Friday, November 26, 2021


Link Found Between Smash-and-Grab Burglaries


Bronx Apartment Burglary Caught On Video

The media has omitted the race of the perpetrators, a policy that ironically makes race even more salient. Video footage shows the perpetrators were black. Eyewitness accounts confirm that. And the same tactic and demographic makeup were seen at the Louis Vuitton smash and grab earlier in San Francisco.




As Violent Crime SURGES across America, some politicians and some in the media are gaslighting the public into thinking the Police are the Problem…

Atlanta ️ 58%
Portland ️ 533%
Philadelphia ️ 37%

New York City ️ 64%
Los Angeles ️ 51%
Chicago ️ 18%

— National Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) (@GLFOP) June 22, 2021


Every year in America, some 500 whites are murdered by black assailants, more than twice as many as blacks killed by whites.  The media need to report all of these cases fairly and without bias so as to counter the false reporting and misplaced emphasis in the national press.  All victims, of whatever race, deserve justice because all human life is precious.  The reporting of violence should not be based on race — it should be proportionate to the crime, without regard to the race of the perpetrator or the victim.  Jeffrey Folks 

The Hate That Dare Not Speak Its Name

It’s time to tell the truth about the black racism, crime and terror that came to Waukesha.


[Order David Horowitz's new book, I Can't Breathe: How a Racial Hoax Is Killing AmericaHERE.]

Daniel Greenfield is a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center specializing in investigative reporting on the Left and Islamic terrorism.

“There's Nothing More Frightening in America Today than an Angry White Man,” a CNN op-ed headline blared after the Rittenhouse verdict. And then Darrell Brooks, a black racist, career criminal, and convicted sex offender with two open felony cases, intentionally drove into the Waukesha Christmas Parade, leaving bloody children strewn like crumpled flowers.

Baby strollers and battered wheelchairs lay on the street in the aftermath of this racist rampage. While the media tries to cover up his black racist,agendas. If a white racist had slammed his car into a black parade, there would be little doubt and less question about his motives.

But black racists always get a pass by a media that’s happy to enable their racism. While white racism is denounced as disgraceful, black racism is embraced as revolutionary.

Milwaukee BLM leader Vaun Mayes, who has appeared alongside local Democrat politicians, responded to the horrifying atrocity by suggesting, "It sounds possible that the revolution has started in Wisconsin. It started with this Christmas parade."

How better to start the Marxist revolution than by running down some Dancing Grannies? This is sick. But it is enabled by the collusion of well-meaning people who don’t want to acknowledge that blacks can be mass murderers and racist monsters just like everyone else.

Black Lives Matter had adopted a quote from black nationalist fugitive cop killer Assata Shakur as its slogan, "It is our duty to fight for our freedom". That chant has appeared at Democrat Party events and even corporate anti-racism sessions.

The phrase just before the chant is, “We must gain our liberation by any means necessary”. People who say things like this are criminals and race haters ready to commit the worst kinds of  atrocities. And those who enable them should be held accountable.

Shakur's slogan was dedicated to black nationalist terrorists, including Mark Essex, a racist killer who opened fire on New Year’s Eve in New Orleans killing, among others, a honeymooning couple. Betty Steagall was shot in the back of her head while embracing her murdered husband. Essex left a Black Liberation flag lying near the corpses of the doctor and his wife.

That’s what “by any means necessary” means. It’s the murderous black racism the Left enables.

When Vaun Mayes was arrested on a burglary charge, leftist Milwaukee County DA John Chisholm refused to pursue charges. It was also Chisholm who freed Brooks on $500 bail even after the monster had been accused of running over the mother of his child.

“Is there going to be an individual I divert, or I put into treatment programs, who’s going to go out and kill somebody?” Chisholm had previously admitted. “You bet. Guaranteed. It’s guaranteed to happen. It does not invalidate the overall approach.”

The combination of black racism and leftist support for black criminals led to the parade horror.

"If the solutions were easy, we would have solved the challenge long ago, but they are not," Chicago's Mayor Lori Lighfoot argued in response to complaints that she wasn't letting the police fight crime. "The root causes of community violence are deep, complex, and generations in the making." This is code for blaming black criminality on systemic racism and on white people, the creed of racial hate that fuels our current crisis while rejecting black responsibility.

The actual root cause, a corrupt welfare state that treats crime like a civil rights movement, is easily visible in Chicago, Milwaukee, and countless Democrat cities. Black Lives Matter perfectly blends crime, racism and revolution until it’s impossible to tell the difference.

Communist revolutions begin as crimes with robberies, murders, and bombings. And that makes leftists into criminals and criminals into leftists. The Bolsheviks called the bank robberies they used to finance their revolution, “expropriations”. BLM looters are just following in their footsteps by “expropriating” the shelves of neighborhood grocery stores for their racist revolution.

Are gangs of looters clearing out stores to protest the Rittenhouse verdict or to make money?

When crime is a civil rights cause and criminals are martyrs, crime is a revolutionary act. Every major BLM martyr in recent years has been a thug with a long criminal record. Brooks, like countless other career criminals, benefited from leftist calls to shut down the justice system.

How do leftists justify glamorizing criminals? Racism. Hating white people.

Every criminal is the victim of systemic racism. The only way to justify crime is to demonize crime victims as white racists. As the book In Defense of Looting argued, private property is “innately, structurally white supremacist” and looting it is an act of racial liberation.

Black Lives Matter racializes crime and turns every criminal act into a hate crime against white people. That’s how you end up with Black Lives Matter taking ownership of a racist thug ramming his car through a Christmas parade, leaving children and grandmothers bleeding on the ground in his wake, into a revolutionary act of political terrorism against whiteness.

The system that coddles black criminals like Brooks, enabling them to kill, is the true form of systemic racism. No justice system in this country punishes people because of their race, but some Democrat cities indisputably give criminals a pass because they have racialized crime.

What motivated Darrell Brooks’s rampage of death? The career criminal had absorbed the black nationalist ethos of BLM that criminals were victims and police were the real criminals. A thousand media outlets, politicians, and activists had warned that violence would follow if Rittenhouse were set free. The looters who struck luxury boutiques and the black supremacist racist who drove through a Christmas parade just followed up on the media’s incitement.

Sometimes BLM’s career criminals fight systemic racism and the white supremacist idea of private property by looting malls, other times by running over kids at a Christmas parade.

If white people are evil, then any and every attack on them becomes innately justifiable.

As pampered racist Ibram X. Kendi wrote "The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination."

Black racism, like black crime, becomes just another means of achieving “equity”. The ends of equity justify all means from discrimination to violent crime. Racism against black people is a tool of systemic racism, but racism against white people is a means of systemic equity.

And no amount of black racism can ever be considered too much.

Look no further than black nationalist poet Amiri Baraka whose deranged hateful verses include such stirring lines as, “We are all beautiful (except white people, they are full of, and made of s__t),” The former poet laureate of New Jersey raved. “Come up, black dada / nihilismus. Rape the white girls. Rape / their fathers. Cut the mothers’ throats."

Baraka’s poetry has been recited at the Museum of Modern Art, he was eulogized by The Nation and praised by The New Yorker. Kirsten Clarke, Biden’s racist pick for assistant attorney general, even circulated one of his essays.

“The specter of the angry black man has been evoked in politics and popular culture to convince white folks that a big, bad black man is coming to get them and their daughters,” the CNN op-ed complained.

But it’s the leftist radicals, white and black, who celebrate black criminality, transforming even the worst crimes into a leftist revolution by degrading both black perpetrators and white victims. As Black Panther leader Eldridge Cleaver wrote, “rape was an insurrectionary act. It delighted me that I was defying and trampling upon the white man's law, upon his system of values.”

As Cleaver had practiced “on black girls in the ghetto”, Brooks had practiced on his former girlfriend, running her over, before running over women and children at the parade.

Like bombing, murder, and rape, it’s only the latest revolutionary episode in black racism.

America is consumed with discovering white microaggressions while even the most grotesque forms of black racism from the Black Hebrew Israelites to Black Lives Matter, hate groups the killer supported, are celebrated as a reckoning with a false history of American racism.

When the issue of black racism is raised, leftist apologists typically argue that black racists have “no power”, that they are “punching up”, and that the whole thing is a non-issue.

The dead and dying in the streets of Waukesha might disagree.

Michelle Malkin: Black Lies Matter, as Do the Soros DAs Who Prop Them Up

 By Michelle Malkin | November 24, 2021 | 11:01am EST


A protester holds a sign with a Black Lives Matter fist. (Photo credit: Horacio Villalobos/Corbis/Getty Images.jpg
A protester holds a sign with a Black Lives Matter fist. (Photo credit: Horacio Villalobos/Corbis/Getty Images.jpg

I dare you to look, with a clear and unfiltered lens, at the bloody nightmare we once called the United States of America.

Connect the dots. Contemplate the utter chaos in every major city while Black Lives Matter militants, academics, and bureaucrats prattle on about "systemic racism" and "two-tiered justice." It's about much more than the horrific mass murders and attempted murders in Waukesha, Wisc., where the annual Christmas parade will now forever be stained by the wanton acts of alleged killer Darrell Brooks — a convicted sex offender and domestic abuser who sailed through George Soros-funded Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm's soft-on-black crime revolving door like a Six Flags season pass holder.

Look at Philadelphia, home to another Soros-funded DA, where four black teenage girls beat the stuffing out of a group of Asian students on a SEPTA train in broad daylight last week. The lead aggressor, a hulking female in a hijab, brutally punished one Asian girl for asking her to stop harassing her friends. Viral video shows how Ms. Islam-Is-Peace tackled the intervener to the ground and beat her over the head with her shoe and clenched fists. Not a single adult intervened.

Un-prosecutor Larry Krasner, who campaigned on "restorative justice" policies to protect black teenage criminals from prison sentences, has now filed "ethnic intimidation" charges against the SEPTA gangsters. But who would he have believed if there had not been video? And what would he have done if the victims were white?

The mother of the profanity-spewing brute told NBC10:

"My daughter did not mean it. When she gets the opportunity to, she will give a sincere apology....As you can clearly see in the video, my daughter is Muslim. We do not carry ourselves that way. We carry ourselves with respect, modesty, and humility."

Where have I heard that before? Ah, yes. The "that's not who my daughter is" defense was most recently invoked by former NBA player Corey Benjamin, whose little thugette was caught on video just a few weeks ago in Garden Grove, Calif., sucker-punching an Asian girl at a basketball game. The black girl's mom goaded her daughter from the sidelines and jeered, "Go and hit her."

Papa Benjamin claimed he was "shocked and disappointed at my daughter's behavior as this is not a reflection of the values and standards that my family holds." Never mind that Mama incited the violence or that the boxing Benjamin had assaulted two other female basketball players just weeks prior.

But this is not who they are. And it's never their fault.

Look at the living hellhole of New York City, where homeless lunatics push random strangers off subway platforms, repeat offenders rob and beat pedestrians on their way to work, and druggies urinate, defecate, and fornicate openly on once-safe tourist thoroughfares.

Look at Oak Brook, Ill., just outside woke-hijacked Chicago, where mobs of diverse thieves carted off $120,000 from a Louis Vuitton store on Wednesday afternoon.

Look at Walnut Creek, Calif., where roving bands of black-clad gangs absconded with $200,000 worth of merchandise from Nordstrom. Similar crime rings hit luxury stores in Hayward, San Jose, and Los Angeles. We are all supposed to pretend we can't discern the race of the criminals so "experts" can castigate us for using racist terms like "looting" to describe...looting.

We are hectored repeatedly by the Biden Administration that "white supremacy" is the root of all this country's problems. CNN reported as "news" this week that "there's nothing more frightening in America today than an angry white man." Systemic racism and two-tiered justice won't allow black criminals to get a fair shake, we are propagandized over and over — even as a new catch-and-release carousel-riding Darrell Brooks emerges with numbing regularity by the week or day.

The scourge of Soros DAs has ushered in nothing but misery, filth, and death across the ravaged plain in the name of social justice, but if we just tear down one more Thomas Jefferson statue, strip one more Confederate general's name off a military base, and toss another trillion or two or 10 or 20 at "diversity, inclusion, and equity" initiatives to make white people atone for their alleged sins, peace and harmony will prevail.

Fraud upon fraud upon fraud. How many more innocent Dancing Grannies and schoolchildren have to die for the Big Lies? When will more good people stop reflexively cringing in the face of accusations of "racism" and call out the racist system of two-tiered justice that is actually bringing America to its knees?

Michelle Malkin is a conservative blogger at, syndicated columnist, author, and founder of Michelle Malkin's email address is


The 10 WORST Neighborhoods in America. It's Shocking and Terrifying.

'Looks Like a Battlefield': Barbed Wire Is California's New Solution to Looting

Spencer Brown
Posted: Nov 23, 2021 2:30 PM

'Looks Like a Battlefield': Barbed Wire Is California's New Solution to Looting

Following the 80-person smash and grab at a Nordstrom in the San Francisco Bay Area over the weekend, a similar hit was made on another Nordstrom located at The Grove in Los Angeles. As a result, Black Friday shoppers visiting the ritzy shopping center would be forgiven for thinking they were walking onto the set of a movie set in a war zone.

According to the local ABC affiliate "it looks more like a battlefield than a luxury SoCal mall" as "coiled security barriers" resembling razor wire were deployed "after another attempted heist."

Authorities said that "a group of at least 20 people" used a sledgehammer to smash a storefront window before raiding the men's clothing section, grabbing a cash register, and leading police on a chase into the Los Angeles night. Three suspects in the brazen robbery have since been apprehended while others are still on the lam.

As a result of the latest incident ahead of Black Friday, police "installed barbed wire Tuesday morning just outside The Grove where the robbery took place." The brightly colored barbed wire perimeter barricade is a stark contrast with The Grove's Christmas decorations and ritzy stores, but apparently this is what holiday season shopping in California in 2021 has come to. And it's ridiculous. 

Swarm Of Looters Take Part In Smash-And-Grab Burglary At The Grove, Lead Police On

A large group of looters took part in a smash-and-grab break-in at a Nordstrom store at The Grove late Monday night in the Fairfax District, and then sped away in several cars, leading police on a pursuit. Kara Finnstrom reports.


BLACK Thieves Ransack Louis Vuitton Store in San Francisco Union Square


SF Suffers Highest Rate of Car Break-Ins Compared to Atlanta, DC, Dallas, LA

Louis Vuitton, Saks Fifth Avenue Store Windows Smashed in Beverly Hills

Louis Vuitton Beverly Hills (Mike Mozart / Flickr / CC / Cropped)
Mike Mozart / Flickr / CC / Cropped

LOS ANGELES, California — Store windows on Beverly Hills’ famed Rodeo Drive in Los Angeles were smashed on Sunday in attempted burglaries that may have been related to recent “mass looting” events in the San Francisco Bay Area.

NBC Los Angeles reported:

Storefront windows near the Rodeo Drive shopping area in Beverly Hills were shattered Sunday in two apparent smash-and-grab burglary attempts.

Officers responded to the Louis Vuitton and Saks Fifth Avenue stores shortly after midnight. The attempted break-ins were reported in the 200 block of North Rodeo Drive and the 9600 block of Wilshire Boulevard.

Nothing was taken and no one entered the stores, police said.

Many stores had installed shatterproof glass since the Black Lives Matter riots last year, Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce president and CEO Todd Johnson told NBC.

As Breitbart News reported, high-end stores in San Francisco’s Union Square were hit last Friday night; a Nordstrom location in suburban Walnut Creek on Saturday night; and a Lululemon store was ransacked in San Jose on Sunday.

The methods used in Beverly Hills appeared to mimic those used in the Bay Area attacks, which relied on convoys of vehicles in the attacks. Local KTLA quoted Beverly Hills  Police Department Sgt. Anthony Adams: “Multiple suspects traveling in several vehicles descended on the locations and used a sledgehammer to try to break through front windows.”

Nothing was taken from the Beverly Hills stores, and no arrests were made, though police are still investigating.

Joel B. Pollak is Senior Editor-at-Large at Breitbart News and the host of Breitbart News Sunday on Sirius XM Patriot on Sunday evenings from 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. ET (4 p.m. to 7 p.m. PT). He is the author of the recent e-book, Neither Free nor Fair: The 2020 U.S. Presidential Election. His recent book, RED NOVEMBER, tells the story of the 2020 Democratic presidential primary from a conservative perspective. He is a winner of the 2018 Robert Novak Journalism Alumni Fellowship. Follow him on Twitter at @joelpollak.



SF Suffers Highest Rate of Car Break-Ins Compared to Atlanta, DC, Dallas, LA



Dr. Williams comments on another reality: that the rate of black homicide and armed robbery as well as other violent crimes are as is as much as 15–30 times more than whites

Blacks are also overrepresented among perpetrators of hate crimes—by 50 percent—according to the most recent Justice Department data from 2017; whites are underrepresented by 24 percent. This is particularly true for anti-gay and anti-Semitic hate crimes.


Racist gang attack on Philadelphia train targeting Asians demonstrates effect of race hustlers on the minds of black youth

Last week, a video of a violent racist attack on a group of Asian-American students on a public train in Philadelphia was widely circulated on social media. The perpetrators were four African-American girls, one of whom was wearing a hijab. 

It began with four perpetrators hurling racist abuse and intimidating and physically assaulting a group of Asian-American high school students who were sitting in close proximity. The Asian-American victims helplessly attempted to shield themselves from the violence.

In time, a senior Asian-American girl student attempted to intervene and bring a stop to the assault. This lead to her being the target of violence and abuse from the four African-American girls.

The Asian-American girl student was struck on her head multiple times and was slammed against the train doors. The assailant group kicked and punched her as she laid flat on the ground of the train compartment. One of the assailants even took off her shoe and used it to strike the victim multiple times.

A man eventually intervened before the video is halted.

The SEPTA Police Chief said the four suspects ranged from 13 to 16 years of age. He said that his organization was working with other city and school leaders to offer support for the victims. SEPTA pledged to provide police protection for students in the future.

The Philadelphia District Attorney’s Office then approved charges of aggravated assault, ethnic intimidation, criminal conspiracy, simple assault, and other related offenses against four African-American girls.

One suspect has been charged with an additional count of robbery for attempting to steal one of the victims’ air pods. 

The question remains what caused the inconsolable rage in the minds of these teenaged African-American girls?

Perhaps it is the divisive climate that has been created owing to the relentless race-baiting by Democrat politicians, activists, and members of the mainstream news media?

Perhaps the frequent and dishonest claim that there is systemic racism all around?

Perhaps the claim that Kyle Rittenhouse is a white nationalist led by then-candidate Joe Biden and the proclamation with certitude that White Privilege and Nationalism was omnipresent following the acquittal of Rittenhouse?

Perhaps White House reacting to Rittenhouse’s acquittal with the implication that it was unfair?

Perhaps the claim that Kamala Harris’s low approval ratings are solely owing to sexism and racism?

Perhaps the fact that former President Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama only claim victimhood instead of being cheerleaders for the black community?

Perhaps the fact that African American multi-billionaire Oprah cannot stop talking about race while interviewing mixed-race multi-millionaire Meghan Markle?  

Perhaps the amplification of fake claims of a black gay actor that he suffered a racist attack from Trump supporters in Chicago?

Perhaps the frequent amplification of the irresponsible and reckless actions of a few police officers that lead to the deaths of African Americans and the spin that all persons of color are targets of the police?

Race relations have emphatically improved, the proof is a person of color was elected to the highest office of the nation on two occasions.

However, it will take a great deal of time and collective effort to achieve MLK's dream of a society that sees people for the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. 

MLK's dream can only be achieved by permanently alerting the mindset of seeing everything through the prism of race. Overstated claims and frequent spin about racism only make matters worst

Sadly, many individuals masquerading as pundits have made race-baiting their business model. They make preposterous claims and write articles about the worsening of race relations to enrich themselves. 

For some 'experts', race relations is their domain expertise, if they concede that race relations are improved, they run the risk of becoming obsolete. 

The same is true for a group such as BLM, who will never ever concede that there is even the slightest of improvement in the lives of African Americans because their very existence is based on promoting victimhood. 

Any incident of when an African American is persecuted is an occasion for raising money. The money is used to further perpetuate myths about victimhood which leaders to more donations. The cycle of hate continues.

The people making the outrageous and overstated claims are like actors, they have a prepared script given to them by activists, perhaps they use their own imagination. 

They know their claims are false but they say it anyway. They spit venom on TV and elsewhere and then return in the comfort of the luxury homes in gated communities with armed bodyguards.

But the effects of the poison spread in the minds of innocent and impressionable young African-Americans can never be undone. 

For the performers on TV, this may just be the clever usage of epithets and some amateur but for the audience, it could be the trigger that causes a permanent impression.

Nothing that follows can ever change those first impressions. They grow up with the feeling of victimhood that causes anger to simmer from within. One day it explodes rather unexpectedly following a seemingly innocuous trigger such as the mere presence of persons of another race.

The racist violence that was seen on the SEPTA train is an instance of that? But it could have been worse, what if any one of them was armed? 

Sadly, the attack on the SEPTA train will be followed by many other racist attacks. The rage that has been created simply cannot melt into thin air.

The race hustlers hence have blood on their hands.

Alas, few will dare to call them out.




80 Smash-and-Grab Robbers Ransack Nordstrom in Minutes



SF Suffers Highest Rate of Car Break-Ins Compared to Atlanta, DC, Dallas, LA

San Francisco schools face $125 million budget deficit and over 400 layoffs this year

On November 2, San Francisco Unified School District (SFUSD) announced a $125 million budget deficit for fiscal year 2021-2022. The district, which serves 54,000 students, has been losing students amid the growing social crisis from the COVID-19 pandemic and now faces a 10 percent budget shortfall. An additional deficit of $21.6 million is anticipated for the following fiscal year.

San Francisco Unified School District Administrative Building at 555 Franklin Street. (Wikimedia)

SFUSD is planning to cut 360 school jobs and 55 central office jobs. Board of Education members who have vehemently pushed racialist attacks on public art and school names have now meekly bowed down before this assault on education. United Educators of San Francisco (UESF), the union which represents roughly 6,200 teachers, remained silent on the issue until November 12 as rank-and-file members became increasingly restive.

In a leaflet announcing a series of toothless protests at upcoming school board meetings, the union encourages the district to simply shift the budget cuts to administration, writing, “A viable alternative plan is possible when we look at where else cuts can be made and increased revenue.” This would in fact deepen the crisis of public education in the city and in no way improve learning or school conditions for students.

The State of California as a whole is staring in the face of education disaster. Minimal federal support in the first two years of the pandemic has barely constituted a band-aid for longstanding budget shortfalls and will entirely evaporate by the 2023-2024 school year. Declining student enrollment and attendance due to the growing social crisis are further suppressing school budgets.

The top 10 districts with the greatest loss of attendance are the largest school districts in the state. The drop is blamed on an aging population, but the fundamental issues are surging housing prices, pupils pulled from schools due to legitimate fears over COVID-19, and charter school growth.

West Contra Costa Unified School District in the Bay Area foresees a $30 million deficit, Sacramento City Unified School District anticipates an $18 million shortfall, and Los Angeles Unified School District faces a 20 percent drop in enrollment. The funding crisis is so severe that consultants are offering districts a “Planning for Reductions in Force” webinar to be held in January.

In addition to layoffs, many teachers have left the profession in response to the unsafe and exploitative conditions during the pandemic. School districts are responding to a continual loss of credentialed teachers with increased staffing of inexperienced employees via internships, emergency permits and waivers. Statewide, 13,380 teachers are working without the necessary training. In SFUSD, roughly 10 percent of teachers are without a preliminary or clear credential. The lack of special education teachers is significantly worse throughout the state and nationally.

The murderous policy of mandatory in-person learning, which has sickened many students and teachers this semester, was promoted by the California Governor Gavin Newsom, San Francisco Mayor London Breed, and American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten, all leading Democrats.

Democratic Party politicians and union bureaucrats have sacrificed the health of Californians to ensure that students return to school and their parents to return work to sustain corporate profit-making. The results could not be clearer. In California, children under 18 years old account for over 700,000 cases with nearly 10,000 infected each week.

In 2020, before the rollout of vaccines, Mayor Breed stated, “It is infuriating that our schools are not going to reopen for in-person learning in January. I can’t imagine how hard this is for our families and for our young people who haven’t been in the classroom since March and are falling further behind every single day. We should not be creating a false choice between education and a safe return to classrooms.” The fiction of a “safe” return to in-person instruction was demonstrated by California’s rate of pediatric COVID-19 hospitalizations soaring over eight-fold between June and September as schools fully reopened this fall.

Breed’s fury over the delay in reopening has played a role in her support for the recall election against three SFUSD school board members: Board President Gabriela López, Board Vice President Faauuga Moliga, and Commissioner Alison M. Collins. These individuals have backed the return to in-person instruction, but the recall campaign is being driven by a cabal of right-wing opponents of public education, in particular the two largest contributors, Arthur Rock and David Sacks.

Rock and his wife Toni Rembe Rock are enthusiastic supporters of Teach For America (TFA), an organization that regularly provides minimal training for inexperienced college graduates to become teachers at rock-bottom salaries.

Sacks is the co-author of The Diversity Myth: Multiculturalism and Political Intolerance on Campus. This book was published by the libertarian Independent Institute, which has supported climate change deniers. The book outlines “the transformation of Stanford University from an institution committed to preserving the values of Western civilization to one intent on engineering social change on campus to promote the dogmas of multiculturalism.” This right-wing diatribe is provided with a veneer of legitimacy by the equally right-wing identity politics pushed by members of the San Francisco Board of Education.

Alison Collins, a leading purveyor of identity politics on the Board of Education, made several anti-Asian statements on Twitter in 2016. When these tweets surfaced, she was removed from her position as vice president of the Board. She retaliated with an $87 million lawsuit intended to destroy public education in San Francisco. The case was thrown out of court by Federal Judge Haywood Gilliam, Jr., but only after the district had already squandered $125,000 in attorney fees and expenses fighting Collins’ lawsuit.

Earlier this year, the Board of Education decided that 44 schools would be renamed. Like George Orwell’s Newspeak in 1984, which was realized with “the elimination of ideologically undesirable words,” the Board decided to erase figures with “dishonorable legacies,” including Abraham Lincoln, George Washington, Thomas Jefferson and James Madison.

This despicable move was fought by half a dozen plaintiffs, including Laurence Tribe, a Harvard University professor emeritus, who denounced the denigration of Lincoln by stating, “I think it goes dangerously far when the Great Emancipator is treated as insufficiently woke.” In April, a Superior Court judge ordered the Board to reverse its vote and to pay $60,000 to cover the legal fees of the plaintiffs.

In 2019, the Board voted to cover a mural in George Washington High School by left-wing artist Victor Arnautoff, which they considered politically incorrect. At least $148,000 of education funds were spent on defending the censorship against legal challenges, but Judge Anne-Christine Massullo made a preliminary decision that the board violated state law, determining that the evidence supports the suit of the George Washington High School Alumni Association brought against the board.

Teachers and other school employees must rely on their own strength to defend their jobs and health. Concerned teachers should subscribe to the World Socialist Web Site Educators Newsletter and learn about the Educators Rank-and-File Safety Committee. Worldwide, the unions are functioning to defend profits against members and it is only by building independent rank-and-file committees that school employees and public education as a whole will have a future.

'Experts:' Don't Refer to The Bay Area Looting as 'Looting,' Guys

Guy Benson
Posted: Nov 23, 2021 1:01 PM
'Experts:' Don't Refer to The Bay Area Looting as 'Looting,' Guys

Source: AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast

I'm just kidding, of course.  They didn't say "guys."  That's gendered and heteronormative.  But our wonderful "experts" are instructing us not to use the term "looting" to describe the mass looting and brazen shoplifting plaguing the San Francisco Bay Area in recent days.  In case you've missed this latest crime scourge, here are the latest examples from the region.  After a Louis Vuitton store was brazenly robbed in the heart of the city on Friday, this happened Saturday:

More than 80 people stormed and robbed a Nordstrom in California on Saturday night, according to a police report from the Walnut Creek Police Department. The robbery was over within minutes as thieves armed with crowbars and wearing ski masks streamed out of the Nordstrom into the dozens of cars lining the block. "Nordstrom employees began calling 911 when approximately 80 people entered the store and immediately began stealing merchandise," says the Walnut Creek Police Department in a press release. One employee was pepper-sprayed and two were punched and kicked, says the Walnut Creek Police Department. The incident took place around 9 p.m. right around Nordstrom's closing time, and the police began receiving calls about reckless driving shortly before 9 p.m. PST.

Then this followed on Sunday:

Looters targeting Bay Area businesses struck again Sunday evening, with smash-and-grab thieves hitting a mall in Hayward, California and taking merchandise from a Lululemon store in San Jose, CBS San Francisco reports. It was the third day in a row that large mobs of robbers went after retailers in the region. Hayward police told CBS San Francisco they responded around 5:30 p.m. Sunday to multiple calls from stores in Southland Mall. Witnesses said a large mob caused a huge disturbance inside the mall, with some briefly taking over a jewelry store. Witnesses described some 40 to 50 looters wielding hammers and other tools looting Sam's Jewelers, breaking glass cases and quickly fleeing. The Macy's store was also ransacked. In video taken during the robbery, workers can be heard inside Sam's Jewelers screaming in fear...Meanwhile in San Jose Sunday evening, police said a group of suspects entered the Lululemon store in Santana Row at about 6:30 and took merchandise. They fled prior to police arriving.

San Francisco's left-wing District Attorney is currently facing a recall, backed by several of his former colleagues, thanks to public outrage over his effective decriminalization of many crimes.  He's now feigning outrage over the results of his own pro-crime, "equity"-minded policies:

As I mentioned on Fox yesterday, Chesa "Defund the Police" Boudin -- remember, he's the city's top prosecutor -- doesn't get to talk tough about a crime wave he's directly and aggressively incentivized:

As normal people react negatively to mass looting, the never-defunded language police are out in force:

I'm actually not opposed to eschewing a term that somewhat downplays these organized, coordinated mass criminal actions.  "Looting" may suggest mid-riot criminal unrest, which is also very bad and inexcusable, I feel compelled to add. The flagrant mass-robberies in the Bay Area and elsewhere are a different phenomenon.  But that's not why the "experts" are "cautioning," naturally:

Bay Area police departments have called what happened at various retail stores this weekend "looting." ... As the Bay Area grapples with a wave of seemingly organized smash and grab robberies this weekend, policing and journalism analysts are cautioning against the use of the term looting...To some, the distinction may be small, but Lorenzo Boyd, PhD, Professor of Criminal Justice & Community Policing at the University of New Haven, and a retired veteran police officer, emphasized that words matter. "Looting is a term that we typically use when people of color or urban dwellers are doing something. We tend not to use that term for other people when they do the exact same thing," said Boyd...To be clear, we don't know the identities or races of the majority of the thieves involved in this crime wave. But we do know there was no local emergency declared in the Bay Area cities that experienced smash and grabs this weekend. However, the crimes did follow the contentious verdict in the Kyle Rittenhouse trial Friday.

"Don’t call it 'looting because that’s a term typically used for crimes by people of color/urban dwellers, but not white people -- because racism," snarks Mary Katharine Ham. "Also 'we don't know…races of the majority of the thieves,' which would make use of 'looting' here hard to attribute to racism, no?"  It's of course totally incoherent, which is the whole point.  The woke brigade capriciously embraces and discards terms as "acceptable" or "problematic," based on perceived, fleeting utility.  It's exhausting.  Even the word woke is now a problem, for some reason.  On that score, I'll leave you with this:

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