” 

We are deeply concerned about likely implications this language will have in schools where strict adherence to mitigation strategies is lacking or is impossible to implement, particularly those schools in high-density, crumbling infrastructure areas, and particularly when community transmission is high. We don’t believe that any current research has demonstrated that all schools in those areas can safely reopen.  

  • On March 17, 2021, Trautner emailed Walensky about a call from Weingarten, saying: “Randi is hoping to schedule a call with your folks about reopening issue, including maintaining mitigation protections and what might be needed in the context of higher vaccination numbers.” 
  • On March 23, 2021, AFT President Randi Weingartenemailed Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona and Walensky, saying that she had noted the “shift” in CDC’s guidance regarding physical distancing in schools with “keen interest.”  

On March 20, 2021, the CDC issued new “guidance” reducing suggested physical distancing from 6 feet to 3 feet for students. 

Weingarten stated: 

[A]lthough I was very worried about the implications of the shift, I reserved judgment until we could review the new studies that were presented…. 


[W]e are not convinced that the evidence supports changing physical distancing requirements at this time. Our concern is that the cited studies do not identify the baseline mitigation strategies needed to support 3 feet of physical distancing. 


[W]e conclude that any shift from 6 feet to 3 feet must be accompanied by, at a minimum, universal and correct masking; effective ventilation; thorough cleaning of buildings; regular COVID-19 testing of teachers, staff and students; effective contact tracing and quarantine/isolation protocols; and the availability of vaccines to all people in schools who are eligible. 

Weakening one layer of layered mitigation demands that the other layers must be strengthened. We strongly urge you, in any discussion of this shift, to forcefully insist on strict and strengthened adherence to the other mitigation strategies…. 

After months of mixed messaging and misinformation, consistency from our public health officials is a welcome change. But as educators with the expertise on how physical distancing works in schools, we have immediate logistical questions…. 

Weingarten added a list of questions regarding how school personnel can move about, whether simulcasting lessons was still necessary, and what the government’s mitigation strategies timeline was. 

  • On April 9, 2021, Weingarten emailed Walensky about “Requesting Meeting about Variants,” stating: “On behalf of the AFT we would request a meeting with the CDC on the impact of the Covid variants, particularly what we are seeing in schools and communities.” 

Walensky replied, “Dear Randi, Many thanks for reaching out. I’ll connect with my team and work to make this happen.” 

What qualifies partisan teachers unions, other than generous contributions to allied politicians, to provide the CDC with public health guidance on reopening schools? The CDC is corrupted by politics and is dishonest when it suggests it is merely “following the science.” 

Judicial Watch Seeks Evidence in Lawsuit against U.S. Capitol Police for January 6 Videos 

Nancy Pelosi and her U.S. Capitol Police must have something to hide about January 6. Why else would they be hiding evidence from the American people?  

Undeterred by their stonewalling, we filed a motion for discovery in our lawsuit against the United States Capitol Police (USCP) for videos and emails and videos concerning the disturbance at the U.S. Capitol on January 6 (Judicial Watch v. United States Capitol Police (No. 1:21-cv-00401)). 

Congress exempts itself from the Freedom of Information Act, we brought this case under the common law right of access to public records. The US Capitol Police declined to produce any records about the disturbance, however, arguing that the requested videos and other records are not “public records” and the public interest doesn’t warrant their release.  

We asked the court to grant us the ability to gather evidence about the preservation and use of the infamous January 6 videos: 

This case concerns whether the public has a right of access to records about what Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi has describe as “one of the darkest days in our nation’s history,” “an attack on our very democracy [,]” and “an attack on the peaceful transfer of power.” Speaker Pelosi also has stated, “It is imperative that we find the truth of that day and ensure that such an assault on our Capitol and Democracy cannot ever again happen.” 

To find out the truth about what took place at the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021 and to understand how Defendant United States Capitol Police and other government entities responded on that day, Plaintiff Judicial Watch requested access to certain communications and video recordings. 


(Judicial Watch) therefore moves for limited discovery to seek evidence to prove that the requested records are public records subject to the common law right of access and that the public’s interest in disclosure outweighs the government’s interest in keeping the records secret. 

We filed the lawsuit for:  

  • Email communications between the U.S. Capitol Police Executive Team and the Capitol Police Board concerning the security of the Capitol on January 6, 2021. The timeframe of this request is from January 1, 2021 through January 10, 2021. 
  • Email communications of the Capitol Police Board with the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the U.S. Department of Justice, and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security concerning the security of the Capitol on January 6, 2021. The timeframe of this request is from January 1, 2021through January 10, 2021. 
  • All video footage from within the Capitol between 12 pm and 9 pm on January 6, 2021 

As the Pelosi House seeks the confidential phone and social media records of countless Americans concerning January 6, its U.S. Capitol Police is covering up 14,000 hours of video about what really happened that day. The U.S. Capitol Police should be required to explain under oath its reasons for refusing to turn over even one second of January 6 video to the American people. 

U.S. Invests Millions to Bring Racial, Ethnic Equity’ to STEM Education 

You will be forgiven if you think operating a computer has nothing to do with race. And you would be wrong, at least according to the leftist-controlled National Science Foundation, which is pushing extremist and racist Critical Race Theory. Our Corruption Chronicles blog has the story.  

Weeks after giving a private college hundreds of thousands of dollars to “identify any existence of systemic inequities” in science, technology, engineering, and math fields (STEM), the U.S. government is doling out nearly $2 million to address racial and gender disparities in high school computer education. The money will come from the National Science Foundation (NSF), which was created by Congress seven decades ago to promote the progress of science, advance national health and prosperity and secure the national defense. With an annual budget of $8.5 billion, the NSF funds more than a quarter of research conducted at American colleges and universities, where theft of intellectual property by Communist China is pervasive. 

While the NSF is one of the government agencies that has long permitted Chinese Communist scientists to steal billions in taxpayer-funded research, it is also keeping up with the current climate of political correctness. A few days ago, the agency awarded two public universities a total of $1.9 million to “address the historical and current racial and gender disparities in participation in high school computer science education.” The project is part of a broader program called Researching Equity and Antiracist Learning in Computer Science (REAL-CS) that focuses on expanding participation for black, indigenous, “Latinx” (the new, politically correct gender-neutral term for Latino or Latina) and Pacific Islander students by addressing systemic barriers in high school computer science education. REAL-CS is designed to sustain another publicly-funded, “equity-focused” initiative called Exploring Computer Science (ECS) dedicated to “democratizing” the field by increasing opportunities for “traditionally underrepresented” high school students after a study identified disparities along “race and socioeconomic lines.” 

The recent NSF allocations will go to the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) and the University of Oregon. UCLA, which has its own CS Equity Project, is getting $1,026,000 from the NSF to help prepare teachers nationwide to reach thousands of minority high school students to take “an equity-focused CS course,” according to the grant announcement. The University of Oregon will receive $873,999 to do the same. “Overall, the key goal of REAL-CS is to create the necessary conditions and capacity in high schools that lead to equitable participation of students of color in high-quality computer science classes,” according to the NSF. The agency assures the costly program will create systemic change by increasing the use of racially and culturally inclusive practices, refreshing existing curriculum and supplementary curricular materials with antiracist design tenets, and conducting deep qualitative research nationwide that investigates equity-oriented teacher beliefs and practices. 

Weeks before awarding the UCLA and Oregon grants, the NSF gave a private liberal arts college in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania more than a quarter of a million dollars to uncover “any existence of systemic inequities and advancement barriers related to gender, race, and ethnicity in STEM faculty.” The $271,594 grant will fund a project at Bucknell University, which has an enrollment of 3,724, that uses quantitative and qualitative data to develop and implement a plan to remove such barriers. “This project will bring significant insights into issues facing women and underrepresented minority faculty that are unique to STEM disciplines and in a primarily undergraduate institution that strives to enhance diversity in students, faculty and staff,” the NSF writes in the grant announcement. The project is part of a larger initiative called Self-Assessment of Gender, Racial, and Ethnic Equity (AGREE) in STEM Faculty that aims to uncover systemic inequities centered around recruitment, retention, and promotion processes facing women and faculty members underrepresented in STEM disciplines. 

The NSF has been embroiled in its fair share of scandals over the years. Most recently, the agency was outed along with several others, including the National Institutes of Health and the Department of Energy’s national laboratories, for long permitting Communists working in the U.S. to steal scientific research. This was the subject of a scathing U.S. Senate report that determined billions of dollars in scientific research funded by American taxpayers have been stolen by China and the U.S. government has no viable plan to stop the ongoing theft of the highly valued intellectual property, which congressional investigators assure “has contributed to China’s global rise over the last 20 years.” The NSF was also embroiled in a porn scandal years ago in which employees spent significant portions of their workdays watching, downloading and emailing pornography on government computers without ever getting caught. 

Until next week … 


RIDING THE DRAGON: The Bidens' Chinese Secrets (Full Documentary)



IN THE November 2006 election, the voters demanded congressional ethics reform. And so, the newly appointed chairman of the Senate Rules Committee, Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., is now duly in charge of regulating the ethical behavior of her colleagues. But for many years, Feinstein has been beset by her own ethical conflict of interest, say congressional ethics experts.

“All in all, it was an incredible victory for the Chinese government. Feinstein has done more for Red China than other any serving U.S. politician. “ Trevor Loudon

“Our entire crony capitalist system, Democrat and Republican alike, has become a kleptocracy approaching par with third-world hell-holes.  This is the way a great country is raided by its elite.” ---- Karen McQuillan  AMERICAN

White House: Joe Biden U.N. Speech to Highlight Working Together with China

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LINTAO ZHANG/AFP via Getty Images

President Joe Biden will use his speech to the United Nations on Tuesday to focus on the importance of working together with China, the White House said.

“There are also areas where we can work together with China and should work together with China, and that includes on climate, it includes on insuring that we do end this pandemic as rapidly as possible,” a senior administration official said during a call previewing Biden’s address to reporters.

The White House was asked about comments from Secretary-General Antonio Guterres urging China and the United States to repair their “completely dysfunctional” relationship to avoid another Cold War.

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said Monday that Biden would make it “absolutely clear” in his speech Tuesday that he was not looking for a new Cold War with China or any country in the world.

Speaking to reporters, the senior administration official said Biden did not believe in a Cold War approach.

“He believes in vigorous, intensive, principled competition that does not tip over into conflict,” the official said, noting that Biden believed in standing up for American interests around the world.

In this Wednesday, Dec. 4, 2013 file photo, U.S. Vice President Joe Biden, left, waves as he walks out of Air Force Two with his granddaughter Finnegan Biden and son Hunter Biden at the airport in Beijing, China. (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan, Pool)

“It is our firm commitment to stand up for our interests and to stand up for our allies, but to do so in a way that is responsible and that does not drive towards conflict, either intended or unintended,” the official added.

Psaki indicated Biden would reverse former President Donald Trump’s “America First” approach to the United Nations and the rest of the world.

“Every step he’s taken from the moment he took office was with the intention of rebuilding alliances and rebuilding those partnerships that were frayed over the last four years,” she said.

Biden expressed his appreciation for the United Nations on Tuesday afternoon, after meeting with Guterres.

“America is back. We believe in the United Nations and its value,” he said.

“Today, governments continue to work to — must continue to work together in a system built on international law to deliver equitable prosperity, peace, and security for everyone,” he continued.


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