Monday, September 27, 2021


Using the cover of the pandemic, they unabashedly, and in many cases unconstitutionally, altered the election laws in swing states to accommodate massive voter fraud and buried any negative stories about Joe Biden and his family while censoring the alternative media.  Thus, unleashing their delusional madness for all the world to see.

THE RISE of BARACK OBAMA, sociopath huckster from Chicago, and the FALL of AMERICA

“My guess is that the students and employees at the U of I who listened to Obama's self-righteous speech believe that Obama is ethical because most of the media intentionally hid the mass corruption, or if they reported on it, they downplayed it.  The corruption and unethical behavior started as soon as Obama took office.” JACK HELLNER / AMERICAN

“They knew Obama was an unqualified crook; yet they promoted him. They knew Obama was a train wreck waiting to happen; yet they made him president, to the great injury of America and the world. They understood he was only a figurehead, an egomaniac, and a liar; yet they made him king, doing great harm to our republic (perhaps irreparable.)” ALLAN ERICKSON


President Barack ObamaDuring his presidential campaign, President Obama promised to run an ethical and transparent administration. However, in his first year in office, the President has delivered corruption and secrecy, bringing Chicago-style political corruption to the White House. JUDICIAL WATCH



BARACK OBAMA POSITIONS MARK ZUCKERBERG of FAKEBOOK to be his global controller of propaganda for the Obama bankster-funded third term for life.

“They knew Obama was an unqualified crook; yet they promoted him. They knew Obama was a train wreck waiting to happen; yet they made him president, to the great injury of America and the world. They understood he was only a figurehead, an egomaniac, and a liar; yet they made him king, doing great harm to our republic (perhaps irreparable.)” ALLAN ERICKSON


“The Democrats had abandoned their working-class base to chase what they pretended was a racial group when what they were actually chasing was the momentum of unlimited migration”.      DANIEL GREENFIELD   

The United States and the West are in the Grip of Delusional Madness

The politically motivated and unprecedented overreaction to a virus with a 99.5% survival rate was launched in March of 2020, thus unleashing what can best be described as a once-in-a-century fiasco. Nineteen months later it is impossible to look at the United States and the world and not conclude that this country and much of the West is in the grip, not of a virus, but of delusional madness and malevolence.

The governing elites have been so successful in propagandizing and fear-mongering the populace in many western nations, including the United States, that the virus has made far too many people blind to the madness as they wallow in anxiety, depression, and hopelessness -- deliberately and with forethought brought about by these malevolent cabals.

The noted British historian Kenneth Clark in his book and television series Civilisation said that empires fall not just to barbarians and other external enemies, but more so on account of exhaustion and loss of confidence within.  He warned of the evolutionary process of destruction of self-confidence leading to exhaustion and culminating in the feeling of hopelessness which can overtake people even with a high degree of material prosperity. As any civilized nation, in order to survive, requires confidence in the society in which one lives as well as belief in its philosophy and in its laws and confidence in one’s own mental powers.

In the United States, the left-wing dominated ruling class, determined to transform the nation into a one-party oligarchy, has long focused on demoralizing and fomenting hopelessness among the American people so they would be amenable to this transformation. In a society already beset with self-doubt and disquiet about the future, they gaslighted the populace through the gross and near-criminal exaggeration of the threat of Covid-19, combined with manipulated data, unprecedented societal and economic lockdowns, social distancing, mandatory masking and now de facto vaccination passports. Thus, exacerbating the feeling of hopelessness among the citizenry.

At the height of the pandemic hysteria in the fall of 2020, 36% of Americans reported symptoms of anxiety disorder (in 2019, 6.5% of Americans reported anxiety disorder). In this same period, 42% of Americans reported anxiety or depressive disorder (in 2019, 10.8% of Americans reported these disorders). The age group 18-39 (30% of the overall U.S. population) had the highest reported levels of anxiety or depressive disorder-- 52%.

The manipulation of the public by the ruling class and its media arm has succeeded as nearly half of the overall American population and a majority of the Millennials (America’s most populous generation) are suffering from anxiety or depressive disorders, which inevitably leads to hopelessness.

Having wildly succeeded in fomenting despair, the ruling establishment cannot stop or curtail their tactics as they cannot risk the American people awakening from or becoming aware of their malevolence and delusional madness. Thus, the never-ending Covid-19 falsehoods and fearmongering in order to maintain and exacerbate anxiety and depression.

Having demoralized and created hopelessness among the bulk of the population, the next step for the ruling elites was to remove Donald Trump, install their hand-picked puppet and control Congress. Using the cover of the pandemic, they unabashedly, and in many cases unconstitutionally, altered the election laws in swing states to accommodate massive voter fraud and buried any negative stories about Joe Biden and his family while censoring the alternative media.  Thus, unleashing their delusional madness for all the world to see.

The United States is the latest country in a long history dating back to 330 B.C. to leave bloody footprints on the way out of Afghanistan. The incomprehensible tactics in this exit, as executed by Biden and the ruling establishment, has destabilized the world and made it significantly more dangerous than before. Their imbecility in believing the Taliban will be responsible stewards of Afghanistan will precipitate another horror show playing out not only in Afghanistan but throughout the West and in the United States.


The fatuous and Marxist-inspired ruling class believes that unlimited spending on social programs and unbridled money creation will sustain and expand an economy. Consequently, millions of able-bodied Americans are choosing to remain unemployed thanks to ever more generous welfare and unemployment, thus, permanently shuttering businesses throughout the country and severely undermining the economy.  As an inevitable byproduct, inflation is also running rampant.  Yet, these myopic loons are determined to spend $5 Trillion in new welfare and “Green New Deal” programs.  Monies the nation does not have, and which will accelerate yet more inflation and ultimate stagflation leading to a potential global recession/depression.

On the now non-existent southern border, having created one humanitarian disaster in Afghanistan, their madcap policies have deliberately created another and quite different humanitarian disaster, one made of unchecked illegal immigration. Allowing terrorist, murderers and sex-traffickers unfettered passage into the country and millions access to welfare, education, health care and low-income jobs.  Thus, displacing Americans, further exacerbating economic decline, creating potential health crises and accelerating societal upheaval.

The ruling elites, in their irrationality, have decreed eight-year-olds can choose their gender, take on a new name and use which ever toilets they want -- and mom and dad don’t get to hear a word about it.  Nor do mom and dad have a say in whether their children must wear potentially harmful masks or be vaccinated with an experimental vaccine or be taught in school that those with white skin are genetically predestined to be oppressors and those with dark skin are hopelessly doomed to be oppressed, or that the planet will self-immolate within 10 years because of the lifestyles of their moms and dads.

The madness is in other countries in the West. In the Australian state of Victoria, they are firing rubber bullets into crowds of protestors as well as physically attacking and jailing them without trial.  Australia and New Zealand have almost totally shuttered their countries and in at least one place built a “quarantine camps.”  Many nations have initiated vaccine passport schemes to keep the unvaccinated -- the unclean -- out of the mainstream of society, precipitating the closure of vital medical facilities and security services due to lack of staffing.

It is not the Chinese Coronavirus that will be the undoing of this or any western country. They (we) will be undone -- and are being undone now -- by the madness and malevolence of their ruling classes.

Many Americans and citizens in other Western nations know what is happening is wrong and will lead to chaos and a dark place. Yet far too many are fearful of being shouted down, ostracized and censored for saying so. But that cannot be an excuse to remain quiet -- on the contrary, that must be the inspiration to speak out in every forum available from one’s family, to one’s neighborhood, to one’s town, to one’s state.

This can be fixed, and a nation restored, if enough join together stand up and emulate Howard Beale in the classic movie Network and shout from the rooftops: “I’m mad as hell, and I’m not going to take this anymore.”

Graphic credit: Jeff Creation Pixabay license 

 Chris Hedges | NAFTA Was CRIMINAL!

Chris Hedges | NAFTA, Clinton, and Obama BETRAYED Americans... and Joe Biden was right there with the worst of them!

Biden defended the wealthy in his speech to the donors but begged them to be aware of wealth inequality

There’s some ‘serious regret’ over the election of Joe Biden


Prof. Wolff on The Capitalist Mind: Sicker & Stranger Than You Think


Housing & Rent Price Bubble Surged To The Highest Level In 45 Years: Get Ready For A Housing Crash


10,000 migrants waiting to cross border


Texas AG slams Biden on border crisis, saying 'he created this' and 'gave that incentive'


 Ingraham: Biden 'flooding America' as thousands of Afghans

Hannity: Biden clearly lied

 Tucker: You don't see this everyday, in fact you never see it


“The Democrats had abandoned their working-class base to chase what they pretended was a racial group when what they were actually chasing was the momentum of unlimited migration”.      DANIEL GREENFIELD   

Leftists force mass Third World immigration by deceiving us into feeling guilty

Milton Friedman, the economist, was such a libertarian that he supported open borders. However, there was a caveat to this support: “It’s just obvious you can't have free immigration and a welfare state.” It’s obvious, of course, because having both spells imminent national bankruptcy. But that’s exactly what leftists are selling to America and they’re using false historic narratives to create in native-born Americans a sense of guilt so profound that they’re willingly opening the borders to those who will irrevocably drain the nation’s wealth.

In a recent article, Guilt: The Source of Sorrow in America’s ClassroomsI said that, as long as the 14th Amendment to the United States Constitution grants full due process and equal protection rights to anyone who touches the soil of a state, America cannot keep creating massive welfare rights at unthinkable costs without bankrupting the nation.

I used the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), 1990, amended in 2004, as an example of rights that must be granted to illegal alien children, even if they’re not claiming refugee or asylum status, if they are physically within the jurisdiction of a state and are deemed children “with a disability.” States have a legal duty to identify such children and make sure that they receive an Individualized Education Plan, including the often expensive “related” services.

To the average American, this makes no sense. How is it that efforts to assist Americans in their personal development (children and/or adults), that American taxpayers fund, are mandated to extend to anyone who simply rams his or her way into the country illegally?

The answer lies, in part, in the serious mental disconnect now popularized in our society between what we see with our own eyes (reality); what we have experienced in our lives (the empirical); what common sense tells us (a type of truth); and what is said that we are seeing, experiencing, and knowing. We are being told that all of this is rightful—an expression of our values. It is no such thing.

There is a body of American thinkers and leaders who view the actual as merely a construct of language. For these persons, 12,000 people under a bridge in Texas sheltered from the sun by sticks and rags do not really exist. The Secretary of Homeland Security stands right there, at the site, in front of a microphone, and says, “The border is closed.” “Do not come to America; you will be deported.” The White House Press Secretary says, at a White House briefing, that “these people have no intention of staying, so do not need COVID-19 tests or vaccinations.”

Many commentators are calling these statements “lies” as they are patently false—but these are not lies to those making the statements. Some human beings are actually capable of constructing a reality by simply saying that the reality exists. At one time, the community assessment would be that a person or persons with this condition might be delusional or laughable. Imagine if the White House Press corps simply started laughing at the notion that 1.5 million people who have illegally entered the United States are “just visiting.”

Many in the Executive Branch of the federal government have been gripped by this out-of-mind condition that translates what they want to see into what they do see. We’ve heard variations of all these statements: “The withdrawal from Afghanistan was very well done—a huge success.” “The Taliban are our Afghan partnersThey have assured us of an inclusive government.” We will leave no American behind.” “Our predecessor made us do it.”

The answer lies, also, in the 14th Amendment’s wording, which cannot be changed except through the constitutional amendment process in Article V. All persons born in the United States are citizens of the United States and the state where they reside. This 1868 Amendment meant to attach citizenship to both free blacks and former slaves. It was meant to overturn the 1857 Dred Scott v. Sanford decision that denied citizenship to black Americans.

Just to make that point, rights were extended to “persons” in each state, not just citizens. (“[N]or shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property ... nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the law.”) This language was a deliberate creation of Senator Lyman Trumball of Illinois and ratified by 3/4 of the states still in the Union. The import of the Amendment’s language today is that the enormous welfare state we have created at the federal level, with trillions more proposed, automatically grants non-citizens (“persons”) these same rights. The nation cannot avoid bankruptcy.

In addition to the powerful in government deliberately constructing their own reality, we have an immigration law on the books (the 1965 Hart-Celler Act) that deliberately allows mass immigration by people raised in cultures that make it hard to assimilate to our Rule of Law, even while it bans immigration for those who comfortably assimilate. The effect of Hart-Celler is that the white majority has been reduced to 60% of the population and will be at 48% by 2055.

It’s not about skin color, though. It’s about common values. Instead of a “melting pot” culture based on careful assimilation, we are deliberately creating a “tribal pot” of diverse and warring identity groups. And to get the majority to go along with such a scheme, those constructing their own reality just invent history out of whole cloth—and teach it to the non-thinking—that creates guilt trips in the majority. This begins in preschool so that, by the end of the day, the self-loathing is so elevated that the white majority is thankful they have been replaced.

On a practical level, because it is so hard to amend the 14th Amendment, Congress must replace Hart-Celler with a statute that includes a breathing period of several years to assess the damage Hart-Celler has created in our society. Just stop immigration for a period of time. If Hart-Celler is allowed to go on, then Congress must end large federal welfare legislation, because our immigration system has collapsed and those pouring into the country will be entitled to the largesse of the taxpayers of America. That largesse will run out.

Guilt is the source of sorrow. It is the fiend with whips and slings that follows behind us. The true reality for Americans and all Western Civilization is that we are founded on a truth, not an idea or ideas that can swing wildly over time. That truth is that God exists, God is essential, and that His rules for a rightful society are not open to construction by the delusional. To begin to fix this collapse of our society we need to turn to Him now.

M. E. Boyd’s Apples of Gold – Voices from the Past that Speak to Us Now is available at using the title and subtitle.

Image: Haitian illegal aliens massed in Texas. YouTube screen grab.

Haitians hijack buses -- and Biden's border policy

Multiple reports say that Haitian migrants, ostensibly in federal custody, have "hijacked" several buses while being transported and forced out their drivers. The incidents, they say, have occurred while migrants have been taken from the camp beneath the Del Rio-Ciudad Acuna International Bridge to processing centers across the region, as well as from the processing centers to local airports for deportation flights, and could cause the U.S. government's immigration enforcement operations to be halted.

A senior federal law enforcement official recently told the Washington Examiner: "They’ve been basically overpowering the drivers and they’ve actually hijacked a couple of the buses and driven them down the road a little ways and escaped. This happened multiple times.”

The same official added: "They’re moving the detainees, but they’re not shackled -- they’re not restrained in any way. Yesterday some detainees kicked a window out and 22 escaped.”

How the hell can migrants who are supposedly in custody hijack buses and essentially take the bus drivers into custody? How feckless, naïve and weak have we become? Is there anything the Biden administration can do competently and with determination? Other than thumbing its collective nose at the Constitution, browbeating American citizens into accepting an unvetted foreign substance into their bodies, and generally taking away the freedoms the Founders bequeathed them?

For the love of God, the Biden administration has accepted -- proactively manufactured to be more precise -- defeat in Afghanistan. To the Taliban, semi-nomadic goat-herders from the ninth century! It has allowed China to get away with murder. Mass murder, actually. And it is letting China figuratively walk all over us, while appearing to wish to emulate the Chinese Communist Party’s push to completely usurp and obliterate any and all of its citizens’ remaining freedoms.

How bad is it? The United States Army garrison Japan recently announced that it probably couldn’t even repel a potential incursion by monkeys.

The Biden administration has also ceded our southern border to anyone who cares to stroll in from Mexico, and/or who has walked from Central America, regardless of criminal history, and without being tested for coronavirus. Completely unvetted, much like the coronavirus vaccines. Sex traffickers, drug runners, terrorists? Come on in! (Just be aware: once you are an American citizen, you will have to get vaccinated and use everyone else’s correct pronouns. Or else.)

And now it can’t even prevent migrants from hijacking the buses used to transport them.

What’s next? Will we be suddenly and dastardly attacked by Albania… causing the Biden administration to surrender? Will the Amish demand reparations and that a ten-state Amish “autonomous” region be officially recognized? Will the Girl Scouts of America threaten to take over the Capitol unless every American commits to buying a minimum of 10 boxes of their cookies every year in perpetuity?

Image: PublicDomain Pictures

David vs. the Left

From radical leftist to conservative, Colorado's David Horowitz speaks out.



[Order David Horowitz's new book, I Can't Breathe: How a Racial Hoax Is Killing AmericaHERE.]

Reprinted from

Nearing 83, former leftist David Horowitz fights to save the United States from a left-wing revolution he has warned about for decades. Horowitz, who lives between Colorado Springs and Denver, grew up in New York with secular Jewish parents who taught in public schools, belonged to the American Communist Party, idolized Joseph Stalin, and forced their children to watch Soviet propaganda films. As a young activist, Horowitz befriended and worked closely with the Black Panther Party. He was a founding sponsor of the far left "In These Times" magazine. In 1985, Horowitz co-wrote an essay for The Washington Post Magazine titled "Lefties for Reagan" followed by an article for The Village Voice titled "Why I'm no longer a leftist." He has authored dozens of books, including multiple New York Times Bestsellers. Gazette editorial board member Wayne Laugesen spoke with Horowitz last week. Fair warning: Horowitz does not mince words, fears no reprisals, and may offend some readers.

Gazette: So, you moved to Colorado from California several years ago. How are things going for you in this new high-altitude chapter of life?

Horowitz: Aging is a bitch, but I'm more productive than I've ever been. I've got three or four recent titles out there and they are all doing very well. I'm having great sales numbers. I've got this book titled "I Can't Breathe," which is coming out October 5th and I'm excited about it.

Gazette: Tell us about your newest bestseller, The Enemy Within (2021).

Horowitz: It's about the Democratic party being taken over by the left. The book explains the Democratic agenda to create a one-party state. They are attacking the First Amendment. They want to turn the Supreme Court into a quasi-legislature. They want to eliminate the Electoral College, which was designed by the founders to create moderation, compromise, and cooperation. I mean, look at how the whole Democratic Party just voted to deny Israel the money needed to replenish the rockets they fired to defend civilians in the last attack. Israel's Iron Dome is under assault by Palestinians who want to exterminate Jews. The Iron Dome is a completely defensive system that protects civilians in Israel, which is our ally. The left denies Israel what it needs because Israel is a friend of the United States and the left wants to destroy the United States as we know it in pursuit of establishing some sort of Utopian fantasy.

Gazette: The book addresses race and claims the base of the Democratic Party uses race to divide Americans. Really? Please explain.

Horowitz: It has become an overtly racist party. Its policies are to supposedly help people of color and to screw white people. And they say it. This is not an interpretation on my part. I doubt too many on the left would deny it.

Gazette: You boldly declare "the Democratic Party is overtly racist." How can you support that?

Horowitz: Equity is the word they use now when talking about systemic racism. We don't have systemic racism in the United States because it was outlawed by the Civil Rights Act (1964). And if one police department were systemically racist, there would be a tsunami of lawsuits under the Civil Rights Act. When they say "equity" in the context of systemic racism, it means they have identified a disparity — such as Black people have lower incomes than whites — and we need to fix it with a subsidy or a reparation. So, if they're going to bail out small businesses, they want to give money to Black owners but not white owners. Allocating money on a basis of race is overtly racist. Today, everything the Democratic Party does is based on race.

Gazette: This left-wing movement, and this "woke" agenda so to speak, shows up in the military. At least that's what we hear from service personnel and veterans. Your thoughts?

Horowitz: Obama fired 197 generals and put progressive hacks in their place. We have military commanders who regarded (former President Donald) Trump as Hitler and the demonstrators at the Capitol are all Nazis. The left has very effectively played a long game of taking over our basic institutions.

Gazette. You were brought up by communist parents. Did they believe what they were doing was anti-American?

Horowitz: At the time, the Communist Party wanted to be seen as, and pretended to be something resembling Jeffersonian Democrats. In mixed company, they called themselves "progressive." I heard the word communist in my household and when we were among family and friends. To the outside world, we were just progressive Democrats.

Gazette: Would your parents be members of the Communist Party today?

Horowitz: My father eventually left the Communist party because they treated him badly. He was a high school teacher and Marxism was sort of like a religion to him. To him, actual religion was superstition and my family never set foot inside a synagogue. He was fired from the school because he would not answer when they asked if he was a communist. The Communist Party forced him to claim he was fired for being a Jew — that he was the victim of anti-Semitism. But he did not consider Judaism his religion. Communism served that purpose. The whole ordeal humiliated my father, so he left the party. But he remained faithful to the cause. He left the party, but he supported Leonid Brezhnev (Soviet dictator).

It is very hard to leave left-wing politics because for so many people it is a religion. It does everything that religion does for religious people. The left sees the world as a fallen place because of private property and racist patriarchies. But, they believe it can be redeemed and left-wing revolutionaries are the redeemers. So, they have this fantasy of a socialist future which is a future of social justice. It's a complete fantasy. Every utopian venture throughout history has been a miserable failure. The left took over just a few blocks of Seattle last year, to create a Utopian enclave free from authority, and it was a hellhole. These ventures fail because the root cause of social problems is not patriarchies or white supremacists or corporations or any of the intersectional oppressions we hear so much about. The root cause of all of our problems is that people are prone. So, to walk away from this belief that we can redeem society through collectivist policies requires one to reconcile the fact that this world is an imperfect place and it's going to remain that way.

Gazette: What do you think about this assertion that America was founded on racism and thrives on it today?

Horowitz: There are so many obvious signs that America is the most egalitarian country that has the largest minority population in the world. There's no other country like it. There is no primarily Black country, or brown country, or Asian country that has elected a white president. Yet, Americans elected Barack Obama twice. We've had a Black attorney general, Black secretaries of state, and we have Black mayors of big cities all over the country. The notion that America is a systemically racist society is ridiculous, but today's Democrat Party is wedded to this lie because it has been taken over by the left-wing revolutionaries.

Gazette: What is the possible motivation to divide America along racial lines? Why would someone living in the creature comforts of the United States — a place people risk life and limb to break into — why would they want to cause this country any harm at all?

Horowitz: Anti-American sentiment gives meaning to their lives. I loved my father, but he was a weak man. The communist agenda, and the party, made him feel strong when he was preaching it. My dad was a Jew, and he would attack American militarism even though American militarism defended us against Hitler. It didn't make sense, but it gave him a perception of meaning.

Gazette: Tell us about your next book, "I Can't Breathe." That's a provocative title.

Horowitz: It's a book about how so-called "racial justice" is killing America. George Floyd was not a typical Black man. He had been arrested nine times for things like armed robbery. He was a drug addict high on fentanyl, which is probably why he resisted arrest. That doesn't describe most of Black America. All those riots are based on the assumption that George Floyd was killed because he was Black, and then it gets more vicious from there. From accepting that George Floyd was killed because he was Black, we are supposed to believe that most Blacks live in constant fear of being arbitrarily killed by the police. There is not a single statistic to support that assumption. Most Blacks support the police.

Gazette: You wrote a highly controversial book called "Hating Whitey" (1999). I recall your publisher demanded that you change the name, so you found another publisher.

Horowitz: That's right. It had to be called "Hating Whitey." It struck me one day that hating white people was becoming a politically correct and popular theme. Now it is out in the open for all to see. People, including white people, attack white people all the time. They talk about slavery as America's original sin, and it can never be resolved and people alive today are responsible for it. That's a lie. Slavery is Africa's original sin. There was slavery in Africa for a thousand years before it came here. Every slave brought to the United States was enslaved by Black Africans and sold at auction. America freed slaves at the cost of 350,000 union lives. America is God's gift to Black people. You don't hear anyone else saying this because they know the left will destroy them because that's the left's secret weapon. They try to personally and professionally destroy anyone who doesn't accept their narratives.

Gazette: How do you feel about some of what's going on in your chosen home of Colorado? Politically, that is? What has traditionally been a swing state seems to have gone solid blue like your former home of California.

Horowitz: Democrat politicians will destroy the state the way they've destroyed every jurisdiction they've ever gotten their hands on. Colorado has a beautiful landscape, but it could have been planned and regulated much better. I'm not any kind of hard-core right-winger when it comes to property, so I think Colorado could have done a better job of zoning as the state grew. We obviously have a vagrancy problem throughout the state and we can't solve it by giving out more motel rooms. This is a mental and medical health issue and we must do more to institutionalize or otherwise get these people the help they need.

Gazette: In your 80s you are writing books faster than ever. It seems like you always have a new book coming out. Tell us about that?

Horowitz: I'm always something in the pipeline. I just love writing. It's my social justice rage. At my age, I've got a lot of information stored up so it's not too difficult. And, we have reached a point where we are seeing the left-wing revolution in full force in the White House, and we can't stand by and do nothing. Look what they've done. We have open borders. We're importing drugs and other massive social problems into our country. Meanwhile, the radical progressives are trying to spend us out of existence. Everything is about subsidizing people for doing nothing. Democrats devised the welfare system, and it has proven the worst atrocity committed against Black people since slavery.

Gazette: Where do you think we're heading as a society?

Horowitz: I'm not a good crystal ball reader, but I think we have an incredibly resilient country. Whenever I think the future of this country is in big trouble, I think about April 1941. Hitler had overrun all of Europe except Britain... a Gallup poll showed 81% of Americans thought we should stay out of the war. Then came Pearl Harbor. Americans came together for this country, and we finished our business in three or four years. So that's where I find optimism. It takes a long time to get the public's attention, but I think Americans will wake up, see what's going on, and defend the country. But this isn't all about elections and political power. The left's most effective targets are the universities and schools, which is where they fill Americans with this anti-American sentiment. I mean, you just have to get up every day and keep fighting for this country and what it stands for. It's worth it.

Obama Said Tea Party Movement Was Composed of 'Racist Motherf---ers,' According to New Book

Virginia Chamlee

ALEX EDELMAN/AFP via Getty Barack Obama

Former President Barack Obama is openly not a fan of Donald Trump or of the Tea Party movement that preceded his rise — and according to a new book, he used choice words to describe both. The book, by Atlantic journalist Edward-Isaac Dovere, quotes Obama referring to Trump as a "f---ing lunatic" and saying the right-wing Tea Party movement was comprised of "racist motherf---ers."

In his forthcoming book Battle for the Soul: Inside the Democrats' Campaign to Defeat Trump, Dovere writes that the remark came after the Obama Foundation's 2017 holiday party in Chicago, when his staff asked how it felt "to be made out as an anticapitalist by the Republicans," despite the fact that he had previously worked with big banks and corporate leaders.

"Obama gave a long, reasoned answer," Dovere writes in the book, as reported by Business Insider. "As for the Tea Party, Obama said, well, they were 'racist motherf---ers.' "

The right-wing Tea Party movement sprouted up in 2009, and was at the time focused on undoing Obama's landmark health care law and enacting conservative fiscal policies.

RELATED: What Does Barack Obama Really Think of Donald Trump? 'He's Nothing But a Bullsh--ter'

According to Business Insider, Dovere writes that Obama, 59, referred to Trump, 74, as "a madman," and once said of his presidency: "I didn't think it would be this bad."

Obama also reportedly said of Trump: "I didn't think we'd have a racist, sexist pig," and referred to the former reality star as a "f---ing lunatic" and a "corrupt motherf---er" when it was reported that Trump had phone calls with foreign leaders without any American aides listening in.

As PEOPLE earlier reported for its 2017 cover story on the 44th president, Obama on election night 2016 privately called Trump "nothing but a bullshitter," according to sources close to the then-president.

Sources told PEOPLE the comment came while Obama was describing an election night phone call with Trump, in which the businessman suddenly professed his "respect" and "admiration" for his predecessor, following years of hectoring and promulgating the racist "birther" conspiracy theory.

Obama's opinion didn't seem to change much over the next four years, with the former president often criticizing Trump's tenure in office while campaigning for Joe Biden, his former vice president.

At an October 2020 drive-in rally for the then-Democratic nominee, Obama slammed Trump, saying he wasn't focusing on the well-being of the country and was instead only working to promote himself using a "reality show" style of politics.

"[Trump] hasn't shown any interest in doing the work or helping anybody but himself or his friends or treating the presidency as anything more than a reality show to give him the attention that he craves," Obama said. "But unfortunately, the rest of us have to live with the consequences."


t himself or his friends or treating the presidency as anything more than a reality show to give him the attention that he craves," Obama said. "But unfortunately, the rest of us have to live with the consequences."

Pollak: Barack Obama Wrote the Playbook on Political Division



Left-wing pundits have accused President Donald Trump of using his tweets last weekend to launch a divisive re-election campaign.

David Axelrod, former adviser to President Barack Obama, tweeted: “With his deliberate, racist outburst, @realDonaldTrump wants to raise the profile of his targets, drive Dems to defend them and make them emblematic of the entire party. It’s a cold, hard strategy.”

That is debatable — but if so, Axelrod should know; Obama did it first.

By 2011, Obama knew that re-election would be difficult. The Tea Party had just led the Republicans to a historic victory in the 2010 midterm elections, winning the House and nearly taking the Senate. The economy was only growing sluggishly, and Obama’s stimulus had failed to keep unemployment below eight percent, as projected. Moreover, the passage of Obamacare had provoked a backlash against Obama’s state-centered model of American society.

Facing a similar situation in the mid-1990s, President Bill Clinton had “triangulated,” moving back toward the middle, frustrating the GOP by taking up their issues, such as welfare reform.

But Obama rejected that approach. Having watched his icon, Chicago mayor Harold Washington, settle for an incremental approach when faced with opposition in the 1980s, only to die of a sudden heart attack before fulfilling his potential, Obama chose the path of hard-left policy — and divide-and-rule politics.

The first hint of his strategy emerged during the debt ceiling negotiations in the summer of August 2011. As Bob Woodward recounted in his book about the crisis, The Price of Politics, then-Speaker of the House John Boehner (R-OH) had wanted to reach a “grand bargain” with the president on long-term spending cuts. But Obama blew up that agreement by demanding $400 billion in new taxes, to his aides’ surprise. Obama wanted an opponent, not a deal. (Last week, Boehner told Breitbart News Tonight that Obama’s decision was his worst disappointment in 35 years of politics.)

In the fall of 2011, a new left-wing movement, Occupy Wall Street, was launched. A mix of communists, anarchists, and digital pranksters, the Occupy movement cast American society as a struggle between the “99 percent” and the “one percent.”

Obama and then-House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) embraced the movement — and failed to distance themselves from it even as it collapsed into violence, sexual assault, and confrontations with police.

Instead, Obama picked up on Occupy’s themes and used them to shape his campaign.

In December 2011, Obama gave a speech at Osawatomie, Kansas — a place steeped in radical symbolism — at which he doubled down on his left-wing policies. He focused on the issue of economic inequality, and attacked the idea that the free market could lift the middle class to prosperity. “This isn’t about class warfare. This is about the nation’s welfare,” he insisted.

Then, in the spring of 2012, Obama made a controversial play on race. When a black teen, Trayvon Martin, was killed in Florida during a scuffle with neighborhood watch volunteer George Zimmerman, Al Sharprton — who was serving as an informal adviser to Obama at the time — made the local crime story into a national racial controversy. Obama, following Sharpton’s lead, weighed in: “If I had a son, he’d look like Trayvon,” Obama said at the time.

Poll numbers suggest that race relations, which had been improving, dropped precipitously after that. But to Obama, it was worth it: the campaign needed to find a way to motivate minority voters. (Vice President Joe Biden did his part, telling black voters that GOP nominee Mitt Romney was “gonna put y’all in chains.”)

Trump is pushing a non-racial, nationalist message. But if he actually wanted to divide America for political gain, he could learn from the master.


Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News. He earned an A.B. in Social Studies and Environmental Science and Public Policy from Harvard. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. He is also the co-author of How Trump Won: The Inside Story of a Revolution, which is available from Regnery. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.




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